The monthly newsletter of the Hopkins Area Jaycees 60 years and going strong! Volume 12, Issue 3 – March 2012 10 Tips for Public Speaking: How to find your confidence Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations: 1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say. 2. Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected. 3. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers. 4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids. 5. Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm. 6. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence. 7. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you. 8. Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem – the audience probably never noticed it. 9. Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience. 10. Gain experience. Mainly, your speech should represent you — as an authority and as a person. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. source: {What’s Inside} President’s Report Down the Road SD Report | State News | National News Community Corner CDVP Report |Charitable Disbursements | Projects Your Development IDVP Report | Projects Membership Mania MVP Report | Birthdays | Renewals | New Member Welcome | Events Management… MDVP Report | Charitable Gambling Information | Projects The Administration Meeting Minutes NOTE: This year, you’ll find projects listed by area. So look for upcoming projects on every page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Word from our President What a great and exciting start to the New Year! It is hard to believe that we are already looking at our third month. We have a lot of exciting project opportunities coming up, some are new and some are our traditional projects. I am happy to announce that the Hopkins Area Jaycees are growing not only in numbers but also as members. Let's keep the ball rolling. In the February Raspberry Reader I talked about putting your Passion into Action. I received lots of great feedback and heard from a lot of you what your passions are. It is inspiring to hear your passion and how you want to use that passion to make a great impact in not only our local community but also the world as a whole. So you may be asking, "What is your ‘Passion’ President Joel?" Well believe it or not, I really had not sat down and thought about what my passion was until I was elected Chapter President. I had always enjoyed working with kids, Board Position Phone Number | Email Chapter President | Joel Blom | 320-224-4240 | [email protected] State Delegate | Matt Marek 218-791-8614 | [email protected] Community Dev. VP | Amanda Nadeau 320-250-9768 | [email protected] Youth Sports Director | Open Individual Dev. VP | Amanda Meyer 651-307-1512 | [email protected] Membership Dev. VP | Zach Schipper 507-217-7376 | [email protected] Public Relations VP | Open Social Media Director/Webmaster | Beth Blom 612-865-8210 | [email protected] Newsletter Editor | Jari Steinlage 612-214-0045 | [email protected] Charitable Gambling Mgr | Meredith Black 612-865-8195 | [email protected] interacting with others and having a good time. I had fun dressing up in character and scaring people at our haunted house, but never really had a real focal point or passion. Then I sat down and asked myself, “What is your one thing that you want to strive for in 2012? What do you want to do to increase the impact of the Hopkins Area Jaycees?” My 'Passion' this year is to further the relationship between the City of Hopkins and the Hopkins Area Jaycees. My goal is to attend City Council Meetings on a regular basis to get visibility in what is going on in the city and how the city government works. I’d also like to see a few of our Jaycee meetings include attendance by city leadership, including the Mayor. We can also attend the School Board meetings and be involved on that front of the community. the Jaycees and in turn, the city government will become even stronger advocates of the Jaycees. Again, I challenge you to sit down and think about your 'Passion' and how you can put it into 'Action'. Feel free to contact me and we can discuss your Passion and what we can do to put it into action. Looking forward to a great rest of the first trimester and a AWESOME year. 'Going the Distance' In Jaycee Spirit - Joel Blom 2012 Chapter President Hopkins Area Jaycees MN Jaycees Lifetime Statesman #1493 JCI Certified Local Trainer By building the relationship with the city and its leadership, it gives the Hopkins Jaycees a greater picture of the needs of the community, increase awareness of Board Position Phone Number | Email Chairman of the Board | Basia Elmore 612-306-0461 | [email protected] Administrative VP | Open Secretary | Lisa Diffley 763-567-9831 |[email protected] Treasurer | Erin Bryan 612-735-8439 | [email protected] Management VP | Matt Weinacht 612-599-2798 | [email protected] Management Director | Steve Rogers 612-363-4741 | [email protected] Raspberry Director | Pete Colarich 952-200-4485 | [email protected] Fundraising Director | Open Charitable Gambling Director | Open **Contact President Joel for any Open Position 2 Down the Road SD Report | Region News | State News | National News A Note from your State Delegate Is it February already? Based on how perfect the roads have been, one would have to think it’s at least May! A big thank you to everybody that helped out with Manpower at Annual Convention in January! It certainly was a great experience for me being a first-timer! Big thanks go out to everybody that made road runs as well. Walking third in the parade of chapters and earning Gold Chapter is certainly an accomplishment that all of us should be super proud of. For example, we’ve got at least one team going to State Bowling on th Sunday, March 4 . Watch for communication from the team captain about travel time for those who want to carpool. As always, the upcoming weeks have plenty of opportunities for getting out and representing our chapter. Hope to see you all rack up the miles in February! Keep Pounding the Pavement! Region 6 News Matt Marek 2012 State Delegate [email protected] National News 3/23 – 25 – Mid America Institute. See President Joel for more information 6/27 – 7/1/2012 – National Convention – Des Moines, IA (Road Run) Register: March 19 – Region 6 Meeting Location: TBD State News May 18 – 20, 2012 Spring Convention: Grand Rapids, MN Across the State Road Runs September 21-23, 2012 Fall Convention: Craguns, Brainerd, MN Keep your eye out on the Hopkins JC Yahoo group for announcements of upcoming chapter road runs not announced here. Or, feel free to Road Run on your own. Subscribe to the MN Jaycee Yahoo Group by e-mailing: MNJCsubscribe@yahoogroups. rd th March 3 and 4 - State Bowling at Blainebrook Entertainment Center in Blaine. Single and doubles on Sat. @ 12:30pm and team competition is Sun. @ 9 am. (We’ve got at least one team going! th March 10 , 7am – 2pm, Lake Elmo Regional Wrestling Tournament – Tartan High School 3 Community Corner CDVP Report |Charitable Disbursements | Projects Hot In the City Ever wondered where the hot spots are in the Hopkins Community? After an informal poll, I am happy to share with you some of the Hopkins Area Jaycees Community Hot Spots. Businesses Lillian’s Mac’s Liquor Hopkins Theater Main Street Performing Art Center Restaurants/Bars Mainstreet Bar and Grill Wild Boar Boston Garden Big 10 Lindees Tavern on Main Community Areas/Parks Continued Oakes Park Overpass Skate Park Park Valley Playground Shady Oak Beach Valley Park Community Areas/Parks Buffer Park Burnes Park Central Park Cottageville Park Downtown Park Elmo Park Harley Hopkins Park Hilltop Park Interlachen Park Maetzold Field Charitable Disbursements Other Hopkins Activity Center Hopkins Pavilion Amanda Nadeau 2012 CDVP [email protected] Upcoming Community Projects List of recent disbursements March 13th, 5:30pm – Empty Bowls. Meet at the Hall. th Reach for Resources – Sponsorship Request - $100.00 March 19 , 8 – 9:30pm –Feed my Starving Children in Chanhassen. Contact Amanda Nadeau at [email protected] Military Historical Society – $100.00 Special Olympics Manpower and fiscal donation $1,000.00 (Pending letter of approval letter stating Special Olympics is a 501(C) and the Law Enforcement) March 20th, 7:30 p.m. – City Council Meeting Location: Hopkins City Hall 1010 1st Street S, Hopkins, MN 55343 nd June 22 -23rd, 5pm – 7am – Hopkins/Minnetonka Relay for Life. There is a $10 fee to join the team with a goal to raise $100 each. This is held at Hopkins High School. Empty Bowls a grassroots movement to help end hunger What is Empty Bowls? Since its small beginnings in 1990, Empty Bowls has become an international grassroots project to raise funds for local food shelves. John Hartom and Lisa Blackburn, two high school art teachers at Lahser High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, realized that their annual fooddrive was attracting few donations. They asked their students to make ceramic bowls to be used at a luncheon for the school staff. Every guest chose a bowl, ate a simple meal of donated soup and bread and made a generous donation to their local food shelf. The Hopkins Empty Bowls will be held on March 13, 2012 @ the Hopkins Center for the Arts. The Hopkins Area Jaycees will be attending. Meet at the hall at 5:30pm. Then, we’ll travel over together. You’ll be invited to choose a bowl from among 1000 bowls created by local artists and students, eat your choice of soup and bread donated by our businesses, enjoy local entertainment, and make a generous free will donation. In the first 12 years, Empty Bowls has raised a total of $522,279! 4 It’s about Your Development IDVP Report | Projects Spring Cleaning and Develop Yourself March is the time of year that many of us begin looking forward to the conclusion of winter and turn our thoughts toward spring. It is also the time that many of us begin the arduous and slightly premature task of “spring cleaning”. Consider the possibility of adding ourselves to that cleaning list to set ourselves up to maximize growth personally and professionally. The concept of “spring cleaning” is to eliminate things in your life that are weighing you down, in other words, the dead-clutter that needs to be swept away to make the best of your life. You may begin by taking inventory of where you are on your life’s journey and evaluating the things that are not working for you and letting them go. These could be things that monopolize your time and energy, or people who perpetuate stress, anxiety and negativity. You may make a commitment to yourself to clean out the places in your life that are clogged up with things – it may be your wardrobe, your office desk, your car, a shelf in your garage, your e mail inbox, even your negative thinking patterns. This process is intended to allow us to take stock, establish new goals and de-clutter, refocusing on the positive. It’s about making time to think about you, increasing selfawareness, getting clear on what’s Upcoming Individual Development Projects Puzzles March 11, 1pm - New Member Orientation – 2030 – A Joint baby shower for Cathy Kuemper and Beth Blom March 13, 6:30pm – New Member Orientation at the Hopkins Hall. Passport to Leadership/CPG Training to follow. For questions or to register, please contact Amanda Meyer at 651-307-1512. March 17 - Brewery Tour – Location TBD 5 important and your priorities, then making changes easily on your terms in simple steps. The pursuit of self development and personal growth is one that can only advance if we clear out the unnecessary clutter that has impeded us from reaching those milestones. Take your “spring cleaning” to the next level and consider rolling up your sleeves to sweep away what has been holding you back from living the life you imagined! Amanda Meyer 2012 IDVP [email protected] Membership Mania MVP Report | Birthday’s | Renewals | Events New Member Orientation – A Baby Shower You are cordially invited to New Member Orientation — 2030 Come celebrate the future members of the Hopkins Area Jaycees, Baby Girl Blom & Baby Girl Koecher Proud Parents Beth and Joel Blom Cathy Kuemper and Keith Koecher Sunday, March 11, 2012 1 pm to 3 pm Jaycees Hall, 5 7th Ave. N., Hopkins Desserts will be served Beth & Cathy are both registered at Target & Babies R Us **Hosted by Erin Bryan, Brenda Sadowski & Molly Tighe March Birthdays Renewals The Hopkins Jaycees would like to send a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Erin Bryan Jerald Stiele Sarah Vogt Matt Weinacht The following members are up for renewal! April Due in March: Cathy Kuemper Jenel Rocheleau May Due in April: Brenda Sadowski Matt Marek New Member We’d like to welcome the following individuals to the Hopkins Area Jaycees. Adelaide Sema Events Upcoming Membership events 3/1/12 Board of Directors Meeting 3/8/12 Meet and Greet: General Membership Meeting Jump Night at Lindees 3/17/12 Hopkins St. Patrick’s Day 4-Block Walk th Begins at 7:00pm and meets at 5 – 7 Ave, Hopkins Begins 15 minutes before the General Membership (GM) Meeting Begins at 7pm Chairperson to send out information soon 6 Management… MDVP Report | Charitable Gambling Information | Projects New Project – Eats N Drinks T-shirts: A Fundraiser for the Hopkins Area Jaycees The Hopkins Jaycees is happy to announce the Eats N Drinks Tshirt. The Tshirt will advertise regular specials offered by local businesses on the Eats and Drinks t-shirt. Because the weekly specials will be printed on the shirt, when someone wears the shirt they will receive the special. The t-shirts should be available sometime in May and the specials will be valid for 1 year. It is a great value and will help support local Hopkins businesses. Not only will the businesses be listed on the shirts, but so will our logo. What great way to do some cross-advertising! Questions, please contact me! Steve Rogers 2012 Marketing Chair [email protected] A little history about the Hopkins Raspberry Festival The Hopkins Raspberry Festival was founded in 1935 as a way to boost business in Hopkins during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Art Plankers, a pioneer Hopkins food merchant of the time is credited with the suggestion of “raspberries” for the theme. There were about 75 Hopkins businessmen and farmers were organized and July 21 was chosen as the day to hold the festival, to coincide with the peak of the raspberry-picking season. The Hopkins Raspberry Festival Board of Directors, with the help of many other volunteers, works year round to provide Hopkins with the best festival possible. Since its inception, it has evolved into a dynamic community celebration with activities including music, sporting events, royalty coronations, craft fair, parade, and of course the Hopkins Jaycees Tent Dance. This year’s Raspberry Festival events will begin on Saturday, July 7th and conclude with the parade on July 15th, 2012. The Hopkins Jaycees tent dances will be on Friday, July 13th and Saturday, July 14th. The Hopkins Raspberry Festival has become a Twin Cities institution. The timing of the event has changed over time, but it continues to be held in the middle of July to coincide, but not overlap with, the Minneapolis Aquatennial Celebration. Charitable Gambling Corner Information taken from: Pete Colarich 2012 Tent Dance Director [email protected] Upcoming Management Projects th March 10 , 10am – Noon- Spring Cleaning of the Hopkins Jaycees Hall th March 13 , 7:30pm - Leadership and CPG training/work night. For questions or to register, please contact Amanda Meyer at 651-307-1512. March 26th, 6pm – Charitable Gambling Meeting th July 13 - 14th, 2012 - Hopkins Jaycees Tent Dances th Charitable Gambling Meetings are always the 4 Monday of each month and begin at 6pm. They are held at the Hopkins Jaycees office. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning refers to the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year typically in spring, hence the name. However it has also come to be synonymous with any kind of heavy th duty cleaning or organizing enterprise. On Saturday, March 10 , join us for a little Spring Cleaning of the Hopkins Area Jaycees Hall! 7 The Administration Meeting Minutes Date: February 9, 2012 Call To Order: 7:00 pm Attendees: P. Colarich, S. Rogers, M. Tighe, E. Bryan, A. Meyer, B. Elmore, C. Johnson, B. Walser, L. Diffley, J. Blom, Z. Schipper, S. Vogt, M. Marek, J. Steinlage, A.Seme Pledge of Allegiance st Approval of Agenda: 1 S. Vogt 2nd Z. Schipper Motion Passes as amended st nd Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: 1 A. Meyer 2 M. Marek Motion Passes as amended Treasurer – Erin Bryan Community Development (Continued) General Account Balance: $8535.72 Hopkins HS Wresting Concessions 2/25 @ Lindbergh Center need 3-4 people for 3 hour shifts Membership Account Balance: $354.00 o Contact Molly Tighe if interested Basia will look into $50 State President gift previously Charitable Disbursement Requests approved o Reach for Resources Bowl – A- Thon Motion to approve a donation of $100 to Reach Management Development VP – Matt Weinacht for Resources Bowl-A-Thon 2012 Budget Approval st nd 1 Z. Schipper 2 M. Marek = Motion Passes o Motion to approve 2012 budget as amended st nd o Special Olympic Duck Raffle at Polar Plunge 1 E. Bryan 2 Z. Schipper = Motion passes Motion to approve up to $1000 for Special HBCA Approval Olympic Duck Raffle pending a letter of approval o Motion to approve membership in HBCA st nd from Special Olympics 1 S. Vogt 2 M. Tighe = Motion Passes st nd 1 J. Steinlage 2 S. Vogt = Motion Passes Charitable Gambling Classes o Camp Ripley Charitable Gambling Tax Report Motion to approve $100 for Minnesota Military o Motion to table tax report until March General Museum Membership Meeting st nd st nd 1 B. Elmore 2 A. Meyer = Motion Passes 1 B. Elmore 2 S. Vogt Charitable Gambling Expense Report Individual Development VP – Amanda Meyer o Motion to approve gambling expense report st nd ONTO Blainebrook 2/12 11-1pm 1 M. Tighe 2 E. Bryan = Motion Passes 6/8 LOTS 2/11 9-3pm @ Oak Ridge in Chaska Mainstreet Day Budget Homebuyer Seminar 2/18 2-5pm o Motion to approve the budget for Mainstreet Days st nd 1 A. Meyer 2 P.Colarich = Motion Passes New Member Orientation 3/13 @ 630 Eats and Drinks T-shirt CPG work night/ passport to leadership 3/13 @ 730 o Budget to approve budget at a later date Mid America 3/23-3/25 Monster Dash – Volunteer Fundraising opportunity need 25 Mock Competitions – Jeopardy competition volunteers to make $1000 o Sarah Vogt Wins! Administrative VP – Open Public Relations – Open position Website resources (Beth) Membership Development VP – Zach Shipper War On Winter 2/25 @ 8pm 4 block walk – chair? Thirsty Thursday 2/23 Toby Keiths @ 5:30 NMO 2030 Baby Shower 3/11 State Delegate – Matt Marek St. Cloud Trivia 2/11 New Munich Casino Night 2/17 $10 per person State Bowling 3/4 Unfinished Business Awards Community Development VP – Amanda Nadeau Hopkins Empty Bowls 3/13 Hopkins Center for the Arts – chapter will attend around 5:30 LMCC 2/22 Meet at Hall @630 School Board Meeting 2/16 @ 7pm @ Eisenhower Center Waterball (Basia) – looking for co chairs Feed My Starving Children 3/19 8-930pm in Chanhassen Relay for Life (Erin) – o Looking for people to join the team! 6/22 – 6/25 Team name Hopkins Jaycees Team goal $5000 PHR- chair needed- Matt Marek has volunteered to chair State of the City and Taste of Hopkins 2/28 New Business President’s Report Members Due If any member signs a new member their name will be entered in a drawing for a free entry into convention Announcements Adjourn st nd 1 A. Meyer 2 Z. Schipper 8 Events in Review Jaycees Creed [March] Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 9 10 BOD 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 Various 20 City Mtg 27 14 15 16 21 22 28 29 GM NMO 18 19 Reg 6 25 26 We Believe That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; 23 Clean 17 4 Block 24 30 31 That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; CGM st March 1 , 7pm – Board of Directors Meeting th March 8 , 6:45pm – Meet and Greet, General Membership Meeting and Jump Night at Lindees That government should be of laws rather than of men; th March 10 , 10am - Spring Cleaning the Hall March 11, 1pm, New Member Orientation – 2030 (Joint Baby Shower) March 13th, 5:30pm - Empty Bowls, 6:30pm – New Member Orientation, 7:30pm – Passport to Leadership and CPG training/work night th March 17 – Hopkins 4 Block Walk March 19th, 8 – 9:30pm –Feed my Starving Children in Chanhassen. Contact March 20th, 7:30 p.m. – City Council Meeting th March 26 , 6pm – Charitable Gambling Meeting June 22nd-23rd, 5pm – 7am – Hopkins/St. Louis Park Relay for Life. That earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life.
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