2013–18 Sustainable Environment stream Grants for Indigenous Protected Areas Grant guidelines and how to apply 2013–18 Sustainable Environment stream Grants for Indigenous Protected Areas Grant guidelines and how to apply Grants to support traditional owners and custodians to conserve and protect Indigenous Protected Areas as part of Australia’s network of protected areas. For further information, please visit the Indigenous Protected Areas website at www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ipa/index.html or call the Caring for our Country information line on 1800 552 008 © Commonwealth of Australia 2013 This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Public Affairs, GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 or email [email protected] ii | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 CONTENTS Important information ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Submitting your Application Form��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 1. Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 1.1 Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 1.2 Indigenous Protected Area program objectives������������������������������������������������������������5 1.3 Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment stream strategic objectives������������� 5 1.4 How the Program contributes to Australian Government priorities������������������������������ 6 2. Investment strategy for 2013–2018��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 2.1 What funding is available?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 3. Eligibility����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 3.1 Eligibility conditions �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 4. What will be funded under the program ����������������������������������������������������������������������������9 4.1 Scope of funding������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 4.2 What project activities and expenses are eligible? ���������������������������������������������������� 10 4.3 What project activities and expenses are not eligible? ���������������������������������������������� 13 4.4 Commercial benefits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 5. Application, assessment and funding allocation ����������������������������������������������������������� 14 5.1 Application�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 5.2 Conflict of interest�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 5.3 What happens if I want to change my project?����������������������������������������������������������� 15 5.4 Assessment criteria����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 5.5 Funding allocation criteria ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 iii 6. Assessment and funding allocation process������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 6.1 Assessment process ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 6.2 Letting you know���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 7. Funding Agreement��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 7.1Overview����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 7.2 Commencement date and payment of funding����������������������������������������������������������� 21 7.3 Monitoring and reporting���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 7.4 Performance review and program evaluation�������������������������������������������������������������22 8. Disclaimer and further information������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 8.1Applicants���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 8.2 Role of the Indigenous Protected Area manager/host������������������������������������������������ 24 8.3 Indigenous endorsement and engagement�����������������������������������������������������������������25 8.4 Indigenous Protected Area management plan������������������������������������������������������������25 8.5Tenure �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 8.6 Approvals or permits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 8.7 The Australian Government’s rights����������������������������������������������������������������������������26 8.8 Confidentiality and Privacy �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 8.9 Intellectual property�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 8.10 Work health and safety������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 8.11 ABN, Taxation and GST����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 9. Enquiries, feedback, complaints and further assistance�����������������������������������������������29 9.1 Enquiries, feedback and complaints ���������������������������������������������������������������������������29 9.2 How to get more information or assistance�����������������������������������������������������������������29 iv | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 IMPORTANT INFORMATION This is a targeted funding round and only existing Indigenous Protected Area projects will be considered for continuing funding beyond June 2013. Existing Indigenous Protected Area projects are dedicated Indigenous Protected Areas or Indigenous Protected Area consultation projects, with approved funding for 2012/13. To apply for continuing Indigenous Protected Area funding, you need to: read these guidelines complete the application form, and return by the due date 23 May 2013, by email or post The application form will be sent to you with these guidelines. A draft funding agreement will be sent to you when available. Details on where to send your application form are noted below. What if I want to change my project? If you wish to change your project, for example, change your host organisation, or refocus your work, talk to your departmental project officer. There is a section in the application form for this purpose, however, this is not a ‘one-off’ opportunity to change your project. What happens after I send in the application form? An independent panel will assess your application and consider your project’s performance to date. Funding will be determined for your project based on criteria outlined in the guidelines, and limited to the extent funds are available for the program. You are not required to provide a budget proposal as part of your application. Subject to funding approval by the Minister, a funding agreement will be negotiated with you. This may contain conditions dependent on funding recommendation or progress toward meeting milestones. Each year we will negotiate a project plan and budget with you up to the level of approved funding which will form part of the funding agreement. 1 SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION FORM If your group or organisation has an interest in participating in the program, please complete the Application Form which has been provided with these guidelines. Your form must be received by 23 May 2013. If you consider you may be unable to meet this deadline, you must contact the department on 1800 552 008 (free call) or email [email protected] to request an extension. Your Application Form is due 23 May 2013 Your form must be submitted on the correct template, be completed with necessary signatures, and be received by 5.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time by email or post Please contact your Project Officer before this time if you are unable to meet this deadline Please note it is a breach of the Criminal Code Act 1995 to intentionally provide false or misleading information and the department will investigate any attempted fraud. Any Application Form lodged or postmarked after 5 pm AEST 23 May 2013 will be considered late and will be registered separately. If the lateness is due to extenuating circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the applicant, the application may be admitted to the assessment process. Any requests for an extension of time to lodge and application must be made to the department before 5 pm AEST 23 May 2013. The department has no obligation to accept a late application. Any decision by the department to accept or not accept a late application is at the department’s absolute discretion and will be final. Where to send your Application Form Post to:Indigenous Protected Areas— Assessments Indigenous Policy Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: [email protected] 2 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Indigenous Australians have managed their country for tens of thousands of years. The Australian Government values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s knowledge, relationship to and aspirations for country, and the contribution that this makes to protecting Australia’s natural and cultural heritage. It also recognises that environment and heritage protection is integral to the social, economic, cultural and spiritual well-being of Indigenous peoples. Indigenous land owners may voluntarily dedicate an Indigenous Protected Area as part of their ongoing commitment to conserve cultural and natural heritage, and to continue the sustainable use of natural resources. An Indigenous Protected Area dedication can be over Indigenous-owned land and/or sea or over other tenures that can be managed for conservation. These include existing protected areas that are co-operatively managed by traditional owners and a state or territory agency. The Australian Government recognises Indigenous Protected Areas as part of Australia’s National Reserve System, and supports Indigenous organisations representing Indigenous landowners or traditional owners to dedicate and manage Indigenous Protected Areas. Managed to international guidelines, Indigenous Protected Areas make a significant contribution to Australian biodiversity conservation—making up nearly a third of Australia’s terrestrial protected area network. As well as contributing to the environment, many Indigenous communities say Indigenous Protected Areas bring better health, education and social cohesion to their communities, helping to Close the Gap on Indigenous disadvantage. Consistency in comparing protected areas across Australia is achieved by the allocation and use of an internationally defined set of management categories, known as IUCN (World Conservation Union) categories. There are six IUCN protected area categories. The six categories are: Category Ia—Strict nature reserve: protected area managed mainly for science. Category Ib—Wilderness area: protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection. Category II—National park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem conservation and recreation. 3 Category III—Natural monument or feature: protected area managed for conservation of specific natural features. Category IV—Habitat/species management area: protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention. Category V -Protected landscape/ seascape: protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation. Category VI—Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources: protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. Indigenous Protected Areas are generally dedicated as Category IV, V or VI protected areas. Each dedicated Indigenous Protected Area is actively managed by its Indigenous owners, who protect their country’s plants, animals and cultural sites. There are currently 53 dedicated Indigenous Protected Areas projects and over 40 consultation projects across Australia eligible to receive funding to carry out land and sea management, consultation and planning activities. The Indigenous Protected Areas program (the Program) is an ongoing program currently funded under the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country initiative, as outlined in the One Land—Many Stories: Prospectus of Investment1 (the Prospectus). These funding guidelines are for the Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment Stream: Grants for the Indigenous Protected Areas investment of $78.3 million from July 2013 to June 2018 (the Guidelines). The Guidelines outline the program’s objectives, funding eligibility and assessment criteria, and the process that will be used to allocate program funding. The Australian Government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (the department) is responsible for the implementation and ongoing management of this program. The Indigenous Advisory Committee advises the Minister on Indigenous issues as they relate to the department, and its Indigenous Protected Area Sub-Committee provides advice on issues relevant to Indigenous Protected Areas. The program works in close partnership with other grant programs administered by the department, including: • Working on Country • Biodiversity Fund • Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment Stream: Target Area Grants • Indigenous Heritage Program • Caring for our Country: Community Environment Grants. 1 www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/ publications/prospectus/pubs/prospectus.pdf 4 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 1.2Indigenous Protected Area program objectives The objectives of the Indigenous Protected Areas program are to: 1.Support Indigenous land owners to develop, dedicate and manage Indigenous Protected Areas on their lands as part of Australia’s network of protected areas 2.Support Indigenous interests to develop partnerships in conserving Australia’s network of protected areas 3.Support the integration of Indigenous ecological and cultural knowledge with contemporary protected area management practices, to deliver enduring environmental, cultural, social and economic outcomes. Existing Indigenous Protected Area projects have met these objectives by delivering the following outcomes: • Dedicated Indigenous Protected Area projects are counted as part of Australia’s network of protected areas (National Reserve System), and managed in accordance with their management plan. • Consultation and co-management projects undertake consultation and planning processes with Indigenous land owners and others to make an informed decision about dedication of their land and/or sea as an Indigenous Protected Area, or co-management arrangements. • All projects support development of partnerships, and integration Indigenous ecological and cultural knowledge with contemporary protected area management practice. The Indigenous Protected Area program will continue to measure achievement of these outcomes at both program and project level annually. 1.3 Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment stream strategic objectives The program is funded through the Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment stream, as outlined in the Prospectus. The objectives of the program link with the strategic objectives of the Sustainable Environment stream, which are: • maintenance of ecosystem services • protection of our conservation estate • enhanced capacity of Indigenous communities to conserve and protect natural resources. For further information refer to the Prospectus (www.environment.gov.au/ prospectus). 5 1.4 How the Program contributes to Australian Government priorities The program is strongly aligned with and delivers against the Australian Government’s environmental priorities and goals and social policy agenda: Environmental protection and management—this reflects the Australian Government’s commitment to: • Biodiversity and Ecosystems— Conservation and protection of Australia’s terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems through supporting research, developing information, supporting natural resource management, and establishing and managing Commonwealth protected areas. • Environment Protection and Heritage Conservation: Increased protection, awareness and appreciation of Australia’s environment and heritage through regulating matters of national environmental significance and the identification, conservation and celebration of natural, Indigenous and historic places of national and World Heritage significance. The Program also contributes to Australia’s international obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, through supporting the continued practice and recognition of traditional ecological knowledge and by empowering Indigenous people to be actively involved in the management of their customary estates. Closing the Gap—this is a commitment by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians, and in particular provide a better future for Indigenous children. The Program makes a direct contribution to Closing the Gap by providing economic benefits and training opportunities for Indigenous people and contributes to achieving outcomes under COAG’s Closing the Gap building blocks, specifically for health, economic participation and governance and leadership. 6 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 2. INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR 2013–2018 2.1 What funding is available? Funding of up to $78.3 million is available over five years (commencing 1 July 2013) for existing Indigenous Protected Areas projects under these Guidelines. Available Funding IPA Program 2013–14 ($m) 2014–15 ($m) 2015–16 ($m) 2016–17 ($m) 2017–18 ($m) Total ($m) 13.9 14.5 15.0 17.0 17.9 78.3 Funding will be provided to existing projects to undertake activities that are consistent with the objectives of the program. Funding will be allocated for one to five years UP TO the amount approved by the Minister, subject to the availability of program funds, and up to a maximum of $450 000 per annum per project. Funding allocation will be based on the criteria at 5.5. Where multi-year funding is provided, the funding recipient will be required to demonstrate that funds provided to date have been spent, and all reports and funds acquittals have been provided in accordance with the Funding Agreement, before funding for subsequent years is released. 7 3. ELIGIBILITY 3.1 Eligibility conditions Be an Indigenous group or organisation One Land—Many Stories: Prospectus of Investment 2013–14 states continued funding is available for existing projects nationally— see www.environment.gov.au/prospectus . The applicant must be an Indigenous group or organisation that is a legal entity, or have an arrangement with a legal entity that able to manage the Funding Agreement. To be eligible for Indigenous Protected Areas program continued funding, applicants must meet the following conditions: A legal entity is: Be an organisation managing an existing • a Corporations Act company Indigenous Protected Area project This is a targeted funding round, and only organisations managing existing Indigenous Protected Area projects, or who are proposing to take over the management of an existing Indigenous Protected Area project, will be considered for funding beyond June 2013. Organisations who have previously managed Indigenous Protected Area projects and whose funding agreements have been terminated or discontinued by the department or the organisation will not be considered. An existing Indigenous Protected Area project means a dedicated Indigenous Protected Area project, or an Indigenous Protected Area consultation project that has approved funding for 2012/13. • an incorporated entity (incorporated association or joint venture) • a partnership • a trustee of a trust • an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander corporation, council or incorporated association or • a government-related entity. Indigenous groups or organisations that are not legal entities may arrange for another not-for-profit legal entity to administer the Funding Agreement. In this situation, the department requires written support from the relevant Indigenous community group or traditional owner/s to jointly undertake the project (or manage the Funding Agreement on their behalf). 8 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 4. WHAT WILL BE FUNDED UNDER THE PROGRAM 4.1 Scope of funding Funding will be provided to undertake activities consistent with the program objectives and related to one or more of the following three broad areas: • Managing an Indigenous Protected Area in accordance with a Management Plan and assigned IUCN category (dedicated projects) • Developing an Indigenous Protected Area (consultation projects) • Developing co-operative management arrangements for existing protected areas. The program will fund activities that provide ongoing support for Indigenous communities to expand and manage Indigenous Protected Areas as part of Australia’s network of protected areas, contributing to national and international biodiversity and cultural heritage objectives. This includes funding for activities that assist in managing matters of national environmental significance defined under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act). For more information on the EPBC Act, go to: www.environment.gov.au/epbc/protect/ index.html. Funded activities for a dedicated Indigenous Protected Area must be consistent with it’s management plan and other supporting documents, focussing on the following: (i) Keeping country healthy: undertaking work to identify, conserve, maintain, manage and repair the land. Key focus areas are: –– threatened species, ecological communities and their habitats –– weeds, feral animals and other pests or threats including biosecurity issues of national concern –– fire management –– wetlands of national and international significance, including inland rivers –– migratory species, including migratory waterbirds. (ii) Looking after sea country: undertaking work to identify, conserve, maintain and manage sea country. Key focus areas are: –– threatened species and their habitats –– threats to marine habitats and species, including biosecurity issues of national concern. 9 (iii)Protecting cultural heritage: undertaking work to identify, protect, conserve and celebrate Australia’s Indigenous heritage, recognising that Indigenous cultural and environmental heritage are irrevocably linked. Key focus areas are: –– Indigenous heritage values and places of importance to Indigenous communities that have been identified as management priorities –– places on the World and/or National Heritage List. We support the transfer of Indigenous ecological knowledge, and activities that engage young people, traditional owners and the community in land and sea country management. These activities can be supported as a component of funded projects. Funded activities for consultation and co-management projects must focus on consultation with traditional owners, partners and stakeholders, and development of a management plan and supporting documents to guide project priorities, taking account of the focus areas listed above. 4.2 What project activities and expenses are eligible? Funding may be used for the following expenses, as required by applicants in the way that best fits delivery project outcomes. • Coordinators*—the cost of an Indigenous Protected Area coordinator to manage the work. • Rangers and other staff*—the costs of engaging rangers/staff to work on the Indigenous Protected Area, consistent with the management plan or scope of works. • Specialist positions*—consideration will also be given to the employment of other specialist positions on a project-by-project basis (such as mentor, project manager, natural resource management or cultural management advisors). *Preference should be given to employment of Indigenous co-ordinators, rangers, contractors, staff or specialists. Projects will be asked to report on employment and training outcomes as part of reporting required under the Funding Agreement. • Training—relevant to the work to be undertaken by the Indigenous workers and coordinators. The training can be delivered in a flexible way to meet your staff’s specific training needs, and may include: –– nationally accredited training in conservation and land management –– non-accredited training and skills development 10 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 –– training that directly relates to land and sea management work, for example in traditional knowledge recording; computer skills; first aid; project planning; chemical use; small equipment handling; driver’s licence; coxswain’s certificate; staff supervision; the use of media for recording knowledge and monitoring outcomes –– leadership training –– training in numeracy and literacy –– sharing traditional knowledge about country –– management related training –– work health and safety training. • Technical advice or support—where this is demonstrated as being essential to the success of the project. If you think that the cost of this support will be more than $10 000 GST exc. per year, we may require you to seek three written quotes before the funding for this is approved. We will require a description of the activities that these people will undertake. • Indigenous Protected Area management plan and supporting plans—costs associated with the review and revision of a existing management plan for the Indigenous Protected Area, or the preparation of new management plans. The costs associated with supporting plans, for example fire management, feral animal management and weed management. • Consultation and meetings—reasonable costs related to consultation and meetings to support the project. • Materials—purchase of materials required to undertake the activity, for example, chemicals and protective clothing. • Equipment—purchase or lease of small items of equipment under $10 000 GST exclusive; for example traps, safety equipment, computers, GPS units and tools. It is preferred that larger plant and equipment is hired / leased. Where this is not practical, purchase of equipment over $10 000 GST exc. will be considered on a case-by-case basis on receipt of a business case, which must demonstrated that failure to fund these items would have a significant and/or detrimental impact on project delivery, and subject to funding availability. Purchase can only be undertaken with prior written approval of the department. • Vehicles / vessels—leasing is the preferred option for vehicles. A formal written request must be made to the department for vehicle purchase. Factors that will be taken into account in considering a request include, but are not limited to, funding availability; risk associated with vehicle purchase, whether the requested vehicle is appropriate for the proposed activity, demonstrated evidence that a leasing arrangement is not feasible, and cost effectiveness (this is further set out in the program’s vehicle purchase policy). A formal written request must be made to the department for vessel purchase. Factors that will be taken into account in considering a request include, but 11 are not limited to, funding availability, risk associated with vessel purchase, operation and maintenance, and the ability of organisations to meet state and territory-specific maritime use and safety requirements. Prior written approval must be obtained prior to any vehicle or vessel purchase. Vehicles/vessel and their use must comply with legislative requirements including appropriate operator licences. • Minor works—these are eligible where they relate to the conservation or management of places such as signage, interpretation and trails. Applicants must ensure that the landowner agrees with the works and that any necessary permits or approvals have been sought. Applicants should also ensure that works, including structures, comply with the relevant Australian standards and building codes. • Domestic travel—reasonable travel costs are available to support field work, Indigenous Protected Areas exchanges and attendance at Indigenous Protected Areas managers meetings, key conferences, workshops and training where this is complementary to the outcomes of the project. The level of funding will be subject to negotiation. • Community events—related to a project and where this will clearly contribute to community participation and knowledge transfer of project outcomes. • Permits or approvals—where these are essential for the activity. • Administration—up to 15% of the total project cost for Indigenous organisations may be provided for administrative costs. This will cover costs associated with administering the contract, which would generally include items such as office/ workshop rent or leasing, insurance, office supplies, phone, electricity and mobile phone usage. It may also include costs for a book keeper or administrative officer, for example. Administrative costs of up to 20% will be considered on a case by case basis, and be approved only in exceptional circumstances. • Audit—reasonable costs related to the annual financial audit for the project. These funds will be allocated as a separate item. • Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI review)—funding may be provided for the preparation or update of a MERI plan for your project, and costs associated with annual review. Other costs such as: • minor construction and infrastructure works, such as the maintenance of access roads and minor amenities • purchase of assets over $10 000 necessary to deliver project activities • accommodation support including rental payments • international travel. Applicants must provide a business case to demonstrated the benefits of the proposal for project delivery. Any such costs must only be incurred with the prior written approval of the department. Factors that may be taken into account include, but are not limited to funding availability, relative isolation/ remoteness of the community, and absence of non-commercial housing options in the community. 12 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 4.3 What project activities and expenses are not eligible? Funding is not available for activities and/or expenses which: • are currently receiving, or have previously received, funding through other Australian Government, state or territory funding initiatives or programs, or from other third parties, where those activities are fully funded by that program and/or are substantially the same • involve the purchase of land • have already been completed • are the primary responsibilities of the private landholder, or where the activities are more appropriately funded by others • are inconsistent with the assigned IUCN category for the Indigenous Protected Area 4.4 Commercial benefits The program encourages projects to develop skills and expertise which could lead to commercial or contract opportunities outside the program. The program will not support the costs of any economic enterprise administration or operating costs, or any activities funded by other sources, but may support some activities that could lead to a commercial enterprise such as sustainable tourism, sustainable aquaculture or food production using traditional knowledge. Where commercial opportunities arise, we will work with funding recipients to development arrangements that accommodate commercial activities while achieving Indigenous Protected Areas project activities. • are for purchase or transfer costs of land or buildings, including housing and land rates • are for major construction and infrastructure works, and/or • are expenses that are the responsibility of other organisations such as local, state and territory government agencies. 13 5. APPLICATION, ASSESSMENT AND FUNDING ALLOCATION 5.1 Application 5.2 Conflict of interest Organisations managing existing Indigenous Protected Area projects can apply for continuing funding by completing an Application Form, which requires information about: You must declare in writing to the department any existing conflicts of interest. It is not a conflict of interest to have an existing Head Agreement with the Commonwealth. • the organisation • the Indigenous Protected Area management plans and other supporting plans • an overview of proposed activities 2013–18 • transfer of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge • work health and safety • funding and partnerships with other organisations • risk management • proposed scope of work for 2013–14. The Application Form will be provided to existing projects with these guidelines. Information about your proposed budget is not required in the application form. Examples of conflict of interest may include if your organisation or any of your personnel: • has or has had a relationship (whether professional, commercial or personal) with a party who is able to influence the application assessment process, such as a departmental staff member • has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the applicant in carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently, or • has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain as a result of the granting of funding under Commonwealth Government initiatives. We will negotiate an annual project plan and budget with successful applicants up to the level of approved funding, which will form part of the funding agreement (see further information about funding in 5.5). 14 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 5.3 What happens if I want to change my project? You may want to use this opportunity to refocus your work, or change your contractual partnership or governance arrangements for the project. In considering such a change, please be aware that you must still satisfy the Indigenous Protected Areas program eligibility requirements (refer 3.1). Where a change in contracting arrangements is being considered, the department will assess whether the proposed contract manager has the necessary governance and administrative structures and capacity to effectively manage the contract. If you wish to change your project in any way, please speak to your departmental project officer in the first instance. Such changes may require negotiations with more than one party, and may require time to develop. Please note that this is not a ‘one-off’ opportunity, and if you wish to make changes to your project in the future you can raise this with your departmental project manager. 5.4 Assessment criteria Existing projects will be assessed against the five assessment criteria listed below: 1.Performance to date 2.Indigenous governance, support and organisational capability 3.Management plans and supporting plans 4.Value for money 5.Risk Applications will be assessed and scored against the assessment criteria. An order of merit will be established following assessment based on applications and a departmental review of projects. 1. Performance to date An assessment of the Indigenous Protected Areas project will be undertaken and risk rating ascertained , based on performance of the applicant to date, including: • Performance against contracted activities: the extent to which the project has delivered against the contracted consultation and planning, environmental, cultural and other activities • Financial performance: whether a project expended its funding each year, and any issues arising with respect to financial management associated with the project • Reporting: whether reports were submitted on time and the quality of reporting. 15 2. Indigenous governance, support and organisational capability This relates to the ability of the applicant to meet project outcomes on time and within budget. The application will be assessed on the applicant’s ability to successfully deliver the proposed outcomes, despite any identified risks or constraints. The assessment panel will review the structures and management processes by which decisions about the project are made and the funding agreement is administered, including: • the extent to which decision making structures and processes are clear, including roles of traditional owners in decision making, and the roles of partners and others with rights, interests and/ or tenure • whether Advisory Committee meetings have been convened as required in the Funding Agreement • the extent to which arrangements are in place for shared governance in co-management projects (as applicable) • whether the organisation managing the contract is effectively governed and has the capacity, skills and experience to manage a contract • the organisation or group undertaking the work has demonstrated capacity to undertake the activities identified in the Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan in accordance with relevant IUCN categories (dedicated projects), or consultation and planning processes (consultation project) • the organisation managing the contract has the capacity to meet workplace health and safety (WH&S) requirements and maintain a safe working and community environment (for example, the organisation has work health and safety policies relevant to land and/or sea activities, adequate equipment and secure storage facilities) • the organisation provides support for training and professional development. 3. Management plan, MERI plans and support plans The assessment panel will review the relevance and use of planning documents to guide the project, in particular: • whether there is a current Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan specific to the land or sea country where project activities are occurring to guide the delivery of on-ground tasks, or the applicant is willing to update their current plan or develop a new one • whether there are current Project Logic, and Monitoring Evaluation Reporting and Improvement Plans (MERI) plans in place or under review • the extent to which supporting plans exist and are used in practice (for example fire management and weed management plans) • for consultation and co-management projects, whether effective consultation processes are underway to support the drafting of the Management Plan and supporting documents. 16 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 4. Value for money 5. Risk The project demonstrates value for money for the Australian government. This will include consideration of whether the activities to be undertaken: The assessment panel will consider whether the project has an up-to date and realistic risk plan to assess and review risks, and the extent to which risks are mitigated by the organisation. • are consistent with the goals/targets/ objectives described in the Management Plan (dedicated projects) • meets one or more of the targets outlined in the One Land—Many Stories: Prospectus of Investment • build on consultation and planning processes undertaken so far, to lead to finalisation of the consultation process within a reasonable timeframe (consultation projects); and • are the most cost effective method and approach and provide the best solution to the issue being addressed. Consideration will also be given to: • the extent to which the project leverages funding and support from partners, stakeholders, and other agencies to contribute to Australia’s protected areas and biodiversity objectives and to enhance delivery of the project • the extent to which the project contributes to activities to support Indigenous Ecological Knowledge initiatives • the extent to which the project contributes to research programs, youth/community/ visitor engagement and tourism initiatives, or other initiatives which add value to the project • the extent to which the project supports Indigenous people’s contribution the Australian Government’s commitment to Closing the Gap. 5.5Funding allocation criteria Assessors will also consider the following criteria to determine the level of funding for the project: • dedicated, consultation or co-management status • size of the Indigenous Protected Area • remoteness (in terms of the impact on the delivery of service) • complexity (in terms of consultation and planning for additions to declared IPA’s, multiple land tenures, sea country planning, engagement with multiple traditional owner groups, partners and stakeholders, and natural and cultural values) • whether the project receives Working on Country funding • an order of merit based on the extent to which a project meets the assessment criteria and demonstrates value for money • funding history. Funding is limited to the extent funds are available for the program, and will be allocated up to a maximum of $450 000 per annum per project. The average funding allocation for declared projects will be around $200 000. Each year we will negotiate a project plan and budget with successful applicants up to the level of approved funding which will form part of the funding agreement. 17 6. ASSESSMENT AND FUNDING ALLOCATION PROCESS 6.1 Assessment process Departmental assessors As part of the assessment process, the Application Form will be screened to confirm whether all of the eligibility criteria have been met. Any applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be excluded from the assessment process. • an executive member of staff from the Indigenous Policy Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division. The department reserves the right to exclude any application that, in the department’s opinion, does not contain sufficient information on which to assess the application. The Application Form will be assessed by an Assessment Panel of up to four members comprising from the following: External assessors • a member of the Indigenous Advisory Committee’s Indigenous Protected Area Sub-Committee, nominated by the IPA Sub-Committee; and • an independent Indigenous assessor • an executive member of staff from the Indigenous Protected Area Section, Biodiversity Conservation Division; and The Assessment Panel will undertake both a quantitative and a qualitative assessment of each Application in accordance with the agreed scoring regime. An order of merit will be determined according to the scores awarded by the assessment panel, reflecting the extent to which applicants address the assessment criteria. The assessment and funding allocation will be based on: • information sought from each project in the Application Form provided with this guidance; and • an internal performance assessment based on existing information held by the department about the project, including plans, half yearly and annual reports and audited financial statements required under the Funding Agreement • an internal assessment of each project with regard to funding allocation criteria. 18 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 The department may contact applicants during the assessment process to seek clarification about their application, especially if the information in it is ambiguous or if contradictory statements are made. The department reserves the right to accept or disregard additional information provided by applicants and will not allow responses which materially improve or amend an applicant’s original application. 6.2 Letting you know The Assessment Panel will make its recommendations for funding to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. The final decision on successful projects, including funding amounts, rests with the Minister. • identify and disclose any current or prospective personal interest which may create a conflict of interest Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the assessment process and Minister’s decision in writing. Details of approved projects are also posted on our website once project applicants have been informed— www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ipa • comply with the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct. Appeals against unsuccessful applications will not be accepted. All assessors will be required to: 19 7. FUNDING AGREEMENT 7.1Overview A funding agreement is a performance-based, legally enforceable agreement between the department and the successful applicant (or contract manager where applicable) that sets out the terms and conditions governing the funding to be provided under the program. All funding payments for the project are subject to the successful applicant entering into and complying with the terms and conditions of the funding agreement. The department may withdraw the offer of funding if the Funding Agreement is not signed by the successful applicant within the timeframe determined by the department. The Funding Agreement will include provision for the department to seek repayment of funds that are found to have not been spent in accordance with the purposes specified in the Funding Agreement. Applicants should familiarise themselves with all aspects of the Funding Agreement before signing, to ensure they are able to comply with its terms and conditions: • the department may ask for further information and/or conduct site visits and/or arrange inspections by third parties from time to time to monitor the progress of the project and assess compliance of the project with the Funding Agreement requirements • successful applicants are responsible for ensuring that their project complies with all requirements set out in any applicable Commonwealth, state or territory legislation and regulations, and that the project is carried out to a high standard • the department may reduce the level of funding, suspend payment or terminate the funding agreement where the successful applicant fails to or is unable to meet obligations or other contributions specified in the Funding Agreement; and • successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the Australian Government’s support and funding where applicable. The Funding Agreement must be signed by the person who is authorised to sign for, and on behalf of, the organisation that will manage the project and administer the funds. • funding is contingent on achievement of prescribed milestones, including for example, a decision to dedicate an Indigenous Protected Area 20 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 7.2 Commencement date and payment of funding The project commencement date is the date that the Funding Agreement signed by you is counter-signed by the Commonwealth. The department will send you a copy of the signed and dated Funding Agreement. Funding will be provided at the times and in the manner specified in the Funding Agreement when you have: signed and returned the Funding Agreement met any conditions set out in the Funding Agreement that are required to be met before the commencement of your project; and when we have counter-signed the Funding Agreement. Where payments are linked to the achievement of specific milestones, payments will only be made after the department is satisfied that those milestones and associated obligations of funding have been met. 7.3Monitoring and reporting All dedicated Indigenous Protected Areas and Consultation Projects are required to develop and implement a Project Logic and Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) plan. A Project Logic is a simple ‘road map’ or diagram showing the thinking and rationale that traditional owners/communities have for the land they wish to declare as an Indigenous Protected Area. A MERI plan is an important tool for measuring, evaluating, communicating and improving the effectiveness of an Indigenous Protected Area plan of management. All projects that are funded are required to provide project performance and financial reports at least every six months, and projects will be subject to financial and performance monitoring and evaluation to ensure that they are meeting specified milestones and performance indicators as detailed in the Funding Agreement. Reporting requirements are specified in the Funding Agreement. Staff from the department will contact you to regarding how a project is progressing, or to arrange a visit to the project site. The Australian Government requires monitoring and reporting for all environment and natural resource management programs. Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on project performance will provide evidence about the appropriateness, impact, effectiveness and efficiency of investment made throughout the Caring for our Country initiative. 21 7.4 Performance review and program evaluation The department regularly monitors the performance of projects to measure progress toward meeting program outcome. In addition to six monthly review of financial and performance reports noted in Section 7.3, an annual review will be undertaken to assess project performance and progress against objectives and outcomes noted at Section 1.2. This review will be undertaken at both project and program level. A formal assessment and review of each Indigenous Protected Areas project will be conducted at least once every five years. A formal evaluation of the Program will be conducted by or on behalf of the department at least every five years. Successful applicants may be requested to participate in a broader evaluation of the program. 22 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 8. DISCLAIMER AND FURTHER INFORMATION 8.1Applicants It is the responsibility of the applicant to: • fully and properly inform themselves of the requirements of the program, these guidelines and the requirements of the funding assessment process • ensure that their Application Form is complete and accurate, as the department is not obliged to request additional or missing information • identify any information contained within their Application Form that they consider should be treated as confidential and provide reasons (noting that the department will not be in breach of any confidentiality obligations where disclosure is required as outlined further below • keep a copy of their Application Form and any attachments for their own records • inform the department of any changes to their circumstances that may affect information included in their Application Form or their eligibility for funding under these Guidelines. If an applicant is successful in obtaining funding, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they hold the relevant insurance(s) at the time of entering into the Funding Agreement and prior to any project activities being undertaken. The department may require the applicant to provide copies of the relevant certificates of currency for their insurance. Applicants are also required to declare in writing to the department where any actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest exists or might arise in relation to their application that may impact on it, the proposed project or any Funding Agreement it may enter into with the department. The applicant’s participation in any stage of the application process, or in relation to any matter concerning the process, is at the applicant’s sole risk, cost and expense. The Australian Government will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by an applicant in preparing or lodging an application or in taking part in the process. 23 The Australian Government will not accept responsibility for any misunderstanding arising from the failure by an applicant to comply with these Guidelines, or arising from any discrepancies, ambiguities, inconsistencies or errors in their Application Form. Applicants are entirely responsible for the accuracy of all information submitted in their Application Form. If applicants knowingly provide inadequate, false or misleading information, the application may be excluded from the assessment process. If an applicant discovers any material discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency or errors in their application, they must immediately bring it to the attention of the department by emailing [email protected]. The department may request further information from an applicant and allow an applicant to remedy any discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency or errors in an application. The department reserves the right to accept or disregard clarification information provided by applicants and will not consider clarification information that materially improves or amends a applicant’s original application. 8.2 Role of the Indigenous Protected Area manager/host The organisation acting as the manager for the Indigenous Protected Area project will be a signatory to the funding agreement with the Australian Government, and will have contractual and administrative responsibilities in accordance with the agreement. It will enter into the Funding Agreement in its own right (not as the agent for the applicant), will be legally responsible for the project under the terms of the Funding Agreement and will receive the project funding. The organisation acting as the project manager will be responsible for contracting and managing people working on the project, including entering into employment agreements with staff or contracts, and deciding on the employment or contract conditions and levels of remuneration. The project manager will also be responsible for keeping accounting records, project reporting and monitoring the activities and results of the projects. Applicants should be aware that the giving of false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). 24 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 8.3Indigenous endorsement and engagement Project design and delivery should respect Indigenous decision-making, governance arrangements and land management accountabilities. The program supports projects that are developed, endorsed and delivered by traditional owners and custodians, and/or other Indigenous people with interests and associations with the project area. Existing projects may be required to demonstrate that a project has the ongoing support of: • Native Title holders, or • the Indigenous organisation or groups who have legal responsibility as a key representative body for managing the land, and/or • the traditional owner/s who speak for the country where the work will occur, and/or • other Indigenous people, groups or organisations who have rights and obligations to the country. 8.4 Indigenous Protected Area management plan The project will have a current Indigenous Protected Area management plan, or the applicants must be willing to review and update their existing plan, or develop a new one. This plan should be specific to the area where the work will occur, with enough detail to provide a framework for the activities to be undertaken consistent with the assigned IUCN category. The project will be required to monitor, evaluate and review activities annually to inform future works programs and plans using the Management Plan and supporting planning documents, including MERI plan, project logic, and other supporting plans. 8.5Tenure Projects can be undertaken on a variety of tenures. Eligible tenures include: • Indigenous owned or held land, which may be freehold, held in trust or leased, including land which has been dedicated as an Indigenous Protected Area or that is the subject of an Indigenous Protected Area consultation process. A protected area or land established for conservation purposes or where conservation purposes are consistent with the tenure. • Land and sea that is a protected area owned and/or managed by the Commonwealth, state, territory or local government, through an existing or proposed joint or co-management arrangement with the Indigenous organisation. Applicants are required to demonstrate support from relevant government authorities as part of the consultation process and provide support in writing for the project prior to dedication. Projects that will take place over a range of tenures are required to demonstrate strong and progressive partnerships or agreements with relevant land / sea management agencies or private land owners. Where projects exist within state or territory jurisdictions, we will require clear delineation 25 between Australian and state/territory/local government responsibilities and funding arrangements. We will also seek a clear commitment to co-investment in the project, including for operational material, training and skills development. Please note that if you do not have tenure over the land/sea where you want to do the work, you will need to provide written owner/ management agency support for your project. 8.6 Approvals or permits Applicants are responsible for investigating whether any approvals or permits are needed for the project. Applicants may need permission or approval from your local council, land council or other representative body, a state or territory land management or heritage agency, or an Australian government department. You must also make sure that your project complies with state or territory and Australian government native title, cultural heritage, natural heritage or related legislation. You should think about whether you need an approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for your project. Under the EPBC Act, if you propose to take an action that may have a significant impact on a matter of National Environmental Significance (NES), you must submit a proposal to the department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, which will decide if approval is required. For more information, go to www.environment.gov.au/ epbc/assessmentsapprovals/index.html. 8.7 The Australian Government’s rights The Australian Government reserves the right to amend these guidelines in its absolute discretion and will, where possible, provide reasonable notice of these amendments. The Australian Government also reserves the right to vary, suspend or terminate the assessment process at any time and in its absolute discretion. The Australian Government, including the Department and their officers, employees, agents and advisors: • are not, and will not be, responsible or liable for the accuracy or completeness of any information in or provided in connection with these guidelines • make no express or implied representation or warranty that any statement as to future matters will prove correct • disclaim any and all liability arising from information provided to an applicant, including errors in, or omissions contained in these guidelines • except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, accept no responsibility arising in any way from errors or omissions contained in these guidelines • accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person, or any other person, placing reliance on the contents of these guidelines or any other information provided by the Australian Government in respect of the program. 26 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 8.8 Confidentiality and Privacy Applicants must identify any information contained within their application that they consider should be treated as confidential and provide reasons for the request. The department will only consider a request for confidentiality where: • the information to be protected is identified in specific rather than global terms • the information is by its nature confidential or • disclosure would cause detriment to the parties concerned. • the department is subject to the legislative and administrative accountability and transparency requirements of the Australian Government, including disclosures to the Parliament and its Committees. Notwithstanding any obligations of confidentiality, the department may disclose, or allow at any time the disclosure of, any information contained in or relating to any application: –– to its advisers, employees or internal management for purposes related to the application and assessment processes, including to evaluate or otherwise assess applications and manage any resultant funding agreement –– to the responsible Minister –– in response to a request by a House or a Committee of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia –– within the department, or with another agency, where this serves the Australian Government’s legitimate interests –– where the information is authorised or required by law to be disclosed, noting that information submitted to the Australian Government is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) and its requirements or –– where the information is already in the public domain otherwise than due to a breach of any relevant confidentiality obligation by the Australian Government. In submitting an Application Form, applicants consent to the department using the information contained in their advice for the above mentioned purposes, for administering the program and any other incidental or related purpose. The department will store and use the personal information collected by it in compliance with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Applicants should be aware that, if they are successful, Commonwealth policy requires the department to publish information on its website about the applicant, including but not limited to: • the name of the legal entity receiving the funding • the title and purpose of the project • the amount of funding received • terms of the funding • funding location. By submitting an application form for funding under the program, the applicant consents to publication of the above information by the department if they are awarded funding. Applicants may access or correct personal information by either emailing the department at [email protected] or sending a letter to the department’s postal address. 27 8.9 Intellectual property The department acknowledges and respects the intellectual property rights of Indigenous people. Ownership of the intellectual property rights in material provided by Indigenous people for use in projects remains the property of the named individual. The department will negotiate the use of any existing material with the owner of the intellectual property prior to using this material. The Funding Agreement will set out details about the ownership and use of intellectual property and confidential information, and this will be negotiated by both parties. 8.10Work health and safety The contract manager is responsible for the health and safety of its workers. It must comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and relevant state or territory legislation. The department encourages contract managers to undertake: • hazard identification—assessing anything that has the potential to cause injury or illness • risk assessment—assessing the likelihood of injury, illness or damage to people or property arising from exposure to the hazard • job safety analysis—identifying potential hazards, associated with a job, assessing their risk and recording how to eliminate, or minimize the risk to worker safety (controls) • development and implementation of standard operating procedures • incident reporting and management procedures • appropriate training for the use of equipment and materials. Please ask the department if you require further information about this. 8.11ABN, Taxation and GST You must provide an Australian Business Number (ABN). This must match the legal entity of the applicant or contract manager, that would receive the funding. Grants are subject to normal taxation treatment and no special arrangements will apply. You should seek independent application on the taxation implications of receiving a grant. Project budgets detained in the Funding Agreement are GST exclusive. GST will be added to funding payments (as applicable) by the department so the Commonwealth meets its obligations under A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth). If you are unsure of the GST status of your organisation please consult the Australian Taxation Office website at www.ato.gov.au or phone the Business Tax Enquiries line on 132 866. 28 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 9. ENQUIRIES, FEEDBACK, COMPLAINTS AND FURTHER ASSISTANCE 9.1 Enquiries, feedback and complaints All enquiries, feedback and complaints will be handled consistent with the department’s Service Charter 2011–14, available from the department’s website: www.environment.gov.au/about/publications/ pubs/dsewpac_service_charter_2011–14.pdf Please contact the department with any concerns or comments about your application or the Grants for Indigenous Protected Area process. The department may use surveys, stakeholder feedback, assessor forums and other consultative processes to inform business review and improvement about Caring for our Country and the Indigenous Protected Area Program. This continual improvement approach helps to refine the program over time and may inform changes to the program as a whole. 9.2 How to get more information or assistance The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities may have other information that might assist you in undertaking your project, and we are happy to discuss this with you. You can: • visit our website: www.environment.gov.au/ indigenous/ipatalk with your departmental project officer • send us an email: [email protected] • visit the Caring for our Country website: www.nrm.gov.au • call the department on 1800 552 008 (free call) 29 Key information sources The information sources listed below may provide useful sources of information for planning your project. For further information please phone your departmental project officer or call 1800 552 008 (free call) Indigenous Protected Area website • www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ipa/ index.html Our Country Our Way: Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan Guidelines (including MERI and Project Logic) • www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ipa/ toolkit/management.html Visit the Caring for our Country website at www.nrm.gov.au for information about other Caring for Our Country programs, and information that may assist with your Indigenous Protected Area project, including: Overview information • the national biodiversity conservation prospectus One Land—Many Stories: Prospectus of Investment (the Prospectus) • maps of the Australian Ramsar-listed sites located within the Caring for our Country Target Areas • maps of the World Heritage areas located within the Caring for our Country Target Areas • maps of nationally significant species and ecological communities For information on specific investment themes, refer to: Ramsar-listed wetlands • information sheets on Ramsar wetlands, management plans and ecological character descriptions: www.environment. gov.au/cgi-bin/wetlands/alphablist.pl World Heritage areas • further information on Australia’s World Heritage areas: www.environment.gov.au/heritage/places/ world/index.html • Statements of Outstanding Universal Value: whc.unesco.org/en/list/ Listed species and ecological communities • Contact details for Australian Government natural resource management officers including Indigenous Land Management Officers Biodiversity policies: • other funding opportunities under Caring for our Country • the Native Vegetation Framework: www.environment.gov.au/land/ vegetation/nvf/ Mapping • maps of the Caring for our Country Target Areas • mapping tool for determining whether your project is located within the Target Areas • the National Wildlife Corridors Plan: www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/ wildlife-corridors/index.html • Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010–2030: www.environment. gov.au/biodiversity/publications/ strategy-2010-30/index.html 30 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 Matters of National Environmental Significance—lists, tools and plans: • threatened species and ecological communities: www.environment.gov.au/ biodiversity/threatened/index.html • threatened species and ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act): www.environment.gov.au/epbc/protect/ species-communities.html • key threatening processes listed under the EPBC Act: www.environment.gov.au/ cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicgetkeythreats.pl • threat abatement plans established under the EPBC Act: www.environment.gov.au/ biodiversity/threatened/publications/tap/ • recovery plans established under the EPBC Act: www.environment. gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/ recovery-list-common.html • migratory species listed under the EPBC Act: www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/ sprat/public/publicshowmigratory.pl • conservation advice by NRM region: www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/ public/conservationadvice.pl?proc=main • protected matters search tool: www.environment.gov.au/erin/ert/epbc/ index.html • Atlas of Living Australia: www.ala.org.au/ • managing national heritage places: www.environment.gov.au/heritage/ management/national/index.html • regional natural resource management plans, issues for the region and contact information: www.nrm.gov.au/about/nrm/ regions/index.html • Australian Natural Heritage Assessment Tool (including regional biodiversity summaries): www.environment.gov.au/ heritage/anhat/index.html • Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia: www.environment.gov.au/water/ publications/environmental/wetlands/pubs/ directory.pdf Exotic and invasive species: Feral animals: • Australian Pest Animal Strategy: www. environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/ publications/pest-animal-strategy.html or www.apas.net.au/ • Feral animals in Australia: www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/ invasive/ferals/index.html Invasive plants: • the Australian Weeds Strategy: www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/ invasive/weeds/publications/strategies/ weed-strategy.html and www.weeds.org. au/nws.htm • weed spread and management action maps: www.environment.gov.au/ biodiversity/invasive/weeds/index.html • Atlas of Living Australia: www.ala.org.au/australias-species/ • weeds of national significance and other lists of weeds of national interest: www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/ invasive/weeds/weeds/lists/index.html 31 • weed management plans, training, weeds facilitator contacts: www.weeds.org.au/ Related Australian Government programs: • further information on core attributes for surveying and mapping nationally significant weeds: www.weeds.org.au/ docs/Weeds_Manual.pdf • Caring for our Country Sustainable Environment stream: www.nrm.gov.au –– Target Area Grants –– Working on Country Biosecurity/Hygiene –– Reef Rescue • WeedStop Vehicle Hygiene Program (Victorian Government): www.dpi.vic.gov. au/agriculture/pests-diseases-and-weeds/ weeds/weedstop –– the Environmental Stewardship Program • New South Wales Government: www.dpi. nsw.gov.au/biosecurity • Tasmanian field hygiene manual to prevent the spread of freshwater pests and pathogens: www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ Attachments/LBUN-86X7YY/$FILE/15130 802_52keepingitcleanspreadswe.pdf • management of dieback disease in Western Australia: www.dec.wa.gov. au/management-and-protection/ land/302-dieback.html Urban waterways and coastal environments • OzCoasts Australian online coastal information: www.ozcoasts.gov.au/index.jsp • Aquatic Ecosystems Toolkit: www.environment.gov.au/water/ publications/environmental/ecosystems/ ae-toolkit-mod-1.html –– Community Environment Grants • Caring for our Country Sustainable Agriculture stream: www.nrm.gov.au –– the Biodiversity Fund: www.environment.gov.au/ cleanenergyfuture/biodiversity-fund/ index.html –– Clean Energy Future: www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au –– the Carbon Farming Initiative: www.climatechange.gov.au/cfi or www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/ carbon-farming-initiative/ or www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/cfi –– Australian Pest Animal Research Program: www.daff.gov.au/brs/land/ feral-animals/aparp –– National Weeds and Productivity Research Program: www.daff.gov.au/ natural-resources/invasive/national_ weeds_productivity_research_program. –– Water for the Future: www.environment. gov.au/water/australia/index.html –– Indigenous Australians Caring for Country: www.environment.gov.au/ indigenous/index.html –– heritage grants and funding: www.environment.gov.au/heritage/ programs/index.html 32 | Indigenous Protected Areas program guidelines, 2013–2018 33 PAR63.0313
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