ADVICE PARENTS, TO THE PERTOKM TO Which fome Motives AND DUTIES Children their they owe With HOW DIRECTIONS CONTAINING / excitingthereunto. OF EXCELLENCY THE ; GOSPEL-ORDINANCES, hinted 4 Briefor with Sin tl^* Rev. ROBERT Danger of neglecting tf^na, particularly; o|)eoied. Jm^^coiitemning By the KINISTER AT RYE, BytheRev. Dextt* vi. 7. KEID, IRELAND*! DONNEGAL, recommendation"* A WITH and PRINGLE. FRANCIS Thou shalt teach them to thy diligently Children. Eph. VI. monition Eph. heard 1 4. of the i. 13. Bring i. up in the Nurture In whom preaching them your God by the of foolishness that believe. DUBLIN, CARLISLE; Ad^^ ye also trusted,afterthat ye the Gospelof sahatioji. oftruth, xxi. It pleased to save and Lord. the word Cos. them PRINTED, RE-PRINTED 1806. B^ Gl.O^O'E. "VwVC^ v" ! 65S5 " . \. ^ ( 3 " ^^^^^jflMaaMMRaaaanMMHHBMajiBL ^ T: HE ^ , " ' two " small Treatises,not following in this countty, al, and ^ seem latelyput were well calculated to into my much hands excite the Icnowii for penis-' attention of Christians in them" considered tp the importantsubjects gious Jn the first,the duty of parents, in regard to the reli- education of their children, is stated in a number -of pertinentDirections, perspicuouslyexpressed, wetf explained,and enforced by Scripturearguments and The and incitements admonitions motives. employed in jM-cssing of such vast importance, and alas! a duty seasonable." so commonly neglected, appear peculiarly in the dischargeof it And considerable assistance very may be derived from the serious perusalof the directions referred to, as illustrated by the Author. The sutgectof the Second Piece less important, "nd to it, seem given, equally in the present state of religion, least in at necessary, The world. this part of the excellency of Gospel of is demonstrated from Ordinances a variety topics, minds of the such entertain well adaptedto impress as a for the Holy Scriptures.And the sin due veneration these ordinances evinced and danger of neglecting are ^' by such considerations, and exhibited in such an affectf ing light,as will,it is hoped, reach conviction to attenof awakening many^ a mean l" tive readers, and prove in a great degree, insensible to have hitherto been who iif of their souls, to the concerns lay to heart the things I which belong to their eternal peace* is relative the instructions " A no ' i Donnegal, held for others, and much is memory early follows, of being had principal a of 'ii"=8s 'jiages, th^ of worthy it will, and terests For of is of serious the of perusal be hoped, found whose in (which of they inlhese judged are GhHstiahs- his plain^ great^ treated them, of profit studied conducive Edition,) this spiritual what In Dedicatory, subjects treating His in general-; tb. the best 'ip^ reader* the that the from manner the to of walk* country, omitted are flock duties ministry. accordingly an4 But, speech. and his Epistles regard congregation, crwn the this land, Ire- his the 'ill in in by exemplary an those consideration, local Secession reputation under from the diligence by spent appears as in and revered were years zeal holy of and fidelity for oflSce, he Minister was County his a Author The ] 4 end, a* may divine blessing them. attend "" " " " . FRANC Carlisle^ A however number March of aiFecting 21*/, corrections the sense. I- S PRTNG^IiEi 1806. was fodnd riewssafy, ftol ADVICE Tjr uj *n \i/ ^^ *Jf *^ ^ i^ '^ c^ J. PARENTS, TO ^^ n" '^ 'W' ^^ %i^ "^ ^ "d,_ 1^ "c. f" ^ ^* n" ^ ^ 4^ fecting afDay, more .to ftny serioue observer, than to notice, the little which e\adence, care professing.Christian Parents many the their children, as tle Apos"or reallyhave, of bringing up admonition Lord. of the and directs^ in the nurture be very this consideration wonder And no "ph. vu 4. affecting,for while this continues to be the unpleasant and is but very litde hope of the state, there unhappy case of God in the world, tho and condition of the church church of the several families of professing being made up christians,belonging to her ; little ground of hope all things desired, is to be above concerning that, which viz, the thriving of practicalreligionand godliness ain And it is small indeed, no us. part owing to jnong of carelessness that the irreligious those who parents, in publick work in the church, have labour daily so much boured ground of just complaint,with the prophet, of having lain vain, and spent their strength for nought, and if ever in vain, Isaiah xlix. 4. and the ground of this 8aid lanaentation be happily removed, parents will be, no due and diligentconcern about doubt, excited to a more the discharge of their duties, in their several families. How fniits of ihis want plain and evident are the dismal of care and pains in too Families, in the conduct many and is it to be much deportment of their children ! How that it were wished who have otherwise, and that those the charge and care of a rising generation, could be but brought*thehappy length of laying it more once seriously " R " H is . scarce any thing, in our , " to heart ! Remember, God one, hath and O parents, however committed unto j'ou ought you Tcv'scw^'tt^^^^^^wsx^ v^^^*^^ tYv2A.\t\?.^Ntx^ you, cowi\^"^% to o"ten "^ r solemn and weighty' Omr very of duly performingthe du* conscience under are you to make bligations, ties imcurobent of God vows on are to before him, to in the ; you childFen cofttained at up in our be you and men bring them knowledge summed you, on dedicatingyour * often,in I e arisingfrom ; when you m angels,that a be would you ful care- up in the fear and worshipof God, and of the christian religiof the principles on largein the holy scripture,and And standards. the calm most with yourselves, as considering conscience The of profession baptism, you vowed made you God to this relation. have of made, 'tisbut reasonable deliberate and briefly manner sightof God, walking suitablyto in the what these engagements. And consider, that you give must an in the account of the management of your work. flayof jfesusj Mind, I say, with all possibleseriousness, that God who hath the charge of to you given you children, and committed of them, will certainlyrequireof you, a strict account, the part you have toward acted them. the consideration Let importance of the business among your hands, of the unhappy effects of supine negligenceand the happy and carelessness pleasantfruits of con; which by the divine blessingwould gcientious diligence, follow, to the imspeakable gain of those to whom you and stand in so near the a relation, your own comfort, of the " satisfaction of others who you of your will be called to your xmnd, such soul's good desire your welfare, and the children, togetherwith the account give to the great Judge of the quick and the dead, in,that day when (as it is expressed,2d all appear before the judgment Cor. V. 10.) " we must of Christ to receive accordingtothe deeds done in the seat body, whether they be good or bad ;" I say, let a thought make of these thing's on some deep and abidingimpression vou, as will have some the you to the dischargeof christian parents. as Allow ""orldf can me, O parents ! to give you so much influence duties ask, "wWt \s towards incumbent \!cvet^ m citing ex- on VJkv^ jjrouadoi *Q\\O^^^XvaS^":.^Q CM Cons6ktion, as lasting and to see children bf ought your whether usedr institution, and "ic" by you, or any other, to an earlylove of religion the of godliness;which quaintance with the power is great gain, as us havingthd ApostlePaul assures promises of this life,and that which is to cotne*'* Anin" spiredapostletells us, he had no greater joy, than to see And children walking in the truth* his spiritual can you: solid comfort thidk of any thingthat could more give than and peace, to see yours by nature, walking in the thcif : and same therebygivingyou and all whoseek way good groimd of hope concerning theif happiness,some more) ever felicity ; than whichi nothingis to be lasting desired,and with which no other thingconcerning them by the of the Lord's means own ^^ is any way to be of troubles and dear so ones, afford to by the toidst with in thia religious parents, to iincl be met manifold account^ tendered to a on advice, Remember xii, !" blessed EcL Solonion pleasurein What them^ that really taking young ? to difficulties, it world) would those compared thy^ " minding days "pf thy youth," "c. the things that belong to their peace, diligently using and in salvation of the eternal their not die means only 5 of not but givinggood evidence of outward use means, with in them, but using them a hearty concern^ trifling obtain that they may the^ end, in |:hesalvation of theii^ As was souls* immortal hinted, you either have laid^ ficulties, or reasonably lay your account, with not a few difmay in creator in world J some the bringingup of your which, nothing can tend troubles, than getting there is who have otherwise may in ones young a present evil, And possiblybe great* more some occasioned to counter-balance true you comfort so much in a5 these those, sorrow i some only find it,in observing in them you can ; thi^ pleasantand hopefulsigns,with respect to religion and as immediately says, that it ought to be yOur dailycare, to be very diligentin doing what belongsto you^ ^Kvcfck might tend anyway to theiradvaxit^^'^^m^.x^^^^^^^ C And tttore other or affecting, such to the on parents, consideration hand, what be can ground of deep sorrow deprived of any due thought, greater cause not are as ] 8 hantosee those, every way so dear to them, walking of children after the ing disobedience, as flesh, fulfillliving the abominable lusts thereof, led captiveby satan at his pleasure,and walking in the broad of sin,which ways lead have could you Mat, destruction? to the interest in they and honours havfe better no things which those possible, being possessedof all world, having an accumulation if comfort, it were of their hope in this a^nable felicity earthly riches, pleasure the And vii, 13" tend to imof where 5 is portion: no make happy, time in ty all eternideath, and to only, but at ? Worldly things are but for a few days ; riches themselves make So wings and flyaway. Pro, xxiii, 5. do honours, pleasuresand all other enjoyments, in this not Kfe. Moth and earth. Mat. and true If* then who comfort solid and enemies concerning them else these blameable, to in the little, eternal souls benefit, and and and ruin, Touse up otherwise, in time for and awaken and those negligent and careless,and a charge, but also only to not to be earnest pleasedgraciouslyto tod pains taken on, ih the great able be to give of if and so, ones young use of you any too many are found happiness; some in ever. that comfort of Let have are yea, to their the by their evil misery this consideration been excite all who in time have diligencein the way crying to GbD, that he all tributing con- on be, what instrumental countenance a to in toward means, prevent not) like (ifmercy Example, will be exceeding high degree, an so contrary on in them. things charge the have laid up treasures I say, if your children ly realare to God works, noby wicked thing This vi. 19. wicked, corrupt the rust means risinggeneration,for all connected with, or past, so great of duty, be may used their with, good, concerned C If any ask what tad in the Ae do^ that we children,and iDur for your question,and of the engagements sum childtl^n help, I you haptised,in were be instrusien- may bringthem up may of the Lord; in answer. admonition and nurture this to shall we of good the to ] 9 the shall lay before when under, came you your' followingdirections* DIRECTIONS. Direct. Be !" concerned God earlyto employed in seekingthe ones yotmg dedicate Baptism, but also be in divine blessingto your 'much accompany ordinance. diat solemn Direct. only to not earlyin. Instruct them 2. the knowledge of religion, at large in the as contained principles standards. and briefly summed lyscriptures, up in our the Direct. end, the use good of the rod do means correction,as not the answer for God appointedby ho* of children. Direct. Pray with, 4. therefore and milder When 3. of. worship God well as in a as for your children, evening and. familyway, morning. Direct. According 5. knowledge, givethem Direct. whole of I shall some to own your of measure useful advices and tions. exhorta- good example before them in the conversation and deportment. your each of the above directions, and a little explain enforce them Direct. Set 6. bv a a few Not 1. motives. only dedicate children your early baptism,but also be much exercised in that ordinance ; more seeking his blessingto accompany the few following observe I would things. particularly, that you 1 It is necessary duly consider the nature, end, to in the Lord " and- divine institutionof this great otdinance, that so you be excited to some suitable and rightexercise sEbout may Ae same, when you to many wlmt your do not, with they are, or make for application children. It is much becoming ought to b^ any to its being ministered ad- be feared that cowcenv^ "i\"o"x\^X \vj[ \a ^^ \nk*sx "^"^^^ ^ ' I time, when theyare called lest they manage their spirits, Remember ] 10 have to deep concern a illa business of therefore that itis not portance. im- vast ordinance of onlyan . so upon divine appointment, (asare likewise all other appointed of salvation) but it is a seal of the new means covenant, wherein Christ and all the blessingsof his purchase,are represented,sealed,and appliedto believers. in due .time,or careful to have it administered 2. Be is afforded,of doing it in a due as an as soon opportunity evidence too small an esteem Some and orderlymanner. of grace, by too long delaying for this seal of the covenant ' for having their application any sufficient reason is here noticed,is without What of of the conduct on divine rule, or and that baptised, for so doing. not intended as any approbati* such, it can baptised,whether children will as have be obtained in their,children agreeable way of the absurd a if they were opinionof the absolute necessityof baptism to salvation ; an by all true prptestants, aud by opinion,justlyrejected who has any justconceptionof the method of every one to the salvation, discovered taught Ebaptism; are "^ou not to nor to not as ; in the word of believe absolute form the any uncharitable fitateof those infants,who are by death, before there be any baptised; be careful the at veneration for this solemn behave, as degeneratinginto as either ascribe may too removed a of opportunity same ordinance to of extreme, to, depend or of the world their maintain and ; contrary much of the out time when necessityof judgment giveno justground to But God. being a just endeavour so suspecting you to too those who much on up- it. As 3. in him mean either by any virtue in itself, or doth administer the same, become al effectuan baptism cannot who of the salvation of those study to be much blessing,which only exercised your end, for which it was can make receive who in earnestlyseekingthat it appointedby thwiingyoii hav^ done it ; let it be the wVigte to answer ChrhU oi ^cw the Beware great of \^\vs.w ^")X7^ f you have are make solemn a dedication of yoxrtf were required^ nothing more he if you persuaded they as good ground tised. happy, merely because they are bapunquestionably children or to professed 1 " I to God, as might on if shall, as was proposed,take motives, for excitingto some divine in blessing this solemn notice of the few suitable concern ing followfor the ordinance* already noticed, is a seal of that the footing of which kind on only, sinners of mancovenant, therefore a seal also, of all the be saved can ; and thereof. If so, how frequent* great and valuable blessings ly and fervently ought you to cry to him, who hath the dispensation of all these blessingsin his hand, that 1. Baptism, as was in due time be interested in actually your children may those unspeakableprivileges, by the saving work of the of God, spirit in the to application Christ that them of the redempti* not only be they may baptisedwith water, but also with the holy Ghost ? be induced 2. That to the greater diligence you may in so necessary deliberate thoughts, exercise,have some and that frequently, about the blessingsherein signified, as particularly pointedout to you in divine revelation j where you will find,that by our being baptisedis signified in a specialmanner, and union to our Christy munion comSo with him* read of being baptised into we Rom. vi. 3. Christy Gah iii. 27. our regenerationor beingbom again, Tit, iii. 5. Joh. iii. 5. our justification and ii. Acts o f and forgiveness sin. 22, 16. 28, the children of our adoption and being made God, GaL iii. 26, 27. compared with Joh. iii. 5. forecited, our sanctification or death to sin ; thus the apostle Christ in with speaks of being buried baptism resurrection Rom. and holy to a vi, 3. our new Ufe, as may be gathered from the reasoning of the aposde, Rom. vi. 3. 4. our being incorporatedinto the ^^"""csx^\ o1 ^^ meiv^tx^ body oi Christy and so made thus we are said, Cor. i. 12, IS. Xo b^Xi^^'CY^^^^vc^si "2Pcs!^ ^^^^' ^ viz. the mystical body oi ChrWt ; vsv ^d^, on, purchased by ; so r hereby is Mark xvi. and can salvation signifiedour O 16, 1 " ! how O and to cry thus be with blessed places,in Christ all Jesus high, valuablje children,niay share of tbean yourselvesonly,but also your and ^e| bl^Qsmg^! any suitable thoughtof these^ to God, day and night,th^t not parents, take be excited not unspeakably and incomprehensiblygreat you, suid etevi^ in spiritual blessings \ hcaveply i. 3. Epiu it may be your 3. That dailycare, to be found in the under ; practiceof your duty, paying the vows you came and walking suitably to the high profession you made,- in the day in which you stood before the Lokd ; often ponder and the other ; togetherwith the solemnityboth of the one low the high sin and exceedinggreat danger of going back* Alsome time, in calmly and deliberately reyourselves on fleeting bound what with profession you made, holy David^ all his other with souls your I to to vows the and, 18. sake the the duties you practise. Seek to cxvi, for so bond your pay Psalms people. reasons, a and Lord, as of for your grace bcfcire many young employed in fervent prayer to God for themselves when they cannot for them, even ; pray in their be that blessed I they may being praying, say, in Christ interested time in due actually jfesusjand through him, in all the promises,and promised blessings of which of that covenant, they received the initiating seal,when they were baptised. the things signifiedby, 4. As baptism cannot convey of Christ accompaand sealed in it,without the blessing excite you to be venying it ; this consideratron should in seekingit from aloue it doth him, to whom r}^ diligent of his own insti" belong to bless this,or any other mean be especially, ones for tution is a "zek. salvation. special xxxvi. 3/. jhrthemJ*^ sayiDir^ where *^oh " Thus consider, that prayer obtaining promised blessings, saith enquiredof by How we And for mean yet for this be S, 9^ . the Lord the house of God, I will Isreal,to do it encouragingis that read, that whea that thou wouldesl 1 Chro* iv" account, yahez tiaXVe^ oxi dox^^ b\esa \\.^^-^ tji^VaAfc^^;^ [ ^ sthe God When icy that heareth you (asmany that hem, children so die in may be taken from ybuj of doing any thingelse opportunity any can any much influence *dthis way on their contribute toward way eter- world, this consideration should another in ikppiness requested.'^ prayer. that your others have) and consider you have "e that irtiichhe granted him God and ] 13 you, for them. they can^c^ pray ahy thing'weknow) so icy, making you the more When they are in a for themselves, nor much as form con- of state they can notion any of end or design of object,nature, matter, manner, of the distinct exercise of re*. er ; beingincapable in an ordinaryway ; ought you not then the rather, member their before case itself ? Nature the Lord to do thait they are helplessinfants, hem, which they are not capableof doing for themtheir natural life;and :s in respect of the body and is it not equally,yea much more reasonable, that , leglectnot die duties incumbent on, and requiredof noble and better part, for the good of that far more les when you, soul ? irimortal O child's cloaths eareftil of the h valuable,viz. more not you who foolish,yea exceedinglymad, very 5 ! parents. Would than would that its health,and esteem h6 which is life? But so, do ye, in very deed, act the part of a fool, about the bodies of your chilmore are thoughtful than about their souls and iheir temporal happiness, much more ^ eternal salvation and, in a word, as you will be exingly hiexcusab?e,if you live in the neglectof this of your 5 duty so if enabled peace, ; ; f6r it is to be christian do : it contrar}'wise, to essay ininded, that give not eof, yet they conduce 5 : and aht, s we as ence, can solid be cfr in see certain a it peace, much Davidy is,that possessedof lasUng. no any afford may conscientious though the as a yoit discharge good works procuringcause this way, in respect and Pcml^ Hezekiah unfailVviwJL true ^e^^e^ ojt of o- ^^'^p"xiS. "xs?} ^orw"ssts* r ^ r 1* Instruct your littleones early,in tftepiifll in the jbcdf contained of the christian religion, as ciples Direct. 5. . scriptures. oughtto teach their children,is in itself confessed,that there isnoneces* clear,yea, so generally 60 be just noticed| of staying on proof; only it may fiity that the charge is very peremptory, as it is expressed, Thou shalt teach these thingsto thy JDeuU vi. 6, 7. the importance of this And children." out as pointing That parents " it is, 'tisadded, necessary thou risest up, and when when talk of them when down, ^* how work, and thoii shalt liest when thoa take it for house, and sittest in thine thou and to apostleseems by the way." The that parents do teach their children so, 1 7%e" .granted, in instructing that church| ii. 11. speaking of His work adds, " as a father doth his children." See Psalm Ixxviii, jwalkest j},4, 5, 6, "c. Isa. xxxviiii. 19. and Hezekiah where thy 8^th, ^^ the father to the children shall make known them to understand truth,"which undoubtedlyincludes teaching and enforcingthis dut}'^ Jel ii. For explaining parents attend to the followingthings. taughtto read as soon as Timothy, that from a 2 Tim. iii,14. holy scriptures, excellent example before set an having the charge of children, children be your young in possible.It is commended 1. Let child he had And his known the piousteachers christian parents, or any Whatever in all following ages. your you to capableof readingthe to search the scriptures, jfohnv. in a capacityto do, if we cannot Xhem not enable circumstances other parts of literature bestow on children^let made be bible. 39. so It is our which we much as ty duare read them. It is therefore as requisite, some of others do not the circumstances parents omnot, allow teach to I mention blameable ^iment this the in their rather, because too negligencethis way, so ofcbildrenj that sufficient them their young themselves ; ones, them for in places convenient school-masters time many to the and to provide to attend ver) great de- are thepvo^r ^t^c5Qi"L\"^lx"t\" I 1' is St vAietitheycould with least disadvantage be spared, -lected, -viz. when theyare young, and unfit for being otherwise iiseful. But do not for teacTi* whollydepend on school-masters, of religion. You knowledge of the principles the ing them bound by the divine "re jBelves,Deut. precept 7* fore to instruct them yourexamine cited* Frequently to try, and improve their knowledge, them, the evening of the Lord's on especially Day. Where this is duly practiced,the good effects are noticeable, in childrens progress in knowledge ; and no less observathe unhappy fruits of negligencein this^ or Jble are in order other \u both like respects. for not Improving they may have no excuse in knowledge, nor any- hindrance therein, be careful to providethem sufficient helps for that end, not only that excellent and comprehensive composure, the assembly's shorter catechism,but likewise those which are necessary for assisting them in some distinct understandingof Cause them the Aings therein contained. soon as a" these catechisms heart to peat by they are capable, get ; to rebe that fixed in them frequently, their they may memories, and providebibles for each of your children It is to be lamented, that are capable of using them. that too many not are enough careful this way ; nor are of excuse, for their in away offered by some the reasons not doing so, of any sufficientweight. It is also highlyreasonable, that you have in every faconfession,as containing jnilya copy of the Westminster 2. a form That of sound words, which we are called of those divide truths excellent summary an of the old and new expressedin the scriptures imderstood to hold' fast more ; largely Testament ; both by parents Endeavour liketvise to jand children. provide 5om^ divinity,as requisite good books of doctrinal,and practical in for assisting and more attaining them, yourselves understandingof those thingsnecessary to be known ahd and necessary to believed; and for be Y^^oC\q.^\sv^^^"^^^ directing ^oxjix B t Winess. ] 10 spent in readingsuch books,would be tnU(Si Time disposedof,than when, asoftenisthteil^as^ profitably no it is wasted in employments, which are profitable way, hurtftd cither for soul or body ; but in many to respects to the soul. hothy especially 3. As much understanding speculative may be attaifivine and saving knowledge of diied without any sanctifying where We spiritual things,as is clear from scripture, toore jread of such of knew as the master's will and did it not ; and as knowledge that puffethup, but doth not edify; arid is dailyto be observed, in rfie very wicked practices of some a that have knowledge therefore do ; not only use for bringingyoung ones to the knowledge of thofee but be intent in seekingof God^ doctrines Of Christianity, used whether that he would grant his blessing upon allmeans others have who or by yourselves, any charge of, means, take any or pains inwardly by his Israel,Jsa. on them ; and that he spirit, according to liv" 13. " thy children may teach that promiiseto shall be them alltttught hf the Lord.'' And that you I shall /this way, ^ may be induced laybefore you, to d\ie some was as done On cohcem the for- motives joier direction, a few of to the discharge exciting do so, because willingly yiour duty ; and I shall the more be dailyfound, who are not so much :not a few;may ignoizat of what they should do, as they are careless about of what they in sdme mea*^ *ny conscientious practising, iBure 1. ' know. Then, children nbrance. are to bom Man that your diligence,remember in a state of spiritual and darkness ighavinglost that part of the image of God, excite to in knowledge, 4:onsisting . ^ \ as rcr";ated, knowing God, Jt ^^ Adam himself and had v/hen he was the duty he owed .t^his creator, togetherwith his own happinessin having this spiritual iC0tnmunion with God : ignoranceoccasionthe necessity, of CAm^'^ ifi4 being vested with the office of that ;ijprophet, J which Joust he he might .open the eyes of the blind. Biit his people, reiMembered, that his instructing tbe great teacher cOTXi^ from God^j doe^ noXx^vjiJi.^^^ \ r is ia another and ye^ had you^ what now bringup member have on And such the strictness of vi. 7. "c. give to vows you of never under, are of ta Rer. with trifle whom them, and give an account, whether or ^ot you agreeablyto them ;. as also, who it is hathi to GoDf saying, when thouvowest a vow must you walked charged you, " pay it!'* EccL to witnesses on your And to allowing yourselves importance ; consideringto were the* and ; God, his command. to made, who iwere vows defernot comparison,o" of beware thing of a spoken unt" chargeablewith. must you disobedience in none one account and come your chilcjrenin the knowledge of God., his soul that whoso voweth a vowbindeth whom to ' or bond. these t^/z. yourselvesto forgetthe allow with the not hand, formerly observed, Deut. other, the ""bedicnce sin :" will be found you charge,as a had not Remember, 4. die " required^ be shall much given^of those place, //T/ had much i^ever I t" v. 4" how happy^ O parents, you will be in your children,if ever they attain to that knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christy which is life eternal,John xvii, 3" thus coming to know the things which now belong ta of that knowledge their peace ; and havingsome measure 5. Think ^hich would in the and charges, 2 incline them use of Pet. means^ 3. to follow on growing to in the know it^ as the Lord ; apostle 18* object,saying,that although we should be e" in teachingthem, it is impossiblewe can ver so diligent only \% give ^any saving understanding; to God belongs to open the eyes of the blind, and translate from darkness to light. For, altho' it is to be always remembered, that the blessingbelongs to God, to so^as if there were as cause an you not to depend on means, connexion of the betwixt use absolutelynecessary them^ t he them and obtaining end ; but while you use as apby Cod, not to neglectto depend upon him for is blessing thereon. This is never to be considered as s\\o\M in. of in the the ^njr discouragement duty, t\ot way h inder leasts yoxx from the practice t!h.w^ot.l*^Xivoxia^""j^ . Do not Jointed t cause to no (i^^^n to will net;!'c we sh6uld i-easotiing, be bad It would m* belong? do the work which instrument,therefore cannot we and me, 3 10 We sa\, t ')ur si i big Wei Way of efficiency, be* in away ofinsti^umentalitv. And 11 do them none J consider thifl obthere is ground to fear that some use in their WOrk^ 6f aa ction,either as a discouragement 1 do cannot good fot excuse trie if I ind allude is to ildren 2 that while engaged in in which you , ; you are called to See Iscu xxxviii. 19" " the says, yea sings^ aise thee^ the fatherto the *re / truth /* than sens^ !# Unrighte- iii truth another in Rom* said, sCems are eSsayingto bringy6tilf knowledgeof God and divine truths,yotl a Very special duty to the risinggenerati- the to be^ is intended* imediatelythere Consider the them Wouldhave I what " "hold to tftough sness,'' (itmay 6. a hegleeting it, may that this . in others to the serve alreadyquoted i Hezekiah he shall living^the tivtng^ shall mtike dulareil known making ness with cheap- the LokD whereof, is a work hnowrl df so be continued^ will, and must one )m generation to another, to the eiid of the Wof Id^ Some it is promised, jRsa/mxxii* 31. are ready' to St importance, that it ink their circumstances are such, that they can be little iployedin serving GoD,usefully,in regard to the rising neration : but whoever of this opinion.Certain i" ar6 yt who have children to be taughtthe knowledgeof the "RD, have ion of these nt 3se parents who em any to are think or should . say only not more faithfulness and been so now unhappy as advanced of families The so* to eXcite consider- negli- diligence \ bucalsd be bOrrt of slothful in years, and me possiblyhegrosslyignofant themselves, but law, I sav. It should rou2d great thingsof God's of^knowledge. Hovf means also, to use all possible christians by profession^ to be found, who are are heads the things, have rents, and to reason no ofthedoc^ knowverylittleaboutthe very firstprinciples ^i w^\ ^".^ oiShrUt / how melancholy\^ tVifc ne c^a^ t t is the unjpleasant Bow of the ] 20 hereby given, of prospect as risinggeneration may of these the serious consideration have no hand, by your sinful justground of too rouze to you bringingyour things. Direct the children the desired gain not ! Let things, move this sad over of use the milSer When 3- to many care you neglect,in adding lamentation essay their under be as case ; the land for mean every knowledge of spiritual methods end, to to Used the rod use ?nes, lowever unpleasantchastisement young of correction, to seem may with children, it also often doth to parents ; yet whoever considers as much of nature, and how foolishness is the depravity bound up in the heart of children,must acknowledge an indispensible necessityof usingtlie rod, in order to the good of those to be 5ierefore concerningthe iant 1 Use of things this unplea^ when the end you have in view be to gainedin a more gentleway ; this would that charge giand contrary to itwithout necessity, 4. not to provoke their children to parents, Eph* vu be may use Ven wrath to the rod not management few be noticed* work, may " due A corrected. therewith in this ; of case there could be ho reasonable pectation ex- divine blessing. S. Correct not unmercifully.Altho' some parents, of in the into the are danger failing possibly greatestpart, it would Other extreme, as seem good Eli did ; yet it is due bounds when engaged in correctto exceed ing possible of the sixth coma breach mandment, 5 and to do so, is plainly and carefully is to be guarded against ; nor '^hat Sohmohs?dthy when he charges,saying,let not thy soul spar ^ for fitscrying^to be understood, in opposition a ' to what is here observed. in a tery any time, you find yourself of anger and rage, it is requisite great perturbation you till of be master more to come delaycorrecting, you your If,therefore,at bassions. You ikuItSfwhfn Some, in such will be yovL sl are unfit so hurry of to chastise others,for their criminallyguiltyyourselves. undue audutvTu\y^^^^\cjw^\"n^ idone what has occasioned parent be moved child than rather ; bowels of the foolish and toward the heat and sorrow therefore,the Let after reflection. pn much them and of rage As at other times, so now anger. will find the great gain of having rule fectionate af- an ing sufferled unbrid- an particularly, you over own your spirits* of Beware 3. " tfny advantageobserved in a very method Jbut the bad effects of this in cither children dispiriting Scarce often. correctingtoo of the rod frequentuse have been often orhardening them ; ever was ; seen such to of correction. degree, that they grew quite regardless Let it be therefore ^ways evident,that you chastise, not a of choice, but Chastise 4. of their of necessity. with profit; not gratifyhumour, a Use 10. child^ for if thou dte^ thou shalt beat from hell.^ is ones it, in a a it make obedience ^^ him with him with of childrens ^correction the rod^ rod^ and of command good, from the he shall not dt liver his soul of motive. way all question, that correcting of only say by duty, dependance upon the desired answer not the the to mean withhold beatest I shall it is past commanded As 1. tine appointed this hath xxiii. 13, 14. Prov. a in correction who God, desire design and earnest merely for your own pleasure,or to fault the apostle observes, Heb. xii. them young warrantably do can blessingwhich only so you that end. may Prov. xxix. " 15, the And tho' many plain, comreproofgive wisdom^'* of litde observable without hot altogether reason, there is ground to hope the cause benefit of correcting ; be in a great measure of such complaints, would ed, removused in if the rod were a more becoming manner, than it often is, and the true design of its appointment and rod duly attended themselves to. that So that parents their]children are are often to littlebettered blame by^their being chastised. 2. looking 9xxd that however Consider, upon the business (^Scultf yet you must you may be in .oicorceoXvw^^ etvgaigi^mVt. " ^ danger oC xsKs^^-bssssx "sA Vi ^\sk53v"s' E much ground the difficulties; overlook to tage yt)u ] 92 if helpafford you, of your work ; and of satisfaction it would any conscietitious management if the Lord did bless the use of the rod ed to find comfort, you would the rod and gainto be had is the the the often observe 3. find in And children^ who wno called are How their herein I' He mother to shame duty ? let it be are beaten comfort be not better were terbalance coun- so to often managed by it. to use inexcusable part of if the rod or ; it would Certainly to beginningand never to them rod, without any profit chastising parent. unpleasant case^ those the Certainly than sufficient more difficulty you can what is your duty. with your great the divine account, that, accordingto all the going on with that you obj.ected to ; reproofgiveivisdom* this way, how remember will parents be iftheyneglectthis for his omission how did "li smart onlyseverelyreproved, but tho' a good man, remarkablypunishedfor his sin, in his posterity to many generations warning to parents in allafter ; milies and their faages, not to bringjudgments on themselves by the like omission, See 1. Sam. St and 3. chap" found attended is frequently Neglect of chastisement with dismal effects to young thus indulged. It is ones said Prov" xxix. 15, "a child left to himself bringethhisnot was ,"" which has been experienceof those parents way. Direct. Pray 4. and therefore way with them not be and who often found have been culpablethi^ onlyfor,but also with careful to worship God other members in the sad of your of those chilyour dren, in a family families. dear to so ought to seek the good is what, I am acknowpersuaded,you will chearfully {rou, seeing itis God only who can bless them edge. And ther indeed, and it is he only who can give what is good, eito you or them, it immediately follows, that you That you of This is the best way, ought to seek him for that end. obt^ningthegpod thingswe need, whether temporalor But haJEzek. xxxvi. 37. Mat* vii. 7, "c. spiritual^ \s" rm^ advised yon in a former direction to Xj^ ^xo^Vyj^i. i tJicm,what fcr prayer J 23 is here chiefly designedis to (ifpossible) essay to particulUu: worship God neglectedby many ty too much suade to yoo to of whom pray in in pcrs*thein, and- with family way a of families heads a du^^ and e* ; ; better tend might be expected. I inin proving it to be a duty ta not to spend time in families, worship God this way, who setteth the solitary and from whom they enjoy all their mercies, whose blessingthey stand daily in so much need of, in this,asM This is sufHciendydone by ako in every other relation* by ven some of labours some others, whose handsf; besides, I have reason it is your that own duty worship to of manner few a among^ believe to I shall therefore rather notice the have you your you'llreadily this way. things,relative God performingthis christian td duty. be careful attend unto all the parts of to Then, the Lord, reading his word^ this exercise, as praising 1. be his on calling and goodness.Psalm to know this is one among the search ground other reasons, constantlystand both of a temporal highlyreasonable Mat. 7* our in need, and that have rule of why of his call on practice ; how daily much do givingus good things, nature spiritual we our word, should we And 39. to^ daily need, in his revealed and faith, scriptures, jfohnv. we V. of of God bound are praisethe Lord to W'e B. cvu. of the mind more touching the prayer. We ought in all these. employed for his We by n^me him ; and is it not for these ? Amos.. vii. 7, "c. all in your families,who are capableof joinings It is not becomings be present in the time of worshippingGod. 2. Let while to be part is professing engaged, that another should, at the same time, be employed about the of evident necessity. things of the world, except in case The One therefor^ practice careful to have so of such heads all present, at of families, not as are this part of the worship 'Bronwirv otv the 4th. com.maTi^Tive.T".^ f Durham on in the 3d.ipaictol\a^S?^'^^'^^^'* prayjsryWid Hallybitrton "[ that 8onai"le9 commendable* being, fk"m IS- far ofGoD, I 34 dl who have read can And it is bibles,in the time, . of present circumstance- and reading, singing; except some prevent their using thenok that thiemost It is requisite for tliisemployment, both when the it may not convenient in the several members time and morning best attend. can be takea evenings And here a littlewith those,, improper,to expostulate Lord for who pretendto worship the ordinaryin the e" vening,and seldom (ifat all)observe it in the moming,To such except perhapsin the morning of a sabbath. I.would put the followingquestions, Let 1. be be if worshippingGod ask you me in divine in the morning: revelation in as clearlypointed the sacrifices under I The law be to were evening well in the evening. And offered in the morning, as as that the people of Go0' read frequently in scripture we were employed in seekinghim early. not out as the Is 2. the not morning servingthe Lord, if there be any And be in season " every exercises spiritual difference it is as the as more then way eveningI those cal* as so, fit f6^ active and more livelyin employed are fit and in that respect more for exercise of^y their spirits, kind spiritual.'J'hus your especially for prac" is apparent from to scripture, as tice,as it is not agreeable neither is it reasonable, the former question, is evident as led to from 3. this so this. good ground,if deliberately going on id that you to reckon regard the authority practice, Have you of God, requiring you ? If you did regard the families your command and might well as conclude, you rationally one time at one same as not at as well times, Have ground, Oon ^ot ^you does say you take worship divine would another, viz* him respect the in the morning you is undeniablythe as on calm in command, night,ifthe duty enjoinedbe equallysuch binding at both 4. at as to case as is here ? to think that reflection, of you in this conduct, seeingyou canapprove have respect to aU his coTXiTn2"AsxvfcTv\"\ Ox any deliberate about thougVit dJwvafc ^y^tOo^ t for "easoTi immortal 4. your in God, serving 3 "" and promatingthe good of yotar soulk* return, be very careful to attend to the frame of when approachinginto the presence of God spirits, To familyduties. This it is true is equallynecessary, in approachesto a holy God, but because of fre" in this exercise,there is much danger of format quency lity. How ready are we to forget that solemn charge, Each thou goest into the housi 1. keep thyfootwhen V. is it at this time of professing to (j/'GoD. How affecting be employed, iitthe best work in the world, to find some asleep,or otherwise illemployed, and evidencingno due to joinin divine pleasant rare worship? And while this is the unall other " case of the with familyis it may members, be the head or mas" in words, sayingover some of the with little or -no due impressionupon his spirits, jnajestyof God, who is the objestof all reli^ousworship, and will be worshipped in spirit and in truth, yohn iv. 24. then and watch with all possible Remember care against of and heart, whidi deadness, formality, wandering in whose Mind is deceitful above all things,^er. xv" 9. in a special work you are manner ; what presence you now to be engaged in, the great sin, a^ well as are professing and deceitfully; danger of doing the work of the Lord of hiift. well pleasedGod seekers is with sincere how seeketh such to worship hirn^ yohn iv. 23. He de* He sireth truth in the inward parts^ Psalm^ IL 7. found attended with 5. As it is not expedient,nor profit,to be tedious in familyduties ; beware, on the haste, contrar}'^,of hurryngover the whole, in an undue that you may Thjs get again to your secular business. would be an evidence of grudgingtime in the service of God, and you would herein be too like those,who sxt compl^ned of by the Prophet as saying, when will the ter sabbath be of over ? employed Amos Let the some sevjeral parts' suitable reverence. thereof. practice Consider that this is a duty clearly warranted in the of CoDy and so oughtto b!"^ou^'m i^^^\A\u ^ For 9rord 5. gone about with motives exciting to the familyworshipbe 1. viii. dience head of Jbr in of And family,ought to a and me that such as the Lord. it to own thn \whhy oshua^ saying,a$ serixe j christian whois every resolve wewill house my Consider 2. on the divine kw. to be duty incumbent a yet live,in the ordinaryneglectof it,either the morning .ox^evening, are not only guiltyof sin, but at the sinningagainstlight; and thus stand condemned and them, bar of their conscience. Thus their sin is not only hereby greatly aggravated, but their punishment on this own will account very Se6 that knew servant beaten with " we his Lord's en informed are will and ed, creas- that the did it not^ be shall stripes. many If you 3. where xii. 47. Luke prevent not)be much (ifmercy live from time, the a duty, as necessary and. with them ; to in the time, worshipping of a duty so neglect of so milies, fa- in your ed frequentlyrecommendGod cohfes pressed upon you, ye yourselves to be incunibent, and to the performance of which you have have so solemnly engaged ; what to ground you which .to arid said, that is the love *fAw fnafidments^ 1. jfohnyv. this of God, draw say, it,Psalm expresses near to Will not that And 3. neglectplainly ^to Psalmist seeing it is plainly lovers ;of God, yourselvestrue reckon that do you kis keep we, not you by seem believe not the as that it is Ixxiii. 28. com^ good to ? God . neglectbe reallya walking contrary made, and to the engagement ^o the high profession you children under, when your you did so solemnly come it a lightthing to were baptised? And do you esteem 4. your , vow back and not pay, The ? to your mouth to chargesin divine particular vowed, ^God onetime after walk It is so and God remember to amazing to a suitablyto these C lation reve- saints be by gagements, enpress ex- you higlv^egree, to and solemnly deliberately another, and go their togetherwith the resolutioios the of performing their vows, should think to open have called tq mind. how can many concern^ to and many those who there often to vow to trtxNKk yetevldewct.\\^\k'i ^o o^v^w x^-^^-ai^^^ "^- [ if theyhad 38 1 impression lipOfttheir spil* ritsof the majestyof him whom Aey then professto wor^ that he will call them, ship; or as if theydid not believe, of dixties, the performance relative to to account an How so unipsolenmly engaged to. deep, how be the questionably deep ! must that sleepof^^ecurity gag^mcnts ; as consciences of such could means are be used no fallen into ? And them. To to a^yaken O ! that any such it may be said,as the marinejhs said to Jonah^ Arise^ reasonably O sleeper^ and call upon thy God. Be advised^ as thfe prophetIsaiah directeth,to seek the IaORD whHe he-istp be founds and call upon him while he is near. not 5. In a word, how do you wrong, onlyyour own souls,while you hereby sin against God, in not singing his praise, I his name on readinghis word, nor calling but also the souls of your children, others in your fa^ or the Lord ?withthenftt milies,in not worshipping together herein also givingthem a very ill esamplcjwhich often is found to prove exceedingly hurtful-to those whose un^ happy lot it is to have it set before. the Wi. Might hot 2^f of these littleones, one, who duly considers the case and iscapableof 'families, broughtup in such irreligious commiseration, pityand weep over them, praying that God may pitythose to whoim their own graciously rents pacruel. Be persuaded,O neglecter ! of these are so and other duties, to repent of your sins,fot theyare great. Hear the divine call, let the wicked forsakehis xucty^ his thoughts^let him turn and the unrighteous to the man ^' ' and he xvillhave mercy on him,^^ Direct. Si* Counsel and advise your Lord, gee Ihe Scc^/^c. children. Iv. 7. lean for spendingtime in shewingthis to necessity considers how many dutydf parents. Whoever and exhortations Solomon^ as personating a no tenders imto young ones in the book be rections -di- ther, fa- of the Proverbs, that parents -should "?xhort their children.See also 1. Thess. ii. 11. But sS many arenot much so Ignorant of what duties are incunabent upon them, will as they are readilyown \i\^\e^of\ ttve ^t?itC\c^ m negligent "a.'^ endeavour' to persuades\Mi\x ol "jc5v\ careless and J shall therefore "'u- t fiave the c"arg^of 3 ^9 any part of the to rbing generation, this way for their good. But employed in some essays to believe that most as said, though there is reason was longs bein the general,that exhorting ones young part know whose to those under care they are ; there is yet be to cause some that wOrk manage bound to youDg ones exhort. of $uch as few I raay be it is answer 1st. And Work 2d, against, be inay to are 5 yet for in the sake advise to be must two-fold a with all care thingsyou other them be very ticular, parofadsucject-matter considered at no litde to. begin with dehortation* To how know I shall take noticoloss this way, it is to be observed, that in this thingsyou some painstoexhprt not impossibleto of the account at a things* ; them do they are any advantage to those If any therefore ask,what shall we advise givingan respect your view few a exhortation,it is so extensive "vice or a not to J to in of fear,that Istt advise them against sin. things ibliowidg respecting ihe of all known sija* Tell them Againstdie practice when jrtiat they sin, they transgress the law, 1 John iii. and walking contrary God 4. dishonour by disobeying, i. 4. And to anger, ha* to him, and hereby provoke him 1. it is found because from the no easy work to dissuade pursuitof those youthfidlusts,on bent so aiaturaily ; one$ young which theyare it is highlyreasonable, that while .from sin, you essay die favutful and nature Bomethingconcerning endeavour dehort to dangerous effects 2. Advise tbem is dieir Psalm)k" yoii represent exceedingly thereof. againstmaking lightof sin, as in littleonfjibharm wer^ xiv. 9. Provm Let them tio so, to not 4. it. know Fools. make a mock if there at sin^ that the only reason any fend, whom knowing God, against they ofand assure them^ that such as ever of -experiencedin .their souls any thorough work of it ; that to do so, is conviction,can nerer think lightly inconsistent with the "av\nigVLtiox!r\$A'^"5i ^\^vss^-^ 4itterly ice'cciRX^^'^ or an happy stsiic trf soul. Advise \5ae.xcvVo that afffriioxiowjmake lightotit^wi!^Vse iJ^\%^^^^^^ C later,to change their sentiments, or parableof cdnceming the rich from the lift up his eyes he It 1 50 will also place of bring prodigalso'n of whom man, it ; all others them this is ; that neither can hateful to As cannot we is and it,nor he stood the did and to be convince time same Mammon, is so so exceedingly sin,some have ol" exhort them lightthereof, againstGod^ nature, as divine law, which of room broughton of the elect an allthe man will suffer in or spiritof God the to of the Lord, sufferings word, it is the cause where and brimstc"ie, his infinite time, or burning is '; the procuring Jesus Christy world, that miserythat thereby to eternity ; in a of that lake will for their the wicked holy, just of fire sinninga^ nightfor ever. Entreat of sin,both in consider the scripture representations their eyes opened,they and tendancy, and were gainstGod, to its nature how Theloveof make ever in the law which- alone hath might at and sin, which and to the of all the cause them sin,and to love of of it,which will hold in a practice theymay neither ; and that ifpossible contrary J ever in hcH than the good, grieving when good were infinitely good, directlyoppositeta holiness that brought him (as to. tliat impenitent,) God serve it in its abominable consider he be lovers of explainedsense who said, that ! Endeavour error him, Jer^ xliv. 4. be in love with to if th^y any love God served, is worse well fatal a they cannot of God, lovers that die from with all diligenceagainstthe them sin, or sinful pleasures,as desired it is sin which was also as ; be learhc^ may torment. Exhort 3. the as thus be tormented get day and affecting discovery of ai" unhappythey are who either love or it, and see deliberately tise prac- it. As 2. evil company to nythat mfecting,having unhappy on for it is said,that troyedy I'rov. xiii. 20. ger so for ensnaringthem into sin; be ones, young advise them againstit,and shew them the dan^ influence aure is ; mort ^^rgeoftbem, care to had companion affools shall be des" How good had it been for mabeen taken by liwo^e \m\T^^ ^^ a keep them from sudvcom^^vm^ t ] 31 provedexceedinghurtful to them, corrupting theif strict is the charge,Prov, iv. 14, 15. to how maimers? t Some have not without guard againstwicked company and k made such company a comparisonbetween reason, of both. pest-house,because of the infectious nature and advise young ones 3. Counsel against mis-^spending precious time ; which all are called to redeem, Eph^ have is put esteem It is sad by much How 16. V* to on time, on think how what when of much ? which is small an and old. litde is it How afforded this hath to membered re- ma* deathbed, grapplingwith the kingof a How so t depend so vast concerns it is exceedingly ill spent dreadfiil work lyingon terrors lamented, that which part, both young most ny is it to be ardently have for wished some tfiat ^ to have time called back, when come impossible, How to an end ? unpleasantis the case of an awakened look back on soul, when it must mis-spenttime, when to the evening of it,andforward on come eternity ; and that,without any present hopes of enteringon a state of under awful never-endinghappiness ; but rather hensions appreof the wrath of feelingthe power ^ to come altho' it is certain,that God hath sometimes And fied magni^at the elethe riches of his grace in callingsome venth hour i yet you ought to remember, and beseech ces, to mind, that he doth so only in rare instanyoung ones not to be depended on, in any way of encouraging of preparationfor another work to delay the necessary world, till their repentance ways many who, in have been have been at ; Tell them dying moments. such a time is be trusted to if it is especially their on own, and brink the allowed in of in, as that not little appears few, others, a opinion of eternity, and in the world with the returned seeming penitence, vomit, walking as formerly,in the broad ways ; yet have, dog to of sin*. ved (itiisto be feared,)who have liin pleasure, mis-spendingthe tiriieof health Jltidseaof grace, altho'theyhave tlvcu^ottiL^i ^^tW!k:^5:a\^^ The sans the time more after much his minded how case with many, C 2 t } "2 sirf, of unspeakablemisery, that happinessthey are tions, is,that tho' they neither love yet rather than theywould enter on share of to willing be state a indifferent about. otherwise But God it were hate nor at their own e. rather choose to live in the world, lection,they would wallowing in the pleasuresof sin, than go to a place of eternal that that or never happiness,not considering ing.misery,must be their portianat last. Advise therefore seek number end^ young their days, that And to wisdom* as they itliey applytheir may ought to be minded in generalof the danger of mis-spend* of spending it in any abomina^ ing time, so particularly of unlawful diversions-;or ble scenes too even large a ones to to grace hearts It, in those recreations,which be innocent ; in both of which ways quantityof In danger of are bringingmuch in themselves may ones young themselves guiltupon and those parents are exceedingly blameable, who littlecareful to prevent their so doing. of to beware generation, about those thoi\ghtles^ness, things which of to mind, viz* the hi^h concerns ought chiefly 4* Advice the young never-dyingsouls. byspme^ to Mat. destruction. The be of due consider^ion want of those one them dangerous it is, to live in such a if they had not immortal souls, to be if they were to die, or had no never eternal as be to for want children to of account to peace, Charge them and Luhe^ x. if a so as give to state of small importance ordeis dangerous, his people i. 3. Desire your think of those thingswhich now to them view as of the matters 42. againsttoo perishingthings of this MaU ^^/^^j^ directions. to ; the least calm Isa" consideration, begin earlyto for concerned complainsof God their lead be inconsiderate to as likewise sinful. belongto their Highestmoment, 5. But they exceedingly thoughtlessway, as the worthy of scarce liberate consideration. so in pid stu- a how body, or as or misery, "were thingsof happiness of the deeds done Gop, are i" observed broadways which Tell vii. 14. " atdent world. yi, \% a Desire ao. pursuitof them ^ohn n\, to the mind 1i*(^^d [ 34 ] of short duration, iand is followed with ^ the end of that mirth is heaviness. ^^ let them And form ' such be that mmded, false an those unhappy of whom being in end ; they a manner opinion; lest turningreligious, tiieymust immediatelyjoin such change mourning companions; would not for all the world, exsorrowful hours, with the highestde* their most of such gree of carnal mirth, and the imaginarypleasures If theyseem as are not strangers to the life of religicsm. in a nori^ to credit what you hint this way ; but to persist and unhappy for them, you may pos^ on so false in itself, them if ever they heard of any when lyingon a sick-bed, in prospect of enteringinto another world ; (a time when be supposed to be in earnest men ;) I say, if ever may they heard of any at this time, lamentingthat they minded religion, or spiritual thingstoo much ; or signifying that it repented them, tiiatthey sorrowed much for so in Ratifying tiiemselves too little, ain,atul for indulging their vitiated incli"ations,in the pursuit of sensual ever pleasures* Certain it is,no such complaints were heard from dying persons, except such as have been divested And of reason. as mocking at serious Godliness, make it than and those who any greater professionof such mistaken ons notion others, is an effect often following selves theymake themones, what ever 5 charge your young such awventure with, that they never on ful merry in our work : a sin too common degenerate and unhappy a afraid of times. word, charge them againstmaking free with vain and a common, things sacred, especially againts 7m In a unnecessary use of God's word, usingit in any of God, as with the word undue Exod. way. if it deserved xx, 7. or of his holy Many, alas,jest to be treated with which is not convenient,a jesting condemned sin particularly by the apostie,Eph. v. 4. sdso against them Warn making too free with holytime, hath that day God set apart for himself, Exod. xx. 8. them how know severelythis ain of sabbath profanj'n^isthreatened by the Lokd VaYaswox^^ ^kw^\v^^ V^ contempt, but this is a name, hath often in time, those guilty remarkaWy punished,even These of like nature, others thereof. things with many often observe desire a necessity,as you would may you their welfare, of warning them of, and advisingthem mind that another against. But you must part of your is to exhort and advise work, them, to those things tend to their spiritual which good. 1. You to be diligent yea ought, to advise them may, of all means of God's in the use on appointment for salvatisuch as reading,^ hearing, prayingandmeditation, ; ii. 12. and to^ impress them "c" Isa. Iv. 6. PhiL with a of their need of a divine blessing on them deep sense ; which without become And effectual. as they can never them to have ought to endeavour engaged in secret you in duties, especially evening and mom* prayer to God them attend to ing, so also to cause public ordinances, them the of to recommending necessity seekingthat they by the divine blessing, become thcpow^rofGoD may, - to their how sahatitmy parents without some dren tabe grace done ; these sacred py i. !"" Rom. a sin in such children thds^ who institutions ; from absent parents, an are and strange observe to necessity allow any frequendy so It is these their chiU exceeding great allowed thus often attended of means to wrong contemn with unhap- effects. Advise 2. and your in them children not only to the use of means worship God^ but also to consider kow requisiteit is, that they be frequendy enquiringif by them ; and to have often so^ie they are reallyprofiting due thought both of the sin and danger of being as barren figtrees in.God's vineyard; minding that at length,such cumberers of the will be cut down, as ground, and cast xiii. 7, 8, 9. Entreat iiito the fh-c of divine wrath, Luke them solidlyto believe that a preached gospel, to all wha grace, hear unto it, is either the savour death, 2 Cor. ii. 15. the difference of those mteraad to to betwixt whom life I and. and how these effects it becomes how of life tVve unto of death life,, or unspeakably great \ Viov?\\^YS .^^ is ^"2"s-'^ tae^a o1 "^vc\X"s^ ?^w inconcelvabVy \ TOASfix^^^ ^^ " the of those state whom, to unbelief,it becomes 3nd J 36 the by their misimprovenletit of jieath unto savour death ! often beseech that you It iisexceedinglyreasonable,, tiiem to reflect on their state by nature as 3. of sin state a much misery they are ac"^ spiritual misery, how under, wl"ile unregencr^e ; and what temporal .tually and eternal miserythey are liable unto. Essay so to re* these thingsto them, diat^if possible, they may resent the and their with affected see necessityof sale case, it of all th^t misery* And the cause T^ion from ,sin^ and J expedientto exhort them of the high value of their immortal woith than the more inconceivably be vtr^aaild 3Lvi. 26. as jof what appears 1 consideratioo souls, which are of some ; world, Mah whole gatheredfrom easily after whose image they be may iCftheir ^ture to a consideration created i were a3 happiness they are capable; and especially fr^m the price by Christy paidfor their redemption, JPct. i. 18. onlyto mind tHc high value of 4"eir souls ; but to be much employed in enquiringafter acquaintancewith the oiilyway whereby they can be sa"" them to yed out of an estate of sin a^d misery ; desiring consider tihatas itis only through Christy Acts iv. 12. so Counsel Ah. ' liiose who in to them, not obtain salvation through him, are of infinite power to to him. Psalm come for salvation.Acts x^u his name 31. believe on a day in Christ of believing dream "because many ceive themselves ; beseech who ". in him are 17. and by where faith,are true the them to new how who much graceoffaith is,itis always ground there is to fear,that fees Christianity, satisfythemselves too And diat 2 creatures, knowledge,fear, love,repentance and l^ut them also sometimes of the holy spirit, 3. ex, yet de*i remember, edwith "^es determined afl Cor* attends other ]gr"* in mind, who many prowidi a speculative redemption,in the purchase thereoif; never Seriouslyenquiring,if they have any to their own true souls, acquaintance with its appdication Va. idntto. ^ \% of Gob Sj^ the saving wotk of the spirit knowledge of cermin if we "e method betxot of acquednted v.idMi5cve \aA""^ -^^ -cw^ [ receive ' 1 37 benefit saving my by former the 5" 111* them, therefore,to spend some Advise their time inre* examining themselves, 2w Corm experimentally ". tryingif they know any thingof savingchange made in the souls of them that believe^ of savinggrace, in that good work be5 implantation the d^y o" yesu^m will be performed unto which it is requisite that they enquireif Aey have known onviction of sin and misery, which ordinarily preunion to Christ by faith,in effectual cs^ing. And noticed, the other graces of the spiritdo as was ig on state, I accoQCipany rg desire ; uptakingof the that so they may some ivour faith true al graces, d in that necessary nature be an undations Too such will build many in the to as day when unwise not the to trial,Jfat. whose set And where vii. 26, will work not will be the surelythere ? how of resting satisfi* of building such san* on this way, it is tried. builders knowing Ma* beware abide not signsof these capableof being em* and of self-examination. work unspeakableloss in this importantbusiness. Frequentlyadvise them to ncerningtheir state in away at e them, therefore,t" will be none* contrary, the loss will be unspeakable! in being of their hopes, at a time when they will have )A out need of some reatest end\irlngground of confidence* about when twill it profit to pass out of this a man, that he hath been pure in I,into a world of spirits, le } own eyes, if he hath ities ? Prov. :hat he did approve xxx. 12 not ? cleansed been or what himself,if God will from his it then avail doth not so like- their enjoyment of value themselves]" upon :h privileges, like those mentioned, yer. vii. iv. or ? Some professionof the christian faith^ Some CAm^, Lord, Lord, Mat,viu21. g unto of their kwovfl^d^ c^^a^nr; "n they are safe, because ^ ines contained in the scriptures^ oS. ^^ xsv^"^^^ ise : they make sinnera a of mankind thro? a. ta^^vaacot % tloVts^^- [ there ingtliat reformation outward some in their absolutelyconnected not those certain seasons, fall away^ as may at and other like OB, and find themselves themselves because of privilege dered, that many ;n this respect.. are a covenant a which ; believer. deed in- Advising it is cojisi^ necessary, mistake exceedingly dangerpuS| it may therefore,(tho' to gospel; theyimaginetliemselveS' when a libertyof expostulating inclined believen convgrsali- libertyinaregard" true every more in their to undue any hopes deceived. the doctrine of Ae adorn the notion of will appear the the build their sandy foundations, many hereto I shall beea Those it under is the they have the did that freed from because yet such by it they may not allowing themselves lessness df the holylaw, ; ; or hearingthe word, stony-gioundhearers. 7 on of sin, which conversion If young ones begin to esteem to take heed in Christy advise them '. it may or affected in in the end so with of in the xiii. of Math, read we practice; convictions some be, they have- experienced with saving,Luhe not flatter themselves, that they are may and in a fair way to ichristians, happiness,because good are is which knowledge a Others xii.48. of is ] S8 think that there is seem a take digressioi^) little with great danger no who those in not are tending at- great strictness of conversation,from any opinion of their faith in Christy and interest in histo an the righteousness,as ground of their beforC| justification and acceptance with God. .The danger of thi? opinion the few followingthings. will be apparent by noticing " 1. Let electfrom " it be remembered their bondage to by Christy in what redemption; so He saves read we not the believing delivering intended sin, was particularly he did for because he shall save 21. that his shall be name purchase of the called Jesas^ peoplefrom their sins, Mat. u only from the guiltof sin,but also the power and dominion hcYievei from it,Acts iii. 26. yrc^m yacod, jRom. in his from rea^einer s/iall come them out of It of Zion xii. 27. it,so is turns said to turn them who do therefore,the trway uug^^dKness { 39 ] of the it. It is one ends of that callmgof whicfc special believers in Christ are partakers,that they may be holy. Thus the aposde speaks expressly of God's callingthe holiness,See 1 Thess, iv. 7* lielievingThessaloniansunto And the vocation wherewith they are called,and of which ttityought to walk worthy, is holy,2 Tinin i. 9. They likewise said to be elected,or chosen in Christythat are they might be holuj Eph. i. 4. " caxordingas he hatk the foundationsof the worlds that chosen us in him before shotttd be hoiy^and without blame ive beforehim in love.'^ And it is evident that those who are chosen to salvation^ and brought in the day of eiFectual callinginto a state of - be students grace, must no shall man 3. and see the of that IaOKD^ Heb* holiness,without which^ xii. 14. every believer bound to an imitation of Christy walk accordingto that pattern he hath set before Is not to fiiis people,and yesusf 1 to yohn tejttjitis caHed a walk in this world ii. 6" Col, ii. 6. as In follower a the walking in Christy which last of cited bly unquestiona- of converstudyingholiness in all manner How ^tion. emphaticis the expressionin the former, trhere the aposde says, he that saith he abideth in him If therefore mustfnmseff^walias he also walked* any in feiith should allow themselves who pretendto to Christy time evidence vrallow in sin,theywould at the same by their conduct,that they do not abide in him by a true and livelyfaith,whatever they vainlyimagine. Thus there of being destitute of saving be no stronger evidence can faith,than a loose practice;seeingfaith always w^r/^^A hy lave,Gcd. v. 6. And this is the love o/'God, that we ieep his commandments^ 1 jfohniii. 5. Faith can never without die native fruit thereof,viz. good be evidenced works, asappears from the reasoningof the Aposde James in the 2d. Chap, of his Episde ; and it not only hatii a conversation,but also happy influence on the outward tends to purifythe heart. Acts xv. 9. includes a When we 4. are commanded to believe on Christ for t\iTo'Vvitaii!tv^T^\!KL^'sv^^ and obtaining justification, D r 40 ]; J of taughtto improve him as made lieve beCan we God 1 for. i. 30. unto us Sanctification? and not em* him as our on sacrificing high priest, brace him as a kingto rule us by his righteousand hcfy laws f how vain and imaginarywould such a pretence bei And if we profess the doctrine of those Armini*to reject of that who venture boldlyto rob Christ of the glorj^ ans, righteousness, whereby he hathiiilfilled the law, andsa*, tisfied the justice of God therefore embrj^e^ we ; must the abominable of the Antinomians, in denying tenets of holiness of heart and lifein its "1^ place; the necessity Aldio' we holiness as procmiDg oorpix not to seek are we rejectit,^as a nj^cess^, ; must ceptance with God qualification, wrought in the souls of allwho shall see tlus Lord, Heb. xii. 14 ? Or, while we pretendto avoid dashingourselves on a very dangerous rock, on the opi^ another equal^ hand, shall we shipwreck ourselves on ruining,on the other hand ? Surelythere is a hap^y ini^ these two. dium between Whatever high and fine pre" Antinomiaos the grace iof make of exalting tences ; CSpD,. service and glorifying tome, ChrUL^ they do in i^ality no inta grace, but rather ^abuse it,turningthe grace of God wantonness, allowingthem8elve3- in an acvpwed cpnt^empt of the moral law as a rule of life,and so, siii because their They sdso, nQlwithstan4ing grace doth abovmd. of vanity,do indeed dishoxiour great swellingwords Christy while they do not receive and improve rhim^ in not luro We likewise - " ' all his offices ; whidi ; 1 Car*, every true believer mustdo the minister of sin. StraingeJ L 31. Yea, theymake C%m^ hath magnifiedthe riches of his grace, in, because God of salvation ; shall we, the method for that very reason,^ disobey, and to act a walk part very ^vation, and the influence purifying contrary to him? inconsistent both would'be the method of of that grace, thtathadisuch a' those to whom it is communica^ nature ofn with This ted. .Consider,that theywho are believers in Jhis spirit unto, them, and it is his work given 5. Melwvers ; we read therefore of teingchosen Christ have to to sanctify saVoaViotv f f *8 Earnestlybeseech thess, of their nature: to consider this holiness as the perfection the image of God, whereby they are made partakersof the divine nature to, and imitation of the ; a conformity ilesgedjfesus sJlthose who arc chosen to ; that to which the saving .work of the : salvation,are predestinated in the souls of his people, making them of God spirit in itselfgood and l" meet partakersof be to light: amiable. conformity a the the to the hand righteousnessin inheritance of of holy law, mediator the saints in rule of as and a the shining soul, beauty and '^miableness in the sightof God, and of Christy a beauty desireth : holiness which is glo" which he greatly |)iat and adorningto the doctrine of the gpSi^ to God, rifying "el,and a conversation becoming it : that which is the him from "adgeof every true christian,distinguishing a of the immortal ornament ; giving it a t which world the In the world, -(bythe which to will,in are imhappy in kind we of here they attend to is it : that faith this holii* danger no high very be allowed of ex- encom* in its com* experienceof that kind faith of faith directly site oppoi?om. iii. 31. aposde,' a so " is much need, at danger which not a if once tliat,, theyhave an sometimes commend to have to as of the for and by faith make void the law ? and replieswith I have holyindignation, saying,God forbid somewhat because I am more apsirticular, fraid,there the i;llin^ conversion the woeful any such tendency ; that of God's elect. The asks, do done so useful so them, that such a faith as is,nor indeed can be saving: hath to ing assure law, neither the end, be found those who which conviction,and praiseof hyperbole, may also is encouragement, There ones. void the makes their in the And mendation. been for their young iums, w^ithout any a godly for for their blessing) producethiu Endeavour ceeding bounds, as wickedi^ess,which divine much ness the to the wicked to even lieth in this very time, for few believed law in all itsdemands, elect not world,)there very in be in of imagining, as fulChristy (which indeed is to carefully to seem no iXaa wami^ he hath ^\Xvo* ^e^tV"teTcv^ a t\A^ oI"l\^^\" t if indeed he had 3 43' while yet this would careleslyij more How berty. Christ did so is it,so great thingsfor sinners ; or no li* true imagine, that for way satan, in servingdivers lusts J continuingslaves to Chrises suflferingfor sin, never nature to as IiVe peopleto have been much absurd their its his purchaseda libertyto make intended was that it should cause to be no to change esteemed more its guiltof sin, and to flestroy power, which he doth in the day of conversion, and will and more, more bring\t by the working of his spirit, evil but ; the to remove down, tillthat blessed work of sanctlfication be compleatsin ed, and their begun holiness consummated, when shall be Eph, more, no itshould And v.. 27. never gotten, be for- of the valuable that sanctification blessings pf the new same price,with covenant, purchasedat with which or justification, any odier of these privileges, believers are blessed in Christ jfestis^ Eph. i, 3. 1 Pet^ the u It is to be feared, that many 18. nor look really on otherwise they could not in this view, ; thereof. do it,as have an so not consider inestimable mistaken it nefit be- notions convinced gospel hearers were not onlyfully of itsnecessity, with its shining but also captivated beauty. How happy were the case of the world, if true were more prevalent, accordingto that gospel-holiness how much promise, Zech. xiv. at the close ? And renaarkable should we plishment accomearnestly long for a more of that,with other promises of/ like import O that ? 8. You to come who have engagements, sparedwith your children,till they the designof renewing their baptismal by partakingof the other seal of the covenant are ordinance of the Lord's of grace, viz. the solemn sary necesemployed in giving them Supper, be then much is This advice and exhortations. a time, in which they need other any on hand well all the assistance which friends can they have now. happy for them, if it be -, theyget neces^w^ Y^^^^'^'oti.^'QPtS is great, and managed; and give. parents, ministers,or ITie work it will be D % r the other hand, "11 rery have also 3 44 danger of marringit, h importantwork than ever they great. It is a more And been yet engaged in. as it is weighty, it is to travel a way new theyhave not theyare now ; heretofore. Advise them not the sin and gone it ; to remem* on precipitantly her what theyare engagingin ; and to have many deli* berate thoughtsconcerning the nature of this divine or* dinance |o which who ; to to run covenant^ new of any right,in the sight God, faith in the mediator, interested in that none can not, by covenant, of which are have itis frequent consideration vizm to shew seal of the considerthat it is a a of the forth the death of remembrance Recommend seal. of' his design of its ; and hath done for perishing sinners,1. Cor* xi. 23, them therefore,that they oughtto their mite toward tius intend a institution, Christy and keep dying Love them to up a what 24. voury sa- h^ Tell tributing honestly,con- end. is requi-* forget,what preparation site,for a work of so vast importance; there is small it to any advantage,if ground to hope they will manage theyare thoughdess of their great need of preparation. Let them consider the necessity of know-' particularly ledge,to discern the Lord's body ; of faith,to feed upi him, at his own table ; of repentance, love and new pn It is now, obedience. they need grace to especially, and godly the Lord serve acceptably,with reverence fear,Ileb.idu 28. Beseech them also,before theymake of a holyand such a- solemn approachinto the presence in sel^'examination ; time jealousGod, to spend some with all care, if they know I. Cormxi. 23. enquiring any of and evidence dt thing,savingly, the nature, effects, those graces, without which there can be no worthy partaking. And that they may adventure rashlyon this not "yrork,exhort them to consider that, unworthy communis less no eatingis a sin of a very hemous nature, including and of the body and blood of the LoRd than the guilt ; and drinking to consider the very great dangerof eating Jut^gmcutto t/iexnseJves\ U C^r^"" W*^^^ ?ts^t.l\ Entreat them not to t ] *s inexpressible happinessof such are as wordiy partakers, havingon the wedding with approved of God, allowed communion garment, of him, and obtsdninga sealed rightto allthe blessings of grace ; so all thingsare theirs y U Cor. the covenant let them be minded, how it is^ And iii.21. requisite in when having such work view, that they frequently ex* such ercise themselveis in readingtheir bibles,especiaUy ends ana parts thereof as treat of the nature, institution, of this ordinance ; and concerningthe sufferings oiChrisi And therein commemorated* them neglectnot advising of diose treatises on the Lord's some to read carefully wherein those things, wluch yoiang intending supper, be thoughtfulabout,, are should commiimcants largely and this time them at well and opened ; earnestly press ihe other hand, in mind of the ^ to only give diem can employed in I beseech Gumbent wholly on much how Under to 90! you it do ought to work a secret of much so their being moment. leave the' business of it may others, who, their proper as to"ioD, who prayer for preparation siU necessary to ones young of exercise the necessary work ; exhorting be, you reckon mind, it is in* as you at other times, so especiaUynow. that parents were is it to be desired,^ in this part of the the old testament, their children duty they owe dw Jews were concerningthe passoven And ligent, di- more their children J to to with converse And is it not as about this ordinance reasonable that you talk with yours, ? For excidng you in its room to remember the come above Consider 1" can and directions. how for those mind how to reasonable it is,you do all you whom stand much about thoughtful such need you your in so near a children hav6 their bly possi- relation " of being nefit. bespiritual things follows, that you should be at plainly much when painsin exhortingthem thereto ; especially it is considered, how much theyare naturallyinclined tor of those thing^sthat belongto theiv inconsideratioB^ as concern It therefore peace* " , [ S. Further ] 46 consider, that \f hen you arc with bcconiing things to your children, recommending gainyourselves. As ministers of you may receive some the gospelhave (Idoubt not)found that while they have imbeen warmly pressingon others, tliebelief of some of any necessary duty, they portsmt truth ; or the practice have been, at the same themselves time, engaged t6 more thoughtfulnessabout cither the one or the other. So when you givegood counsel to them, you should enu and take the advices deavour to receive profityourselves; indeed itwill be unhappy And you tender to them. if you advise diem againstwhat is evil, and to do that is good, and at the same which time, neidier study yourw the one, selves to avoid nor practisethe other; thus their duty in words, you while you recommend to them should do the same by your practice and deportment* tion. Which brings me to the consideration of the last directhese concern Give good example. give a good example to others, except you have a good conversation yourselves, which includeth a studying to walk in the way of those duties you owe both. and man to God summarily comprehended in the ten ; this walk The in a commandments. apostleexpresses TiU ii. 12, viz, by living short but comprehend vc way, and godly in this present world. sober It/^ righteously ^ 1. Then, pecially studyto givea'good example to others, esin children to your livinggodly, i. e. worship-i and glorifying God cularly, parti; more ping,serving,fearing, choice of live as evidencing Gop. your making and portion,studyingto glorifyhim in all as your God and do, 1 Cor* 31; guarding against every you include that a denying^ or thing dishonouring may DirecU You 6, young ones a cannot him. And in evidencinga due respect to all his ordinances, waitingon him in every one of these. It will be an ill example to your children,if they observe you neglecting or a/jdjdespisingpublic ordinances, secret privatedu-ties; and it will probablyhave xwiWip^y\y""i'cw:^ "2"x C Aem in conduct *r 3 is often seen in the as your foot-ateps, children under the care of soundutiful pa* %Uowing of rents. Study with'^ possible a good ex" care, to givethem titles, ample Tn ^ hotyand reverent use of God's names, allow"" attributesi, words, and works ; never ordinances^^ ing yourselvesin the profaningof any thing, whereby maketh himself known. God How unhappy will it be, if young h^ar ones his profaning in your common you whether by minced name, conversation, oaths wise other- or . the divine ? Remember all ; and the fearful swear prohibition, that God will threatening, liim guiltless that taketh his in vain. name not hold not How at pitiable dailyhear the hellish sound of swearingand blaspheming,in the families in of which they are broiight the soimd seldom up'; but ture psalms sung in praising God ? U parents, who vening, boldlyon that awful practiceof blasphemousswearif jiDu'will not pityyour own souls, will you be moVyd to take no compassion on those of your children ? If fast on eternal ruin ; why so own ypur you will run of such is'tbecase do what will you little ones as. lieth in you to also miserae- them make ble? In order givea good example, it to manifest cessary, that you which God hath antients,as set high esteem a-part for himself evidence an a is of their : high a exceedinglyne* of that holy day, which day" the thereof^ esteem of days, that market called the queen day to be tend in tradingfor spiritual riches, which ed employto make eternity,l^ewareof that it is aday not to be esteemed, sayingby your practice, for ihe work either in itself, or thereof,by you of sleeping have beeither in the morning or evening.How it away, many that holy day, as if they were on gladhow short they it ? could make saying,behold what a weariness is it r rich toward Are n6t And found many sabbath, as do you observe youj and God, in by say of in their beds they will be not view to such seldom your at the such whole hours week on ovex the - chWdretv,or oxiwet^^^\s5i^K"... depprtment^ tSaaX vi\"te"^N"^"i^^^' r 48 ] pretend,you do .tiot really prize tfie iAbbatS', call thrsholy of the Lord, hondurablcyai^.Htliat you therwise nor GoD,...wJ^ichi^^^ P^' is the busin^sk bf th^ sabbath ?' An evi* culiar manner of the dence that, though yo'u'csteeintbe other diyis' week, and have dome delightin the work of them, (a" take litde the service of is to your inclinations) agreeable you called for those spiritual exercises you are what , in delight the in, on culpablein upon your And day of God ? You liave no be to that have ^ ^ heart ed employ- been much respect, have need to be advised to think testimonies. ways, anid turn your feet to God's this that in'order remember, give agoodexp only beware of spending to not ample herein, you must of. the duties rethe Lord's day idly,in the omission quired, but also of profaningit in unnecessary employ^ of the the about which ments world, thipigs may be done other How much is it to be desired,that many were evidencing greater regardto the divine command^ the sabbath to keep it holy,than they oftea to remember on days" do? Study to ^ve a good example to those who observe to your children,in studying to your conduct, especially live rigliteously, renderingto every one their due, owmg nothingto any man, and lovingyour neighboursas your* in the welfare of others, 'selves; seekmg and rejoicing not nor envying or grievingat their prosperity, ing rejoicbut them all the at their adversitj'^ doing ; good in Vour power from a principle of true love, that love which of the law, -IS the fiilfilling ordfer to give a good example, you must also 3. In live soberly, in revelling and bering not drunkenness, in chamwantotmess or good things of the ; using the world, as not abusingthem, minding that the fashion of I allow this world to not iStudying passeth away. which ceeding exare yourselvesin indulging unruly passions, hurtful to the immortal soul ; but, bridling them fv/th all possiblecare; of the truth of as beingconvinced 2. tAat divine ^/r//, sentiment, /f tetter than he that he that hath that tafecth a rule ' oiDcr city; ^ax^ His o-om x^xa^m- ^ hand, tli6 one what you that 3 50 thc'oflife buiWtnth painfully when gfl they bdi'c ve you are in earnest, ihg good counsel; theywill rather be temptedto think,tfe in such k is only acustoni-youhave got into, of talking will nor manner -, and, it is likely,will give little attentiaa And what you say. if your indeed advices are i gow questionmay b affecting that teaci Thou thertfore 22. jusdy put to you, Som.iu c?c. est another, doest thou not teach thyself? Remember, parents, altho' the advantageof yoiirchi dren, or of others,ought not to be viewed by you, as th only or chief reason, for studyingto walk circumspectly ti yet it should b^ considered as a powerfulargument, therefore "That ( fluencing you may you thereunto." the duties incumbent be persuaded to mtnd o possible) stand in to your chi from the relation you you, arising dren ; I diall,-besides the motives already used for ei conclude with a few ac forcingthe foregoingdirections, while your bad,,that is practice ditional considerations. 1. Then, consider, that to obligations do. None are seek so man of your children, asyo relation to thbm ; they ai the welfare in such stand under none a near have justlynoticed)parts of yourselves,an (as some diereforetheir happinessis in some respects yourowf None are so solemnly engaged for them as you, whic i:onsideration,with others of like kind, should excit you can do ior their good, or tlu thereto. And conduce whoever b mscy any way may else ca to seek their happiness, yet none any way bound in every respect, have the same an* groimd of comfort you to enquirewhat satisfaction in seeingit. Nor are strictly charge* so any concerningdiem as you are \ as is evident places of scriptureforecited,and many these considerations to engage you for t obtsdninghe end. "ayed 2. tions ^r Consider, diat as so none you are, being useful to them none are else as as thezxi^ and thus have many leave under have ye have. so from others. means no so oppoxtumue^ Le unes strong obliga mtiny You seven are oi advantage often witl 4ovcv^^!c"^ C 51 ] admonition, ||9o4,by advice, exhortation, by,instruction,example, "c. Thus and in the essay to teach them in the evening, when lying down, and when had And morning or risingup. may you . you their spiritual benefit,much reproof, heart, you at be often would of these many improvingsome oportunities. They depend not so much on any in the world as wise on you ; and their dependanceon you for ^vhat they otherwant, affords an advantage,for beinguseful to them in tlie best whom fhose, on US We sense* either to or have we apt are attend to gieatest our than against, we what dependance,advise to are to more attend what to is have an equal share with by others. None you in if theybe reallyas they ought to be, loving their affections, children ; nor are any else so well acquaintedwith md their tempers, are at or have such to access mostUkely to prevailwith them. 2. JDeliberately consider, that you often recomB"ended other times in a to more know what have had in private manner, and continue M^ihstanding, negligent, you your from that consideration Ughly aggravated JDOX. 1. also have You confessed ty du- your sometimes you, methods^ a public, if, not- sin will ; see be Prov. that these duties,are confessions,will you you, and yet after such continue from time to time, regardlessof bniding on puttingthem in ? be entirely Certainlyyou cannot ignorantof practice 4he sin you are guiltyof, and the danger you expose ; consequently unto, by such negligence yourselves your that much and on the sin is against so light, very account greater* of parents toil and labour,even for their children,the things Jto weariness, in providing needful for the body ? and this if managed in moderation, 4. and How much otherwise do most well, is lawful. But if you are so careful in things that are perishing, far their nature, and perishin the ver}" using, is it not ter reasonable you be cqnpemed that they share of betmore things? Their time in t\\iswot\d vj^Sl^c"^\k^ css^x^ to supplythem with those E t ^ when and well fo fe^i^" die, they bid anfeverlastinjg use sublunary tlungs,which can be of no mdre they come all to 3 52 foolish How them. to those do part then a act, who krc thing ncfed- things,while the one I As ful is scarce minded ought for yourselvesto you ^eei^rst the kingdom of God, and his righteousness^ JSfat, for your children vi. 33. so, your chief concern cumbered ought kingdom ; have fessingwith horror, of what consideration for in them, in respect doing what and to a he of their children be placesof it do to seems parables,to world, no warn small us now as this have to as their pbr* xvdi. xvi. 14. Receive how nor their an end ; to think danger in its profits and as tlfeir hiiBiy these on thitigs. scripture part of the design of the of the the goM is miserable is at as mentioned, and bthar 's6, yea ought yourselves, children persuade your be so, in they enjoy in the world parablejust scripture. And, should the who in the seen you parable,LuJie their time ! w.hen member re- tatter j in respect of the whatever that These thingshere* case the ? I reckon to do yourselvesbound you of the former, excite to all deligence concern, in man ad" lose their o^ some world, they may not be so unhappy tion, only in this present life,Psabn rich be when dying,cohpoor worldling, had unhappily so done. Let tk'e possiblycan, you deep a bodies intierest inth^ an things would all other the of read by pityis It,that a souls, in providingfor to be. happy may if so, and What them. to many be, that they to same cd about df ardent too pleasures: apurstiitbf yet how many, ter af- representations,of this kind, steta resolved if nothing else were to behave to be as mind(^d, or enquired after,as a portion either for thefm cr theirs ? iDo not, alas, too many that say by their daily practice, nothingbeside the enjcj-mentsof time is to be cared for, and so daily cry r.s, F^alniiv, xvillshnv 6. rvho us imy all good? main ^^Ppy warnings and unaccountable study, ^'n that you, madness and hdng possessed of ! those that Let so it therefore near to gocd part you, which be your may be cannot ^3 r J of duty this practice prive it is considered, that death will shortlyde^ay, when for your you of every opportunityof doing more May ^. it not ? children excite parents, and these them, with or relation near parts of themselves, either for more no pray separates the death When the to you they them : of then can they can employed, even if they should be derstand destroyedfor lack of knowledge, in teachingthem to unthings: they will after this separation, spiritual receive no advices or exhortations against sin,however the practiceof duties, although in it,or fast they run to on they should ever so often neglectthem ; nor can by any thingin your power to do for theyafter this,profit henceforth be If you them* more no die and first, leave in you if they die be* behind them this evil world, which is inore or probable, fore you, which is also possible ; in either do If your for them. more no children case can you dead, their are If it is a of state eternity,unalterable. they need no assistance from you, or any ohappiness, of all use of means. thor, as being above, the necessity of rniseiy, K they are entered on a state a great gulph is fixed state to is fixed betwixt them, and the iahabitance of bliss,and no means intercession will be heard used ons Luke xvi. 22, 23, "c. not how let the soon thoughtthereof parents, not only for in their And in this sense, either you device, even to rouse O you, careless hands your gain of those, who are If the apostlePeter from you. shortness so many and find ; gent neglito do, likewise for ways dear the consideration to of the to soon to put off the gi-eat diligence whom he laboured, put* with those among in remembrance merly againof the thingshe had for- was taughtthem sition awaken rf^ nor j of his time, and that he was moved tabernacle of his body, was ting them work no in the grave, and as you know or they may be carried there the soul's whilst he is benefit,but spiritual own the m?insi^ afford any help,no behalf,as is evident, seeingthere whatsoever do your can of of time ; ought not the same or like conslde^r- deligencem -jowt n?o\V^^V^^'^'^ before t\ve dwrV xi\^^x^^ ^^-^^^ yet lasteth, you to ground when jou, on pome no man believe,that many to with tormenting reflections the duties owed has been And O they the to unhappy work. can tHeir death at their on case with why will dancy to were another one act to way every to come Certainly this dying moments* ayou little concern dear children, yet, your in that of which course, hath ten- a pale death and you, in the face ! certainly, to do so, is foolish part. Suppose then, you cuttingthoughts,when cause look hiust continue yoa not filled been have ? in some had is there by-gone omission their children unfaithful parents, even the future happinessof bout And a the very brink of the and vast boundless of ocean the shadows of the everlasting eternity,suppose evening and themselves then out on stretching looking you, you the many back by gone evenings and mornings, in on knees before which, you neglected bowing your God, with your families ; neglect* and worshippinghim in and ing to pray with your children, tho' many times thereunto and at the same of advised view time, takinga serious ; other sins both of omission, and commission; innumerable I say, this to be your condition, who can ceive consuppose piercingreflections what in such make this you when cace. a Seek grace would arise therefore to in your enable you mind so to of conscience it may as never to duty now, come with you hereafter,and especially such a time, as at little need of such will have painful thoughts ; and find work will otherwise. enough you 6. If you are no way desirous bringingothers, especially your with religion; yourselvesof it gives too of being instrumental young much ones, tance acquain- to to reason therewith of suspect being unacquainted ; You obser^^e iil the profess. may may you first of JohrCs gospel, how had diligentthose who Jlessias to bring others for found die to him, and were, that end told them what they knew concerning him. Audit whatever otherwise is said oi Andrew^ that when he found his own brother bnought him to Jesiis^ If he having the start ofjPeter^ ns being first acquainted witVv Christy \5r^" %"^ forward iJcv^t"i^\:\q% not. to bring his brother to \um ", is y^Z/f/*,he - [ be and between nearer you reasonable more what ? children your And what happiness? It is very observable that David experienceddivine goodness, eamesdy invites and taste them to about the engage much God as ; is God Psalm : happiness of such acquainted; being therewith to and to 8. and know, and says fear elsewhere. for the desire which themselves, religious are others advice, he as account may having xxxiv. in the context seen considerations who good with the blessed comply be may Many those that see can than your endeavours to do this way, the divine blessing contribute to their eternal by may ] S5 such as evidence of their love others others, to destrongest indication ; their ardent sire of the mediator's of the advancement kingdom, for this is the of which the of coming Matt. Christ which, their vi. 10. in both his honor concern and influence in employed every christian these and other happiness : capableof. they are be to generation,which their CfOD like nature, to taughthis disciples them to Thus it is what do good evident, pray; serving esteems thingsof others to that if you have this way, much be to reason you have too sadly apprehensiveof your being yet strangers to the happy of such as know and love God, and have attainments no concern of power souls. experiencedthe their sionsin Let T* are there you, some hopes of their giving pleasant evidences of God by regeneration; happiness,in not of your charge,to whom, afford so much satisfaction, as well founded some to you, its lasting impres- under ones could the world children ask me little have own godlinessin the world causing sad to come ? so, And thoughts, if you them, few good-likesignsof being well nothingin your ing hav- gious, being reallyrelitheir being the of and who you in the way is it not observe inclined ? to ing grievabout or of thought about either the present, or future state oftheir never-dying souls ; or being littleimpressed of being brought of their need with any sense oi ^;ge^*;.'^'w^ from art estate of sin and misery,mti^i ^ ^\."3c\5i their takingany due I 3 S6 begun salvation,diro' a redeemer ; having a good work be performed unto the day begun in them, which would of Jesus. And it wouldno doubt exceedinglyrejoice as amidst hearts, even your to observe many in them difficulties and good earnest, and with the ragements, discou- enquiring prodigal they should do to be saved ; of returningto God fore there; you ought not son, thinking in taking all painson them structi to faint or weary by inand otherwise. Nor ought you to sink in des" pondency,altho' you see not, so soon as you would wish, the desired success be upon line,and precept ; line must what precept. upon And you should represent wicked, who continue insin so without death, and die in sin. Isa. them the misery of the being without God, and at hope in the world ; being miserable in life, if they live and unspeakablyso to alleterqity, Woe to the wkked^ for it shall belli withhim^ ill. 11. 7iesSy Prov. t"" he as ; shall at last be driven away xiv. in his 'wicked' 32. ought also to represent to thenv,in a way, as at and engaging as possible,the happinessof them fecting who the children of God, by faith in Christ jfesus: are and tho' the tongue of men or angels,cannot express the You of their happiness; yet you should, at proper sea^ hint some andbliss as sons thing concerningtheir felicity the word of GoD" How this i'cpresentedin great does it is considered, that they are interested in when appear, GoD, as theii- portion; in Christ Jesus as their sayiour, extent in all his offices and relations,"c I in the covenant new of God, in blessings ; in the spirit in a word, in all and all his savinggraces operations, that tend to make happy in time, at, and after death ; for all thingsare theirs,and they are Christ ; 1 Cor. iii. 21. in all its promisesand inconceivable 23. 8. on, Even by any felicitv! altho' your thing you children can do should for them not ; be tho" prevailed they should and contemners all your pains,irreligious, remain, aifter ^/godliness ; yet ifyou be found diligentin the duties owe jrou them, your labgur will notbt ^\"iT7 viuy lost ; [ valuable mercy be yea than sufficient to of comfort How one sad, how bad as do religious a not sq, and but with bitter with water, will affecting very in satisffactioiiotherwise all the will niar more wine our ] they make ; This ? ftense *8 it be gall. if while ; ; onlymix they in strength, grow\as flowers, ad!vance in years, encrcase and and what is yet better,in reason understanding,if, after all,they continue slaves soul and body, with the most that which world ; God, who look is of purer sin, but with on therefore the in of you one who than to eyes hatred and charge of is of much to a ; And if you have not it is be will feared,' be be that y ou'^ present, going in of actingthe from which sin others, of among of the on they toward every not committed Jeroboam kingdom'of him, judgment in at sis the be vour in danger theirs,and after the come, at death: many chargeablewith their death. erectingthe ten to individual at that day respect) (in some was the for many Bethel, continuing ^le forgetspirits '; will be sinning to another, you in generation have judiciously This, as some observed, is one of wicked jn ; will be much unhappy part same of particularjudgment will when on, one them. reason ignoranceand a sin evident, if it is considered, that if you bring up children so as but your ; are lying in the grave, in the landof your entered and your souls into a world of fiilness, is called are bodies as rish flou- reallythink. at not ceedingly ex- red. desi- remembered, you feel it or you and you many sin, lyingon whether to When they may more thing to be infinitely thrive neglectit,it should be only much and may, ? part thereof,to any importance,than more heavy burthen, detestation parents, that the work Remember, 10. si^htof a holy iniquity,or behold that concerned, in the other the any sense have vile,in delight,behold a risinggeneration let the sightexcite each flourishing, with you, satan, defiled in abominable thing in the them makes sin and to Thus calves at the Dan sin sin and it ended in the ruages, *till will be justlychargetribes, making Israelto sm ", not xVvo^^ \\v" oivVj i 2 S9 _ his in ped the ided in calves Nebet of the good to ages, of day ider f in the in time come. how the in the tending, you is work going be parents, be iustrumen- of to the serve of "rtunities t so trict d, and )ractice all ; is let much have of account and the which work device nor "97D OJ upon your in f AUT die hands gravct FIR8!F. give be you, recommended, duties to considerations influence whatsoever have ; God to often pon" exciting and fin4 to to the time your many, are you peremptory so so you other diligence, no charge work your the these the ; doing and short, ; Lord every children. . d but hearts, your your in great, so to only, use of good folin O affect the in grace time own in their on of may thought contra- during then, your the to the reward diligence utmost the it, their not On world of evil, Jertboam^ as sin. advised Let seeing word, in or world, the to any good to awaken 1, Be much the to encreasing an in Israel is often he death, wor- ages Thus up. effects happy aftcf in his done Lord. how doing the set after made have some may, ng had he who who those, scripture long son time but day, own to doing do, for t ft T P A fe X E C ] " SECOND. L L N E y C ^";. GOSPEL^ORDINANG"S, WHENinhsft"itthethink we of the dismid dark 'of thosej who tase placesof the edrth, which are habitations of the and that consider of iuH cruelty; they father of the wth children common same are us, that immortal theyhave , eternal exisience teft I say, ; have willthereftxre, souls, and when think we on their case, an a" of a gospel svax grbpe in darkness,havingno light shining6n them, we ought to be moved with compas" to ^ion toward them and ; cry to God that he would 3end gospelwhere it is not, and enlightenthose dark plac" But it is e"* as ^s of the world by the shiningthereof. ceedinglywrong not to pitythem, so we ought to be* deistical opinion, that they of the dangerous and ware eternal happiness by an improvement of the may obtsun An opinion, of nature. dim light derogatoryto the grace the mediator ledge to ; whatever the contrary Cod hath redeeming directlyoppositeto way of ^therefore not the mediod of salvation, thro' a espouse and defend it,aU they who ; derogatoryto given of lost sinners what to staying is said reason his the revelation, supernatural mind, concerningthe of Adam's family; yea, : scripture this L^V^SL against o^iuiotv^ conceniingitin any inclined to it,wlvo W\tTiCA\i^^'^i^.^^'^^ of God the rule of tVitVr feMfci^Vi ^^^^onr^ks.^ as only refer word in manifested of God r ^xts, C6r* i. 21, 1 ; xxix. io; /'ri?!?. Ron* strange to believe is it what to that observe to yet as to openly deny them, in an ordinaryway salvation even who God of; for what doth way, not or may, belong to us not their sentiment so assert profess in do thfe aid there- extraordinary an determine. to who far agree with those the possibility of without can in his word. few a and ^many otiier hath said CtOd scriptures,do the also from fully convinced,that be directly contrary, How 14, 15, Acts iv. \% x. 'Frottt'whfch, as places,they may is J " How absurd is of those, the opinioiji. who, though they pretend to com* that jt gives plUnehtdivine Tevdation, so far as. tp own, ^ privilegedwith those who the only enjoy that those maintain it, lightof may if they improve what ? nature doubt no above advantage, some dim at the those^ time, same eternal procure ness, happi- lightthey have* mistaken, notion they form of divine mercy and goodness^ and the want of just uptakingofthe evil of The of a holy Qod, justice lead^ntothis opinion. Yet sin, and of to. manner the is, they are their sentiment in seem however ready to'cry out in a special aosurd a manner blasphemous ; that a judgment oppositeto theirsk numbers of chargesGod with making such numberless them ; than which rational creatures only to damn thing noabsurd is more by no means, the ; damnation, was end of givingbeing to any creature, as is sufficiently clear* eminent writers. But if any will be so cd by many cha^ almost ritable them to the heathen to be, may them givento are saved must be or allow, that it nations,as to believe that some of they ought ^t the same time, revelation by some supernatural ; of the device of salvation,thro' a tor, media- declared that there is no salvation seeingit is plainly in any other ; and indeed,for us to determine what God discoveries to any without the doth in such supernatural outward means Our over weep take of the he would ; would be is, as duty plainly the same of those case nature bless them be wise above to the what is written. hand, to pityand in darkness,who sitting paron with with the us, one av\d cry to God^ that ahming\\^\.oi^^^'Cix\o\" [ ] 63 gospel: so that the kingdoms of this trorld,may becomefilekingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ ; likewise, the on other, to bless God, while in their have unhappy condition. live,that we When we not are consider this,we we the to cvii, 8. highestreason cry out, as in Fsalm would O that men for his goodness ! praisethe Lord How blameable in being so are tle litgospel-hearers, many affected with a sense of divine goodness, in so highly them above many nations of the world ? But privileging ou^t at thie same time, to be deeply,yea very deepwe ly with both of an sin and our impressed affecting sense, misery, if we misimprove our talents. Tho' our mercy in a land of light,yet if wc is great, in being bom and walk in the dark dai'kness rather than light, love pathsof sin ; the punishment of heathen nations will be tolerable light compared with ours ; it will be more for them in the day of Judgment than for us. how And of those aniazingis it,to think of the case vho, either despisegospel-ordinances by not waitingon outward them or at* although, they give some ; that theymay become tendance, yet are no way concerned of God the power to their salvation ? The case and the other call aloud for pityand compasboth of the one sion, them to from sympathy from to do what in them belong, for G to have any bowels of pity,and are not hardened unnatural as the ag^nst their fellow-creatures, And their case not only calls Ostrich againsther young. for all who all,but also cries aloud to every lies,and what to their sphereand the recovery (ifthe Lord could be used, in order that any means of thosesinners, from the error from death. any of their souls of such express the sin and danger as tion sta- will)of such:; to the of their way, What one, ing convert- and ting sa- tongue is able neglector misin- having noticed the are groping in midnightwe darkness ; the high and inexpressible privileges take parGod hsaik of that lamp which of,in having the light Vv2twX)a" vsL-^sA^asacordained for his anointed j toged\e.T of salvation ? pro\-e the means condition of such as pityable F But C 64 3 I proceeJl and misimprovingthat light, gcr of neglecting is particularly soiqu iutended,viz. 1st. To noUce to what high value of public ordinances, 2diyw the sin of despising few particulars In some to pointout the consideration of either^ But before I enter them* on I shall premise a few things. I speak of divine ordinances, I particularly When 1 have an eye to that great ordinance of heaven, a preaclw ed gospel,with which is ordinarily joinedprayer to Gk"D of hun for his goodness. I for his blessing, and praising evidences of the . . shall not now, however, trouble you wid^ my reasons of eying other divine institutions* .And particularly I intend speakingsome when thingsfrom which may be of that divine ordinance ; it is not gatheredthe excellency from the value of other to be understood, as detracting appointedmeans'^ of salvation. 2. When any thingis noticed, tendingto pointout the these ordinances, or their and despising Bin of neglecting own minded, that littiei" excellency ; itis to be carefully said of either,in comparisonof what mightjustlybe ofc is rather cause There in the served. t" fear,especially last of these, viz. essaying to hint any thing concerning the great worth of publicordinances,lest there be * darkening wisdom by words without knowledge. 3. As the sin of cohtemning, or misimproving them, is of a ver}^ henious nature, so what is said,demonstrating their highvalue, if duly considered, may somewhat tend of that sin in a clearer light. to pointout the aggravation As the more worthy any person is, the crime of despising him with contempt is stillthe greater ; so likeor wise, treating the more valuable any thingis, the evil of slighting It will be the more sidered aggravated,which should be duly consuch this as are by guilty. way When hint is 4. any gr\xn, of the very unhappy case of such as do not attend these means of God's ment appointfor the salvation of perishingsinners,it doth not immediatelyinfer,that all who give an external attendance, are certsdnlytherefore true cVvt\?.U2iiv^ is \ ixvore required f than only a professing to vrorAi^Ooii mxJftfitti. not . as f ficom^mount Sinai, is to and alarmed , till (ifthe their danger they cannot see footingof a broken covenant, Man is naturallyproud and holy God. an high opinionof himself, till the law convincing;power alive without vii. 9, I was commandment the law sin revived came, and ; that Paul to with Rom* says when but I died. a have home come the on before stand once^ and will) Lord inclined his conscience* on fioai loudef and louder wax burning mountain, that dreadful they be I 66 the So the law man's duty, wherewith clearly see his sin ; by comparing his practice,he may and in the terrible tbreatenings of it,his misery : for "aS of of the works the under the are law, are as many in its divine precepts discovers t:urse.'^ altho^'itis neitberiiecessary, nor And sd^solute ; of the Christy being in respect various very yohn xvi. and it Is the ; the law itcnt 2. f and have 7 his is intended to therebysounding a sinners, ordinances ; in all,nay, nor the therefore,conversion not in conviction dispensing of be curse from are sin impen* miser}^. And but had inform him of /earful,as it is saldoi a other saviour ed employto news histransgrersing that tW informed of therebyrenderinghimself in this life and is ter school-mas- those ordinances, no to a God to therefore their need see may divine sinful man, the law of God, and and Sinners they bring to would to design of public main itself; so the law is Christ. bring to wrath faithful alarm But of their state, that from sin, the cause case sick he shall reprove the need of a physician; come diseased,,will apply to only as find themselves The prophets,. John baptist,and Christ himself, his apostles,were all employed in preaching as well ^hls he is saitb,when 8, of bondage to fear, spirit ordinaryway with them all, Christ speaking of the spirit, such him. as of sin. them of sin world yet it is his ; convince to the of any certain degree of a work of the law the Lord's with those,, he brings to way need, conviction m safe toassert to obnoxioui come V\cVt^ ; m the ^Jaa r it were sinners of mankind desperatecreatures of another art sed so, thou to torment come be God ] "y might cry rank, who out, with those s^d to Christy before the time ? us that it is otherwise But bles* informed healing,not that they have tended wounding here is infor killing when sinners are^ ; destroyedthemselves,they aro likewise told that condition,tho' for their ; the at present gerous, dan- is not desperate; and that there is help laid on that \s mighty to save ing Christ is revealed, as havone : so from eternityengaged in the law place,of all those given to him by his eternal fether,to do all that was ne-* for their salvation cessary from Prov. everlasting," thus he ; viii. 23. I saith," and so came fulness of time, into the world, taking man's a nature set up- in tho inta the divine nature, that he might of God, in the same the justice and satisfy personalunion ftdfilthe was law, with nature, of which those broke- who the law and offended being cloathed therewith, he fulfilled all ri^teousness in it ; paying man's double and debt of obedience sufferings.He offered himself thro' the eternal spirit, smelling sa* a sacrifice of a sweet ix. 14. Heb, to God, vour Eph. v. 2. And in a preached gospel,he is held fourth as cloath cd with all necessary mediatorial as a priest to offices, sacrifice of himself^ make attonement, by the propitiatory of that sacrifice, Heb. vii" and intercession on the footing As a prophet to teac^h the great things of God's 27. justice,were and partakers: believe,X Cor. i. 30. and them to himself, and to rule them as a king to subdue by from his holy and righteous all laws, and to save them In a preached gospel they* ii. 6. their enemies. Psalm of Christ*s glory and fulness,and that he informed are law, made wisdom to them that ^ is able to to save by him, Heb. being able, but declared, to " to seek blessed and the all that uttermost vii. 25. and not that he is also be the very end save of his those that design! Hence only of willingto many Fa unto come his save God fulness,and ; thus it is coming into the worlds lost,"O graciousand were ciWs^mk Y^^'?b"vw^\jKs'"x tiona v3Pt to come given to gospel-hearers, to hixn, and to says himself,MaL all ye that labour and xi. 29. ^ come unto me are heavy the I will and and laden, g^veyou rest ;" highest gives believe his on that him assurance, cast He to him he will in God, in his designsof mercy when accompanies the outward soul convinced " that cometh : wise no out* And " for salvation name very in the his chosen irresistable power ;'the misery,and gettinga disco- call with of its sin and of Christ to word of grace, is determined to accomplishment c^ th^ divine promise, Psahn will* 3. ^^ ^y people shall be ex. in the day of thy power." O happy day ! and those made never willing,are united to Christy by an union that can be dissolved, not by death itselfwhich separates llie soul from the body ; now the believer is joined to the Lord the footingof the eveiiasting the good and on covenant, shall be performed unto work is begun, which the day c^ yesus; Phil. i. 6. to come him 3. These carryingon so that ness, by and ; then, there is divine that means comfort ordinances an likewise intended, tat begun good work, tillit be compleated ; of ar^ them, believers thro' faith unto built up in holi* salvation : therefore in are to ,theywho have received Christyare tau^t how ii. how walk in him, CoL to make 6 ; dailyuse of him^ for carrying on the work of sanctification, that is begun in regeneration; and to depend constantlyon Christ jf.e^ susy as the author and finisher of faith,that by receiving Aem, of the spirit of grace, they may supplies mortify the viii. 13. deeds of body, andUve ; Pom* Here they learn the way of growing in grace, in kno^" ledge, in faith,in love, in hope, in repentance to salvati* "c. Believers know, that they are called to hold on on, in their journey, their way, to persevere to the Canaan a^ for the of the people bove ; rest remaining God, Ileb. iv. sit down And that they are if their work not to 9. as finished,when it is but begun. They entered were on their journey, in the day of believing, and must hold on, isJi they come before Gop \ivZ\oii v ^^^^^^^ to appear new tD in Christ of God for the Hit mark frtss toward the high calUng, iii. 14. Jtsus^ PhiL . prizeof enemies in their ^ey have many to ii^t way agupst, they are here also instructed,how to put on the of Ood,. that they may whole be able to stand, Anopur affdnst ikll these foes ; in wliose and war strength they the field of battle ; and what ground they to ^re go mto have to eiEpect a complete victory. And that they may of time faint in the these with act engagement spiritual adveraariea, who are many, subtle, and strong, they have in a preached gospd, many encouragements proposed. of the streng^promised to aU from the consideration auch as are engaged in this war with them^ ; the presence of the captain of their salvation ; and the inconceivably to all who in the 2d# overcome : as ^[reatpromises made other places; and the and 3d. chaptersof Rev. and many hopes of a full and final victoryat length ; when they their heads, and palms in their shall receive on crowns hands, and sing an endless song of triumph. Thus by the discovery of the high prize, at the end of their race ; And .". and 90 victor's crown, the is which exposed to wheni open view their warfare is finished ; pole of the gospel the on ; the race to run set before them, and to they are animated fightthe good fightof faith. altho' the Jordan of death lieth in the way, And here learn how to be also they may prepared for passing over ^ For thy victory X death, overcome He vanquished believer of this / is at death the world, him and end he the that in its own of his may, captaii had the power territories. So journey by nuth, thereof. when the thro' the wilderness hear a voice, saying, lay : and need be place where the Lord in under no gloomy apprehensionsof harm or danger thererather hear the voice of his beloved, saying, ; he may for the rest prepared for arise and come away^ 19 yoU) come en see the the other side of this Jordan* [ Christ hy this messenger ] W) address thebelieter to seems gospelgrace, in a day of ihfiirf *' nite to part with evedrawingpower, made you willing ** formerlypos* ry lover, and every rival of mine, which " in thy heart ; willing sessed my room to forgetthy fa"thers house and come to me, settingwide open the ** the king of glory; doors of your soul to me everlasting *' I to bring you to these mansions, of am come now thus I in the field of As " " which ^ house I told, you, and ; death it no *' reallyis *' who " ence as more, have entrance in my father's many shall be administered un"' to darkest aspect it can but rather as enemy, ,an all who believe encountered and ; it, have come as found put a on all my in view : friend, as it followers their for lo ! away, fear Therefore heavenlykingdom. therefore rise and ; were in the very *' " an into the *'toyou, *^ not now there experithe win- is past, the rain is over and gone." In a word, in this glassof gospel-ordinances, the dis* ter ciplesof of the privileges of dsdly discover more of the gloryof the Lord, by a view his followers ; more of which, theyare changeilvitito the same image from glory iii. Cor. 'Tis therefore 18. to plain and glory,i2 of espousingsinners to evident,that those blessed means Christy whereby, they are not onlyunited to him, by. tliat faith,which cometh by hearing; but whereby they also dailytaughtto improve him, to receive of his are out in fulness,and to grow in grace tillgrace be made perfect glory";I say, it is evident, they must be of great value, and therefore to be highlyesteemed. 2 The great and ultimate end of divine ordinances,is of the glory of God, the manifestation which radiantly C%m^ shines in the salvation does the in this device a glory of of in the of a children of mercy takingcompassion creatures wrath all the divine savingsinners specialmanner, clared, of mankind-sinners. ; holy, and who as thro' and a How nently emi- attributes,appear mediator grace of God ? But in is de-- serving miserable, and ill deof the sinners, are the objects on God, and, are by nature sin-hating \^V^\^ ^"^ wra(/i,Efh% \\% 8* Hi^ sc^?"XV"n^ : [ J n in giving his onlybegotten manifested l^cially son, (Of that whosoever believeth on himshould tmspeakablegift) Here not life,jfohniii. 16. perishbut have everlasting rich displays of the love of the blesaed jfestt^y evU are in hi^ engaging for, and representing denced those that chosen were in, and given to him, before the foundation world ; and in coming according to that engagement^ into this world, becomingBjan, and undergoinga of the of all kinds in hWUfe and at length sufferings ; of the cross humbling himself to death, even the de^ ; of the the drunk brook that in Psalm and having run way, of scene finished his 7. and pc. disciples;he scended a rose heaven, as a forerunner placefor them, johwAy, 2" into up prepare Thus in the name of work sufferingagain for their justification ; and sacred institutions these a- before,tO gone intemled are hia for manifesting . glory of the Therein to reason God the ; his love so the O cry out, diator. grace of the meshines,that there is the highest gloryand breadth, length, and and height, of the love of Christ that passeth We ought therefore, knowledge! Eph. iii.18, 19. and ledging, in them, to worship not God, glorify only acknowthat we owe our being to, and have all our enjoyments depth, and of lifefrom a him, by special manner, giverof die as humble an and all good thankful ; but in ledgment acknow- and mercy of the riches of his grace in shewn that is ordered in all things and sure, % that covenant, xxiii. 5. Sam. 3. in The if we will ^pear, all ages of the be to phets,and way he hath done, in beginningof in the and of what view ment appoint- dispensingthem ; under the and extraordinary levites,priests, prCf the before him a of God's and furnishing instruments church, in calling, messenger, pasters, take employed old testament, Lord's of the ordinances high value : other qualifyinstruments the new, before his and afterwards the sent teachers to be end otihe world i to whom ; and face, to prepare his evangelists, apostles, cQrvtm\i\w^t" ^'^'aKsAt employed h^ the John baptist, Va "Jwi.OwvxxOc^x.Ok'^^ ''''^^ 5|^v^^ co\".T5iv%i^^'^v t his |"rOmi8et^ to even I- " presence, saying, the end of appear, when die world. it is considered them, ployedin dispensing lo I But am with you alWiayi this wil especially that Christ himself was em preachingthe everlastinj an only often read of his teaching, but the apostle by the evangelists, in gospel,"c. so we not preaching,as recorded ffeb* iu 3" speaking of at first began to be Jlhd dearer testament must the great spokenby the of vast be only so many worth, eminent revelation salvation,saith,whici Lord, viz. in the nei thereof. Surely thesi dispensing of which, no instruments,in all ages, have beei in the employed as their proper work ; but in which he* wlw fron spake, the great teacher come spake as never man God, was employed* of God 4. The t charges,givenin the word many keep them pure, and not corrupt them, which is the scop of the second precept of the moral-law,is a plainevidenc of their highvalue. The priests to be careful to offer nothingin sacri were fice,but what was allowed, and prescribedby God ; an" the false prophets were severelyrebuked, for their cor the pasturec ruptingthe doctrine they taught,and fouling that God's peoplecould not feed in them. The apostl GaL i. tho' curseth Paul, 8even an angel fron any, heaven, that would preach any other gospel; he also so lemnly chargesTimothy ^ot only to take heed to himseli but to his doctrine ; and ^hat he charges Timothy an" others to take heed to, he himself carefully observed ; s" he saith, 1 Cor. ii. 2. and I, brethem, when I came t( I determined know not to you, any thingamong you Christ and him crucified and when he save : Jesus wa of the church his farewell of taking Ephesus, Acts xx. 28 He pure takes from declare had the elders of that church unto the blood them to record, that he wa of all men, not as t" having shunned the whole counsel of God thua : and destroyedthem with any impure, or corrupt doc How trines. it for those happy were employed i] ^'Si'afi ^X teaching others, when takingleave di \!tie.m^ not t 4"i IT bro(*s, so panteth my Ihirsteth for God, the appear before God of his desire,to appear when he how ; shall I when ; strong the are expressions deprivedof. now was come in the tabema^ before the Lord, he soifl This wad representedin that other psalm, wilderness of Judah. In how pathe- in the was Gob*-,tny soul for thee O living God and cles of his-gmce which also his mournful case 1 r4 as languagedoes he there express his earnest lon^g he for his returningagainto that place,where might, and with other Israelites, behold God's gloryas hepower had formerlydone ! thus he cryethout, my soul thirsteth tick for thee, my flesh longeth for thee, thirsty dry and a in christians have Some is. land where water longed no for the coming of the sabbath, that they might have access go into the house to of God, and worship at to his footstool. They not onlylongfor them, but are grievedin tfieir when they are banished from the house of CrOD. spirits, do the captives How in Babylon lament and W^ep, bitterly 2. Ivhen they had Psalm cxxxvii. "atdown, affected tribes yea, them were in that once holy and no By 1. at I remember they considered, that their beingallowed to worship God happy in beautiful this,my soul is poured gone with the multitude, I of God ;" but as if he had was banished are as encomiums ing- they theyseem bestow formerlysingthetemple-songswere xlii. 4. in out to his them. on How delightthemselves representations oftliem ^tJonof a me ; " when- for I had into the house said, it is now otherwise,I desart,mourning there. a jt, that into as v/ith them went laid v^ste, now lonelyowl in the 3. The high esteem, the people of God ordinances, may be likewise gathered from am It- when much, songs ; then these ifielodious into bowlings.David saith.Psalm turned Zion. remembered we house, that with fire ; but now they yea burned where could not foreignland, they Lord's God of the rivers wept when we Jerusalem ; Babylon there we worship to access ? us GotT house, the place where a have the of his pleasant observable in various is afFect- vVvt\\8hvt\\o\\^^^ \ua \v.owo\xr^^^^'^'^ I Hit of his house, his tabernacles,"c. It is put by question,Psalm Ixxxiv. 1. How amiable are thy courts of way } rs " V^ And O Lord ,tal|^rnax;les, iu the 10th the ver. Psalmist is better than a thousand." cn^tti out, "a day in thy courts O how highlydid he prizethem, declaringthat he would rather have than the employment meanest dwell in the tents amidst all their worldlypomp and of Mount-Zion sings pleasantly because Lord the of God in the house of wickedness, wicked, with the or . splendor. Tlie as standingmost chuich tiful, beau- worshipped there, Psalm was iklviii.2. 4L The joy and delight ship theyexpress when called to worin divine ordinances, doth plainly God signifytheir high opinionof them. " unto let me, us I , gladwhen was of the Lord," feet shall stand do .the Jerusalem." How cheerfully of worshipping him peopFeof God embrace opportunities in his tabernacles ? Thus it is a note in their high song, will go into his tabernacles, cxxxii. T. and Psalm we will worship at his foot-stool." Now, when we are happy habitation of for the in having found out a place ty mighbow ourselves,and worof Jacob, where God we ship may before him, and be blessed in the enjoyment of hi^ in beholding the beauty of the Lord, and quiring enpresence, into his holytemple. will go to that place,the tribes of God We go thither; within ' 1. go into the house with holyboasting, saying,"our glories they said He a^^u Psalm thy gates, O " in company, will go with them even walk thi;o'the dry and sandy valley of we tho' shauld we . Baca; we will will'mglyvmdertake all toil,and go from strength to before God in Zion. tillwe Can sti'ength, appear any and not be read, at least duly ponder these expressions, of the very high esteem, convinced which believers hiive of God's house ? And, O careless siraer, for the courts who art djiily -not a high esteem, but, on the evidencing, contraiy, a contempt of them, by thy conduct ; doth no fear ever seize thee, lest thou be an entire stra;iger to o^^jx^t ^^T^i\"5i^.\^^RJ":ss^ these divipeenjoyments v;hic\\w\\!Iv\ G [ the cause his house sery ? And " to which 5. But peopleof God, so too to long so ardently indeed, who can express dvrel! ii thy mi the piercing not questionbe put fe you may of the saints wilt thou turn ?" those the presence, in his if And ? ] 7" who and with'^hjo^nj privifeged beholdingthe gloryof the Lord have been tabernacles,evidence^ their great estefem of them of the work andbusiries speakingso affectionately of those attending the Lord, and payin| there in serving thanks his name this they observe the work o unto : as in the tribes of God, in the forecited cxxii JPsalm " her joinin exaltinghis namfe tpgiether indeed reasonably,that theyat^ happ; of their being eiioployed, from the consideration in tha as woric, of givingpraiseto God; pleasant expressedii Ixxxiv, 4. where you hear them that song, Psalm singing ^ blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they will bl thee.' stillpraising 6. That the peopleof God have^a( very highbstiniati of his ordinances, will appear, if we copisideri' ho\i on much those who arie eftiployed itidispehsin^ they esteem them. These, as the Apostledirects,they fesfeem ven o highly in love for their works sake, asth6 seWants Christyand of his church,in their admimsti*ations ; reckon ing the feet of those beautiful on the miountains, whc : Their bring good tidingsof good things. doing so ii ih the fol evident, as in othe^respects, so partiiulariy lowing. in them, Psafmlxviiult^ 1. In their rejoicing Andil Micah was glad, reckohinghimself happy in havings how much Levite for his priest have the rtason more' ; * when he givesthem peopleof GoDto rejoice, pa^tors'achis shaU heart? feed them who to own Vfixh cording knowledge and understanding,' y^r. ii. 15* How great is their happinesswhen privileged,with such as feed them with the bread of life, and, as good stewards,give their portionin due season. to every one Their esteem 2, of those appe^s^ \T^\Vveltbelrv^much TVv employed in praying for thena ", Psalm cx'Sltliu 7 they are allowed they reckon, and to , ' ' * [ ] rr Psalmist cries to God, be clothed saying, let thy priests with righteousness,' "c. 'Tis the duty of all to be so ex^ crcised ; the Aposde chargesthose he writes, to whom Bayiug, brethren, pray for us ;' and without all question, those who hjive any sense of the importance of the work they are called to, will be exercised in prayingfor them, that theymay be made able ministers of the new ment* testa' ' That 3. the in the grief and by people of of the work when sorrow death leaveof them, never did theysorrow his face no more when grief doubt no no And altho' cd from more reckoned and by this minister no him, to had degrees, a be reckoned no has been he ; ' see their dispens- was them among they ? were th" no\T be compar- no one can be yet the removal essayingto travel iiy in the souls of small trial ; and hearers, is to sometimes, very sorrowful attendingthe funerals of such have been as employed during their life, in And gospelof Christ preachingto them the everlasting Christ hath in despisingthose whom sin much tho' some includes a despisinghimself ; yet others, sent, which much those who have profited by their labours, especially of thinkingof them above what is have need to beware assemblies have been they should of loss great so were in this world Apostle* days, is to the their takinghis since his faithful pastor, who birth, till Christ be formed of while vants ser- ther whe- encreased of which therefore many Pt/w/was preached ; them, afFccted it much ^at riches oi Christ hear when any more he told them theyremembered unseaixhable much them ing divine ordinances, he to How when and from taken are Ephesus, to see ? his ministry,is evident, by such of love and esteem otherwise. or those of die church How God obser\'ed " meet* 7. That those who love God do esteem the tabernacles , of bis grace, is very evident from their spirits, of their oUication his As the to sense they liave praisethe Lord on for tVleta^N\^\v^^i^^^x^^f^^^"^'^^ goodness, in privileging ^^"S ^^xX^-Ows* Paalin z. ^* they are commanded^ '' I with courts as P^Wmciii. of the - praise*''Tis true they vicSr thehibound to praisethe Lord for every mercy ; for the light 1, 2, 3. but in a special manner, of righteousness, in a gospeldispensation, arising gates and "elvcs i ^8 sun healing irihis wings ; for the shiningof the brightand morning star, and the discoveries of the glory of Christyin the glassof divine ordinances. with It hath much affected respect, fallen been in ihem to consideringhow with what popish What errors. christian as say, breasts of an Jents devils many ; as one a and other to this day. O the kindness part of the clouds is it, expresses idols of and wood, ; w and not thick fogs taughtby of my pa- stone, yea, beasts and inhabitants of Ameri^ are some with privileged hich spread Over- considerate a may that I did not suck the done, and that men, is world it, was of the miserable of God in this darkness, beside mahometan mercy placeshave ca a infidel, and that I worship to great the black with the lines have pleasant places,w^hile they have heatJben, and is covered that some, said such to tokens of their fellow many do of crea, by tures, nature as good they,enjoynot, as ;seek grace for his goodness ; and to praisethe Lord to improve their talents,minding who hatb charged them, saying,occupy I know be. prevailed to en 2. would in the come GoDj so next tillI place to highlyprizethese in part appear, from they take a view of come. enquirewhy divine such at institutions ; ahd thingsalreadynoticed. When them, as appointedby God, whom they love, and whose authority theyregard ; as the high ends of their institution, likewise "c. they but I shall them. further esteem cannot add, they* only the because of of do so experiencethey have attaining benefits in them, and what theydaily soul-enriching hope it may for, some this wayr Here they have found enrichingpearl of great to price,making them, upon a discoverythereof, willing i^// fill they have and buy it ; and here they get manifestations of the soul-captivating gloryot Christ ; "w'VWfcVvet^ ^^e^yhave been iijade to the teceWe guXoiVi^W^^^^^sA t for grace ; grace when 3 ?9 been theyhave times some plaining com- nances, deadness, they have, in divine ordispiritual mating found anito their sensible and sweet experience, and supplies quickning communications, of new and who is the resurrection the I'lfe^ of life, from him John ii. 25. and who hath said, he that eatethme even he shall live by me. While waitingat the posts of wisdom's doors, they have experienceda restoringof their Ian-stand making them to underguishing and drooping spirits, what ")a1?/^/meant, in saying, he restoreth my soul.' often have they to their satisfaction found, that How of * darkness their turned them, light? to such at hath been a in While time sensible a and evident hath gospel-sun a night hath shined upon into day turned been ner man- i accomplishmentdiscemablyof that 'I will make darkness lightbefore you C gracioaspromise, Christ is not only their life, but evident that it is now so that their lightis also from him. and that even vexed, and have been were made obligedto in their an cluistian is there What sore found theyhave hath who while their souls within overwhdmed almost made rejoice ; glad, when they saw to confess that the hearts, than the them with the as hath they weeping disciples put of the world men been have sorrow, the Lord Lord served, ob- sometimes not been and ; gladness more have, or can enjoy,amidst all their imaginaryhappiness arisingfrom of the perishing the possession thingsof this world. " fuUof compiaiintswhen They likewise at some seasons, of spiritual bondage, while waitingon divine ordin^ces, "^'" ' i and on the Lord change in the have that tiiey saith) been thou m have them, discerned cfftheir souls, from case been made hast loosed to sing bonds^ my with and such a bondage to notable liberty, when David^ he their hearts have the way of God's commandments ; C7zr/W* that, itis tJ open prop r work enlargedto^run aiid have known, them who bound and prison-doors, ; at captive liberty. May I not ask you, christians,ifyoah^v^ the to ' . are to , set the chained . G ^ tl^V^^^^^ [ umentall/ found, while doors, that which hath i have you tual senses of divine power in such evidendy, the an waitingat the posts of wisdom^s been delighting to all your s{^hi^ not an to answer church, drtnvme^ %ve 1 ^ felt such touches sometimes observable your will way, as hath been petitions,in cryingwith Or have run afterthee ? of that odorife^ delightedwith the savour letter oiChrisi't rous ointment, which maketh every ointment as pouredforth? Or with thesmeUof name, hatinconceivaUyfragrai!^t perfumeth allths rose, which Sharon fields of gospel-ordinances making theio^as ; mountains of myrrh^ and as hills of fraakincence. May I againenquire,know you nothingoftastii^gthat is good ? and of being made the Lord to sit down^ of that apple-tree, under whose fruit, the the shadow her taste ? Were sweet unto spouse saith,was you ner^ served up on made to feed on tlie rich provision, a gos" in this ? the Lord mountain^ hath pel table Surely ofho"t* made to allpeople^a feastof fat things^ full dfrnarrorw^ often eat of the bread of "c. the people of God Here you been never life which cometh down heaven ; of that hidden promised to give his children. widi joy, out of the wells of sal* draw water Here tliey of their souls ; and vation,and drink to the refreshing often observe that river running thro' the field of gos" whereof make the streams glad the cityof pel-grace, in green pastures, God ; while they are made to lye down In the courts of God's house they l^^id^ the stillwaters. often hear such things, and see so great sights,as that is trulyapplicable Christ^ s sayingto his disciples, to tbem^ Mat* xii. 16, Blessed are your eyes^forthey aee^and your They hear the voice of die son of "ars^ for they hear* God in divine ordinances,speakingto them as never man he the of stands their souk and doors at 'spake; while And "c" Rev. iii.20. l^ocks, they ifee the king in bU discoveries^ beauty^Isa. xxxiii. 17. in suoh captivating them cry out that he is altogether as make lovely. make language In Si wor^f not to insist; for who can ^fihe attainments of experienced v^Vv^^wtbft \"d\e\^i^^ manra which he hath from C 1 82 " 0OD ; but also as means questionmay justlybe puts of those to put which persons ii. 4. Or impenitentsinners,Rom. to The salvation* own our Paul thou despisest of his goodness? Hereby, such sin against his refusingto hear what he doth speak unto the riches . in God, of obtsuhingthe people; and in contemning the means to knowledge of God, and of his ways, sayinghereby unthe Almighty, departfrom usy "c. and contemn that with communion draw Such he also sin the ag^nst institutions,there is natures, offices, names, a to to come and him. the proper known that much as and as of him revelation in his person, his righteousness, and and in mediator, in these sacred gracious calls those allows him. nighunto 2. which GoDy relations, in redemption-work; and in them invitations are given to gospel-hearers great design of gospelordinances, The of such work is dispensethem, as make to crucified Christy 1 Cor* ii, 2. and his divine fulness, Eph. iii.8, and by the discovery of his love, a and grace, pel sinners fulness,"c. his to come iriythat servants to are his house to essay com" Luke befUled.^ may xiv. 23. But, O those esteem way kind invitations called,ye case) no your conduct, you of his love, or those manifestations despisers,ye ; but like those lightof make by say for none ye care ? yet it is without all th^e of \ these any in the or as parablewho Gallio matters wers (inanother guage strange lan- ; the plainlanguagt straining, of your practice. Christ may jusdy complainof ye xviil not come despisers,be entreated Jews, John have life.O evils are treat him v. included ladeuyand who as you 40. in your I will giveyou to me to deportment, is saying,^come to me^ rest^ Mat. of the ing unbeliev- that ye might think Jiow while you . all ye that xi.:29. many thus are heavy " . sin of God* ag^nst the spirit you your I do not i^y it is the unpardonable sin, commonly called the sin againstthe holy Ghost, yet to contemn tJ:iesein3. By conduct is tosia againstbimm stltutioDp ^ywj ^^"wiiaxjB"ccA [ Aer ; is I: "3^ if it is considered,that the work of the apply the redemption purchased by to this end conversion and determines them, to come i. 5. Thes* 1 sinners of their convinceth only ; to Christ ; of need and God for and eiFectual both for divine ordinances make to of spirit viction con- Thus, he not saviour, but a if But him. close with time preached gospel,you at the same ving declare, your not desiringany acquaintance with his saand that you work this way, desiring to not are kuow yourselvesin your sinful and miserable condition ; his peoplefrom their nor to Christy who is come save sins. What else can be understood by your despising these means which the holy spirit doth bless,for giving discoveries as to gospel hearers, of themselves rishing peyou contemn a sinners, and of Christ as to the utt^fn^Q^t all that to save both able come unto ling wil- and God l"if him. Such 4. refuse to without deliberately, as go the house unto in his sanctuary, are Some the sabbath. a of God, any sufficientreason, and to worship him palpablychargeable with may rec possibly kon this profaning too heavy ployed charge, because they may imagine themselves well emfore in reading, or other spiritual exercises,and there- cannot far from you ; guiltyin this respect. I am to bring any inclining unjustaccusations against there themselves see sufficient arguments are of this crime, without In answer therefore matter. to the vations aggrathe stretching prove any undue the objection,arid to for ces charge; consider, that those ordinanstitution, to be especially dispensedon this day are of divine inand if so, you must readilyown, that on this he hath set apart for himself, holy day of God, which bath sabwe ought to worship him in them, going from one tainly to worshipthe Lord at Jerusalem. Certo another we ought not only to do what God commands, but proofof to to the above and manner do it in the way the seasons, he hath observe him^ whether in publicor therefore,that while you secret also and prescribes, appointedfor worshipping he e^LfcTcv^^^* \\.\^ ^nW"x"s. WjaiXixoXoxvXjaa^^^^^^^^'^' ^verjrcfiief partofthe Ixxxv. Psalm all the 2. "God vrorkbf; loveth dwellingsaf Jacob breach of sablxitfa. is there Nor, ; the gates.of Zion.more thus as It is .s^d.v the sabbath. your sin have some is than - evidentlya well observed, approbation,in a way so contrary to divine appointment. Let every things be done in its season, and .if you reallydelightin reading and other spiritual employments, you may find proper for God without seasons of. so doing, robbing that publLc worship on he his calls own da}^ which all unto, who in providence tlierefrom detained. are not 5. Such pise as despisedivine ordinances, iiiso doing desinstruments employed in dispensing them, of whom Christ saith, he that despiseth "c" despiseth me, you, and who, if faithful, are willingto spend end be spent, in. who hearers seetingthe salVatioii bt the eoiJ,Cf ;;Ospel ;^ good expect divine to reason ., . ^ " ue" preach,exhort, admonish, rebuie luru But might they seech, in order to gain that great end. in the walls of the places often speak to the stones too not ^ve of of public worship, for any opportunitysome speakingtothem ? And it ought to be remembered, that of God the spirit guiltyof despisingthose whom you are by his apostle,chargethto obey. that as yt"u sin against God, profane, 6. Remember of his sen^ants are his day,diespise : so guilty wronging you In neglecting the 36. souls, JProv. viiu yoiir own tual effecof saving your Immortal souls,you take an means method And, O dcspisers, why to destroy them. I will you take no compassion on yourselves? or may than ask you, do you hope to be saved, any other way thro' Christ ? No deny having questionyou willrcadily ! is this the ground o" any other ground of hope : strange J mediator do you expect salvation thro' a your hope study, pray, , widi awf true inconsistent a part so very you act of obtMn^r hopes of this kind contemning the very means while -, ing the liave knowledge of, yoa j^a//s/mess J^j^oa have nevir re^A^ and that of preaching read ot to heard interest in, this /t sa^e wch hath mediator. pleased God, them a one trwt beUroe hy the ? Oic dccHa"x\oti| Ha.Kx^^ow* 85; ] C " Me for tmy to be persuaded,that laid it:to ever you it is in a preached gospel,that the heart? Remember, " " , of life is "bread broken, and And often w^l you so the table,where ' youdo " ' this blessed If therefore you. "' ; yet other can on fast,on ruin,or that in contenming a despisethe written word are "' and sense, causingto Foraltho- 8. to understand be duct consome run so tendeth thereunto. much preachedgospelyou wiU ly plain- scriptures ; for giving all is contained is necessary either ' not any that publicordinances considers appear to any one who intended for opening the be to have also^i This of God life, in in your evils included so ? If up no prevailedup^i that which on nigh come have advised, to ought to perishingsouls; and your compassion r. Consider to as provkioa is served can't be you gospel hearers* be you their much bread, you affected with any way do refuse,so of this noteat before, set the viii* reading,Neh. in the written word, in belieVed, or practiced, the that order happiness; yet certainly you have need of th^ great thingscontained in God's Jaw being opened to you ; and those that dispensepublic ordinances, are to employ in essayingtb themselves to goSpel hearers, the open to ' mind of Gop in his revealed word; and is tbat they be apt to teach ; the priests lipsshould requisite keepknowledge^and the people should ask the law at his mouthy MaL Christ employed, as at other times, so when with the two in disciples going to Emmaus, was company ' pening work of ii. 7" to all the them- who can in o- it is the proper scriptures ; and his servants be jusdy recl^oned ployed. emgospel,to be. the :same way Thus, while you neglect these ordinances so never pretendto any high reasonably intended, you can in the ^teem, work of of the the psalmist reckoned words of God's better than mouth, thousands which, the of gold and siher* ^x^S^vKasxc.^^^ aad ne^ecuw^ ^^^^ In your despising sin o^unst God, "vtou^-XC"" ohtcw^^x^s.^ ^^^ not (tidy B. ye [ fiine the ] 86 sabbath, and despisethe holy scriptures, the righteous sin against others, both against but you the wicked. grieve'them that fear God, while t observe so dishonouring unto him, yoirr conduct also hereby, sin aga souls* You hurtful to your own the wicked; givingthem an evil example, which, if t unhappilyfollow, they will in so doing greatlyendan You also by your souls. their owti deportment, bi illreport an up You weariness did i. 13. Chris fs is not of so you and ways take turn xiii" 46. of the some in end some of fore are they are O believ conten 1 despisers, of the evil have of y mercy senter desphersyand wonder^ " thingsconcerningthe sin ofn consi grace ; I shall proceedto why many ready to reasons in these ye true that awful hear h C%r/*^saith the sin of such high time, you Behold are Possiblysome and Christ already, tended what that he may LoRd, the perish* Having noticed the means lecting to consideration some to and it is ; were prophet, I the experienceof the so, nature a lest in the you; Acts to thingsbe heinous would and xi. 29. these If then nor easy, if it as tl say on the matter, his burthen light: false : You ! directly contrary bold assertion self,Mat. it. reckon yoke God, complained of by those as ; the service of on so means do so* think themselves believ have obtained the great end of divine appointment,and thf to ready to imagine,there can be no great harm careful in attending on them, not very maybe observed, that your behavioiir -this w far from being a good evidence, of reallybelieving rather gives ground very much to Christ, so 8 sueh it pect the need of "onti'ar\% None dependance on are so God, in sensible exercise the duties, as those who believe discoveryof themselves, and their own manded of their ds of cc they havinggo And emptiness, wait on him at 1 Christ in his divine fulness, willingly If tVie^rtfott70x1 duly pone doors. 7705^50/wisdom's anci observe the script\M:t.te^T^^^TiXa3ci^ matters, ; r 87 ] will see much only imaginary. persuade themselves that of believers,you ^exercises lest your Others reason fear, to faith be may the doctrines with qiiaited contained in they are weU scripture,and, acsee- to open these, are design of gospel ordinances of no ready to imagine that they are guilty great sin in But allowing it were absent from them. being firequently low is in realityfar otherwise the case with you, which ; alif there is no tions ask you, to necessity c^ your affecme things f Are you being niore engaged to divine of these great things, enough impressed with a deep sense df the knowledge whereof so are vainly conceited? you under And of opinion you are cessity neno allowing you were for that purpose, of attending public ordinances which of your be a strong evidence ignorance, yet would in them, who hatk bound not to worship God are you appointed them, for that as well as for other ends ? But have of your to return to the opinion you member knowledge, rethat it is a high indication of your thing knowing nofar The as inspiredPaul was you ought to know. be easily from being of your sentiment ; as may thered gafrom several of his expressions, when writing to the churches. is ground to think this never There wa" the least de-* the opinion of any who blessed with were of Such of saving knowledge. will see their need gree of grawing in the the Lord and to know following on and saviour Jesus Christy Hos* knowledge of the Lord it is the mg vi. 3. and Again, be 2 some Pilfer,iii. may flatter in well 18* themselves, that they reading the scriptures or employed of divinity^ Ans. books Tho' it may req^das good and useful doctrines as take the advantage you can may you as proper and convenient seasons, H and be allowed you have not would in this a way may othet you hear way may ; yet at of sin- r ] 88 refusingto go into his tdbema* cles, and worship at his foot-stool.f Further, if you the language of your conduct, you will calmly consider find it draws plainlyto a sayings very deep, and amounts these naeans God might have sparedthe painsof instituting ing against the Lord^ of salvation,and do cxxxii. that you could requitethe Lord^ you thus Remember rest^ and in that God will I here 0 ye said of hath dwell^for I them. foolish and But ? unwise Zion, Z."?,this is my desired it^y Psalm have 14. Others think that may they receive publicworship. It may very unpleasant case, but ought why reason without do you be There should indeed not continue not littlebenefit to by tending at- be so, and it is be considered as to attend on a a thejn* causes *why you receive so litde may many profit. It may be you do not prepare for them as you should, nor wait on them with that frame of spirit ought, f and Would tliat you it not are not he proper for you the earnestly desiring pre? 'Uiihoexcuftthimftlvts in n^t thofe by allegingthat thef employthe Attendingon publicordinances, time as muck, if not more, in readingthe bible,and to their profit^ other good books to conjider nvhat countenance thefejamebooks gi'Vi tofuch a plea y or ivhethefthey may not find their conduct ther$* What in condemned. be adduced in the bible can in defence text cfit f nvhile a particularftigma is exprefsly put by the Jpiritof God ofthemf^l^i together upon such as forfakethe ajjemhling for ""* public'^^rhips as, faystheinfpired"writer, u the manner Heb, i^" When fome x. opportunity for:/fining in public 25. hai/e accefsto read the fcripturet, ^-f 'Wanting, to emd ivorship ether books on religious fubjects,ought to be 0eemed a precious Such readingis an important duty, a valuable mean pri^vilege. too little practised,even cfac^uiri^g and encreafing,kno^wledge, the Lord^s day. But en thing is beautiful in its feafon. every be suffered One duty Tnuft to jofile out another, not Andthejpiritof the preachingof the vjord, the reading, but especially God maketh en rjfeSfual mea*ii of convincing and converting finmrs, and of arj, comfortthro"*faith unto salvati* ibe/a up in holinefs l//M//j^' , g A few what thingsfor information,may been hath Are 1, i 90 be frotti noticed said. for .ordinances the appointedmeans divine the perishingsinners ? then it is no wonder, if the grand enemy of man's happinessdo all he satan can them. He doubt endeavours to to oppose no persuade sinners to neglectthem knowing, that if they do so, ; as If he they are in danger of being ruined. prevail not this way, he v. illbe diligentin endeavouring to prevent in their profiting and them to them, by ignoranceof keep the gospel and the mysteries thereof,as knowing if he do so, they are As his kinglost,2 Cor. iv. 3, 4. can dom is a kingdom of darkness, he is afraid of nothing is thereto than the shining of that lightwhich so more And opposite,into the hearts of ^spel hearers. among salvation of accomplishing his design,he them endeavours, if possible,to make forgetful hearers, in a gospeldispensation and that the seed sown not may in their hearts ; as we from that parablereremain see corded in the 13th of Mathew's gospel. how also learn 2. Hence we unpleasant, and may hopelessthe condition of those is, who so dishonour and disobey God, and despisethe riches of his goodness, in of salvation, as to negfavouringthem with these means lect in What do theni. God giving attending on may ly repentance to such, is not to be enquired into, but suretho"se who and willingly do so, through deliberately, other he means carelessness way to or for uses contempt, destructi"n ; and neglectso thereof, great sinners present will, if mercy is no perish. There through Christy Acts iv. 12. and particularly opened in therefore, careless at are other and a in the prevent not, nally eter- of salvation bul" way this way is discovered, gospelministry. ! that you salvation^ Heb, broad cannot ii. 3. and Consider ifyou neglect escape the contemn solongas you plainlyevidence,^ the means. So that were sworn againstthe interest you of your immortal take a me-" souls, you could not possibly tjbod more you effectual to expose theiaXo xum. [ If the ordinances "" ble, his hence how see of divine much we goodness, in giving peciallywhen we bitable are world our talents,of which is light condemnation^ that love rather should be we our into light? as at account if this be worlds How much the our and the have we improve to requirean be, iv.i- mahometan grace case come that concerned, seek will than . heathen, to Lord sad will How darkness and iljk;.'' placesof tlie many with of land a - av" orrJ: lo in lot how darkness, the bound our overspread antichristian coming. us institution are consider and his ] 91 we then lightof a gospel-sunshiningwithout us, we may also have inward saving illumination : and that God who commanded light shine darkness shine into out of to our hearts^ to give ; may the lightof the knowledge of the glory of God the m us faceofJesus Christy 2 Cor. iv. 5. Thus we should have not ground to praisethe Lord only for these external sing enjoyments, but also for saving benefits,by his blesaccompanying the same. also see, how much 4. Hence we may ought ever}'- one in their several for the to lay themselves stations, out, of those, who are doing so much to procure recovery thei^ eternal ruin, by a frequent of neglect of the means How salvation. blame-worthy will those be in the sight of God, who do nothing for reclaiming,if possible, such of their way sinners from the error ? Will self-destroying O neglecters of your duty in this respect, when you, for your calls you to J^l account sin, cry another in who Cain I said. Am as case, God ther'^skeeper? or evidence What littleof that so fulfilling ofthe in the second to your or have cannot The ; and trulylove him, no it that love sum table of the moral fellow creatures, can you law? ourselves as pityis bowels be. See 1 do you is, or while of to so many fanely pro- my brO" eibher have, others, which is the of all the commandments law is to love believe love can be you are bour, neigh- our God to separated? compassion toward John 4. 20. Ha out hardened them or and that against, ? surelyit [ 3 92 is reasonable and necessary How it,that who friends, neighbours,or relations, running so all 'engaging destruction own travellers those another to go Zion, invitingand to to up the house pray before the Lord. in these tended warm of And and ? Seb 20. y concerr encouraging the Lord, tho' more and t" be may afiectionate and h are this way, use in order to their recovery with them thods Zech. viii. is promised, Isa. ii. 2, 3. their on who you invitat this is evidendy conclu" another, yet Why do you not invite,entreat, and beseech such de of the means of grace, to turn to the Lord, and s sers of one while him he is to be found ? why do you no lay before them And of their to refusing,endeavour sin and dan as a way as affecting you are able, their and the hopelessnessof their condition, while they ? tinue in this unhappy way Remember how strict charge to Israel is. Lev. xix. 17. ThoU shalt not hate case in thine hearty thou s/ialt in any sin upon him. neighbour^and not suffer brother raise If rebuke were gi'oundto hope some that the happy effects be seen, at least in their external could be persuaded to look many with concerned do ! If you saw others reformation. on woulc thereof themselves m O as n neighbours and relations,than they o your neighbour's beast in dangei would not you either relieve it,or perishing, how is it,if you would And do surprising brother's faitl more love to true evidenced, and more nifested, in this,and in other respects, there ness " soul, than for his ox or ass inform h less for j ? of examining ourselves,if necessity of salv^at profiting are by attending on these means This is a thing of exceeding great importance, seeing in the day of the Lc shall be called to give an account have whether not or we gained by trading with this hath us ; and it will lent, which the Lord dangerous to be found standingall the day idle in the i ket place* 5. Hencesee the E 3 93 If any, enquire what are the signsof profiting thereby^ I shall only,for answer, questions, propose the following by which you ought to try yourselves. (1.) What sense have you of divine goodnessinprivi"" lightof the gloriousgospel? When you think of ihis,are you ready to cry out, O that meti would praisethe ^.ord for his goodness! Psalm cvii. 8. See also Ps" cxlviii. 20. fied Surely if you have been satiswith the legingyou ^ with will pel table, you Lord. It is shall df God's the fatness be made said, Psalm shall fed and at a give praiseunto to xxii. 26. satisjied: they be house, the meek praisethe gos* the shall eat and Lord that seek him. ' (2.)What Can with you I have Lord, the as you love he where to conscience good Psalmist manifests his here, of the glory? Do long for the enjoyment of them, are fiDr waiting on seekingto keep therefore God, attain to ought to to that God in them your feet when doing placeof his so you careful longing to to to you go into when ? exercised in th# of house suitable frame of soul,and wherewith you reverence to with come holy glory P humilityinto majesty^ in desire xcvi. and 6? earnest Psabn his power atid Ixiii. 2. and h^^ly-t livingsacrifices^ accepta* your bodies as see present God, which hie to reasonable service ? Rom. is your go in a rash, careless,and inconsiderate into the house of Grod, it is an unpleasantlike If you this case, that obtaining preparation Are with come ; glad and honour his presence, are beforewhom whose sanctuary are strengthand beauty^Psalm Are the presence, them so as love you and to be you and Lord, 8. appealto you your for ? desiringsome holy fear and the sen^e Can of the Lord called up into the house have you concern (3.)What you ? they are them, because xxvi. of thy house^ and dwelleth doth Psalm as say, loved the habitation thine honour place'Where God a for these divine institutions ? have you esteem you have much hearingthe by profiting might sdso ask, ifyou reason to gospelof are be tU^ xii. 1. manner sign. In of suspicious ^^c^ your ^ ciS. ^":"^" careiul xYv"xX ^N^U'^^vix ^xiX^'^ss.^ [ allow thet who grave ? Those external deportment, while attendii be decent behaviour and in irreverent selves ] 94 publicordinances, to the disturbingand offendingothei evidence that they are only mocking God, profaning I souls. How darkli ordinances, and ruiningtheir own w-the case these most such with solemn in the allow themselves as of parts divine worship, time viz. pray praise,in talkingone with another without doors, deliberatelyand imnecessarily to the u going away happy employment of drinkingin public houses, wh: in worshipping t others are professing to jointogether or . Lord? (4.)What have you layup in your hearts, ai Is memories, the great things of God's by preaching the everlastinggospel? concern retain in your opened to it your study to you retain to those things,so minding Chrisfs hearers forgetful ; thingssink dozv?i into your ears ? ing, call yourselvesto any account of those things declared unto you divine direction the to according be and received have slip,Heb. (5.)Have n may charge, let tht you do you, after he? rememb what you And ? to Surely you remember heard, Rev. iii. 2. and to them, lest at any time heed earnest more as oug how to give y" tl let the you ii. 1, 2. you any due be answerable conversation that your ai practice enjoyments,and son concern, to your ? If gospel becoming you be not careful to brii way forth fruit to holiness, what ground is there to belie^ the you are member by reallyprofiting that it is pelministryto righteousness; way Isa* to XXXV. the way, opened ; the hear outward I R very great part of the design of a gc in the paths guide the people of God that they may If you wherein shall be attend you duties you owe walk safelyin that hij called the ivay ''ofholinet divine ordinances, ai on should to walk God and recommended, yet walk sj'n,surely there is great reason and attendance a Zion, which 8. your before and in the to man dark the Lor explains paths fear^that the mea [ ot salvation to are J .95 like to be the not of life unto savour life, you. I further ask you, what time you spendin the become prayer to God, that the word of truth may that except own gospelof your salvation ? You must (6.)May God his command the external blessing upon and also must cannot prove effectual, be employed in prayer to you snould the gospelto come in word not cause power, and that he may See testament, and have many Psalm cxxxii. 9. 2 Thes, not only on with God him, that he but seals of their iii. 1. may also in in the dispensation be able ministers thereof,that they may new acknowledge, that, only, employed bless those they means of the ministry. Christians should mornings be employed in \vrestling and counfor his givingt'hesespecial bleisings, tenancing divine ordinances for communicating them, but sabbath also at other times. (7.)Do own set time apart to commune you ever hearts in examiningyourselvesif you fitingby hearingthe word of God ; if there with your are are reallypro* any good of your havingobtained that faith,which comr of the other graces eth by hearing; and the implantation of God, as knowledge, repentance, love,fear, of the spirit hope, humility,"c ? If you are at no painsto make any to scrutinyof this kind, there is too much cause suspect hearers,and standingall the day idle your being forgetful who in the mai'ket-place*As a merchant tends diligentlyatwhat gain he is thereby will be often considering fairs, mar* n^akingvso you who are often at tiiese spiritual if have gained by enquire, you kets, should deliberately trading in them, and if you have found the enriching on pearlof great pricein this field,making you willing, a discovery thereof,to sell all and buy it ? (8.)What conscience do you make of attendingon God If you in his sanctuary ? are easilydetained from-so doing) it is no good signof having got any savingview of evidences the attainments dare you and say that you f/ia/ia thousand \ or exercises of the saints there* esteem that you a day in tectoiv His couyU I""5^ Aa^uer \!cv^m bUs^ed xUo.t [ hereby manifest any true ? Psalm of beholding the beautyof the Lord Ks.\ii. is surprizingto observe ho)vmany often read iand desire It 4. ? in his house dwell do you or longingsof of the Jirdent hear ] 96 those goingsin his sanctuary, of going into opportunities who Lord's to new his are unlike so them, for such afraid of not yet and herein house, who about dinances, attending or- detained excuses trifling being found strangers to from them, and the ments high enjoy- peopleof God, who have often feedingon that provisionthat God of the with been tained enter- hath made for his people at a gospel-table.You have much thus careless and negligent,lest you to fear, while the bread, or on unacquainted with feeding tirely of the reason be en^^ ing drink- of life. water (9.) What the eeen privilegedwith be careless so have have concern } ou of the about others who daily are of means salvation,or that discoveringa contempt they are not bettered by attendingon them ? Do you pity their case, especially such of tht-m, them and weep over in any stand as God, to often cry you belong, that h^ may power hear the voice of his eternal son^ and whom to dead the make relation near to ? to you doth Do live ? If divine 6. then cy, who hence have any ordinances we the see, may distinct acquaintancewith are of such that it is value no and"cellenif those wonder knowledge thereof, and have sublime and salutary doctrines the gospel,be grievedin be subverted ; or thereof, as may notanotli^r, GaL guiltyof, who heaven, and viz* ^and any be called i. 7. another How great John xiv. 6. but //teyht/ier J as if a be by me. they had lam the way But do not discovered in in " his and some place yet is . those are wrong in guidingmen future of it should gospel,which profess employed of the only little yet speak to landing safe in the regionsof thro' a mediator, and faith says, preach their very hearts that such doctrines introduced any to leadingto, way and eternal bliss, jaame no now man ? Christ cometh to teach, an4 anotScv^T ^tAN^^Vl^x "*ra:^ .[ 'timong ten thousands' *' great is his beauty, ** ] 98 f is altogether lovely yea he tc that it is a high attainment promise, Isa. xxxiii. shall see the king in h'fs beauty; and i Thine eyes it is representedas the in which u expressions, many beholc 44 vilegeof those that believe to see jfesusyto from ^' Why do we glory,in the glassof means. the great things of God's *' us to teach who profess love of the " hear so rarelyof the grace and immense which passethknowl^ ** of God to sinners of mankind, hret ** having in it an incomprehensibleheight^depths And ^^ we enq may and length? Eph. iii. 18, 19. in affec " why you are at so litde pains,to represent while unbelief '' language, the misery of ourrsiate, and without hope in the wo as being without God and exposed top eternal d( *' in a state of spiritual, as it ; hold *' is as that plain from " '' while " life ; in " darkness " forever *' of " and of state a of in state a of all happiness ? fountain *' of presentations *' and ers ; to open if so, them ** " " '' we may to that us, see pose you, our what See 3d. 28. the also Prov. '* Iv. 1, 2, 3, "c. yourselvesso littlein a you reasons si Aj saviour? evidences, " only we can ing ourselves CoD^s elect* be saved with openingto and means, an Rev. viii. 4. wherefore And ha. " '* while unbe therewith be of need are scripture largely,and particulj may wc God, do not more Mat. " condition not so the are wr free, full,and pressingcalls and invitatior all ye to me^ is saying,come to Christy who come labour^ and are heavy laden^ and I will give you t us " *' These ought you of children so alienation from miserable our bly affected,and " and and of distance of darki transgressors of the as God, holy and sin-hating a kind worst thef blackness condemnation, " *' of the very doth presage which ; bondage and is the resurrection who him to strangers us, the do iii; 18, you em object,nat effects, of th^ faith whe: danger)of de" imaginaryfaith,instead of th ? as we are in r Further,0 ** yc ] 99 teachers (who we fear are perverting permitted ask, why gospelof Christ)may we sabbath days, in enypU spend your time so little on the mystery of redemp^ to unfold to hearers, deavouring by the spiritof God ; without tion, in its application If be saved ? never the knowledge of w;hich,we can in word the gospelcome only, and not in power, it be the *' ** *' ** will be the savour' of death '^ unto of distincdy, to inform ** misery, that illuminationof the mind and renovation of the jwill, of Christ ** more you not of sin and that conviction ^^ us Should death. in the knowledge of determination J is the saviour, which work of ** the soul, to ** the ? And of "God in effectual calling ought not spirit the vast difference more fully, to essay representing *' you between ** come to a believers in Christy and those who obey not thp misery of and happinessof the one *' the other ? frequendyinsist upWhy do you not more saints and ^^ such things,as tend to separate between on find *' the previousand the vile ? we sinners, between ** those largelyopened things often spoken of, and testa^^ in both of the old aud new the scriptures, *' *' ** *' *' *' " *' *' ** ^^ *^ *' ^^ ** ^ the gospeli the ment. be pleased grand articleof justification, th^ to expect it only on are we to inform us, whether foolingof our sincereobedience, or for the righteousalone ; or pardy for both. of a mediator ness ^^ And " If you as to the answer, it is for the first of these ; we know dereconcile your directions,with the many writers who clarations to the contrary, by the inspired all such grounds of de" us. off from to take endeavour got how to pendence ; assuringus, that by the works of the law^ and that, as be jttstified a" shall no Jleshliving ; many GaL iiu are of the works thereofare under the curse^ can give life* that there is no law givenwhich 10. and their own righteousfind the church cryingdown We who laboured more abundantlythan all ness ; and P^u/, his,asitv the Apostles, ^xv^ ?"^xs"fc^^^\gtws3B disclaiming ^x^^*^ thereiore 2"c^\^ \i^^ of his hope: we are I [ ] 100 be fai proudand vainlyconceited of ours, which must be'castatthc apostle\ lestw6 short of that eminent If you last,viz, tribunal of an- holy God. say the do the best we to That we are can, and depend onq ** " *' " saviour *' ** own to make obedience up is what of' hear can ; we amiss, or wanting ou| compound] such no in tc tremble and we of God in the word righteousness which the scrip. think of dependingon that,concerning find ourselves miserably disap" is silent,lest we ture wil pointed. Beside we are persuaded,Christ nevtr with any. righteousness divide the glory of a justifying Acts iv*. 12. I^Offh See jfohnxiv. 6. 1 Cor- i. 30. *' *^ ** " *' " iv. 25, and V. lieve there! is " 2 1. Cor. 21,' "c. v. webc- Atidas God. what danger in separating, what he hath in his word, hath joined,so, of uniting to join theii "* separated; as all boldlydo, who venture as the With the mediator's, *' righteousness, own imperfect *' ground of acceptance. to trust to the righteousness But if you tellus we are of Christywhy do you speak so little about it ? Where*. conceal a fore do ye almost thing of so great con* than of our "' the foundation justification? as ^rn need to know. *' which, there is nothingwe have more Perhaps you will alledge,we arc to depend only on to seek no of God, that is, if spoken plainly, ^ the mercy ^' a ground of our beingjustified-But as righteousness that of the *' this is scripture, so oppositeto the tenor it ; venture on wedare not, with the least cortfidence, is representedas veiitingto sinn^ ** for divine mercy covenant ; and '.* of mankind only in the wafy of the new *" God declareth that notwithstandinghis being mer"clear the he will by no means ciful and gi*acious, "guilty. ourselves reckon unhappilyenter. And we as very " much " " ' " '^ ** '^ " ** tained with florid discourses '* of the dctnpiion,thro' sameppiniorly as '* u salutarv',' massv, ''^ c^Us to and the blessed to our virtue,"c. instead of moral sublime mediator, eteri\?l so we ate" of re- of the pressing ^'s^ \l^' Vv?L^\frcv^^^^ entertainment lYoi'M forllic and doctrines with t ^^ 101 ]" thingthat is spiritual-* lygood,and pleasingin the sight of God, while wc hear so litde of the need of saving grace, and of being of made to experiencethe divine drawing power willing in the day God, and Christy making us the Lord thereof, when mercifullysends the rod of Zion. And how of the mediator's strength out will it be for both you and us, if unhappy every way "it be said,as of Israel,the leader ofthis people have led of them caused them to err^ and they that are arc destroyed.'^ valuable and the are so Isay, if divine-ordinances committed as to such trust dispensethem so exceeding reasonable than that there great, there is nothingmore a deep concern thatthey gospel-hearers, be, among may be of kept pure, and that the.word truth, the gospel of their salvation be not perverted,or changed into another^ the means of bringwill never which God countenance as ing the 'aintance with sinners life and to a saving acr immortalitybrou^t to lightonlyby.the everlastinggospel.had lost allability to not do any " ^' ** " ** " " . " " * I shall conclude with an litde or advice three to sorts of per- - sons. 1. Such make as divine-ordinances. To of conscience no I would you attending oi| of say, beware thinking,that ye are at present in the way to happiness^ littleregard unto, or esteem while continuingto evidence of the means by God for obtainingsalvation. "q"pointed is exceeding great, while Ponder duly your sin which God'^s command, to worship him ; Psalm you contemn his great kindness in You sin in despising xcyi. 6. "c. which on beistowing you, so inestimable privileges many sit in darkness, enjoynot. in the world, who that by this conduct, you evidence Consider seriously, . no desire of communion with all who ever longed for by good; PsalmrhCvLu It is vain to have 1^ pretendthat lAereo/ixi other 2. you God^ which tasted y^^ is that xxiii. 12* \v\\\ ^teVL spiritual exercises^ the much so Lord Son^ ^^ \* is "te- ^xC^^^xci^xjX ^ vj\v\\e cQrcv\."i^ais\\xs?^ f J 108 " where he sence; Mat. not when xxviiL20. with can evidenced obser\'e their ously not can consist the Lord with Jesus the And to divine were is revelation hath practice your of, and love to without the in the world. new th^ and of rich* supplying miserable. and poor a fore there- It is in for be communicated as and God^ . way him, get without of his unsearchable much perish; to sinners perishingstate suffered, for the of the blessings if so, can those to innumerable that you Jencj question Solomon appliedhere j is then When informed are salvation Here, coming to it is saviour ; covenant there that . be Psabn \ ' of those h^py thro' and of him Ixxii. IT* i. 3. regard a .contemn^ in these, that and are and of interest And as done ready in all the much so they gospel-ordinances, that and so. of those who he an ou^t The they are hope in fulness, to what Eph. see they hear attendingupon by " free offers of life and salvation, of their undone made wants a them well is it not present without and be full and many of God^ house have gospel dispensap" of his many'discoveries grace andglo^ name. are ; at es so views him God and institutions, saving knowledge any Christ ; seeing it is in a tior,thatthereareso some Arid that consider, if it is possible further ry ; and thro' his people of ? these you ? value may saints,that ? cause But reasons case, Is not you of this difference^and seri* unta are highly so in another a of pre*' 15* of them any the yourselves, why they asks much esteem you into the pose what high to his 13, 14, of xht that ta turn how unlike how enquire to confidence remember, you csx%A. Psalm contrary so no promised specialmanner a conduct your you has in have desire of which you imagine while you ordinances, where others of li^e nature, any of the the true love to pay all these are Christy or litde so things^ discovered even so ; mucl" , knowledge of apostlecounted him;, for the all things but excel; loss* t Further 1 103 consider, if your way be not a sad evidence of God, of the spirit with that work unacquaintedness for this very end, to which is saving ; seeinghe is sent effectual for conviction and conversion make a gospel-ministry of sinners ; and for buildingthem up in holiness,and of thro' faith comfort Had salvation. unto quaintance you any actake therewith, is it not supposable you would by wheredelight,in waitingon these blessed means, much the of God^ spirit souls of those, who blessingsof Chrisf^ worketh are made saving graces in the partakers of the enriching all purchase ? of Gorf manifested in the grace let me ask you, do you think to the gospelof his son ; be saved while you continue to be so ? If any should put Then, O of despisers how you hope to obtain questionto you, profanely city; possibly cry o\xty you would the - in the mercy of God thro* Christ : eternal fell* that ye trust happy were exceeding it if you be loth to esand I should say reality ; of foundation shakingthe your confidence, but would congratulate chearfully you because of your hopes. But who did so in and effects that of trust any-thingof the nature is saving ; will give the least credit to in Gody which yoii while such dothcon" practice language, speaking your of evidence the what t stantly contrary you say in words Be advised therefore,to think more of the deliberately inexpressible danger you are exposing yourselvesunto* calm reflection, it is to be hoped, that, upon And you to change your will see good reason serve sentiment, and oblest ye be deceiv* some groundofbeingsuspicious, Will it ing yourselves,as too many others have done. ill founded such be dence confiany real advantage to have ? Yea, wiU it not rather a great cause ment, disappointand that when seeingyour hopes will leave you, need thereof ? have most The hope of the hypo^ you will crite shall perish. it not Would thereforebe a more hopefulsign, of a despiserof publicordinances, to be found entering upon and sayVu^, ^^ O with himself, a soliloquy tccj ^ss^^Sa^"^ that knew la t J 108 " where he Mat* sence; not with can when confidence no evidenced their obser\'e high unlike how unta are you of enquire into the reasons yourselves, why ously pose what they so highly value ? this to in another asks not can consist the Lord with Jesus him And to see present without love to and sinners get these, that perishingstate without they are hope in the and God^ world. without fore there- It is in th^ . rich* God^ they hear so much of his unsearchable divine fulness, to be communicated for supplying and of those who wants attendingupon hath he that were is revelation a an Eph. And and done ready and poor miserable. in suffered, for the perish; to of interest in all the are they gospel-ordinances, what by in is it not of their undone made practice your of, and of house the j is then appliedhere gospeldispensap" of his grace andglo^ many'discoveries free offers pf life and salvation, full and many name. are ; at es so views some The saving knowledge any Christ ; seeing it is in a tior,thatthereareso ry ; and thro' his .contemn^ question Solomon that consider, if it is possible further But much so you be well may seri* difference^and ? cause a case, Aiid ? the of esteem saints,that of them any Is people of God have and these institutions, them not j ou^t you much remenaber, how you to turn pre*' 15* 13, 14, of the that ta contrary so zyxsSu Psalm xxviiL20" his promised specialmanner a conduct your you has in the and of way him, of the blessings as new a are informed salvation Here, coming to it is saviour covenant When and ; \ of of those there that , be happy thro' him Psalrn l3cxii. IT* i. 3. if so, can you imagine while you pay all these so litde regard to those ordinances, where things^ innumerable of and others discovered ; li^e nature, are love to that you have any true so mucl" Christyor even desire of thie knowledge of him ; for the excellency a as of which the apostlecounted all things but lo8S% . t J 10* least possiblethat you can be saved ? or is there the in ground to hope obtainingeternal happiness, this thy " " of contempt of Go^ and the blessed mediator, m while I continue to under^S the offers of his salvation ; in the gospel ^^ value these tenders of lifeand peace made "way *' ? dyingsinners to soul ! immortal my lielh in me O *' *' what *' therefore I not am for ruin thee to at I Have ? ever doing present not (alongwith the grace of God,) that terriothers who have slighted and perish? and wonder ble sentence, behold ye despiser^ in this way, how just if I continue And Acts xiii. 41. ** ** shall hear I fear,that reaeonto ^ ** ** will it be that it come *' to this with to all take venqence on I expect, while what can *' ** I my thou *' was no awaken not in ? O O to be soul, in refusing ray the on of means and reprove before sins ! conscience my accuse me, on highlyaggravated not it,but thy salvati- creature publicordinances. curityi was then thou gospel; and I flattered mythat I was, in being absent from great harm But how deep was the sleepofse- brutish Ah *' *' hear attend sabbath, to a self,there *' tp neglecting wronged thee, '* *' the cometh that number. among have How ^y many *' ? on ** obey not who " found *' Christ me. ? me didst why me, setting Why didst for this among the kind and merciful other sins,in slighting the day and reconciliation ; profaning nay many offers of to me summon to answer God pardon opened in a of the Lord, contemning the scriptures **.gospelministry,dishonouringGod, and wronging my soul t Why, O my conscience ! so very fast own not didst thou ** wisper in mine asleep? Wherefore *' *' ^' ^^ ** and *' not * '^ ii Vent go misery? Why voice, saying,let the on a turn to the the time to have ? Lord Oh in sin, I all the outwiurd the jne^ins not not Tue es- to forsakehis way^^^ never dying soul ! is my more it be . on could wicked yea, by past, sufEcient, done so wickedly. Let solution, to wait thou mad'st eternal **cape '*.hear I did thus that while ears, Lord, in the than suffici* now my diligentuse re- of whereby Chri"t^commv5i\^^\ f ]; 105 *fthe benefits of redemption. Oh *' ** ** sabbaths, yet the Lorp, gone will ye die ; and that he takes givingthe gre^itestassurance, yCj turn turn *' in the death " in such ** Had ** been " " " " " illspent bythe many is graciously saying, why ye^ that die of them evil ways as he dealt with before now, heard the sound gospel. What cy ? and O is seeinghe pleasure no ; let may procure my me according to my I should have any more of the glorious where of the silver have take never me eternal death* own never trumpet anyv I to wonder sins, I had sparingmerimprove the day get grace of salvation, God is remembcj*ingthat a long-suffering ; to day ifyou xvill hear his yet sayingto such as I am that I may " voice harden " Ileb, iii. T." Psabnlxxxv, David^ made and to for a sins. Acts determined these hear souls be the Lord to cry to hopeful,if saviour^ V. 31. How to wait resolvingas will speak in his consider your suitablyaffected,and ye him, who give happy God would in the means Lay it therefore to heart remembering, that God requiresof and his wrath life,with tution.f unto a you as (ifyou of were ; and eternal your deep ; a remission it be, if you of grace with salvation ? pardon is exalted effectual to made, by hisblessing means own ; to you such with their repentance and to on he what provocation^ for repentance and savingdiscovery of prince,and the be somewhat I beseech till your former ways, be 8. ordinances. and word in hearts^ as your It would beginningthus to commune think of returning to God to at to not were despisers hearts, and reason concern, would cape es- curse)faith in Christy and repentance of all means of divine instiuse diligent the the fin* ufid to de^onftrate conjiderations and dangerof neglecting goJpeJ ordinances,it maybe of fult.efs "|-Im addition to the importanceto obfefve it not Was direBlytend e^jery one to native tendancyoffucb conduS. Does out of the luorld f banijhall publicreligion a^fucb apart, all public^ foetal, folemn ac" to Does it not knonuledgment of Godmuftceafe at ona. jf/Ur ^ffiruaion ofth$church of Chrifi on cartb ? " tend for \" t\)% "v"H%t% [ ft. To but in power, ordinarilyattend reallyconcerned, not are who you well as attendingon them 1 106 as j in word publicordinances, gospel may come on that the : say ye do I would but very illin your well in' ^nconcemedness ' the luord and facraments an uat publicly difpenfedy (in conformity $ it is meant, is no church ^ and to the di'uine appointmentJ there this ivould he the necejfary of an uni'verfal defertion of con/equence ^ What ordinances* is the languageindeed of fuch neglecthut a Does it to departout of our Chr'tft hefeeching coaftsor country. the memory not fend to blot out the glory,and euen of the chriftian and the and pri'vam introdudion fahhatbf therebyopen a door to lence of all manner and And, indeed^ for of irreligion impietyf that the live the in name profefs negleSor in the ofChriftto any does it amount twant to^ than fay^ of publicordinances, ivhat lefs and the profane a ^virtualjufm ing a confederacy'with the infidel tiffingof them, in their contempt of f acred things,injleadof It is Jb maintainingan honejlprof eftagainftfuch iMickednefs ; in the counfel of the ungcdly,.And, by the ivay, far a 'walking think offo general 'what ferious chriftian can a profanation of the holyfabbath, and of divine ordinances, as prevails among 'all^ ^without ranks beingalarmed for the Irftead of em* ployingthat facredportionof time njuhich Jehovah has appro*^ priatedand fet apart for his ovjn vjorjhip,in a manner confifient ^fh ho-w it tovuorld* tledefignof the inftitution, many proftitufe the lypurp fes, affairs,travelling tranfaBingoffecular upon co m^ in it and civil or fpend mon diverfion bulinefs vifitSy amufement, like and the vihile And f vain our our converfation, legijlators, and and tor others, vjhofi^ fuperior judges, magiftrates, infer their has fiationinfociety, example,frwt naturally moftinfluence the multitude in the divine law, on indulge fuch difregardto is to be expeBed ? "what refonmztion voho that But attends te the law and the ;eflimony"or forms his judgment accordingt9' that infallible rule, can contentplatefuch a ftaie of things v^itb* out beinggrieved, and vjithout dreading the judgementsof God'^ / Did afuch heaven- daringvjickednefs upon the land, to pun iflj God irfl'Ci defolat ing calamities upon his ancient people righteous consequence ? t " y ^ Lev. for breach offahbaih accordingto his threatening^ 34, 35^ yS^r/ih r^ w//^ a all we '1nd ft} heinous fin to our felves that flatter he pafsv:ith impunity,among cUar revelation of hU "wi/J ? HKbat a a voill xxvi, al"waye people favor* n"bU t)cam((" this way. I therefore beseech on that remember \ of your souls. As to the it is not external attendance f first of these,; only that worship him xiL Remember, 28. bodies^ they should your \ holy', to God, acceptable ; am Goi" and they that must, requireth; He is a spirit^ worship hitjiin spiritand in truth. John iv. 24. Mind de* seeks that he both and sees heart, and liberately, your himself will be highlydispleased, and reckon dishonoured^ with your lips,while your heaitts if you draw to him near fer from You him. should therefore not only profess are but also seek grace it acceptto worship the Lord, to do ably. Heb. , consider, there the salvation and I to thingsyou ought chieflyto mind, while you attend The worshipping of GoPf gospel-ordinances ; viz. two r you be that when presented as you lirjhig sacrijices^ is your reasonable service^ of circumcision be the therefore, to which Rom. xii. which in the spirit Clirist tells worship God ; thejather seeketh such to worship him. iv. 23 Another your 1. Seek thing ycu souls. /?r^5"i" should Remember us, Jobfl is ths salvation of ir.tciid, therefore the divine direction to salvation with But fear and trembling-. due while you only attend, without to profil; concern any thereby ; you are too like those^ who goto fairs,but d"" nothing in them, nor make any gain by trading. Why, stand all I the day idle in the market^ gospel-hearers ye place. Is thpre no gain to be made at these spiritual mar* that suits you ? Is there nothing to be had in them kets ? work out your ozon did upright Nehtmiab tf %ealforreformationin this particular^ -Did all unite their (fforts, ing accordgive? Neh. xiii. 15"22 to the dutyof their place to accompUjh a reformation in thfs then might ive hope to have the publictranquility matter prolongs national advantages "will be nofecurity t" But all our ed. hoajied ifnnbelief^ us, contempt of the gofpel,and profanationof the Jab' hath, are generally indulged* Thefe ^Tf more tr^lyalarmingthan ivgll ^weri How it, if all of external enemies. any combination tbt goad^fxht, that fkar Gad, woifbthe profperityof Zion and laytheftthings to htdrt^ "Msmitffiiy^wU , f I f 9 r Surelythere Prov, is, but xvii. 16. yoiirsis the sad whereforeis there of a foolto get wisdom^ have need here is offered to f 108 and come and a he hath all that tends in time so you eternity\ fne gold tried in the fire^ "c. invited to come You are andhxnj^and that on Rev. to suit your condition,i. e. without money ha. \v. 2. how Consider than those, who is the profit,if hearers, and there from places,so hearers is side without neglect the from that forementioned asf price\ the where outward" getful foru 23# other many parable,concerningthe of some seed fa.lling by in stony places. Thsi ' the state of such is miserable,v/illappear, that terms ^ plain,as xiii,where we read thorns, and among Mat. sower. the way such hear, and are you of the word ? James doers not such are 18" \\u while to be are pitied, you you of God in the offers thereof in vain,and Where That and and much receive the grace little better are means. rich, and be may you make to it.' Ye heart unto no Hon J in the priceput that buy, complained of case gospeldoes not if it is considered, the prove savour becomes life, it,by misimprovement, inevitably of death unto death. the savour Consider therefore,O careful to bringforth fruit some not are ye hearers, who of lifeunto answerable way will case to when be, for all the you, your the enjoyments; cometh Lord graciousoffers made dismal how to unto your with reckon you in the gospel ? If you in the end such have eternal life. See you, ha. places,with others to as a Every deep branch and away Consider and coDtmue receive ^ng^remain at 3. 1, 2, v. read, and duly with j'ou forth fruit to holiness,you bringnot of like to what is threatened "c. be that you may sin, and imminent ponder, of your in Christ that beareth lengthcast not often affected dangen fruityshall be will be the end to, and the rain of divine barren. Which taken into the fire. therefore,what come vi. 8. against signification, you ought sense to Heh. have cannot go from with you, if gospel-ordinanpes doctrm^, "adxio\m\SftsXw"it " { advised,to be Therefore i 109 set time a|"artfor deli- some sightof the Lord, communing with God how mattery stand between ;^our hearts, enquiring how fearful your con-^ md your souls, seriously thinking, lition will be, when you must appear before the judgment hath appointed to judge the God whom "eat of hiiii, as )erating, in the vorld, and how able will be you graciousoffers made For exciting iispensation. you so ng many to to answer unto you beware for refusin a gospel of such un- :oncemedness. that your Jffe very privileges great in en* Much is given unto oying gospel-light. you ; ye have of hearingmany thingsconcerning opportunities irequent in his eternal of love God ;he great son a ransom giving br perishing in sinners,and the love of the mediator lyingfor them, that they might obtain eternal life,you Consider 1. ^ceive calls many to him to come that ye may be saved, laid before weighty motives you from taken these the enforce im:o pressingivitations, those that trulybelieve in,and accept nense happinessof have md innumerable saviour, and from )fan offered )fsuch as the inexpressible misery not, "c. do and are privileges exmany, n otice of what takingparticular "eedinggreat, so mprovement you are making ; if you are bringingforth Vuit, answerable to your enjoyments ; or remainingas in God's trees vineyard ; as you may gee in )arren of husband the he parable man coming year after the fig-tree, he found who, when rear, seekingfruit on ordered it to be cut down, as cumbering the lone, that Mind, 2. as your is God vround. Reniember 3. Nith you that called are jivewill )"; as to occupy, And how be great. if found not onlywith E^ord's money, )/. Seek but therefore mcms talents wheremany the account so you have to miserable will you then the slothful servant making a very make hidingyour ill improvement therewise and diligent temporal ^s-^^^v^^ ^^ spit\lM2\, of grace, to the gloryo5 Gou, xJw^X^wv ^xia?^ ise of all mercies Hcse have you grace to and a. [ Surelythere Prov. is, but xvii. 16. yoiirsis the sad whereforeis there of a foal to get wisdom^ have need here is offered to and come You to a he hath how you make Where you so in time tried in thejire^ "c. Rev. nu cojne to that andbtry^and than those, who is the profit,if hearers, and That there from places,so hearers side 18. terms without and asf price; you and outward neglect the from is plain,as that forementioned other many parable,concerningthe of some seed falling by xiii,where we read thorns, and among Mat. sower, the way such on and getful hear, and are foryou of the word ? James i. 23* doers not such are rich, and while to be are pitied, you of God in the offers thereof in vain, the grace little better means. be may Ye much receive are it. heart unto no hand in the priceput suit your condition, i. e. without moneij^ Isa. Iv. 2. Consider complained of* case that all that tends invited are and buy, eternity; finegold to f 108 in stony places. That " the state of such is miserable,v":llappear, if it is considered, where gospel does not prove the savour becomes it,by misimprovemcnt, inevitably life, of death unto Consider death. therefore,O that of lifeunto the savour hearers, who yc will case to when be, for all the you, not are answerable way the your the bringforth fruit some enjoyments; how dismal your careful to Lord cometh graciousoffers made to unto with reckon you i:ithe gospel ? If you bringnot in the end such have forth fruit to eternal life. See ha. 3. holiness,you what is threatened "c. Heh. vi. 8. v. 1, 2, you, of with others like signification, places, you to as read, with a Every away and duly deep branch and Consider j^ou cootJDue and receive ^ng-remain at to that you be may sin, and imminent of your in Christ that heareth lengthcast come affected danger* fruityshall be taken will be the end to, and the rain of divine barren. often into the fire. therefore,what to not against Which ought ponder, sense have cannot go from with you, if gospel-ordinances doctrmt, "CiixiCA.m\5c^\38(3Dd-" " t in the end of your obtain* the solvation elf great recompence ahd soiild, reward, given by grace, and happy will at length,and approbation and faithful servants gifod of ddbt. ' 1 11^ How it be if you it be said to into enter j with meet the not divine you, ivell doncy the joig of your liORD. To 3. you who conscience mslke otily not of attending worship the publicordinances, but are silsoconcerned to in spirit You I would advise to seel Lord and in truth. and glory of God in" his discoveries of the power more sanctuary : and that you may be hs^py in gettingnew in the of channel suppliesof grace communicated these of means dailymore goodness. and much How divine institution and ; Lord ground to praisethe more reason-have to you bless havt may for his onlyfor but especii gospel-light, God, not givingyou your lot in a land of commanded ally,that he ever U^ht to shine into your the glory hearts^givingyou the lightof the knoivledgeof these as o/'God, in the face Jesus Christ? you have uiingsrevealed unto you, which hid from the wise are More I would entreat particularly with have been blessed widi any acquaintance of GrOD, accompanying the ordinances of his the following tion, to remember things: prudent. who you the power own instiUu while you live,that ever he notice of you, or had took any special thoughtsof any pityand compassiontoward you : and that you may be induced hereunto, consider, that you are the more by 1. Be nor are any stillin your have own been wholly by JI2JS: it i state a Who even as of death maketh and thee to that thou hast not hast thou GoD'mi^t bless God ter, others, and are no betdeservingof divine favour, than those more destruction. what to of wrath children nature who careful Wtd have givenyou hearts,and had unto grace up he done ; excluded by this law* broad from differ way to f of another received ? to walk so, Mind, if you therefore,there you. in the woe are \aivo of forever would in the way saved, it mustbe ^5co"Msdothoaat- Ajxd ^70"3k^TOu^\"X- [ 3 "i the earth, bjrnature than the vilest miscreants upon who are making great haste to utter ruin in these paths little capable of wherein as destroyersgo ; so you were helpingyourselvesas they. And had not divine drawing ter reached power you, would there have been much as ing complaintagainstyou, as againstthe unbelievJews, concerningwhom, Christ said, ye will not coma that ye might have life. to me have 'the gospel I make known doubt, if ever no you coming in power, you are fullypersuaded that the Arminian doctrine, concerning the improvement of man's natural is as oppositeto the experienceof christiabilities, I8is, as it is to the rule of their faith,the holy scriptures ; of the fniits the that all saving graces and are as spirit, calls them, GaL the apostle 22. And, as a great div. tdne well expresses it,every christian will find as much within himself, as is sufficient to refute that opinion.Be" that they must, but lievers not onlyknow are heartily debtors rich and to willing,to be wholly and eternally, ground of free grace, and andj^e mediator to of the uiemselves, which from no those finite mind rob to God onlyto belongs which GoD. should excite due to by nature as ill deserving the privileges whereby you are distinguished who obey not the gospel,are so great, that conceive, nor can comprehend the vast ^ankfulness, is,that others,so allow themselves that gloiythereof,by attributing consideration Another as dare never difference between as those are you who are the children of God Jesus^ having God for their father, for their sancChrist for their redeemer, the holy Ghost and their guide to the Ij^d of uprightness, where tifier, hath enjoy all that goodness the Lord they shall fully How inconceivably preparedfor them that love him. by faith in Christ great, I say, is the difference betwixt who are in a state of sin and load of all their sin burthen \U And ! however SIS at and misery ; under me and actual ? original insensible unawakened they are them, present aitmat^ ^c"X xjuvSuct those insupportable Heavy ^x^ "5fl \"xOw^x^^^ [ weightof alltheir transgressions, so theyhafveyet notlmgf for,but tolook the terriblfe. prea" the greatness of which, no 'finite, be forever laid under to of eternal wrath "ure 1 113 ; How comprehend. which these things, understandingcan a reflection on understood, pressednor bestowed do on to ^nd how hearts whci|le with your undeserved, and Be also exhorted to his his to is your sin,if you praisethe Lord for his great d^y improvement of of interesting not onlyas means growing in grace by a constant wait all fulness thereof. God them, worshipping on in presence desire of with ardent and command, promised dwelleth Ajid invite others Lord, and be affected go up into, the die case of such "c" holyreverence, ample, and otherwise,to attendingon with these misimprovethem, that is come nation that light shine around them, xhty love darkness of means their ing enjoy- into the worU^ by your of house ex- die eitherneg- as salvation,or. so their condd"i" it is like to become in the in obedience them, 'with huntiility, tear^ and lect graciously study a to ordinances,intended in Christybut also of improvement of him, in whom careful hath you distbiguishing goodness? these Be can ou^^bt fullyex* excite all that is widiin ? you not 2. neither be for isdlhis benefits he bless the Lord to then much and continues of the dispensation to " gospel,and light;and pray eamesdy to Gody that he may mercifullyturn theni from the darfc paths of sin, that they may not in the end, land in -that \ darkness which rather will be than eternal an punishment. Finally, be deeplyconcerned, because of the present awful evident signsof the gospel's beingto so few, the power of God un^ to salvation ; and that there acquaintancewith either in conviction are the of sin, or so work few mental evidencingexperiof the spirit of Gody conversion from it. How gi'oundhave we in these evil and sinningdays, to see our complainwith the church, that we do not now and altho' the his removed n ot eigns, cani^;?^hath yet dJest'ick out of its place, he in be to seems a great meayet voked t tiv^lvj sure from to depart so ^ Vvax ^ reason us pro /"" Ac t\v^T^^^"^asA^^^Wv* deeplyayTected withthe^l^us^as much " C mih id his ingthe have mediator's free as a hid have be much thereof, means and courscy be word ^lorified^ . r i^N 1 8^ glory, his the us^ employment your according kingdom beMeen from hisjace manifesting and returning, that sins our separated have inigmties owr it therefore Let 2. for ing, and Godj our lix. y tliSLt sorrow I lis to his of and ad-^ promise, the Lord CONTENTS. PART I. Page Introduction Direct. ones your young but also be divine only to dedicate earlyto God in baptism, employed in seeking the concerned Be 1. much to blessing ordinance. The Direct. the - - - milder children, and - Direct. The " -4 " 6. direction use 20^ - ib# " - " also therefore carefiil Sl" with Counsel ^ to - - - - young ones explained. Motives a - . " ib. 46" ib. 49. " * 28. 45. good example. it. enforcing cWiV/oija/ considerations* - - - ib* 26. cluldren" explained. Motives enforcingit. Give - - advise your and 22, - enforcingit. Motives . with only for,but - direction 16. - " be ib. with them, and other members God 5. " end, - not " used the desired 14. - - methods of your families. The direction explained. The ib. 11. - explained Motives it. enforcing Pray 4. worship Direct. " - When 3. direction your - Holy Scriptures. explained. Motives enforcingit. gain not ones, young the rod of correction. Direct. ", - explained "Motives enforcingit in the ' The . Insti-uct your little ones earlyin of the christian religion, as principles direction Direct. that solemn accompany 2. contained The not - direction 5. " %^ PART Introduction. - of excellency The - ordinances their And God's the appointing them. From the From the held the by Evidences Reasons Great sin and danger for of such them they TS, ib. ^ 78. - ing despis- and 81. - - - 72, are esteem. neglecting neglect, pure. this esteem. ordinances. gospel Excuses for n. in the of God. people of this - given in which esteem 70. - - keep ib. dispense to some to - God. - of God high t of charges many of - - word salvation the gloiy 6S" - sinners. mankind From - end, 61. pressed institution. From Page " " - Gospel divine their from II. invalid. - -" 86. Inferences Information, For - Exambation. Lamentation, of the truth Conclusion Such exciting Gospel. - Advice " little make as - three to or but persons, of atconscience tending word. them to come may - on in " - that the fc as not only public ordinances, worship the Lord but in are as in ibb - conscience make gospel well as power, , Such 112, - public ordinances, reallyconcerned not are 111. of sorts no attend ordinarily as the . Divine-Ordinances. such for concern a 92. - - and 90. . , also spiritaod , of attending concerned in truth. to
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