34 Marketing News Feb. 1, 2007 RESEARCH ● Crack the code Model behavior The Da Vinci Code offers lessons to marketers on how to formulate well-written, readable case studies By STEPHEN BROWN rags-to-riches case study that marketing researchers can look to and extract literary lessons from? Yes, indeed there is. C ase studies are the Cinderella of marketing research. Despite their perennial pedagogic prominence, and the recent rapid rise of case study-dependent qualitative methods (such as ethnography, grounded theory and participant observation), case studies are still widely regarded as Tom Thumbs at best and ugly ducklings at worst. As professor Robert Stake reveals in his detailed discussions of case-based research, the method is consistently dismissed as exploratory, preliminary and the intellectual equivalent of fairy tales. Like Cinderella, case studies are underappreciated. The “show-me-the-Manova” (multivariate analysis of variance) marketing researchers might question their scientific credentials, but good case studies are nothing less than miniature works of art. Like all compelling narratives, they draw us in, suspend our disbelief and satisfy the storytelling propensity that underpins the human condition. Moreover, they work in a synecdochic fashion, insofar as the part stands for the whole. They might represent a “sample of one,” but akin to poet William Blake’s “world in a grain of sand,” cogent ones encapsulate everything that needs to be said about the subject under scrutiny. They contain the universal in the particular. If case studies have a failing, it is not in their fairy tale status. Rather, it is in the narrow range of narrative templates that case study writers typically employ. The vast majority of published cases in marketing research comprise variations on the Horatio Alger, rags-to-riches archetype. They tell onceupon-a-time tales about ugly duckling brands (or companies, campaigns, executives or whatever) that turn into best-selling swans—often thanks to the magic wand of marketing research—and, suffice it to say, live happily ever after. Powerful though that archetype is, it is only one of numerous narrative alternatives. According to journalist I know what you did last supper Consider Dan Brown. Since his breakthrough book—The Da Vinci Code—was published, the ex-schoolteacher and failed rock star has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide. The Da Vinci Code has been so successful that it is now a cultural phenomenon, on a par with Harry Potter. Books about Brown’s book sell like hotcakes, even a Da Vinci diet book: Stephen Lanzalotta’s The Diet Code. Grail trails around the locations mentioned in his theological thriller—St.-Sulpice, Rennes-le-Chateau, Rosslyn Chapel and elsewhere—have been pulled together and are proving extremely popular, much to the clergy’s dismay. And there is a big-budget, Ron Howard-helmed movie (starring curiously coiffured Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon). Best of all, Brown’s three previous books—which were battered on publication— have taken off retrospectively and sit alongside The Da Vinci Code, atop the world’s best-seller lists. So, what are the secrets of Brown’s success? And what, if anything, does the The Da Vinci Code case mean for marketing researchers? Christopher Booker’s monumental study of the Western narrative tradition, there are seven primal plots (comedy, the quest, overcoming the monster, voyage and return, tragedy, rebirth, and inevitably rags-to-riches), although he refers to others such as the mystery and the thriller. If Booker’s analysis is correct, then the question must be asked: Where are the marketing thrillers, mysteries and comedies? Is there a thrilling, mysterious, comedic and Secret No. 1: Razzledazzle ’em When the The Da Vinci Code case is studied for meaningful marketing lessons, four key factors can be discerned. The first is “entertainment.” For all its alleged literary flaws, The Da Vinci Code is a rattling good read, a veritable roller-coaster ride and a classic example of that imperishable critical category “unputdownable.” Even its sternest critics acknowledge that Brown’s blockbuster is an unforgettable, thrills ’n’ spills-filled story—a great piece of escapism. Furthermore, the entertainment is not confined to the Marketing News book. The author’s meteoric rise from remainder bin to best-seller list is inherently entertaining, as are his famous behavioral quirks. Apparently, Brown rises at 4 a.m., does sit-ups on the hour and hangs upside down from the rafters—courtesy of a pair of gravity boots—while dictating his books with the aid of bespoke voice-recognition software. It is also rumored that he rings his Doubleday editor several times per day for reassurance, and is hopelessly stricken with post-Code writer’s block. No less newsworthy are the carnival sideshows surrounding his megahit. These range from accusations of plagiarism and a torrent of copycat thrillers—which are known in the book business as “Brownsploitation”—to debates about Tom Hanks’ aberrant hairdo in the movie. There have even been several in-depth analyses of the likely plot of his next, as-yet-unwritten, novel. In short, The Da Vinci Code has become a marketing soap opera (much like Michael Jackson, Kate Moss or Martha Stewart), in which every development—however bizarre, implausible or off-the-wall— increases the phenomenon’s hold on public consciousness, adds to the ongoing conversation and ultimately contributes to the bottom line. In this regard, The Da Vinci Code epitomizes today’s experientially orientated entertainment economy: our fastmoving, hit-driven, fad-fuelled world of show-stopping and knock-’em-dead next big things—where building, sustaining The Da Vinci and exploiting buzz might not be the be-all Code has and end-all, but is cerbecome a tainly enormously marketing soap important. If, as many conopera, in which commentators tend, there is no busievery possible ness without show business nowadays, development then Brown is the hot increases the ticket on the Broadway phenomenon’s of contemporary busihold on public ness life. conciousness. Secret No. 2: Try, try again The second factor is “determination.” Brown didn’t give up even though his first three books were dismal failures, as were his previous career choices. He failed in his attempt to crack the music business, largely because of his reluctance to perform live. He failed in his previous literary incarnation as a writer of novelty/joke/gift books, which sank without a trace. And as his unofficial biographer Lisa Rogak records, Brown has repeatedly shown fortitude in the face of failure: at school and at home, where his high-achieving parents set professional benchmarks that took some beating. “Dan Brown,” she observes in the preface of The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code, “was not one to go after a task halfheartedly or to give up before he had proved to himself he had given it his all.” In this respect, it is noteworthy that Brown’s never-say-die attitude is the default setting among very high achievers. Business history shows that those who persevere despite repeated, abject and heartwrenching failure are those who win through in the end. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Ted Turner, Steve Jobs, James Dyson, Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, Mary Kay Ash and so on epitomize this ethos of unshakable resolve: the mindset that distinguishes the victorious from the vanquished, the hotshots from the have-nots and the entrepreneurial wheat from the corporate chaff. Indeed, Brown is an embodiment of a personal philosophy of Samuel Beckett’s, the Nobel Prize-winning Irish playwright who urged us to “fail better”—that is, to accept failure, learn from failure and eventually overcome failure. Brown failed better! To be sure, Brown didn’t fail alone. Musically, he might have been a solo artist, but careerwise he has never been a one-man band. Brown’s persistence owes much to his educational background, where Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire instilled a self-improving ethic of accepting, embracing and overcoming rejection. It owes just as much to his wife Blythe Brown: a music industry executive who took the would-be troubadour under her wing when he was trying to swim in the singer-songwriter piranha tank, and has since steered his career. Not only has she worked on everything from press releases to script doctoring, but also—as a trained art historian—her technical input into The Da Vinci Code was an integral part of its phenomenal success. However, of all the influences on Brown’s extraordinary achievement, his longtime editor Jason Kaufman is perhaps the most important. When Kaufman moved Feb. 1, 2007 35 from Simon & Schuster to Doubleday in 2001, he insisted that his hitherto unsuccessful protégé come with him, which was remarkable given Brown’s less-than-stellar sales figures. More importantly, Kaufman held out for a massive $400,000 advance, which allowed Brown to write his make-orbreak thriller and ensured that Doubleday would pull out all the promotional stops to recoup its investment. It was Kaufman’s determination, as much as Dan and Blythe See DA VINCI / Page 36 36 Feb. 1, 2007 Marketing News DA VINCI / From page 35 Obscurity, controversy up attention Pique readers’ curiosity to generate, attract interest Brown’s, that turned the literary zero of Brown’s Deception Point into a best-selling hero of today. been urged to keep their propositions crystal clear. There Secret No. 3: Dumbfound, delight, “demaris no room for ambiket” guity, equivocation The third factor is “obscurity.” As Stephen King or anything other than Author Dan Brown increased rightly notes in his post-pulp novella The Colorado Kid, absolute lucidity. Howappeal for his books by humankind is characterized by congenital curiosity. ever, marketing practice leveraging consumers’ love The appeal of puzzles, mysteries, enigmas, secrets, (as opposed to marketof mysteries and puzzles. quizzes, codes, ciphers and all the rest (everything ing theory) has always from crosswords and sudoku to the baffling brainfound room for the crypteasers of quantum physics or superstring theory) is tic, obscure and ambivalent. Consider the secret deeply ingrained in the human psyche. Many maintain recipes that help sell all sorts of fast-moving consumer When it that it is the very mainspring of civilization, a foothold goods, consider the promotional quizzes and puzzles comes to controversy-based pubon the ascent of homo sapiens. This might or might not that accompany every other sales push, and consider licity, Brown is way, way beyond sufficient. A be so, but there is no doubt that The Da Vinci Code— the increasingly ubiquitous—if rarely studied—teaser rainbow coalition of critics has descended on his with its arcane amalgam of esoteric symbology and advertising campaigns. Similarly, successful brands thriller, thereby immeasurably adding to his pot of cranky conspiracy theory—tapped into this deep-seatincreasingly combine mutually incompatible proposigold. Contributing their two cents’ worth on the suced desire for the deliciously perplexing (as did the tietions: JetBlue Airways offers outstanding customer sercessful best-seller are: affronted Roman Catholics, who in online contest to crack the codes embedded in the vice and rock-bottom prices, Target sells exclusive object to Brown’s heretical assertions; outraged affilibook’s U.S. cover, which attracted 40,000 eagle-eyed products to a mass market, and the Toyota Yaris claims ates of Roman-Catholic prelature Opus Dei, who grail hounds). Furthermore, the first movie trailer to be a big car in a small car’s body. The old idea of a deeply oppose Brown’s depiction of the organization; incorporated a cryptic competition involvone-and-only-one image, strategy, proposition, disgruntled art critics, who are appalled by Brown’s ing intriguing anagrams. And to build prepositioning, attribute or function is—if not abyssal ignorance; incensed literary critics, who deem release anticipation, the distributors quite toast—definitely warming under the grill. Brown’s book to be utterly abominably written; offendeschewed established movie-marketing In a world of monovalent marketing messages, ed representatives for the differently abled, who take Marketing practice by nixing advance screenings for plurivalence provides a source of competitive exception to Brown’s depiction of albinism; infuriated practice (as the press—thereby revving up the “intrigueadvantage. As Brown acknowledges in his witauthors of earlier books on the Holy Grail, who believe opposed to o-meter.” ness statement for the The Da Vinci Code legal Brown has ripped off their ideas to the point of plagiaBetter yet was Brown’s abrupt withdrawcase, he chooses a subject that is “not black and rism (but have failed to prove it in court); and marketing al from public life at the very height of his white, but rather contains a grey area. The ideunhinged peddlers of even wackier conspiracy theotheory) has post-publication fame. Since January 2004, al topic has no clear right and wrong, no defiries, who think Brown got it wrong and the truth is he has resisted media interviews, shunned nite good and evil, and makes for great stranger still. In doing so, they further fan the marketalways found public appearances, spurned the trappings debate.” ing flames. room for the of literary superstardom, and—court cases Admittedly, this cauldron of criticism got completely cryptic, obscure Secret No. 4: Shock sells excepted—studiously avoided the limelight. out of hand and developed an unstoppable momentum Perversely, the outcome of this action has The fourth and foremost factor is “controverof its own, especially when the Vatican got involved and ambivalent. been an increase rather than decrease of sy,” which proves vital. These days, there’s (manna, surely, from marketing heaven). However, the media interest in the recluse. It has added to nothing like a little controversy to attract attenbasic idea of stirring up headline-grabbing, column-inch his appeal, and made an already intriguing tion. A lot of controversy is even better. In a generating and book-sales stimulating controversy was author even more irresistible. As actress Greta Garbo ferociously competitive situation, where more and an integral part of the The Da Vinci Code marketing plan. demonstrated long ago, and author J.K. Rowling more marketers are shouting louder and louder, and It was a tactic that Brown had used previously, most demonstrates today, there’s nothing more newsworthy consumers are paying attention to less and less, it is notably for his first thriller Digital Fortress, which was than a news-wary celebrity. vital to cut through the cacophonous commercial clutsold on a “guess who’s reading your e-mails” promotionInterestingly, obscurity poses a dilemma for the marter. And—as Eminem, Madonna, Donald Trump and P. al platform. It was further prompted by Brown’s discovketing research mainstream. From advertising pioneer Diddy demonstrate daily—there’s no better or cheaper ery that the most controversial aspect of his book Angels Rosser Reeves’ famous “unique selling proposition,” via way of standing out from the clamorous crowd than by & Demons, the one that generated affronted reader feedmarketing authors Al Ries and Jack Trout’s “positionstirring up controversy. It’s no longer a case of good or ing” paradigm, to contemporary proselytizers for bad publicity, but the more the merrier—regardless of See DA VINCI / Page 38 brand “essence” or “identity,” marketers have long the controversy’s temper or tone. 38 Marketing News Feb. 1, 2007 DA VINCI / From page 36 Pay close attention to writing skills back, was his impious description of St. ing research suggested that there was little Teresa in the throes of sexual ecstasy. He or no demand for a book that challenged concluded, rightly, that a carnal angle on religious orthodoxy, especially in the postreligious matters was certain to prove con9/11 climate of spiritual revival. However, tentious. And by suggesting that Jesus marthe ex-schoolteacher tapped into the subried Mary Magdalene, who bore children, conscious religious uncertainties that many Brown was deliberately dropping the conpeople feel in our post-religious age, where troversy-bomb. He admits as much in the the world is increasingly polarized into novel, where Robert Langdon’s editor is devout agnostics and deranged doomsayhoping the Harvard symbologist’s edgy new ers. Brown stumbled into the Happy Valley book on the “sacred feminine” will prove of Literary Success, only to discover that extremely controversial and benefit with an everything isn’t so happy after all. There’s a ensuing sales spike. In fact, the plot of moral in there somewhere, or a sequel at Brown’s entire novel hangs on least. the back-cover endorsements Although there’s no doubt that that Langdon’s editor is assemgood fortune played an important bling for the tie-in marketing in the ascent of Brown, the The Just as great part campaign. Brown’s book is as Da Vinci Code phenomenon wasn’t books suspend solely attributable to commercial much about marketing as the outcome of marketing. kismet. It was the result of both readers’ luck and hard work. Make no misdisbelief, so too take; the product was carefully The marketing codex Brown’s success is attributdo great brands planned, as was the publicity, the able to controversy, obscurity, distribution, the in-store support, suspend determination and entertainand indeed every element of the consumers’ ment—or CODE for short. But accompanying marketing camalthough CODE is key to The Da paign. Moreover, Brown wasn’t disbelief. Vinci Code, it is not the The Da moved by his inner muse—much Vinci Code whole key. For all its less divine inspiration—or a romanundoubted significance, CODE tic desire to suffer for his art. On doesn’t explain everything the contrary: He set out to write a about the The Da Vinci Code case, even book that would sell, and sell well; prove when sum-of-parts synergy is taken into controversial, and thereby attract the account. The author’s unprecedented sucattention that’s necessary nowadays to cess owes at least something to the inexstand out in a crowded marketplace; and plicable, the inscrutable and the incalculaappeal to as many market segments as posble X factor. Brown got lucky. The planets sible, not just female readers—who are aligned. He was in the right place at the much bigger book buyers than men (but right time, with the right product—purely remain immune to the appeal of boys-withby chance. Prior to publication, the markettoys thrillers). The author’s embrace of the sacred feminine was a calculated stroke of marketing genius, one that paid prodigious dividends. These dividends, to be sure, were far beyond what Brown and Doubleday anticipated; not in their wildest dreams could they have predicted the ensuing demand for all things Brown. Far from being a never-say-die guy who finally got lucky, Brown is perhaps better described as an “authorpreneur”—a writer with an exceptionally strong sense of what the market wants. Granted, Brown hasn’t been trained as a marketer. But he is blessed with an innate marketing sensibility. In this regard, he is the latest in a long line of authorpreneurs: Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, Mark Twain, L. Frank Baum, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Norman Mailer, and more recently, James Patterson. Brown, however, is more like an authorpreneur and a half. He has discovered the Holy Grail of modern marketing, the commercial chalice that contains the secret of business success. Brown has found that marketing aspires to the condition of literature. Just as great books suspend readers’ disbelief, so too do great brands suspend consumers’ disbelief. Today’s marketing-literate consumers disbelieve much of what marketers state; thus, the key to superior performance is making them willingly suspend that disbelief. Brown suspends our disbelief and then some. His books not only are about the Holy Grail, but in a world where consumption has replaced religion as the predominant ideology, also are the Holy Grail. Literary lesson So, what can case-study writers take from The Da Vinci Code case? Well, first, it can be construed as a classic example of the familiar archetype (struggling author makes good). Second, it can be viewed as a good old-fashioned morality tale (never, ever say die). Third, it can be read as a marketplace mystery, an inexplicable throw of the literary dice (hack writer hits the jackpot). And fourth, it can be seen as a slash horror bodice-ripper, a calculated exercise in stir-itup sensationalism (scandal always sells). The real lesson of The Da Vinci Code is much more mundane, however: Namely, we marketing researchers need to pay greater attention to our own writing. Writing is a crucial research skill, something that permeates everything from e-mails and consultancy reports to corporate mission statements and case studies. We are what we write. But much of what we write either isn’t worth reading or unthinkingly adheres to hackneyed, time-grooved templates. For all his alleged literary faults, Brown is extremely readable and we should strive to be readable, too. When was the last time you read a thrilling marketing article? Marketing Research excepted, how many marketing journals are unputdownable? Isn’t it time we “did a Dan”? Stephen Brown is a professor of marketing research at the University of Ulster’s School of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Jordanstown, Northern Irelend. This article originally appeared in the Summer 2006 issue of Marketing Research magazine and was edited for style and length before being reprinted. For more information on subscribing to Marketing Research, please call AMA at 800/262-1150. NATION ● Rumble in the tummy Muhammad Ali lends name, image to snacks M uhammad Ali left the boxing ring for the last time 26 years ago, before most of today’s college students were born. These days, Ali is lending his name, image and reputation as the “Greatest Of All Time” to a snack food aimed at 18-to-24-year olds. It’s the former heavyweight champion’s first foray into marketing his image since selling most of the rights to his name and likeness for $50 million last year. The snack food is produced in conjunction with Mars Inc., through a company called “G.O.A.T.” It stands for “Greatest Of All Time,” and the snacks hit bookstore shelves at five college campuses, in January, coinciding with Ali’s 65th birthday. “He transcends generations,” says his wife, Lonnie Ali. “On a global basis, Muhammad is better known than most athletes.” The snacks will first go on sale at Ohio State, Georgia Tech, Texas A&M, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale. The snacks could go on sale at 20 more colleges by the beginning of February, with new flavors rolling out every few months, says Peter Arnell, founder of the Arnell Group, which helped create the snacks. Marketing experts say the product is a form of “persona branding,” using Ali’s image, name and reputation to induce customers into buying a product. Other celebrities, including Elvis Presley, stuntman Evel Knievel and civil rights icon Rosa Parks, have made similar moves to set up a continuing stream of revenue for themselves and their families. “Elvis has been dead since the ’70s, and the revenue still pours in,” says Larry Bisig, chairman of the Bisig Impact Group, a marketing and promotions company in Louisville, Ky. Charles Sharp, a professor of marketing at the University of Louisville, says college students may not be aware of the controversies that surrounded Ali over the military draft and his conversion to Islam during his career. Arnell says Ali’s image as a world-class athlete and humanitarian, as well as a resurgence of interest in him spurred by television specials and a book, give the snacks a “cool factor” other brands can’t match. The response to Ali is off the charts when marketing surveys are taken, Arnell says. “You can’t escape the power of his brand,” Arnell says. Muhammad Ali has reemerged as a heavyweight brand. “He is just so current in so many different ways.” fle and Jabs. The snacks are shaped like boxAli, a Louisville native who now lives in ing gloves, medicine balls, ropes, speed bags Berrien Springs, Mich., sold 80% of the marand body shields. keting rights to his name and likeness in April Arnell and Lonnie Ali wouldn’t say what to CKX Inc. The deal allows Ali, who suffers else G.O.A.T. may produce in the future. Bisig from Parkinson’s Disease, to retain 20% interpointed to Knievel’s new line of motorcycles est in the business. to show the possibilities for future sales of AliThe snacks, which include fruit crumbles, backed merchandise. crunchy mixes and flavored crisps, are given —Brett Barrouquere for The Associated Press boxing-related names such as Rumble, Shuf-
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