Barentsz 2-4-2011 Advances in Prostate MR imaging Learning LearningObjectives Objectives • to show the potential of new MR MRII developments in PCa Jelle Barentsz Prostate MR Center of Excellence Department of Radiology Radboud University Nijmegen Medicaal Center The Netherlands • to illustrate this from a clinical (radiation oncology) oncology) perspective [email protected] Multi-parametic Learning ObjectivesMRI T2WI MRI: anatomy 1. High resolution T2 T2WI: WI: anatomy 2. Diffusion Weighted Imaging: function 3. Hydrogen MR MR--Spectroscopy: function 4. Dynamic Contrast Enhanced: function 1 Barentsz 2-4-2011 c. Villiers MRI: high soft tissue contrast CT Image Delineation of CTV Additional Use of MRI Delineation of CTV: CT > MRI MR Image MR-anatomy of PCa • Smaller CTV (6.5%(6.5%-34%) • Inter Inter--observer variability ↓ (~63%) at: - Apex : ↓↓↓↓ Base : ↓↓ SV : ↓ Mid--gland : Mid Roach IJROPB 1996, Rash IJROPB 1999, Villiers,, Strahlenther Onko 2006 Villiers PCa, hematoma, fibrosis, prostatitis: low SI 2 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Patient 57 y, PSA 7; TRUS Bx: negative T2WI: PCa anatomy Your diagnosis? 1. 2. 3. 4. normal BPH prostatitis ventral TZ tumor T2WI: Local Staging T2WI: PCa anatomy • • • • BPH: organised chaos “Erased Charcoal drawing sign” prostatectomy vs radiotherapy decrease R+ nerve sparing local therapy 3T ERC: se 87% sp 96% Futterer, Invest Radiol 2006, Heijmink, Radiology 2007 3 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Multi-parametric MRI: DWI DWI: ADC-value versus Gleason score Pearson Correlation Organised galandular tissue Tightly packed cellular tissue r = 0.73 p < 0.01 DWI: PCa restricted H2O movement Specificity, aggression! DWI: ADC-value vs Gleason score Hambrock,, Radiology, in press Hambrock Alvares,, Radiology, in press Alvares Multi-parametric MRI: DCE DCE MRI: PCa increased vascular permeability Sensitivity!! Sensitivity 4 Barentsz 2-4-2011 MR Spectroscopy MR Spectroscopy Metabolite ratio Cho + Cr Cit ↑ Creatine Citrate 0.37 / 0.64 For Ferrari drivers only? MR Spectroscopy Clinical Problems • PSA:: non specific marker : PSA >4 ng ng/L: /L: sens.: sens.: 80%, spec spec.: .: 36% • DRE is not sensitive - sens sens.: .: 37% 37%,, spec spec.: .: 91% You need EXPERIENCE how to drive Djavan J Urol (2001); Roehl J Urol (2002); Pepe Urol (2007), Schroeder JNCI (1998) 5 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Problems: TRUS Bx • Clinically insignificant cancers are identified by chance • Important cancers are incorrectly classified as unimportant or are missed • 36- 46% undergrading of 36Gleason score Be aware! EU Urologists are getting there Sciarra, European Urology 2011 Multi-modality MRI: MR-guided biopsy Intraprostatic Localization Accuracy Accuracy:: T2 T2--w : 70% Jager AJR 1996; Scheidler Radiol 1999 DWI--MRI: DWI 86% Haider AJR 2007; Miao Eur J Rad 2007 H-MRS: 81% Futterer Radiol 2006, Reinsberg AJR 2007 DCE-- MRI: DCE 85% Ito Br J Radiol 2003, Futterer Radiol 2006 Gleason score 4+3 6 Barentsz 2-4-2011 3T MR-biopsy (n=68) • After ≥2 - biopsies: TRUS is + in 5-19% • MR-guided biopsy of TSR: + in 59% (40/68) What is beyond theObjectives horizon? Learning 1. Improvement of mpmp-MR directed biopsy techniques 2. Active Surveillance, Screening • with MR ~ 4 cores instead of ~ 12 3. Will mpmp-MRI replace Gleason? • 57% anterior tumors 4. Focal therapy • 93% (37/40) clinically significant tumors nano--particles + DWI 5. Nodes: Nodes: nano Hambrock, J Urol 2010 What is beyond theObjectives horizon? Learning What is beyond theObjectives horizon? Learning 1. Improvement of mpmp-MR directed biopsy techniques 1. Improvement of mpmp-MR directed biopsy techniques 2. Active Surveillance, Screening 2. Active Surveillance, Screening 3. Will mpmp-MRI replace Gleason? 3. Will mpMRI replace Gleason Gleason? ? 4. Focal therapy 4. Focal therapy 5. Nodes: nano nano--particles + DWI 5. Nodes: Nodes: nanonano-particles + DWI 7 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Biopsy with TRUS - mp-MRI fusion Hit the most aggressive lesion with TRUS – MR (ADCmap) fusion Learning FutureObjectives Potential MR-robot First, diagnostic session Case: 59 y.o., PSA 10, 3x negative TRUS sessions T2 T2--weighted • MR MR--robot with MR guided remote control DWI DCE TSR 2 8 Barentsz 2-4-2011 9 Barentsz 2-4-2011 What is beyond theObjectives horizon? Learning Perform biopsy 1. Improvement of mpmp-MR MR--directed biopsy techniques 2. Active Surveillance, Screening Histopathology Gleason 4+3 3. Will mpmp-MRI replace Gleason? 4. Focal therapy 5. Nodes: Nodes: nanonano-particles + DWI PZ PCa with focal “hot spot” (Gl 4+3 4+3)) 10 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Focal therapy Focal therapy - Focal laser ablation - HDR Brachytherapy / DIL IMRT DWI with b values 0, 50, 600 ADC map showing restricted diffusion c. J. Feller, Palm Springs USA Focal therapy Focal therapy Prostate Capsule Target Area Thermal Ablation Damage Estimate Laser Doses Treatment #1 177s @ 8.00W Visible Damage 10mm by 12mm Animation – not in real-time Treatment temperature map Irreversible damage estimate c. J. Feller, Palm Springs USA T2 Pre-treatment Image Irreversible damage estimate Axial Images Post-treatment MRI Laser Fiber Trajectory c. J. Feller, Palm Springs USA 11 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Focal therapy Marker fusion CT-MRI Huisman Radiology 2005 - Focal laser ablation - HDR Brachytherapy / DIL IMRT inaccuracy < 1 mm at periphery of prostate f-MR-based DIL IMRT Planning What is beyond theObjectives horizon? Learning 1. Improvement of mpmp-MR MR--directed biopsy techniques 2. Active Surveillance, Screening 3. Will mpmp-MRI replace Gleason? 4. Focal therapy 5. Nodes: nano nano--particles + DWI IMRT: Partial boost to 90 Gy van Lin IJROBP 2006 12 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Pathway of spread SVI Detecting Nodal metastasis in PCa • Imaging (CT, MRI etc) - Less invasive - Inaccurate size criterion MRL detected in 41% patients Positive nodes outside routine PLND • Surgery (PLND) - Invasive, costly - Limited in coverage Heesakkers et al Radiology 2009 Vincent van Gogh Sorrowing old man Dutch study: 13 centres Fe Fe--nanoparticles (20 nm) Ferumoxtran--10 Ferumoxtran (Combidex/Sinerem)) (Combidex/Sinerem Patient--toPatient to-patient correlation CT accuracy 86% specificity 97% sensitivity 34% NPV 89% (n=375) → → → → MRL 91% 91% 93% 93% 93% 93% 97% 97% Probability of correct diagnosis: diagnosis: MRL 91% PLND + CT 89% Heesakkers et al Lancet Oncology 2008 13 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Meijer, IJROPB in preparation Post Px recurrence: MRL Nodal Roach Formula: Low PPV PSA ≥0.2 ≥0.2 ng/ml ng/ml 6 w. postop. + 1 higher value, or a single PSA ≥0.5 ng/ml; ng/ml; no bone metastases • • • 72% (47/65) ≥1 ⊕ node, 6/275 nodes >1 cm 62% 62% had ≥1 ≥1 ⊕ node with low PSA (<1.0 <1.0)) 77% and 61% ≥1 ⊕ node in regions not in CTV for elective pelvic irradiation by the RTOG 4. Many nodes are not in CTV Deserno, IJROPB 2010 IMRT planning IJROPB 2010 • Accurate mapping of positive MRL nodes for IMRT has the potential: - to reduce toxicity in normal tissue - allows higher doses on the positive nodes 14 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Case • 60 yr; yr; initial PSA 6; Gleason 4+3 • Dec 2005: Da Vinci Px Px:: T3B N1 Mx R+ • Feb 2006: PSA 0.22 What treatment: treatment: hormonal palliative whole pelvic radiation para--aortic nodes para nodes? ? March 2005 Combidex/Sinerem MRI Case Case 1 • March 2005 Combidex/Sinerem MRI: • 6 positive pelvic nodes 4D--IG IG--IMRT: IMRT: dose painting → ADT + 4D c M Dattoli 15 Barentsz 2-4-2011 But Case • PSA PSA:: Nov 06: Apr 07: 0.0006 0.003 Due to approval problems, development of Combidex is discontinued July 07: Stop ADT • PSA PSA:: Aug 07: March 08: March 09: March 10: <0.01* <0.003 <0.003 <0.01* Combidex/Sinerem MRI November 2009 But there is hope: DWI? Ferumoxytol? P904? DWI helps to find bone and nodal metas Future: ferumoxytol ferumoxytol:: WIP 24 hrs post Combidex 24 hrs post ferumoxytol c. S Bravo, Orlando CTA post ferumoxytol post ferumoxytol + Gd 16 Barentsz 2-4-2011 PSA Relapse: Imaging Protocol • Bone: DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Nodes: Nanoparticle MRI (n.a.) DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Local: DCE DCE-- and DWI MRI Post-Brachy, PSA recurrence bone + X: se 63% sp 64% Post-Brachy, PSALearning recurrence (1.8) Objectives Post-Brachy, PSA recurrence MRI: se 100% sp 88% Spine and pelvis is enough Lecouvet JCO 2007 17 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Meijer, IJROPB in preparation PSA Relapse: Imaging Protocol • Bone: DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Nodes: Nanoparticle MRI (n.a.) DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Local: DCE- and DWI MRI Future: MRL or 11C Choline PET/CT? Post Px recurrence recurrence:: MRL Stephenson nomogram accurately predicted ⊕ MRL result →can be used to identify patients for pelvic radiation but We need better imaging to decrease the CTV Meijer, IJROPB 2010 Future: MRL or 11C Choline PET/CT? MRL • 151 positive nodes in 23/29 patients mean size 4.9 mm* 11C Choline PET/CT • 34 positive nodes in 13/29 patients mean size 8.4 mm* * p<0.001 more and smaller nodes detected 18 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Negative PET/CT: post-RP (T3b N0 M0) USPIO--MRI USPIO post Px Choline PET/CT DCE MRI! PSA Relapse: Imaging Protocol • Bone: DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Nodes: Nanoparticle MRI (n.a.) DWI MRI of pelvis & spine • Local: DCE- and DWI MRI Local post radiotherapy recurrence: DCEDCE- MRI T2 T2--w DCE Ktrans 19 Barentsz 2-4-2011 Take home messages • MRI is the best technique to show the prostate and its tumor localization and aggression • MRI is a superior technique in showing small nodal and bone metastates • integration of Rth and MRI still needs a lot of research but offers great potential Thank you for your attention Bomers, Debats, Fütterer, Hambrock, Huisman, Heijmink, Heerschap, Hoeks, Scheenen, Yakar. Hulsbergen, van Lin, Hulsbergen, van Oort, Witjes, Dattoli 20
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