How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products Introduction

How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase® Products
Databases for Guidance Software Enterprise Products:
EnCase® eDiscovery
EnCase ® CyberSecurity
Best Practice for EnCase ® Applications
Currently v5.2.1
Tools Required
Guidance Software Database Utility
Microsoft ® : SQL Server Management Studio
EnCase ® Case Connection Editor
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
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How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Database Life-Cycle
Prepare the Systems
Configure SQL
Create Databases
▫ GSI Database Utility
The Upgrade
If you have to Troubleshoot
Always Backup
Maintenance & Recovery
System Preparation
Systems Requirements:
SQL Server
Supports the entire application
Minimum configuration
Scale resources up
Prioritize Memory and Disk IO first
Stores all casework and reporting
Database Utility System
User system which is designated to
run the database utility
User must have SQL Server
permissions in order to create
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
System Preparation: SQL Server
Installation of SQL Server
Database Engine
Reporting Services
SQL Server Management Studio
Optional to install on SQL Server itself
Recommended Resources
Preparing SQL Server:
▫ Install Recommended Packages
▫ Ensure Database Administrator has
requirements and GSI Resources
- Start at SQL Configuration Manager
▫ Check that SQL Server is available from all
EnCase Systems
▫ Backup SQL Server Master Key and other
important Database Resources
System Preparation: Software Required
Server Version:
Specific Systems Settings Required:
Microsoft SQL Server
Min: SQL2005 sp4
Max: SQL2008r2
SQL Server Database Instance
Reporting Service
Complete Management Studio
GSI Database Utility
Provided by Guidance Software
Install SQL resources on Database Utility Machine
SQL Server Management Studio
[OR] SQLCMD + SQL Native Client
SQL Server
Server Settings and Permissions
Accounts and Roles
Machine designated to run Database Utility
Permissions for SQL Components
Permission to run PS Scripts
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
System Preparation: Start with SSMS
SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio)
Management Studio:
▫ SQL Permissions
▫ Maintenance Schedules
▫ Modifying Catalog Properties
▫ Scripts, Queries, Configuration
▫ Performing Manual Backups
- In addition to…
GSI Database Utility
▫ Creating or Upgrading eDiscovery or
CyberSecurity databases
▫ Running Application-specific diagnostics
*Optional whether to install SSMS on SQL Server itself*
Configure SQL: Installation
If you must install SQL Server, these options are
Run SQL Services via System Account,
no need to run via AD Account
Include Windows Authentication-Mode
This option alone is more secure
Mixed-mode also suitable
Server Collation:
Allow traffic through Firewall
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Configure SQL: Catalog Settings
Running the Application, Two users should be created (minimum)
1. EnCase_Service Account: Account that is used by the application to service users
All databases should use the EnCase Account or [sa] for the ‘File’ DB Owner
Must be either a SQL or AD User account; AD Groups will not work
Should not change database owner once the tables are created
2. EnCase Enterprise Desktop Users: access to the application databases for importing data, creating criteria/jobs, etc.
Case Role: DB_Owner
If the system administrator is file owner, map the EnCase_Service account to this role as well
Database Administrator may grant a team member the ability to create databases. This user will need the server-level
permission: ‘DB_Creator’
Record information on all accounts used when building the ECC Database set. Keep this information!
Lab Break 1
Open SSMS and examine configuration
Get briefly familiarized with the application’s areas
Open SQL Configuration Manager
Services and Settings for the MSSQL Service itself
Examine Enterprise Configuration Settings in SSMS
User and Catalog Properties
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Creating Databases: The Database Utility
Guidance Software Database Utility
Introduced in v5.1.0
The only method to create
This means:
Advanced functions
Easier to manage
Creating multiple catalogs atonce
Not necessary for DB Creator to
access SSMS on a regular basis
Creating Databases: Completing DataBase Utility
Database Name:
Must be unique in the SQL Server. Do not reuse
names for Global or Case catalogs
Database Master Keys:
Create Tables operation within Global requires
entering a Database Master Key.
Diagnostic Results:
Critical errors will prevent further action
Warnings Can be skipped
Once Database creation completes, can be checked in
Management Studio and Connected in EnCase® Enterprise
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Creating Databases: Connecting Desktop
If creating a new Global/Case set:
Run EnCase Enterprise Desktop
Open Enterprise Applications
Click eDiscovery or CyberSecurity
Configure Database Connection
If switching the database connection in
Run EnCase Enterprise Desktop
Navigate to Settings
Select Change Database
Configure Database Connection
Creating Databases: Connect in ECC
Connecting to ECC for the first
time, will open the ODBC
‘Microsoft OLE DB SQL Provider for
SQL Server’ required
Connect to Global Database
Navigate to cases which have been
Each new Case or Investigation
created in the Database Utility will
automatically appear in Desktop and
the Web Application
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Creating Databases: Service Master Key
Stored connection stings are
encrypted by :
Database Master Key + SQL
Service Master Key
Best Practice to store:
Master Key Passwords
SQL Service Master Key
Key File
Decryption Password
Connection strings is the only field
which is encrypted by default
Important during SQL Migration
Upgrading: Prerequisites
AD or SQL User logon which initiates upgrade
DB_Owner and DB_Creator on the Global and Case catalogs
▫ To allow the script to backup the existing database
▫ To drop unused signatures and broker features
▫ To modify the schema
When upgrading to v5:
SQL05sp4 or SQL08r2 Server Edition
Database version should be 4.4 or 5.1
Select the group of cases which will be upgraded
▫ May deactivate cases to be skipped in previous version.
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Upgrading: Pathways
Certain mandatory upgrade pathways from recent ECC Versions.
Version 3:
▫ <=
Version 4:
▫ .
<= v4.2.3
Version 5:
NEW v5 Global
Upgraded v5 Catalogs
<= v4.4.2
ORIGINAL v4 Global
Remaining v4 Catalogs
Upgrade: GSI Database Utility
Database provides the facility to upgrade any candidate Global Database version
(4.4.1 and 5.1.0)
Complete Diagnostic before the
actual upgrade proceeds
Choose the Databases to be
▫ Can elect to leave some behind in
the old Global
Upgraded Databases will be
deactivated in the old global
Strongly recommended to backup
catalogs prior to Upgrade
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Upgrading: logging & backups
Upgrade creates a log for each database in the Current User AppData Directory
▫ %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\EnCase Applications\Database Utility“
▫ Run Command + “%appdata%”
Upgrade will attempt to create a backup for each database upgraded
If there is an error with the Global or any Case databases, the log can be used to
Look near the
end of the
*.log file
Lab Break 2
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Common issues:
Unsupported operations:
Jobs not executing:
▫ Check the status of Examiner Service first
▫ Check SQL Logs for error messages
Create tables issue:
▫ Check Database Names for special/illegal
▫ Duplicated Database Names will not work
Other common issues
▫ Re-check permissions/ownership accounts
▫ Running stored procedures
▫ Queries which INSERT data
or ALTER tables/schema
▫ Deleting Tables
▫ Removal of records (case
ids, custodians, etc…)
▫ The Utility does a complete
upgrade check before it will
proceed; invalid databases
cannot be upgraded
▫ Never alter databases outside ECC
▫ Moving files causes ‘broken links’ to stored paths
Troubleshooting: Apps that depend on SQL
Enterprise Applications that
connect to databases:
EnCase Desktop
Web Components Site
Cyber/API Sites
Data Service Site
Examiner Services
EnCase WebServer
Visit: http://localhost:8888/config
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Troubleshooting: Service Broker
In previous versions of the software, it is sometimes necessary to troubleshoot Service
Broker Issues.
Versions: v4.3.0 – v5.1.3
User permission issues cause
disabled Queues:
Properties of dbo.CTQ
▫ EnQueue not enabled
Notify Queue is also down
Queues must be re-enabled.
Check SQL Logs, use permission scheme in v5.1 Admin Guide.
Troubleshooting: Logs, Configuration Manager
Locate the SQL Logs to get
information on:
Messages, Service Messages, User Actions,
Server Information, Login Failures, …and
Open Sql Server Configuration
Manager to check the instance &
Protocols: TCP/IP, Named Pipes, Shared
Memory (local)
SQL Service: service account, start-up
Default and Named Instance Services
running and their running condition.
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Troubleshooting: System Health
Sql Commands:
SQL Server:
SQL Activity Monitor
Windows System:
Task Manager = Run + “Taskmgr”
Resource Monitor = Run + “Resmon”
Backups: Recommendations
Consistent Database Backup is Critical
Use Full backup capability in Ssms.
Never copy mdf/ldf to another directory, create a full *.bak file for each catalog.
Specify backup options, defaults may not fit your workflow.
For manual backups, it is recommended to define a complete new backup each time, avoid
append or overwrite options in case this will be confusing to manage.
For automated backups, manage available disk-space and retention accordingly.
Back Up Often. In addition to regular backups, initiate additional backups if important work has
been performed, new Cases initiated, or if system maintenance will be undertaken.
If necessary to restore, check the MS SQL Documentation for standard procedures.
If moving the database set, additional steps will be necessary, see maintenance and recovery
in the admin guide.
Work with Database group if not managing ECC’s instance of SQL.
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Backup: SQL Folder Locations
Each SQL Instance has a backup
folder, this can be customized by
admins to point to another location.
The Utility will attempt to use this
location to auto-backup, Backup
manually in addition to be certain!
Each SQL Instance has a Data folder,
this will contain the mdf, ldf.
Data, Logs, Backup, etc. may be
specially mapped by your DBA
Putting files in these locations requires
special rights, check with DBA
Lab Break 3
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Maintenance: Keep Info up-to-date
Critical items of information which should be saved/updated
Global/Case Catalog information:
Server Access:
▫ Instance-specific information
▫ DBOwner, SQL users, AD users,
Service Accounts
▫ SQL Passwords stored in a secure
If SQL configuration is non-default, record
this information and submit to your DBA.
▫ DBA can better assist if they are aware
of ECC requirements and behavior
Data/Backup directories
Instance Address
Backup Instance Service Master Key
▫ ECC Database Master Keys
▫ Connection strings
▫ Case Database mapping
information (Catalog and Friendly
Maintenance: Database Integrity
Workflow for database integrity
How to set up & execute maintenance
Recommended Tasks:
Database & Transaction Log Backup
Integrity checks
Rebuild Index
Reorganize Index (db defrag)
Backup DB & Transaction Log
Database Integrity Check
Rebuild Index
Before/After running job
Reorganize Index
Before/After running job
Shrink Database
Only on de-activated, archived
Shrinking Databases
Only on closed/archived cases, do not
shrink active production cases
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Maintenance: Automating with Maintenance Plans
Maintenance Plan Wizard:
Setup Maintenance Plan Elements by
selecting from default options
Maintenance Plan Diagram:
Map Maintenance Workflow via Plan
Recovering: Can be complicated
A complicated workflow exists
for moving databases
Moving Databases should not be a
common occurrence
However, it is sometimes vital to
bring systems up-to-date
Diagram explains the overall process
Break down the process into
manageable steps!
Planning for much more than just
Moving Data, Server OS and
Account Management, Etc…
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
Alter Master
*If Database Master
Keys have not been
ECC DB.bak
Open DB
Master Key
Sync to New
Restore Previous
Restore Users, permissions
& enable Broker
Adjust Global DB
connection strings
Connect to restored DB with ECC
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Recovering: Simplified Steps for Moving Databases
If you must move databases and restore to a New SQL Server for any reason.
Use the simplified steps:
1. Backup all the databases
2. Restore them to the new server
3. Rework the keys to they can communicate
4. Modify Global so it knows all the cases are on the new server
5. Connect with ECC
Recovering: Sample Commands on DB Keys
It is recommended to backup the
service master key from SQL
Whether you plan to move dbs
or not
Is a disaster-recovery measure
If moving databases to a shared SQL
Use the Master Key entered in the
GSI Utility to sync to the new SQL
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Restoring: Case Connection Editor
After all the recovery work is completed in
the new SQL,
Create a new connection string for the new
SQL Instance:
Strings Stored in Global Database
Also displays the Catalog and ECC name
Can Export the table of cases for
Only use the provided editor!
It will validate the Case Identity to
prevent errors in mapping connections
Lab Break 4
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.
How to Configure and Use SQL with EnCase Products
Jessica Bair, Guidance Software, Inc.
Aaron Bennett, Guidance Software, Inc.