HSE MANAGEMENT Managing beyond zero: how to sustain an HSE program near ultimate goal of zero incidents By Kent Van Eaton and Curt Cranford, Grant Prideco IN THE LATE 1970s, we can recall safety meeting discussions centered on the lost-time injury rate (LTIR). At the time, we had never heard of total recordable injury rate (TRIR). However, it didn’t take long until the LTIR became so low that it was obvious an LTIR focus would not allow us to continue to improve. We began to consider a broader spectrum of injuries. So we took on TRIR as the indicator of success. Over the last 20 years, we have made significant progress in continuing to reduce injuries in the workplace. And, once again, we’re reaching the point where analysis of incidents producing recordable injuries no longer provides the information we need to reach our ultimate goal of zero injuries. It is time to start managing beyond zero. It’s time to take a fresh look, put new interest in what is happening in our workplaces that can be corrected to stop every injury. PAST SUCCESS POINTS THE WAY TO FUTURE For most of us, the rallying cry used to achieve improvements over the last 20 years was to “engineer the hazards out of the workplace.” This was highly effective, and its application can be seen time after time in almost every activity in the workplace, at home or in the community. This engineer-based technique will continue to serve us well, but we do not believe it will get us to our ultimate goal. An employee performs a peer-to-peer observation at Grant Prideco’s drilling products division in Singapore. Peer-to-peer reviews in this system of observation are requested by the person to be reviewed, not the person doing the reviewing, which removes interpersonal relations and personal control issues. The method we choose next must take into account two realities that have actually resulted from our success to date. First, as we successfully apply the engineering-based approach to reduce hazards, the hazards that remain become increasingly difficult to distinguish, infrequent in occurrence and possibly only momentary in existence. To battle these hazards, we must strengthen our employees’ ability to recognize these less obvious situations that might hurt them. The ability to see, envision, feel and sense the hazard must be honed to the point that it is an actively conscious mental process running in the background at all times. For example, highly skilled athletes sometimes say “the game slows down” for them as they rise to a high level of skill. It is this actively conscious sense of the game that makes this “slowing” possible at the same time the moment-to-moment details of the game are actually getting faster. The second of these realities can be seen in the pure mathematics of the calculation of TRIR. A TRIR of less than 2 means 98 out of 100 are not getting hurt. It is clear that a lot of people are doing things right — but a lot is not enough. No one can be left out. This means we must have an approach that builds total participation to a meaningful level as a part of the plan. A SENSE OF AWARENESS First, we’ll focus on developing a sensitivity to hazards. The ability to see the hazard may be thought of as awareness, or a sense of awareness. Humans naturally have a keen sense of awareness, but, over the years, as we have engineered hazards out of our lives, that sense has become dulled. For example, modern highway design has greatly reduced the hazards of driving. Who would have thought we could take so 88 March/April 2008 A team performs a risk assessment — identifying the job steps and the hazards associated with each step — at Grant Prideco’s Reed Hycalog division in Singapore. many hazards out of operating an automobile that we could feel comfortable talking on a cell phone while driving at 65-70 mph? Similarly, in industry, proper machine design, guarding, computerization, robots, ergonomics and other similar safety engineering applications have made workplaces much safer than 30-40 years ago. Fortunately, the dulling of our sense of awareness can be reversed. We are always uncomfortable with the term “awareness” — it is greatly overused as the cause of all that is wrong in our facilities. The operator was not paying attention; the employee was careless; she did not have her mind on what she was doing. Awareness or lack of awareness are used countless times as the causation factor in many incident analyses. In this D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR HSE MANAGEMENT article, we’ll use the term “seeing” rather than awareness. We will discuss building a keen ability to “see” the hazards in your workplace rather than to be “aware” of those hazards. cally any situation, are easily communicated with simple language, and can be the basis for the “seeing” techniques discussed below. A second concern is we’re making safety too complex. We have hundreds of programs, all of which are meant to help, but confuse the employee with buzz words and phrases. Here are some examples: STOP, The 7 Habits of Hand Safety, CBIs, Behavior-Based Safety, JSAs, JHAs, Cause Mapping, Systemic Causation Analysis Technique, TakeTwo, SafetySmart, PHAs, etc. All of these have value, but the point is that we need to simplify the language. We must ensure that our employees understand the continuum of our safety effort so they see how the tools address the issue of keeping them from getting hurt. There are great safety techniques and tools out there that you can and should adopt. However, we must be careful to do so in a systemic and well-communicated plan. A SYSTEM OF OBSERVATION THE ABILITY TO SEE For developing the skill of “seeing,” we prefer to use a very fundamental technique that has been around for decades, but we’ll use it in a different way. You may be familiar with the analytical technique of classifying injuries, or potential injuries, into event types (caught on, struck by, etc). We can take these events, recast them as the hazards that can hurt us, and utilize them as a simple and effective way to observe our workspace. Simply put, we look for places in our workplace where we might be caught, come into contact, strike, fall or overexert ourselves. Suddenly, the vast world of ways things can go wrong or ways I can get hurt reduce to five keywords – caught, contact, strike, fall, overexert. These are applicable to practi- Here we will outline a system of observation techniques that we developed. None of these techniques are new, but you may have never associated them with techniques that utilize the skill of “seeing” the hazards in the workplace. These techniques build employees’ skill of sensing the hazard, making them increasingly capable of finding the danger before it causes injury. Technique 1: risk assessments The fundamental baseline risk assessment is the most formal of the set but is important to setting the stage properly for sustainable performance, solid training and efficient operation. Risk assessment teams identify the job steps and hazards associated with each step. For this discussion, the job safety analysis is the relevant portion of the risk assessment. Using the five keywords (caught, contact, strike, fall, overexert) greatly focuses the work. For new processes still being designed, it helps the developers to visualize the hazards. On existing processes, it gives a common language and sets a consistent level of detail that people often struggle to establish. Additional skill enhancement comes from diversity of “seeing.” What I “see” teaches you to “see” different things, and what you “see” teaches me. The most effective risk assessmentbased “seeing” development comes from a diverse team of operators, engineers, management, maintenance and other D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR March/April 2008 89 HSE MANAGEMENT experts. The insight of these stakeholders not only creates a higher quality assessment but provides each team member an opportunity to “see” hazards from someone else’s point of view. Technique 2: workplace inspections In formal scheduled workplace inspections, most of us use a checklist or some other guidance to assist the people doing the inspection. This activity is a wonderful “seeing” skill development process. We encourage people to inspect areas familiar to them and areas that are not so familiar. This will improve their ability to “see” more effectively. Many items on the inspection checklist deal directly with the five hazards. For example, are there hoses or cords across the walkway? This is clearly related to the hazard fall. Other items may not be as obvious, such as a fire extinguisher inspection. In this case, encourage employees to connect the inspection with the hazard the equipment is protecting, in this case, contact with heat. Technique 3: 5x5 The 5x5 is an informal risk assessment for employees to apply when the nonroutine job or task comes about. These non-routine activities contribute an inordinate percentage of injuries as they are generally unpredictable in timing and short-lived in duration. Some piece of equipment breaks down, some tool is missing, something unusual happens that creates a situation where employees are doing unfamiliar tasks in what generally is a time-sensitive, high-stress environment. Yes, there is a risk of poor-quality reviews and buddy-buddy protection, but it goes away when the employees see that management is not using the tool in a negative fashion. Peer-topeer reviews also develop trust between teammates that goes far beyond safety and health issues. We advocate using the JSA portion of the risk assessment as our critical behavior checklist rather than creating one in the tradition of the BBS process. If we are not capturing the critical behaviors in our risk assessments, we are not doing the risk assessment properly. That document should be the standard way to do the job, and it should define how to do that job safely. By using the risk assessment in this way, we show The 5x5 technique is to quickly think consistence in our safety system, provide through the task and ask yourself: great training for employees, get a risk How could I be caught? How could I assessment audit, and get continual improvement in the quality of our risk come into contact? How could I be assessments struck? How could I fall? How could I overexert? The exercise takes 30-60 seconds for beginners, but experienced employees can do it on the fly while performing the job. The 5x5 technique is to quickly think through the task and ask yourself, “How could I be caught? How could I come into contact? How could I be struck? How could I fall? How could I overexert?” These 5 questions are the source of the first 5 in the 5x5. Going through the process of asking the questions is the first of the second 5. Number 2 in the second 5 is “Why am I doing the job in this manner? Is there a better way with less hazards?” Next, we dig deeper into how I or someone else would be hurt. This leads to how we are going make the hazard less likely to injure us. And, finally, how are we going to protect others. When employees first learn this technique, it is about a 60-second exercise. After a few tries, they can do it in 30-40 seconds. Experienced employees find they can do it on the fly, so to speak. They are going through the exercise in their head as they approach the job. Lastly, we use our normal system of observation and reporting, using documents that have already been produced for other processes, and we make use of training that we do as a part of our normal safety skills development. There are no organizational requirements or administrative needs beyond our regular observation process and system. The peer-to-peer reviews are integral to work and blend into the daily activities on the floor. They fit within the system, maintaining the consistence of approach. Technique 6: process audits The process audit is the most advanced tool in the system, but it is powerful and an excellent “seeing” skills enhancement technique. It complements the peer-to-peer view but is procedure-focused rather than task-focused. It is also a team process so a variety of viewpoints are in play. The general observation process is the informal version of the workplace inspection. Once again, we advise the use of the five hazards to focus the “seeing” process. Where the 5x5 focuses on a particular task, here the employees observe their environment and the activities and conditions within it. Using the caught, contact, strike, fall, overexert method with it will direct the “seeing” toward how you can get hurt. In a process audit, a team of employees go to each department or a cross-section of departments and audit a specific safety or environmental process. They judge how well that department is implementing and utilizing the process. Processes such as lockout, welding and cutting, forklift safety, PPE, elevated work and chemical handling are reviewed thoroughly. The procedure provides the stimulus for what the team members are looking for, which allows the team members to become excellent “seers” as they observe and interview employees during the audit. Employees who are involved in the audit also benefit as they point out the methods they use to carry out the procedure. Technique 5: peer-to-peer reviews OBSERVATION SUMMARY This technique takes its roots from the behavioral-based safety (BBS) observation process. However, it is designed differently to overcome three distinct problems in the traditional BBS This system of observation techniques offers a multitude of approaches to train and educate employees and to rebuild the natural ability to sense danger. The methods are both formal Technique 4: general observations 90 observation process. Peer-to-peer reviews are requested by the person to be reviewed, not the person doing the reviewing. This reversal in approach removes issues related to interpersonal relations and personal control. The employee being observed can ask anyone he or she wants to do the review. Best buddy, worst enemy – they decide. They control when the observation is done. They control which task is observed. This control greatly reduces the fear and discomfort we have seen in the original BBS approach. March/April 2008 D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR HSE MANAGEMENT and informal, specific and general, task-oriented and processoriented, and individual- and team-based. The variety works to enhance the overall “seeing” skills of the employee. It provides interest and acceptability by offering control and variability while building the same skill set. Yet, by using the five hazard focus of caught, contact, strike, fall and overexert as the basis of observation, the system remains consistent and comfortable to the employees and supports what really counts to them – not getting hurt. Additionally, the system uses documents and other administrative systems already in use so there is minimal, if any, increase in cost or resources. Finally, using the five hazard focus makes the system simple enough that everyone can contribute. There may be a need for higher-skilled facilitation in the formal risk assessment, but beyond that, anyone can do a reasonably good job evaluating if there is a caught, a contact, a strike, a fall or an overexertion hazard in front of them. GETTING EVERYONE INVOLVED The second reality we identified is that although a TRIR of less than 2 means a lot of people are doing things right, it’s not our goal of zero incidents. To get there, no one can be left out. Everyone must practice and hone their sense of danger. To succeed, every employee must participate. Getting this to happen is the trick. Before we try to generate participation, let’s step back and look at principles of human behavior and performance improvement research. First is human behavior. Dr E. Scott Geller, a pioneer of behavior-based safety, wrote that engaging people is facilitated when they are in a positive state of mind, have clear goals and feel empowered to achieve those goals. He speaks of creating a sense of personal control and optimism. Next, set specific goals that the person can clearly understand, are meaningful and can be tracked. Now, provide a tool they believe will work to achieve the goal, and they will get on board. Dean Spitzer, in his recent book, “Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success,” explains why performance measurement should be less about calculations and analysis and more about the crucial social factors that determine how well the measurements get used. He encourages us to ask such questions as: How well do our measures reflect our business model? How successfully are they driving our strategy? So I asked myself: To get to zero incidents, are we measuring the right things? I decided that, many times, we are. But we’re not framing the measurements in the manner Mr Spitzer suggests. We have already discussed a series of observation techniques, many of which are surely already in use at your companies. You might measure and analyze them, maybe even use them for advanced leading indicators such as closure rate of actions to address root causes of incidents or ratio of near-misses to at-risk condition observations. But we can get more out of these measurement if we can incorporate human behavioral and performance improvement principles. We would like to recommend a methodology for doing this that will get the high level of participation needed to build “seeing” skills. 92 March/April 2008 A SMART WAY TO SUCCESS The method is a system based on using a fully integrated safety management system with an emphasis on proactive activities to eliminating injuries. Its primary working tool is a score card that tracks an employee’s participation in activities defined by the management system. The goal is to provide a system that motivates employees to get involved and take ownership in safety training and activities. These activities include the previously discussed techniques — general observations, 5x5’s, process audits, peer-to-peer reviews, risk assessment reviews, workplace inspections, as well as other proactive opportunities such as mentoring, individual safety plans, safety committee membership, safety and toolbox meetings, and incident analysis. It is also designed to encourage support of the system from supervisors and managers, as the collective accomplishments of their employees are measured as a component of their achievement. This collective process is repeated up the entire management chain, providing even the CEO with a score indicating his or her involvement and ownership. HOW IT WORKS The concept is that each employee has a score measuring his involvement in HSE training and activities. Each employee starts with a given score, say 65. They gain points by completing specific activities and lose points by violations of procedure or failures to report. Points are assigned to each activity, for example, completion of training, attendance at safety and toolbox meetings, etc. A higher number of points could be assigned to activities that you might have a need to strengthen in order to encourage involvement in those areas. A reduction in points is assigned to specific violations, like failure to wear proper PPE or to lock out equipment. No points should be assigned to an actual injury or property damage to avoid the claim that disciplinary actions are taken for getting hurt or damaging property. Supervisors and managers gain/lose points based on both individual involvement and involvement of their employees. They gain points by leading their group to higher individual employee scores and lose points on violations by their employees. Recognition is given to employees above 90 points. Additional recognition might be given for those above 95, for example, given a free pass that could be used if they have a violation. Employees with scores between 80 and 90 are neutral, and they are the beginning of non-participants. Focused effort and communication with these employees should take place to understand why they are not participating. Employees with a score below 80 are placed on verbal notice. If they fall below 70, a written notice is issued. If the employee takes no action and his score goes below 60, he would be placed on probation. An employee with a score below 50 would be in serious risk of termination. THE POINT STRUCTURE Employees gain points by doing proactive activities that improve the performance of themselves, their colleagues and the facility. The more advanced the activity or the more commitment required by the activity, the more points they earn. D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR HSE MANAGEMENT Mentoring a new employee, for instance, might be worth 5 points. For quality control, a mentor might lose points if the employee he’s mentoring has a violation. For other activities requiring less effort and commitment, points can be dependent on actions such as submitting “good, quality” observations. The point structure can be set to emphasize specific areas. Maybe 1 point is given for every 2 near-miss observations rather than the 1-for-5 ratio for other kinds of observations. Or, if a series of risk assessments is needed for a new process, you get volunteers by offering double points for that month. Points gained are good for one year from the date earned. This keeps the score dynamic and requires employees to continue to participate. To keep employees from “loading up” their scores with a flurry of activities in a short time then stop doing anything, a limit can be set on the maximum number of points that can be received in a given time period. You have almost total control over the scoring tool so you can build it to fit your strategy. 94 The tool can be designed so that it cascades up through the organization and helps to create a clear tie of group performance to the success of supervisors, managers, directors, vice presidents, presidents and CEOs. For example, if a supervisor’s group has an average score above 95, they get 5 points. If it is above 90, maybe they earn only 2 points. Awarding points to the boss for group performance encourages that boss to support and promote participation by his employees. CONSISTENT DISCIPLINARY APPROACH The tool is designed to motivate employees to get involved and take ownership in their safety training and activities. However, it also provides a standardized methodology for defining and consistently applying the human resources group’s progressive disciplinary response to HSE failures by employees, supervisors and managers. The beauty of the tool is that the employee knows exactly how they can recover and avoid this negative consequence. This tool also matches principles of building a positive state of mind. All of the activities mentioned above can be done by every employee given normal training. No one is forced to do anything except accept the consequences of their own lack of participation. The loss of points in this system comes from violations or failures to do what the employees know are required. Point reductions are based on identified violations from observations, audits and the incident analysis process. All of our incidents are reviewed and analyzed to some degree depending on potential, and violations are fact-based and specific. Recognition is built into the system, and people and teams are rewarded for doing well, so self-esteem is enhanced. Finally, employees feel more and more optimistic about themselves, their team and the facility as improvements become apparent. Care must be taken when issuing point reductions so as to not create distrust. A good measure to track is to strive toward 7-10 positive points for every negative point. The idea is to win, not to lose. March/April 2008 D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR HSE MANAGEMENT Point reductions, like point awards, are assigned with consideration of impact. More serious violations, such as making safety devices inoperative, cost 10 points. Conversely, allowing an at-risk condition to exist in your workspace would cost an employee — and maybe their supervisor if he was aware of the condition — 1 point. SUMMARY Let’s see if we have met our original realities. First, we said we need people to be highly skilled at “seeing” how they can get hurt. We have outlined a series of observation techniques, all of which develop the skill to “see” the hazards around us. Within those techniques, we have given the employee the easy-to-use 5x5 tool. We have formal and informal, specific and general, task-oriented and process-oriented, and individual- and teambased techniques. By using the five hazards of caught, contact, strike, fall and overexert as the basis of all observation techniques, the system remains consistent and comfortable for the employees and supports what really counts to them – not getting hurt. Next, we realized we must have very high, almost total, participation by employees. The scoring tool provided uses the principles of human behavior to accomplish this. It is a Specific Motivational Achievable Relevant and Trackable (SMART) way to increase individual involvement and ownership of employees in safety training and activities. There is clear guidance on what to do to achieve success and recognition. Participation by every employee is required in order to maintain their acceptability to the organization. But they are in control of that participation, therefore make the choice for themselves. We have used guidance from performance improvement leaders to ensure that our measurement system is less about calculations and analysis and more about the crucial social factors that determine how well the measurements get used. The process focuses on learning and improvement from measurement yet also ties directly to the strategy we are trying to drive. We are placing increasing importance on measuring leading indicators that are proactive and preventative and reducing our reliance on the measurement of lagging indicators such as injury and property damage. Additionally, we have the right people having the right measurement discussions about things that affect them on a daily, even moment-to-moment, basis. Our task was to develop a very high, almost total, participation by our employees who are highly sensitive to nearly invisible hazards. Have we done it? We think we are well on the way. A full version of this article is available online at www.drilling contractor.org. About the authors: Kent Van Eaton and Curt Cranford are HSE managers for Grant Prideco. Mr Van Eaton holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from the University of Tennessee. He has 24 years of experience in HSE in the petrochemical, energy, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals and building materials industries. He received his Certified Safety Professional certification in 1991. Mr Cranford holds a degree in chemistry from Kansas State University. He is an environmental, health & safety professional with over 20 years of experience in the energy and manufacturing sectors and has also worked as a principal consultant assisting companies in many industry sectors. He holds several certifications, including certified hazardous materials manager and registered environmental manager. This article is based on a presentation at the IADC Drilling HSE Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition, 26-27 February 2008, Kuala Lumpur. D R I L L I N G CONTRACTOR March/April 2008 95
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