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1. Purpose:
To provide clear guidelines on how to handle registration of candidates to attend
preparation workshops and to undertake professional designation examination;
To provide candidates clear instructions on how to register to attend preparation
workshops and to undertake professional designation examination;
To provide process of handling cancellations and or postponement related to
preparation workshop and examination attendance initiated by the candidate who
has already paid the required fee;
To provide candidates with the process of applying for postponement and or
cancellation to attend preparation workshops and to undertake professional
designation examination.
2. Procedure
2.1. The Professional Designation Examination (PDE) is an integrated test of knowledge for
estate agents contemplated in regulation of the Education Regulations promulgated
under Government Notice R.633 on 04 June 2008. In terms of regulations 4(3) no
persons may be registered by the EAAB as a full status agent unless that person has
successfully completed the Professional Designation Examination (PDE). This exam
has nothing to do with the old EAAB Board exam as this falls under the old education
curriculum. The PDE focuses only on the new curriculum introduced in 2008.
Eligibility to attending Preparation workshops and witting the examination
Only Estate Agents who have:
Been certified as having successfully completed the relevant qualification will be eligible
to write the exam;
Been certified exempted in line with the EAAB Equivalency Matrices;
Paid the required examination fee.
2.3. Examination Fees: For the financial year 2011/12, applicable examination fees
will be as follows:
A fee of R550.00 is payable for PDE 4 in order for the application to be processed;
A fee of R750.00 is payable for PDE 5 in order for the application to be processed
Payment of examination fees: Only electronic payments will be permitted Payment should only be made to the EAAB, using the banking details below and
ensuring only Payment Reference Number that will be communicated upon
submission and processing of the candidate’s application is used as recipient
reference on the deposit slip;
2.3.4. Banking details for payment of examination fees:
Bank Name: ABSA Bank
Account No: 4052033310
Branch Code: 632005
Branch Name: Protea Park
A/C Name: Estate Agency Affairs Board
2.3.5. Fees are non-refundable, only credit note will be issued (i.e. candidates will be
credited only if a written postponement is submitted to EAAB with supporting valid
doctor’s certificate and only if such a postponement request is lodged to the EAAB
five (5) working days before the examination date. The credit will be used for future
examination date that the candidate has been booked for in line with the candidate’s
postponement request).
2.4. Examination dates for the financial year 2011/12:
Exams will be conducted on the following dates. Candidates should note the closing dates
for applications.
Exam Date
18 August 2011
Exam application closing date
5 August 2011
10 November 2011
30 September 2011
02 March 2012
02 March 2012
2.5. Examination centres for the financial year 2011/2012:
The examination centres during 2011/12 are in all 9 provinces as follows:
East London
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
Allowable period required of candidates to complete the PDE
All estate agents (i.e. those that are not PDE-exempted) will be required to write and pass
the examination within one year of completing the qualification or of being exempted from
the qualification (against the EAAB Equivalency Matrixes).
Candidates who are interns and or non-principals and have been certified or exempted from
both NQF 4 & 5 qualifications will be required to write PDE4 prior to writing PDE 5. Only
candidates who are principals will be allowed to write the PDE 5. If a Principal chooses to, at
a later time after completed PDE 5, to assume the role of a non-principal estate agent, such
a candidate will also be required to comply with PDE Requirements for non-principals and
will be required to complete PDE 4 for non-principals.
Allowable attempts for writing PDE
Candidates will be allowed three attempts to complete and pass PDE (i.e. the first attempt
and followed by additional two attempts). Candidates who fail and would like to re-write will
be required to follow normal application process to write the examination and will also be
required to pay full examination fees as applicable for that period/financial year.
ways to enrol for examination:
Completing an on-line registration process
Completing the manual application form and sending via email to [email protected]
Completing the manual application form and sending via fax to 0866181101.
3.1. Online PDE Exam Registration Process
An estate agent will logon to the EAAB
website to validate his / her
information as an existing agent
Once the validation is done a
password will be created to enable to
logon to register for the PDE online
Agents will then complete an online
application form by choosing a venue,
exam date and a PDE level
An auto validation for qualification
performed by the system for whether
the agent qualifies for the PDE or Not
If the agent qualifies, the pre-booking is
confirmed and payment details are
provided to the agent
Payment is received and uploaded into SAP
and seat is confirmed with exam details and
communicated to the agent via sms and email
Payment is received and uploaded
into SAP and seat is confirmed with
exam details
If agent does not qualify the agent
is notified via the web page.
The notification is printed and posted
to the agent
The notification a to the agent
via sms and e-mail
3.2. Walk-in PDE application process:
An estate agent will visit the EAAB
offices with a completed PDE
application form.
Customer service agent will assess the
documents provided which is the
application and qualification.
Once the customer service agent is happy with the
document, s/he captures the registration on SAP
The system will do an auto check on
the information captured whether the
agent qualifies or not.
If the agent qualifies the pre-booking is
confirmed and the agent is directed to
make payment at the cashier
Payment is received and a seat is
confirmed with exam details
If agent does not qualify the agent
is notified.
The notification is printed and
given to the agent immediately
e-mailed and faxed PDE application process:
An estate agent faxes or emails completed PDE
application form with all supporting documents to
[email protected] or to fax number 0866181101
The Education Officer will assess the application
form and documents provided to verify if the
applicant qualifies to write the exam or not
Once the Education Officer is happy with the
application form and documents, s/he captures the
registration on SAP
The system will do an auto check on the
information captured whether the agent
qualifies or not
If the agent qualifies, the prebooking is confirmed and payment
details are provided to the agent
Payment is received and uploaded into SAP
and seat is confirmed with exam details
If agent does not qualify, the agent
is notified
The notification is printed and
posted to the agent
Restriction of entries to the examination
Since the number of seats available at each examination venue are limited,
examination entries for a particular centre will be accepted on a "first-come,
first-serve" basis. Entries received after all the seats at a centre have been
allocated and fully booked will be treated as applications to write the next
scheduled examination at that centre.
Applicants will, however, be advised
should their examination dates be changed due to fully booked seating space;
Submission of an application form is NOT an automatic enrolment into the
examination. The EAAB will upon receipt of the required registration documents,
send candidates the Payment Reference number which should be used for
making payments directly into the EAAB account;
The EAAB, however, reserves the right to cancel any centre should an
insufficient number of candidates select such a centre. It is required of candidates
to clearly indicate the examination centre on the examination and workshops
application form as this is the centre where they will be allowed to undertake the
exam and attend the workshop;
Once candidates have registered for his/her examination date, the examination
venue may not be changed. Only under exceptional circumstances can an
application be made to the EAAB for change of an examination venue;
Applications must reach the EAAB on or before the closing date as no late
application will be accepted. Applications without the required supporting
documents will not be considered. Only applications that meet the requirements
(100% compliant) will be process and the candidates concerned will be contacted
by the EAAB.
5. Acknowledgement of receipt of applications
All applications received by the EAAB will be acknowledged. Should you not receive
acknowledgement within 2 working days from the date of submission of your application
please contact the EAAB, [email protected] Tel: 011 731 5663.
The onus is on candidates to ensure receipt by the EAAB of both the application and
the fee.
6. Confirmation of registration
Everyone whose application has been successfully processed, registered and allocated with
an exam number will receive a confirmation from the EAAB, confirming the date, time and
the venue or address details of the examination centre s/he has requested. This
Confirmation also contains the examination number which has been assigned to the
applicant/candidate. This number is very important as it will be used on the examination
answer booklet or sheet used by the candidate and it’s also useful as a reference for any
queries directed to the EAAB relating to the examination. The confirmation letter/ message
sent to candidates entitle candidates admission to the examination venue/centre.
7. Physically disabled candidates
Visually or physically handicapped applicants whose disabilities restrict them from sitting for
an examination under normal conditions may request that special arrangements be made to
enable them to write it either on a scheduled examination date or on a specially arranged
date. Such handicapped persons should submit their requests in writing to the EAAB when
forwarding their application forms. Disabilities must be indicated in detail to enable the
EAAB to determine whether or not special examination conditions are justified. Should a
specially arranged examination be deemed necessary, the EAAB will, on receipt of the
application form, examination fee and written request for such an examination, send the
handicapped applicant a letter confirming the arrangements and indicating the examination
venue, date and time of the examination.
8. Requesting for postponement
Postponement can only be allowed if a doctor’s certificate has been submitted to the EAAB
in support of the postponement request and only if such has been communicated to the
EAAB 5 days prior to the examination date. Any request received in less than 5 days prior to
the examination date will not be approved. No refunds will be made out to the candidates
who cancel or postpone their examination enrolment. It will be offset against their account
number with the EAAB to write the PDE at a later date.
9. Requesting cancellation
No cancellations or postponement will be accepted once the examination number has been
allocated to the candidates. The only allowable cancellations are those relating to change of
exam venue/centre provided such an exam venue has been allocated mistakenly to the
candidate. This will not be treated as cancellation or postponement as the EAAB will ensure
the required venue/centre is assigned to the candidate or make alternative arrangements o
ensure the candidate is allowed into the required exam venue/centre.
10. Requesting refunds
No refunds will be made out to the candidates who cancel or postpone their examination
enrolment. It will be offset against their account number with the EAAB to write the PDE at a
later date.
11. Studying for the examination
The prescribed study material for the examinations is contained in a publication namely,
 The NQF Level 4 Study Guide
 The NQF Level 5 Study Guide
These study guides are available from the EAAB. The candidates are advised to attend PreExam Preparation workshops s they will be issued with the study material at the workshops.
Candidates who choose not to attend workshops have a duty of ensuring they order the
study material from the EAAB by completing the Study Guide Order form (available on the
EAAB website under Education0 and pay a mailing fee (if not collecting from the EAAB
offices in Hyde Park) so that the study material can be mailed to them.
12. Rules and Regulations at the examination venue
12.1 General information
 All examinations will be conducted in the morning this arrangement enables most
candidates to arrive and depart on the day of the examination without having to stay
 Examinations will commence promptly at 09h00. Candidates must, however, be seated
by no later than 08h30.
 Candidates who arrive 30 minutes after the commencement of the exam will be
refused admission to the examination.
 In addition to their registration letter, candidates must provide positive proof of identity.
An I.D. book, passport or valid driver's licence will suffice.
 Although there will probably be a wall clock at each examination venue your own watch
will help you to pace yourself during the examination.
 Smoking is not permitted during the examination;
 Candidates writing open book examination will be permitted to take books or papers of
any kind into the examination room.
Candidates writing closed book examination will not be permitted to take books or
papers of any kind into the examination room.
12.2 Use of electronic devices
No electronic devices, including cell phone will be allowed at the examination venues.
12.3 Identifying information
Before an examination commences, the chief invigilator will instruct candidates to enter
certain identifying information on their answer sheets. All the information required is printed
on your confirmation letter. If it is not correctly recorded on your answer sheet, your results
could be delayed.
12.4 Standard instruction
Prior to the commencement of an examination, the chief invigilator will read out the standard
examination instructions. Although these instructions may seem unnecessary, they help to
ensure that the identifying information which applicants provide on their answer sheets is
correct and that examination conditions are uniform regardless of where the examination is
12.5 Calculators and slide rules
Calculators will be allowed for examinations which require calculations. No calculators will be
allowed if the examination does not involve calculations.
1. Purpose:
To provide clear guidelines on how to handle requests for study guides;
To provide standard process of issuing study guides;
To provide stakeholders with a process of requesting free study guides.
2. Procedure
2.1 Eligibility criteria to receiving free study guides:
2.1.1. The criteria below is only applicable to material sponsored by SSETA;
2.1.2. This criteria will not be applicable to the study material printed by the EAAB;
2.1.3. Only clients who are estate agents will be issued out with study material;
2.1.4. Clients who are not registered as estate agents bit would like to access material will
be issued with the material at R550.00 (for NQF 4) and R610 for NQF 5.
Order item
Study Guide only
(NQF 4/5)
Who qualifies
Those who have enrolled for or are
in the process of completing the
DVD only (Level 4/5)
Those who have bought the previous
study guide but only require the DVD
to prepare for the exam. Typically
these will be clients who will be
undertaking the next scheduled PDE
4 examination.
Also for those clients who choose
not to attend the Preparation
workshop due to other commitments
or those clients who have enrolled to
attend the Preparation workshops at
a venue that the EAAB has
subsequently cancelled due to
insufficient enrolments. Such clients
should be allowed to access the
DVD for the relevant level in order
for them to prepare for the exam.
No client can be given both the
NQF 4 & 5 simultaneously as
they must complete NQF 4
before they do NQF 5. Only one
of these items can be issued at
a time and upon confirming that
they have registered with the
RPL Provider for the said
Proof or exam registration is
required prior to them being
issued out with the DVD. This
proof can also be obtained from
or verified with the Education
Department (in case of a client
who did not bring along
payment along to the front desk.
In a case that the client is
requesting this via email, the
client should be requested to
submit the proof.
Study Guide and
DVD (NQF 4/5)
Those who are preparing for the
exam. These clients have either
completed/acquired the qualification
or have been exempted from the
qualification and they can produce
proof thereof.
No client can be given both the
NQF 4 & 5 simultaneously as
they must complete PDE 4
before they do PDE 5. Only one
of these items can be issued at
a time and upon confirming that
they have registered for the
Majority of requests will be for
NQF 5 material as this was
never issued out in the past.
Those who will be requesting
NQF 4 are normally those who
have just joined the industry and
want to acquire the qualification
and those who are exempted
and are in the process of
preparing for the exam.
Proof of exam registration is
required prior to issuing out of
the material. This must be
accompanied with supporting
documents such as certificate of
exemption or of completion and
proof of payment.
2.2. Application processing
There are two ways to order or request for study material: Manual application form completed and submitted to the EAAB offices in person
(walk-in); Manual application form completed and sent to EAAB via email to [email protected]
or via fax to 086618110.
2.2.2. Walk-in applications: The client will complete the study material order form ;
Upon receiving a request from client, an Official from EAAB (i.e. the Education
Officer or client service agent or consultant) will review the application to check if
all compulsory fields have been completed before the form is accepted and
material is issued out;
The order form should be accompanied by the proof of registration with the RPL
provider and or proof of payment for the registration for the exam.
2.2.3. Emailed and or faxed applications: The client will complete the study material order form and scan and send
with applicable payment proof for mailing of material; Upon receiving a request from client, the Education Officer will review the
application to check if all compulsory fields have been completed before the form is
accepted and material is issued out; The order form should be accompanied by the proof of registration with the
RPL provider and or proof of payment for the registration for the exam;
2.2.4. Applicants who will be issued out with study material at the workshop The client will complete the study material order form and scan and send
together with Exanimation application form and all required documents as required in
terms of the exam registration or enrolment process; Upon receiving a request from client, the Education Officer will review the
application to check if all compulsory fields have been completed before the form is
accepted and material is prepared to be issued out at the workshop venue;
2.2.5. The EAAB official/ Education Officer will check on SAP if the client exists as an
Estate agent or not;
2.2.6. In case where the client does not exist, the client advised of the applicable fee and if
fee is paid, the client’s application will be processed further, and the order form is
kept safely in line with procedure for safekeeping of records;
2.2.7. One study material order form should be completed by each person requesting
material and for each order being placed.
2.2.8. In case of walk-in applications, if the EAAB Official is approached by a person, for
instance a Principal who wants to apply for all non-principals and interns, the EAAB
official should ensure that there’s a properly completed order form with supporting
documents for each applicant whose material is to be collected, i.e. the person
collecting should bring a completed and signed form for each applicant including the
supporting documents (i.e. One person may collect for a group of requesters as long
as each Requester has fully completed and submitted the form/the person collecting
submits completed forms on their behalf).
Important considerations for EAAB officials handling study material requests:
Being provided with proof of registration for the exam or for acquiring the
qualification does not mean that the applicant should not complete the Study
Guide Order Form.
If the applicant has not yet registered for the exam but have acquired the
qualification through RPL / exempted, the applicant should be assisted and
ensure all supporting documents are attached to the application form.
There’s a cost for those who cannot collect from our offices and require us to
mail their order and this cost is per file sent to the applicant – NB: NQF 4 has
one file and NQF 5 has two files (file 1 and File 2) and therefore there will be
a cost for each NQF 5 file to be mailed.
Molly Musi has been assigned with the role of coordinating the issuing of and
mailing all the study material and therefore all questions related to this can be
referred to her.
Molly Musi will also ensure all orders are captured and EAAB Officials
responsible for receiving orders/requests/follow up on material orders are
provided with a list of all people issued out with material every morning by
08h30 so that clients can be assisted and to avoid possibility of any
duplication of orders placed.
The Finance Supplier Management System will also be updated with all
orders to give the Sales Reference Number for each request received.
Process Flow:
4.1. Walk-in study material order and dispatch process:
An estate agent will visit the EAAB offices with a completed study material order
form or completes the study guide order form at the front office
EAAB official will assess the form to see if
all compulsory fields are completed.
EAAB Official will assess the form to see if all
supporting documents are attached (i.e. the
client is registered for the exam, proof of
payment for exam registration is attached,
proof of qualification is attached, if the client
has just registered with the RPL Centre,
obtains proof of registration from client
EAAB Official will verify client records to see if the
client is registered with EAAB as an estate agent
Once the EAAB Official is happy with the document and SAP records,
s/he captures the order on SAP and record the sales order number
on the form.
EAAB Official will obtain the relevant
study material from store room and
issue out to client.
EAAB Official will file the processed order
form for collection by Education Officer
responsible for the study material project
for further capturing and for record
Education Officer collects all order
forms from Front desk for filling and
records order on the Dispatch
records report, sends out to all Call
Centre and Consultants incl
Reception, to allow them to avoid
duplicate orders, and also ensures
record keeping is monitored in line
e-mailed and or faxed study material ordering and dispatch process:
An agent send a
completed order
form and supporting
documents to EAAB
via email or fax
The Education Officer
assesses the request or
order and advise an agent of
payment required (if not
received already) or
processes the order by
capturing into SAP
The Education Officer updates SAP and
Study Guide register with details of who
have been issued out with study material
at the workshop and circulate a list to
relevant EAAB employees for handling
queries relating to requests for study
The ordered item is
retrieved from
storeroom, packaged
and mailed to the
The Education Officer emails the
tracking number to the Requester
Procedure for issuing out of study guides at the workshop venue (applicable if
workshops will be conducted)
Before sending the study material to the venue:
The Education Officer assigned with this responsibility will draw a report or
attendance per venue of all candidates that have registered for the workshop
The Education Officer will ensure those who have been issued with study
material are recorded as provided with such before the attendance register is
sent to the Workshop Facilitator or Registration Officer assigned to manage
registrations at the Workshop venue.
The process at the venue:
The assigned Registration Officer will ensure that all workshop sign the attendance register
before issuing out of the study material to avoid duplication of issuing of material;
Once all candidates have signed the attendance register, the assigned Registration Officer
will issue out study material to the candidates who have never been issued out with the
study material and update the attendance register accordingly to reflect that they have been
issued out with the study material;
The assigned Registration Officer will send the updated attendance register to EAAB for
capturing into the system;
The Education Officer assigned with this responsibility will capture everyone who have been
issued out with the study material at the workshop venue to ensure that records reflect as
Process flow: issuing of study material at the Workshop venue
Officer draws
an attendance
details of all
Education Officer
draws a list of all
who have been
issued study
material and
records those who
have been issued
out with study
material on the
At the
venue: the
Officer uses the
register to issue
out the
material to
estate agents
Post workshop:
Education Officer
updates SAP/Study
Guide register with
details of who have
been issued out with
study material at the
workshop and circulate
a list to relevant EAAB
employees for handling
queries relating to
requests for study