P A G E TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, J U N E 9, 1916. C A N S CITY CHRONICLE. Published Weekly. The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, 1906. Subscription p r i c e - - O n e year, $1. Advertising r a t e s m a d e known on application. E n t e r e d as second class m a t t e r April 27, 1906, a t t h e postoffice at Cass City, Michigan, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. H. F. L E N Z N E R , Publisher. KINGSTON-NOVESTA SEE WHAT DRINK DOES TOWN LNE. Henry Sweet had a horse drop dead on Tuesday. The Novesta Farmers' Club will m e e t at the home of Chas. Gooden on ELMWOOD. CUMBER. Dan Cross has rented t h e Thomas Who Makes Paupers? If the Coots place for this year. Smith Luther lost a valuable horse Seloon Is Not Guilty last week. ' S h e r m a n EVans had the misfortune Who I s ? to lose a m a r e and colt. P. A. Donaldson of Gagetown visCounty poor houses of Michigan ited at Smith Luther's Sunday. ~ow known as infirmaries, furnish J a m e s Grice and Mary Youmans universal evidence that l'iquor is re- took in the show at Cass City Friday sponsil~le for more than half of night. poverty. F r a n k F a r n u m of Owendale was a Friday, June 16. Topic for discussion, " W h a t breed of cows is best for dairy use ?" Hiram Lester is building a new road fence on his farm lately p u r - l chased from E a r n Lester. Mr. a~d Mr~ Lewis Rofh~,'¢o~,'d This pap,:~" ~:ep~=ese~ted f0~ fo~e~g~i ~ ....... Thursday of e f f e c t 02 t h e l i c e n s e a n d n o - l i c e n s e ~,.~. ctiiU i ~ l a e , i i l i ~ i l I i¥1Cht=tll~:~f v l b advertising by the American Press ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Mate Association. General offices, New last week with relatives at Caro. systems in individual counties of Howell in Caro Saturday. York and Chicago. Branches in all Miss R u b y F u n k left Tuesday morn- Michigan are of little value as ovid. The classmeeting of Sunshine Shield the principal cities. ing for several weeks visit with rela- once. Many inmates of infirmaries Bearers which was held at Ed Burse's tives at B i r m i n g h a m and D e t r o i t . are permanent occupants, whose entry was Well attended and all had a good Miss Martha Coleman is entertain- or exit bears no direct relation to time. SHABBONA. ing her cousin, Miss Wilma Coleman, social conditions. A lapse of years, possibly of a whole generation, would of Croswell. Beautiful weather. be necessary to produce any radical WICKWARE. Mrs. John Donaghy and little F a r m e r s are busy w h e n the weathchange in pauperism as a class followd a u g h t e r is visiting the former's parer is fine. ing the abolition of saloons. Fine weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neville and Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Coleman. Two facts stand out: One is that The son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirton is Miss Goldie Martin was in Marand Mrs. W. F . . E h l e r s were callers the authorities and citizens in dry g e t t i n g along nicely. Ietta Monday. in Decker Sunday. counties are unanimous in their Wesley Gibbons and Homer JohnMiss Gall Sharp of Deford was a Mr. and Mrs. J o h n H a m i l t o n visitopinion that from the standpoint or son of B i r m i n g h a m called on friends visitor at L. Retherford's Saturday. ed at Ed Phetteplace's Sunday. the county poor the dry regime is far in Wiekware Sunday. Mrs. Geo. M a r t i n called on old superior. The other fact is that many W. H. Davidson of Lexington visE s t h e r Cridland has returned home counties report officially that about from the hospital. ited w i t h the f o r m e r ' s sister , M r s . friends at Kingston last Saturday. H e n r y Atfield of Shabbona visited three-fourths of the poverty which reJoshua Fisher purchased a StudeWin. Auslander, over Sunday. quires county aid to individual or baker car. Mrs. Chas. Phillips r e t u r n e d l a s t at Will Atfield's Monday. Miss Irene Retherford went to Mar- family, is due to the use of alcoholic week to Cass City. Ietta Monday to spend a few weeks beverages. Spiteful. Children's Day exercises wilt be with relatives. Official statements written by su"I thought 3;ou told me Ella and held a t the M. E. church J u n e 18 at The W. C. T. U. meeting held at perintendents of the poor include the Sophy were on good terms." 10:30. following: "W'ell, aren't they?'" Jessie McLe]lan s p e n t Sunday a t the home of Mrs. Grover P r a t t last "This county is in the dry column, week Thursday was well attended. "I heard Sophy ask Ella before the her home. A report of the county convention and we find that while the cost or whole sociable to stretch a new pair of W. H. V a n N o r m a n is the possessor was given by the reporting delegate everything is much higher, the s u p ~ i gloves for her."--Baltimore American. of a fine new b u g g y purchased of J. and an interesting program given. visors are not called upon to furniMi P. Neville Monday. us more money now than they did "He Not Good a¢ That. One new m e m b e r obtained. Olive Bates is all smiles over rewhile the county was w e t . " ~ C . C. is as good as his word." ceiving her eighth g r a d e diploma. Hallenbeck, Eaton County. "Yes, but he uses such shocking bad GREENLEAF. We are pleased to see Earl Cham" W e are pleased to inform you that language."--St. Louis Post Dispatch. bers out again a f t e r his long illness there are so few cases in this county and wish him a v e r y speedy recovery. Miss Lela McLellan is home for her which are receiving relief that have ........ s u m m e r vacation. :Mr. and Mrs. Win. Auslander and been caused by alcoholiCarebev~rageS,now dry [ K a,~ O W ~ E D G E Mrs. Auslander's m o t h e r , sister and Miss Johanna McRae is having a we have a clear slate, ~ ~. b r o t h e r auteed to Richmondville Sun- weeks' vacation and is spending p a r t and expect to remain SOo"~O. Oo day to visit their sister and daughter, of the time in Detroit with friends. Frick, Oseoda County. I Mrs. D. F. Robinson, and family. Miss J a n e t McLellan will be home "Midland County has been dry eight Is a Better Guide Than Chas. Sharrard, A l t h a Chapman, for a few days the last of the week years and people like it. Two old N o r m a n Wait, Hazel Robinson and and will t h e n go bo the east for a timers is all we have left in the Instinct When Buying "" Olive Bates were successful in pass- short time. county h o m e whose condition is due "" ~ng the eighth g r a d e examination. Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard Sherman left to drink". ~ K. MeKay, Midland The t h r e e last n a m e d have attended Tuesday evening for Edison, Ohio, County. By HOLLAND. the Shabbona school. w h e r e Mr. Sherman wilt take charge Confidential s t a t e m e n t s to the" s a m e NOWLEDGE is more Mr. and Mrs. Herb E h l e r s and son of the butter m a k i n g part of a large effect, are as follows: Drink is the widespread today than of Decker dined w i t h t h e i r mother, creamery. almost universal cause of poverty ever before. Twenty-five Mrs. Geo. Gotham, Sunday. The social g a t h e r i n g at the h o m e While for temporary a s s i s t a n c e it is years ago much buying was Mrs. Robt. Coulter and children o f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McIntyre last probably the main factor in at lea,st done by instinct--done in a spent Sunday with Loren Weeks and Saturday evening as a farewell p a r t y one half the eases. In my best judghaphazard way that is a family. for Mr. and Mrs. Sherman was large- ment about 50 per cent of poverty in I thing of the past like the Ona Foote of A r g y l e visited her ly attended and a good time reported. this county can be attributed to the i spinning wheel and the talbrother, Clayton Foote, and family The music of the evening was en- use of drink if not more. I n fact, low candle. nearly all the ,crime we have can be I joyed by all and elegant lunch served. last week. Your grandmother trusted laid to the same cause, i~ ' largely to luck--ym~ depend Mr. and Mrs. Asa McGregory were Alex McLellan presented t h e g i f t s "I am quite sure that three-fourths on knowledge when it comes guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mudge of given by t h e community with approp r i a t e remarks. at least are caused by the liquor to spending money. What Cass City Thursday. causes the diffe~ence? AdMr. and Mrs. Jones of near Ponti- traffic". ~ r . and Mrs. P e t e r K r i t z m a n were vertising ac t o g e t h e r with Mrs. Parker of DeFollowing are a few .more definite Sunday callers at Dan Leslie's. Publicity has revolutionized ford are visiting" friends and relatives statements: I Monday, June 5, r e m i n d e d us of the business. It has increased Alger County: "About 75 per cent.:°' cyclone which passed t h r o u g h two here for a few days. business honesty, has advancD. M. VanBuren of Stockbridge, Genessee County: "About 70 per miles south of h e r e eleven years ago. ed business ethics and has from liquor directly or indirect- i Black and purple caps do not prom- Mich., succeeds Mr. Sherman as but- cent ended slipshod methods. ] t e r m a k e r at the Greenleaf creamery. ly." ise a v e r y good crop in this vicinity, To gain the advantage of Huron County: "Most of the inMrs. Christopher MeRae and Chrism a n y of the bushes h a v i n g been w i n these changed conditions you mates of the county farm here have ty spent Sunday evening with John ter killed. must have knowledge. You come to the institution because of in. must know values• You can Mrs. H. McLaren of Marlette s vis- McCallum's. temperance and the use of liquor." A little daughter came to the home learn them only by studying iting at the Henry Phillips home. 5Iason County: "35 per cent di. of Kenneth McRae's last Thursday. advertising. In no other way rectly and 20 per cent indirectly, or can you learn what is best 55 per cent of all poverty in our court. ' BROOKFIELD. and w h a t the best is worth. ty is caused by alcoholic drink." ELKLAND-ELMWOOD CARELESS BUYING Iron County: "Ten years a,s poor TOWN LINE. commissioner Miss Hazel Carson and Geo. Ricker leads me to say that OFTEN MEANS and Guy Eailey a t t e n d e d the Sunday DISAPPOINTMENT. K e n n e t h Auten, Orville and Preston fully 95 per cent of male inmates at School convention a t Bad Axe Thursour county farm have come here day and Friday. K a r r are having the measIes. Equip yourself with the either directly or indirectly because Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Evans visited. of liquor." Mrs. Dan Chisholm entertained knowledge necessary for ecoSunday, Mr. and Mrs. A n g u s Craw- their aunt, Mrs. J. Allen, one day last nomical buying. If you have Kent County" O f 500 families ford and family of Gagetown. money to spend you owe this week. helped during the year ending Ma~,ch to yourself and to those for Mrs. C. Younglove of Clifford 1, 1916, liquor was the direct as.use Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rieker and Mr. "and Mrs. A. O. Wood and f a m i l y came Saturday to he?p care for h e r of poverty in t w e n t y five families and _ whom you buy. were callers at the Chas. Ross home nephew, who has been quite sick with an indirect cause in fifty-three famiSunday. the m e a s l e s . lies. Of 108 persons in Kent County Guy and Lee Irwin of Cass City Mr. a n d Mrs. C. Hutchinson of Ca- Detention Hospital last year, at least spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. ro visited ,their d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Win. ante. In Kent County Home were and Mrs. Thos. Irwin. Simmons, Sunday. Howard Dyhse l e f t ~or Saginaw Mis. J. Martin of Gagetown visit- 136 persons, of whom 85 per cent can I[ you Want to buy o r Monday where he will t a k e treatment ed a t the E. A. Livingstan home orm easily be traced to intemperance as a direct cause."~L. De Payter. for his eye. da'y last week. "To the best of my judgment, I sell, farm or residence ~ i s s Elva Burton s p e n t Thursday Mrs. A. Coon, who went to Detroit would say that 80 per cent of the : property call and see and F r i d a y i n Cass City w i t h her for an operation, is doing finely and poverty is cairned by alcoholism.' It US friend, M i s s Lena Rice. J is expected home this week. wo~l~i be a number of years after its Miss Edith Evans is home a f t e r passage before we couid get the full The Chronicle, one year, $1. spending a week in Cass City. She of state wide prohibition. The & will sew at the H. McConkey and M. benefit effects o f the past years would stay Carolan homes this week. with us until the rising generation O f f i c e w i t h I. A. Fritz, Dentist, Children's Day a t the Elmwood took it~ place".~V. H. Billings. Montmorency County: "Four of Baptist church J u n e 11. Everybody the six men in our poor house were welcome. Mr. and ~Mrs. E. A. Livingston vis- forced t o c o m e h e r e on account of drink." ited at Win. Ewatd's home Sunday. Oakland County: "70 per cent or Little Wesley Bingham, who has been quite sick, is slowly improving. more of the cases here are due to drink. We are going through the H e n r y Anker is driving a new second dry time and we find it helps Moon ear. very much. I hope for state wide prohibition." Mrs. Isaac Thane, jr., is sick in b e d . Oscar GUild's children have t h e Jacob Meredith, daughter, Minnie, of Argyle, and Mr. Webb of Sandus- measles. ky were pleasant callers in town SunMrs. C. D. A n d r e w s and Miss Adday. idle Cross called on Mrs. Ervin C r o s s The Misses Clara Gibbard and H a r - I and young son Saturday afternoon. riett Trollope accompanied by A l m e r .I Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hutchinson Davis and Williard U d a h of Brown I and Mr. and Mrs. David H u t c h i n s o n City autoed to Ubly, Bad Axe and and daughter of Caos City called a t Cass City Sunday. t h e home of J a m e s Hutchinson Sun[day evenin~o turned to i,heir home in P~. Huron •ur. and lurs. ]~ert P e r r y and last W e d n e s d a y a f t e r visiting rela- daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday i n tives here. Caro at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ladies Aid will m e e t with Geo. Aldrich. Mrs. Samuel Robinson Wednesday. Alfred Andress had a valuable horse injured in a collision with a n Your Printing on Time. auto Sunday evening. The a n i m a l ' s When we promise .work at a certain leg was broken and it had to be killed° time we mean w h a t we say. The Chronicle Printery. The Chronicle, one year, one dollar. I K IKt FRITZ dl E btdtC WAIDLEY THEWoRLDsGREATESTSEWIH6MACHIHE WEST GRANT. Cass City Bank of I. B. AUTEN Established 1882 Pays 4 95 Q u a r t e r l y interes~ on certificate of deposit. Money to lo~n on ReM E s t a t e . -~SAFETY D E P O S I T BOXES FOR RENT. G. A. TINDALN, Cashier M. B. AUTEN, Asst. Cashier. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Lloyd and sou spent Sunday at Cass City. Mrs. John ~IcDonald and daughter, Florence, expect to leave today (Nonday~ for Missd~ri and Colorado to spend the summer. Mrs. Roy Stafford entertained the W. C. T. U. at her home Tuesday afternoon. Daniel Thompson, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is slowly improving. Mrs. Geo. O'Neil of Traverse City is visiting her brother, Daniel Thompson, and niece, Mrs. C. E. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Streeter of Cass City visited at the Vernal Lloyd home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace and son, Lee, returned home from Detroit last Thursday where they were spending a few days. Miss Alminda Shantz entertained a number of her friends at her home Wednesday evening. Seward Cooley has finished building a new silo on his farm. . . . . SUNSHINE. House cleaning is the order of the day. HOW TO (]ROW O 0 0 D BEANS MICHIGAN LITTLE P E A B E A N is the Pride of the n a t i o n - - n o t too b i g ~ n o t too s m a l l - - j u s t r i g h t in size--~vaI and containing beneath its white enameled coat a skin full of nutrition t h a t feeds the Brain and Body so completely and satisfactorily, w h e n properly prepared, t h a t he who eats thereof wilt w a n t to eat again. Food for the laboring m a n - - f o o d for the b r a i n - w o r k e r ~ t h e eating thereof, satisfies t h e demand for meat, and saves the pocketbook, for, let it be known that this Little Bean contains Ten times the nutrition as does Veal or S t e a k for the same i n v e s t m e n t of money. China and Japan, Austria and Italy, California with her varieties and Colorado with her Pintos, have tried in vain to w r e s t from Michigan the trade for Beans, but the ~anner of Beans refuses to be hoodwinked and now Europe has acknowledged t h r o u g h her orders for Michigan beans tliat no Bean in the world cooks so evenly, contains so much nutrition, retains the n u t t y flavor like Michigan's Little Pea Beam A bit of the history of Michigan Bean I n d u s t r y shows t h a t ten years ago may 3 ~ to 4 million bushels were g r o w n - - t o d a y , a normal crop of 7 million bushels is marketed. Europe's g r e a t e s t Bean Authority, Mr. Paul Sti'aus of Budapest, Austria, says t h a t for three years after this war is over, Europe will be obliged to continue importing our Beans, and meantime, t h e superior quality of Michigan's Beans wilt have so impressed itself upon Europe, t h a t we shall have trade for ten million bushels of Michigan Beans at a good price. Please bear in mind, t h a t in no other section known in the world, do the same conditions of soil and climate abound as in this Great Lake region, and these conditions only will produce Beans w i t h the desired physical composition and flavor. Millions upon millions of cans of beans are going to England, France, Greece, Belgium, and the Scandinavian countries where never before were tasted "Yankee Pork and Beans." These nations will continue the "Bean Habit" during the war, and when the last gun has fired its deadly shot, and Peace again covers Europe, when the millions of soldiers have returned to peaceful industry, the t a s t e for the only real Baked Bean they have ever eaten will linger, and be made a necessity in the home Bill of Fare. Michigan f a r m e r s must not let up on the production of thdonly single crop of which they hold the World's m o n o p o l y - - b e p a t r i o t i c ~ t o y, urself, your family, your S t a t e - - s t a y in the g a m e - - a n d help raise a ten million bushel crop this year to feed the W o r l d . A few practical hints are given to show how beans have been grown the most s u c c e s s f u l l y : ~ S O I L : ~ A n rich, well-drained sod land, will g r o w good b e a n s ~ the better the soil, the better the results. Good beans are grown on Sandy, Sandy-loam, Clay or Muck-mixed-clay Soil, but good drainage is necessary. ~ P R E P A R A T I O N : - - F a l l or early Spring deep plowing, discing thoroughly each way in the Spring; rolling and d r a g g i n g and rolling again to level up. The more thorough the cultivation, the better results. An eleven hoe drill with enough alternate drills plugged so the r o w s will be 28 inches apart, drill set for 1 inch to 2 inches deep, and to plant 3 pecks, or 45 pounds Per acre. F E R T I L I Z E R :--Avoid barnyard manure if bean pods and straw were fed the stock, as any disease in t h a t crop will be carried into the soil and infect the growing c r o p - - u s e liberal proportions of Phosphoric Acid; about 2 per cent A m m o n i a and, if obtainable, 2 to 4 per cent Potash. S E E D : ~ U n i f o r m , prolific Seed, as free from disease as possible, carefully hand-picked. F a r m e r s are urged to select their own seed plants possessing these virtues from each year's g r o w i n g crop. If not, then buy your seed from your reliable Bean D e a l e r - - N o treatm e n t can be given the seed. C U L T I V A T I N G : ~ A week after planting run over the field with a light drag to cut out the weeds, and stir up the ground for the little g r o w i n g plant, no h a r m can follow. On land t h a t has been properly prepared, a couple of cultivations with corn or single row cultivator will be enough. Don't cultivate a f t e r b e a n s are in blossom, nor while the dew is on, nor with the plant w e t and damp---to avoid damage by knocking off the blossoms, or s p r e a d i n g any disease. I t A R V E S T I N G : ~ H a n d . p u l l i n g of bean H a r v e s t e r ~ B e sure your beans are - - t h e y must cure m the field and in the mould. Under no circumstances t h r e s h cured. small patches, or a regular dry before t a k i n g from the field straw. If stacked w e t they will the beans unless t h e y are well YOUR M O N E Y : ~ W e l l , buy an automobile---send the boy or girl to college, buy another farm, build a better h o u s e ~ o f course your beans paid off th e mortgage years ago. R E M A R K S : ~ M i e h i g a n Beans have lifted more mortgages, built better buildings, bought more automobiles, given the boys and girls better education and p u t more Michigan F a r m e r s on their feet, than any other crop---get into the g a m e ~ r a i s e Beans and be Happy and Success is yours. We have a stock of Northern Grown Seed Beans. We are always in the market to buy these beans. We have a few bags northern grown seed. Some good 1914 seed beans. CA55 CITY OI AIN CO. Tom May Works for the Drys Tom 5Iay of Detroit, noted in may states as the leading cartoonist of ~{ichigan, has been added to the stag of the Michigan Dry Campaign coin. mittee. Although his services were sought by the !iqour dealers, Mr. May declined their overtures and at financial sacrifice, accepted a proposal made to him by the dry workers. The cartoon is one of the greatest campaign features of the (lay; every modern newspaper uses it in some form. It carries an appeal to the average reader which often strikes home more quickly and deeper than eolumn.s of argument. Newspaper If you want either a Vibrating Shuttle, Rotar~ Shuttle or ~.~ingle:Threa~d*[ Ch~in ~titch] publishers are glad to use cartoons Sewing Machine w~te t0 whei~ they decline to ~ocept special pleas :put in other forms. " OPange, ~as~ ~here is no doubt that the Tom May M a n y s e w i n g m a c h i n e s are m a d e to sell r e g a r d l e s s o~ q u a l i t y , tJut t h e ~-~e~v" ~ - ] [ o n l e is m a d e to w e a r . cartoons whieh will begin running O u r g u a r a n t y n e q e r run's out. soon after May !st., ~ill become one Sit.In_by authorized dealeru onl:Fo of the ~t~iking features Qf the cax~. FOR SALE B'~ paig~. . . . . . . . . . . :~__~..J C. D. S T R I F F L E R , Agt., Cass City. THE~EWHGNE$£WI~G~AGHI~EGONPA~ Push Cass City ":" i! il .:. :i: il But if ye be a booster don't forget to push what little home industry you have. Heller's Home=made Bread • Is Worth Pushing and a 10c loaf will make you a booster. If your grocer handles our bread, he gets it flesh every day. If you can't get it from him call us up; we deliver by the union delivery. HELLER'S } 5:A ¢
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