HOW TO MEASURE GRAZING ON HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA By Dolors Vaqué Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49 08003 - Barcelona e-mail: [email protected] Determination of grazing on bacteria by protozoa is based on the use of fluorescent labelled bacteria. These are heat-killed bacteria stained with a fluorocrome (DTAF, FITC…). Hence, they cannot divide, and grazing rates can be measured by following their disappearance over time. The used FLB is P. diminuta that for its size (very similar to the natural bacteria) makes it very convenient for this kind of analysis. Besides knowing and determining how many bacteria are consumed by protozoa, it is also important to know the abundance and biomass both of main prey (heterotrophic bacteria) and alternative preys (Synnechoccocus and Proclorophytes), as well as predators (nanoflagellates and ciliates). This protocol is addressed to all students and researchers interested in this kind of methodology. We therefore include the following points: 1 1- OBTENTION, STAINING PROCEDURE AND WORKING SOLUTION OF P. diminuta a) OBTENTION b) PREPARATION AND STAINING c) WORKING SOLUTION 2- DETERMINATION OF GRAZING ON BACTERIA a) SAMPLING MANIPULATION b) DETERMINATION OF VARIABLES b.1) BACTERIAL PRODUCTION b.2) ABUNDANCE AND BIOMASS OF PICOPLANKTON BY FLOW CYTOMETRY b.3) ABUNDANCE AND BIOMASS OF PICO AND NANOPLANKTON BY EPIFLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY b.4) CALCULATION OF GRAZING RATES, CELLS AND CARBON CONSUMPTION b.5) CILIATES ABUNDANCE AND BIOMASS BY INVERTED MICROSCOPY ANNEX: NECESSARY MATERIAL FOR: a) SAMPLING b) BACTERIAL PRODUCTION c) FLOW CYTOMETRY ANALYSIS d) EPIFLUORESCENCE COUNTS e) CILIATE ABUNDANCE RELEVANT BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 1- OBTENTION, STAINING PROCEDURE AND WORKING SOLUTION OF P. diminuta a) OBTENTION Culture medium LB Medium (Luria - Bertrani): Bacto-tryptone o Peptone 10 g Bacto yeast Extract 5g NaCl 10 g Agar 15 g Distilled water 1L pH: 7.5 -Autoclave 20 minutes. -Leave the medium to cool down and fill the culture plates with the culture medium under a laminar flow hood. -Wait until solidification. Harvest -Inoculate the P. diminuta strain (in sterile conditions) to the culture plates filled with LB medium (Maniatis et al. 1982). The P. diminuta strain was obtained from the Spanish Type Culture Collection (Burjasot, València). -Leave it to grow at 20 oC (3 or 4 days), and transfer to new plates every other week. The use of two-week old P. diminuta cultures is recommended to achieve small cells (approx. 0.065 µm3). b)STAINING PROCEDURE -P. diminuta tracers were produced by scraping cells from two-week old agar plates and suspending them in carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (Na2 CO3-NaHCO3). -The suspension is made in 10 eppendorfs vials, adding one ml of buffer in each. Buffer solution -Na2 CO3 0.5 N (5.3 g/100 ml of distilled water): 1 volume -Na HCO3 0.5 N (4.2 g/100 ml of distilled water): 3 volumes 3 Example of buffer solution: 20 ml of Na2CO3 0.5 N + 60 ml of NaHCO3 0.5 N. -Sterilize the solution by filtration (through 0.2 µm filters) before adding to the eppendorfs vials. Staining -To each eppendorf vial containing the P. diminuta solution, add 100 µg ml-1 of DTAF or FITC (final concentration, diluted previously with the buffer solution). -Stir each vial with a vortex (1 min.). -Incubate the cell suspension (with the dye) for 2 hours in a water bath at 60 oC. -After 2 hours incubation, stir each vial again with the solution of stained cells. -Rinse the stained cells with filtered seawater (< 0.2 µm) or carbonate-bicarbonate buffer, ressuspend and centrifuge 3 to 5 times (10 min, 10000 – 12000 rpm, IEC Micromax centrifuge, 851 rotor) to prevent the transfer of leftover dye to the natural samples. -Sonicate all eppendorf vials in an ultrasonic bath (Cole Palmer) for 5 min. -Pool together the different eppendorf solutions of P. diminuta in a unique 10 ml vial. This will be the STOCK solution. c)WORKING SOLUTION OF P. diminuta -Sonicate the STOCK solution for 5 minutes. -Take 5 or 10 µl of the STOCK solution and dilute them in 10 ml buffer, previously filtered through 0.2 µm. -Sonicate, again, the new solution for 5 minutes and make a quick cells count by epifluorescence or flow cytometry, to know the exact abundance. In this case it is better to do it by epifluorescence and see whether P. diminuta cells are properly dispersed or there are aggregations. If we observe a large number of clumps, we should sonicate again (THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT). -The usual concentration for the STOCK solution is approx. of 109-1010 P. diminuta per ml (this means that in 10 ml we will have around 1010-1011 cells). -From the STOCK solution (~ 109 cells ml-1) take 0.2 ml and add them to different vials, and dilute them with buffer to achieve the P. diminuta concentration needed to use in every grazing determination. This is the WORKING SOLUTION. Keep it frozen (-20 oC ), until its use. -Depending on the sampling site, we will have around 5 x 108-109 bacteria per litre. Then the WORKING SOLUTION of P. diminuta should be around 108-0.2 x 109 P. diminuta per vial. 4 -THE WORKING SOLUTION of P. diminuta should be around 20-30% of the natural bacteria concentration (cell L-1). 2- DETERMINATION OF BACTERIAL GRAZING a)SAMPLING MANIPULATION -From the sampling site take 3 litres of water sample. -Pre-filter the 3-litre sample through a 50 µm net to avoid predators higher than protozoa (nanoflagellates and ciliates). Keep the sample in a plastic carboy. -Alternatively, do not filter the initial sample if we want to know the grazing impact on bacteria of the total planktonic community (protozoa, naupliae, filter feeding zooplankton…) -Unfreeze and sonicate the working solution of P. diminuta (which from now on we will call FLB) for 5 minutes. If we have available an epifluorescence microscope it is recommendable to make a quick observation of the prepared FLB's before adding them to the sample. We want to test if they are evenly distributed (no aggregations). -Add the appropriate work solution to the 3-litre sample. -Gently rotate the carboys (approx. 20 times). -Fill three 1L bottles (plastic or nalgene) with 1L sample each. -One of the bottles will be used as a control (killed control: add 100 ml of glutaraldehyde 10%, or live control: filter one litre of water through 0.8 µm to avoid predators, and after add an adequate work solution of FLB's). This control will tell us if the disappearance of FLB's over time is due to predation, or if there are any losses of FLB due to losses of fluorescence or attachment on the bottle wall. Incubation time and aliquots sampling -Each 1L bottle with sample and FLB's (control and duplicates) are incubated for 2448 h at in situ temperature (incubation bath, incubator chamber). Light conditions are constrained to our requirements; we can incubate at in situ light conditions or in the dark. *Samples and aliquots taken from each duplicate at time zero: i)Take 2 extra litres of water from the same sampling site. Fill two plastic bottles, with 1L each, to determine abundance and cell volume of ciliates by an inverted microscope. 5 -Samples are fixed with acidic-lugol (1-10% final concentration). -Keep the fixed samples in the dark at 4 oC. ii)From each duplicate take aliquots of 1.2 ml (and keep them in criovials) to determine abundance and cell volume of heterotrophic bacteria, Proclorophytes, Synnechoccocus, Picoeucaryotes and the added P. diminuta. All these parametres will be determined by flow cytometre. -Aliquots are fixed with 0.12 ml of1% paraformaldehyde + 0.05% glutaraldehyde (final concentration). -Stir the criovials (aliquots + preservative). -Keep the criovials in the dark for 10 minutes. -Freeze the criovials suddenly in liquid nitrogen. -Once frozen, keep the criovials in a regular freezer (from -20 to -80 oC) until their analysis. iii)Take 100 ml aliquots (kept them in plastic bottles) to determine abundance of nanoflagellates, heterotrophic bacteria, Synnechoccocus and FLB'S by epifluorescence. -Aliquots are fixed with 10 ml de glutaraldehyde (1% final concentration). -Keep the 100 ml in the refrigerator until their filtration. IMPORTANT: filtrate the aliquots and make slides as soon as possible after sampling in order to optimize the cells observation by epifluorescence. We recommend to filter the aliquots within the sampling week. iii)Take aliquots of 1.2 ml (quadruplicates, 3 samples and 1 killed control) to determine bacterial production by tritiated leucine incorporation (see Gasol 1999 a). Aliquots taken at 8-12 h intervals to measure: Abundance and cell volume of picoplankton (phototrophic and heterotrophic) and P. diminuta by flow cytometry, as well as bacterial production (volumes and sampling procedures are the same as for time zero). *Aliquots taken at the end of incubation time (~ 48 h) to measure: The same variables as at time zero (except for ciliate abundance, which are taken only at time zero). Note: Duplication of picoplankton and FLB's counts (by flow cytometry and epifluorescence) at the beginning and at the end of the incubation time are made just to test the results obtained by flow cytometry. 6 b)VARIABLES DETERMINATION b.1)HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIAL PRODUCTION Follow the protocol described in Gasol (1999a). b.2)ABUNDANCE AND BIOMASS OF PICOPLANKTON BY FLOW CYTOMETRY -Unfreeze the criovials just before starting the sample processing. IMPORTANT: only unfreeze the number of samples that we are capable of processing. P. diminuta can lose fluorescence if we unfreeze a sample and we freeze it again. The way that the flow cytometre is used to count picoplankton (heterotrophic and phototrophic) is described in the protocol developed by Gasol (1999b). -To count the stained (DTAF or FITC) P. diminuta, add 10 µl of beads solution to 0.2-0.4 ml of sample (~ 106 per ml). -Flow cytometre settings for P. diminuta are: FSC, EO2; SSC, 427; FL1, 551; FL2, 475; FL3, 590; FL4, 413; DDM Param, FL1. -As for heterotrophic bacteria as well as for FLB's, in the adquisition data plot, first we observe the appearance of a cloud corresponding to the beads and after a cloud of FLB's as is indicated in Fig. 1. -All process of the flow cytometre use and data adquisition are described in Gasol (1999b). IMPORTANT:If we want to make duplicates of P. diminuta counting by epifluorescence and flow cytometry we recommend using DTAF as dye instead of FITC. Although cells stained with FITC give a good resolution, when counted by flow cytometre (Fig. 1), these are very difficult to observe by epifluorescence microscopy. 7 Green fluorescence (FL1) Green fluorescence (FL1) n c b n c b B A 90°light scatter (SSC) Fig. 1. Adquisition data plots of P. diminuta. FL1 (green fluorescence) in front of 90º light scatter. (A)Stained-DTAF P. diminuta in sea water samples. (B)Stained-FITC P. diminuta in seawater samples. Bacterial abundance calculation We can evaluate bacterial abundance by following two procedures: i)From the flux speed (of the flow cytometre) used for each sample (Low, Medium, High). For P. diminuta we use LOW. IMPORTANT!!!! We need to know how many seconds every sample takes to achieve 10000 events. The flux speed in µl min-1 from a calibration curve performed in April 2000 is: LOW: 27 MEDIUM: 36 HIGH: 66 Abundance of P. diminuta ml-1 is obtained as the fluorescence value for P. diminuta, divided by the number of seconds (Ts) employed in each sample, and the speed flux (µl per second). This value depends on the speed flux used (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH, previously calibrated). Finally we multiply by 1000 to convert µl to ml, by 60 to convert seconds to minutes and by the dilution factor (dil F.), which come from the addition of a 10% of volume of the preservative to the sample volume. P. diminuta ml-1 = FL (P. diminuta)*1000 µl * 60 s* (dil F) / (Ts * µl s-1) ii)From Beads calibration: 8 P. diminuta ml-1 = [FL (P. diminuta)/(FL (Beads)]*[Beads* µl added*1 ml/1000µl]*1 ml of sample / volume of sample * dil factor of the sample -Fig. 2 shows an example of the evolution of heterotrophic bacteria and P. diminuta abundance over time from a sample taken in the Northwestern Mediterranean. 2.4 10 5 Coastal Surface DCM (Palamós) 2 10 6 1.6 10 2.2 10 5 2 10 5 6 1.8 10 5 1.6 10 5 1.2 10 6 1.4 10 5 8 10 5 4 10 1.2 10 5 5 1 10 5 8 10 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fig. 2. Left panel: Evolution of heterotrophic bacteria over time. Right panel: evolution over time of P. diminuta, within the incubation bottles . -Fig. 3 shows the evolution of P. diminuta abundance over time in a control sample 2 105 P. diminuta (cel ml- 1) Bacterial Abundance (ml-1 ) 2.4 10 6 1.5 105 1 105 5 104 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hours) . Fig. 3. Evolution of P. diminuta over time in a control sample (without predators). (•)water filtered through 0.8 µm; (o) water filtered through 0.2 µm. Triplicates samples (bars = Standard error). 9 Cell volume and biomass calculations Heterotrophic bacteria cells volume can be obtained from the ratio between FL1 bacteria values and FL1 Beads values and their correspondence with the cellular size found by image analysis (Gasol, 1999b) following the equation: µm3 cell-1 = 0.0075 + 0.11* (FL1 bacteria / FL1 Beads) From cell volume and abundance we can obtain the total bacterial biomass in µg C/l following Norland (1993) equation: µg C L-1 = 0.12 pg µm-3* (vol cell 0.7)* bacterial abundance (L1) / 1000000 b.3)BIOMASS OF PICO AND NANOPLANKTON BY EPIFLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY Dye working solution (DAPI) -Add 1 ml of filtered seawater (0.2 µm) to a 10 mg DAPI vial. -Add the 10 mg/ml of DAPI to 19 ml of sterile filtered seawater (0.2 µm). We will now have a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml de DAPI. -Filter this solution through 0.2 µm (Swinex and sterile syringes), and put it in a clean 20 ml vial. THIS IS THE WORKING DAPI SOLUTION -Take 20 criovials and add 1 ml of DAPI working solution to each one. Keep the criovials frozen (-20 oC) until its use. How to make slides a)Bacteria and P. diminuta -Let a 0.8 µm (25 mm ø, cellulose acetate) filter on the base of the filtration system, and on top of it put a 0.22 µm (25 mm ø, polycarbonate) filter. -Adjust the filtration tower and add 5 - 20 ml of the corresponding aliquot. -With an automatic 5 ml pipette add volumes of 5 ml and filter them. Keep the last 5 ml closing the filtration key. -Add 50 µl of DAPI working solution (5 µg/ml, final concentration). -Let the aliquot with DAPI 5-10 minutes and filter. -Take a slide and note in it: date of sampling, the name of the station, experiment, depth… -In each slide, let one or two drops (separately) of low fluorescent oil (Cargille, Nikon). 10 -With Millipore pincers take each filter from the filtration system, dry it. -Place the filter (side up) on top of the oil drop. Wait until the filter became transparent. -Add another oil drop on top of the filter. -Put a cover-slide on top of the filter to avoid the formation of air bubbles. -Keep the slides in special plastic boxes. Note on the box the corresponding name of the experiment, cruise, and number the box. Keep the slide boxes frozen at -20 oC -We will dispose of a filtration note book, where we will specify the sampling and filtration date, the sample code, the filtrate volume, the used filter (0.2 µm), the preservative volume and the box number. IMPORTANT: After filtration, keep the leftovers of DAPI working solution in the freezer for the next day. b)Nanoflagellates -Let a 0.8 µm (25 mm ø, cellulose acetate) filter on the base of the filtration system, and on top of it put a 0.6 µm (25 mm ø, polycarbonate) filter. -Adjust the filtration tower and add from 10 to 50 ml (depending on the sampling site or depth) of the corresponding aliquot. It is recommended to filtrate from 20 ml-30 ml for surface open-sea samples (5-40 m depth), and 30-50 ml for deeper samples. For coastal samples it is enough to filter 10-20 ml of sample. -Filter the sample (as for bacteria, using a 5 ml automatic pipette) until the filtration tower contains 5 ml. -From here the process to follow is the same as for bacteria. How to count in the epifluorescence microscope The available microscopes in the ICM are a NIKON Labophot 2TM and an OLYMPUS. The objective used for this kind of counts is an immersion oil objective of100 X. The ocular used has 10 X. The NIKON has an extra magnification of 1.25 X. Thus allowing a final magnification of 1250 X. While for the Olympus is the 1000 X. Inside the ocular there is a calibrated grid which is divided into 100 small squares. For NIKON the grid has 0.080 mm side, and each small square has 8 µm side. For Olympus the grid has 0.100 mm side and the size of each small square has 10 µm side. Both microscopes are equipped with a Hg lamp of100 W. Each microscope has an hour counter. The Hg lamp should be changed between 200-400 h of use. 11 Heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates were observed under UV excitation 400 nm and emission 440 nm wavelength. P. diminuta and cells with autofluorescence (Pico-nano phototrophic) were counted using an optical filter set specific for yellowgreen fluorescence (blue, light, 485nm excitation and 530 nm emission wave-length, and 505 nm dichroic mirror). a)Heterotrophic bacteria, Synnechoccocus and P. diminuta -Unfreeze the slides. -Turn-on the lamp of the microscope. Wait 5 minutes until the light intensity becomes stable -Set the UV filter to observe heterotrophic bacteria stained with DAPI. -Add a drop of oil (cargylle) on top of the cover-slide. -Focus. -Count the needed fields (grid or part of it) to achieve around 200 - 300 cells. In general with 20 fields is enough. -Set the blue light filter to observe Synnechoccus (with orange or yellow autofluorescence) and P. diminuta stained with DTAF (with bright yellow fluorescence). Both types of cells are very different. Synnechoccocus are spherical cells and have around 1 µm ø, while P. diminuta are rod shaped cells of 0.8-1 µm long and 0.3 µm width. Count around 20-30 fields (grids, ~200 cells). Calculation of cell abundance, cell volume, and biomass -For this we need to know the microscope factor = Filtration area/ counting area The filtration area refers to the filter area, hence this will be the area of a circle (pi* r2). For this we need to know the diameter which will correspond to the tower filtration diameter. The counting area it refers to the grid area which is a square. Hence, the counting area will be the square of the grid side NIKON Factor: Tower filtration diameter: 21 mm (this will depend of the filtration system used) Pi: 3.1416 Size grid side (c): 0.080 mm Factor = Pi * r2/ c2; Factor = 3.1416* 10.5 2 mm2/ 0.0802 mm2 = 54119 OLYMPUS Factor Tower filtration diameter: 21 mm Pi: 3.1416 Size grid side (c): 0.100 mm Factor = Pi * r2/ c2; Factor = 3.1416* 10.52 mm2/ 0.1002 mm2 = 34636 12 -From the average cells per field, the filtered volume and the dilution factor corresponding to the fixative; cell abundance (ml-1) will be: (Average cells field-1 * Factor / Filtered volume (ml)) / (dilution factor: Initial sample volume / Initial sample volume + preservative added) = Cell abundance (cell ml-1) Example: Average bacteria field-1: 20 Olympus factor: 34636 Filtered volume: 5 ml Sample dilution factor: 100 ml/ (100 ml of sample + 10 ml of preservative) = 0.9091 20 *34636/ (5* 0.9091) = 152414 cell ml-1 Epifluorescence counts are needed to compare and test the results obtained by flow cytometry. -Cell volume used is the one obtained by flow cytometry (see, Gasol, 1999b). Bacterial biomass (µg C L-1) is calculated as is shown above (Point b.2). b)Nanoflagellates -First, we observe the slides with UV light to be sure that the round particles are cells with a nucleus. Also, we will try to visualize the flagella when present -Immediately, change to blue light to discriminate between colorless cells from cells with plasts and pigments. This makes the possibility to separate heterotrophic from phototrophic nanoflagellates. -Counts of each group of nanoflagellates (phototrophic and heterotrophic) are made separately, enumerating the nanoflagellates through transects (5 - 10 mm). For each sample it is recommended to count at least 50-100 cells. Hence, we will make the necessary number of transects (3 transects of 5 or 10 mm are enough). -At the same time that we perform the counting, we measure the diameter of nanoflagellates using the micrometric ocular inserted in the ocular. This allows classifying the nanoflagellates in different size classes (<2 div, 2-5 div, 5-10 div, and and10-20 div) and for each group of nanoflagellates (phototrophic and heterotrophic). For Nikon microscope each division of the micrometric ocular is equal to 0.8 µm. For Olympus each division is equal to 1 µm. -Using a manual counter (multichannel), for each sample we note the nanoflagellates group (phototrophic or heterotrophic) and to which size class it belongs. 13 Calculation of nanoflagellate abundance, cell volume and biomass -Before starting any transect we need to know the nonius position (nonius: rule attached to the microscope plate). Having done this, we will note the transect's millimeters -As for bacteria we need to know the filtration and counting area. -The filtration area is the same as for bacteria, while the counting area takes into account the millimetres for each transect. In this case the counting area instead of a square will be a rectangle. Factor = Filter area / (side of the grid * mm of the transect) Factor = Pi* r2 / rectangle area NIKON factor: Filtration tower diameter: 21 mm Pi: 3.1416 Grid side: 0.080 mm Transect: 5 mm Factor = Pi * r2/ c2; Factor = 3.1416* 10.52 mm2/ (0.080* 5) mm2 = 866 OLYMPUS Filtration tower diameter: 21 mm Pi: 3.1416 Grid side: 0.100 mm Transect: 5 mm Factor = Pi * * r2/ c2; Factor = 3.1416* 10.52 mm2/(0.100* 5) mm2 = 692.7 IMPORTANT!!!! The factor will depend on the mm for each transect. -From average abundance of HNF or PNF per transect, filtered volume and the dilution factor corresponding to the sample plus preservative (e.g. 100 ml sample/100 ml sample + 10 ml of preservative = 0.9091). Thus cell abundance will be calculated as: Average of nanoflagellate transect -1* Factor of the microscope / filtered volume (ml)/ dilution factor = Nanoflagellate abundance (cell ml-1). 14 Example: Date: 21/5/00 Cruise: Hivern-2000 Experiment: GRZ 1 Microscope: Olympus 1st transect (5 mm) 2-5 5-10 10-20 Total HNF 47 2 1 50 PNF 58 10 2 70 2nd transect (5 mm) 2-5 5-10 10-20 Total HNF 47 2 1 50 PNF 58 10 2 70 -The number of cells per transect is calculated summing the number of cells for each size class. -Total cells number per ml is calculated averaging the total number of nanoflagellates of each transect. 50 HNF transecte-1*692.7/ 20 ml / (100 ml/110 ml) = 1905 HNF ml-1 70 PNF transecte-1* 692,7/20 ml/ (100ml/ 110 ml) = 2667.16 PNF ml-1 -Nanoflagellate number per ml of each size class, is calculated averaging the nanoflagellate number of each size class per transect: 15 Class: 2-5 47 HNF transect-1*692.7/ 20 ml / (100 ml/110 ml) = 1791 HNF ml-1 58 PNF transect-1* 692,7/20 ml/ (100ml/ 110 ml) = 2210 PNF ml-1 Class: 5 -10 2 HNF transect-1*692.7/ 20 ml / (100 ml/110 ml) = 76 HNF ml-1 10 PNF transect-1* 692,7/20 ml/ (100ml/ 110 ml) = 381 PNF ml-1 Class: 10 - 20 1 HNF transect-1*692.7/ 20 ml / (100 ml/110 ml) = 38 HNF ml-1 2 PNF transect-1* 692,7/20 ml/ (100ml/ 110 ml) = 76 PNF ml-1 Total abundance of HNF: 1905 cell ml-1 In order to calculate the biomass we need to know the cell volume and the abundance for each size class. -Cell volume is calculated averaging the cell diameter. Thus for the size class between 2-5 µm we take and averaged diameter of 3.5 µm, for the size class of 5-10 µm, the mean diameter will be 7.5 µm, and for the size class 10-20 µm the mean diameter taken will be 15 µm. If we are working with the Olympus microscope we know that each division of the micrometric rule is equivalent to1 µm. -Once we know the diameter, we will adjust the volume of cells to the volume of a sphere (4/3* Pi* R3). -The biomass is calculated as the sum of products of the average volume of each size class (µm3) multiplied by the abundance of nanoflagellates per litre and for the conversion carbon factor 0.22 pg µm-3*(1 µg /1000000 pg). This factor of 0.22 pg µm3 is the one described in Børsheim and Bratbak (1987). Taking the example above: HNF (2-5) : 1,8*106 cell L-1 *4/3* Pi* 1.753 µm3 * 0.22 pg C µm-3 *1 µg C/ 1000000 pg C = 8.88 µg C L-1 HNF belonging to the size class 2-5 µm represent a 94.2 % of the total abundance and 36% of the total biomass. 16 HNF (5-10): 8.0 * 104 cell L-1 *4/3* Pi* 3.753 µm3 * 0.22 pg. C µm-3 *1 µg C/ 1000000 pg C = 3.63 µg C L-1 HNF belonging to the size class 5-10 µm represent a 3.9 % of the total abundance and 14.8 % of the total biomass. HNF (10-20): 3.8 * 104 cell / L *4/3* Pi* 73 µm3 * 0.22 pg C µm-3 *1 µg C/ 1000000 pg C = 12.01 µg C L-1 HNF belonging to the size class 10 -20 µm represent 1.99 % of the total abundance and 48.9 % of the total biomass. Total abundance of HNF: 1905 cell ml-1 Total biomass of HNF: 24.52 µg C L-1 -Total abundance and biomass of PNF will be calculated like HNF. b.4)GRAZING RATES CALCULATIONS -Grazing rates and the number of bacterial cells consumed per unit of time and volume of water is calculated following the mathematical model of Salat and Marrasé (1994). g = -1/t* Ln (P. dimt / P. dim o) (Eq. 1) -1 g: grazing rate (d ); t: incubation time; P. dimt: P. diminuta abundance at a considered time (8, 12, 24, 36 h) or final (48 h); P. dim o: abundance of P. diminuta at time zero a = 1/t * Ln (BHt/BHo) (Eq. 2) -1 a: net growth rate (d ); t: incubation time; BHt: number of heterotrophic bacteria at a considered time (8, 12, 24, 36 h) or final (48 h); BHo: number of heterotrophic bacteria at time zero. -1 -1 G = g/a * (BHt- BHo)/t = Number of consumed bacteria ml d (Eq. 3) 17 Example: Number of heterotrophic bacteria and P. diminuta over the incubation period (counts made by flow cytometry): DATE 28/2/99 DEPTH Dupl. 28/2/99 BH (32 h) BH (44 h) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) 5.41E+05 2.68E+05 2.26E+05 3.64E+05 9.49E+05 5 m 2 5.41E+05 2.54E+05 2.26E+05 3.78E+05 7.90E+05 5.41E+05 2.61E+05 2.26E+05 3.71E+05 8.70E+05 0.00E+00 7.21E+03 0.00E+00 6.88E+03 7.97E+04 25 m 1 4.17E+05 4.20E+05 5.27E+05 1.07E+06 1.41E+06 25 m 2 6.27E+05 5.32E+05 8.19E+05 1.38E+06 2.49E+06 5.22E+05 4.76E+05 6.73E+05 1.22E+06 1.95E+06 1.05E+05 5.62E+04 1.46E+05 1.52E+05 5.39E+05 P dim (0 h) P dim ( 9 h ) P dim(20h) P dim(32h) P dim(44h) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) (cells ml-1) DEPTH Dupl. 5 m 1 1.91E+05 1.72E+05 1.62E+05 1.36E+05 1.18E+05 5 m 2 1.91E+05 1.88E+05 1.62E+05 1.76E+05 1.59E+05 1.91E+05 1.80E+05 1.62E+05 1.56E+05 1.39E+05 0.00E+00 8.10E+03 0.00E+00 1.96E+04 2.05E+04 AVG 28/2/99 BH (20 h) 1 AVG DATE BH (9 h) 5 m AVG 28/2/99 BH (0 h) 25 m 1 1.73E+05 1.73E+05 1.50E+05 1.44E+05 1.27E+05 25 m 2 1.69E+05 1.71E+05 1.50E+05 1.50E+05 1.31E+05 1.71E+05 1.72E+05 1.50E+05 1.47E+05 1.29E+05 2.09E+03 9.00E+02 0.00 3.08E+03 1.72E+03 AVG 18 Net growth rates (a, d-1) and grazing rates (g, d-1) over the incubation period. Results come from equations 1 and 2: DATE 28/2/99 DEPTH Duplicates 28/2/99 a(0-32) a(0-44) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) 1 -1.87E+00 -1.05E+00 -2.97E-01 3.07E-01 5 m 2 -2.01E+00 -1.05E+00 -2.69E-01 2.07E-01 -1.94E+00 -1.05E+00 -2.83E-01 2.57E-01 7.14E-02 0.00E+00 1.42E-02 5.01E-02 25 m 1 1.91E-02 2.81E-01 7.07E-01 6.66E-01 25 m 2 -4.37E-01 3.21E-01 5.92E-01 7.54E-01 -2.09E-01 3.01E-01 6.49E-01 7.10E-01 2.28E-01 1.98E-02 5.75E-02 4.39E-02 AVERAGE DATE a(0-20) 5 m AVERAGE 28/2/99 a(0-9) DEPTH Duplicates g(0-9) g(0-20) g(0-32) g(0-44) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) ( d - 1) 5 m 1 2.79E-01 1.98E-01 2.55E-01 2.63E-01 5 m 2 4.21E-02 1.98E-01 6.13E-02 1.00E-01 1.60E-01 1.98E-01 1.58E-01 1.82E-01 1.18E-01 0.00E+00 9.67E-02 8.15E-02 AVERAGE 28/2/99 25 m 1 0.00E+00 1.71E-01 1.38E-01 1.69E-01 25 m 2 0.00E+00 1.43E-01 8.94E-02 1.39E-01 0.00E+00 1.57E-01 1.14E-01 1.54E-01 0.00E+00 1.40E-02 2.41E-02 1.49E-02 AVERAGE 19 Consumed cells per ml, day and each considered time (Eq. 3): DATE 28/2/99 DEPTH Duplicates G(0-20) G(0-32) G(0-44) Cell ml- 1 d -1 Cell ml- 1 d -1 Cell ml- 1 d -1 Cell ml- 1 d -1 5 m 1 1.09E+05 7.13E+04 1.14E+05 1.91E+05 5 m 2 1.60E+04 7.13E+04 2.79E+04 6.58E+04 6.23E+04 7.13E+04 7.08E+04 1.28E+05 4.63E+04 0.00E+00 4.30E+04 6.25E+04 AVERAGE 28/2/99 G(0-9) 25 m 1 0.00E+00 8.04E+04 9.54E+04 1.37E+05 25 m 2 0.00E+00 1.03E+05 8.54E+04 1.88E+05 0.00E+00 9.17E+04 9.04E+04 1.63E+05 0.00E+00 1.12E+04 4.99E+03 2.51E+04 AVERAGE As a final value of grazing on bacteria per ml and day, we will take the one that is constant during different incubation times. Thus the value for 5 m will be 7.1 x 104 cells ml-1 and d-1 and for 25 m will be 9.1 x 104 ml-1 d-1. Calculation of the percentage of bacterial standing stock and bacterial production consumed (d-1) Bacterial consumption can be given as number of bacteria grazed (cell ml-1 d-1), as well in percentage of the bacterial standing stock as on bacterial production. a)On bacterial standing stock The percentage of bacterial consumed on the standing stock (d-1), can be calculated on bacterial biomass whether with respect to initial bacterial abundance or to initial bacterial carbon. -The percentage of bacterial abundance consumed per day will be calculated as: G (Cell ml-1 d-1)* 100/ BHo (cell ml-1) = % of consumed bacteria per day. 20 -To obtain the bacterial carbon percentage consumed per day, we firstly need to calculate the bacteria consumed per day in terms of carbon (µg C l-1). For this we use the cell volume obtained by flow cytometry and as we did before by means of the Norland (1993) equation we will obtain the bacterial biomass (µg C L-1) and the bacterial carbon consumed at different times (µg C L-1 d-1). -The percentage of bacterial carbon consumed per day will be calculated as: G (µg C L-1 d-1)* 100 / BHo (µg C L-1) = % of bacterial carbon consumed per day b)On bacterial production The percentage of bacteria consumed on bacterial production (d-1) can be calculated whether with respect to the carbon bacterial production or to cells bacterial production. -The percentage of bacterial carbon consumed to the bacterial carbon produced can be calculated: i)from the bacterial carbon production within the incubation bottles as: Gt +(Bct-Bco)/t. Then the percentage will be: % Bact. production consumed (d-1) = G (µg C L-1 d-1)* 100 / [(G +( Bct-Bco)/ t]. ii)From the bacterial carbon production obtained by tritiated leucine incorporation (PBleu, µg C l-1 d-1). Then the percentage will be: % Bact. production consumed (d-1) = Gt (µg C L-1 d-1)* 100 / (PBleu, µg C L-1 d-1) -The percentage of bacterial cells consumed to the bacterial cells produced can be calculated as before but in both cases, grazing on bacteria (G), bacterial biomass and production has to be expressed in cells. For bacterial production, when leucine incorporation is used we have to convert bacterial carbon in cells (See Gasol et al. 1999a). Notice: Bacterial production determined in the incubation bottles is usually higher than bacterial production measured by 3H leucine. This is due to the incubation time which for tritiate leucine is around three hours, while for bacterial production obtained within the incubation bottles (function of grazing and net bacterial growth) require longer incubation time. If both types of bacterial production are correlated we can extrapolate the percentage of the bacterial production grazed obtained in the incubation bottles to the bacterial production obtained by 3H leucine. 21 Specific grazing (BH consumed by HNF and per hour) -If we assume that heterotrophic nanoflagellates are the main bacterial consumers we can estimate the number of bacteria consumed per flagellate and per hour. Thus, from the consumed bacteria (G, ml-1 d-1) divided by the abundance of HNF per ml and 24 h we will obtain: BH HNF-1 h-1 = G (BH ml-1 d-1)/ HNF ml-1/ 24 h Phototrophic picoplankton Although we have not mentioned grazing on phototrophic picoplankton (Synnechoccocus, Prochlorophytes and Picoeucaryotes), it is very interesting to have this data in order to interpret the grazing data. When Synnechococcus abundance is important, there are protocols to determine grazing rates on these microorganisms. For that we will use fluorescent labeled cells called FLA. The methodology used is similar to that of bacterial grazing. (We will describe the correspondent protocol soon so it can be used for everybody.) b.5)CILIATES ABUNDANCE AND BIOMASS USING AN INVERTED MICROSCOPE -From the lugol acidic fixed sample, 100 ml is sedimentated for 48 h in a sedimentation chamber under the hood to avoid noxious gases. -The settling material is collected in the base of the chamber, removing the supernatant. -Counts of ciliates are made in an inverted microscope (Zeiss Axiovert 35) at 200X or 400X. -Turn on the lamp. -Use a contrast phase filter. -Use the adequate objective (20-40X) and ocular of 10X. Hence we will have a magnification of 200-400X. -Place the chamber in the plate of the microscope, focus the sample, and as for nanoflagellate counts make several transects. -In a worksheet we will note date, sample source, magnification used (200X or 400X) and the position where we start the transect (look at the position of the nonius). -Make a minimum of 8 transects of 10-15 mm. 22 Abundance, cell volume and biomass of ciliates -For each transect made we will write down the ciliate numbers of each group that we are capable of identifying, and with the micrometric rule inserted in the ocular we will measure width and lengths of each ciliate (these not include the cilia). Alternatively: we can count all ciliates first, and once finished counts, we can measure a determined number of cells (minimum 30 cells). Lengths and widths are noted beside the numbers in brackets. EXAMPLE DATE 3/5/00 Microscope Zeiss Sample Blanes Magnification 400 ø sed chamber 25 mm Ciliates Halteria Strombidium Transect Transect Transect 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 4 (5) 1(5) 5 (5,3) 6 (8,5) Laboea Tontonia Strobilidium 5 (8) Tintinnids 2 (12,3) Unknown SUM 9 6 8 AVERAGE Cell Transect-1: (9+6+8)/3 = 7.7 cell Transect-1 -From the average cell Transect-1 we can calculate the number of ciliates per litre. For this we need to know the microscope factor, the sedimented volume and the mm of each transect. Factor for 400X Sedimentation chamber area/ counting area: -The sedimentation chamber has 25 mm hence its surface is: 23 Pi *r2 = 3.1416 * 12.5 mm2 -Counting area is the field surface: 0.481 mm2 -For a transect of 1 mm we will have a Factor of 1020 FACTOR = 3.1416 * 12.52 mm2/ 0.481 * 1 mm2 = 1020 FACTOR 1020 Transect 15 mm Volume sed. 100 ml Total Ciliate/L 5213 Following with the above example: Cil L-1 = 7.7 Cil (Transect-1) * 1020/15 mm (Transect-1) *1000 ml/1L*1/100 ml = 5213 Cil L-1 To calculate the ciliate abundance for each group, we will use the same formula and the average ciliate of each group transect-1. Ciliate Avg./trans Cells/Litre Halteria 1.67 1133 Strombidium 3.67 2493 Laboea 0 0 Tontonia 0 0 Strobilidium 1.67 1133 Tinitinnids 0.67 453 Unknown 0 0 SUM 5213.333 24 Cell volume: We adjust the volume of each cell to the volume of the nearest geometric figure. VOLUME CELL OF Geom.fig. Halteria Sphere Strombidium Ellipse Laboea Ellipse Tontonia Ellipse Strobilidium Sphere Ellipse Tintinnids Sphere Ellipse Conical At 400 X each division of the ocular micrometric measure 2.42 µm. (All these parameters, like factors, division values can be found in the microscope Zeiss room). Ciliate Types Cells/Litre Average Bio volume Biomass vol cell µm3 µm3 L- 1 µg C L- 1 Halteria 1133 927 1.05E+06 2.10E-01 Strombidium 2493 961 2.40E+06 4.79E-01 1133 3799 4.31E+06 8.61E-01 Tintinnids 453 801 3.63E+05 2.11E-02 Unknown 0 8.12E+06 1.57E+00 Laboea 0 Tontonia 0 Strobilidium SUM 5213 Example to calculate cell volume: Halteria (Sphere)= 4/3*3.1416* 2.53*2.423 = 927 µm3 cil-1 -If we find different sizes for the same type of ciliate like for Strombidium we will average their volumes and we will obtain the mean cell volume. Thus, if there are 5 cells that have 5 division length and 3 divisions width (5,3), and 6 cells that have 8 25 divisions length and 5 width, after applying the corresponding volume formula (in this case an ellipse), we will average these volumes. Biomass calculation: -The biovolume for a determined group of ciliates (µm3 L-1) is obtained multiplying the abundance of each group by the mean volume cell. Biovolume for the total ciliate community will be calculated summing all partial biovolumes of different ciliate groups. -Partial or total biovolume will be converted to biomes multiplying by a conversion carbon factor from the literature of 0.2 pg C µm-3 valid for all groups (Putt and Stoecker, 1989) except for tintinnids. For this group the used factor is 0.053 pg C µm-3 (Verity and Langdon, 1984) 26 ANNEX. NECESSARY MATERIALS FOR: a) SAMPLING Sample collection -Plastic carboys of 5 L -Nytex net of 50 µm -Plastic bottles of 125 ml -Graduated cylinders of 50, 100 ml. and 1 Litre -Pipettes of different volumes (50 µl to 5 ml) -Plastic funnel -Silicone sampling tubs Incubations -Incubator bath or chambers (for different temperatures) -Net of different width to simulate light conditions -Hose and connections -Adequate illumination system -PAR system to measure the incident light -Thermometre -Plastic bottles of 1.5 l b) BACTERIAL PRODUCTION (See Gasol 1999a) c) FLOW CYTOMETRY (See Gasol 1999b) d) EPIFLUORESCENCE Dyes -DAPI (4,6- diamidino-2-phenylindole, 10 mg Sigma) -FITC Fluorescein-Isothiocyanate (50 mg, Sigma F-7250) -DTAF 5-([4-6 dichlorotriazin-2-yl] amino) fluorescein (100 mg, Sigma D-0531) 27 Preservatives -Glutaraldehyde (25 %, Merck). Make a solution at 10% Preparation: Filter 600 ml of filtered seawater through 0.2 µm Add 400 ml of glutaraldehyde (25%) Filter again through 0.2 µm Keep the solution in the refrigerator at 4 oC -Dispenser of Glutaraldehyde solution (10%) Filtration and samples observation -Plastic bottles of 125 ml -Graduated cylinder of 50 ml -Pipette of 5 ml -Pipette of 10-100 µl -Millipore pins -Black polycarbonate filters of 0.2 µm (25 mm of diameter, Millipore) -Black polycarbonate filters of 0.6 µm (25 mm of diameter, Nuclepore) -Acetate cellulose filters of 0.8 µm (25 mm of diameter, Millipore) -Acetate cellulose filters of 0.2 and 0.8 µm (47 mm de diameter, Millipore) -Filtration flask of 1L or 2L. -Filtration set -Pressure Pump -Wastewater container -Silicone tubs -Standard slides (76 x 26 mm) -Cover-slides of 24 x 24 mm -Immersion oil of low fluorescence (DF MXA20351, Nikon) -Plastic slide boxes -Freezer of -20 oC (at least) -Epifluorescence microscope -Notes book e) CILIATE COUNTS Collection and sedimentation of samples -Plastic bottles of1.5 L 28 -Graduated cylinder of 1L -Sedimentation chambers (100 ml) -Notes book Preservation -Dispenser or pipette -Acetic lugol: H20 distilled 1 L Ac. glacial acetic Potassium iodide Iodine 100 ml 100 g 50 g Filter the solution with filter paper Mark on the bottle the preparation date Keep refrigerated Sample observation -Inverted microscope. Transmission light RELEVANT BIBLIOGRAPHY Børsheim, K. Y.; Bratbak, G. 1987. Cell volume to cell carbon conversion factors for a bacterivorous Monas sp. enriched from seawater. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 36: 171-175. Gasol, J.M. 1999a. How to measure bacterial activity and production with the uptake of radiolabeled leucine. (Web page address). References therein. Gasol, J.M. 1999b. How to count picoalgae and bacteria with the FACScalibur flow cytometer. (Web page address). References therein. Maniatis, T.; Fritsch, E.F.; Sambrook, J. 1982. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Press. NY. 29 Norland, S. 1993. The relationship between biomass and volume of bacteria. In: Kemp, P.F.; Sherr, B.F.; Sherr E.B.; Cole, J.J. (eds.). Handbook of methods in aquatic microbial ecology, p. 303-307. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton. Porter, K.G.; Feig, Y. S. 1980. The use of DAPI for identifying and counting the aquatic microflora. Limnol. Oceanog. 25: 943-948. Putt, M.; Stoecker, D.K. 1989. An experimentally determined carbon: volume ratio for marine oligotrichous ciliates from estuarine and coastal waters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 1097-1104. Salat, J.; Marrasé, C. 1994. Exponential and linear estimations of grazing on bacteria: effects on changes in the proportion of marked cells. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 104:205209. Vaqué, D.; Pace, M.l.; Findlay, S.E.G.; Lints, D. 1992. Fate of bacterial production in a heterotrophic ecosystem: grazing by protist and metazoans in the Hudson estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 89:155-163. Vaqué, D.; Gasol, J. M.; Marrasé, C. 1994. Grazing rates on bacteria: the significance of methodology and ecological factors. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 109: 263-274. Vaqué, D.; Blough, H. A.; Duarte, C. M. 1997. Dynamics of ciliate abundance, biomass and community composition in an oligotrophic coastal environment (NW Mediterranean). Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 12: 71-83. Vazquez-Dominguez, E. P.; Gasol, J.M.; Peters, F.; Vaqué, D. 1999. Measuring the grazing losses of picoplankton: Methodological improvements to the use of fluorescently labeled tracers combined to flow cytometry. Aq. Microbial Ecol. 20: 110-128. References therein. Verity, P.G.; Langdon, C. 1984. Relationships between lorica volume, carbon, nitrogen and ATP content of tintinnids in Narragansett Bay. J. Plankton Res. 6: 859868. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I am grateful to Clara Cardelús for correcting the text 30
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