Handbook for staff How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Last reviewed: January 2012 MIS10-202-GD How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Contents Page Introduction 3 Attraction, recruitment, selection and induction 4 Training 6 Health and Safety and Risk assessment 7 Expenses and insurance 8 Support and supervision 8 Recognition 9 Withdrawing from a volunteering role 9 References 9 Record-keeping 10 Relationships with others 10 Appendices Appendix 1 11 Appendix 2 13 Appendix 3 14 Appendix 4 15 Appendix 5 19 Appendix 6 19 Appendix 7 20 Appendix 8 22 Appendix 9 24 Appendix 10 25 Appendix 11 27 Appendix 12 29 Appendix 13 29 Appendix 14 29 Appendix 15 30 Appendix 16 31 2 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Introduction service improvement activities where they are asked for their thoughts, feelings and views rather to perform specific duties. In contrast, the term ‘managed volunteer’ would be used to describe volunteers involved in activities that are supervised and defined by a Volunteer Services Manager, Volunteering Coordinator or NHS employee responsible for volunteering within a specific NHS service. These activities will often have a task description and the output will be more tangible. Finally another important distinction to be aware of is the difference between ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ volunteers. ‘Direct’ volunteers are recruited and managed entirely by NHS Ayrshire & Arran; while ‘indirect’ volunteers provide services on our premises but they are recruited and managed through third party suppliers. The information contained in this handbook can be applied to all volunteers however to respect the independence of third party suppliers there may be some variance in their approaches. The purpose of this handbook is to support healthcare staff looking to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers in NHS Ayrshire & Arran. Its aim is to provide all the basic procedural information you will need about recruitment, support and retention of volunteers; and to signpost you to further resources that will enable you to plan, develop and carry out volunteering activities in the most safe and effective way possible. Why should you read the handbook? Reading the information in this handbook will give you an understanding of both your personal responsibilities and those of NHS Ayrshire & Arran. It is also a useful resource as it contains all the forms you need. By reading this handbook and applying the principles in it, you can be confident that your approach towards volunteering is in line with organisational policies and procedures. Importance of volunteering Background to volunteering Volunteering has numerous benefits for both the individuals involved and for the organisation. A wide range of voluntary agencies and special interest groups are active within NHS Ayrshire & Arran. They provide a valuable reservoir of goodwill, knowledge, expertise and information to service users within the hospital or community setting. This established volunteering culture includes both ‘managed’ and ‘non-managed’ volunteers. The term ‘non-managed volunteer’ describes people who volunteer to take part in public involvement, community engagement or health Individuals may benefit from: • a social sense of belonging to a group; • an emotional/altruistic feeling of helping others; • increased self-esteem; • building relevant experience that could be used in applying for job vacancies 3 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers NHS Ayrshire & Arran may benefit from: approval or guidance and the Task Description Template (Appendix 2) to help formulate your ideas about the purpose of the volunteer role. Please get agreement from your line manger or the appropriate budget-holder before commencing with any attraction strategies. • additional support in caring for patients, users of services and carers; • ensuring that decisions and strategies are patient-centered by seeking the opinions of lay member volunteers and building stronger community relations through partnership working. Here are some helpful tips and suggestions for attracting volunteers: It is also important that we ensure we take the correct approach to the rights, responsibilities and management of volunteers; in addition, national drivers also highlight the important of volunteer development. For example, Volunteer Development Scotland (VDS) manage the Investors in Volunteers Standard, which is the UK quality standard for all organisations which involve volunteers in their work (www.iiv.investinginvolunteers.org.uk). In line with the Refreshed Strategy for Volunteering in NHS Scotland (CEL 10, 2008) all NHS Boards should be working in partnership with VDS to achieve this aim by 31March 2011. Here in NHS Ayrshire & Arran we are currently working towards achieving and maintaining this award. • Ask for assistance from the Communications department to ensure posters, leaflets and so on are in a plain language and accessible design. • Attempt as far as reasonably possible to attract volunteers from seldom heard groups. Those traditionally thought of as “seldom heard” can include people who are young, minority, disabled, low-income or nonenglish speaking. • Advertise in line with our Equality and Diversity policies and ensure that any literature is available in other formats, on request. • In line with the Refreshed Strategy for Volunteering in NHS Scotland (CEL 10, 2008) all NHS Boards were required to achieve this standard by 31 March 2011. NHS Ayrshire & Arran achieved this award in October 2010 and since then have been continuing to maintain and further develop our standards. Attraction, recruitment, selection and induction Attraction Planning for volunteer involvement Before starting to recruit volunteers it is essential to think about how to involve and support volunteers so that they are able to offer valued and worthwhile services. You can use the Volunteer Request Form (Appendix 1) to put the idea forward for line management Recruitment Application process To ensure consistency each potential volunteer should fill out the standardised Volunteer Application Form (Appendix 3). As the individual who has responsibility 4 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers for volunteer co-ordination it is your responsibility to store this form in a secure and confidential manner in line with current data protection requirements. Confidential information should always be stored in password protected files or locked away in a filing cabinet. As with all information this should be kept in a secure and confidential manner. All volunteer recruitment processes are broadly aligned to NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s Organisational and Human Resource Development policies, which can be found on the department’s AthenA site. Here are some useful tips for conducting successful volunteer interviews: To ensure all our volunteering opportunities are open to all, NHS Ayrshire & Arran operates an equal opportunities policy and complies with all equalities legislation to ensure everyone is treated fairly and appropriately. • Ensure that the applicant has all necessary information prior to attending the interview (for example, task description, map/directions, contact names, suitable access routes). • Build rapport with the applicant to put them at ease and explain the format of the interview and the objective of the meeting. Selection Ideally you should acknowledge all volunteer applications by letter within 10 days of receipt to advise on the next stages of the selection process. AthenA holds examples of reasons applications have been unsuccessful and also template letters for scheduling interviews. To ensure consistency in the volunteer recruitment process it is advisable on some occasions to use the standardised HR forms that are typically used for staff employment. • Base your selection criteria (interview questions) on the task description to ensure you are focusing on what is important for this particular volunteer role. • Above all, please remember that volunteer applicants may have differing backgrounds, abilities and understanding to your own, therefore their individual requirements should be met as much as practicably possible. (http://athena/ohrd/EmpServ/Pages/ Recruitment.aspx” http://athena/ohrd/ EmpServ/Pages/Recruitment.aspx). • Discuss the individual’s motivations and goals for volunteering as this will help to tailor the volunteer experience to the persons needs or desires. Interviews Depending on your volunteer requirement you could undertake either a formal or informal interview. An interview must be carried out for any ‘managed’ volunteer roles. This is the minimum requirement. Please ensure you record interview notes and keep a record of the outcomes for a minimum of 12 months. • Let applicants know what will happen next. For applicants who are not suitable for your particular volunteer position: • Inform the applicants of the outcome of the selection process by letter within seven days of the interview, advising 5 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers that further feedback is available on the applicant’s request. relationship really starts. Please ensure you take the time to induct volunteers to ensure their experience and yours are as productive and safe as possible. • We have committed to making reasonable efforts to find suitable placements for all volunteers; therefore please highlight other opportunities that may be open to the individual within NHS Ayrshire & Arran or provide details of their local Volunteer Centre. Here are some helpful hints and tips: • Ensure that the volunteer knows who they have to report to and that they get a warm welcome when they arrive. • Have a plan for how you are going to spend time with the volunteer to allow them to get the most from their induction (for example, orientation, staff introductions, general housekeeping and so on) For applicants who are successful, it is essential that all of the following documentation has been collected before the volunteer carries out any volunteer tasks: • All volunteering roles that have significant patient contact must be Disclosure Scotland/Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) checked. Use the appropriate Disclosure Scotland PVG check (Appendix 4) if this has been deemed necessary. • Provide volunteers with a copy of the Volunteer Handbook. • Provide relevant literature they may need for their specific volunteer tasks (for example, organization charts, mission statements). • Go through the Induction checklist (Appendix 10) for all new volunteer roles to evaluate which areas have been covered and identify where volunteers may need additional support. • Identification checks in line with organisational policy (Appendix 5). • Signed Confidentiality Agreement and Emergency Contacts (Appendix 6). • Volunteer Occupational Health Declaration (Appendix 7). • Use the Task Description/ Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 2) to enable the volunteer to raise any other topics they wish to discuss. • ID Badges form (Appendix 8). • Two references (Appendix 9). • Viewed the task description (Appendix 2) • If applicable and the volunteer group are using Terms of Reference (Appendix 11), discuss this with the volunteers in case they need further clarification. • Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 3). • Volunteer Induction sign-off sheet (available on AthenA under Volunteering pages – useful documents) Training Induction Volunteer training Following recruitment, the induction process is vital to the over-all volunteer experience. This is where the volunteer All new volunteers must receive required mandatory training within six months of joining NHS Ayrshire & Arran. 6 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Staff training for volunteer co-ordinators Mandatory training includes: • Health and safety • Violence and aggression NHS Ayrshire & Arran recognise that, in order for to you co-ordinate volunteer activities as effectively as possible, some degree of staff training is necessary. • Data protection • Customer care standards • Moving and handling If you wish to undertake specific external volunteer training please speak to your line manager about funding and so on. • Security • Hand hygiene training for those in contact with patients. Health and safety and Risk assessment Mandatory training is not optional and if potential volunteers refuse the offer of training they will be unable to undertake volunteering duties. NHS Ayrshire & Arran is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of volunteers and those affected by volunteers’ activities. We have a legal and moral duty to ensure an environment and working practices which are free from danger, as far as reasonably practicable. As volunteer tasks can vary significantly it is essential for you to recognise that in addition to mandatory training your volunteers may need more task-specific training at the time of local induction. It is also important to recognise that, depending on the nature of the volunteers’ involvement, they may need ongoing or updated training to meet new needs as they arise. Any training that is offered must be relevant to the volunteers duties or tasks. As volunteers carry out such a diverse range of tasks it is essential that there is monitoring in place to ensure these activities do not pose any harm to any of the parties involved in the volunteering experience. In order to assess these risks each volunteer co-ordinator will conduct and store a brief Risk assessment of the volunteer activity (Appendix 13). Although some training is classroombased NHS Ayrshire & Arran have designed a Volunteer Induction DVD that provides awareness sessions on each of the mandatory training areas. Copies of the DVD can be obtained by contacting the Patient and Community Relations team. Occupational Health (Appendix 8) will answer any queries about immunisation programmes or other necessary vaccinations in line with the volunteering activity. Volunteers have the right to request a copy of the Risk assessment carried out for their specific volunteering activities. NHS Ayrshire & Arran is committed to covering all reasonable costs related to training that has a direct impact on volunteers’ abilities to carry out their duties. As well as volunteers’ initial mandatory health and safety training, you should encourage them to attend any updated training courses or be briefed on any change in policy that is relevant to their 7 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers volunteering duties. volunteer NHS duties. As part of the health and safety training volunteers will be given an overview of our risk reporting system and must know how to inform you of any incidents or near misses. Please also encourage your volunteers to inform you if they feel unsafe about anything they are being asked to do. It is your responsibility to report any such events. Insurance Copies of car insurance documents should be stored securely by you in line with data protection requirements. You should inform volunteers that they are only covered by public liability insurance when they are performing tasks on behalf of NHS Ayrshire & Arran, in line with their volunteer agreement. Volunteers should not act outside their authorised work area or they risk not being covered in the event of an accident. Expenses and insurance Expenses NHS Ayrshire & Arran has a specific policy for Volunteering Expenses (Appendix 14). Some key points include: Support and supervision Volunteers make significant contributions to the successful running of NHS Ayrshire & Arran and as such should be offered similar access to support as paid staff. As a volunteer co-ordinator please: Each service area has separate budgetary responsibility for volunteering. Therefore please ensure the associated costs of your volunteer activities have been authorised before they start. • Discuss the support needs of your volunteers and act accordingly. • Operate (as much as possible) an open door policy for volunteers to discuss placements or any issues. • Facilitate a suitable forum, for each volunteer group, that meets at least annually to allow volunteers to get together to share experiences. • Provide some form of supervision that enables feedback on performance if requested. • Make all new volunteers aware that they can access Occupational Health support should they require it during the course of their volunteering role. • Record any formal or informal one-toone meetings or minutes of meeting. • Ensure you and your volunteers understand the rights and responsibilities of volunteers in relation to: Capability, Dignity at work, In order to claim expenses volunteers must provide evidence of a full driving license, copies of car insurance and, for volunteer drivers, a valid MOT certificate. You should keep a copy of this paperwork securely. Volunteers should be advised that they must inform their Insurer if they intend to use their vehicle for commuting to their volunteer role or in the course of their duties. Full details are provided in the Volunteer Handbook. Volunteers must report to you any driving accidents that occur while they are carrying out their volunteer duties; they should also report any motoring offences or police cautions. NHS Ayrshire & Arran will not pay any parking fines, speeding tickets and so on accumulated by the volunteer while they are carrying out 8 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Grievances and Complaints (Appendix 15). completes an exit questionnaire to help inform you about their experience (Appendix 16). Recognition References NHS Ayrshire & Arran acknowledges the impact of volunteer’s activities and as such will want to recognise and celebrate these contributions. Here are some useful hints and tips regarding recognition: The purpose of obtaining references is to gain factual information and opinions, in confidence, about the volunteer’s suitability for a particular volunteering role. • Discuss with your individual volunteers what type of recognition, if any, they would appreciate. For “managed” volunteers please obtain two references from either previous employers, or where this is not possible a professional who can vouch for the individual. • Make volunteers aware of volunteer awards and Ayrshire Achieves awards and how they go about nominating. Volunteers can also request written references, statements of achievement or records of attendance from you. Please action these requests as promptly as possible but be explicit that the individual operated as a volunteer and was not a paid staff member. • Discuss with your volunteers what would help them to feel more involved and engaged. • Let others know about your volunteers’ achievements through NHS publications such as Team Brief, Stop Press, Dialogue staff magazine and AthenA. • Ensure volunteers’ views/opinions are being represented during decisionmaking processes. • Make time to discuss volunteering at all relevant meetings. • Please remember that for many volunteers a simple thank you is important. Withdrawing from a volunteering role In the event that a volunteer wishes to withdraw from their volunteering activities this should be dealt with in a professional and understanding manner. It is good practice to conduct an exit interview or request that the volunteer 9 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers does respect the independence of these organisations and recognises that as they are responsible for the management of their volunteers it is inevitably their responsibility to acknowledge relevant policies, follow good practice and conduct themselves in accordance with agreements set out with NHS Ayrshire & Arran at the outset of specific projects. Record-keeping All records relating to volunteering must be stored in a secure and confidential manner, with the principles of Data Protection being upheld. It may be useful for you to record some of the following information, where relevant, to enable you to take a more formulated approach to evaluating the impact of the volunteers: Information about all the following documents are available on AthenA http://athena/patcommrels/volunteering/ Pages/UsefulDocuments.aspx • number of hours volunteering; • services being offered; • minutes of meetings; • training attended. Please ensure that any electronic records should be password protected and only those who legitimately require access should be able to view these records. Relationships with others It is important to recognise that a number of independent voluntary groups in operation throughout NHS Ayrshire & Arran also offer invaluable volunteering support. Although this handbook and accompanying volunteer policies and handbooks are intended primarily for use by NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s employees and volunteers, we would expect any voluntary organisations whose volunteers provide help within the health service to be committed to the principles contained in it. However, NHS Ayrshire & Arran 10 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 1) Volunteer request form NHS Contact Name Designation Department Telephone Number Volunteer Post Title Number of Volunteers Required Anticipated Starting Date Location(s) of Volunteer Activities Volunteer Task Description (Please attach form if you have already prepared this or provide brief explanation). Required Skills/Experience of volunteers? Have you read the Handbook for Staff Coordinating Volunteer Activity? Yes No Are your premises accessible to disabled volunteers? Yes No Do you have an allocated budget (including out of pocket expenses) for your volunteering project? Yes No 11 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Will your volunteers fall under “managed” or “non-managed” categories? Managed Non-Managed Have you attended any volunteer management training? (Please provide details) Yes No Do you require to Disclosure Scotland check your volunteers? Yes/No If Yes please detail which level you require: Please return completed forms to your service areas’ Management Team and send a copy to the Patient and Community Relations Team at Eglinton House, Ailsa Campus. 12 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 2) Task description (Information to be inserted and amended accordingly by individual NHS volunteer coordinators has been marked with an asterisk *. Please ensure all volunteers are provided with task descriptions and ensure volunteer agreements are signed and securely stored). Task description: To give you more of an idea as to whether you have the necessary skills/experience/ desire to volunteer please find some further information below: Volunteer Role Title: * Overall Purpose of Role: * Typical tasks/activities within the role: * 3 Essential Volunteer Requirements: * 2 Desirable Volunteer Elements: * Volunteer(s) is required (please cross preferred days/times): Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening Please specify the frequency that you require the volunteer. For example monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, fortnightly. 13 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix3) Volunteer Agreement As a volunteer with NHS Ayrshire & Arran you can expect: • To be involved with an organisation that is dedicated to improving healthcare • To have a greater say in how healthcare services are run and ensure that the service on offer remains centred around patients needs • To be in a supportive and positive environment that ensures you get the most out of your volunteering • To be treated with respect and courtesy • To receive a thorough induction programme and opportunities to undertake appropriate training • To be treated fairly and equally irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, age, parental or marital status, disability, religion, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, or socio/economic background • To have a named contact for support • To receive relevant and up to date information and advice • To be recognised and thanked for taking the time to volunteer • To be reimbursed for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of your volunteering In return we ask that you: • • • • • • • Help to develop and support our aims and objectives via your volunteering duties Remember that you are a representative of NHS Ayrshire and Arran volunteers Are open and honest in your dealings with us Treat fellow volunteers and staff with courtesy and respect Let us know if, at any time, you wish to change the nature of your contribution Let us know if we can improve the service and support that you receive Understand NHS Ayrshire & Arran are not in any way obligated to provide you with volunteering tasks in the same manner that you are not obligated to perform such tasks • Conduct your volunteering duties in line with overall principles of relevant NHS Ayrshire & Arran policies (Equality & Diversity, Capability, Grievance and Dignity at Work) and understand that you may be subject to investigation processes if there is failure to do so. 14 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Volunteer Signature: Date: Volunteer Coordinator Signature: Date: (Appendix 4) Volunteer application form template To ensure all our volunteering opportunities are open to all, NHS Ayrshire and Arran operates an equal opportunities policy and complies with all equalities legislation to ensure everyone is treated fairly and appropriately. Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/MS) Surname First Name (s) Address Postcode Home Tel Mobile Email address Preferred method of contact (please circle): Post / Telephone / Email Q.1) Which volunteering post(s) are you interested in applying for? Q.2) Have you had any experience of working in a healthcare setting and/ or been involved in voluntary work, please provide details? Q.3) To support your application, please outline why you are interested in this particular volunteering opportunity. Q.4) What particular experience or skills do you think you could bring to this volunteering role? 15 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Q.5) On average how much time could you devote to this volunteer work per month? Please circle: 5 hours 10 hours 15 hours 20 hours + Q.6) If you are aware of any conflicts of interest that could affect your application please outline in the space provided (For example list any service areas you are currently accessing or any NHS employment history etc) Q.7) Do you have a drivers licence? Yes/No Q.10) Are you willing to travel throughout Ayrshire & Arran to attend local meetings? (All expenses would be reimbursed) Yes/No Q.8) Please specify any special requirements if attending for meetings or interviews? (For example, wheelchair access, induction loop, signer) Q.9) Please outline any preference you may have for particular times you can volunteer. (Please insert crosses in preferred slots) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Afternoon Evening 16 Saturday Sunday How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Referees Please give the names and contact details of two people who have known you in a personal or professional capacity for at least two years and who would be prepared to provide a reference for you. Person 1 Name Address Postcode Tel No Email address Person 2 Name Address Postcode Tel No Email address Declaration I confirm that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am appointed and the information I have provided is false, then my volunteer involvement may be ended. Signed 17 Date How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Data protection act statement Your personal information will not be distributed to other organisations or individuals outside NHS Ayrshire & Arran without your consent. Your NHS contact, as the data controller, will hold your application form on file. Contact details and details of special needs will only be passed to relevant groups. These will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose for which they were supplied unless you give them consent for your contact details to be used for another purpose. A volunteer is a public appointment, which is of interest to individuals and services within NHS Ayrshire & Arran. I understand that if I am appointed my name will be released to NHS Ayrshire & Arran for which this volunteer group was established to enable me to fulfil my duties as a member. Signed Please complete and return this form to: Volunteer Coordinator Emergency Contact Details: Name Relationship to you Home telephone number: Mobile: 18 Date How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 5) Disclosure Scotland (PVG) applications As the individual responsible for the recruitment and selection of your specific volunteers it is your responsibility to identify if a Disclosure Scotland (PVG) check is necessary for the volunteer role and the relevant level of check i.e. Standard or Enhanced and if this should include “Childcare” and/or “Adults at Risk” checks. This should be recorded in the Volunteer Request Form. All relevant guidelines and letter templates for staff who are recruiting and for applicants can be found on the AthenA website using this link: http://athena/ohrd/EmpServ/Pages/Recruitment.aspx Please amend forms accordingly for volunteers. NB: As a minimum requirement, all volunteer roles that encompass significant patientcontact require to be Disclosure Scotland (PVG) checked. If after having read all of the Disclosure Scotland (PVG) information you are still unsure please seek further clarification from your manager, Patient and Community Relations Team (01292513621) or O&HRD (01563-825709). (Appendix 6) Identification checks In line with Disclosure Scotland/Protecting Vulnerable group schemes it is your responsibility to decide which (if any) levels of checks are necessary for your volunteer. For further discussion on this please contact HR. If checks are necessary it is your responsibility to witness that you have seen the original combination of documents required. Please refer to the AthenA link above for further details. For volunteers who do not require Disclosure Scotland (PVG) checks it is still good practice, where possible, to witness (and copy) a minimum of three forms of identification to verify that the volunteer is who they claim to be. Types of documents that would be suffice: drivers license, utility bill (issued within the last three months) for proof of current address, bank statement, passport, bus pass. At least one of the forms of identification must be photographic. If in the first instance a problem exists with any of the pre-employment checks and you require guidance on the implications this may have on the selection decision, guidance will be provided at this stage from O&HRD. Should it be decided that the preferred candidate has not satisfied the pre-employment checks for the particular volunteering opportunity then no offer of this specific volunteer role can be made. 19 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 7) Example Confidentiality Agreement NHS Volunteering Confidentiality Agreement (No network access required) Patients entrust the NHS with and allow it to gather sensitive information relating to their health and other matters as part of their seeking treatment. They do so in confidence and they have the legitimate expectation that NHS organisations will respect this trust. It is essential, if legal requirements are to be met and the trust of patients is to be retained, that the NHS provides, and is seen to provide, a confidential service. While you work as a volunteer within the NHS you will be subject to the same rules relating to confidentiality as an NHS Board employee. You must abide by the NHS Scotland Code of Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality. Failure to observe these rules may result in your volunteering role being discontinued following investigation and discussion with your NHS contact, sponsor or volunteering co-ordinator. Your details Name: Volunteering role/title: Day time telephone number: Evening telephone number: Emergency contact details: Name: Telephone: 20 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Your volunteering appointment Name of department (if applicable Name of NHS contact/sponsor: Title of NHS contact/sponsor: Telephone number of NHS contact: Declaration regarding NHS Ayrshire & Arran without prior authorisation from the Communications Department. Please read the following declaration carefully before signing your agreement to these conditions. Upon discontinuation of my volunteering services, I shall return to NHS Ayrshire & Arran any and all written or other tangible material containing confidential information within ten business days and shall not keep any copies. I agree not to use or disclose any Confidential Information (as defined below*), except when it is required in the performance of the volunteering services for or on behalf of NHS Ayrshire & Arran. I agree not to, without prior written consent, divulge any information obtained whilst carrying out my volunteering activities to any third party; or copy documents containing any confidential information. In no event shall I use confidential information in a manner that is in any way detrimental to NHS Ayrshire & Arran. For the purposes of this agreement, ‘Confidential Information’ refers to personal identifiable and/or business sensitive information. This will include all information and materials, in whatever written, computerised, visual or audio format, disclosed by NHS Ayrshire & Arran to you as a Volunteer, or to which you otherwise gain access as a result of volunteering role. If I am contacted by a media representative, I shall immediately refer the media representative to the Communications Department. I understand that no volunteer may communicate with media agents I acknowledge that any violation of the above terms will result in disciplinary procedures or in termination of my volunteering appointment. Signature of volunteer: Print name: Date: Signature of sponsor/NHS contact: Print name: Date: Official use only: Copy sent to Patient & Community Relations Department, Eglinton House, Ailsa Hospital, Ayr 21 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 8) Confidential: Volunteering Health Declaration Background information We value the contribution of our volunteers within Ayrshire and Arran and as such attempt to apply similar duty of care principles that are afforded to all of our employees. Occupational Health is part of this duty of care. The Occupational Health team is responsible for maintaining and promoting the health and wellbeing of employees. They achieve this objective through a variety of methods including health checks, work place assessments and offering advice and guidance on immunisations. For any volunteering position it is important that we offer the same opportunity to access the Occupational Health department as we would for our NHS staff. This may be for advice, guidance or support needed on health issues that may affect the carrying out of your volunteering tasks. It is equally important that you are provided with the opportunity to make us aware of any health related issues that could have an impact on or be affected by your volunteering duties. SECTION 1: This section is to be completed by volunteering organiser Volunteering position Location Department Starting date Referring officer Designation Address 22 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers SECTION 2: Personal information SECTION 3: Your employment history Please complete and return this form to Occupational Health Services in the envelope provided. The information will remain confidential to this service and will not be divulged to any other person without your consent. Have you ever been employed by Ayrshire & Arran Health Board? Yes / No If YES, please state location Date of leaving Information given in this form should be true and complete to the best of your knowledge. SECTION 4: Your volunteering role Surname Title of volunteering position: Forename(s) Maiden name Please delete as appropriate *: Address • I have / have not* received sufficient information about the volunteering task. • I do / do not* anticipate that any health problem or disability will affect my ability to carry out my volunteer task. Family Doctor Address • I feel that any health or disability problem that I have will/will not* be negatively impacted by my volunteering activities. Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Date of Birth • I do/do not* require support from Occupational Health. Telephone No Postcode NHS No Doctor’s Tel No 23 I understand that I can contact Occupational Health at any time should I need support to resolve any issues in carrying out the volunteer task connected with my health How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers SECTION 5: Immunisation status and investigations The Occupational Health team offer immunisation programmes to NHS staff depending on the nature of their work tasks, for example if they come into contact with patients or work with controlled substances. Your volunteering organiser will tell you if they feel that immunisations be offered to you as a result of the area or tasks you will be carrying out. If your volunteering organiser identifies a need the Occupational Health team will also assess if immunisation is necessary for you, and if so will offer to carry these out. It is completely within your rights as a volunteer to either accept or decline the offer of any immunisations. If you are offered an immunisation that you decide to refuse all that we would ask is that you sign a disclaimer form outlining your decision not to be immunised. SECTION 6: Declaration I declare that the statements on this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false statements may affect my volunteering application and I give my consent to a medical examination if necessary. I understand that no medical details will be divulged, without my permission, to any person outside Occupational Health. Signature Date (Please return completed forms to Occupational Health Department, Ailsa Campus, Dalmellington Road, Ayr, KA6 6AB). (Appendix 9) ID badges for volunteers Dependent on the activities that your volunteers are carrying out it may be worthwhile to get some ID badges for them. At each of the hospital sites it is generally the Porters that are responsible for the administering of these badges. Please contact the porter services at your specific site for information on which days they photograph for ID badges and discuss your requirements with them. Badges should clearly state that the individuals are volunteers. 24 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 10) Guidelines for reference requests for volunteers (Templates are provided below for you to obtain references for your volunteers). Volunteer Coordinators Address Personal and in strict confidence Title first Date Address Your Ref: Volunteer coordinator Our Ref: Volunteer Post Post Code Telephone Dear (Title) (Surname) Reference Request – (Applicant’s name), (Volunteer Role Title) Your name has been given as a referee for the above candidate and I would be grateful if you would complete and return enclosed referee’s report in the stamped addressed envelope provided. A copy of the volunteer task description is attached for your information and any specific comments in relation to any of the criteria would also be very helpful *Include the following statement for posts that require a disclosure Scotland Application to be undertaken: *‘The post applied for is exempt from the provision of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions & Exceptions)(Scotland) Order 2003 as amended. It will not contravene the Act to disclose information, which you may have in connection with this applicant regarding convictions, which would otherwise be considered as spent. A conviction is taken to include a supervision requirement made under any provision of the Social Work Scotland Act 1968.’ All references received will be treated in strict confidence and used only in consideration of the suitability of this applicant for this position. Please note that references are treated in the strictest confidence but that under the terms of the Data Protection Act information a candidate may have access to your reference on request. Please avoid any reference to third parties. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your help. Yours sincerely NAME Recruitment Manager (name of volunteer coordinator) 25 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Referee confidential report Candidate Name: Post Reference Number Individuals have the right of access to information contained within references under the Data Protection Act 1998. Should this right be exercised, the personal identifiers relating to the provider of the reference will be removed. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity of the known applicant? Please describe the main qualities and attributes of the applicant and give your views on his or her suitability for the above volunteer post as outlined in the attached volunteer task description. Please attach an additional sheet if required. What are the applicant’s strengths? What are the applicant’s weaknesses? Signed Designation Date Telephone Number Note for volunteer coordinators (please remove this from template before sending out form): Please use this form as a template for any volunteers that request a reference from you. Please make it explicit that the individual operated as a volunteer and was not in any way a paid employee. Please ensure that all references are retained for 6 years after the volunteers post finishes or if their application is unsuccessful 1 year after they applied. 26 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 11) To help keep track of the areas you have covered with your volunteers it may be useful to design and complete an induction check-list. Please remove or add sections in accordance with your volunteer requirements. It may be useful for volunteers to have a time-frame to complete the induction within. Template induction check-list: PART 1 – Pre Start Complete Volunteer initials Volunteer Manager initials 1. Application Pack Yes 2. References Yes 2. Health Declaration Yes 3. 1st Meeting Details Yes 4. Disclosure Scotland Yes Yes 2. Organisational background/ Locations/services Yes PART 2 – Reception 1. Welcome PART 3 – Volunteer Group 1. Terms of Reference Yes 2. Role description Yes 3. Scheduled Meetings Yes 4. Training courses Yes 5. Volunteer agreement Yes 6. Contact numbers Yes PART 4 – Terms & Conditions 1. Expenses claims Yes 2. Code of conduct Yes 3. Ability to withdraw Yes 4. Disciplinary/grievance Yes 5. Policies Yes 6. Data Protection Yes 7. Equal Opportunities Yes 8. Confidentiality Agreement Yes 27 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers PART 5 – Training 1. Fire safety Yes 2. Security Yes 3. Assertiveness Yes 4. Moving & Handling Yes 5. Health & Safety Yes 6. Customer Care StandardsYes 7. Violence & Aggression Yes 8. Data Protection Yes 9. Hand Hygiene Yes PART 6 – Equipment (please list any relevant equipment) NB. It is good practice for all induction courses to be completed within 1 month of starting a volunteer role. Signature of volunteer on completion: Date: 28 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 12) (Appendix 13) Terms of reference for volunteers Risk assessment Dependent on the nature of your volunteering group it may be worthwhile to design a Terms of Reference for the group to enable more guidelines and boundaries around the purpose and procedures relating the group. Some topics you could potentially include in your terms of reference are as follows: Risk Assessments should be carried out for your specific volunteer activities. You must have received relevant training from the Health & Safety department to conduct a Risk Assessment therefore if it is not suitable for you to conduct this personally please ask the relevant person within your service area. It is your responsibility to ensure that a Risk Assessment has been undertaken for your volunteer activities and to be able to document this. Volunteers have the right to request to view the outcome of the Risk Assessment. Please request a General Risk Assessment form the Health & Safety Department (based at Biggart Hospital) or download it from AthenA on: http:// athena/ohrd/ohs/Documents/Blank%20 Assessment%20Forms/GENBLRA_V1.doc • Aims and Objectives of the group. • Membership • Working Arrangements • Reporting • Frequency & Duration (of meetings and of group) • Code of Conduct • When more serious problems occur • Expenses • Support (Appendix 14) • Training Producing Terms of Reference for your volunteers is entirely optional but may make it easier for your volunteers to have a document they can refer back to. If you have a volunteer group where an electoral process is required it can also be useful to produce a document outlining the electoral process and an outline of the type of roles that need to be elected i.e. Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary etc. Volunteer expenses http://athena/patcommrels/volunteering/ Pages/UsefulDocuments.aspx 29 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers (Appendix 15) Volunteer policies As with paid employees, the aim of NHS Ayrshire & Arran is to ensure that all volunteers are treated in a fair and equitable manner and that they treat others in a similar manner. Although most volunteers are highly motivated and well-intentioned, from time to time there are individuals who are not right for the role, cannot demonstrate the required behaviours or are disruptive to the progress of a group. Alternatively volunteers may find themselves in a situation where they feel there are conduct issues in relations with them. In these rare instances that you find yourself dealing with these types of issues it is useful for you to have an understanding of NHS Ayrshire & Arran policies such as Equality & Diversity, Capability, Dignity at Work and Grievance. These policies can all be found on AthenA under Corporate O & HRD Employment Services Policies (listed alphabetically). As volunteers are expected to behave in accordance with the main principles of these policies you should make volunteers aware of these policies at induction and provide them with copies of the policies if they request them. As volunteer coordinator it is up to your discretion and judgement to deal with any issues on a case by case basis. If you do require guidance or support please contact O&HRD for further advice. Volunteers are also most likely to approach you with any Complaints or issues that they may have. If they would like to make a complaint formal please advise them to follow the usual route of contacting the Patient Relations and Complaints Department: Ailsa Hospital Dalmellington Road Ayr KA6 6AB Telephone No: 01292 513620 30 How to recruit and co-ordinate volunteers Appendix 16 Exit Questionnaire Template Getting feedback from any volunteers who no longer wish to undertake their volunteer role can be invaluable as this may enable you to make improvements to your group. Although feedback would be very useful to you please remember that volunteers are not obligated to provide any feedback. Below are some example questions that you may wish to use in your exit process. Q.1 Please indicate your reason for leaving? Q.2 Were you given the opportunity to discuss your reason for leaving with your named NHS contact? Please circle Yes / No Q.3 Are there any factors which would have encouraged you to stay longer? Q.4 Were there any factors relating to NHS Ayrshire & Arran that contributed towards your decision to leave? Q.5 Do you have any suggestions for improvement within your volunteer area? Q.6 Would you recommend volunteering in NHS Ayrshire & Arran to others? Please comment. 31
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