KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards Guidelines for Exporters and Importers hbbbbb The Republic of Kenya th 17 October 2005 Introduction The Kenyan Bureau of Standards (KEBS), a s tatutor y organiz ation of the government of Kenya, is res ponsible for the preparati on, adoption and application of Standar ds for both i mported and domesticall y manufactured products i n the Kenyan market. As of September 2005, KEBS has implemented the Pr e-Export Ver ification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards Programme as a confor mity assess ment and verification procedure applied to specific Imported Products at the respecti ve exporting countries, to ensure their compliance with the applicable Kenyan Technical Regulations and Mandator y Standards or approved equi valents. KEBS has appointed SGS Soci été Générale de Sur veillance S.A. and Intertek to operate the PVoC program on its behalf, depending on the c ountry of s uppl y. The c ountries that fall under Intertek’s and SGS’ s eparate zones of r esponsibility are listed in an appendi x to this doc ument. All subject consignments mus t obtain a C ertificate of Conformity issued by PvoC Country Offices (offices operated and managed by authorised KEBS partners ) prior to shipment. The Certific ate is a mandatory Cus toms Clearance document in Kenya; c onsignments arriving at Kenyan Ports without this document will be deni ed admission i nto the countr y. In exc eptional cas es, at the sole discretion of KEBS, s pecific consignments may be allowed to undergo des tinati on ins pecti ons after recei ving the appropriate application from i mporters. Suc h consignments will be subjec t to a penalty of 15% of the goods CIF value plus 15% bond and the testing and ins pecti on c osts. All consequent expenses i ncurred at destination will be borne solel y by the i mporter. How to obtain a Certificate of Confor mity The PVoC complianc e proc edures are designed to provi de maxi mum flexibility to exporters and importers by pr oviding 3 possible routes for obtaining a Certific ate of Confor mity (CoC) for their shipments. T he method utilized will depend on the frequenc y of the exporters’ shi pments to Kenya and the level of c omplianc e they are able to demonstrate initi ally when appl ying for c ertification. Request For Certification The electronic Import Declaration Form (IDF) data is to be rec ei ved from KEBS. The PVoC Countr y Offic e in the Countr y of suppl y may contact the exporter and provide hi m with a Requ est For Certification Form, (RFC). The exporter mus t send the for m completed together with a pro-forma invoice and provide information about the date and place for inspection. T he exporter joins to the RFC form the test reports (if available) and when applicable c opies of the statements of registration and / or license. Determination of Route The PvoC Countr y Office will review the RFC and attac hed doc umentation and will confirm the applicable route for certification and the standards applicable. Product testing Wher ever possible, the PVoC Countr y Offic e shall arrange for product s ampling and tes ting with an approved or an ISO 17025 accredited laborator y in advanc e of the sc heduled date of shipment. The PVoC Countr y Office may assist upon request for produc t sampling and for i dentifying an appr opriate laboratory. In suc h cas e however, exporters s hould wait for test res ults befor e shipment. Upon compl etion of product testing, test reports must be s ubmitted to the PVoC Countr y Office. Tes t reports must be sufficientl y detailed s o as to demons trate trac eability to the consignment to be s hipped to Kenya. If the test report c omes from a third party labor ator y (non KEBS Partners laborator y) and the test has not been witnessed by KEBS Partner’s authorised pers onnel, the exporter mus t provi de the PVoC Countr y Office wi th a copy of the l abor ator y accreditation. Inspection The PVoC Country Office will contact the plac e of ins pecti on and confirm the appointment for physical ins pecti on of the consignment. Phys ical inspecti on is nor mall y carried out to verify requirements that may be visually verified (e.g. product labelling) and to ens ure rec onciliation of the consignment with previousl y submitted test reports. If applicable, product s ampling for testi ng purposes may als o be perfor med during phys ical inspecti on. In s uch c ase however, exporters should wait for tes t results before s hipment. Certification Exc ept for air-shipments, the exporter shall submit a final invoice to the PVoC Country Office, as soon as possibl e after physic al inspec tion. The PVoC Countr y Office will perfor m a final review of all test and ins pec tion reports and decide upon the issuance of the Certificate of Conformity or Non Conformity Report. PVoC Countr y Office will indicate any correcti ve actions needed prior the issuance of a Certificate of Conformity. Only if the discrepanc y is c orrected, a CoC will be iss ued. Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards Guidelines for Exporters and Importers The Republic of Kenya th 17 October 2005 Routes for Certification Route A: Cons ignme nt Ins pe c tion a nd Te s ting Exporters may c ontact their nearest PVoC Country Office and submit a Request for Certification together with their Pro-forma Invoice for the shipment. Alternativel y, Importers can trigger the process by submitting a copy of the Import Declaration Form and Pro-forma Invoice to our Ken ya Liaison Office. The PVoC Countr y Office in the exporter’s c ountry will arrange for an inspection of the c onsignment to ass ess the visually verifiable requirements of the rel evant Kenyan tec hnical regulations /standards and s hall withdraw sampl es to be forwarded for testing. A KEBS r ecognised laboratory will perform the tes ting to specially selec ted requirements drawn from the applicable Kenyan tec hnical regulations/s tandards relati ng to the ess ential safety requirements and return their report to the PVoC Countr y Office. T esting requirements may be satisfied by the pres entation of tes t data produc ed by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or witness tes ting by a KEBS Partner. Upon satisfactor y inspection and testing together with the s ubmission of a final commercial i nvoice from the exporter (as an exc eption, for air shipments , the CoC may be issued on the basis of the Pro-forma invoic e), the PVoC Countr y Office will issue a C ertificate of C onformity. The CoC is valid onl y for one consignment and for a maxi mum of 90 days from the date of inspection. Route B: P roduc t Re gis tra tion, Ins pe c tion a nd Limite d Te s ting This route is recommended for frequent exporter to Kenya with homogeneous pr oduc ts. Exporters and Manufactur ers may reduce the level of shipment i nter vention by registering their regulated produc ts with one of PVoC Registr ation and Licensing / Certification Centres. The Registration takes the form of a s elf-declar ation of c omplianc e to applicable Kenyan tec hnical regulations/s tandards or other relevant International or Nati onal s tandards . The declaration should be s ubmitted for evaluati on s upported by substantiated evi denc e in the form of T est R eports . The evaluation allows for an assess ment to be made of the current level of complianc e to declared standards. The manufacturer is informed of the deficienci es (if any) and the s teps to be taken in or der to s atisfy the full requirements, which may involve product testing and modificati on. Successful compl etion of the Registration pr ocess will result i n the issuanc e of a Statem ent of Registration for the relevant products. Each ti me the products are shipped the Exporter s houl d submit a copy or the referenc e of their Statement of Registration to the PVoC Country Office along with their Request for Certificati on and Pro-forma Invoice. The s tatus of Registration will mean that the PVoC Country Office c onducts consignment ins pection as in R oute A, but will onl y perfor m testing on selected shi pments to monitor continued c omplianc e. Upon satisfactor y i nspec tion (and testing where applicable) and rec eipt of the Exporter’s final commercial invoice, a C ertificate of Conformity will be issued. Registration is annuall y renewable s ubjec t to ongoing continual compliance with the appropriate r egistration requirements. When registered produc ts undergo subs equent technical or physical modificati ons, r e-Registration of the modified product models or type is r equired. Route C: P roduc t Lic e nsing Manufacturers who have Registered their products and s hown c onsistent shipment c omplianc e may appl y to have their regulated products Licensed by a PVoC R egistration and Licensing / Certification Centres. The proc ess invol ves eval uation of test reports and possibl y additi onal testing to demonstr ate full compliance with the relevant Kenyan Standar d. This is accompanied by an audit of the manufacturing facility and subsequent s ur veillanc e visits to ens ure that the Kenyan requirements are consistentl y integrated i nto the manufacturing process. Licensing procedures clos el y follow ISO / IEC Guide 28 – General Rules for a Model 3rd party Certification Sys tems for products. On succ essful c oncl usion of this pr ocess, the manufacturer will be pres ented with a Licence for the r elevant regulated products . When shipping thes e products, the manufactur er may appl y to their nearest PVoC Countr y Office and s ubmit their Request for Certification, final commercial invoic e and a c opy or referenc e to their Licence to appl y for a Certific ate of Conformity (if requested). The PVoC Countr y Office will issue the c ertificate on the basis of this documentati on alone and will not routinel y instigate inspection and tes ting. In order to monitor complianc e, PVoC Countr y Offic es reser ve the right to randoml y ins pect licensed shipments, but exporters will be given adequate notice when this is the case. A PVoC Licence is annuall y renewable s ubject to ongoing c ontinual c omplianc e with the appropriate licensi ng requirements . When registered produc ts undergo subs equent technical or physical modificati ons, r e-Registration of the modified product models or type is r equired. Othe r Re quire me nts Container Sealing r equirem ents Wher ever feasible, s ealing of FC L Containers (Full Container Loads) is required during physical ins pecti on. Sellers are required to gi ve advance notice to PVoC Countr y Offic e of contai ner stuffing arrangements , so that the date of ins pecti on is sc heduled to coi ncide with the c ontainer s tuffi ng. Labeling and shelf-life requir ements All labelling of pac kaging of i mports shall include English and / or Swahili; Pac kaged goods (e.g. foodstuffs, chemic als, cosmetics, and si milar) shall indicate the batch numbers and dates of expiration and/or date of produc tion. All imports with a limited shelf life shall have more than s eventy fi ve per c ent shelf life fr om the date of expected landi ng in Kenya; Motor vehicles All used motor vehicles shall conform to the published Kenya Standard KS 1515:2000 and any other Kenya s tandards or appr oved s pecifications issued from time to time by KEBS. For some motor vehicles (ambulanc es, mounted water drilling equipments – rigs-, fire tenders/engines, s peci al purpos e vehicles for physically handicapped), two requirements of the standard KS 1515-2000 do not appl y: the right drive and the age. All other requirements remain applicabl e. Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Kenya Guidelines for Exporters and Importers th 17 October 2005 Fre que ntly Aske d Que stions How long does the pro cess take? Which office deals with which service? The Intertek and SGS PVoC Countr y Offic es that are listed in the appendices deal with the s hipment process es which includes arranging inspecti on and testing followed by issuanc e of the Certificate of Confor mity (CoC). The PVoC Registration and Licensing / Certification Centers administer the Registration and Licensing servic es and should be contacted on any matters relating to these or specific tec hnical produc t enquiries. The PVoC Registration and Lic ensing / Certification C enters are listed l ater in this doc ument. How do I start the pro cess? When you have a shipment of r egulated products destined for Kenya, contact your nearest PVoC Country Offic e and s ubmit a Request for Certification (RFC) found i n appendi x 1, together with a copy of your Pro-forma Invoice. Alternativel y, the Importer can trigger the pr ocess by s ubmitting a copy of the Import Declarati on Form (IDF) to the SGS or Intertek Liais on Offic es in Kenya. Please consult the appendices below to establish whether your s hipment falls under the Intertek or SGS zone of r esponsibility, whic h depends on the countr y of suppl y. What if I wish to Register m y products before shipping? You will be expec ted to collec t the rel evant registration documents from the PVoC country office. Dul y c ompleted forms with r elevant supporting documents shoul d ther eafter be submitted to the countr y office for further processing and instruc tions. How mu ch does PVoC cost? The cost of PVoC servic es is based on the FOB value of the consignment subject to a certai n minimum. F ull details of the fees are as i ndicated in appendi x….. Testing charges are additional. Thes e dependent upon the product type. Quotations for tes ting are provi ded on a c ase-by-cas e basis by accredited Laboratories Currently I have nothing to demonstrate the compliance of m y Regulated Produ cts with K en ya or Intern ational Standard s. Ho w should I proceed? You may follow ‘Route A’ to obtain a C ertificate of Confor mity, as this requires no prior demonstration of conformity. Alternati vel y, you may obtai n details from your neares t PVoC countr y office on how to initiate the R egistration or Licensi ng proc ess. It s hould be noted that registration/licensing is not i nstant. I am not sure whether m y product s are r egulated, ho w can I obtain clar ification? All goods are c overed under the PVoC programme exc ept those listed in the appendices as exempted, prohi bited or restricted goods. Further guidance my be obtained from either KEBS PVoC offic e in Nairobi or from your neares t PVoC countr y offic es. After receipt of the fi nal c ommercial invoice and arrangement for inspecti on made, it will take a maxi mum of three wor king days to produc e your Certificate of Confor mity. Wher e testi ng is required, as in route A , the dur ation is dependent on the product type and tests to be performed. If I register m y products ho w much testing must I undergo? In the cas e of products that are not subject to significant variati on during produc tion (e.g. some el ectrical products), provided the Registration has been properly substantiated with tes t reports, the frequenc y of periodic testi ng will be substantiall y reduced. Consignment i nspec tion will still be a r equirement. For products that are subject to greater degrees of variation during the manufacturing process (e.g. cos metics, c hemicals, batchproduc ed products), inter mittent testing will be arranged by PVoC Countr y Offices. New traders can appl y for registration on the conditi on that they have an accredited quality management s ystem and c an provi de a c opy of the manufacturer’s valid QMS certificate, in addition to tests that may be carried out. If I have alr ead y had m y products tested ind ependently at m y own expen se, must they be r etested under PVoC? Wher eas the PVoC proc ess does not encourage duplication and unnecess ary c osts, it will be difficult to rec ognize suc h test reports / certificate even if they are issued by accredited laborator y since the PVoC c ountry offic e woul d have not been invol ved in the sampling procedure of the goods in questi on. Hence further testi ng will be necess ary. Which laboratories are u sed for testing under PVoC? Produc t testing under the PVoC program s hould be carried out in accredited l abor atories only, however unique c ases for s peci alized testing may be considered depending on the ass essment carried out with the PVoC c ountry office. The PVoC countr y offic e is res ponsible for the testing proc ess. Should I wish to License m y products and m y factor y alread y undergoes 3rd part y audits for ISO- 9000, must I no w have additional PVoC audits? Again, we would seek not to duplicate effort and cost. If your facility already undergoes ISO- 9000 or similar audits , we would request that you inc orporate the rel evant Licensing requirements i nto your existi ng audit plan and submit the audit reports to us. H owever before the product is licens ed the c ountry office s hall c arry out an independent audit to confirm the facts on the shop floor and thereafter conduct periodic sur veillance to ensure PVoC requirements are obser ved. What happens if I f ail in spection and/or testing? Upon failure you will be informed i mmediatel y and given the opportunity to take any correcti ve action withi n a specified period to bring the goods into compliance. If the nature of the discrepanc y is such that it cannot be corrected, the PVoC Countr y Offic e will issue a Non-Conformity Report (NCR). Goods issued with NCRs s hould not be s hipped to Kenya as entr y into the countr y will not be granted. Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards Guidelines for Exporters and Importers The Republic of Kenya th 17 October 2005 If am a Trader , can I apply for Route B (Product R egistration)? If you have your own QMS s ystem and you c an provide the PVoC Country office with the QMS Certificate of the product’s Manuf acturer, y es, y ou can apply f or Route B. What is the validity period of a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)? I am already a KEBS Diamond Mark holder, what benefits do I gain? A CoC is v alid f or a maximum period of 90 days from the date of inspection. If no inspection took place (under Rout C f or example), the CoC is valid 90 days from the date of issuance. If you are a Diamond Mark holder, you should apply directly f or Route C Transition Period: When does the programme start? If am an importer of used motor vehicles from UAE and Japan, do I need a CoC from SGS and ITS? The programme starts on September 29 2005. All the IDFs issues f ro this date will be subject to programme. st Nonetheless. No shipment later that 1 Nov ember 2005 (date of loading) will be allowed without a CoC, ev en if the th IDF had been issued prior to September 29 2005. th No, CoC f rom SGS and ITS is not required, howev er, roadworthiness certif icate obtained f rom JAAI/CAAC shall suff ice. . Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Kenya Guidelines for Exporters and Importers th 17 October 2005 PVoC Fe e s PVoC Co untry Office Fees The fees are payable by the Exporter or Manufacturer and payable in advance: Route A 0.475%of FOB value subject to a minimum of USD 180 RL C / CC Fees Registration and Licensing Registration and Licensing fees are calculated on a case by case basis. Please contact your nearest Registration and Licensing / Certification Centre for further information. Route B 0.425%of FOB value subject to a minimum of USD 180 Route C 0.25% of FOB value subject to a minimum of USD 135 Used Vehicles To be advised Testing Fees Calculated on a case by case basis Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards Guidelines for Exporters and Importers Regulated Pro ducts All products are regulated regardless of their v alue, except the ones mentioned below o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Precious stones, precious metals & jewelry . Object of art and antiques. Explosiv es and py rotechnic products. Ammunition, weapons implements of war. Liv e animals, plants, seeds & propagation materials. Current newspapers, periodicals and printed matters (books). Personal effects. Parcel post or samples not f or sale. Gifts made by foreign gov ernments or international organizations to foundations, charities and recognized humanitarian organizations. Subject to KEBS destination inspection Gifts and supplies to diplomatic and consular missions and to agencies depending f rom the United Nations Organization, imported for their own needs. Y ES, except f or used motor vehicles. Grants in kind. Subject to KEBS destination inspection Scrap metals. Subject to KEBS destination inspection New railway , aircrafts, ships (of chapters 86, 88, 89) Pharmaceuticals Soils Waste materials f or recycling New Motor Vehicles, Motor Vehicles CKD (Completely Knocked Down). Earth moving equipment and tractors Manuf acturing Plants & Accessories (new and used) Spares f or manufacturing plants Export Processing Zone (EPZ) products, subject to KEBS destination inspection. Raw Materials f or manufacturing purposes, except those semi f inished listed below which are subject : - Fabrics - Animal f eed supplements (additiv es) - All f ood concentrates - Food f lavours - Glucose - Starch - Brake lining materials - Glass refills (f or f lasks) - Clear f loat glass - Processed paper products (Jumbo reels f or direct conv ersion, photographic paper) - Furniture for assembly - Steel sheets f or direct conv ersion - Y east - MDF Boards - Ply wood & v eneer panels - Chip board The Republic of Kenya th 17 October 2005 Prohibited Products 0506.10.00 0506.90.00 0507.10.20 0507.10.10 0507.10.30 0507.10.40 0507.10.90 0507.90.00 0508.00.00 0509.00.00 2844.50.00 9601.10.00 9601.90.00 9306.29.00 9306.30.10 9306.30.90 9306.90.10 9306.90.90 9307.00.00 Ossein and bones treated with acid. Other bones and horn-cores, unworked, def atted, simply prepared but not cut to shape, degelatinised powder and waste thereof. Teeth, of hippopotamus, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. Iv ory, of elephant, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. Horn, of rhinoceros, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. Other iv ory, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. Iv ory powder and waste. Tortoise shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, other horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape;powder and waste thereof. Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked; shells of mollusks, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder and waste thereof. Natural sponges of animal origin. Spent (irradiated) f uel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors. Worked ivory and articles of ivory. Bone, tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of - pearl and other animal carving material, and articles of these materials (including articles obtained by moulding). Parts of shotgun cartridges or air gun pellets. For sporting, hunting , or target shooting Other cartridges & parts thereof Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles & similar………of war & parts thereof For sporting, hunting , or target shooting Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths thereof. Cosmetics containing substances listed in KS 1474-2:2004 (Banned) o Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards Guidelines for Exporters and Importers The Republic of Kenya th 17 October 2005 Restricted Products 3601.00.00 3602.00.00 3603.00.10 3603.00.90 3604.10.00 3604.90.10 3604.90.20 3604.90.90 8401.10.00 8401.30.00 8401.40.00 8710.00.00 8906.10.00 9301.00.00 9302.00.00 9303.10.00 9303.20.00 9303.30.00 9303.90.00 9304.00.00 9305.10.00 9305.21.00 9305.29.00 9305.90.00 9306.10.00 9306.21.00 9306.29.00 9306.30.10 9306.30.90 9306.90.10 9306.90.90 9307.00.00 Propellent powders. Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders. Safety fuses; detonating fuses. Other igniters and electric detonators, percussion or detonating caps. Fireworks. Very (light) flares and railway signals. Rain rockets, anti-hail rockets and cartridges; distress and life-saving rockets. Other pyrotechnic articles. Nuclear reactors. Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors. Parts of nuclear reactors. Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorised, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles. Warships. Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols & arms of heading no.: 93.07 Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading No. 93.03 or 93.04. Muzzle-loading firearms Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting shotguns, including combination shotgun-rifles. Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting rifles. Other firearms. Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading No. 93.07. Parts of revolvers or pistols. Shotgun barrels. Other parts of shotguns or rifles. Other parts of firearms other than revolver, pistols, shot guns or rifles Cartridges for riveting or similar tools or for captive-bolt humane killers and parts thereof. Shotgun cartridges. Parts of shotgun cartridges or air gun pellets. For sporting , hunting, or target shooting Other cartidges & parts thereof Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles & similar………..of war & parts thereof For sporting , hunting, or target shooting Swords, cutlasse s, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths thereof. Others Used Tyres (Banned, except for some importers holding valid licenses) Motor Vehicles aged over 8 years – KS1515:2000 (p.2.5.)- Banned, except in some cases Motor Vehicles with Left Hand Drive (not accepted for registration, unless they are for special purposes) (see pp. 2.4) Cosmetics containing substances listed in KS 1474-3:2004 Always refer to for the latest version of these guidelines KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Guidelines for Exporters and Importers Kenya th 17 October 2005 Inte rte k PvoC Country Office s & Zone Of Re spon sibility E urope Offic e Zone of Re s pons ibility FRANCE 3 Rue Edmond Mailloux BP 609 27106 Val de Rueil Cedex Deliv ery Address: 3 Rue Edmond Mailloux 27100 Le Vaudreuil France Tel: (33) 2 32 09 36 58 / Fax: (33) 2 32 61 19 58 General Manager: Lena Atmani Manager: Leila Senouoa inf [email protected] Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Greenland Iceland Luxemburg Monaco Norway Sweden ITAL Y Via Aldo Moro, 47 20060 Gessate, Milano, Italy Tel: (39) 02 953 83 833 / Fax (39) 02 953 83 832 Manager: Massimo Guerrini inf [email protected] SP AIN O, Alda. Recalde 27, 5 BILBAO 48009, SPAIM, Tel: (34) 94 435 2901/Fax: (34) 94 435 6600 Manager: Nerea de Miguel [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM Academy Place 1-9 Brook Street Brentwood, Essex CM-14 5NQ ENGLAND Tel: (44) 1277 358258 / Fax: (44) 1277 220246 Keny a Contract Manager: Chantelle Rowe inf [email protected] Greece, Italy, Switzerland Turkey Portugal Spain Cy prus Ireland Israel Malta UK M iddle E as t a nd North Afric a Offi ce Zone of Re s pons ibility UNITED ARAB EMIRATES th Al Moosa Tower II, 25 f loor, Sheikh Zayed Road. P.O. Box: 26290, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Tel : (971) 4 3314302, Fax: (971) 4 3316730 Operations Manager: Husny Saeed Keny a Contract Manager: Rodney Wilkins Inf [email protected] Bahrain Egy pt Iraq Lebanon Liby a Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Y emen JORDAN Wasfi Tal Street (Opposite Jordan National Bank) Ammon Building PO Box 182154 Amman 11118 Jordan Tel No. (962) 6 5698 509 Fax No. (962) 6 5658 406 Manager: Bishara Al-Soussi [email protected] Jordan KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Guidelines for Exporters and Importers As ia Offic e Zone of Re s pons ibility CHINA 16th Floor, Fangdi Mansion N0.201 Laoshan Road (West) Lujiazui Finace & Trade Zone, Pudong Shanghai, China, 200120 Tel (86) 21 6887-9250/Fax (86) 21 5840-1622/1674 IO Manager: Alan Wang [email protected] HONG KONG 19/F Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 28548218/Fax: (852) 28154990 Manager: Alice Cheung [email protected] INDIA 401, Everest House, 4 th Floor, 6, Suren Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400093 India Tel: (91) 22 56934848/ Fax: (91) 22 56934800 Manager: Sridhar Raghavan [email protected] KOREA 10F, Imkwang Building 267 Mikeun-Dong, Seodaemoon-Ku, Seoul 120-705, Korea Tel No. (82) 2 360 5257 Fax No. (82) 2 360 5266 Manager: Monica Kim [email protected] JAPAN 7F Eishin Building 2-31-1 Eitai, Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135-0034, Japan Tel No. (81) 3 5245 6585 Fax No. (81) 3 5245 0730 Manager: Mr. Katsumi Murakami [email protected] SINGAPORE 5 Pereira Road #04-01Asiawide Industrial Building Singapore 368025 Tel (65) 6 2857557 / Fax (65) 6 382 8662 Manager: Serene Chan [email protected] China China Hong Kong Taiwan Bangladesh India Sri Lanka South Korea Japan Afghanistan Indonesia Malaysia, Pakistan Singapore Kenya th 17 October 2005 KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Guidelines for Exporters and Importers Kenya th 17 October 2005 Inte rte k Re gistra tion a nd Lice nsing Ce ntre s (RLC s) – Conta ct De ta ils ASIA PACIFIC REGION PVoC Licensing Manager 2/F, Garment Centre 576 Castle Peak Road Kowloon, HONG KONG Tel: 852 2173 8888 Fax: 852 2745 8306 Email: [email protected] Contact: Wilbur Ng EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA (Group VIII- Electrical and Electronics) PVoC Licensing Manager Torshamnsgatan 43 Box 1103, 164 22 Kista, SWEDEN. Tel: +46 8 750 00 00 Fax: +46 8 750 04 48 Email: [email protected] Contact: Gunilla Lindström (All other Groups) PVoC Licensing Manager 3 Rue Edmond Mailloux BP 609 27106 Val de Reuil, Cedex France Tel: +33 232 633 161 Fax: +33 232 611 958 Email: [email protected] Contact: Aurélie Moreau JAPAN PVoC Licensing Manager c/o ETL SEMKO Japan K.K., West 203, Kanagawa Science Park, 3-2-1 Sakado Takatsu-ku Kawasaki 213-0012 Tel: (81) 44 822 0035 Fax: (81) 44 844 9767 Email: [email protected] Contact: Norio Kaburagi JAPAN NORTH, CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA PVoC Licensing Manager 2307 East Aurora Rd. Unit B-7, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087, U.S.A. Tel: +1 800 441 7276 / +1 330 963 4990 Fax: +1 330 405 6017 Email: [email protected] Contact: Moamar Mustaf a Inte rte k PVoC Program Ma na ge me nt – Conta ct De tails REGIONAL MANAGEMENT OFFICE KENYA LIAISON OFFICE Central PVoC Program Management th Al Moosa Tower II, 25 Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 26290, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. House of Vanguard, Mz Floor, Chiromo Road, Westlands, Nairobi, Keny a Tel: +971 4 3312440 Fax: +971 4 3316735 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: William Graham Tel: +254 20 4449132 / 3 / 6 Fax: +254 20 4449212 / 4446246 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Douglas Ny amori KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Guidelines for Exporters and Importers Kenya th 17 October 2005 SGS Zone of re sponsibility Europe 1. Albania 2. Bulgaria 3. Czechoslov akia 4. Germany 5. Hungary 6. Netherlands 7. Poland 8. Romania 9. Countries that belonged to the EX USSR 10. Countries of EX Y ugoslav ia Middle East 1. Iran 2. Kuwait 3. Oman 4. United Arab Emirates (UAE) North Africa 1. Algeria 2. Morocco 3. Spanish Sahara 4. Tunisia Selected Asian Countries: 1. Burma 2. North Korea 3. Philippines 4. Thailand 5. Vietnam The Americas and the Caribbean Countries 1. Antigua 2. Argentina 3. Bahamas 4. Barbados 5. Belize 6. Boliv ia 7. Brazil 8. Canada 9. Chile 10. Colombia 11. Costa Rica 12. Cuba 13. Dominica 14. Dominican Republic 15. Ecuador 16. El Salvador 17. Grenada 18. Guatemala 19. Guy ana & French Guy ana 20. Haiti 21. Honduras 22. Jamaica 23. Mexico 24. Nicaragua 25. Panama 26. Paraguay 27. Peru 28. Puerto Rico 29. St. Vincent Grenadines 30. St. Lucia 31. Surinam 32. Trinidad & Tobago 33. USA 34. Uruguay 35. Venezuela Australia and Pacific Islands 1. Australia 2. Fiji 3. Kiribati 4. New Guinea 5. New Zealand 6. Solomon Island 7. Tuv alu 8. Vanuatu 9. West Samoa Africa (Excluding part of North Africa) 1. Angola 2. Benin 3. Botswana 4. Burkina Faso 5. Burundi 6. Cameroon 7. Cape Verde Islands 8. Central African Republic 9. Chad 10. Congo People’s Republic 11. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 12. Djibouti 13. Equatorial Guinea 14. Eritrea 15. Ethiopia 16. Gabon 17. Gambia 18. Ghana 19. Guinea 20. Guinea - Bissau 21. Iv ory Coast 22. Lesotho 23. Liberia 24. Malagasy (Madagascar) 25. Malawi 26. Mali 27. Mauritania 28. Mauritius 29. Mozambique 30. Namibia 31. Nigeria 32. Reunion 33. Rwanda 34. Sao Tome 35. Senegal 36. Seychelles 37. Sierra Leone 38. Somalia 39. South Af rica 40. Swaziland 41. Sudan 42. Tanzania 43. Togo 44. Uganda 45. Zambia 46. Zimbabwe KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to standards The Republic of Kenya Guidelines for Exporters and Importers th 17 October 2005 SGS Country Office s and contact points SGS Liaison Office SGS Inspection Centers SGS Nairobi Liaison Office nd 2 Floor, Victoria Towers Kilimanjaro Road Upperhill, P.O. Box 72118 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Inquiries: inf o.pv oc.keny [email protected] At, select Business line : “Governments and Institutions” to obtain the contact details of SGS Inspection Centres. The complete SGS address list of offices and laboratories is available at Phone: +254 20 273 3693-99 Fax: +254 20 273 3664 SGS Certification Centres SGS Certification Centres SGS Kenya Limited nd 2 Floor, Victoria Towers Kilimanjaro Road Upperhill, P.O. Box 72118 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Countries covered by the Certification Centre Ethiopia Keny a Sudan Tanzania Uganda Iran, I.R. of Kuwait Oman United Arab Emirates Algeria Djibouti Morocco Tunisia Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Islands Central African Rep. Chad Congo Dem. Rep. of Congo, Rep. of Côte d'Ivoire Equatorial Guinea Gabon Gambia, The Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Reunion São Tomé & Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Af rica (*) Spanish Sahara Swaziland Togo Zambia Zimbabwe Eritrea Burundi Rwanda Phone: +254 20 273 3693-99 Fax: +254 20 273 3664 SGS Gulf LtdSGS Head Office Arabian Peninsula, Trade Assurance Serv ices Jebel Ali free Zone. P.O. Box 12993, Dubai, UAE Phone: (+971) 4 883 2222 Fax: (+971) 4 883 5455 SGS South Africa (PTY) LTD 399 George Road, Unit 5, Mif a Park, Randjespark, Midrand P.O. Box 5472 Half way House 1685 Johannesburg South Af rica Phone: +27 11 652 1400/1475 Fax: +27 11 652 1455 KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity SGS Certification Centres SGS Certification Centres SGS Germany GmbH Raboisen 28 20095 Hamburg Germany Phone: +49 (0) 40 – 30 101 – 0 Fax: +49(0) 40 – 32 63 31 SGS Gulf Limited Regional Operating Head Quarters th 20 f loor Citibank Tower 8741 Paseo de Roxas Makati, Manila Philippines Countries covered by the Certification Centre Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia & Herzegov ina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Georgia Germany (*) Hungary Kazakhstan Kyrgy z Republic Latv ia Lithuania Macedonia, FYR Moldov a Netherlands Poland Romania Russia Serbia & Montenegro Slov ak Rep. Slov enia Ukraine Uzbekistan Y ugoslavia n.s. Australia Fiji Kiribati My anmar New Zealand North Korea Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Thailand Tuv alu Vanuatu Vietnam Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas, The Barbados, The Belize Boliv ia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salv ador French Guyana Grenada Guatemala Guy ana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico St Vincent & Grenadines St. Lucia Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United States Uruguay Venezuela Phone: +63 2 848 08 18/+63 2 848 07 77 Fax: +63 2 818 29 71 SGS NORTH AMERICA INC. Trade Assurance Services 8120 NW 53 Street Suite 200 33166 Miami, FL USA Phone: +1 305 592 0410 Fax: +1 305 592 6925
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