5 TIpS FoR EnSuRiNg SUpErIoR PRoDuCtIoN REsUlTs HOW TO DEPLOY THE BEST TEST STATIONS 1. SOURCING NOT ALL PARTS ARE CREATED EQUAL One of the most important factors for ramping up high-tech product manufacturing is robust, automated test stations. If your manufacturing line breaks down because your stations can’t reliably test your products, the bottom line will take a hit. To lower short-term costs, some test station manufacturers use substandard parts or inferior ts! CoS processes. Such false economy typically hits back in the form of station malfunctions, inconsistent testing, labor disruptions, RMAs and brand reputation. AVoId iNfErIoR PaRts aT AlL 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna VOLUME The best test stations – like the best products – are manufactured with superior components sourced from quality suppliers. And behind any reputable test-station manufacturing program you will find a reliable parts sourcing program that includes: AND DON’T FORGET VOLUME DISCOUNTS. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna • Supplier, stocking and just-in-time (JIT) agreements • Bill of material (BOM) definition and analysis processes • Material requirements planning (MRP) controls • Alternate supplier and vendor scoring systems SOURCING: NOT ALL PARTS ARE CREATED EQUAL 1 2. PLANNING MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE Like the well-known carpenter’s rule, the planning effort made at the start of the project will be repaid handsomely once the build-to-print work is underway. So to optimize time, materials and labor, issues such as these need to be resolved at this key phase: • What is the best assembly flow – 1x piece or cell? • What are the routing and tooling requirements? • How much floor space and labor will be needed? • How much stock will be required and exactly when? 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna RIgOrOu PrOcEs AlL ThE Simulation is a highly productive planning approach. By simulating the crucial sourcing and assembly steps, you can ensure that the most optimal processes are in place well before the parts arrive or the labor is scheduled. Typical preparations at this stage can include: • • • • Capacity and MRP material simulations Kanban and JIT planning BOM integration Labor, delivery and inspection scheduling 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna s SeS MaK e nCe! DiFfErE SMART PLANNING ELIMINATES COSTLY MISTAKES. PLANNING: MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE 2 3. ASSEMBLING ONE STEP AT A TIME Some OEMs know exactly what they want in a test station; others rely on test station experts to guide them with the design, the BOM, sourcing, etc. For the important assembly phase, the test station provider should have in place: mAkE sU rE eVeR Y sTaTiON iS iDeNtIcA L. • Takt time studies and ramp-up plans • Visual work instructions and clear assembly steps • A multidisciplined team, including software integrators • A fully equipped production facility 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna FEEDBACK A QUALITY VENDOR KEEPS YOU IN THE LOOP. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna Many factors are required to produce high-quality, high-volume stations. As well as sourcing the best parts, thorough planning and methodical assembly, a test-station manufacturer should have state-of-the-art manufacturing processes in place. Programs like closed-loop feedback and continuous improvement ensure that the vendor is focussed on maximum efficiency, quality and the client’s best interests. And the vendor should also regularly communicate key performance indicators (KPIs) and action items to its client. ASSEMBLING: ONE STEP AT A TIME 3 4. TESTING DON’T LEAVE QUALITY TO CHANCE It’s one thing to assemble all the components, but if a part was installed incorrectly or a wiring connection was missed, there’s a flaw in the system. So you will need a test program with the following elements to ensure each test station is capable of thorough, repeatable testing: YOuR StAtIoNs, • • • • Detailed checklists Visual and self-inspections Test results and data analysis Final quality inspection/sign-off LiKe yOuR PrOdUcTs, NeEd tO Be FuLlY TeStEd. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna One key vendor differentiator in test station replication is test engineering expertise. All too often, test stations are fabricated by companies that may have sourcing or assembly skills but do not have any depth in test engineering. Consequently, key elements of a quality station – such as robustness and automation for reliable and repeatable testing – are simply beyond their reach. When selecting a build-to-print supplier, consider the extra value that test expertise and best practices can bring to your product quality and throughput. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna LOOK FOR DEPTH IN A VENDOR’S TEST EXPERTISE. TESTING: DON’T LEAVE QUALITY TO CHANCE 4 5. DEPLOYING BUILD LOCALLY, SUPPORT GLOBALLY It’s obviously not enough to build an impressive fleet of test stations. They still need to be smoothly moved and deployed where and when you need them, such as to a contract manufacturer site in Asia, South America or Europe. DOn’T G aMbLe WiTh Lo GiStIcs! A reputable vendor will need to have numerous programs and systems in place to efficiently perform important steps such as secure crating, local and international shipping, customs brokerage and site setup. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results / Averna ENSURE A LONG LIFE FOR YOUR STATIONS. 5 Tips for Ensuring Superior Production Results/ Averna A quality test-station replication service must also be able to quickly integrate your test stations into a manufacturing facility, conduct site acceptance tests (SAT) and train local operators so your production line is up and running as soon as possible. And once your new stations are operating, it’s important to have reliable support services and programs in place – like spare parts inventory, and preventive and corrective maintenance – to ensure your stations are always at maximum efficiency. DEPLOYING: BUILD LOCALLY, SUPPORT GLOBALLY 5 rEaD oUR oThEr eBoOkS oN tEsT sTaTiON dEsIgN, tEsT aUtOmAtIoN WHETHER YOU’RE A PRODUCT DESIGNER, ENGINEER OR TECHNICIAN, LEARN MORE ABOUT TEST BEST PRACTICES FROM OUR EXPERTS _ WHAT WORKS, WHAT DOESN’T AND WHAT THE TRENDS ARE. AnD MoRe! eD tHE bRaIN oF pP tA E w K, oO eB iS tH U tO bRiNG yO aTiON dEsIgNeRS. sT sT tE Y vV sA T Os m R oNE oF oU HE RARELY THIS GUY IS SO DEDICATED TO TEST INNOVATION THAT AL CHAMBER. EMERGES FROM OUR LAB AND VACATIONS IN A THERM A RUMOR IN THE ALONE. OUR CEO HAS NEVER MET HIM AND HE’S JUST MANY TECHNICAL HR DEPARTMENT. STILL, HIS EFFORTS HAVE LED TO LITTLE FROSTBITE. AND PRODUCTIVITY BREAKTHROUGHS, IF NOT A JUsT Don’T TeLl oUr “TeSt-y” cEO – hE ThInKs We’Re cRaZy gIvInG AwAy KnOw-HoW LiKe tHis. 02/2014 © 2014 A verna. All rights reserved. Product or brand names may be trademarks of their respective holders. CANADA U N I T E D S TAT E S www.averna.com MEXICO JAPAN
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