B2 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Classifieds Sunday,Marcl^20th,2005 QUESNEL . CARIBOO QUESNEL CARI600 OBSERVER Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com 3 Announcement.s Over 14,000 ads - updated daily » HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 3 Announcenicnl.s has led the way and given their time and support to something and asked for nothing in return? or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC DKB RUMt it Is time to nominate ttiose special people to be buesnel's next accepted HOURS: Open 8 am ^ 5 pm Monday - Friday ANNOUNCEMENTS IM9 Announcements „-;...3 : AnnivefMries.^ -6 BirtM 9 Birthdays . „ . ; „ „ - , „..„....__.12 Chureh 15 Coming Events.;;.™...,....™..,—-.18 CongretulaUons. ...21 ...24 EngagemeniWeddlng.. ...27 Funeral Dliectory-i-.. in liemoriam .,30 Obituaries..™™™....-. .33 Thanks.^—: ;....„. .36 Business petsonals.™..;™.—.—.55 Health/Beauty.™.....™.-... -_$0 U»1 & Found ™ _ . . _ . ™ . . . ™ - _ _ . 6 S Personals:„™™....™.:_..70 PsyirtllCS.™ ; _..;75 ^Singles™.™.™..:...-.. ..„.„80 ' T ^ e l Tours/Vacation. ...85 WANTEP 10frM9 Wanted 125 MEBCHANPISE1S0-249 Antiques;™__™..™.„-...™~™.--155 Appliances™.....:..;;.160 Arts & Crafts.™™..™165 -....™-..170 Auctions...™._i_..175: BuildEng Materials.. _.;™.™180 Computers^ . . . . Consignments—. .185 FVeanns...™™™ .190 Firewood..™.—™..195 Free give-away. .200 .205 FumJtuie .j.. Garage Sales. „™210 Garden Equipment.: _.„21S „.-220 UlscelUneous.u-.. Music .225 Sporting Goods. .230 .235 Tools .^™..™.-.. iTrade or Swap.......-;.-^—— .240 EMP1,0YMEWT 250-299 Business Opportunities.™.™.-.. 254 : Careers—™._™..™.„i ..-..258 D8yearei™.i„: ..™..™... 262 • Education-.-: . . u .~. .266 HelpWanted. -270 Professional. .274 < SMIledDrades.278 TWofingi.. .282 Volunleen. .286 Work Wanted. .290 SERVICES Accounting. .302 ..304 Appliance). -S06 Automotive.-308 Building Services..310 Catering-.™.u.™.. ..312 Carpertry.— .314 Child C « r e . . - . _ _ . .316 Cleaning..™.-™.. .318 Construclton.-—.. ..320 Drywali..—...™.-. -322 Educatton/IUtoring. .324 Elecine.— .326 Excsvalion. FlnanceWcrtgage-Handyman. .330 Home Improvement. .332 Home Support.. .334 House sming-. -336 faivestmeni™.-. .398 Janitorial .-340 ..342 : Undscsplng/Oardening. ..344 Machine/Welding..346 Hiscettaneous Services „ -348 Music iMSons.™..™.™ .350 PaWing.™ -352 Paving ™.-_-..™.-™.— .354 Photography .~™.-L.-. -366 PlumWng Pools/Spas...:. Rooting,-™.-. SnowplowingTravel Trucking..™.— Yard 4 Garden;. PENTA140(H99 Apartments.. Bachelor Suite.. Basement Sulfa.. Cabins/Cottages.. Commercial Condos...™ Duplex/Fourplex... For Rem or Sale..Halla/Auditorlums. Houses— Miscellaneous. Mobile Homes™. Modular HomesRooms - . . — . — Room & Board. Seniors/Retkonent Accom... Shared Accommodation Slorage Suites. Tourist Accommodation Townhouses ;.....„ Wanted to Rent. Warehouses..™ 3 Announccmoiit.s 3 Announcements It=• ..404 .403 ..412 .416 420 .424 ;.42B ..432 .436 .440 ..444 „448 -.452 -456 „460 ..464 ..466 .472 .476 .480 .484 _48J .492 ^ BQBIl U S E ! BEHU iSlllBSDS ISEICOIlBia BIBIIIS KDnHIB B l i Q [Og]Ga HBllilli ERSTER EGG HUNT DOUGLRS L A K E EQUIPMENT iuiuui.tlouglaslakeequiprnent.com • FRRSER RIUER G M BBBQBCD BQGS] iSiSSCISi BBHB => DBlBGa n B H taiBBB] ATTENTION C l u b s , G r o u p s a n d O r g a n i z a t i o n s Do you tiave an upcoming event? Use this space to promote and infonn the Quesnel readers. RENOURTING? i S B Q D BBQ laflBB 6 Anniversaries QQiiB To join the Website Directory, call LaRee at 992-2121. 18 Coming Events DID Y O U ever follow the Leader? The Cowichan News Leader is turning 100 in April. To celebrate, we're producing a special edition commemorating the last 100 years of the newspaper and the Duncan area it serves; We're also hosting a community party at the BC Forest Discovery. Centre on May 1, ' 2005. If you used; to work for the paper, or have any stories to share, or if you just want to . join in the fun, contact the Cowichan News Leader at lOOyears @vinewsqroup.com , • . 21 Congratulations H r i o Oi?r>r^D v^*>^£.KVt.K 21 Congratulations Kay Abbott on 6 Anniversaries Come join us in the celebration honoring the 50th Wedding Anniversary • • of C.G.A. • 12 Birthdavs 2. 5. ••••• 6. 9. 10. 13. 17. 14. ; . 18. 2 0 word classifieds FREE Itetns valued at less than $100 or pets to be given away will run Free for 4 issues. FREE Internet posting. All our ««rd classifieds aro posted onthslnlemetat OBSERVER NQ REFUNDS: 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel BC V2J 2A8 Plus GST 30 In Memoriam Happy^^ Sweet th Birthday 85 Travel/ Tours/ Vacation Canadian Cancer Society yLenior^/'hi ^fanmir In'B.C. Yukon, The Canadian Cancer Society supports research, , edueatioii and patient.services. . Mail gifts to: . 332 Front Street Quesnel. B.C. V2J2K3 . 992-6551. Please include name of person being honored or name of deceased, and where to send cards. Visa/Mastercard accepted. Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 3. 4. 7. 8. • ' • 11. 15. 19. 65 Lost & Found • • L A R G E M A L E cat. • • Address 26/05 12. Postcode 16. Ph: 20. . Method of Payment • Cheque _ Please print your ad with one word per line. Add 26e per word per issue over 20 words. Bold Face type - double. Box rental $7.00. . black with gold eyes, missing since _„ • Money Order • Visa Additional words 12 Birthdavs Name •' ./.'j ^ ^ -^ Reach oyer 24,000 readers per week 1. A c c o u n t a n t For more information, call The most complete coverage of Quesnel & area Clip, Mail or Fax... G e n e r a l Cathy Reimer 780-962-3406. Deadline for entries is 4:00 pm Friday, QUCSNEL - CARIBOO OBSERVER March 25,2005. $9.35 one issue $13.49 two issues $18.46 six issues $33.00 12 issues Certified open house and tea Sunday, Mar. 27th - 1:00-4:00 pm Walachin, B.C. No gifts by request. ••Print clearly and use dark pen for good fax reproduction^* from McLean St. Feb. area downtown. 992-3261. Love Nana, Aunty Rose & Aunty Pat 33 Obituaries OBITUARY TRIBUTES To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. O B S E R V E R QUESMEL. - Obituary tributes are C A R I B O O $ 4 5 / s i n g l e spot. $ 7 5 / d o u b l e spot and $104/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. y o u r Jim and Jean Closson. Co-sponsored by 33 Obituaries Congratulations c o m p l e t i n g Pick up your nomination forms today at the City of Quesnel 410 Kinchant Street ^ P U 3• A l l ..358 .360 .362 .364 ;.366 .368 .Acreage/lots. .506 Cabins/Cottages— .512 Commercial Business.518 Commercla^Property..524 Condbs : . .530 Ouplex/Fourplex.536 Fanns/Ranches... .1542 ..548 ForSaleorRentHouses..-...— .554 Lakeshore. .560 .566 Mobiles.™ .572 Modular Homes-578 Open House -584 oiitoiTown.™. -590 RVsKes.; ...596 Townhouses..-. PETSffARM60»649 Boarding— 606 Farm Equipment. i™...™;-.; 612 , Feed 4 S e e d . - ™ - . — . . ™ — - _ 6 1 d FruWProduceflleal .—-—-.624 Horses „.™..™.™..™..™. ™630 ™636 Uvestwk;. ™642 Pets.™...648 Trailers. INDUSTRY 65»699 Equipment-. ™..™.™.-....™660 Ixgglng/Tknber. .670 Machinery;..-™. .680 Mining. .690 RECREATIWAV 700-749 Aireraft 705 ATV'S™..... -.™.-.. —..—TIO • Boatsrtlarlne—......™.™.. 715 Houseboats . .720 Motorcycles . „._725 .RVs™;..™-—: .. .......™730 .Rentals.™.:..™—.—. 735 . Snowmobiles ._.™...™_™™~™740 TVaderewap 745 AUTOMOTIVE 750-799 Canopies ~ ....;. 7S0 Cars.™....—. .. ™..™-™762 Classics-™.-™..-.. ._™.™768 l^rts-;.-^ . . . . -. ™ . . _ - „ . ™ 7 7 4 SUV's44x4'S. .: -.-u..-™780: TVgcks-..—. ....;..™-.„.™7g6 Vani/Buses.. ...„„—.™.™7B2 HOTICESTOI[)ERS80fr849 I^Nolfcos™-™.-.-.™.—-815 Tenders... „..™;_.-. —830 m , 992-2121 3 Announcements HHiaggB CO Phone www.quesnelobserver.com BC Nev\/spaper Croup CO CC 3 Announcement.s Sunday, March 20th, 2005 70 Personals SEXY BRUNETTE generous gents looking for encounters 991-6256. for discreet PALM SPRINGS Sunny & Comfortable Fully equipped 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo, including patio and pool, Excellent location. 951-312-683&. 125 Wanted AinsmorOi Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. Box 880 Ullooet. BC VOK IVO DOUGLAS FIR BIRCH SPRUCE/PINE PEELERS Before You Sell Please Call Ron Friesen (250) 256-5201 Office (250) 256-5250 Fax 36 Thanks 36 Thanks Our 3rd Annual Marathon Bowling Tournament was a success due to the help from our sponsors. Thank you to our sponsors of this event. Fraser River GM Save On Foods Willis Harper Arnbrus Logging Chemo RV David J. Gook Insurance Info Book Cariboo Propane . .y(-J: ; ikkA' In memory of the late A i m Faust, who passed away on February 26, 2005 at the age of 83 years. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all who were there for her and her family. Thanks to Dunrovin Lodge, Clayton's Funeral Home, Quesnel Evangelical Free Church, Pastor Fred Stephens, everyone who was involved in the service, the pallbearers, the ladies of the church responsible for the flowers and the lovely tea and lunch. Special thanks to a dear friend to Mom, Eileen Hazzard, thank you for countless hours you spent with her, we truly appreciated you being there. Thank you to all of Mom's friends who were there when she needed you. For anyone we missed, we apologize. Sincerely, Ann's entire family B3; B4 QUESNEL CARIBDQ OBSERVER Sunday, March 20th, 2005 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER If I THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclas«fied.co Q u e s n e l & District 60 Health/Beauty Child Deveiopment Gentre Parents! The CDC Preschool offers a language based preschool program for children between the ages of 32 to 72 months of age. Our rates are very reasonable and we would love to have your child come to leam with us. 5 j 60 Healtli/Beauty QUESNEL ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC mm The CDC has onsite parenting groups and you also have the opportunity of Joining the Preschool PAC. We offer two 3 hour sessions per day. P l e a s e G i v e U s A C a l l At 9 9 2 - 2 4 8 1 M a r t i n I Electroiogist lay I Permanent Hair Removal 315 SI. Laurent A v e . Wm 992-5615 iili arts^&-N,/^mes KITCHEN & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SPECIALISTS 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE - FREE ESTIMATES! Countertops Custom Millworl< Interil liFinish New & Used Cabinets DesigniGonsultation TT I . Tile Setting Diikitor of VanWay.CabiniBtS' I j ^ & Wendy Hart ' 48MiHydfaJliclRll> 747-2642 • Fax: 747-2642 11 i.itsflM I I III r,. 160 Appliances 205 Furniture FRIDGEADIRE FULLSJZED W A S H E R A N D D R Y E R $5Q0 O B O . 747-8362 COFFEE TABLE, walnut. 46"x20"xl4 1/2" high. $40 747^ 2285 SINGER C A N I S T E R Vacuum cleaner $50.992-7135 O C C A S I O N A L CHAIR upholstered beige tweed; 31" wide $40.747-2285 ; V "•. B A R SIZE woodgrain look cube fridge. $50.992-7135 D A N B Y M O D E L 141 electric fndge 4.0;cubic, ft. 2 shelves, top freezer plate 24" deep. .18" wide" 33" high $50 250-7472285V J Flooring Wholesaler Needs C a s h Flow • Buy Direct . Laminate....$.49 styft, 12 ml laminate.....$1.99. sq/ft, Laminate tile (from)....$.99 sq/ft, 1x6" knotty firor pine....$1.75 sq/ft. 3 1/4" oak. niaple or bamboo pre fin....$3.99 sq/ft, 3 1/4" J a panese cherry pre fin...$4.75 Try Youth Connections to Employment sq/ft. 3 1/4" Oak. maple, ash You may qualify for our wage subsidy program. engineered....$3.99 sq/ft. T O N S M O R E ! 1-800-631-3342: Not In school, and have not attended Post Secondary? J i NEED A JOB? Please call 991-5170 formore information. NEW LOVE 8362 seat $300. : 747.'^ DINING R O O M table /chairs /buffet/ and. hutch $200 7478362 210 Garage Sales 175 Buildina iMaterial.s /?(MiH^*^^^^ ^ 220 Miscellaneous Complimentary Consultation Sample Treatment OPEN Tue.-Sat. 220 Miscellaneous 210 Garage Sales E S T A T E G A R A G E sale: one day only* Saturday March 19th 1 0 a m - 4 p m . Furniture, canning and gardening items, china cabinet, lots nriisc. household items. 3268 Hanson Rd.. just off Redbluff, South of Quesnel 7km from Walmart. S h e r y l •permanent hair rennoval for nnen & women '.com -MULTI F A M I L Y Garage Sale; Saturday March ,19. 8:30am .191 Redden Road. Antique fur^ niture. collectables & Misc. Also baby & children's items. M A R C H 19,2005 - Saturday.; 9am - 2pnri. 2168 Bartkow Close Road (Bouchie Lake area) From town, its 2 minutes past Quesnel golf course; turn "right' at Bartkow road (before hill to Rocky's store) The Govemment ol Canada has contnbuted lundng to this initiative. FIboring Wholesaler Needs C a s h Flow - B u y Direct Laminate.... .........$.49sq/ft., 12 ml Laminate.......$1.99 sq/ft., Laminate tile {From)...$.99sq/ft., 1x6" knotty fir or pi...$1.75sq/ft., 3 1/4' oak. maple or bamboo pre fi.........;,$3.99sq/ft.. . 3 1/4" Japanese cherry • pre fin. ...$4.75sq/ft.,Oak, Maple, ash engineered......$2.99sq/ft. T O N S M O R E ! 1-800-631 -3342 A L P I N E 6 disc changer, Alpine 50wattx 2 channehamp, Alpine cassette deck/ am/fm , tuner. $180. 250-552-9148 FOAM COVERED hangers, and pant or skirt hangers, $0.25 - $ 1 . 0 0 each 992-7135 25 D O G S in Canada magazines, 2001 - 2004 $20 for all 992-7135 P R O P A N E S T O V E , counter top insert, Coleman 2 burner 17 3/4" X 13" $55. 747-2285 G L A S S S H E L V I N G , various sizes $3-$10 each 992-7135 2 T O A S T E R ovens $20 & $45. Microwave $30" Proctor Silex steam iron $10 992-7135 For Sale Free standing Direct Vent Natural Gas Stove Comes with all hardware and chimney. Like new condition. $1700 new. . Asking $500.00. Call 747-3144 after 3:00 pm O N E Y E A R OLD ALUMINUM S H E D , 12' W X 8' D X 5' H. $250.747-8362 : STAINLESS STEEL double sink, double faucet, spray nozzle, connections, 20.5 x31x 6.5 $75. 747-2285 S O U T H W E S T E R S U P E R sport hat L Yellow $10, Admiral by Big K overalls ,XL yellow $40, Admiral by Big K jacket X X L yellow $40, Wellington boots size 11 yellow $20, Wellington boots size 7 1/2 navy $20. M.M.O.S. ladies sailing gloves blue $10. 2 equipment bags: abt 25" long $15 each. Phone 250-747-3608 STAINLESS STEEL single sink, no hardware drilled for sinflle faucet. 20x20.5x7 deep $20. MATERNITY AND infant clothing. Gently used, top brand names,; sizes small to x-large. For info. Call Pam 392-4282 C A B I N E T - office or workshop G R A D D R E S S size 9 worn 1 ' melamine 23 1/4 deep, 15 3/4 wide, 343/4 high - one 6" drawtime„ Paid $500 asking $250 er - no top $20 250-747-2285 747-8362 Canada 230 Sporting Goods H 230 Sporting Goods • 230 Sporting Goods • Trade in your old smoke-belching wood stove. RECEIVE A FREE FAN OR $250 OFF 230 Sporting Goods OKNYOinrsiiwin Mon-Fri • 8:30am-9pm Sat • 8:30am-6pni Sun * 9am-5pm SBmCECQITBE Mon-Fri • 8:30am-5:30pm - Sat*8:30ani-5:30pm- Sun 9am-5pm .CRHRDIRn. i TIRE 2 Stocked, Fully Serviced Fike Mechanic O H Mow-Fri. %M'AM Every bike is carefully assembled on site by our qualified bike mechanic. Every nut & bolt Is checked, bearing sets are checked and adjusted, rims are checked for truing and finally, the brakes and derailers are adjusted. All ensuring a quality safe bicycle. Plus Canadian Tire has *30 day free adjustment policy and wan-anty coverage. (Ask our staff for details). SEBWICEiTINEiUPJSRECIflB H E A t i W G & P L V B \ H Q 1216 Chew Ava, Quesnel • www.firesideheating.com ^ FULL SERVICE BIKE REPAIR SHOP SITE QUALIFIED BIKE MECHANIC HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO - Includes truing of wheels, adjustments to gears, brakes, axle cone, bottom bracket & headset. Clean and lube chain & coggs. Tightening of all nuts & bolts. Check proper tire inflation. PARTS EXTRA. Reg. Prico $39.99 Ph: 992-2121 See your ads pri-line! www.bcdassified.c6m www.queshelobserver.com 220 Miscellaneous Progressive dealership in Kamioops, BC, is looking for a Ford Factory Trained Technician. Wage and benefit package second to ;. none! "•• 254 Business Opportunities L O S E WEIGHT NOW! A S K ME HOW! www.trimandslimdiet.com Toll F i ^ e : 1.888-291-4729. SIGN B U S I N E S S . Ltd. C o . for sale. Located in Quesnel B.C; Bucket truck, storage shed, computer, cutters, tools, stock, goodwill and niore. 250-9926848 • TESTDRIVE Unique opportunity to own and operate a 2006 Pete with zero down. You must have a minimum ONE YEAR flat decl< highway experience able and willing to run CANADA / USA and possess good relerehces. Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 ' 258 Careers Please email or fax resume: Attention: Allan Husted [email protected].. (250)314-5175 266 Education T H E K E R S L E Y Players are hosting a Writing for the Stage Workshop. 8 week course, starts March 21, Instructor:. Roy Teed. $50.00 Workshop registration. Call 747-1925 for more information. S E C U R I T Y TRAINING being offered. B S T 1 & 2. Many jobs available. Very high demand. Visit www.besecure.ca or to register (250) 991-2258 Start class in SeptemberGo to work in April PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM •Oldest specialized healthcare college in the area • Hospital & retail practicums COMMUNtTY CARE AIDE PROGRAM: One of the fastest growing careers Financial Aid anti job referral assistance KAMLOOPS.B.C. Call Now 372.8211 Toll Free: 1 •877-840-0888 www.tcc.kaniioops.net MECHANICAL ENGINEERS TECHNOLOGISTS DRAFTSPERSONS Growing company that designs: and manufactures mobile forest equipment is seeking individuals with a hands on attitude and mechanical aptitude, computer skills in drafting and M S Office, effective communications and teamwork skills and a desire to problem solve, for the following positions: DESIGN ENGINEER Design and refinement of equipment including steel fabrications, hy- . draulic systems and power trains. Requires degree in Mechanical Engineering with proficiency in A C A D and Solid Works. MANUFACTURING T E C H N O L O G I S T - Design and drafting of tooling, jibs and fixtures to improve efficiency in fabrication, machining and assembly areas of manufacturing plant. Require a diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology witti a focus oh Manufacturing. D R A F T S P E R S O N - Production of docunrientation for manufacturing including pro- . cess and flow sheets. Require a certificate in drafting with pro^ ficiency in A C A D and Excel. Submit resume, references and a hand written cover letter to: Madill Equipment Canada P O Box 4300, Nanaimo. B C V9R 5M6. Email: jobs-eng@ madillequipment.com Attention: Director of Engineering & Product Development. 270 Help Wanted B R O N C O TRANiSpORTATION Systern Inc., ' is currently :' looking .' for class 1 drivers to run ; B C / A B . : Stop deck & machinery experience a .must. Clean . . abstract,. Pre-employment Drug Test . required. Call Scott. (604) 888-8777. \ • • :: L A K E C O U N T R Y Log Homes. Position: Log Home Builder. Responsibilities include; scnbing, cutting, reading blueprints, crane operation, selecting wood, constructing roof systems, supervising men. Hours: Monday to Fnday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. Rate of pay: $23$25/hour. Benefit package offered. Must have five years experience. Timber Frame / Post & Beam construction are an asset. Please fax resume to Rob Gervais (250) 836-3874,, include a minimum of 2 referenc:es;. . ' L A K E C O U N T R Y Log Homes Position: Log Building Assistant. IResponsibilities iriClude: scribing, cutting, basic bluepnnt reading. ' crane. • operation. Hours: Monday to Friday - 7:00 am.to 3:30 pm. Rate of pay: $16-$18/hour. Benefit package offered. Must have 2 years experience. Please fax resume to Rob Gervais (250) 836-3874, include a minimuriri of 2 references. • - v . - ^iliiess . • . Sm,ithers.B.C. 'The S/iafpesf Deals Around" N O R T H SAW ^0 ppsec PTCB Alberta "We Sharpen EVERYTHING" • Carpentry Saws & Tools . • Household Saws & Tools. • Carbide Sen/ice • Knife Grinding • Mill Supplies •Lubricants , •• Pacific Inland Resources a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.. located in Smithers, B.G. is accepting applications for qualified class 4 and 5 power engineers. Your duties will include the operation of a new hot oil eriergy system, loading and unloading .Kilns^ aiid general Kiln and Energy System maintenance. Shift work will be required. 1185B HWY 97 N (across from co-op) • 992-9119 QUESNEL BARBER SHOP . * Fishing RO''' Deadline for applications is March 31, 2005: . Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 266 Education 266 Education CHECK OUR WINDOW FOR WEEKLY SAVINGS ON SERVICES a PRODUCTS 266 Education H2S Alive! I Hydrogen Sulphide - Sour Gas E M P L O Y M E N T / CAREER C O U N S E L L O R ^ Saturday, April 16, 2005 HAZEL KRUMM H2S Alive safety training is mandatory for all people who wish to work in the Canadian upstream petroleum industry (prior to refinery). 10 years experience Knowledgeable Committed Caring Heavy Equipment Operator Training Program May 2005 This program was designed to provide students with a 'real' hands-on practical experience in both maintenance and equipment operation, In addition to the hands-on training , • students complete all the industry required safety training. V Are you choosing a career? A/ Are you researching training? College of New Caledonia ® Quesnel Campus 488 McLean Street • 991-7500 • V Are you looking for work? ® ii These are areas I can help you with www.cnc.bc.ca Please call 983-6928 or 983-6900 to book an appointment Conveniently located at Helen Dixon Centre - across from Regency Chrysler I I ^ W Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582 www.mssociety.ca 992-5162 440 Reid Street QHlt Multiple sclerosis usually strikes people aged 20 to 40. in the prime of their lives. REPAIR Complete Bandsaw & Round Saw Sales & Service & Sharpening ENERGY SYSTEM/KILN ATTENDANT General Manager, Pacific Inland Resources Box 3130 ... : , ; • Smithers, B.C. ' VOJ 2N0 Fax #: 250-847-5520 Eniail: [email protected] I' Ques-Cu Insurance Agencies Ltd. 253 Reid Street 992-5559 1^ Pacific Inland Resources - '1 ants Amy Darragh W A N T E D D E C K Team Driver for daily run to Interior. Excellent wages and benefits. Must have B Tram expenence. Fax current abstract and resume to 1-604-850-5789. ; HOVI Expires May 15/04 Review Before You Renew A competitive wage and benefit packagers provided. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to: Start dates March & September | ihomosor *QS^ 270 Help Wanted 258 Careers C A B I N E T - melamine 23 1/2 deep x 31 1/2 wide x 34:3/4 high. 2 door front - no top. $35 250-747-2285 ; Sunday, March 20th.'2005 B5 lochibY\oard/tiy-meetl¥\^yotAA Did you know, in the last 10 years, B.C.'s Children s Hospital The Government of Canada . Telethon has raised more than $32 million to fund essential equipment research and special programs? Children's Hospital has contributed funding to this initiative. Canada . . QUESNEL CARIBOOOBSERVER Sunday, March 20th, 2005 B7 B6i: QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSEVER Sunday, March 20th, 2005 QUESNEL. CAWBOO^ Ph: 992-2121 See your ads online! WAyw.bcclassifie(l.com Ph: 992-2121 See your adson-line! wwvv.bcdassified.com www.quesneIobserYer.com R o n s D i W i i g Scliool 270 Help Wanted Register Today For the Next GLP Course Which Includes Free Training In BC's First Skid Control Simulator Call Ron Craigmyle 747-2135 If you're unemployed and want to start your own business, you maybe eligible for financial ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED? and technical assistance imderthe Self-Employment Benefits Program. To find out more options you may be eligible for: about this opportunity, call Marc St. Laurent at 991-5132 • Choosing a career ' Work Experience ' Self Employment Retraining* Job Search Assistance 1 SALES w> Employment Counsellor D o w n t o w n W o r k Connections #101-242 Reid Street • 991-5111 • All services free of charge. Funded by r- Now Offering and Ranch Policies! A Division o( m 1NSURANCE.o».s across from the Post Glf Ice lis | Oav«loixpwit Canada PROFESSIONALS wanted. $3000-$5000 weekly potential. Serious inquiries only. Training provided. Flexible schedule. 1-800-318-9787. ext. 4050. BETHLEHEM CanadS iJiiiiiliilliiiiii^ Farm Hum«n Reuurees - Sponsored by | * KEN PRICE RESOURCES (1996) Corporation is conducting planning for trucking of ore from mineral deposits in the Revelstoke Region to the company's 1,360 metric ton per day custom mineral processing plant at Goldstream River. Hauls could be up to 270km one-way, mostly on pavement. If you are an owner/operator of a tridem or tandem truck with quad transfer trailer and are interested in : a long-term rock hauling contract then send your particulars to: [email protected] or via fax to 604-536-8351. S : SERVICE CONSULTANT Kamloops Honda has a career an experienced service consultant. Potential candidates must be a dynamic, motivated team player who is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.; If you are interested in joining the Kamloops Honda team in our brand new facility, apply in confidence with resume to: Jim Oakley, Sen/ice Mgr., Kamloops . Honda, 1308 Josep Way, (on the Halston Connector), Kamloops, BG V2H 1N6. Fax or Email to 250-374-3656 *• opportunity for 333 R e i d S t . • 992-6611 [email protected] TerdanalCoftsiiltatiatuS' i.^^^ on interiors exterior decorating. Phone Garmi at Rona for appointment. ^inadlan Itano - f\ R O N A The How To People 450 Johnston Ave. CENTRALVAC SYSTEMS Drivers . • Invest in a great , partnership. ; Vacuum Sales & Service Bags •Belts •Hoses •PowerNozzels 607 Doherty Drive • 992-5211 ""^l^r Canisters • Uprights • Commercial GITXSAN CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES SOCIETY ' PORT HARDY CGA firm requires a senior accountant. The successful applicant will be an accounting student/graduate with Canadian public practice experience in file preparation as well as personal tax. Audit experience would be an asset. This individual requires good -coniputer skills along with excellent .communication skills with a focus on probleni solving and client service. This position is to start May 1; Renrjuneration to be. determined by education and experience. Please submit resume by fax to 250-949-6351 or email to [email protected] before March 31,2005, SOUTHERN INTERIOR Mill construction contractor requires journeyman welders & mill. Wrights. Must have sawmill experience, be able to travel throughout B G . Fax resumes & certificates. 250-446-2986. THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Pennanent carriers are required . for the following: (Gassoff Rd) (Barkerville Hwy, Elgin, McLean, Omega, Schemenaur Shaver & Swallow) (Agate, Beryl, Dragonview PL, Flint & Gook) (Barker, Booth, Norwood, & Vernon) (Norwood & Bradshaw) (Belcarra, Gook, Jay & RenV yard) (Westfraser, Ruric Spring & Skyline) Anyone interested in these rgutes please call Jaicey at 9^2-2121. : PHONE Onethat can support you froni the start and help your business grow? Come drive with FedEx Ground®, a leader in the fast-paced small package delivery industry. ' Need service? First month $25, No deposit. No refusal. Long distance 4.4 cents per minute. 1-866-747-3425 Dial A Phone Independent Contractors •Inc.-' DISCONNECTED? . Qualifications:. •Clean abstract •Delivery experience recommended . •Medical saeening required , •5 years of driving experience • i year of verifiable commercial driving experience •Must tje able to obtain a delivery vehicle •Owner/operator experience an asset •Criminal background check required To apply, please fax your resume to: 604-244-3748. Ground Equal Opportunity Employer, • 270 Help Wanted TRAFFIC CONTROL course being offered. Meets all BC re. quirennents. To pre-register. Phone: 747-2236 • NOW HIRING special Equipment Operators ($19.75/hr.) and Laborers ($14.00/hr) for btir Quesnel Division. Operators must possess class 3 with air and be able to multi-task. Physical labor involved. Must be on call and available to work out of town at week Intervals. Mandatory Training. Fax resume 604881-2585 404 Apartments 316 Cleaning PACIFIC LOG Horries requires: experienced log home builders. Piece work rates & M S P benefits. Fax resumes to 250-3953802 or call 250-395-4922. Attention Norm. 992-7202 Whether you're looking for the best bargains iii new or used merchandise, or you want to make extracashby selling your unwanted items, the classifieds are the place to do it! You'll find an incredible selection of vehicles; jewelry, furniture, real estate, antiques, rental property, stereo : equipment and more! NEED CASH Fast? Borrow using your vehicle and keep driving iti or get a loan until payday. No hassles, no credit checks, fast service. C a s h Factory Loans - Money in Minutes' Located at 1219 Gariboo Hwy ' N. next to Crystal Glass or call 992-7070 COMMERCIAL ' 475 s/l 2nd storey 2 private offices plus front oflice. $375/mo plus GST includes all utilities and security. 'Reid St., 2nd lloor, 2000 s/f, $700/mo. plus gas & hydro. •: Ground level - Near new building, 820 s/f up to 5,000 s/t ' 188'x122. City center vacant lot for lease or sale. Conditioning Ltd. in Vernon, B G requires H V A C sen/ice technician. Must hold a gas "B" ticket. Fax resume to549^1115 Attention Al. 992-2670 & 2 NORTH PLUMBER REQUIRED immediately. Full-time in Kelowna. Journeyman or 3rd or 4th year apprentice accepted depending on experience. Residential/commercial. 250-861 -0587 344 Machine/ Welding WELDER MILLER Idealarc A C / D G , 50ft leads, stinger, helnrot, rods, Arcair K4000 air arc attach. Hardly used, all like new, $2200. Phone (250)-9923130 or 747-4694 eve. 346 Miscellaneous Services $24.99/FIRST MONTH for a phone line. Reconnection with no credit check, no deposits, no one refused. Gall or visit Need-A-Phone.com Tollfree at 1-866-444-3815 or Email: [email protected] . 404 Apartments bedroom apartments: QUESNEL. Security door, laundry facilities, clean and quiet. 992-6684. : 2 BEDROOM Johnson Sub. ground level entry. No dogs or cats. Includes heat, light & cable. Call 992-7288 or 992-8834 1 B D R M S starting $365, 2 bdrms, $400, utilities included. New renovations, clean, quiet, family oriented. Parking, storage, layndry. 992-3563. 992-2187. Renaissance li Apartments [•2 bedrooms l«2full baths Rent as low as $350 per mo. \Secunty entrance\ 992-2806 WILKINSONAPARTMENTS: [ 992-2201 — 'A place you can be proud to call home' SMALL 4 bdrm, fenced yard $600/mo., 2 bdrm North Quesenl, $500/mo., 1 bdrm' cabin 3 miles from Quesnel, 5 acres. $275/mo 992-8963 STAN'S MOVING Fast Reliable Service BUILDING FEATURES INCLUDE; ^ 1 a 2 bdnn. 2 bathroom suites. I Free hot water. Resident manager.. I Rents from $300./mo. J 992-7868 J For further information please contact TyWhittaker or Michaet fVIiller e-mail: ty.whittal<[email protected] e-maii: [email protected] • •••or. . e-mail: [email protected] Renaissance I Apartments 1,2 & 3 bdnn, some newly renovated, ceramic tile, gas fireplace, fridge & stove, vert, blinds, spacious decks & balconies, security entrance. Tel: (250)388-6454 Fax: (250)382-3564 Internet http://vinww.colliers.com $300/mo. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT or N.R.U. 575 Doherty Drive 992-1195 412 Basement Suite 2 BDRM suite in Uplands, ground level entry. Natural gas fireplace, fridge, stove inc..No. dogs, non smoker. Avail. April 1. $350/mb. 992-8562 ask for •,Rick. • y 1 BDRM bsmt suite. North Quesnel, private entry & driveway. Includes washer/dryer* gas & Hydro. $500/mo.. Available April. 992-7792 after 6pm NEED INFORMATZOn ON A LOCAL EVENT? w«w<SouttiCaribooTouH|Ri^^ . lease approx; 1200sq/ft. 146 Barlow Avenue Central Downtown Location Recently renovated. 600 sq/ft on Upper level. Air conditioning. Available immediately. Gall Brian at 992-0177 or 992-2252. RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE for rent or lease. Approx. 1200sq/ft. 146 Barlow Avenue. Central Downtown location. Recently renovated. Lovver level. Air conditioning. Small courtyard. Available immediately. Gall Brian at 992-0177 or 992.2252. 428 Duplex/ Fourplex 2 BEDROOM, North Quesnel, private entrance and driveway, no pets; Low rent for good tenants 992-5796.: 428 Duplex/ Fourplex 2 BDRM suite in 4 • plex, $495/mo., includes utilities. Available February 1sL 1 BDRM suite $375/mo., includes utilities. 992-5115 ask for Bob. • • AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom West- Bright clean, 3 side. Ensuite, Large dining room, gas fireplace. Large dinirigroom, gas fireplace. References required. $600/md., 7473214. ' • :.. Call Stan Bergunder 99t-0234 476 Suites LG. BRIGHT, clean, quiet 2 bdrm level entry suite, available immediately, F/P, shared laundry. N/S, No Pets; $500/mo. utilities included. 747-1990 References Required. 484 Townhouses 3 BDRM spacious ^townhouse, 11/2 bathrooms, full basement, front & back fenced yard. 3RD MONTH FREE. Ref. required. Available Immediately $465/mo. 992-1283. Small pets welcome. NORTH QUESNEL, 2 bedroom, ground level, not pets. Available April 1, utilities included. No washer dryer hookup. References required. $450/mo. 991-1417. 506 /\creage.s/L()ts BRIGHTWAY ACRES: Hallis Lake & Hydraulic Rd areas, lovely 1 -5 ac homesites from $19,500. [email protected] $747-3515. .; B U I L D I N G L O T with view of Fraser River Valley,. South of Quesnel. South West exposure, 3 BDRM lower duplex near Riv- : just under 2 acres. 747-4554 erview School arid West Park K E R S L E Y 1 acre treed lot, off MalL Fenced backyard. ReferCul-de-sac $21.000 747-3963 ences, required, no pels, 5 A C R E view lot, Hydraulic Rd., $425/mo., W/D hookup. Available April IsL Call: 9925710 -> E-Filing -+ Income Tax Consulting illi. $21,500 747-()065 or (604) 4675341 m Serving Quesnel for 45 years Fax 992-9223 Phone 992-5171 138 M c L e a n Street Ip' V2J2N7 m PAINFUL FEET? PIP Marathon Orthotics Plaster Casted Custom Made Orthotics Daily Use • S p o r t s • Diabetic mm laundry 30,385 square feet which can be divided elevator, laundry facilities, resident manager. 992-8949 utilities or rent to purchase with $35,000 down. 4 bdrm rancher with heated shop, garden house, etc.. On 1 acre, subdividable 1-604-8700576 or 768-6423 ceH : . REIMTABLE AREA: 'approximately 18' ceilings in warehouse , 'ample electric service air conditioned office space plus luncheon : and reception ' secure compounded yard with access off Glanford and Enterprise Crescent four (4) 16'grade level loading doors fully sprinklered extensive ventilation systems in place paint booth, spray booth and ample parking -> Financial Statements $750/MO. PLUS Royal Oak Industrial Park Quiet, spacious & clean 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Free hot water, — 2 BDRM, 3 bdrm., fridge, stove. Close to West Park Mall ;. Available immediately. 7473878 - 770 Enterprise Crescent, Victoria, B.C. LOCATIOIM: VISTA MANOR^I & LARK APTS I Starting from for 39.95 per month. Phone; disconnect-: ed? Free long distance. No refusal. 1-866-747-3425 Dial a Phone Inc. y a r d 992-5990 :. Downtown Quesnel \ - • A c c o u n t i n g Services BE RECONNECTED hookup, storage shed, fenced Avaiiablelmmediately. . 1 420 Commercial •ARTHUR JB . URROWS &(X). 440 Houses 4 BDRM, full basement, • bachelor suite fumished • 2 bedroom unfurnished TOWN- : 2 BDRM side by side duplex. Carport,: patio, storage, shed, W/D hookup. 992-2774 1, 2 & 3 bdrm suites available. O n site manager. OBSERVER bin. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 992-9772. .• Manor your hom# 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. 2 bedroom house. 1 bedroom basement suite. 1 bedroom ca- suite in 4 plex in North Quesnel. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, heat and hydro included. Clean and quiet. $350/mo. 249-5883 420 Commercia St Lauretit 404 A part ments 1 BEDROOM basement 'Basernent Rentals, 865 s/f & 960 s/f; $400/mo. each +.GST: Incl. all utilities. Chateau VERNON SERVICE . QUIET 3 bedroom in 4 plex, close to Voyageur School and Daycare, includes w/d; :$450/month. 992-7740. 13 bdrm. townhouse. West Quesnel. $475/mo. (incl.) utilities. •I I Bachelor Suite. North Quesnel. $300/mo. (incl.) utilities.: '2 bdrm. units-N/G fireplace,4 appliances. $450/mo.(+) utilities. . 278 Skilled Trades APPLEWOOD HEATING & Air 992-7202 12 bdrm. North Quesnel duplex. $400/mo. (+) utilities. - Make SOUTHERN INTERIOR Mill construction contractor requires journeyman welders & millwrights. Must have sawmill experience and be able to travel throughout B G . Fax resume & certificates to 250-446-2986 Company requires Journeyman service Plumbers/Gasfitters. $28/hr. Gall 250-549-4444 or fax 250549-4416. nT^^VlnS. Quesnel Realty , ' Lge. 2 bdrm. bsmt. suite. North Quesnel. $350/'mo. (incl.) utilities. ...WITH THE CLASSIFIEDS Call 992-2121 428 Duplex/ Fourplex 404 Apartment.s DC VMIi^ CAM ; Teani. Leader/Supervisor The Gitxsan Child & Family Services Society 16 seeking to fill the Team Leader/Supervisor position. The Team Leader/Supervisor will ensuj-e that culturally apprbpriate child protective EXPERIENCED LOG loadand faniily support services are delivered to Gitxsan members. er/hoe chucker operator and This challenging opportunity is. Feller buncher operator for the available for experienced child Johnston straits, camp welfare practitioners to provide situation. Please fax resume to the- highest quality services to children, and farhilies in the six Ted LeRoy Trucking. 250-286.Gitxsan communities: For com-., .•-3661^.- . .. •. • plete details or. responsibilities and qualifications fbr this posiAU'PAIR NEEDED in Germation, please contact the G C F S S ny, non-student, non-smoker, (250) 842-2258 or fax (250) 842-2481. The deadline for refor more iriformation. email baceipt of apjDlications is 4:00 pm bvblue_2002 @ hotmail.com April $.2005. Want to . connect with an industry leader? ; •Customer services^ sl<ills ^ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES V RESIDENT]AL & COMMERCIAL WIRING 270 Help Wanted CARIBOO HOTEL now accepting resumes for chambermaid position. Must be willing to work weekends. Please apply in person with resume to 254 Front St, Quesnel. Starting April 4 Some www,quesnelobserver.com m Also: Prescription & Non Prescription Custom Fitted Braces, Splints, Compression Stockings Etc, Dieter Beisel, M.C.PA, EXTRA WIDTH DIABETIC FOOTWARE Registered 992-5527 Quesnel Physiotherapy Glinic Marathon Orthotics 370 Kinchant Physiotherapist Street ORfTHOTICS are covered by Extended Medical Insurance P QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, March 20.2005 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday; March 20.2005 mmm Colour the Easter Bunny Picture £or a chance to win a pHze! Denny's Store Manager, Tony Cniickshanks presents Tamara Morneau with her trip package. Denny's Restaurant and BC Fresh Eggs want to congratulate Ms.Tamara Morneau, the lucky winner ofthe Fun-Filled Family Vacation to San Diego for seven nights at the exotic Bahia Resort Hotel. As well as catching the rays and waves in sun-drenched Southern California,Tamara and her Colouring Contest Closes March 23/05. Bring your entries to the Quesnel Cariboo Observer 188 Carson Avenue 2 Categories Age 0-6 yrs Age 7-12 yrs. family will also be visiting the San Diego Zoo, Wild Animal Park and world-famous Sea World as part of their trip. Thanks Tamarafor enjoying a BC Fresh Egg breakfast at Denny's and Bon Voyage! The start 6CBe$h%g!i B9 V
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