Radial Variation of Local Gas Holdup in a Bubble Column Reactor with Heat Exchanging Internals Using Four-Point Optical Probe Sai Abhishek Palaparty, National Institute of Technology,Warangal, Warangal, India; Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, Moses Kagumba, Chemical Engineering, Missuori S&T, Rolla, MO, Muthanna H. Al Dahhan, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO Slurry bubble column reactors have been demonstrated to be the reactors of choice for the clean utilization and conversion of syngas and commercialization of the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis due to their advantages over other multiphase flow reactors. The local spatial variation of the gas holdup is one of the key parameters of the gas holdup since it gives rise to pressure variations radially and axially leading to varied strengths in the large scale and small scale liquid re-circulations which are important aspects for both mass and heat transfer in bubble and slurry bubble columns. The radial variations of the local gas holdup have been studied in the past mainly in bubble columns without the heat exchanging internals. Therefore, the focus of this study is to investigate how the local gas holdup varies radially in bubble column equipped with dense mimicked heat exchanging internals. The experimental work was carried out in 0.14 m diameter Plexiglas column using a non-reactive system of air as the gas phase and filtered tap-water as the liquid phase at ambient conditions of temperature and pressure. The superficial gas velocities were varied from 0.08 to 0.45 m/s covering both the transition flow regime and the churn-turbulent flow regime. The internals used were vertical Plexiglas rods of 0.013 m in diameter occupying 25 % of the column cross-sectional area. The four points fiber optical probe technique was used with a suitable algorithm to measure the local gas holdup at different radial locations. The distance of the probe from the column center was varied for every 0.0015 m. The experimental results obtained suggest that there is irregular variation of the local gas hold up in presence of dense internals which is a contrast to the regular variation observed in a bubble column without internals. The irregular variation is likely to affect the performance of the bubble column reactor. Detailed results and findings will be discussed in the presentation. most of the reported studies in literature do not investigate the variation of local gas holdup in a bubble column with internals. The understanding of radial variation of the local gas hold up and how it affects the performance of the reactor is lacking in literature. Among the previous studies, Schweiter et al.1 , investigated radial variation of the local gas holdup without the presence of internals in a 50mm ID column with a non-reactive system of Heptane and nitrogen. The study was carried out for a superficial gas velocity range of 0.01m/s to 0.26m/s. This study suggests a regular variation in the local gas holdup profile. It also suggested a parabolic profile for the local gas holdup. 1.INTRODUCTION Bubble Column Reactor is of wide application in the industry as it is the reactor of choice in Methanol Synthesis, waste water treatment, oxidation and Fisher-Tropsch(FT) synthesis. Many of these applications involve highly exothermic reactions which involves heat removal by large number of heatexchanging internals to maintain the desired reaction temperature. Re-circulating eddies are responsible for high heat transfer rates and mass transfer rates in these reactors. The strength of these eddies depends upon the pressure change causing them, which in turn depends on the local gas hold up at a particular radial distance. However, 1 Chen et al.3 investigated the effect of internals on gas holdup, liquid recirculation and turbulent parameters using gamma ray computed tomography(CT) and computed automated radioactive particle tracking(CARPT)techniques. In this study Airwater and air-Drake oil(Drake oil 10) systems were used in a Plexiglas 0.45m diameter bubble column. The internals geometry comprised of two concentric circular bundles of 0.025 m O.D. aluminum tubes each containing eight tubes equally spaced, covering 5% of the cross sectional area of the column. Chen et al. concluded that the internals did not have a significant effect on the liquid recirculation velocity whereas the gas hold increased by about 10% at the center of the column and less around the wall region. Forret et al.4 used a basic tracer technique in a 1m diameter column with internals. The study showed a decrease in liquid fluctuation velocity and an increase in large scale liquid recirculation in presence of internals. Youssef11 et al. investigated the effect of internals on gas hold up and bubble properties in a 0.23m O.D. column using an airwater system with gas velocities up to 0.2m/s. The study was conducted using dense internals ( occupied 22 percent of the surface area) and less dense internals (occupied about 5 percent of the surface area).Four Point optical probe technique developed by Xue et al5,7-9. was used in determination of results. They found that that local gas holdup increases in the presence of dense internals but the increase is less significant in case less dense internals were used. No study in Literature shows the radial variation of the local gas holdup and its effects on the performance of the reactor in presence of internals. Therefore, This study focuses on the radial variation of the local gas hold up(in presence of internals) and presents new data. 2.EXPERIMENTAL SETUP In this study, work was carried out in a 0.14m inner diameter and 1.83m high Plexiglas column. Compressed Air and filtered tap water were used as gas and liquid phase respectively at ambient temperature and pressure. Compressed Air entered the column from the bottom through a perforated plate gas distributor. The heat exchanging internals having 0.013m external diameter made of Plexiglas were used. The internals occupied about 25 percent of the column surface area. There were 30 internals in total and were arranged as shown in Figure 2. Throughout the study, the dynamic bed height was constant and maintained just above 0.167m (z/D=11.9) from the gas distributor. The gas distributor had 121 holes of 1.32mm Diameter arranged in a triangular pitch with a total free area of 1.09%. A four-point probe developed by Xue et 5,7-9 al. was used to measure local gas holdup within the fully developed flow region at a height of 0.71 m(z/D=5.1) from the gas distributor. The optical probe in its initial stages was first developed by Frijlink6 at Delft University and then validated and further developed by Xue et. al.5,7-9 This probe, with its developed algorithm, gives direct values for the local gas holdup and other bubble parameters. The experiments were carried out over a superficial gas velocities ranging 0.08m/s to 0.45m/s covering the intermediate and the churn-turbulent flow regime. Dense Internals having OD 0.013m were used which mimicked internals in Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis covering 25% of the surface area of the column. The local gas holdup measurements were taken for the normalized radius(r/R) values ranging from 0 to 0.9 at an interval of r/R equal to 0.02 or r equal to 0.0015m. 2 0.14m Four Point Optical Probe Vertical Plexiglas Rods(Internals) 0.013m OD 1.83m Plexiglas Column 1.67m Data Acquisition System (DAQ) Rotameter 0.71m Distributor Gas Supply Figure 2. Internals arrangement, Triangular Pitch ~ 0.73cm Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Bubble Column Setup. 3 irregularity tends to increase with increase with superficial gas velocity. 3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 3 shows irregular variations of local gas holdup in presence of the internals which in contrast to the regular variation obtained in system without internals by Schweiter et al1. When dense internals are present, bubble rise velocity decreases which was determined by Youssef et al.11 leading to a longer bubble residence time thus high gas holdup. With a change(say 0.05) in normalized radius, the holdup decreases and then again increases. The decrease in holdup is because of proximity to one of the internal's wall resulting in wall effects. These irregular changes in the local holdup give rise to irregular axial and radial pressure differences that result in irregular strengths of small scale and large scale liquid recirculation. The local maximum occurs at r/R equal to approximately 0.65-0.7.This maximum has relatively higher value as compared to holdup values around its neighborhood. This point is the inversion point which is in range as suggested by Rados10 for a system without internals. At this point the bubble velocity is theoretically zero giving rise to a high value of local gas holdup. The data also suggests that as the wall approaches(r/R>0.7), the irregularity becomes insignificant as the holdup seems to decrease regularly. This observation may be due to the fact that at locations past the inversion point most of bubbles flow from top to bottom and only few bubbles rise from bottom to top. Also, the probe is always placed downwards. It is also evident from the figure that this Figure 3a: Local Holdup vs Dimensionless radius at Superficial gas velocity of 45cm/s Figure 3b: Local Holdup vs Dimensionless radius at Superficial gas velocity of 20cm/s 4 r = distance of probe from the centre of the column R= internal radius of the bubble column r/R= dimensionless or normalized radius 7. REFERENCES 1. Local Gas Hold-Up Measurements in Slurry bubble column Reactor-J.M. Schweiter,Volume 56-issue3,Chemical Reactor Engineering Conference,2001 2. Bubble Dynamics Measurements Using Four-Point Optical Probe ,Junli Xue, M.H.AlDahhan,M.P. Dudukovic,R.F. Mudde Canadian Journal of Chemical Engg. Volume 81-Issue 34 3. Chen, J.; Li, F.; Degaleesan, S.; Gupta, P.; Al-Dahhan, M. H.; Dudukovic, M. P.; Toseland, B. A. Fluid Dynamic Parameters in Bubble Columns with Internals. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1999, 54 (13-14), 2187–2197. 4. Forret, A.; Schweitzer, J. M.; Gauthier, T.; Krishna, R.; Schweich, D. Liquid dispersion in large diameter bubble columns, with and without internals. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 2003, 81, 360– 366. 5. Xue, J. Bubble velocity, size and interfacial area measurements in bubble columns, Ph.D. Thesis, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, 2004. 6. Frijlink, J. J. Physical Aspects of Gassed Suspension Reactors, Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 1987. 7. Xue, J.; Al-Dahhan, M.; Dudukovic, M. P.; Mudde, R. F. Bubble dynamics measurements using four-point optical probe. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 2003, 81, 1–7. 8. Xue, J.; Al-Dahhan, M.; Dudukovic, M. P.; Mudde, R. F. Bubble Figure 3c: Local Holdup vs Dimensionless radius at Superficial gas velocity of 8cm/s 4.CONCLUSIONS Radial variation of Local gas holdup for a system with internals is irregular. The system shows regular variation (decrease) in local gas holdup after the inversion point has reached. It is also evident that this irregularity tends to increase with increase with superficial gas velocity. 5.REMARKS It is very important to note that these results are explicit for this particular column of 0.14m I.D.,0.0167m O.D. internals and airwater system. These results throw light into complexity involved in understanding bubble reactors operating with dense internals and need to model these results. There is need to study more about the effects of the irregular variation in local gas holdup on large scale and small scale liquid recirculation thus, on the performance of the reactor. 6.NOMENCLATURE 5 velocity, size, and interfacial area measurements in a bubble column by four-point optical probe. 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