How to Shape Development Cooperation? The Global Partnership and Summary

Briefing Paper
How to Shape Development Cooperation? The Global Partnership and
the Development Cooperation Forum
2014 will be an important milestone for shaping the
policy field of development cooperation in a post-2015
context. Two central events are taking place. The Global
Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
(GPEDC) will convene for its first High-Level Meeting in
April 2014 in Mexico City. The United Nations (UN)
Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) will hold its
biennial meeting in July 2014 in New York. How will these
two platforms shape development cooperation and its
future governance architecture?
Development cooperation, as a policy field dealing with
the mobilisation of budgetary resources for the purpose
of promoting development, is in a transition phase. For a
long period, development cooperation has been closely
linked to “aid”, a concept developed by the Development
Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
However, this system has increasingly come under pressure
to adapt to a more differentiated global landscape
characterised by newly emerging actors, new forms of
cooperation and a growing awareness of global challenges
such as climate change, financial regulation and security.
The shifts in the policy field have given rise to competing
global platforms for development cooperation and
incentives for “forum shopping”. Still, any global platform
to manage development cooperation needs to provide a
set of principles, norms, and mechanisms for knowledge
exchange around which actors’ expectations converge.
In order to adequately fulfil this function, it will have to
be legitimate, effective and relevant. Applying these
criteria to the GPEDC and DCF, three models are possible:
1) Each platform for itself: This model describes a
perpetuation of the status quo, characterised by a lack
of cohesion between the GPEDC and the DCF. The
continuation of parallel efforts on competing
platforms will not sufficiently enable current
challenges to be addressed.
2) Two platforms, different functions: Under this
model, stakeholders in the GPEDC and the DCF agree
to clearly describe their functions in support of the
overarching post-2015 agenda. This model would
mark an improvement over the status quo; however,
challenges in day to day coordination between both
platforms would remain.
3) One platform for all: This model envisions a merger
of both platforms to consolidate discussions around
the functioning of development cooperation. The
platform would have universal membership and
strong monitoring, evaluation and accountability
mechanisms, combining the best features of DCF and
GPEDC. It would draw on a clear UN mandate to
manage development cooperation towards implementing the post-2015 agenda. Only such a common
platform would be legitimate, effective and relevant at
the same time.
How to shape development cooperation? The Global Partnership and the Development Cooperation Forum
A global platform for development cooperation?
The international community has set up an array of
systems, processes and organisations to structure the
policy field of development cooperation, including the
GPEDC and the DCF. Against the background of a shifting
landscape, the character and purpose of the overall system
need to be clarified: How will development cooperation be
defined in the future? And which function does its platform
need to fulfil in this regard?
Development cooperation as a policy field is in a transition
phase but it is still closely related to the concept of “aid”
provided by OECD-DAC donors. This system has increasingly
come under pressure to adapt to a more differentiated global
landscape characterised by emerging actors, new forms of
cooperation and a growing awareness of global challenges
such as climate change and security. Together, these trends
have forever altered the policy field of development
Development cooperation as a policy field therefore faces
the double challenge of preserving certain elements proven
to be effective, while at the same time being sufficiently
flexible to adapt to larger structural shifts. Current
institutional structures of development cooperation address
this challenge in a partial manner only which calls for a
reform. Ultimately, the main function of a global platform for
managing development cooperation should be to provide a
set of principles, norms, and mechanisms for knowledge
exchange around which actors’ expectations converge. We
argue that three main criteria demonstrate whether a specific
global platform lives up to these functions:
disconnection between goal-setting and implementation.
After 2015, a new set of universal sustainable development goals is set to replace the MDGs. These are likely to
increase the scope and ambition for global cooperation
and go beyond the narrow aid and MDG focus, thereby
underscoring the need for more integrated approaches.
Development cooperation – often termed the “how” of
achieving these goals – will be one important part of such
an integrated approach. The future platform therefore
needs to be closely linked to the post-2015 agenda to
ensure the platform’s relevance.
Two existing platforms, the GPEDC and the UN‘s DCF, are
major pillars of the global institutional framework for
managing development cooperation. Both platforms have
undergone adjustments over the past years, and developed
complementary as well as competing qualities.
Relatively effective, but not legitimate
In the 2000s the global aid architecture, although already
fragmented, was clearly divided. Through a series of HighLevel Forums on Aid Effectiveness (Rome 2002, Paris 2005,
Accra 2008) OECD-DAC donors agreed with partner
countries and other actors on common principles of aid
effectiveness. While independent evaluations showed that
donors, in particular, made little progress in this respect,
the system of clear standards and regular peer reviews
nonetheless is seen as a milestone in managing aid.
However, criticism of the predominant role of donors and
the OECD-DAC was constant, with little progress made in
including emerging economies. Overall, the OECD’s aid
− Legitimacy: Any credible international platform needs to architecture was therefore seen as relatively effective but
be backed by an inclusive membership. Expressed in not legitimate.
traditional terms, this includes “aid providers”, those who
are “aid recipients” and emerging countries in their double Legitimate, but with limited effectiveness
role as “providers and recipients”. Because the importance At the same time, the UN rallied around the 2002
of non-state actors, including civil society, private sector or Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development and
academia, is growing, a global platform might also address MDG-8, the goal to develop a global partnership for
non-aid-based ways of cooperation and therefore development. Since 2008 the DCF has convened every two
stakeholders from other policy areas.
years. It is the lead intergovernmental body within the UN
− Effectiveness: A global development cooperation platform for coordinating development cooperation. The DCF’s main
has to provide a set of rules and standards. This “soft law” advantage is the beneficial link to the UN’s universal
should lead to tangible consequences. An effective legitimacy, and to its power to convene meetings and build
platform therefore needs to provide an accountability consensus. Some DAC donors, however, have shown
mechanism that improves the impacts of development indifference to the DCF, which they associate with the G77
cooperation. Furthermore, it should maintain a concrete bloc and China. Also, the DCF has no mandate (yet) to
set of effectiveness indicators for those actors ready to negotiate political outcomes and has achieved few tangible
commit to additional efforts, as well as a monitoring and results. Overall, the DCF, contrary to the DAC, can therefore
be seen as legitimate but its effectiveness has been limited.
evaluation tool for enforcement in the peer group.
− Relevance: A global development cooperation platform
also needs to be able to connect to broader debates on
development. The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) strongly shaped the global agenda on aid and
human development challenges. At the same time, a
number of separate global platforms dealt with
implementing the agenda or its parts, often leading to a
Since Busan: The GPEDC
In 2011, at the Fourth High-level Forum on Aid
Effectiveness, held in Busan, the existing aid architecture
became more complex with the establishment of the GPEDC.
For the first time, governments of leading emerging
economies signed up to the outcome document as donors
on a “voluntary” basis.
Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Timo Mahn
Areas of Work
Table 1: Overlap in Mandate and Areas of Work
United Nations Development Cooperation Forum
Global Partnership for Effective Dev’t Cooperation
World Summit 2005
Busan Outcome 2011
− Review trends in international development
cooperation, including strategies, policies and financing
− Maintain and strengthen political momentum for more
effective development cooperation
− Promote greater coherence among the development
activities of different development partners
− Facilitate knowledge exchange & sharing lessons learned
− Strengthen the normative and operational link in the
UN’s work
− Ensure accountability for implementing Busan
− Support implementation of Busan agenda at country
Focus Areas 2012-2014
Mexico High Level Meeting 2014
− The future of development cooperation
− Development cooperation with middle-income countries
− Global accountability in development cooperation
− Progress since Busan
− South-South and triangular cooperation
− Partnering for effective taxation / domestic resource
− Business as a partner in development
− South-South, triangular cooperation and knowledgesharing
Source: Authors’ representation
The GPEDC adopted a multi-stakeholder structure for
itself, portrayed as “global-light and country-heavy” with
high-level meetings every 18 to 24 months. Interested actors
were invited to meet in nine additional “coalitions of the
willing” (“building blocks”) to tackle more concrete issues.
The new structure, which has not been subject to an
encompassing intergovernmental negotiation, is directed by
a Steering Committee composed of United Kingdom, Nigeria
and Indonesia as co-chairs, and 15 members representing
various constituencies. Constituencies will rotate
membership. The GPEDC support team is led by the OECD
and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Overall, this new structure is more legitimate than it used
to be. Still, the GPEDC has never been endorsed by the UN
membership, and scepticism persists among several emerging economies in terms of the continued association with
the OECD-DAC. At the same time, some members of the
GPEDC feel that it has been significantly less effective than
the previous structures and to date has had limited impact
on the ground. Finally, substantial work started only slowly
and it is uncertain whether the GPEDC will be able to
guarantee implementation of the Busan principles.
Moreover, the link to the post-2015 process remains
The DCF towards 2015
The DCF has inclusive membership from all UN member states;
parliamentarians, local governments and the private sector
also take part in the proceedings. Staffing and capacity of
the DCF support at UN headquarters is more limited than
the GPEDC Over the past years the DCF has improved its
effectiveness in influencing development debates through
analytical work and providing a neutral space for discussion.
Overall, the DCF can be characterised as more effective than
during its inception but it continues to be hampered in
shaping development cooperation. Despite its roots in the
UN, the MDGs and its inputs to the post-2015 process,
there is little clarity on its contribution to the future post2015 agenda, in part due to potential competition from other
UN bodies and processes, including the UN High-level
Political Forum, the Open Working Group on Sustainable
Development Goals and the Financing for Development
Overlaps between GPEDC and DCF
Significant overlaps further exacerbate challenges. The
GPEDC’s mandate and the areas of work it entered into
overlap with the DCF mandate and focus areas previously
agreed for 2012–14 (see table). Even usage of the term
“global partnership” is ambiguous. With the term being s a
longstanding “UN trademark”, the GPEDC has added to the
cacophony by calling itself “the Global Partnership”. Overall,
arrangements for linking both platforms in order to
coordinate them better are still rudimentary, and to avoid
duplication there is an urgent need to ensure a consistent
and mutually supportive agenda.
Future of Development Cooperation: Three Models
In principle, three models for the future development
cooperation platform are possible:
1)) Each latform for itself: This model describes a
perpetuation of the status quo characterised by a lack of
cohesion between GPEDC and DCF. In the run-up to Busan,
there was much debate about how to restart a more inclusive
process towards development cooperation.
How to shape development cooperation? The Global Partnership and the Development Cooperation Forum
While the Busan outcome document invites the DCF to membership. However, coordination needs, mandate
play a role in consulting on the implementation of the overlaps and “forum shopping” would remain challenges.
Busan commitments, their relationship is devoid of clear
3) One platform for all: This model envisions a merger
between both platforms. It would have universal membership
Without decisive action by the GPEDC steering committee and strong monitoring, evaluation and accountability
and the DCF’s membership, a unique opportunity to reduce mechanisms for ensuring effectiveness. The single platform
fragmentation will be missed. There is a risk that both would therefore combine the best features of DCF and GPEDC.
platforms will continue to carve out their roles without
Based on a strong mandate from the UN’s post 2015 agenda,
coordination, and overlapping meeting agendas and areas
it would focus on how development cooperation could
of work will continue (see table). Such inefficiencies can be
contribute to achieving universal goals. Here, agenda-setting
ill afforded. One major adverse effect would be borne by
and implementation would link within the UN, thereby
the group of aid-dependent developing countries. Already,
bridging previous disconnects. Such a mandate would also
these countries have lost an important tool for holding
clarify how development cooperation as a policy field
donors to account through the increasing disregard of the
would continue to evolve, including through offering
aid-effectiveness principles. While both platforms already
practical steps in integrating sustainable and human
struggle with being legitimate and effective, their relevance
development goals. The close link to the post-2015
will decrease as well if their role in implementing the postagenda would ensure the continued relevance of the new
2015 agenda is not clarified.
platform. Although ambitious and faced with significant
2) Two platforms, different functions: Under this model, political obstacles, this model would also offer the highest
stakeholders of both platforms would agree to clearly return. Only this model would simultaneously fulfil the
coordinate their functions. Several ways are possible: by criteria of legitimacy, effectiveness and relevance.
level of engagement (global, regional, national), according
Development Cooperation in a Post-2015 Context
to being either political (e.g. norm setting) or technical (e.g.
monitoring), or according to themes or sectors of It is clear development cooperation is in a fundamental
engagement. Another potential option would be to divide transition phase, and the old “aid narrative” needs
functions by country groups. For instance, the GPEDC could updating. The situation at the dawn of the post-2015
focus on those countries with continued need in concessional period resembles that at the beginning of the 1990s, when
financing, and the DCF could become the institutional home the continuation of aid looked increasingly bleak in the
for debates on South–South and triangular cooperation. DAC wake of “structural adjustment” politics and dwindling
donors within the GPEDC have been reluctant to take on public support after the end of the Cold War.
these issues for fear of diluting their traditional aid The post-2015 agenda is expected to provide the policy
engagement, duplicating the work of other organisations, field with that needed new narrative. To give it “teeth”, UN
and of losing influence in the Bretton Woods institutions, members will consider mandating a platform to support
where they enjoy a strong voice. A mix of these would also their efforts. Invariably, this platform would face the
be possible.
challenge of adapting to a dynamic global landscape.
In essence, this model accommodates different speeds of
convergence, as well as making the most of comparative
advantages, allowing the platforms to specialise. The
GPEDC could provide a platform for countries willing to
agree on common principles, norms and mechanisms for
monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of their
development cooperation. The DCF could be a platform for
exchanging and sharing knowledge among a broader
Development cooperation today is much broader than
former aid approaches and increasingly has a role in the
provision of global public goods. In order to stay relevant,
the enlarged scope of the emerging narrative will have to
be reflected in its setup. This is why the debate about the
GPEDC and DCF is a crucial element of the broader reform
of development cooperation associated with the post2015 agenda.
Heiner Janus / Dr Stephan Klingebiel / Timo Mahn
Department “Bi- and Multilateral Development Policy”
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
© German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
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The DIE is a multidisciplinary research, consultancy and training institute for Germany’s bilateral and for multilateral development co-operation. On the basis of independent research, it acts as consultant to public institutions in Germany and abroad on current issues of co-operation between developed and developing countries.