How to Use Information from External Sources Section 3 Chapter 2

Section 3
Chapter 2
How to Use Information from External
This chapter is aimed at Management Planner and explains how to use information
provided by external organisations when preparing Better Woodlands for Wales (BWW)
Foundation Plans and Management Plans.
Related documents include:
A Guide to Information Sharing and Consultation within Better Woodlands for Wales
How to Complete a Foundation Plan
How to Complete a Management Plan
Approach to Appropriate Assessments and European Protected Species
Version 1.0: Feburary 2007, original version
Version 1.1: November 2009, Re-formatting
Information from External Sources (IfES) is a process within the new BWW scheme. When
a Management Plan application is approved, the IfES process is initiated. Information is
requested from various organisations about the land which the application relates to. When
returned, this information is available to the Planner and they use it to prepare the
Management Plan thus minimising the need for changes to the plan following its submission
to FCW. An organisation providing information for use within the BWW scheme is known as
an ‘Information Provider’ (IP). The process is shown in Figure 1.
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
How to Use Information from External Sources
Figure 1 - IfES Process
made by
FCW considers
application &
decides whether
IfES is required
IP sends data to
FCW within agreed
timescale & says
whether further
consultation is
required or not
All data from
IPs placed in
BWW case file
by FCW
Foundation Plan
FCW sends IP
boundary map
& basic property
information &
indicative work
We will provide a ‘Constraints Report’ which is derived from the FCW Geographic
Information System (GIS) (see example in Appendix 1). The report includes all statutory
designations both within the site and within 500m of the woodland edge. It will also show
which Information Providers we may contact about the site.
The report contains information on:
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAM)
Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS)
Ancient and Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW)
Woodland Officer areas
WIG Haulage Zones
previous grant schemes,
CCW Regions
The Constraints Report can be viewed through the Grants and Licences Online Service
(GLOS), via the Foundation Plan ‘External Data’ screen, by clicking the underlined text in
the ‘Information Supplied’ column (see Figure 2 below).
We will also ask the following Information Providers (IPs) for any information they may
hold for the location:
Local Authorities
Archaeological Trusts
Countryside Council for Wales (CCW)
Local Record Centres
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
What information will be provided?
How to Use Information from External Sources
The following data will be provided by other organisations i.e. Information Providers (IPs):
Information sent to FCW from other organisations i.e. Information Providers
(IPs): e.g.
Reports will generally be provided in Microsoft Word (.doc) format or as a Portable
Document Format (PDF). Maps will be provided as PDF or as an image file such as JPEG.
This information can also be viewed in the Foundation plan Screens under the ‘External
Data’ tab and then by clicking on the ‘Information Supplied’ column (see Figure 2 below).
IPs will also indicate whether they want to be consulted once the Management Plan has
been drafted and will provide contact details. If they have asked to be consulted, you must
include them as Consultees in the Foundation Plan. If the IP has no statutory involvement,
you must mark them as non-compulsory responders.
How to use information when writing the Foundation
Having read the information provided, Planners need to decide what is relevant to the
Management Plan and how it should be treated within the plan. If there is uncertainty
about any information, the Planner should initially contact the Woodland Officer for the
case. If they are unable to help directly, they will either contact the IP or provide the
Planner with an appropriate contact name within the IP organisation.
Where the information provided is considered by the Planner to be important it should be
listed as an ‘Issue’ on the ‘Issues’ screen in the Foundation Plan. For example, the
presence of a major archaeological site would be recorded as an Archaeology Issue with a
description and appropriate priority (‘Importance’) rating (see Figure 3). Woodland Officers
can also ask Planners to recognise information as an Issue.
Figure 3 Foundation Report Issues screen
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
Figure 2 Foundation Plan External Data screen
Information provided by IPs is likely to be highly relevant where operations such as
clearfelling/restocking, new planting and tracking are to be carried out. In some
circumstances, for example where a local authority has identified a TPO tree on the edge of
the woodland, operations such as tracking may have no impact on the TPO tree. In such
circumstances, simply list the TPO tree or trees as a Landscape Issue of Low Importance.
Information received should also be used to help determine whether any Specialist
Assessments are required. For example, if the Local Record Centre provides information
indicating that a peregrine falcon is nesting on cliffs within the woodland, there would be a
strong case for an ecological assessment. The Foundation Plan should not be submitted
until all information has been received and studied, or the agreed response time (generally
14 days) has elapsed.
Table 1 below describes the type of information that will be provided by IPs and gives
guidance on how it should be used in the Foundation Plan.
Table 1 - Type of Information provided by IPs
Type of information
Guidance on how to use the
information during Foundation
Plan preparation.
CCW will provide information on a colourcoded pro-forma that will be the same for
all BWW applications:
WORD doc
Green = general property information
JPEG maps
Blue = Designation information: i.e.
whether management agreements with
the landowner (S15 & S16 agreements)
are in place within the scheme boundary
or a 500m buffer. Whether the site or
buffer contains ASNW/PAWS woodland.
S15/16 agreement in place for
managing heather moorland – list as
an Issue under ‘non woodland habitat’
in the Foundation Plan (FP) and
consult with CCW during Management
Plan (MP) preparation to ensure forest
operations (drainage etc) does not
effect the non woodland habitat.
Regionally Important Geological and
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
How to Use Information from External Sources
How to Use Information from External Sources
Type of information
Guidance on how to use the
information during Foundation
Plan preparation.
Whether the site or buffer contains any
sites of Geological Importance (RIGS
sites); Phase 1 (non-woodland habitat)
survey information. ‘Note-able’ species
(e.g. EU protected species and Schedule 1
Geomorphological Sites (RIGS).
Ensure forest operations do not affect
the site.
[Note: FCW & CCW are working to try to
provide planners with a link to SSSI
information on the CCW website directly
from the map browser within GLOS]
Yellow = Consultation: Whether the CCW
District team require further consultation
during BWW Management Plan
Green = Sign Off by the relevant CCW
Phase 1 habitat information. Any
important non-woodland habitat
identified by CCW should be listed as
a high/medium priority issue under
‘important BAP species and nonwoodland habitat’ in the FP. Consult
with CCW during Management Plan
(MP) preparation.
EU protected species e.g. bluebell/
Schedule 1 birds – list as a species
issue under ‘important BAP species
and non-woodland habitat’ in the FP &
consult with CCW during MP
S15/16 agreements are applicable to
S15 of the Countryside Act 1968 and S16
of the National Parks and Access to the
Countryside Act 1949 is an agreement
between the owner/occupier and the
Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) as to
the management of the land, including the
carrying out of work.
National Park
Tree Preservation Order (TPO) information
– these may be individual trees, woodland
or area TPOs.
JPEG map
County Wildlife Site information – County
Wildlife Sites are unscheduled sites that
have been identified by the LA as
important for wildlife. They are also
referred to as Sites Important for Nature
Conservation (SINC) or Local Wildlife
WORD doc
The four Archaeological Trusts in Wales
will produce:
Woodland Historic Environment 1 (WHE1)
report where the site is important in terms
of the historic environment. This report
will be a desk exercise and will have 2
List as a Landscape Issue in the FP
and give an appropriate priority rating
depending on the location & extent of
the TPO trees.
If the Planner lists a County Wildlife
Site as an Issue and treats as a Factor
or Feature, it may be appropriate for
the Planner to contact the local
Wildlife Trust, as well as the Council,
during the consultation phase.
List all identified elements as one
Archaeology Issue – usually high or
medium priority particularly when
operations such as new planting or
clearfelling will take place. You should
note each element in the details box
There are four Archaeological Trusts in Wales: Clwyd-Powys AT; Cambrian AT; Gwynedd AT and GlamorganGwent AT. All the Archaeological Trusts in Wales will be using a similar format for reports.
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
What are S15/S16 Management
JPEG maps
Type of information
Guidance on how to use the
information during Foundation
Plan preparation.
for the issue.
1) Historic Environment Features - specific
information & management requirements
2) General Management requirements
including planning actions and mitigation
Archaeology/historic environment will
usually be a Factor affecting another
Feature, unless the archaeological site
is significant enough, e.g. a
Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM),
to be considered as a Feature.
The Archaeological Trust may recommend
a field survey. You should include this as a
Specialist Assessment in the Foundation
Plan. The Woodland Officer will make a
judgement whether the FC agrees to the
survey. Where further work is required, a
Woodland Historic Environment 2 (WHE2 field survey) will be carried out. This will
follow a similar format to the above but
will be more extensive and detailed and
be used for the production of the
Management Plan.
Local Record
Species report
The information will be organised listing
the most important species first a) on the
site & b) in the 500m buffer zone of the
Where Local Priority species and
Species of Conservation Concern are
present on a site, list as a high
priority species issue and a Factor.
Legally protected species will require
the consent of CCW before work can
be carried out.
Local Priority Species
UK & EU legally protected species.
Section 74 (CROW Act) species.
UKBAP Priority Species.
Red List Birds
Species of Conservation Concern
UK Species of conservation concern.
Red Data Book (RDB) & nationally scarce
Amber List Birds & other locally important
Records of other species may also be
classed as high priority, depending on
owner objectives, but are more likely
to be medium or low priority issues or
not listed at all. If a species is not
listed then the Planner needs to be
able to justify why not. It is not
necessary to create a separate Issue
in the Foundation Plan for each
species. In most cases it would be
sufficient to create a single Issue for
Important BAP species, and list the
relevant species in the description.
Records of other species
There are only two LRC’s currently functional in Wales: 1) Brecon Beacons Biodiversity Information Service (BIS)
covering the Brecon Beacons NP area and the remainder of Powys; and 2) SE Wales Biodiversity Record Centre
(SEWBREC) covering the old counties of Gwent & Glamorgan. A further 2 LRCs are planned for 2007/8, which will
cover the rest of Wales.
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
How to Use Information from External Sources
How to Use Information from External Sources
How to use information when writing the Management
IfES will have been used at the Foundation Plan stage to identify the key issues which will
go on to be considered within the Management Plan. The Foundation Plan sets out whether
issues are to be treated as Features, Factors or Desired Characteristics.
Interpreting species information can be difficult, particularly if the species groups are
unfamiliar, such as lichen or invertebrates. On designated sites, such as SSSIs, CCW will be
available as a consultee to provide guidance to Planners. On non-designated sites, Planners
should use other available sources of information to help with their decisions.
For some important species, there may be a requirement for a specialist ecological
assessment - you should discuss this with your woodland officer. On SSSIs where protected
species may be affected by forest operations, the owner may need to apply to the Welsh
Assembly Government (WAG) for a licence to carry out this work. CCW can advise the
Planner further on the need for species licences.
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
Good information on woodland bird and bat species is available in the FC guides ‘Woodland
Management for Bats’ (ISBN0855386673) and ‘Woodland Management for Birds’ (ISBN
How to Use Information from External Sources
Appendix 1: Example Constraints Report
Note: The blue text is what you will see on your Constraints Report. The black italic text has been added for the
purposes of this document to help explain the blue text.
Forestry Commission Constraints check, run on 5 November, 2009 @ 15:52
Big Wood
Approximate Grid Ref:
Check performed on:
Selected Feature(s) with a 500m Buffer
(Co-ordinates: X Y)
Indicates that both the ‘selected feature i.e. the boundary of the scheme, and an area of 500m around the boundary of the
scheme have been searched using a GIS and the following information has been found. Search information for the ‘selected
feature’ is presented first, followed by information about the buffer area.
The selected feature contains the following constraints:
New Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites
Identifies the site as a Plantation on a Ancient Woodland site – this information should be treated as a issue in the
foundation plan and will to lead to a PAWS assessment if the site is over 3ha.
WGS MkIII Scheme
Shows which current WGS schemes exist on the property. Management Planners should take previous management
history and any remaining WGS funded work into account when writing Foundation and Management Plans.
050001097/001 - Baron Hill - Cefn Covert & Hafod ty Covert
050001123/001 - Bodynfoel Wood
050001613/001 - Penllys Rough And Llys Coppice
050001613/001 - Penllys Rough And Llys Coppice (completely within)
Ancient Woodland Inventory 2004
Shows that the site has been identified as ASNW & PAWS on the Ancient Woodland Inventory.
• Ancient and Semi Natural Woodland
• Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site
Woodland Officer Areas
Shows contact details for relevant Woodland Officer.
• BRIAN BARKER - 07717 301773 - 01938 557415
Technical Services Officer Areas
Shows contact details for relevant Technical Services Officer. The Technical Services Officers are based in the FCW
office in Ruthin, North Wales and deal with the administration and mapping issues for BWW.
• Rhian Corlett- Rhian.Corlett
WIG Haulage Zones
Shows which zones the site falls into for the purposes of calculating Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) using the ‘WIG
• ZONE 1
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
• 50900285 - Llys Wood
How to Use Information from External Sources
Native woodland plans.shp
Shows if any Native Woodland Plans have been carried out on the woods within the BWW plan boundary.
• Bodynfoel
• Llys Coppice and Penllys Rough
Shows whether Public rights of way exist within the plan boundary – information only.
• Unidentified Feature
• Unidentified Feature (completely within)
Local Record Centres
Shows which Local Record Centre (LRC) operates within the area covered by the plan. Where a LRC operates in the
area, FCW will request species information and upload this information so it can be viewed on the ‘External Data’ screen
(see Figure 2 above).
• Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park - Janet Imlach (Manager) [email protected]
Archaeological Trusts
Shows which Archaeological Trust operates within the area covered by the plan. Where an Archaeological Trust
operates in the area, FCW will request archaeological information and upload this information so it can be viewed on the
‘External Data’ screen (see Figure 2 above).
LBAP Areas
Shows whether a Local Biodiversity Action plan is in place for the area covered by the scheme. Planners should refer to
the LBAP when producing the Foundation Plan.
CCW Regions
Shows which CCW region operates in the area covered by the application.
• South East - [email protected] - UNIT 7 CASTLETON COURT FORTRAN ROAD ST
Cadw Management Areas
Shows that Cadw operates in the area covered by the application.
• Cadw
SAM Inspector Areas
Shows which Cadw inspector monitors Scheduled Ancient Monument sites in the area.
• Sian Rees - 029 2082 6164
SAM Warden Areas
Shows which Cadw warden monitors Scheduled Ancient Monument sites in the area.
• Ian Halfpenney - 07968 609837
Deer Initiative Address
Shows contact details for the Wales Deer Initiative.
• Wales Deer Initiative - Jackie Brinton - [email protected]
Unitary Authority Boundary
How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
• Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust - [email protected]
How to Use Information from External Sources
• Powys - Andy Dodgson - [email protected]
Less Favoured Area
Shows Agricultural Land category.
• Severely Disadvantaged
Welsh Community Boundary
Electoral Division
Parliamentary Constituency Boundary
The buffer zone (500m) contains the following constraints:
New Felling Licence Application
Indicates that there is a new felling licence application within the buffer zone of the site.
Management Planners
• 050/9/02-03-
New Native Woodland Plan
Indicates that there is a Native Woodland Plan within the buffer zone of the site.
New Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites
(as above)
• 50900285 - Llys Wood
WGS MkIII Scheme
(as above)
050001097/001 - Baron Hill - Cefn Covert & Hafod ty Covert
050001123/001 - Bodynfoel Wood
050001197/001 - Llangedwyn Estate
050001613/001 - Penllys Rough And Llys Coppice
WGS MkI Scheme (as above)
• 421000005/001 (completely within)
Felling Licence Applications
(as above)
• 050/09/02-03
• 050/71/00-01
• 050/80/99-00
Felling Licence Applications (Pre Apr 98)
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How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
How to Use Information from External Sources
(as above)
• 95/4/84
Ancient Woodland Inventory 2004
(as above)
• Ancient and Semi Natural Woodland
• Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site
Woodland Officer Areas
(as above)
• BRIAN BARKER - 07717 301773 - 01938 557415
Technical Services Officer Areas
(as above)
• Sarah Brown - [email protected]
WIG Haulage Zones
(as above)
• ZONE 1
Management Planners
Native woodland plans.shp
(as above)
• Bodynfoel
• Llangedwyn Home Farm
• Llys Coppice and Penllys Rough
(as above)
• Unidentified Feature
• Unidentified Feature (completely within)
Local Record Centres
(as above)
• Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park - Janet Imlach (Manager) [email protected]
Archaeological Trusts
(as above)
• Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust - [email protected]
Tir Gofal Farm Boundary
Indicates there is a farm in the Tir Gofal scheme within the buffer zone.
• 1 HILL COTTAGE - SE_09_004925
LBAP Areas
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How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
How to Use Information from External Sources
(as above)
CCW Regions
(as above)
• South East - [email protected] - UNIT 7 CASTLETON COURT FORTRAN ROAD ST
Cadw Management Areas
(as above)
• Cadw
SAM Inspector Areas
(as above)
• Sian Rees - 029 2082 6164
SAM Warden Areas
(as above)
• Ian Halfpenney - 07968 609837
Management Planners
Deer Initiative Address
(as above)
• Wales Deer Initiative - Jackie Brinton - [email protected]
Unitary Authority Boundary
• Powys - Andy Dodgson - [email protected]
Less Favoured Area
• Less Favoured
• Severely Disadvantaged
Welsh Community Boundary
Electoral Division
Parliamentary Constituency Boundary
This check was performed against the following constraints: New WGS Scheme; New Felling Licence Application; New Forest Plan; New Native Woodland
Plan; New Pre Approved Schemes; New Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites; New Continuous Cover Forestry; WGS MkIII Scheme; WGS MkII Scheme; WGS
MkI Scheme; Walkers Welcome Woodland; Felling Licence Applications; Felling Licence Applications(Pre Apr 98); FC Private Dedications; Approved Long Term
Forest Plans; Forest Plan Claims; Forestry Commission Land; Felling Design Plan Blocks; Ancient Woodland Inventory 2004; Woodland Officer Areas; Technical
Services Officer Areas; WIG Haulage Zones; Claimswales.shp; Native woodland plans.shp; Biogenetic.shp; Prow.shp; Local Record Centres; Archaeological Trusts;
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How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
How to Use Information from External Sources
Management Planners
Woodland Trust Land; Tir Gofal Farm Boundary; Organic Farm Scheme Boundary; CCW Open Country Boundary; CCW Common Land Boundary; LBAP Areas;
Sites of Special Scientific Interest; National Nature Reserve; Local Nature Reserve; Special Areas of Conservation; Special Protection Area; Biosphere area;
RAMSAR; CCW Regions; Marine Nature Reserve; Scheduled Ancient Monuments (CADW); Historic Park/Garden Boundaries (CADW); Historic Park/Garden sub
sites(CADW); Historic Park/Garden Essential Settings(CADW); Historic Park/Garden Significant View (CADW); Historic Park/Garden walks & seats(CADW); Cadw
Management Areas; SAM Inspector Areas; SAM Warden Areas; Environmentally Sensitive Area; ESA Farm Boundaries; Environment Agency Team Boundaries;
Deer Initiative Address; RSPB Reserves; RSPB Important Bird Areas; Unitary Authority Boundary; National Park; Heritage Coast; Less Favoured Area; Nitrate
Sensitive Area; Landscapes of Historic Interest; Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty; Critical Load; Welsh Community Boundary; Electoral Division; Parliamentary
Constituency Boundary; Objective 1 Boundary;
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How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
How to Use Information from External Sources
Appendix 2: List of Statutory Consultees
Relevant statutory body
Countryside Council for Wales
Type of case
All proposals that are on or within 500 m of:
 National Nature Reserves
 Sites of Special Scientific Interest
 Special Protection Areas
 Special Areas of Conservation
National Park Authorities
Planting proposals of 5 hectares of more within a National
Park boundary
Felling proposals that affect trees subject to a Tree
Preservation Order or that are in a Conservation Area
within a National Park boundary
Planting and felling proposals of 10 hectares or more
Environment Agency
Local Authorities
Planting proposals of 10 hectares or more
Felling proposals that affect trees subject to a Tree
Preservation Order or that are in a Conservation Area
Applications within Environmentally Sensitive Areas
All new planting of 20 hectares or more
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How to Use Information from External Sources (v1.1)|
Management Planners
New planting proposals of 5 hectares or more that affect:
 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
 Heritage Coasts
 Applications on or adjacent (within 500 m) to Scheduled
Ancient Monuments