7 Ellen Shirley Named ABWi Woman Of Year The American Business Fllen Shirio was nam- past >ear. lif Srolield, l\ins Joni-s. Jul> I - Sheila RUMCII, Ark Edii", Br>an Sessions Bob> Robinson, laMond l1arriM>n, Glade Frehner, The associa- Deana Askew, Don Excell. Juh 2 • Tv Keith Women's Association was tion's national educational ioun<k'd in Kansas Cit>, luiid provided an addition- Dalton, X'aleiH' Stannard, Missouri, on l<)49. It has al S140.000 lor students. Paul Women's Associalion over 1200 chapters, and Currenll>, lABWAI at the chapter's consists than ( hapler is monlhl> meeting on June HO.iMMl t<d Woftian of ihf ^ear h\ Vescrt Dawn Chapter nf the American Business ol more acli\e members Pareell. Calvin I en Black, selcvt recipients lor their LaVi-e scholarships at Chadwick, the next Stales and Puerto Rico. Annual!), each ABWA chapter selects one of Its husiiH-ss women arc heing ( bapicr members lor this award. helped White, Selection is based on the educational proRrams ol luliers, member's achievement in ABWA. Kaihv her business, inlormed ol nen business Secretarv, Hester Welch. education, participation in techniques and meet bus- Corresponding the iness o| asMtcialion and in Ellen is active in the public relations Held Chamber ol and Vegas Commerce. She will represent Desert Dawn Chapter in competition tor the "American Business Woman ot the Year" award. Announcement ol award made the natiuonal recipient at will ABWA's in Thcv broad arc women kept (rom all and 1975 Cincinnati, Ohio. \i\ian Recording experieiHe acquired association activities.The\ are encikuraged tinue their to own education, local students were among .^10 who were named to the Dean's Honor high Roll for scholastic of Nevada, las Vegas. wishes to those June 2ft- Barbara and trickson. lark Tavlor. BIRTHDAY formal and through Th« Henderson Mrs. Bill Jr., James and THIS IS IT!"This is the start of the new city yards which x»ill be located at the city tlnid Clark, Raxmond and garbage transfer station. This load of metal arrived Fridav from Camp Pendleton and celebrating hirtbdavs. ABW \ chapters through out the countr\ durinc the Anhder, June who will be Thorne, Ronda Pettv, listed earned onl> Black. June Garrnld ara Atkin. pleting at least \S credits. singer, Dorothv Wilcock, A 4.0 average represents W rctbel Spendloxe. this kind ot noise, how tar and and Marie James question. "Are motor scooters, motorcycles, and 1- Hal and Mary Segmlller. would I get belore I was 1 would like to pose a and minibikes Jul> 2- Leon and Anita as motor vehicles?" that Al I rttotor vehicles were required to have proper multlers. vet vou or we have to put up with the Eric low, Samuel Max rose. Sensinger. Ballard. iw<a»»«—> MORRELL REALTY g/\. 42 WAm STREET m LU Phillip Most ol these ear bust- racket these Tan\a Whitlwer. PRE STORM STOCK UP Prepare fm a stnrm rju&ed power failure by collecting moM of thf ncrpssary itemk tn keep you comfortable and |iul mem in an out of the way spot until theyVe needed This wav you won't usf your sup plu's before the rmer(;enoy Store small items in a pic ni( basket or a b<ix with a riosable liii TKrse inrlude > Several flashlight* wilh freih hilleriei so you can light a few rooms al a time • .\ supply of unspoilable food canned soups, drier) fruitk, Ins'ant tea and coffe« Daniel Peoples, Cvntbia lee PolIrd, Trov Pimper, Geo- rgina Wessman. June .^0 Bradlev Halen. Susan Steel, Marvin Hales. Kent Marshall. Dennis /ohovet/, Radlev Sessions. EVALYN C. MORREll • BROKER Reese Ham- mond. W illiam Stone,Kel- tuy iviiity pime purcJutct 20 yeirt i(e is no* •orth from V; to 2': timts its er)|iul ust. providmi it VIS properly mjintiiict m {00< cnntition This rni^kt seem kir4 to ktlievt m tkest intlitioniry times, wkcn rnwf of tlie prg ducts thit we purckise are olsoiete «<tkiii two to tliree yeirj kv; keep i« mmi tke lollowmf lotcrtstmi; licts Otaiity pmos ki*e ckaofed «ery little m kisic construction since tke ke|i* nin( of tke ?Otli centurji ilo« pnced punos kive ckiii(ed considerikiy kecoute ot efforts to liass produce tkem Tke pum reacked a kifk dcfree ot perfection ky tke HUs «itk o*lii Himoi impronements ontil todiy Tkis is tiM reason a quality p>ano will never kccomc oksoietr Mr Hoffman was forAnonvmous merly associated with California • Pacific Utilities Co in Henderson and for several years was s|X)rt5 editor for the Henderson Home News He also wrote a column for the Home News. He SOHMIII PIMO COMPANt jiM in New York >i Still ovinrO and operated If tke ontmai Sokmtr family Production' Less tkan 7^00 piaaos per yeai tkey arc skipped tkrourkout tke world and (uickly puickased ky connoisseurs musicians ino o'dmary people wtio want to kuy the k«st tktrd IS suppose roaches dc have tc stash themselves somi? where and thesp squeaify keys have been Idle an sum mer Anyv^ay 'hanks to a gooc aardvarK things ir^ nc\A 'debugges and I m ready tr rais on a lew of T'V sifiuthful summe' doings But, first I ! let you in rin what I did with all that bread i earned while yOij were *>n vacation Following the advice of my oert Pe* Cash fwhc happens to manage credit unirin) I pu' half Of it in a savings account Then I set Ou' to track down a npw set of t wheels fbirvcie wheels smc* my S1 DeSnt'-, f iretjome is get t'ng a I'tt.t; enP'-nsive to run) c. Thio month we ore feoluring o beautiful Chtckermg French Pro It wos built in 1906 ond hot b«en restored to new condition Only 500 Chickering Steinway&Sons I nut CHIP INVf STM(Nr I luality piano (ruty is a tlut cdip im«stm«Mt, It increases in value and pays dividends in luiqf ways Tke nek kardwood kandcrafted cakiMtt will add trace and feeauty to any kome I pi*M IS tke kasic tool m music today as it kas keen for tke last 7M years Tke study ot music starts witk tke ktykdird art is a Mtt for >oc<i aad inttrumenlai students as well as pipMO No o<« catian is complete witkout some kitwlttffe tf mosit Tke preitice of a piano m your kome may provide tke opportunity tor all mcmko's d you' tamrty to develdp tkeu talents aod an Ml'dc latitn of music quarter grand* were ing A real inveotment for S6800 irfh-Hl-rmii EVERETT HOW MUCK OOF', i GOOD PItNO COST Tke lowest priced pianos cost from $fii to {Mt Tkey are mass producea and are of accoptokie luality Mediurx p'iced pianos cost from StTM to WM Tkey lepresen- yoot luaiity and eicd lent valve lot money (VERfTT products arc in tkis catt|ory SOLTHKRN NEVADA MLSIC CO. 2295 E. SAHARA AVE. US VEGAS, my. 8910S (702) 4S7-0301 Of IN MOM TNMRS « SAT. ViJO-* OPENS 7 00 SHOWTIME DISK i BAMBI 'i SUKR DAD WTED C Knif^rUilaBHpni 872-5408 I M ^ 8AVB •0^fKT r£\- ^ %v) Mean W»»»NO CklMrei O AiUn y^IJFi^ Tk«i •• MC ew icll (»•• NKW { T Jy^ House of Value mS 4213-H BouMer Hwy. 451-5180 OPCN MOH. THRU SAT. 10 AM TO S PM LocsJ MOVIMG STOMPt Stotewi^ WorWwidc YOUNG & RUE MOVMO & STORAGE GLOBAL VAN LINES AN EXPENSE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ! Sttn4«v Buffo*! • •-••4c. CWu. Q«*llty h^mrti Kcpdal «« wrlU tell Ike* tar fM Phone 457-3060 Cai/- 6arielf\t»iS n b'OngKI to you Oy more thart 23JX)0 ceO" urtioni in ihf U S And by CUNA Irtc ana CUNA t^uiuti iniurance Society 0PBI7MYS A : nSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OIR W ATf HWORD H> ronsidrr your mov*' compkteHi onh wh<n you art completely sati»fie<l ever I had 1 tc learn about rred't Anr: f'tity came up with a great iittie tv^ot" to help it>e out Its called U«"^o Credit Wisely and i talked her out ol an ctua free copy for you too Just w'ltc ano asii for It Cash Barrelhead P 0 BOK 391 Madison CHr-A' Ml. CharleA^ton I Rpfitauranl and Lounige ; TOTAL SERVICE mode and this n one of tKe few remom 648-7550 $ Mob MoMy 111 $ AccNT vincial baby grond piano finished in antique white * • • ^^^ ^V j;^ Don't Give It Away! .Vtiat tr do"* Use my ct"-'";I'd' Tap m> recently ' . ' •dvings' Petty had the ans/.f A i^are securea loan thrcug'" "ir credit union The interes' ir.as only half what a charge card loan would have cost <inn Petty explained that to get It I simply hao to agree to leave some of my savings or" deposit as security Our Feoture Piano For June ^^^^^^ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$«$< HOI* 00 I (INO t COOO PIANO Since '•Vi\ Southed Ne«adi Music Company kas respresented tke »oridi finest quality pianos They vt not made on (lant mass produc tion lines Tkey are kandcrafted ky skilled men in small numkers SfflNNtv INQ SONS wkose pianos are preferred ky SC^ of tke vtorid s per t--min( artists kuilds less tkan ^000 mstru ments pc year Tkis includes tke output ol ketk tke New York and Namkuig Cermany tactonts Vou will find STfiNWAY PIANOS <n komes and kotei: in las Ifetas The Wkitc Mouse and Tke Imperial Palace m iaptn Fei people wko invest in a fine piano it usually becomes one of then Mst ckenskci possessions and is kandcd dswr Iron fencratian to (eneration Mr Hoffman passed Thank Vou (.MM I \l is()\ SOHMd PUNOS coil Irem S22M to V60M afl< STdNWir PIAMOS from SIOM to SI2.000 Soutkern Nevada Mttic Company kas al»ars offered tke tiiliest qoality pianos at the most competitive puces Our sales people wiii always spend tke time to skew yoo ko* to reco(ni;e Qojlity construction Skop and compare a STflNWtr SONMd (V(R(n 0' CUU NdSOli PIANO from Soutkern Nevada Music Company It s you' kest kui. In San Francisco should appiv to All motor long illness Private servehi«les. vices were held how to fight inflation for Vita Brand Food Products Kirby Trumbo was advised of the death by Word has been Hoffman's sister, Mrs. received here of the Mary Ornstein. Posses Away I fn-lieve the laws gov- away on Friday in San erning motor vehicles, Francisco following a an automobile that made David Burton Hoffman """"' recently was a wwi iwii iiviiiliuii regional sales manager muttler. That v»ould de- death of Bert Hoffman crease their sales appeal. noise machines. II 1 drove Baker. a muffler? Not far. ton, Man Johnson, Little Jake issued citation for having a faaltv characters make with their ^ and ing things don't have a 1 was under the imprtssinn Loma Caxalieri- classified stopped June 28-Denise Coving- Those listed were Kris MVAL •ooaiNS Dear Sir: Werbtr. Judd. June 27 - Am> Curtis, Siddie Smith, Phvllis Sen- UEJ PH. 565-8916 Keith Bennion, Ro\ Dorlenc nhiie com- Augspurger, Turner, Jul> Pace, louise Hall, Joe linford, straight "A's". and LaVeme Openshaxt. G. students who achieve b> Beltv Letter to the Editor Ralph Vause, lamont and Barb- Rovlance, Richard 29 June W- Jack and Ruth Cassie Leamaster. Norma B. and Marriane Knowlton. June 2ft- Bennie Pipes, 1 rancis Genevieve Larking Smith. best wishes to the lollow- leanv. it Hill be reassembled into quonsel huts and used for new cit> \ard facilities. The present city yards on Van WageiK'n Stre«t will be torn down. June 2H- Don and Susan Home ing people arships were awarded b\ Garrold and Carol Burnside. thousands ol women seekOver $600,000 in schol Rheese, and Aikx'n Vikin and Bob Nfus wishes to express ing advanced education. r?' and Bnvie, ship programs, the> assist marks during the spring semester at the Iniversity best Bob H idhalm, Ronald and con- national and hxal scholar- Student ol extend Fawn The distinction ma> be number to Secretary HAPPY in Home wishes celebrating anniversaries. Price, Dale Johnson, Geo- Honor their \ ice-President, Henderson News Mr. rge A The President, Helen Wyre, Brent Wavnc Anniversaries Gladys Treasurer. lidencc h\ administrative be National Con\enlion, October 9-12 the arc: bers gain increased con- is mana^int; director lor Las b> Ollicersol Desert Da»»n ol Bywater, Wooten. regular meeting in Jul>. fields ol business. Mem- enmmunit> acti\ities. North thousands Ned Jr., Ravmond Leo Kuni/, Ihroughout Todav, I nited Johnson, Dawn 1». IQ7S at the FIdorado Held the E. preparing to Desert Club in lli-nderson. the Tuesday, June 24, 1975 Henderson Home News Henderson. Nevada Page 7 OPENS 7:00 8H0HTINE DISK MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE MAJOR MEDICAl INSURANCE IS A NECESSITY • irS A PACKACE INSURANCE PROGRAM DESI6NEI) TO PROTECT YOU ANO YOUR FAMILY FROM THE BIG BILLS AN INJURY OR SICKNESS CAN BURDEN YOU WITH IF YOU HAVE MEOICAL INSURANCE • CHECK YOUR COVERAGE. THEN CHECK WITH US AT KAERCHER INSURANCE INSURANCE IS DESIGNED TO PROTECT YOU • BE SURE THAT YOURS DOES OR CAll : THI MAN WHO i lOVID : CAT DANCING : ^... k• • • • • « RHURN Of THE PMK PANTHER K\TH> (, KAERCHER INSURANCE 1 72S SO. EIGHTH icoiNii or ctssi 3t4-2IU ^ !?
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