SPORT & COMPETITION How to Start Eventing Your complete guide to Affiliated competition with British Eventing HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 1 Version 4 5/1/11 15:53:09 Supa Studs Ad.qxd:Layout 1 20/12/10 11:00 N Self-cleaning not self-tapping N No need to tap! N Tougher than Tungsten N Virtually rust-free Page 1 SupaStuds are easier, faster and safer to insert than any studs we’ve used before - one less thing to worry about Matt Ryan, Triple Olympic Gold Medalist Have you tried SupaStuds yet? Find out what all the fuss is about! Tel: 01299 403389 Welcome CONTENTS What is eventing? 4 What to expect? 5 How do I become a member of BE? 6 How do I register my horse? 8 10 How do I enter? 11 What equipment do I need? 12 What can my horse wear for each phase? 14 What can I wear for each phase? 16 Preparation for your first event 18 Training 20 The big day 22 The phases 23 Who’s who? 30 ADAM FANTHORPE FRONT COVER: ADAM FANTHORPE Youth Programmes within BE You’ve watched your idols compete at Burghley and Badminton and fallen in love with the sport. Or perhaps you’ve had a go at combined training and hunter trials and want to take the next step. This booklet will tell you all you need to know about getting started in this exhilarating sport Eventing is an adrenalin-pumping sport that challenges you with every phase. You will need to work in harmony with your horse to achieve the control and grace needed for the dressage test, you will need to master precision and power for showjumping, and finally pace and courage for the cross country. With more than 180 affiliated events running every year throughout Britain from March to October, catering for all levels and abilities, you are sure to find an event right for you. As the governing body for the sport of Eventing in Great Britain, we can guarantee the highest-quality competitions at some of the most breathtaking venues in the country. British Eventing members also benefit from the very best standards of courses, venues, medical, veterinary and insurance cover. This guide gives you all the essential Eventing information you will need. It explains how to register with us at British Eventing and how to enter your first competition, along with a checklist of all the equipment you will need. It also includes a few hints and tips as to what to expect on the day and guidance on how to prepare and warm-up for each phase, as well as what you need to wear. So what are you waiting for? Join us now to experience the most thrilling of all equestrian sports. Please call our Membership Team at British Eventing on 0845 262 3344 or email us at [email protected] HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 3 3 5/1/11 15:53:14 What is eventing? Eventing is the equestrian equivalent of a triathlon. A breathtaking sport which combines the three disciplines of dressage, showjumping and cross country. British Eventing classes range from BE80(T) (an ideal introduction to the sport as you are helped by a BE Accredited Coach), through to BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced level. BE90, for example, means that 90cms is the maximum height of the cross-country fences, so choosing a class is easy. BE also offers competitors a number of Open classes, allowing horses with points to compete at any level, which is especially useful if you are wanting to try Eventing with an experienced horse, or if you are at the start of the season and want to ease yourself and your horse back into competition. Alternatively, you can make an application to downgrade your horse, for further details contact the BE office on 0845 262 3344. ALL PHOTOS: ADAM FANTHORPE For further details on individual classes, have a look at the British Eventing Members Handbook, available from the downloads area of the BE website: www. ),;(5+), *3(::,: .9(+05.6-/69:,: Your first event is likely to be a BE80(T) or BE90 competition. If you are riding an experienced horse with BE points you will still be able to compete in a BE90 Open class, but will have to run noncompetitively (HC) in BE80(T) classes. To ensure fair competition, horses are graded according to the number of British Eventing points won (if any) and are eligible for different classes depending on these points. Points are not awarded at BE80(T), BE90 or BE100 level. BE80(T) classes are an educational step for young and inexperienced riders and horses, and offer a stepping stone to BE90, BE100 and beyond. No points 1 – 20 points 21 – 60 points 61+ points Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 4 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 4 5/1/11 15:53:21 What to expect? Phases BE80(T) BE90 BE100 Dressage n In a 20m x 40m or 20m x 60m arena (mostly grass) British Eventing dressage tests 91 & 92 (2009) British Eventing dressage tests 91, 92, 93 & 94 (2010) British Eventing and dressage tests 101 (2009), 102 (2010), 103 (2010) & 104 (2009) n 7-12 numbered obstacles n 8-12 numbered obstacles n 8-12 numbered obstacles n Two obstacles at a maximum height of 0.85m, the rest at 0.80m n Two obstacles at a maximum height of 0.95m, the rest at 0.90m n Two obstacles at a maximum height of 1.05m, the rest at 1.00m n 325mpm n 325mpm n 325mpm n Courses may include uphill and downhill fences, small drops, banks, ditches, water, spreads and ascending fences. n 18-25 jumping efforts n 18-25 jumping efforts n 18-25 jumping efforts n 1600-2800m course n 1600-2800m course n 1600-2800m course n 435mpm speed n 450mpm speed n 475mpm speed n Max height 0.80m n Max height 0.90m n Max height 1.00m n Some combinations will have less demanding alternatives. n Max spread (top) 0.90m n Max spread (top) 1.00m n Max spread (top) 1.10m n Max spread (base) 1.25m n Max spread (base) 1.50m n Max spread (base) 1.80m n Open to Grade 4 horses and ponies only, Day Ticket horses and ponies without points n Open to Grade 4 horses and ponies only, Day Ticket horses and ponies without points n There is no obligation to move out of BE80 n There is no obligation to move out of BE90 n Open to Grade 4 horses and ponies without points that are either registered or have Day Tickets n No points will be awarded n Foundation points will be awarded n Similar in standard to British Dressage Prelim & Novice n Results shown as penalty points Showjumping n Inviting, flowing courses with plenty of room, with a double combination. Cross country n There is no obligation to move out of BE100 n Foundation points will be awarded HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 5 5 5/1/11 15:53:22 How do I become a member of BE? Before you can compete at a BE event you will need to register your details and those of the horse you wish to ride. The process is quick and easy and can be done completely free of charge via the BE website: During the registration process you will be asked to choose a username and password to give you access to the restricted area of the BE website where, among other things, you can register your horse. You will also receive a unique lifetime registration number. If you’d rather not use our online service, don’t worry, just give us a call and we can send out a paper registration form for you to complete and return in the post. Call our Membership Team on 0845 262 3344 and they’ll be more than happy to help you in any way they can. Once we have all of your details, most of the admin is finished. In order to start competing you have three options, you can either choose between a Day Ticket, Training Ticket or a Full Membership. ALL PHOTOS: ADAM FANTHORPE +(@;0*2,;: You can purchase Day Tickets from the BE website or through the BE office before making an entry to the event of your choice. Day Tickets are a great introduction to our incredible sport without buying a full membership straight away. With a Day Ticket, you can compete at any BE One Day Event in a BE90, B100, BE100 Plus (including Open classes) and Novice (including Intermediate Novice and also Open Classes). Day Tickets are purchased separately for both rider and horse and, although you can purchase as many Day Tickets as you like for a horse, you are limited to only four each year for the rider. For peace of mind, Day Tickets for both horse and rider include public liability and personal accident insurance for the period of the event (check website for details), so you don’t need to arrange cover separately. As soon as you purchase your first Day Ticket, you will be sent a BE Members Handbook, which carries all the dressage test information you will need, as well as all the current rules and regulations for the class you are entering. The Members Handbook can also be downloaded from our website for your convenience. ;9(0505.;0*2,;: Training Tickets for a BE80(T) class can be done in the same way as a Day Ticket. Training tickets are a combined horse and rider ticket and you can purchase an unlimited amount in a season. It’s also a good idea to purchase a British Eventing Magazine. Our bi-monthly magazine carries all the schedule information you will need for the forthcoming season. It also offers must-have news, interviews with top riders, columnists and training features to help you improve your riding and give you that competitive edge. 6 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 6 6/1/11 09:46:40 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 7 5/1/11 15:53:35 How do I register my horse? As with riders, details of all horses that compete must be registered with us first. The quickest and easiest way to complete a free lifetime equine registration is to visit our website where this can be done instantly. Before a horse can compete, we need to see a copy of its name page and breeding details from its passport, which you can send into the office after you’ve registered it online within 28 days or your registration will unfortunately be cancelled. If you haven’t got access to a computer, we also have paper registration forms that we can send out for you to complete and return. Call our Membership Team on 0845 262 3344 and they’ll be more than happy to help. Once you’ve completed the registration process you will receive a lifetime equine registration number which can be used when you make entries into any of the BE affiliated events. As with riders, to compete you can choose to purchase either Day/ Training Tickets or a Season Ticket. details, you can choose to purchase a Season Ticket, immediately giving you access to a range of benefits, unlimited competition opportunities and preferential entries. When you purchase a Season Ticket online you will be notified of your ballot numbers for your horse. One of these can be used during each of the ballot periods (as shown in the event schedule) to enable you to have entry priority at one event of your choice during that period (see Entry Procedure for more details). You will receive two super ballot numbers that you can use to give you extra priority. Alternatively, you may purchase a Part Year Ticket which is valid from 1 July to the end of the current year. =(**05(;065 Registered horses must have a valid flu-vaccination certificate. It is your responsibility as the owner or rider to ensure that the horse’s vaccinations are up-to-date and correctly recorded on its diagrammatic vaccination record. +(@;0*2,;: Day Tickets enable your horse to compete for a single day. They are purchased before you make an entry to the event of your choice and are a great way for you to have a go at our sport or to try out a horse that may be new to Eventing. With a Day Ticket, your horse can compete at any BE one-day event in BE90, BE100 or BE100 Plus classes (including Open classes) and Novice (including Intermediate Novice and also Open Classes). There are no limits to the amount of Day or Training Tickets you can purchase for your horse in any season (to purchase Training Tickets please see page 6). :,(:65;0*2,; Once you have registered your horse’s Spot checks are regularly carried out at events throughout the season. The horse must have received two injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza given no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart. Only these first two injections need to have been given before a horse can compete. In addition, a first booster injection must be given no less than 150 days and no more than 215 days after the second injection of the primary vaccination. Subsequently, booster injections must be given at intervals of no more than one year apart. None of these injections must have been given within the preceding seven days of a competition. 8 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 8 6/1/11 09:49:00 Youth Programmes within BE Competition Programme Year of Birthday Competitions Competition Level Young Rider European Championship selection 19th – 21st FEI Young Rider Europeans National U25 Championships National U21 Championships Selection Trials CCI2YR* CCI3*u25 CCIYR2* OIu21 & Au25 Junior European Championship selection 14th – 18th FEI Junior Europeans National U21 Championships National U18 Championships Selection Trials CCI1J* CCIYR2* CCIJ* INu21 & OIu21 Under 18 Regional Team Championships 13th – 18th U18 Regional Team Championships Regional Qualifiers Regional non-qualifiers CCIJ1* ONu18(Q) ONu18 Pony European Championship selection 12th – 16th FEI Pony Europeans National Pony Championships Selection Trials Pony Novice CCIP2* CCNP2* PT PON Under 18 BE100 Regional programme 12th – 18th Area Finals Qualifying competitions BE100u18AF BE100u18 National Schools Series 12th – 18th BE National Schools Championships Qualifying competitions BE90NS BE100NS Pony Club Classes 12th – 25th Pony Club Classes held at BE80PC BE90PC BE100PC ONPC Riding Club Series 12th+ Qualifying Competitions BE80(T) Please see Annex 4 for the rules and regulations for all youth series and championships. All members moving up the grades must be qualified under rule 1.38 with the following additions. n Riders in the year of their 12th and 13th birthday must complete two clear rounds cross country with no more than 16 SJ penalties at BE90 as a combination before being eligible to compete in BE100. n Riders in the year of their 12th to 15th birthday must complete three clear rounds cross country with no more than 16 SJ penalties at BE100 level as a combination before being eligible to compete in Novice. n Riders in the year of their 12th to 16th birthday must complete one clear round cross country with no more than 16 SJ penalties in an ONu18 or PT class as combination before being eligible to compete in adult Novice level classes. n Riders in the year of their 14th to 16th birthday must complete an OIu21 with no more than 20 cross country jumping penalties with no more than 16 SJ penalties as combination before being eligible to compete in adult Intermediate level classes. 10 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 10 5/1/11 15:53:37 How do I enter? Up-to-date event schedules are published online at, plus a full season’s worth of schedules are published in the back of British Eventing Magazine, which is printed six times a year. Remember to apply for Full Membership or complete your lifetime registration well in advance. Entries usually open about six weeks before the date of the event. Try to plan about two months in advance! ,5;9@796*,+<9,-69 65,+(@,=,5;: Check the Fixtures and Results page on the BE website to decide which events you are going to enter. Then complete a paper or online entry form depending on your preference. It is vital you enter all your details correctly as you may jeopardise your chances of getting in if the event has to ballot. As of 2010, events must take online entries and there are two online entry systems you can use; either www. or Each event will state which system it is using. For postal entries, send your entry with a self-seal stamped addressed envelope and cheque to the Entries Secretary’s address, not the Organiser, or as detailed in the schedule. Remember to send in your entry well before the ballot date and remember that oversubscribed events will ballot on that date, which is well before the closing date for entries. After the close of entries, you will receive an email (or letter in the case of postal entries) with confirmation of your entry, number and section. Check that these details are correct, note any special information and keep it in a safe place, as you will need your number when you either check online or phone for your start times. >0;/+9(>05. Once you have entered you are expected to compete unless you need to withdraw for some reason. If you withdraw before the ballot date you will receive a full refund. The full refund policy will be published in the event schedule. Also check out the Withdrawals Rule in the BE Rule Book. )(336;05. A number of events are extremely popular and need to ballot because they are over-subscribed, so it is wise to have an alternative event planned. -<334,4),9: If there is a particular event where you wish to compete, use your ballot number for that particular ballot period (use the ballot sticker if postal). This will give you priority over those who have not used one. Make sure that your entry arrives well before the ballot date. Your chances of getting an entry will be optimised if you are as flexible as possible, for example, if you are able to do your dressage the day before. +(@;0*2,; Entries will have no priority in the event of a ballot. However full BE members with Day Ticket horses will take precedence over non-members. If you are balloted out or have to withdraw prior to the published ballot date, your entry will be refunded. >(0;30:;: Some over-subscribed events may set up a wait list, details of which you will find in the event’s schedule. will give the most up-to-date information on events. HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 11 11 6/1/11 09:48:41 What equipment do I need? Check list: Horse Rider General Bridle/s Hats Water container (full) Saddle/s Stock/tie & pin Buckets Girth/s Shirt Sponges Studs Breeches or jodhpurs Feed Stud tap Boots Hay/haylage and haynets Irons and leathers Spurs – not compulsory Skip and tools Numnahs XC colours First aid kit – human Breastplate/girth Jacket First aid kit – horse Martingale Number bib Plaiting kit Headcollar & rope (+ spare) Medical card and armband Food and drink Over-reach boots Gloves British Eventing Members Handbook Boots (showjumping & cross country) Body Protector, Level 3 BE Magazine Grooming kit Stopwatch (not BE80, BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus) Map Cooler rug Course-walking footwear and spare clothes Wet weather gear and/or sun cream! Travelling rugs, boots, tail guard Whip Night rugs (if staying away) Confirmation letter Start fee(s) Vaccination certificate Passport (under DEFRA rules it is illegal to transport horses without a valid passport) Regularly check all equipment and tack and ensure it is all safe, in good condition and correctly fitted. 12 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 12 5/1/11 15:53:38 What can my horse wear for each phase? BE80(T), BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus & Novice Classes Riding in exercise areas Lungeing Dressage tests Showjumping & cross country Bit guard and tongue guard Nose net Ear covers Fly fringe *** *** Snaffle bridle / miklem multi-bridle with permitted bit Double bridle **** Running and Irish martingale Side, running reins and chambons Neck strap Seat covers Spurs Compulsory – Advanced Permitted in all other classes Boots, bandages Equiboots/hoofboots English-style saddle Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Flash, crossed (incl. Grackle/Mexican) or dropped noseband only with snaffle Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Cavesson noseband Permitted** Permitted** Permitted** Permitted** Breast plate Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Blinkers Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Tongue strap and/or tying down the horse’s tongue Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Draw reins Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Standing martingale Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Any other form of martingale or gadget Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Sheepskin cheekpieces or any other attachment which may affect the horse’s vision Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Sheepskin noseband Permitted Permitted Not permitted Permitted Notes ** compulsory with double bridle *** only permitted if specifically authorised for all competitors in exceptional climatic conditions by the BE Steward **** Double bridles are only permitted at Intermediate Novice and above for dressage In addition to the above, the following rules apply to showjumping and cross country only: a. Permitted: Reins may be attached to leather ‘D’ rings; pelhams and American or continental gags; gags and any form of bitless bridles. b. Not permitted: Indirect attachment of reins to bits, hackamore or any form of bitless bridle; curb rein passing through the rings of a running martingale; any stirrup or stirrup leather that does not hang outside the flap of the saddle; Market Harborough. the examination may be carried out after the test and, if it be found that the bit or bridle is non-compliant, the competitor will be eliminated. The competitor remains personally responsible throughout for complying with the above rules. c. Generally, any item of saddlery not specifically permitted by these Rules or those of British Dressage is not permitted. Riders may not compete riding side-saddle. d. A steward may be appointed to examine the saddelry of each horse before it enters an arena or starts its test. If the examination takes place before the dressage test, great care must be exercised; at the competitor’s request, Bits for dressage If you are unsure about the use of any bit, check the current BE Members Handbook or call the Sport Team on 0845 262 3344. 14 HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 14 5/1/11 15:53:39 DAVID BURTON ADAM FANTHORPE “ “ Up-to-date event schedules are on plus a full season’s worth of schedules are published in British Eventing Magazine HtoSE 2011_1-15.indd 15 15 5/1/11 15:53:42 What can I wear for each phase? Dressage (BE80(T), BE90, BE100, BE100 Plus) Showjumping Cross country n Protective headwear, dark blue or black in colour n Protective headwear dark blue or black in colour n Protective headwear with cover n Black or dark blue coat with white stock or tweed coat with coloured stock or collar and tie n White, buff or fawn breeches n Black or dark blue coat with white stock or tweed coat with coloured stock or collar and tie n Gloves (of any colour) n Buff/fawn breeches n Plain black or brown boots, leather gaiters with matching boots (not half chaps) n Uniform n Gloves (of any colour) n Buff/fawn breeches n Plain black or brown boots, leather gaiters with matching boots (not half chaps) n XC Colours n Plain black or brown boots, leather gaiters with matching boots (not half chaps) n Level 3 body protector n Uniform General Protective headwear (hats) A ‘Riding Hat’ must be worn at all times by anyone, whether or not a competitor, riding anywhere at a BE Event. Top hats and uniform hats are permitted as an exception to this rule only for dressage in Intermediate and Advanced classes and in certain FEI classes. Protective headwear, as listed below, must be worn by competitors at all times when mounted in BE80(T), BE100 and BE100 Plus classes. When jumping, including warming up, all riders must wear ‘Protective Headwear’ i.e. a hat which meets one of the following standards n n n n British All PAS 015, BSEN1384 (provided they are BSI Kitemarked or SEI) European EN1384 (provided they are BSI Kitemarked or SEI) American All SEI ASTM 95, ASTM F1163 and SNELL E2001 Australian & New Zealand All AS/NZS 3838 1998 ‘Protective Headwear’ must show a visible BE ‘hat tag’. Harnesses must be correctly fastened. Competitors are strongly recommended to check their hats regularly and replace them if damaged or following a fall. Whips No whip of any kind may be carried while competing in the dressage test. A whip no longer than 120cm including lash may be carried when riding on the flat at any other time. One whip, no longer than 75cm and not weighted, may be carried when jumping any obstacle Jewellery Jewellery worn anywhere on the body can increase the risk of injury. Competitors are strongly recommended to remove all jewellery, especially before the jumping phases Hair In the interests of safety long hair should be secured appropriately Spurs Spurs are only compulsory in Advanced and all FEI 2*, 3* and 4* dressage tests 16 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 16 5/1/11 15:57:08 THE ONLY BOOT YOU WILL NEED THIS SEASON airlite Tri-Zone® Allsports Boots - with new airlite Technology THE PERFECT ALL ROUNDER FOR EVERY DISCIPLINE Tri-Zone® Allsports boots are designed to offer the highest levels in: W leg protection combined with W breathability W ÅL_PIPSP[` and W lightness Independently tested to offer you peace of mind, easy to wear and maintain, can be worn on front or hind legs as required. Preparation for your first event -0;5,::(5+:*/66305. )(:0*-0;5,:: The basic essential for all event horses A good fitness programme is a vital part of is obedience, both on the flat and when your preparation, both for yourself and your jumping. The event horse needs training horse. Your own fitness will have a major in all three phases and must be fit, with bearing on how you both cope – if you are adequate fast work to condition its heart out of puff half way round the course you and lungs. will be a hindrance to your horse as well as uncomfortable! When bringing your horse into work remember that the slow work (walking exercise) is essential to condition and harden tendons and muscles. Fast work ADAM FANTHORPE (canters) should not be started until the horse is basically fit and then should start slow and gradually increase in time, distance and speed, either with a suitable interval training programme as advised by your trainer or through a steady progression of work. +9,::(., Judges want to see horse and rider working in harmony with smooth changes between paces, square halts, straight lines, round circles (not square ones!) and differences of pace clearly defined and performed exactly as and when specified. Ideally you will have been to a few dressage competitions or practised in a 20m x 40m arena before you get to the event. Remember that the majority of events run their dressage tests on grass, so get some practice in on a grass FIONA SCOTT-MAXWELL arena if possible, as it will feel different to a prepared surface. You may also like to use studs in your horse’s shoes for extra grip. Ensure you learn your test well as you are not allowed to have the test called. 18 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 18 5/1/11 15:57:16 ADAM FANTHORPE :/6>1<4705. to have schooled your horse over a variety As well as practising around courses, use of cross-country fences, including ditches, grid work to keep your horse supple with water, drops and steps, before going to your athletic exercises and combination jumping. first event. If he performs correctly, calmly and confidently over small obstacles, the larger 6=,950./;:;()305. ones should not cause a problem. Before If you are travelling some distance going to your first event, it is advisable to to compete or you are one of the first do several showjumping competitions with competitors to go in your section, you may your horse at the height required so you are find it easier for you and your horse to stay both confident. overnight at the event. Book this with your entry on the stabling form provided, and *96::*6<5;9@ you will receive confirmation and details Cross-country schooling, hunter trials and of where this has been arranged. It is fun rides are all useful preparations and recommended that you confirm your will also ensure that your horse is happy arrival time with the stable owner. with travelling and used to loading and unloading at different sites. It is essential HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 19 19 6/1/11 09:51:57 Training British Eventing has a comprehensive list of BE Accredited Coaches who have been carefully selected to help riders in the sport from BE80(T) to Advanced. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise and are recommended by BE. They can help with anything from planning your season and getting horses fit, to specific training in dressage, showjumping and cross country. Many BE Accredited Coaches hold horse and rider clinics up and down the country. To find out more, or for a copy of the BE Accredited Coach list, please look under training on the BE Website, the BE Members Handbook or contact the Sport Team on: 0845 262 3344. British Eventing has teamed up with experts Oliver Townend, Yogi Breisner, Geoff Billington and Laura Bechtolscheimer to produce a range of booklets to help you with each phase of Eventing; go to www.britisheventing. ALL PHOTOS: FIONA SCOTT-MAXWELL com/education HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 20 5/1/11 15:57:25 The big day 65(990=(3 may well be quite tight (they will be at least When you arrive at the event report 30 minutes), so you will need to know how to the Secretary’s tent with: to get from one to the other, especially if n Horse’s vaccination card the dressage is some way from the horse n Entry confirmation letter n Hat – must be inspected at your first event and tagged box park, so organisation of your tack, equipment and helper is essential. Course walking can also take longer than you think! If you live locally, or have travelled to the event the day before, walk both the Here you will collect your number and cross-country and showjumping courses programme, pay your start fee (cash usually the day before and then again on the day. preferred) and check your start times. Some Fence numbers will be colour coded so events may require you to show your tagged you don’t get confused which course you hat and body protector when collecting your are jumping; BE80(T) are purple, BE90 are numbers. orange and BE100 are pink. If possible, take the programme with you when you walk Always tell the Secretary if you are the cross-country course as a reference. travelling alone, so they know who to Walk the line between the fences carefully contact in case of an emergency. They will and note the number of each fence so that also ask for your horse box/car and trailer you do not miss one out! Make sure you can registration number and colour. visualise the route you are going to take, remembering the terrain and gateways as .,;;05.@6<9;04,: well as the obstacles. Make sure you remember to look online or ring for your time so you can plan your day, >(;,9(5+/(@/(@3(., allowing plenty of time to get there, walk It is good practice to offer your horse water the courses and warm up. throughout the day. Hay should not be fed for at least an hour before the cross country >(3205.;/,*6<9:,: and not until he has stopped blowing and Before you head out on course, check your recovered fully afterwards. bearings and the site layout so you know where the dressage, showjumping and cross country are located. Many events use horse walks to prevent horses getting mixed up with spectators. The times between phases 22 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 22 5/1/11 15:57:25 The phases +9,::(., Remember to allow sufficient time to put studs in if necessary before you get changed, tack up and warm-up. When you get to the warm-up area, report to your Arena Steward and get your tack checked. It is useful to find out which rider you follow and how many there are to go before you. Remember to drop your whip and remove your horse’s boots and tail bandage well before you are due to enter the arena, as a last minute panic will not help the submission and calmness you have just worked hard to achieve in the practice area! :/6>1<4705. the Collecting Ring Steward to give them your number and see how many there are to go before you and who you will follow. Allow enough time to warm-up but do not over- ADAM FANTHORPE When you get to the warm-up arena, find jump the practice fences or hog them. It is or incurring more than 24 penalties, you often helpful to watch a couple of rounds will not be allowed to go cross country. before entering the arena to remind yourself However, if you have been eliminated for of the course. Remember not to start before any other reason, such as missing a fence, the bell, but approach the start as soon as it you may go straight to the Secretary’s office, is rung as you only have 45 seconds to begin who will contact the BE Steward who may your round. grant permission for you to continue the competition non-competitively (HC). Time Remember to breathe, think positive and may well be short and you should make sure enjoy yourself! If it doesn’t go to plan, don’t that while you are away your team is getting worry – there is always next time and you your horse ready for the cross country. If you have the fun cross country next. have a fall in the showjumping you will not be allowed to start the cross country until Should you be unlucky enough to be passed fit by the doctor, so again contact the eliminated for three refusals, two falls Secretary who will call the doctor. HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 23 23 5/1/11 15:57:29 ALL PHOTOS: ADAM FANTHORPE Please note that if you are competing in ;/,:;(9;)6? Junior or Pony classes and are eliminated When you are called, go quietly to the start in the showjumping, for safety reasons, you box and wait for the countdown to begin. will not be allowed to go cross country. The starter will usually count you down saying, ‘1 minute’, then ‘30 seconds’, then *96::*6<5;9@ ‘15 seconds’ then ‘10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Change into your cross-country colours, put go’. If your horse is quiet you may be able on your body protector and number bib and, to walk into the box at around 15 seconds, crucially, remember to put on your medical where you stand and face the first fence. armband, complete with filled-in card. If your horse is fairly excited it may be Before starting the cross country you should easier to walk around and enter the box warm your horse up quietly without tiring on 10 seconds and slowly walk a circle. him. Pop over the practice fence a couple of If you jump the start you’ll incur a five- times in cross-country style. second penalty. Your time is taken from when you cross the start line following the countdown. 24 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 24 5/1/11 15:57:45 Occasionally you may encounter hazards on warning to warm-up again before re-starting. the course such as people, dogs or children. Ask where the stop time was taken. When The Fence Judges try their best to warn being re-started it is important that you are walkers of on-coming horses, but if you do cantering when passing this timing point, so find yourself with people in the way, allow enough room to get going. The Official politely ask them to stand aside or stand will record the time you were held up as this still so that you can go around them. is subtracted from your total time. /,3+65;/,*6<9:, ,30405(;065 It may be necessary for a Fence Judge to ask You will be eliminated for three refusals at you to stop by waving a red flag and telling one fence or a fourth cumulative refusal on you to pull up because of a course hold-up. the course. If you are eliminated, leave the Once stopped you should keep your horse course quietly at a walk. There is always warm by walking him around. If the hold- next time. up is prolonged you can get off, but ask the Official to give you a couple of minutes HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 25 25 5/1/11 15:57:55 FIONA SCOTT-MAXWELL (-;,9>(9+: done better than you think! If you have an On finishing the cross country, pull your objection or enquiry regarding your score, horse up gradually and in a straight line if report it to the Secretary’s tent no more possible. Reward him with your voice and than 30 minutes after publication of the give him a pat. Dismount, cross or run up final results. Should you be needed for the your stirrups, loosen girths and noseband prize giving you must be correctly dressed and lead him quietly back to the horsebox – normally as for showjumping. Please do and keep him walking until he has stopped not leave the prize giving before the end, blowing. Wash him off after taking off all his even if you received your prize early on, as tack, then place a cooler rug over him if it is it is important that sponsors get as much a cold day. Do not allow him to eat or drink support as possible. If you have to take your until he has stopped blowing. If it is a cold horse home before the prize giving, let the day, avoid using cold water on his loins and Secretary know and nominate the owner or back but wash him all over if the weather a friend to collect your rosette or prize on is hot. Remove studs, clean and check his your behalf. legs thoroughly for any wounds and treat as necessary. Lead him round as soon as ;/(52@6<: possible until he is relaxed, settled and dry. As a courtesy, do not leave any litter or Once recovered, offer him a drink and then muck behind and don’t forget to thank give him a haynet. If it is a hot day keep the land owner, organisers, sponsors, offering water until he is satisfied. For any volunteers and officials. Running Horse major worries seek on-site veterinary advice Trials is an enormous task and very hard via the Secretary. work, and a word at the Secretary’s tent is always a great morale boost. Thank- 790A,.0=05. you emails and letters are very much You can collect your dressage sheet from the appreciated too. Secretary at the end of your section. Always look at the scoreboard, even on what you feel has been a bad day as you may have 26 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 26 5/1/11 15:57:57 Advert:Layout 1 21/12/10 09:39 Page 1 Henley & Barr are stockists of leading brands of boots including De Niro, Konig and Brogini. We offer a professional fitting service and will travel to customers by appointment. Please telephone for details Tel: 07970 489910 or email: [email protected] Brogin Boots f i rom £150 MORE WAYS TO ENJOY BRITISH EVENTING Jumping and Style Indoor Eventing Jump Training Pre-season Showjumping NEW British Riding Clubs BE80(T) Championship p en o o − Als o n rs n e to mb e m BE NEW National Schools Series EVENTING FOR ALL ABILITIES AND AGE GROUPS JUMPING AND STYLE JUMP TRAINING NEW! BRC BE80(T) SERIES NEW! NATIONAL SCHOOLS SERIES The JAS indoor Eventing series is open to riders wishing to compete at BE90, BE100, Novice and Open level. Jump training is a unique way to practice your jumping in a competitive environment. From 1 March to 10 September 2011 every section of a BE80(T) will be a qualifier for the BRC BE80(T) Championships. An exciting new partnership with the National Schools Association (NSEA) – an Eventing challenge for schools! jas jumptraining Non-members A5 advert.indd 1 5/1/11 10:33:42 Something missing? Find your perfect competition partner in the unique NEW Event Horses for Sale section at Browse hundreds of horses Direct link to horses British Eventing record View photos and videos of horses in action Select the right horse for you with the extensive search function EVENT HORSES FOR SALE Who’s who? No event could take place without the assistance of the numerous professional and voluntary individuals. Their dedication and contribution is invaluable to the sport so please treat them with respect. There are various officials appointed to control and run each BE event. In conjunction with the event’s own management team, the BE Officials will ensure the competition is run in accordance with British Eventing rules BE Steward – Responsible for overall control of the event on the day. BE Scorer – Responsible for preparation and production of the timetable, overall scoring and sending results back to headquarters. BE Technical Adviser – Oversees the pre-event preparations particularly of the cross-country course. Liaises closely with organisers, BE stewards, regional coordinators, officials, competitors and owners to ensure the event is fully compliant with the rules and guidelines for BE events. BE Regional Coordinator – Appointed by BE to liaise for a certain area of the country; will attend events when possible. Obligatory Medical and Veterinary cover will be on site at all times during the GOOD LUCK – ENJOY EVENTING WITH BE! FIONA SCOTT-MAXWELL competition. 30 HtoSE 2011_16-32.indd 30 5/1/11 15:57:59 Equifeast:Layout 1 17/4/09 16:48 Page 1 S TE O U R Q VE .uk E O o N C s.c LI D bi N N .k O A www Committed to you KBIS Starchaser Affordable cover Priceless service sVet Fee Cover up to £5,000 sColic Surgery up to £7,500 sClaims Paid Direct to the Vets sSafe and Secure Insurers sExperienced Staff sQuality Service Riding or Competition Horse Insurance Horsebox Insurance Public Liability for you or your business Equestrian Property Insurance Bloodstock Insurance Personal Accident KBIS - Official Sponsors of the U-18 Eventing Programme and Highclere Horse Trials ONLINE QUOTES AND IMMEDIATE COVER FOR HORSE INSURANCE Tel: 0845 345 2300 KBIS Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (300861) 27713 KBIS_220 x 158 advert_How to start Eventing_Advert.indd 1 5/1/11 12:24:12
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