Vol. 31, No. 34 Sydney, Monday, August 22, 1927 beettecret ,' hum Blowsed trek, @bleep Sydinegp Zar tresseralstabbr rirr %at gs ME4101M1,47-• How to Develop under Faultfinding and Criticism association calls for the exercise of self-control, EVERY forbearance, and sympathy. We differ widely brotherly love ; in honour preferring one another." " Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing : but in disposition, habits, and educontrariwise blessing ; knowing Ko that ye are thereunto called, cation, that our ways of looking 0 K that ye should inherit a blessat things vary. We judge differently. Our understanding ing." Rom. 12 :10 ; 1 Peter Lift Me Up 3 : 9. of truth, and our ideas in regard Out of myself, dear Lord, to the conduct of life, are not The Most Precious Victory O lift me up! in all respects the same. There No more I trust myself in life's dim maze, We cannot afford to let our are no two whose experience is Sufficient to myself in all its devious ways, spirits chafe over any real or alike in every particular. The ac I trust no more, but humbly at Thy throne, at supposed wrong done to ourPray, "Lead me, for I cannot go alone." trials of one are not the trials 0 yr • selves. Self is the enemy we of another. The duties that Out of my weary self most need to fear. No form O lift me up! one finds light, are to another of vice has a more baleful effect I faint, the road winds upward all the way, most difficult and perplexing. upon the character than has Each night but ends another weary day. So frail, so ignorant, so Give me Thy strength, and may I be so blest human passion not under the As "on the heights" I find the longed-for liable to misconception is control of the Holy Spirit. No rest. human nature, that each should other victory we can gain will be careful in the estimate he L Out of my selfish self be so precious as the victory O lift me up! places upon another. We gained over self. To live for others, and in living so little know the bearing of our We should not allow our To be a blessing wheresoe'er I go, acts upon the experience of feelings to be easily wounded. To give the sunshine that the clouds conceal, others. What we do or say Or let them but the silver clouds reveal. We are to live, not to guard may seem to us of little moour feelings or our reputation, Out of my lonely self ment, when, could our eyes be but to save souls. As we beO lift me up ! opened, we should see that Though other hearts, with love are running come interested in the salvation o'er, upon it depended the most imof souls, we cease to mind Though dear ones fill my lonely home no portant results for good or for the little differences that so more, evil. often arise in our association Though every day I miss the fond caress, Help me to join in others' happiness. with one another. Whatever If we have a sense of the x long-suffering of God toward 0 0 others may think of us or do to Out of my doubting self us, it need not disturb our oneus, we shall not be found judg- 1 O lift me up! Help me to feel that Thou art always near, ness with Christ, the fellowing or accusing others. When That though 'tis night and all around seems ship of the Spirit. " What Christ was living on the earth, drear, glory is it, if, when ye be how surprised His associates Help me to know that though I cannot see, buffeted for your faults, ye would have been, if, after beIt is my Father's hand that leadet _ Shelemcteeri. shall take it patiently ? but if, coming acquainted with Him, when ye do well, and suffer they had heard Him speak one for it, ye take it patiently, word of accusation, of fault- OK this is acceptable with God." finding, or of impatience) Let us never forget that those who love Him are to represent 1 Peter 2 : 20. Retaliation and the Power of Silence Him in character. another with Do not retaliate. So far as you can do so, remove " Be kindly affectioned one to SO 2 A —usTR2 LA.:§1AiNt—REab1ib- *,,xoskt all cause for misapprehension. Avoid the appearance of evil. Do all that lies in your power, without the sacrifice of principle, to conciliate others. " If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way ; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." Matt. 5 :23, 24. If impatient words are spoken to you, never reply in the same spirit. Remember that "a soft answer turneth away wrath." Prov. 15 : I. And there is wonderful power in silence. Words spoken in reply to one who is angry sometimes serve only to exasperate. But anger met with silence, in a tender, forbearing spirit, quickly dies away. Under a storm of stinging, faultfinding words, keep the mind stayed upon the Word of God. Let mind and heart be stored with God's promises. If you are ill-treated or wrongfully accused, instead of returning an angry answer, repeat to yourself the precious promises. "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Rom. 12:21. "Commit thy way unto the Lord ; trust also in Him : and He shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday." Ps. 37 :5, 6. "There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known." Matt. 10 :26. "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place." Ps. 66: 12. Men Permitted to Fail Us We are prone to look to our fellow men for sympathy and uplifting, instead of looking to Jesus. In His mercy and faithfulness, God often permits those in whom we place, confidence to fail us, in order that we may learn the folly of - trusting in man, and making flesh our arm. Let us trust fully, humbly, unselfishly in God. He knows the sorrows that we feel to the depths of our being, but which we cannot express. When all things seem dark and unexplainable, remember the words of Christ, " What I do thou knowest not now ; but thou shalt know hereafter." John 13 : 7. Study the history of Joseph and of Daniel. The Lord did not prevent the plottings of men who sought to do them harm ; but He caused all these devices to work for good to His servants who, amidst trial and conflict, preserved their faith and loyalty. The Plan of Our Success So long as we are in the world, we shall meet with adverse influences. There will be provocations to test the temper; and it is by meeting these in a right spirit that the Christian graces are developed. If Christ dwells in us, we shall be patient, kind, and forbearing, cheerful amid frets and irritations. Day by day and year by year we shall conquer self, and grow into a noble heroism. This is our allotted task; but it cannot be accomplished without help from Jesus, resolute decision, unwavering purpose, continual watchfulness, and unceasing prayer. Each one has a personal battle to fight. Not even God can make our characters noble or our lives useful, unless we become coworkers with Him. Those who decline the struggle lose the strength and joy of victory. We need not keep our own record of trials and difficulties, griefs and sorrows. All these things are written in the books, and heaven will take care of them. While we are counting up the disagreeable things, many things that are pleasant to reflect upon are passing from memory; such as the merciful kindness of God surrounding us every moment, and the love over which angels marvel, that God gave His Son to die for us. If, as workers for Christ, you feel that you have had greater cares and trials than have fallen to the lot of others, remember that for you there is a peace unknown to those who shun these burdens. There is comfort and joy in the service of Christ. Let the world see that life with Him is no failure. MRS. E. G. WHITE. He's My Friend Oh, how oft I long to see Him, Jesus, light divine, For His love bath drawn me to Him ; He's a friend of mine. In my sorrow He's my comfort, Full of sympathy. When I need a friend to cheer me, Ever near is He. When temptation doth assail me He's my guide and stay, Leads me by the hand, and gives me Vict'ry, every day. When the way looks dark and dreary He's my shining light, Lifts me up, and fills with courage, Makes the dark things bright. How I long to know Him better And of use to be, Reading earnestly His letter Sent in love to me. Tells me how He died to save me, Bore sin's agony, Asks me now to tell to others Of dark Calvary. And I long my love to show Him In this world of strife, Pointing others to my Saviour, And eternal life. Then when mortal life is ended This my Friend I'll see, Clad in glory, come to claim me, For eternity. E. M. CORKER. Bookara, W.A. Good Advice IN meeting men, in many places I have found that the happiest people are those who do the most for others; the most miserable are those who do the least. I have also found that few things, if any, are capable of making one so blind and narrow as race prejudice. The longer I live and the more experience I have in the world, the more I am convinced that after all the one thing that is 22/8/27 most worth living for—and dying for if need be—is the opportunity of making some one else more happy and more useful. Great men cultivate love, and little men cherish a spirit of hatred.—Booker T. Washington. Notes of Travel—No. 8 Visit to Nazareth LEAVING the plains we mounted the Galilean hills, on the side of one of which lies the village of Nazareth, the home and playground of our Lord. It is encompassed by hills just as the petals surround the heart of a rose. These hills are all bedecked with fig, olive, and carob trees, and covered with white-washed Nazarene houses marked with big black crosses, denoting the Christian faith of the inmates; for Christians (mostly Roman Catholics) form the majority of its population. ltwas late afternoon, and there were throngs of women with their earthen water pots on their heads, getting water from the only well of the town, the identical well where Mary must have gone to draw water. The Nazareth home is in a convent now, so we did not go to see it. About two miles, I would guess, from Nazareth is a hilltop overlooking the valley of Jezreel and very precipitous on one side. This is said to be the one from which the people of the city intended to throw Jesus down, but He escaped and passed through their midst. We now passed on up the very steep hill at the back of Nazareth, which commands a magnificent view of almost the whole of Palestine. From this hill one can see Mount Carmel; Mount Hermon crowned with its eternal snows; and Mount Tabor with its dome-shaped top 1,843 feet high, and one can pick out the wonderful zigzag path with its hairpin bends standing out in its whiteness against the sky. This is spoken of as the Mount of Transfiguration. The hills and vales here are much more attractive than those around Jerusalem, and must have been dear to the Saviour. Leaving Nazareth we journeyed on and soon came to Cana of Galilee, now just a collection of very insignificant little houses with many prickly pear hedges. It is a pretty little spot amongst the hills. Our First View of the Sea of Galilee We now start to descend again and far in the distance we can see a peculiarshaped hill having on its summit two peaks, or horns, from which it gets its name, Horns of Hattin, where it is said Jesus preached His Sermon on the Mount. Descending still farther we pass through a very rich valley, and then ascending again we reach the top of a hill from which the Sea of Galilee, over a thousand feet below, bursts on- our vision. 22/8/27 ~111J 11~CWl~~11"~Lal. As we continued to descend, the road with its sharp hairpin bends is very dangerous indeed. The scenery all through these parts is rich and beautiful, too beautiful and awe-inspiring to be fully described. Soon we came into full view of the lake nestled among these lovely hills. After reaching a spot on the road marked " sea level " we went down at a fairly steep grade 683 feet before we came to the sea. We do not wonder that Jesus loved this little fascinating land of Galilee with its flowery summits, its peacefulness, its beautiful blue, blue lake, and those sloping hills ending on every side of it at the water's edge. The Sea of Galilee is thirteen miles long and seven and a half miles wide. When we saw it near sunset there was hardly a ripple on its surface and just a few fishing boats on its waters. Others were anchored near the shore, and the men were attending to their nets. Favourite Haunts of Jesus It seemed scai cely possible that we were driving through the favourite haunts of Jesus in His boyhood days and during His ministry. These very rocks and boulders must have witnessed Him followed by repentant multitudes. Here He fed the multitude and walked on these very waters in their seething unrest and made them calm. Here He caused His disciples to catch loads of fish, and on its shores He bade Peter follow Him to be a fisher of men. The lake is subject to terrible wind storms which make it at times a very rough and dangerous sea. We reached its shore at Tiberias on the west side, and now passing along its shore to the north on a road reminding one very much of that along the South Coast of New South Wales where the road is like a ledge along the rock with a fall below straight into the sea, we came to the little village of Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene. We passed through the Gennesaret plain, with its cultivated lands, tomato plants, marrows, etc., just coming into flower, and barley just bursting into ear, while on the sides of the hills were the camps of the Bedouins. We met many of them driving their cattle on the road, or riding donkeys and leading two or three camels all well loaded and walking one behind the other. Other Familiar Places Next there is Bethsaida, just a scattered village of Bedouin tents, but represented by a German Roman Catholic hospice (a boarding house and monastery combined). And next is Tabgha, said to be the place where the five thousand were fed, and then Capernaum (now called Tell Hum) where there is nothing but a monastery, in this instance kept by a Franciscan monk. Here the monks have made great and interesting excavations, and have unearthed parts of an old synagogue which is probably the one in which Christ so often spoke. Beyond here again is a site where Chorazin is said to have stood, but we did not go that far as it was getting late and the last part of the road was not good. Christ's words in regard to these cities (Matthew II) could not have been more literally fulfilled, for there is not one of the original places left standing. They are truly cursed. RECC4Z12-- How we wish you could have seen the wealth of flowers here. They were waisthigh, and every colour imaginable. A Beautiful Resting Place We decided we would try to secure accommodation for the night at Tabgha, where down at the water's edge there is a German hospice, in charge of a Catholic priest with a long beard, a really nice, jolly, middle-aged man. They are able to take in about fifteen guests, and we were fortunate in being able to get the last two rooms available. We had an upstairs room opening out on to a private porch covered with bougainvillia in full bloom. The place has its own electric light plant and a beautiful garden and terrace overlooking the lake, and its own bathing place. We all went down to the water's edge and watched the sun sink behind the western hills of Galilee. We picked up some little shells and pretty stones from the shore. Everything was so peaceful and restful, just the cooing of the doves belonging to the place and the splash of the fish as they jumped out of the water. We found a little pet gazelle in the garden. It was most playful and seemed pleased to have our company. We felt we wanted to stay there for a week. We were tempted to go in for a swim, but the water was a little too cold, having been too recently in touch with the snows of Mount Hermon. Dinner was served at 7 p.m. in a big dining room in homely fashion at two long tables, the German father in charge saying grace before we all sat down. Our waiter was a small Bedouin boy who had a very busy time as there were seventeen guests. Seven countries were represented by the guests. We had German rye-bread, which we did not like, but we did enjoy some very nice cauliflower and lettuce grown on the premises. After dinner we sat on the terrace looking across the placid waters of the lake, calling to mind its memories of old. When nine o'clock came we went to bed. Thus ended a most interesting and enjoyable day and a car ride of about 200 miles without a mishap, for which we were very grateful. T. A. SHERWIN, M. M. FREEMAN. Commendation from a Governor IN our church paper for the InterAmerica Division, published at Panama and dated June, 1927, Pastor C. E. Wood sends this interesting report from the British West Indies: " We have had excellent meetings during the first general gathering in the Leeward Islands Conference, and plans were laid for still stronger work in that field of scattered islands. " An interesting feature of the conference session was the visit of the Governor of the colony. The large cinema building where the meetings were held had been tastefully decorated for the conference, and presented a pleasing appearance as the Governor and his suite stepped upon the platform to receive the address of welcome and loyalty. We were pleased to learn from the Governor's own speech that he greatly appreciated the work of the Seventh-day Adventists in his colony. He said that he had received many ad- tv, 3 dresses but had never heard reference to devotion and loyalty to the King expressed in better terms than in this address, He also stated that it had the ring of sincerity and said that he would have a copy of the address sent to the Secretary of State for the colonies, to be forwarded to His Majesty the King. " The Governor al so made another significant remark. In referring to the work of one of our brethren who is employed by the Government, he said: If you have any more Seventh-day Adventists of this character, we shall be glad to give them employment in Government service.' Character and faithfulness in service will be recognised today as truly as it was in the days of Joseph and Daniel, if Seventh-day Adventists will rightly represent the truth in their lives. This is the most forceful and effective way of presenting the truth for this time." Progress in the Dark Continent THE fourth biennial session of the African Division was held at Johannesburg, May 17 to 23. From the report of the president, Pastor W. H. Branson, published in the African Division Outlook just to hand, we quote a few paragraphs revealing the remarkable progress made in the D irk Continent during the past two years, 1925, 1926 : Truly, the biennial period has been one o f progress. Our ministers and evangelists have baptised 2,901 persons, which represents by far the largest ingathering ever witnessed in this field. Our membership has increased from 5,905 to 7,760, a net gain after allowing for all losses, of 1,855. Besides these, there are 5, 503 unbaptised believers, who are preparing for church membership, making a grand total of 13,263 believers, as reported by our fields December 31, 1926. By way of comparison, we might state that this is an increase over ten years ago (1917), of 11,144, at which time our membership stood at 1,955, and the total number of believers, 2,119. Thus today we have about six and a half times as many believers as we had only a decade ago. The baptisms for the bienniel period are in excess by 782 of the total number of believers, baptised and unbaptised, who were reported in 1917, some thirty years after our work began in Africa. Thus God is now giving us in two years the fruitage of thirty years. Surely, this is an indication of new life from above, and we give God the glory for this splendid growth. We are glad to be able to report that small beginnings have been made in carrying the torch of truth into some of the sections of our field previously untouched. For the first time representatives of this Division have penetrated the hitherto unentered regions beyond the equator, and have laid definite plans for the permanent establishment of our work in the great Sudan country, thus closing up one of the gaps existing between our work and that carried on by the European Division, operating in North Africa. Our union 4 '01:1%-A AUSTRALASIAN RECORD representatives will tell us of other new sections opened, new stations established, and of victory after victory that has been won for God since we last met together in this capacity. In fact, " Jehovah hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad. Our Task But while there is evidence of progress all along the line, let none fall into the error of thinking that our task is nearly done. A glance at our large map will reveal great stretches of blackness which the advent messenger has never penetrated. Millions upon millions around us are still in the densest heathen darkness. In eight hundred languages and dialects in Africa, the message has never yet been given, and yet, thickening all about us are the tokens of the rapid approach of the King of glory. " May God help His people to arouse and walk and work as men and women on the borders of the eternal world. Soon an awful surprise is coming upon the inhabitants of the world. Suddenly with power and great glory, Christ will come." "We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise."—" Testimonies," Vol. VIII, pp. 37, 28. " The sunset burns across the sky; Upon, the air the warning cry As watchmen call from tower to tower, '0 Israel, 'tis the last, last hour ! ' " Brethren, let us contemplate what it means to a hundred million people, who speak 800 tongues, to be still in ignorance of God's great salvation at a time when " the angel of mercy is folding her wings ready to depart " from the earth. Shall they perish unwarned ? Shall their blood stains be found upon us when we are called to render up our account ? Under God, we are responsible for giving them the light before the sweet voice of mercy dies away from the earth. Jesus loves them no less than others, and He has commissioned us to save them. Burma (From a Letter to the Union Conference Secretary) PLEASED !, Why, we were all delighted with the, circular news letter that reached us a few months ago, bearing date of March 29. We do rejoice in all the news from home. How many new names there are coming into the reports, young men from the New Zealand and West Australian schools as well as from Avondale whom we have never met, and children who have grown up since we left home. Nevertheless the news is very interesting to us all. You will be glad to know also that the work here is growing, even though slowly. • We have started another outstation this year. We now have 185 members in our six Sabbath schools. We also have five day schools with an attendance of 146. This year has marked a new chapter in our work. Two young men who have been in our school from the bottom up, have just finished their studies in our training school and are back with us teaching in our Kamamaung School. We have organised in such a way now that we shall be graduating some young men each year, qualified to teach in our own schools. The brass band continues to be a source of joy and courage to all. What do you think could be better than a brass band in the jungle? I'll tell you. Two brass bands. We tried it during vacation. Instead of going on tour in a big band we divided into two companies, Thara Peter aking one and I the other. In this way we were able to witness in two sections, and rejoiced in being able to preach 89 sermons, give 38 Bible readings, and sell 162 small books. You can imagine the training value there is in such trips for our boys. Pastor and Mrs. Baird are doing faithful work in the dispensary. We usually manage our field work so that Brother Baird and I are out alternately, but when he is home, the dispensary receives the focus of his energies. Last year it was found necessary to erect a hospital building to care for inpatients. It is quite a iikevetiO -tee • • 22/8N7 common thing to run over in the morning and find as many as fifteen inpatients awaiting their turn,—fever patients, little scrawny, thin, worm-eaten babies. How could any one throw his life into such service without becoming greatly attached to the work ? Our boys are just now erecting a new dormitory. As the boys are doing all the work, even to making their own bricks for the half brick walls, the work progresses slowly. It is far enough along, however, for us to use the downstairs as a dining room. We have opened it on the cafeteria plan. The boys and girls bring their own plates to the counter, then after being served go to their places at tables, then the plates which are numbered, are washed and put in individual racks. Assure our friends and co-workers in the homeland that we love them all, follow their reports with great interest, and long with them for the day when the work will be done, and the sheaves gathered home. ERIC B. HARE. 11=0"..1 0 Our Mission Field Malaita. Solomon Islands As I sit down to write you I long for words to picture the work as it is here at the present time. Since my return from our general meeting I have visited over twenty different villages that have shown more or less interest in our work, but they still consider they are indebted to their devils and must first of all pay up with pigs and feasts before they can fully throw in their lot with us. The two native teachers who were appointed at the council to take up work among the bush folk, have both arrived in Malaita, and are working quietly among the people who have expressed the desire to finish with their devils and connect fully with the mission. The few that have realised that there is One greater than all others and One who cares for them, have made marked progress, so much so that others are speaking of our work as a clean work. It is certainly encouraging to hear the oldest expressing their determination to try the "Master on top," stating that they have spent their lives giving pigs and making feasts for their devils but now find themselves stranded. This week while visiting Jackie and Keso on their mission at Makwano, I was greatly encouraged as I met with' those on the mission. Since my previous visit, four children from the heathen in the bush have come to them. All seem very happy. When I questioned the old man Sikoro, the father of Jackie, as to his belief in the mission, he expressed himself thus: "I know if I had remained with the devils I would have died before this, but God has helped me and I am now alive." Then as I walked inland among those with whom the boys have been working, I was taken to see an old man who has a very sore hand. I was told he had promised that if I considered he could be healed on the mission he would at once connect with us, as he had tried his devils and was in a worse state than ever. As I looked at him I could see no reason whatever why he could not be healed, so after pointing him to the Life-giver and talking at length of our work, we bowed in prayer. On rising he asked Jackie to come up again and get him as soon as he had finished his round with me, promising that he would connect with the mission at once and also some of his children, and that after the others had killed off all the pigs they, too, would join. (If plans carried, the old man and the children are now on the mission.) As I went among the people I found many inquiries concerning the man above mentioned, and from what I can learn great interest is centred on the movements of this old warrior. Right here I would ask a special interest in your prayers for this case. One question seems to be in the minds of the people, " What shall we do for clothes? While we remain wicked we do not need clothes, but when we go to the mission we must have them. How can we obtain them ?" In company with Mrs. Anderson and the children, the other day I visited the village where the latest teacher was placed and for some time there were no women to be seen, but atter a time two or three appeared at the door of one of the'houses. These had pieces of calico wrapped around them. On seeing them Mrs. Anderson went over where they were, and as she conversed with them she could hear others inside. Presently those who had on the rags slipped back into the house and the others appeared having on the same calicoes as those who had just entered. Since then 22/8/27 ,WP .P4 .ecralto, Aus fikALK§fREc Mrs. Anderson has sent some clothes around to them ; but this need will grow greater for some time until we can teach the people how to provide their own. As the law of the Solomons forbids the admittance of old clothes unless accompanied by a certificate of sterilisation, I have been wondering if some of the RECORD readers would care to help us to help these people in this way by sending us some cheap print that we can have made up into clothes for those who attend religious meetings. On one occasion as I sat waiting in a bush home for the people to come in to worship, I witnessed what is impossible to picture, a number of young women string.. ing in with nothing but small bags in which they carried their betel-nut and pipes hanging from their necks. The men go away and work on plantations and bring back as wages cases of tobacco and a few pieces of cloth which are soon taken by the men, leaving the women and children who form most of our congregation at present, without anything. The evil one is doing all he knows to stay the work, but our trust is in Him who said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel . . . and lo, I am with, you." Continue to pray for us, dear brethren. We are strengthened by your J. D. ANDERSON. prayers. Efogi Mission, New Guinea I TAKE this opportunity of writing to let you know how the work is progressing at Efogi. We were glad to have Brother Lock up for the Week of Prayer. We had an enjoyable time together. In addition to the meetings held with the boys and girls on the mission, we had a meeting each evening for the workers. In these meetings we made it a matter of earnest prayer that God would continue to open the way for the gospel in this difficult field. We closed the week feeling that God had richly blessed us, and given us many precious thoughts to help us during the coming year in our work for Him. . I am glad to be able to tell you that the work here is onward. Recently we have started meetings in two other districts, namely, Manari and Naduri, both of which are about two hours' walk on either side of the mission. The people are very scattered, but we were successful in getting them to come to a central place where we could hold meetings on the Sabbath. At first only about twenty came, but we kept on working and praying till at present we have over Ioo in one place and about 15o in the other. We ask that you will join with us in prayer to God that He will water the seed sown Sabbath by Sabbath among these mountain tribes. We are pleased to say that God is blessing our school work. He is adding to our numbers, for during the last four months we were pleased to welcome ten new students to our school. Last Sabbath was the close of the quarter. When we told the students that our Thirteenth Sabbath offering was to help the work in New Guinea, the first to respond was an old man who has been on the mission only about three months. He said, " Taubada, I have no money, but if you will give me some, I will go down to Bisiatabu and carry up some things for the mission." I tell this experience because I believe it should encourage those in the homeland who give of their means to the support of foreign missions. Think of this poor old mans three months out of heathenism, with such a burden for his people that he would walk 120 miles over steep mountain ranges in order to earn some money so that he could give his offering. You might ask the question, " How much of his money did he give ? " Every penny went into his offering. Today he stands without a penny in the world. He and his wife and five children are all on the mission. While they have no money, still I believe he has laid hold of the Pearl of great price. When this man came to the mission he had a large garden in his village; this he also donated to the mission. Let us pray that God will gather out many such men as this, to stand as beacons in this dark island, pointing others to " the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." C. E. MITCHELL. Youthful Enthusiasts in Fiji I THINK you will be interested to know how the children and young people here earn money for special offerings, such as Thirteenth Sabbath, Week of Prayer offering, etc. I have been here now six months, and we have had several " specials " during that time. Whenever a " special " is on its way, the girls, big and little, bring me wood from the bush, and I pay them for it. The logs vary in size, of course. Some bring fair-sized logs of wood. I have tried to lift some of them and could not lift them more than a few inches, yet these girls will carry them on their shoulders from the bush, or bring them across the river and carry them up the path to my woodhouse. I always have a good supply on hand. All the wood I have used since I came to Fiji has been purchased in this way. Brother and Sister Steed also pay the boys for the same purpose, when they bring them wood. Today, July 23, closed our Week of Prayer. We postponed ours until after our bose. On Sabbath Saimoni, our head planter (farm manager we would call him in the homeland), exhorted the students to cultivate a giving spirit. He himself is surely a good example, for although his salary is less than £2 a month his offering last Sabbath was five shillings. Seruaia, my native assistant, a godly woman and a widow, gave five shillings of her " little." She has three daughters here in school, and her monthly wage is less than LI. Surely God looks upon their gifts as treasure laid up in heaven. In a few weeks we shall be having a special for "our new boat," the Veilomani. I can never use all the wood I have on hand before then. It is now piling up outside my woodhouse and the wood boy can scarcely turn round inside. But so long as the children bring the wood for solisolis—offerings, I'll take it. I'll have a good stock in ready for the rainy season, which will soon be here again. I'll have to pull down my woodhouse and build a greater, as the man in the parable did his barns,—but I hope not for a selfish purpose, as did he. First, the lesson of influence. When Torika's companions saw the transformation she had made in her pennies, they desired to make a similar change in theirs. Just as a bright, shining penny is more attractive and desirable than a soiled, black one, so a life purified and made free from sin by the Holy Spirit attracts and influences the lives of unbelievers to surrender their lives to God, and they become new creatures in Him. Second, to become lights in the world we must submit to the purifying process, be it disappointment, loneliness, sorrow, grief, persecution, or affliction in any form. " If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him." Gethsemane precedes the crown and palms of victory. Third, giving the best in us to the Master, willingly, cheerfully, not performing our duties in a dull, lifeless manner. This coining Thursday Brother and Sister Steed are going to Suva. It is necessary for them to go on business, and they will be able to see Brother and Sister Stewart before they leave for Australia. I shall be here from Thursday until Monday evening alone, the nearest white people I know of are Brother and Sister Lane at Naqia, ten miles away. We are having glorious weather at present, delightfully cool mornings and evenings, though the days are very warm someEVA E. EDWARDS. times. Wainibuka School, via Viria, Fiji. "He best deserves the knightly crest Who slays the evils that infest The soul within. If victor here, He soon will find a wider sphere." " Just stand aside and watch yourself go by : Think of yourself as he' instead of 'I.' Pick flaws; find fault, forget the man is you, And strive to make your estimates ring true. The faults of others then will dwarf and shrink, Love's chain grow stronger by one mighty link, When you with he' as substitute for I' Have stood aside and watched yourself go by." TR2s,fXdf.2&1\f-kta9 astor havi. lo home missions secretary of the Pacific Union Conference, offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the privilege of worshipping unmolested amidst such beautiful surroundings, and asked God to especially bless those who are labouring for Him under unfavourable circumstances. His protection was specially asked for the faithful missionaries in China. In the mission talk which followed, Pastor J. E. Fulton, president of the Pacific Union Conference, reminded us that Sabbath schools were being held in every. county in the world, and the lesson taught in more than two hundred languages. Two and a half years ago he visited the New Hebrides. Arriving on Friday, he was taken to a heathen village, then to one where Christians lived. These villages presented a marked contrast. Heathenism is a terrible thing. The homes of these poor people who know not God are filthy beyond description. Chickens and pigs live under the same roof with men, women, and children. One of the heathen homes visited had belonged to one named " Charlie." But Charlie was not there now, for some time before, he had sent his son, fourteen years years old, to attend a Christian service. The boy returned, and said: "Father, it is good. You come." Charlie went and soon gave his heart to God. He then moved to the Christian village. No pigs were found there, but everything in his home was neat and clean. Coral rocks were on either side of the road leading to the house. A wonderful transformation had been wrought, and it was all because Jesus had come into Charlie's life. An interesting Sabbath school was held next day. Charlie was on e of the teachers, and his countenance shone with the love of God as he taught the lesson. The converted heathen in the New Hebrides believe in foreign missions, and listened with great interest as Pastor Fulton, in the after service, told them of the progress of the message in other lands. That afternoon, as Paster Fulton visited in the home of Missionary Parker, he was impressed with the quietness that prevailed, not even the voices of children were heard. Upon inquiring as to the reason for this stillness, he was informed that there were nine heathen villages _44 - 22/8/27 near by, and every Sabbath-keeper who had attended services in the morning, was out in one of these villages singing gospel hymns and telling the heathen how good it is to belong to Jesus. It is only about four years since the work in that village was begun, but six converted heathen have already been sent out from there as foreign missionaries to other islands. Some of them have undergone great persecution for the truth's sake. In closing, Pastor Fulton said: "I have seen with my own eyes the wonderful transformation that the gospel makes in the lives of men and women in heathen lands. I have seen men taken from darkness, heathenism, wickedness of every form, and made Christian men and women who love God and who give their lives to the saving of souls. It pays to give gifts to missions. It pays to sacrifice short inspirational talk which led all present to desire a closer walk with God. Some of the neighbouring campers, not of our faith, were invited to the service, an d were very favourably impressed. May God help us as a people to rightly represent Him and His message wherever we are, whether at home or on our vacations. C. LESTER BOND. In the Pacific Union Recorder. The Acts in Alphabet A VERY profitable colporteurs' institute was recently held in the South N.S.W. Conference office. The colporteurs from the North and South New South Wales Conferences were in attendance. We were very pleased indeed to have Brethren H. H. Hall and F. G. Rampton with us at the commencement of the institute; but it was with much regret to us that Brother Hall had to leave before the meetings were over. Pastor Rampton, however, stood by and gave us excellent counsel. The keen interest of all present was very evident. In order to accommodate those who came in from the country, a large tent was pitched in the office grounds. A cook was engaged and all meals were provided in the conference office. A full programme was arranged for each day, consisting of canvassing drill, talks, and bookkeeping. The bookkeeping classes were entered into very enthusiastically because it was considered that much help would result from this innovation. Meetings were held thrcughout the day from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The seven o'clock meeting was of a devotional nature, and the evening meeting was in the form of instruction from some of the ministering brethren on how to meet various doctrinal points that the colporteur has to face in his work. Some of the other subjects were : Business Relations, Deportment, Use of Time. On the first Sabbath morning, all the colporteurs visited the Stanmore church, where Brother Hall told something of our book work abroad. In the afternoon a visit was paid to the Ashfield church, where a symposium was arranged, a number of colporteurs giving some happy experiences. On Sunday night a lantern lecture was held in the North Sydney church. This was much appreciated by all present, especially the bookmen. A very touching incident which will linger long in the memory of all who witnessed it, was when Brother James, a former canvasser, but now out of action through ill health, arrived at the meeting place on Sunday morning. All gathered around Brother James to offer him a welcome. Of this number were seven young men, now colporteurs, who were won to the message through the faithful labours of Brother James while a colporteur in the North N.S.W. Conference. We believe that this institute will mark A scension of Christ. B aptism of Holy Spirit awaited. C hoosing of Matthias. D escent of the Holy Spirit. E xperience in Communism; experiences resulting from healing of lame man. F irst Christian martyr. , G reat persecution of the church. H oly Spirit given to Samaritans. I n the desert, Philip baptises the Ethiopian eunuch. J ourney of Saul to Damascus. K indness of Barnabas to Saul. L ife restored to Dorcas. M ission of Peter to Cornelius. N ews of Antioch revival reaches Jerusalem ; Peter's deliverance. O rganisation of missions at Antioch. P aul's first missionary journey. Q ueer experience at Lystra. R eturn to Antioch. Report to church. S econd missionary journey. T hird missionary journey. U nder arrest at Jerusalem and Cmsarea, Paul preaches to rulers. ✓ oyage to Rome. W onderful experience at Malta. X ceptional privileges granted Paul at Rome. Y earning over the Roman Jews. Z eal to win all men to Christ. —Selected. that souls may be saved in the kingdom of God. Let us give on." Practical lessons from the life of Paul were emphasised in the lesson study, and that appropriate hymn, "Shall We Gather at the River?" was sung to close. MINNIE E. DAUPHINEE. SABBATH morning, June 18, at ten o'clock, fifty-four believers met under the pines of Camp Fourteen of Yosemite Valley, for Sabbath school. It was a beautiful day and as we mingled our voices in songs of praise in the quiet of the forest we were impressed with the presence of God's Spirit. As we beheld the beauties of nature about us, we could but exclaim with the psalmist, " The works of the Lord are great." At the close of the Sabbath school, Pastor R. D. Quinn, president of the Southern California Conference, gave a OCC.V64.5.444-6-'1•464444646464ef. Canvassing • cs*cssite.c64-cccgics,criic New South Wales Colporteurs' Institute 22/8/27 cw4.1f--ATISTRALASIAN RicaRD--**r*O- 1 a new era in the colporteur work in the fields mentioned, for all present at our institute expressed themselves as having obtained great benefit. T. A. MITCHELL, H. G. MOULDS. Has Saved Whole Families A FARMER who was in great mental distress had asked his wife to put him in the asylum, as he was sure he would corn-. mit suicide some day in the distraction of his mind. Strange to say, one morning he noticed on his couch a copy of our book, " Christ Our Saviour." His attention was arrested by the picture of Christ stretching out His hands to save Peter from sinking beneath the angry waves. The disciple's cry, "Lord, save me," found an immediate echo in the farmer's mind and he, too, found peace and help in Jesus. " I have done all this district with Christ Our Saviour,'" says Sister Parry, " and have had good success. It is a book that will be purchased by any one who has the money. I sold one copy to an infidel farmer, who, though he said the book would be useless to himself, explained, 'It might do my children good.' Another copy was given to a soldier by his aunt, and Sister Parry was greatly encouraged to hear that he kept the book by him even when dying. Wherever that book has been sold it has proved a blessing in the homes. It has saved whole families."-Missionary Worker, London, July I ,1927. HONE MISSIONS Signs weekly has many interesting experiences. The total number of Signs taken by our church members is 300. Besides this local work, the church missionary secretary posts about ninety a week on behalf of church members. One man has replied and sent in a year's subscription for the Signs and also Li for mission purposes. Another from Brisbane who has been receiving the Signs wants to subscribe for it, and also enclosed Ei to be donated for missions. Another from one of the Brisbane prisons has written a letter of thanks for this good paper, and has promised to live a better life in the future. We trust that these silent messengers will be blessed of God as they are placed in the hands of the people. R. J. RILEY, Elder Ashfield Church. Missionary Correspondence AFTER posting the Signs to persons away in the country whose addresses had been given by a colporteur, a sister in the Wahroonga missionary society wrote her readers a letter, and from two of the replies received we quote the following: " Dear Miss H "I received your letter and thank you for your kindness in sending me the Signs of the Times. I do not hesitate to say that I have found the reading most interesting, and have benefited much from your Bible studies. I not only read them, but have also sent them along to others, who I hope have received the same benefit. I will not forget your collectors when they come around. I thank you very much for both your paper and letter. " Wishing you every success, " I remain, " Yours faithfully, From the Ashfield Church I THOUGHT a few facts concerning the sale of and work with the Signs of the Times by some of the Ashfield church members might be of interest to the RECORD readers. Our oldest member has a weekly sale of 107 Signs, and many are the experiences he relates of his talks with these people. If he loses one customer he does not return home till he finds another, thus maintaining his 107 customers each week. Very seldom does he lose one, however, as they all seem eager for him to come and talk with them. One person who was out the day he called and did not receive the Signs, waited for him the next week and said the money would always be under the mat if she were not home, and " please don't miss me again." Another person who had moved to Marrickville begged of our brother to bring the Signs and not post it, as she loved to have him talk to her children. Still another gives him sixpence per week for the Signs, and he is to do some missionary work with the change. With the money he has bought over two dozen small " Steps to Christ" besides other books, and given them to his customers as he has talked with them and gained their interest. A sister who takes over three dozen " Dear Madam, "Thank you very much for the Signs of the Times paper, which we enjoy reading. It is quite a treat these times to receive good clean reading matter. We pass on our copies to friends. " Again thanking you very much for the papers, and assuring you that I shall be very glad to receive any copies you may send, "Yours sincerely, 44 41 "Just What I Wanted " The following friendly and appreciative letter was received from another Signs reader, at Leura, to whom a copy of "Steps to Christ," pocket edition, had just been sent. "Dear Miss R—: " Today I received that present of that lovely little book. It looks just what I wanted and I am longing to get to it and read it. Household tasks have prevented me so far, but I hope to read a little before I go to bed. Thank you for your kind thought of me to send it to me. Some day I hope to meet you. . . . "I am going to say good night, dear friend, for I want to have a little read of your gift, So Mizpah' and love from 7 OBITUARIES HODGSON.—Brother Adam Hodgson, aged seventy-three, passed to his rest in the Wallsend Hospital on July 23, 1927. Born in West Gate, County of Durham, England, our brother spent the first half of his span of years in the Mother Country, but has been a continuous resident in Australia since 1887. Two years ago the advent message brightened his pathway, and in conjunction with his faithful wife he chose to walk in the way of God's commandments. His widow, son, and daughter remain to mourn the loss of a kind-hearted husband and father. The large number of friends who gathered at the home and the graveside revealed the respect by which he was held by those who knew him. Words of comfort were spoken by Pastor D. G. Meyers and the writer. H. A. HILL. GLOVER.—Mrs. Isabelle Glover was born in Kent, England, December 30, 1833, just about six weeks after the falling of the stars. Thus her death on June 29, at the ripe age of 931 A years, severs another link with this memorable event. She arrived in Australia when five years old, and being reared in a Christian home, she early joined the Church of England. Her own family was first brought into definite contact with the third angel's message about nineteen years ago, when her son, Brother Henry Glover of Katoomba, accepted this great truth. He was followed some years later in this step by his sister, now Sister McFarlane of Aberdare, who at the present time has two sons actively engaged in evangelistic work, while a third is in the College training for a life of ministry also. Nurse Glover, who has stood so faithfully by her mother through the years, took her stand some six years ago, and was followed about four years ago by her aged mother. Our deceased sister always enjoyed a good Christian experience. She was certainly wonderfully blessed of God in that she maintained her activity of both mind and body almost to the end. It was the writer's privilege to visit her during the past few months. The surety of her hope in the soon coming Saviour sweetened and strengthened her declining years, and comforted her in her last conscious hours. She now sleeps in Jesus, awaiting the consummation of the blessed hope. C. MANN. BOWLEY.—Alfred Bowley died on July 21, at the age of three years. Little Alfred contracted a chill, which proved fatal; he passed away on the road to the doctor. We laid him to rest in the Bunbury cemetery, W.A., in full confidence that the same Jesus who called the little children to Him while on the earth, will one day wake him from his sleep to take him to the eternal home. Words of comfort were spoken at the graveside by the writer. To Brother and Sister Bowley we extend our deepest sympathy. E. V. CLARK. Important Dates Queensland Camp-Meeting : September 6-18. Lismore Camp-Meeting: September 20.25. Missionary Volunteer Week : September 24-October 1 South N.S.W. Camp-Meeting : October 416. -2 -R-EaOlib KTigtikALAS17 Australasian math ( THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Editor: Anna L. Hindson All copy for the paper and all advertisements should be sent to Mrs. Hindson, "Mizpah," W,,hroonga, N.S.W. Single Subscription, per year, post paid Order through your conference office, or send direct to the Avondale Industries, Cooranbong, N.S.W. Advertising rate 2s. 6d. for each insertion. Printed weekly for the Conference by the AVONDALE PRESS (A.C.A. LTD.), COORANBONG, N.S.W. ACCORDING to appointment, the Union Conference Annual Council opened at Wahroonga at 2 p. m., Wednesday, August ro. The members of the Committee in the homeland are in attendance, also Brother H. H. Hall of the General Conference, Brother G. Peacock from the Solomon Islands, and by special invitation Pastors W. H. Pascoe and R. E. Hare, Dr. C. W. Harrison, and the secretarytreasurers of the local conferences. In our next issue we plan to publish the secretary's report which was presented at the first meeting of the Council. SISTER L. E. JOHNSON, from Tahiti, returned to her home by the Makura, sailfrom Sydney, August ii, after spending some months in Australia visiting her son and daughter. Brother and Sister Johnson are Sabbath-keepers of long standing in the Society Islands. MISS WILLIAMS, a native sister from New Caledonia, arrived in Sydney recently to spend a few weeks at the Sanitarium as a patient. She was accompanied by Miss C. Guiot, a French sister who went out from Australia to Noumea to assist Brother and Sister G. F. Jones in their work. NURSE EDITH MORRIS, of West Australia, a graduate nurse of the Sydney Sanitarium, sailed for America, August Ii. Nurse Morris goes to continue her education in the Pacific Union College, in California, and has the medical course in view. We wish her success in her worthy undertaking. IN a letter recently received from Pastor Fulton, he tells of a short rest taken by himself and Sister Fulton at the famous Yosemite Valley, in California. On page 6 we give a report of the Sabbath school held there, in which the missionary exercise, given by Pastor Fulton, is recorded. REGARDING the Week of Prayer in the Society Islands, Sister Agnes Deane Poroi, one of the mission helpers, writes: " We had a good Week of Prayer this time, and as a result three young married couples here in Papeete have requested baptism. Some in Raiatea also have made the same request. Pastor Lyndon is planning to go to Raiatea shortly to conduct this baptism." "THOSE not of our faith realise the power of our literature. Recently when travelling through Canada, I sat beside a Roman Catholic priest. I had a French Steps to Christ' in my hand, reading it. I saw him look at the book, so I asked him if he desired to read it. He took it, looked it over, and then giving it back to me, said, I have burned at least twentyfive of these books.' On asking the reason why he burned them, if there was something bad in them, he said, No, but if I allow my people to read these books, they will leave the Roman Catholic Church and become Seventh-day Adventists. I have lost several of my parishioners who got hold of your books.' " North New Zealand YoU will be interested to know that the work in this field is going forward nicely. At the present time New Zealand is passing through a time of general financial depression, yet our finances for this quarter are very bright indeed, as we have just had the largest tithe of any quarter in the history of this conference. This is something we cannot account for apart from the providential care of God, and to realise it, especially at such a time as this, is something that must call forth the greatest appreciation and the deepest gratitude to God. You will be interested to know that our Appeal for Missions resulted in the gathering of £2,834, which is almost £200 above our aim. This also is an instance of God's blessing. Our Missions Petone.—Brethren Harvey and Bradley are working at Petone, and a number have taken hold already. Some of these are the result of the work at the Mount Crawford gaol. The Lord has richly blessed the brethren in their labours for these poor, unfortunate men. Gisborne.— Brethren Battye and Judge write of the good interest here and the work that is still progressing. The Lord has wonderfully blessed in the Gisborne effort, and some thirty-five to forty have been baptised this year. These were immersed by Pastor R. A. Anderson before he left for Queensland. Masterton.—Brethren V. Nilsson and Ormond Anderson are carrying on a solid work here. Already they have a number who have taken their stand. They have great hopes of the work at Mauriceville, where the meetings are well attended and a number are deeply interested. Brother Nilsson is hoping to start a mission at Carterton. Taranaki District.—Pastor C. A. Paap is doing pastoral work at the present time in the Taranaki district, where about nine, including children, have accepted the message. This is mainly the result of the good work of one of our canvassers. New Plymouth.—At New Plymouth the brethren are very busy renovating and extending their church building. Brother A. Barron reports a sister who has recently taken hold and there are others interested. Miss Hilda Osmond was assisting in this mission, but for some time has been unable to carry on her work on account of ill health. We are plessed to report that she is now making good progress toward recovery. 4..4.. " N,---.) "eg; • 1 22/8t27 Auckland.—Pastor F. L. Sharp is finding himself very busy throughout the Auckland district, doing good, systematic pastoral work among the churches. A number are taking a fresh hold of the message. W. M. R. SCRAGG. Two Days at Avondale IT was the writer's happy privilege to spend from Thursday evening, August 4, until the evening after Sabbath, August 6, with our College students and others at Avondale. At chapel exercises Friday morning we spoke on the need of unselfish devotion to the work of God, and told the students a little concerning what Sister E. G. White used to tell us when we were students, thirty years ago. Two statements that Sister White so often used are as follows: "Follow duty, not inclination," and " Of two things, do the harder." At the usual Friday evening meeting— a meeting the influence of which, held as it is every Sabbath eve, never leaves the lives of the students no matter how many years elapse after leaving school, and irrespective of the country or continent in which they dwell—it was our burden to outline in brief the excellent spirit of Daniel, the devotion of Joseph, and the determination of Moses. These characteristics we are told will be found in the youth of today who give themselves wholly to God's service. When the call was made for some response, dozens and dozens of young men and women were immediately upon their feet ready to speak of their determination to live for God and the spread of this message. As I listened to their testimonies, I thought so many times of their parents, many of whom are hundreds of miles from the College, and I felt how glad they would be to hear their young people for whom they have prayed, and for whom they still pray, speaking such words of love and devotion to God. We felt once more how blessed it is to have the privilege of sending our young men and young women to such a school as the Australasian Missionary College. As we interviewed graduates and others who are looking forward to the coming Council for some appointment to a humble position in the cause of truth, we were led to realise that we were dealing with a noble band of young people. The Sabbath morning service we attended in the village church at Avondale, and it was good to meet once more with many of the old faces that were pioneers to Avondale when we first took up the school estate and began the work of training at that centre. Through the years others have come in. We had the privilege of pointing out what a happy condition they are in,—living so close to the spot where God's trusted servant, Sister White, spent so many years of her life devoted to God and His service. May God grant that at Avondale we may always follow the instruction that she laboured so faithfully to give. May God bless the College, its faculty, and its student body. We can confidently recommend our people to send their young people to such an institution with its spiritual uplift. A. H. PIPER.
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