--•^.-5*3 IHfe rrf-»fr. AM) CttftflMOL THURSDAY. ^FEBRUAR SHEDl'l- C ;tKMIXlll BOAKD OP II-ALTH i of HMUOI held IU rt«ul*r 'ivrctuv Ia*i Ttiurxtav.nlglii ft only.rain? u^ int'ltjdm« :<i» u UP communus-lc diwi.vc Tim UK.Urtl but right f l « i tnur -I aft1 mraUMi. tfi- other* one w._rlcl 'itiu. u w h Borough To Buy Road 21. 1929 s FOB Iperionages are brought beiore both In ! voice and sound Starting thtt coming Sunday.'February 24th. William Fo» will present to a walUng public, pne_of •.he great iuper specials from the 1:3! A M 7 . « A M** sjudios. -The Bed Dance." starring D o loi-es Del Rio. Charles Parrel! and Ivan 7:57 A M Linow, surrounded by a capable cast. k \oI!i?r a n d O t h e r , irian J_II. I. si» plumbers1 prrnuu wer S^^ • _ « • • > [ urwJay Nigljt'i MfirtinR. »/_ ._ • • _ «r i ^ . which mear_( that it is a picture you I will both see. and hear. Vaudeville will ' al.«6 be offered with "The Red Dance.' and while the' picture will run for a chlaerr. wbtcb full week, the stage show will be Boraufb Otort i 1 changed as usual on Sunday and < Thnrs_ityr'••ir_-_n<stwofs distinct stage shows during the run,of L " ^ » • • s * _a*^ • - — —•_ invnl and invr>tlgatm. 1 . The.Hoard ul llralth Is composed ir» „ w i,, i»»-»en memben Einett Holt, pi widen ^ _ night a meeting of tne •BdrluwprcturT'l' ouirfi Council are carried, throufh ticiari. Charles Ilradsnaw mud. Albe Jhnr Include the" Uoroush dalnt "•' ttoguiar meetings ar / o w n repair worlc and Uie purchase o Williamson ,. j held the aerond Tuesday night of eacl / isrlous Items oi road iriachlnery to en [ afiie'lM* t o I * ' done. Thli Includes * ]month' at Borough Hall. SVSES-IOR HIKE uie Strvkt D* I m * • « < • j a ,pUndid mmt of fny. ttit to All are.urged to see and hear "The . Red Dance." for the Fox organisation loi lakes pride in announcing, that this -—•';'wonder of the screen, classes with any . --...iraramniv, 'M. . ' '• of the .specials, and this iS quite a UOB Is. Chspo sir- u«. j recommendation. Jor this year-tne R « Jersey as M«n(i«i; •'«.* HI— ! tlllERTV TIHATKK studios liave produced many pictures i Th* -shB* now playfg'iit : the Eox'.ihat .will live In the memories forever ," 'Liberty Thii^re. Dtatfitri. -is .rppjetc .oiihose ;who availed themselves of, the "7 wnirintercsil'ne.sufprisjfs, siiowingTor uupoi liimtyrof-seeinrand hearingthenr i'the last three days of tMs. week, Tliurs•• •; ifo'. Priday-and Saturday is tSat'type lhU* iiiiffiViyar*«« UARWOOD HCHOOL NEVVK K-eerier SO IRSIIIHI U I pot. a roricrrl. j . . ,.»-".A, 1!.. aad:«v« '"'''.'^ -. a i'. iX-', then !#:«• r^ IHTIIDAV ill not run.'-" LINCOLN SCHOOL mixer ami a five tun road roller, with (< 1 I. tat coat. 11.500 to M.ooo Ail ordl- \ Anoa Rendullc of Orade 6 A Is again nanre providing for the esnenditw n u Introduced and passed on' firs.' on the Motor Roll. She has achieved thu honor every term this school year K_clll«i but only bf s vole of 1 to ! C-uiullrn_n Arker saidfeebelieved Uia! The pupils are glad to -Welcome bach ' iiumey -inulrt be tprtll first on'Fin Lo school Purmau King who has beei A jijiEStuT and voied No. slid Council : ibaeiil one mWiUj Members, of-llir jiUiih. grsde._a're'iiiannsher voted «^lth•»If^Acker-thr'- roavj'>.. nun*. « i n . oiiic wi mi.- b*1-**1 | . k none for the fool pro I'.epatUnent lolloted Uw vote on Uvand Museum of Natural History, (talking.pictures. Is Die |cutured-wrrcn filled tie (>ivl p e r m a n e n t a n d p r o r l d trip will cost II 25 plus a small amoun rrdlnancr and It was agreed by COUTH 'attrartioh. st»rrins Olllfe -Uorden tuiil ml ilu-re l« unmetlilng which lead* ill that Uie nerd of Uie Uorough lo for lunch. •fjack 1'ickford. Uiie slorf HaPli is bubr riliii fninMv lii Hilml't r h i i ^ b e ' l « t o o l new fire apparatus Is great, and It wa- 'During two recent meetings fii class blinu oier nith real exiting mumente, decided that Uie financial condition o. 7-A. Lincoln ffcliuol. the officers of Uie there behiR a new.thri)| in every fool ihe Uorou»h be closely studied j o it* class for Uils oorAiutnTiii —U It ih'' not -possible- In put Tnrnngh n cryoyed by the'emjlro family. ' T liarwood. \ . J., bond iMur that will provide the mone: dent, succeeded Mathewl Nowwlelikl . , Till; THREE CHEERS whom It may roncern: . _ , ( Tlie stage show Is hitide up of live Pauy ' ClirUtlano >ucceedrd Anna iiK-i-ilni! »r Ihe -vnlns Do«rd r«|Ulfrd :for new apparattu. If pout The member* of the well known nidi The Three Cheers special!* In pattei' standard acts of va'udovllle, the kind Homuiili of lU "' Die j h u will be done. Pinldent John Chapman ai' vice president; DoroUv irga'Mullon Mitch fiave gained gjcat \l.. | ' comedy songs In a manner dlstlncl- that has made. the. L'lbe4y popular wltli H.und succeeded WUIIam Parkas ai aec ton tald. TIlill.SU.IV, .t'-UIU'AUV 1 . purpi»« of popularity under tlfc stirring••• title of or K Hall,, for4th« and Individual and tile charactersflpversof quality eiiiertj|lj!' it. FOx l iK . l l llitrnuKh lication,, of th« Si. Hehlecter Hehlecter, I'rddlliK In Ihc norough W H brougbi relary, and James Wyres succevdei "Tlie Three Cheers? are Jack McDerHlMjfi the application r l-ImllrilTii i t i Tii fftnSiWtllair rayed by these, versatile boys an* I Mat If tone.. Newa Is' nW/n^JfJturfjJ^r. _l'-liiiK. n Wtllir II TTSSHenrj I'elutio M_ treasurer, Wllllan ,.? l"' lt"l h l Illril i : i iu Ui-'alUiitlou of •M • ,...* . IK.. ' 11 M i l •and varied: '.' r " ~ ~ , throiiKli this ^latest arT^f""yreatest ;hiep s Alt interi-slMl Well who apuarently WJU not tatlifletl Parkas was elected class reporter and who were for many years standard arTliree Cheer* have cheered "the diuni of the screen,.all|theimportan'. Bill i \r« »l#rpbV| natltlfcl of the giollce. are doUic all they t - n t Is successor to Ollmore Dow. ' W, A. ( i U T V . ' or many of the listeners throuth events of the day^aV well as those great Tlie officers o f the class organization tists on the Kelth-Albee Circuit. Durilop uiiaulhoriud peddling. * Quite ing their vaudeville days they started lonal Broadcasting Company bit of ducuulon enaued. and flnaU\ are changed at Uie beginning of each radio activities at a time when It wax Uugan Ilron bakery waa cited by Mrsix wreks period in order to afford as truly plomprtnii Their Instant popu- olialn. .-Ol41ic-cla&s-as-rjost \ They ll ;bn seen and heard dat at he W e h a - o n f - o n e t m that "peddled larity snd the demand [or their sci vices 6 Theatre on Thursday without llteAie. A r t p n w n U U n - o l »n ivpiiortuiilty to take am acllye pan before the ' microphone ' eventually Now.cf_m,6fd evening, F-bruary 28Ui In con^uhcUori In coiiductinK s formal meeting. thu concern'(Uted they - f i l m e d I brought about their forsaking the state with Oladys\Rlce, Roxy Qang star, the jriiular ciiatomen only and did Iht ,.TI«....Three..Cheers-«peud-4ii«iiy»busy: J^.^fc._»S\-»^i^|K-3^W«_ r-.-- . WA8iarlQTOM-8PUQOL .; lion. CoplM o( all ordlnahcea on Uil Tlie Kindergarten hsd a, valentine lours recording for the various phono- Held Lions. Orchestra and, other fea:i graph conipanlei -and Mr. McOermott box on Thursday Tlie children took head will be procured from other mu ls.Jtell.Jinu«ta 4 w i Wi-iMerdiny -of Bcotch rharartnr sonus Willie Blllv valentine. dllng ordinance* drafted.. •:' i lleagney and Fred Sli-rlt • are sons .rescn-cd hiay be /foul at the Uta offlw I Tlie Kiudeniarteii has oriiaiilsed ••olice Couimlulonrr Nead mriided an ordinance be drawn. In •I'ulltrriDji Club" They have selectee Tilers of i^otr. huvliiR m tlirlr credit of )he ihp»treor.»t r&aysorjhe, Apolld! . ' : X . :' . ; • !• ' < rriulnt the pay of Uie police chief t* a committee to w-k'll out (or all Im one ol lhe.bl|(|iF.it soruj hits of the itca- drill! stores. M100. lerieant to 19,000 and patrol' politeness shown by Uie elaas. ' Thow. .; • - - : " W^/':""<,y-•'[ •" man to 11^00 Thl» »_» approved anil on the tsinimittee are. Betty Fay'Brady Blatea. Ills rather was an actor aiui tie boy.likes to have h_g)1ctirre'piajiftdr! »uch ordliianiT will br' presented neil Dorothy Uowblr, Richard Hearles his mother an actress Thomas did 'The nbnve cunipbsllion was 'writte,n! Oeorge flood . meeting. ' ;- • not want to become an actor su hu • As a summary of Uiefr milk projwi studied art In Ihc United States ami by one of tlie'4A_pupllsi. ' '• •* Fire Chief llrlttaln reported un dani w e donr lo llir truck In aiuwerlng i Serond Clrade lias made booklet* abou Europe, lie painted the-portrait,of tin- F. R O L F ICwpenter and Builder I JOBBUJO OF A l l KBTO8 ' r-intln*. DDceetatinc.' a c . Paper H a u l - * . OUslnc l E ^ U t t e i Furnished M iorffoi_f oriliiiHn rjgidsr mwtlni ot in, IW SEEUS'FORCO irtviifis»"pn Dst«d VUriury. If, mi • _.,.'T-n*LutrciMil W» a n good people; l we'll paoM at i i a u j W « t by living Hirw'J vlrtin.—Boanoke W l V Learn how to make i your furnace give more heat from less fuel! Si V j!-^iffij«a__d«a__^^j!___ '. w.. will I "iufliui" i»» lire apparatus, Tlie truck 0if • phx-esaes mvolved In pre unous pftture' of 'WosliinKtim Cross- hold a dance al. UrIUs Hall. March 111.j was damaged by a rear wheel caving hi pared milk for u*f. pictures of .'mill ing the Delawnrc/" The Tiiicr A C . ^i dated to give it j on Uie car truck* at Locust street. prodiictj. riddles about milk, and sev Tlie picture of "The Torn Hal was aj-dunce and. rntertalnimNft at Uecker'j A resident, ol Myrtle alrrrl asked tha ei -I pornu • oji Ulenaine mbjfcr so~pal|lWd- by .Thoman Sully. It is »on-March arid.. •. ' ! * cinders, be placed oh a badly cut Up Tlie araung plan has been changed painting of u little boy with a torn l|ii>.. Tlie. \Vorkmen',s_ Sick "and Death; section ol Hut road.: Tills was referred in the Hecoiid Clrade. _ The chllUren How he got the torn h«t I could- not llciifnt Association will hold- a HirliiB. to Street Qonimlssloner Keller to com dk are artaliged to form a hollow jell, but |)friiaps lie was cltinbinic an dance nl Decker's Hall, April 6. square the width of two desks. Tlie li ipple tree or maybe the limb .broke. It ply If possible. On report Uial many cars park abbu brary table has been placed In (lie mid must be' a sunny d«y because the sun Subscribe to The Citizen and Chron- '• Uie Borough without proper lights Uie dle, so that It may be utilized more -hliie*. tipon-lib ..'net: ' think the lit - Icle. MOO per year, delivered by-mall ! . IKillce were directed to enforce' Uie easily by the group. Tlie slower groups Htate taw on thla so as to bring aboti haw been arranged acroas the fron of the »quare m that'they may hav'i lull observance. ' He neural certificate ol accident insur- spevtal attention. "•• • , .!...-' —7 sure covering the volunteer firemen Third Orade is Wurklnji hard to hav »as received and referred to the Pi Uielr papers perfect so that they mtf nance Committee, rrtd Frost present have a surprise put on them a"V ilw end ed Insurance'policy on fire apparatus of the week. located on the North side This-was Fourth Clradis han arrartsed Uie room l,o allow more s|»ce al the front fu accented. , ••„..•• dramatising cand. Library Circle. Tli(>! President Johnson, stated ... >- »rltte.n Freeholder Droeseher asking are studying simple designs, of a con- - that .every cflorl be made to have Cell ventional tyiie and have made slenclls tie street improved this year and Uio of simple form. They liave planned 'Uie Freeholder had replied thai this good color schemes to use In applyin thru* stencils. * ' •.. . would be done. Applications lor —permits* to hold dances slid entertainments here fo FHANKXiN SCHOOL crlved from Cranford Camp. No. 3, Every • class ,Ui the Fianklln 8chou W O. W., Tiger A. C . and the Work had a valentine boj. There were valmen's Blck and Death Benefit Auocla entine* large, w a l l and In-betwe«ii lion- The«e_werejr*ferred to Commit sUei. Much enjoyment was bad In tlw tee-.with power. dUUibuting and reading of them. Mayor Darroch and ' Councilman ', Every child. In 1A made and lent a mm <!' valenmw to .Bwnor Sfifrig Elean ha» been ill and away Iran l i t r . lutvUng by reason of mates lor the'past nionUi '"; Monday last Uie fire a l u m tounded 'MIM_ Phelps, teacher rof the IB class. from box 33 for a brush fire. In an I«ve a splendid 'dimonltra'tlon lesson All teachers'trom.the kiniwerlng the alarm the tjuck. driven b» Uie — ' Pred'Cowell. was caught In the trolley deivanen tracks at Cenlre St: and locust Avt, t n f '••"• and loat a wheel Heavier.wheels luxe The a A c'taw Is making aroovtntpicbeen provided for the true*: ~ " lire etuitled. TLlly Etta arfd a Little Bear." This Is in eonnectkpi with a story.j.ead by Uie clan. ' '. . HawyXfaf'a TIIIM . On Friday afternoon the aitfclasi visEntertaining has lost Its difficulty. Thefhotrcu "T_t Oreit Pacificator" arat the popular tltlt btttowtd oo Henri O) ited the 2A Mrs Rlchart gate a pracwho has a General Electric Refrigerator hat btoauw of bU IUCC-M |o Mttllog tpc tical demonstration -On Mow to Clean •ohrcd.the 'problem of having tmart thiBgi to tlooal dlflkultl** bjr n e a u of coin Your TrtUi> S_ayKffifc_9t__H-_l_(-ka_a_t<-»cU» loo much expense. She make* a lirirple mousse "The L»T« of Oeorge Waslireat-CDnrpromlm-.1" tattoo So far it is very Interesting or paitaitand chllU it to perfection. Herdriliks, 3A. which has been studying about her fruit, are cold enough, to be full-flavored. Sa*<r_aa- C M cotton, silk, linen and wool, h u an indeJJdous! St« newjaTprriei about guests. Sha la . nodente ^dlmttea It terwunt exhlblUoo of' this on Uiclr eojoTi them. , ^ i n n wbea tusperatur** a n d book table Each child who brought a tiWMly low. Bl(b baroatWc prti wrote: a slip explaining Mtt nmtUy *xUti wh«t It fc Ttir what he brought and where It rime Haw ym At comfonof thbperftct nftlttnitkmt. MM,' and nslW air U AKTH -torn from, _ \ _. 1/not, cotntta today. ^kltfk to low Mk»-W_UeVbOys retetved the great\ — est nonbtr-ot tards lor gettinti In line bfe.^ L L_i-_. JII __, .. _ ELEGTRIC | -Your coal merchant nowadays sells HEAT—not simply coal. He sends an Expert to your home to show you how to get more comfort from the Anthracite you buy / from him. • ' Mosf people waste coal because they do. not know how to adjust dampers or stoke their fire prop' ' erly. T h e v hlam» »k "i *"7 S ' Ji Y n ,Y, D l a m e t h e COal—aliO tne c o a l Merchant. > H you liave a heating problem, _ learn how to solve it The Anthracite Thomas^ 8uUy-w»s born In Kngland. H» «aa (dm yean old vhea hit Bother — raa» rook, trip u, Si Z t S PHONE I4gz BROS WESTFI?LDVN.J. 'Sturdy SERVICE • rwponilble for the splendfii _ ters. They employ a large staff of combustion engineers" who see that you getsatisfaction. ' v v h e n you use Anthracite you KNOW you are burning t h e SAFEST «nd CLEANEST fuel You KNOW it cannot blow up and set your house afire. You KNOW " it gives off no dirty soot t0 r "»n your furniture, paint and draperies—and you also KNOW it will burn for hours without attention. £ lction ' ^ U »•' y ' u n ' • ; •;•.:.. ' ..••.:."!• G. S. GR COAL—WOOD—LUM Spent Mu IPHONES: ROSELLE C0Mult tOaWyou untry-every year only a f the high standard of qu 3 *^^^ LUERIB60N BUTTER trom ' is the very highest score spend'for Ulie-pound carton will c send an Expert TR No charge for" his demonstration and •sduasn Vtthl-. .Arthur a Ham.. Burn Anthracite STORE A * - ••; . Lehigh and Wilkes-Ba ' " you are not absolutely sure P ^ S the facts. ' • • : . • ' • . : • MineOwne r a r ^l_A r V^ make this possible throueh An thrache Coal Service which t t y " have established in princi te T S kkVto ttlt «ndea had the pleasure of UUI* twfttt^MJUn IM JM n uThe k f e c W taken to be used at a |>arty wfaa-4 troa tmitt ****. *_tr» which U\aM gJVtn In Uw Philadeltk* Kao- iw ib*idv kad tar Ite Haapttai to the soldiers on Washcoldao i m . **rf»r'Uw UtU* ckllto- phia ' la coat tote M and torbldUMBMt" lattooi Birthday. . Wkw «te mu uktd ta <ttl wawthlat akoct «htt ib*ta«hiiHl, tk* tt- Su-ii yoiufl-sur»_c« "annt Your coal merchant now sends an Expert to ihow you *~ FREE
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