Independent News Herald / July 30, 2014 / Page 13 Public Notices department can advertise externally. Planning & Zoning On motion by Neumann and second by Erickson, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: FINAL PLAT APPROVAL – “PRAIRIE LAKES III” WHEREAS, Owners David Patterson & Shannon O’Toole have applied to subdivide property located as parts of NW4NW4, SW4NW4, NW4 SW4, all W of State Hwy 71, Section 32, Long Prairie Township. Plat of “Prairie Lakes III” consists of Lot One, One Block containing 30.7 acres. Plat abuts an existing public road. Property is located in a Commercial Zone. RESOLVED, the final plat of “Prairie Lakes III” be approved as presented. MIS On motion by Kircher and second by Erickson, the following motion was introduced and adopted by majority vote with Neumann voting against: To approve the hiring of Travis Genty as full time GIS Technician, Grade 18, Step 2, $16.542 per hour. Start date to be determined. Solid Waste/ Transfer Station On motion by Kircher and second by Erickson, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Agreement for Clay County join membership and approve amended Joint Powers Agreement. (Full JPA on file in the Administration Office). Discussion was held regarding increasing the tipping fees effective September 1, 2014 and the Solid Waste Fee (Parcel Charge) effective January 1, 2015. On motion by Becker the Board Action was tabled so this topic can be discussed at the next Work Session July 8, 2014 at 1 p.m. then brought back to the next Commissioner Meeting July 15, 2014. Sheriff’s Department On motion by Neumann and second by Kircher, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To accept the quote replacement/upgrade 911 UPS System in the amount of $25,960.00, from TRISTAR, with freight and shipping to be extra. Ditch/Ag Inspector On motion by Kircher and second by Becker, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: HOLD HARMLESS A G R E E M E N T — P R I VAT E CROSSING—COUNTY DITCH 8 WHEREAS, Aspen Plantations LLP is requesting to install a private culvert crossings on their property, parcel number 26-0027401, located in Ward Twp, section 28. A Hold Harmless Agreement has been signed and submitted to the Ditch Authority. RESOLVED, the Todd County Ditch Authority gives permission to Aspen Plantation LLP to install a private culvert crossing in CD8, located on their own property, at their own expense. Health & Human Services Discussion was held regarding the handicap parking in front of the HHS Building. There are two stalls that are appropriately posted and located at the public entrance of the department on 212 2nd Avenue South. On motion by Kircher and second by Becker, the following motion was introduced and adopted by majority vote with Neumann voting against: To appoint Tina Asseln to HHS Home Health Aide/Homemaker at Grade 14 Step 1. On motion by Kircher and second by Erickson, the following motion was introduced and adopted by majority vote with Neumann voting against: To appoint Vicki Gold to HHS Home Health Aide/Homemaker at Grade 14, Step 1. Human Resources On motion by Neumann and second by Kircher, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To authorize Human Resources and Ochs, Inc. to solicit Requests for Proposals for Group Life Insurance for the 2015 plan year. During labor negotiations labor and management agreed the County would solicit bids for a voluntary group dental plan which is 100% employee paid. A formal Request for Proposal is not required for voluntary plans and no action is requested of the County Board of Commissioners at this time. Och’s Inc. Agent of Record for the Group Life Plan has offered to accept bids on behalf of Todd County. Commissioner’s Report Erickson reported the Open House at Battle Point Pavilion that was held Saturday June 28, 2014 had a very good turnout and good response from the public. Becker reported she had attended the Region 5 Commissioner Meeting which she was able to go in to listen because she hadn’t taken the training yet to be on the actual Board. Region 5 can levy on their own now and the Counties distribute. There is a 3% increase each year and this year the amount will be $23,921.00. Kneisl reported he received a letter from the Staples Senior Center in appreciation of the contribution from the county. Commissioner Kneisl recessed the meeting until July 15, 2014. Commissioner Warrants Bargen Inc 7,990.00 Long Prairie Rentals Inc 2,175.00 Spanier Welding 28,400.00 Titan Machinery Shakopee 2,553.91 Turnkey/Three Square 2,041.40 Wiese/Wallace & Kathy 6,350.00 Payments less than 2000 33,876.11 Final Total 83,386.42 On a motion by Erickson and second by Neumann, the preceding minutes of the County Board meeting held July 1, 2014 were duly approved by a unanimous vote of the Todd County Board of Commissioners at the Regular Board Meeting held on July 15, 2014. Witness my hand and seal Gary Kneisl, County Board Chairperson Denise Gaida, Todd County Auditor-Treasurer sw PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #786 BERTHA, MINNESOTA 56437 REGULAR MEETING #1 JULY 21, 2014 Members Present: Sharon Thiel, Jerry Haase, Kim Gavin, Russ VanDenheuvel, Matt Blashack, Keith Bauch, Mick Stokes. Members Absent: None. Others Present: Eric Koep, Superintendent; Mary Merchant, Principal; Peggy Leitch, Bertha-Hewitt Education Association; Amy Morris, Local 70; Trinity Gruenberg, Independent News Herald, Joseph VanDenheuvel, Amber Franks, Lisa Hoemberg. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Sharon Thiel. Pledge of Allegiance Motion by VanDenheuvel, second by Blashack and passed by unanimous vote to approve the agenda with the removal of 7.3 Employee Handbook. Motion by Bauch, second by Blashack and passed by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda as presented. Business Manager, Brian Jacobson’s report was presented. Mrs. Merchant welcomed Amber Franks, new Choir teacher to our staff, reported on the updates of High School and Elementary Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbooks and the importance of the new AntiBullying policies. Mr. Koep thanked everyone for all they have done in this transition, reported on playground equipment installation, softball field improvements, BHEA & Local 70 Insurance update, Meetings upcoming and attended. Negotiations Committee report was given by Mick Stokes. Motion by Blashack, second by VanDenheuvel and passed by unanimous vote to approve the 2014-15 Elementary Student Handbook as presented. Motion by Blashack, second by Haase and passed by unanimous vote to approve the 2014-15 High School Student Handbook as presented. Motion by Bauch, second by Blashack and passed by unanimous vote to approve the resignation of Tracy Kjeldergaard, Elementary Special Education. Motion by Stokes, second by Haase and passed by unanimous vote to approve the resignation of Nancy VanDenheuvel, Business Manager Assistant. Motion by Blashack, second by Haase and passed by unanimous vote with member VanDenheuvel abstaining to approve the hiring of Nancy VanDenheuvel for the MARSS position. Motion by VanDenheuvel, second by Blashack and passed by unanimous vote to approve to accept the return to work of Mary Denny, effective July 7. Motion by Gavin, second by Blashack and passed by unanimous vote to approve the hiring of Maria Ervasti, Art position. Motion by Blashack, second by Bauch and passed by unanimous vote to approve home athletic fees as follows: Senior Citizens (62+)— No Cost; Adult—$5; Students—$3; Adult Punch Card (10 Events)—$15 *Only Change—All B-H Students FREE Motion by Bauch, second by Stokes and passed by unanimous vote to approve the Joint Powers Agreement as presented. Recognition of Meetings and Workshops: Committee Meetings – TBD, MSBA/MDE Summer Seminar, August 4, 5 & 6, Regular School Board Meeting, August 18, 7 p.m. Motion by Blashack, second by VanDenheuvel and passed by unanimous vote to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Matt Blashack, Clerk How to reach... Federal Trade Commission Consumer Response Center 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20580 1-877-382-4357 County File The information in the deposition bulletins received from Todd County District Court may contain information that has been previously reported. Eagle Bend Police Department Shawn Kulzer, Sauk Centre, must carry proof of insurance-$200 fine, $90 fee; speed 55/45-$40 fine. Long Prairie Police Department Jessica Callahan, Browerville, theft by swindle-50 fine, $140 fee. Dakota Davis, Long Prairie, recklessly handle or use of weapons-continued for dismissal. Nathaniel Lade, Long Prairie, seatbelt-$25 fine, $ 90 fee. Cassandra Lyon, Sebeka, issued dishonored check-$50 fine, $135 fee. Janea Martell, Long Prairie, habitual barking dogs-$50 fine, $90 fee. Jason Motl, Eagle Bend, seatbelt-$25 fine, $90 fee. Romon Ortega Trigueros, Long Prairie, under 21 consumption-$100 fine, $90 fee. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Kyle Ahrens, Sauk Centre, ATV training requirements violation-$50 fine, $90 fee. Fidel Mendoza, Villard, take fish without angling license-$100 fine, $90 fee. Minnesota State Patrol Nadia Jo Fischer Danzeisen, Fergus Falls, speed 65/55-$40 fine, $90 fee. Jacob Welde, Wadena, seatbelt-$25 fine, $90 fee. Victoria Barber, Little Falls, duty to drive with due care-$40 fine, $90 fee. Linda Besse, Sauk Centre, speed 65/55-$40 fine, $90 fee. Nicholas Borgmann, West Fargo, ND, speed 80/70-$40 fine, $90 fee. Dakota Davis, Long Prairie, seatbelt-$25 fine, $90 fee. Richard De La Riva, Cold Spring, driving after revocation-$200 fine, $90 fee. Kody Kunerth, Long Prairie, window tint-$50 fine, $90 fee. Kwang Lee, Mission, TX, duty to drive with due care-speed greater than reasonable-$40 fine, $90 fee; careless driving-dismissed. Nathaniel McElrath, Mora, speed 80/70-$40 fine, $90 fee. Lydia Nelson, St. Paul, no Minnesota driver’s license-$100 fine, $90 fee. Marvin Rahn, Browerville, seatbelt-$25 fine, $90 fee. Saul Ramirez, Long Prairie, speed 77/55-$70 fine, $160 fee. Eric Sticha, Clarissa, seatbelt-$25 fine, $90 fee. Janelle walker, Elgin, IL, speed 80/70-$40 fine, $90 fee. Osakis Police Department James Vankempen, Morris, speed 65/55-$40 fine, $90 fee. Staples Police Department Marylin Rausch, Cushing, driving after revocation-$200 fine, $90 fee. Ethan Watson, Brainerd, speed 64/55-$40 fine, $90 fee. Lisa Wing, Brainerd, no driver’s license in possession-$20 fine, $90 fee. Todd County Sheriff’s Office Kaitlin Buchta, Clarissa, underage consumption-$100 fine, $90 fee. Jessica Callahan, Browerville, driving after suspension-$200 fine, $290 fee. Kailee Gester, Clarissa, speed greater than reasonable-$40 fine, $90 fee. Alexander Pruitt, Minneapolis, speed in urban district 40/30$40 fine, $90 fee. Amber Sieling, Foley, speed 75/65-$40 fine, $90 fee. Sasha Wojtowicz, Bertha, speed 65/60-$40 fine, $90 fee. Court News The following cases were heard before Judge Douglas P. Anderson in Seventh District Court in Todd County July 21. Daniel Joseph Doege Jr., St. Cloud, plead guilty to misdemeanor driving after revocation. 30 days were stayed for one year and Doege will be on probation to the court for one year and must not have any same or similar offenses. Fines and fees totaling $200 were assessed. Ashley Nichole Reece, Grey Eagle, plead guilty to 3rd degree gross misdemeanor DWI. Reece was sentenced to 365 days with 293 stayed for four years. Conditions of the sentence includes: sign probation agreement, no same or similar offenses, remain law-abiding, random testing, complete chemical assessment and sign up within 30 days and complete within 60 days and follow recommendations, no possession of alcohol or drugs, attend MADD Impact Panel and sign up within 30 days and complete within 90 days. Reece will be on supervised probation for four years. Fines and fees totaling $715 were assessed. An open bottle charge was dismissed. Robert Douglas Dodd, Little Falls, plead guilty to misdemeanor DWI and was sentenced to 90 days of jail with 90 days stayed for two years. Dodd must follow the conditions set forth: no same or similar offenses, complete chemical assessment, and attend MADD Impact Panel. Fines and fees totaling $915 were assessed. Shawn Martin Ettle, Avon, plead guilty to misdemeanor 4th degree damage to property. Ettle will be on probation to the court for one year and was sentenced to 90 days with 90 days stayed for one year. Conditions set forth included: pay restitution of $3,000 to victim, no same or similar offenses for one year, write letter of apology within two weeks. Fines and fees totaling $690 were assessed. Charges of felony overwork/mistreat animals-cruelty, gross misdemeanor overwork/ mistreat animals-cruelty, and 3rd degree criminal damage to property were dismissed. Bernardino Jimenez, Sauk Rapids, plead guilty to gross misdemeanor no proof of insurance and was sentenced to 180 days with 175 days stayed for one year with five days credit for time served. Jimenez will be on unsupervised probation for one year. Jimenez must have no same or similar offenses and fines and fees totaling $1,090 were assessed. A charge of uninsured vehicle was dismissed. Joshua Allen Martin, Long Prairie, plead guilty to felony DUI 1 - refusal to submit chemical test. Martin was sentenced to 180 days with 42 months stayed for seven years and 44 days credit given for time served. STS/ CSW may be done in lieu of fine per jail policy. He must report to serve balance of jail time by August 4, 2014 at 7 p.m.. Martin will be on supervised probation for seven years and must follow the conditions set forth: complete chemical assessment, attend MADD Impact Panel and sign up within 30 days and attend within 120 days, no possession of alcohol or drugs unless prescribed by a licensed physician and only in prescribed dosage, random testing, supply DNA sample, remain law-abiding, and have no same or similar offenses. Fines and fees totaling $1,915 were assessed. Charges of B Card violation and driving after cancellation were dismissed. Patrick James Neurer, Alexandria, plead guilty to misdemeanor defeating security on realty. He will be on unsupervised probation for one year and must pay restitution of $2,000. Neurer was sentenced to 30 days with 30 days stayed for one year. Fines and fees totaling $190 were assessed. A charge of felony theft was dismissed. Ashley Nichole Reece, Grey Eagle, was granted a stay of adjudication for a 5th degree felony possession charge. Reece will be on supervised probation for five years and must follow the conditions set forth: complete chemical assessment and not be in possession of any alcohol or drugs unless prescribed by license physician in recommended dosage, random testing, no drug paraphernalia, follow all instructions of probation and sign releases, no same or similar offenses, and remain law-abiding. $500 of fees were assessed. The following cases were heard before Judge Douglas P. Anderson in Seventh District Court in Todd County July 23. Tyler James Jackson, Royalton, plead guilty to 2nd degree DWI. Jackson was sentenced to 365 days with 275 days stayed for six years and credit for three days given. 15 days will be served in jail with credit for time served. The balance of 75 days is to be served on EHM and work release will be approved by jail policy. Conditions set forth included: electronic monitoring, must comply with ignition interlock program, complete alcohol assessment and must set up within 30 days and complete within 60 days, attend MADD Impact Panel and complete within 90 days. Jackson will be on super- vised probation for six years. Fines and fees totaling $1,920 were assessed. Maria Esther Aranda was granted a stay of imposition for a felony 5th degree possession of marijuana charge from March 13, 2014. Aranda was ordered to serve 59 days in jail. TWCC will do jail study to determine credit for time served. Aranda will be on supervised probation for five years and must follow the conditions set forth: no possession of alcohol or drugs, random testing, no contact with persons associated with illegal drugs, no contact with persons using alcohol or drugs, supply DNA sample, remain law-abiding, psychological evaluation/treatment, complete chemical assessment within 90 days if remains in United States, no alcohol/controlled substance use unless prescribed by a license physician in the recommended dosage. Fines and fees totaling $100 were assessed. Sheriff’s Report On July 16, Jennifer Shockley of Wahpeton, North Dakota, reported that her vehicle, a Chevy Impala, was spray painted while parked on Cedar Street in Grey Eagle. The incident occurred during the overnight hours on July 14. On July 17, the Todd County Sheriff’s Office took a report of property damage on County Road 38. It was reported that a minivan had been traveling eastbound on County Road 38 when it struck a mailbox stand. The stand was not damaged and the van sustained moderate damage to its front and passenger side. The driver was not injured in the incident. On July 21, at 12:57 a.m., the TCSO responded to a onevehicle crash on MN State Highway 210. The driver of a 2007 Dodge Charger, Curtis Barrett of Staples, was traveling eastbound when his vehicle left the roadway and ended up in the river near the intersection of County Road 23 and State Highway 210. No injuries were reported and Barrett was wearing his seatbelt. On July 23, at approximately 7:45 a.m., Richard Chromey, who resides on 4th Street East in Browerville, reported a burglary. Unknown individual(s) entered his unattached garage and stole a gas can. The burglary occurred between 10:30 p.m. on July 22 and July 23. On July 23, Kelly Fletcher, who resides on 4th Street East in Browerville, reported the theft of a gas tank from her boat. The incident occurred between 10 p.m. on July 22 and 5:45 a.m. on July 23. On July 23, Pro Ag Services of Clarissa reported the theft of batteries from a grain truck. The theft occurred between 8 p.m. on July 22 and 7 a.m. on July 23. On July 25, at approximately 8:48 a.m., Theresa Zellrert was westbound on County Road 22, 2 1/2 miles west of County Road 89, when she struck a deer in the traffic lane with her 2014 Chevy Cruz. Zellrert was alone at the time of the incident and was not hurt. The vehicle sustained moderate front end damage. On July 26, at approximately 8:37 a.m., Lee Zolen of Clarissa, was northbound on County Road 11, just north of County Road 14, when he struck a deer in the traffic lane with his 2004 Chevy Blazer. Zolen was alone at the time and was not injured. Moderate damage was done to his vehicle. On July 26, Dave Feda of Browerville, reported that he had struck a deer with his vehicle causing moderate damage to the driver side front end area. There were no injuries and the deer was unable to be located. If you have information regarding any of the above incidents, please call 320-732-2157 or 1-800-794-5733. You may also report anonymous tips through a toll free number 1-800222-TIPS(8477), online at www. or by texting TIP674 plus a message to CRIMES (274637). Births Born to Sarah and Jeffrey So- vich of Parkers Prairie, a baby girl, Sydney Faye, weighing 5lbs 14oz, on 7/19/2014. Born to Brittney and Karl Koval of Browerville, a baby boy, Blayson Lee, weighing 8lbs 1oz, on 7/21/2014. Born to Katie and Bruno San- tos of Staples, a baby boy, Benjamin Carlos, weighing 7lbs 15oz, on 7/21/2014. Born to Anna Bankey and Ryan Emerson of Staples, a baby girl, Sophie Marie, weighing 9lbs 3oz, on 7/25/2014. Marriages David William Skillings, Long Prairie, to Ruth Ann Cummins, Long Prairie July 14, 2014. Deeds WTY Andrea Kay Byers Foote etux to Kellie M Casperson 7-15-14 Lot 6 Blk 8 Tweeds First Add to Long Prairie rec 7-16-14 WTY-JT James A Agrimson JR etux to Audeen A Richetto etal 6-25-14 pt of SW4 andpt W2SE4 32-133-35 rec 7-16-14 WTY-JT Elvera M Luberts single to Francisco Cervantes Sanches etal 7-15-14 Lots 6 & 7 Blk 1 Tweeds First Add to Long Prairie rec 7-16-14 WTY Elizabeth C Bisel widowed and unremarried woman to Dian Tolson 7-16-14 pt of Lots 5 & 6 Blk 1 Sarff’s Park Add to Eagle Bend rec 7-16-14 WTY-JT Jerry Hoppe single to Brian Zwilling etal 7-10-14 pt of N2NE4 20-132-35 rec 7-17-14 WTY-JT Elizabeth A Mertens etux to Kristofer C Taylor etal 7-15-14 pt of Lot 11 and all of Lot 12 Blk 10 Drake And Bartraw’s Add to Staples rec 7-17-14 QCD David G Schulz etux to und ½ int to Trustees of the David G Schulz Trust Agreement dated 7-16-2014 & und ½ int to Trustees of the Daisy Mae Schulz Trust Agreement dated 7-16-2014, deed dated 7-16-14 pt of GL 3 20-127-32 rec 7-17-14 QCD Timothy L Wynia etux to Maren Oren 7-18-2014 Lot 37 Blk 4 Fawn Lake Meadows rec 7-18-14 WTY-JT David J Soucy etux to Patrick J Zeis etal 7-9-14 Lot 9 Blk 1 Barber’s Subd and Lot 3 Blk 2 First Add to Barber’s Subd ex minerals and subj to esmt rec 7-18-14 WTY-JT Gary G Graham etux to Bradley M Finken etal 7-18-14 Lot 8 Blk 1 Birch Terrace Addition rec 7-21-14 QCD-JT Morgan S Pratt Jr etux to Daniel J Schweich etal 6-27-14 Lot 21 Blk 7 Prairie River Heights rec 7-22-14 QCD David D Hoemberg etux to Arnold D Card and Karen M Card Revocable Trust dated January 27 2011, deed Dated 7-1814 Lot 4 Blk 27 Staples Mill rec 7-22-14 QCD Angel Margaret Klippenes aka Angel Barnett Kilppenes single to James W Hoemberg 7-9-14 Lots 41,42,43,44 Aud Sub of S2NE4 and NE4SE4 Sec 11 and Sw4NW4 and NW4SW4 12-133-33 rec 7-22-14 LIMITED WTY Morningside Funding LLC to James W Hoemberg 7-15-14 Lots 41,42,43,44 Aud Sub of S2NE4 and NE4SE4 Sec 11 and SW4NW4 and NW4SW4 12-133-33 rec 7-2214 WTY Donovan Fisher etu to Marissa Mala Nalin 7-18-14 Lot 13 Dean’s Beach rec 7-22-14 WTY-JT Delbert J Hoppe etal to Bruce A Dibb etal 7-16-14 Lot 18 Blk 8 Sylvan Shores South rec 7-22-14 WTY-JT Brian B Hansel etux to Brian B Hansel etux 05-222014 pt of W2SW4SW4 19-13134 rec 7-22-14 WTY-JT John W Bruder etux to Michael Bruder etal 7-17-14 Lot 1 Blk 1 Bruder’s Pine Ridge Estates rec 7-22-14 QCD-JT Louis E Murtha etux to Michael A Murtha etal 7-11-14 pt of E2NW4 7-130-33 rec 7-2214 WTY-JT Michael A Murth etux to Rick W Anderson etal 7-18-14 pt of E2NW4 7-130-33 rec 7-22-14 WTY Daniel A Merten unmarried individual to Steven Merten 7-22-14 pt of GL 2 21-127-35 rec 7-23-14 LIMITED WTY-JT Secy of Housing & Urban Development to Vern W Matheson etux 7-2314 pt of SE4NE4 31-130-32 rec 7-23-14 WTY Jon A Sinnen etux to John Langer 7-18-14 Lot 8 Steuck’s Shores and pt of SW4 8-128-32 rec 7-23-14 DEED OF SALE Jennifer Christensen & Laurie Brunell PR Est of Frank John Mikel to Michael W Askmit Etal 7-21-14 pt of SW4SW4 8-130-33 rec 7-2314
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