RESTRICTED GENERAL SIR JOHN KOTELAWALA DEFENCE UNIVERSITY SYNDICTATE 05 INTAKE 28 HOW TO ENHANCE ETHNIC HARMONY IN ORDER TO PREVENT FUTURE ETHNIC CRISIS AND DEVELOPTHE COUNTRY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED DS COMMENTS 2 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED COVER SHEET 1. TOPIC: 2. ACADEMIC DS: HOW TO ENHANCE ETHNIC HARMONY IN ORDER TO PREVENT FUTURE ETHNIC CRISIS AND DEVELOP THE COUNTRY Mr. HMN HERATH 3. MILITARY DS: Maj. GJP DE SILVA Lt. MSC GUNASEKARA 4. ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR:Ms. E KITHULGODA 5. SYNDICATE LEADER: 3796 TUO IDMSM TENNAKOON 6. SYNDICATE MEMBERS: i. 3800 C/SGT SAIA SUBHASINGHE ii. 3837 C/CPL BMHDK ABEYRATHNE iii. 3720 O/CDTGK BADDEVITHANA iv. 3738 O/CDT GBSS KARUNARATHNE v. 3751 O/CDT PMIN RATHNAYAKE vi. 3804 O/CDT GHDDS HEWAWASAM vii. 3783 O/CDT RMSG SIRIWARDANE viii. 3824 O/CDT VMM VITHANAGE ix. 3834 O/CDTELCSW DISSANAYAKE x. 3856 O/CDT M NADHEEM 3 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CONTENT 1. Chapter One Introduction 2. Chapter Two Problem Statement Research Hypothesis Objectives Methods of Data Collection Limitations 3. Chapter Three Data presenting and analyzing Independence A theory to explain the risen of ethnic conflict protracted social conflicts Analysis of the recent Sri Lankan history Early steps taken to solve the ethnic conflict 4. Chapter Four Actions taken by government to enhance the ethnic harmony and achieve the development ends Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) & Re- settlement Socio-economic development Rehabilitation of ex-combatants and conflict affected youth Lessons learnt and reconciliation commission (LLRC) 4 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 5. Recommendation a) Constitutional reforms in post conflict Sri Lanka b) Education as a tool of enhancing ethnic harmony c) Attitudinal changes d) Broader economic policy framework e) Contribution of military f) Reset the Sri Lankan foreign policy g) Implementation of recommendation based on LLRC 6. Conclusion 5 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. The term ethnic harmony can be defined as a condition where different ethnic communities could co-exist peacefully. When it comes to a country, ethnic harmony is related to development without which the overall development of a country might not be achieved. 2. Since ancient times in Sri Lanka, there is a large variety in ethnicity. From the king Vijaya, Sri Lankans were under the rule of one flag and one king. Since then, peace and harmony among different ethnic groups such as Sinhalese and Tamil was maintained. Then Tamils came from south India as a result of invasion, marriages and other diplomatic relationships. The arrival of the Muslims from Arabic countries for economic and merchant purposes was cause to enhance the ethnic variety in Sri Lanka. In 1505 arrival of Portuguese to the coastal area of Sri Lanka, in 1656 invasion of Dutch people and in 1796 conquering of Sri Lanka as a whole by the British rule led to the origin of Malay and Christian communities. In this colonial period the status of the new comers created tension between Sinhala Tamil and Muslim communities due to discrimination in education, politics and other basic human rights. This tension played a crucial role in current day to day life in Sri Lanka..Sinhala and Muslim riots in 1915 was another aspect of conflict in this ethnic community which occurred due to Buddhist religious activities. 3. Though there were such relatively minor ethnic conflicts between different ethnic groups, because of the dedication, courage and co-existence of Sinhalese Muslims and Tamils, in 1948 Sri Lanka as a nation got the dominion type independence from the British. 4. After gaining independence and peace, the brotherhood and harmony among racial groups was disturbed due to arbitrary acts by Tamil, Sinhala and Muslim political leaders. They wanted to increase the power vested upon each single individual to govern the country to achieve their betterment and increase benefits of their own ethnic group. Therefore development of the country after the independence was taken away from the citizens who were looking for it. Ethnic conflict began to originate. One main issue which caused to ethnic conflicts was the murder of Alfred Doriappa who was the mayor of Jaffna by Tamil rebellions in 1975 and the Black July in 1983 because of the murder of 13 Army soldiers along with Lt Vass Gunawardana, by a Land mine. There were several raping, injuries and 6 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED deaths that occurred throughout the country and that period was the Darkest Period in recent history of Sri Lanka which was considered as the pearl of the Indian Ocean. That was the closest reason for spiritual misunderstanding between Tamil and Sinhala ethnicities. 5. 5000-8000 Tamil rebellions who were well trained and well equipped by the Indian government were trying to gain the power. Among them there were three prominent organizations, LTTE led by Pirabakaran, TELO by Sabarathnam and PLOTE by Uma maheshwaran who were trying to become the prominent Tamil representative group by fighting with each other to become the super power among Tamils. However, EPRLF could be able to keep its power in eastern province until Indian peace keeping forces leave the Sri Lanka. But finally LTTE got the chance to represent as the one and only representative of the Sri Lankan Tamil ethnic community. This led to war between the Sri Lankan government and LTTE organization which lasted throughout the last 3 decades. War and the terrorism in Sri Lanka directly and largely affected the economy and the other development aspects in Sri Lanka. That caused regression in economic and social development in Sri Lanka. 6. From 1948 independence, each and every government who came in to power was trying to give a remedy for this burning problem rather than concentrate on development of the country. Therefore there was no dominant improvement or increase in the economic growth of Sri Lanka and still Sri Lanka has to play the role of a developing country. In contrast, Japan and Singapore were also under the British colonial ruler and Japan was a prominent country which heavily suffered due to World War II. Effects of Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombs can be seen even now in the faces of the Japanese. But now these counties are considered as developed countries which have achieved economic, industrial and technical development. 7. The countries like Australia and Singapore never had ethnic conflicts and every individual tried their best to develop the country and achieved the goals in order to be a giant in the earth. Though just after the Elam war 4 and Sri Lanka will take a long time to achieve the development and prevent future crisis by enhancing the ethnic harmony under the prevailing situation in Sri Lanka. 7 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER TWO a) PROBLEM STATEMENT 8. Sri Lanka is having a large variety of ethnicity. People belong to different cultures, religions, casts and tribes. These differences formed large ethnic diversity in Sri Lanka. The people have different thoughts, traditions, languages, cultures and own believes. Their attitudes, decisions and activities mainly depend on the ethnic diversity. The peace and violence, happy and sadness, smile and tears and the development and non-development of Sri Lanka is directly depend on the situation of ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka. 9. It is understood that Sri Lanka is not having an effective strategies; national policies and well plant enhance the ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka. There for requirement of standard and systematic planning and policies to enhance the ethnic harmony are utmost important. b) RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 10. Sri Lanka is having multi ethnic, multi-cultural and multi religious background. It is hypothesized that the major drawback in the Sri Lankan development and the ethnic crisis is depend on the situations of ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka. Further, hypothesized that the enhancement of good ethnic harmony practices within Sri Lankan society will reduce future ethnic crisis and implement the efficient and effective future development of Sri Lanka. c) OBJECTIVES 11. The main objective of this research is to suggest an effective plan and strategies to enhance ethnic harmony in order to prevent the future ethnic crisis and develop the country. 12. The secondary objectives of this research are to: i. Provide a definition for ethnic harmony. ii. Examine the past and present situation of the ethnic harmony in Sri Lanka. iii. Understand the social theories on ethnic harmony. iv. Defined ethnic situation by social theories. v. Analyze the strategies and policies can betaken to enhance ethnic harmonies which contribute towards development of Sri Lanka. 8 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED d) METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 13. The required data for the research were drawn from the following sources; i. Primary sources -Information will be collected by interviewing resource personnel in the relevant field and by distributing a questionnaire among the selected sample of the population and few other arbitrarily selected senior officers. ii. Secondary sources -Information will be gathered from relevant books, journals, the internet, treaties, conventions as well as international and local enactments of relevance. e) LIMITATIONS i. We have to limit the scope of this research to Sri Lanka and the post independent era. ii. Secondary data collection has to be limited to books available at the KDU iii. Library, Internet and newspapers. iv. Roots of the ethnic conflicts have been extended in vast area. Therefore by this research it is only considered about the political background to arise the non conflictual situation in to conflictual situation. v. By this development of country has been concerned only in social view. 9 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER THREE INDEPENDENCE 14. The British negotiated the island's dominion status with the leader of the State Council, D.S. Senanayake, during World War II. The negotiations ended with the Ceylon Independence Act of 1947, which formalized the transfer of power. As heir from British, democracy remained in the country and by that political power transferred to the dominance of Sinhala majority. A THEORY TO EXPLAIN THE RISEN OF ETHNIC CONFLICTPROTRACTED SOCIAL CONFLICTS 15. This theory can be used to explain the seeds of risen ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Edward E Azar, one of the forefathers of the conflict resolution field who described violent events in the developing world as Protracted Social Conflicts, which he defines as follows: “protracted social conflicts occur when communities are deprived of satisfaction of their basic needs on the basis of the communal identity” However, initial conditions (such as colonial legacy, domestic historical setting and the multi-communal nature of the society) play important roles in shaping the genesis of protracted social conflict. Protracted social conflicts have a number of key characteristics that define them incorporating three key phases, Genesis, Process Dynamics and Outcomes Analysis. ANALYSIS OF THE RECENT SRI LANKAN HISTORY In Sri Lanka as an ancient colony, ethnic conflicts are one of unique features. In ancient Sri Lanka, Sinhala and Tamil were the main ethnic groups and with the arrival of Muslim traders, that was again enriched with Muslim or moors. In 1505 arrival of Portuguese, in 1656 invasion of Dutch people and in 1796 conquering of Sri Lanka as a whole by the British rule led to the origin of Malay and Christian communities. 10 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED As described in Azar’s theory, Sri Lanka was under the power of colonial rulers and especially by British, it was made Sinhala dominance over others. So seeds of ethnic conflicts was begun to grow. Under the genesis of the protracted social conflict theory, it can be described the transformation of non-conflictual situations into conflictual ones as follows. These colonial rulers used Indian Tamils in states as labors and by that state Tamils were added in to society and those things made Sri Lankan society as multi ethnic and multi traditional one. This describes the factor of communal content under the Genesis of ethnic conflict. NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION BY ETHNIC GROUP IN SRI LANKA TOTAL (18 DISTRICTS) -2001 Total Population Sinhalese Sri Lankan Tamil Indian Tamil Sri Lankan Moor Burgher Malay Other 16929689 13876245 732149 855025 1339331 35283 54782 36874 11 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Indian Tami, 5.1 Malay, 0.3 Sri lankan Moor, 7.9 Burgher, 0.2 Sri lankan Tamil, 4.3 Sinhalese, 82 Source: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION BY DISTRICT AND RELIGION TOTAL (18 –DISTRICTS) 2001 Total Population Buddhist Hindu Islam Roman Catholic Other Christian Other 16929689 12986548 1312970 1435896 1035740 150182 8353 12 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Roman Catholic, 6.1 other other ,0.9 0 Cristian, Islam, 8.5 Hindu, 7.8 Buddhist, 76.7 Source: 16. During the colonial period the status of the new comers created tension between Sinhala Tamil and Muslim communities due to discrimination in education, politics and other basic human rights. This tension played a crucial role in current day to day life in Sri Lanka. Therefore, before the independence and soon after the 1948 independence, ethnic conflicts and violence tried to rise up. From the date of independence in 1948, still Sri Lanka is considered as a developing country 17. Though all communities fought as one nation to get the freedom form colonial rulers, there were some racial distraction among these communities. Those things were emerged just after 1948 with the establishment of Illegal Tamil Arasu Kachchi. Its ends and objectives were not faithful and were enlighten by historical evidences. They were published as political policies of Tamil United liberation Front in 1976. Controlling over and disgracing Tamil as a community by Sinhala majority and necessity of taking steps to protect human rights of oppressed and discriminated state Tamils were highlighted. According to Azar, that can be considered as the foundation of the ethnic crisis according to the Genesis of Protracted Social Conflicts theory. 18. As mentioned by S J Thambaiya (1986 and 1992) Michele Roberts (2009) in their writings, Buddhism in Sri Lanka is not a true philosophy, by that and the approach from “Mahawansaya” and ideologies of Revivalists of 19th century who have been labeled as Sinhala Buddhists extremists such as Anagarika Dharmapala, S Mahinda Thero and Brahmachari Walisinghe Harischandra caused to pollute the mind of Sinhala majority and tried to adopt a majoritarian dominance and supremacy by oppression and suppression of the minority. 13 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 19. In addition to major strife between Sinhalese and Tamil, there has been minor trouble between Muslims, Buddhists and Tamils. The antagonism and racial dislike between Sinhalese and Tamil exist since ancient times. Since 1956, ethnic violence has been gradually risen up. 20. This violence initially, begun with the agitation started by Sinhala revivalist groups against the effects of English language and western culture on Sinhala values. But later this converted into violence against Tamil. By 1983 this has attained the stature of civil war as major threat to integrity of the nation. In 1980’s mob violence, terrorism and guerilla activities became more prominent feature in Sri Lanka. Historical antipathy between Sinhalese and Tamils became a major cause to this fire of separatism. 21. In 1976, all the Tamil leaders tried to highlight Tamils as oppressed and 2 nd class citizen to use them as a help for their election campaign. But according to the 1981 social economic measures there was no any deprivation of privileges to Tamil comparing to Sinhala community according to the studies of GH Peiris and Sri Skandarajah. By that, it was requested to recognize Tamil as a separate nation and traditional Tamil homeland in north and east and recognize it as a sovereign to achieve rights of Tamils and the dignity. According to them, invasion of Sinhalese to Tamil territory and Sinhala dominance caused discrimination and oppression on Tamils. Sinhala chauvinism (as a real nation and supremacy in Sinhala language and Buddhism), denigration on Tamil culture, religion and custom, discriminatory policies on education and employment opportunities of Tamils by Sinhala administration system, increasing use of military forces against Tamils and their demand of Elam were various aspects which caused to rise of separatism. Those can be considered as human needs of Tamils which should be redressed by authority. Throughout the history, this unfairness went unheard and unresponsively, proving the communal content of the Azar’s theory. 22. In Sri Lanka, Sinhalese as the majority group and Tamils as the minority group are the two major ethnic groups. Tamils (Sri Lankan, Indian & estate Tamils) form an important minority group in the country.(12.6% , according to 1981 census ). Other minority groups are moors of Arab, Russians, Burghers and Prot-Austroloid Vedas. Also, Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, Christianity are the main religion and philosophies. 23. Concept of Damma Deepa and purest form of Buddhism made a Sinhala ideology in Sri Lanka. This ideology made a friction and wars between Sinhalese and Tamil as well as considered non Buddhists as polluting aliens that was misused by politicians for their own selfish ends. In 1956, the Sinhalese only official language Act was brought into the operation. “Sinhala only” and the Concept of real nation became active to established Sinhala supremacy by violence and use of force. 24. Since 1970-71, Sri Lanka freedom party governments followed discriminatory policies (especially in education) against Tamils which encouraged the Sinhala chauvinism and resorted to use of force against Tamils. This made the Tamil federal party to change its 14 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED name as Tamil United Liberian Front (TULF) and demand Tamil Elam. Simultaneously, some radical groups, mainly liberation tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), took recourse to arms and attacked against security forces of Sri Lankan government. This shows the political power of the Sinhalese over minority groups which can be considered as resistance towards the minority (government and the state role according to Azar) 25. After defeating the Mrs. Bandaranayke’s SLFP government, united national party government under Mr. JR Jayawardhene was come in to power in 1977. At there, he took several steps to avoid the growing communal discard. He gave the status of national language to Tamil, whilst Sinhala was being continued as the only official language. Steps were taken to use Tamil as official language in Tamil majority areas of North. Also Tamils were granted many denied civil rights to them .and his promise to create popularly elected development committees in every province and by that it was tried to give greater autonomy to Tamil majority areas. 26. “Standardization” of the education in 1972, Unequal opportunities to access to the education, Language barriers and Unequal resource distribution in the education also promote some access to damage the harmony. If we take the whole of the university system, the ethnic composition looks like the following, Figure 1 Based on 2006/07 UGC figures. 27. Ex - The University of Ruhuna (Sinhalese) or University of Jaffna (Tamil) is largely mono-ethnic while the University of Colombo or the University of Peradneiya is primarily multi-ethnic. Therefore same kind of activities might not work. 15 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED SRI LANKANSCHOOLS ACCORDING TO THE MEDIUM Medium No. of schools Sinhala only Tamil only Sinhala &Tamil Sinhala & English Tamil& English Sinhala, Tamil& English 6661 2831 45 186 46 21 Sinhala and Sinhala ,Tamil Sinhala and English, 1.8999 and Tamil and Tamil, 0.45965 English, 0.2145 English, 0.46987 Tamil Only, 28.91726 Sinhala Only, 68.03882 Sri Lanka Journal of Librarianship & Information Management volume 1, No. 1 pp.25-30 28. By the chapter 2 of the 1978 constitution, it has been given the priority to Buddhism by the Sri Lankan Republic whilst under article 10 and article 14(1), Buddhism was given the all the rights as a religion. It has been specifically mentioned as the duty of the government to protect and enrich the Buddhism. 16 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 29. By these UNP government tried and took some actions to uphold the peace and harmony between these two ethnic groups though fire of an ethnic crisis was initiated to rise up. But due to activities of Sinhala chauvinist groups those steps were not enough to a long run. Behaviors of Sinhala security forces (due to killing of large number of Tamils in Jaffna) made LTTE to retaliate in 1981-83. Burning down the Jaffna public library which was a repository of records and writings related to Tamil culture, cases of raping and torture by security forces and destruction of the statue of Tamil hero were led to enlighten the ethnic conflict by which Sri Lanka suffered a lot during last three decades. 30. To uphold the income of the Northern Province, open handed economic policies to boost tourism and foreign investments were initiated by Mr. JR Jayawardhene. Sinhala chauvinist groups expressed their resentment to those steps to win over the Tamils and Muslims and that became a violent anti-Tamil riot. By considering constitutional reforms, and actions taken by early governments caused some kind of oppression over Tamil community and as Azar describes according pre-mentioned facts government and state role played significant role to enrich the distraction between Tamils and Sinhala. By that this has become a thing which is highly remained in minds of people. Though 30 years’ war was over, still there is a distraction between these two communities. 31. In 1983, killing of Tamils, driven out them from their homes, burning their business premises, massacred of Welikeda Tamil prisoners and attack to Colombo professional and commercial class of Tamil were dashed all hopes of workable plural society of Sri Lanka. Tamils were attacked and killed and branded as terrorists. Estate Tamils also were subjected to the violence though separatism was no meaning for them.These things were abetments which caused enhance the problem between two communities. 32. Since 17th century Jaffna Tamils has been remained as self-sufficient and privileged community. Since 1956, the policies of Sinhala governments were adversely affected on well-being of this society and increased unemployment motivated the separatism. These failures were not redressed by governments which were burning problems of the society. Migrated Tamils to foreign countries, acted as supporters and source of money and propaganda. By this, with the custody of the boat people in Canada on 11 th august 1986 Elam struggle was globalized and attention of international community directed to this matter. This Elam struggle was considered as an attempt to gain deprived fundamental human rights by depressed class of people against the Sinhala Buddhist dominance. For this, Indian government was responsible directly. 17 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 33. According to the papers, magazines such as Frontline, India Today, Dixit(1998) and the Hindu, Sri Lankan Tamil terrorists were trained and given military aids and monetary aids by Indian government. By that Indira Gandhi government was trying to control his own political enemies. This view of India directed to not only Sri Lanka but also south Asian countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. India gave military aids to separatism campaign in eastern Pakistan and it caused to separate the Bangladesh as a separate and sovereign country from Pakistan by defeating Pakistan government forces. Leaders of Tamil united liberation front requested same intervention to Sri Lankan problem by Indian government. According to protracted conflict theory, internal state policies of Sri Lanka were influenced by international interaction. 34. With the victory of UNP in 1977, Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya (National Workers’ Organization) emerged as anti-Tamil militant force and promoted the Sinhala chauvinistic political ideology. Since 1971, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) was a major vehicle of indiscriminate violence in Sri Lanka and became the main source of organized social violence in South. These incidents show the political power of Sinhala majority over minority and actions taken by dominant group to resist the minority. 35. By operation of 13th amendment of 1978 constitution- establishing the provincial council to control the increasing separatism, the separatism in Sri Lanka was enlightened. Tamil national army leader (former EPRLF) Perumal stated it as making an independent (sovereign ) state in north and east of Sri Lanka which is separated from Sri Lanka n government. With the president speech of 1983 July, it was blamed the Tamil terrorists and called the Sinhala action a people’s reaction and by that violence was politically motivated. During 1985-86 there was a prominent military confrontation between Tamil guerrilla groups and security forces. In 1986, there was violence between Tamils and Muslims who had turned against the demand of Elam in Eastern province. 36. After this, problem was gone worse than previous. 5000-8000 Tamil rebellions who were well trained and well equipped by the Indian government were trying to gain the power. Among them there were three prominent organizations, LTTE led by Pirabakaran, TELO by Sabarathnam and PLOTE by Uma Maheshwaran who were trying to become the prominent Tamil representative group. These things were given precondition to activation of overt conflict. As Azar mentioned in his theory, rising of this Tamil paramilitary groups for finding a remedy to individual grievances by repression and suppression. These individual grievances led to a collective protest. 18 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 37. This can be expressed also by the theory of greed vs. grievances. Every ethnic group has grievances. But they do not exist to the external environment. But the greed can implement the grievances to be exploited. Because the people can gain profits and advantages by exploited the grievances through the greed. But because of some greed to the power, money and commanding due to the Tamil grievances had been exploited as a terrorist war. But some people gain lots of money, power and commanding due to war. The exact grievances of the Tamils are not really exploited. They were polluted by greed of particular group within community. 38. So Tamil as a victimized communal group attempted to formulate more diverse strategies and tactics such as civil disobedience, guerrilla warfare or secessionist movements. Whilst following methods to keep the military and political power with their own, because of the greed to power led them to kill each other‟s to keep them on the summit. But finally LTTE got the chance to represent as the one and only representative of the Sri Lanka n Tamil ethnic community. Guerilla attacks to armed forces and destroy the infrastructural facilities, and attacks to Sinhala and Muslim civilians were built up the ethnic conflict in society more and more strong which can‟t be removed easily. Those can be mentioned as communal actions and strategies to overcome the repression and oppression according to genesis under Azar‟s theory. 39. As a reply to Tamil united front leaders, with the view of peace keeping, Indian government entered into the problem with the indo-Sri Lanka accord, 1987 and by that Sri Lanka was affected in two ways. By that, it was tried to implement the provincial council in Sri Lanka and establish autonomy in north and east as a foundation to Elam concept. And by these kinds of interventions to political status of adjacent states, India showed its ends to become the super power of region and keep other states as under controlled. This shows how international relations badly affected to the rising ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka as a developing country according Azar’s theory of protracted Social conflict( in a developing country, economy is totally dependent on foreign investments). 40. With the operation Giant Step, by which terrorist activities were limited in to Jaffna peninsula and thousands of terrorists were killed due to maximum fire power of the Sri Lankan military forces. With the operation liberation, Sri Lankan government wanted to free the Jaffna from terrorism and to establish the civil ruling system in Jaffna. But that was failed due to the intervention of India to the national problem. This shows the state action and strategies and built in mechanisms of conflict according to Azar‟s theory under the process dynamics. These things showed the coercive repression towards the Tamil liberal activities. Effects of long term conflict were made due to behaviors of government party. 19 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 41. And also Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was failed because Tamils representatives were not a party to this accord. Because of this conflict, during last 30 years of time, political development was restricted and controlled severely and that led to decrease the economic development of the country. Each and every government who came into power had to find solutions for this ethnic conflict. This led to effects on operation of political institutions in various development sectors. Time to time, though many discussions held, nothing suggest a remedy which could be operated. That spread pessimism throughout the society. That demoralized the leaders and immobilized peace searching solutions. So this conflict had become a part of the culture of the population during last 3 decades. As above mentioned, this can be explained by using outcome analysis under the theory of protracted social conflict by Azar. That caused to extend this conflict till May 2009 till the victory achieved by humanitarian operation. EARLY STEPS TAKEN TO SOLVE THE ETHNIC CONFLICT 42. First attempt to solve the rising Tamil Elam struggle was taken in Bhutan during 1983 July 8-13 and august 12-17 and this was known as Thimphu peace talking which was mainly led by Indian government. Internal ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka and Tamil immigration to India in thousands and Elam struggle became a security threat to Indian national security were the main reasons to the intervention of India to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka. Another things were that the partialness of Tamil Nadu for making separatism in Sri Lanka and intention of India to use the Sri Lanka as the under controlled state of India. This caused to facilitate the burning ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka by giving military aids to terrorists to develop the separatism in Sri Lanka make unstableness inside the country to gain political advantages to India to become the power of the region. 43. In Thimphu statement, following suggestions were presented as a remedy to Tamil problem. Recognition of Tamils as one nation, legal recognition to the concept of Tamil territory within Sri Lanka, right of Tamils to self-governing and right of Tamil to full citizenship and the fundamental human rights were based on the concept of separatism and separate Tamil territory in Sri Lanka. 44. Attacks to Jaffna fortress and Karainagar naval base, and continuous attacks to police, LTTE attack to Anuradhapura Sri MahaBodiya and killing of nearly 150 devotees and armed forces members were caused to fail the attempts of peace in Thimphu. And also representatives from LTTE, EROS, TELO, PLOTE, EPRLF, and TULF didn‟t show much more interest to go for a peace solution and they used that as a stage to publish the concept of Elam to world. In 1985, Thimpu discussions were failed to achieve any peace settlement due to genocide of the Sri Lanka n army against Tamils. 20 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 45. In 1986, SAARC meeting also was got failed because Mr. JR Jayawardhene, president was not prepared to accept the idea of merger the Northern and Eastern provinces and Pirabhakaran was not ready to compromise the demand for Elam and accept the concept of three provinces for Tamil, Sinhala and Muslims. 46. From the Indira government as well as from the Rajiv Gandhi government , it was introduced the devolution of power to solve the Tamil problem by merging the north and east to form one province and by imposing governing powers to north and east provincial council. President JR Jayawardhene had to give his consent even he was reluctant to those suggestions. 47. As a peace keeping method, combination of Indian ministries and LTTE leadership present some suggestions to the JR government and force to operate December 19 suggestions. By them it was suggested that Batticoloa and Trincomalee should be attached to Northern Province to establish a semi sovereign state within Sri Lankan territory. That was opposed by a larger wave of nationalistic people in south and president JR had to go for a military solution with that. 48. So this was initiated with the operation Giant Step, by which terrorist activities were limited in to Jaffna peninsula and thousands of terrorists were killed due to maximum fire power of the Sri Lankan military forces. This was used by Tamil diasporas to show the international community that the genocide of the Tamil people by the attacks of state forces and by famine occurred within Jaffna because of the imposed restrictions to transport. 49. With the operation liberation, Sri Lankan government wanted to free the Jaffna from terrorism and to establish the civil ruling system in Jaffna. But that was failed due to the intervention of India to the national problem. As the results of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987 july29, JR had to give the official recognition to suggestions such as giving local governmental powers to the north and east provinces, giving autonomy to it by constitutional amendments, stopping the peace keeping operations in north and east provinces, imposing security powers of north and east to the Indian peace keeping forces. As well as that Indian government promised to demilitarize the Tamil terrorists. Flame of nationalism was spread all over the south in Sri Lanka. 21 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 50. With the empowering of president Premadasa, his attempt to resolve the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka can be recognized as an honest attempt. But in 1989, discussions between Premadasa government and LTTE, solutions for prevailing ethnic conflict was not taken in to consider, but , there it was discussed about removing of Indian peace keeping forces from north and east, a memorandum of understanding, legal recognition to the combined north and east provincial council, removing government security forces from their activities in north and east and freedom to Tamil LTTE cadres who were imprisoned due to their illegal and state against activities. As a step to pretend that LTTE wants to enter in to the national political system to gain a political remedy to Tamil problem, it was registered a party led by Mahaththya. 51. With the power of President Chandrika Bandaranayke, as a liberal leader, it was given the attention to peace talking with LTTE to resolve the ethnic conflict rising during 2 decades. 52. During the power of president Chandrika, many areas in Colombo and in 1998, Kandy Dalanda Maligawa was attacked by LTTE. These things spread the bad impression towards the LTTE and it extended to Swards the whole Tamil people in Sri Lanka. Concept of traditional Tamil home and in north and east of Sri Lanka and autonomy to that state unit was emerged. 53. In 1997, according to the federal concepts it was published a bill consisting of the idea of devolution of powers to the combined north and east provincial council as a remedy to the prevailing Tamil terrorism. But the self-governing powers of the north and east provincial council were wider than that of in a federal state. As well as that, the above was rejected by LTTE leaders. during the last 30 years of time, according to the Elam concepts right of Tamil nation to establish a Tamil state within Sri Lanka and north and east should be state unit under controlled by Tamil people were the key reason to break the each and every step to peace taken by prior governments. Devolution of self-governing powers to north and east, would give a remedy to separatism and would it become a strategic step to binary fusion of Sri Lankawere the questions and disputes always behind the each and every attempt of peace. Therefore up to now any of these attempts were not fruitful. 22 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER FOUR ACTIONS ARE BEING TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT TO ENHANCE THE ETHNIC HARMONY AND ACHIEVE THE DEVELOPMENT ENDS INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPS) & RE-SETTLEMENT: 54. During entire period of the conflict and particularly at the last stages of hostilities between Govt. Forces & the terrorists, a large number of Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) were liberated from the clutches of LTTE. The government incurred LKR 3.5 Billion towards this cost. 55. Simultaneous efforts were made to clear the landmines and other unexploded ordinances (UXOs) and to repair the road, irrigation, power and telecommunications infrastructure. It is noteworthy here that the local Government elections for North and East were held in July 2011. 56. The first phase of the resettlement concentrated on providing immediate humanitarian assistance required for returning IDPs. Such as: food rations, non-food relief items, medicine, shelter material. Provision of livelihood assistance to create income generating activities by way of inputs, equipment & support services in the fields of agriculture, livestock and fisheries formed the second phase of the process. In the third phase, mega-scale projects on socioeconomic development vis-à-vis job/wealth creation, health & education, multi-model transport & ICT infrastructure development have been initiated. By end September 2011, a total of 384,401 people (112,592 families) were resettled in the Northern Province. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: 57. The immediate challenge at the end of conflict was the creation of a mine free environment in the conflict affected areas. Sri Lanka has made steady progress in demining activity by clearing almost 500 sq. km for resettlement of IDPs At present about 60% of land have been cleared by spending Rs 3.7 Billion. Some of the High Security Zones (HSZs) have also been removed by allowing inhabitants to return to their original places of living. The government has launched 21 large scale projects with a total investment of Rs. 95 billion of which the investment in 2010 alone was about Rs. 27 billion (from 2006-2010 the total investment in North and East provinces is Rs. 183 billion). Most of these projects will be completed. 23 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 58. In the sphere of long term development drive, the government embarked on two ambitious and targeted programmes, namely “Eastern Rising” and “Northern Spring” as long term strategies for poverty reduction and socio-economic development in the war ravaged areas. Especial attention was also paid to N&E under the national programmes such as “Maga Naguma” (Road Development), “Gama Naguma” (Village Development), “Gami Diriya” (Village Strengthening) and one million backyards household economy development plan. REHABILITATION OF EX-COMBATANTS AND CONFLICT AFFECTED YOUTH: 59. At the end of the armed conflict, there were 11,664 youngsters who confessed to involvement with the LTTE, majority of them on forced conscription. Sri Lankan government adopted an approach to rebuild their lives through spiritual and religious, educational and vocational, psychosocial, recreational, social and family and creative arts in rehabilitation. With the reintegration of 367 rehabilitees with the society on Oct. 25, 2011, the process of rehabilitation of youngsters is complete with in 2 years with the exception of -1000 who have received Court orders for rehabilitation who will have to spend an additional year in the rehabilitation centers. The FCCISL CHEER (Chamber-Network Engagement in Economic Rehabilitation) project, funded by the EU under its EU-ACAP Programme — (European Union Assistance for Conflict Affected People) and implemented by OXFAM also provided 500 rehabilitees with vocational training in construction field related skills and competencies. LESSONS LEARNT AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION (LLRC): 60. The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) was established in August 2010, with 8 independent eminent persons being appointed to the commission, to support the drive towards national unity and reconciliation after decades of division. The Commission is part of an ambitious and wider package of measures taken by the Sri Lankan government to drive the process of reconciliation and create the basis for a stable, prosperous future. 61. The interim report of the LLRC submitted to H.E. the President, highlights five areas for prompt action vis-à-vis (i) Detention (ii) Land Issues (iii) Law and Order (iv) Administration and Language Issues and (v) Socio Economic and Livelihood Issues. The 50% of these recommendations are already implemented. 24 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 62. Each and every post-conflict reconciliation process has its unique characteristics thus requiring a unique solution. Sri Lanka is no exception in this regard. Developing infrastructure and building institutions and providing inputs for economic activities alone do not achieve long lasting peace and durable reconciliation. It is equally important to capture the hearts and minds of the people and eradicate the root causes and address those issues resolutely to assure recurrence of such unfortunate conflict will never occur in Sri Lanka. 25 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER FIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS IN POST CONFLICT SRI LANKA 63. The most important thing is to ensure the sovereignty of the state and eliminating the risen of terrorism again. 64. The devolution of police power and land rights according to 13th amendment of 1978 constitution is not a solution to grievances of affected parties. So it is recommended a home grown constitutional arrangement which reflect needs of multi ethnic society of Sri Lanka. Under 1978 constitution, Police power and Land power, have not been actually delegated to provincial council in practice. 65. Early traces of terrorists‟ movements can be discovered by exercise of police powers. 66. Land powers should be given to central government (by that high security zones were able to establish as a defense strategy of the government). It should not be given to provincial council administration. 67. According to prof. Nirmala Naganadan, legitimate Tamil grievances can be resolved by executive action and through legislative action with presidential fiat. Devolution of power can be done by using smallest possible units of operation. Grameeya sabhas should be taken as preferable unit of devolving power to people. It would be reduced the corruption and mismanagement and that is the best way of checking the use of resources. 68. As a final recommendation, police and land powers should be given to Grameeya sabhas and it should be promoted the democracy. 26 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED EDUCATION AS A TOOL OF ENHANCING ETHNIC HARMONY 69. National curriculum placed a vital role in promoting positive inter-ethnic relation by including the idea of unity among ethnic groups. 70. In 2003, national education commission introduce national framework on general education in promoting peace building, civic values and social cohesion. i. Encourage students to offer civics and citizenship education in the GCE O/L by making it a compulsory subject in the GCE O/L Examination. ii. Promote bilingual or trilingual education starting in lower secondary classes. By that children from different ethnic groups can study together. iii. Arrange seminars and workshops for the civics and citizenship Education, History teachers emphasizing the practical side of the subjects not just the concept and theories. 71. Teacher development programmes should be introduced to educate teachers in accepting the real nature of Sri Lankan society and to promote respect for diversity and equality. ATTITUDINAL CHANGES 72. The concept of nation is something which should be come from the heart. For example, Prabhakaran was still a Sri Lankan citizen while fighting against it but he was never a member of a Sri Lankan nation. 73. The different between state and nation is needed to comprehend. There are many detrimental attitudes within Sri Lankan society which should be removed such as, Labeling and treating Sri Lanka as Pure Sinhala state, concept of two nations in Sri Lanka (Tamils and Sinhala) and ideology of Exclusive Tamil homeland in northern and Eastern provinces. 74. Following attitudes should be encouraged. i. View regarding Sri Lanka as a single sovereign state is important to enhance the national integration. ii. Sri Lanka is one nation consisting of several communal groups such as Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims. iii. Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic state. Everybody is equal and Sri Lanka is the home land of all of its citizens. iv. It is required to create patriotism to the country first to build national integration. 27 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED BROADER ECONOMIC POLICY FRAMEWORK 75. According to Mahinda chinthanaya future vision and Mahinda chinthanaya ran Doratu followings should be included in a Broad economic policy framework. i. Possible political settlement. ii. Leading to lasting sustainable peace. iii. Reconciliation and settlements. iv. Improve economic prospect with equal resource distribution through „Uthuru wasanthaya, Nagenahira udanaya and other major development project. CONTRIBUTION OF MILITARY 76. Humanitarian Assistance, Social economic development and Political engagement can be considered as the contribution of military forces other than war fighting. i. Economy development totally depends on national defence. National defence have a huge responsibility to keep peace and harmony in our country. ii. We can get the maximum support of the armed forces for de-mining, resettlement, and for rehabilitation projects. Developing infrastructure facilities in war affected areas can be done with the help of try forces. They have well trained man power, machines equipment in every field. These facilities can be utilized to enhance the national economy. iii. Military intelligence should be taken to a higher standard and proper spying in order to identify the new threats to the nation. iv. To defeat Tamil Diaspora, government have to take following actions. a. b. c. Develop international communication and media network to Sri Lanka. Build up good diplomatic relationship with other countries. Developing favourable Tamil political leadership to Sri Lanka. 28 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED RESET THE SRI LANKAN FOREIGN POLICY i. Sri Lankan foreign policy should be globalized. It should have socialist fair relationship with both capitalist and socialist countries in order to reduce our dependence ii. A flexible foreign policy of gaining support of friendly countries and minimize the external apportions, play a vital role in preventing external influence which can effect on ethnic harmony in the country. iii. We have to adopt of strengthen diplomatic ties with the countries in all continents proving our non-aligned policy and especially with the China, India and Russia. IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATION BASEDON LLRC 77. The Commission takes the view that the root cause of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lank lies in the failure of successive Governments to address the genuine grievances of the Tamil people. Government should pay a fair attention to response to sufferings of minority groups. It will prevent the rising of ethnic conflict. 78. Suspects for terrorist activities should be taken in to custody after a regular procedure of investigation. Otherwise it‟ll be a reason to disturb or break in internal peace among communal groups. 79. Government should pay compensation for families who were affected and suffered due to people who in missing in action .It‟ll help to keep environment peace and harmony. 80. LTTE suspects should be rehabilitated in technical and professional way to make them as a part of a development process of country. 81. Rising of illegal activities and organizations in North and East, also infringement of human rights of those areas should be prevented. By that intervention of International Organization of Human Rights in to Sri Lanka can be stopped. It should be followed a regular investigation to control those. It will safe guard the sustainable long lasting peace in Sri Lanka. 82. Muslims who had to leave their home lands during war period should be resettled. It will prevent rising of a conflict between Sinhalese and Muslims. 83. Rights of expression and rights of information should be equal to all communities, and there should not be any difference of it. It will enhance the internal peace. 29 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 84. According to LLRC all the people should have rights or freedom to believe their own favorable religion. It shouldn‟t be infringed. 85. Government should take steps to increase and distribute infrastructure in Tamil majority areas similar to other areas of the country. Eg: Uthuru Wasanthaya, Nagenahira Navodhaya. 86. Language is a key factor which needs to harmonize communal groups. It should be followed a proper language policy, minority should be allowed to use their own language for their own matters. 87. Tamil fluency police officers and state officers should be appointed at least in Tamil majority areas. 30 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 88. After the end of 30 years’ war with LTTE which was considered as the most terrible and dangerous terrorist organization, as country, Sri Lanka is looking for its own freedom and brilliant industrial, economic, technical, social and spiritual development to tally with the new developing world Sri Lanka is currently undergoing the longest peace ever in its 3 decade old ethnic conflict. However, even though guns remain silent, a permanent peace seems to still be a distance reality. But threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka are still working in different forms. Hope for permanent peace can be destroyed and it would be pushed the country back to another conflict. Internal cohesion is required to insulate the country from disruptive forms that attempt to undermine the military victory. Therefore ethnic harmony should be enhanced to secure the country from post conflict challenges from Sri Lanka. 89. There was some hope of peace on political backgrounds, recent political turmoil have made that expectation a distant reality to achieve peace political stability should be in existed in a country. 90. Our intention of doing this is to point out the importance of ethnic harmony in development of the country and prevent the future crisis in Sri Lanka and to point out the ways which can be used to increase the harmony among communities. By using past crisis and lessons learnt from them can be used to prevent the future crisis in Sri Lanka. 91. As a whole and as the final, the violent outbreaks in conflict areas, actions of extremists and general ideologists indicate much more works to be done in achieving a peaceful atmosphere conductive for national productivity. 31 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED REFERENCES Books Maj. Gen. Afsir Karim (Avsm) and Maj. Shankar Bhador, The Sri Lankan Crisis, 1990 i. ii. iii. Victor Evonss, The paradise in tears, 2008 LTTE the international dimension of terrorism, 2007 The Annual Report, 2010, Ministry of Finance & Planning, Sri Lanka Websites i. ii. iii. iv. 32 RESTRICTED
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