QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER' Wednesday, July 19, 2006 113 B12CH1ESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, July 19, 2006 33 Ol)ituaries 170 Auctions AUCTION SALE OBITUAR' To place an obituary tribiite / l | » ^ o r ^ T r S i n ^ r * please call 992-2121. A / O o L K V L R HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 12 Birtlidays 3 Announceiiienls Cariboo Higldand Gaines Society Phone or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC V7S4 msterCard Pools/Spas;... ........;..„,.,.....358 Rooflng ;;.....„„ .......i.,..3B0 Snowplowing".. - 9 ChBfcft 15 Coming E v e n t s . . . . „ . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 1 8 Congnilglatlons..................;.....21 Engagement/Weitdlng 24 Fontral DJwefory 27 In Msinorfam.....;;.....'.........3a omtnariBs ThanlB 33 FfRSyrifiUO-ga 36 Butlnsss personals.. ....:....;...S5, Heallh/Beaufy ..60 Lost 4 Fotinil............. 65 Panonals..: 70 . Psyehia....... ..................75 Singles 80 Travel Touis/VacaUon ...........;.....85 WflNTEDIPt-149 Wanted .125 Antiques............-..::.... .;;......155 160 Appliaotis 165 Aits«Crans ,..;,.....170 Aoetlms 175 Building Materials ..........180 Cofflputere ..........185 Consignments.......... 19D Firearms........ 195 Firewood....... ..;.20O Free give-away.;,...... Fumlturo................ ..........205 ..........210 Garage Sales .. .......215 Garden Equipment ^Miscellaneous........;... ..........220 ..:225 Mutle .........V....230 Sporting Goods Tools......:..... 235 .....;...240 Trade or Swap.... JMELOyMEHIlBQiia Business Opporlunilies .;............;2S4 Careers...,; ...258 Oaycare,,.. .,,..,262 . Education. .,.,;.i.....,..,....,.,.26B Help Wanted ......,.....;..........27a Professional 274 Sklllart Trades .....278 Tutoring , 282 Volunleem ..........286 Work Wanted 290 ' . sEBaucEaaisbaaa Accovmlng...,, ,.„; ,.302 Appliances. , ,,,304 Automottva,,,.; , 306 Ottllding Services....; ..,.308 Catering',.,.. ...310 Csrpan&V->.>.-<""'""--<-"-"-'12; Child care 314 Cleaning 316 Coosinicllon......................I......3I8 Drywall 320 EdUUtlon/nitorlnB.,.......,..,V..,..,:322 , Elettric 324 ExcSryaflon ,...,,.^,.»v 326; Finance/Mortgage ;»i;..;,.^.M.,t....328; Handyman 330 Homtlmprovemsnf ;..„„,,. 332, HomaSiippon..., 834; ,v HOBMSitting..,,., .,...„.... 335 > • iBw&iment,. 338 .Jtonltoifal..I....*.*^.....**.*..*•* i.340' LMdati^lngAltrdanloB ........342 M«ffalfl«AIAi|(llno 344 MI«t«Ha8<oin8«rvit»s W MmeUnons ...'.M..i......>;......,.3|l& ,3S4 .358 ..,;;,.,...,i„.:„.,362 Travel ,364 Troddng 366 yani & Canlen..,............„,.^..,...388 BtHTftt.4PD-4« Apartments ,.......,.,,404 Bachelor Suite........,-,.,....,. 408 Basement Suite..,...;,.,.,..,.„,.;...412 Catiins/CottaBes„.„.,.....;.......„'..416. Commercial.,,..,,,, .........420 Condos ,„....,...;,„.... ,.,,424 Oiiplei/rourplex .,..,,428 For Bent or Sate„,..„,.......,.„..,i.432 Halls/Auditoriums ,.v.,.;..„,.,......,436 Houses 440 Mlscellaneous.„,.,.„„...„....,..„,444 Mobile Homes,., ...„„;......,.,.448 Modular Homes „ . . . — .452 Rooms....,, i .„„, .,.;.458 Room i Boanl,.,,,;,..,,.,.....460 Seniors/Retirement Accom. ,...;..„,464 Shared Accommodation ,.„.„,;468 Storage ..;„.,...,...,..,.....„;...;....472 Suites 476 . Tourist Accommodatlon.,.,;,.,.,'..„.480 TownhoasBS,,,..,......, ;..,.„„484 Wanted to Rent,„.,...,..„.,.„,.....,488 Warehouses 492 BEAI. ESTATE 50P-599 Acreage/Lots .,.......„,.„,..„.,.....508 Cabins/Cottages,,.,....,,.......,..„..512 Commercial Business .....,;.S18 Commercial Property,......,,,,, 524 Condos „ „ . . „ . „ „ „ . , ,, 530 Duples/FourplBx „. 536 Fanns/Ranches,, : 542 For Sale or Rent.,.,i ,...,.,548 Houses , S54 Laiceshors,,,,.,. 660 Mobiles,,,.,.,......v..-.....,..........568 Modular Homes , „„„„,.„572 , Open House..„;„,.:, ,„...,.578 Out ol Town,.... ,. ...584 RV silos ...„,.,..,......,; 590 Townhouses , ,; ,.;.,.;.„59e 00 ,.,........„73S Snowmobiles ....,..........;,j..,..'„..740 Ttado/Swap Love Mom, Dave and mer and your furry friends Drac, Loki and HeidL msem BC High Tecfi Forestry Tours discover adventure in the bushi! The tour is a great way to entertain your visitors, a unique family reunion event Or club outing, or an awesome team-building day for staff. Call 992-1221, or visit www.forestrytours.ca 1 Excellent condition. $2,000 7473241 PLEASE CALL GREG OR MARILYN AT 250-992-5657 OR 250-^91-9452 A.S.A.P. 65 Lost & Found ; Found: Small black iy/lulti-poo I was in a minor accident June 20/06 at approxi 6:50-7:00pnfi, wfhile yielding from Legion Drive to Hwy 97S. If anyone witnessed this accident please contact [email protected], call me at 747-2523, or cal tfi© Quesnel RCMP or ICBC. wearing a Harley Davidson collar. RawlingAjiackwater area,' 249-5055 FOUND: SET OF KEYS FOR Iw/Mamr^f/liv^anour In B,C, Yukon, The Canadian , Cancer Society supports research, education and patient services. Mail gifts to: 332 Front Street Quesnel, B.C, V2J 2K3 ODDS AGAINST CANADAfS cnrlSnr B.C.&YUK0N#1 KILLER Good lor your garden... (Sood for your community The most complete coveiage of Quesnel & area. AUTOMOTV I E 750-789 ;.....,.„„,....„„.......,i..762 Classics • Part*., SUV's »4Jt41s Ttatia Clip, Mail or Fax... Tkanlc you all again. 20 word classifieds FREE Items vnlucd nt less than $100 or : pets to be given nwny will run Free for 4 Issues, OBSERVER FREfe Internet posting. I All bur word MasIfleds era posted on 'ttielnumwtat liccla»lfle<LooRr, Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 Name 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. , 768 ,...,.,,,.774 .780 13. 14. 15. 16. 788 17. 18. 19, 20, Vans/Base* ;.„,.702 MOTlCEg/ffNOEHS 600-849 Ugal Notices : 815 Tsntf Ant !•» tt ••..«.•*•*«>•* ••f.4**«*p**>.,Q30 65 Lost & Fonnd Address Post Code Pti:^ Method Of Paymont • Cheque ••Print clearly and use dark pen for good Ploaso print your ad with one word per lino. Add 27t per word per issue over 20 words. Bold Faco typo - double. Box rental $8.00, Free to good home. Female Shepherd/Lab Cross - spade - shots - bom March/05. Call between 5-7pm only 992-9520 July 22nd & 23rd - 294 Roddie 205 Furniture D's Garage Sale: Saturday July Kids 6 drawer dresser, very good shape $50 747-0907 Single spring mattress $10 fax reproduction^* ^ 160 Appliances Moving Sale: 354 Callanan, MISSINGIj From Dragon Lake, Admiral electric range, Kitcfien early morning of July 13th, Zodiac Tropic, with distinctive yellow/blue/yellow strip around. 9.9 white Suzuki and njnning light on top of motor. Reward. 7470883 Aide Portable dishwasher, Maytag Dryer, $50 each: 992-5044 Saturday July 22nd. 8am-4pm 992-2861 Lost: Left (iehind @ the Ques- Flooring Distributor N6w Selling Directl • nel Rodeo on B-B Days, Saturday Hand painted umbrella - green wilh red tulips and gold bows. Sentimental - was a gift from my daughter. Please call 250 297-6494 Sexy brunette seeking generous gents. Quality & discretion assured, 991-6256 Phone 250-392-2345 Toll Free 1-877-767-2345 Email [email protected] • vww,kleenaireservices.com ilk-. 4 22nd. 1417 Lewis Drive, 9:30am to 4:00pm, Proceeds to chanty. iViuiti Family yard sales - July 29th & 30th, 10am-4pm. Ram or Shine. Callis Road - Barkerville Hwy, iVIoving Sale: Saturday July 22nd. 213 Fiege Rd (Southhills), Some large items, many bargains, 10am - No eariy birds. Small geshrre« spealwoluTnes, ami ooosBion or 'jiivf leoBuse... Lpj_ Just Arrived •Look fabulous In a unlqaa FaglonlBIUal-$59.99 "Dn'dal SioiueT Ht^thnf *&ifl (UrHiicshs 'PreeTllrappiiig Service *Discrtti, fTioi3h| RelsriTig Qlomsplier* *Kania Suira ProAicfs SEVEN BAYS BRIGHT & CLEAN • Spot-Free Rinse • AUTOMATIC CAR WASH Solid Wood Flooring: Birch, Sliding glass windows with frames - large 64X34 $20 each, 992-7810 1<S0 Compulers Computer Servicing & Repair, Certified and Experienced, Housecalls Available, Low Rates, Call Kevin 983-8019, Also web design services and lessons. Visit: www.quesneibc.net ULY 22nd, UP TO 40% / can help you tvith all your advertising needs. Give me a call today. OFF We're moving and motivated to move inventory at BIG SAVINGS Andriana Wilson-Busby BID 1225 Abbott Drive Ph/Fx 992-3342 Hours 10-3:30 Daily Closed Sun. & Mon. Tracey Roberts at THE ST U DI a : •Ss^sslsstlsa^fonsssHG long nsgll • t/ovolty gifts tor birthi/ay, bridal showers, nUiomeot » Dazzling collection ol Diva lingerie - 1-:4X TONSMOREI 1-800-631-3342 SUN PEAKS VACATION RENTALS lent working conditions yrs old, $100, 983-9558 Can view at #11-1802 Lust, or message # 747-1143 ••Cancelled If Rain** 8 & 12 ml Laminate, 200 choices from.,,,,,..„.„,.„$,49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre fin Fir„,.,$,99sq/ft 3 1/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many choices,$1,99sq/ft Oak, Maple, Ash engineered.,, .„$2,99sq/ft Pine & Fir, Clearing out stockll Call 250-992-1567 or leave message ® 250-991-9099 Inglla heavy duty dryer, excel- Ave,, 9am-3pm.. Lots. of misc. and guy stuff. $1-$80, 992-6118 > MOVING TO NANAIMO 175 Bnilclinj? Materials 85 Travel/ Ibiir.s/ Vacation Condos with hot tub, kitchen, fireplace.,, Alpine Hiking, Golf, Mountain biking & more, 1-800811-4588 www,Bearcountry,ca • Money Order a Visa Additional words 210 (Jaraiie Sales 210 Gara<»e Sales 70 Personals 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel BC V2J 2A8 1. |E IMPROVING YOUR GMC, HOUSE KEYS AND FUEL KEY IDENTIFY @ THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, $9.60 one Issue $13.90 two issues $19.00 six issues $34.00 12 Issues Plus GST at V C H , and is doing well. Lee & Dorecn Sliarrott Your In Memoriam gift is a lasting tribute. Please mail your donatons to the address below and include your name and address, along with 992-65SL the name and address of the nextPlease include name of person of-kin for an acknowledgement card. being honored or name of deceased; and where to send cards. Mall to Quesnel Unit, Box 4026, VisalMastercard accepted. Quesnel, BCV2J3J2 Reach over 24,000 readers per week 200 Free QI >'e A>\av 992-7810 Ca,nadian v^f:Jiif.|^ Cifticer " Society Gary Foumler Owner/Operator All items to be paid for and picked up sale day. Lee is recuperating at Kome after 12 days 30 In Mcnioriam 60 Healtli/Beauty , Wolfe Lay-Down tarining; bed. durins a tad time. .......i..;..;„....,.74S .Canopies,.....I...i.750 Cars. vvcrc so kind and supportive W E ARE... 18 Coming Events ^FORINFORMATION LEADING TO THE COMPLETE AND SAFE RETURN OF A 1997 YELLOW SEADOO, SR#ZZNB9725R97 STOLEN OFF TEN MILE LAKE ON SATURDAY JULY 8TH/06. IHBlSIBtfiSiyiM Rentals ....„...,;..... care on June Htli. /\lso to our friends and family wKo E V E N IF Y O U A R E N ' T COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INPUSTRIAL quick response and kindness and CELEBRATING T H E BIG DAY, .608 ......612 ;.;.,.„6i8 ,.;.„,824 .,...,,630 .......636 642 : „„648 Equlpmani .,, ;„eeo Logglng/rimber !.,...v^<.....,.„670 Maehi«er».....„.,.;„.,...,.'.';...;....68a Mining 690 IIECfiEfiimHALJJUHiU Aircraft 703 ATV* ; .710 Boats/Marin9..,.,;.................,...7l5 Houseboat* .........720 Motoraycles 725 wonderful vvitK Lee and Kis family, Jufy 19t^uv nPartaiUc&? PET5/FflRMflQD-649 Boarding. FarmEi)ulpmnnt Feed a Seed.... Fnilt/Produce/Meat,..,. Horses..,,. ; Uvestodc,.;... • Pets Trailers ;.,„•„, otKer nurses tKat were so carins and iA.lso to tkc amtuUnce people for tfietr B&B Mtisic Ltd • Design Flooring & Dfi<oE^1;^v^ Douglas Lake Equipitient* Northland 4|dn^gi&*, Prince George Pipe Band* Quesnel I^dl^ vaiiC^^tv* Quesnel Lions Glub* Quesnel Tclyi Regency Chrysler* Royal Canadian Leobn Hr. The Sign Stop * Williams Lake Pijie^Barid HOURS: Open 8 am > 5 pm Monday - Friday Birth* Dr. Walker, nurse KatLy and all tKc cvcentmyy ^as'passed CLEAN • Furnaces/Ducts • Dryer Vents / Chimneys • Ceilings / Walls • Insulation Removal \^ewing Sale Day - 8 am at Henry & Marie's home 4752 Dusty Road Kersley CaU 747-2793 for info! you to Dr. Crai3, Dr. Asisc/ Ellen Affleck, Charlie Griffith, ivilm Neil MacKinnon, Lisa McMillan, _ ^ Mickey Ross, Bob Skinner, dn^Jl accepted roiRECT 36 Thanlvs T V i ^ cmdci possibly b«^i)adividuals> groups and bMstiwjsfSeii? listed: b^elow for h^l^g to make our 7th Aniiual €!aril>OQ Highland Games another wonderful succes^(^^\^'VS? •. 992-2121 1^ Obituary tributes are $45/single spot, $75/double spot and $104/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. HENRY & MARIE L E E ARE MOVING TO RG. AND WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BY AUCTION. SAT.JULY22ND10AM •454 Intemational tractor & loader 'sldllsaw -Rear snow blade •Front snow blade "Table saw 'Belt Sander •Mitre saw •Metal cutting bandsaw •Drill press •Bandsaw •Bench Grinder •Vice cutting torcli & tanics •Small rotatiller 'Many hand tools -Battery charger •Utility trailers -Meat bandsaw & Grinder •Table & chair set •Queen Bed • Electric Recliner Chair •Homeliterideon Mower •Much more SERVICES INDOOR AIR QUALITY SPECIALISTS 992-2121 OBsgRVER B14 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNELOtRIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 BI5 THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com FrRST AID FOR YpUR^ARs Dan's Engine Shop now does 254 Business Opportunities Unique opportunity to ovm arid operate a 2006 P«t« with zero dowvn. You must have a minimum O N E YEAR flat deck highway experience able and willing to run CANADA / USA and possess good references. to most cars andlight trucks Brakes • Tune-ups -Transmission • Engine maci)ineshop Engines-Lube Oil Filter-eiutcti parts Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 (MENGINESHOP 125 Hilltop 992-9241 COLLEGE OF NEW CALEDONIA nyl cutters, computer, and programs, stock, good will. Bucket tmck, Ltd. Co., and more Phone: 250-992-6848 . 1 PAVI N G • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Roads •Highways •PariiingLots • Tennis Courts • Driveways ffREE ESTIMATES 258 Careers Phone 992-9033 • Fax 992-6030 TT A.) 992-2121 OBSERVER 220 Miscellaneous BUG SCREENS FOR WINDOWS. Brown or White - fits up to 36" X 48" $15. eacti +stiipping. 1-877-570-8733 surreynewandused.com Flooring Distributor Now Selling DIrectI 8 & 12 ml Laminate, 200 choices from........... $.49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre firi Fir ....$.99sq/ft 3 1/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many choices.$1.99sq/ft Oai<, Maple, Ash engineered ...,.$2.99sq/tt TONSMOREI 1-800-631-3342 Electric 3 - wheel scooter, hardly used. Excellent condition! $1,800 obo. 747-3190 Bissell upright carpet cleaner. $65. 992-7310 Snow plow for Yamaha Big Bear - 5 foot $100 747-2335 Large B.B.Q. New bumer, natural gas $50 747-2335 Baby bassinet with vibrating motor $55. Barely used. 747-0907 2 fish tanks c/w everything - 33 gal. $125, 90 us gal. $325. 7472335 Ghild^dteetion Services Sheanine. Harder at Baby piano exersaucer. Excellent shape. $50 747-0907 6 metal chairs $5 each 9927810 40 ft. >c 60ft. tarp $25. 747-2335 3 plate glass mirrors. 4.5x4 & 5.5X4 $99 each. 255-0438 Large angled ends glass display case on legs. Will accommodate glaps shelves. Measures 5x3 feet, 21 inches wide, 36 inches high. Sliding doors and storage area. $150. 992-7310 Bell Express view satellite system $100. View @ 830 Abbott Drive. 235 Tools DeWalt variable speed reciprocating saw with case, manual and 5 blades. Used little, excellent condition. $65 992-7310 Snap-On high quality tool box, tools Included, rectangular, top chest, side cabinet $16,000 obo. 250-397-2919 Helen Dixbii Centre will be closed August 18-29 for maintenance. WewiUre-p^ OfiBce: Monday to Thursday - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm; Friday - Closed ILC: Monday to Thitfsdayam to Friday - Closed M The College would like to thanl(all:candidates in adi/ance for their interest, however onlytiioseselected for an interview will be^^c^^ Supervisor Of t ' Prospectors Car Club BBQ - July 30 BC Day Fund Raising Auction - August 7 Please quote reference number 06-055AP and submit resume In confidence to Human Resources at: [email protected] D e s n i q i Services S o d ^ Professioiial Oppprtiinity Advertising is the key to your business. I cat^ help you open the door. SPECIAL EVENTS For a full description of the position and its required qualifications, please see our website at: wvyw.cnc.bc.ca/employment • College of New Caledonia 3330-22nd Avenue, Prince George, BC V2N 1P8 Tel (250) 562-2131 Ext: 466 • Fax (250) 561-5864 • www.cnc.bc.ca Position Summary: Desniqi Services Society (DSS) is a developing First Nations ^hild protection agency serving six Tsilhqot'in communities in the central interior (the Gariboo) of British Columbia. We are responsible for tljie development and implementation of a fiill complement of child protection services on behalf of the six member bands affiliated with the agency. The ultimate goal is to take full responsibility of child protection services and we are looking for a supervisor with a background and experience in chijd protection. This is the senior management in DSS. The Supervisor is accountable to the Executive Director and is responsible for the supervision of delegated staff and the development of the statutory services and programs. This position will work closely to the non-statutory supervisor. QualifiygtioF^?; Management and administrative background, extensive experience with child protection in an Aboriginal context is a requirement. An MSW or considerable related experience - individuals with equivalent combination of training and experience will be considered. Strong supervision skills, knowledge, and experience with a First Nations Social Service as well as a thorough understanding of existing legislation in BC is desirable to guide this First Nations organization through a demanding period of change, growth and service accountabilities. Knowledge of the Tsilhqot'in culture and the communities is considered an asset. For a detailed position description, please fax a request to the number below. Interested applicants are invited to submit a detailed resume along with three references to: The Hiring Committee - Desniqi Services Society 240B North Mackenzie Avenue, Williams Lake, BC y2GlN6 Tel: (250) 392-6500 • Fax: (250) 392-6501 Deadline for Applications: July 28,2006 at 4:30 pm We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only screened in applicants will be contacted for an interview. EXmEME PROFESSO I NAL DU I VER IRAINING www.extr8meprodriver.com. . • AIR BRAKE COURSE • • FORKLIFT TRAINING CLAS^1,2&^ Highway Training, Bu.s & Advanced Gravel Truck/Pup, End Dump, Low Bed, Heavy Equipment Training Phone (250)869-1891 1-877-869-1891 Are you: a Chef who loves the outdoors; has a strong work ethic and a positive attitude? Our remote fishing lodge in the Smithers area is seeking an experienced Chef and housekeeper for our 2006 season. Great pay and a once-in-a-life-time experience. Please Fax Reslumes to: 250-577-3104 or email: [email protected] 262 Daycare Country Corner Family Daycare - Licensed - ages 6 mos. - 6 years, has one part time space available' for September (Mondays) 249-5858 Edythe. 9:00 983-6900 or www.sd28.bc.ca 6:60pm; Part time ^6•2Q hours/week and full time 25-40 hours/week. Apply with resume: 263 Barlow Ave., Quesnel, BC No phone calls, please!! MERCHANDISING COMPANY recruiting part-time detallers to call on major local retailers. Hours flexible and Varied. $15/ hr. Computer reporting preferred. Resumes to: [email protected] or fax:604-513-9326. Heavy Duty Mechanics and Gas Mechanics required for 266 Kclucai Chemainus shop and logging camp situated on Vancouver IsExcavator Operator TValnlng land. BC. Please fax resume to Programs. 5, and 6 week Pro- (250)246-5440. Attention: Mike grams. Advanced Class One Cousins. Driver Training. Taylor Pro TrainProfessional Class 1 Driver ing Ltd. 250-860-7624 or Toll Munden Ventures Ltd. is currentfree 1-877-860-7627. ly seeking an experienced Class 1 driver with a clean drivers' abDon't Let them forget what they stract and professional attitude. have leamed during the school Super B f|at deck experience Is year. Certified teacher willing to an asset. The position offers: tudor. Please call 747-1041 - An attractive wage ($0,65$0.75/mile average) - company paid extended health , 270 nelp Wanted ; - Quarterly safety bonus -4 days per week Move To The Okanagan. • Weekends off Wanted a full time Glazier, experi- - Home most nights ence an asset. Min second year Deliver resume and current drivapprentice. Wage based on ers' abstract In person to 725 experience. Phone (250)542Carrier Street, Kamloops or fax 3030. Fax resume (250)542to 250-828-5839. Phone 2503063. 828-2821. Pinnacle Pellet Inc. & Houston Pellet Inc. Quesnel Office: Currently the largest wood pellet manufacturer in Western Canada, Pinnacle Pellet is pleased to advertise the following full time employment opportunities as the result of our new business venture In Houston. We are currently recrujting for our company administrative office to assist with the increased administration of this new partnership and our own internal needs. We are committed to providing an environment that will allow our employees to grow with us as individuals and as part of our team. We offeran excellent wage and benefit package. Accounting Clerk: 270 Help Wanted CHAMBERS TRUCKING LTD. Panago Pizza Panagb needs a team member for deliveries and In-store duties. W|ll need own reliable vehicle and valid driver's license. A great attitude and customer service skills translate into great tips. $8.00/hbur plus gas allowance. Benefits available. EIVlPLOYIViENT OPPORTUNITIES Are you 19 to W0+years of age md want your Gradel2Graduatioti?...comeseeiisat Helen Dixon Centre, 241Kinchant Street. Quesnel 270 Help Wanted Got wheels? Are you versatile and like telking to people? Maintenance Supervisor re- COTTONWOOD HOUSE Closing Date: Thursday, August 3,2006 at 3;00PM business. Established over thirty years. This is a Share Sale. All inventories and fixed assets included. Quesnel Ski & Sports Ltd. Quesnel. B.C. [email protected] . QUESNEL, B.C. ASSOCIATE REGISTRAR Qualifications: The successful candidate for this challenging position will possess a Bachelor's degreeand three to five years of relevant experience. An eqijivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Specialty Ski & Outdoor retail 270 Help Wanted Foodsafe (basic): July. 22 - $62 OFA Level 1 (one day course): July 22 - $88 Transportation Endorsement (one day): July 23 - $108 GFA Level 3 (2 week crash course): July 31 - $670 Under the. general direction of the Registrar, the Associate Registrar is responsible for managing the daily operations within the Admissions and Registration office. This position will ensure fair, timely, and consistent service to students in the areas of registration, records, putilic services, room bool(ings, cashier and continuing education enrollment services. In addition, the Associate Registrar will assist with or Initiate departmental service reviews and manage projects dealing with records managemeht. staff development, policy development and process improvement. Sign Business. Must sell. 2 vi- www.quesnelobserver.com FIRST AID& WORKS AFE COURSES Full-Time. Administrative Position, Prince George Campus RICH DAD POOR DAD ENTHUSIASTS Here is your Chance to apply what you have leamed. Now create perfect, safe and secure assets. Remarkable limited opportunity. Free info www.whynotjustretire.com Dan Kaleta 266 Education CNC Is a comprehensive community college serving the central Interior region of British Columbia. Headquartered in Prince George, CNC enrolls approximately 5,600 students annually in a diverse range of credit programs. The College offers a competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and relevant experience plus an excellent fringe benefit paclcage. We are currently looking for a dynamic individual to •fill thefollowing position: . •EST DRIVE Professional Auto Repairs Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-linel www.bcclassified.com www.quesnelobserver.com AMATA TRANSITION HOUSE : The Amata Transition House, a Feminist Collective! utilizing ttie concensus decision- making process, \s seeking a CASUAL SUPPORT WORKER to do relief work. This is a Hospital Employees Union Position. QUAUFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE The successful applicant should have: • 1-2 years experience working in a Transition House, or equivalent experience. • Ability to work independently, with little supervision, under the direction of the Board of Directors. • Social Service Foundation Certificate or Transition House IVIodules 1-5 Certificate or equivalent. • Good communication, counseling and crisis intervention skills; knowledge and understanding of the dynamics, interventions and treatment involved In violence against women; and experience working in a team environment and residential setting. Please phone 992-7321 to pick up an application package. Completed packages, Including enclosures, resume and cover letter should be ciropped off at Amata by 5:00 pm on the closing date o f July 28, 2006 (Friday). iiiisiai«iiiiiiaiis Cascade Services Partnership is currently lilring Class 1&3 Drivers. Speciflcaily for operating Vacuum Truclcs, Hydro-Vacs, Steamiars, Pressure Thiclcs, Tanic Uruclcs and Hot Oilers. As a fast growing company, we offer excellent wage and benefit paclcages and career opportunities in tlie oil and gas service,sector. Successful candidates must hiave H2S along with a valid Drivers Licence and a Drivers Abstract. Please fax resume to Joe Loomis, Branch Manager. Dawson , Creek. BC, Fax: 250-719-0179 or Phone: 250-719-0144. DRIVERS AND LEASE OPERATORS REQUIRED Check out our new pay rates. Top wages paid. Contact Dwayne at 1-800-575-2355 wvm.dctchambers.com Williams Lake company hiring pipe fitters, welders and plumbers. Good wages & benefits. Reply to Box 544 c/o The IWbune, 188 N. 1st Avenue, Williams Lake, BC V2G1Y8 Experienced Security Guard wanted for Williams Lake business. Day & evening shifts. Please submit resume and references to Box 538, c/o The Tribune, 188 N. 1st Avenue, Williams Lake, BC V2G1Y8. Closing date is August 11, 2006. Only tnose chosen foran interview will be contacted. M i n g For A i o b f Responsibilities will include day to day financial matters such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, banking, payroll and benefits administration; monthly journal entries. Assist the Financial Administrator with internal financials, year end audit preparation and audited financial' statements; and financial analysis and other projects as needed. Preference will be given to applicants who: Have a High School graduation certificate Have at least 3 years of relevant experience Have a strong computer background including Word. Excel and a recognized accounting software system. Are woridng toward a recognized accounting designation or have equivalent experience. ^ Receptionist & Office Assistant: Responsibilities will include front line telephone'reception on a busy switchboard, general day to day office tasks such as filing, incoming and outgoing mall, e-mail: and banking. Assist with junior accounting functions; general office correspondence. Other general office functions as required. This is an eiitry level position. Deadline for applications is July 24,2006 at 4:30 p.m. Please submit applications with resume and references to: Jean Gotro, Office Administrator Pinnacle Pellet Inc. 4252 Dog Prairie Road, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6K9 Fax: 250-747-1712 Inland Kenworth Parker Pacific in Houston, B.C. is looking for CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT MECHANIC with gear & engine experience. Also looking for CERTIFIED GENERAL REPAIR MECHANIC. INLAND KENWORTH 188 Carson Ave. 992-2121 B B S Class 1 Driver required for su- per train flat deck long haul. Min. 1 yr. experience. Our drivers average over .60/mile on revenue sharing. Benefits available. One meal allowance per day. Call 250-682-0321. Leave message. Heavy Duty Mechanic wanted for Port McNeill shop. Will consider 3rd year apprentice. We offer IWA rates and benefits. Fax: 250-956-4888 or email: [email protected] Northern Vancouver Island logging company is currently acceptingapplicationslorJhe p o ^ sition of Woods Foreman. Fulltime permanent position, exisellent salary and benefits package with performance Incentives. Previous old growth harvest experience is preferred. Potential motivated candidates for this position are encouraged to Inquire about apprenticeship opportunities. RPF is an asset Please fax your resume to: Lemare Lake Logging Ltd. (250)9564888. Or email: [email protected] ' Preference will be given to applicants who: Have a High School Graduation certificate Have at least one year of relevant office experience Have a strong background with computers including Word. ExCel and Microsoft Outlook ' Have experience with an accounting software program Has a customer service background Is willing to undertake additional training if required Top wages paid, relocation funds are available. CVIP ticket an asset. OoSGItVER quired by Ted Leroy Trucking Ltd, to oversee the maintenance of our logging and road building equipment, for our Johnstone Straits and North Island Operations. This position will be based out of Carnpbeir River on Vancouver Island, BO. Applicant must possess a solid mechanical background and have strong organizational and interpersbnal qualities, have excellent communication skills, be computer literate and have the ability to multi-task. The successful candidate will receive an excellent wage and benefits package. Please fax resume with references to: Ted Leroy Tmcking Ltd, (250)246-5440, Attention: Mike Cousins. Thank you for your interest, but only those selected for an Inten^ieW will be contacted. V PARKER PACIFIC Please fax resumes to (250)845-3154 or phone (250) 845-23^3 Attn: Kerry Shelfbrd. REUSE JUMP START your tmck with exceptional revenue, great benefits anda $3000. Signing Bonusi As far as we know, we pay Class 1-longhaul flatdeck operators the highest rates In the business mnning Canada & 48 US statesi Call Steve or Andre 1'800-663-0099. PHONE DISCONNECTED? LOWEST HOOK UP RATES. NO REFUSALS. EVERYONE APPROVED. CALL TODAY. TOLL FREE 1-877-852-1122 PROTEL RECONNECT Woods Foreman, experienced In full phase logging, required by Ted Leroy Ltd, a Stump to Dump Logging Contractor for the r camp operations originating out of Campbell River on Vancouver Island. BC. Preference given to person experienced In high lead and or mechanical logging. You must be a team player who Is safety oriented, possess good leadership qualities, have excellent communication skills, be computer literate and have the ability to multi-task. The success candidate will wori< a 14 and 7 shift with an excellent wage and benefits package. Please fax resuhie with references to: Ted Leroy Taicking Ltd. (250)286-3661. Attention: Gary Mugford. Thank you for your Interest, blit only those selected for an interview will be contacted. B16 QUE$Na OIRIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, July 19. 2006 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday/July 19, 2006 THE THE P h : 992-2121 See y o u r ads on-line! www.bcclassifiedxom P h : 992-2121 www.quesnelobserver.com 270 Help Wanted 270 Help Wanted Sales Prof^sionals ' Real Estate is Hot! NO agent license needed! Join the revolution with PropertyGuys.com Quesnel. We are seeking Part Time Sales Professionals to Join our direct sales team as an independent contractor. We offer training, support incentives and awards fortop producers! Are you proud of your perseverance and level of discipline, developed as a top sales professional with a proven track record of success? Are you driven 1^ yoiir desire to help others? As an Independent iSales Associate, you will: • Prospect cultivate and dose your own leads and those we provide • Apply your sales experience to the PropertyGuys.com model • Provide excellence in.customer care follow up • Build on existing connections within your community through networking , • Have access to a digital camera (3 mega-plxel capacity) and PC (Windows 2000orXP) •Have excellent computer skills - downloading photos from a digital camera, windows, and internet • Be bondable This opportunity offers flexible work hours and can be a source of second Income - most client contact is late afternoons, evenings and weekends. A real estate agent license is not necessary because we do not trade In real estate; we sell professiorial marketing packages to property owners and help support them through the selling process. ; We provide: • Exclusive sales territory with expansion available with sales success • Exceptional compensation plan based on achieving sales targets • Training, resources and support that set you up for success Go Big or Stay Home. E-mail your resume now to take advantage of this exciting opportunity! PropertyGuys.com is a Canadiain success story. It has pioneered the flat ' rate, commission free, private sale model by cutting out the middleman and helping clients save thousands in real estate commissions. With 65 licensed franchises, Proper^Guys.com is Canada's Leading Private Sale Networit: We appreciate all responses, however only qualified applicants will be contacted. No phone calls please. www.pFopertyguys.coin Contact Informat'on [email protected] PropertyGuys,com, Williams Lake B.C Available Immediately /vfi Property i "iljjii Guys.com Aspen Planers Ltd. Head-rig Operator Merritt, BC Aspen Plahers Ltd. Is a producer of SPF dimension lumber with a present annual capacity of 200 mmfbm. OursawmiM and planer operations are located in Merritt, B.C., in the beautiful Nicola Valley. Mild winters, sunny summers, numerous outdoor recreation opportunities and all amenities make this area an Ideal location to live, work and play. , QUESNEL ' I ; HONDA We are one of the fastest growing HONDA DEALERSHIPS in CANADA. Apply in strict confidence to Wayne Newey General Manager 092-8371 No phone calls please; We thank all applicants who express interest, however only those selected for intervlevv will be contacted. PART TIME REGEPnONIST REQUIRED by a local real estate office. Computer skills a must. Call 992-7202 or drop off your resume at Re/Max Quesnel Realty 355 St. Laurent Ave. You'll find It all in the Quesnel Cariboo Observer. ^Jf^:, News, weather, sports, classifleds. Call today for your subscription. 992-2121. www.thebrick.com Q U E S N E L H O N D A 161 Marsh Drive west Ouesnel LICENSED A U T O M O T I V E TECHNICIAN needed for growing Vernon KIA Dealership. Successful Gandidofe will have: • Demonsfrafed ability to work on all makes and models of cars and light trucks. • Willingness to continuously improve skills through training • Ability to perform out of province safety ^ inspections. • Progressive attitude and strong work ethic. Vernon KIA offers a competitive wage and benefit package. If you are interested in joining a progressive franchised dealer for the Fastest Growing Automaker in the world, please sul> . mit your resume to [email protected] or fax (250) 545-7626. / VAN KAM FREIGHTWAYS LTD Thefollowingpositions are ayailable Immediately at our Surrey and Kamloops maintenance shops: Journeyman Thick and 1MI«r Mechanics Suney • Monday Io Friday Aftemoon Shift Kamlooin •Tliesday Io Friday Afternoon Shift and Satunlay Day Shift The successful candidates will have strong communlcalion, organization and time management skllla, Journeyman Trades qualifications and CV. Inspector's certification am required. We offer steady, full time work In a'union shop along with an excellent reniunerallon package and health and tienefit plan. If you feel that you have what it takes to join our team, pieasa fax your resume to Attention: Safety Manager 604-587-M7B or email careera®vankam.Com Drop by our terminal at 10155 Grace Road, Surrey, BC or 682 Sarcee StrtwtVt^ Kamloops, BC Machinist required for Vernon, BC shop. 5 years min. experience. Competitive salary and benefits. Fax 250-5422410. email; [email protected] TELEPHONE OPERATORS required by expanding Kamloops communications company. No selling required. Full-time and part-time positions available for weekend, eariy morning & evening shuts. Must have accurate typing skills & a pleasant phone manner. Reliable transportation required, Training bonus. Fax resurrio to: (250)374-4126, Attn; Operations Manager, expanding. Must be committed to customer service, team player, be organized. Contact: Glacier Toyota, Attn: Scott Olesiuk, Box 3220 Smithers, BC VOJ 2N0 847-9302. THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Pemrianent carriers are required for the following: (Front) (Destiny & Mystic) (Agate & Marble) (Ellison Sub, Fern, Maple Drive & Palm) (Hilborn) (Bariow, Callanan, Grey & Vaughan) (Marsh Rd & Kupferschmid) Anyone Interested In these routes please call Jaicey at 992-2121. Dial-A-Phone Services: PAYING TOO MUCH? PHONE DISCONNECTED AND YOU NEED SERVICE? We can help! Call Us Todayl No Refusalsl .Long Distance 2.2 - 4.4 cents/min. TOLL FREE 1-866-747-3425 Wanted; Sen/er - Apply In Person ® Penlsola Restaurant, 121 Barlow Ave. 274 Protcssioiials Executive Director. The Gold- "The Brick is committed my personal development." S A L E S C O N S U L T A N T S U N B E L I E V A B L E TRAINING P R O G R A M S ! NO E X P E R I E N C E REQUIRED! SfFlexIbtv, family friendly work tMurs. ^Tremendous Income potential, S40,000 * S90,000+per yeari &r Equal opportunity career paths to store, region & sales management. Mentoring and career dovelopmont. f?r Sales contests and trips to win. Ef Fantastic employee product purchase program & Brick Credit Card Ef Tuition reimbursement ' Parts/Service Advisor. We're Please submit your resume, no later than July 31, 2006 to : Aspen Planers Ltd., P. 0. Box 160, Merritt, B.C. VIK 1B8 or by Fax (250) 315-4237 Attn: Human Resources Shop & paid for it Mystery shopper wanted for local store. Casual wori<. Email Paul @ [email protected]. Quesnel Honda is looking for an Assistant Sales Manager with automotive sales experience and a Sales Person with potential annual income of $30,000$60,000. Incredible group benefits, guaranteed income, and more. | We are currently seeking an experienced operator to run our 7'-double cut Headrlg. The successful candidate will have: • A strong commitment to sound safety principles • Ability to Jdentify log species, grade and size • Positive "Can-Do" Attitude together with Grade 12 education BI7 Safe & friendly tNorkplace ^Employee recognition programs & events EET Annual employee survey STLeading edge training & development Nobody b e a t s our FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PROGRAM: benefits! « Medical, iDental and Vision C a r e * Life Insurance • Long Term Disability • Company Subsldlred Retirement & Stock Plan • Illness and other emergency leave protection B e p a r t off a c p r e S H t t e a m ! Explore this exciting career position by sending a rpsumota Nime, . LmtkmiMms, • LocatHmeddtvss, City, Province, Postal Code Loation email or email: Need a change of pace? Change of location? We require an energetic self motivated hair stylist. Preferably with existing clientele. Full or part time. Please reply to Box N c/o QuesnelCaribod Observer, 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A8 Attention: Summer Woric, ideal for 2006 HS Grads & others, good pay, full/part-time, customer sales/service, no experience needed, conditions apply, wori<, locally, filling positions Now; 250-277-8110 Awww.summerworknow.com/bc Robins Donuts: requires front counter person. Cashier experience. Customer friendly. Drop off resume in morning @ 626 Front Street. Certified Dental Assistant required, Starting September. Reply/resume to Dr. Harvey Thompson #22-665 Front St., Quesnel B.C. V2J 5J5. Photographer's assistant required for Barkerville studio. Full training provided on camera systerri. $9.50 - $10.00/hr. Fax resume (250) 392-7129 or email photographer®barken/ille.com , , : : L_ , . Office person required for accounts receivable/sales/inventory position. Must have excellent computer and pccounts receivable skills. Apply'to box E c/o Quosnel Cariboo Obsen/er, 188 Carson ave.,,Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A8. Dave's Eatery requires full and part time cooks. Apply in person with resume to 2010 Valhalla Rd. 747-0092 FuH time position open in our Quesnel, B.C. location for an experienced automotive parts person. We offer a full benefit package and the opportunity of long-term employment in a fast paced sen/ice industry. Please fonwai^d resume to 449 Legion Drive, Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A5 or fax (250) 992-2645 Experienced Processor Operator needed West of Calgary, Call Corey (403) 804-2568. Competitive wages and benefits. Earn $5Q0.Q0 for every $597.00 sale, our automated system makes for you. Get the details. Visit: www.13560.1stepsystem.com Begble's how hiring breakfast line cooks and servers. Apply In person to Julie 500 Reid Street, Quesnel. Janitor required for permanent part time, could lead into full time. Some experience preferred but we will train. Fax resume to 747-0689 Interior Auto Spa, Busy downtown detailing/Car wash requires part/full lime employees. Afternoons & weekend shifts. Training available. /\pply In person ot 184 Davie Street. en District Arts Council, under the banner of Kicking Horse Culture is peeking an outstanding individual to provide operational leadership to all aspects of arts council activities. Accountable to a Board of Trustees, this position requires a high level of communication, organizational and entrepreneurial skills. Diverse cultural experience and knowledge is required. Forward resumes and a cover letter by August 31 to: glenewan@telus. net See y o u r ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 336 HoiLse Sitting 328 Finance/ nee/ Mortjiajje 412 Basement Suite • Housesitting, shopping, er- NEED MONEY NOW? IF YOU HAVE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME, WE CAN HELP! C A N T PROVE INCOME, SLOW CREDIT, BANK SAYS NO! CALL RICK AT RICK GRAVES & ASSOCIATES. 1-604-3060891. • GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend!! If you own your own home-you qualify. 1-877-987-1420. Wvm.pioneerwest.com Member of the Better Business Bureau. rands, dog walking, cleaning. Honest reliable services. Have references. 992-7896 346 iMi.scellaneous Service.^ GET THE most out of your advertising dollarl $49.00 plus GST ($.75 for each additional word over 20 words) puts your ad in The Tribune (Williams Lake), The Observer (Quesnel), The Free Press (100 Mile House) and for 2 weeks. 1 bdrms starting $395, 2 bdrms, $435, utilities included. New renovations, clean, quiet, family oriented. Paridng, storage, laundry. 992-3563. 992-2187. Accountant - Golden, BC Ballast Nedam Canada is the chosen builder of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, the first new all-season resort to be built in the Canadian Rockies in 25 years. We are currently seeking an Accountant to join the for a one year maternity cover contract. In this role you will be responsible for all aspects of accounting including accounts payable and receivable, cash flow, month aiid year. end reports, payroll and statutory returns. You will need experience in a similar role and an accounting qualification. Apartment for rent, Chateau SL Laurent, within walking distance to downtown Quesnel. Available team August 1st. Furnished Bachelor apartmenL Available August 15th Two Bedroom apartment. 992-2201 The role can be offered full-time or part-time and salary is dependent on experience. Full training will be provided. Please forward your resume to [email protected] or fax 1 250 344 7441. 278 Skilled Trades Chasm Sawmills A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. Chasm Sawmills - A Division of West Fraser IVIills Ltd. Is currently seeking applicants for the following positions: • Certified Heavy Duty Mechanic • Certified Electrician If you are qualified and interested please submit your resume to: Chasm Sawmills PO Box 190, i^enoisscince II Apditmenls 1&2&3 bedroom suites. Security entrance. from^SO 992*2806 VISTA MANOR & LARK ARTS 1 & 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom suites. Free hot water. Resident manager. Rents ftom $4007hio. 992-7868 RencHSsanffil apprentice sprinklerfitters are required for Established Union Fire Sprinkler Company Fulltime employment. Fax Resume to: 250-479-9886. Drill Operator, exp'd with 16x20 & 24x40 directional drill. Send resume by fax to: 604-939-4866 or email: [email protected] Journeyman Technician re- 290 Work VVanled quired for rapidly growing Chrysler/Dodge automotive dealership In Salmon Ami. Proven producer and quality wori<manship is a must. Excellent wage aind benefit package available to the right individual. Please contact tho Sen/Ice Manager; 250-832-8053 or fax resume to 250-832-4545. Badielor 1&2 bedroom suites. Security entranced ^450/mo 575,Doherty DHve QUALIFIED Jouriieyman and HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL Mature Lady will do home and office cleaning!, pet and house sitting, shopping, errands. Please call Sheila. 747-2577 Will Office space for rent APPROX. Retail or office space for rent or lease. Approx. 1200 sq/ft. 146 Bariow Avenue. Central Downtown location. Recently renovated. Lower level. Air conditioning. Small courtyard, Available imme^ diately. Call Brian at 992-0177 or 992-2252 Quesnel City Center, commercial space for rent, 23b05q/ft, 279 Bariow Ave.. (604) 731 8389 3 bedroom duplex in Redbluff, Natural gas. F/S. closed carport, laundry room with W/D hook-up. 747-3109 Availabie Aug. 1/06 1 bdrm suite in 4-plex$375/mo., plus utilities. 992-5115 ask for • Bob. 3 bdrm. unit in fourplex, newly renovated, conveniently located, 1/2 block to school, $575/mo. In-suite laundry. Credit check. (604)313-0862 3 bedroom duplex, walk to downtown. Clean and quiet. $750/month plus utilities. N/S, N/P. R/R 398-8320 1 bdrm suite in North Quesnel, close to all amenities $325/mo. 255-0540 s Rental Property Wanted! From 70 IVIile House, B.C. V 0 K 2 K 0 . Phone(250)459-7070 420 Commercial 428 Duplex/ Fourplex Rates and benefits will be as per the British Columbia Southern Interior Master Agreement. Shift work Is Involved. 1 bdrm suite. Ground level. New fireplace, non-smoking woridng people. Johnston Sub.. Available Aug. 1/06 992-8628 600SQ/FT. 146 Bariow Avenue Central Downtown Location Recently renovated. Upper level. Air conditioning. Available immediately. Call Brian at 9920177 or 992-2252. Cariboo-wide Classifieds. What a deal!! Phone 992-2121. 404 Apartnient.s •Canada Limited Clean 2 bedroom groudlevel basement in Uplands. Private entrance, parking. Non-smoker, No pets. Laundry hookups. References required. Available immediately 992-8650 992-1195 Do you think this is rospoiislblb pet care? We don't OM I ctog br Iharti^reasdraItol bw youfarI. (kmrtmdl BCSPCA Willing to purchase: 4-plex. Diiplex, Townhouse or Rental house. Call Mike 255-0540 3 bdrm suite in cleans quiet 4 plex. Adult oriented. Washer/dryer hookups. Heiat & hot water included. References required. $425/mo. 992-9596 440 Mouses www.quesnelobserver.com 448 Mobile Homes • Space available - landscaped, city - serviced mobile home pads. Walking distance to City Centre. Bartels Pari< (250) 9925159 Trailer pad for rent in Family Pari<. south of Quesnel, 2km south of Wal-Mart. Small pets O.K. 747-1450 Trailer pad in Southland Trailer Pari< for rent walking distance to Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire. $200/mn. Michelle or George 604-323-6946 or Eari 7477427. 464 Seniors/ Retirement Accom. 548 For Sale or Rent For All Your Plumbing Needs! Simple repairs or complete Installations LBNMIDf HOMECOMHWr SYSTEMS T H E O R E A T I M D O O R S H V A HUnNG VENIlUnOM Nil CZrOMPyCvrslY An IndBPendenl LEMfflDf dealer MHHSERV C IE 991 •0033 554 Houses Room in senior males home, low rent to single 60-75 yeans old. retiree with drivers license. 992-7727 484 iTownlioiises 3 BDRM-2 LEVEL TOWNHOMES UNDERNEW MANAGEMENT $60p/m includes newly renovated, hot water, 2000 sq.ft, block heater outlets. washer/ dryer in some suites, family orientated, quiet neightx>rhood, ten minute drive to downtown and within walking " distance to schools. 10% rebate avail with one year lease. ' RIDGEWOOD ESTATES Call Marion for details 992-1224 506 Acreage.s/Lots 10 ACRES $41,000. Lake CluCLilz near Prince George. On Tapping Road off Highway 16. Hydro and tel. Flexible oiral zoning. 604-802-2022 pg@martell. ca http://martell.ca/pg BRIGHTWAY ACRES: Hallis Lake & Hydraulic Rd areas, lovely 1 -5 ac homesites from $19,500. [email protected] 747-3515 Beautifully private, 2 acres fully treed. Building site cleared. Gas & hydro to road. On bus route. 10 minutes from town. Call 992-3802 10 Mile Lake, Quesnel B.C. 5 acres, $850/Iakefront footage. Serious enquiries only, please. 250-747-3547 524 Commercial Property For Sale: 680 sq/ft.. commer-'. cial building @ 582 North Fraser Drive. Needs TLC. Asking $45,000. Phonp 992-6116 for more Information. 554 llou.ses Wiles & Cindric SURVEYING British Columbia Land Surveyors 992-2265 FIXED_5 YEAR RATE 5.59% T\Y% Northland Mortgages 992-7295 2 houses in North Quesnel, to be moved by June 01/06. 2550359 3 bedroom home on 1 acre in Kersley. New 16'x20' wired and insulated worksfiop, many renovations, small bam, view at 4731 Dusty Road. 250-747-1632 Executive waterfront home oh beautifully landscaped lot near 100 Mile House. Over 5400 sqft finished living space on 3 levels. Incredible views and sunsets! Gisela Janzen [email protected] Royal LePage 100 Mile Realty 250-706-1186 cell, 800-6638426 toll free. 250-395-3424 office. 8 min. South of tovm. Well malntained 2200 sq/ft of living space. 3 bdrm/3 bath - lower suite or family room, sun room, 2 car garage: 2 driveways- dose to Dragon Lake - shopping, schools, golf course, lots of good w^ell water, city sewer. Beautiful open bright ceilings .- Owners downsizing $199.000. To View @ 1462 Ukevlew Crescent. 747-3267 Wanted To Buy: 2 or 3 bdmi home, with privacy on acreage. Preferably next to crown land. PleasQ call: 250-593-4246 3 bdrm house with fuir basement, double lot/double garage. Located in West Quesnel. Suitable for mature working person. No pets. References required $750/mo 992-9317 Beautiful log house for rent. Southills, reasonable rent, comes with obligations. Phono 747-4363 or 983-9292 for information & interview appointment. 2188 Gabriel Road (Yendryas Sub.) -1996 de-registered modular home, 1150 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, 2 full bthrms, 1 acre, beautifully landscaped, woodwork shop, shed, dog pen, inspected wood stove, meticulously cared for since new, desirable south of town location. $145,000.747-8606 BIS QUESNa OUIIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, July 19, 2006 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, July 19> 2006 762 Cars 730 RV's 1986 2V Traveiaire Motorhome Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com wwwq . uesnelobserverc .om 554 Houses Johnston Subdivision, 3 bed- room, 2 up with inlaw suite down. Separate entrance, new roof/siding/completely fenced. Urge shop. $144,900 992-9484 477 Vaughan Street. 4 bedroom. 2 bath home. Close to downtown. Lots of • updates. $165,000(250)992-7858 566 Mobiles: Uice New: 1995 SRI, located in 624 Fruit/ Produce/ Meat strawberries, locally grown! Buy now season is ending. Kosters Famri & Garden. Hours 3pm - 9pm. Raspberries& vegetables coming soon. 992-7511 Totally remodeled mobile home/ addition, over 1200sq/ft. 1/2 acre beautiful lot. freshly painted, all new rugs & flooringi, C.S.A. wood stove, 245(32 shop, green house, excellent water. $79,500. 747-0050 590 RV sites Riverside RV PARK Resort, deeded R.V. lots now selling on the Similkameen River, in beautiful BC. www.riversidervparkresort.com email: islandviewPi/® hotmail.com or call 250-490-7408 250-499-7710. 612 r a m i 2400 International round belt baler in good wori<ing condition. $1,200 obd. Phone: 243-2222 618 Feed & Seed Free Hay: U-Cut in Loloff and Red Bluff Rd area. 747-0209 440 John Deere comes with backhoe. Good shape. $9,000. obo. Ph. 297-6258 For Sale: 9 year old, mare, standard breed, pacer, great for children and geintle personality. Call: 992-1012 eves. 636 Livestock Sold our cows, must sell 4 year old purebred Hereford Bull. Gentle, respects fences, in excellent shape. $1,000 Phone: 243-2222 642 I^ets 1 long-haired, black & white, female Chihuahua puppy. Bom May 9/06. $400 or trade for male Chihuahua. 249-5457 Brand New, Model: E65 drew. 6500 m/s diesel generator/welder 120/190 amp Regular value $4995, on sale $3500 never been run. Model: ST3DRE 3" semi trash waterpump350gpmdiesel. Regular value $2493 on sale $1800 Never been run. 992-9807 Small square bales $4.00 in $12,250.00 Ph: 747-2335 #886 #863 #847 #867 #868 #833 #858 300 Series, 223 Standard/ Good Condition $3,500 o.b.o. No reasonable offer refused. 398-8492 730 RV's 715 Boats/Marine 1980-1983 Honda XL185s Motorcycle; for parts. TrussedArch Free Standing BuildingsDoesn*t needtorun. BCSPCA www.spca.bc.ca #844 #837 FOR SALE 1990 Fifth Wheel 32' security Penthouse series. Features: Double glazed windows, PJC & ceiling fan, W/D. gas stove oven, enclosed heated water & holding tank, under floor ducted 35,000 BTU forced air himace. Prewired for stereo, cable TV. telephone, microwave, fridge/freezer, built in vacuum cleanner, oak dinning suite. 2 double beds, lots of storage. Excellent condition Price 14,500 Phone (250) 992-2410 1978 Yamaha 80. excellent condition as used very little. $599.00 250-992-9397 Adopt a Shelter Cat I Th« OC SPCA oarea for thoutaiida of orphaned and abandoned cata oaoh year. If you canfilvaa homeleaa oat a aecond chance at happlneaa. pleaae vidt your local ahelter today. #851 #848 ^004 for>«piir i^Htten... "Quality is our Only Product" . 72 725 Motorcycles email: [email protected] www.winklcrcanvas.com m5 #855 Kootenay Innovative Wood Ltd. is a rapidly growing modem remanufacturing plant specializing in profiled and custom cut wood products located mid way between Castlegar and Nelson B.C. We are seeking an experienced Lumber Salesperson. Tlie successful candidate must be good at motivating sales, communication, be adaptable, creative, have a positive outlook and a high commitment to customer service, satisfaction and be able to work independently. The candidate will be responsible for sales, work closely with General Manager to handle current inquiries, develop new customers and contribute to aspects of shipping, inventory and export requirements. Assets - 2-5 years lumber sales experience - Knowledge of lumber grades and species - Positive attitude and team spirit - Good organizational skills Please include references. Competitive wages will be commensurate with experience. Please apply to: Sales Kootenay Innovative Wood Ltd. Box 130 ' " South Slocan, B.C. VOG 2G0 Fax: 250-359-8052 Email: [email protected] As New, very clean 90 horse Merc. $4,500. Finn Phone: 250392-6837 Qdfed 992-2063 LUIVIBER SALES &^^M^^^ mercury, hummingbird fish finder, trailer & boat cover. Good condition $2,900 747-1781 1.877-485-3500 992-3933 FOR SALE 1958 Ford 4 Door Sedan, 16ft, Glasscraft hardtop. 115 ^ c ^ u . . 122,500 kms, c/w 2 winter Michelln studded tires on rims, 305 cu.in. auto, excell. cond., very reliable. $1600.00. #P879 #839 Merc. $3,000.00 Leave message: 249-9663 Great for: Agricultural • Equestrian • Equipment Phione/Fax: (250) 694-3500 Ken Rose 1978 Chev Impala Ford 351 Wincisor motor, good condition. Sleeps 6. Awning, low mileage. 670 Loggiiiji/Tiniljer 14' Aluminum boat w/25 hp shed, McLeese Lake. Fredell's Call 747-8416 Excellent condition, including hitch and brake control, etc. Can be towed with Vz ton pick-up. Quesnel. 747-3144 with 12'slide-out. To view 1681 Pine Dr. 250-747-1861 250-295-6029 1977 Vanguard 23.5 foot travel trailer, AC, 3 way, stove, oven, everything works, big tablQ, queen and2 single bedsi $5000. 747-7283 or 992-0150. 740 Snowmobiles 1998 Summit X670, lots of extras 3800km3, $4500 obo. 747-3483 #881 #856 #843 #894 #861 #850 «15.800 *6.295 »1>SQ0 *10,800 »7,80D »5.995 »8.995 «i>:^ *9.800 *6.800 »5.800 »5.800 »8.800 >fl^5 *6,800 »14.800 «i'5:«to »15.800 »9,800 »4.800 '>^SOLD).8Q0 »4,800 ^ 0 *5.8d0 »i"5:8(Sij *10.995 »i$;«^ »9.800 »4.800 ^SOLDi.800 *6.800 previous Bad Credit stop you from owning a vehicle today' www.youcangetacarnet 1-888-849-9718. 1990 Ford T-Bird Supercoupe. Good condition $5,000 obo. Call Ray 992-6700 1992 Ford Taurus. 4 doors, auto, light green, new transhiission (Cost $3,200) New gas pump cost ($350). new 5 year battery. Asking $2,900. Private sale. 747-5128 leave message. 2003 PT Cruiser, silver, has warranty, low kms, air, cruise, auto. Asking $19,500. 747-8628 '95 Chrysler New Yorker 4 dr. A/T. A/C. loaded «6.800 '95 Nissan Sentra XE 4 dr. A/C. A/T. low km *6.800 #857A '95 Geo Metro 2 dr, std *2,800 #866 *8,800 '95 Honda Accord EX4 dr. A/T #889 *6.800 '94 VW Jetta GL 4 dr. auto #P787 '94 Dodge Gr. Caravan LE A/T, A/C *3.995 *4.800 #845 '94 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4. A/T, 4 dr #P829 '94 Mercury Topaz 2 0r. auto *>S0LD2.995 #892 '93 Nissan Pathfinder 4x4.4 dr. std. loaded *6,800 #883 '93 Asuna Sunninner QJAJT. 2 dr. hatchback »3,800 #P823 '93 Ford Aerostar XLT AWD » ^ »2,800 #853 '93 Hyundai Sonata GLS VS. A/T, A/C '^SOLP2.800 #880 '93 Ford Probe 2 dr. m. A/C Red *3.8Q0 #849 '92 Dodgo Dakota x-cab. A / T »5,800 #884 '92 Pontiac Grand Prix LE 4 dr. A/T. A/C. sunroof »3,800 #878 '92 Mercedes Benz 500 SEL sunroof, leather «1^KJ5*15.8P0 #869 '92 Ford Ranger XLT x-cab, 4x4, std, low km *7,800 #888 '91 Suzuki Sidekick JX 2 dr. std. 4x4 M.800 #890 '90 Lincoln Towncar 4 dr. A/r. A/C. loaded *6.80D #875 '90 Audi 200 Turbo, 4 dr, sunroof *3JSQ0 »4.800 #854 '90 Ford F25Q Lariat dual fuel, low km <8.800 #842 '86 GMC Wrangler W/8 ft. camper *^SOtD4.800 #834 '84 Jaguar XJ6 4 dr. A/T. 6 cyi »&JBC(5 »4,800 #891 #893 151 Baker Drive • 992-8334 Financing Available Phone Dennis DL?7239 1999 Oidsmobile Alero. Automatic, 2 dn, purple, sunroof, loaded, V6, clean, excel, cond. 150,000 km. $8500.00 obo. 747-1338 1992 Ford Expkxer, Automatic, 4x4, pAv. p/l. remote start CD player316.000km. $3.500.983-2862 or 747-0788. ITI bon^ii^ Previous bad Credit Stop Yoii From Owning a Veliicl§, Todayl 1951 Plymoutli Cranbrook 4 dr. sedan. Excell. body, upholstery and running condition. Collector's plate. $6,500. F/us some other vintage vetiicles for sale. 2003 DODGE SX 2.0 SPORT Fully loaded, low km, warranty, 4 studded winter tires (used 1 season). Asking $12,900.Call 747-2245 1990 Celica GT, loaded, white. 200.000 kms. new motor ® 120,000 kms. Auto., am/fm CD, awesome stereo, mint condition. $3600 obo. Jim 1-866-8043371. 747-1487 815 Le«»al Notices 1998 Ford Diesel. Cube Van. 16' box. $23.000.992-6892 1988 Chev Cube van. 14ft box. On propane since new. Nearly new snow tires-on dual wheels. Good tines on front. 350 engine. Runs good, looks good. $5850. 992-1037 For Sale: Toyota Previa Van. All wheel drive, good condition, well maintained. + roofrack. towing hitch + extra tires. $2,600 Call for details 992-1592 2001 PONTIAC MONTANA 96,000 kms, power locks, win- 1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. 4x4, 6cyl. Full load. Good condition. Clean, Reliable, Economical & Comfortable Vehicle. $3,500 obo (250) 983^1442 or 747-1181 1988 Jeep Cherokee 4x4, 290.000km needs little TLC. $1.800. obo. Call Rob. Cell: 250-706-9175 if no answer leave message. . C & C Wood Products Ltd Forest Devek>p<neM Plan Amendment (NRFL A55477) A proposed amendment to ttie 2001 Forest Development Plan lor NRFL A55477 heW by C & C Wood Products Ud. is Ijeing suljmitted to ttie Ministry of Forests for approval. The following areas (see t>elow) are tjeing added to the 2001 FDP(seo below). or ll«ritiM(ba) 32u 1 Ramsey 22.6 32u 2 Ramsey 67.6 71u 1 Ramsey 181.5 71 u 2 Ramsey 89.8 72u 1 Ramsey 92.6 72u 2 Ramsey 116.7 Tha proposed amendment will be available for review and comment from July 12, 2006 to September 9, 2006. Please forward written comments to 1751 Ouesnel-Hixon Road, Quesnel B.C., V2J 5Z5. For more Infonnatlon, please contact Curtis Fenton, RPF, Operations/ Planning Forester, at 992-7471. BARKERVILLE HERITAGE TBUST dows, air, tilt, cruise, seats 7. Midnight blue. INVITATION TO TENDER $11,900.00. 8 am to 10am The Barkerville Heritage Trust is holding mandatory site viewings on July 27th for two constmctlon projects. The Cornish Water Wheel project mandatory site viewing will be held on July 27th. 2006 at 9:bOAM PST and the Barkerville Painting Project mandatory site viewing will be held on July 27th, 2006 at 11:00 AM P S I Please assemble at the Administration Building In Baittervllle Historic Town for these mandatory viewings where Tender Packages will be supplied. For further infonnation call,Reuben 815 Legal Notices Beriln at 1-888-994-3332 #22 or visit www.barkervllle.ca Excellent family vehicle. 249-0002 .M 2002 Chev Venture van Extended, 8 passenger, most options, has front and side air bags. 156,000 km mostly hv\iy. Very well cared for. Non-smoker, 1 adult driver, great shape. $9,500,747-0480 Cariboo Regional District 1991 Pontiac 6000 4 door, 213,000 km. C a r i b o o C r e d i t S o l u t i o n s Very good shape. GET YOUR CREDIT BACK ON THE ROAD $2,500.00 Can Help Fix Your Credit 992-8761 •Good Credit • Fair Rates •Bad Credit • LaiiSB imnsiitoiy • Bad Divoree ToCtitioMFrom •Bankrupt • All Applications •Or lust Bad luck Acceptmi Thank you for helping me buy my car carl fixing my crediit/ 768 Cla.ssics 1968 Chev 1/2 ton 350 4 bar- 992-7000 . We Should Be Your First Stop Call Ken Engel the Credit Specialist for your quick approval Call Now 1-877-392-3035 Broadway, Williams Lake • DL«17562 ™ 1994 Bronco XLT 351, blue and wiiite, auto, towing package, 183,000 km; Clean in good condition. $6,500.00 obo. 992-1033 rel, headers. ' $7000 obo Call 774 I>arls Running boards for a chev short box. extended cab, $50 747-2335. 780 •• SUV & 786 'I rucks 1993 Fbrd Fl 50 XLT. loaded, remote start, tx>x cover. Great condition. $5250. Phone: (250) 2499663 (eves & msg) 1994 Chev, 4x4, regular cab, long tK)X. new 350 with RV cam still under warranty. New brakes, dutch, good body $7000. obo. 992-3093 CANCELLATION OF INVITATION TO TENDER C E N T R A L CARIBOO TRANSFER STATION AND LANDFILL OPERATIONS CONTRACT At this time, the Cariboo Regional District/will not be accepting individual quotes for Uie operation of the Central Cariboo Waste Transfer Station and Landfdi facility in Williams Lake. The tendering process, as previously advertised, has b(^eh cancelled. \ Mitch J. Minchau Managerof Environmental Services Cariboo Regional District Suite D, 180 North 3rd Avenue WiUiams Lake, BC V2G 2A4 Phone: 392-3351 or1-800-665-1636 4.\4 PLACER LEASE APPUCATION Take notice that. Doug Menick. Freo Miner Client Number 118217. /Vgent for W. McCullagh. Free Miner Cllont Number 117451. has applied to the Chief Gold Commissioner for the Prbvlnca of British Columbia, for a lease of placer minerals Identified by the placer titles listed below. The following placer titles ai;B subject to the placer lease application: TenureNumber Placer Titles Map Numtwr ClaimName 416354 093H003 Evil Mto Posted at the Chief Gold Commissioner's office In Victoria. B C . and the Deputy Chief Gold Commissioner's office in Vancouver. B C this 15th day of Juno 2006. 1999 Chevrolet Mallbu, 4 cylinder, automatic, with air conditioning. 110,000km. New winter tires, plus summer set. Good fuel economy, $7,500 obo evenings. 992-6625 , 2000 Ford Focus, one owner, black, power optlons.looks and runs great. U.S. model, 81.300 miles. 133,800kms, $6,500 negotiable 250-747-2671 - 250^ 255-9879 792 Vans/Buses 780 SUV & 4.\4 For details & to view in Quesnel, call 604-880-7942 or 604-646-0576. You're Approved I i Do Not let 27' Sth wheel #836 #840 '03 GMC Jimmy SLs.4x4.4dr '02 Chev Cavalier 4 dr, m '02 Pontiac Montana 4 dr, A/C '02 Pontiac Sunfire 2 dr, 5 sp '01 Chrysler Neon 4 dr. std '01 Toyota Corolla CE 4 dr, std '01 Pontiac Grand Prix SE4dr,/u;,An'00 Toyota Corolla 4 dr. A/T. A/C '99 Chev Cavalier 2 dr, AA^ '99 Ford Contour LX A/T. A/C, 4dr '99 Ford Windstar LX 4dr.A/T. A/c '99 Chrysler Intrepid A dr. A/C. A/T '99 Wanderer 21.5 ft. 5th wheel A/C *99 Ford Expediton Eddie Bauer,4x4,4 dr '98 VW Jetta TDI diesel, 4 dr. std '98 Dodge Neofn 4 dr. m. A/C '98 Pontiac Sunlire 4 dr. m. A/C '98 Toyota Corolla 4 dr. A/T, A/C '98 Ford Contour SE Sport A/C, A/T '97 Ford F250 XLT 4x4. x-cab, loaded '97 Ford F150 XLT A a 4X4. SB low km '96 Hyundai Accent 2 dr. hatchback, std '96 Dodge Stratus 4 dr. A/C. m '96 GMC Jimmy SL4dr. 4x4. A/C./VT Minit T\ine AUTO SALES Ford 450 - airridesuspension, cruise, 2001 Chrysler SebringlXI drivers dr, leveling jocK, ceiling & dasn (Luxury Edition) Qlr, pwr heated mirror, 4kyi/ generator, 2 4 door; V6 2.7 L; automatic; AC; awnings. Island queen size bed, 4x6 sofa bed, furnace, tiot vrater heater, rDlcro- AM/FM/CD; 132,000 kms; wave, TV & VCI?,. Uke new, o must seel powerlocks, seats, windows, mirrors; excellent condition. $30.500. obo. Call 992-2246 762 Cars 730 RV's 28 ft Airstream. Easy lift hitch. $6,000. Phone 396-4255 1992 PINNACLE 30' MOTORHOME 786 Trucks Top of line 2004 Ford Lariat 4x4 loaded, box liner. Command start New mbber $28,500 obo 9925646 #852 9 yr. old standard bred, trained for riding, good with children. Days: 992-9807, evenings: 9921012 660 [equipment luiuipmcnt 1 New Holland 845 and 1 New Holland 847 round baler in good wori<ing condition. Both for $4,000. Phone 392-2263 630 Horses adult park, 1 block behind fk^aple Park Mall. 2 bdmfi, 2 batli. open Looldng For: Well broke quaraddition, storage shed included. ter horse, gelding, palomino in Full Price $46,900. Call 747color. Call 992-9807 days or 2761 992-1012 eVes. Ask for Avis. Drive by 1344 Mountain Ash. 660 I^]quipment 1993 Dutctiman Classic 24 ft 5tli Wiieel 762 Cars 1981 Chysler Cordoba 1998 Ford IVIustang $1800.00 OBO V6,5 spd, new shocks and brakes, 2 sets of tires. $9,500. 249-5135 747-1299 2 - Door, Hardtop - Excellent Condition. No rust. Slant 6 - 28 mpg 2000 Suzuki Grand Vitara Ex. cond., remote start and entry, air conditioning, new summer tires, set of winter Blizzaks, onQ owner. $13,000,00 obo. Call 747-2361 B19 PLACER LEASE APPLICATION Take notice that. Doug Menick. Free Miner Client Number 118217. has applied to tho Chief Gold Commissioner for the Province of British Columbia, for a lease of placer minerals Identified by tha placer titles listed below. The following placer titles are subject to the placer lease application: Tenure Number Placer Titles M a p Number Claim Name 416355 093H013 BlackTuosday Posted at the Chief Gold Commissioner's office In Victoria. B C . and the Deputy Chief Gold Commissloner'd office In Vancouver. B C this ISth day of June 2006. B20 QUESNa CARIBOO OiSOiVER Wednesdo/, July 19, 2006 ' G a r y V -1- I I B a r b e r Darryl Manager/Sales Consultant 111'! ^ S t a c e y Finlayson W h e e l e r Business Ma|iagement 2006 C H e y r o ^ ^ Qcan Balance of Factory Warranty BC Credit Solutions '^•^'•l^-, ^'2005:F=or£i|W Gary's PickpSheMSK QTt684J 6L Quad Cab 4x4 Blue w/grey int., 22,000kms, 4 cyl, auto, a/c, CD player Super Crew XLT 4x4 Grey with lots of chrome, only . SQ.eoOkins. loaded, cloth inL. 5.4L, Diesel, auto, beige, loaded, pwr drivers seat. 52,632kms,l)allance of fact, warranty Reg Price $36,9951 \J^(xAffyS Reg Price $17,995! 2005 ChevrdletllMIll (fiftfiet V8, Auto. Reg Price $31,9951 i 2004 Chrysler S m M 2004 Ford Fl 5:0 aijifi'i'ai.i'ii'.'; Snverada4x4 White, charcoal int, 4.8 V8. Auto, a/c,tilt,cruise. P.W.. RL. under 26,000knis. Reg Price $31^951 1^4201 ^ 011695 XL Heritage 4x4 V6, Auto, Loaded 5 spd. std, black ext. grey int, Gas miser, V6. reg cab. under 60.000kms Reg Price $21.9951 Silver, grey int. alloy wheels ^M2liSMauluI V6 Automatic 4DoorV6 Red With grey int. second row captain chairs, a/c, tilt cruise. Only Auto, grey w/ beige int. a/c. tilt cruise, P.W..RL,79,500kms. 77,000kms. Reg Price $13,995! Reg Price $15,9951 mm011691 QCff79 Reg Price $13,9951 Sahara Black, two tone int. VB, auto, AM/ FM CD, tilt cmise. A/C, 2 tops, alloy wheels. Reg Price $19,995! 4DoorV6 Laredo V84X4 Purple with grey int. a/c. tilt cruise, RW.P.L. auto. Black, grey int. V8. auto, a/c, tilt cruise. P.W.,RL /\uto, teal blue, grey int a/c. tilt cruise. P.W..P.L Reg Price $7,9951 1 QOSNIssanlfealiffMjl V6,5 Speed 4x4 std., A/C. tilt cruise. RL. RW.. runs great looks good. A3 Is. Reg Price $7,9991 M *"™ Reg Price $11,995! A N e w Uehicle C a nB e Yours! APPLY ONLINE 1-888-849-9718 www.yoiiicaiigetacar.net Don't let previous credit prolilems stop you. \£i/ififi'i<^^' Reg Price $13,9951 1994 Dodge Dak^ yS 5SP std 4x4 Red, A/c, tilt cruise. P.W.,P.L. clean tmck .Reg Price $7,095! 747-1350 DL#30405
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