1«E OGDENSBURG REHUBUCAN-JOURNAL i-rfc&AY, SEPTEMBER 5, 193a. PAGE NINE "'"i-"""'""^'"" Our Classified Ad-Takers Know How To Write "Real Estate'- Ads That Get Result iecfl Business Service Announcements tBEbe 3&epufolicait=Journal Business Services Offered 18 Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 MONUMENTS—When considering a PAPERHANGING—Pamclng and decorating by day or contract. Also monument, call on - R. J. Bowers building and remodeUng. P. W where you get good material and Lagoe. 291-M. workmanship at t h e lowest possible price. He saves you t h e eERMANANT WAVES—The new EdAgents' commission. 800 State St. mond Permanent wave machine at the Blue Bird Beauty Shop. Phon* Strayed, Lost, Found 10 489 for appointment. ^ ^ Auctions—Legals ty-four <24) feet and e i g h t inches more or leBS from this point of beginning, a n d extenallng back of equal w i d t h a n d a t right a n g l e t o Clark s t r e e t to a w e s t e r l y line a distance o f 44 f e e t of s a i d l o t numb e r nix In said block number 839. Dated a t t h e City of Ogdensburg, N e w York, this 16th flay of August 1930. J O H N M. BARR, Keferee. Frank I*. S c o t t RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 : (By The Associated Press) Programs in Eastern Standard time. B, M. unless otherwise indicated. 4 5 4 . 3 — W E A F N e w York—660 ( N B C Chain) .•35— Uncle Abe and David, S k e t c h - 8:00—The Eskimos Dance Orchestra— Also WBE1 WJAR WCSH WF1 WKUAlso WEEI WTIC WJAR WTAG •V SUM OF MONEY—Lost i n brown en28 Professional Services ,6:00—Sccres; The Ramblers Trio—Also WCSH WLIT WRC WGY WCAB WSAI velope. Finder* please return to WTAO WRC WGR WCAB WHAS 8:30—Bio Guns, World War Drama— OBIROPRACTOR—G. 8 . Cotton, 209 505 New York avenue. Ogdensburg, .WCSH WW] Also WJAR. WCSH WRC WGY WTAG State St. Hours 10-12 a. xru 3-5, and receive reward. 6:15—Arcadio BIrkenhoIr, Violin Re. 9:00—Underneath the Southern Skies— 7-8 p. m. Phone 816. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING cltal—Also WFI WGR WCAB WWJ WEAF Chain PIN—Lost, small seal p i n inscribed WJAR WRC • INFORMATION 19:00 -Vincent Lopez Dance Orchestra "Bordentown Military Ins., N.' J." C H I R O P R A C T O R — W . T . Haley, Palmer graduate, oKlce equipped with Plaintiff's Attorney ;6!30-Th» Twlns-WJDAF Chain - A l s o CTOW WRC WWJ WGY 7;00—Concert Orcll. and Cavaliers— 10:15—UncSe Abe .and David (Repeat) Nourooalometer, 329 Ford street. All ads are restricted to their Finder phone 357-J. Reward, .There's a place for everything. And Morrlstown, N o w York. • Also WEEl WTIC WLIT WRC WGR —Only WW„ WSAI WSB WFJC WHITE FOX TERRIER—With black proper classification 'and to the regQpp. Na'l Bank. Phone 364. IWCAB WTAM W3AR WCSH WWJ 11:00—Dance hour. Two Orchestras— NOTICE markings lost i n town of Depeysular Republican-Journal style o l W S A I WTAG CKCV? Repairing and Refinlshlnej 2 9 Also WWJ WRC everything's in its place in the ClassiPursuant to an Order pf Hon. Ceyter. Answers t o name of "Undy." type. The publishers reserve the. lon G. Chaney Surrogate of t h e CounReward. Notify Mrs. Caroline Blood, FOOTBALL CLEATS — Regulation right t o edit or reject classified a d 3 4 8 . 6 — W A B C N e w York—860 ( C B S Chain) ty of St, Lawrence, anfl according t o 6.'30—Evangeline Adams, Astroloaer WJAS WLBW WFBL WKBW WADC Heuvelton, N. Y. vertising copy. size and spacing, p u t o n t o stay on. fied Section. All the ads of the same the Statute i n such case* made and Also WEAN WNAC WCAO WCAO WHK WKRC WSPD WXYZ skiff found floating In leather laces. Bonner's Shoe Shine provided, Notice i s hereby given t o WMAL WJAS WFBL WKBW WXXZ 9:45—Fred Rich's Dancing Yesterdays . Errors i n advertisements snould be SKIFF—Grey St. Lawrence river about 1-2 mile Parlor. all persons having claims against t h e 6:45—The Fashion Plates—WABC only —Also WBAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU reported Immediately. The Republiout from t h e American shore. sort are grouped together and — Bernard J-evitow Orchestra— WCAO WMAL WJAS WLBW WMAK estate of Rose Dlnberg late of city of 8:45 can-Journal will not be responsible Skiff had three seats. Owner may Only to WLBZ WHP WJAS WLBW WADC WSPD WWNC WTAR WDBJ Ogdensburg i n said coilmty, deceased, WHBC for more than o n e Incorrect inserEmployment have same b y calling a t 311 Park WKBW WAIT) WWNC WDBJ 10:00—The Observer—WABC only that they are required to exhibit t h e ,7:00—Nitwits, tion. indexed. with Bradford Browne— 10:00—Bert Lown's Orchestra—WCAU street and describing property Help Wanted—Female 32 same, with t h e vouchier thereof, to Also WXiBZ WJAS WLBW WCAO WLBW WKBW WSPD WWNC Advertising oraered lor irregular more fully and paying for this ad. the subscriber, a t tha law office of WHEC WKBWWHP WADC WHK WKRC WTAR WDBJ WGST WXYZ WLAC insertions takes t n e one time rate Ask for Mr. Kennedy. STENOGRAPHER— Bookkeeper with Edmund FitzGerald l a t h e City of WAIO WSPD WWNC WTAR WDBJ WPG WBT .You can put your hand on just what NO ad Is taken lor less than a basis experience willing t o begin with Ogdensburg i n said County, o n or be- WDOD WPG WBT 10:15—Heywood Broun's Radio Column of three lines. Count five average reasonable salary and learn busifore t h e 18 day of January next7:30—U, S. Army Band—Also WJSAN —Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU Automotive ness. Reply giving age, experience words t o the line. Dated, July 0, 1830. IBdmund Fits- WNAC WLBZ WCAU WMAL WHP WCAO WKBW WKRC WSPD WWNC you want! and referencs t o Box 55, care R e Charged ads will be received by WJAS WLBW WFBL WHBC WAIU WTAR WDBJ WGST WDOD WXYZ Gerald. Atty, Ogdensburg. Automobiles for S a l e TT publican-Journal. ___ WWNC WTAR WDBJ WDOD WLAC WPG telephone, and Unpaid at the' RepubIsrael Dinbsrg, Ogdetnspurg, H". "?., WSPD WBT lican-Journal office within t e n days USED CARS—Our cars are recondi10:30—will Osborne'a Orchestra—Also Harry Dlnberg, Ogderusburg, N, Y., Help Wanted—Male 3 3 8:00—Story Hour, Mary and Bob—Also WLBZ WCAO WMAL WADC WWNC from t h e first, day o* Insertion, cash tioned. A demonstration will conadministrators. WEAN WNAC WCAT1 WCAO WMAL WTAR WDBJ WGST WDOD WXYZ rates will be allowed. vince y o u . Arthur J. Ouimetto. WANTED TO HXRE—Married m a n WJAS WLBW WFBL WMAK WADC WLAC WBT Special ra*es lor yearly advertising Oldsmoblle and Viking dealer. by t h e year. House and garden furWHK WKRC WGHP WSPD WXYZ NOTICK 11:00— Duke Ellinoton and Hie B a n d upon request. USED CARS—Visit our used car lot nished, .gooti wages paid. Referen:00—Tha Columbia Mala Chorus—Also Also WEAN WNAC WCAD WMAL Pursuant t o an Order of Hon, Cey- fWBAN •Careful' attention given t o mail WNAC WLBZ WCAO WCAO before you buy that used car. C. & ces wanted. Address Box N, this WADC WHK WKRC WSPD WWNC Rooms and Board Auctions—Legals l o n G, Chaney Surrogate of t h e WMAL WJAS WLBW WKBW WADC WTAR office. orders. WDBJ WBT WGST WXYZ V. Garage. County of Bt. Lawrence, and accord- WHK WKRC WWNC WTAR WDBJ 11:80—Ann Leaf at the Organ Console • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CHRYSLER 70—Sedan. Tires, paint MAN—Wanted capable of doing all Rooms without Board 68 ing t o t h e Statute lm such cases WGST WDOD WLAC WBT * —Also WEAN WNAC WCAU WMAL 91 Legal Notloss kinds of farmwork. Harold Haven, FRANKLIN ST.. 815—Nicely furnishand mechanical condition right made and provided, Notice i s hereby ttSO—Football Game Predictions—Also WKRC WSPD WWNC WTAR WDBJ "'' Dally rate per line for consecutive Heuvelton. N. Y, and a real buy for a Chrysler WEAN WNAC WCAD WCAO WMAL WXYZ WDOD WBT ed rooms with all modern conven- STATE OP N E W YORK, COUNTY given t o all persons having claims *"-• insertions: prospect. J. Franklin Sharp. against t h e estate of Florence U . B a iences. Phone 950. 3 9 4 . 5 — W J Z N e w Y o r k — 7 6 0 ( N B C Chain) Charge Cash Melp^-Male and Female 3 4 COURT, COUNTY OP ST. LAW- con late of Town of Lisbon i n said One Time ......................... .13 .10 PRESIDENT 8—1929 model, 6 Wire NEW YORK AVE., 421—For r e n t 5:45—Floyd Qlbbohi, Headline Hunter 8:30—Mixed Chorus and Orchestra— HELP FURNISHED—Also positions county, deceased, that they are reE E N O E . wheels and trunk rack. A wonderAlso WBZ WJR KYW WRVA WSB Room suitable for two. Phone Three Times 10 .08 t o exhibit t h e same, with t h e —Also WBAL WHAM KDKA furnished a t t h e employment offul h'uy for anyone w h o wants a n 566-W. Frontier National Bank of Mor- quired S i s Times - .0? .06 voucher thereof, t o thw subscriber, a t •:00—Amo» 'n* Andy — Also WBZ fice, 217 Ford' street. Mrs. Sarah WPTF WSH* W I ° D K D K A W H A M up-to-date used car. J. Franklin ristown, Plaintiff against Ogdens- its banking office i n t h e City of Og- WHAM KDKA WRC CKGW WRVA 9:00—Quakers with toTs Bennett—Also . Minimum Charge „„ .42 Sharp. Satterley. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 burg Trust Company, a s Tempor- densburg In said County, o n or beWBZ KDKA WHAM WHAS WSM Minimum Cash ......._............„ .SO MARMON—5-passenger sedan, 1929 Situations Wanted—Female 36 MORRIS ST., 316—Furnished heated ary Administrator of t h e E s t a t e of fore t h e 12th day of December next. WPTF WJAX WIOD WCKY WBAL WSB WLW nil's office is open t o receive admodel, Right every way and just room for rent. Inquire above ad6:16— Qolf Lessons . and Talk—Also 9:30—Jolly Roger, Dramatic Sketch— Dated, June 4th, 1930, vertisements from 8:00 a. m. t o 6 dress. D o u g l a s E . McQueer, e t a l , Defenlike new. Has been driven only STENOGRAPHER—Experienced stenAlso WBZ WHAM KDKA WJAX Ogdensburg Trust Company, Og- WBZ WHAM p. m. daily. All ads received u p until ographer desires position i n city. FOED STREET, 927—Booms for llnht dants. 8,000 miles. A. real bargain. J. 10:00—Spomored Broaram — WBZ densburg, N, Y„ adminilstrttor, * «:30—Phil Cook'* One-Man Show— l l ; 0 0 a. m. will appear i a editions Franklin Sharp. References. Write Box 508, care housekeeping. Ground floor. Mrs. WHAM KDKA WRVA WJAX WIOD I n pursuance of a judgment o f R. E. Waterman, A t t y , Ogdensburg.J the same day. Journal* Also WLW WHAS WSB WSM WRVA Louis* R. Murray. foreclosure a n d s a l e duly g r a n t e d N. Y. Phone Sour Classified Ad—to 859. CHEVROLET COUPE —1929 Model. WSM WSB WLW WPTF WJAX WFLA WIOD WHO Situations Wanted—Male 37 FORD AVE., 611—Furnished rooms i n t h e above entitled action, a n d K O T 1 C I The Ad Taker will gladly assist Driven only 7500 miles. I n perfect 6M5—Rite of the Goldberg* — Also 10:15—Slumber Muslo by Ensemble— for light housekeeping. Heated and entered i n t h e S t , L a w r e n c e Counyou, if desired, s o that t h e copy for shape every way and can be YEARLY FARM WORK—Wanted by Pursuant t o a n Order of Hon, Cey(45m.)—Also WRC CKGW Lighted. Garage. Phone 587-J. WHAM WRC your ad is prepared i n such a manaer lon G. Chaney, Surrogate of t h e bought right. See Mix a t The t y Clerk's office o n t h o 16tli d a y o f married man; references furnished. as t o bring t h e greatest results t o 7:00—Chocolatcers—Also WBZ WHAM 10:30—Amos-Andy (See. Broadcast)— County of St. Lawrencs. and accordCrescent Garage. MORRIS ST. 609—Furnished rooms A u g u s t 1930, I, John M. Barr, t h e Howard C. Perkins, Route 1, Lisyou. Only to WHAS WSM WSB WJR for light housekeeping. Inquire undersigned referee i n S a i d judg- ing t o t h e statute in such cases 7:M—L« Morgan Trio—WJZbon. made and provided. Notice ia Hereby 7:45—Folk Songs, Lucille Turner—Also WLW above address or phone 762-M. _. CLASStFICATION INDEX m e n t named, will sell a t public given t o all persons Having claims The individual advertisements u n - GENERAL B A R G A I N S ! 10[45—Floyd Gibbons (Sec. Broadcaat) Live Stock WKVA WJAX-CHANNEL auction a t my office 133 Ford street, against t h e estate o f Kuza Wbeater WPTF WBZ WHAM EASTERN CLEAR STATIONS der t h e following classifications are Real Estate For Rent —Only to WLW260.7-WHAMi-IIM WJR in t h e City of Ogdensburg, St. late of G o u m n e u r i n said county, WI*W arranged i n ALPHABETICAL order Chevrolet Coupe 272.S—WPG— 1100 :30f-BusInes» ' Dogs, Cats, Other P e t s 47 for quick reference. that they are required to 8:00— 11-po—Hotel Dance Orchestra Hour— 6:45—Skylarkers Lawrence county, New York, ondeceased, Ford Tudor, 1930 model Louis Conrad and Orchestra— 5:45—Same a s WJZ , 7:00—Same as WABC Apartments and Flats 7 4 exhibit t h e same, with t h e voucher 7:80—The Sisters 7:00—Begfar's Bowl HOUND PUPS—Nearly three months t: e 17th day of September, 193ft a t WJZ 6:30—Sax Smith. T\ Ford Sport Roadster, 1929 model Also WBZ WHAM KDKA WHA3 theerof, t o t h e subscriber, a t tha law 7:30—Minstrels COR. CAROLINE & GREENE—Heatold for sale. 417 Judson street. 7:45—Violin Recital .6:45—Same as WJZ 10:30 o'clock" a. m. t h e premises ANNOUNCEMENTS — WSB WJAX WRVA WIOD WJR Progr. 8:00—Gypsies ed apartment, with garage. Att'y. described i n said judgment a s fol- office of Kathan T. Loviejoy, 208 Ford WSM 8:00—Orchestras B. & S. MOTOR CO. 7:30—To B e Announced. Poultry and Supplies 49 9:00—Glee Club Street i n Ogdensburg i n ssid County KYW 8:30—Musical Progr. > Louis O. Welt. 7:45—WJZ (2% ar».) WCKY CKGW 1—Deaths 9:30—The Poet lows, v i z : 9:00—Entertainers i on or before t h e 8 t h d|ay of October DUCES—J6 white Pekln ducks for OGDENSBURG, N. Y. CONGRESS ST., 817 — Furnished, 2—Card of Thanks 10:00—Same a s WABC " 379.5—WGY— 790 9:45—News! Danes next. sale. $1,00 each, Mrs. John Boyd, 3—In Memoriam heated apartment with private lOlSO-StUdlO Frollo All that tract or parcel of land Dated, April 1, 1030. 5:45—WEAF (15); Scores 10:30—The Moonbeams Canton Road. 212 GREENE ST. PHONE 1188 11:00—Dance Orch. 4—Flowers and Mourning Goods bath. Inquire above address. 6:10—Piano: Playboys situate i n tho City of Ogdensburg, 256.S—WCAU—1170 Nathan T . Lovejoy, Attorney, Og- 11^30—Organ (30m.) • 5—Funeral Directors 6:30—Same a s WEAg PICKERING ST. 919—t-room heated County o f S t L a w r e n c e and S t a t e densburg, JUflfrrSDonsorea Proa. N . y . 6—Monuments and Cemetery Lots flat partially furnished. Inquire at of N e w York being k n o w n a n d disMerchandise Alex Wheater, Administrator, B . T. 7—Personals 909 Pickering St. or phone 19F14. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER • ,, STUDEBAKER—CABRIOLET PRESItinguished a s l o t number o n e In D, 3, Ogdensburg, N, Y, 8—Religious and Social Events Articles for Sale 61 , _••' (By The Associated Press) —<**ke-^,—*- "J COR. GREEN & ELIZABETH STS.— • 9—Societies and Lodges Block numbered or marked P o n DENT 8 COUPE, 1929 MODEL, STONE JARS—All sizes. McCormick Up-to-date modern lower flat. Rea/ Programs In Eastern Standard time. P. M. unless otfiefwtte *B«aa**4c 10-rStrayed, Lost, Found sonable rent. Inquire of John J. t h e official m a p of t h e City of OgStandard Binder Twine. John Barr WITH RUMBLE SEAT; 6 WIRE 4 5 4 . 3 — W E A T N e w Yorfc—660 ( N B C Chain) K densburg 340. W h i c h said Block Is Livingston, Law Office, 214 Ford Co. Phone 337-W. AUTOMOTIVE — 6:45—Unci* Abe.and" -David, e t c- h - WSAI WGR (1% hrs.) Street. Ogdensburg, N. Y. bounded o n t h e e a s t b y Park • —S kWCAB Also WJAR WCSH WB-I WRC 9:00—B. A. Rolfe Dance Orchestra WHEELS WITH FENDER WELLS; C-EM-DD3—And ZIT Fly-Spray; also : Business Places for Rent 75 street, a n d o n t h e w e s t b y Clark «:00—Scor«s; Dance Orchestra Proq.— —Also WEEI WJAR WTAG WF] • X-^-Automobile Agencies binding twine and Fall Rye. Maple P H I L A D E L P H I A — ( A P ) — T h e Also sUeet; on the north by Knox WGY WJAR WCSH WWJ WFIWRC WGX WGR WCAB WWJ WGN .* "11—Automobiles for sale NEW PAINT JOB, MOTOR WHOLE. City Milling Co. WIOD WJAX WHAS WSB WSAI BOARDING HOUSE—35-room fur- s t r e e t a n d o n t h e south b y J a y Athletics reaulred IS innings t o WGB WTIC . 12—Auto Trucks for Sale WFJC WPTF WRVA WCSH WFLAnished boarding house for rent. 6:30—Phil Spltatny'a Dance Music— 10:00—Troubadours ." 13—Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts CAR LIKE NEW. EANNAN & OLIVER TYPEWRITER—For sale for s t r e e t w h i c h said l o t number o n e of the. Moon—Also b e a t t h e R e d S o x y e s t e r d a y . h y 8-7. Also WJAR WTAG WGY WTAM WWJ Running water. Att'y Louis O. Welt. $15.00. As good a s new. L . Katz, .-3.4^Garages—Autos for Hire W U WRC WIOD i s equal i n l e n g t h , t o o n e fourth Store, 825 Ford StreetT w i c e s a v e d Irom defeat "by h o m e WGR WRC WCSH RESTAURANT— Up-to-date restau15—Motorcycles and Bicycles H E N R Y M O T O R CAR C O . 10:15—Don Blgelow's nance Orchestra 7:00—Pop Concert, Salon Sinners— rant and i c e cream parlor for part of t h e length o f said Block 16—Repairing—Service Stations CRABAPBLES—For sale. 913 Morris, Also WEEI WJAR WTAQ WCSH —Also WFI WRC WGY runs in tho ovortlmei innings, the IT—Wanted—Automotive St. Phone 805-J. WRC WSB WGX WGR WCAB WWJ 10:15—Uncle Abe and Dayid (Repeat) rent, Fully equipped. Owner leav* and is in breadth equal to one Mackmen g a v e L e f t y GroTe h i s 7:30—Gala Program, Pryor'a B a n d LA SALLE—CONVERTIBLE COUPE; : Boats and Accessories 52 tag town. Inquire of N. V. Donald, s i x t h part of t h e breadth of said BUS|NESS SERVICE — Also WEEI WJAR WTAG WCSH WFI r-Only WWJ WSAI WTAM WSH 24th victory of t h e s e a s o n a n d t h e Block, agreeable t o a m a p of t h e Morrlstown, N . Y. WRC WGT WCAH WTAM WWJ WFJC WHAS i RUMBLE SEAT,. GOOD FINISH Houses for Rent 77 said City i n t h e office of t h e Clerk second i n t w o days. WJAX WHAS WSM WSB WRVA 11:00—Kyser's Dance Orchestra Hour 18—Business Services Offered MARINE ENGINES—One 4-cylinder 19—Building and Contracting 3 4 8 . 6 — W A B C N e w Yorfc—860 ( C B S Chain). The world's champions took t h e 6:30— Orchestra AND TIRES AND NEW TOP. CAN Niagara Engine fbr cost of r e - HOUSE—7-room house for rent, c e n - of t h e County aforesaid b y P e t e r WRC and Male Trio—Also —Also WLAC W X Y Z WFJC W B T WWJ "WFLA. traUy located, moderate rate. Phone Seton H e n r y o n e of t h e Masters of .aOr-^leaning, Eyeing, • Renovating . pairs if taken now. Ogdensburg lead i n t h e first innllng and t h e WEAN WNAC WLBZ WFBL WHEC 990-R. 9:30—Jesse Crawford, Poet of Organ— 21—Dressmaking and Millinery Machine Co. Phone 233r BE BOUGHT RIGHT. HANNAN & t h e Court of Chancery of t h o State 7:00—Dr. Arthur Torrance, Explorer— Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU -22—Heating Plumbing, Roofing. NEW YORK AVE!, 1107 — 7-room aforesaid, subject however, t o t h e g a m e w a s tied a t i t o 4 from t h e Also WBAN WNAC WLBZ WCAO WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW ' 23^-Insurance and Surety Bonds HENRY MOTOR CAR CO. modern home, polished floors, s u r v e y of t h e streets m a d e i n 1823 s i x t h t o t h e tenth. Jn t h e 10th | WHP WJAS WLBW WFBL WKBW WHEC WKBW WADC WHP.WKRC 24—Laundering Good Things t o Eat 57 bathroom, enclosed porch, furnace. filed i n t h e land office of George R e e v e s h i t a h o m e r u n a n d i n t h e WKRC WAIO WSPD WWNC WTAR WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ WGST 25—Moving, Trucking, Storage ; WDBJ WDOD WXTZ WPG WBT WDOD WLAC WBT WPG" A bargain 825.00. Phone 909. SWEET CORN—For sale. Also Corn - - afr^P^ihtipg,- Papering, Decorating of American Industry— 10:00—The Observer—WABC only Roasts a t Newton's Lodge. Every SEYMOUR ST.. 414—For Rent: Mod- P a r i s h a n d also agreeable t o a m a p A's half B i n g Miller t i e d t h e score 7:15—Romance 27—JPrirtting Engraving, Binding USED CARS— Also WBAN WNAC WI/BZ "WFAN 10:00^—Will Osborne'a Dance Orchestra of said block m a d e b y Robert T a t e night. ern house. Inquire of Dr. W. T. ' ?8—^Professional Services w i t h a circuit drive. WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW —WLBZ WFAN WCAO WMAL "WHP filed in said Land Office, Haley, chiropractor. Phone 354. WKBW WADC WKRC WAIU WSPD WFBL WHEC WADC WKRC 29—Repairing-and KeflnlshingHousehold Goods 5? Danny MacFayden atarted for WWNC WTAR WDBJ WDOD WBT WLBW Chevrolet Coupe, 1929 model 2nd Also call that certain piece WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ WGST . 30—Tailoring and Pressing LINCOLN AVE. 426—Furnished house t h e R e d S o x and lasted until t h e 7:30—Dixie Echoes, Spiritual Singers— ELECTRICAL GOODS— We nave i n WDOD WLAC WXYZ Essex Coach, 1927 model. 31—Wanted—Business Service for rent. Modern conveniences. I n - or parcel of land situate, lying and 14th, w h e n w i t h t h e g a m e 7-5 i n Also .WNAC WFAN WCAO WMAL 10:30—Guy Lombardo'a Dance- Orch.— stock t h e latest In electrical a p Essex Sedan, 1929 model. b e i n g In t h e City of Ogdensburg, WHP WJAS WLBW WFBL WKBW Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU pliances. Our experienced m e n are *qulre above address. Phone 516-R. Hudson Sedan, 1927 model. hia grasp, h e w a s h i t for a double EMPLOYMENT '— at your service. Just phone 702-W. KNOX STREET, 1009—5-rooms, elec- County of S t Lawrence and State b y Cochrane a n d for Simmons' WADC WKRC WAIU WSPD WWNC WCAO WMAL WHP WLBW WHEC WDBJ WDOD WBT tric lights, toilet. Rent «14. J . of N e w York b e i n g k n o w n and disWKRC WKBN WWNC WTAR WDBJ Bryant, the Electrician. 433 Ford Boat, "Reported Missing" WGST WDOD WLAC WBT WXYZ Franklin Sharp. Phone 378-W. 32-^-Help Wanted—Female St. tinguished a s t h e northerly part of 33rd homo run of t h e year that tied 8:00-rShow GEO. M. MURRAY r-Also WBAN WNAC WLBZ WCAD 11:00—Bert Lown's Dance Orchestra— 33—Help' Wanted—Male > t h e s c o r e again. WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU OIL STOVES—New and used oil FORD STREET, 1313—5-room bunga- lot number s i x i n Block numbered 34—Help—^Male and Female low, modern i n every way. Rent and marked E . and o n t h e official Grove w e n t into thi© b o x i n t h e WKBW WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WMAL WHP WHK WKRC WSPD stoves; used furniture. John Liv309 ISABELLA ST. 35—Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents (20. J. Franklin Sharp, Phone WSPD WDBJ WGST WDOD WWNC WTAR WDBJ WGST WDOD ingston, 22 Lake St. Phone 378-J. Map of t h e City of Ogdensburg 339; s e v e n t h inning, h e l d tine visitors t o WLAC WWNC 36—Situations Wanted—Female WXTZ WPG WBT WXYZ WBT WPG 378-W. w h i c h said Block Is bounded o n n i n e h i t s and struck out eight m e n . 9;0O—Chicago Variety—Novelty Prog. 11:30—Ann Leaf at Organ Console— 37—Situations Wanted—Male GAS RANGE—Vulcan Gas Range for Offices and Desk Room 78 —Also WBAN WNAC WLBZ WCAO sale. For information phone 723-J. Score b y innings: Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WMAL t h e e a s t b y Clark street, o n t h e DEPENDABLE USED CARS— WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW WHP WKRC WSPD WWNC WTAR FINANCIAL — • ' Musical Merchandise 6 l FURNI8HED OFFICE—2nd floor and w e s t b y Hasbrouck street; o n t h e B o s t o n — WKBW WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WDBJ" WGST WDOD WXYZ WPG apartment, 3rd floor for rent over north p y K n o x s t r e e t a n d o n t h e 000121000100020—7 WSPD WWNC WDBJ WGST WDOD WBT 38—Business Opportunities VICTOR—Records, strings for a l l i n Dodge Coupe, $126.00 107 Ford St. Estate of Levi Has- south b y J a y s t r e e t w h i c h said struments, ukeleles and t h e latest 39-^Investments, Stocks, Bonds Philadelphia— Dodge Sedan, $275.00. brouck. 3 9 4 . 5 — W J Z N e w Yorfc—760 ( N B C Chain) northerly part of l o t number s i x popular sheet music. Charles O. ' 10—Money t o Loap, Mortgages Chevrolet Touring $115.00. v .200020000100021—8 8:45—Floyd Gibbons. Headline Hunter """"""" 8:00—Edwin Stanley Seder. Organ— LARGE ROOM—For Beauty Parlor or i s i n lengthy equal t o 63 feet t w o Scott, 331 Ford. tl^Wanted—To Borrow Cadillac Sedan $150.00. Also WBAL WJAX KDKA McFadden, Durham and H e v i n g ; —Also WBZ KDKA WHAM Office Room. Formerly occupied as Inches, part of t h e l e n g t h of t h e 8:30— Old Time Minstrel Show—Also a Beauty Parlor. Inquire the OlymRadio Equipment 62A INSTRUCTION — block and i s i n breadth equal t o Shores, Mahaftey, Groive and Coch- 6:00—Amos 'n' Andy — Also WBZ WBZ. WBAL. KDKA. WJR WHAM These four are real bargains. We _ p l a , 106 Ford street. rane. WHAM KDKA CKGW WRVA WPTF 9:00--Cub Reporter, Comedy S k e t c h haye more 44 f e e t part of t h e breadth of said EARL RADIO—Special price of 885.42.—Correspondence Courses KDKA WHAM CKGW 00 o n a S117.00 radio. 8-tube, all WJAX WIOD WRC WCKY WFLA- Also Block, agreeable t o t h e Map of t h e 43—Local instruction Classes 9:15—Broadway Lights, Instrumental— Real Estate For Sale OGDENSBURG NASH CO. INC. electric model equipped with a said City filed i n t h e office of t h e •:15—The Jesters, Comedy Trio—Also Also KDKA CKGW WHAM 44—Musical, Dancing, Dramatic YESTERDAY' S STARS dynamic speaker. Cash or terms. Business Property for Sale 82 9:30—Miniature Theater of the R a d i o Clerk o f t h e County aforesaid b y 45-r-Private Instruction WHAM WCKY CRESCENT GARAGE, PHONE 578 See David P. Easter, 820 Ford S t . Also WBAL WHAM KDKA CKGW 46-^-Wanted—Instruction STORES—2 stores for sale a t ihe P e t e r S e t o n H e n r y o n e of t h e Mas6:30—Brush Man, Musle Variety—Also 10:00—An Hour of Slumber Music— Phone 252-W. ( B y t h e Associated Press.) corner of Ford and Park St. I n - ters of Chancery of t h e S t a t e aforeWBZ WHASI CKGW KDKA WLW Also CKGW WBAL WJR LIVESTOCK: — quire a t 417 Morris St. Hartnett, Cubs—Drove i n s i x 7:00—Circus, Stories of Big Top—Also 10:30—Amos 'n' Andy (Sec. Broadcast) s a i d subject h o w e v e r t o t h e sui> EDISON RADIO—The-set t h e world USED CAR BARGAINSv e y o f s a i d block a n d l o t m a d e b y runs a g a i n s t Pirates w i t h t w o WBZ WLW KDKA WJR WBAL —Only WLW WJR WSM WHAS WSB awaited. Ralph E. KeUy, 807 Mont- 83—Farms and Land for Sale 47—Dogs, Cats, Other Pets WBAL CHRYSLER 70 COUP&-I930 Model, B . T a t e Civil Engineer, h o m e runs, second hornier wlninlng gomery Street, Phone 725-R. ' 48-^-Horses, Cajtle, Other Stock 10:45—Floyd -Gibbons (Sec. Broadcast) FARM—of 146 acres for sale. Situat- •"homes WHAM 6 wire wheels. Driven a little over . 49—Poultry and Supplies —Only to WLW WJR WBAL ed i n t h e Town of Lisbon o n t h e filed i n t h e land office o f George g a m e i n tenth. 7:15—Wonder Dog, Rln Tin Tin StoriesCHANNEL STATIONS 2,000 miles. Can be bought a t a ATWATER KENT RADIO—1931 mod50—Wanted—Livestock County road. Splendid up-to-date Parish i n t h e City of Ogdensburg EASTERN CLEAR —Also WBAL WHAM KDKA WLW els now ready for demonstrating house, electric lights, bath, toilet, aforesaid. big saving. 00—Dance; Ens. 272.6—WPG—1100 Wilson, Cardinals—Slugged R e d 10:00—Sports; Message* w. MERCHANDISE — and delivery. Ogdensburg Machine furnace, hardwood floors better :00—American Legion KYW WJR as WABC 7:00—Same pitching f o r t w o doubles, triple 260.7—WHAM—1150 Co., Phone 233. :15—Banjo & Piano t h a n a n ordinary city house. Barn WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN — L O W 7:10—Scores; Orch. E x c e p t i n g a n d reserving from 7:30—Pickard Family, Southern Songsfor Fun 51-4-Artlcles for Sale :30—Just and out buildings equally as good, t h e tract immediately above des- and single. 5:45—WJZ (2% hrs.) 7:45—Songs Program mileage, good tires and paint. Al51A—Barter a n d Exchange —Also WHAM KDKA :00—Organ Recital 8:00—WABC (1 br.) cement floor, patent stanchions, r e - cribed: ways h a d good care. .• 52—Boats and Accessories ;S0—To Bo Announced 8:00—Musical JJecital Wearing Apparel 6S 3:00—Orchestra frigerators, machine shed; horse Simmons, Athletics—Made four 8:30—WJZ (1% hrs.) 100—Dance Orch. 9:30—Same as WABC BEGINNING a t a point i n t h e 53—Building Materials barn, double garage, water pumpMEN—You only need t o look a t t h e FRED W. GILROY :30—Radio Revellers 10:00—Dance (1 hr.) ed with electricity. Running water e a s t line of l o t number 6 i n block hits, drove i n s i x runs including 10:00—Orchestra A. Nash Samples t o be convinced 54—Business and Office Equipment :45—News: Danes in pasture. Nearly all tillable. N o . 339, o n t h e official m a p of t h e winning one, i n 15-finning battle 11:00—WABC (1 hr.) that our made-to-order clothes 379.5—WGY—790 "The Chrysler Dealer" :30—The Moonbeams SB—Farm a n d Dairy Products Splendid well drained productive 282.8—WBAL—1060 w i t h H e d S o x . bring you better returns for your 5:45—Same a s WEAF 256.3—WCAU—1170 55A—Farm Equipment . land. Small woodlot. Near station, City of Ogdensburg sixty-three (63) 7:00—Same a s WJZ 6:00—Pianist; Scores investment. Frank Richardson, 726 a s WABC high school and churches. Over 25 feet and t w o inches from t h e south 7:S0—Cameo Concert 6 :00—Same 56-rFuel, F e e \ -Fertilizer* • 6:15—WEAF (3% firs.) Repairing—Service Stations 16 Montgomery St. Phone 776-W, :30—Sponsored Pros'. head of cattle, tractor, milk truck Hudlin, Indians—Held W h i t e 8:00—WJZ (1 hr.) line o f "Knox" s t r e e t a n d extend10:00—Dreama Period 6::00—Orchestra 57—Good Things t o Eeat D:00—The Melodepn and other machinery Will be left ing: northerly along t h e w e s t l i n e S o x t o three hits anid b e a t them, F-FL-FLA-FLAT TIRE ? ?—W-W-We MEN'S dress oxfords from 82.98 t o 10:15—WEAF (45m.) 7;:30—Features S6.50 at Welner's. Open evenings. 58—^Homemade Things 0:30—WJZ (l% nrs.> if desired. T h e owner wants t o sell of Clark s t r e e t t o a point t h r e e 3-2. c-c-ca-can fix them. King Shel302.8—WBZ—990' 7; 00—WABC (2 hrs.) on account of poor health. One of 282.8—WTIC—1060 59—Household Goods don'* Repair Shop, 408 Ford street. 5:30—Blues; Ramblers Wanted—To Buy 66 8 :00—Orchestra the best farms i n this section. An feet four inches northerly o f t h e 60r-Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds 6:00—Same a s WEAF Phone 922-W. 6:00—WJZ (1% hrs.) 10 •30—WABC*(1 hr.) northeast corner of t h o foundation . 61—Machinery and Tools 6:30—Scoresj^Favorltes 10 7:15—Baritone MOTORISTS—Have your magnetos MEAT GRINDER—Meat box, .and oth- ideal home. John J, Livingston, law w a l l of t h e h o u s e located o n t h e Hadley, Senators—Pitched effectively against Yawkees, grant2i3J=rSS?e,ml>lo . . er meat market equipment. Reply 62—rMusical Merchandise and generators checked by t h e Ogoffice, 214 Ford St., Ogdensburg, p r e m i s e s being a distance of twen- i n s s i * h i t s a n d wiinning, 3-2. to Post Office, Box 81. N. Y. densburg Battery Co., Tel. 726. 62A—Radio Equipment , AUTO REPAIRS—If i t i s valve work 68-rSeeds, Plant's, Flowers we do i t . Phone u s for flat rate 64-4Specials. at the-Stores price. Seaman & Cole, 210 Greene Bv EDWINA TAP" STUBBS 65—rWearihg Apparel * Street. "In t h e alley". Phone 1169. 66—Wanted—To Buy 1 1 \« M 6-OlKJ ' R O U W O TTV* I HV L A N & * ' !«W i-NNO . IS \ I w r t v J C K S M T ^too PICK ROOMS AND BOARD — FLY-WHEEL GEARS—Installed, same fYUJE.y WA.V / V W PrVSOe SCHOOL otrr j 67^-Ro>ms, With' 'Board' N» S O T - \ € : B © o y VOUR, day as brought i n . Ogdensburg . >66—^Rooras, without. Board t-MM WITT* ROCK Machine Co., Phone 233. SCttCOV- STrMVTSO.' 90 .'Rooms, r lor •» Housekeeping 70-i.Vacation Places 71—Where t o Eat >CftP! C A P ACETYLENE WELDING—On all met72*-Where t o Stop In Town als done promptly and. a t small cost. Ogdensburg Machine Co., 73-r^-Wanted—Rooms or Board Phone 233. REAL ESTATE F O R RENT — ' 74- : -Apartmepts for Rent • 75—Business Places for Rent Business Service 76T~Farnis. and Land for Rent • nj—Houses forwent Business S e r v i c e s Offered 18 78—^Office and Desk Room • 78-5-Offlces and Desk; Room. .•IS—Shore, .Mountain, Lake AUTO GLASS — Installed o n all 80-^Sttburban, country for Rent makes of Motor Cars and Trucks. 81—Wanted—To Buy Residential windows and Door lights replaced o n short notice. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — The Green Mfg. Co. 115-117 Lake R—-Brokers i n Real Estate St. Phone 606. 82-^-Eroperty for Sale 83—Farms and Land for Sale 84—Houses for Sale CARPENTER—Desires all kinds of 85—Lots for Sale carpentry and repair worfc a t 7.0c 86—Shore, Mountain, Lake per hour; work guaranteed. H. 87—Suburban, Country for Sale Musot, 533 Main St. Phone 330-R. 88—^To Exchange—Real Estate EXPERT PIANO TQNING—And. re89—Wanted—Real Estate pairing of all kinds. Valley's 1 1 Music Store, 418 Lincoln Ave. AtrGTION-r-LEGALS — A's Go 15 Innings To Beat Red Sox 90—Auction Sales SI—Legal Notices WELL DRILLING—See us before ' drilling. Hendrlck & Moore, Contractors, Canton, N, Y. 33-F-23.
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