This workshop investigates the uses of

Berlin, Staatsbibliothek,
f.045, & f.008
f.031; Nürnberg, germ. Nationalmuseum, Hs.
27773, f.01; Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.
Theol.225_199v, f.47v-48r.
This workshop investigates the uses of
collections of artists’ and artisans’ recipes.
The workshop takes as its starting
point a broad definition of ‚collection of
recipes’, to make it include all writings
that told readers how to do something.
This means that also mathematical
instrument manuals and writings on art
of a more theoretical nature (showing
traces of recipe reading) are among the
Sven Dupré
Elaine Leong
Doris Oltrogge
The Uses and Users of Artisanal Recipes
sources which participants investigate.
Chronologically, the workshop focuses
on the period between 1400 and 1700.
Max Planck Research Group:
Art and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe
Sheila Barker
Montserrat Cabré
Giovanni Fara
Rudolf Gamper
Stephen Johnston
Peter Murray Jones
Daniel Jütte
Deborah Krohn
Ayesha Mukherjee
Hannah Murphy
Sylvie Neven
Pamela H. Smith
Barbara Tramelli
Karin Zimmermann
September 19—20, 2014
Max Planck Institute
for the History of Sci ence
Conference Room, Ground Floor
Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin
Registration to the conference:
[email protected]
+49 (0)30 22667-284
M a x - P lanck - I nstit u t f ü r W issenschaftsgeschichte
M a x P lanck I nstit u te for the H istor y of S cience
10:00 – 10:10
I ntrod u ction
Sven Dupré, Elaine Leong, Doris Oltrogge
S ession I , C h a i r : S v e n D u p r é
15:00 – 15:50
Hannah Murphy, University of Oxford
P rint e d R e m e d i e s a n d Writt e n
R e cip e s in a S i x t e e nth - C e nt u r y
M e d ic a l Libr a r y
Commentator: Michael Stolberg (Universität
12:10 – 13:00
Montserrat Cabré, Universidad de Cantabria
T h e Act o f R e a d ing in th e
P r o d u cti o n o f R e cip e C o l l e cti o ns
Commentator: Marieke Hendriksen (MPIWG/
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
10:10 – 11:00
Pamela H. Smith, Columbia University, NY
S i x t e e nth - C e nt u r y A u d i e nc e s f o r
Commentator: Doris Oltrogge (Fachhochschule Köln)
11:00 – 11:50
Sheila Barker, The Medici Archive Project,
B y th e Light o f th e F u rn a c e : R e a d ing
a n d Writing Artis a n a l R e cip e s in
G r a n d D u c a l F l o r e nc e
Commentator: Sietske Fransen (MPIWG/The
Warburg Institute, University of London)
11:50 – 12:20 Coffee Break
12:20 – 13:10
Karin Zimmermann, Universitätsbibliothek
T h e E l e ct o rs P a l a tin e a t H e i d e l b e rg
in th e 1 6 th C e nt u r y : C o l l e ct o rs a n d
C o mpi l o rs o f R e cip e s
Commentator: Marjolijn Bol (MPIWG/University of
13:10 – 14:10 Lunch Break
15:50 – 16:20 Coffee Break
S ession I V , C h a i r : E l a i n e L e o n g
16:20 – 17:10
Rudolf Gamper, St. Gallen
S e b a sti a n S ch o bing e r ' s H a n d b o o k o f
A l ch e m y
Commentator: Tillmann Taape (MPIWG/ University of
17:10 – 18:00
Barbara Tramelli, MPIWG
Artists a s R e a d e rs , Artists a s
Writ e rs : T h e T r a nsmissi o n o f C o l o r
R e cip e s in S i x t e e nth - C e nt u r y I t a l i a n
T r e a tis e s o n Art
Commentator: Yvonne Elet (MPIWG/Vassar College,
14:50 – 15:40
Sylvie Neven, MPIWG/Université de Liège
I n th e M a rgins : R e a d ing a n d
Ann o t a ting Artists ’ R e cip e B o o k s
Commentator: Lea Olsan (University of Louisiana at
15:40 – 16:10 Coffee Break
16:10 – 17:00
Stephen Johnston, University of Oxford
F o l l o w ing th e R u l e s
Commentator: Michael Bycroft (MPIWG)
S ession I I I , C h a i r : D o r i s O l t r o g g e
10:00 – 10:50
Peter Murray Jones, University of Cambridge
S h o w a n d T e l l : S u rg e r y a n d R e cip e s
in M a n u script C irc u l a ti o n
Commentator: Elaine Leong (MPIWG)
S ession I I , C h a i r : M i c h a e l B y c r o f t
14:10 – 15:00
Ayesha Mukherjee, University of Exeter
" I n v u l c a n o v e rit a s " : R e a d ing ,
Writing , a n d P r a ctic e in th e
R e c e ipts o f H u gh P l a tt ( 1 5 5 2 - 1 6 0 8 )
Commentator: Samir Boumediene (MPIWG)
14:00 – 14:50
Giovanni Fara, Florence
B a rb a r o a s a R e a d e r o f D ü r e r
Commentator: Sven Dupré (MPIWG/FU Berlin)
17:00 – 17:50
Daniel Jütte, Harvard University
Transmitting Secrets: Reading Early
Modern Cryptography Manuals
Commentator: Cesare Pastorino (TU Berlin)
17:50 – 18:30
G eneral D isc u ssion
10:50 – 11:40
Deborah Krohn, Bard Graduate Center, NY
P r e cisi o n a n d S p e cificit y a s C l u e s
t o R e a d e rs o f C u l in a r y R e cip e s
Commentator: Anita Guerrini (MPIWG/Oregon State
11:40 – 12:10 Coffee Break