Capital Bridging - How to add Buy to Let Club as the payment route Using Buy to Let Club as the payment route: The Capital Bridging application form is attached to this document. Print and complete this application, complete with Buy to Let Club as a payment route. If you have already completed a blank application form, please ensure you indicate clearly that you are using Buy to Let Club as your payment route. Section 1 - Introducer details Firm Introducer Address FCA / CCL number Telephone Email Part of a network - which? Buy to Let Club Level of advice - Advised / Non Advised Are you charging the client a fee, if yes how much & when is it payable? Is any fee charged refundable, if yes at what stage? Have you met the client - face to face interview? Section 2 - Client details Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Title Title Forename Forename Surname Surname Known by any other name / maiden or alias Known by any other name / maiden or alias Marital status Marital status Nationality Nationality Permanent right to reside? Permanent right to reside? Occupancy type Occupancy type Residential address Residential address Postcode Postcode Time at this address Years Months Time at this address Years If less than 3 years please provide previous address in section 8 Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954 Months Section 2 - Client details continued Home tel Home tel Mobile Mobile Email Email Date of birth Date of birth Residential status Residential status Section 3 - Loan details Net loan required £ Term Months Purpose of borrowings (full explanation and breakdown required) Repayment proposal (full explanation required to include Lender if refinance and if sale details on price and marketing activity) Refinance Sale of property Other Section 4 - Security address (If more than one security being offered please provide details in section 8) Address Postcode Already owned yes/no Being purchased yes/no Estimated value £ Purchase price £ If purchase undervalue please provide an explanation 1st charge offered? yes/no 2nd charge offered yes/no Current lender Current mortgage outstanding Property type Freehold/Leasehold Leasing remaining Is the property currently occupied; if so please confirm on what basis? Contact details for access for valuation If the loan is going in a company name or SPV please complete Section 7 Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954 Section 5 - Solicitors – minimum of 2 partners required Name of firm Address Postcode Contact name Telephone Email Section 6 - Credit history Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Have you ever been refused a mortgage on this or any other property? y/n y/n Have you ever had a judgement for debt recorded against you or if a director your company? y/n y/n Have you ever been declared bankrupt or compounded with your creditors? y/n y/n Have you ever failed to keep up with your payments under any present of previous mortgage, rental or loan agreement? y/n y/n Have you ever made a claim to the DSS in the last 12 months? y/n y/n If you have answered yes to any of the above questions please provide full details in Section 8 Section 7 - Company / SPV details (if the loan is not going in personal names) Name of firm Registered address Postcode Company registration number Nature of business Directors names Shareholders names (inc % held) Company accountant (name, address and qualification) Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954 Section 8 - Additional information Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954 Assets and liabilities statement Principal residency Address Postcode Estimated value £ Outstanding mortgage £ Lender Other property Address Postcode Estimated value £ Outstanding mortgage £ Lender Rental income £ Other property Other property Address Address Postcode Postcode Estimated value £ Estimated value £ Outstanding mortgage £ Outstanding mortgage £ Lender Lender Rental income £ Rental income £ Unsecured loans Amount outstanding £ Lender Bank overdrafts Amount £ Bank Savings Amount £ Bank Current personal guarantees Other assets/investments/chattels/company shareholdings held Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954 Signed Declaration 1. Capital Bridging Finance Ltd (CBFL), in order to secure credit facilities for you, will be required to undertake a Credit Reference check on you and/or your company with an appropriate credit referencing agency. In addition a money laundering check maybe carried out electronically. Information registered on this search will be used for underwriting decisions, for fraud prevention and money laundering verification purposes. By signing this declaration you give us permission to carry out this credit check. 2. The search we do to assess this application involves checking the details you supply against those held on any databases Experian has access to. This includes information from the Electoral Register and fraud prevention agencies. A record is kept of this search. We may use information we get about you and those with whom you are linked financially. Other companies may also use it. This information may be used for debt tracing, the prevention of money laundering, and the management of our account. We may pass information to organisations involved in fraud prevention, to protect our customers and ourselves from theft and fraud. If you give us false or inaccurate information and we suspect fraud, we will record this and share this information with other organisations. 3. We will now attempt to verify your identity (or the identity of the individual in whose behalf you are acting).This process involves checking the details you supply against those held on a number of specific databases Experian – the credit reference agency – has access to, for example information from the Electoral Register and fraud prevention agencies. Scoring methods will be used in the verification process as this gives a more thorough check of the available data. A record of this process will be kept that maybe used to help other companies to verify your identity; we may also pass information to organisations involved in fraud prevention to protect ourselves and our customers from the ft and fraud. If you supply false or inaccurate information and we suspect fraud, we will record this and share this information with other organisations. 4. We treat all confidential information given to us by clients in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. You are entitled to request a copy of the records we hold on yourself (on payment of a fee) and request that any inaccuracies are corrected. 5. We require our clients to give us instructions in writing to avoid possible disputes, this may mean that we clarify the instruction for you but we will give you the opportunity to challenge this. 6. I will inform CBFL of any changes to the information provided on the application form in writing that occur either before or after the loan is made. 7. I declare the particulars on this form to be true and correct and to form the basis of any contract between myself and Capital Bridging Finance Ltd. Any inaccuracies when applying for a loan could result in criminal prosecution and / or civil action for recovery of any losses incurred WARNING YOUR SECURITY MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP PAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR LOAN SECURED AGAINST IT. I understand and consent to the above terms, which are effective from the date of issue, and I hereby authorise the Company to pass information on a confidential basis when warranted to such authorised companies. Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Applicant signature Applicant signature Print Name Print Name Date Date Grafton House 2-3 Golden Square London W1F 9HR T 0203 540 5120 F 0203 002 4642 E [email protected] application form v 1.9 Capital Bridging Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 6994954
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