For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website Site address 2-16 (evens) Tinworth Street, 92-112 (evens Including Shaftesbury House And Cromwell House) Vauxhall Walk And Pavement In Front Of 5 And 7 Glasshouse Walk, London SE11 Ward Prince’s Proposal Variation of Condition 41 (approved plans listed in this decision notice) of planning permission ref 11/04510/FUL (Redevelopment of 2-16 (evens) Tinworth Street and 100110 Vauxhall Walk to provide a mixed use scheme comprising a range of buildings up to 8 storeys in height; providing a 120 bedroom hotel (4,706sqm GIA), student accommodation and associated support facilities including 399 student bedrooms (13,141sqm GIA), a convenience retail store (346sqm GIA), a series of small business units (use class B1 - totalling 467sqm GIA) a replacement community centre (561sqm GIA), associated basement servicing area, new public realm, public realm improvements and disabled parking) granted on 14.08.2012. Planning permission is now sought for minor material amendments to the development previously granted planning permission, inclusive of: various changes to architectural detailing on all elevations; changes to plant locations and screening/enclosures; movement of the rear wall of the eastern pavilion of the Tinworth Street building; infill extensions to the top floor of the Vauxhall Walk building; a reduction in the number of hotel rooms; and various alterations to the internal layouts. The application is a PSI application referable to the Mayor of London pursuant to the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008. Application type FULL Application ref 13/00341/VOC Validation date 29th January 2013 Case officer details Name: David Smith Tel: 020 7926 1256 Email: [email protected] Applicant Spring Mews Ltd Agent GL Hearn For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website Considerations/constraints Central Activities Zone London Plan Opportunity Area Conservation Area Environment Agency Flood Zone Protected Vistas London Plan Thames Policy Area UDP Major Development Opportunity Recommendation(s) Issue a new planning permission; inclusive of the conditions listed herein and subject to completion of a deed of variation to the original s.106 agreement, subject to: 1) Referral to the Mayor under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 if necessary; and 2) To granting delegated authority to the Head of Development Management to determine the application subject to him being satisfied that no further objection has been received following the PAC resolution such that he considers it would be necessary to refer the application back to the PAC for a decision. In determining the application he must take into account any views expressed by PAC. For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website Report Review Department(s) or Organisation(s) Date consulted Governance & Democracy (legal) 11/02/13 Date response received 12/02/13 Comments summarised in para Throughout Date response received Comments summarised in report? (y/n) 07/02/13 No Objection Consultation Department(s) or Organisation(s) Internal Arboricultural Officer Conservation and Design Noise and Pollution Parks and Open Spaces Performance, Strategy Regeneration Planning Policy Regeneration Streetcare Transport Consulted? (y/n) Yes Yes Yes Yes and Yes External GLA/Mayor Thames Water Transport for London English Heritage – Archaeology CABE Network Rail Environment Agency Bedford Acre Hetherington Action Group Manor of Kennington Residents Association The Vauxhall Society Waterloo Community Development Group Friends of Vauxhall Spring Gardens Waterloo Quarter Business Area Vision for Vauxhall Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Awaiting Stage I response at time of writing 06/02/13 12/02/13 No objection No objection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website Association Westminster Camden Households Yes Yes Yes Background Documents Case File (this can be accessed via the Planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7926 1180) For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website 1 Summary of Main Issues 1.1 Planning permission for the redevelopment of the site was originally granted by the Local Planning Authority in August 2012 (reference 11/04510/FUL – hereafter referred to as the ‘existing permission’). At that time the Local Planning Authority accepted the principle and details of redevelopment of the site. Application is now made under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) such as to effect minor amendments to the previously approved scheme. In this context the main issue pertaining to this application is: • • Whether the changes proposed are of a scale and/or nature that would result in a development which is not substantially different from the one which has been approved – thus meaning they could be accepted as a minor material amendment; and Whether the proposed minor material amendments to the scheme are acceptable. 2 Site Description 2.1 The application site forms the majority of the urban block bounded by Tinworth Street to the north, Vauxhall Walk to the east, Glasshouse Walk to the south and the mainline railway viaduct to the west. It does not however include 5 Glasshouse Walk, 7 Glasshouse Walk (owned and occupied by Martin Speed Ltd whom would remain in situ) and the Gas Retort House – all properties located to the south west of the urban block. The application site area for the planning application is 0.78 hectares. 2.2 The previous buildings on site have been cleared in preparation of redevelopment. 2.3 In terms of development plan designation, the sites are located within: • The Vauxhall Gardens Conservation Area; • The Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea Opportunity Area (the VNEB OA); • The Thames Policy Area; • The background viewing corridors of the protected vistas from the Parliament Hill summit to the Palace of Westminster and from the Primrose Hill summit to the Palace of Westminster; and • UDP designated Major Development Opportunity (MDO) 88. 3 Relevant Planning History 3.1 Pursuant to a PAC resolution of May 2012, on 14th August 2012 the Local Planning Authority granted planning permission for the redevelopment of 2-16 (evens) Tinworth Street and 100-110 Vauxhall Walk to provide a mixed use scheme comprising a range of buildings up to 8 storeys in height; providing a 120 bedroom hotel (4,706sqm GIA), student accommodation and associated support facilities including 399 student bedrooms (13,141sqm GIA), a convenience retail store (346sqm GIA), a series of small business units (use class B1 - totalling 467sqm GIA) a replacement community centre (561sqm GIA), associated basement servicing area, new public realm, public realm improvements and disabled parking [Council Reference 11/04510/FUL – the ‘existing permission’]. 3.2 The Local Planning Authority has subsequently received and approved submissions pertaining to condition 2 (Method of Demolition and Construction), condition 5 (architectural detailing to relieve the perceived massing of the flank elevations – agreed by PAC on 14th August 2012), condition 22 (Programme of Archaeological Work), condition 35 (Proposed Access), condition 37 (Strategy to minimise disturbance to protected habitats and species), condition 43 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) of the existing permission. 3.3 The Local Planning Authority has also accepted amendments (deemed nonmaterial) to the wording of conditions 3 (detailed construction drawings) and 4 (sample panel of materials) of the existing permission – Council Reference: 12/04809/NMC. 4 Proposal 4.1 Application is made under s.73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for variation of Condition 41 (approved plans listed in this decision notice) of the existing planning permission. The variation would substitute the originally listed drawings schedule with an up-dated drawings schedule, allowing for the implementation of minor material amendments to the scheme previously considered/approved. 4.2 The main amendments to the scheme would be inclusive of: • • • • • • 4.3 Various changes to architectural detailing on all elevations; Changes to plant locations and screening/enclosures; Movement of the rear wall of the eastern pavilion of the Tinworth Street building; Infill extensions to either end of the top/5th floor of the Vauxhall Walk building; A reduction in the number of hotel rooms from 120 to 93; and Various alterations to the internal layouts. For comparison, the relative use schedules would be as follows: Use Hotel Existing Permission 120 rooms; 4,706 sqm GIA Student Accommodation 399 student bedrooms; 13,141sqm GIA Convenience Retail 346 sqm GIA Store Series of small business 467 sqm GIA units (use class B1) Replacement 561 sqm GIA Community Centre Total 19,221 sqm GIA Proposed Amendment 93 rooms; 4,805 sqm GIA 400 student bedrooms; 13,158 sqm GIA 338 sqm GIA 536 sqm GIA 609 sqm GIA 19,446 sqm GIA 4.4 At basement level the amendments would introduce a swimming pool, gym and cinema for use by the resident students, where previously servicing and plant rooms were shown. At ground floor, there is now proposed the provision of an additional B1 unit along the Tinworth Street frontage (previously shown as an administrative office for the student accommodation) and the proposed café area within the replacement community centre has been enlarged. 4.5 The application is a PSI application referable to the Mayor of London pursuant to the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008. At the time of writing, the application had been referred to the Mayor and officers were awaiting the Mayor’s Stage I response. 5 Consultations and Responses 5.1 374 letters of consultation were sent out to neighbouring property addresses; including all properties likely to be directly affected by the development and all of those people who made representation to the original application. No responses had been received at the time of drafting the recommendation report. 5.2 A site notice was displayed on 4th February 2013 and a press notice was published on 8th February 2013. Internal Consultation Responses 5.3 Conservation and Design – No objection External Consultation Responses 5.4 GLA/Mayor – Awaiting Stage I response at time of writing 5.5 Transport for London – No objection 5.6 English Heritage (Archaeology) – No objection 5.7 Neighbour Consultation No. of sent 374 Letters No. of Objections No. in support Comments 6 Planning Policy Considerations 6.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning decisions to be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 6.2 The development plan in Lambeth is: None received at time of writing • • The London Plan (adopted July 2011); Lambeth’s Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy (adopted • 19 January 2011); and The remaining saved policies in the ‘Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not supersede by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011’. 6.3 Material considerations include national, regional and local planning policy statements, planning policy guidance and Supplementary Planning Documents. 6.4 London Plan (July 2011) 6.4.1 The London Plan is the overall strategic plan for London, and it sets out a fully integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital to 2031. It forms part of the development plan for Greater London. London boroughs’ local plans need to be in general conformity with the London Plan, and its policies guide decisions on planning applications by councils and the Mayor. 6.4.2 The London Plan policies specifically relevant to the amendments sought include: Policy 6.5 Funding Crossrail and other strategically important transport infrastructure Policy 7.4 Local character Policy 7.6 Architecture Policy 7.7 Location and design of tall and large buildings Policy 7.8 Heritage assets and archaeology Policy 8.2 Planning obligations Policy 8.3 Community Infrastructure Levy 6.5 Lambeth’s Local Development Framework Core Strategy 6.5.1 The following Policies of the Council’s Core Strategy are specifically relevant to the amendments sought: Policy S9 – Quality of the Built Environment Policy S10 – Planning Obligations Policy PN2 - Vauxhall 6.6 UDP Policies, saved beyond 5th August 2010 6.6.1 The following policies (whole or part thereof) of the adopted Unitary Development Plan (2007), saved beyond 05 August 2010 and not superseded by the adoption of the Core Strategy, are relevant to this application: Policy 33 Policy 37 Policy 40 Policy 43 Policy 47 6.7 Building Scale and Design; Shopfronts and Advertisements; Tall Buildings; The River Thames Policy Area – Urban Design; and Conservation Areas. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 6.7.1 On 27th March 2012, the Government published the National Planning Policy Framework. This document had the immediate effect of replacing various documents including, amongst other documents, PPS1, PPS3, PPS4, PPS5, PPS12, PPG13, PPG17 and Circular 05/2005: Planning Obligations. 6.7.2 The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It reinforces the Development Plan led system and does not change the statutory status of the development plan as the starting point for decision making. The NPPF sets out that the National Planning Policy Framework must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. Of significance, it sets out that in assessing and determining development proposals, local planning authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development. 7 Assessment 7.1 DCLG Guidance 7.1.1 The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) guidance sets out that “a minor material amendment is one whose scale and nature results in a development which is not substantially different from the one which has been approved” (DCLG: Greater Flexibility for Planning Permissions: October 2010). 7.1.2 In order to assess this application, it is first necessary to consider the extent to which the proposed amendments would alter the nature, character and outward impacts of the extant development, before drawing conclusions as to whether such amendments would result in a substantially different development from that approved under the extant permission. 7.2 Proposed Amendments 7.2.1 The amendments proposed are primarily for two reasons: a) To resolve minor discrepancies in the approved drawings between plans, sections and elevations; and b) To effect minor amendments to the facades to make openings, abutments and returns fit to actual brick sizes and setting out so as to make the permitted scheme buildable. 7.2.2 In terms of design, current development plan policy sets out a presumption that developments should deliver the highest quality of design and pay suitably preserve and enhance heritage assets such as Conservation Areas. 7.2.3 As per the existing permission, the buildings of the amended scheme would each continue to have their own individual character thus breaking the scheme down into townscape elements, while the proposed use of brick is consistent with the character of the area. The architectural response to Vauxhall Walk continues to reflect the significance of this frontage and defers to the architectural character of the adjoining 19th Century buildings; whereas the more contemporary treatment to Tinworth Street continues to be an adequate response on that secondary route. It is considered that the amended proposal will continue to enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area; although such matters will ultimately be dependant upon the detailing which will be controlled through the recommended conditions. 7.2.4 Whilst the horizontal staggering of the window openings in vertical columns previously applied to the student accommodation would be removed to better accommodate the internal arrangements of the development and to increase buildability, the architectural effect would be retained through the actual window detailing. In addition, the proposed introduction of hit and miss brick detailing on the main elevations in place of louvres has arisen as a direct result of the agreement reached on the flank wall elevation detailing (reported to PAC of 14th August 2012) pursuant to condition 5 of the existing permission. This latter introduction to the main elevations seeks to unify the building detailing. 7.2.5 The movement of the rear wall of the eastern pavilion building on Tinworth Street results in a small increase in the size of the building which allows for the provision of the requisite number of wheelchair accessible rooms required under condition 19. This adjustment also brings the eastern pavilion in line with the western pavilion and corrects an oversight in the permitted plans. The amendment will not be perceivable from any views from outside of the development. 7.2.6 The infill extensions to the top floor of the hotel accommodation are proposed in order to ‘clean up’ the façade and improve the appearance of building. This amendment would result in less than a 2% increase in floor area. 7.2.7 The reduction in the number of hotel rooms from 120 to 90 has been included to specifically meet the requirements of an now identified hotel operator. The reduction in hotel rooms would result in a less intensive use of that building with a consequent reduction in outward impacts in terms of associated use and activity. 7.2.8 Neither are the minor changes to the floor areas resultant from the amendments considered substantial, given the overall scale and character of the development originally approved. 7.2.9 The physical internal rearrangements of the accommodation (including the additional facilities to be provided at basement level) would in themselves have no material impact upon the nature, character and outward impacts of the extant development. It is advised that had these proposed changes been submitted in isolation, officers would have accepted them as non-material amendments to the development under section 190 of the Planning Act 2008, which inserts section 96A into the TCPA 1990. 7.2.10 In summary, the cumulative changes to the scheme now proposed, whilst material, are minor and would neither substantially alter nor diminish the design quality of the development. The revisions to the external elevations have been worked up following detailed consultation with the council’s Conservation and Design Officer to the extent that Lambeth Officers are fully supportive of the changes. 8 Procedural Matters 8.1 It is the case that the grant of planning permission would have the effect of granting a new planning permission for the development. The decision notice therefore shall need to be inclusive of all the relevant conditions of the extant permission. It is advised that these conditions (as listed below) are up-dated from those originally imposed to reflect the submissions already received/approved and the non-material amendments already consented under application 12/04809/NMC. 8.2 At the time of writing a Deed of Variation was being prepared so as to ensure that the s.106 obligations imposed upon the developer with respect to the originally approved scheme are carried forward. For the avoidance of doubt, the Deed of Variation would secure the following: Student Housing DIFS Tariff / Infrastructure Contribution Spring Gardens Contribution Goding Street Improvements Contribution Tinworth Street Arch Contribution General Employment and Training Contribution Local Labour in Construction Contribution S.106 Obligations Secured in perpetuity. £165,065 to be applied to local infrastructure needed to support the development coming forward in the VNEB area. £90,000 to facilitate improvements to Spring Gardens through the implementation of the Spring Gardens Master Plan. £30,000 towards improvements to Goding Street. £40,000 towards the provision of improved lighting and potentially CCTV to the railway arch on Tinworth Street and/or Glasshouse Walk; £30,000 to promote new opportunities for employment. £20,000 to be applied towards providing training to persons with an interest in working in the construction industry and in particular in the provision of training opportunities in the construction of the development. Local Labour in Requirement to work with the Council to identify and promote Construction opportunities for the use of local sub-contractors and construction Commitments workers for the construction of the Development; to use reasonable endeavours to identify training opportunities on the Application Site for construction trainees resident within the Borough of Lambeth; and to provide the Council with regular reports detailing the percentage of local employment on the Application Site during construction of the Development. 5 Glass House To ensure the provision of the community facility at 5 Glasshouse Walk Walk in advance of the use and activities of the existing premises ceasing – and thereafter for the duration of the construction works and until such time as the new facility is ready for occupation. Re-provision of To ensure the provision of the new community centre in a timely the community manner as part of the redevelopment of the site. centre Travel Plan and Plan to be submitted for the council’s approval and thereafter Monitoring fee operated and up-dated for the duration of the development. £1,000 to be paid to the council for travel plan monitoring. Parking Permit All occupiers of the development, unless they are the holder of a Free disabled persons badge, shall be ineligible to be granted a permit Provisions to park a vehicle in a residents' parking bay located in the vicinity of the application site. 8.3 On 1st April 2012, the Mayor’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) came into effect across London to secure funding for Crossrail. The application development would be subject to a CIL charge of £520,835. 8.4 The application is a PSI application (an application of potential strategic importance) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008. At the time of report release, the application has been referred to the Mayor in accordance with the requirements of the Order. Given the nature of the amendments, Officers are not expecting the Mayor to raise any ‘Strategic’ concerns. The application may, or may not, be referable back to the Mayor prior to determination; dependent upon the Mayor’s Stage I direction. 8.5 It is advised that given the need to advertise the application by newspaper, the overall consultation period for the application does not expire until 1st March 2013. The letters and site notices were posted earlier requesting replies by 20th February and 25th February respectively. Any representations received in advance of the committee will be reported by way of an addendum item and officers would not issue any decision pursuant to the PAC’s resolution until after 1st March; and then only subject to Stage II Mayoral referral (if required) and to no further significant objection being received. 8.6 Given that they are minor, it is a reasonable expectation that considerable objection will not be raised to the amendments. Indeed, only 6 objection letters were received in respect to the existing permission. Given the nature of the amendments, in the circumstances it was considered that no prejudice would occur by way of officers finalising the recommendation report in advance of the expiry of the consultation period. 8.7 It must be borne in mind that there are significant timescale constraints on this project, with the developer already on site carrying out demolition, and with piling works due to commence towards the end of February. In targeting a completion date for the commencement of the 2015 academic year, there are potentially severe financial implications if the development timetable slips to any significant degree. The council has already agreed the principle of the development and consent is sought here for amending the finer detailing; matters which have been worked up in close consultation with the council’s Conservation and Design Officer. As such, officers are putting forward this recommendation at this time in order that the changes may be agreed as expeditiously as possible; in accordance with the presumption conferred by the NPPF upon Local Planning Authorities to proactively drive and support sustainable development and to approve development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay. 9. Conclusion 9.1 Full planning permission was previously granted for the redevelopment of the site on 14th August 2012. Application is made here under s.73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for variation of Condition 41 (approved plans listed in this decision notice) of the existing planning permission. Approval of the variation would act to substitute the originally listed drawings schedule with an up-dated drawings schedule, allowing for the implementation of minor material amendments to the scheme previously considered/approved. 9.2 It is considered that the proposed amendments, whilst material, would not substantially alter the development which has been granted planning permission nor materially reduce the benefits of the development that would be derived. All of the proposed amendments are considered acceptable. 9.3 In the circumstances, and subject to the completion of the Deed of Variation of the original s.106 agreement, it is recommended that planning permission be granted under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 10 Recommendation(s) 10.1 Issue a new planning permission; inclusive of the conditions listed below and subject to completion of the deed of variation, subject to: 1) Referral to the Mayor under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 if necessary; and 2) To granting delegated authority to the Head of Development Management to determine the application subject to him being satisfied that no further objection has been received following the PAC resolution such that he considers it would be necessary to refer the application back to the PAC for a decision. In determining the application he must take into account any views expressed by PAC. 11 Summary of the Reasons 11.1 In deciding to grant planning permission, the Council has had regard to the relevant policies of the Development Plan and all other relevant material considerations – including planning permission 11/04510/FUL and associated consents. Having weighed the merits of the proposal in the context of these issues, it is considered that planning permission should be granted subject to the conditions listed below and subject to a s.106 planning agreement. In reaching this decision the following development plan policies were relevant: London Plan: Policies 1.1 (Delivering the strategic vision and objectives for London); 2.9 (Inner London); 2.10 (Central Activities Zone – strategic priorities); 2.11 (Central Activities Zone – strategic functions); 2.12 (Central Activities Zone – predominantly local activities); 2.13 (Opportunity areas and intensification areas); 3.1 (Ensuring equal life chances for all); 3.2 (Improving health and addressing health inequalities); 3.8 (Housing choice); 3.16 (Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure); 4.1 (Developing London’s economy); 4.2 (Offices); 4.3 (Mixed use development and offices); 4.5 (London’s visitor infrastructure); 4.7 (Retail and town centre development); 4.8 (Supporting a successful and diverse retail sector); 4.12 (Improving opportunities for all); 5.1 (Climate change mitigation); 5.2 (Minimising carbon dioxide emissions); 5.3 (Sustainable design and construction); 5.5 (Decentralised energy networks); 5.6 Decentralised energy in development proposals); 5.7 (Renewable energy); 5.8 (Innovative energy technologies); 5.9 (Overheating and cooling); 5.10 (Urban greening); 5.11 (Green roofs and development site environs); 5.12 (Flood risk management); 5.13 (Sustainable drainage); 5.14 (Water quality and wastewater infrastructure); 5.15 (Water use and supplies); 5.16 (Waste self-sufficiency); 5.21 (Contaminated land); 6.1 (Strategic approach); 6.2 (Providing public transport capacity and safeguarding land for transport); 6.3 (Assessing effects of development on transport capacity); 6.4 (Enhancing London’s transport connectivity); 6.5 (Funding Crossrail and other strategically important transport infrastructure); 6.7 (Better streets and surface transport); 6.9 (Cycling); 6.10 Walking); 6.11 (Smoothing traffic flow and tackling congestion); 6.12 (Road network capacity); 6.13 (Parking); 7.1 (Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities); 7.2 (An inclusive environment); 7.3 (Designing out crime); 7.4 (Local character); 7.5 (Public realm); 7.6 (Architecture); 7.7 (Location and design of tall and large buildings); 7.8 (Heritage assets and archaeology); 7.10 (World Heritage Sites); 7.11 (London View Management Framework); 7.12 (Implementing the London View Management Framework); 7.14 (Improving air quality); 7.15 (Reducing noise and enhancing soundscapes); 7.18 (Protecting local open space and addressing local deficiency); 7.19 (Biodiversity and access to nature); 7.29 (The River Thames); 8.2 (Planning obligations); and 8.3 (Community Infrastructure Levy). Lambeth’s Local Development Framework Core Strategy: Policies S1 (Delivering the Vision and Objectives); S2 (Housing); S3 (Economic Development); S4 (Transport); S5 (Open Space); S6 (Flood Risk); S7 (Sustainable Design and Construction); S8 (Sustainable Waste Management); S9 (Quality of the Built Environment); S10 (Planning Obligations); and PN2 (Vauxhall). Policies of the adopted Unitary Development Plan (2007), saved beyond 05 August 2010 and not superseded by the adoption of the Core Strategy: Policies 7 (Protection of Residential Amenity); 9 (Transport Impact); 14 (Parking and Traffic Restraint); 19 (Active Frontage Uses); Policy 21 (Location and Loss of Offices); Policy 23 (Protection and Location of Other Employment Uses); 26 (Community Facilities); 29 (The Evening and Late Night Economy, Food and Drink and Amusement Centre Uses); 30 (Arts and Culture); 31 (Streets, Character and Layout); 32 (Community Safety/Designing Out Crime); 33 (Building Scale and Design); 35 (Sustainable Design and Construction); 37 (Shopfronts and Advertisements); 39 (Streetscape, Landscape and Public Realm Design); 40 (Tall Buildings); 41 (Views); 43 (The River Thames Policy Area – Urban Design); 47 (Conservation Areas); 50 (Open Space and Sports Facilities); and MDO 88 (Glasshouse Walk, Tinworth Street and Vauxhall Walk). 12 Conditions & Informatives CONDITIONS 1 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice. Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2 No construction works shall commence until such time as full details of the proposed construction methodology, in the form of a Method of Construction Statement, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Method of Construction Statement shall include details and arrangements regarding: the notification of neighbours with regard to specific works; advance notification of road closures; details regarding parking, deliveries and storage (including details of the routing of delivery vehicles to and from the site and the accommodation of all site operatives', visitors' and construction vehicles loading, off-loading, parking and turning within the site during the construction period); details regarding dust mitigation; details of measures to prevent the deposit of mud and debris on the public highway; and other measures to mitigate the impact of construction on the amenity of the area. The details of the approved Method of Construction Statement shall thereafter be implemented and complied with for the duration of the construction process. Reason: To ensure minimal nuisance or disturbance is caused to the detriment of the amenities of adjoining occupiers and of the area generally, and avoid hazard and obstruction to the public highway. (Policies 7, 9 and 31 of the Saved Unitary Development Plan). 3 Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved plans, prior to the commencement of above ground development works of the relevant building (i.e. the student accommodation or the hotel/community centre) hereby approved, detailed construction drawings (including details of ledges, parapets, fills, fixings, canopies, undercroft soffits and shopfronts) at 1:20 scale shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter only be completed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure an adequate quality of detailed design so as to safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality (Policies 33, 37, 40, 43 and 47 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 4 Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved drawings, prior to the commencement of above ground development works of the relevant building (i.e. the student accommodation or the hotel/community centre) hereby approved a sample panel of the materials to be used in the external elevations of the relevant buildings shall be provided on site for the local planning authority's inspection and subsequent written approval. Thereafter the development shall only be constructed in accordance with the details approved. Reason: To ensure an adequate quality of detailed design so as to safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality (Policies 33, 37, 40, 43 and 47 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 5 Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved plans, no construction works above ground shall commence until details of a scheme of public art work on the southern flank elevation of the hotel (proposed hotel elevation 6: Drawing 1240.1235) and full details of the signage of the northern elevation of the hotel (proposed hotel elevation 4: Drawing 1240.1235) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter the development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To accord with the details previously approved by the Local Planning Authority under application 12/03155/DET, as without further detailing/interest these elevations would present bland and/or large areas of unbroken brick which would be at odds with the prevailing character of this fine grained area (Saved UDP Policies 33, 47 and MDO88 and Core Strategy Policy S9). 6 No development above ground shall commence until full details of all gates and railings (including details of hinges, fixings, sections and locks) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the gates and railings approved shall be provided in accordance with the approved details in advance of the first occupation of the development. Reason: To ensure an adequate quality of detailed design so as to safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality (Policies 33, 39 and 47 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 7 Notwithstanding any indications illustrated on drawings already submitted, the central pedestrian mews shall be provided in accordance with a scheme of soft and hard landscaping (which shall include samples and a schedule of materials, details of street furniture, a planting schedule and details of ongoing maintenance) which has prior to first occupation been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: To ensure satisfactory provision of a pedestrian mews through the site (Policies 33, 39, 47 and MDO88 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 8 No development works above ground shall commence until full details and a schedule of public realm works (comprising of resurfacing works to Tinworth Street carriageway and improved paving, dropped kerbs and tactile paving, where appropriate, on Tinworth Street, Vauxhall Walk and Glasshouse Walk and improvements to the approach to Spring Gardens, including a new raised paved crossing point linking the park with the new public realm route through the development) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter no occupation of the development shall commence until the public realm works, as approved, have been implemented to the satisfaction of the local planning authority. Reason: To ensure the provision of the public realm improvements necessary to facilitate the development (Saved UDP Policies 9, 39 and MDO88 and Core Strategy Policies S4, S9 and PN2). 9 Prior to the commencement of building works above ground, full details of the layout, landscaping (hard and soft), furniture and on-going maintenance of the external communal amenity space for the student accommodation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The external communal amenity space shall thereafter be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the student accommodation and retained thereafter for the duration of the development. Reason: To ensure the provision of a sufficiently high quality external communal amenity space for the development to benefit the occupants of the development and to lessen the impact of the development upon local amenity spaces that would otherwise occur (Policies 33, 39 and 50 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 10 The development shall be constructed and operated thereafter to 'Secured by Design Standards'. A certificate of accreditation to Secured by Design Standards shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval in writing prior to first occupation. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory attention is given to security and community safety (Policy 32 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 11 Prior to first occupation of any part of the development hereby permitted, details of all access control & segregation systems to the various uses and functions within the buildings, as well as access control into the car parking and servicing areas (to include the details and design of the access-control gate-sets) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details as approved shall be provided in advance of the first occupation of the development and thereafter retained for the duration of use. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory attention is given to security and community safety (Policy 32 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 12 Prior to first occupation, a Management and Maintenance Plan (including detailed risk assessments on community safety and security of residents and users, as well as the safety and security of the building, any car parking and amenity space and mitigation in respect to multi-use conflicts such as antisocial behaviour, litter and noise and potential crime risks) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter the development shall not be operated other than in accordance with the details as approved in the Management and Maintenance Plan. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory attention is given to security and community safety and to residential amenity in the vicinity (Policies 7 and 32 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 13 Prior to the commencement of building works above ground level, full details of a lighting strategy, including details of the lighting of all communal and public areas in and around buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved lighting shall be installed before the commencement of use and shall be maintained thereafter for the duration of the development in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory attention is given detailed design, to security and community safety and to providing acceptable living environments for future residents of the development (Policy 7, 32 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S2, S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 14 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class A of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order), no gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure, other than those that may be approved pursuant to other conditions of this consent, shall be erected within the application site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the details of the proposal (Policies 9, 33 and 39 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 15 No plumbing or pipes, other than rainwater pipes, shall be fixed to the external faces of buildings. Reason: To ensure an appropriate standard of design (Policy 33 Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S9 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 16 Prior to the commencement of building works above ground level, full details of internal and external plant equipment and trunking (including building services plant, ventilation and filtration equipment) and commercial kitchen exhaust ducting / ventilation, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All flues, ducting and other equipment shall be installed in accordance with the approved details prior to the relevant use commencing. Reason: To ensure that no nuisance or disturbance is caused to the detriment of the amenities of future residential occupiers or of the area generally (Policy 7 and 29 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S2 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 17 Noise from any mechanical equipment or building services plant shall not exceed the background noise level when measured outside the window of the nearest noise sensitive or residential premises, when measured as a L90 dB(A) 1 hour. Reason: To protect the amenities of future residential occupiers and the surrounding area (Policies 7 and 29 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S2 of Lambeth's Core strategy). 18 At least 10% of the hotel accommodation shall be wheelchair accessible. Reason: To secure appropriate access for disabled people, in accordance with London Plan Policy 4.5. 19 At least 10% of the student accommodation shall be wheelchair accessible or easily adaptable for wheelchair users. Reason: To secure appropriate access for disabled people, in accordance with London Plan Policy 7.7. 20 The development shall be constructed to meet at least BREEAM 'Very Good' for all elements of the scheme. No later than 6 months from the first occupation of the development, verification that the development has achieved the relevant targets shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure sustainable design and construction (Policy 35 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S7 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 21 The buildings shall achieve a 25% improvement for carbon dioxide emissions reduction relative to minimum 2010 Building Regulation requirements. Notwithstanding the details already submitted, no development above ground level shall commence until a finalised Energy Strategy (demonstrating how the targets for carbon dioxide emissions reduction are to be met and including commitment to connecting to a district heat network should one become operational) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority (in consultation with GLA officers). Thereafter the development shall only be implemented in accordance with the approved Energy Strategy and no later than 6 months from the first occupation of the development, verification that the development has achieved the relevant targets shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development makes the fullest contribution to minimising carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with London Plan Policy 5.2 and Core Strategy Policies S7 and PN2. 22 The development shall only be be implemented in accordance with the programme of archaeological work set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeological Observation and Recording (Wessex Archaeology: July 2012) previously approved by the local planning authority under decision notice 12/03160/DET (issued 13.09.2012). Reason: To minimise the potential damage to archaeological remains (Policy S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 23 No impact piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods shall take place until a piling/foundation method statement (detailing the type of piling/foundations to be undertaken and the methodology by which such piling/foundations will be carried out, including measures to prevent and minimise the potential for harm/damage to ground water, subsurface water or sewerage infrastructure, and the programme for the works) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Any piling/foundations must be undertaken in accordance with the terms of the approved method statement. Reason: The proposed works will be in close proximity to underground water and sewerage utility infrastructure and piling has the potential to impact upon local underground water and sewerage utility infrastructure (Policies S6 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 24 No construction works shall be commenced until impact studies of the existing water supply infrastructure have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority (in consultation with Thames Water). The studies should determine the magnitude of any new additional capacity required in the system and a suitable connection point. Thereafter the development shall only be constructed in accordance with the agreed arrangements. Reason: To ensure that the water supply infrastructure has sufficient capacity to cope with the additional demand (Core Strategy Policy PN2). 25 Commencement of the relevant stage of construction shall not occur until the following components of a scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority: 1. A site investigation scheme, based on previous findings to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site; 2. The site investigation results and the detailed risk assessment (1); 3. An options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken. 4. A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in (3) are complete and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the details and measures approved. Reason: To ensure appropriate consideration and remediation of risks associated with contamination of the site (Policies S6 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 26 Prior to occupation of any part of the development, a verification report demonstrating completion of the works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The report shall include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with the approved verification plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It shall also include any plan (a "long-term monitoring and maintenance plan") for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification plan, and for the reporting of this to the local planning authority. Reason: Depending on the outcome of any ground investigation and subsequent risk assessment, it may be necessary for remediation to be carried out. If this is the case, it will be necessary to demonstrate that any work has been carried out effectively and the environmental risks have been satisfactorily managed (Policies S6 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 27 If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the Local Planning Authority for, an amendment to the remediation strategy detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with. Reason: Any visibly contaminated or odorous material encountered on the site during the development work, must be investigated (Policies S6 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 28 Prior to the commencement of use any part of the development, a Waste Management Plan(s) for the relevant part of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The waste management plan(s) shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details for the duration of the relevant uses. Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and the provision of recycling facilities on the site and in the interests of the amenities of the area. (Policies 9 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S8 and S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 29 Prior to the occupation of more than 50% of the student accommodation hereby permitted, the retail (class A1) unit and the B1 office space shall be completed and available for occupation in accordance with the plans hereby approved. Reason: To ensure the satisfactory provision of employment/commercial floorspace on the site (Policies S3 and PN2 of Lambeth's Core Strategy and saved UDP Policies 21 and 23). 30 No part of the building hereby permitted shall be occupied or used until the provision for cycle parking shown on the application drawings has been implemented in full and the cycle parking shall thereafter be retained solely for its designated use. Reason: To ensure adequate cycle parking is available on site and to promote sustainable modes of transport. (Policies 9 and 14 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S4 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 31 The scheme for parking, manoeuvring, and the loading and unloading of vehicles shown on the submitted plans shall be laid out in accordance with the approved details prior to the initial occupation of the development hereby permitted and that area shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose, or obstructed in any way. Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn clear of the highway to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway (Policies 9 and 14 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S4 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 32 Prior to first occupation of the development, a Parking Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The plan shall be inclusive of details of parking space allocation, details of access and details of how parking outside of the designated spaces will be prevented and policed. The Parking Management Plan shall thereafter be implemented for the duration of the development, unless the written consent of the local planning authority is received for any variation. Reason: To ensure proper management of the parking areas (Policies 9 and 14 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policy S4 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 33 No part of the buildings hereby permitted shall be occupied or used until a strategy for the management of deliveries and servicing for the relevant part of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Deliveries and servicing shall thereafter be carried out solely in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To avoid hazard and obstruction being caused to users of the public highway and to residential amenity (Policies 9 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S2 and S4 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 34 Prior to first occupation of the development all existing access points not incorporated in the development hereby permitted shall be stopped up by raising the existing dropped kerb/removing the existing bellmouth/and reinstating the footway verge and highway boundary to the same line, level and detail as the adjoining footway verge and highway boundary. Reason: To limit the number of access points along the site boundary for the safety and convenience of the highway users (Policies 9 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S4 and S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 35 No part of the development shall be occupied until the new means of access has been sited, laid out and constructed in accordance with the details shown on Drawings C643/1 (refuse vehicle swept path analysis), C643/3 (delivery vehicle swept path analysis), C643/11 (Service Access and Mews Entrance) and C643/13 (Construction Details) – details as were approved by the local planning authority under decision notice 12/03161/DET (issued 04.10.2012). Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the access (Policies 9 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S4 and S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 36 Above ground construction works for the development shall not begin until details of the disposal of surface water from the highway have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and no part of the buildings shall be occupied until the works for the disposal of surface water have been constructed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To minimise danger and inconvenience to highway users (Policies 9 and 33 of Lambeth's Unitary Development Plan and Policies S4 and S9 of Lambeth's Core Strategy). 37 The development works shall only be carried out in accordance with the Strategy to minimise disturbance to protected habitats and species (as may potentially exist on the site) approved by the local planning authority under decision notice 12/03162/DET. Reason: To ensure suitable regard is had to protected habitats and species as may potentially exist on the site (Core Strategy Policy S9). 38 No development works above ground shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailed schemes for the design, construction, establishment and sustainable management of all areas of brown/green roof proposed for the application site. The brown/green roofs shall thereafter be provided and retained and managed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that opportunities to maximise the biodiversity value of the site are maximised and to ensure promote rainwater attenuation and management to reduce potential for flooding (Core Strategy Policies S6, S7 and S9). 39 Prior to the commencement of use of the new community centre, a Community Use Plan relating to the use of the community space by the wider community shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall be inclusive of details of the fit out of the space, the nature of the intended use of the facility, the terms of availability to local residents both within and outwith the development, who will assume responsibility for the management and up-keep of the facility and measures that will be employed to minimise disturbance to neighbouring residential properties. Thereafter the community facility shall only be provided and operated in accordance with the Community Use Plan approved; unless the written permission from the local planning authority is received for any variations. Reason: To maximise the planning benefit of the community facility as set out in the application submissions and to protect the amenity of neighbouring properties (Core Strategy Policies S1 and S2 and Unitary Development Plan Policies 7 and 26). 40 Prior to the occupation of the student accommodation a Student Move In/Out Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter the management plan as approved shall be operated for the duration of the student accommodation use. Reason: Activities related to the students moving into and out of the accommodation would have the potential to adversely effect the function and safety of the surrounding highway network (Saved UDP Policy 9 and Core Strategy Policy S4). 41 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans, other than where those details may be superseded by details as may be approved pursuant to the requirements of the other listed planning conditions. Drawings 1240_1204; 1240_1205; 1240_1206; 1240_1207; 1240_1210; 1240_1211; 1240_1212; 1240_1213; 1240_1214; 1240_1217; 1240_1218; 1240_1220; 1240_1221; 1240_1222; 1240_1225; 1240_1226; 1240_1227; 1240_1228; 1240_1229; 1240_1232; 1240_1233; 1240_1234; and 1240_1235. 1240_1208 1240_1215; 1240_1223; 1240_1230; 1240_1209; 1240_1216; 1240_1224; 1240_1231; Reason: To ensure that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved planning consent. 42 The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and associated Addendum by Royal Haskoning and the following mitigation measures detailed within the approved FRA: finished floor levels at first floor level (where residential uses are to be located) shall be set at a minimum of 8.5 metres above Ordnance Datum (mAOD); and the implementation of appropriate flood resistant and resilient measures within the ground floor and basement area, where practical consideration allows, using the guidance contained within Approved Document C of the Building Regulations and the document 'Improving the flood performance of new buildings: flood resilient construction' which was published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) in 2007; Reason: To reduce the impact of flooding both to and from the proposed development and third parties (Core Strategy Policy S6). 43 The surface water drainage scheme for the site approved by the local planning authority under decision notice 12/03163/DET shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the development. Reason: To reduce the impact of flooding both to and from the proposed development and third parties (Core Strategy Policy S6). 44 No infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground is permitted other than with the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority, which shall only be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to Controlled Waters. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approval details. Reason: Whilst the principles and installation of sustainable drainage schemes are to be encouraged, infiltrating water has the potential to cause remobilisation of contaminants present in shallow soil/made ground which could ultimately cause pollution of groundwater. INFORMATIVES 1. This decision letter does not convey an approval or consent which may be required under any enactment, by-law, order or regulation, other than Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Regulations, and related legislation which must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council's Building Control Officer. 3. Street Naming & Numbering As soon as building work starts on the approved development, you must contact the Street Naming and Numbering Officer if you need to do any of the following: - name a new street - name a new or existing building - apply new street numbers to a new or existing building - apply new numbers to internal flats or units This will ensure that any changes are agreed with Lambeth Council before use, in accordance with the London Buildings Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 and the Local Government Act 1985. Contact details for the Street Naming and Numbering Officer are listed below: Tom Brown Street Naming and Numbering Officer, London Borough of Lambeth, Ivor House, 1 Acre Lane, London SW2 5SD email : [email protected] telephone : 020 7926 2283 4. Where a developer proposes to discharge groundwater into a public sewer, a groundwater discharge permit will be required. Groundwater discharges typically result from construction site dewatering, deep excavations, basement infiltration, borehole installation, testing and site remediation. Groundwater permit enquiries should be directed to Thames Water's Risk Management Team by telephoning 020 8507 4890 or by emailing [email protected]. Application forms should be completed on line via Any discharge made without a permit is deemed illegal and may result in prosecution under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991. 5. The applicant is advised to contact Thames Water Developer Services on 0845 850 2777 to discuss the details of the piling method statement. 6. Under the terms of the Duty of Care Regulations 1991, the Hazardous Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2005, the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 and other waste legislation, contaminated materials that are excavated, recovered or disposed of are classed as controlled waste and must be handled, transported, treated and disposed of accordingly. Developers should ensure that all contaminated materials are adequately characterised, both chemically and physically, and that the permitting status of any proposed off-site operations is clear. Please contact John Vincent (Groundwater & Contaminated Land Technical Officer) on 01276 454459 or email [email protected] for further details. 7. Thames Water recommends the installation of a properly maintained fat trap on all catering establishments. They further recommend, in line with best practice for the disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease, the collection of waste oil by a contractor, particularly to recycle for the production of bio diesel. Failure to implement these recommendations may result in this and other properties suffering blocked drains, sewage flooding and pollution to local watercourses. Further information on the above is available in a leaflet, ‘Best Management Practices for Catering Establishments’ which can be requested by telephoning 0203 577 9963. 8. Thames Water requests that you should incorporate within your proposal, protection to the property by installing for example, a non-return valve or other suitable device to avoid the risk of backflow at a later date, on the assumption that the sewerage network may surcharge to ground level during storm conditions. 9. With regard to surface water drainage, Thames Water advise that it is the responsibility of a developer to make proper provision for drainage to ground, water courses or a suitable sewer. In respect of surface water you should ensure that storm flows are attenuated or regulated into the receiving public network through on or off site storage. When it is proposed to connect to a combined public sewer, the site drainage should be separate and combined at the final manhole nearest the boundary. Connections are not permitted for the removal of Ground Water. Where the developer proposes to discharge to a public sewer, prior approval from Thames Water Developer Services will be required. They can be contacted on 0845 850 2777. 10. Thames Water advise that overall flows to combined sewers should not exceed historic flows and this may often be achievable by agreed surface water retention. 11. As per the advice of English Heritage, it is recommended that an enhanced programme of archaeological Observation and Recording would be appropriate. By enhanced, it is recommended that the area for ground reduction be stripped under archaeological supervision so that any surviving archaeological evidence can be investigated, identified and recorded, prior to construction. 12. All external communal lighting and car parking lighting should adhere to BS 5489. White light is preferred for areas where CCTV is used and elsewhere high pressure sodium is acceptable. A Lighting engineer should be consulted to provide a well designed scheme. This should be in vandal resistant housings providing even light with no shadows or voids and minimal light pollution. A minimum uniformity rating of 25% and above with a colour rendition index rating of 60 and white light where CCTV is used is desirable. 13. A CCTV system is recommended for all communal entrances and exits, vulnerable points in car parking areas and associated public realm or vulnerable communal areas. However, this is only effective if it is constantly monitored and clearly defined objectives are set for the system. Internal & external CCTV cameras should compliment each other to provide “defined” cover subject to any risks identified. It may be more effective to do this in one overall system rather than piece-meal. 14. Lighting schemes should compliment the CCTV system to ensure quality pictures, especially at night. Cameras capable of operating at night may be beneficial in areas where lighting may be reduced. Any monitored CCTV system that is installed must suit the environment it is to be used in, any recorded images must be of sufficient detail and quality that they can be used as valid evidence in a court of law. Any system specified, must comply with the legal requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, (see for more information.) 15. At the entrance and exit doors and any other designated points any system fitted should be able to provide identification quality images. More guidance on CCTV systems can be found on the PSDB publication 17/94 CCTV Operational Requirements Manual. This is available free from the Home Office website: 16. Bin stores should be inside a secure building or structure with a lockable door fitted with a slam shut facility to discourage arson, prostitutes, drug addicts and rough sleepers. 17. The design and construction of this development may compromise the performance of the Emergency Services AIRWAVE radio / communication system. Please request the architect to consult with either [email protected] or [email protected] to ensure that the AIRWAVE system is capable of operating effectively within the building as well as outside. 18. Your attention is drawn to the advice on SuDS contained within the Environment Agency's formal consultation response - copy already supplied to the applicant.
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