Five ’ClockNews ® from the Thought Leaders in Career Management and Outplacement A Publication of The Five O’Clock Club®— July 2012 $4.95 Vol. 26, No. 7 How to Manage Your Boss by Susan Bloch, Certified Five O'Clock Club Coach If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter. John Gotti, American mobster W hat comes to mind when you hear the term “managing your boss?” Does it conjure up thoughts like “tell the boss what to do,” “keep the boss happy,” or “keep the boss out of my hair?” These could all be true—depending on you, the boss and the situation. There is a lot to gain from having the ability to manage your boss and definitely a lot to lose if you don’t. We all come to work with different sets of experiences, skills, behaviors and values that often cause friction in the workplace. The skill of managing up enables you to work with your boss’ style by focusing on your shared goals and the results you are both trying to achieve. A good boss can motivate you to perform, improve your work-life and job satisfaction and help you advance in your career. To have this kind of relationship takes effective communication and attention. For example, knowing when to interrupt or disagree with your boss is a skill that savvy employees need Susan Bloch to develop. This kind of attention can also help you avoid those irritating behaviors that rub the boss the wrong way and cause you to fall out of favor. Without properly managing your relationship with your boss, you put your professional development and success at risk. Below is an example of what can happen when a relationship is not properly managed. It’s mutual: You depend on your boss for direction, feedback and support while your boss depends on you for new ideas, hard work and cooperation. Case Study: Sam New Hire Style Clash When Sam interviewed with the team, it was clear to him that Don, the hiring manager, had a very different work style and it could be a challenge working for him. Don required a lot of information to make a decision. He liked to ponder ideas out loud and usually he got side-tracked and went off on tangents. He was a loner and didn’t like spending much time with others. Sam, on the other hand, liked to look at the Continued on page 3 Also in this issue · Happy Clients Write to Us · How to Survive a Long Search · WorkSmarts: Be a Winner on the Job My Employer is Abusing Me I’LL LEAVE WHEN THE ECONOMY LOOKS BETTER W ith the economy still looking uncertain, many managers have adopted a “be glad you have a job” attitude toward their employees. Severance packages and outplacement help for the downsized have continued to dwindle in some organizations (while others try their best to help those they are forced to let go). Some survivors of layoffs are being asked to put in 70- and 80-hour weeks to pick up the slack left by their former coworkers. Employers who take a shortsighted approach to the current economic situation overlook the undeniable fact that things will get better. “The same thing happened in the ’87 to ’92 recession and again in ’02 and ’03,” says Dr. Richard Bayer, a widely published economist, ethicist, and COO of The Five O’Clock Club. “The balance of power between management and employees shifts over time. Right now management holds most of the power, but that will change: it’s happening slowly, but the economy will rebound.” “Though we never advise people to quit their jobs,” asserted Bayer, “we have a lot of people asking what they can do now to prepare for when the ball is back in their court.” Bayer outlined the following tips for job hunters waiting for the upswing: 1. Develop Your Long-Term Plans. Where would you be working if you had a choice? 2. Jot Down Your Accomplishments in Your Job. When you are ready to search, you may not be able to remember all the amazing things you have done. There is a reason you were asked to work longer and harder: your skills are valued. job interviews or networking meetings. 5. Have Your JobSearch Buddy or Your Small Group Help With Practice Interviews. Practice how you’ll position yourself when the time finally comes. We are seeing more employed people coming to the Club. They’re just getting ready, and they may just get lucky as well. l Cheers, Kate 3. Informally Speak to Others in Your Industry. Find out what is happening in other companies. You can do this by going to association meetings and reading trade journals. Contact experts who have written articles. It would be helpful to know if other employers in your industry are being abusive too. If so, begin thinking about other industries that may treat people more fairly. 4. Make Time for Job Search and Career Planning. If you don’t make time for a job search, you may be stuck until you’re dumped. So you have to make time, but in a way that does not jeopardize your job. Take longer lunch breaks, or request time off. Somehow squeeze in THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS from America’s Premier Career-Coaching Network VOL. 26, No. 7 ISSN 1082-3492 July 2012 The Five O’Clock News is a publication of The Five O’Clock Club, published ten times a year for $49. The Five O’Clock Club is a non-denominational organization based on protecting human dignity: putting job hunters and employees first. It provides affordable, stateof-the-art career coaching services directly to individuals and via the corporate market. Services include lectures and career coaching in small groups through a nationwide network of branches, and private job-search as well as executive coaching through certified Five O’Clock Club coaches. Article submissions based on 5OCC methodology are welcome. There is no guarantee of publication. All submissions become the property of The Five O’Clock Club, Inc. Address all comments, questions & suggestions: KATE WENDLETON The Five O’Clock News 300 East 40th Street, 6L New York, NY 10016 Kate Wendleton, President, Editor-in-Chief John Fitzgerald, Associate Editor Call 212-286-4500 for information on becoming a member and subscribing to The Five O’Clock News. E-mail: [email protected] Copyright ©2012 by The Five O’Clock Club. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without the express written consent of The Five O’Clock Club. The writings contained within the pages of this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Five O’Clock Club. The Five O’Clock Club ®, The Forty-Year Vision®, and The Seven Stories Exercise® names and logos are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. 2 THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS Continued from page 1 facts, make a decision and move forward. He also valued building relationships; people, not information, were the most important resource for Sam. Sam quickly tired of Don’s endless demands for more information. He’d tell Don he’d get back to him but then get busy with something else and not follow through. After a few months, Sam noticed that he and Don weren’t communicating very much. He was actually happy about that since talking to Don could get tiring. Sam felt he was doing a good job; he was working hard building relationships and people really seemed to like him. Sam thought things were going well. When it came time for Sam’s 90day review, he was shocked to hear that his performance was not satisfactory. Don went on and on about the reports Sam had neglected to turn in and his lack of attention to detail. Don suggested that perhaps Sam should think about looking for a different position since this didn’t seem like a good fit. Where Did Sam Go Wrong? Although Sam picked up quickly that his style was very different from his boss’, he never focused on what he could do to bridge that gap. Instead of trying to manage the situation, Sam ignored it, resulting in serious consequences for his future at that company and perhaps even his career. Sam’s situation is an example of what can happen when you don’t manage the relationship between yourself and your boss. Ignoring your boss’ style or his priorities is never a good strategy for success. Sam knew from the beginning that Don was detail oriented and deadlines were important to him. Instead of adjusting his own work style, Sam decided to work around Don and try to be successful by demonstrating his strengths. Sam missed an important first step when starting a new job: understand the value of your relationship with your boss. In this article, we will consider several topics: understanding who you are, where you are in your career and how you can develop in your career. We’ll provide some tools to help you understand your boss and guidance on how to deal with difficult situations. We’ll close with some important tips to help you build a more effective relationship with your boss. Get feedback on your performance from your boss and peers. Understanding Yourself You have a mutual dependence with your boss. You depend on your boss for direction, feedback and support while your boss depends on you for new ideas, hard work and cooperation. You both have needs and both benefit from working together. So start building a strong relationship with your boss by developing a good understanding of yourself. What gives you job satisfaction? What upsets you? Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Are you detail oriented? Understanding yourself will give you a major advantage. To do this you need to collect some data. Many organizations have made it a customary practice to ask managers to participate in a process called 360degree feedback. This process starts with you identifying a small number of people in all areas of your work-life (hence the 360 title) and asking them to complete a confidential survey about you that is sent to a third party for tabulation. You select a group of your direct reports, your boss and perhaps his or her boss, peers and sometimes customers. The survey provides information about you in a number of areas including communication, management style, leadership skills and technical knowledge. The results can be a real eye opener. You will learn what people at all levels experience in working with you. If you don’t have the luxury of participating in 360-degree feedback, think about creating your own tool to get the information. Depending on your work relationships, you might be able to set up a series of meetings and have a serious discussion with selected staff to learn about yourself. Talk with your peers. You can put together a short list of important questions and, for the price of a cup of coffee, you should be able to get some valuable feedback. Questions that provide good insight include: · “In working with me, what do you see as my three top strengths?” · “If you were putting together a work team, can you think of an area where I would add value?” · “If I wanted to improve one aspect of my communication skills, what should it be?” These questions are specifically worded so they encourage the recipient THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 3 HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS to share information. People will usually provide feedback if they see that you are open to hearing it and are sincerely interested in making changes. You could also contact your Human Resource Department to see what they offer or suggest. Many companies provide training and professional development. Classes are offered internally or through a variety of outside organizations, so it should not be hard to find something that gives you an opportunity to develop your self-awareness and receive feedback. It doesn’t matter how you get the information to build your self-awareness but it does matter that you get it. Case Study: Michael Finding Ways to Get Feedback Michael was feeling frustrated. He’d been in his new Senior Manager position for a year and he had no idea if he was doing well and if his boss, Sally, was satisfied with his performance. She was always so busy that it was hard to get business questions answered, let alone receive any performance feedback. He knew Sally was uncomfortable with any type of confrontation, so asking her point blank, “How am I performing?” would be too threatening. On a day when he was feeling particularly isolated, Michael stepped into John’s office and asked his colleague, “Do you ever wonder how you are performing in this job?” John, also a Senior Manager reporting to Sally, smiled broadly and said, “Yes, I wonder about it but I don’t have a clue how to get Sally to take the time to give me feedback.” As they talked, they realized that it would be very helpful to get some performance feedback so they could work on any deficiencies that emerged. Michael and John decided to write down a list of questions they’d like answered by their boss. Then they constructed a conversation that was very developmentally focused and non-threatening. They identified a more seniorlevel position in the organization that they would like to grow into and wanted 4 to know what skills they needed to develop to be successful in that position. Michael thanked John for his time and went back to his office feeling reenergized and focused. Later that week, Michael looked for an opportunity to catch Sally at a time that she was relaxed and available. He got his opportunity on Friday when they were both walking back from a meeting. Michael told Sally he was thinking about the future and shared that, at some point, he would really like to move into the director role in the Marketing Department. He asked Sally what she knew about the role and what skills he would need to develop to get there. She gave him a lot of information on what that role involved and provided feedback about his strengths and how she thought he would be a really good fit for that role. In a casual hallway meeting, Michael got the feedback he wanted on his performance and skills. This case study is one example of how you can manage your boss. Unfortunately, it is rare to find a boss who takes the time to give performance feedback unless it is time for an annual review. Taking responsibility to get this information becomes part of your job. Once you have information on your strengths and areas that need development, the next step is deciding what you want to do about it. If you go through a formal 360-review process, you’ll most likely work with a consultant or coach to review the feedback and develop an action plan. If you are working on this process independently, there are many resources available including management development courses offered through universities or local business training centers. Hiring a management coach is very common today and this can be a great help in developing skills. Some organizations provide mentors to junior or mid-level employees. This can be a great resource since your mentor will know both you and the organization. You can get feedback on your skills, learn more about your organization and be introduced to contacts that can help in your career development. THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 The actions you take will vary, depending on the particular skill or behavior that you are trying to develop. For example, if you are weak in a technical skill like accounting, you could enroll in a class. If you are described as a micro-manager, however, you’ll need an action plan that includes more than a training class. Talk to your Human Resource Department or other managers that you respect to get suggestions on resources. It may be necessary to take a course on your own to move forward in your skill development. What You Need from Your Boss The type of support you require from your boss will vary with your own experience level and where you are in your career. For example, when you are just out of school or new to a profession, you require a certain amount of attention and direction from your boss. As you gain experience, your needs change. Some bosses recognize this, but not always. You need to take responsibility to get what you need and get rid of what you don’t need. Below are three scenarios describing tips and strategies for getting what you need at various stages in your professional development. Professional Development Level I Strategies If you are in the beginning of your career, the best boss for you is one who acts as a mentor or coach. It would be very helpful to have someone who would give you feedback on your strengths and areas needing development and who would encourage you and motivate you to do your best. How do you turn your boss into this kind of person? Here are some steps you can take: 1. Ask for a regular meeting for which the agenda is simply, “Tell me how I’m doing and what you’d like to see me work on.” During your first year on the job, this should be held once a HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS month. After that, it can be held once a quarter. It doesn’t matter if it’s a casual lunch meeting or a more formal gathering in the office at 3 p.m. If your boss is not comfortable with giving feedback, you should prepare a list of questions that will get you what you need. For example, “How did I do on the presentation last month? Please tell me two things that went well and two areas that could be improved.” “What did you like about my sales presentation? How could I improve it?” 2. Establish quarterly or semiannual goals and give them to your boss. Make sure that you are both setting the same priorities for your work. 3. Find a way to share your career goals with your boss. Make sure he knows where you’d like to be in two years, what skills you’d like to develop and what future education you are interested in. At a minimum, you should have this conversation on an annual basis. Picture yourself as a business partner with your boss and try to see the criticism as an opportunity to grow. Professional Development Level II Strategies By this level you probably don’t need or want a lot of managing from your boss. You bring the knowledge and skills to do the job, so what you really need is a good understanding of the direction the company is going and the priorities of your position. To be successful, it is critical that your boss clearly articulates his expectations and that you clearly understand them. In addition, you need to understand your department’s priorities and how you can help pitch in when needed. Steps to managing your boss at this level include: 1. Ask to be included in appropriate business meetings. 2. Look for ways you can support teammates. 3. Take a leadership role when possible. 4. When you present your boss with a problem, try to offer a solution. 5. Get on your boss’ calendar once a quarter to review priorities and get feedback on how you are performing. Professional Development Level III Strategies Once you reach a certain level of expertise, your needs in a boss become very different from what you wanted at the beginning of your career. At this point, your boss is there as a sounding board, that is, someone to share ideas with, discuss strategies and define priorities. Steps to managing your boss at this level include: 1. Set up a regular meeting schedule, at a frequency that supports enough communication so priorities are always clear. 2. Make it your business to understand what your boss is working on and how you can be of support. 3. On an annual basis, ask for feedback on your behaviors and identify what skills you need to develop. Understand what it would take for you to replace your boss. Developmental Needs: How to Grow your Career One area that seems to always get lost in the workplace is employee training and development. Smart companies have long realized that a key factor in retaining good employees is the ability to offer career growth opportunities. Unfortunately, most companies do not take the time to focus on this, so it becomes an area where you must take responsibility to make things happen. Identify your developmental needs, clarify your career goals and communicate them to your boss. Think about the future and picture what you’d like to be doing three years from now. What skills and experience will you need to get there? Ask your boss for input and share any suggestions that you feel will help you reach your goal. For example, ask to be part of a committee or volunteer to run a project in order to gain valuable experience that will challenge you in areas that extend beyond your current day-to-day responsibilities. Ask for a mentor or coach. Spend time with someone more senior in the organization to learn new skills and behaviors. It is also a way to be introduced to others in the organization that you normally would not have contact with. Another path for development is through education and training courses. Discuss these with your boss. Talk about your future goals and what you think could help you get there. See if you can get any tuition reimbursement from your company. Be flexible if your goals are not in line with what the organization needs. Many companies only pay for courses that are job related, so it may be necessary to take a course on your own to move forward in your skill development. Become active in groups to grow professionally. Ask your boss to steer you in the right direction. If your interests are in a different area, do research to identify professional groups in your vicinity and talk to colleagues and friends to see if you can get contact names in these groups. Networking with professionals in your field of interest is an excellent way to hear about learning opportunities or THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 5 HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS potential job openings. Have a conversation about your development with your boss at least once a year, on your own initiative if necessary. Discuss the agenda ahead of time and come prepared to run this meeting. Keep your boss’ communication style in mind and make sure that the format you choose is one that is compatible. For example, if your boss is casual, perhaps going for coffee and talking in a relaxing environment would be a good idea. However, if your boss is the quiet type and not a smooth communicator, providing a list of questions ahead of time and structuring a more formal meeting should get some results. Understanding Your Boss Now that you see the importance of having a good understanding of yourself, let’s turn to developing an understanding of the person you report to. Here are some helpful tips to begin the process of understanding your boss: 1. Learn your boss’ management style. One way to do this is by taking the time to watch and listen to what your boss does and says with other groups and individuals, peers, secretaries or assistants, board members, customers, etc. Does your boss work lots of extra hours in the office? Socialize with others from work? Communicate by phone, emails, and formal memos or in person? Prefer frequent updates or just an occasional briefing? By observing your boss in various situations, you will gain a good understanding of his values and what is important to him. 2. Recognize the areas where your management style and the boss’ management style are complimentary and where they diverge. It is your responsibility to strategize on how best to make your strengths, weaknesses and style differences work together well. If you think you’re going to get the boss to adopt your style, think again. To have a positive relationship, you’ll need to be the one who demonstrates flexibility, is able to compromise and shows a willingness to take direction. 6 3. Don’t overlook the importance of little things in a boss’ management style. Small things can be very helpful in developing and maintaining a good working relationship. For example, if the boss is a stickler about being on time and starting a 7:30 a.m. meeting on the dot, get there on time (or even a few minutes early). If you arrive even a few minutes late, it may be a problem. 4. Choose your battles wisely and address them one-on-one with the boss, in a confidential setting. There is nothing more fruitless than watching a smart, skilled manager suddenly embark on a suicide mission by going head-tohead with the boss on a relatively small issue or wrong approach. And even worse, to do it in front of an audience. When you have differences to air or problems to resolve, take it behind closed doors. 5. Wherever possible, meet your deadlines; but if unforeseeable problems intervene and a deadline becomes impossible to meet, let the boss know this ASAP. Waiting until the last minute and hoping for a miracle isn’t too smart, particularly when the boss may have built a schedule around your deadline. Observe which colleagues have a particularly good working relationship with the boss and ask them for suggestions. Communication Style Communication is a major component of your relationship with your boss and it is also an area where many employees fail. People communicate in a variety of styles and you should learn what your boss’ style is and communicate using techniques that will prove successful. If your boss moves at a fast pace, makes decisions quickly and doesn’t make time for chit chat, your interactions should be concise, organized, fastpaced and to the point. This type of boss will appreciate your ability to articulate the “big picture” without long THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 explanations. Learn to express yourself using bullet-point statements and speak with confidence. If your boss is logical and analytical, you’ll be better off providing a sufficient amount of data. Understanding your boss’ communication style helps you speak the same language as your boss. Some bosses are very people-orientated, and face-time with you is important. Others prefer to communicate through email and don’t want a lot of discussions. Whatever the style, it is part of your role in managing your boss to become familiar with your boss’ style and react to it in a way that will be productive and appreciated. Dealing with a Difficult Boss Successfully managing a difficult boss is a challenge. A good place to start is to try to understand the reasons for your boss’ difficult behavior. If your boss is normally reasonable and the difficult behavior is the result of stress or work overload, there is a good chance that things can change. You should communicate your issues/concerns in a helpful, positive manner and try to create an atmosphere for problem solving. However, if this hostility or chronic abuse is a regular occurrence, it is less likely that the behavior will change. If this is the case, you might need to seek counsel from a mentor or human resource professional to evaluate your options. When talking with a difficult boss, never be confrontational. Try to carry out your conversation in a non-adversarial way so you do not further damage your relationship. Criticism is tough to take, but try to see it as valuable information about how to do better. Try to separate your ego from your business persona. Although it will be hard, try not to react emotionally or defensively. Picture yourself as a business partner with your boss and try to see the criticism as an opportunity to grow. Having a difficult boss is one of the biggest challenges you face in your career. Sometimes it helps to seek out- HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS side counsel or support to figure out the best approach in dealing with an unreasonable personality. Talk it over with a trusted colleague or a Human Resource professional to get a different perspective and to calm down. Remember, however, that every organization has its own culture and it is important that you use your political savvy to determine what is acceptable in your organization and what is not tolerated. For example, if bullies are looked up to and supported by senior management, it’s a losing battle to try to fight it. You are probably better off looking for a new position. Case Study: Hannah Hannah was excited to learn that she received the sales position reporting to Kate. Kate seemed like a smart woman with much experience and Hannah was sure she could learn a lot. It didn’t take long, however, before Hannah became disappointed. When Hannah first started, Kate was very friendly and supportive. She assigned Hannah some clients and helped her prepare her first presentation. Soon after that, Kate became very hard to reach. She was rarely in the office and when she was, she was behind closed doors. Hannah approached her one time but received a harsh look that basically said, “Leave me alone.” Kate did not hold back when she disapproved of something Hannah did. She would ask her questions in a manner that felt belittling and many times she did this with others around. There were two other team members who worked with Hannah and it was obvious that they were having trouble dealing with Kate. One member was terminated after Kate accused her of not being able to perform her job. The other teammate confided that she could not work with Kate and was looking for another position. After six months on the job, Hannah decided that if she was going to stay in her position, she needed to have a conversation with Kate and come up with a more comfortable way of work- ing together. Hannah set up a meeting and went in prepared to make her points clearly and professionally without getting emotional. Hannah explained that although she really liked her job, she felt that communication between them needed to improve and she had some suggestions to share. Kate listened as Hannah gave some examples of when communication had broken down and she continued to listen as Hannah made suggestions on how to improve things. Surprisingly, Kate seemed pleased that Hannah had stepped forward and raised these issues. She said she didn’t realize how unavailable she had been and suggested that Hannah leave her voicemails when she needed something and she would make every effort to return the call that day. Kate shared that she was under a lot of pressure from her boss and she didn’t mean to take it out on Hannah. She told Hannah that her work was excellent and that she had a lot of potential. Kate understood that it was upsetting to receive criticism in a public setting and she agreed to make sure that they were alone if she was going to say something that had a negative tone. Hannah was pleased that she made the effort to improve her relationship with her boss. Although working for Kate continued to be challenging, Hannah felt she could handle the situation. Her self-confidence grew and she continued to be a strong contributor. areas by carefully observing and talking to colleagues when you are new to a position. 4. Don’t speak badly about your boss in public or private. It’s okay to disagree but don’t sink to a level that is unprofessional. 5. Make sure you get the information you need. If your boss is not forthcoming with it, ask for it. Communicate in whatever fashion is appropriate but don’t sit back and wait for something to come your way. 6. Learn the corporate culture and use appropriate behaviors. 7. Review your priorities with your boss regularly and stay focused on them. Build credibility by addressing the boss’ problems. 8. Learn to read your boss’ body language so you know when it is an appropriate time to talk and when it’s best not to disturb. Managing up is a skill that every employee needs to learn. Think of it as YOUR responsibility to build the relationship. This attitude will get you the results you want. Understand the boss’ priorities, likes and dislikes, sense of urgency and style of communication and adjust your behavior accordingly. In many ways, managing up is simply having the right Tips for Success Here’s a list of how to be successful at managing your boss: 1. When your boss speaks highly about a project, report, organization, etc., use that knowledge to get a sense of what the boss rates as “good” in a variety of areas. Knowing the boss’ definition of “good work,” including content and process, is very important. 2. Observe which colleagues have a particularly good working relationship with the boss and talk to them. Find out what they think is the best way to work with the boss and get suggestions on how to be successful. 3. Avoid stepping into sensitive SOON available at and THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 7 Summer is One of the Best Times to Job Hunt Tell your competition to keep on relaxing. Five O’Clock Clubbers keep on going—and get the jobs. August and September are two of the highest hiring months. Who gets hired then? Those who searched in the summer. Be sure to tell your friends about us: Email: [email protected] “The Five O’Clock Club is plain, easy-going and unconventional . . . Members or guests need not don their dress suits to attend the meetings.” (From the Club History —written in the 1890s) LETTERS — FROM HAPPY CLIENTS AND HR To Mary Anne Walsh, Ed.D. THANK YOU again, Mary Anne, for your wisdom, patience, and extremely helpful feedback. I was Coach Mary Anne cognizant of your Walsh, Ed.D. advice. Right after I pleaded my case for a higher salary, I did shut up! — and in a few days got $5,000 more! LOL I wouldn’t have gotten to this point without your support and am so grateful. You are terrific! By the way, as The Five O’Clock Club suggests, I had emailed my résumé and a cover letter directly to the hiring manager in addition to applying online. When the recruiter contacted me, she didn’t mention anything about the hiring manager perhaps forwarding my email to her. Maybe it really was just pure luck that the recruiter found me out of the hundreds of résumés she got, but I doubt it. As I said, you are terrific! Robert Hi HarrietI just accepted a job offer so I won’t see you for a little while. Thank you for your assistance! Let my small8 Coach Harriet Katz group members know that it really did help to network, it does give you an “in” when you send off your application—they recognize your name and already have a “feel” for what you are like. Even today, I spoke with one of my contacts who gave me a heads up about another job opening and they wanted me to send in an application— they said they would keep an eye out for it so I could interview.... so it is a technique that just keeps working and people keep you in mind. Having more than one job offer come in also helped me negotiate a better salary as it gave me more confidence and I did not feel that “it is my only chance at a job”....I knew there was a back up. Take care....... Shawna (heathcare professional) From an HR Manager: Kate, I’ve spoken with [our former employee] and she’s very excited about your program, having spoken with your rep and for an initial call with her coach (to set up their first meeting). She has her first one-on-one with her coach tonight and will be starting her small group after that. She’s already completed the first draft of her résumé and is ready for suggestions and advice, so she’s very much in the go-forward mode, which pleases us a great deal. She mentioned to me that without this program, she would have felt “lost.” Will keep you posted on the feedback she gives us. Best regards, Shirley THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 Hi Bert, I hope all is well and you and your family. Thanks for all your encouragement and loving support in acquiring my new job. I Coach Bert Marro truly believe in the 5OOC methodology as it has worked for me on 3 occasions (in California, Hawaii, and now Israel). Incidentally they all came about the same time, just before the Holiday Season! As you stated many times, summers and holidays are probably the best time to being doing your search. Bert, I really want to make a good impression to stay with the company for at least 2 years. Both of my last two positions lasted for too short a time and I am experiencing fear of losing this position. I like the staff and the project. Although I have never held this specific engineering title, I think it is a wonderful opportunity to advance my career because of the scope of the project. I am committed to performing at a high level and doing a good job. I am creating the possibility of being Powerful and Unstoppable. What do you suggest to insure I advance my career and make a good impression? I’m ready for the next step. Best Regards Moshe 10 Tips for Surviving a Long Search T his is still a tough market and some people are having long searches. People who conscientiously work the Five O’Clock Club methodology—and who truly do put in 35 hours a week on job-search—still arrive at the stage of receiving offers within two to four months. But longer searches are not uncommon. As things drag on, people feel their morale and energies slip away. How do you rebound? The Energizer Bunny has to be your role model, and it is especially important to maintain a positive attitude to have a successful campaign with a happy ending. Here are Ten Tips to help keep people motivated when things look bleak: 1. Do something new. People who have been unemployed a year might tell you they’ve been “looking for a year.” But chances are, there are “new things to do.” For example, try professional-level volunteer work, join associations, earn some money some way. It could keep you feeling like a winner. We encourage job hunters to do what they have to do to keep body and soul together. Review the Five O’Clock Club methodology. Have you skipped any steps? Something you overlooked might be the something new to try—and be honest with yourself: Are you really spending 35 hours a week on job search? jobs are filled through search firms and ads. The most overlooked technique is direct contact (which is not the same thing as networking). Our job hunters are getting 36% of their meetings by contacting companies directly. Follow their lead: find out the names of department heads. Try to get in to see people whether or not they have openings. “You never know when you’ll need someone like me” is one approach. 4. Be flexible on salary . Some people are not making what they made three years ago. People should expect to be paid fairly at current market rates, and the market is not very strong right now. 5. If you’re forced into a low-paying position, remember that this is all temporary. Whatever kind of work you might settle for, whatever you get paid—think of it as temporary until the market turns around. Don’t beat up on yourself, “Oh, this is what my life has come to after all these years.” Instead, do what you have to do to bring in some money and keep yourself healthy emotionally. The situation will all change again in a few years. You’re just trying to get through this rough patch. By the way, some people are getting mulitple offers and very good salaries. 2. Expand your targets! Think outside of the box. If you have been looking only in your major metropolitan area, look in the suburbs. People who have worked for accounting firms should look on the client side: explore accounting for not-for-profits or small- to mid-sized corporations. There may be literally hundreds of companies and organizations to explore, most of which can be unearthed by just a few hours of Internet research—which brings us to the next tip. 6. Be around POSITIVE people. It doesn’t help to associate with people who wallow in depression and take perverse comfort in telling themselves about “how bad it is out there.” Join associations to make positive contacts and meet people with an upbeat attitude—and to keep up-to-date in your field. Five O’Clock Clubbers work at keeping a positive attitude, measure the effectiveness of their searches, and keep on plugging. Of course, they also have a career coach to help them see that the glass might just be half full and guide them through the process. 3. Use many techniques for getting meetings. Most job hunters rely on search firms and ads. Yet fewer than 10% of all 7. Continue to job-hunt even if your heart isn’t in it. When you were in your old job, there were days you didn’t feel like doing it, but you did it anyway because it was your responsibility. Job-hunting is your job right now. Some days you don’t feel like doing it, but you must. Make a phone call. Write a proposal. Research a company. Do your best every day. No matter how you feel. And somehow it will get done, as any job gets done. 8. Get a job-search buddy. Your buddy is someone who is also searching whom you can talk to — fairly often and informally. “Here’s what I’m planning to do today in my search. What are you planning to do? Let’s talk tomorrow and make sure we’ve done it.” You can probably find your jobsearch buddy in your small group at the Club. To avoid giving each other bad advice, be sure to follow the Five O’Clock Club methodology. That is, read and reread the books—and your weekly group will help keep you on track. 9. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Job search is stressful, and stress can prompt you to give up good habits and throw in the towel, for example, stop going to the gym, abandon your diet. So take care of yourself physically. Watch your drinking, eating, and smoking—they can get out of hand. Get dressed every morning. Look good. Get some exercise. Eat healthful foods. Take some time off to recharge. Don’t postpone having fun until you get a job. Schedule at least three hours of fun a week. Do something you are normally unable to do when you’re working, for example, go to a museum or to the ballpark. You’ll be more relaxed and more interesting when you go on interviews! 10. Remember: you are distracted , so pay attention to protect yourself. We’ve heard it from job hunters for years: they get mugged, walk into walls, lose wallets and purses—because their minds are elsewhere. Job search—especially a long drawn-out job search—is not an ordinary situation, and extraordinary things can happen. Be on your guard. l THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 9 CAREER MANAGEMENT ADVICE FROM OUR MANAGEMENT AND COACHES WorkSmarts Be a Winner on the Job Build Relationships to Achieve Results Navigate Politics and Personalities Manage Conflict with Style WorkSmarts will be available in July/August, 2012 at or T wenty-two of our coaches have contributed chapters, as have three members of our management team: Kate Wendleton, President; Richard Bayer, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer; and David Madison, Ph.D., Director of our National Guild of Career Coaches. The coaches are from all over the country: Anita Attridge, Bill Belknap, Susan Bloch, Cecelia Burokas, Chip Conlin, Nancy Deering, Robert Hellmann, Peter Hill, Jim Hinthorn, Stacey Jerrold, Nancy Karas, Harriet Katz, Bernadette Norz, Joan Runnheim Olson, Ruth K. Robbins, Renée Lee Rosenberg, Hélène Seiler, Win Sheffield, Cynthia Strite, Margaret McLean Walsh, and Mary Anne Walsh, Ed.D. You can find their full bios (and the bios of some of our other coaches) on our website in the About Us section (, and mini-bios following the Introduction in the About Our Contributors section. Is workplace politics getting you down? This book was written by our coaches in response to our Members’ requests about what we know about business coaching. After all, The Five O’Clock Club has always been focused on the career development of our Members—helping them to do well in their present organizations, as those organizations, and the world, change. As organizations continue to flat- ten their hierarchies, eliminate permanent staff, rely on outsourcing and emphasize the bottom line to accomplish their goals, it is more critical than ever for employees to develop strategies that empower them to reinvent and position themselves for success in the workplace. The difference between advancing in one’s career or stagnating in it often rests on one’s ability and willingness to become a strategic thinker. An important step is to understand one’s value and communicate that value to the company. It has been well documented that the employee who can take charge of his or her career will be more productive, better satisfied, focused on results and relationships, and therefore prepared to impact a company’s bottom line. It is critical for individuals to manage their own professional development. Unfortunately, too many employees do not know how to develop strategies for success, whether they are new to the job or seasoned veterans. The Five O’Clock Club coaches have identified winning strategies for success on the job and we have compiled them in this book to make it easier for every employee to learn how to be more effective at work. Each chapter is written by one of our experts. The chapters include self-help exercises and winning action steps, which can be implemented immedi- 10 T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 ately. It is about helping employees to become change-resilient, more secure in themselves and their future as organizations continue to adjust to changing market situations. How can one improve his/her executive presence? What does it take to identify projects that drive revenue? Is change seen as opportunity? To increase value to the company, how can you focus on results, not activities? In a very diverse work environment, how can workers from different cultural back grounds understand the impact of culture on doing business? Over the years, our clients have come to us for help while on the job. These are some of the common issues raised frequently, which will be addressed in the book. Read what you need, but also read all of the other chapters that you think you may not need! The gems of advice that you will pick up will surprise you. Remember: All Five O’Clock Club coaches go through a grueling, four-month certification process so they all speak the same language and have mastered the research behind what we teach. You’re in good hands with a Five O’Clock Club coach and we hope to hear from you about your experiences. Write to us at [email protected] or call 1-800-5386645. K.W., 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction About Our Contributors Part One: Starting Out 1. That’s the Way We Do Things Here—Understanding Organizational Culture, Anita Attridge 2. Starting Out on the Right Foot in Your New Job, Kate Wendleton 3. Conducting Your Quarterly Review of Those Who Influence Your Career, Kate Wendleton 4. Being Happy at Work: The Puritan Work Ethic and Beyond, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 5. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Importance of Image, Cynthia Strite with David Madison, Ph.D. Part Two: Managing Relationships at Work 6. Handling Conflict at Work, Nancy Deering 7. How to Manage Your Boss, Susan Bloch 8. Making Your Performance Review Work for You, Cecelia Burokas 9. Performance Reviews: What Managers and Leaders Need to Know, Robert Hellmann 10. Focus on Solutions to Boost Success, Margaret McLean Walsh 11. Younger Bosses, Older Workers, Kate Wendleton 12. How to Handle Workplace Politics, Win Sheffield 13. Office Gossip: The Good and The Bad, Kate Wendleton 14. How to Have Engaged Employees, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 15. Keeping and Maximizing the Talent You Have Now, David Madison, Ph.D. 16. Golden Rules for Creating WinWin Business Solutions, Harriet Katz 17. The New Diversity, Kate Wendleton and Jeff Cohen Part Three: Handling the Job 18. When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed at Work, Ruth K. Robbins 19. Time Management: How to Become a To—Do List Conqueror, Stacey Jerrold 20. Work-Life Balance or Harmony?, Bernadette Norz 21. Selling Your Value on the Job: How to Be a Winner, Stacey Jerrold 22. Don’t Keep Your Head Down: Top Five Strategies for Moving Ahead, Kate Wendleton 23. Improve Your Performance in Your Present Position, Kate Wendleton 24. When to Blow the Whistle, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 25. How to Overcome Suffering— Especially in Your Career, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 26. Humility and Success, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 27. Attending Parties and Events: Tips to Shine and Help Your Career, Nancy Karas 28. Networking…One More Time, Bill Belknap and Hélène Seiler Part Four: Getting Ahead 29. How to Ask for a Raise, Kate Wendleton 30. The Promotability Index: Will You Actually Get Promoted? Or Are You Simply “Promotable?” Kate Wendleton 31. How We Respond to Life’s Difficulties: The Most Important Factor in Success in Life, Kate Wendleton 32. Staying Resilient and Achieving Success: Positive Thinking Can Provide a Boost, Renée Lee Rosenberg 33. Stay Focused; Take Control of Your Career; Keep Yourself Marketable, Kate Wendleton 34. The Eight-Word Message: How to Make Sure Those Above You Know How Good You Are, Kate Wendleton 35. Forging Career Security: Things to Do When You’re Not Job Hunting, David Madison, Ph.D. 36. Social Media: Five O’Clock Club Coaches Talk about Using LinkedIn to Improve Your Career, Kate Wendleton 37. No Matter What Your Age: The Value of Having a Long-Term Vision, Kate Wendleton 38. Virtue in Your Work-Life: What Makes a Meaningful Work-Life?, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 39. The Mentor-Mentee Relationship: Career Development Secret Weapon, Peter Hill 40. Mentoring: How it Can Help Your Career, Rob Hellmann for 41. Isn’t It Time You Got Yourself a Coach?, Anita Attridge Part Five: For Executives 42. Achieve Success through Effective Leadership, Rob Hellmann 43. It’s No Longer Business as Usual: How to Stand Out in a Time of Organizational Change, Chip Conlin 44. Ethical Decisions in Business, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 45. Smart Moves for Global Executives Working in a Multicultural World, Mary Anne Walsh, Ed.D. Part Six: Moving On 46. Career Danger Signals: What to Look for, Hélène Seiler and Bill Belknap 47. Eight Signs That Say It’s Time to Change Jobs, Kate Wendleton 48. Time for a Change? Why Not Consider a Nontraditional Career?, Joan Runnheim Olson 49. Things People Do to Get Fired: How to Avoid These Pitfalls, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 50. Why Executives Derail, Jim Hinthorn 51. Get What’s Coming To You: Negotiate the Best Possible Severance Package, Kate Wendleton 52. How to Get Fired: A Review of Smart Exit Strategies, David Madison, Ph.D. 53. How to Terminate Employees While Respecting Human Dignity, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. 54. Compassion, Richard Bayer, Ph.D. Appendixes 1. Exercise to Analyze your Past and Present: Seven Stories Exercise® Analyzing Your Seven Stories 2. Your Fifteen-Year Vision and Your Forty-Year Vision® About the Editors: Kate Wendleton and David Madison, Ph.D. l THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 11 Think of Us for Leadership Development, Team Building, Cross-Cultural Training, Onboarding, and a host of other services E mployee performance and retention are the name of the game. Will your employees stay when the market improves? Will they follow the new direction the organization is taking? Consider some of the following programs, custom-tailored to your needs. For Managers and Executives: · Business Coaching and Managerial / Executive Development A highly structured approach used by all of our Executive Coaches. Includes coach peer review and regular reporting to HR. Used in conjunction with our book, “Navigating Your Career.” Ask for a detailed description of these programs. · Leadership Development Our offerings include both one-on-one and group training in Situational Leadership, training / assessment in Leadership Competencies, and showing managers how to coach their staff to better performance. The result is better managers and leaders, and moreeffective organizations. In addition, Five O’Clock Club Executive Coaches, following our methodology, are experts at “difficult” employee relations issues, such as managing non-performers, in giving candid but supportive feedback. · Executive and High-Potential Onboarding How well an executive transitions into a new company will impact your success. Close to 50%—nearly half of new executives hired—quit or are fired within the first 18 months at a new employer (Source: Corporate Leadership Council). The 5OCC Onboarding process enables the new executive to assimilate into the culture and perform quickly. For the Organization: · Employee Engagement Programs Using the Club’s methodology, we help organizations to identify gaps and opportunities, and then facilitate solutions that will help to increase employee motivation, retain top talent, and ensure alignment of employee efforts with management’s vision. Our approach is founded on our experience that employees are an organization’s most valuable asset. · Career Development Programs– for all employees, from the most senior on down Help employees to see that they have a future with your organization and help them to be more in control of their careers. We have delivered these seminars to thousands of employees, from 2-hour seminars for every employee from the top, down, to 4 half-day seminars for selected groups. The basic program always involves assessment, which results in a career plan for each person and a sense of control over their future. · Highly experienced Motivational Speakers get employees moving again! · Virtual Team Building Training and Coaching To stay competitive as well as to reduce costs, organizations are embracing virtual collaboration. If managed properly, virtual teams can be smarter than traditional teams and ultimately more effective. And the complexities of communication over time, distance, cultures and space can be managed for increased results. This training with a coaching component will focus on learning how to be an effective leader of virtual teams. · Retirement Planning Usually individual coaching, but also delivered in workshops. For those who have a few years to go until retirement, those who have the option to retire, or those of a certain age who are losing their jobs and want to consider their options. This is a not a financial planning 12 T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 seminar. Instead, we help individuals to determine their retirement activities, and what they have to do to make them happen. Used in conjunction with our book, “Achieving the Good Life After 50.” · Team Development Consultation & Facilitation customized to suit your needs. · Myers Briggs – MBTI for Teams How an individual prefers to work influences how they work individually and in teams. The MBTI team assessment helps team members to understand their own working preferences, those of the other team members and how the team is working together. With this information, teams can assess and increase their communication, and problem-solving and decision-making processes. For International Employees and Businesses: · Cross-cultural Training and Coaching for International Employees According to studies, expatriates (natives of one country in professional positions in another country) are most in need of coaching (14-40% of assignments end early) and, in fact, they get the least coaching of all groups studied. (Judge Business School, U. of Cambridge, 2008.) · Accent Reduction and Language Skills Enhancement for International Clients (non-native speakers). Presentations such as “Sounding Good in English — Speech Tips for Non-Native Speakers.” As well as one-on-one coaching. P lease do call us to discuss your organization’s needs. We have over 200 coaches to serve you. Contact: David Madison, SVP: 212-286-4500. Email: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR THE FIVE O’CLOCK CLUB Professional, Managerial, Executive and CareerStarter Job-Hunt Groups Meetings are held weekly via teleconference or at various physical locations. 8 Hear one lecture per week at a physical branch or via one of 16 lectures on CDs by Kate Wendleton. (The boxed lecture set: $150 or FREE with the purchase of 10 “Insider” sessions.) ' ; Join the weekly small group discussion with a senior Five O’Clock Club career consultant (for the “Insider” program: via teleconference from the convenience of your home, or anywhere else). Enjoy The Five O’Clock Club website. Download worksheets from the Members Only section. Prices: Insider Program Because of the popularity of “Insider,” our costs have decreased over time. The savings are passed on to you. Physical branches are more expensive. Prices are for individuals. If your employer is paying for you, please see our “outplacement” price schedule on the next page. This is a members-only organization. FEES: $49 annual membership plus session fees, which are based on member’s income. Income < $100,000 20 sessions 10 sessions $100,000 + Price Per sess. Price $540 $360 $27 $36 $810 $540 Per sess. $200,000 + Price Per sess. $40.50 $1215 $60.70 $54 $810 $81 Fee for books: $51 for the basic five books plus two free booklets (purchased on our website) Career Starters: Students; recent grads or less than 10 yrs. out < $40,000; others $490 package includes 1.5 hrs. of private coaching, 10 group sessions, book, 16 lectures on CDs, 2 years’ membership. Week of Topic July 2-6 HOLIDAY WEEK -No Sessions Scheduled July 9-13 Keys to Effective Networking July 16-20 Your Résumé and the Two-Minute Pitch July 23-27 Beat the Odds with Search Firms & Ads July 30-Aug 3Shortcut Your Search: Internet & Other Research Aug 6-10 Developing New Momentum in Your Campaign Aug 13-17 Getting the Most Out of Your Contacts Aug 20-24 SUMMER BREAK - No Sessions Scheduled Aug 27-31 Getting Interviews: Direct & Targeted Mail Sept 3-7 HOLIDAY WEEK - No Sessions Scheduled Sept 10-14 The 5OCC Approach to Interviewing Sept 17-21 Handling Difficult Interview Questions Sept 24-28 HOLIDAY WEEK - No Sessions Scheduled (Yom Kippur) Oct 1-5 The Five O’Clock Club Approach to Job Search Oct 8-12 HOLIDAY WEEK - No Sessions Scheduled Oct 15-19 How to Turn Job Interviews into Offers Oct 22-26 Developing New Targets for Your Search Oct 29-Nov2 Four-Step Salary Negotiation Method Nov 5-9 Advanced Interviewing Techniques Nov 12-16 Keys to Effective Networking Nov 19-23 HOLIDAY WEEK - No Sessions Scheduled Nov 26-30 Your Résumé and the Two-Minute Pitch Dec 3-7 Beat the Odds with Search Firms & Ads The Five O’Clock Club ®® Over 85 groups meet nationwide. Below is a sampling. or visit us at A Sample of Our Branches n Central Mon., 7:30 p.m. Central Renée Lee Rosenberg THE POPULAR INSIDER PROGRAM You are near a meeting of The Five O’Clock Club — with over 40 groups meeting weekly. To join the “Insider,” a weekly smallgroup teleconference, call 212-286-4500. Below are a sample of the groups. Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. Central Joan Harris Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m. Pacific Linda Warren n East Mondays, 8:30 p.m. EST Renée Lee Rosenberg Sr. Executive ($200,000 plus) Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. EST Anita Attridge Mondays 7:30 p.m. EST Bill Belknap Tuesdays, 8:00 p.m. EST Damona Sain Executive ($100,000 plus) Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. EST Harriet Katz n West Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Pacific Celia Currin Please see our website ( for the coaching staff and full offerings. n Central Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Central Bert Marro Attendance Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Central; Celia Currin • Reservations required. • Unused sessions are transferable to anyone you choose or will be given to those in financial difficulty attending more than 16 sessions. • Most branches are geared to professionals, managers, executives, and recent grads from a wide variety of industries and professions. Most earn from $30,000 to $500,000. Half are employed, half are unemployed. • Attend at least 10 meetings in a row to develop momentum and perhaps land an appropriate position. Our research proves that those who attend on a regular basis get jobs faster and at higher rates of pay than those who attend sporadically, search on their own, or even only see a coach privately. • After ten sessions, still try to attend regularly. Thursdays, 8:00 p.m. EST Kathy Meeks Students / Recent Grads (less than $40,000) Ask for Vanessa 212-286-4500 THE PHYSICAL BRANCHES n East Tuesdays, 8:00 p.m. EST Bert Marro n NEW YORK, NY Roosevelt Hotel Mondays Chip Conlin 914-788-5482 Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m. EST; Celia Currin Empire State Wednesdays Anita Attridge 908-696-9469 Professional / Managerial ($30,000 to $100,000) n West Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Pacific Linda Warren Do your friends a favor . . . Tell them about us. q Yes! I want to receive a Beginner’s Kit, a membership card, The Five O’Clock Join Reading The Five O’Clock News will save you valuable time in keeping up with the trends and ideas affecting your career and quality of life. The Five O’Clock News fills a unique niche for busy, career-minded people who want to live full, balanced lives. Subscribe Online: Keep your life—and career—on track! News (10 emailed issues per year), have access to the Members Only section of our website and become an official member of The Five O’Clock Club. q q $49 for LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP MC Card #: Signature: q VISA q AMEX (You may fax to: 212-286-9571) Exp: Enclosed is my check in the amount: Please make checks payable to: The Five O’Clock Club and send to: The Five O’Clock Club, 300 East 40th Street, NY, NY 10016 First Name Last Name Address Apt.# City State Zip Home# Bus.# E-mail address: T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 13 Retention-Oriented Coaching Programs: Business Coaching (3 months) Executive Development (9 months) Intensive, 3-MONTH Business Coaching Program for: • • • • newly promoted managers or mid-level new hires high-potentials those wanting to make a lateral move those you want to reward or make an investment in Intensive, 9-MONTH Executive Development Program includes: • extensive assessment instruments • 360-feedback (structured interviewing and LSI 1 and 2) • ongoing coaching and feedback to insure permanent change • a written action plan, reviewed by a second coach Ask for our brochures and a sampling of our executive coach bios. G reat change means great opportunity. Whether you are in HR or are a staff manager elsewhere in your organization, these are exciting times. People are a company’s greatest asset, and it’s time to make the most of your people. Employee performance and retention are the name of the game. Typically, many employees who feel stuck during a recession say they will leave when the market gets better. By taking steps now that the economy is still struggling, you can prevent this from happening to your organization. Both HR and executive management have a role in driving the required change and making sure every executive and manager has bought into the new direction, understands why it’s important, and knows what to do next. Executive coaching can serve an important function in supporting these efforts. T he Five O’Clock Club Business Coaching and Development Programs are designed for the employees you value and want to keep. These programs are meant to increase: · leadership/managerial effectiveness · productivity · retention The Return on Investment Among the most pressing needs facing management today are the development and retention of top talent, as well as the development of methods to enhance managerial productivity. In fact, a high percentage of managers in a new position will not make it: · The “jury is out on them,” they often essentially struggle on their own. · They may not quickly grasp the corporate culture or the informal organization. · They may feel the pressure to prove themselves and produce results too quickly, thus making mistakes. Affordable Business Coaching Most Business Coaching programs are enormously expensive, even when the situation does not require a program of extended duration. In keeping with The Five O’Clock Club’s approach of providing The Five O’Clock Club Business Coaching Advantage u A Team Effort: Our tightly-knit Guild of senior career coaches works closely together. We turn to each other for guidance. After the primary coach has worked with your employee for four or five hours, a coaching peer will review the situation: assess the direction of the coaching, brainstorm the situation, and help develop a course correction, if called for. v A Proven Methodology that is the industry standard —based on over 25 years of research. Employees better understand themselves and their organizations, how they fit in, and what they can do to improve their relationships with bosses, peers, subordinates and clients, and how they can most effectively help the organization move ahead. Our text, WorkSmarts, is used by professionals, managers and executives in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations of all sizes. w Devoted Coaches who truly care what happens to the individual. Unlike firms where the coaches are over-burdened with a too-heavy client load, our coaches are responsive to their clients, use best practices, brainstorm with other coaches about their clients, and are excited about each assignment because it means an opportunity to do the best for each client. 14 T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 high-quality programs at affordable prices, we offer Business Coaching and Development Programs that provide intensive coaching without the sticker shock. The 3-month Business Coaching Program ($5,500), Business Coaching, is meant for: · Mid-level outside hires and those newly promoted · High-potential employees · Employees making a lateral move The 9-month Executive Development Program ($13,500) includes intensive 360 feedback, both through structured interviews (one-on-one interviews with peers, bosses and subordinates, or whomever is appropriate), and through the LSI, a computer-based feedback mechanism. It is appropriate when you want to affect change, and change takes a while. You’ll see how thorough the program is when you look at the outline. Highly Experienced Coaches A coach must have the ability to quickly assess the situation, ask the hard questions, and provide guidance to affect positive change. Our coaches are skilled in doing just that and providing the structure needed. What’s more, Five O’Clock Club business coaches have business experience, as well as extensive coaching experience, helping clients: to · assess themselves, the culture and the situation, · identify areas that need to be addressed, · develop a strategy for achieving business results quickly, · anticipate problems, develop tentative solutions, and review the employee’s performance in key situations, and · create a development plan to follow after he or she no longer has the ongoing help of the coach. You’ll be very impressed with all of our coaches. Not only are they each top business coaches, as you will see from their bios, they all follow The Five O’Clock Club methodology and have worked together for years. Because they are all using the same methodology: · they speak the same language, · conduct regular and smooth peer reviews, and · there is an inherent element of quality control. Without a strong methodology, one coach may start with a core assessment, while another coach may just plunge in with a situational analysis. All of our coaches start with assessment, as one example of our structured approach. What’s more, they are well-disciplined in the research-based, Five O’Clock Club model. The Business Coaching Program starts with assigned exercises in our 350page “WorkSmarts” manual. This forms the basis for understanding the executive and his or her strengths, weaknesses and goals in a uniform way. Quality Control of Business Coaching Programs Five O’Clock Club Business Coaches are of the highest quality. Most have been Business Coaches for over a dozen years. Just as with our outplacement program, our Business Coaching program is one you can trust. Our quality control includes: · Coaching Circles, where groups of coaches meet every 6 weeks — in person or by teleconference to learn new techniques, exchange information, and conduct peer supervision on specific (but anonymous) cases. · One-on-one support to coaches — to review cases and get suggestions and support. · Client progress reviews with headquarters — to assess the progress of each Business Coaching client. · A quality-control call from our Client Services Manager to the client directly to assess how the coaching is going, and to HR to review client progress in accordance with ground rules and confidentiality agreements. l Business Coaching for Five O’Clock Club Members If you are a Five O’Clock Club member, you may meet with your coach after you land your new job — and regularly over the years to plan your career, handle any issues that may come up, and make sure you are on track. You will pay your coach directly on an hourly basis as you go along. No heavy up-front fees are allowed. If you would like to be matched up with a business coach, just fill out the Coach Request Form in the Coaches section of our website or email: [email protected]. Customized Coaching Solutions Feel free to contact us if you would like to explore other options including tailored seminars and workshops. email [email protected] or call 212-286-4500. The Five O’Clock Club ... a name you can trust The Five O’Clock Club has been privately owned by its founders since 1978. We are a dedicated team of individuals who care about each other and our clients. WorkSmarts will be available in June, 2012. T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 15 Outplacement Checklist Want to figure out which elements are important in outplacement services? We’re making it easy. Here’s a handy Outplacement Checklist to help you identify the services that truly help job hunters. We’ve indicated which services we provide job hunters and those that we avoid. Then you can make up your own mind. R Allow people to contin- R Career development, not ue even after landing a job or just job search Traditional outplacement services focus consulting assignment • This allows people to quickly earn money, try out a new field, or have executive coaching in the new job – for the duration of a package lasting one year or longer. • Allows people to get coaching again if they lose that next job. • People can put their time on hold for up to two years to return to school, do consulting work or handle personal issues. No one else does that! on helping people get a job. We help them find a career. Job hunters need career direction through assessment sessions with a private coach who really gets to know them well. The coach helps job hunters determine where they want to be in fifteen years, in five years and in their next job. The assessment process is so powerful that 58% decide to change careers (field or industry). Then they work with the coach privately to develop a customized résumé, cover letter and job-search plan. • The best career development materials (books, CDs, etc.) on the market. • The best coaches are attracted to us: • They work intensively with clients over a very long period. • They are paid handsomely – but only for time spent with your employees. No one else does that! S Avoid an emphasis on space instead of coaching. Provide a supportive group atmosphere instead of costly and unnecessary office space. We spend your money on coaching, the benefit job hunters need most, rather than on office space. S Avoid two-day seminars S Avoid three- and sixPeople feel good during the seminar, but month outplacement packages have no one to turn to when they need R They are far inferior to one-year packages, and the cost is the same. A Columbia University study said those in three- and six-month programs feel the pressure to take jobs more quickly, and are more likely to take the first job offer, however inappropriate. Those in unlimited programs get better jobs faster and at higher rates of pay. R A mix of employed and unemployed job hunters It’s a healthier environment to have a balance of employed, self-referred job hunters working alongside those who have packages paid for by their employers. And it’s in the best interests of the community to make this wonderful service available to all who need help. S Avoid outside investors Bowing to a Wall Street mentality means that the firm cannot focus on what is in the best interests of your former employees. 16 help. Instead, offer everyone a full year of outplacement services to see them through their search and any other issues that may come up during that time, such as family or health problems. R A research-based, highimpact methodology Many firms now claim to have a “methodology,” although they are teaching the same old techniques but with a web-based delivery. How effective are those databases of stale job openings anyway? Why is it a coach in one office offers them advice that is very different from the coach in the next office? Our research-based program: • Over 25 years of research into who gets the best jobs and how. • Powerful assessment process with private coach: • 58% decide to change careers (industries / fields). • Can try out a new field while still working with us. THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 Immediate engagement Why let a person suffer or stumble around doing the wrong things? Instead, you tell them the bad news—that they have lost their job—and we immediately tell them the good news: that you are providing them with a minimum of one year of outplacement, that Five O’Clock Club Members always outperform the market, and that they will have a coach who will personally get to know them and work with them throughout the year—no matter what happens. Their private coach will make a courtesy phone call to them before sundown that day. We FedEx books, CDs and other materials that day. No one else does that! R Package automatically extended at no additional cost A member’s outplacement package can be extended for any reason. e.g., if a person takes a consulting assignment or simply wants to take time off. If the person loses his or her next job or simply doesn’t like it, we help that person find a new one! No one else does that! R Make sure you are getting your money’s worth You get monthly reports with a human touch on each former employee—not computer-generated reports. Not only do we report to you monthly to let you know how they’re doing, we track them down and work to get them back on track if they have fallen behind in their job search. This is in contrast to the traditional outplacement mentality of “We’re here if you need us.” No one else goes after your former employees to make sure they’re okay. S Avoid O/P firms that have more people in sales than in customer service We have no sales force. Instead, we have a customer service team that keeps you informed and makes sure that your former employees are well taken care of. No one else does that! R Pay the coaches well We pay our coaches three to four times more than they would get at any of the traditional outplacement firms. They get paid only when they work with your former employee. So our coaches have an incentive to want to work with your employees. R Train the coaches well When hired by a traditional outplacement firm, a coach with 20 years of experience is up and running the next day. But because we pay our coaches well, we can insist that even very seasoned coaches go through our fourmonth certification process to unlearn what they think they know about career development and job search and learn our methodology. No one else does that! R The best materials on the market Take a look at our materials versus theirs. Our over 25 years of continual research is poured into our five basic books and CDs and other materials (such as our 110-page bibliography of research resources for job search and career development). In addition, if people want to have their own businesses, they will get our own 350-page book, Your Great Business Idea: The Truth About Making It Happen, plus coaches who specialize in entrepreneurship. If people think their age is an issue, we give them our book, Achieving the Good Life After 50. No one else does that! R Weekly small-group strategy sessions Others have tried to imitate our small group sessions, but without a proven methodology to follow, they quickly become didactic sessions on a specific topic or “action” groups to make sure job hunters are actively searching. But are the job hunters doing the right things? NO! Our job hunters are relieved when they “master the methodology” and can tell how well (or poorly) they are doing in their searches. • They get individual strategic analysis in a group of their peers with a senior coach. • It’s a healthy environment: Half of the attendees are employed! • They meet with the same small group every week. • The process provides accountability, innovation and camaraderie. R A guaranteed number of hours of private coaching We avoid vague promises of unlimited coaching with an overworked coach who is penalized for spending too much private time with a job hunter. We also avoid having a coach on duty who will meet with anyone who needs help that day. Your former employees have a coach who gets to know them well and is accessible and responsive to them. R A website aimed at helping employees and job hunters rather than one focused on selling to HR Take a look at, and you can see where our emphasis is. Compare it with any other firm’s website. HR people know that the job hunter is the “client” for us. HR people who care about their former employees want an outplacement firm that also cares, not one that is focused on selling. No one else does that! R The bottom line R It’s your choice We don’t drop job hunters who are having a difficult search. Instead, we encourage them to continue with us, perhaps with a different private coach or in a new group to get a fresh start—at no additional charge to you. Life happens. People have health problems and family problems. While our typical job hunter is re-employed far more quickly than those at traditional outplacement firms, the real difference is taking care of those who are having difficult searches and staying with them no matter what problems they may face. Ours is a different mentality— focused on helping our members find fulfilling jobs, while being keenly aware of the personal challenges people face in the wake of losing a job. Either select a firm that focuses on sales or one that focuses on service. Whether you want us to work with 1 or 1,000 displaced employees, ALL of them will get a level of personalized attention unrivaled anywhere else. l Five O’Clock Club Outplacement The Thought Leaders Often imitated—Never successfully Our Mantra “We always do what is in the best interests of the job hunter” THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 17 Choose the Five O’Clock Club for your employees. — selected by employers who CARE about the people they have to let go. The Five O’Clock Club: Developing Great Careers! “The Five O’Clock Club program is far more effective than conventional outplacement. Selecting The Five O’Clock Club was one of my best decisions this year.” SVP, HR, consumer products company Traditional, SpaceBased Outplacement: • Beautiful cubicles; depressing atmosphere. • Overburdened coaches. E-learning. • Vanilla career coach ing methods developed in the 1970s. • Program ends when person lands a job or consulting assignment —or even sooner! • If you don’t use it, no follow-up to see how you’re doing. Virtual Outplacement: • Web-based assessment. • Worse than the vanilla career coaching methods developed in the 1970s. • Limited programs and limited one-on-one career coaching. • Primarily e-learning. • Rely on job postings, even though only 6% of all jobs are found through ads and search firms. • Average search: 39 weeks • If you don’t use it, no follow-up. Five O’Clock Club Outplacement — for employers who care : • Minimum of one year of outplacement — even if employee loses next job, decides to do consulting work for a while, or needs help handling the political situation in a new job! And we’ll extend the year at no cost to you . • Assessment, ré sumé, cover letter and job-search plan done with a private coach, not over the Internet. 58% decide to change careers. • Coupled with weekly small-group strategy sessions headed by a senior coach. Same group; same coach. Job hunters get jobs in HALF the time. • ONLY organization using a research-based methodology. Over 25 years of research. Not vanilla job-search coaching. • When employees are given a choice, they choose us. Who wouldn’t choose a one-year package with first-rate and significant career coaching! • Average search: 16.4 weeks in this economy. 10 to 12 weeks in normal economic times — for professionals, managers and executives. • Our coaches take a personal interest in every assignment they are given. And our customer service managers follow up so no one drops away. The Best Job-Search Materials Anywhere Finally: a proven methodology based on over 25 years of research that can be followed for job hunting, changing careers, consulting and freelance. Used by thousands of members of The Five O’Clock Club — a national career coaching and outplacement firm. Why long-term programs? To earn money, people may take jobs that are inappropriate at first, or land consulting assignments. We continue to work with them. They may lose that new job after 6 months or a year, or need coaching to keep that job. The Five O’Clock Club will continue to help them at no additional cost. The Five O’Clock Club’s job-search techniques are covered in four books and sixteen 40-minute lectures on audio CDs. Five O’Clock Clubbers are urged to study the books as if they were in graduate school. Each person gets: • The set of 4 books • Lifetime membership, including a subscription to our monthly magazine, The Five O’Clock News • A boxed set of 16 lectures (40 minutes each) on audio CDs. 18 THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS / JULY 2012 The Today Show, CNN, Larry King, CNBC, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal . . . are just some of the places you’ve seen, heard, and read about us. We work with an impressive list of publishing, financial service, law and healthcare organizations, among others. These include large public companies and over 60 not-for-profits. We work with single individuals and also handle major downsizings. All downsized employees hear from us within 1/2 hour. ALL OF OUR PACKAGES INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE FULL YEAR OF COACHING Invariably, when employees are given the choice of working with other outplacement firms or The Five O’Clock Club, they chose us. This is because we offer first-rate and significant career coaching for a year, instead of office space or web-based programs. eight follow-up phone calls to get a meeting (without leaving a message every time). They know that when they are negotiating they should first settle on the job, then find out about their competition, get the offer, and then negotiate the compensation. They know that networking is a process of forming lifelong relationships, and not a hit and miss process for finding someone who needs to hire right now. And they know that they must work to get six to ten concurrent job possibilities in the works — because five will fall away through no fault of their own. Much of the success of those who attend The Five O’Clock Club can be attributed to learning these unusually realistic and research-based approaches. Five O’Clock Clubbers get jobs in half the time—a record unheard of in the industry. Guaranteed private career coaching! (Hours listed below.) If the employee needs help in the new job or loses the next job, he or she can come back to us. Or he can try consulting work, put his time on hold, and continue with us. We would be happy to describe our services in detail. Call David Madison, Senior Vice President, at 1-800-538-6645. Or email: [email protected]. The Five O’Clock Club Headquarters, 300 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Five O’Clock Club Outplacement Prices The Five O’Clock Club Job-Search Techniques — based on over 25 years of research The Five O’Clock Club job-search techniques upset common assumptions about job-hunting today. The common myth is that people get jobs through networking—or through answering ads, directly contacting companies, or through search firms. Actually, those are techniques for getting interviews—not jobs, and the distinction is an important one. It means that—contrary to what most firms teach —a job hunter’s work begins when they get the interview. It’s a difficult process to turn those interviews into offers , but The Five O’Clock Club shows its members how. No other organization does that. Or consider how people get meetings: Most people assume that search firms, ads and networking are the way to go. Yet our mem bers get 31% of their meetings by contacting employers directly. We show them how to do it. They know, based on our research, that it takes an average of Price Private Hours Senior Executives earning over $200,000 / yr Tailored Program (2-year coaching program & $25,000 --office space, administrative services, etc.) $20,000 $15,000 Platinum (2-year program) Premium (15-month program) $10,000 Standard $7,500 40+ 40 28 18 Executives earning $100,000 to $200,000 / yr Preferred employees (15-month program) Premium (most common) Standard Bare-bones $7,500 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 22 14 9 5 Professionals / managers: under $100,000 / yr Preferred employees (2-year program) Long-Term Care (for long-service employees) Premium (most common) Bare-bones or clerical $7,500 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 28 12 8 3 T H E F I V E O ’ C L O C K N E W S / J U L Y 2 0 1 2 19 “We greatly appreciate the always high quality work that The Five O’Clock Club does for our former employees.” THE FIVE O’CLOCK NEWS The Five O’Clock Club 300 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 1-800-538-4495 Email: [email protected] Head of HR, major not-for-profit Inside: • How to Manage Your Boss Happy Clinets Write to Us • How to Survive a Long Search • QUOTES TO INSPIRE YOU Be sure to do your Seven Stories Exercise (available in the Members Only section of our website): Tell me a fact, and I will learn. Tell me a truth, and I will believe. Tell me a story, and it will live in my heart forever. Native American Proverb Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that! by Sylvester Stallone, author Rocky Balboa Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. Richard M Nixon The Job-Search Buddy System D o you wish you had someone to talk to—fairly often and informally—about the little things? “Here’s what I’m planning to do today in my search? What are you planning to do? Let’s talk tomorrow to make sure we’ve done it.” You and your jobsearch buddy could keep each other positive and on track, and encourage each other to do what you told your small group you were going to do: Make that call, send out those letters, write that follow-up proposal, focus on the most important things that should be done—rather than (for example) spending endless hours responding to job postings on the Web. With your buddy, practice your Two-Minute Pitch, get ready for interviews, bounce ideas off each other. Some job-search buddies talk every day. Some talk a few times a week. Most of the conversation is by phone and email. Sometimes, people match themselves up as buddies. Just pick someone you get along with in your small group. Sometimes, your coach can match you up. However you do it, Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on. Samuel Butler There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. Walter ("Red") Smith, in Reader's Digest, July 1982 There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained. Winston Churchill stay away from negative people who talk about how bad it is out there. They will drag you down. The small group changes over time: people get jobs; new people come in. If you lose one buddy who got a job, get another buddy. Your buddy does not have to be in your field or industry. In fact, being in the same field or industry could keep you focused on the industry rather than on the process. But you do have to get along! The relationship may last only a month or two, or go on for years. Some buddies become friends. Of course, you should see your Five O’Clock Club career coach privately for résumé review, target development, salary negotiation, and job interview follow-up. It’s usually best to get professional coaching advice for these areas. l “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” J.R.R. Tolkien (The Fellowship of the Ring) If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, and ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for. Thomas Merton, writer and Trappist monk
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