B2 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Sundayjune 26 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER ,2005 THE Sunday, June 26, 2005 B3 Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com www.quesnelobserver.com 3 Announcements HORSE Over 14,000 ads - updated BG Newspaper Group daily For Kids CAMP SIGN UP TODAY (Limited Space available) HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Phone 992-2121 or drop into our office at . 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC VISA MasterCard. accepted HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday 65 Lost & Found 18 Coming Events 3 Announcements $2000 Reward offered for information leading to the return of 2001 Red Honda Rubicon ATV. Stolen on June 8th evening from Kersley 747-3972. Bouchie lake Reunion Jiiiy 1st, 2nd & 3rd. ATTENTION All Clubs, Groups and Organizations. Do you have an ijpcoming event? Use this space to promote ahd inform the Quesnel readers. If you lived In the Bouchie Lake/ Milbum Lake area prior to 1965, you are invited to this s'pectacular event. Outdoor Bar- B-Q, sen< iors tea and much more. Please Lost: female grey cat, no collar, RSVP to: Comes to the name George. Upriannstrong ©shaw.ca or call lands area. 992-8180 (250)249-5276 EIC9QDES Q n i l Pools/Spas...;....;...-..;...;.,.........3S8 Announnmsnts^i:.........:!...........3 Rooting .388 AnnIvei»arl8t......i....i...........;.i.B Snowplowing ;......;...362 , BIrUit 9 Travel 384 fllrthilajs... 12 Trucking..;......;......... .......;.366 Chareh 15 ; Yard i Garden 368 Coming E v e n b . . . . . . ; . 1 8 ~ BSNTAUgH99 CongratolatloRs ........................21 Apartments................;.:... .404 Engaoeni8ntAV8ddlng....i..;.........24 Bachelor SullB.;.:.............;........408 Funeral Oiractory .........;.........^..27 Basement Suite ........................412 In Memoriam 30 Caliins/Catlages. ...:416 ObiUaries 33 Comnierelal............;i..,......;...„420 Tfianlo.. 36 Condos ...424 PERSONAH 59-99 Duplex/Fourplex .;..............42S Business personal* ..............55 For Renter Sale......;.;.....;... 432 Health/Beauty ^:....60 Halls/Audiloriums.... .i.436 Lost & Found ........65 : Houses .; .;......;.....440 Personals . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . ; i . . . . . . 7 0 Miscellaneous.............;..; ...444 PsycMes,.....;................; ...75 Molille Homes........ ......448 Singles .,..,..;....ao : Modular Homes ..452 Travel Tours/Vacation 85 Rooms......... 456 : Room & Board 460 WftHTtP.IOP-149 Wanted.....................v:........l2S Seniors/Retirement Accom ...464 Shared Aecommodalion 468 MERCHAHPISE159-249 Storage..............;.......... ...472 AnUques..... .:..........;......,.155 Appliances ............160 . SultBS......;...;....;.;.........;........476 iW»4Crafls.......................„...165 Tourist Accommodation..........;....480 Auctions............ .170 • Toiiinhouses...;........;............,...484 Building Mafarials...;..........,......175 Wanted to Rent........ .488 Computers, ^.....................180, warehouses ;............,„.....;......492 Conslgnmenls..:.....185 REAL ESTATE S00.699 Firearms ................................190 Acreage/lots 508 Firawood...............;........:.;.....i95 Cabins/Cottages............. ......512 Free glve-away.........................200 Commercial Business.... :.....518 Fumiture.........................;......20S Commercial Property...........;......S24 Garage Sales...........;......:.:;.;:..210 Condos ......v.. 530 Garden Equipment.....................215 Ouplex/Fouiplex 538 Miscellaneous.... .................220 Farms/Ranches ...;.............;......542 Music 225 For Sale orReni.....;..........:.,.....548 Sporting Goods............;........;..230 Houses 554 Tools 235 Lakeshore 560 Trade or Swap ............240 Mobiles 568 Modular Homes ...............;.....;..572 EWPI.QYWEHT 259-299 Business O p p o r t u n i t i e s . 2 5 4 Open Honsa...;.....;...................578 Careert.................. ......;.,.258 ; OofolTown 584 Daycare ........^.........262 j RV sites : 590 Education ;:.u......;.....;....;......;.266 Towtthouses..................;....;.....SS Help Wanted 270 Professionar 274 Boarding ...................,...;......;.8M Skilled Trades 278 Farm Equipment ....^........,...612 IWoring 282 Feed « Seed 618 VoluBlaen 288 ' Fruit/Prtidnce/Meal .624 WorkWaMsd 290 Honot*,.«..*...630 . Uvestoek 838 SEBVlCtS 390-399 ActMnllng.;............................302 Pets 642 AWilaiKas 304 .; Trailers 648 .306 IHPU8THr65!Hm Senrtc«s.....;.,.i...;...;w;>308 Equipment .660 J;3i0¥' Log8ln8/nmliai'^.............:...;.;,..670. 812 Mining : 690 'mmbn ......818 RECTEffiTOHAL 790-749 >Coattnttliffi ...918 >. Aircraft.. Dnnwil 829 AlV^««a « « * « « > i l « « * k 4 * « < * « « * • » « t a * f * 7 J D EdocatlM/nibKlgg.... .322 ^ / Botti/Msrifltt • , . » • . . * . ; • . . . . « , • • # . . > . « a . 7 1 S : Sell your used Stuff. . OBSERVER CLASSIREDS Call 992-2121 KeastSIWag bmft«*pt8g/G*n(«asa MMklga/Weldlns^.:;.. MiscellanMBSServieas MBSIC Lessona p«ii«iia» PantaO - n h I I I . • • • . i I. rnongnpiiy Pigmbleg.... JfXt 334. 43B ,.338 ..S48 342 ;344 :....346 .........^..348 JSO 354 .354 358, aKaBa^4a<««*a**k»aa4iraaa««a . . 7 2 S art: Snowmobiles IhMWSwap .....740, .745 Basket stuffers, FuchsiaSy Begonias, Geraniums $1.59/ea/Flatof 1 8 - $ 2 4 . 0 0 Annual 4 pack of Bedding Plants $12.00-Flat TREE / SHRUB SALEI All fruit trees, shade trees & evergreen trees Including 1.2 & 5 gallon cedars All shrubs including Potentilla. Bird's Nest Spruce & 1.2 & 5 gallon Junipers plus many more! ALL 1 0 % OFF . '.OlSSStCSt aa**<a«aa«a*aa«aaaa«aaa«a»a**»aaa768..' SUy^«4x4t ViM/Bmt .;.a.; ,774 786 ;..78«i':.; ...792 IEH8 800449 K liQllNoll€SSa.a.a>.*a*.*f.*..**.;j«v»*>ldS Joseph A. Bens For that Real Cowboy Experience Alwoays loved and sadly missed by Wife Irene, S Children and family Lost: at QSS. June 13th, light blue backpack with Nintendo logo and characters. Reward for backpack and contents. 2495858 $9.35 one issue $13.49 two issues $18.46 six issues $33.00 1 2 issues Clip, Mail or Fax... 20 word classifieds NO^R^iNDS Plus GST •5.- • • 13. 17. B I K E Sexy brunette looking for generous gents for discreet encounters Quality assured. 991 -6256. M www.&aserriver.gmcanada.coin K I T www.ecopedal.c6m To join the Website Directory, call LaRee at 992-2121. T R A I L R I D ^^r^' Birthday E S For More Info Coll: (250)998-4746 J A C K V P H I L L I P S 21 Congratulations 6. 7. •' 8. 10. 11. 12. Call 992-2121 15. 19. 16. 20. OBSERVER •iNCi i w e www.quesnelobserver.com 20 word maximum. Private party. Price to be stated. Sorry no pets. Melanie Law 12 Birthday on receiving your Happy 901 BirUid^, Bachelor of Arts (with distinction) and being accepted the Masters Publishing at Love all family and to of program S.RU. your friends for 4 Issues. 33 Obituarie.s OBSERVER ••Print deariy and use daric pen for good 70 I'ersonal.s Single man, financially secure. Looking for SWF, 50ish for camping & companionship. Serious enquiries only. Phone Ed 8-9am or 8-9pm 992-9789 OBITUARY TRIBUTES CALL TH"^ OBSERVER to book your BCY Blanket Classified To place an obituary tribute r i o C l ? T 5 i l T ? D please call 992-2121. VrfSojbJKVE^K Obituary tributes are $45/slngle spot. $75/double spot and $104/triple spot and Includes archiving on ourlnternet site. "Massive Saie includes furniture and equipment for home and office; fabric, treadmill, trailer, cash register, some higher priced items" 194 Fox Rd. Saturday 9am-5pm. Baker Creek Community Garage Sale. Saturday June 25th 9am-3pm. Tibbies Rd., Nazko Hwy Junction. Just past Sylvia's Cafe. -Watch for signsSaturday June 25th. 9am 1pm. NoEarlyBirds, Multi Family 1928 FainvayRd. Multi famiiy garage sale, June 25th from 9am-2pm. 789 Harcourt Street. Constmction items, roofing, doors, baby and childrens items, many never used items. 175 Building Materials 220 Miscellaneous 195 Firewood Burn Gas Bill. 97.2% Pacific Western outdoor wood furnaces. CSA. Burns 34"-66" unsplit wood, hookup forced air, hotwater, heating. Shop, pool, greenhouse.. Dealer heating Fraser Bridge Inn, Quesnel. 250-9927417. email: [email protected] NEEO-A-PHONE INC. $24.99/ first month Reconnection with Flooring Wholesaler Needs no credit check, no one refused. Cast! Flow - Buy direct Email: csrOneed-a-phone^-/^ Laminate..;....$.49 sq/ft, 12 ml com Web visit: Need-A-PhorTe. A laminate....:.$1.99 sq/ft. Lam- com Tollfree at 1 -866-444-3815. inate tile (from)......$.99 sq/ft, Fax: 1-866-444-7654. 1x6 knotty fir or pine......$1.75 sq/ft, 3 1/4" oak, maple, bamboo pre fin......$3.99 sq/ft, 3 1/4" Ja- 25 DOGS in Canada magapanese cherry pre fin......$4.75 zines, 2001 - 2004 $20 for all sq/ft. Oak, maple, ash engi- 992-7135 neered $2.99 sq.ft. TONS IWOREI GLASS SHELVING, VARIOUS 1-800-631-3342 SIZES $3-$10 EACH 992-7135 Firewood for sale $20/pickup load. 4x4 trim blocks. 992-2660 205 Furniture 6 Solid Oak chairs and Butcherblock table, $350 firm. 747-8362 210 Garage Sales Address Please print your ad wlUi one wort per line. Add 26* per wort per Issue over 20 words. Bold Face type - double. Box rentai $7.00. . fax reproduction 2 pound size bread machine $45., Microwave with turntable $40., Proctor Silex microwave toaster oven $20 , Krupps toaster oven $35. 992-7135 Kenmore Heavy Duty extra capacity dryer. Excellent working condition. $150. obo. 992-3375 Items vnlued at less tlian SlOO or Method of Payment D Cheque Moving Sale: 1194 Moffat Ave., Saturday June 25th. 9am-2pm Furniture & pinpong table. BAR SIZE woodgrain look cube fridge. $45 992-7135 pets to be given aw.Ty will run Free Ph: S.W.M. 53, Caring, honest, positive, fun: Interests; nature, humour, romance, sports, music,, car .rides, campfires, walks; Seeks to meet S.W.F. any age over 50 for soulmate relationship. Sincere interest. Please phone Allan 7-10pm. 992-6367 QUESNEL • CARIBOO FREE Post Code 210 Garage Sales SINGER CANISTER Vacuum cleaner $45. 992-7135 Name 4. 70 Personals 160 Appliances With love from all the family Classfied word ads for any item for sale under $100. QUeSNEI. • CARIBOO OBSERVER 12 Birthday 70 Personals • Money Order Q Visa Additional words E L E C T R I C G www.douglaslakeequipmentcom Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 3. 18. R I V E R E Q U I P M E N T 188 Careon Ave. Quesnel BCV2J 2A8 2. 14. F R A S E R L A K E Happy TTie most complete covera^ of Quesnel & area. Reach over 24,000 readers per week D O U G L A S New free website man2man. ca, active net, connect and chat www.man2man.ca BC interior and Island links, chat rooms, health and relationship tips. 4 6 9 9 Ten Mile L a k e R o a d • 992-3623 • : C S O t B«aa«aBa*f*»*|iaa«a«a«a*aai««aaa4a««aaaTB2 First Camp: July 4-8 Second Camp: Aug 15-19 Lost: 3rd week of May Black Lab, approx 8 years old. Missing from Norwood Road area. REWARD. 249-9678. T E N MILE NURSERY mmvmmm • C m O p I S S •'•«a«a«*a»a«a«««««a«M»a«««lv4i<l750 c a B i s c a HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 9-7 • Sun. 2-5 I..,.' TSO '"Dttfl^ttlS •a««*«»jiaa(a«a«aa«>aif a^a*««aa«»aa»?35 ' ' ' of 65 Lost & Found ^ K O O M b O t t t ^••••^•••*i«a«a«aaa«*ak.«>««a72Q'.* ...)28 330 ESCill raaggs sima • Horse Back Riding • Games • Outdoor Survival on Horseback 1927-2003 i s o E i Q ^ B i i i r a a ^ Q j a s B i a s Q e a B D Q j mam aam Great Camping Fun God saw you getting tired The cure was not to be So he wrapped you in his lovingarms And whispered ' ^ m e with me" You tried so hard to stay with us, your fight was : all in vain. Then God took you in his loving arms and freed you trom aU pain. AREYOU HENOVAnNG? ANNOUHCeMEHTSq-49 BMHKi/Mortiaai /. tfamrfrmui KMM Iff^fovcintiit 30 In Memoriam and j : ATOmOFIX)CAOfcKCHANTSTHATY 10 Gallon Fish Tank. Complete with filter, heater, gravel, food & other accessories. Asking $65.00 obo. Call 983-3196 2293 Ash. Multi famiiy, moving sale: Saturday and Sunday June 25th & 26th. Fumiture, kids 90"x100" QUILTED satin bedclothes, household, items, renva- spread, sky blue $30. Six beige tion. & white patteriied sheer drapery panels, each 72x84" $10 each, Multi famiiy: Saturday June or all for $40. 992-7135 25th. 8am - 4pm. 602 Racing Rd. White microwave, $35. Carpeted high perfonnance 8" speakLarge Multi family yard sale: er system for vehicle, $50. 300 664 Reid Street., Saturday June 25th and Sunday June 26th. watt amp $50. Brown armchair $25. 747-3100. 10am-3pm. M QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Sundayjune 26,2005 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER THE Ph: 992-2121 220 Miscellaneous Carpeted boom box $30. 747^ •.i3100.\' Foam covered or pant/skirt hangersO.25 -$1.00 each. PJastic shoulder e6\/er for garments 0;5beach; 992-7135 254 Business Opportunities Junior sjze Knight golf clubs & bag in good condition^ One set each of right and left handed. $25.00 perset. 747'46b1 . 254 Business Opportunities #17052836 : Air Conditioning/refrigeration mecfianic needed at Canadian Westem Mechanical in Quesnel, BC. - Move to the Cariboo, affordable hbusirig, TQ required. Wage negotiable, re-location assistance available, gas ticket an asset, will consider current apprentices. Call: (250) 992-9807 or Fax: (250) 992-9012. Gas Prices Too High? You can save nibney on gas. For free info call or fax 1-866-200-1304: Sign; Business; Must sell. 2 vinyl cutters, computer, and programs, stock, good wilj. Bucket truck, LtdiCo, and more Phone; 250-992-6848 Pfemler Pro-Mix a -For potting & seeding TEST DRIVE Premier Peat Moss -35L Unique opportunity to own and operate a 2006 Pete with zero down. You must have a minimum ONE YEAR fiat ded< highway-experience, able and willing to run CANAD/VUSA.and possess good references... Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 Available now for the first time in the B.C. Interior, exclusive^ franchises for; ProperityGuys. Com,Canada's largest "For Sale By Owner" real estate marketing, system, NO licensing required. Call 250-320-6364www.properityguys.com 1^fcii- I i . - © i - 5 s - - « r Gas station for sale or lease. Hwy. 97 Lac La Hache including property & improvements. 2 bay garage & 5 gas pumps. Reasonable price. John or Kathy 250396-7334. 258 Careers the new - Start dates March & September, ' PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PROGRAIM , •Oldestspecialized beaWi carecollegeinlhearea* Hospital &retailpracticunB COMMUNmr CARE AIDE PROGRAM: One of Ihe fastest grawing careen ,5^:Jir--« / ftnancialAidamliobmfmalassisiaoca ^|"_Ttwnip8on V Call NoW 372-8211 'z-=;rKAMLOOPS,B.C. Toll Free: 1-877-84(M)888 vvww.tcc.kaniloops.net : 270 Help Wanted Experienced log builders or fitters required for full time wori<. Resume with references to: Whitevalley Log Homes Ltd;, 77 Cochrane Road, Cherryville, BC VOE 2G3 250-547-6666., Wanted - Company Drivers & Owner.Operators. Flat deck & heavy haul divisions. Canadian & "US" miles. For information: Call 1-800-877-9565 or Fax resume & abstract to 1^866-5143439. ; , ^ ^. F^^^ Full-time Experienced sales assistant. Interior Design, flooring, office knowledge preferred. Organized, personable wages depend on experience. Advancement opportunities. Reply; Box #10 Morning Star; 4407 -:25th Ave. Vernon; BG, V1T 1P5 or Fabc (250)545-3246. Arclnfo Geographical information Systems (GIS) Certificate credit arts & science courses. CNC provides a foundation for many career paths: law, education, social work, ' psychology, and the list goes on... Pizza. H&R Transport HELP WANTED Armstrong Pellets has an Immediate opening fora full tinie pellet mill operator. Preference will fcie given to Individuals with a strong mechanical background. F^reslrrhe .ta256.54e«476, ' • Qualified Instructors • Transferable to BC Universities S E P T E M B E R ENG 103 CRIM101 It's a Great Time To Be a Nurse! Is travel nursing right for you? Solutions Staffing Inc. places Registered Nurses and Allied Professionals into short term assignments throughout British Cblunibia. Come join us and hundreds of nurses who have taken adyahtage of.... Human Anatomy and Physiology ENG Literature & Composition 1 Composition & Style FINE 101 Art History Into, to Criminology HIST 103 History of Canada MATH 100 Precalculus Mathematics • • • • • Personal and professional growth Assignments that vary in length from 1 to 13 weeks : Paid travel and accommodations Exceptional wages and available benefit packages The opportunity to visit new and exciting destinations throughout British Columbia • A career that works for you because you have worked for a career 2005 BIO 111 Cellular and Organismai Biology BIO 107 CHEM 113 Introduction to Chemistry SuifTing Inc I Icaltkan: ConsHlimg Group , MATH 104 Intro, to Statistics PHYSIOS General Physics 1 PSYC 101 Intro. Psychology 1 SOC Sociology 1 SSWK 151 History & Philosophy of Social Welfare 101 C N G C a m p u s U p d a t e The new campus provides the space and equipment needed to offer a complete 1" year ofthe University Transfer Science program. Programs are scheduled td begin September 6"^ in the current facilities, with an anticipated move date of mid-October, or November 1 992-2155 450 Johnston Ave. Classified word ads for any item for sale under $100. Call 992-2121 Q U E S N E L ^'WJA^'A Vic Van Is General Practice • C A R I B O O •i PROFESSIONAL, PREVENTATIVE HEALTH CARE " CLINICAL NUTRITION BOTANICAL MEDICINE HOMEOPATHY BODY MECHANICS APPLIED KINESIOLOGY 1 Call for appt, 393 Kinchant St. Quesnel Member of College of NaturpatWc Physicians of B.C. CINDV'S 992-5712 CREATIONS Specializing i n C u s t o m S e w n Bridal a n d Formal W e a r Dealerfor Weddingstar Accessories #6 - 155 Phone: Mafcome Drive 250-255-0342 C O M M E R C I A L • I N D U S T R I A L • RESIDENTIAL Ie Employment Opportunity Vic Van Isle Construction is an integrated construction, manufacturing and building supply company with a reputation for competence and integrity. Growth and diversification have created many openings within the company: Sr. Contract Adnninistration, Revelstoke Jr. Accountant, Revelstoke A/P Cleri<, Revelstoke Purchasing Clerk, Revelstoke Operations Manager, Revelstoke Intermediate Estimator, . Revelstoke Jr. BuildingTechnologist. Revelstoke High Rise Project Manager, Kelowna High Rise Superintendent, Kelowna Project Assistant/Accountant, Kelowna For more information on any of these positions or to apply please contact us by emaij at: ^•fi^'Lortap •, The New Campus-the two storey 47.000 square foot building includes: www.quesnelobserver.com 20 word^maximum. Private party. Price to be stated. Sony no pets. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN PLUMBING • HEATING • PUMPS 201 Phillips Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 368 Jim Skiba 250-992-5100 Brad Neighbour 250-983-3358 "§ OKANAGAN FRESH FRUIT Cffttie by ayideytjoy ihe taste ofthe Okamgain ...right here in the Canhoo! LOOK FOR: APRICOTS, PEACHES, A P P L E S , PLUIWS, P E A R S [email protected] For more informadon, check us out on the web at www.travelnurse.ca or give us a call toll-free at 1-866-355-8355. We are currently recruiting for R>fs in all specialties: x-ray, lab techs and physiotherapy specialists. R O N A D R . E U G E N E P O N T I U S , N.D Arrow Reload Systems Inc. University Transfer Uiysseis is looking for experienced pizza cooks. Apply in person, with resume to Niko's Requires US Capable Single & Team Professional Class 1 Drivers. New Pay Package. Call Reet Personnelfordetails. 1-780-904-1202 George Rae 1-877-439^084 www.hrtrans.com Shingle Mill in Gold River. Wanted: experienced cedar shingle sawyers. Must have a minimum of three years experience, be reliable and willing to relocate to Gold River, BC. Top wages daily guaranteed of $200. for top products. Call 1-604-852-0751 Mon-Fri. 8am.-6pm. Arrow Reload Systems Inc. a subsidiary of Arrow Transportation Systems is looking to fill the role of Management Trainee at our Kamloops. British Columbia Reload Division. We are looking for a self starter that is willing to An intensive, 20-week certificate program in Arclnfo ; leam all aspects of our truck to GIS designed to take people without previous GIS rail reload business including knowledge to an advanced level of competence using Drivers and Owner Operators. but not limited to adriiinistration, Arrow Transportation; Systems fleet management, facility opthe industry standard ESRI Arclnfo Inc. is seeking qualified lease erations, and customer sen/ice. software Suite.the program consists operators and professional driv- The objective of the program is of 500 hours of lab instruction ers for immediate openings at all to prepare the candidate for fusupplemented by supervised projects of our British Columbia divisions. ture managennent opportunities that reflect the diversity of GiS uses We are offering full time employ- within our organization. Arrow ment along with competitive is privately owned diversified encountered in the workplace. compensation and an excellent trarisportation, logistics and maFunding options may be available for truck lease projgram. The suc- terials handlirig company with people collecting El or El reachback cessful candidates must have operations throughout Canada clients.This program is student loan a clean drivers abstract, "Super and the United States. eligible. B" experience, lease operators Skills and Experience must have a late model tractor. A strong focus on quality, proIncreasingly, GIS is used in fields as Please send resume and drivers ductivity, safety, and customer abstract to: Fax: (250)374-0250. service. Strong analytical and varied as municipal planning, forestry, First Nation's problem solving skills. Excellent E-mail: jobs@arrow,ca land use, environmental planning and transportation. communication and presentaHaving the skills and knowledge to use GIS in these Class One drivers required for tion skills. Proficient in Microsoft and other fields is rapidly becoming a requirement in long haulS;.super train flat deck Office. Willingness to relocate. today's job market. work, above average wage & Self Starter possessing a Bachbenefits available. Call 314- elors Degree preferably in Business or Logistics. $7,375 plus texts August 2-December 16,2005 9512 or 250-682-0311. Arrow Transportation systems offers a competitive and flexible Salmon Arm Campus • 250.804.8888 conipensation package. We [email protected] • www.gis.ouc.bc.ca/ For all the news... preciate all applications but only candidates who are selected for www.qoesnelobserver.coni intervievys will be contacted. Kirby Balfour, Division Manager, Arrow Reload Systems Inc., 9805 Wittner Road, KaEnloops. BC V2C 6Y7 Email: HyPERLINK"mailto:kbalNEW CAREERS [email protected]" kbalfour@arCNC offers a broad spectrum of university . row.ca Okanagan College B5 www.quesnelobserverxom 270 Help Wanted P Bauer Mechanicaii Fort St. John-. Plumbers/Gasfitters Journeyman/Apprentices: & Service Technicians. Full-time and after hours oil call rotation. Benefits, competitive wages. Fax: 250-. 785-9973. Email: [email protected] StaJt class i n S e p t e m G o to woric in April l!v*anS See your acls on-line! www.bcclassifiedxom 270 Help Wanted Jet II Motorized wheel chair. Like new, 50 hours use; $4000 new w/basket; Sell for $3000. obo. Owners manual. (250)7478455 call collect. Will deliver. Weii established: 20 seat Cafe at; Sheridan Lake complex. . Lease to be negotiated. Phone: 225 Music 250-593-2156 Music for young Children Try-it' Classes and registrations for the 258 Careers fall are happening Now!!; Piano/ Keyboard beginners 4yrs & up. 992-8990 230 Sporting Goods Classifieds Sunday, June 26, 2005 •eight genera! purpose classrooms • nursing and health skills lab • audio-videocohference room •multipurpose room •two computer labs • two science labs • counselling centre • library • cafeteria • administration areas for U N B C £r C N C CNC - Quesnel's Community College! 488 McLean • 991-7500 www.cnc.bc.ca/quesnel "' ,,- & W A L - M A R T NECTARINES P A R K I N G L O T ! Enterprises Benchman Joinery Journeyman The largest architectural miilwori< manufacturer in the interior of BCis seeking an experienced benchman/jolnery journeyman to conipliment our team. For more information, contact Adolf Friesen, Lortap Enterprises Ltd., Revelstoke, B.C. Ph (250) 837-6336 days, or (250) 837-5659 Evngs. All replies strictly confidential. Do you hove on event coming up? Coll 992-2121 D O G S • C A T S • H O R S E S Individual or Mass Cremations For Moreiinrormation Call Bob or Kathy Granholm 249-5572 ^ocatod 3km west of Rod & Gun Club on the Hwy^ B6 ' QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, June 26, 2005 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER THE Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.coiii www.quesnelobserver.com 270 Help Wanted PIPELAYERS Competition #1200-35 The City of Kelowna seeks energetic, versatile individuals tb: install and maintain municipal water, sewer arid drainage mairis, services and appurtenances.. Everyone Enjoys A Holiday! require an ener^tig experienced sales Icbnsultant to assistlSfcustoniers'withal "" ^^purchasing their yacation home. Must be MDSA Certifie^^' iPersonaBler- * ^iWag^toiBSlnegotiated ^. , ^^ Credentials: Experience in municipaf. utility constructibn and maintenance, BC Driver's License Class 3 w/ air ticket. Good physical condi-; tion. Safety orientation, Flexibility and teamvyork, Good problem-solving ability, subject to: a satisfactory Criminal Record Check, EOCP Water Distribution . or Wastewater Collection certification an asset. The Salaiy is $21,53 per hour, along with a cbrnpetitive bene-; fits package. ; Please fonvard your resume along with a current (2005) original copy of your motor vehicle driving record and copies of any relevant certifications, quoting: competition #1200-35 by July 5. 2005 to: Hunian Resoiircie De- v = - ^ I C h ^ O T T ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ e r v i c e Ltd. 250-747-4450 (Quesnel) TJ-Leadhand Bridges Location: Dease Lake, B C (Located in Northern BC) Send resume to: Gary Hemmerling - Regional Manager Box939, BC VOJ 1E0 or Facsimile: T-250-692-3930 For full posting details, qualifications and map location - go to www.ldrnltd.ca/careers/ If you're unemployed and want to start your oSvn business, yoii may be eligible for financial . and technical assistance under the ofSelf-Employment Benefits P r o ^ ^ . Tbfihdoutmbre about this opportunity,' . call Marc; St. Laurent at 991-5132 Human RacotraM Sponsoredby I*! partnient. City of Kelbwna, 1435 .; Water Street, Kelowna, BC, VlY: 1J4 or Fax 250-862-3318 or Emiail: [email protected] . The City will contact applicants whom it Wishes to consider within three weeks of the cbmpetition closing date. Applicants not contacted Withiri this peh'od are thanked for their interest. Steel Fabricators. Bridge manufacturer in Amistrong, B.C. Requires experienced fabricators. . Experience with overhead cranes, metric drawings and welding ability an asset. Fax resume 250-546-9076. vmvy. rapidspan.com Bigfoot Manufacturing Inc. Positions Available: Log Roof System Builder, Log Builder, Log Builder Assistant, and Cutters. Responsibilities include scribing, cutting, basic blueprint reading, crane operation. Experience with varied styles of roof systems an asset. Hours: Heavy Duty Tmck Parts Per- Monday to Friday 7:00 am to son. Kamloops Freightliner Ltd. 3:00 pm. Rate of pay: $15.00 EXPERIENCED SKIDDER OP- has art immediate opening for -$26.00 dependent upon experiERATOR and EXPERIENCED a joumeynrian heavy duty parts ence. Benefits pkg. Offered LOGGING TRUCK DRIVER : person. The successful applic- after 3 months employrnent. required for VERNON AREA. ant will have a strong knowledge Must have minimum 2-5 years Fulltime. Fax resume with ref- of Cat, Cummins and Detroit experience. Please fax resume erences to 250-503-1148 only Diesel parts systerns, as well to attention Reid: (250)835those interviewed will be con- as truck air systems, braking, 8758, E-mail: . HYPERLINK : drivetrains and suspensions. "mailto:wayne@bigfoot-mfg. tacted. Salary will commensurate with experience. Email resumes in com" [email protected] or Apply in person at 3380 Ford Welders: Bridge manufacturer confidence to Rd., Tappen, BC NO PHONE : in Arnistrong, B.C. requires ex- systems® perienced mig welders. Must kamloopsfreightliner.ca, or fax to CALLS PLEASE! be qualified with CWB or C tick- 250-372-7429. et. Must have ability to interpret THE QUESNEL CARIBOO weldinig symbols. Fax resume: Valid Manufacturing Ltd. is OBSERVER 1-250-546-9066. looking for experienced finishing Permanent earners are required assemblers for their coach facilfor the following: ; Bodyman required. Joumey- ity. Preferences given to those (Dennis, Racing, Ryan, Toby & ... man or second or third year with fiberglass, window installa. Westland) apprentice. Wage depends on tion, body work experience. (Westland & Richardson) experience. New modem shop Resurnes to 5320-B 48th Avein Femie. Send resume to: Box nue S.E., Salmon Ann. BC, VIE (Fox, Macdonald, Wolfe, West 1648, Femie, BC VOB 1 MO or 1X2. Fax:(250)832-7746. AttenFraser Rd) call John at (250)423-3416. tion: Coach Facility. (Anderson, Mcrae, & West Fraser Rd) (Eberg, Hayman Cres, Joy, MOVE TO THE SUNNY OKANAGAN Keith, Teofil, & Yendreys Rd) PENTICTON, B.C. (Hilbom) (10 MileLk, Best & Ritchie) Sentes Chevrolet has an opening for a GM trained (Gassoff Rd) GeneralTechnician AND an experienced Parts Person. Also for relief for July and Excellent working conditions, pay and August for (Baker Dr., Hartley. benefits. Day shifts. & Hoy) as well as (Anderson, Malcolm & Marsh) Send resume to Ricliard Smith, Service Anyone interested. in these Manager. Email: [email protected]. routes please call Jaicey at 9922121, Busy Oilfield Compan^^^^ has immediate positions available fprsvi^ Fax (250) 492-7850. Phone (250) 493-2333 TJ-Welder/TJ-Mechanic (HD & Automotive) T a n k T r u c k s & Pups^^ Location: Burns Lake, BC (Located in Central BC) Class 1 Driver's Licence required with minimum 5 years experience. Driver's over 25 years of age and experience hauling dangerous goods Accommodations aivailable, competitive wages and benefits. Send resume to: Steve Scott - Operations Manager Box 939, BC VOJ 1 EC or Facsimile: 1-250-692-3930 (780)539-9301. For full posting details, qualifications and map of location -goto www.ldmltd.ca/careersl Fruit of the Loon... ' 80 Slot Machines • Lots of RV Parking slotina<^ 6^ Wednesday to Sunday from 3pm-11pm (Plus the August 1st & September Sth Holidays ) Located on Highway 26 in Beautiful Weils B.C. Phone (250) 994-3222 = 1930s C A S I N O ^ ^ Sunday, June 26, 2005 P h o n e (250) 9 9 4 - 3 2 2 2 • e m a i l : j a c k o c l u b s i n f o @ g c g a m i n g , c o m Phone disconnected? Need service? First month $25, No deposit, No refusal. Long distance 4.4 cents per minute. 1-866747-3425 Dial A Phone Inc. 1870's Style restaurant in Historic Bart<erville B.C. requires: 2 full menu breakfast/lunch and evening cooks, 1 baker, prep cooks, dishwashers and Waiter/ waitress's. Full time summer employment. Call Rita @ 250-9943259 or Fax: 250-994-3435. Hair Stylists wanted: Full or part time available. Call Terry at Hair We Are. 992-8101 Waratah Processor Operator needed in McKenzie B.C. 1 - 2 years experience, Non-smoker, Own pick-up. Fax resume: (250) 997-4836 270 Help Wanted 290 Work Wanted 404 Apartments Caretaker: needed year-round ; Get $100 to $300 over and over again! www.24hourcashflow.. assistance in general maintenance of my home on Quesnel com/2017663 Lake in exchange for rent and PT/FT Chambermaids needed utilities of a Lakeside house. immediately at the White Cap Suitable for a retired woman or Motor Inn in Wells/Barkeryille, man, vehicle required as it's 15 BC. Must be in good health, miles from nearest shopping. both mentally and physically. Please apply to Caretaker, Box MUst be honest, hard working, 78, Horsefly, B.C., VOL 1L0 or organized, reliable, able to work fax to 1-250-620-3605 individually and in a team. 20-40 hours/vyeek. Wage $9.00/hour + ; Wanted: Good framing crew for bonus. Fully fumished (Shared) full time wori< in Prince George. Staff Accornmodation is avail- 964-0055. able for $150/mo., each. All inclusive. No Pets, Drop off resume 274 Pro less ion a I or email it to whitecap@goldcity. net WS Fence contracting. All types of fencing. Quality work. 9890294 • Renaissance II Required Immediately: Merchandiser/Receiving, Liquidation Worid, a public company with 103 locations, has a part time opening in our local outlet, in Maple Pari< Mall, fora person that can mix paint, assemble furniture and drive a fori<lift. Experience prefen-ed. You bring the enthusiasm to our unique & exciting work environment. To find out more, checkour web page at www.liquidationworid.com Please fax your resume to the attention Wanda at 250-747-1283. No telephone calls please. Drivers Needed: Class one, New progressive company - New trucks - New attitude.: Excellent salary package. Benefits after 3 months. SBT experience 2 - 3 years. BC to Ontario, Washington, Idaho. Pfione: 250483-6992 or Fax Resume & Abstract: 250-483-6639 Mason & Daly General Store in Barkerville has several retail sales clerk positions available, start immediately. Send resumes & references to [email protected] or fax (250) 994-3227 Legal Secretary Part-time. Experience required; including computerized bookkeeping. Renumeration based on experience. Send resume to: Coffey & Bernath Barristers and Solicitors 375 Reid Street Quesnel Required immediately in the Quesnel area, experienced Warratahdanglehead operator. Minimum 2 years experience. Fax resume (250) 747-4606 or James (250)991-8340. Attention! We pay you to lose weight! We need 29 people who are seriously interested in losing 5-100|bs. Safe, Natural & Effective #1 Health, Nutrition & Weight Loss Company in the Worid! Eat the foods you love! Get all the nutrition you need. Call 1-250-567-4924 positvechanges123.com Need Cash? Get a payday loan. El, Pension or CTB loan! Or bon-ow using your vehicle and keep driving - we lend on value, not year built. Our rates haven't gone up! Cash Factory Loans - Money in Minutes! Located at 1219 Cariboo Hwy. N., next to Crystal Glass or call 992-7070 GETTHE rnost put of your advertising dollar! $47.00 plus GST ($.75 for each additional word over 20 words) puts your ad in The Tribune (Williams Lake), The Observer (Quesnel), The Free Press (100 Mile House) and for 2 weeks. Cariboo-wide Classifieds. : Whatadeall! Phone 992-2121. 350 Paint in Painting Pals: Interior and Extenor Painting, Seniors discount. Dianne 747-2719 or Carol 7473956 t>ETAlL£t) TOV/CH PAINT ^ PAPER Roofers - Victoria location experienced roofers, torch-on. Top wages, pension, medical plan, fax resume to: 250-385-5584 or E-mail info@universalsheetmetal.'ca 290 Work Wanted Logger seeks work: C/W grapple line, combo skidder. Certified falier, 20 yrs experience in falling and doing logging contracts. For more info Phone: 398-9576 or Cell: 305-4679 or 305-4678 316 Gleaning Apartments • 2 bedrooms !• 2 full baths Rent as low as $350 per mo. I Security entrance 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. North Quesnel. Security door, laundry facilities, clean and quiet. 992-6684. FIRCRESTAPTS. DOWNTOWN 1 & 2 bedroom suites. No parties. Call 992-6593 or 992-2685. Contact Evelyn Phone: 249-5701 Fax:249-5740 Cell: 983-3401 Whether you're looking for the best bargains in new or used merchandise, or you want to make extra cash by selling your unwanted items, the classifieds are the place to do it! You'll find an incredible selection of vehicles, jewelry, furniture, reaj estate, antiques, rental property, stereo equipment and more! small & savy UNBELIEVABLE LOW INTRODUCTORY RATES! m m (texture/perms) start at $45 color/hlghllghts/lowllghts start at $30 Women's beauty cuts $20 Uiscious curly locks Bold, trendy, sophisticated GRAD STYLES start at $15 Cash Only! Phone for Appointment Log onto http.studio5hair.tnpod.com 255-1355 a: LOG HOMES Quality Handcrafted LOG HOiHES and CABINS 1 BEDROOM, WQ, fully furnished includes heat and hotwater, basic cable $300/Month. 991-6429 or 992-7748. Please give lis a call and we will discuss your plans and needs. Renaissance I Apartments 1, 2 & 3 bdrm, some newly renovated, ceramic tile, gas fireplace, fridge & stove, vert, blinds, spacious decks & balconies, security entrance. ^300/mo. Pros Cancrete m all NBU t y p e s of conBrete w a r k Call Rick for more info 575 Doherty Drive 992-1195 WILKINSON o The Gentle Way For Permanent Hair< Removal " J SlUDtOS 1 bedroom , North Quesnel, Available immediately. Utilities not included. $300/mo. 9922861 or 983-8585. Interior/Exterior Free Estimates & Consults ^j Complimentory^^^ Consultatfon Q Sflinpic TlliUllll6m| 992-5615 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments. 2 bedroom house. 1 bedroom basement siiite. 1 bedroom cabin. 3 bedroom townhouse. 992-9772. Sheryl Martin Electrologist o O P E N Tue.-Sat. 315 SI. Laurent Ave. 1 992-2806 starting from ...WITH THE CLASSIFIEDS Call 992-2121 •permanent hair removal for men & women 1 bdrms starting$365, 2 bdmis, $400, utilities included. New renovations, clean, quiet, family onented. Parking, storage, laundry. 992-3563, 992-2187. 278 Skilled Trades Now Taking resumes for a Sales position, in the furniture industry. Interested; drop resume off at 268 Reid Street. Smart people work from home wvyw.achievefromhome.com or call 250-396-4305 346 Miscellaneous Services QUESNEL ELECTROLYSIS fi C L I N I C APARTMENTS Quiet, spacious & clean 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Free hot water, elevator, laundry facilidcs, resident manager. 'A place you can be proud to call home' CAM 992-7202 WES 992-7202 Quesnel Realty RESIDENnAL RENTALS • Very clean, new paint & carpets. 3 bdrm..- 2 storey full bsmt. townhouse. Westside, no pets. $475/mo + utilities • 3 bdrm. 1648 s/f non bsmt tiome near 4 Mile Supermarket. $575/mo + utilities • 2 bdrm. tiome in Red Bluff. $450/mo. + utilities. • 2 bdrm. towntiouse - Creekside Village. $475/mo. Incl. stove, fridge, washer, dryer & dishwasher 1 ARE m YOU UNEMPLOYED? Some options you may be eligible for: • Choosing a career Work Experience Self Employment Retraining* job Search Assistance • 3 bdrm. bsmt. suite. $350/mo. + utilities. Available July 1/05. COMMERCIAL • 475 s/f 2nd storey. 2 private offices plus front office. $375/mo plus GST includes all ub'lities and security. • Basement Rentals, 865 s/f & 960 s/f. $400/mo. each + GST. Incl. all utilities. • Reid St, 2nd floor. 2000 s/f, $700/mo. plus gas & hydro. aUUNU. • CARIBOO OBSERVER • Ground level - Near new building, 820 s/f up to 5,000 s/f. • 188'x122'City center vacant lot for lease or sale. • 2 bdrm. townhouse, Creekside Village. All appliances. Ground level. $550/mo. ^ KEN PRICE Employment Counsellor Downtown Worl< Connections #101-242 Reid Street • 991-5053 All services free of charge. Funded by CanadS p. "Mi B7 B8 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Sunday/June 26,2005 QUESNEICARIBOOOBSERVER Sunday, June 26, 2005 B9 THE Ph: 992-2121 Wildwood Specializing In Seniors & Special Needs Housing & Services Providing: •Assisted Living •Home Care & Homemaking Services • HandiDart Transportation • In Home Modifications & Renovations • Design, Project •Management and Consulting Development Gorp L T D Alder Rd 1901 747-1626 Or We Wave Your Future in Mind 983r2916 email: [email protected] 404 Apartments 3 bedroom upper level duplex, w/d & cable liookup, Fericed bacl<yard. References required. No pets. $475/mo., 992-5710 1 & 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom suites. Free hot water. Rasldeni manager. Rents from $300./mo. 992-7868 3 bdrm suite in 4 plex. Uplands, area near school / daycare. Available July 1st. Cleari, Bright. $475/ma. 747-3543 Charlotte Manor 1 bdrm suite in 4-plex $395/mo.. Utilities included. 992-5115 ask for Bob. 1,2 & 3 bdrm suites available. O n site manager. 992-2670 or 255-2670 2 bedroom ground level basement suite. No Pets, Non-smoker. 992-9746 440 Houses Be reconnected for 39.95 per month. Phone disconnected? Free long distance. No refusal. 1-866-747-3425 Dial a Phbne ••Inc.- . . 420 Commercial • Full RV Hookups * Store, Ice 'Laundry, Office space for rent APPROX, 600SQ/FT. 146 Barlow Avenue Central Downtown Location Recently renovated. Upper level. Air conditioning. Available immediately. Call Bnan at 9920177 or 992-2252. • Playground •Boat Rental • Treed Tent Sights • 30 Amp Serviced, 992-6700 714 Ritchie Rd. on Beautiful 10 Milelake 428 Duplex/ Fourplex VISTAMANOR & LARK ARTS 412 Basement Suite •HotShowers •Cabin Rentals •Swimming I /Sty & StcHtU TCfbUoc/i JENEX PRESS P I C K U P Al^O DEI^IVERY FROM COSTCO TO QUESNEL Phone 250-992-9104 Fax See your ads on-line! w w w . b c c l a s s i f i e d c o m w w 3 bedroom full basement, carport, new floonng and appliances. Bus route, near sctiool and playground. Available end of August. 992-5408 FOR ALL THE NEWS... vimw.quesnelobserver.com Retail or office space for rent or lease. Approx. 1200sq/tt. 146 Barlow Avenue. Central Downtown location. Recently renovated. Lower level. Air conditioning. Small courtyard. Available immediately. Call Bnan at 992-0177 or 992-2252. 350 Sq/ft, s/d 3 offices; 270 sq/ft; and 125 sq/ft at 242 Reid - Quesnel. Contact Michelle at 992-5111 or Lon Godfrey Kelowna (250) 762-9260 STAN'S MOVING MASfReliable Service Call Stan Bergunder 991-0234 770 Enterprise Crescent, A/ictoria, B.C. LOCATIOIM: Royal Oak Industrial Park REIMTABLE A R E A : 30,385 square feet which can be divided BUILDIIMG F E A T U R E S IIMCLUDE: t' < t) I »i i < Q^o6i L t ^ t * l^SER HMR REMOVAL WcrnVtHiralsp help you look your best with: • Hair Styling iServlces • perms • cuts • colours A • • hllltes • Pedicures • Manicures • Facial & Body Waxing • Professional Makeup Applications ^^^^l^i^S'P'^Miation^^. ^imdaii^fE|enih^p m E R L E n o R m f i n c c> s M c T r <: s r u i> i o 324 Reid St.' • 992-3246 s • approximately 18' ceilings in warehouse • ample electric service • air conditioned office space plus luncheon and reception • secure compounded yard with access off Glanford and Enterprise Gresicent •four (4) 16'grade level loading doors • fully sprinklered • extensive ventilation systems in place •paint booth, spray t)ooth and ample parking For furttier Information please contact lywtiittaker or Michael Miller e-mall: [email protected] e-mall: [email protected] •V.or e-mall: [email protected] Tel: (250)388-6454 Fax: (250)382-3564 Internet: http://www.colllers.com Fetch a Dog from the Shelter! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abused and abandoned dogs each year. If you can give a homeless dog a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today. '' ' BCSPCA www.spca.bc.ca 548 For Sale or Rent One Bdrm suite. North Quesnel. Available July 1st. private entrance and drive. $4op/mo:, ; includes utilities. W/D available, N/S, No pets. 992-2752 ;: ; 484 Townhouses 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, fenced back yard. West Quesnel, $500/ mo., + damage deposit. References required! 992-3017 506 Acreages/Lots Very Large Lots on Lake Okanagan, Vernon, BC. Private community beach/dock. Spectacular _ south facing property. Master planned community, Approved house plans available for selection. Lots starting $265,000. www.AdventureBayVernon.com 1-800-504-3121. WHISPER RIDGE NOW SELLING PHASE II 13 Okanagan-Thompson CHBA Gold & Silver Awards for this project. Beautfully treed and valley views, 1-3 acre homesites. All services underground. Paved roads. 160 acre private park. (The Ranchlands) 8 miles to Vemon and 40 minutes to Silver Star Mountain. Homesites from $115,000-$160,400. www.whisperridge.com 250-545-5472, 1-800-493-6133. BRIGHTWAY ACRES: Hallis L.ake & Hydraulic Rd areas, lovely 1 -5 ac homesites from $19,500. [email protected] $747-3515 250-992-9104 Email: JENEXPIIESS_QUi;[email protected] Iri I > tl t 476 Suites Ph: 992-2121 Building Lot for sale. View of Dragon Lake. Walk to golf course and school. Lot is serviced and has a well on it. Call 747-4584 .78 acres, Anahim Lake town site. Small log house. Zoned settlement, 4 - trailer park, multi family, govt office, convenience store etc. $70,000 firm. 1-888277-6733 Dan. 806 Acres, 6 titles Pristine Nazko area. West of Quesnel, 15,000m3. S/P. big hay producer, road access, sutidividable, creeks,river,small lakes, lots of wildlife. PAel at Hwy $600,000 fimi. Chad 604-309-1970 Email: [email protected] 3.4 Acres on North Fraser Drive. 410 ft. River frontage. Phone: 992-8751 3 Waterfront lots on Bouchie Lake. The wannest lake in town, lots of fish. Starting at 39,900. Call Century 21 Bob Sutton Realty Ltd., for more information. 250-992-8818 Hot Under Collar? call... The Great Indoors HVAC Company Our. Licensed Refrigeration IMechanIc available 24 hrs. a day forallyour Air Conditioning needs Spacious 7 bedroom home ^i9< or have 3 bedroom suite down; Loads of updates, large bedrooms. 2 drive-ggj.gois roof. $114,500.'#1034 .. 992-7202 ^ R a n d y Derrick ^ RF-^>MfiK'.QUESNEL REALTY » 355 St. Laurent Ave. Older 480 sq/ft, 1 bedroom on main, 2 bedroom upstairs. Full basement. Walk to school and town. $65,000. 992-6417 Quality North Quesnel house; 4 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced backyard, finished basement. Family room, covered deck. $137,000 992-3447 to View. 560 Lakeshore LAKEVIEW 3 bedroom plus newer family home, parklike setting, gas fireplace, full basement, double garage, large brick patio. Phone for appointment. 249-5013 Three bedroom, 2 bathroom, fully finished basement. 3 sheds & green house. 1.34 acres. Some new updates. 4683 Lund Rd. (Kersley) $124,000. Phone for appointment. 747-1025 Beautiful 5 bdrm. on sunny side of Dragon Lk. New kitchen & ensuite. .64 ac. with 100 ft. of lakeshore. Q M . e o M Large shop & much more.Qo, NOW AT $335,000. #9969 992-7202 R F i l l f i K QUESNELREALTY: «.. 355 St. Laurent Ave. 40 acres, nice house, outbuildings, fenced, cross fenced, good pastures, hay field, year round pond, mobile home pad. 2495340. S. of city on approx. 1/2 acre. FOR SALE RARE FIND - NORTH QUESNEL 3 bdrm. heritage style home, large liv/rm & kitchen. Family room in bsmt. 2 blocks from downtown. 4 appliances included. Garage & storage shed. Comer double lot is landscaped, nicely treed, hedge border sun'ounds the property. $135,000. Call 992-8900 evenings or daytime leave message. Well built log cabin on 3.25 acres. Furnished, equipped kitchen, out buildings with supplies, new dock; new drilled well ready to trench, truck. $188,500. 604533-5258, cell 604-341-2090 WATERFRONT! _^Randy Derrick Recreational 173 ft. waterfront property at Nimpo Lake, BC www.quesnelobservencom ^ Backyard w Composltng Good for your garden 554 Houses 2500 sq.ft. 4 bdnn, 2.5 bath, bright and open layout, built-in vacuum, n/g fumace, h/w and stove. New CSA Pacific Energy wood heater. Fenced area for dog, garden and large garden shed. Deck with Beachcomber hot tub. Close to elem school and bus stops. Nice, quiet area. $165,000. 747-4341 for appt to view. Good fbr your community 566 Mobiles 1997 Noble 14x72, 2 bedroom, with ensuite, jet tub. Patio. $55,000.00. 747-3991 14X70, New condition upgraded, appliances. 2 bedrooms, .2 bath spacious kitchen, living room: Quiet area South of Quesnel. Price reduces $41,900.9923485 Immediate Possession. Like New: 1995 SRI, located in adult pari<, 1 block behind Maple Park Mall. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, open addition, storage shed included. Full Price $46,000. Call 7472761 612 Farm Equipment 250 Gallon square plastic water tanks; w/2 inch drain valve $85. 300 gallon $100. 7 ft., rear hoist for 8 end tractor. $75. Phone: 250-963-1441 /cO-Op\ North Cariboo Growers' Go-Op "Proudly serving our members since 1939" 1218 Hwy. 97 N. Quesnel • 992-7274 ACRES OF PRIVACY! 61.62 acres minutes from city with complete privacy: 1200 s/f home with ^ , extensive updates. 24x30 gQ2-'^2*8 shop and outbuildings. Q o i ' — f ? $159,900. #1027 : 3»/-/iJ0^ Randy Derrick I2f^ldt9( (QUESNELREALTY • 355 St. Laurent Ave. Building Lots And Small Acreages! " ~ t #3831 - Business Opportunity Restaurant, motel, RV Park and gas bar. Excellent gross income and stable yeariy sales. Located 12 miles south of Quesnel. 10 unit motel, 17 RV sites and a licenced restaurant that seats 72 patrons. #4072 - Gorgeous set up in Hixon for horse lovers. NaverCreek runs through this 23 acre paradise. Large barn, shop, quonset. 4 bedroom rancher, 2 baths. Guest cabin on creek. #4043 - Priced to sell. Near new de-registered double wide on 0.43 acres in Red Bluff. .1404 sq ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 24 x 24 storage/shop. Good drilled well. Nice location. #3996 - Wonderful family home in the Bouchie Lake area. 1.99 acres, 3 + 1 bedrooms. The living room features coved ceilings with a comfy gas fire place. Kitchen is accented with mahogany and golden ash cabinets. 24x20 garage. #4082 - This 1140 sq ft. ground level entry home is all brand new (interior) completely re-done. The 16x32 inground swimming pool with new liner and solar blanl<et will entice everyone. Hardwood in living room with a natural gas fireplace. Brand new appliances. Fully finished basement has large rec room and 2 bedrooms. Immediate occupancy. #3957 - Great location for your own business. 928 sq. ft. building with partial basement. Located near city hall. Highly visible location from downtown- Presently being used as a hair salon. #4029 - Great little hobby fann in quiet area. De-registered mobile. 938 sq ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Bright, open floor plan in immaculate condition. The 5 acres is fenced and cross fenced. New shop to park your equipment; 48x24 with 14' doors and 16' ceilings with power. Park like setting includes a playground for the children. #4013 - Fixer Upper! Bring yourtools and let's renovate. Older home on Baker Drive featuring 3 bedrooms, 1 bath; 663 sq ft. on main floor, 233 sq ft. up. 2 city sized lots, 20 x 14 garage, fenced yard. Structurally solid. #3995 - 1332 sq.ft. 2 storey home with view of Quesnel river. The main floor is completely renovated; the upper floor is waiting for you to finish. Bonus to buyers 50" entertainment system. #4003 - Immediate Possession! Very cute home on comer lot, nicely landscaped. 680 sq.ft. 2 bedrooms with a full crawl space; 4 pee bath. Lots of renovating done. Priced to sell. Lofs to choose from! I've got building lots from $12,000 to $45,000 aad ranging in size hom 1/2 acre to IB acres. All have good access and have hydro, gas & telephone available. Call Me Today. 554 Houses Homes with Spectacular Lake Okanagan views riow under construction, Vernon, BC. Master planned community featuring onsite $2.5 million recreation & fitness center. Close to all Okanagan activities. Adjacent to beach park. Seasonal & permanent residents. Starting at $364,000. www.SeasonsVernon.com 1-800-916-5188 554 Houses ROOM FOR EVERYONE 991-0033 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com Ray Blackmore IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ROYAL LEPAGE lllllllllllllillllilll www.royallepage.ca PRISM REALTY 992-7111 991-2787 (cell) lillllllllllllllllllll ROYAL LEPAGE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii www.royallepage.ca Realty Independently Owned and Operated -0010
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