1 '/' Page! H«ndtr<on Home News and Boulder City New* Tuesday, July S, 1979 ViPageS FOR RENT OR LEASf. TowiihevM, t bdrm, Vk bath, ill ippllinces. Inclu. wiiher and dryer, smill fenred yard, available Approi. Jaly 11 2a»-lim. B.C. SAND. GRAVEL. TOP SOiC k LANDSCAPE ROCK, Call 293t»liy».C. _^_^ 4^ LICENSED CHILD CARE in my home. 565-7412. Hdn. .__^^ BISCAYNE WAGON. 327. 3 sp.. 2 snow WANTED - old batbtub with claw & ball fert. Call tires Good interior, good gooo eriKliii* ana gfl« f>^' at MS-73aL Transmission $600 FIRM. Needs battery. Call For rent: 3 bdrm, 2 bth apt. Close 564-5459 Hdn. to schools 4 stores. Call 565-K21. JOHNS REPAIR SERVICE LET ME BE VOl'R HANDYMAN. I liave 2S 1957 G!«IC Pickup. Runs. Needs years In wiving these probwork on motor. Body it inlems. Windows. Doors, terior in exc. shape. Home Screens, Cabinets. Leaky style beer bar keg. Call after FaiKWtts, Mobile Home Air 5. Ph. S64-1864 or 565-N43. Conditioning, cooler problems, (pumps & motors) Two bdrm. apartment for rent. minor..electric problems. 56&-S95S. NO JOB TOO SMALL. REASONABLE RATES CALL 2t3-4SM B.C. INDIVIDUAL & CONTKAC TOR CONSLLTANTS Bob ODell. 2130 Boolder Hwy 565-0417 • 565 0516. Hdn FOR RENT: very nice snail furnished 2 bdrm. home. Adults only. No pets. First, last. $300. mo Plus $100. security deposit & $S0. cleaning fee. 293-4^61. B.C. CONCERTS. MINI-CONCERTS For Beneflte, anbs, Organi"''"ff* by Profesijojal Singer - Flo Raymond (FloriaK Sings Several Ungnages • Opera, Classical, Musical Comedy, Folk, and Pop! .Also Director and Coordinator of Shows. Phone K fteitos Ph. S65-762I • Blodi Wals <*lBr e pmU MOSSEFTS I MASONRY OeanMosser iA/j Mason Cortractor^ \ tic. Na 14768 FOR RENT: 3-2-2 home In Highland Hills, Hdn. Fenced, furn. or unf. Lease - Sale - Option possible. 5M-2242. APT. - 2 large bdrmi., 2 bths. Wall to wall carpeting, dishwasher, disposal, drapes. No children - No pets. $37$ mo. Call 384-7575. FOR SALE • HIdc-a-Bed sofa, Stan. siie. excel, cond. tlM. 2a31099. after 12 p.m. B.C. HORSE CORRALS - 4 lots, $2500, will take terms 2«3-3S0e. FOR RENT: Studio apts. Partly furn. $150 up. 1st, last, $10$ Security dep. 565-96M. ^0l• WMEITWKDOIT No jobtosmall He-.idenlialor commercial 39S-5484 or 293 4284 BC UNFURNISHED APTS 2 bedroom LPl>i . Wa«JH»g hookup NO PETS Children welcome DESERT GARDENS APARTMENTS 205 Randy Way. No. 2 Henderson S«S-»0S1 Finding attractive, inexpensfvc wall covering is hecoming a big problem. As Ihe prices for home decorating materials continue to rise. the choices seem to K-ccme more and more limited. The solution to this problem, available in any home decoratiAg center, is more cost-effective than all the alternatives, creates a background compatible with any decotjiting st^le, and is ;'tpplicable to atfy surtacc. What is if Paint! For example, a roll of vinyl-coited wallpaper can cvst $+5.flO- (or rtoYe) ttnti PAI.NT MAKE.S IT POSSIBI.K ... a fouMone gi^ir cover 30 square feel. This, wind» its way through the living and dining; an-H> of ihi^ mean^ that it would cost, apadmrnt. The effrrl is tnexprnoivr yrl dramalir. SI20.00 to wallpaper an . 8' X 8' bathroom. However, minded wallpaper and panelexceptionally deep toned you can paint the whole ' ing manufacturers. The hues can be applied to both room with a half galion of the O'Brien Corpo'ralion. maker interior and exterior surmost expensive paint on the of Fuller-O'Bnen Paints, has faces, You generally achieve market for approximately created a variety of wall complete cpverage with only $10.00. I -CQiitln& collections to meet one coat. What* more -. ^new gener These high-fashion, vfatioB of paints is re>o-, . . yoijr every imaginable need for bcaut> and Style, duraluiiorizing the industry. makbrant colors make a dramatis, bility, tortg lasting protectandefTective statement when mg it possible to create richion and scrubbability. used as part of a complete looking designer back-^ One of the innovative color scheme, inside and out. grounds at a fraction of the' newcomers, called UltraWhen used to accent, they price of wood, fabric, or Colors, is available in latex enhance the beauty of furnivinyl wall coverings. and alkyd formulas. These ture and accessories. Keeping up with fashion- BRIGHT WAY TO START THE DAY! Interior designer Emy Lt-eKcr uwed the handsome hexagon motif of "Olrmpia Til«>" in rich sienna brown from GAF's GAFSTAR 5400 Serien of patlems as her inopiralion for a rharminK breakfast bar with the unique rolor rombinations of neutralH, naturalii and paslclx and the xing of r<intemp4irary Amerirana. Cheery breakfast bar is bright way to start day! Start your day a delightful new way with a light, colorful approach to kitchen decorating. It's easy to turn a part of yoiT kitchen—or any unr.'^ u$CT home space —into a checfful breakfast bar with the decorator zing of contemporary Americana. Interior designer Emy Leeser (NHFI.I has created a new look for kitchens using neutrals and naturals highlighted by pretty pastel accents. She begins her perky approach to the breakfast bar with a rich foundation — skek sheet vinyl flooring in the "Olympia Tile pattern ' from GAFs GAFSTAR-i^OO * Series oC patterns, Ms. Leeser uses a nch sienna brown for a deep, -'natural color beginning The [ AaMhonc hexagtm motif of 'OtymfitTik." which kx>ks euctly like glazed ceramK tiles, is as practical for kitchen use as it IS pretty Topped with the supershmy urethane coaling of GAF s Brite-Bond floor coverings, it makes for easy cleaning, easy viewing and casv living. For a light and ajry contrasno the rich browns of the fliwrl Ms. Leeser has introduced Ihe new look of pastels in a smart wallcovering fabric and a painted counter and stools, using soft and warm curry.' pale paprika and cream beige. The see-through fabric of the window curtains and the addition of hanging plants heighten the open feehng of this charming setting A wonderful space-saving idea for apartment dwellers and homeowners alike, this softly colorful nook can be created in any unused area or "lost space" or in. or mijircent to. the kitchen proper. But no matter where you choose to create your pretty new breakfast nook, it's one of the best improvements you can make not only for your home. ftut also for yourself and all your brighter mornings! nai^ TBIT" full or part time Dog Groomer BJ'S DOG GROOM 31 E. Basic Rd. Also Bather & Brusher L. ^ WANTED: Experienced hair-' dresser w-following. Pull or part time. Witche's Hut Beauty Salon. 565-0158 Hdn. B.C. - 2 BDRM. 2 BATH BY OWNER, 3$- pool-spa, privacy wall, built • in sauna, fireplace, 20x30 pstio, upgraded throughoet, approx. $S1,000. 293-3024. Evet. time at all, you're back in beige. If the price of labor, yours in particular, is a consideration, today s paints and applicators make the job less taxing than a round of golf—and. in many-cases, less time-consuming. Brushes, rollers, pads and special gadgets for woodwork and hard-to-get-at places make it possiblr to cover a spacious dining room and . entertain -dinner gocsts the ' same evening. Paint is one of the most versatile and inexpensive wall coverings available to home -decorators. Many ; however, live with while walls rather than risk choosing the wrong shade. Or spend a fortune on wallpaper, paneling and fabric to achieve a designer look. With deference to economy and value, let's get over this habit apd turn to paint to design a backdri>p for our furniture and accessories. Even if you do make the wrong choice, a wall can be repainted at a fraction of the price of replacing wood, fabric, or expensive vinyls. Do'it-yourselffurniture jobs are fun way to beat inflation Living with inflation today usually means either doing without or doing-it-yoursclf. For a growing number of homeowners and apartment dwellers, do-it-yoursdf in home decorating has K-comc the rule rather than the exception. In addition to providing' that personal touch in decorating, it is also just one of the many ways consumers have found to stretch their dollars these days Onrof the most popular areas is in do-it-yourself furniture. For the adveiituiesome, there are a numix;r of chic, versatile, functional furniture pieces that can be made at home without too much strain on the budget. D-l-Y furniture has grown so popular that many designers and manufacturers have responded with new products that not only look beautiful but are easy to make. Above all. they are practical, particularly in filling those extra storage needs. Dexter Studio. New York, for example, has designed a line of 13 occasional.pieces ranging from a cocktail table to a kitchen island. All are crafted of Formica' brand decorative laminates for durability and easy maintenance. Among the items is a console table that in its 60-inch length is useful as a bar or buffet. However, it can be made in any length to suit a specific &lor9ge need in foyer, bedroom «r other area. The bedside table, another handy and popular piece, includes a shelf plus roomy drawer where bedside necessities can be stashed. The cocktail table is so simple it can be made in a single shop session. However, the kitchen island is suggested for the' skilled craftsman. Those just attempting a D-I-Y project are advised tft' Stan with some of the simpler designs even though carpentry for advanced projects has been simplified. Once Its discovered how easy it ii to woti with lamiHles. a variety oC other appiiations may come to mind. These can inchide everything • 565-9306 How to cover yoi^r walls and curb costs Traditional earthtones, so popular in' today's decors, can be found in the FullerO'Brien Heritage Collection. Also applicable to interior and exterior surfaces, these colors recreate (he dignity and warmth o( the Colonial or Early American periods. They are, however, equally compatible with a sophisticated, contemporary setting. Then there ate Whisper •Whites—a paleue of neutral background hues, running from oyster to champagne. Fuller-O'Brien Paints come in over I .(WO different shaoes and you will have no problem'in fmding a match for your decorating scheme. But can this color be duplicated later'^ It's as easy as a trip to your local paint store. Fuller-OBrien has standardized its formulas, making it easy to match that exact shade of beige for your new modular couch. If in five ye.-rrs you and your couch move into new digs with pink walls, don't spend $800 on a new couch- Take your formula to one of the .'.200 Fuller-O'Brien Pro Shops for an exact color match. In no TEDDV S KITCHENETTES "Juii bring your toothbrush" 293-1716 VOICE LESSONS - All Ages Singing Specialist (Flo Raymond) - Beginners, Intermediate. Advanced, and ProfessioBal - Private, Semi-Private, er Class of 4 (Limit). Also Beginner's Drama and Beginner's Piano. Only the serious minded need apply. Phone S65-8M9 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT, 2 bdm., 1 bath, Ave. B $315 mo. Call Greg Logan, 7S«4>SM or 4SSISM or 4SM332. pancy, dbl. wide mobile horne.T.L.C.3bdrm.,2bath, Adult park by appt 293-3638 or 2034629. B.C. Are you living with a DrinkingProblem'?? If so, why not try Al - Anon. Meet' ingsareTues 10 am. St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. Tues. 8 ftm." Club, 51 Water St. Wed. 7:30 p.m. St. Rose de Lima Hosp. For more information, call 965-9963. 1965 Mustang. Rt-b««ilt,en9lnt, good l'ranspertafien.$1200 firm. 565-0508 Get up, gel out, clean up and shine Sptiittli here and h's time 10 check on everything and anything that may n'-^d cleaning. Now thai the snow has meiied away and the rain is falling, debris can get stuck in the gutters and cause poor drainage. atmhoniip.' Pull out your ladder, gel up un the roof and clean those gutters. While you're up there. c nccryonr rmi u^any o.iiii*= ciRtir age that might have occurred during the winter. Shingles may need to be replaced, cracks fixed, etc. Spring is also a good time to inspect your house in general. Fareliri*' It may need a new coat of paint or bricks fixed. Shutters may also need repairing. Its time to replace your storm windows with screens, too. Don'i forget to wash those storm windows before storing, and check your screens for holes and rips before installing them to keep out the bugs that summer brings So. now that the sun is shining, make out your checklist for getting your home in shape for spring. 1170 FORD LTD, 30O-V2. 2 dr. clean. J800. .\fter 4,293-1048. warraity, mm. M-UM. B.C. LEASE: Henderson 2 bdrm. Washer - dryer, kitchen equipped. Large fenced yard. Water & garbage paid. $285. Itt, last* deposit Call I7«1627 aflor 5:30 p.m. FOR SALE-old bookcase, color fvsttreo Items,aquariums. 1 ton hoist, more, 5C5-M85. Hend. WILL DO HOUSECLEAMNQ Mon. thru Thurs. SM-2102. Hend. Young American Homes GOLF CLUBS like now. MeCregar, Jack Nieklint Golden Bear. 3 thru I irons, pitching wedge, 1,3,4,5 woods, putter, new bag Included. $150. 2*3-1380. Presents 2,3 & 4 Bedrooms __ «42,950 to »51,950 . •^ ACRE SEC. 27. Oocated behind Westworld). All t'til Surveyed. 4S8-6687 Aft. S:30. Models Open Dafly 564-2217 or FOR RENT: New studio apt. furnished, $19S per month. First and last. 1100 security deposit. Call 50S-t«M. Hend Bob Ohen Realty & Insurance Inc. Pacific ERealtor-MLS 4^\ , 6 Water St., Hendenonj S I KAiro* 564-1831 TAKE YOUR PICK IS Brand Spanking New Homes ready for occupancy, never occupied. Be the first. We have four different floor plans with each plan having a change in exterior. Each Home has a fireplace, double garage, large family room. generous interior floor plans to choose from. Choose your own esrpet colors. If you hurry, you can he settled before hot westher gets here. Your own private covered patio for outdoor living and barbecues. Call today for appointments to see., 4 BEDROOM • 2 CAR GARAGE, RED TILE TOOF Over ISM sq. f^t of living, with fireplace in Living room. Double garage. All freshly carpeted. Block wall. Never occupied. Move In FAST. Let as show you. This home is lovely. High oa tlic hill, and 3 Br.. 2 Full Baths with Family room, dining room, Coaatry style kitchen, rear covered patio, family flexibility features with open planning throughout. Feels more spacious than it is. Immaculste throughout. Nicely landscaped with Brick wall enclosed yard. DMibie garage. Call 584-1831 to see. HONE TO GROW IN Roon to spread out for the growing fkmlly 4 bdm., 14 baths, plus a family room. Fireplace in family room, ftilly carpeted throughout. Country Style Kitchen, lots of storage. 75X1<M lot. Plenty of room now for the entire family to be comfortable. Enclosed yard. Aluminum siding for careft«e maiatenanee. See today. REPUCE OLD, WORN-OUT WINDOWS with light, fitting, well-insulated aluminum-framed ihermaUaed units whirh ran let the solar heal in and help conserve' energy. The frames are lightweight, strong, snog, mainlenanre-free and easy to clean and they come in various styles and colors. Aluminum replaremeni win> dows ran be rustom fit to any size or shape. They come pre-assemblrd with frame, glass, weatherslripping and trim, and can be installed quickly year-round. SUNKEN LIVING ROOM CATHEDRAL CEIUNGS Nlaek Nountaio area home with beautiful ceramic tiled entry, sunken living room, plus formal dining room. Large Country atyle kitchen, with bar, large master bedroom suite with Vanity - dressing roam, large bathrooms. Doable garage with electric garage sfener. Bcaatimi view of Mountains. Clooe la Tennis courts, and new school. This hemrshMrs elegantly. ous types available and care^ fiiUy look at'Samples. Also, look for thermalized windows that bear an AAMA CRF label. This indicates the window's Condensation Resistance Factor. While okJ, worn-out windows can be a ntuyor cause of energy loss in the home, efficient new ones can offer the biggest opportunity for conserving energy. Careful planning of replacement window installation for efficient insulation and solar heat can give the homeowner the best of two worlds —plenty of seethrough glass to enjoy the surroundings and lower fuel bills. For more information about aluminum windowjV send for a free new bookir entitled 'Banking on Your Windows' fi-om the Aluminum Window Information Bureau, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Crsstway ITNDKR 948LIMJ8 WonM TM beUeve $31 J58.80 fsr a 3 B^rn. home? RefHgeratlMi, Forced air. heating ft cooling. Carpeted throughont,aBd more important -- vacant and ready for you to move in on credit approval. Call today as this one won't last long. 2 BDRM. TOWNHOUSE WITH APPUANCES SnuU amount of cash and take over payments. This is a darliag townhouse, with low payments. Mirrored walls in Living room professionally flaisbed, carpeted, drapes. Pool ft pUygrouads available. Samll homeowner's assoc. fee pays srater, sewer, garbage, and outside maintenance, as well a* tbe grounds mainteaaaee. Call today as tomorrow may be loo late. '2 H Aerca in Section. 19 - Black Mountain Area. 2 H Acres Section 4 with View - Only 829,000. Financing avaUaMe. • LAIB MEAD FRONTAGE FOR SALE WATEE STREET FRONTAGE - Commercial Zoned Call fH Malls - Owaer-Ueensec. FAMILY OPERATED BUSINESS Priced right. Right downtown Henderson. Samll amount of Cash Puts you in the driver's seat. Call (sr details. FILING CABINET. $45. Ph. SM4M5. I ADVERTISERS 'PLEASE PROOF I ' Your ad the first day f in case an error ocI I curs. The BoulderCity News will assume no I responsibility after I the first day of publiI cation. Error claims I must be made imI mediately. r FOR SALE. 14x60 Trailer. 2 bdrm, 9x10 shed, $15,000 cash. Can be seen at B.C. Trailer Park. Space 60. | J [ pafciMfH-g-B rti watatatsi FOR RENT - Furnished extra nice 2 bdrm. apt. Ideal for the active retired. 385-1558 or ^ 293-1785. B.C. B.C. CUSTOM HOME, 3 bdrm, 2 hath, fireplace. 2 car garage. Fenced Yard. 879,900. 293-5109 B.C. MOTORCtCLE FOR SALE. Dirt bike. Honda Elsinot'e 250. $450 or best offer. Ph. evenings, 565-7024. LOW MILEAGE, 1965 Interna lional Travelall, excel cond. roof air cond. $1250. 293-4430. B C. | I j Television and Anfonno Spotioltios of Boulder City Custom Antenn.i'i lor tho moslinviewmfianfl luten inc pleasure PH 293 4976 SawMMt-nafc BABYSITTER NEEDED. Monday-Wednesday. 8 to 5. Soon as possible. 293-3421. B.C. Ages. 5 and 9. WANTED: Adnlt. Temporary position, 8-10 weeks. $4.00 hour, 40 hours week. Must have valid Nevada Drivers License Vehicle provided. Enjoys meeting public. Job consists of inspection and enforcement function for use permit conditions, architectural review stipulations, etc. Will work closely with the Planning Department and the Building and Safety Department. Contact the Personnel Department, City Hail. 243 Water Street, Henderson, Nevada, or call 565-8921, Ext. 14. Beautify now, insulate later! BEDSIDE TABLE ran be used aK night stand with a dhelf for books and drawer for bedside neressilies. Finished wiih Formica' brand deroralive laminates, the table was designed by Dexler Studio, New York. KITCHE!^ ISUISD is one do-ll-rovrw-lf prolerl for skilled craftsmen. This 38-inrh4iigh divider frainrrs one wide and one narrow drawer on earh side plus a knife slot. Designed by Dexler Studio, New Yoii, the kllrhen island is sarfeeed in Formica' brand i live laminates. from resuffKing a door to a countcrtop. For detailed instructions on the furniture, send $1 for each project desired to Fomica Corporation. 120 E. 4th Street. Cmcimtati. OH 45202 Information available includes detailed drawings, specifications. Hst of materials as well as step-by-step const nKtioe. Owners of older homes frequently face the question of which fix-up task to tackle first. There just are more jobs than dollars. One of the most common problems is the home that needs both sidewall insulation and new siding: Which should come first? Until recently, homeownere really had little choice in the matter. Homeowners who could afford either siding or insulation—but not both—were well-advised to choose insulation first and live with the old exterior until the budget recovered. Adding insulation to the sidcwalls of a home means drilling holes all the way around. After insulation it bk)wn in the holes have to be phigged, and they don't look veiy pretty. But today, homeowners who choose vinyl siding can add insulation later on without damaging the siding one bit. One manufacturer dl vinyl tiding. Mastic Corporation has a tool that can unzip siding panels and zip them bKk up without leaving a mark. The tiding removal tool consists of a formed metal blade with a wooden handle; the blade unkxks and rckKki the tiding panels. When selecting vinyl siding with At idea of addii« insulation lat^r on, the homeowner should take care to idect a vinyl tidiiy that it poM-ionnod. ^ This means that, during nuDidacturing. the vinyl outerial is molded into a flat 4 FOR RENT 2 bdrm ISi bath. 1200 sq. ft. 2 story Townhouse In B.C. Fireplace, fenced yard, covered parking, laundry room. $360 per mo. plus deposit. No pets. 457-6554. 'i RttlTOIS SOVING TW HOMRSON AKA FOR 30 YEARS JEANNE A. OLSEN DEMARCO, BROKER m MISCELLANEOUS NEED NOT CALL HOMEOWNERS WHO CHOOSE house siding made ttt Duranyl* vinyl get a bonus of extra flexibility which permits the siding panels to be.nnlocked, raised and relocked without damage. This allows the homeowner to install new siding Aral and blown^in insnialion later when it suits the family's budget. piece of uniform thickness, then formed into its final shape with the nailing edge at the top and the butt edge at the bottom, which gives the panel its clapboard appearance. Then, when the lengths of siding are installed, they kxk together. This makes it possible to unkxk a panel of^ siding. \ih it, insulate and then rekxk with no telhale damage to the appearance at all. - in addition to poat-forming, another vinyl siding quality to look for is flexibility. Some vinyl sidings are made of vinyl compounds, such as Duranyl*. that are especially formulated to function as bouse siding. Therefore, they have exactly the right balance of llexibiliiy and rigidity to last many years, but bend when they need to be HexiWe. such as when installing insulation after siding it already installed. One type of vinyl siding that IS post formed and made of a special vinyl compound cames a limited 40-year warranty that includes a clause warranting against hail damage! One manufacturer offers a free flyer explaining the unwcking process, plus product literature and a free minisample of siding 10 lest for yourself Write to; Mastic Corporation. DeptM. 131S Tayior^Street. Suth Bend, ..lis home is expensive, not (expensive - for the family with more good taste than wealth. (iRoomy, with three bedrooms, 'fireplace, concrete block garage. Most liveable home forthe jnoney. Something special see lit now Call 564-2515 or evenjlngs: 565-0747 TRAILER ESTATES Two bedroom Mobile Home priced In the low SCs. Extra large lot. Franklin stove in livingroom, all appliances stay. Concrete block garage in r«ar. This is such a good buy It wont last long Make your appointment today Call S64-2151 Of evenings: 56^0747. DESIGNED FOR HAPPY UVING TOR RENT Water Trucli. Call 293-2276. 1956 FORD PICKUP, all original, custom interior, much chrome. Excel cond, resaonablc. 293-3305 or 564-3459. MOVE UP. why not move up to that custom home you've always wanUd. We have a 3 bdrm. IN bath bomk in Boulder City choice neighborhood near the golf course. 179,000. Call GILDAY RE ALTY, 731-8771 for your private showing. FOUND 5 or 6 mos. old reddish brown male dog. (some white spots). Found in vicinity of Water St. Call 565-9883. Efficiency apt. Furnished. Utilities paid. $195. Ph 564-5959 or 565-5304. 24 HOUR SERVICE CALLS • 7 DAYS A WEEK •SIS WATER ST., HDN. GRAPEFRUIT PLAN WITH DIADAX, eal satisfying meals and lose weight, now extra strength formula NEVADA DRUG.. B.C. TippettsConstructior> 1973 Glasspar and trailer. 17 4 (L 165 mere cruiser, excel ski and fishing rig, only 127 hrs. on this boat. If you can find a cleaner rig I'll buy it. 293-3776. FKLEE.STI.M.\TK.S REMGDELINt; PATIO COVERS ADDITIONS r>i'\\i:i TippcM^ rmnfT' Lir N" 1,)904 PH 565 0958 Everything your heart desires three bedrooms, two baths, double garage, and 1^ acre lot. Located high up in section No. 4. High above smog and heat. See This and Stop Looking! Call 564-2515 or evenings 56^0747. NEED LOTS OF ROOM? —BOULDER CITY HOME— Then this is the home for you. Four Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 1400 fou will find charm and con- square feet of living space. Coiy family room Brick firepvcnieacc plus prestigious and pleaiure in a four bed lace Urge 80 X 116 lot. FHA or room home for happy family conventional financing. Call living. Two baths, dual Hrep- 283-2151 or evenings: 293-4488. lact, fimlly room, intercom^ ell built indwell kept. Youll like tbe bouse, location, and the prlco. Call 564-2515 «r UNDER $50,000.00 ^Mdeni6¥^^eaJU(p "THE PROPERn PEOPLE' 3 bedrooms, 1^ baths. Lots of amenities 2 car garage. Low maintenance yard Call Today. 203-2151 for an appointment. MMioa NEW LISTING ON AVENUE F' 9 lOUAt NOUVNC FAMILY HOME this S^droom home with a used brick fireplace in livingroom. Good siied'familyroom and large fenced yard. Call us today 564-2151 or evenings: 565^9383 Executive & Sales Office: 18 Water Street. Henderson NV 890U Section 27 H acre with power, wittr. sewer and telephone for $18JX)0. % ten with waur, sewer and iclephoat for 816J00 H acre with oowcr aod telestaoc for 11(000. 1 aerc witk pMV, vM tcltplwntlbrlBjN. 564-2515 Branch Sales Office: 163« Nevada Highway. BC NV 89005 MLS BUILDING LOTS INC. Oory ReWm«« 293-2151 BOUtDER CITY SM-M87 °*'*^ **«****" 293-1340 4«.»»j ^J*r* f^JSl Joefcit WMMrHlto....$«4.l3«3 "^ •*«*•• 2f3-4578 BoriMira Mooholl 5*5-9340 J^^!*^ HJ!!!^ Julio Wesson ...1 J45-74S7 _. StM* Thonniyen $«5-6M7 Einec T«m., SM-OMI OPEN 9 Mr-h PM DARY ft 10^ SUNDAYS tlllllWWIIttll -^ iilMM - -.•-.>.:, J?- 2 Bedroom. 1 Batr new plumbing, refinished bath and shower, new hot water heater, new carpel in living room. Basement w-large workroom and benches Large backyard with alley access WON'T L.\ST LONG Call 293^2151 or even ings: 293-20J6 CHECK THE FEATURES ON THIS "IMI'U UtnNO SMVKI HiNDf RSON Dwone lowboch 3 Bedroom. 1 Bath, Blocit home with large yard. Well maintained WON'T LAST!!! Call today 293 2151 or 293-4578. i New 3 Bedroom W Bath, large corner lot enclosed 10x28 Patio. Automatic sprinklers front and side Plenty of space for R V Parking Call 293-2151 or 293-4498 RETIREMENT HOME 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath completely remodeled home NEW thru out. See this charming home in the older part of Boulder City Close to shopping Priced right at $52,500 Appt. only 283 2151 or 283-4578 evenings J BC Dl'PLEX 2 bdrm., air, util. room, carport. Avail. Julv 12. Call 293-3638 orj 293-4629 after 6 p.m. B C yrv m ^ir ^v v-^ BOAT. 18 ft Glaspar. Volvo inboard • outboard, cabin, water ikh, trailer, extras, $1500. 293-4430. B.C. Ist ond 2nd TRUST DEED LOANS FOR RENT: 1 bdrm. Condo Pool. No pets. $250 mo. Ph. 293-2148. 4220 So. Maryland Pkwv. Suite 201 I.AS VEGAS. NEVADA 732-8181 Compare our low rates FREE HAMSTERS 565 9294. Hend. FOR SALE - -72 Chevrolet ^edan, 42.000 miles. 400 motor, good tires. 4 Magnesium. Hend. FOR SALE by owner 4 bedrm. ' Chism home. Completely repainted, new carpeting, six ft. block wall surrounds prop. Call 565-7538. Hend. DIVORCE SALE. 7-5. 7-6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BOATHOl'SE. storage No. 88. B.C. FOR RENT: 4 bdrm. 2 btb. large private yard. $450. per mo. 917 Center. Ph. 735-7745. FLEETWOOO trailer plus large •' corner lot for sale in Henderson Trailer Estates 456-0032 for appt. and deUlls. MOTEL ROOMS & KITCHENETTE.S Color TVs. Utilities ami WEEKLY fh Harn,. 451-2445 • -T— WE WANT TO PLEASE YOU with our multiple landicaping ssrvicet 8 pro. core; Call S64-2373 for opp't. Thank you from Stioll 8 Son. scum iHU'j BLACKMOUNTAIN PLUMBING mi«lMD5 0. LOW RATES • SEWER 8i DRAIN LINES CL«ANED» / FAUCETS • GARBAGE OISPOS;>LS • / NEW KIXTURES INSTALLED •/ • ^^. coMMiacui iiiioiMrui k' .---.--- V" rL_ , ROBEf"' 'Ore <-^ 565-6749 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A NURSES AID? K so call Boulder City Core Center at 293-5151. We will troin Want to lease or rent smalt commercial bldg. - suitable for Auto Repair Shop in Henderson area. 565-8669 or 565-7562. ttttttH MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL OPENS FOR RENT ^ - DANNEBERGER PLUMBING & HEATING NEWLY USTED SHARPIE IN BOULDER CITY triK 3r%rvarv la'^g- CAPITAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. FOR RENT - 4 bdrm., 2 bath home. 1st, last, deposit. , Newly decorated. 293-4096. B.C. BRAND NEW 3 bdrm., 2 bth home. 2 car garage, AC, country kitchen, range, ref.. washer - dryer, dishwasher. Rent negotiable Asking $460. Yard for kids & pets. Prestige RenUls. 457-4733. ACTIVITY ASSISTANT Need full time help in activity department. Must have the ability and imagination to create activities for different liroups needs. Good working conditions and benefits. .Vpply between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Boulder City Care Center. 601 Adams Blvd. BC FREE TO GOOD HOMES. 1 black malecat -1 spayed Maltese. Friendly. Call anytime 564-1452 Jf Treat yourself to a papered ceiling, wall, room or whole house. Reasonable prices. Free quotes. Phone 293-1662. B.C. SELLING EVERYTHING: Pick BY OWNER IN B.C.. 3 BEDROOM HONE. 2 full baths, Up, Guns, Poodles, Cactus, dbl gar., fireplace, fml dinhousehold goods, etc., etc.. ing, prof, landscaped with Julv ^th and 8th. Call anycovered patio. $79.900rtime. 565-0473. Hend. 293-2680. B.C. Trailer Haven. A-20 Money St. 1976 NOTO-GOUZZI. $850. Take over pymts. Token down. Ward's Tank Type Vacuum Cleaner. Make offer. 585-9158. Hdn. ROl'LDER CITY ON FUTURE (iO^iF COURSE, 4 birm. family room. 2.190 s.f Extra large corner lot. huge Karage. $11U,UOO. Will carry second. Great mountain view. 293-2230.648-3703. or will trade for ? r" WALLPAPERING NATURWAY NATURAL FOOD 13114 Nev. Hwy. B.C. CELEBRATING OUR g years ANNIVERSARY. 10^ off. I viUmins. minerals, capsolated herbs, protiens for tbe I month of JULY. Please bring this ad 565-8035 FOR .SALE: Dbl wide MoMe Home. Furnished or unfiirnished. Barfjain;! See to apprecialf. Ph. 564 1688. 55 Ballerina Dr.; BaTTerfna Tr. Park. Hend. NEW Custom HOIDC for sale by owner." 3 bdrm . 2 bath. 2 car earauc. fireplace, walk in pantry & I arce storage area. On '•! acre lot. Ph 565^8149 Hdn •RESIDENTIAL •COMMERCIAL REMODELING 564-2772 565-9425 565-9491 565-8088 564-5853 564-5853 5650899 Details Tuesday 7-2-79 USED PONTOO.N BOAT: 28 FOOT, rebuilt with new factory made aluminum pontoons; twin 35's, completely fenced for.safety; shade top for sleeping, diving. See/at Weekender Boat Shop on Boulder • Highway, Henderson. $4,000 CASH. Private owner. .Ask Bill Reynolds about it. HOW DOES THE OTHERHALF COPE with food. energy and inflation? CHC. Box 1980. Ludlow. S. Dak. 57755. FOR SALE 20 FfrAfllWcrat travel trailer. 1968, sleeps 6, Coleman air cond., 8 track tape deck, elec. butane & battery, 4 wheel, self contained & shower, excell. cond. see at 71 Constitution, Hend. $3500. Cash. •CONTRACTING AFTER HOURS CALL: JEANNE A. OLSEN DE MARCO - BROKER PETER J. OLSEN. SALESMAN VIRGIL McKINNEV, SALESMAN JANET SHAW, SALESMAN LORIN WILUAMS. SALESMAN PAULINE "TINA " WILLIAMS, SALESMAN MICHAEL P BERGEMEYER. salesman TOTAL COMPLETE TELEPHONE ANSWERING : SERVKE FOR SALE .*^- : STOCKBOY AND DLS HWASHER, ftill time must f he itenendahie. gicelltnt > / ' fringe benefits. Apply Boulder City Care Center. 801 .4dmas Blvd. 29.1-5151. •NEW CONSTRUCTION ^ti*Mlinaanai(<MmiaHMaitadMBas*iyhitllAailt -jt. X Roberts Realty j I FOR HENDERSON WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR HOUSE IS WORTH? Fro* prep•rly analysis. Call Rogtr, Realtor, Honderton Rtally Inc., 293-2ISI, Evti. 293-1622, B.C. City View Terrace FOR RENT: 2 bdrm. 2 bath. Just new. $27S Plus Dcpo. No Fete. SM-2377. EXECUTIVE HONE and it requires little maintenance. Aluminum replacement windows come in a variety of architectural styles with either an anodized finish or with a baked-on enamel coating to match or blend with any indoor or outdoor color scheme. They can be custom fit for virtually any opening. Picture windows, bay windows, double-hung and single-hung windows, vertical and horizontal sliders, tilt windows and doors of all kinds, including those to the patio, can be fitted snugly with aluminum replacements. They come as complete pre-assembled units with aluminum frame, glass, weatherstripping and trim, and can be installed by a qualified remodeler, usually within a day's time. If your windows are worn out and you are thinking about replacing them, shop around. Invesugate the vari- !*ilOW RENTING LM.S .STORAGE 1601 Athol .St.. Henderson (Behind Bingo Barn) S04-2S55 M-day Special. Rent for 2 mos. Receive 3rd month FREE 565-8947 New windows able to provide ^free^ heat and cut fuel bills No home energy check is complete without a careful look at your windows. If your windows are tight-fitting and well-insulated, they probably supply your home with more solar heat than is lost by cold air leaking in through the glass. But if they are loose and drafty. you are heating the - whole outdoors and should consider replacement windows. Recent findings of the AAMA (Architectural Alufliinum Manufacturers Association) Research Foundation show that the solar heal gained through windows, especially when they face southeast and southwest, can actually provide a significant amount of the total heat required for a conventional home. That's because solar energy penetrates through glass and becomes heat to furnish warmth. Thus, even a large picture window, properly installed, can conserve energy rather than waste it, and can be as energy-efficient as a well-insulated wood wall. ThermaKzed glass window replacements can significantly reduce heat loss through loose-fitting singleglazed windows. This means that within a few years, savings in fuel use may offset the cost of the new windows, to say nothing of added comfort. There are many types of replacement windows, but each year aluminum is most popular. Many aluminum windows are manufactured with a thermal break, which means that they will insulate as well as wood or vinyl. Aluminum frames also offer the advantages of light weight, rigidity, strength and tight fit. Moreover, the metal won't shrink, swell or rust, More B.C. VILLA DEL PRADO, S months old, 2 bdrm, t bath, rircplaee, country kitchen, t ear garage, corner let, under Tuesday, July 3,1979 Henderson Home News and Boulder City News J Three bdrm.. 2 full baths, family room. new carpeting throughout. Well insulated home in Henderson. Over 170O Sq. ft. Asking FHA Appraisal - $56,650. .Security Realty, BROKER. Art Esplnota - 382-6402. John Nurdock - 451-5235. ^esr jRosecrest Cobinets,lnc HENDERSON, NEVAD.A Custom Kitchens ^m£\^y 565-7472 M»i ... r - .„,. Motorcycles for sale. 1973 Honda Elsinore 250. Bought new in 1976. $550. 197$ MXI75 Yamaha $300, or $750 for both. 565-6117. ECONOMY CAR «9 Falicn 6 cyl, auto, air. 23 - 27 MPG. Mast see to appreciate. $1300, or best offer. 293-3968 2335. PttlCED RIGHT •""' RANCH ESTATE HOME FOR SALE. If you voo want a honrte, and not th« box tf com* in, drivt by 1338 Danvsr St. Built under Federal tpocifkotiont, this home of concroto, brick, tponith tile, oali floors, loth 8 Noiter, otc, with cempotibl* upgrading (air, hoot 4 5 car off itreot parking) ihould fill your dotirt. 47 years old i looking good, con you say the tanto? COMMERCIAL LOT Located next to Bank of ( Enjoy the Rood life in Boulder Nevada on Nevada Highway. City Beautiful 5 Bedroom Approx \ Acre Zoned C 2 home on 1 92 Designed for e.isy SEE TODAY -- Will be gone to-1 living and entertaining inside morrow. For information call i and out. SEE THIS PRESTIGI 293-2151 or evenings 293-4578. i OUS HOME Appt. onlv WANT TO RETIRE 293 2151 or 293 4578 i<||£ BEST SHOW IN TOWN '^ BOULDER CITY? Fantastic view, fantastic firep- This home is easy living.desertJ Itfie, unique desig.n, beauti- landscaped automatic sprink-l fully decorated on 4 Acre in lers A 3 Bedroom home with Sub. No II. Ifyou are looking 3rd Bedroom converted to a for an oustanding home in fam rm Great Assumption at every way YOU MUST SEE 8<V VA 293 2151 or evenings 293 1(522 THIS ONE Call for appt 293 2151 or 293 4578 evenings. BOULDER CITY HOME 2 Bedroom under $50,000 Call 4 BEDROOM HOME With pool with solar heater. 2 29.V2151 or evenings 293 1822 Bath Immaculate home Well GOLF COURSE HOME decorated and maintained 3 Bedrooms. 2 Stories Priced Easy living with desert landscaping Call for appt 293-2151 right Call 293 2151 or evenings 293 1622 or evenings 293 4.S78 MARINA HIGH LANDS MARINA HiGHL\N<DSJ| LOTS HOME We have all types Call now Custom 2 Bedroom. 2 Bath home with beautiful Master View. High on a Hill Owner Bedroom, sunken tub. walk-in will carry 283 2151 or 293 1622 closet Fireplace ' with evenmgs INCOME PROPERTY Heatolator Ceramic tile and carpeted floors 84x100 lot Duplex on large lot with room DON'T MISS THIS ONE Appt for more, you don t find this tn «WM»'«MMLOnly Call 293-2151 or 293-4578 .Boulder City very often Ca wwwww«....y._ 783 2151 or evenings 283-162 i
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