A Teaching Magazine of Pastor Gregg Johnson & The Mission Church Ministry Staff Volume 3 Issue 3; Autumn 2006 Subscribe to Leadership Teaching Magazine online at -orSend letter of request with name, address, ministry position and vision to A Closer Look at What It is and How to have It • When is it really a revival? • The four phases of revival • Revival in history GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCES • Marks of true revival • And much, much more More Than Conquerors Returns to West Africa November 7-11, 2006 Accra Ghana Page 23 Equipping Great Leaders for the Great Commission LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE CONTENTS WHEN IS IT REALLY A REVIVAL?.......…...….………… Rev. Gregg Johnson The Mission Church page 3 ….. Preface: Revival Is a Process……………………… Phase One: Realizing You Need It………...………. Phase Two: Reaching Up for More………………… Phase Three: Receiving What You Need….………. Phase Four: Reaching Out with What You Have…. page 4 page 5 page 7 page 9 page 11 MINOR PROPHETS MAJOR FOCUS IS REVIVAL……... Richard Langford page 14 MARKS OF REVIVAL……...……………………………….. J. I. Packer page 16 Chief Editor: Gregg Johnson Distribution: Martha McNeal REVIVAL IN THE CHURCH…………………...…………… Evangelist Greg Hubbard page 17 A GREAT RESOURCE FOR LEADERS REVIVAL IN HISTORY………………………………..……. Evangelist Bob Fisher page 19 THE NEED FOR REVIVAL……..…………….….....……... Rev. Nikil Adwalpalker page 21 3RD MORE THAN CONQUERERS IN WEST AFRICA... Promotional page 23 4101 Rt. 52 Holmes NY 12531 visit us on-line at www.missionchurch.com Phone: 845.878.3380 Fax: 845.878.3316 [email protected] [email protected] Leadership Teaching Magazine is a great resource for pastors, missionaries and all who are engaged in Christian Leadership. This quarterly publication is developed by Pastor Gregg Johnson and staff of The Mission Church and is provided free to all leaders of ministries who strive toward greater effectiveness in the ministry they serve. Leadership Teaching Magazine endeavors to fulfill the following values: • TO EQUIP by providing teachings, insights and information to Christian leaders in foreign lands who are unable to access mainstream media. • TO ENCOURAGE the body of Christ around the world by inspiring the church’s leaders to persevere through challenges, adversity and even persecution. • TO EXHORT men and women in leadership to demonstrate the example of Christ through godly devotion, love of the brethren and commitment to the family. Leadership Teaching Magazine is published quarterly by The Mission Church 4104 Rt. 52 Holmes NY 12531. ISSN 1550-6819. Postmaster send address changes to The Mission Church 4101 Rt. 52 Holmes NY 12531. Volume 3 Issue 3 ©2006 The Mission Church. Leadership Teaching Magazine is a publication of Pastor Gregg Johnson and The Mission Church. Articles authored by Pastor Gregg Johnson are the property and ©copyright of Gregg Johnson and are used by permission. Reproduction in whole or in part of any articles is prohibited. Permission to reproduce articles in whole or in part is granted only to Christian Leaders for ministry purposes when acknowledgement of authorship is given and for use in non commercial media. If you are a leader in Christian ministry and would like to be added to our mailing list, please send a written and signed request to our office (see insert) or visit www.leadershipteachingmagazine.com to subscribe. Page 2 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE ney goes on to elaborate) revival is more—much more than that. When the Holy Spirit brings revival to a church, it is like a paramedic performing CPR or mouth to mouth resuscitation on a dying patient. It is not enough for the paramedic to simply force air into the lungs of an unconscious body. The “body” has not been “revived” until it starts breathing on its own. Revival, therefore is not when God breathes on a church—revival is when God gives the church the ability to breath on its own. Dr. Gordon Anderson, president of North Central University of the Assemblies Pastor Gregg Johnson of God said revival is a “period of time when people are awakened to the reality of an ever present, ever willing God.”5 James Packer provides a more descriptive idea of revival; he said it is “the visitation of God which brings to life Christians who When Evangelist Steve Hill gave an have been sleeping and restores a deep altar call at Brownsville Assembly of God sense of God's near presence and holion Sunday Morning, June 18, 1995, he ness. Thence springs a vivid sense of sin never imagined it would trigger a pheand a profound exercise of heart in repennomenon that would reach around the tance, praise, and love, with an evangelisworld. For the next five years an estitic outflow.” When revival comes to a mated three million people would attend church, it brings more than fiery preachwhat became known as “The Brownsville ing, souls slain in the spirit and a testiRevival.”1 But was it really a “revival?” It’s mony of signs and wonders. Revival will a fair question in light of Brownsstand the church on its feet ville Assembly’s present condition. ...For some, revival is the “breath of God” and put it to work. Today, more than ten years later, In this edition of Leaddemonstrated by stirring sermons, lively the church has suffered the disership Teaching Magazine, we sension and resignation of its re- worship and supernatural signs...However, will address the “character” of vival leaders, diminished signifirevival. Rather than centering revival is not merely when God breathes cantly in membership and owes on the temporary excitement over $9 million dollars in debt.2 and the more sensational on a church—revival is when God gives In January of 1994 another aspects associated with it, we “revival” occurred in a Canadian the church the ability to breath on its own. hope to examine revival from church called Toronto Airport aware of the positive influence they have a more practical and theological viewChristian Fellowship. Over 300,000 people had on the Body of Christ. As well, I am point. In doing so, may the Lord help us visited the church and some even testified certain they have done more to promote to understand exactly what it means when of healings, salvations and a greater the kingdom of God than most pastors a church is in need of, praying for or in awareness of God’s love.3 But was it really could ever dream of doing. Despite their the midst of REVIVAL! a “revival?” The “Toronto Blessing,” widespread notoriety however, church “Will You not revive us again, that known mostly for the unusual behaviors it leaders today—especially in Pentecostal Your people may rejoice in You?” Psalm produced such as hysterical or “holy circles—must use discernment and think 85:6 laughter” and other strange extremes was critically when it comes to “revival.” If we eventually denounced and ousted by its are to remain credible, we must do more affiliated authority, The Vineyard Fellow- than simply pound the pulpit with dra- Endnotes ship. It was accused of going “over the matic flare. We must put substance before 1. See article at: http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Brownsville_Revival edge” by encouraging believers to roar sensation and seek revival as God truly 2. See article at: http://www.cbn.com/ like lions and bark like dogs while attribut- intends it. spirituallife/ChurchAndMinistry/ ing such acts to the inspiration of the Holy Charles Finney, the renowned 18th Charisma_Grady_Brownsville.aspx Spirit.4 century evangelist defined revival as God 3. See article at: http://en.wikipedia.org/ I hear preachers say it all the time. breathing “a fresh inrush of divine life and wiki/Toronto_blessing “We need revival!” or “We need the power into a body threatening to become 4. See article at: Marcia Ford, "Toronto power of God to fall upon us!” And usu- a corpse.” And for some, this is all revival Church Ousted From Vineyard," Charisma ally, such statements are punctuated by amounts to—the breath of God demonand Christian Life, 2/96, p. 12 shouts of “Amen!” and nods to the af- strated by stirring sermons, lively worship 5. A Theology of Revival; Dr. Gordon Anderson; audio series delivered at North Cenfirmative by some well meaning believers and supernatural signs. However (as Fin- When is it really a “Revival?” seated in the audience. I also hear it in prayer meetings: “God send revival!” or “Holy Spirit come and revive our church!” With these passionate pleas come a rise in the emotional current of the prayer meeting as believers cry out, “Yes, Lord!” or “Do it God!” It seems no other declaration or prayer request provokes more passionate agreement from Pentecostals like a plea for “Holy Ghost revival.” But what exactly are we asking for? What is revival? Is it what happened in Brownsville? Is it what occurred in Toronto? Without doubt, “calling for revival” seems sincere, sounds spiritual and gets people excited, but do church leaders fully grasp what revival is and do we really understand the message we send to people by telling them they need to be revived? Sadly, some do not. In fact, many leaders are losing credibility because their notion of revival is shallow and superficial and goes no further than whipping people into an emotional frenzy. It is temporary excitement without long term transformation. I sincerely do not mean to speak critically of the Brownsville Revival or the Toronto Blessing and I hope my readers will forgive me if I seem to do so. I am fully tral University The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 3 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE “revival.” Why does this happen? Simply stated, it is because our “spiritual capacPastor Gregg Johnson ity” is limited. We lack the depth of spirit and breadth of character to sustain what The church is full of “revival junk- there must first be a season of sowing, God wants us to have. In a sense, God ies.” Like addicts searching for another reaping, breaking, seeking and ulti- may pour gallons of Holy Ghost water fix, these spiritual “junkies” run from mately, growing. When that occurs re- upon us, but our spirit can only hold a church to church seeking the sights and vival will be more than a “flash flood” of pint. sounds of revival. But revival is more power, it will be a stream of life bringing It is in this “process of revival” that than an event; it is more than a mo- lasting fruit to thirsty lives. Sure, we God attempts to deepen our spiritual ment of excitement that is quickly for- might go to an anointed revival service capacity. Rather than just pouring somegotten. One cannot simply visit a and get “wet,” but if we haven’t sowed, thing into us that dries up in a matter of church service, have hands laid upon reaped, broken and sought, the next day days, He brings us through a cycle of him or her and get revived. Although it we’ll probably dry up again. Without sub- breaking, digging, sowing and reaping is possible to sit amongst a people who mitting to the process, revival won’t that, not only brings new life into us, it are in a process of revival, and be en- “stick.” enables us to breathe on our own. We riched by the encounter, it is not take up new habits, new patpossible to experience true revival terns, and new beliefs that keep It is not possible to experience true reuntil first submitting to the procus in the current of God’s flowing ess of revival—the transformation vival until first submitting to the process presence instead of standing on that brings lasting, fruitful change. the shoreline hoping for a few of revival—the transformation that True revival is a process of splashes. brings lasting, fruitful change. transformation which awakens the Dr. Gordon Anderson, presichurch to the reality of God, dent of North Central University, aligns the people with His perfect will Have you ever gone to a series of an Assemblies of God college in Minneand energizes them to serve His pur- dynamic meetings, a special retreat or sota conducts a seminar entitled, “A pose. Rarely does such a change occur exciting convention and had a genuine Theology of Revival.”1 In this class he because of a few sermons and an altar and profound encounter with God? In emphasizes the above truth by elocall. Usually, it occurs because the peo- fact, you felt recharged and revitalized; quently identifying and explaining the ple have been engaged in this “process your vision was expanded, your call was four phases of revival. The following artiof transformation” over a long period of confirmed—you even had someone cles I’ve written draw their inspiration time. prophesy and impart an anointing to from his lectures and reflect some of the The prophet Hosea described it like you. It seemed great for the moment, concepts and descriptions Dr. Anderson this: “Sow for yourselves righteousness; but it wasn’t long—maybe a few days— originally espoused. reap in mercy; break up your fallow before all the excitement and energy of —Pastor Gregg Johnson ground, for it is time to seek the LORD, that experience was gone. In a brief till He comes and rains righteousness matter of time you deflated and went Endnotes on you” (Hosea 10:12). God will revive back to the same, mundane, defeated 1. See article at: http://www.northcentral.edu/ those who are dry and parched, but lethargy that dominated you before the president Revival Is a Process Global Leadership Training Conference GOA, INDIA; JANUARY 2006 From January 31 through February 3, 2006 Global Leadership Training conducted a leadership conference targeting pastors and church leaders in Goa, India. Over 700 attended this event and testified to the impact of its unique theme: The Character of Leadership. Pastor Gregg Johnson founder of Global Leadership and senior pastor of The Mission Church presented teachings on subjects such as integrity, humility, pastoral ethics, sexual integrity in ministry, and much more. Other speakers in the conference included Pastor Wayne Tate, worship and fine arts pastor from Manna Page 4 Church in Fayetteville, NC who taught on themes of worship in the church. Pastor Charles Mulema Kinusu founder and senior pastor of Nairobi Gospel Centre in Nairobi, Kenya spoke about vision, raising leaders and communication. Avi Adwalpalker, Mission Church elder taught about financial integrity and his wife Donna spoke about women's ministries. Pastors testified that this kind of material has rarely been taught to leaders in their region and they enthusiastically received every message. So successful was the conference that plans are set for conducting a third Global Leadership Conference in Mumbai (Bombay) city. Over 2,000 pastors and church leaders are expected to attend. Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE condition by giving them a false security. How many mainline denominations as well as Pentecostal churches are filled with people who think they are Pastor Gregg Johnson devout because they are spiritually religious? They worship with hands held The first step in the process of re- and praying for the sick can all be reli- high, heal the sick or go to the altar vival is a step of realization. It is when gious. Any time the form or function of speaking in tongues but feel no regret good Christians realize their faith in God an activity is emphasized more than the for gossip, lust or jealousy. They teach has stagnated into a religious exercise heart condition behind it, it is nothing in Sunday School or sing in the choir rather than thriving as a living relation- more than religion. It is possible for which seems to validate them spiritually ship with Christ. Dr. Gordon Anderson “spirit-led” people to become so well even though their hearts are full of bitcalls this the “Religion Phase,” it is when versed in Pentecostal practices that they terness and carnal inclinations. people who are in the habit of attending perform them with little thought and Even more numbing is the effect of church and going about the work of even lesser passion. And what is worse, the “anointing” on those who are religministry, realize that “something is miss- the performance of these duties serves to iously Pentecostal or Charismatic. Very ing.” convince us that we are right with God. often when we worship and go to the That missing “something” was foreIn this sense, religion is not only de- altar or serve God in ministry, He mertold by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy ceptive, it is dangerous. In fact, Dr. cifully provides His unction to help or to 3:5. He said in the last days there would Anderson states two reasons that a reli- heal us. Even when we don’t deserve be a form of godliness without the gious spirit is the single greatest hin- his touch or have entertained sin in our power. Paul was concerned that latter drance to revival: first, because religion lives, the grace of God still affords his day Christians would have all the exter- has a numbing, narcotic effect on believ- blessing to us. Unfortunately, our relinals of the faith but would lack the inner ers; and second, because religion op- gious spirit misinterprets the anointing quality of a life driven by the Holy Spirit. poses revival. as validation and it becomes a sedative There would be big churches, fancy fanumbing us to our spiritual sickness. cilities and impressive budgets; believSuch was the case in Judges 16 Religion as a Narcotic ers would be busy with kingdom busiwhen Samson persisted in his sin. He Religious activity becomes dangerous lusted after a Philistine woman but still ness; there would be programs and when it allows people to think they are had anointing to kill a lion (Judges ministries and massive campaigns. But, doing something spiritually worthwhile 14:1-6). He spent the night with a Galike the hard working church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:2-4, their religious zite harlot but in the morning had activity is a pretense for those who to pull up the city gates Religion is any set of creeds, traditions strength have left their “First Love.” (Judges 15:1-3). He fell in love or practices that causes people to be- with Delilah and visited her bedMistakenly, many Pentecostals believe they are “above” such a lieve they are spiritually alive when in room often but still had power to condition (after all, we have the break free from the ropes she truth they are not! baptism in the Holy Spirit). To the bound him with (Judges 16:4-14). Pentecostal, the idea of being reliOne can imagine Samson rationalgious applies to mainline denominations while actually numbing them to their true izing, “It’s not a problem that I visit with their cold, stone cathedrals steeped spiritual poverty. In John 4:18, Jesus harlots and commit fornication, for I in rote liturgy and prewritten prayers. confronted the sin of the woman at the still have the anointing. This may not They imagine an apathetic congregation well: “You have had five husbands, and be sin at all, God is still with me; God going through the motions of faith— the one whom you now have is not your still uses me; I still have authority as a kneeling, standing, sitting, singing— husband…” How did she respond? She leader over God’s people and experiwithout the substance of faith in their said, “Sir, I perceive that You are a ence His power.” The anointing on his hearts. But religion is not only limited to prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this life, together with his religious attitude traditional churches; it can happen in mountain and you Jews say that Jerusa- numbed him to his depravity and gave Pentecostal and Charismatic congrega- lem is the place where one ought to wor- him a false sense of security. ship.” She pointed out how religious she tions as well. It is the “Samson Syndrome” and Religion is any set of creeds, tradi- was; and that religious spirit made her far too many have been blinded by it tions or practices that cause people to numb to the gravity and the reality of her today. Preachers commit sin but still believe they are spiritually alive when in sin. She was an adulterer and a fornica- feel power in the pulpit. Church leaders truth they are not! Speaking in tongues tor, but because she and her family hold onto carnality but pray for the sick can be religious. Lifting hands and sing- “worshiped,” she felt no remorse. and see miracles. Prophets prophesy Religion is a spiritual narcotic for with Spirit-led accuracy even though ing worship choruses can be religious. Taking sermon notes, going to the altar souls that are spiritually dying. It anes(Continued on page 6) thetizes people to their depraved spiritual Phase One Realizing The Need The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 5 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 5) their hearts are secretly laden with pride. Tragically, their religious activity together with God’s merciful touch upon them brings them under a type of religious blindness. They believe that all is well and are unable to see that the Spirit is grieved by the condition of their heart. Religion as Opposition Another way religion is dangerous is by acting to oppose revival. John 11:38-44 provides one of the greatest miracles performed by Christ on earth. Lazarus died and lay in a grave for four days. In a magnificent display of His omnipotent power, Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth.” Within moments, the resurrected form of this once dead man appeared standing in the threshold of his newly vacated tomb. It is a clear demonstration of God’s willingness to be present among His spiritually dying people to revive, restore and renew. However, in the midst of this great demonstration of revival power, religion boldly resisted it. In John 11:4557, the chief priests and Pharisees, the religious leaders of that day, began plotting how they could not only kill Jesus—the one who initiated revival, but also kill Lazarus—the one who had experienced revival (John 12:10). It reveals what happens when revival comes; religion wants to put an end to the move of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because religion is threatened by revival—in two ways. First, revival always threatens “status quo.” The nature of religion is to be content with status quo, to feel secure in long standing traditions and familiar rituals. The Pharisees felt secure in the four hundred year old religious system they had set up. It provided a neatly packaged understanding of who God is and how people should relate to Him. When Jesus came He threatened to change all that. Similarly, when revival comes today—true Spirit led revival—it usually changes things. Long standing traditions are disrupted; time honored rituals are challenged or even cast aside. For the religious, this is far too Page 6 radical a paradigm shift. Dancing? Weeping? Altar calls? Falling down? Longer worship? Because it feels “too strange and different” and threatens the traditional religious model that makes people feel secure, they resist it. Secondly, revival often brings a threat to those in control. It wasn’t enough that the Pharisees felt secure in long standing religious traditions, they were empowered by their control over those traditions. They were the leaders, the spiritual power brokers who were esteemed by the people to have an “in” with God. When Jesus came, He threatened their prominence and popularity. People started looking to Jesus and His disciples as spiritual leaders which eventually caused them to question the authority of the Pharisees. This is often the same reason why religious leaders today resist revival. They don’t want others questioning the traditions they have superintended for so long nor do they welcome other “less orthodox” personalities to become as popular and esteemed as them. As a result, they may brand these new leaders as rebels, radicals or spiritual usurpers. • When sinners are careless and stupid, it is time Christians should stir themselves. Beyond these, perhaps the truest test of needing revival is being able to read this list without any concern—it is feeling convinced you don’t need one. When a person reasons: “I go to church on Sunday, that’s enough. I don’t need more of Jesus,” it may well be an indication that he or she has become numb to his own spiritual need. As you read this edition of Leadership Teaching Magazine, may it be more than a doctrinal dissertation, may it result in a stirring in our soul for a closer, more vibrant walk with Christ. —Pastor Gregg Johnson Endnotes 1. Revival Lectures, Charles G. Finney, Fleming Revell Company, Old Tappen NJ; pg 17 Realize the Need Are you in need of revival? Is your church in need of revival? The religious tendencies in all of us tend to blind us to our true condition and prevent us from pursuing a new outpouring of God’s power. To help us, the renowned evangelist Charles Finney gives seven conditions that reveal a need for reviving:1 • • • • • When there is want of brotherly love and concern between professors of Christianity, then a revival is needed. When there are dissensions and jealousies and evil speakings among Christians, then there is a great need of revival. When there is a worldly spirit in the Church. When the Church finds its members falling into gross and scandalous sins, then it is time to awake and cry to God for revival. When the wicked triumph over the Churches and revile them, it is time to seek for a revival. & ATTENTION Pastors Church Leaders in Ghana and West Africa Register now for the 3rd More Than Conquerors West Africa Leadership Conference November 7-11, 2006 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE “revival junkies.” This phase of revival is usually limited to a remnant of people who mean business with God. As a church moves into this phase of Pastor Gregg Johnson revival, there are several cultural dynamics that will begin to change. In fact, if R. T. Kendell, author of “The Anoint- exist as a dead sect, having the form of you are looking for revival in your ing” wrote, “If the Holy Spirit were taken religion without the power…”2 Revival church, these can serve as benchmarks completely from the Church, 90 percent begins when people refuse to exist as a to pray for and topics to preach on. of the work of the Church would go right dead sect and make changes in their Seven Signs of on as if nothing had happened." He goes lives that move them closer to God. Phase two is the part of revival that on to say, too many churches today "are Impending Revival churni ng out an abundance of is most demanding and life changing. It "Christian" activity that has no touch of is when Christians are seeking and tar1. Softening of Hearts rying, fasting and praying, crying out to God upon it.”1 The first stage in the process of re- God for a change and committing themWhen Hosea told the Jews (a nation vival is a point of realization. It is an selves to more diligent and devoted of farmers) to break up the fallow awareness that something is missing spiritual disciplines. It is when pro- ground, they knew he was referring to from one’s spiritual life. Unfortunately, longed seasons of prayer are called, the condition of their hearts. Fallow many people never make it past this and people linger at the altar. The wor- ground is soil which had once been tilled point. Although aware that they lack ship is more intense and the preaching and was good for planting but (through spiritual life and power, they fail to do is more confrontational. People are of- neglect) had become dry and brittle. The anything about it. Instead, they become ten found repenting of their sin, con- prophet was saying their hearts, though complacent and digress to a state of fessing their faults, and weeping at the once eager for God, had become hard apathy and spiritual and needed to be broken up, softened The great sin of the latter day church is indifference. The evenand made ready to receive again. People tual end is a life that is not that we have lost the presence of God in this second phase of revival have bebarren, fruitless and come aware of their own fallow condiin our lives. The great sin of the church is void of spiritual vitality. tion. They are responsive to preaching, But then there are that we have become content to live withto altar calls, to worship much the way a those few who, upon farmer digs into the brittle earth to turn out it and do nothing to get it back. realizing their spiritual it over and make it good again. Rather poverty, become desperate and cry out. lack of God’s presence in their lives. than justify their sin, they are willing to They determine to do something about This is what is meant by Hosea when he look closely at the issues in the character their condition; they stir themselves up prophesied about breaking up the fallow and confess their faults. and take hold of Christ. This is the sec- ground and seeking the rain of rightond phase of revival: when religious eousness. 2. Repentance people resolve to change their religious It is interesting to note, however, Without question, this phase of repretense. It is when they say: “What I that no one writes articles or shares vival is the most difficult and pivotal am is no longer acceptable. I can’t live testimonies about this phase of revival. step. It is when we confront the reality with this barrenness of soul any longer, I They don’t come from Charisma Magaof where we are spiritually. It is when must have more.” zine or the local newspapers to do feawe break free of comfort zones, pull Charles Finney said, “Christians are ture stories about people in all night down the strongholds and expel the more to blame for not being revived prayer vigils or share quotes from Hell powers that have held us in their grip. than sinners are for not being con- shaking sermons. Usually, newspapers This is more than standing around in a 1 verted.” The great sin of the latter day come later during the next phase of prayer circle and praying tired, timid church is not that we have lost the pres- revival when there are healings, masprayers; it is when we repent, renounce ence of God in our lives. The great sin of sive altar calls and people are slain in and purge. It is when we deal with the the church is that we have become con- the spirit by the dozens. That’s when doors that had been shut on the Holy tent to live without it and do nothing to the cameras start rolling—but not when Spirit and rip down the “no trespassing th get it back. John Wesley, an 18 century the intercessors are travailing, the signs” meant to keep Him out. During Anglican Church leader anticipated this preachers are rebuking sin and the this phase, we confess attitudes and sins when he wrote concerning his own de- church members are repenting. Neiand things in our lives that have hinnomination: “I am not afraid that the ther, at this time, will the church start dered, grieved, and quenched the move people called Methodists should ever filling up with newcomers from around cease to exist either in Europe or Amer- the city. That usually happens when the of the Holy Spirit upon us. ica. But I am afraid lest they should only sensational stuff starts attracting the Phase Two Reaching Up for More (Continued on page 8) The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 7 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 7) 3. Priority of Prayer Why is the prayer meeting usually the least attended? It is because the enemy attacks prayer more than any other function of the church. He knows that corporate prayer leads to strong churches and victorious believers. His attack, however, is not usually blatant and outright; usually, he tries to “erode” the prayer meeting. He will gradually try to get us to put other things before it and make it a low priority item. Eventually, the prayer meeting is no longer a sacred, significant gathering. It becomes expendable, negotiable and easily set aside as picnics, family visits, and sporting events become more important than seeking God. But in an environment where people are being revived, people will be compelled to intercede. The norm will be “come and pray.” The enemy will begin to lose his grip on the church as it takes its place of rightful authority in Christ’s name. ship, the words ring true and hold sincere meaning because they truly convey where the worshiper is at spiritually. Old time Pentecostals had a saying known as “praying through.” It was more than a cliché, it meant something. 6. Word of God Praying through what? It was praying True revival will always bring peothrough all those areas of resistance in ple back to the Word of God. When the the flesh, those carnal ways opposing saints are hungry to hear from God, the will of God. Rather than relying on this is where they will turn. Of course weak, liturgical prayers that someone there will always be those who come else wrote; rather than reciting feeble, with personal prophecies and words of meaningless supplications that barely knowledge—these are good and have lasted beyond what the flesh could entheir place. But, they are never a subdure, these old saints prayed through. stitute for the Word of God. Sermons Likewise, as we are praying through, that are intellectually stimulating or something is going on inside of us—we psychologically therapeutic will have are being changed. More specifically, we little impact on the soul hungry for reare “praying ourselves” into a condition vival. He or she wants the Word of of receiving, accommodating, and susGod; they want scripture; they want taining the move of God upon us. In the doctrine; they want to be set free and it first phase we had a limited spiritual is only when one knows the truth that capacity that lacked the depth to sustain he can really be set free. the power and life God wanted to pour into us; in this phase, through It is one thing to receive an anointing 7. Sense of Expectancy prayer, fasting and seeking we are from God, it is another thing to be able to increasing our spiritual capacity for There can never be a birth withgreater measure of God’s manifest maintain that anointing on a daily basis. out there first being a pregpresence. nancy. There must first be nine months 4. Corporate Prayer Meetings 5. Worship As more individuals gain an appreciation and love for prayer, they will find themselves gathering, sometimes impromptu, for corporate prayer. More and more these people will come together to pray and eventually they will petition the church leadership to conduct and advertise organized prayer meetings for the entire church. Unfortunately, the least attended church service is the prayer meeting. Not the Bible study or homegroup where we talk about prayer, not the prayer breakfast where we eat, fellowship and pray for five minutes, not the worship service where we sing about prayer. It is the prayer meeting—the actual service where Christians are supposed to pray— that is usually the worst attended event in the church. In fact, Dr. Anderson suggests that if the prayer meeting is the least attended event in the church, then the church needs revival; and, if prayer is a low priority in your life, then you are in danger of being religious and you need revival. It has been said that worship is the breathing mechanism of the church. It is how we connect to God on a tangible, touchable way. People who are in the religious phase are bothered by worship. They see it as something other people do, but it’s not “their thing.” As a result, their experience with God is mostly theoretical and intellectual rather than personal and experiential. God wants to have a tangible connection with His people and one of the ways He does this is by “inhabiting the praises of His people.” People who are on the verge of revival yearn for more and more worship. They are people of His presence. They have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and want more. Old, traditional songs take on new significance; the words become a burning reality that cause people to weep and bow and break before God. Choruses such as “Lord I Give You My Life” and “Open the Eyes of My Heart” or “Amazing Grace” are not just mere words being recited to music. Instead they become a prologue to wor- Page 8 growing, changing, preparing in which the mother is expecting new life. In the same way, true revival does not come until there has first been a season of pregnancy before birthing. People will become “expectant” in their spirits for revival. There will be a sense that God is about to do something new that causes people to seek Him more diligently and with greater intensity. Conclusion Without question, phase two is the most significant and important piece of revival. Without this time of breaking, sowing and seeking, the blessings we receive will be short lived and unsustained. This stage of revival establishes the quality of our spirituality; it determines our spiritual character that sustains and supports the manifest presence of God in our life. In other words, it is one thing to receive an anointing from God, it is another thing to be able to maintain that anointing on a daily basis. (Continued on page 9) Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE strating His power and anointing. To further understand this, Doctor Gordon Anderson explains a truth concerning the “Concealed Ubiquity of God.” Pastor Gregg Johnson It means that while God is omnipresent, His glory and power are usually concealed. God is everywhere at all times— The Bible reveals that the God we that which we are seeking. As Finney His power to heal, save and deliver is seek is one who responds. Proverbs defined it, revival is “a fresh inrush of always present—but there is a difference 8:17 says “those who seek Me diligently divine life and power.” It is when God between God being present and his preswill find Me.” In Jeremiah 29:13 we are starts breathing new life into us—as ence being manifested. It is one thing for assured, “…you will seek Me and find though He is performing, not artificial Jesus to be present on the Sea of Galilee, Me, when you search for Me with all respiration, but divine respiration. The it is another thing for Him to say to the your heart.” “Draw near to God and He Lord is not “just present”—He begins to storm “Peace by Still.” It is one thing for will draw near to you” is the promise of “manifest His presence.” Jesus to be present at the Pool of BeJames 4:8. And Hebrews 11:6 boldly This is the phase that most are re- thesda, it is another thing for Him to asserts “…He is a rewarder of those who ferring to when they say, “That place is start healing people. When it comes to diligently seek Him.” Those of us who in revival.” Why is revival assumed? understanding revival and the revealing will acknowledge our need for revival Because they are “acting revived.” They of God’s power, there must be a distincand take the next step of “reaching out are dancing or crying; they are laughing tion made between the omnipresence to God for more,” have the assurof God and the “Manifest Presence of ance that He will reach back to us God is everywhere at all times—His God.” The omnipresence of God is a and reveal His power and majesty. fact of His nature. The manifest presThe next phase of revival is the power to heal, save and deliver is al- ence of God is an act of His will. It is phase of receiving. As Dr. Anderson ways present—but there is a differ- the ability, activity, and energy of God states: “It is when you get it!” It is ence between God being present and moving and flowing to accomplish His the exciting part of revival in which purposes. Jesus may have been his presence being manifested. God responds to our seeking and “present” at the tomb of Lazarus, but “shows up” with His power and presthe dead man was not revived until ence. or falling down; prophecy is flowing, Jesus manifested His authority. The During the second phase of revival, worship is dynamic, altar calls are over- twelve disciples were always in the we are reaching up. We realize our cold, flowing and people are seemingly ex- “presence” of Jesus, but it wasn’t until dead religious state, repent of it and periencing the move of the Holy Spirit in He activated His glory on the Mount of press into a fuller revelation of God. The their lives. Indeed, such manifestations Transfiguration that His true divine presthird phase is when we begin to receive are typical of a place that is being re- ence was revealed. vived—both scripture and history bears this out. But the presence of such maniThe Anointing (Continued from page 8) festations is not the full consummation Here, in phase two we develop those of revival. In fact, this is only a stage of With this revelation of God’s presdisciplines which allow us to do so. Hab- revival—and this third phase is actually ence, comes a dynamic which is central its of daily prayer and bible reading, the threshold of an even greater work to Pentecostal tradition: “The Anointing.” patterns of deeper worship and self de- that God is trying to do. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is nial give us a spiritual character that can Quite often, in an attempt to under- upon Me and has anointed Me” (Luke support the manifest presence of God in stand or explain this dynamic of God’s 4:18). Acts 10:38 says, “God anointed our life. Without them, we are nothing revealed power, the church employs Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit more than spiritual junkies running from certain metaphors. We often hear state- and with power…” In the Old Testament, church to church, looking for revival, but ments like, “God showed up!” or “the an “anointing” was an act of consecraunable maintain the blessings we re- Holy Spirit came down!” or “the pres- tion; the priest would pour oil (a type of ceive. ence of God was there.” Of course we the Holy Spirit) over an object or person —Pastor Gregg Johnson understand that God is omnipresent; in to signify that it was being set apart and other words, He is everywhere, all the used for a special purpose of God. In the time. These metaphors are not suggest- New Testament, this same concept apEndnotes 1. The Anointing, R.T. Kendell; Thomas Nelson ing that the Holy Spirit was not “down plies when the Holy Spirit is at work. Publishers, Nashville TN. 1999 here” to begin with or that “God wasn’t When “God shows up,” that is when He 2. How to Experience Revival, Charles Finney, there” before the revival. Rather, it is manifests His presence, it is to respond compiled by E. E. Shelhamer, Whitaker expressing that God—while always to those who are seeking and searching House, 1984, Springdale Penn. Pg. 10 3. See article at http://en.thinkexist.com/ there—had become active by demon- Phase Three Receiving What You Need quotes/john_wesley) The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training (Continued on page 10) Page 9 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE body. You cannot hear or feel them of the Holy Spirit; most likely they are for Him. He energizes the atmosphere because you are not tuned to the right not. Instead, they are physical or emowith His glory, touches lives, heals frequency. But if you were to get a ra- tional reactions to being touched by the hearts, convicts sinners and revives the dio, turn it to the right channel, you will omnipotent, limitless power of the Holy church. Mark Wright describes it like receive the signal being sent out. Most Spirit. It’s what happens when our limited this: “…it is a tangible energy. It is tan- people are so tuned into their problems spiritual capacity connects to God’s unlimgible in that you can feel it. When the and carnal emotions that they can’t ited ability. Skeptics ask, “Why do people anointing is strong enough you can ac- receive the “signals” being sent by God. fall down when the Holy Spirit touches tually feel it. It feels like hot oil touching There is too much static interfering them?” The answer is simple: “They can’t you. It feels like electricity or waves of with their “feeler.” stand up.” In Exodus 33, Moses said to liquid peace.”1 In revival, however, when the God, “I want to see your glory.” God said, Receiving from God cannot occur anointing is moving, people get tuned “If you see my glory, you will die.” In eswithout the anointing; that’s why the into what God is doing. They start to sence, God was saying that man in his very definition of a “dead church” is a change their focus from the earthly to mortal, corrupt condition and limited spirichurch without unction. There may be the heavenly. No longer are they tual capacity is not able to handle God’s good, exegetical preaching, but if glory. When man does “plug in” or there is no anointing, there is no “tune in” to what God is doing, power to convict the heart or “Strange reactions” are not manifestathings happen. There are physical transform a life. A song may be or emotional reactions such as faltions of the Holy Spirit. Rather, they skillfully performed, but without are physical or emotional reactions to ling down (or being slain in the anointing it has no ability to inspirit), crying, shouting, screaming, spire or pull us closer to God in being touched by the omnipotent, limit- jumping, running and even laughworship. There may be prayers ing. If you were to plug a bulb less power of the Holy Spirit. offered—even hands laid upon meant for 110 volts into a socket sick folk—but without anointing those mostly concerned with the issues of carrying 220 volts, guess what will happrayers are just words void of unction to this life, the anointing draws them, pen. There will be sparks. break curses, heal diseases are pull deep calls unto deep, and they are Of course, when God moves in such a down strongholds. Isaiah 10:27 tells us, tuned into the spiritual issues that God way and people are receiving and react“…the yoke will be destroyed because of is addressing in their lives. Perhaps, in ing, there are going to be extremes and the anointing oil.” Fellow church lead- this sense, our prayer should not be for excesses. Anytime fallible humans are ers, let us recognize if the anointing is God to show up—but for His people to involved in a spiritual equation, things are missing from our church. God help us to “wake up.” bound to get messy. In fact, contrary to know if we have become reliant on our what 1 Corinthians 14:40 says about programs and personality to build the maintaining “decency and order,” things Strange Reactions church without His supernatural blessoften get out of order. That is why it is so As the glory of God is revealed and important for leaders to remain balanced, ing. If so, let us cry out to God that He may “come down” and fill the house people become tuned into His pres- well grounded in the word, and submitted ence, it often results in a third dynamic, to their own spiritual authorities who, with His presence. the occurrence of “Strange Reactions” having the advantage objectivity, can to the touch of the Holy Spirit. People draw the assembly back to order that is Tuning In fall down, some may cry or shake. Oth- proper and fitting the body of Christ. ReAnother dynamic often associated ers may laugh uncontrollably while oth- member the words of Paul in 1 Timothy with the third phase of revival is this: ers may dance and jump and stand for 3:15: “…I write so that you may know people get “Tuned In” to what God is hours with hands held high in the air. how you ought to conduct yourself in the doing. These are the sensational aspects of house of God...” Very often God is moving, but many revival that draw the most attention. That said, I would add this final people are completely out of touch with Specifically, the media starts to notice. thought: I would much rather have a Him and complain, “I don’t ‘feel’ God.” Newspaper reporters start reporting the church where the Spirit of God is moving, In such times, the problem is not with “bizarre happenings at the Pentecostal the anointing of God is flowing and peoGod; the problem is “You need to get church.” Magazines do exposés on the ple are reacting (even over reacting) to your ‘feeler’ fixed.” Revival is a period of revival leaders and, in some cases, the touch of God, than have a church that time when people get their “feelers television crews will park outside the has no flow of the spirit at all. fixed” and are awakened to the reality church hoping to get some video of the —Pastor Gregg Johnson of an ever present, ever willing God. hype for the 6:00 PM broadcast. Think of your spirit like a radio. It may seem strange, but when Endnotes Right now there are hundreds, even “God shows up,” it should be expected. 1. See article, “The Role of the Anointing” by thousands of radio waves penetrating That is not to say that the above Mark Wright at http://www.missionchurch.com /archives/anoint1.html the room you are in and even your very “strange reactions” are manifestations (Continued from page 9) Page 10 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE Phase Four Reaching Out with What You Have Pastor Gregg Johnson In Matthew 10:7-8 Jesus said, “As you go, preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand; heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” In the first phase of revival we realize our need. In the second phase we reach up to God for more. The third phase of revival is the “receiving” phase when the power of God is given “to us, for us.” But why does God fill us? Are we to simply be blessed, act more spiritual and have exciting church services? Quite the contrary; He fills us up in order that He may get us out of the church and flow through us to the world. He gives to us freely, that we may freely give to others. This is the final phase—the consummation of revival; it is when revived people take what they have received from God to a lost and dying world. Dr. Gordon Anderson calls it the “reaching out” phase and says, “In phase three healthy people fall down; in phase four, lame people get up and walk.” To understand this, consider that the Bible symbolizes the anointing (the manifest presence of God in revival) as a flowing river, not a stagnant pond. In both John 7:37 and Ezekiel 47, the anointing is metaphorically depicted as a river of water moving toward low spots (or places needing more water). This means that the anointing flows toward needs. If we want to keep the waters of revival flowing then we must be out where the needs are; otherwise, the waters of revival could actually stagnate and produce spiritual death. Consider the Dead Sea located in Israel. It’s “dead” because it is stagnant and cannot support life. Although many tributaries flow into it—including the Sea of Galilee—it has no means in which water can flow out. Consequently, the incoming water is poisoned by the abundance of torpid salt and minerals and all life is quickly killed off. This same effect can occur in revived churches that ne- glect to freely give what they have freely received. Rather than allowing their revival to mature to its final phase, the experience of “revival itself” becomes their focus. Revival (specifically, the demonstrative extremes of phase three) becomes their emphasis; revival becomes their vision, mission and entire ministry. Some churches have even boasted as being a part of that elite group of “revival churches.” Rather than taking the grace they received out to the lost, they scheduled more and more church services for Christians to come in and be blessed. Eventually, they became like the Dead Sea—more and more blessing came in but the waters Revival is not just jumping, dancing and seeking “more power”; revival is standing beside a hospital bed and saying, “rise up and be healed.” were stagnant and turned sour. Rather than looking outward to the lost, the church people became self absorbed, over critical and the people turned against one another. Sadly, the revival God sent to restore the church became a source of contention which poisoned the church, split it and killed the spiritual life that once thrived so abundantly. In phase four, revival is not just going to church; revival is getting out into the community. Revival is not just jumping, dancing and seeking “more power”; revival is standing beside a hospital bed and saying, “rise up and be healed.” In reality, we haven’t been revived because our worship is livelier or people fall down in the sanctuary— when we are confronting and pulling down the strongholds of the enemy out on the street, then we know we’ve been revived! The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Isn’t this what biblical Christianity is all about? Sharing the gospel with lost people, ministering hope to the hopeless, praying for the sick with power and authority; this is the normal standard for New Testament Christians. It is interesting, however, that what we call “revival,” God calls normal. Perhaps we have become so “subnormal” in our spiritual experience that the norm of scripture seems highly abnormal. Revival then is God simply restoring His subnormal people to a level of spiritual normalcy according to His Word. With this in mind, let us return to a former definition: “Revival is a fresh inrush of divine life and power into a body threatening to become a corpse.” Revival is divine respiration. It is more than God simply breathing on the church; it is God giving the church the ability to breath on its own. This is what happens in the third phase. God is reactivating His power in the lives of people—not so they can live at the altar looking for another three hours of being slain in the Spirit—but so they can rise up as a channel of His power to a lost and destitute world. In this sense, phase three is spiritual medicine bringing a sick patient back to health. But medicine is not food. If you are healthy, you shouldn’t need medicine and you certainly shouldn’t live on it. In the same way, revival is medicine for sick churches. Once a church becomes healthy, rather than asking for more and more medicine, it should get busy doing what a healthy church does: reaching the world and making disciples. That is not to say, however, that a church will not need a dose of medicine from time to time. In fact, in my church we set aside a season every year for spiritual renewal and revival by confessing our sins and religious tendencies, refocusing on prayer and setting aside special revival services to receive what God wants to give us. Revival though, is not our main emphasis—it is our medicine. The dynamic extremes of phase three are not supposed to be our daily bread; they are vitamin shots bringing us back to a place of biblical normalcy—the lifestyle of phase four. So what is the “lifestyle of phase four?” That is, what is normal? What is (Continued on page 12) Page 11 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE God doesn’t need our money; His ability to run the universe is not dependant on our few meager dollars. Rather, tithing provides a regular, consistent measure of accountability that is proportionate to our standard of income. When we tithe, it constantly brings us back to the place of submission to God’s call to be first in our lives. Every week, as we pay it, we are rededicating ourselves to His control and expressing our submission to Him. In this sense, tithing is a more significant act of worship than singing, dancing or lifting of hands. Put God first in your INTERESTS. I Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whatever you do, do it all for God's glory.” This means your classroom with respect and do your assignments with excellence. If you are an athlete, play sports with an attitude of gratitude and humility, not with pride and arrogance. Put God first in your RELATIONSHIPS. You can tell if God is a priority in one’s life by the friends he or she chooses. Why? Because we become like the people we spend the most time with. That is why Proverbs 12:26 warns us: “The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” People who are serious about God being first are Loving God cautious about who they let into their The first outcome of revival is life. If we spend time with people who “Loving God with all your heart, have no relationship with God, soul and mind.” In Revelation, the I’m not impressed by revivals because mock God or want nothing to do church at Ephesus had been acwith God, it will affect our faith and cused of leaving its first love; re- people come to the altar or cry and weep imprint on our mind. vival is that time when a church or fall down. I’m impressed by revivals You may not start mocking God returns to its first love: the Lord- that result in people paying their tithes, with them, but their attitude will ship of Jesus Christ. Rick Warren, quench your love and devotion for author of The Purpose Driven Life repenting of ungodly interests, breaking God and turn you into a quiet, casand senior pastor of Saddle Back off unrighteous relationships, honoring ual Christian who rationalizes, “I church in California offers an exGod in their schedules and turning to don’t want to seem like a fanatical cellent acrostic to explain what it kind of Christian.” In time, their God when they are in trouble. means to put God first in one’s cold, hostile spirit will turn you in life. The word “FIRST” is represented by in everything from our job to our leisure to a lukewarm believer. Finances, Interests, Relationships, Put God first in your SCHEDULE. to our hobbies, all should be done with a Schedule and Trouble. view to the glory and honor of God. This If God is truly first in lives, then He Put God first in your FINANCES. speaks to two issues. First, it reminds us must be a priority in our schedules, in Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the LORD to be careful not to be involved in or in- our time. Ephesians 5:16 tells us to with your possessions, and with the terest ourselves in things that are un- “redeem the time, because the days are first- fruits of all your increase (income); godly. This includes things of the world evil.” The things that are most imporso your barns will be filled with plenty, that are carnal and practices on the job tant to us are the things we make time and your vats will overflow with new that are deceptive. It can remind us to for—we plan for them, schedule them, wine.” Our money is the number one be careful regarding certain kinds of make appointments with them. When test of our priorities. Most of our time, clothing we wear, the music we listen to God is first in our lives, He will be a pritalent, and energy are spent trying to the movies we watch and places we go ority in our schedule. More specifically, get it, keep it, invest it and enlarge it. to. How does our participation in these we will make a daily appointment with Therefore, what we do with our money things reflect on our Christian testimony Him to pray, read His Word and listen reveals where our hearts are and what for His voice. and relationship with God? is really important to us. This is why Put God first in your TROUBLES. Second, it speaks to attitude. One God has commanded the practice of might be wondering how he or she can One of most revealing tests of the sutithing. “You shall tithe all (your) inbe a truck driver to the glory of God or premacy of God in one’s life is how he crease…year by year…that you may sit in a college class to the glory of God or she reacts to trouble. In scripture, learn to fear the LORD your God. (Duet. or even play football to the glory of God. God says, “Turn to Me first when you 14:22-23). One version of scripture Simply stated, you can glorify God and have trouble.” Psalm 50:15 says it like says, “The purpose of tithing is to teach make him first by the attitude you dem- this: “Call upon Me in the day of trouyou to put God first in your lives.” Tithe onstrate in doing these things. Ephesians ble; I will deliver you, and you shall glosimply means one-tenth. In other 6:5-7 tells us, “servants (employees), be rify Me.” Many people—even Christians words, God says the first 10 percent of obedient to your masters (bosses)…as to who claim to serve God first—do not all we make goes back to Him. Why Christ; with goodwill doing service, as to turn to God. When they're in a tight does He require this? It is simply meant the Lord, and not to men.” In other situation, prayer is the last resort, not to help us keep God first in our lives. words, do your job with honesty and the first option. It is only after they do Tithing is not for God, it is for us. integrity. Work hard as unto God. Sit in (Continued on page 13) (Continued from page 11) the end result of a church that has been revived and what should we expect it to look like? For this answer, we need to look no further than the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 22:37-39 when asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Page 12 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 12) everything they physically can to try to correct the problem that they say, “I guess now all we can do is pray.” As though prayer is powerless and really makes no difference at all! Prayer should not be your last resort; it should be your first option. If you are treated unethically or hurt by someone, pray “Help.” If you get bad news about kids, health, or finances—Make God the first resort in a crisis. He is waiting. In fact, He commands us to turn to Him first as an expression of His being first in our lives. “Seek first the kingdom of God [put Him first in every area of my life] and all these other things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). Revival is more—much more than dynamic manifestations and deep spiritual experiences. The primary test of revival is not what Christians feel, but what they do. It is when Christians start putting God first in their lives. I’m not impressed by revivals because people come to the altar or cry and weep or fall down. I’m impressed by revivals that result in people paying their tithes, repenting of ungodly interests, breaking off unrighteous relationships, honoring God in their schedules and turning to God when they are in trouble. Loving Others In addition to Jesus’ demand that we love God first in Matthew 22, He provided a second example of normal Christian living, which is another standard outcome of revival. Revival should result in a people who “love their neighbors as themselves.” Revival will produce a community of believers who have the love of Christ and compassion for mankind. They will become vessels through which Christ reaches out to a lost and dying world. Revival will produce a people who are compelled to reach the lost. The Apostle Paul said, “For the love of Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians 5:14). A true, Holy Spirit imprinted love and compassion for others will be built into the spiritual DNA of the people. They will come to church, not just to get blessed, but to minister to and serve others. When you walk through the doors of a revived church, everyone wants to greet you, shake your hand and sit next to you. When David said “For (one) day in Your courts is better than a thousand (anywhere else). I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness…” He said it, not just because of the presence of God, but because of the atmosphere of love for others and concern for souls present in fellowship. Unfortunately, when most people say, “We need revival,” they are thinking mostly in terms of what they want for themselves: more gifts of the spirit, longer worship, more anointing, more healings and being slain in the Spirit. But the sum result of revival is not to get church members blessed—it is to get church members to bless others. In fact, if you were to join a community of believers that was in revival, they might ask you, “What are you doing every night for the next 2 years?” If you say, “Not much, watching TV,” they might respond, “Well, if you are going to be here, you have to come to prayer meeting, become an usher, work the altars, conduct visitations or hand out flyers.” People who have come through revival and are operating at a level of biblical normalcy are workers; they are ready to serve, to give and to do, so that others may be blessed. It is this dynamic that truly separates those who have passed from phase three (receiving blessing for themselves) and those who are fully revived and healthy: the ability to reach and serve others. People who have not truly been revived cannot tolerate the spirit and intensity of true revival. They are unable to tolerate the time involved, the sacrifice, required and the commitment that true, biblical Christianity demands. If you throw those requirements on a religious person, one who has not been seeking, praying or repenting it will choke them. They will whine and complain or even leave the fellowship accusing the church of being legalists and controlling or even branding it as a cult. In closing, I share a concern. During the great Pentecostal Awakening The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training that occurred on Azusa Street in 1906, it is repeatedly reported that a prophecy was uttered regarding the last days: “In the last days three things will happen in the Great Pentecostal Movement: There will be an over-emphasis on power, rather than on righteousness; there will be an over-emphasis on praise, to a God they no longer pray to; there will be an overemphasis on the gifts of the Spirit, rather than on the lordship of Christ.”1 In many of the so-called revivals I have been concerned that our focus has been on the wrong thing. For many of us today, revival is about us getting blessed, filled, anointed and prophesied over. But this is not revival. More anointing, more power, longer worship and a greater demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit may be a component of revival, but they are not an end in themselves. They are the medicine bringing us back to health. They are pieces in a process in which God returns us to loving Him and loving others. Church leaders, before we pound the pulpit with dramatic flare and call for revival—let us be careful to understand what we mean and where we are taking our people. —Pastor Gregg Johnson Endnotes 1. See article ALPHA: New Life or New Lifestyle? by Elizabeth McDonald at http:// www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~emcd/index12.htm “In the last days three things will happen in the Great Pentecostal Movement: 1. There will be an over-emphasis on power, rather than on righteousness; 2. there will be an over-emphasis on praise, to a God they no longer pray to; 3. there will be an over-emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit, rather than on the lordship of Christ.” Prophecy given during Pentecostal Outpouring at Azusa Street Revival in1906 Page 13 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.’ Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; Richard Langford Gather the people, Sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and nursing babes; Let the brideWhen we think of teaching about sliding, I will love them freely, For My groom go out from his chamber, And the revival that can be found in the Bible, anger has turned away from him. 5 I bride from her dressing room.” 2:12,15-16 our thoughts most often go to stories will be like the dew to Israel; He shall It is after the people have come to of great revivals like the one found in grow like the lily, And lengthen his roots this place of corporate conviction and reEzra 10:1-5. However, anyone inter- like Lebanon. 6 His branches shall pentance that the Lord responds: “The ested in learning what the Bible has to spread; His beauty shall be like an olive Lord will answer and say to His people, say about the dynamics that lead to tree, And his fragrance like Lebanon. 7 ‘Behold, I will send you grain and new revival would do well to spend some Those who dwell under his shadow shall wine and oil, And you will be satisfied by time in the study of the Minor Proph- return; They shall be revived like grain, them; I will no longer make you a reets. It should be noted that these And grow like a vine. Their scent shall proach among the nations.’” 2:19 prophets are referred to as the “Minor be like the wine of Lebanon. While many people make a practice of Prophets” because of the size of the Joel chasing revivals so that they can experibooks that bear their name; not beJoel was another contemporary of ence the manifestations of the outpouring cause their stature or the importance Isaiah and, like Isaiah; his commission of the Holy Spirit, when that is done withof their message is any less than that was to speak to the people of the kingout the time of fasting and prayer of the other prophets of the Bible. dom of Judah. prompted by a spirit of repentance, it will Hosea The opening section of the book of at most be an experience that fades in Hosea was a contemporary of Joel is a prophesy of the destruction real value over time. These people may Isaiah who was delivering his mes- that will come because God will remove experience the rain but will not see the sages in the kingdom of Israel full blessing of the fruit that the rain while Isaiah worked in the A time of corporate fasting and prayer is produces because they did not do courts of Judah. Hosea’s mesthe work of preparing the field. The sage to Israel was a powerful an important ingredient to revival. It is full blessing is overflowing abuncall to repentance and revival. a measure of the hearts of the people. dance, restoration of all that was The book begins with God consumed, living with the tangible telling Hosea to marry Gomer, a prosti- His blessing from the unfaithful nation presence of God in our midst, and tangible tute, in order to provide Israel with a of Judah. In the middle of his descrip- manifestations of the gifts of the Holy living illustration of God’s view of their tion of the devastation that is coming to Spirit in the congregation (Joel 2:23-29). sin. This illustration takes on more the nation, the prophet offers the fol- Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass aftersignificance in the light of the New lowing advice, “Consecrate a fast, Call a ward That I will pour out My Spirit on all Testament teaching about the church’s sacred assembly; Gather the elders And flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall identity as the bride of Christ (Rev all the inhabitants of the land into the prophesy, Your old men shall dream 21:9). Hosea’s living message to Israel house of the Lord your God, And cry out dreams, Your young men shall see visions. forces us to ask about our own faithful- to the Lord.” (Joel 1:14) 29 And also on My menservants and on ness to our relationship with Jesus. A time of corporate fasting and My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit The awakening to the reality of our prayer is an important ingredient to re- in those days.” unfaithfulness and the call to repen- vival. It is a measure of the hearts of Amos tance from that state are the prerequi- the people. If people have higher priAmos was also a contemporary of sites to revival. Revival will never oc- orities than participating in corporate Isaiah, Hosea and Joel; and like Hosea cur without awareness of a state of sin fasting and prayer, it is unlikely that delivered his messages to the people of and a spirit of repentance. they have come under conviction of sin, the kingdom of Israel. He was a common The first three chapters are about a spirit of repentance, and the resulting man; in today’s language we would refer the illustration of the marriage to desire for restoration. Therefore, it is to him as a day-worker. He did whatever Gomer and chapters 4-14 detail the unlikely that corporate revival will occur work he could find often working in the verbal messages that Hosea delivered and the spiritual state of the people will most menial jobs in that culture. to the people of Israel during the same continue to be eroded by the attacks of Among other things, Amos was used timeframe. The detailed message and the enemy in the same way that the by God to remind people that material the illustration follow the same se- wealth of Judah was consumed by lowealth is not necessarily a sign of God’s quence; the sequence we all must fol- custs in Joel’s prophesy. favor. His message of impending judglow to realize revival in our lives: conJoel reissues his call in chapter 2 of ment on the wealthy of his day for their viction, repentance, return, restoration. the book: “‘Now, therefore,’ says the Hosea 14: 4 "I will heal their back- Lord, ‘Turn to Me with all your heart, Minor Prophets Major Focus is Revival (Continued on page 15) Page 14 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 14) His willingness to forgive those who the work of preparation is ours. oppression of the poor bears a strong sincerely repent of their sin. Nahum witness still today. When we tie it to his It is a great picture of revival: The Nahum also prophesied around the messages about the complacency of the people of Nineveh are awakened to same period as Micah. Nahum’s prophpeople and their empty ritualistic form of their state of sin and informed of the esy is the next chapter in the story of religion we see a common condition in consequences of remaining in that Nineveh that we were introduced to in the world and even in the church today. state. They receive the message and the book of Jonah. Here we see that Through Amos the Lord asks the ques- respond with a period of heartfelt reafter a period of approximately 100 years tion, “Can two walk together, unless they pentance and prayer. God responds to are agreed?” (Amos 3:3). The context of the people and forgives their sin; and the people have once again slipped into the question is referring to Israel and the people return to a place of right their old sinful ways. In the context of this article, the God Himself as the two and clearly indi- living before God. message we can take from Nahum is cates that despite outward appearances That is the essence of revival and that revival is part of a cyclical process of religious activity and apparent material we see it at work in the city of Nineveh. that we, as people pursuing sanctificablessing, Israel is not walking with the Jonah also gives us an interesting tion are likely to go through many times Lord. picture of personal revival as the Amos call to Israel to see the errors prophet Himself has to go through a in our lives. After the revival we come of their ways and repent is one that similar sequence of recognition of sin, down from the mountain and are subject could be applicable in many churches repentance, prayer, forgiveness, and to the same forces and temptations that put us in a bad place to begin with. Our today where people have wandered from restoration/revival. hope is that, unlike Nineveh, even their walk and have instead dressed their though we continually move worldliness in religious garments. These are churches in need of While many people make a practice of through highs and lows in our walk, our trend is upward. revival. chasing revivals so they can experience Another great message in Habakkuk the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, Amos is the power of Intercessory Mixed in with the prophet’s prayer. Twice the prophet prays when that is done without a time of fast- forecasts of the impending deagainst an impending destruction struction of the nation at the ing and prayer prompted by a spirit of in Chapter 7 and God withholds hands of the Chaldeans is the His hand. Intercessory prayer repentance, it will at most be an expericlear message that focuses Paul’s should be a vital part of any pasence that fades in real value over time. doctrine in Romans and has tor’s revival strategy. opened the eyes of many seekers of God who were ensnared in false religObadiah Micah ion: “But the just shall live by his This is the shortest book of the Old Micah’s ministry is believed to have faith..” (2.4b). Testament. taken place from 750-700 BC, ending This must be the true objective of Obadiah delivers a message of judgsometime during the reign of Hezekiah. revival, to return to a life of faith. So ment against Edom for the harm they The book can be broken into three sec- many of the prophets we have covered have caused Israel. The Edomites are tions. Each section begins with an of- here point to the same problem, people unique in the Middle Eastern world befense of the nation against God but who are trying to justify themselves by cause they are not descendants of Abraends with a promise of deliverance. their own works. It is so easy for us to ham’s son Ishmael but are, like Israel, Once again we see the revival can fall into this trap. Revival is really a redescendants of Isaac. While the prophet only occur after an awakening to the connection with the futility of that lifeannounces judgment on all of the nations sinful state is realized. style; “vanity of vanities” as Solomon that have harmed Isreal (v. 15) there is a A whole message on revival can be refers to it in Ecclesiastes, and a recomclear message that because of the comtaught from Micah 7:9, “I will bear the mitment to a life of faith. mon ancestry in Isaac, Edom’s sin is indignation of the Lord, Because I have more grievous to God. Zephaniah sinned against Him, Until He pleads my With respect to revival the context is Zephaniah was a contemporary of case And executes justice for me. He clear: judgment awaits everyone, but will bring me forth to the light; I will Jeremiah and like Jeremiah was considdeliverance is available to those who are see His righteousness.” In this verse ered to be a doomsayer. Zephaniah’s the Lord’s. we see very powerfully and succinctly message, while being one carrying a Jonah the work of God as both the judge and stark warning of God’s judgment, was The Book of Jonah is very different the advocate for the sinner. Micah is also one of hope – it was a message of than the other books of the Bible be- showing us God the Father and Son in revival. Zephaniah 2:1 “Gather yourcause it tells the story of a reluctant action together. The work of revival is selves together, yes, gather together, O prophet sent to preach revival to a Gen- God’s, only He can breathe life into undesirable nation, 2 Before the decree tile city. It is a story of God’s grace and something that is dead or dying; but is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, (Continued on page 18) The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 15 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE embrace of the glorified, loving, pardoning Christ. Liveliness in Community. A reJ. I. Packer vived church is full of the life, joy and power of the Holy Spirit. With the Spirit's coming, fellowship with Christ is The features of revival movements ously to men's consciences, and there is brought right to the center of our woron the surface vary widely, perhaps as a no room for half measures in response. ship and devotion; the glorified Christ is Sensitiveness to Sin. Deep aware- shown, known, loved, served, and exresult of different settings, yet indeed God appears to delight in variety. Never- ness of what things are sinful and how alted. Love and generosity, unity and theless, at the level of deeper analysis, sinful we are is the third feature of re- joy, assurance and boldness, a spirit of there are constant factors recognizable in vival that calls for notice. No upsurge of praise and prayer, and a passion to all biblical and post-biblical revivals, religious interest or excitement merits reach out to win others are recurring whatever their historical, racial, and cul- the name of revival if there is no pro- marks of a people experiencing revival. tural settings. They number five, and are found sense of sin at its heart. God's So is divine power in their preachers, a coming, and the consequent impact of power which has nothing to do with described below. Awareness of God's presence. his word, makes Christians much more natural eloquence. The first and fundamental feature in re- sensitive to sin than they previously Fruitfulness in testimony. Revival is the sense that God has drawn were: consciences become tender and a vival always has an evangelistic and awesomely near in his holiness, mercy, profound humbling takes place. The per- ethical overspill into the world. When and might. This is felt as the fulfilling of verseness, ugliness, uncleanness, and God revives the church, the new life the prayer of Isaiah 64:1ff: 'O that thou guilt of sin are seen and felt with new overflows from the church for the conwouldst rend the heavens and come vividness. Under revival conditions con- version of outsiders and renovation of down, that the mountains might quake sciences are so quickened that convic- society. Christians become fearless in at thy presence . . . to make thy name tion of each person's own sinfulness be- witness and tireless in their Savior's serknown to thine adversaries, that the na- comes strong and terrible, inducing ago- vice. They proclaim by word and deed tions may tremble at thy presence.' God nies of mind that are beyond imagining the power of the new life, souls are 'comes,' 'visits,' and 'draws near' to One of the more striking features won, and a community conscience his people, and makes his majesty informed by Christian values known. The effect is the same as it of revival movements is the depth emerges. Also in revival times God was for Isaiah himself, when he 'saw of repentance into which both acts quickly; his work accelerates. the Lord sitting on a throne' in the Truth spreads, and people are born saints and sinners are led. temple and heard the angels' song — again and grow in Christ, with amaz'Holy, holy, holy'— and was forced to till they happen. The gospel of forgive- ing rapidity. cry, 'Woe is me, for I am ruined! Be- ness through Christ's cross comes to be Such in outline is the constant patcause I am a man of unclean lips, and I loved as never before, as people see tern by which genuine movements of live among a people of unclean lips' (Is. their need of it so much more clearly. revival identify themselves. Christians in 6:1-5). It is with this searching, scorchBut conviction of sin is a means, not revival are accordingly found living in ing manifestation of God's presence that an end; the Spirit of God convinces of God's presence (coram Deo), attending revival begins, and by its continuance sin in order to induce repentance, and to his word, feeling acute concern about that revival is sustained. one of the more striking features of re- sin and righteousness, rejoicing in the Responsiveness to God's Word. vival movements is the depth of repen- assurance of Christ's love and their own The sense of God's presence imparts tance into which both saints and sinners salvation, spontanenew authority to his truth. The message are led. Repentance, as we know, is ba- ously constant in of Scripture which previously was making sically not moaning and remorse, but worship, and tireonly a superficial impact, if that, now turning and change. Peter's listeners on lessly active in witsearches its hearers and readers to the the day of Pentecost were 'pierced to the ness and service, fudepth of their being. The statement that heart,' which literally means to inflict eling these activities 'the word of God is living and active and with a violent blow, a vivid image of an by praise and prayer. sharper than any two-edged sword, and acutely painful experience. Shattered, The question that piercing as far as the division of soul and the congregation cried out, 'Brethren, presses is whether spirit, of both joints and marrow, and what shall we do?' Peter showed them revival is actually disJames I. Packer able to judge the thoughts and intentions the way of faith, repentance, and disci- played in the lives of served as profesof the heart' (Heb. 4:12) is verified over pleship through Jesus Christ, and three Christian individuals sor of Systematic and Historical and over again. God's message—the thousand of them took it (Acts 2:37-41). and communities: Theology at Regospel call to repentance, faith, and holi- Revival always includes a profound whether this quality gent College and ness, to praise and prayer, witness and awareness of one's own sinfulness, lead- of Christian life is authored numerous books on reworship—authenticates itself unambigu- ing to deep repentance and heartfelt there or not. vival. Marks of Revival Page 16 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE out the book”. Imagine walking into a service and the people begin to cry out, “give us the Word”. When the manifest Evangelist Greg Hubbard presence of God falls upon a church, it does not, and should not mean that the Word has no place. The opposite in fact When we pulled into that church that the broken walls of Jerusalem would be true. In 2Timothy 4:3 Paul tells parking lot back in 1998 to set up our would be rebuilt. In chapter 1, Nehe- us “For the time will come when men will sound equipment and prepare for the miah was broken over the condition of not put up with sound doctrine. Instead special meetings, little did we know God’s people. The word says he wept they will gather around them a great that for the next seven weeks, we and fasted. How important that we number of teachers to say what their itchwould experience a sovereign move of understand that revival in the church ing ears want to hear”. May God pour in God that would forever impact our ALWAYS begins with, brokenness, all of us, a deep hunger for His Word! lives. For seven weeks, the altars were prayer, and a deep longing for God to Next we find that the people REpacked with people repenting and cry- visit us and restore us. As a result of CEIVED the Word of God. As Ezra read ing out to God. It was revival in the Nehemiah’s burden and passion, the from the Book of the Law from “daybreak church! Many were saved, healed, walls were rebuilt and the people were till noon” (vs3) the Bible says that the baptized in the Spirit, and called into restored. people wept as they listened (vs 9). In ministry. Fast forward to chapters 8 and 9 chapter 9:2, we learn that the people enNever before has the church and let’s look at the revival that took tered into a time of confession and repenaround the world needed revival as we place. tance. Every great revival in history has do now. Programs are wonderful as First off, the people were READY for been marked by a deep sense of sin folare beautiful buildings but nothing will a move of God! In chapter 8:1 we read lowed by repentance. ever take the place of a fresh move of that “all of the people assembled as one Finally in looking at this Old TestaGod in the midst of His people. man in the square before the Water ment revival, we can see that the people The Lord has clearly shared with Gate.” The people had just come RESPONDED. How critical in these last us His desire to send revival days that our hearts be in a in these last days. Along with There is NO QUESTION that God wants to place where we will respond to His desire to visit His church move of God. send revival to every church in every nation. the The in power, He has even shared key to a move of God just what will happen when He longs for us to stop long enough in our like this all goes back to chapter He does. In Joel 2:28 we pursuit for success, and ask Him to visit us one when man’s heart was broread “And afterward, I will ken over the conditions around in His power and glory. pour out my Spirit on all peohim…..and he prays. Prayer has ple. Your sons and daughters always been and will always be will prophesy, your old men will dream through an intense time of spiritual war- the key to any revival. dreams, your young men will see vi- fare and building. They were in great There is NO QUESTION that God sions. Even on my servants, both men need for a time of revival and refresh- wants to send revival to every church in and women, I will pour out my Spirit in ing. There’s a lot to be said for our be- every nation. He longs for us to stop those days”. The Lord has made it ing open, ready, and available for what long enough in our pursuit for success, clear that when revival comes to a the Lord wants to do. What a sight it and ask Him to visit us in His power and church, it will impact everyone from must have been to see everyone assem- glory. It will require the acknowledgethe children to the aged. He leaves no bling to seek the face of God. A won- ment on our parts, that we need HIM one out of the picture…..including you! derful example of this state of readiness more than anything. If you are still reading……you are is found in Acts 10. Remember when In discussing revival in the church, it probably hungry for revival in your life Peter showed up at Cornelius’ house to is important to realize that not everyone and in the church you serve in. To preach the Word? Acts 10:27 tells us in the church desires revival. Religious help us prepare and seek God for a that when he walked inside the house spirits despise revival as it threatens their genuine, great awakening in the body he discovered a large gathering of peo- control on things. Revival will affect our of Christ, He has allowed us in scrip- ple waiting for him. They were READY schedules, our programs, and our routine. ture, to see examples of powerful re- to hear the Word of God. Back in the great 7 week revival I menvivals among His people. One of my In this busy life that we live, may tioned earlier, it was not uncommon to favorites is found in chapters 8 and 9 God help us to cry out to Him for a hun- see people on their face before God for in the book of Nehemiah. ger and desire for all that He has for us. hours, just weeping and crying out to We must remember the setting in Along with our being ready for a Him. There must be a willingness on our which this move of God took place. move of God, we find in Nehemiah that part, to allow God to do things His way Nehemiah had been used mightily by the people REQUESTED to hear the and in His time. the Lord to rally His people and see Word. The people said to Ezra, “bring Revival in the Church (Continued on page 18) The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 17 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 17) Do you ever wonder why some churches never experience revival? In Jeremiah 3:3 we find the sobering words of the prophet when he said “Therefore the showers have been withheld, and no spring rains have fallen”. Jeremiah is pointing out to Israel their sin and idolatry that has left them dry. Why might God withhold the showers of revival from a church? First off, when there is a lack of UNITY, the showers will be withheld. When you look at the revivals in scripture and throughout history, there was a profound sense of unity among believers. Just as it was in Acts 2, we must be a people “TOGETHER in one place”. We must share that hunger and desire for God to move. Along with UNITY, there must be a sense of CONVICTION OF SIN. Jeremiah told the people that they had “the brazen look of a prostitute and refused to blush with shame”. 1 John 1:6 states that “If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth”. Revival begins with the awareness that we are ruined by sin and need God’s mercy. As we cry out to Him in brokenness over our sin, in a very real sense, revival has begun. Next, the showers will be withheld (Continued from page 15) Before the Lord's fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord's anger comes upon you! 3 Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord's anger.” The end of the book carries with it the promise of salvation for those who are the Lord’s. Zephaniah preached this message during the reign of King Josiah whom the Bible tells us oversaw one of the great revivals in Judah’s history; one that caused God to delay the invasion of Babylon (2Chr 34: 27-28); so, we can assume the message got through. Haggai and Zechariah Haggai and Zechariah are contem- Page 18 when the church maintains a PREJUDICE AGAINST EMOTION. When the glory of God visits a church, people will respond in a variety of ways. Dr. Gordon Anderson writes that the first stage of revival is when people reach out to God in prayer. He says the second stage of revival is when God comes down and touches lives. The third stage is our taking what the Lord has done in us and for us, to a broken world that needs Jesus. It is in that second stage when some may struggle with human responses to the presence of God whether it be weeping, shouting, dancing, or falling out in the Spirit just to name some. I recall a woman years ago who while at the altar, suddenly broke out in laughter. Some were deeply offended to the point of one deacon actually physically confronting the pastor. As he poked the pastor in the chest, he demanded that he never allow that in the church again. As it turned out, this woman had been beaten by her husband for years. How sad that while the Lord was pouring His love in her heart, some around her became agitated by her response. May God help us to keep our eyes on Jesus! Revival in the church, your church, can begin right now! We must become desperate for a move of God that will dramatically impact and change our hearts. We must expect the Lord to hear our cry and visit us with His glory. Jesus said in Matthew 24:12 “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved”. Revival is the answer for a cold heart. It was Charles Finney who said, “Revival is a new beginning of obedience to God”. One man wrote on revival that “For all of our talk on revival, and for all of our gigantic church activity, something is still missing.” How often we hear that something new has been added to this or that. The real trouble with us is that very “old” has been subtracted. We have words; we have statutes; we have the form, but it is without the force. We are waving the scabbard when the sword is gone.” God send revival to the church and begin it in me! poraries who delivered their message to the people of Israel during the return from the Babylonian captivity. Ezra 6:14 tells us that it was Haggai and Zechariah who spurred the people to return to the project of rebuilding the Temple that had been suspended for fifteen years at that point because of the schemes of the Samaritans. Once again we see the clear message of revival in both of their books; but we also see that revival is not something that happens because we show up at church on the right day and God starts doing miracles. Revival is hard work. It is pushing through obstacles and persevering through adversity. To me the rebuilding of the Temple is analogous to the work of prayer that has to be done in preparation for true revival. It speaks of wearing a sword to fight the enemy and at the same time, carrying the construction tools as well. The work of prayer is the refortification of the walls of the church and the preparation and anointing of the Sanctuary in anticipation that the Spirit of God will once again fill the Holy of Holies. The message of Haggai and Zechariah is a message to the church during this vital period of preparation. Since 1985 Greg & Robyn Hubbard have served as Assembly of God evangelists both in the U.S. and overseas. They can be reached at... http://www.hubbardministries.org/ Malachi Malachi is the last prophet of the Old Testament and delivered his message during the time of Nehemiah’s second return to Jerusalem or perhaps just before his return. Here we see that, once again, Israel has backslidden. The priests are offer(Continued on page 20) Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE Revival in History Its Causes, Effects and Lessons Evangelist Bob Fisher Jesus has moved forward through powerful visitations that have caused the church to recapture vital truths that have grown dim and to return to the normalcy of life lived in fellowship with the Spirit. Revival in the Hebrides History is filled with accounts of away false gods and to return to the one awesome visitations of God which have true and living God. The promise God In the mid 1900’s a small group of brought about powerful changes among made to them is relevant for us today. “I men in the Hebrides Islands, off the believers that have impacted the moral am with you, when you are with me. If coast of Ireland were moved by the and spiritual conditions of communities, you seek me I will let you find me, when Holy Spirit with great concern for there cities and nations. Throughout the you seek me with all of your heart.” (2 community. They became disturbed with Scriptures God’s people have grown Chronicles 15:2) the lack of power in the church and a In the book Reviving Revivals, the sense that the Spirit was no longer precold in their passion for Him. This has resulted in carelessness in their walk author shows 9 characteristics of revivals sent. They were despondent about their with God. As a result they have become in the Old Testament. friends’ indifference to the gospel as well powerless in the face of their chal- • They occurred in a day of deep as the nations’ indifference to the spirimoral darkness and national delenges and opportunities. It is during tual. They realized that they had no pression. these times of spiritual dullness that power to change the situation and that God has stirred up the hearts of a few • They began in the heart of one their only hope was a visitation from consecrated servant of God who individuals who become concerned with God. As a result they sacrificially deterbecame the energizing power bethe moral conditions within the church mined to pray and seek God until he hind them; the agent used of God and its resultant effect outside the came and met with them. to quicken and lead the nation church. For the moral climate of the Night after night for two years they back to faith in and obedience to church will always affect the moral cliwould leave their homes to meet toHim. mate of the community around it. gether to seek God for revival. Each eveWhen God finds a leader or ning you would find these five to group of individuals that He can seven men on their face before place His burden upon, He begins It is the very nature of God to bring reGod crying our, “God, do someto call them to prayer. The prayer vival. Revival is God’s idea. It has never thing for our land!” Then one night burden continues to increase as been God’s intention to see His church in 1949, two years after they beGod by His Spirit continues to gan to pray they were awakened draw them. This results in the live a powerless, ineffective existence. It by the Spirit to the Scripture in awakening of the presence of God is His desire to see His church living Psalm 24; “Who can ascend the hill and a felt realization of the lack of of the Lord, Who can stand in His life more abundantly. individual holiness and purity. Reholy presence? He that hath clean pentance becomes the cry of hearts as • Each revival rested on the Word of hands and a pure heart…” They began God bathes them in His forgiveness and God, and most were the result of to confess their sins one to another and presence. As the church returns to its preaching and proclaiming God's cried out to God for His cleansing. A first love a renewed, fervent, consumlaw with power. powerful awareness of the presence of ing passion for Jesus replaces old pas- • All resulted in a return to the worthe Lord filled the room as waves of sions. Jesus becomes pre-eminent in all ship of Jehovah. glory rushed over them. History records the ministries of the church. He is ex- • Each witnessed the destruction of that as when they left the prayer meetalted and the Holy Spirit begins to draw idols where they existed. ing that night, cresting the hill that leads men unto Him. • In each revival there was a redown into their village they found the corded separation from sin. two town drunks staggering down the • In every revival they returned to road. They discovered that this night Accounts of Revival offering blood sacrifices. they weren’t drunk, but were crying out in Scriptures • Almost all recorded revivals show to God under the conviction of the Holy Throughout the Old Testament we a restoration of great joy and Spirit. After leading them to faith in Jesee God continually coming to His peogladness. sus, they continued toward home, but as ple in seasons of refreshing when they • Each revival was followed by a they entered their town at 1:30 in the have drifted away. We can read the period of great national prospermorning they saw lights on all over the accounts of revivals under Asa, Jehoity. village. People were being awakened shaphat, and Hezekiah along with many Since the outpouring of the Holy from their sleep as the Holy Spirit moved others. In each God stirred the hearts (Continued on page 20) of leaders to call the people to put Spirit at Pentecost the church of Messiah The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 19 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 19) across the land in convicting power. An awesome revival broke out that evening. Over the next few years hundreds of thousands come to believe in Jesus. The moral condition of the entire region was changed and revival fires spread throughout the world. The same Lord who responded to hungry hearts throughout the Old Testament times of revival proved once again that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Possibilities of Revival Today In the words of an old song of the church, “Shall we have a great revival?” Accounts of revivals such as these have touched nearly every nation in the world. It is the very nature of God to bring revival. Revival is God’s idea. It has never been God’s intention to see His church live a powerless, ineffective existence. It is His desire to see His church living life more abundantly. While true revival is a sovereign act of God there is something about God’s sovereignty that responds to His peoples hunger. When the conditions of revival are met, God moves in His sovereignty and manifests His presence in revival power. So, “Shall we have a great revival?” If so, what are the conditions which prompt God to move upon us and how do we help to promote revival within the church? There are certain conditions present in each revival that give us insight in God’s dealings with man. There must be genuine hunger and thirst for God. Revival isn’t just a nice idea, or a means for causing our church to grow. Revival is our only hope! It is absolutely essential for seeing the apathy and worldliness of the church arrested and power of the enemy crushed in the land. We must challenge our churches to see the great need of our local communities as well as the world. We should share with them accounts from history of God’s intervention, showing that what He has done in the past He is ready and willing to do again. There must be fervent prayer and intercession. This is the key to revival. Every revival in history has been an overflow of a prayer meeting. Preach on the importance and power of prayer. Model a life of prayer before your people and recruit intercessors that will agree together and pray passionately for a visitation of the Spirit. There must be a focus on Jesus. No revival ever came by focusing on anything else. The Holy Spirit does not glorify Himself or any particular doctrine or church. The Spirit glorifies Jesus! When we are worshipping and glorifying Jesus we are making glad the heart of God. There must be unity. Endeavor to promote unity among the churches. Begin meeting together when possible for prayer and worship. Start with those who are anxious for unity, others will join as the Spirit begins to be manifest. to His children when they recognize that they are no longer walking with Him, repent of their sin, and begin the work of rebuilding the spiritual walls in their lives that the enemy tore down during the time of neglect. Revival is the Spirit of God re-entering the tabernacle of each believer’s heart (and of the church as a body) after it has been rebuilt and rededicated. Revival comes when holiness is restored as evidenced by pure Conclusion The prophets teach us that revival is worship and love for others. It is fine to schedule revival meetthe culmination of a process. It is not an ings and invite a preacher to come and event that can be scheduled and it does speak a series of fiery messages to the not happen because the right preacher congregation. The pastor should recogcame to town. Revival is God’s response nize, however, that unless the church (Continued from page 18) ing unclean sacrifices and the people are withholding their tithes. The nation is in a state of superficial worship. In the modern vernacular we would say that they are “playing church.” Of course Malachi concludes with a prophesy of the greatest revival the universe will ever see; the coming of Messiah. Page 20 There must be a priority of worship and praise. There is something about an atmosphere of praise and worship that promotes a revival spirit. The Scriptures clearly state, “God inhabits the praises of His people.” This is the atmosphere that prepares hearts for the impartation of the Word of the Lord. These are just a few of the conditions that prepare us for revival. As we humbly submit ourselves to God, not seeking our own benefits but His glory we can expect Him to come and walk among us. You are not the first believer to desire a move of God in your land. Saints of God who have gone before you have prayed and fasted and believed God for revival. Some have gone to be with the Lord without seeing the answers but their prayers live on awaiting another generation to pick up the mantle and cry out to God to come in His glory. The next great outpouring of the Spirit awaits someone to take on the burden of the Lord, to prove Him and see if He won’t “open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that there will not be room enough to contain.” Rev. Bob Fisher served as NJ District Presbyter, Senior Pastor and, for the past 10 years, as an evangelist with the Assemblies of God. He can be reached at…. http://www.firesofpentecost.org has already recognized their state, repented of it, and been engaged in a period of intense prayer to rebuild; it is more likely that God will use that time as a time to convict – to begin the process. Sometimes the best use of a visiting preacher may be to serve in the role of the minor prophet, lighting the match to start the fuse that will Rich Langford end in great revival in is a Deacon in the Mission Church your church. Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE has room to grow in their faith, holiness and experiences with God. Therefore, the true work of God is a daily process Rev. Nikil Adwalpalker where we must live out the eternal truths of God. Jesus died not just to save us, but be Lord of every part of our The great revivalist preacher Charles it elevates religion over relationship. lives. Below are a few signs that indicate Finney defined revival as, “The return of When a church stops seeking after the Church from her backslidings, and that religion is on the verge of replacing the holiness and righteousness of God it the conversion of sinners.” Let me offer relationship with God: will eventually become corrupt and inef4 reasons why I believe that the church fective. Church leaders that want true • The church has failed to seek is in desperate need of revival. revival must be people of regular repenGod simply out of a love for Him tance on behalf of themselves and the (Mt. 6:33; Mt. 22:37) 1. The church needs Body at large. They must be ministers • Acts of compassion and mercy revival because without that courageously stand in their pulpits are infrequent (Jas. 2:8; 14-18) preaching against sin and it’s deadly it we will regress into • The church has substituted minpower. It’s not enough to pray, “Lord, religion. istry to God for intimacy with help us not to sin.” Indeed we must not God (Mt. 7:21-23) only pray to stop sinning, but we must In the book of Joel, the prophet is- • The churches passion for hearing stop sinning (1 Pet. 1:16; 2 Cor. 7:1)! sues a glaring warning to the people of the Word exceeds sharing the Victory over sin is only possible through God concerning their relationship with Word (Jas. 1:22-25) the power of Spirit (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Him. “’Even now,’ declares the Lord, • The church places more empha‘return to me with all your heart, with sis on the gifts of the Spirit 3. The church needs fasting and weeping and mourning. rather than developing the fruit revival because without Rend your heart and not your garments. of the Spirit (1 Cor. 13:1) Return to the Lord your God, for he is it, future generations gracious and compassionate, slow to will suffer. 2. The church needs anger and abounding in love, and he revival because it is far relents from sending calamity.’” Joel One of the most awesome, yet humfrom perfection. 2:12-13 bling thoughts for me as a Christian, is In the Jewish religious system, the In Romans 11:22, the apostle Paul that I’m a believer because of the influtearing or rending of a garment indience Christ had on other significant becated that a grievous sin had been com- reminds us of our call to holiness when lievers around me. If I had not seen mitted by that individual, or by another he warns, “Consider therefore the kind- Christ at work in the lives of my parents, person or group of people. Joel is sug- ness and sternness of God: sternness to my pastors, my friends and countless those who fell, but kindness to you, progesting that the people tear others, I would certainly not be their clothes but instead to where I am today. I’m sure humble their hearts and vigorChurch leaders that want true revival must most of us would say the same. ously repent of wickedness. The Christian parents, pastors be people of regular repentance on behalf message to the church today is and churches have the sacred of themselves and the Body at large. clear: Returning to Him is not a duty to pass on their faith to the matter of religious exercises, generation that follows them but a heart felt conviction and love for vided that you continue in his kindness. (Dt. 6:4-9; Ps. 78:1-8). I’m sorry to say the living God. True revival occurs when Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” that the American church has been woea church returns to God. Some of physi- From this verse we clearly see that God fully inadequate of leaving a godly legcal actions or manifestations may be expects our walk with Him to develop acy to the next generation. Statistics fasting, weeping and mourning, but the and grow from the time we get saved till show that only 4% of young people 24 key is that the hearts of the people are the time we go to be with Him. When years old and younger hold fast to true, we are born again, we are positioned as moved to draw nearer to God. biblical beliefs. In a nation of highly Religion is not relationship. Relig- sanctified or holy. In other words the educated and wealthy youth, only a ion is man’s attempt to make Himself blood of Jesus sets us apart as right- sweeping move of God’s Spirit will save acceptable to God by going thru exer- eous, cleanses from our sins clears us of a youth culture already bent on immoralcise, liturgy or ritual. The Jews were the sin’s penalty (Rom. 5)! However, there ity and wickedness. most religious people on the planet, yet is actually no church, nor pastor or deFamilies are the building blocks of their form of godliness wasn’t acceptable nomination that is perfect! This is why society. The devil knows that if he can to God. In much the same way, the individuals must commit to the daily destroy marriages and families, future modern church can miss the mark when sanctification process knowing that each The Need for Revival (Continued on page 22) The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training Page 21 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE (Continued from page 21) generations will be severely hindered. Here a few things to consider that will enable you to evaluate whether your church is preparing for a revival that will touch generations: munities are suffering needlessly from depression, anger, unforgiveness, sickness and hopelessness. The world needs healing and only the local church, empowered by the Spirit of God, can help them find the reason and purpose for living. We cannot be content to simply reach a small minority through our local assembly when the community at large is on its way to hell! The life changing power of God is available to the blind (to sin and it’s judgment), the oppressed (because of sin’s burden), the poor (those without true hope and peace found only in relationship with Christ) and those in prison (both physically and spiritually because of sin that has bound them). (Lk. 4:1819) The true revival message is not 1. A church needs revival when it has lost its passion for doing first things first. In Revelation 2, Jesus issues a stirring rebuke for the prominent • A church that wants revival to be church at Ephesus. Note that this passed to the next generation has a church was a direct recipient of Paul’s vision for equipping strong families to 3 years of ministry to the city. Timohave healthy marriages where both thy, Paul’s disciple was probably one partners are committed to God and of it’s earliest church leaders as well. raising godly offspring. It was a world renown church. The • A church that wants revival to be Lord even said that He knew of the passed to the next generation is church’s,“…hard work and persevercommitted to teaching young people ance” (Rev. 2:2). However, a key the Word of God so that they may spiritual component was missing from keep their lives pure and free from this church. Jesus went onto explain, the snare of sin. “Yet I hold this against you: • A church that wants revival to be You have forsaken your first passed to future generations is One of the biggest traps of the enemy uses love. Remember the height encouraging and practically teaching families how to build to keep a church from experiencing true from which you have fallen! healthy relationships with one revival is busyness. We can be busy doing Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not reanother ministry and yet miss out on the relationpent, I will come to you and • A church that wants revival to remove your lamp stand from be passed to future generations ship that God wants to have with us. its place ” Rev. 2:4-5. is committed to training and One of the biggest traps of the commissioning young people to reach one of happiness and convenience but enemy uses to keep a church from their campuses and friends for Christ one where individuals commit to the experiencing true revival is thru strategic evangelism. work God wants to do in their sinful “busyness.” We can be busy doing hearts. Ray Comfort, author of, Revival’s Golden Key, explains how many ministry and yet miss out on the relapastors and churches have neglected tionship that God wants to have with 4. The church needs preaching the message of the cross. He us. Look at the church in Ephesus. revival because so many says, “Instead of preaching the good They had a strong desire to work hard around us don’t know news that sinners can be made right- for the Lord, resist the teachings of Christ and His life changeous in Christ and escape the wrath to false apostles, preach against wickeding power. come, the gospel has degenerated into ness and endure suffering (Rev. 2:2the pretext that we can be made happy 3). This church would be considered One pastor recently reminded me that in Christ and escape the hassles of this successful by most modern day stanrevival is here ready for us to receive by life.” In other words, we lead people to dards, however the Lord was not Because churches faith. In the book of John the Lord Jesus Christ under the guise that, “Coming to pleased. Why? are first called to know Christ intiChrist concurs with this statement when He Christ solves all of our problems and mately above all other things, even says, “Do not say, ‘Four more months and makes life on earth better.” The reality doing his work. In fact the promise of then the harvest’? I tell you, open your of the true gospel is that through Christ God to bless the work of our hands eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe we can endure suffering, pain and probflows first from seeking Him diligently for harvest’” (Jn. 4:35). In other words lems because we have an advocate with (Mt. 6:33). Jesus is saying that He is ready to enable the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, Is your church and it’s leadership His workers to reap a wonderful spiritual who has gone before us in victory. serious about seeking the face of harvest whenever they are willing to be- (Rom. 8:34-39) God? Programs are great but they lieve and labor in His name. What a preare not a substitute for intimacy with cious promise! Common Attitudes God. If we want to see revival we Without a true move of God people in of a Church that must learn how to repent, pray, fast our community will never know the life and call upon the name of the Lord so Needs Revival transforming power available to them thru the cross. So many individuals in our com(Continued on page 23) Page 22 Autumn 2006 LEADERSHIP TEACHING MAGAZINE Global Leadership Training Returns to Ghana 3rd More Than Conquerors West Africa Leadership Conference Evangel Assembly of God Off Kojo Thompson Road, Adabraka - Accra Registration Extended to October 15, 2006 Registration Fee: 75,000 cedis In order to receive complimentary conference materials, you must pre-register by October 15, 2006 Conference Registrar To register, send letter of intent & registration payment to: Mrs. Ernestina Williams PO BOX AN 15073; Accra-North, Ghana Phone: 021501990 / Mobile: 0244564010 [email protected] Conference Coordinator Rev. Andrew Ephraim Dunamis Centre A/G PO Box 9587; Airport, Accra—Ghana + 233-21-414568 (office) / + 233-21-403671 (home) + 233-024-209634 (mobile) / [email protected] “I invite you to an event that will empower your ministry like never before—the 3rd More Than Conquerors West Africa Leadership Conference! “Rather then centering on hype, emotion and temporary excitement, this conference will specialize in practical leadership principles and church management techniques to equip you for effective ministry.” —Pastor Gregg Johnson (Continued from page 22) that He can come and heal our land (2 Chron. 7:14). In fact, God can use a church that prays together, hungers for the Word, believes the Lord for mighty miracles, and worships God in Spirit and in truth, more than He can a megachurch with wonderful programs but no true relationship with Him. If the church can be likened to a restaurant, then it’s most frequently ordered menu main courses must not only include prayer, fasting and the Word, but also the ability to be an agent of compassion in the world. When a church truly experiences God it will cause them to want to reach out to others and share the blessings of Christ. Conference Materials Provided When a church is only focused inwardly on the Christians within the world, it will have no desire to reach the sinful world just outside it’s doors. A church that is inwardly focused will produce a spirit that is critical and judgmental toward those outside of the faith. However, a church in revival will practice the new commandment of John 13:34-35, which speaks of loving one another, and so proving that Christ is truly amongst us. Love doesn’t mean overlooking sin, but does cause us to compassionately and tenderly deal with sinners that need a second chance and hope for their future. Love causes us to find ways to tangibly meet the needs of sinners and build trust and relationships with them The Mission Church / Global Leadership Training so that our preaching will be powerfully received. 2. A church needs revival when the church leadership has lost its vision for reaching the community. One of a pastor’s most important jobs is charting the course and direction for the body. Nothing is more frustrating than being around leaders that do not have a clear vision for their ministry from God. It is not the job of the lay people to direct the church but vision (Continued on page 24) Page 23 THE MISSION CHURCH 4101 Rt. 52 HOLMES, NY 12531 USA visit us online www.missionchurch.com Place address label here (Continued from page 23) must come from the top and flow down throughout the church. However, the leaders vision cannot be focused solely on the church. Without a vision for the local, regional and global communities, the church will only achieve a portion of what God intends (Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Does your heart burn for community transformation? There is no one church that can possibly reach all the souls in your area. For a true revival to occur like the one that did in the New Testament Church described in the book of Acts, there must be a merging of the marketplace and the church. Revival cannot stay in the church because revival is most needed in the lives of the sinners that dwell in the marketplace. When I say “marketplace”, I mean all realms of influence (business, government, education) outside of the church walls. How incredible would it be to see pastors and church leaders link arms with influential Christian businessmen, educators and government officials? How amazing would it be for commissioned laypeople to literally take church into the world and be agents of healing and ministry right inside the mar- ketplace? Indeed I have personally seen footage of this occurring in all corners of the earth! As a church leader, you have the spiritual authority to pray for the opening of the heavens over all aspects of life in the community. If your dream doesn’t include the overhaul of all aspects of the community, from the church to the marketplace, than your dream is too small! Meditate on the following scriptures and believe God for a new vision for community revival: “The Lord added daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47 • “Those that had been scattered (throughout the region) preached the Word wherever they went.’ Acts 8:4 • “All the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of the Lord.” Acts 19:10 • Let me give you a few suggestions for renewing a vision for community wide revival that will allow Christ to impart new life to the church, businesses, education systems and government. Begin to, unite meet and pray in faith with Christian leaders in both the church and marketplace. Claim your community for Christ and take authority against strongholds that are hindering revival in your community • Teach and commission Christian individuals in the marketplace to start prayer groups, bible studies and look for ways to meet tangible needs right in the marketplace • B ui l d rel ati o ns hi ps wi th unsaved marketplace individuals and ask them how your team can pray for them and assist them. • Help Christian students get prayer groups and bible clubs organized Pastor Nikil that will be agents Adwalpalker is Pastor of of change on their Ministry Development at The campuses • Mission Church
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