Guidelines for Applicants AFR Postdoc Grants (Call reference: AFR-PDR 2012-1) The present document contains the guidelines for the FNR scheme ‘Aides à la FormationRecherche (AFR)’ referring to the postdoc call PDR 2012-1: Submission deadline Funding decision to be expected by 07 March 2012, 14h00 June 2012 Applicants must read the guidelines before submitting their proposal. AFR applications must be completed online and submitted via an electronic grant submission system. The electronic grant submission system is accessible either through or To use the electronic grant submission system, applicants have at their disposal a tutorial available under the help section of the system. Further information on the AFR postdoc grants (i.e. AFR terms and conditions, Evaluation Guidelines for Remote Reviewers and Panel Members, FAQ’s, etc.) is available on (see section “Postdoc forms and guidelines”). Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 1 Table of content Part 1: General Guidelines .....................................................................................................................................3 1. What is the AFR Research Training Grant? ...................................................................................................3 2. Who can apply? ..................................................................................................................................................3 3. How to apply for AFR funding? ........................................................................................................................4 4. Deadlines .............................................................................................................................................................5 5. Submission ..........................................................................................................................................................5 6. Resubmissions ...................................................................................................................................................6 7. Limitation of the number of applications .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Work contract or fellowship? ............................................................................................................................6 9. Elements determining the AFR grant contribution ........................................................................................7 10. Funding decision and project start ................................................................................................................7 11. What are the AFR selection criteria? ............................................................................................................7 12. How are the AFR applications evaluated? ...................................................................................................7 13. Grant duration ...................................................................................................................................................8 14. AFR – Training allowance...............................................................................................................................8 15. Part-time research ...........................................................................................................................................9 16. Maternity and parental leave ..........................................................................................................................9 17. IPR .....................................................................................................................................................................9 18. Applicants who are third country nationals .................................................................................................10 19. Misconduct ......................................................................................................................................................10 20. Dissemination of research results ...............................................................................................................11 21. Acknowledgement of AFR funding ..............................................................................................................11 22. Annual AFR meeting .....................................................................................................................................11 23. Alumni network ...............................................................................................................................................12 24. Portability of Grants .......................................................................................................................................12 25. Preparation of the research stay in Luxembourg (or abroad) .................................................................12 26. Interesting web portals and resources for researchers in Luxembourg .................................................12 27. Marie-Curie Cofunding ..................................................................................................................................13 28. Grant writing....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Part 2: Specific Guidelines relating to the application form........................................................................ 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Applicant details ......................................................................................................................................14 Host Institution .........................................................................................................................................15 Description of the research project .......................................................................................................17 Interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting .....................................................18 Public-private partnerships (PPP) ........................................................................................................19 Ethical Issues and ...................................................................................................................................20 Data Protection ........................................................................................................................................20 Training plan ............................................................................................................................................20 Personal statement .................................................................................................................................21 Type of grant requested .........................................................................................................................21 Applicant’s and Host Institution’s Joint Declaration ...........................................................................24 APPENDICES: official certificates ........................................................................................................25 Annex 1: Application form (print-out of online version) Annex 2: Project Description and Ethical Issues Table Annex 3: General checklist for the online grant application submission Annex 4: Research domains according to ERC (European Research Council) Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 2 Part 1: General Guidelines 1. What is the AFR Research Training Grant? The AFR is a national research grant scheme to support PhD and postdoctoral research training in Luxembourg and abroad. The scheme is managed by the Fonds National de la Recherche. The objectives of the AFR scheme are to: o strengthen the PhD and postdoc research population in Luxembourg and abroad o set quality standards for PhD and postdoc research training o select high quality proposals through peer review o improve working conditions (mainly through work contracts) o raise awareness of researchers rights and responsibilities at an early career stage o enhance public-private partnerships (AFR-PPP) o organize accompanying measures to support the training, mobility and networking of the PhD and postdoc community in Luxembourg and abroad. The AFR postdoc grants are awarded for a maximum duration of 2 years. 2. Who can apply? The AFR programme follows a bottom up approach and has no thematic limitations and is open to all researchers, regardless of their nationality, desirous to engage into research training in Luxembourg or abroad. In the selection process, the interest of the project in the context of Luxembourg R&D will nevertheless be evaluated. Applicants for the AFR postdoc grants must be holders of a PhD diploma of a recognized public or private Higher Education Institution. AFR beneficiaries are eligible consecutively for PhD and for postdoctoral funding. Postdoctoral candidates can apply until up to 8 years after reception of their PhD certificate (the date of the deadline counts). Furthermore, in order to be eligible as a postdoc, the research training has to be carried out in a different country from where the applicant has been principally (> 12 months) working in the 24 months preceding the call deadline. These two eligibility conditions are binding, without exception. Researchers, who have been awarded a grant from an external source of funding for an individual fellowship similar to AFR may apply under AFR. However, in case of approval of the two grants, they will have to opt for one or the other. FNR does not accept cumulating two grants for living costs of different origin. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 3 3. How to apply for AFR funding? Applicants must login to the FNR electronic grant submission system under in order to gain access to the AFR application form. The application form consists of two main parts: - an online form (see annex 1 for a copy of the online form) a document in .rtf format comprising the project description (to be uploaded as .pdf). In addition, a number of support documents listed in the online application form have to be uploaded by the applicant before submission. (see checklist in annex). Be aware that completeness is not checked by the electronic grant submission system. If the proposal is carried out at one of the main Luxembourg host institutions, the corresponding AFR contact persons should be informed of/involved in the preparation of the proposal prior to the submission, in addition to the scientific contact(s). The AFR contacts at Luxembourg Host Institutions are: University of Luxembourg o Administrative contact and general AFR related issues: Research facilitators of the faculties (coordinates, see In addition: email: [email protected] o Legal representative: Prof. Lucienne Blessing, Vice-Rector Research CRP Henri Tudor: o Administrative contact and general AFR related issues: Myriam Fautsch, email: [email protected]; and [email protected] o Legal representative: Dr Marc Lemmer, Director CRP Gabriel Lippmann: o Administrative contact and general AFR related issues: Stephane Kucharczyk; email: [email protected] o Legal representative: Fernand Reinig, Director CRP Sante o Administrative contact for work contract, visa and related issues: Natacha Beicht; email: [email protected] o Legal representative/contact for general AFR related issues: Dr Jean-Claude Schmit, Director, email: [email protected] CEPS/INSTEAD: o Administrative contact and general AFR related issues: Carole Stefanuto; email: [email protected] o Legal representative: Dr Pierre Hausman, Director Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 4 4. Deadlines Under the AFR scheme, there are currently 2 annual call deadlines for postdoc applications in spring and autumn. The forthcoming deadline applies for the electronic submission of the application through the grant submission system and is fixed at the following date and hour: Submission deadline 7 March 2012, 14h00 Funding decision to be expected by June 2012 In case the host institution has an own internal deadline prior to the FNR deadline, it is the responsibility of the applicant to respect the internal deadline; otherwise the application may not be eligible. 5. Submission Applications must be completed and submitted online by the applicant at the call deadline (see point 4. Deadlines). The applicant needs to ensure that the original signed application form (identical content as online submitted version and signed by the applicant and the legal representative of the host institution), including all supporting documents, in paper (not stapled!), reaches the FNR offices no later than 5 working days after the call deadline at the address: Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) Service AFR, 6, rue Antoine de SaintExupéry, B.P. 1777, L-1017 Luxembourg. In case the original application varies from the online submitted version, the proposal is not eligible. In particular, applicants have to make sure that the letters of support by their scientific contact(s) arrive as well until 5 working days after the call deadline. Application forms that arrive late or that are not complete (including letters of support) are not eligible! Applications that arrive after the indicated deadline may be submitted under the next call deadline, taking into account the conditions of that call. No proposal may be submitted without prior approval by the host institution. Certain host institutions, in particular Luxembourg host institutions, have internal rules regarding the submission of AFR applications. They may, for example, require that AFR applications must first be examined and approved by their administration before they can be submitted online to the FNR. In the early preparation stage of the AFR application (and no later than 1 month prior to the submission deadline), applicants must therefore get in touch with the HI’s internal AFR administrative contact to inform him/her of the intention to submit an AFR proposal and to clarify the internal submission procedure. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 5 6. Resubmissions In case a proposal is a resubmission of a former AFR proposal by the same applicant, the points raised in the AFR review synthesis have to be addressed specifically and with sufficient arguments in the new proposal. If possible, the resubmission should be based on the initial proposal by highlighting in a different colour (appropriate also for black&white printing) any changes or additions that were made to the initial version. 7. Work contract or fellowship? The AFR instrument is actively encouraging the conclusion of work contracts between AFR beneficiaries and their host institutions, thereby giving the beneficiaries access to full social security coverage including health and pension insurances. The AFR grant scheme pays to the host institution a contribution (“subvention”) to the annual salary costs of the candidate. Work contracts will be the rule. Simple fellowships, termed “bourses”, paid directly to the beneficiaries, will be possible only in well justified cases (i.e. the conclusion of a work contract with the host institution is not possible; the conclusion of a work contract leads to a substantial material disadvantage for the candidate compared to a fellowship). Beneficiaries of an AFR fellowship must be covered by a health and accident (H&A) insurance. Upon request, the costs for the H&A insurance may be partially or entirely refunded by the FNR. In order to avoid unnecessary delays or misunderstandings, applicants should get into contact with the administrative contact of their main host institution early in the grant application stage to clarify any questions related to the working relationship (i.e. possibility of a work contract, contractual and salary related issues) as well as general working conditions at the host institution. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 6 The work contracts that do not automatically comprise social security coverage i.e. contribution to a public pension, health and accident insurance, coverage of invalidity, certain coverage for the event of unemployment, etc. are not supported by the AFR scheme. AFR beneficiaries that face such contracts (e.g. commonly in the United States) are only eligible for an AFR fellowship support. Conversely, support for a work contract may be granted if proof is delivered that the above social security requirements are all fulfilled, in particular the contribution to a public pension scheme and the coverage of a health and accident insurance. 8. Elements determining the AFR grant contribution The grant contributions paid under the AFR scheme depend on the following factors: PhD or postdoctoral research training Work contract or fellowship Collaboration with an accredited private company in Luxembourg Full-time or part time Total salary paid by the host institution Other funding sources 9. Funding decision and project start Projects should start within 6 months following the issuing of the positive funding decision by the FNR. If the project starts before the funding decision, the entire responsibility for its costs lies with the candidate (in the event of a fellowship) or with the host institution (in the event of a work contract). After the positive funding decision, the FNR may refund costs retroactively up to the submission deadline. 10. What are the AFR Postdoc selection criteria? The submitted proposals will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria: 1. Scientific quality of the research project 2. Profile of the applicant 3. Quality of the host institution 4. Interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting 5. Potential of the research project for career development More detailed information about the selection criteria is available in the “AFR Evaluation Guidelines for Remote Reviewers and Panel Members” as well as in the “AFR Review Form” (see 11. How are the AFR applications evaluated? The submitted research proposals will be reviewed in a two-stage process. In a first stage, every proposal will be remotely evaluated. In a second stage, a panel meeting will be held in Luxembourg, where the selection of the proposals to be considered for funding will be finalized. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 7 In the review process, applications will be evaluated according to the criteria listed above. Special attention will be given to project proposals that raise ethical and/or data protection issues. In order to keep the review process as transparent as possible, applicants will receive feedback comprising the conclusion of the panel (evaluation synthesis) as well as the full remote reviews. All scientific experts solicited by the FNR are required to sign confidentiality agreements and to declare any potential conflicts of interest. They are required to treat applications in the strictest confidence. They are engaged as individuals, not as representatives of their employer or any other entity. They are required to carry out the assessment or evaluation themselves and not ask someone to assess or evaluate the application in their place. Applicants should consult the “AFR Evaluation Guidelines for Remote Reviewers and Panel Members” as well as the “AFR Review Form” available on the website 12. Grant duration The AFR postdoc grants are awarded for a maximum duration of 2 years. Researchers, who have had external funding for a limited period of time, may apply for AFR funding for the remaining time of their postdoc research project. The minimum AFR grant duration is 3 months. 13. AFR – Training allowance From 1st January 2011 onwards, the FNR is awarding a training allowance to each AFR beneficiary to cover costs for participation at training events directly related to the AFR research project. These training events comprehend: o scientific/non-scientific training seminars, o scientific conferences o summer/winter schools o field work or travel between scientific contacts involved in the project The training allowance amounts to max. 2.000 €/yr and is paid to the Host institution (in case of a work contract). In case of a fellowship it is paid directly to the AFR fellow. It is the responsibility of the AFR beneficiary in agreement with his/her supervisor(s) or main scientific contact to manage the travel allowance over the AFR funding period. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 8 The AFR Training Allowance Guidelines and AFR Training Claim Form are available on:,-Guidelines-Logos/AFR-TravelAllowance-Guidelines-and-Claim-Form Only participation costs of events where the AFR beneficiary was physically present may be claimed for refunding! Through the introduction of the current training allowance, AFR beneficiaries are no longer eligible for financial support under the FNR – Accompanying Measures AM2a (Active Participation in Scientific Conferences Abroad) and –AM2b (Training for Researchers, including Summer Schools) 14. Part-time research Exceptionally AFR beneficiaries have the possibility to undertake their research either as fulltime or part time. Nevertheless, the part time research must not be less than 50% of the normal working time and must comply with the host institution´s part time policy. 15. Maternity and parental leave In case of the birth or adoption of a child, the AFR contract will be automatically extended for the legally defined period for maternity leave. The AFR beneficiaries (with or without work contract) have to inform the FNR in advance by indicating the foreseen period of maternity leave and by delivering the necessary medical/legal certificates. If not covered by social security, the AFR payment will be continued throughout the period of maternity leave. As opposed to maternity leave in Luxembourg, parental leave is not a right per se and has to follow the given legal framework. AFR payments do not cover parental leave. If a parental leave is offered, the AFR grant will be suspended for the period of the parental leave. 16. IPR The FNR encourages host institutions to comply with the European Commission's Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations', accessible through the following link: The FNR does not make any claims on IPR generated in the framework of an AFR project. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 9 17. Applicants who are Other Third country (non EU- and non associated countries) nationals Applicants who are Other Third Country nationals may need a visa before entering the territory of Luxembourg. For procedures concerning the visa application, refer to > visa and passports. According to the immigration law 1, researchers who join a public institution or private company in Luxembourg that is officially accredited to undertake research activities, have to conclude a convention d’accueil with their host institution prior to their entry into Luxembourg. Based on this convention d’accueil, they will obtain their titre de séjour including their work permit. In order to be eligible for the convention d’accueil in Luxembourg, applicants have to choose their residence in Luxembourg for the duration of their stay. Details about the procedure are soon available on the portal of the EURAXESS Service Center Luxembourg IMPORTANT: The application for visa and related authorisations may take up to 4 months. In order not to lose precious time, AFR candidates should contact the EURAXESS Service Centre (contact person: [email protected]) as soon as possible after the submission of their AFR application. This enables them to receive the information about documents and procedures well in advance in order to submit their visa request immediately after the communication of the AFR funding decision. 18. Misconduct 1 Any misconduct, such as falsification of information or research misconduct e.g. plagiarism, falsification of data, may result in the immediate disqualification of the application or the cancellation of the ongoing grant. Moreover, the FNR may decide upon additional sanctions (e.g. request the reimbursement of the grant) and may take legal actions. The FNR has published its own research integrity guidelines and FNR ethical charter with which applicants of all FNR funding schemes must comply. They are available on:,-Formulaires,-Guidelines-Logos In particular, with regard to plagiarism, all AFR grant applications are checked by using specialized software. « Loi sur la libre circulation des personnes et l’immigration », published on 29th August 2008. Information available on > Immigration > Entrée et séjour des étrangers Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 10 19. Dissemination of research results The dissemination and transfer of knowledge is a key added-value of research actions. Results should be published actively in peer reviewed publications and presented in scientific conferences. The capacity to publish is an essential criterion to build up a future research career. If the AFR grant is carried out in an environment that imposes certain limitations concerning the publication of research results (i.e. for projects carried out in the framework of a public-private partnership), these limitations must be made known to the applicant before the proposal submission. The publication of research results should only be restricted in well justified cases by the host institutions. The FNR recommends a minimum of one first author publication and one co-author application per AFR postdoctoral grant in a Scopus or ISI Thompson refereed scientific journal. In the humanities and social sciences, where monographs are considered the main scientific publication output, publications in international scientific journals should also be envisaged. It is a joint responsibility of the applicants and their scientific contacts to aim for publications in top scientific journals in their field, to improve career prospects after the AFR grant. In projects with a potentially commercial orientation, the possibility of using the IPR through patenting or other should be envisaged. AFR beneficiaries may apply for financial support for the publication of their research results under the FNR Accompanying Measures AM4 – Scientific Publications (including PhD theses). Further details on the FNR Accompanying Measures under 20. Acknowledgement of AFR funding Financial support from FNR must be acknowledged in all publications and other forms of media communication, according to the Guidelines available on:,-Guidelines-Logos 21. Annual AFR meeting The FNR organises annually a meeting for all AFR beneficiaries and ex-grantees as a networking event. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 11 22. Alumni network The FNR is planning the set-up of an alumni network among AFR beneficiaries, promoting the exchange between past, current and potentially new AFR grantees. 23. Portability of Grants The FNR supports the principle of the portability of grants of AFR beneficiaries who want to change their host institution for duly justified reasons. However a change of the host institution must be done in accordance with the rules governing the work contract, including IPR. In case of agreement, beneficiaries may carry on their grants in a different host institution, according to the rules and procedures that will be specified in the context of the FNR adherence to the EUROHORCs Agreement ‘Money Follows Researcher’ (see ). 24. Preparation of the research stay in Luxembourg (or abroad) In order to prepare their research stay in Luxembourg or abroad, applicants should consult their contacts in the host institutions as well as web resources such as the EURAXESS Services Centre in Luxembourg or abroad For incoming researchers, the EURAXESS portal and office assembles information about all practical aspects of life in Luxembourg, including visa and other administrative procedures: The EURAXESS Services Centre Luxembourg ; contact person: Barbara Daniel (email: [email protected]) 25. Interesting web portals and resources for researchers in Luxembourg Public research institutes/University: Université du Luxembourg, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, CRP Henri Tudor, CRP Santé, CEPS/INSTEAD, The Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research, The National Research Fund (for public R&D funding opportunities in Luxembourg) The Government of Luxembourg, The Ministry of Research, The Luxembourg Foresight Exercise (for research priority areas in Luxembourg; see final report of the Foresight exercise), CEDIES (CEntre de Documentation et d’Information sur l’Enseignement Supérieur), EURAXESS Service Center Luxembourg ( Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 12 26. Grant writing When writing a grant application, it may appear useful to consult websites on grant writing that can be found through standard website search tools, typing ‘grant writing’. 27. Marie-Curie Cofunding Since the 1st March 2009 and again since 1st December 2011, the AFR postdoc grant scheme is co-funded by the European Commission under the Marie-Curie COFUND scheme. A link to funding opportunities and calls cofounded by the Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission is available on the EU –Researcher Participant Portal Website under All AFR Postdoc beneficiaries who are eligible for Marie Curie Cofunding are regarded as Marie Curie Fellows. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 13 Part 2: Specific Guidelines relating to the application form The following guidelines are structured according to the different sections of the AFR Postdoc application form which can be accessed online through the FNR Grant management system Each section of the application form must be completed. The use of English is a pre-requisite for international visibility in Science. Therefore, applications should be drafted in English in the natural sciences as well as in mathematics, IT, engineering, and economics. In fields where the standard scientific language is French or German, applications may be drafted in one of these languages. The FNR promotes the use of English at all levels of the research career and independently from the domains, given that the correct use of English enhances the chances of scientific publications in top journals and the potential to apply successfully for funding at EU level. 1. Applicant details Mobility In order to be eligible as a postdoc, the research training has to be carried out in a different country from where the applicant has been principally (> 12 months) working in the 24 months preceding the call deadline. Date of PhD certificate Postdoctoral candidates can apply until up to 8 years after reception of their PhD certificate. The date on the PhD certificate counts. If the PhD examination has not taken place before the application date, it must take place at least within 3 months after the deadline, otherwise the proposal may not be retained and must be resubmitted under a next AFR call deadline. In case the PhD examination has not yet taken place, applicants must join a statement by their PhD supervisor addressing this issue. Diploma Copies of relevant academic diploma obtained and a copy of the statement of courses and marks ("relevé de notes") of the most recent degree must be submitted. Copies of these documents may be submitted in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. If in any other language, they must be translated into English or French and officially certified. Marks attributed by institutions outside Luxembourg must clearly be associable to the corresponding grading such as ‘very good, good, satisfactory, weak’. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 14 Scientific publications 2. Only peer reviewed articles, publications or editions should be quoted. Host Institution Choice of host institution The host institution (HI) is the institution where the AFR beneficiary performs the major part of her/his research, i.e. at least 50% of the time has to be spent with the main host institution (unless fieldwork is more than 50% and no other host institution is involved). It is the responsibility of the applicants to find a suitable HI with a competent research group in their field. The HI must offer office or laboratory space allowing the applicant to properly carry out the described research project. The following are eligible HIs for AFR grantees: o o o o o o 2 the University of Luxembourg as well as the Luxembourg public research centers : Université du Luxembourg, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, CRP Henri Tudor, CRP Santé, CEPS/INSTEAD, ; public bodies or private associations 2 in Luxembourg with a research mission and scientific competence in the domains of the project; the respective document certifying their research mission and, in the case of associations, their statutes have to be submitted; private companies located in Luxembourg active in R&D, in collaboration with a research institution in Luxembourg or abroad; if private companies intend to serve as HI, they need to provide an accreditation (‘agrément’) issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in order to be eligible (contact person for the agrément at the Ministry: Gregory Saeul, mail: [email protected]) the respective ‘agrément’ together with a contract between the collaborating public research body and the private company, including the IPR agreement, have to be submitted to ensure the eligibility of the HI; recognized research and higher education institutions in Luxembourg or abroad; public institutions abroad with a research mission and scientific competence in the domain of the project; the respective document certifying the research mission and the statutes have to be submitted. Associations sans but lucratif ou fondations régies par les dispositions de la loi modifiée du 21 avril 1928 sur les associations et les fondations sans but lucratif Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 15 If in doubt, applicants should contact the FNR well in advance prior to the deadline to clarify the eligibility of the host institution. In the case the Host Institution is a private company, the collaborating public research institution has to be indicated as 2nd collaborating institution. Project supervision The postdoc project must be carried out in close collaboration with at least one qualified researcher in the domain of the project in the host institution who is actively involved in the scientific training and the career development of the researcher. The main scientific advisor of the host institution as well as of each collaborating institution listed in the application form must provide a CV (max. 4 pages!) and a support letter (based on the template provided on the website Please note that the CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators! The scientific advisor shall draw the candidate’s attention to the content of the postdoc regulations. The AFR application is prepared by the applicant in close collaboration with the scientific contact(s). The scientific contact(s) shall ensure that the postdoctoral research is conducted: o in accordance with the code of conduct for professional work in the field in question; o without third parties funding or co-funding the research imposing restrictions on the freedom to publish results that are incompatible with academic freedom. Administrative contact The administrative contact is the contact person for the AFR contractual and administrative issues. In some cases, the administrative contact may be identical to the legal representative. In the case of a fellowship, the scientific contact may possibly take the role of administrative contact. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 16 3. Description of the research project For the indication of the main research domain and the subdomains in the application form, please refer to the list of “Research Domains” according to the ERC in annex 3 of these Guidelines. The project abstract is part of the application form. The project abstract should provide an understanding of the general setting, the objectives of the proposal and how they will be achieved. The abstract should be written in a way that it also allows for non-expert readers to understand the essence of the proposal. (the abstract of successful applicants will be published in a project database on the AFR website). Moreover, the abstract is used in the recruitment process of remote experts for the evaluation of the proposal and should thus not include any confidential aspects of the planned research project. The full description of the research project must be uploaded under the designated section (3.5) in the online application form. Please use the template “Postdoc Project Description Form” provided at,-Guidelines-Logos/PhD-Forms-andGuidelines and copied for information in annex 2. Every subsection must be treated separately. A clearly legible and understandable work plan must be provided for the full duration of the project. If the applicant fails to complete one of the sections without a proper justification, the application is not eligible! A list of abbreviations should be provided where applicable. In case a proposal is a resubmission of a former AFR proposal by the same applicant, the points raised in the review synthesis have to be addressed specifically and with sufficient arguments in the new proposal. If possible, the resubmission should be based on the initial proposal by highlighting in a different colour any changes or additions that were made to the initial version. For AFR projects which are to be carried out in the framework of a greater multiannual project (e.g. institution-internal, national, European or international projects), it is essential that the proposal indicates explicitly and unequivocally what the individual contribution of the applicant in the frame of the greater project is. In case two or more submitted projects are interlinked, it must emerge in a clear and transparent way, who does what, who gets the credit for what (in terms of first authorships in publications), if and how one specific research project is affected in case the related proposal is not retained for funding, etc. The minimum/maximum words or page numbers must be respected. Use Times New Roman or Arial Font size 11, single space. Be concise! Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 17 4. Concerning the project description file and its upload: - The filename for upload should end in .pdf and must not contain any special characters or spaces; - The project description must not be encrypted and the parameters that prevent printing must not be selected - The proposal should not contain coloured or high resolution pictures; it will be printed in black and white at 300 dpi for evaluation - The size of the project description file in .pdf upload should not exceed 5 Mbyte. Interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting The interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting is an essential selection criterion. As a minimum requirement to fulfil this criterion, one of the following conditions needs to be met: - the intended research activity is carried out in Luxembourg, in the framework of a research project that has already been evaluated or will be evaluated on a national, European or international level, or - the intended research activity is carried out in a private company in Luxembourg committed to offering guidance to the candidate, or - the intended research activity takes place in collaboration with either a research organisation, a company active in R&D, a private association or foundation or a public sector body in Luxembourg - the research activity is of thematic interest for Luxembourg, either because the scientific domain is related to research activities in Luxembourg or the research project is about Luxembourg - personal link of the applicant with Luxembourg (see below) - Other (to be justified and documented) The personal link with Luxembourg is only relevant for applicants who carry out their project outside Luxembourg. Within Luxembourg, applicants from any nationality without earlier link to the country may apply. A personal link exists if one of the following conditions is met: - Luxembourg nationals o Nationals of a member country of the European Union with a residence in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg; applicants have to provide a certificate of residence in Luxembourg; - Political refugees with a residence in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Applicants have to provide o a document certifying their status of political refugee acc. to the Art. 23 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, signed at Geneva on 28/07/51; o a certificate of residence in Luxembourg; Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 18 - Nationals of a third country or stateless with a residence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, who have lived in Luxembourg at least 5 years at the moment of the submission of the application Applicants have to provide o a document certifying their status as stateless acc. to Art. 23 of the Convention relating to the status of stateless persons, signed in New York on 28 September 1954; o a document certifying their residency in Luxembourg of at least 5 years prior to the submission deadline; Any of the above mentioned documents to be provided by the applicants should be uploaded under the relevant section (appendices) of the online application. 5. Public-private partnerships (PPP) Incentive for public-private partnerships (PPP) A financial incentive is paid to beneficiaries who are conducting their research in collaboration with an accredited private company active in R&D in Luxembourg. In order to be eligible as an “accredited” private firm, companies need to have an accreditation (‘agrément’) by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (for details about the accreditation, see above section ‘Eligible Host Institutions’). The financial incentive for the AFR Public-Private Partnership (AFR-PPP) is paid only under the condition that a real collaboration between an accredited private firm in Luxembourg and a public sector research institution takes place. - the research project is jointly developed by the AFR applicant, the private company and the public partner. - the project described must be a true research project with an element of innovation and the potential to create new knowledge; in any case it mustn’t simply cover the daily operational business of the company. - a project-specific contract needs to be concluded between the private company and the public research body, including an agreement on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). - there must be at least one contact person or scientific/technological expert (scientific contact) in the company, able to actively accompany the beneficiary and the project over time - the scientific contact must give an appreciation of the research project, mentioning the objectives of the project as seen from the perspective of the private company and the contribution of the company to the project and to the training/career development of the grantee - the beneficiary carries out a certain part or the entirety of his/her research project in the private company where there is active involvement of the company-based scientific contact in the research project and the training of the candidate - ideally the candidate should spend not less than 10% and not more than 75% of the research period in the company. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 19 6. 7. The beneficiary may be employed either by the public or private host institution. If the private company directly hosts and employs the AFR beneficiary through a work contract, the FNR pays the foreseen contribution (incl. the incentive) to the work contract directly to the company. Ethical Issues and Data Protection Research supported by an AFR grant must respect the fundamental ethical principles. Fundamental ethical principles which must be respected include those reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (see These principles include the need to ensure the freedom of research and the need to protect the physical and moral integrity of individuals and the welfare of animals. Research projects of an ethically sensitive nature must conform to the regulations and practice valid in the host country as well as in the European Union. Applicants should indicate whether the proposed research raises sensitive ethical questions such as research involving human beings, human biological samples, personal data, genetic information or animals. To this end, the Ethical Issues Table attached to the Project Description Form must be completed. The FNR requests that applicants and their host institutions verify the ethical and data protection rules of the countries where they will carry out their research and that they comply with the rules and laws of these countries as well as the rules and laws of the European Union. Applicants must demonstrate under the ethical issues section in the application form that they are aware of these regulations and quote the necessary authorisations or measures to be taken in respect of ethical and data protection requirements. In Luxembourg, ethically sensitive projects need to receive the approval of the Comité National d’Ethique de la Recherche (CNER) and/or the Comité National de la Protection des Données (CNPD) prior to the launch of the project.” 8. Training plan The AFR programme strongly encourages to complement basic academic training with additional training targeting skills development to increase the employability and career prospects of researchers. The Postdoc applicant has to provide a detailed training plan for the full duration of the postdoc project. The plan should comprise any training activities planned specifically for postdoctoral researchers by the Host Institution. In addition, any scientific/ methodological training should be indicated, such as attendance in renowned scientific conferences, participation in summerschools, methodological training courses, colloquia, etc. (for AFR – Training allowance see Part I, chapter 13.) Moreover, applicants are strongly encouraged to improve their non scientific skills through appropriate training courses, such as project management, ethics, International Property Rights (IPR), soft skills such as communication, public speaking, grant writing, … (for AFR – Training allowance see Part I, chapter 13.) Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 20 9. Training activities such as courses in the field of the promotion of scientific culture (communication of researchers with the public and other courses) as well as the practice of activities in collaboration with schools, the media, etc. should form part of any training programme of a PhD or postdoc researcher. These activities should also be included into the training plan in the application form. Personal statement 10. Postdoc applicants are evaluated on the benefit of their postdoctoral training and the mobility for their personal career development. The statement should give the relevant arguments why the choice of host institution and project are the right ones at this moment of the research career of the applicant and how it enhances the professional research career. Type of grant requested The AFR contribution to a work contract Applicants need to make sure before submission that the indications in the application form comply with the employment and work contract rules of the Host Institution. The AFR contribution should cover or contribute to the AFR beneficiary’s salary costs which are: o the beneficiary’s gross salary, composed by net salary social security (such as health, accident, pension insurance) income tax o the employer’s charges (social security and possibly other direct salary related employer’s costs) Any other costs, including registration or institution fees, equipment and consumables, overheads, non-wage compensations, travel costs etc. have to be covered by the host institution or the applicant. The AFR contribution to a work contract has to be calculated by the Host Institution’s personnel department, on the basis of the indications and documents submitted by the applicant in view of the preparation of the work contract. Applicants should contact the Host Institution sufficiently in advance to receive the amounts that are required by the FNR in the application form. For AFR beneficiaries under a work contract, the FNR pays annually in advance to the host institution a contribution to the salary costs incurred. The annual salary costs depend on the number of salary-months paid per year. It is not necessarily based on 12 salary-months per calendar year. Certain countries apply 13 months as a rule. In Luxembourg, institutions may pay 12 months, 12.5 months or 13 months. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 21 The maximum AFR contributions to work contracts are indicated hereafter. In case the AFR project fulfils the criteria for a public-private partnership (see section ‘Incentive for public-private partnerships’), an incentive is paid as indicated. Postdoc Max. AFR contribution (incl. employer’s charges) Supplements paid in case of a PPP 54’231 €/yr 4’944 €/yr Salary index as of 1st January 2011 A topping up by the employer is possible up to a certain amount (information available upon request). Based on the above figures, the gross salary paid to the AFR grantees in Luxembourg (without PPP) corresponds to approx. 3.400 €/month for postdoc beneficiaries, however it may vary depending for example on family status and on other income. For a more accurate calculation of tax deductions you may run a simulation on the Luxembourg tax administration website under For AFR beneficiaries working in foreign countries under a work contract, the employer’s charges/social security contributions may be different, leading to a higher or, more often, lower gross salary (applicants should clarify in advance with their host institution what will be their gross salary). For host institutions that pay salaries below the amounts indicated (for example in the case of a fixed public salary scale), the AFR contribution will be adapted accordingly. For host institutions that pay salaries above the amount indicated, the AFR contribution will not be increased. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 22 The AFR contribution as fellowship Fellowships (without work contract) are paid directly to the grantee through monthly instalments. The maximum annual AFR fellowship contribution is indicated hereafter. In case the AFR project fulfils the criteria for a public-private partnership (see section ‘Incentive for public-private partnerships’), an incentive is paid as indicated. Postdoc Max. AFR contribution (fellowship) 25’200 €/yr Supplement paid in case of a PPP 1’800 €/yr The maximum AFR contribution (without PPP) amounts to 2’100 €/month for Postdoc. Health and Accident Insurance It is mandatory that AFR beneficiaries have a valid health and accident insurance for the full duration of their grant. In the case of a fellowship without a work contract, the FNR will require a certificate indicating that the beneficiary will be co-insured through a family insurance or other. Alternatively, a certificate of a specifically contracted insurance will be required. Beneficiaries who are not covered by a health and accident (H&A) insurance (i.e. by parental or spouse’s insurance) and must contract an insurance are eligible for a partial or full reimbursement (up to 300 EUR/month) of the insurance costs by the FNR. The beneficiary has to submit a certificate delivered by the contracted insurance company, indicating the name of the beneficiary, the start and end date of the insurance, the insurance sum and conditions, and the costs of the insurance. Travel allowance For all AFR beneficiaries, the FNR allocates a one-off travel lump sum based on the airline distance between the beneficiary’s residence at the moment of the application and his/her host institution. This travel lump sum is calculated as follows: Distance (airline) in km < 500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2500 2500-5000 > 5000 Fixed-amount contribution (EUR) 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 23 Other Income Applicants must indicate any other sources of funding during the grant period. Applicants have to inform the FNR immediately of any change in their income or if a decision is made on funding of their application by any other institution or if they apply for a fellowship from another institution after having submitted their application to the FNR. Researchers, who have been awarded a grant from an external source of funding for an individual fellowship similar to AFR may apply under AFR. However, in case of approval of the two grants, they will have to opt for one or the other. AFR does not accept cumulating two grants for living costs of different origin. Training Allowance 11. The training allowance amounts to max. 2.000 €/yr and is paid to the Host institution (in case of a work contract). In case of a fellowship it is paid directly to the AFR fellow. It is the responsibility of the AFR beneficiary in agreement with his/her supervisor(s) or main scientific contact to manage the travel allowance over the AFR funding period (for AFR – Training allowance see Part I, chapter 13). Applicant’s and Host Institution’s Joint Declaration The HI legal representative The HI Joint Declaration must be signed by the legal representative of the host institution. In case of a fellowship (without work contract), the declaration may be signed by the administrative or scientific responsible of the institution authorized to decide upon the acceptance of research fellows by the institution. The position/function of the signing responsible in the host institution has to be indicated and the official stamp of the HI must be put on the declaration. AFR Terms and Conditions The AFR Terms and Conditions form the legal framework of AFR projects and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the applicants, the host institutions as well as the main scientific contact and any active partner in the project. A copy of the AFR Terms and Conditions is available with the application documents. Participants in the project declare that they have read and agree with the AFR terms and conditions. The European Charter and the Code of Conduct The principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers form the basis for collaboration between the applicants, the host institutions, the scientific collaborators and the FNR in the framework of AFR projects. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 24 The FNR signed the Charter on 18th August 2008. In the framework of the AFR projects, any conflict with the principles of the Charter or Code should be indicated to the FNR who will address within a reasonable timeframe any problem that is raised. A copy of the principles of the Charter and Code is available with the application documents. 12. APPENDICES: official certificates Mandatory for all applicants: - Copy of applicant's passport or alternatively, for EU nationals, a copy of the identity card - Copy of relevant academic diploma obtained and a copy of the statement of courses and marks ("relevé de notes") of the most recent degree (translation requirements, see guidelines, section 'Diploma'). To be submitted only if applicable: - In case of additional income related to research activities during the grant period: Copy of any document certifying additional income - In the case of a fellowship (without work contract): Certificate of (co-)insurance for health and accident for the duration of the grant, or alternatively, certificate by an insurance company for a health and accident insurance, indicating the start and end date of the insurance, the name of the insured person(s), the detailed content and sums insured, as well as the costs of the insurance -For non Luxembourg nationals only: Documents certifying the link with Luxembourg (see Guidelines for Applicants, section 'Interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting') -For Documents certifying the eligibility of the Host Institution, if required: See Guidelines for Applicants, section 'Eligibility of Host Institutions' The letters of support by the scientific contact(s) should be sent separately to the FNR before the elapse of the deadline, by email or postal mail as confidential documents (addressed to FNR only). Please use the template provided on the website Be aware that completeness of the application is not checked by the electronic grant submission system. Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 25 Annex 1 Application form (print-out of online version) Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 26 AFR - Postdoc Application Form Postdoc Application Form 1.1 Applicant's Personal Data Application ID: Family Name: Title: Birth Family Name (if different): First Name(s): Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: If you have dual nationality, select here: Gender: Addresses: Current: * Residence in Luxembourg: (if different from current) Street Name, Number: PO Box: Postal Code: City/Town: Country: Phone Number: Fax Number: Use for Correspondence: Email Address for Electronic Correspondence: Did You Receive a BFR/AFR Grant Before? If "Yes", Indicate BFR/AFR Period: From: To: Ref.: Is the Proposal a Resubmission of an Earlier AFR Proposal by the Applicant? 1.2 Mobility With reference to the 24 months preceding the call deadline, were you working the majority of time (>12 months) in a country different from the AFR host institution's country? 1.3 Date of PhD Certificate For beginning and end dates use the first of the month if you are not sure of the exact date. Date of submission of PhD thesis: (if date of PhD certificate not available) Date of PhD examination: Date of PhD Certificate: 1.4 Applicant's Educational and Research Curriculum * Click the Add button to validate your entry before continuing. High School Education (Baccalaureate): Please note the question continues on the other page, scroll to the right to complete it. Name of Institution: City/Town: Country: Year the Degree Was Awarded: 1.5 Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Education and Degrees: Start with the most recent degree. * Click the Add button to validate your entry before continuing. Please note the question continues on the other page, scroll to the right to complete it. For beginning and end dates use the first of the month if you are not sure of the exact date. Designation of the Degree: Name of the Institution: City/Town: Country: Beginning: End: Field: Title of Thesis: Grade/Resul ts: 1.6 If you had to interrupt your studies for more than 4 months, please indicate the duration and the reason of this interruption. 1.7 Applicant's Professional Curriculum (if applicable): Please provide a summary of employment history. Start with the most recent employer. Click the Add button to validate your entry before continuing. Please note the question continues on the other page, scroll to the right to complete it. Name of Employer/Organisa tion: 1.8 City/Country: Department: Applicant CV Please attach your CV in PDF Format (Max 3 pages): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. Position/Job Title: Beginning: End: 1.9 Do you have any peer reviewed scientific publications? If 'Yes', please include in CV. 1.10 Language Proficiency. Please list all the languages in the first column and indicate with a number from 1 to 5 degree of your knowledge. (1=native speaker, 2=excellent, 3=good, 4=average, 5=weak). Click the Add button to validate your entry before continuing. Please note the question continues on the other page, scroll to the right to complete it. Language: Speaking: Writing: Reading/Understanding: 1.11 Any other aspect of your professional or personal background that you consider of interest in the context of this application. (scientific or other, e.g. awards, stays abroad, hobbies, etc). 2. Host Institution's Details If a question doesn't apply please leave the field blank, DO NOT use N.A. or n.a. or any variation! 2.1 Host Institution Details For more information please consult the Guidelines for Applicants; Part II: Specific Guidelines relating to application form; Point II: Host Institution. Host Institution Details Name of Host Institution (HI): Department or Research Group: Percentage of Work Time Spent in HI: Address Details of HI Building No./Name: Street Name: PO Box: City/Town: Postal Code: Country: Internet site: Description of the Host Institution's research group, including number of researchers, list of major publications, description of equipment and facilities, description of supervision support (max. 2 p): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.2 Administrative Contact Details of HI: (contact person for the AFR contractual and administrative issues) Title: First Name: Surname: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: 2.3 Scientific Contact Details of HI All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template available on the FNR Website Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: Website of Research Unit or Institution: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.4 2nd Scientific Contact Details of HI All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template from the FNR. Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.5 Is the HI a private company? 2.6 2nd Collaborating Institution Details (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) Name of 2nd Collaborating Institution: Department or Research Group: Percentage of Work Time Spent in Institution: 2.7 Address Details of 2nd Collaborating Institution: (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) Building No./Name: Street Name: PO Box: City/Town: Postal Code: Country: Internet Site: 2.8 Administrative Contact Details of 2nd Collaborating Institution: (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) Title: First Name: Surname: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: 2.9 Scientific Contact Details of 2nd CI (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template from the FNR. Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: Website of Research Unit or Institution: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.10 2nd Scientific Contact Details of 2nd CI (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template from the FNR. Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.11 Address Details of 3rd Collaborating Institution: (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) Name of 3rd Collaborating Institution: Department or Research Group: Percentage of Work Time Spent in Institution: Building No./Name: Street Name: PO Box: City/Town: Postal Code: Country: Internet Site: 2.12 Administrative Contact Details of 3rd Collaborating Institution: (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) Title: First Name: Surname: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: 2.13 Scientific Contact Details of 3rd CI (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template from the FNR. Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: Website of Research Unit or Institution: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.14 2nd Scientific Contact Details of 3rd CI (If not applicable leave the Fields blank) All scientific contacts have to provide a CV (maximum 4 pages) and a confidential support letter for the candidate using the template from the FNR. Title: First Name: Surname: Department: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: CV of max. 4 pages (also indicating PhD and postdoc supervision experience). The CV (including record of relevant publications) must not exceed 4 pages, otherwise only the 4 first pages will be forwarded to the remote evaluators!): If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. 2.15 Other Collaborations Indicate any other (potential) partners in the project that are not formally collaborating, for instance potential users of research results or other collaborators in Luxembourg or abroad (for example data providers etc) that you intend to involve in the project, but are not yet formally involved. Indicate their potential role or interest in the project. 2.16 Travel Allowance Please indicate the approximate distance in kilometres between your current point of residence and the location of the host institution. 3. Description of the Research Project Description of the Research Project 3.1 Description of the Research Project Project Title: (max. 20 words) Project Acronym: (max. 15 characters) Project Start: Project End: Requested Start of AFR Funding: Total Months of Requested AFR Funding: 3.2 Project Abstract (to be submitted in English, max. 300 words) * Up to 6 Keywords Related to the Research Topic: 3.3 Select Thematic Domain 3.4 Select Primary and Secondary Domains/Sub Domains Please select from the list one main research domain at level and one or more subdomains (by holding the CTRL Key). None. None. 3.5 Project Description If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. The Template to be used for the Project Description and to be uploaded in this section is available here 3.6 Project Framework Is your project part of a peer reviewed multiannual research project (national, European, international)? If "Yes", Please State Project Title: Funding Institution: Total Budget in EUR (Optional): If the FNR is the funding institution, please provide the provisional or final reference number of the project: Project Start: Project End: Project Status: Please give a 1-page description of the scope/objectives of the larger multiannual project, including sub-projects, collaborators and interactions between the different project parts. Clearly indicate how the AFR project contributes to the objectives of the greater project. Please also state the applicant's autonomy, in particular in view of the publication of results. Where the funding decision is still pending, please state if and how your project will be affected in case the funding for the multiannual project is declined. 4. Interest of the Research Project in the Luxembourg R&D Setting Interest of the Research Project in the Luxembourg R&D Setting 4.1 Interest of the Research Project in the Luxembourg R&D Setting. (Refer to Guidelines, section 'Interest of the project in the Luxembourg R&D setting') Please provide a detailled description of the interest for Luxembourg under additional comments. Does your project have a link with Luxembourg? If yes please tick where appropriate: Project carried out in Luxembourg in the framework of a peer reviewed research project evaluated on a national, European or international level Project carried out in a private company or in collaboration with a private company in Luxembourg committed to offering guidance to the candidate Project carried out in collaboration with a public research center, a public body or a non-profit association or foundation in Luxembourg committed to offering guidance to the candidate Project takes place in a research area of interest for Luxembourg Personal link with Luxembourg (tick where appropriate): Additional Comments: 5. Public - Private Partnership Public - Private Partnership 5.1 Public - Private Partnership To be eligible as a PPP, the company must figure as a collaborating institution and must fulfill the conditions of the PPP. For more information please consult the Guidelines for Applicants; Part II: Specific Guidelines relating to application form; Point V: Public-private partnerships. Do you apply for the financial incentive offered by the AFR scheme for public-private partnerships in Luxembourg? Please describe specifically the collaboration with the private company in your research project, for example, development of a product or prototype, experiments, time spent in the company, etc...(Refer to guidelines, section 'Incentives for Public Private Partnerships'): (max. 0.5 page) 5.2 Public-Private Partnership Incentive If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. These documents are only required for projects under the Public-Private Partnership incentive. - Contract between a public research body and a private company, including Intellectual Property Right (IPR) agreement. - Copy of the official accreditation of the private company by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (see Guidelines, section 'Eligible Host Institutions') - Letter by the scientific contact in the company mentioning the objectives of the project from the perspective of the private company and the contribution of the company to the project and to the training/career development of the applicant. (maximum 1 page) If one of these documents is not available yet please comment: 6. Ethical Issues Ethical Issues 6.1 Ethical Issues Does the project give rise to any ethical issues? If 'Yes', please indicate how these issues have been addressed: 7. Data Protection Data Protection 7.1 Data Protection Does the project have specific data protection requirements? If 'Yes', please indicate how these issues have been addressed: 8. Training Plan and Personal Statement Training Plan and Personal Statement 8.1 Training Plan If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. Describe the training foreseen in the course of your project. If no training is scheduled by your host institution, please describe any scientific or methodological training planned or envisaged.Moreover, indicate any non scientific training that you intend to participate in (project management, ethics, IPR, English language course, soft skills such as communication, public speaking, grant writing, promotion of scientific culture …). Indicate a training plan for the full duration of your grant period, comprising the title, location, dates and duration of courses, scientific conferences, summer-schools or other training that you plan to attend, as far as known. Add an internet reference of training courses, if available. For further details about the training plan, in particular the funding through FNR Accompanying Measures, please refer to the guidelines under the section ”Training and career development” 8.2 Personal Statement If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. Including Career Development Perspectives (max. 1 page) Please state briefly the reasons of your choice of research project and why this is important to you. Please also explain the reasons for your choice of research institution, why you think you are a suitable candidate for the chosen research project and how your choice fits with your future career plan. 9. Type of Grant Requested Type of Grant Requested 9.1 Type of Grant Requested Type of AFR grant requested (tick as appropriate): Time to be spent on the research project: If part-time please specify: Indication of occupation in the remaining part-time (optional): 9.2 In Case of an AFR Fellowship (Not work contract based): Do you have a health and accident insurance? (See guidelines, section 'Health and Accident Insurance') Additional amount requested for health and accident insurance in EUR/Month: Start date of insurance: 9.3 End date of insurance: In Case of an AFR-Based Work Contract: What will be your salary during the period of the AFR grant? (Information to be provided by the Host Institution, according to Guidelines, section 'The AFR contribution to a work contract') Gross salary per month in Euro Full salary costs per year in Euro (incl. employers' part of social security) 9.4 Income Other Than the AFR Funding During the Project: Do you receive any income or did you apply for any other grant for the AFR project period? (See Guidelines, section 'Other income') Please indicate hereafter the source of income, the amount per month or year, the period, the status 'requested' or 'granted': Applicants have to inform the FNR immediately if a decision is made on funding of their application by any other institution or if they apply for a fellowship from another institution after having submitted their application to the FNR. 10. Applicant's and Host Institution's Joint Declaration Applicant's and Host Institution's Joint Declaration 10.1 Applicant's and Host Institution's Joint Declaration The HI Joint Declaration must be signed by the legal representative of the host institution. In case of a fellowship (without work contract), the declaration may be signed by the administrative or scientific responsible of the institution authorized to decide upon the acceptance of research fellows by the institution. The position/function of the signing responsible in the host institution has to be indicated and the official stamp of the HI must be put on the declaration. In completing this application, the Applicant and the Host Institution (HI) confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information in this application is complete and correct. Both the applicant and the HI will inform the National Research Fund immediately if the intended project cannot be carried out as foreseen or if a major change occurs that may hinder the planned implementation of the project. The applicant and the HI declare that they have read and agree with the AFR Terms and Conditions that form an integral part of the application documents published on the FNR website and that form the legal basis of the future AFR contract. Furthermore, they take note that the FNR is committed to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment, and they are required to declare any conflict of interest with the principles of the Charter and Code of Conduct to the FNR. The HI declares to host the applicant according to the indications given in the present form, and in particular under chapter VIII 'Type of grant requested'. The HI declares to offer to the applicant the working conditions and office space, access to laboratories, libraries, and other premises necessary to carry out his/her research project successfully. The applicant and the HI agree that the data required for the research grant application and follow-up are electronically stored and used by the FNR. The FNR will use the data provided by the applicant and the HI according to the legal requirements of data protection in Luxembourg, including the use of the anonymized data for statistical purposes and reports. The applicant and the HI agree that the FNR will forward the full application form including their personal data to the members of the AFR expert panel and to experts involved in the evaluation of their proposal in Luxembourg and abroad (EU and outside EU). The panel members and experts must declare in advance that they will treat data confidentially and that they will not forward the data or the knowledge gained to anyone nor use it for their own purpose. Furthermore, the applicant and the HI agree that the following information may be included in lists published by the FNR (e.g. project database on FNR website): Full name of the beneficiary; nationality; email address; name, location and country of the host institution and collaborationg institutions; name of scientific contact and research group/department, title of research project; abstract; field of research and key words; expected or real start date and end date respectively status of the research project (ongoing, finished). Application ID: Name of Applicant: Location and Date: Signature of Applicant: Title of legal representative of HI: First name of legal representative of HI: Family name of legal representative of HI: Email of legal representative of HI: Function: Location and Date: Signature of HI legal representative: Official Stamp of the HI: 11. Appendices Appendices 11.1 Appendix: Official certificates Please make sure that the requested uploads are all copied in one PDF file. Please upload all copies as one PDF file: If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. Mandatory for all applicants: - Copy of applicant's passport or alternatively, for EU nationals, a copy of the identity card - Copy of relevant academic diploma obtained and a copy of the statement of courses and marks ("relevé de notes") of the most recent degree (translation requirements, see guidelines, section 'Diploma'). To be submitted only if applicable: - In case of additional income related to research activities during the grant period: Copy of any document certifying additional income - In the case of a fellowship (without work contract): Certificate of (co-)insurance for health and accident for the duration of the grant, or alternatively, certificate by an insurance company for a health and accident insurance, indicating the start and end date of the insurance, the name of the insured person(s), the detailed content and sums insured, as well as the costs of the insurance -For non Luxembourg nationals only: Documents certifying the link with Luxembourg (see Guidelines for Applicants, section 'Interest of the research project in the Luxembourg R&D setting') -For Documents certifying the eligibility of the Host Institution, if required: See Guidelines for Applicants, section 'Eligibility of Host Institutions' 12. Feedback Feedback 12.1 How did you find out about the AFR grant scheme? 12.2 Problems encountered with application form and guidelines: 12.3 Recommendations: Annex 2 Postdoc Project Description and Ethical Issues Table Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 27 AFR Postdoc Application Form Postdoc Project Description and Ethical Issues Table To be uploaded as .pdf to the AFR-PDR online submission tool before the deadline of submission Deadline: 07th March 2012, 14h00 Please carefully read the Guidelines for Applicants before starting the description of your proposal. Bear in mind that the proposal will be evaluated according to the selection criteria set out in the guidelines. To be successful, the description has to clearly address these criteria. The project description must use the headings on page 2. To allow a better reading, please delete the explanations below the headings when you complete the form. The maximum number of 12 pages should be respected; otherwise the FNR may decide to only forward the first 12 pages to the external evaluators. Name of Applicant: Project Title: Project acronym: Project’s keywords: Public-private partnership: yes - no 1 Name and country of host institution: Name of scientific contact in HI: Name and country of 2nd institution (if applicable): Name of scientific contact in 2nd institution (if applicable): Envisaged or effective project start: Duration of AFR funding requested: 1 Delete as appropriate Page 1 AFR Project description The project description must follow the structure hereafter: 1. Introduction and literature review Give a brief review of the literature in your research field, highlighting the scientific interest, including your own previous work, the ongoing developments, leading research groups in the field and the contribution you intend to make to the field. 2. Research objectives Give a clear definition of the hypotheses of the research project and the objectives to be achieved in a realistic and, as far as possible, measurable form. 3. Innovation/originality What is the innovation/originality of the research project? 4. Methodology Present the methodology to test the hypotheses and to reach the objectives defined above. 5. Work plan Describe the different stages of activities (i.e. workpackages, milestones) with the corresponding timetable (when?), location (where?) and collaborating research groups (with whom?), preferably in spreadsheet format. 6. Risks Indicate potential risks of your project and how you intend to prevent or address them. 7. Expected outcomes What are the expected project outputs and mid to long-term perspectives of your research? 8. Bibliography (short) and list of abbreviations For projects carried out under the responsibility of more than one scientific contact, add a brief description of the (complementary) roles of each contact involved in the project AFR Postdoc Application Form Annex: Project Description Page 2 ETHICAL ISSUES TABLE (Note: Research involving activities marked with an asterisk * in the left column in the table below will be referred automatically to Ethics Review) Research on Human Embryo/Foetus Yes Page Does the proposed research involve human Embryos? Does the proposed research involve human Foetal Tissues/ Cells? Does the proposed research involve human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)? Does the proposed research on human Embryonic Stem Cells involve cells in culture? Does the proposed research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells involve the derivation of cells from Embryos? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Research on Humans * * * * * * * Does the proposed research involve children? Does the proposed research involve patients? Does the proposed research involve persons not able to give consent? Does the proposed research involve adult healthy volunteers? Does the proposed research involve Human genetic material? Does the proposed research involve Human biological samples? Does the proposed research involve Human data collection? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL * Does the proposed research involve processing of genetic information or personal data (e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)? Does the proposed research involve tracking the location or observation of people? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Privacy * Research on Animals * * * * * Yes Page Yes Page Does the proposed research involve research on animals? Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? Are those animals transgenic farm animals? Are those animals non-human primates? Are those animals cloned farm animals? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Research on Animals * Yes Page Yes Page Does the proposed research involve the use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant, etc)? Is the proposed research of benefit to local communities (e.g. capacity building, access to healthcare, education, etc)? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Dual Use * Research having direct military use * Research having the potential for terrorist abuse Yes Page I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL AFR Postdoc Application Form Annex: Project Description Page 3 Annex 3 General checklist for the online grant application submission Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 28 General checklist for the online grant application submission 1. Create an account on 2. Create a new application. Check the Tutorial and Guidelines for applicants on 3. Start completing the online application form. Note: - You can save the application at any moment and continue at a later time. You should only generate the PDF Document once the whole application is completed. Your uploaded documents will only appear in your document list after you saved the form with the option “Form fully completed and ready for PDF Generation”. The Cover Sheet only auto fills its information after you completed the main application form. At any moment you can generate a new PDF Document by clicking “To Do” next to the PDF Generation Task in your To Do List and redoing the PDF generation. 4. On several stages of the application process you will have to upload documents (CVs, Project Description, Diploma, etc.). Ensure that these documents are in the file format .PDF Ensure that these files are not password protected or encrypted. 5. Ensure that you correctly filled all sections of the application form. The system partially warns you of mandatory sections but put a special attention on the completeness of documents that need to be uploaded. Crosscheck especially following application points together with your Host Institution : - Administrative Contact Names (Section 2) Requested funding start date and duration (Section 3.1) Gross and Full salary in case of a work contract (Section 9.3) Name of legal representative (Section 10) 6. Ensure that you marked quotations in your Project Description based on international standards. Your application will be checked for plagiarism! 7. Ensure that Supervisor(s) , Co-Supervisor(s) and Scientific contact(s) listed in Section 2 of the application form have sent their confidential reference reports to the FNR before the Deadline. We will have to receive at least 1 reference report per Institution listed in Section 2. Reference reports from the main scientific contact of the Host Institution and the collaborating institution(s) are mandatory. Link to the report template for PhD Applications: Link to the report template for Postdoc Applications: Put special attention to this point. Non received reference reports will make your application ineligible! 8. Print the final version of your application (Generated PDF including all annexes). 9. Validate the Paper Copy of the proposal with your Supervisor and/or Host Institution. 10. Sign Section 10 of the proposal (Joint Declaration).Ensure that the section is also signed by the Host Institution’s Legal Representative. 11. Ensure that you correctly submitted the proposal via the online submission system before the deadline. Check if you received the automated acknowledgement of receipt per e-mail. Check after the submission if the task disappeared from your Inbox in the online system. If not the proposal was not correctly submitted. In that case, contact the technical support for assistance. ([email protected]) 12. Ensure that the signed and complete paper copy of the proposal arrives at the FNR office not later than 5 working days after the electronic deadline. (Electronic Deadline; Postdoc 07.03.2012; PhD 28.03.2012) The non fulfillment of above points can lead to the ineligibility of your application. AFR online submission checklist v2 18/01/2012 Annex 4 - Research domains according to ERC (European Research Council) Level 1 – Main Research Domain Choose your main research domain from the 25 research fields listed below. SH SH1 SH2 SH3 SH4 SH5 SH6 Social Sciences and Humanities Individuals, institutions and markets Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour Environment and society The Human Mind and its complexity Cultures and cultural production The study of the human past PEMathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences PE1 Mathematical foundations PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter PE3 Condensed matter physics PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences PE5 Materials and Synthesis PE6 Computer science and informatics PE7 Systems and communication engineering PE8 Products and process engineering PE9 Universe sciences PE10 Earth system science LSLS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS5 LS6 LS7 LS8 LS9 Life Sciences Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Cellular and Developmental Biology Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology Neurosciences and neural disorders Immunity and infection Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health Evolutionary, population and environmental biology Applied life sciences and biotechnology Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 29 Level 2 – Research Subdomains SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets SH1_1 Macroeconomics, growth, business cycles SH1_2 Microeconomics, institutional economics SH1_3 Econometrics, statistical methods SH1_4 Financial markets, banking and corporate finance SH1_5 Competitiveness, innovation, research and development SH1_6 Consumer choice, behavioural economics, marketing SH1_7 Organization studies, strategy SH1_8 Human resource management, employment and earnings SH1_9 Public administration, public economics SH1_10 Income distribution, poverty SH1_11 International trade, economic geography SH1_12 Economic history, development SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour SH2_1 Social structure, inequalities, social mobility SH2_2 Ageing, work, social policies SH2_3 Kinship, cultural dimensions of classification and cognition, individual and social identity, gender SH2_4 Myth, ritual, symbolic representations, religious studies SH2_5 Ethnography SH2_6 Globalization, migration, interethnic relations SH2_7 Transformation of societies, democratization, social movements SH2_8 Political systems, legitimacy of governance SH2_9 Legal systems, constitutions, foundations of law SH2_10 Private, public and social law SH2_11 Global and transnational governance, international law, human rights SH2_12 Communication networks, media, information society SH2_13 Social studies of science and technology, S&T policies, science and society SH2_14 History of science and technology SH3 Environment and society SH3_1 Environment and sustainability SH3_2 Environmental regulation and mediation SH3_3 Social and industrial ecology SH3_4 Geographical information systems, cartography SH3_5 Human and social geography SH3_6 Spatial and regional planning SH3_7 Population dynamics SH3_8 Urbanization and urban planning, cities SH3_9 Mobility and transportation SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity SH4_1 Evolution of mind and cognitive functions, animal communication SH4_2 Human life-span development SH4_3 Neuropsychology and cognitive psychology SH4_4 Clinical and experimental psychology, SH4_5 Formal, cognitive, functional and computational linguistics SH4_6 Typological, historical and comparative linguistics Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 30 SH4_7 Acquisition and knowledge of language: psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics SH4_8 Use of language: pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis SH4_9 second language teaching and learning, language pathologies, lexicography, terminology SH4_10 Philosophy, history of philosophy SH4_11 Epistemology, logic, philosophy of science SH4_12 Ethics and morality, bioethics SH4_13 Education: principles, techniques, typologies SH5 Cultures and cultural production SH5_1 Classics SH5_2 History of literature SH5_3 Literary theory and comparative literature, literary styles SH5_4 Textual philology and palaeography SH5_5 Visual arts SH5_6 Performing arts SH5_7 Museums and exhibitions SH5_8 Numismatics, epigraphy SH5_9 Music and musicology, history of music SH5_10 History of art and architecture SH5_11 Cultural studies, cultural diversity SH5_12 Cultural memory, intangible cultural heritage SH6 The study of the human past SH6_1 Archaeology, archaeometry, landscape archaeology SH6_2 Prehistory and protohistory SH6_3 Ancient history, ancient cultures SH6_4 Medieval history SH6_5 Modern and contemporary history SH6_6 Colonial history, entangled histories, global history SH6_7 Military history, SH6_8 Historiography, theory and methods of history SH6_9 History of ideas, intellectual history SH6_10 Social, economic, cultural and political history SH6_11Collective memories, identities, lieux de mémoire, oral history SH6_12 Cultural heritage PE1 Mathematical foundations PE1_1 Logic and foundations PE1_2 Algebra PE1_3 Number theory PE1_4 Algebraic and complex geometry PE1_5 Geometry PE1_6 Topology PE1_7 Lie groups, Lie algebras PE1_8 Analysis PE1_9 Operator algebras and functional analysis PE1_10 ODE and dynamical systems PE1_11 Partial differential equations PE1_12 Mathematical physics PE1_13 Probability and statistics PE1_14 Combinatorics Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 31 PE1_15 Mathematical aspects of computer science PE1_16 Numerical analysis and scientific computing PE1_17 Control theory and optimization PE1_18 Application of mathematics in sciences PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter PE2_1 Fundamental interactions and fields PE2_2 Particle physics PE2_3 Nuclear physics PE2_4 Nuclear astrophysics PE2_5 Gas and plasma physics PE2_6 Electromagnetism PE2_7 Atomic, molecular physics PE2_8 Optics and quantum optics PE2_9 Lasers and laser physics PE2_10 Acoustics PE2_11 Relativity PE2_12 Classical physics PE2_13 Thermodynamics PE2_14 Non-linear physics PE2_15 General physics PE2_16 Metrology and measurement PE2_17 Statistical physics (gases) PE3 Condensed matter physics PE3_1 Structure of solids and liquids PE3_2 Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter PE3_3 Thermal properties of condensed matter PE3_4 Transport properties of condensed matter, PE3_5 Electronic properties of materials and transport PE3_6 Lattice dynamics PE3_7 Semiconductors PE3_8 Superconductivity PE3_9 Superfluids PE3_10 Spintronics PE3_11 Magnetism PE3_12 Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism PE3_13 Mesoscopic physics PE3_14 Molecular electronics PE3_15 Soft condensed matter (liquid crystals…) PE3_16 Fluid dynamics (physics) PE3_17 Statistical physics (condensed matter) PE3_18 Phase transitions, phase equilibria PE3_19 Biophysics PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences PE4_1 Physical chemistry PE4_2 Nanochemistry PE4_3 Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques PE4_4 Molecular architecture and Structure PE4_5 Surface science Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 32 PE4_6 Analytical chemistry PE4_7 Chemical physics PE4_8 Chemical instrumentation PE4_9 Electrochemistry, electrodialysis, microfluidics PE4_10 Combinatorial chemistry PE4_11 Method development in chemistry PE4_12 Catalysis PE4_13 Physical chemistry of biological systems PE4_14 Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions PE4_15 Theoretical and computational chemistry PE4_16 Radiation chemistry PE4_17 Nuclear chemistry PE4_18 Photochemistry PE5 Materials and Synthesis PE5_1 Structural properties of materials PE5_2 Solid state materials PE5_3 Surface modification PE5_4 Thin films PE5_5 Corrosion PE5_6 Porous materials PE5_7 Ionic liquids PE5_8 New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, superconductors PE5_9 Materials for sensors PE5_10 Nanomaterials : nanoparticles, nanotubes PE5_11 Biomaterials synthesis PE5_12 Intelligent materials – self assembled materials PE5_13 Environment chemistry PE5_14 Coordination chemistry PE5_15 Colloid chemistry PE5_16 Biological chemistry PE5_17 Chemistry of condensed matter PE5_18 Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis PE5_19 Characterization methods of materials PE5_20 Macromolecular chemistry, PE5_21 Polymer chemistry PE5_22 Supramolecular chemistry PE5_23 Organic chemistry PE5_24 Molecular chemistry PE6 Computer science and informatics PE6_1 Computer architecture PE6_2 Database management PE6_3 Formal methods PE6_4 Graphics and image processing PE6_5 Human computer interaction and interface PE6_6 Informatics and information systems PE6_7 Theoretical computer science including quantum information PE6_8 Intelligent systems PE6_9 Scientific computing PE6_10 Modelling tools Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 33 PE6_11 Multimedia PE6_12 Parallel and Distributed Computing PE6_13 Speech recognition PE6_14 Systems and software PE7 Systems and communication engineering PE7_1 Control engineering PE7_2 Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems PE7_4 Simulation engineering and modelling PE7_5 Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation PE7_6 Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics PE7_7 Communication technology, high-frequency technology PE7_8 Signal processing PE7_9 Networks PE7_10 Man-machine-interfaces PE7_11 Robotics PE8 Products and process engineering PE8_1 Aerospace engineering PE8_2 Chemical engineering, technical chemistry PE8_3 Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment PE8_4 Computational engineering PE8_5 Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines PE8_6 Energy systems (production, distribution, application) PE8_7 Micro(system) engineering, PE8_8 Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation) PE8_9 Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, …) PE8_10 Production technology, process engineering PE8_11 Product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces PE8_12 Lightweight construction, textile technology PE8_13 Industrial bioengineering PE8_14 Industrial biofuel production PE9 Universe sciences PE9_1 Solar and interplanetary physics PE9_2 Planetary systems sciences PE9_3 Interstellar medium PE9_4 Formation of stars and planets PE9_5 Astrobiology PE9_6 Stars and stellar systems PE9_7 The Galaxy PE9_8 Formation and evolution of galaxies PE9_9 Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures PE9_10 High energy and particles astronomy – X-rays, cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrinos PE9_11 Relativistic astrophysics PE9_12 Dark matter, dark energy PE9_13 Gravitational astronomy PE9_14 Cosmology PE9_15 Space Sciences PE9_16 Very large data bases: archiving, handling and analysis PE9_17 Instrumentation - telescopes, detectors and techniques Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 34 PE9_18 Solar planetology PE10 Earth system science PE10_1 Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric composition, air pollution PE10_2 Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics PE10_3 Climatology and climate change PE10_4 Terrestrial ecology, land cover change, PE10_5 Geology, tectonics, volcanology, PE10_6 Paleoclimatology, paleoecology PE10_7 Physics of earth's interior, seismology, volcanology PE10_8 Oceanography (physical, chemical, biological) PE10_9 Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry PE10_10 Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology PE10_11 Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics, PE10_13 Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution PE10_14 Physical geography PE10_15 Earth observations from space/remote sensing PE10_16 Geomagnetism, paleomagnetism PE10_17 Ozone, upper atmosphere, ionosphere PE10_18 Hydrology, water and soil pollution LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS1_1 Molecular biology and interactions LS1_2 General biochemistry and metabolism LS1_3 DNA biosynthesis, modification, repair and degradation LS1_4 RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation LS1_5 Protein synthesis, modification and turnover LS1_6 Biophysics LS1_7 Structural biology (crystallography, NMR, EM) LS1_8 Biochemistry of signal transduction LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS2_1 Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics LS2_2 Transcriptomics LS2_3 Proteomics LS2_4 Metabolomics LS2_5 Glycomics LS2_6 Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi LS2_7 Quantitative genetics LS2_8 Epigenetics and gene regulation LS2_9 Genetic epidemiology LS2_10 Bioinformatics LS2_11 Computational biology LS2_12 Biostatistics LS2_13 Systems biology LS2_14 Biological systems analysis, modelling and simulation LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS3_1 Morphology and functional imaging of cells LS3_2 Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms LS3_3 Cell cycle and division Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 35 LS3_4 Apoptosis LS3_5 Cell differentiation, physiology and dynamics LS3_6 Organelle biology LS3_7 Cell signalling and cellular interactions LS3_8 Signal transduction LS3_9 Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in animals LS3_10 Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in plants LS3_11 Cell genetics LS3_12 Stem cell biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology LS4_1 Organ physiology LS4_2 Comparative physiology LS4_3 Endocrinology LS4_4 Ageing LS4_5 Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders LS4_6 Cancer and its biological basis LS4_7 Cardiovascular diseases LS4_8 Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric, immunity-related, metabolismrelated disorders, cancer and cardiovascular diseases) LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders LS5_1 Neuroanatomy and neurosurgery LS5_2 Neurophysiology LS5_3 Neurochemistry and neuropharmacology LS5_4 Sensory systems (e.g. visual system, auditory system) LS5_5 Mechanisms of pain LS5_6 Developmental neurobiology LS5_7 Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech) LS5_8 Behavioral neuroscience (e.g. sleep, consciousness, handedness) LS5_9 Systems neuroscience LS5_10 Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience LS5_11 Neurological disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease) LS5_12 Psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, autism, Tourette's syndrome, obsessivecompulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) LS6 Immunity and infection LS6_1 Innate immunity LS6_2 Adaptive immunity LS6_3 Phagocytosis and cellular immunity LS6_4 Immunosignalling LS6_5 Immunological memory and tolerance LS6_6 Immunogenetics LS6_7 Microbiology LS6_8 Virology LS6_9 Bacteriology LS6_10 Parasitology LS6_11 Prevention and treatment of infection by pathogens (e.g. vaccination, antibiotics, fungicide) LS6_12 Biological basis of immunity related disorders LS6_13 Veterinary medicine Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 36 LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health LS7_1 Medical engineering and technology LS7_2 Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging) LS7_3 Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and design, drug therapy LS7_4 Analgesia LS7_5 Toxicology LS7_6 Gene therapy, stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine LS7_7 Surgery LS7_8 Radiation therapy LS7_9 Health services, health care research LS7_10 Public health and epidemiology LS7_11 Environment and health risks including radiation LS7_12 Occupational medicine LS7_13 Medical ethics LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology LS8_1 Ecology (theoretical, community, population, microbial, evolutionary ecology) LS8_2 Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics, plant-animal nteractions) LS8_3 Systems eEvolution, biological adaptation, phylogenetics, systematics LS8_4 Biodiversity, comparative biology LS8_5 Conservation biology, ecology, genetics LS8_6 Biogeography LS8_7 Animal behaviour (behavioural ecology, animal communication) LS8_8 Environmental and marine biology LS8_9 Environmental toxicology LS8_10 Prokaryotic biology LS8_11 Symbiosis LS9 Applied life sciences and biotechnology LS9_1 Genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins, biosensors LS9_2 Synthetic biology and new bio-engineering concepts LS9_3 Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising LS9_4 Aquaculture, fisheries LS9_5 Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology) LS9_6 Food sciences LS9_7 Forestry, biomass production (e.g. for biofuels) LS9_8 Environmental biotechnology, bioremediation, biodegradation LS9_9 Biotechnology, bioreactors, applied microbiology LS9_10 Biomimetics LS9_11 Biohazards, biological containment, biosafety, biosecurity Guidelines for Applicants – AFR Postdoc Grants; 20.04.2011 Page | 37
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