Creating a Climate Smart DFID How to undertake a Strategic Programme Review (SPR) of DFID’s climate change response in country offices “If we are serious about development we need to be serious about climate change” Mark Lowcock, 2011 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Why are we doing SPRs? The Secretary of State is committed to making all DFID Climate Smart. This means taking climate change into account in everything DFID does. If we fail to tackle climate change, progress on development will be reversed. These reviews will help to ensure that DFID offices are responding strategically to climate change challenges and opportunities and that they are becoming “Climate Smart” in all they do. This is why the DFID business plan commits all country offices to undertake a climate change Strategic Programme Review in their office by December 2013 (DFID business plan Combating climate change 2011 to 2015). The SPR is an essential part of making DFID country offices and DFID Aid Climate Smart. 1.2 CED has prepared this note to guide you through the process of creating a successful SPR It will support Heads of Country Offices and SPR country teams to plan and implement their Strategic Programme Review. In 2009/10 seven countries (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Caribbean, Rwanda, Tanzania and, Ethiopia) undertook a pilot SPR. This guidance builds on lessons from the pilots and also from discussions at the international workshop on Climate Smart held in DFID May 2011. We hope that you find this guidance useful and if you want further help with specific tools or resources please contact Jane Clark ([email protected]) in Climate and Environment Department, PRD. An SPR is not… An SPR is… A consultant lead report A report on the science of climate change Discussion around business as usual An SPR is…a process to enable country heads to ensure their offices' understand and act on the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change, and the availability of climate finance. Specifically to ensure that your office: o understands these challenges and opportunities A list of everything you are doing on CC Tick box exercise to be done to fulfil corporate requirements o considers the action it wants to take to address them, with regard to "proofing" current programmes and its future investment policy, and secures and allocates the resources this will require; o ensures that all staff are inspired and enabled to improve their skills and knowledge through appropriate and ongoing learning opportunities; o greens the estates; is compliant with mandatory corporate requirements (e.g. Climate and Environment Assessments for Business Cases and Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements). 1.3 How to use this guidance? This guidance is designed to guide you through the process of creating a successful SPR. It is arranged in five sections which reflect the process of the SPR: Scoping of your SPR Planning your SPR Approach and implementation of the SPR process, How to monitor and evaluate the SPR Resources, support and help with your SPR 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 What will your SPR cover? The SPR is designed to ensure offices are facilitating strategic discussions about the challenges and opportunities of climate change. SPRs will specify action in all four pillars set out below. Heads of Offices will be expected to take action in all these four areas across thier programmes (not just climate programmes), but the actions and level of ambition within these pilliars can be tailored to the needs of the country. Greening your operations This includes monitoring and reducing your energy use in the office and in residences, management of your waste, water use, travelling around in vehicles and planes, and thinking about the ways in which we work e.g. paper less offices and the use of IT. Raising awareness, Skills, knowledge, behaviours of all staff. Proofing present programmes and investments. How low carbon and resilient are all your programmes? Design of future investments, what can we do differently in the future? How can we be transformational and stimulate innovation? How can we build resilience in an uncertain world? Pillars of Climate Smart programme Future investment /policy radically different thoughts, Transformational ways of working, climate resilient low carbon growth choices Feedback Emergent/surprising /unknown ‘Proofing’ current programme Do no harm, integration, entry points , capacity building, Protecting MDG gains, economics T Skills, Knowledge and engagement Greening DFID Waste Energy Travel Water Technical/professional Also behavioural Humility Listening Communication Resilience of staff team Political emotional and rational Leadership and commitment needed across all pillars, business processes aligned 16/06/2011 Jane Clark DFID Fig one: Four Pillars of Climate Smart Programme. 2.2 Delivery: what will your SPR deliver? An SPR process will help you deliver: Effective development assistance in reducing poverty in a changing climate, ensuring we do not loose gains made on MDG targets. Your Sustainable Operations targets (energy, water, travel). Delivery of effective International Climate Fund programmes. Production of Operational plans and business cases which reflect climate change risks, and opportunities in the country and regional programmes. Raised level of awareness and skills of all staff in CC leading to enhanced reputation for DFID on climate change action. Credible and legitimate advice to Governments and other partners to shape nationally owned climate change strategies and plans. 2.3 The final SPR product At the end of your SPR the office will have a clear plan of action, with targets. It is envisaged that this will be a short document which will capture the key findings and decisions and can make reference to other documents e.g. corporate reporting documents, consultant reports, workshop reports etc. and operational plans. SPR progress and reports will be presented to Directors, through the quarterly reporting channels . Directors will provide an over view of progress to Richard Calvert to inform of progress and lessons learned. SPR progress will be a standing item at Senior Climate Champions meetings chaired by Richard Calvert. 3.0 PLANNING 3.1 Who should be involved? Secure leadership at all levels: Your SPR must be lead by the Head of Office and supported by an SPR team. The size of the team will depend on the size of the country office, the nature of the country programme and level of ambition. Senior leadership will catalyse action, but leadership should be identified through out the office to help people to contribute their ideas and energy and show their commitment to a climate smart DFID. Ensure cross cutting input: Climate change can no longer be considered as just an environmental issue. All staff in the office will be involved (finance, procurement, programme managers, office services, advisers, especially economists and infrastructure advisers). Do you have structures and routines or thematic work which you can tap into? e.g. tap into Thematic meetings, away days, response to HERR and humanitarian work, thematic teams working on green growth and low carbon development, win wins around public health and mitigation, and don’t forget to link into your green team working on estates and residences. Green teams: You may already have a “green team” in your office, which is actively working to reduce office energy, waste and water consumption. You can capture the work of the green teams in your SPR. Involve others in your SPR: Consider engaging with other HMG offices e.g. FCO in the SPR. Be aware of others in country (donors, private sector, Government and NGOs) who may have lessons to share. Understanding the wider stakeholder environment is important. 3.2 When do I need to do my SPR? How long will it take? We suggest you allow at least six months to complete SPR process, so you will need to start by first half of 2013 at the latest. Consider timing: ensure you can link any changes into up dates of operational plans and new programmes. 3.4 Link your SPR into your core business Your SPR should not be a bolt on to business as usual. It should be clear how the SPR links into other corporate plans and strategies with clear links to the office operational plans. The SPR can help to energise and take forward other related agendas, such as: DFID business plan Response to the Humanitarian Emergency Response Review (HERR) e.g. on the recommendations around Resilience.1 International Climate Fund (ICF) Strategy Management Board undertaking to be carbon neutral across our entire estate by 2012 (Link to Management Board paper) Undertake high quality Climate and Environment Assessments in business planning. Training and development and building capacity of all staff Include climate change in regular staff induction programmes 3.5 How ambitious should we be in our response? As Head of Office you should agree with your Director the level of response or ambition for the office. Organisations progress through a number of stages or levels as they respond to climate change. As awareness and competency in an office develops, offices will be more ambitious and effective in their response. The SPR will start off a process of staff becoming more ‘climate aware’ and more competent to respond. The table below sets out suggested descriptions of different “response levels” against which offices are encouraged to assess themselves: bronze, silver and gold. You will need to agree the level of response which your office aims to reach with your Director and when you want to start your SPR by the latest early 2012. This will help you allocate resources and plan your activities. The aim is for all offices to progress to the highest level of response possible. All offices will have to comply with corporate targets and innovate but some offices will aspire to be leaders in the field. Larger offices will be encouraged to be leaders and aim for gold standard – as they may well have more potential for high impact outcomes Offices will rarely be starting from scratch. To reflect this offices can capture activities which are already going on such as, programmes under development for ICF funding, mainstreaming of climate change into existing programmes, analysis and understanding of climate change impacts in country, reductions made in use of water, energy and transport, active green team in place, or support to staff to reduce energy in residences, or cross-sector working on low carbon growth programme. The indicators are suggestive and are not necessarily to be interpreted rigidly. In some cases offices may also fall into different response levels for different attributes. Offices could consider facilitated self-assessments involving all staff, both as an integral part of the SPR itself (i.e. as a means of opening up the process in a structured way) and in order to establish a baseline assessment against response levels. 1 First round priority countries where work on resilience is already underway are Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Bangladesh and Nepal. Second tier, where work is yet to be defined and could be through working with partners, include Pakistan, Niger, Chad, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and Burma. This work can be done in association with your SPR. Response levels 1-3 and evaluation framework Attribute Dominant focus Bronze – Compliant and aware Building the case , raising awareness and ensuring corporate compliance – esp. for office targets Which means : Internal awareness raising and lobbying, external coalitions. Compliance with targets e.g. energy targets, SPR s Identify entry points for responding to cc e.g. humanitarian response and DRR, water, health, agriculture, energy security, infrastructure Silver – Emergent and active Fostering action, understanding the comparative advantage of the office. Mainstreaming CC opportunities and challenges into all DFID’s Work Which means: Meeting or exceeding targets on compliance. Which means: Investment in better understanding CC effects on development priorities in host country, at least in key sectors. Pilot schemes and investments and learning through M&E Active visioning, horizon scanning, strategic management board discussions Leadership and leverage with others demonstrated. Leading and proposing stretch targets. Explore sharing and managing knowledge, with partners provision of support e.g. DFID /IDSLearning Hub, Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). Internal awareness/training initiatives Key Elements and monitoring framework Responsive to commitments and Leadership mandatory targets. Which Gold – Leading the way Innovating Sets targets and monitors progress; holds staff to account for improvements Inspiring others to set and meet ambitious targets. e.g. partners, governments and MDBs. Strategic engagement on long term analyses in country - improving partners' foresight (e.g. LCCR growth analytics, long-term vulnerability assessments, costs of action/inaction etc) Drives transformational change based on understanding of climate science and politics, underpins all the four pillars Greening the office Provides encouragement and space to learn and experiment and improve. A clear plan and strategy (Environmental Management System) is in place that incorporates: A local environmental policy specific targets for reducing the carbon footprint and wider environmental impact in line with HMG Greening Govt targets; metrics on energy use, waste, travel and transport; processes for managing and monitoring performance on energy, water, waste and travel, and regular reporting to Senior management team. Encourages stretch and more ambitious action through deepening knowledge and new partnerships. At least 75% of EMS targets are met year-onyear Members of staff know how their activities impact on the DFID carbon footprint, and know their own personal carbon footprint e.g. tml personally interacts with policymakers, private sector and civil society to raise profile and advocate climate change action. Head of office is perceived as a leader who drives innovation and change. All EMS targets met or exceeded year-on-year Actively exploring cost-effective options to further reduce carbon footprint – e.g. solar panels, etc. (Where appropriate) Discussions/commitments on voluntary actions to reduce domestic energy use/emissions in DFID residential estates Present and future investment in bilateral programmes Skills and knowledge All new programmes climate proofed in compliance with DFID CC environment business case guidance (over £400). Implementing specific climate programmes through the International Climate Fund (ICF) Clear strategic shift within overall portfolio influenced by climate smart considerations. Measured in the Operational plans and financial commitments. Significant number of other programmes move beyond minimum “climate proofing” to identifying positive opportunities to promote climate change co-benefits Following guidelines and using tools. Carbon calculators, ORCHID Discussion and dialogue, building understanding though facilitated learning, raising awareness of CC and how CC impacts on different sectors. Implementing specific climate programmes through the International Climate Fund (ICF) Programmes generating tangible results and lessons which advance knowledge and practice across DFID or more widely in recipient country Growing networks of individuals and teams, expanded beyond CC /environment advisers into other key sectors, with capacity to identify and communicate climate change issues in programmes Collating evidence, commissioning expert reports to inform action and strategy. Established cross sectoral teams and resourced posts and strong support networks Staff engaged in internal or external communications on climate change (e.g. through presentations, Spotlight articles, blogs etc) Strategic application of findings from guidance/tools – e.g. strategic choices or programme design influenced by analysis of climate impacts, vulnerability, uncertainty, low carbon potential etc Commissioning/writing guidelines and tools, for the local /regional context. FIG 2: Modified from IDS In focus Towards ‘Climate Smart ’Organisations 2007, modification based on DFID review of Strategic Programme Reviews 2011. Informed by the work of Alexander Ballard and SAB Miller Stairway programme 3.6 How much will the SPR cost? The cost of SPR is not large in terms of budgets, but it does require staff time, time for workshops and meetings. The average cost of the Pilots was £10,000, with the range between £4,000 and £15,000. Most cost was on specific consultancy based inputs. Some countries paid for additional inputs through programme funds (and as part of training and development). Cost can be kept low if some of the activities are undertaken with local support and with internal advisers. Teaming up with FCO or other offices in the region on consultant inputs will help achieve vfm. 3.7 How much staff time will the SPR need? It is essential that the Head of office leads the SPR, is visible, and supports the teams work. When staff spend time contributing to the SPR, please ensure this is planned for, reflected and rewarded in their performance management reviews. You will need to have one person co-ordinating the SPR as an anchor point. The time needed will depend on the ambition of your SPR but at least 10-20% of one persons time for 6 months. They will be responsible for reporting progress and the production of the final report. Consultant inputs may be required for specialist inputs e.g. assessment of risks and opportunities in your country or region, economics of climate change in your country, literature reviews and synthesis reviews. Consultants can make valuable contributions but they can not lead the process. 4.0 APPROACH AND IMPLEMENTATION The approach you take to your SPR will reflect your country situation and your offices level of ambition agreed with your Regional Director. Below are principles drawn from the pilots which will help make your SPR effective and some examples of what others have done. 4.1 Four golden rules from the pilots: Office Head to lead. Enable time and space for exploration and conversations. Set targets and monitor and publish and be held accountable. Include Climate Smart as a standing issue to report on at “in days” or weekly leadership meetings routines. Below are some examples of approaches taken by pilots and ideas on activities which worked for those offices. 4.2 What makes an SPR effective? These principles are drawn from the experience from the pilots: Varied approach to cover different learning styles and motivations (visual, practical , academic) Inclusive across the whole office, listen to all staff and their ideas to improve. Including space and opportunity for dialogue and exploration. Office lead and owned not consultant driven. Well communicated clear accessible language. 4.3 What have other offices done in their SPRS? Below are examples of activities which pilot offices have undertaken as part of their SPR, they are included to give you ideas and encourage innovation: Ethiopia Integration of CC into all work The DFID Ethiopia approach was to integrate climate change into each step of the planning process for a new country assistance plan (later superseded by the operational plans). In addition Ethiopia worked to integrate climate change into relevant corporate processes e.g. workforce planning, learning and development, leadership, business processes, corporate planning. Ethiopia office observed that this systematic approach, which goes beyond programme planning is more time consuming and requires strong senior management support, but will be more effective in the long run. Rwanda Policy dialogue DFID Rwanda used the SPR to help develop broader policy dialogue on climate change and low carbon development - particularly around general budget support and sector budget support programmes, as well as reinforcing our work with the Office of the President. Reviewing the general budget support programme meant reviewing the overall Government development plans and that this has given DFID Rwanda a tool to engage on CC and LCD in every sector. India Climate Change and Poverty, greening the office and residences In India, the cross Whitehall climate change unit positioned the SPR as an opportunity to build a narrative on the interface between climate change and poverty in India, to feed into discussion about future strategy. Internal follow up to the SPR is likely to include significant focus on organisational change. An office greening process was undertaken separately but in parallel with the strategy work. Electricity monitors were placed in all residences and work done with families to understand how to reduce energy consumption at home. Tanzania commissioning studies DFID Tanzania commissioned a range of analytical studies to inform their SPR, which included Drivers of Change and Political Economy of climate change. The SPR aimed to inform a country assistance plan (superseded by the Operational Plan) and to build staff awareness and capability to address the issues across the portfolio. It also informed and shaped engagement and future programming on climate change of DFID Tanzania and other Development Partners. Tanzania summarised all consultancy reports and analytical work into an options paper with three levels of ambition for the programme which informed the bilateral aid review bid (BAR) Caribbean targeting key areas SPR was designed to target four priority areas -raise staff awareness on local impacts and issues, inform the development of a green office action plan, evaluate the programme portfolio and inform the new operational plan. Bangladesh integrating with the operational plan DFID Bangladesh conducted the SPR in house through a series of meetings and workshops looking at climate proofing sectoral programmes as well as greening the office. The process was integrated with the development of the operational plan detailing key areas of work across the portfolio. It encouraged staff to consider their role in contributing to the 10:10 targets and included objectives in their PMFs. Carbon monitors will be provided for residences. Nepal staff awareness and training The DFID Nepal SPR included a staff awareness and training element and also commissioned analysis to inform a set of options for future engagement in both the National and Local Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA and LAPA). Nepal sees its strategy work on climate as on going and early work is now informing thinking on resilience programme, reshaping programmes in west and central Nepal. Reducing Carbon Examples of activities undertaken to help reduce carbon in overseas offices: Introduction of Solar Water Heaters in DFID Rwanda, DFID Kenya and DFID Ethiopia, Printer Reduction (now 1:8) in DFID Mozambique and DFID Malawi Publication of Domestic Residence Utility Bills in DFID Mozambique Increase in AC temperature setpoint and decrease in plant operating times in DFID Bangladesh Reduction in number of domestic residences in DFID Burundi Water harvesting in DFID Malawi residences. Purchase and use of electric car in Kathmandu, Nepal for city driving. Contact the Environmental Management Team in Sustainable Facilities Management for more details or contact points. Engaging all staff in a fun and meaningful way India and Palace Street used “games” to illustrate key themes for climate change. Delhi devised a Sweet Spot game to stimulate discussion moving BAR interventions towards low carbon climate resilient outcomes. Palace Street held a games session with Pablo Suarez of the Red Cross Climate change centre on understanding Climate Risk and Uncertainty (http://dfidinsight/Other/Departments/PolicyResearchDirectorate/Ourteamswor k/Climateandenviroment/PUB_031085) both are excellent ways to engage staff in some serious fun and learning. Ethiopia office ran a series of CC related film nights where they showed films such as The Age of Stupid ( 5.0 EVALUATING AND REFLECTION ON YOUR SPR PROCESS 5.1 How do you know you are on track? And how do you know what difference the SPR made? Country offices will need to report on results. Offices should conduct a selfassessment to set a baseline and agree targets. Reporting against the Response Levels matrix shown earlier (and this is recommended), will provide a baseline and demonstrate progress. A further self-assessment, say one year after the SPR, will provide a basis for assessing impact. 6.0 Support available to your office 6.1 Internal DFID support Team Role Contacts Climate Smart team This team can provide you with advice or link you to people who will be able to help you with a particular issue CED provides policy advice to country offices on low carbon development, adaptation, forestry and international negotiations and climate finance. Jane Clark [email protected] Policy support and advice Mathew Wyatt Head of CED [email protected] Beth Arthy Head of CESU and ICF [email protected] Greg Briffa Low carbon development Team Leader [email protected] Chris Murgatroyd Adaptation Team leader [email protected] Laure Beaufils Forestry and Environment Team leader [email protected] Malcolm Smart Senior Economist in CED Can provide guidance on economics of climate change [email protected] Prof Tim Wheeler Dep Chief Scientific Adviser [email protected] Research and Evidence Chief Adviser climate change, Livelihoods and infrastructure Source of information on Climate and Environment Advisers Environmental Team, Operational Sustainability Yvan Biot Team leader climate change [email protected] John Barrett Climate change Head of Profession Tbc Gary James Sustainable Facilities Management issues – EMSs, reporting of carbon footprint, energy saving initiatives Head of SFM [email protected] Marion Tierney Leader, Environmental Management Team [email protected] Gary Butlin Environmental Management Team [email protected] 6.1 Internal sources of further information Networks SPR network Those offices which has competed the SPR have offered to help others and provide advice SPR Teamsite Senior Climate Change Champions Network Economic advice on Green Growth More information Philip Smith Nepal Shan Mitra India Joanne Manda Bangladesh Magdalena Banasiak Tanzania Praveen Wignarajah Ethiopia Sion McGeever Rwanda Simone Banister Caribbean [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] You will find useful resources to share e.g. documents power points and reports http://teamsite/sites/policydivision/spr/default.aspx Chaired by Richard Calvert - can support you in organisational change and provide constructive challenge for your teams in lesson learning and communications. Terms of Reference: http://questx08apps:7777/servlets/direct/KqydWhKM0wDfzByXmQpichYrjbyVfQK2/1/2972942/1/1/Climate%20Change%20Champions %20TORS%202011.doc Malcolm Smart [email protected] the economist in CED is first port of call for economic issues. Economic Guidance for programme design/project appraisal of CC interventions is available on quest. Hannah Ryder [email protected] Senior economist provides specific economic advice and analysis on low-carbon and climate-resilient (green) growth. Tim Waites [email protected] DFID Humanitarian Emergency Response Review 2011 - Committment to making resilience a core part of the work of all our country offices and to show international leadership on this important area of work. The SPR provides an opportunity to build capacity across DFID on building resilience. 6.3 Some resources and ideas to help you and get you started Tools Tools for influencing low carbon behaviour More information Cabinet office, Mindspace: influencing behaviour through public policy Down load here DEFRA 4 E tool: Enable - Encourage - Exemplify - Engage: DEFRA sustainable-life-framework. Framework for questioning: Four As (used and modified in Nepal to help dialogues). As a group/ cadre/team Tool to help shape initial dialogues Tools for Scenario planning Tools for measuring carbon foot print and helping you to save carbon Awareness (what do we need to know?) Agency (what do we need to do and is in our power to do?) Association (who do we need to do it with?) Action (what do we need to do?) Forum for the Future, with DFID, have prepared a number of scenarios for low income countries in a climatechanging world.There area a range of supporting materials, including audio visuals are available for down load from: Carbon Trust are a not-for-profit company providing specialist support to help business and the public sector boost business returns by cutting carbon emissions, saving energy and commercialising low carbon technologies. DECC Carbon Calculator 6.4 Resources to learn more about climate change Resources More information DFID climate blogs Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) Supports decision makers in the design, delivery of climate compatible development through research, advisory services and knowledge management. CDKN Policy Briefs World Bank Portal Specifically the Economics of Adaptation to climate change Synthesis report Met office A good source of information on the basic science. Prof. Kevin Anderson Audio (Produced by DFID) Kevin talks through moving beyond 2°C rise in temp, Climate Change Going beyond dangerous his work puts forth the view that there is now little to no chance of maintaining the rise in global mean surface temperature at below 2°C, despite repeated high-level statements to the contrary. Moreover, Kevin’s research demonstrates how avoiding even a 4°C rise demands a radical reframing of both the climate change agenda and the economic characterisation of contemporary society. 6.5 A selection of inspiring/interesting broad case studies Resources More information Lots of case studies and news to be found at AlertNet Climate Change Caroline Fiennes' (ED of Global Cool - a sustainability communications outfit) Subscribe to email up dates or Facebook. Website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation focuses on the humanitarian and development impacts of climate change. The site combines on-the-ground reports, analysis and blogs by Reuters and AlertNet staff, freelance writers around the developing world, leading climate thinkers, researchers, policy makers and aid workers. TED talk on how to persuade people to do something about climate change without telling them to (their paper on the same topic is also attached here: Solitaire Townsend (co-founder of Futerra - a sustainability communications outfit) Ltters to CEOs of big businesses on how to change their business models to do more about poverty, climate change and natural resources: Ben Caldecott's article on the Bank of England Hw the Bank of England could help deliver higher low-carbon investment: Why own a bike if you can share one? HBR Podcast with Don Tapscott on new "collaborative consumption" models: How education could be going more low-carbon Inthe Republic of Korea: 6.6 And some useful background Resources More information World Economic Forum high-level panel discussion (including UN SG Ban-Ki Moon, President Calderon and Bill Gates) on sustainability: WEF/Deloitte paper on sustainable consumption This PDF includes some interesting examples of “disruptive innovation” from the private sector: Guardian's Q&A on climate change One for the layman: The Guardian Sustainable Business Blog Thinking about business and private sector involvement? This has stories on business response to sustainable development issues:
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