WEEDS AND HOW THEM ERADICATE TO BY SHAW THOMAS W Formerly Professor of Agriculture College, THIRD Guelph, in the Ontario. EDITION (REVISED) Ontario Agricultural COPYRIGHT. 1911 BY THE WEBB " PUBLISHING CI.A288-982 CO. PREFACE. The from resulting prevail It is be extent will be to methods been written some measure the third the the of part of which as editions. reference author indebtedness that to in That it of that this need. weeds are based upon wishes to Hon. Geo. book it has will In are has eft'ective recent included also in been methods mentation. experi- acknowledge H. in this, considered not Much to weeds effective This hope to tion informa- most them. is as of lack a ference indif- to farmer the to the could presence a great. very much the to supply eradication weeds loss so the fighting discussion with The not in which is such edition, several previous added farm reference of farmer prevented. tolerated, with to is due the the to extent that true prevented the loss average measure on in the the on equally great not of aggregate Clark, his Seed of Commissioner for the use 'Tarm H. Experiment spraying certain of which book, this Dominion the of L. Bolley and of the for Station to North the Paul, machinery. Minn., Feb. 2, SHAW. 191 1. sor Profes- Dakota ilkistration THOMAS St. in from reproduced Canada," Canada, contained cuts are Weeds of of CONTENTS PAGE. I. Chapter The Prevalence of Weeds 7 II. Chapter The Evils which Arise from the of Presence Weeds 13 III. Chapter The Weeds Possibility of Destroying Chapter The Concerned Agencies and Propagation IV. the in of Principles and in the Destruction of Thistle of .VI. Weeds of the Family 113 Family VII. of Specific Modes Troublesome the of Weeds of the tard Mus149 ^ Chapter Eradication 58 Weeds Eradicating Eradicating of 40 Applicable Generally Chapter Methods Weeds.. V. Chapter Specific Modes Distribution Noxious Chapter Methods 21 VIII. Weedy Grasses Chapter IX. Eradicating Weeds 175 Miscellaneous 196 CHAPTER PREVALENCE THE ''Cursed is herb of was hurled of prints than He sooner no than they with they the harass all his the It that is true have that from by the to the day in home till sows, and perplex him, best devised methods the its dispute he his around to that foot the pitches themselves plants the permanent to the that bread commences it eat ejected sooner more commence shall from followed entrench they of doom the his From his days shalt was no in the centuries earn He builds or to have man. thou man brow. weeds present tent when sake; thistles reads the lost, his of So down paradise sweat ; and thy it all and also field." Eden, of eat thee to the of gates a thou forth bring for ground thorns life; thy WEEDS. OF the shalt sorrow I. and it. soil sion posses- and thus cate complifor duing sub- earth. at never the same been time tilled, that we in find lands some 8 Weeds. but weeds, they number the of multiply to the those but to any the other been varieties inhabitants weeds amid which they grow. weeds that the weeds is that than in various the to thus find other their have do favorable the and are Some other brought to greatly a duced intro- the kindly sorts, them, of grain of take not surroundings new seeds with the which The w^ays. with with from come. imported people who the countries sowing, cies. spe- countries infested conditions, but new native settled imported along for eign for- ous numer- more been be to long that different have brought have find the have various are varieties that far are from inhabitants these lands in frequently drawn the of unable seem ral natu- peculiarly liable are exist ited, lim- only in the aggressive Regions is not extent we of soil, and great hand, cultivated, and do the to species which surroundings On native are like times often- nently pre-emiincreased development. The (i) in "prevalence on any which the number and locality; these multiply. various weeds" of of weed (2) on species depends species found the are extent allowed to to Prevalence The J. number number of which infest United has The the yet been not their to purpose or to even their number. numerous in Europe, been and addition that native are of portion trouble Our weeds are which seems imported of wild some oat, Europe foreigners. in portion from of of ox-eve of as they number In America The the the the greater harassed giving now America. and Europe. varieties the of of are completely so of quite that long troublesome provinces northern have inhabitants the to most central known weeds that of good species, continent, the the those inhabitants the noxious to stantly con- passing century. every the is in America now constantly increasing to yet probably it is well variety with not approximation are varied where various an Weeds and as have give to try ada Can- no serve the enumerate has number It would increasing. the determined. distribution and fully told, of of provinces accurately their weeds portions the of The of species different and story of been various 9 species. weed of the States Weeds. of aggressive Canada at in home and Dominion United thistle, States, The same sow thistle. the the was is true daisv, the burdock, The the Weeds. 10 wild the mustard, the prickly lettuce, all nearly that are from a this foreign are characteristic them for fuse not even the and so individualities. found been to a whence they the harm;ful, while a certain crops majority may termed be eral sev- them, as have flourish in the even lands life in any varieties, as some as the for greatly not are thistle, sow thistle,if given Canada the render found weeds in check by in this country what cultivation, that cultivation good crops ; to growing of A large quite unprofitable. such modes the soon kept good their they of weed others, the of that presence and will chance, likely conditions new dandelion, the grass brought of some than desirable, is not instance quack and came. Although form For extent greater lose to favorable so in nationalities, do as thistle, the Canada the weeds people who they are so come us, numerous unlike blend life weed to more weeds, and of Foreign than hither, remain, forms source. indeed and troublesome greatly country cockle corn various the thistle, the Russian but of as other is is to necessary varieties treatment be may say, to by grow require if, when cific spe- the Prevalence is made attempt prove of varieties harmful is not of be safe would to do to all forward it would that say at the Canada forty, or reflect present time a dozen 2. The to allozved to certain varieties been Some find of The wild oats mustard, in the Red is in some localities,and which simply ing. alarm- Canada of been have a sense, taking is this true thistle, and and lar simi- quack grass Valley grain-growing sections, ity. local- weeds Notably River to to half have extent in are, the one any noxious possession of the land. of "wild thirty than more of States than weeds multiply them varieties United in which of to the to greatly encouraging multiply. allowed ing com- are incorrect not more entrenched extent it be would ing, Notwithstand- number seldom kinds which the in it is we number time. be not and that the weeds do it would varieties new state present list,nor probably really noxious and as so, icate erad- subject, definite a entire the cover judicious name the the of ously really seri- difficult to In large. very number the are and crops knowledge our not to which it is them, Happily weeds of ii exterminate to successful. to Weeds. of of wild barley and Weeds. 12 the Russian thistle the numerous of in soil the few left there to named Unless taken and more agriculture. It of agriculture criticism of the hope of of weed written. that to weed the the forms. than interested weeds in to weed book will reader stay by doing all the modes the cherishes to in of this writer on our it, when In decrease. something aggression, utmost of tide of withering a practiced great increase stigma defectiveness are those are will and the his their stay the invasion has been the hope self him- exert of progress best a ity. rapid- injury a country doing extension annihilate surely than measures great rather The every is that increase progress and the on the be tion genera- alarming they to any cultivation weeds with them, more, present next effective some destroy to the more still varieties increasing are for so no probably Other tions sec- are the during plants destroy. to some mustard would grow In that, though ripen to generation, others. wild seeds allowed were in to utterly seriously ious nox- CHAPTER THE WHICH EVILS II. of which evils weeds are and many so that offer to ground utility in from the that weeds at A the green as but mature, found far to the time same crop thus a better purpose, afford sown the on their nitrates It is true turned be if land, green to they before crop it commonly more to their on of the we on and escape enriching under ing will- weeds sometimes in found leaching. through may ceivable incon- seem enlarging the so ; Nevertheless, utility. persons soil great be for excuse arresting seeds suited should one presence very it would purposes, plowed be and fertilizing account will that find for their great their of value are many an sometimes good very the from arise any PRESENCE THE WEEDS. OF The FROM ARISE sow a and one pasture will if also crop that erly prop- will necessary. hinder the Weeds. 14 of escape of crop nitrates owing weeds, sufficient they either in service useful In tolerated at them injure (3) they harbor (4) they add grain for of insects to and not they rob their due be the share (2) they also and crowding market tage advan- any (i) moisture; greatly land, same should weeds plants by whatever them. from and plant food of offset all, because useful, cultivated much above, to the upon farming good of be named ways will gained be ously spontane- to give trouble than more to the is grown crop much of a formity. uni- greater grow numbers to sure are its to weeds Whenever in effectively than more shading; and plant diseases; the labor for seed of ing clean- (5) they ; frequently interfere with a regular rotation value and (6) they are usually not of much as food. the to To all these that statement unchecked, grow the the things be may longer they greater are is the added left work share them. completely subdue Weeds rob useful plants of their due Weeds of plant food and moisture. feed upon required /. as grow, the to precisely the useful and they plants draw same kinds which among heavily of upon ; food thev the avail- Weeds. Injuries from able soil moisture. of capable the from soil than either that a crop, crop or precisely that of that one, and plant food their period plant food the and be will of at available Weeds 2. ing weeds and time, the is plant weeds food to will the the case utilized by urally nat- which itself,and more as the plants the at grow in the of power present leave This gathering varieties in vigorously latter same race. nearly all When possess. useful nearly always superior they usually grow crop in plant food When plants behind to externally will be the them. weeds useful It should food as the to soil itself. the commence the owing cost, crops injure useful plants by crozvd- shading and much in the found. plant of quantity from that water during proportion are readily as after come of The in fertilizers quite as they deprive consume take they forgotten commercial weeds be in which applied, often they weeds found amount growth. which soil numbers not which of When that crops and vigorous therefore, the their as crop, usually more greater depth. a in growing useful the more moisture and are to penetrate often are food gathering systems root They 15 a of crop, than is intended the to 1 6 Weeds. thickly that it will require all the that can be given it to enable it to room perfect its growth, it follows that the injury weeds will be in through crowding from and proportion to the number vigor of the weeds. Weeds also more quickly grow than useful plants, hence by their shade that perfect development of the they hinder useful abundant plants which sunlight is so grow to necessary Weeds 5. chinch the Certain form growth, The lice. the to and other occur add grain for it not would in for not for by able favor- mildew, rust, Some diseases. much market the be wild mustard rank a conditions of plant the of eases dis- turnip similar and spread by them. are Weeds 4. furnishes the on plants, and formed dense cabbage, cauliflower, and of the also harbor development plant by their weeds, shade weeds lodgment other ous injuri- various excellent an dense of growth and waste rows, winter furnish bug insects. fence Weedy stubble places,and and injurious insects harbor diseases. plant to secure. cleaning grain labor of for seed. and of presence necessary the to to intended weed spend for ing cleanWere seeds, it much sale. time It is Weeds. i8 cleaning the the of presence weeds ripening thes'" seeds. hand in to grains, prevent them which crops produce of nature succ^^sful considerations and requirements and the when suitable weeds become in rotation the of growth instances, this render to rotation regular prompt the the of weeds. The may of the adoption taken of When the crops the itable prof- In some be great so of crops unprofitable been can balance practiced. crops. hindrance have measures kets, mar- soil even more these quite ities capabil- soil, the in any growth upon obtaining supplies is numerous lar reguevery on rotation, they greatly hinder a a the to fertilityof sustained be a of facilities for The cannot agriculturists. relate as ular reg- a vx^illdepend rotation the plant food. without is admitted fact most always the the This the by such as is ious nox- seed of successfully on rotation. of of certain kinds any ing prevent- frequently interfere zvith rotation. Ordinarily, farming carried of of Weeds 5. The seeds grasses, from be the in many and clovers, accomplished by only possible way The process. be cannot to these the until remove meas- ures for crops 6. time a Weeds If be weeds the a usually they feed stock because it be food, unless of possessed them render of many become of early stage in they are Quack grass, but quack It, we than value that of of a use. regard a weeds the or their at for is food mischief that paratively com- that exception, an when and in than we eradicating other any so are undisturbed. weed. ligh't The compared trifling, which we a valuable grass, it in life growth forms more very stock, and troublesome most prevalence, them sow of live found difficulty cannot with their kinds the consider is not are juices which left it is true, proper weed woody consequence grass other many of so generally weeds to live their bitter or distasteful them is it the when acrid waging When value. no all forms Nearly young. as would for supplies of short of value much extermination, but them, upon value beast, there of of are such much necessity war of desired. of of or same against them be not were man 19 growing not may usually for either not as are for food. food the necessitate may Weeds. Junes from In arises ought tolerate their presence never from to for such Weeds. 20 Finally, the the unchecked, to the the presence of would be soil They are more introduction not involves of labor. the semi-arid greatly even well. very approximate to annually but weeds, in it is a increasing, weeds themselves must always increase which roots, crops impossible cost of labor destruction large since add these be the of in and corn the sum, this and continent the cost increase in an sibly pos- crops would in very except also raising to portions many continually weeds It weed moisture growing in tery mas- longer Weeds as also the no of such engaged expended that of cost cultivation, those know conservation is but of farm, any the which get is districts. the to require as the on for forms fallow bare simphfied. time, Once noxious necessity for of tilHng of art fallow, respect more it not responsible bare much life, and the the in the absolute less grow required much^ very to Were the weeds, costly only labor them. or of left are is the greater subdue completely for zveeds longer number. of as of one is duing subthe CHAPTER POSSIBILITY THE The in flourish with nearly To dark so blot extent that they form twentieth century, and are run over- of whole do one they great the of progress a on sides the an boasted every places the occupy great the upon they literally are throughout everywhere In in all above They ing. alarm- another, or the hand. luxuriate clean, road every prevail be them. continent. reproach upon civilization. its The extent all nearly lead one to abandoned were which should farm and in simply every form one Gardens, crop. is on field every weeds Canada in sections, many noxious abound They the of and States WEEDS. DESTROYING OF prevalence United III. to parts of suppose all content which efforts to weeds this continent that the to gather destroy from in prevail would farmers them, their had and fields, Weeds. 22 in the allowed to to arise, in belief As the there make to as matter much the work of the impossible, that or long so looked the repaid by when obtained their once is harbored and expense not be will be will that gains greater as upon them completely eradicating be their as belief the the ever long so as writer, that hope outlay of labor the the will is eradication and unprofitable. a farmers, of weeds labor continent this of complete seems lack a itself to shadow a destroyed by in so presents is not weeds apathy possibilityof destroying incurring expense This weeds the least, from at part in the without there. grow what merely of crops, form is destruction effected. Four which propositions bear the upon of eradication is the writer of the that affirmative as (i) The be he throughout of ers done. these of them makes the forms eradicated whole farms are of these that ositions prop- strongly as follows life weed on plete com- confident as continent resolve the So weeds. possible.They completely of subject soundness noxious submitted now are every if the : can farm farm- it shall be Weeds. Possibility of Destroying eradication (2) Complete without the in weeds When it will keep them much the he will heart is his I. life can be be farm where their seeds exist be that interfere completely the are It be By so icated, eradtually effec- they will practically implies even is made, back rotation any banished attempt brought can with desired. farm. completely they be lifecan troublesome more can that to cease they cation eradi- may every on the exterminated may complete that that whose one no weeds that it is meant that the eradicated weed of to be them, reflection forms of weed noxious assertion forms will farm,. own completely the of read who the upon noxious the weeds. some in kept unconscious distasteful really set The tively, rela- are propositions these be of farms means no comfort finds they on by doubtfully by received but is that fact where noxious from writer The little outlay, but so. larger free entirely control, profitsof farming will be, The (4) done be under once are easily possible,with be to work way. proper (3) effected be can outlay, if the heavy 23 from every except again by that as natu- Weeds. ^4 ral other or these from grow with but seem to little hold held in in can with that be turn destroyed difficulty. Many the view check that and while kept the plants which the watchfulness, necessary be agencies, and persons weeds may from seriously they cannot hindering the growth of crops, be wholly destroyed. They claim that while weeds be thus far conquered, nevertheless may they will come again, and therefore that the hope of eradicating them pletely comis not hold this view then adopt who Those of method some ing clean- fairlysuccessful, and low during the years that immediately folfield no further give the same special field that attention. proves The is that consequence this again requires to be put through special cleaning process, owing to field soon some the of increase the weeds which by partially eradicated If this practice were one. but it would one, untenable and cherished. ingly. shape their practice accord- They a be to involve theory, that the in is cherished interested, that the the vious pre- good a of the correctness correcting uprooting evil,it is better rather than wholly. So belief were to do long error it partially as the by those who are most of complete eradication 26 Weeds. effort the no from in not made thus clean of The 2. zveeds the argue the be the truth time of but to truth. in who is that by is not of the sources actual to very lack very of the bearing shall line of to to belief the that cannot be The reasoning. is will not this of Evidence in thing be" they the be kind farmer readers Therefore, because our necessary upon be accomplishment well. an converts "the that plentiful,as in It w^ould cherish which reject. To w^ould many which such any of know must weeds testimony inclined due way. little purpose. Those hath only its proposition fashion winning to evidence evidence the proper a this in reference reached farms own of noxious heavy outlay zuithout done work been noxious have time eradication effected be succeed not our the in banish if our influence. abstract, theoretical spend believe to in can Though kept clean, complete can should possibly he now will presented measure if and ises, prem- agriculture possibilityof being able weeds from their farms, are their result. this should neighbors from all that doing about bring weeds engaged one refrain to banish to the data cost from of other cleaning Possibilityof Destroying farms from back his upon evidence the that work in the time that condition. it. In use of some they had the In daisies with be cut glory blossoms foliage of their revelled the Wheat-thief and sprinkled in some than plentifullystrewn Bindweed the had vent pre- fields,ox-eye pastures The yellow variety to lent field,and in fields some that stones fence numerous docks Burwere borders. plentifully were localities,while in others obtained and footing. Quack more to that countless and false flax thistle had sow in own. among along pest painfully profuse. was clean a stage the mustard every beauty strewn wild in this meadows under spring grain green of tion Sta- prevailed to the whole of thistles all their of the the with of several spangled a fields in the maturing numbers. over infested so to thistle at 1888. not was extent the of autumn farm as accomplished was Canada less or were crops the The greater the fall must experience, and own supervision At the writer Agricultural Experiment the time it came Guelph from at a the 27 Ontario the his weeds, Weeds. one over taken grass field. one a firm had lized monopo- Ragweed or possession acing men- two of was fields. small Weeds. 28 here areas fixed and its firm Here, grip then, was the pastures. for capital opportunity a in experiment of some on had blueweed there, and eradication the noxious of weeds. It would correct eradicated that till time this A few from year to year, instances, came the in soil for of It may that cultivation to To cost estimate of with condition be many the proportion charged The the injury absolute Station complications to of the were into ous vigor- conditions be said of these to in the that outlay of that of can the weeds be all ous variin ficient suf- annoyance the crops. precision arise that the the into the Farm would indicated growing eradication utmost which impossible task, owing an the still survived serious cleanliness of probably to this bringing first present were cause real or none life to from was favorable weed numbers book spring to them. pletely com- was years seeds the when any these, in nearly all but fairness, however, forms life stragglers ready that say five little from existence occurred the in written. to of weed varieties these of one be not in to fixing should be and crops respectively. hoped for is an Weeds. Possibility of Destroying approximation estimate approximate 1891, make and 51 pp. probably, course, and made was an lished pub- Report of the Ontario College and Experimental Agricultural for Such cost. Annual in the Farm real the to 2g can be quotation from No 52. better adopted here than Farm the Department portion of this report, prepared by the The cussed writer. subject in hand is therein dis- to a following language: "The question of the cost of cleaning this farm will doubtless be raised by the enquiring in the In am reference for that was hand the return The spudding. certainly all pay them. much of each year On were grown On process. harvest, exact spudding in cost in spudding which, that during was at In would two the crops cleaning after gang-plowed for the in the no account outlay catch was for time 1890 the 498^ $1.25 paid producing expended amount 1889. of land, the land obtained I regret grown. the the per hours by day of I which that crops be. that say was hoed compensation frequently of for the to only outlay for direct no it should that this, I desire to satisfied there it is well and mind, one ten was crops kept hand spent son, per- hours, Weeds. 30 would amount thus time spent 489 hours, to the For two spudding include spudding the in the of that is to cost of rental fallow does road. On of have been calculation that the the be included, would the land on process years, the year, with team, absence the or of crop, $4,000. to assumption all fallow, when bare and is hired than acres, it each and lowing fol- more three these on in spudding by the $3,200 is based the certainly pasture man from of cost 400 in the added, for the of not two is be during labor in the not cleaned for expended as and one-third say, of land labor arable been This the suppose of hired would This outlay would years had bare the outlay estimate whole Now, farm this $61.12^/2. the was 1889 year and thereabouts, the much as the three $250.00. this then, that liberal one, in years, the amounted cost $123.44. years, a would on 1891 farm which spudding supposition the upon was In $62.3 ij^. to rental of the to $10.00 bare fallow fully $8.00 land per acre." When done be the by the nearly when the so work of farmer, costly labor of to man the it will the not, person and team of is course, doing it is hired as ; Possibilityof Destroying in whatever but times several cost it may way more Weeds, done, it will be than acre per 31 the for spudding actually paid per acre the Ontario during the three years in which Station at Agricultural Experiment weeds. Guelph was being freed from sum noxious When J. it will little outlay, them keep to opinion. that the will continue that to will be noxious will that to come found will banished benefits is cost than only all of out That eradicated, certainly true, to control under once is say weeds accruing. when more to all time, and costly process keep coming it will it is lar popu- that one, through even again ready many hopeless the to to counter completely a weeds, come they a them keep proportion find is strate demon- to Nevertheless, We task This it should that strangely runs but check. argument any its correctness. which cated, eradi- once in reasonable so scarcely require one are easily possible, with he is proposition zveeds equally and that true, but them keep partially wholly banished is altogether illogical. Such reasoning would assumption that when they are involve weeds relativelyeasier to the are able unten- tiful plen- fight than Weeds. 32 . when they be wise a reduce and the there is limit a to to step farther and cleaned would that and but that and cleanliness be farm the think that render it altogether be and tage, advan- be can the made to still greater farm a labor the tion reduc- be can to to a only the farm, a advantage be if not if greater dirty yield profit to profit will to further reasonable seems clean on which with it a it would course weeds is very farmer, go while go. that clean partially of beyond not farm a that commendable number ought If few, and are partially this owner, correspondingly perfectly cleaned, of cost maintaining with continually decrease increasing perfection of the cleanliness. the will be It may ''clean," well So from long place as to the made freedom weeds in this as weed place by able clean. be to birds, waters, be never here noxious of necessarily used" sense. state applied as presence to to Though perfectly free following year a in seeds and winds, from carried are of such shall is absolutely it noxious number cies agen- we farm year is relative a means one the farms, on a term from work that say the that of were to weeds, weeds Weeds. 34 and Experimental page 52, the "It three or desire to the second, that to farms them desire so it; without cleaned thus cleaned the will it in keeping be more and an annum, field a clean by the cultivation, in autumn cultivation necessary to of the grown. When crops hand to of per keep this of outlay and outlay required includes in year not for 100 farm clean more than above good should weeds, the cultivation. and not acres. forth hence- $75.00 ordinary private roads, fence pastures, the essential spudding, $25.00 over unbroken When the than at keeping difficult,providing easily be kept can fields clean expect of work exercised. is spud to the be not cleaned, the estimate province are production per viction con- bare addition thus be may firm the is cleaned, of they I and vigilance use if their ing resortordinarily without fallow ; and, third, that when clean due We farms outlay, great farms two in this of : farms. it is my farmers clean venture to cleaning to made are general are that fi^rst, say, have here On 1891. statements that reference that may for amiss be remarks in nature following not may Farm This ders, bor- by-places." Weeds. Possibilityof Destroying Some of the statements just given may appear practical to into farms them small such number a will views that however, of it regard made he laid of experience Ontario of that year. but on An per entire time expended his in $1.25 view man should first honestly own farm found This so. a 100 ion, opin- and on in hand to of And acres. done in of ten 512 was hours, hours, less this cost the tion Sta- spudding way cost than includes indicated borders, unbroken by-places," in addition the the by account considerably sum work accurate day on management amounted per say, the book, and the as to is sustained "private roads, fence pastures, has so many is not no clean spent It $64.00, $25.00 the at free he by Agricultural Experiment- the kept which, 1892 Guelph. at feels and added, ing keep- advocate by profitablydo be then upon in this down cannot it may the to bringing who opinion until attempt lines that this such as the the writer enthusiast, mere a looked be The enthusiasts. and those that of even entertained be to seems so idea condition clean a quotation extravagant, The men. the in 35 cultivable to portions. that Weeds. 36 The 4. profits of farming larger zvhere much of will be surely if but mind, the made reflective the to The here it is is wanted, proof kept are weeds. proposition apparent tively rela- he farms noxious entirely free from correctness will easily found. Since food same the for Where the are plants plant food crop, for than useful stated yields The more are in much weeds will be in will view be been of weeds for the growth furnish shade of should reason not that grasses, to them. the the crop as was Here, to weeds, advocated the by through proportion the of more injured, correspondingly has in pastures, of crop feeders weeds much a than Moreover, very grow. ravenous shading by less weeds crop, the much numerous the are that previous chapter. a noxious thev the by the strength the which plants. injury and just of weeds in be more is used crowding and plants, crops the in crops weeds than will there food of portion a up the that follows plants, it take former identically upon useful as the where plant feed weeds the and too, ber num- crop- diminished. that times some- be cut they down age encour- inasmuch This as would Possibility of Destroying be equivalent of nutriment abundant more the of labor useful weeds weeds Again, which the weeds corresponding of harvesting the they grow, whether these Grain crops. the to latter of woody more than growth in fibre, and increase and to all by be increase a a the which amid cereal or much are to with must crops weeds in extent and are no increase followed crops where reap are shade profits. Weeds labor difficult deeper the to there return, in the decrease ment argu- too, the is not that grasses crops present, are be Such crops, proportion in labor increase in the Here, in a and possibly furnish. can handling will be to growing purpose. labor . consigned the rankest than than alone. ground be should robbed grasses nutritious and the occupying 37 by overshadowing v^eeds, of sunhght, would absence in the grown that saying to Weeds. abound, tivated culmore since its branching in their habcereal plants, are more of greater are height latter characteristic proportionately the a resulting from tendency to a more longed pro" state of more the of greenness plants. Cultivated difficult abound, since to weeds harvest in some crops portions are where frequentlyhinder much weeds free- Weeds. 38 of locomotion dom the impede and used, the of the working implements the ling difficultyof handweeds Moreover, materially increase crop. the increase and men, part of the work- the on difficultyof curing by prolonging crops grass proportion in period, and both cereal the curing this as to loss from prolonged, the liability weather otherwise with less is market wanted, which The from the and labor required hand that other the case the that turbed dis- in in be evils, some of Chapter II. cleaning the ground the with farm may in increase profits are reduced. extent With labor the to necessity greater a crop usually lead may mentioned been and that foods various increases some artificial fertilizers,and have is this crops. turn, farm to weeds to of certain weeds, than would rotation of growing relations, purchase of even in rily necessa- disturbed desirable This, the the to to as profits that A leads grown. for the accrue. generally numerous so regular rotation, they the interfere that become weeds disturb adverse increased. is When is period More growing of fore there- ularly particcultivated multiplication of especially is increased, weeds because Possibility labor more the labor thus of this, than horse by not to this and also is those with thoroughness have when of be to weeds the crops can lying idle not be in bare is of also grown fallow. fallow it tive effecing noth- say occasioned because the bare to by to from make to the the which resorted be plentiful, that bare results only the managed are loss to of multiply, with which frequency greater weeds it, but practice who would have hand the as not will labor such labor been it The frequency would fallow bare has require as of greater Because America clean. increased increase the from labor. modes, hand relatively always which them other by cleaning the and in crops keep to fallow, that grow weeds conclusion some 39 remove rows, untenable reached labor the is the pay to employed expensive more Weeds. Destroying required is line from of of by the when seasons of the land CHAPTER CONCERNED AGENCIES THE IV. BUTION DISTRINOXIOUS OF PROPAGATION AND THE IN WEEDS. The means distribution weeds and stock road been and tillage wild ; ; waters of under these ; his of some control them that along concerned his roads far as " as or the the are entirely last partially as tioned men- under bution distri- weed vehicles used birds Some are as but of ent inher- themselves. are is, ; the and ; control, " is pass farmer's goods; railways agencies or of that implements ; ; weeds the means the etc. winds ; etc., carriage machines thrashing animals the live farmyard ; crates, vehicles, farm powers of for used grain, farm ; stufifs feed noxious seed : etc. packing-cases, manures; have seed, purchased ; following clover seed, grass the the in of propagation chiefly are concerned agencies or upon that his ; Weeds. 42 freely as and grasses, useful the seeds be may of adopted, for sowing. The seeds found, the useful and, it may seeds of agency for the extent though as the Renewing the for exchange things many the seed new influx of weeds. source of which has the farms to the there dissemination many of forms and spoken a less of a it has with an of, fruitful than that it furnishes arrival the is troublesome weed-seed been others, most is the by along frequently comes this just same it; but the weed graiias by or by Although explanation of small farmers, too ful fruit- smaller. grown of seeds a the to are ous. continu- as of seed, commend as they also are of among which wide as which are new seed practice common that the distribution, is perhaps ing clean- seeds dissemination stock of purchase in is it separate seeds millets not seeds are of added, is be The seeds, to useful that size seeds), the weed very found are process any therefore, of these of they clover or from weeds intended are in which grass clovers, owing, in similarity in and impossible, by that useful the their to seeds (especially in almost of grains; instances, many to those as weeds, upon the our pres- Distribution of ence which farmers Moreover, local well world, the foreign seeds medium of furnished when would seeds of them. Farm seeds carried the mane weed and be the from hair this the is get pure that, too even precaution, there long the seeds to Very farm as there market, open brought our of a farm wool of localities. seeds cluster about tail. When the by weed by being live stock Sometimes the hair animals ious nox- farms frequently upon other tions, sta- claiming say As that or be to in the introduced in brought takes live stock. are When assurance will he stations danger will means that danger. weeds of probably bought some weeds. degree farmer no are be 2. our farmer be entirely through agricultural experiment those the sible impos- distributed it would for old the market foul of are the ; but much seeds In open in its dangers it is almost in the considerable a has work new, seed buy from the sorts obtained be its benefits. as in as to free This by test various the to are countries. as sometimes that seeds foreign will otherwise not suitabilityof trial the farm seed could we 43 for. account of Propagation. and are of the given Weeds. 44 of the freedom pasture, a or, is as times some- of the farm, the case, the freedom seeds lose their hold, and, dropping these ground, begin at once to grow and bought multiply. If a flock of sheep were where weeds in a locality abounded, and were brought to a clean farm, and there in a corner of a field while they hurdled ety and variwere being tagged, the number to the o"the be found that would weeds in that spot the next surprising.The writer season can of this statement correctness stock various of distribute the seeds weeds by droppings. This mode though somewhat of should and removing noxious farm with be cattle from weeds which, testifyto the from personal observation. experienceand Again, live sorts growing would be to as of their means tion, distribu- weed local,is borne mon, com- very in mind when fields infested other yet, may portions of not of be with the infested them. J. Purchased very are Weeds are feed stuffs. ties localifrequentlyintroduced into new by being carried in the feed stuffs that brought from distant places to supplement the food that is grown upon the Distribution when farm local especiallyis supplies live stock is until have fodder baled are carried for more than of as be may first been them mill fodders without certain farms be barnyard generally noxious bring in countless know very or pose pur- weed Persons which or have and who grinding seeds weed to numbers. Weeds manures. manures, them. steaming to steamed crushed, or to Farmyard in are subjected screenings ground in countless of tion distribu- weed being found a nov^ fed, for the they are destroying the vitalityof such purchase 4. are since may v\^ell as before ground their v\^eed seeds them in of grains fodders that fodders grains, while steaming, are distances without fed usually transporting of transport, ease long even of Now grains. Indeed, means dangerous in feed in distributed existed has distances. long are not thus been long difficultywhich who in those case grains and fodders; but only locally, recently, in the latter, owing to the both seeds More dairying or the fattening of carried extensively. Weed on where as 45 short. run be the likelyto this localities seeds Propagation. and numbers a fact well. are by the which More tributed dis- agency farmers especially Weeds. 46 they distributed are which which the these of feed the of the seeds is manure that weeds manure for used seeds which the purchased these the are aside, the entirely free Although common material weed character, have etc., that frequently ious Nox- straw packed which transport is heap which for often are uses. or have When purchasers, thoughtlessly manure seeds introduced of the means during the of carriage of goods. by the means in for other by farmers by the brought home upon cies agen- by goods have been The packing-cases goods packing out the to foreign. and are localities new in the it find local be purity distributed, are Packing-eases, crates, shipment. held most not hence farmer; distributed distant weed chaiT the in has the into weeds. foul likely to than cities him weeds are are rather looking from of one from purchaser exceptional be and used The the ures man- towns are and as of which by into buys obtained from which towns in the sources come. in probably manure been often he in various stuffs interest what 5. feed stuffs same would the to places of means purchased are cities, owing by or tied emp- thrown it contains are Distrihiition then centers of miles where distant of any of In would the this hard their As similar a it may sections seeds with brought which the this in of is ity proxim- seeds sowed 6. Road the driven to carry that they and horses, sides, road the often allotments farm are or ment state- same of the introduced before of ragweed furnishes this of weed, vehicles. they Noxious frequently brought 'along the this days first crop. wheels sort the pioneer settlers thus and seeds the and into their their in used their by ate tion, distribu- provender for the who Northwest, that in the convenient; is true weed travelers them animals wherever of mentioned be weed many by otherwise for; and method early settlement, weed in weeds cities. to weed tion explana- presence of be may an of account especially true more find we appearance to point nearest species fact where be the plants thousands or same sudden the centers new from 47 produce to hundreds perhaps growing. of Propagation. given opportunity in of and weed and vehicles which highway. a The familiar distribution. also of others to farms have been spread example of of The seeds that grow Weeds. 48 along the mud public roads, dirt and wheels this of Sometimes miles, farmer the the also are farm In considerable which These cultivation. of or from one even from one of established. when the stick to of invasion to weed of Weeds are, to of various this those field to This thus is plow, carried another, and another; are it is which the to field to distribution to root-stocks. creeping a is true weeds, readily cling of cesses pro- weeds are the by tillage, to of cultivator, and being to kinds of means portion centers new those part the While all root-stocks harrow, by one farm they cling during multiply by for by distributed of especially true more from extent, extent some in farm. manner, of tillage. implements of and powerless sense, similar a the another. to ordinary also this sort conveyed /.Implements a a to used vehicles from ; is, in farmer himself. protect seeds others to the conveyed but himself, belonging the the by merely in the onto thus are cling vehicle, brought are they not that passing every they way dust and carried are or thus constantly especially that ground is so damp the implements used. true it tends Seeds or eeas. w 50 Railzvays. p. Railways effective wonderfully weeds, of by of means in cars litter which animals falling soil along track the kind. their in the seeds contained fall to and often In of the they great in which Birds and carried the food enjoyed to which without duce reprois weed the that in leaks other have is being the cars they their to the ways, largely become of and new where viously pre- sprig of have not is grew some seeds weed carry A seeds they the unknown. distances. the grain and ; explanation into localities were Birds. which to introduction the weeds troublesome 10. these country for responsible in quite suitable conditions germination. grow of the track, where sides the find railways the through escape seeds oftentimes that in weed commence third A fact found shipped and The suppHed are ground, the to cars noxious contains frequently these, these bedding is carried. live stock which with fodder the and other supplied to the horses the in constructing them, and used of a bution distri- the in agency be to seem left plant a the by up distant place molestation. on capsules caught its seeds to afford Some a bird where can of be the Dtstrivution seeds start for instinct leads forests, and soil has the fond being the local of desirable store weed away and sometimes than more a part not they here dropped at unconsumed into and the for 12. potent of weed Waiters. in the building loads their there the which of the are so leave they may thus are the on nest, which and that seeds vigorous life,and work in age foli- the use manage, mouth in also way, The return. they bury or layng up their carry can the upon list of their gathering these, they to attempt for, weeds, in when weeds When nests. or weeds They of stems animals diet, they include seeds supply. the cultivation. wild of of edges where to Sometimes foods. winter's lairs certain we unexpected Certain varied a The fact the subjected distributors of seeds the localities animals. Wild //. are been this along other in never In of weeds and way, infrequently not results. of appearance 51 distribution. weed explanation an the by nest-building similar to find of centers new fall carried thus Propagation. and tributed dis- soil, or burrow, spring at are left or length again commence the distribution. Few agencies distribution of the are more seeds of Weeds. 52 than water. heavy by turned into of the in when in the this of present, farmers seeds of their upon fields intervene his way, /J. are of widely winds. when for the distributed the is seeds that they are less care- as allow ally annu- the farniers seeds strewn The numbers. in way to farmer to some careless reprehensible most neighbor. Some This attachments air this unoffending Winds. weeds, in law the compel and troubling, cease the year exposed. long weed have is protection will in countless is for only remedy thus So long fields, so levels to year higher grounds weeds to ripen noxious lower levels, seeding effectual invasion. ried car- deposited are are ing melt- lower from are are fresh A no the seeds they the on their the on of is they by to that there this sort when numbers recede. uged del- valleys are weed which float readily, as rivers or surfaces At on or scattered way the the rains, such waters over from the snows, soil seeds When streams countless the on such especiallyof weeds, the through enable which have them to of those downy rise fully matured. agriculturist,many agency of especially true of life weed of forms in the Happily the seeds so Distribution endowed do not of weeds sorts to way these their for but fill are seasons the troublesome should be ever it is doubly seeds of their allowed in driving in of the well as The their the able are distribute power. remain It should While tainly cer- reflect to to seeds its seed, mature weeds, of rise in the seeds as weed noxious case to greatly is it of form no so which Winds ried car- are while weeds. that important others, weight, concern some of phere, purifying the atmosalso engaged, especiallyin certain of the year, in scattering everywhere seeds of exceedingly many winds the that with us a sustaui to distances; distances. short have Some able are their greater of account on to many they it is free. as incredible flight to Hence which to travelers downy proper continually finding their are silent as of 53 fertilized are trouble. centers, new passage enough much farmer lack for grow fertilization; but give the Propagation. and by of capsules long air. weeds of their some after the by rying car- weeds their instances growth is over ; in some until the approach of spring. These even shaken often out are by the force of the winter driven winds, and incredibly are season Weeds. 54 ing long distances, till at length they find a restplace. Then, when spring arrives, they their begin In the wind, find we driving in for forests In some the have of first time, been but which baseless that opinion, into 14. say, on the by means former a seed from seed lying in the soil. Inherent themselves to form It is this soil. given grow rise the to by many, also by their by method, around whole one what which the creeping and powers seeds around ground reproduced of inherent ripening of spread means own which parent else or germ, been has selves. them- of the weeds powers Weeds termed in thev still cherished without life they ages removed. ing originate spontaneously, spring- weeds that has which appear time a been from weeds for less count- have or principal product of the phenomenon the would in recently the s:reat that so weeds which areas instances, numbers of power solution, namely, of appearance the for and difficult numbers the reproduction. explanation of what an be sudden broken of carrying otherwise the work distribute be may ; that is shed are stem, root-stocks. By families are parent stem or the often in a Propagation. and Distribution single season by the latter ; and are continually spreading and wider wider and enable reproduction without weeds aid the of into brought another these of With agencies that continually engaged weed distribution, and have not of appalling. While multiply and of to man this the that true resolute and is very there of in be constantly the weeds to to no to tunities. oppor- there it is defeat who tilized unu- pass that war, soil strives seems crowding this can tiller of thought the great, the power is greater, unless them rush that of task of it is true discharge no the power of others is allowed power While be the tioned men- work the with first at destroy with or one been in also weeds spread limitless by have mentioned, eradication have they once agencies. the been idly, rap- agencies the centers new of powers of when previously mentioned, been occupying multiply to any weeds many These areas. 55 can equally for the persistently his keep farm clean. It has of some we These already been mentioned these agencies of weed can are exercise the but agencies little of or nature that over tion distribuno " control. as wind Weeds. 56 and and water, animals and birds. we must their here before they Where under patience, and easier weeds bring which to inherent seeds, will required weeds shedding allow The power. will always of eradication the allowed been spread to or weed the creeping root-stocks, persistency If of power own power control to pletely practically comagencies are control, as that of the our the under of tillage is, by us. When its least to control have they at of care, have the than soon duty our agencies so far as we judicious exercise of this found as partially but implements as the be or are machines, watchfulness, weeds seeds. their control, our to Our may. appear, agencies thrashing or they mature the we kill the is to subjected are best cerned, con- are inevitable, the to wild as these as we as possible after as far when influence, resource So agencies submit fight them, and other such them to of be efforts our the effect the of seeds, do so; to by means of defeat of the this time the extermination. farms our and ripen to measure complete upon to itself measure multiply their plant by it is because if the we they multiply CHAPTER METHODS V. PRINCIPLES AND APPLICABLE IN GENERALLY DESTRUCTION THE OF WEEDS. conflict the In methods general for the are also which a of shall we the specific in particular The which writer's may in there treatment of ter chap- present methods weed tion, destruc- chapters of treat applicable are ticular par- only cases. methods general applicable of general following modes and ; the the applicable the degree eradication In consider in weeds tain cer- which less or modes the weeds. principles and to are principles all specific only there greater of certain apply and and destruction sorts the in applicable are weeds, with weed in opinion, be and destruction are described which, the of as principles most follows quence, conse- : in of Eradication. Methods of habits the able be to as so of adopted, ripen for may, a necessary) them infest to the from omitted time, be the allow as crops been has that which weeds the of seeds such that so rotation of scheme the the in them with way The (2) sorts is infested, farm possible. modification (when rational most deal to various the one's which with weeds of aU of growth study of careful persistent and The (i) 59 rotation. in the (4) seeds are due of purchased, to weeds with care at perfectly (5) the The ; are found care, when free and form of before to see weed from from noxious such that of due a weed, it is used. from seeds they, as too, seeds. care to especially farm are exercise the also to exercise they that see respect home directly cleaned such as due thrashing machine, comes to is, perfectly free that pure, of grown are any exercise The seeds are and localityconcerned. perfectly of careful methods climate soil and of conditions the upon, these of adaptation wise the fixed been have tion eradica- of methods certain When (3) see when infested is that it with thoroughly Weeds. 6o The (6) the chaff exercise from the suspected of burnt and The the that is farm weed any it is is seeds, thoroughly destroyed also screenings are carefully far extent of growing this as (9) of growing infested, to cultivated the crops largest extent practicable. The (8) growing that may be of the fact almost at because (10) destruction (11) The the they that food is of be can the cut desirable, and erties. prop- for sheep the pastures. at home, of far as required by instead farm, to "smothering" in growing profit. practicable, both that weeds the with found their alfalfa, and soiling crops, utilizing of possible, of of of The of time any clover done be can The because stock that see after. upon also to care fanning mill, when containing all that (7) so due othei-vvise or looked of the as live purchasing it elsewhere. (12) farm The keeping constantly possibly (13) be The of work, at the so land far as of this the can effected. stimulation vigorous of the soil to production by means a stantly con- of Methods thorough of Eradication. and working 6i large a of use manure. The ( 14) the to largest The (15) the farm, can be exercise if The the with down (17) The has as been thorough of as two of and due crops grazing heed always as those the of work the able the it of plishment accom- possible time. of cleanliness maintenance perfectlyas to tion eradica- making and state the be to shortest a distributed agencies. possible, it in the all the to are undertaken, as ripening three or weeds once once (19) When been has secured, thereafter their upon sheep. defeat (18) When ripen season giving or possible utmost seeds of same agencies by which and propagated, so counteract possible. means sowing succession them of the by any prevented. (16) is weed no cultivation autumn that extent that precaution in practice of of possible under it all circumstances. It is greatly important that these methods of weed principles and should be well observed; for important than those understood these are specificmodes general tion destruc- and even fully caremore of weed 62 Weeds. destruction which described are In chapters. the in fact, unless farm management of heed general principlesand these to of weed be completely destruction, weeds. for As general we writer the to test principles and putting them here down set benefit such brother remarks Study I. with war of annuals, to zvinter are stantly con- will most experience in in study its habof these habits. classified are as implies, complete name in instances some a single son, sea- they may fall, particularly in They Common shepherd's their perennials. existence the the In methods our with plants, their annuals. his of grozvth. fit in sections. warmer these destruction, thinks biennials, and growth of in this weed adapt other although class and them as habit by practice, he must we cycle of their start of habits weeds, Annuals, the their like Weeds, it his make. to growth, fighting with value farmers he as him entitles war methods into question important made to specific directions, for the in his of utmost hope our the our methods never in has in the pay can successful years many we lowing fol- the purse, are then examples chickweed the called of this and Habits while cheat, winter More annuals. to annuals while among corn, oats, plants of ripening on whatever the time must come that sort of weed that farm. be adopted to in destroyed a single decay, and many many without years even of weeds, their time; as those vitalityfor so that sufficientlynear of whenever the may ing. ripenall it not to be that resist for vitalitybeing lost in seeds wild the of this class mustard, incredible an is soil remain Some from power their be This that were year great impaired. or sooner would weeds have seeds many seeds through will means the prevent fact, the In the be of from prevented year may if the weeds of sort are on annual season, by when many as year completely destroyed true and seeds years, later or farm any their successive single a particular any class this but have we crops then, that follows, live can pigweed, and wheat, flax, spring It others. cultivated our spring. ordinary or foxtail begin of summer ragweed, are winter are approach of examples Common weeds the crops, annuals commonly, toward grow wheat winter and 63 cultivated our among rye Growth, of they surface are retain length of brought by cultivation, 64 Weeds. other by or congenial taken into spring force the be and up buried cultivation." of annual year after year, in their fail to cannot all be Biennial their and are deep and burdock the "autumn the seeds ripening agencies cerned con- ally effectu- are checkmated, the time this class of weeds destroyed. weeds two characterized into the an by soil. an of of tap root, growing During starch abundance a cycle Many years. is utilized furnishes the complete in root, which producing means from the when large quantities of this may are when kept when come existence them The and dissemination after they annuals crops are will quick germination all events, weeds looked will At to in the are that of seeds cultivated of growing this them as that destroyed. secure are and, second, ; so to prevent seeds the once that cultivation germination, fitted to best of at means weeds seeds modes such quickly soil of their maturing most The be, first, to the during they Hfe. destroying should adopt time any growth, vigorous in annuals from of season spring into be at means, are the of excellent the first year stored next up in year in seeds. example The oi Weeds. 66 Perennials, from to year there with with with weed it for perennial, The is call it, is is also but is the of with the and necessarily soil the surface. that has stocks has than one become that more buds, increase, recently has not does been compact. up not perennials inasmuch stirred creeping the to follows, It creeping been each sending which easilypenetrated by more and capable of their from favorable is favors may root-stocks latent conditions destroy field "creep," directions cultivation is izontal its hor- or creeping many of seed, of run, various which, under that from means which These vigorous growth, fresh a plant to a only. plantain reproduced soil in stem. one as ordinary a by we example the is as or, seed common propagated furnished weaken from and only not are then, perennial perennial ereeping perennial, as we the parent a alfalfa root-stocks, through perennial the purpose, weed, while The crop. the The reproduced of sort another, our daisy ox-eye this and root, perennial ordinary root-stock, an call may perennial weeds root-stock. creeping a Of classes, viz., the ordinary an implies, live name year. two are their as so is root- stirred, Whenever of Grozvth. Habits root-stocks, these upon is given severed attempts plant. Hence hinder than cultivated crops for, is also in of cared so complete a moist weather, likely to mote pro- class this of growth the rootlet into more summer-fallows of influence The weeds. and is stem impulse fresh Each in that, it is cultivation ordinary of growth. to develop their to example, parent tillage,a of by the implements their bear to for as, from off them breaking brought is action disturbing any by which the poorly are direction. same perennials are also likely to cling implements of tillage,and thus be Creeping the to carried and from part of the field one to the common of just in said moist sure are will bear of quack of examples we readers our have we and tle, this- thistle, and familiar perennials; another, Canada The sow furnish grass fields. other even to the weather, us the to ence experiin what out tendency ing creep- of vation, cultitheir promote increase. To labor destroy creeping perennials either cultivation where the air and to to smother bring their them, or roots to must we else the by face, sur- to they will perish by exposure sunshine. By "smothering" 68 Weeds, them is under ground. kept beneath summer, the this result be If constantly creeping perennials surface the will be whether the whatever gained made means of are ground for months during the early spring and they will perish in a single season, some and them keeping meant of use may effect to it, spudding, plowing, cultivating,or covering. It is sometimes asserted, and is commonly accepted more creeping pereimials are destroy than assertion is means and supported their (2) their push way It making this be each modes and should the sort weeds. to This the of number weed, these of their also plants produced, seeds take produced vitality,and seeds one things seeds their and in that, other must every but remembered We which weeds, also, have comparison, by which fresh of biennial be considered. account difficult propagation, namely, alone. to and perennials of means by that true, as creeping root-stocks, through the soil in direction, annual ordinary classes tion asser- specious argument, whereas creeping perennials have of propagation, (i) their seeds, that two other the are the have into by the distributed crops that Habits infested are and the of Grozvth, by each particularkind which power pastures and Some annuals, seeds themselves in sess pos- nent perma- places. waste such ragweed, as countless in almost of weed, kinds various the maintaining of 69 numbers, bear whereas produced by creeping perennialsis usually not very large. The diversion of the energies of creeping perennials from increase seed-bearing to by number the root-stocks their of means seeds of far unfavorable to the excess of seed is, therefore, so reproduction that production in annuals their the counterbalances than infrequentlymore advantage gained by creeping perennials by reason not of which of weeds, that the when weed water, seeds the the for of seeds a or by mustard, which some annual of sorts some is so great able to retain their ability longer period than much of" an animals, dangerous of the vitality Moreover, annual transported from are tion propaga- creeping perennials. Again, seeds advantage more be to seem grow of of powers of wild those as seeds dual they possess. they to the goes powers place they far biennial or are to place by to given match the possessed by perennial weeds, such an as the the Weeds. 70 thistle,in their place to Weeds those of clovers likely those those of seeds find and harmful. these it has because of of account uncongeniahty such of localities of eradication be weeds, to to remove great, by hand; annuals get a footing, On of others congeniality soils,it will be found will be -and conditions. the the tivated culvery very conditions, and as in in prove done able unfavorable named, some not of home not localities ers clov- forms biennial be great of seeds places is to same these along separating required such generally perennials may in permanent labor the than the to some they might from in much are places, although waste The weeds whereas and many seeds the Again, congenial a fields in from with distributed experienced grasses. pastures not do, life,particularly some weed as as their weeds of and is winds. grasses, cereals, owing difficultythat the of along widely mature place seeds weeds be to which with and perennial from agency their mature the ordinary more the through which travel abilityto weeds most that difficult annuals, in others will be biennials, in others or they they will be ordi- of Change perennials, and nary Rotation. yi yet others, creeping in perennials. Modify 2. with weeds, drop out crops as it is allow rotation Some weeds, grow as winter early in the weeds mature for of winter dropped of out of those late. grows meadows and after up have it matures Grass this the been its in the the vious pre- infested hay are short a v/ill be ripen the that reason stead, mentioned example, for Ragweed, rye, mature not in their weeds weeds these for grown habits kindred Other facilitated. the of destruction the crops of and rye, rotation the spring time, and of wheat, seeds wheat, hay, but ordinarily they do for the in spring cereal crops, weeds these begin their growth autumn. If, therefore, in winter which their seeds and fields the seeds. those ripen The in crops such ripen their annuals, to infest example, season. time a which to grow as, for weeds the they conflict the In greatly advantageous the of where soil rotation. the and greatly their monly com- more early cereal cut, and, if seeds seeds before crops turbed, undisfrost. seed, therefore, in fields infested sort purpose of weed, of should producing not meadow be sown until with for the Weeds. ^2 seeds ragweed in reduced through the growing of crops Other require late cultivation. weeds, such the as the Canada with crop should them Farmers them for even especially with limited a those this, the modification ultimate found J. a very Adapt methods to to eradicate conditions of etc., which we the bearing on therefore, upon of the where tion destruc- made, the will weed conditions. In should we that we be find to course, of fully care- These important weeds, destruction. to tion, cultiva- exist. an our follow soil, climate, growth their that for this weeds, methods have, their matter. adapt .the conditions feres inter- been is not of difficult more standing Notwith- remains weed eradication attempts those of and have a tion, rota- modification required sort any to of revenue. truth tend growing. scheme which cash it, as averse time; the crops of much is tivated cul- will is crop fixed of upon required the their when so source of grown usually of kind some be while are modification the piece of ground a cultivation destroy chief when infested constant in all kinds thistle,grow that so crops, badly to greatly number which of become have In and, stiff Weeds. 74 of expenditure habits that of labor, weed which under banish generally weed a for will that will what would some under others. 4. Sozv be to great should care of for the seeds, sowing distribution useful shown in been our for of those foreign land. he It may us be the be in chase pur- The home. way, that been his for seeds himself. for sown It has, enough deceived the so, preparation at other have that kept seeds agency is not farms widely effected IV. weeds unfit wholly to for pursue Where more of this assure under down, to grown is Chapter laid in the in any than through to also and agepcy crops fast exercised be of weeds the through and hard seed. clean, and made that be may clean only therefore, course proper conditions under are be cannot a and absolutely equally applicable be be ers oth- under be weeds of circumstances all our apparent, destruction the rules is will energetically persistently applied, It some farming" while ; ditions con- Under "good "specific methods," necessary. by the it grows. ordinary conditions, affected as the study must we was as doubtless, nearly brought the are all to man seeds- clean, If his seeds small picked, have can carefully hand- been not certain no ; and hand-picking assurance that they are preparation for sowing in the in which great variety of seeds the 75 by critical examination except clean have he Seed. Clean Sozv of deals he chased question. Purseeds, therefore, should not only be examined cleaned in with the but should them is weeds also of are are clovers and particular care purchase of any oftener carried grasses than should purchased, or neighbor who else seeds. pure attempting but a small and any seeds It to a raise to this to that are to buy other seeds ways, in the crops. at grow home commonly now them from a reputation for growing would portion noxious in has in these wise be seeds of in the exercised be seeds of sorts many tiny scru- are indeed, It may, careful most from growing, so long as ground for suspecting that them. As growing among any seeds raised are be discovered are that the and care, seeds crops they there the utmost receive while weed the if weed again them, of is out well, too, be one's of the own crop seed, for to when select this purpose, special pains to prevent weeds from maturing their portion ; and this plan should take "jd Weeds. be followed all especially seed, has with been already frequently brought crops to farms our in us seeds weed the for It clovers. that mentioned for grown and grasses come to the seed the grains of purpose The danger effecting a change of seed. here, though not easily altogether averted, cereal such grains a in the be a or so from seed less farmer as seed to seedsman cheaply is,however, concerned or to as is not it is his purchase be careless so raising, own seed unclean because it not likelyto his is, and now seldomer who whether would of crops much of sift tion it, deteriora- than rapid would as from would seed foolish the by seed the this class unclean sow carefully prepared seeds of The required. all If screening smaller of change to of much very as were process all the out of lessened. be yet may can be bought be greatly is clean farm clean. clean the thrashing Thoroughly it. machine using before Thrashing from machines, a especially if they come 5. farm with should to at be work. the a reputation carefully swept If, in first to run uncleanness, for before addition, they empty for a being are short set made time, Watch and the box are is seeds that often instrumental from one club together and machines attention chaff mill should and receive chaff from being prepared other screenings steamed before they the likely to the should do seeds weed grown screenings ever, How- weeds that burned. or strewn The crop in The if fed contain or wise, other- surfaces not are proportion which is for boiled on they obtained tion. atten- indeed ground, a prevent suspected, or be harm. have screenings. the fanning are market, in times some- grain being fed; any small careful winnowed be of are from most to machine will seeds seeds farmers grain be should often farmers. should use, it has power to for seeds a which weed the weed fighting the are reason, screenings Whenever in of them Because several same disadvantages general adoption. The weed for tread methods Give where another, individual by these any from machines carrying the by run used the grain purchase For own. 6. in advisable found their in the thrashing locality to been obvious 7; caught are that fact the their Screenings. destroyed, the danger completely averted. more even of Grain the of collect cleaning it is Weeds. 7^ relatively destroy to thus are" large very , these hence ; weed the nity opportu- seeds, when collected, should by no they be means neglected. Groiv 7. cultivated is desired subdue to cultivated reasons obvious. are these crops every period the of of weed life. necessary for time, the but too, and it greatly crops yet to the from the when it has fight with to they This been on year these in weeds increased. the very may so, have the ; and cling to them, of the they, in this in numbers farmers fact that in that soil, so Many not good time germination their year of growing the soil the from reduces are crops of destroyed in form every are season. opinion that, point in lying up the for season, production are of almost at working that grow single almost stimulates seeds way of destroys, weeds it also weed growing only not The cultivation the the the to practicable. The The it zvholly, grown gives opportunity, combating crops be is that extent greatest weeds noxious should crops Wherever crops. to weeds, a the tivated cul- helpful. They have the very been crops these grown fields, same fields true, have have but cer- Cultivated Groiv tainly been not otherwise decreased, rather could result of would than possibly cultivated in which for they for in not are crops the destruction single a to ripen the ion opin- value in weeds the tivated cul- of eral, gen- with fight these fallow bare creeping perennials is view^ mistaken a arisen, doubtless, from the too practice of staying the destructive common the over with crop the oftener, after and will, job of the in the be It is as work of crops so soH. The are too grown, if true and Going season. hoe twice, once, cultivation weeds rule, make a fairly dry only hand stray perennials, except remain the horse all removing appear, in early too processes or raised, least, that as This season. It has one. of to in the at or, effective so, the helpful creeping perennials ; sion succes- been cling be other a allowed destroying not are where been may No had farmers that, whatever crops follow for gradually increased. had Other its seeds. for ; have crops weed no 79 cared properly weeds the Crops. ceases, that a may thorough destroying creeping far as weather success that their seeds must, ever, how- is to where sufficient be plete. com- cultivated attention is Weeds. 8o of keeping them given to the work quite to clean, their growth only serves age encourin general, and the increase of weeds of creeping perennials in particular. Their not cultivation furnishes the to stocks lateral robust of annuals vigor taken with their seeds in than worse cultivated that concerned, cannot is, so far modified a 8. Grow raising be ; of found and common only Where fully, success- destruction of form son, sea- bare the is low, fal- in this ter, chap- and alfalfa. Where the favorable to their are the concerned, grown farther clover conditions making of are weed as not perfect thus end be in is beginning. the crops take may not at was the also quently infre- care weeds seeds weed described as the root- cultivated a annual field at as it where great numbers, the far so weeds the it not sufficient and it, these of state will of that so ; that is grown, the extension creeping perennials. It is favorable the to development happens the able favor- very of equally crop conditions crops place. of helpful more red valuable on their clover in the especially is clover. in These weed growth, and alfalfa reduction this of of true crops are destruction 82 Weeds. soil the to and this most for they of ground may the in for crops the This of work the Groiv p. for farm the tendencies feed have is instances in grown found the derived^from be extent same then be found be their fact to which grow in hence the can the same these crops cut them because soiling crops cultivation As be can and mature; grow smothering they on ful, help- to that two be to requirements their to of very it advisable duplicated year. work are other single season, a over destroying the In will be weeds opportunity in many the gone will which owing the ; to certain before last speedily completing in render This them. It the may crops especially where of service season of which soiling crops. green ing grow- extermination. eradicating weeds, cut the purpose greatly helpful be to to after precaution last much the profitably be very spud for growing. the that creeping perennials the hence destruction. weed mentioned these cutting ; of store than reasons render Be also with plant food other under, abundant consistently be given may them plowed are more a necessary attention may they providing so which when be can benefits to some soil are in not Soiling Crops. Grow designed be other grown for nearly ripe before crops is power may ; greater grain to be them obtained from required ; yet if they are be allowed to for winter fodder, they may if than V smothering their hence seeds, they than thickly more sown their mature to 83 they become so of the them among example, yet be and cultivation the to and the ripening their seeds their they these is grow crops during may the crops be weeds looked that becomes season, an dency ten- a weeds, Some w^eeds ; in crops the fact, possibly ripen which amid after. Because frequently upon and from prevented cannot be growti same has soiling crop fact ; hence increase. these in seeds the thistle these of way as sow annual may properly further of the weeds further their if the For this in crops vigor the weeds of soiling grow seed. perennial mischievous most biennial many of allowing ripen their seeds to siderable con- that grown such the or weaken prevent to these before opportunity have be may that cut possess their mature cut thistle Canada of they to weeds of sorts to being without feeding value, many the enough is mature grain their were the two same cultivation excellent means ing soilfield of for Weeds. 84 destroying the throughout grow weeds such as thistle, whose Canada the early in the seeds very late ; of have not to Call 10. need it, the forms are it to aid of much take to an for early ing subject- process. Those in that where numbers crippled who sheep keeping sheep in their that do are of forms some entirely disappear, soon very their desirable of sheep. told be well as mature as growing fallow the in the to life leads seeds their if it be or, kept in sufficient weed like season, such or experience had whole gives opportunity soiling crop lands habit mature as season, advantage weed speciallytroublesome a other powers of gradually disappear, while still other forms weakened are though they On be entirelydestroyed. not pasture may will with stiff clay subsoils, sheep lands for the match than a eventually prove more growth and Canada thistle,if the pasture kept closely such cropping so eaten, may several but be is at required all times seasons to of effect this and some Nearly all biennial weeds perennials as, for example, the ox-eye daisy, will be greatly checked when thus pastured ; end. and the ragweed same and is true wheat of annuals, some thief. If sheep as are Feeds Grow allowed thus render act to extermination, in nent permafence private roads, along on in and and corners places generally. In order that this be done thoroughly, the pastures may from be early kept closely eaten waste work should weeds spring. Many succulent that whereas, when advanced stage to feed of hunger; sheep will the weeds are unless that spudding profitably be no hand the be may destruction probably weeds is in which kept hand or complete to There weeds by turning as force thus greatly reduced. way used sheer cutting required tently persis- impelled are are ; more a will the through when closely cropped, at they and them eat growth, they of and tender so the them upon then are reject them, is weed of work in the borders, in grain stubble their they will especially more pastures, 85 scavengers, as service excellent Home. at can them so into mutton. Grow II. food food supplies at home. supplies to grow to purchase in farming, viewed economy, is not that even them at home, elsewhere, from when the taken into account is much affected the is safe a aim than rather rule standpoint question at To all. of It is of weeds a by considerations rule of 86 Weeds. location, soil, climate, and and is therefore but so these is be the thus to made possible increase to example, silo to whereas if raised they for the grew tually disturbed where which weeds which supplies true that or cannot less extensive a more a necessity,as of but all of live weed where stock grains be so corn to sold efifec- evident at grown to the prevent producing seeds, a power crops food the when It elsewhere. of food scale supplies purchased, them is on is sometimes and the ing keep- largely engaged in ; were be equally are dairying are seeds the generally possess purchase the not the purchased are grain their ripening he the power in the weeds that crops it is has for those in grow supplies grow from them and food farmer the home, ; weeds. fodder, it gives among of effort will prove is grown to sake all home at reducing checking they might them, that for attempt may in ; should The extent. winter as aim supplies corn opportunity which from used be ample when the production greatly advantageous For its limitations that food grow greatest conditions, it, notwithstanding considerations, usually to without not important other when is the in, ence pres- suspected, Keep should be fed, was as ground they ground, are in contained into the the seeds be steamed, find way thus into its soil of the weed containing the contained seeds from in getting fodder the is which practice a seeds to prevented unless manure the weed sure fodders purchased, cannot the and When are them is them Even sheep, unless to portion of a manure, farm. fed are being IV. Chapter in 87 before steamed or grains Land, the on mentioned such when Crop a into and cut generally is impracticable. Keep 12. the conflict the with kept constantly of soil and the will be to above In should be kinds some ; the In in autumn, the of nature will farm. grown many As naturally the be season. grain be rye of or followed sections, and tioned men- was same of crop the soiling crops 9, two generally crop. in the climate, soil, and upon in section may The raised so be helpful very weeds. ordinary an meadow sown of sometimes Again, catch be largely requirements may Upon found destroying crops depend work. at land work. can cultivation of the weeds, at a easily get two crops year this can be done, the necessary we where work constantly land by may followed a be the Weeds. 88 spring next roots, be may cut Such crop. green be may rape, turnips, crop. When the effects destruction are of are crops farm the cropping, such is rather helpful of the advantage as than thus keeping nitrates the largely prevented to the the tility fer- further soils soil the at are being washed from on incessant arable of weed described, otherwise is vated, culti- stock of here the all these As process There by of feeding have we and of one way soil. in that work, the home, at for only a grown drills and marked. very use has by the in as followed crop in grown rye quick-growing followed is mentioned, crops soiling the the oats as be other corn, under crops and some or and vigorously, soihng grown, peas of crop plowed or green a this is done, When rape. or by summer or out rains. by jj. Stimulate fidly. dealt Weeds with stimulated when become the land vigorous is soil infertile When little harm crops in left for are them, produce plenti- much land the when to the be can to is kept constantly productivity to lack easily more run down of proper and ing. manur- strong, weeds compared than do with but the Weeds. 90 is also crops It may weeds. will season for catch such this result Practice of are seeds be thus be may the The got rid There stand in of the repay a view is not All the a ground that two way late the advent single : to sown that that at weed the encouraged are the of crops weeds while under, lay. out- largely the as weed to from grow or by plowing autumn of be tilling the soon that soil can destroyed by harrowing are in the means means with ods meth- cultivation." well weeds myriads of best very plowed. turned in lying w^ay the other land cultivating,or by that just precedes this In As surface the germinate. these culti'o'ation. harvest the should time the so destruction. above are duces proto cultivation removed, grass when ; which is "autumn will soil after weed sown hurtful be the if any that Autumn of the also of one adopted use seeds weather dry autumn questionable made the the that germinate not will weeds, be to are the sometimes of weeds. of with to will crops destruction the that dry so case, 14. It is be is the growth war good for happen winter. plants will In be season. real difficulties ( i ) The season which at which Prevent this work is to (2) there is available for that the of are so to that and the for manure be required if the is the catch should their their of a farm undertaken, hinder that weeds usually be the the the same crop, green crop would as the while the seeds ripen. to noxious to our power When it may not with the weeds always of ripening it, but by We weeds all in is foul soil manure. green so. the for successful, there fertilityof that very necessary tl"e main of been weed infest the ing turn- destroying weeds, doing the for grown of be remarked cultivation if it is at seeds, should be manure, allow never prevent are has application of no effort It may in the 75. Allow to of crop increase an much autum.n mainly purpose The it is absolutely much as farm. that under plowing reason important harvest the the destroying crops are the labor horse for on ; and one of green after plowing busy a httle too them. as 91 method that catch under kept very secure when is purpose, this essential made done frequently advantages weeds be little is too Seeding. the be seeds ripen to ing cleanis first possible of the the ripening may fying largely prevented by modi- rotation for a time. When once Weeds. 92 a farm is fairlywell cleaned, inexcusable least those at to do is so best which show to interests The with the these in which in was the following said above, reasonable most will will of that from preventing weeds seeds is by a modification be of correctness when apparent unreasonableness large portion of while just we may crop that and be and, second, weeds in will them at comparatively In with be without injury grow. well mature cannot to any of described at the case, and adopted their ripening of rotation. the a at a once free amid however, very other some season from weeds crops, certain from infliction the weeds, of different some crop a crop grow prevented the best be can consists which that with Several the growing as also think, first, of we of course opinion will this weeds chapter. ^or The of and be one means to one's to it grows. specific modes length As seeds " them hindering particular weed, the crop of " defended. be cannot their ripening allow indifference specific modes from vary To an which weeds troublesome most are it is simply noxious seeds. their mature allow to then of ripening able consider- which the ; they hope of With Grase having clean a vv'eeds farm quantities ever allowed are will the be ripen their the Grase 16. with effective There method in fields three can in in are other grazing; grazing from put a in grain Among a the area excellent crops the that crops two the attacking weeds there tages advanweeds that thus thus land condition will best ; the for follow be may nated germithe of produced land is thus growing such adapted : seeds, the annuals or in grazing. and in this large quantity very of and sheep along with relatively may small three which in among of cially espe- do have to encouraged by more or To production method eaten no season sheep. especially in the seeds of be lying in the soil ; the are be succession two same enclosures, is farm may probably is necessary this Germination crops the following of weeds the seeds, weeds with be alternation The any by growing down or If in even fighting weeds, succession grazing them effectively it it of is of annuals, than crops upon reduced. off several sheep. if noxious clean, notwithstanding number considerably very 93 one limited. wholly that vain a ripen to so to never fact is allowed are Sheep, to the grazing. provide Weeds. 94 such grazing small grains, weeds Give control of some and varied so weeds come means by which that- these suffice to weeds the concentrate they directions. about as of wise a us. to as rising tide When this direction, When this so many which propagated, means. our energies to a to in us keep out so, the others has be ters wa- breach one several at various would by closing weeds when course everything to ing keep- on direction come try heed It will not and one the are small give to while is So many then are Such embankment the left open. in in bay at time same they others yet agencies by and us, that can we control. the agencies other in and afford cannot we of any to It weeds them of our are of cannot we which by some under completely that modes the all modes to IV Chapter partially control, but station propagation. and distributed, that are are in stated was fighting experiment careful attention distribution weed thus satisfactory. very //. The sorghum. in author Minnesota the at was the other and rye and corn, rape, of experience winter are been will still come there is only are done to one left resource Work. Thorough Make to This us. 95 will we now describe. should is and single season, which remain of weeds are in the As push carried spring two to into possessed of once out in and to life the in modes lack the is a seeds the usually modes themselves, of destruction at four sible pos- class this so extremely difficult and rule, creeping perennials a so soil quite to It by the merely checked employed, and by no the Hence by them. They are the than is as the in the expensive. process perennials soil. the in rather It it. only except renders that ble possi- the of sible, pos- as shortest the creeping thoroughness adopted, of to destroy to the pleteness, porportion to its comthe brevity of the period completing in occupied the direct in usually in cheapness The time. complete as effected be and made be When undertaken, is weeds of eradication work work. thorough Make 18. soil reducing " to five them the with so that will a They and plow that they years again grow. direction. every fro left root-stocks commence everywhere, or cleaning processes ed destroymeans in from have similar have so ess procto be Weeds. 96 undertaken. been completely and the those which seeds that cleaning have been would when the To costly work lack rather thorough so in is done would pared com- cleaning mistake that weeds is to thoroughness, undertaken. clean than do them. subdue not work seem may is no cheaply of way when as comparatively a that as in there weeds of of but time, but when cost a been has war field with war weeds, the rid getting greatest a make at The fields at reduce them. involved the soil nominal cost with on clean They merely in once Men the at made it carry and anew. from ed, being accomplish- was maintained, the ing remov- up the the with be can in of been field the for cleanliness have season, came remained weeds one taken afterwards process the then been these in destroyed means proper the had Whereas, short time. jp. Maintain cleanliness. has been once maintained from To are required. of good effect the crops to this, two First, farm may the must year at things general be ordinarily be it should secured, year liness clean- Where good, be ards. all hazat least ment manageso grown, that and Weeds. 98 Notwithstanding the great spud in maintaining cleanHness it must be used with are numerous weeds the hmit it will that limit the not in it. possible equally judgment the spudder acres day, it whether weeds than to considerable latter purpose The method will any farm. be at owing to amount reducing instead. to to maintain it; although, it is helpful is to somewhat for to the not first on all costliness the of labor maturing on parts of the involved a : to possible be follows forth put from cleaning ly economical- be as be must seeds new in procedure work effort It may result the of the ( I ) The of also. where done, five to question rather secure extent, the open resorted designed in unless three mode be not will but case, an for that limit a from least upon difficulty writer, over What paying every other is spud farm, the some cleanliness a of is at should The in get can a well the fix to certain a spud. it and securing apply When somewhat and labor, experienced It is not the use depend scarcity of farms, on beyond to the of discrimination. pay will is value vent pre- the to secure this of the farm, work, in and it ; in to time, Method used, been of made each field weeds, is order further farm year these the will The will noxious in field will will in have which it, by process and from waste the be still places of commencement with spud. If it the the with weeds be if thus occupied upon used from in the too scythe instead. these rotation. in or In the It a es placweeds. noxious cleaning that numerous the with, twice over happens spud, dealt quite free gone are the by should depend As maintamed upon be time bly reasona- spud, until, process, be be from cleaning seasons, should on. should, dealt the season. rotation, the pastures mower few one the grown being and be be of cleaning places be should crops The the to freed carried (3) a thus the of fields it in set rotation, and it would as use be farmer, make the the means out with- should the these cleanliness cultivated of the to field by the of thorough possible the to cleaning as that reference resources work attained be cleaned, these be to year with the to have measures fields two or each chosen 99 difficulty. One (2) will end the great aside judicious where however, Farm. of Cleaning farm should Weeds. loo practically free be of rotation, first the - beginning of the Many farmers, of use the idea. of cost the is beyond no other from so all. weed cheaply, or, work seeds of and described, from foul the is three with the the is to in On the the ; of five as be the manner by ed maintain- In : at ordinary farmer The low fal- bare by the Fairly good weeds some also which their manner other least, maintained used. field be when while freedom soil, while years the that can be but ; at the kind some in minate ger- dance. abun- gone over with we have here that field will taken hand, that are will entirely probable weeds first. used it doubt process. reproduce after spud a lie there Unless the writer cleaned in the weeds upon use the thus is not done left be to sure be the score its means other some end chimerical a intrusion be field to may in stands practice, the spud or the indeed, matter a on of conceivable The as of shadow the the from look way it to mind noxious selects any involved labor in the truth, counting however, object the by undertaking. in spud They weeds from we in be hand in as at if the spud have indi^ Use the of cated, all stray weeds they do can The weed be intrusion, has hundred one methods of crops grown cleaning process, that when been secured, state of is the in the in than met by the crops it be free reasonable mentioned charge increased gone over of the On twice weeds, assumption and be more which of a on that the ing weed-cleanthe tion assump- hundred one a means reason which necessitates. part other returns by for and crops should the this spud the cleaning pages once made, be to by all the show has of means in here maintaining of by every from are weed- the cleanliness cost cultivation process the acres, of be these will improved farm cost weeds described that the incurred destroying the all managing hundred of direct expense estimate that the it may cleanliness only the to state a every be. to respect not for This land. supposition upon With should year a cultivating and they ought as of the on $40 of state a attained, or from freedom once been acres based is where $30 than more off before cut maintaining of cleanliness will be loi harm. any cost Spud. year the the acre to keep further cost of Weeds. 102 labor hours ten more than $40. When the acres day. a demonstrated the cleaning have Ontario but when of weeds thus days der over would The in twenty ten been in the of or however, can, in acres day, a Twenty destroyed. farm twice, hence more than would even thousands even the more regarded be to are a were of out grew half acres the farm of in take whole able be work over should be to has the employed not $30 again, person be to are be rate possible gone hundreds some the over and ten over not ment Agricultural ExperiTen at acres Guelph. One exceptional. easily get is results these entire ly fair- easily at instance one the become has writer, ordinary efifort than as and Farm in and done, over frequently been day, this the Station would spud a That of experience work should it with over $2.00, of day a to farm a workman a for already named, sum once clean, go v^hole the this doing $1.50 is from for outlay to in involved the spud- the cost named. sum however, not, . require One field devoted not to be gone of to require the a any over farm cultivated thus would crop, spudding. twice a year. probably and Several be would fields Use which had require to for reason the be cultivated of the that Hence should not the be and farms. most are are usually and that abandon its field only a that the few while may, to at plants a in small in spud the in perfecting upon that spud it, used tried once those the never ly it fair- thenceforth v^illmake greatest on to which a farmer in anything the it, and number a of few ing maintain- it with ten- a has growing few, perhaps, so " time, same is it thinks in Suppose crop that it clear use farm. a thistles do have unwilling the cleanliness acre year. use. is of spud them spudding using have little reflection A the who always for cleanliness to who those ding spud- one remember to part a little used so averse those are plowed pastures that maintaining is well It who that suffice and once, as outlay for than $25 a more little known, so clean certainly unfortunate It is is harvest would season also. be cultivation," and so not than more after become a would they would soon soon 103 grain over gone ''autumn in Spud. produced or would the of scarcely them. have stalks ragweeds, worth dock some of and it But mustard, a few Weeds. I04 other noxious fence day, cockle one person weeds these be or plants of would infinite would is also weeds It may farmer. a be consists of blade like of from to the that been mately ulti- these a that of is a a end junction with follows round of the : handle, broom, chisel, but the usually as as shaped is the of uses spud light which writer, the the scribe de- to spud described which that of chisel The resembling labor here the of to may made, It form adapted best sponding corre- subduing amiss be estimation the is effected. not that future A the in never weeds have otherwise required these the these in saving of tens produced of supply all which efifectuallychecked. also in and seeds have in If this spud. existence, and into come some remove thousands thousands the Now, can the in be may burs. with the done, while ; there corners burdocks one weeds and of somewhat more the handle. ering tapblade Its c'hid Spud Weeds. io6 strip this the in walks he trip, in proceeds field whole the until manner ing adjoin- an and width, equal of of center is gone over. The him short a the should spudder The this of frequency depend the on used be file,to whenever spud always be forgotten, especially Simple is havoc is matter for weed root it roots two severed his it in as he soon work. is either both surprise be how the in One diameter spudder person that tle lit- very trampled upon would make It respects. large severed of exercise these dexterously inches when field another in can the spud. be there appear, for grain a off, whereas cut when how may the using grain will constant a in use of the or work opportunity dexterity so soils, stony know can the as great will in never it. want may never it is but file should The constantly kept. spudder will cutting edge good a be the necessary. soil ; the of that greatly important be sharpenings the nature sharpening for may with carry by used. may is well and strong the spud Burdock be easily skilled in Use MODES Bare the of Fallon;. ADVANTAGE. DOUBTFUL OF destroying widely practiced of of Modes said that, benefits the doubtful of fallow; and work made the opinion of are these will writer yard farm- these but both the the in costly are usually can may in helpful they bare the of of very they both and them (i) eradicating weeds, of modes, of Both manure. be ered, consid- are from Two be it may fermentation (2) the occasion on which arising times some- are with, namely, stable or weeds things character. dealt be now all when even 107 pensed dis- be with. I. The bare bare weeds, the service in the for Since same is the that very expensive, the have bare whole season, a rendered has where it is effective very good properly mode, other been a method fallow land the requires practiced so a destroying In cially espe- creeping perennials. the during fallow past, and it is managed fallozv. crop expensive when modes one compared of in the with treated of too of some weeds the method fact, far fighting previously low" fal- raised be that ; unused "summer cannot it is evident lie to in season usually as which in this io8 Weeds. chapter. Where expensive modes it will be fallow for When form the same of the ground excellent weeds for the and that crop other the season for the nearly all secure fallow bare These crop. winter rye, In the ofif until great same without and way, the in worked to adopted on the with of larly, Simiin low fal- bare and the so nary ordiof missing crops may June, the weeds, wheat. soil the a include barley. pastures time some winter be season, benefits the wheat, injury sow the of early by the early-maturing and plowed may of rest of mature followed be may with after. come which crops that destruction preparation is to of fallowed in the the in as portion the sowing be may results, both the the ing fallow- the during to grown is grown, crop rape, prior season the crop of or be after late a to modified crop or resort to some some before When of millet one let say, season, is done. to to in bare destruction. necessary let it be fallow, the to of weed thought that is ; resort to the purposes bare the less faithfully practiced, are unnecessary it is and other these The and be same be then surface, until eaten with it is time course early-cut meadows, Use with the wheat is is much mentioned, this described of will be very all arise of a when seasons serious of out almost be grown bare the incurred from loss a " reduces fallow soil (i) the becomes loss of fertilityby of nitrates; and It that of the (3) increased is obvious, great a ting get- especially in is also nitrates would which if a ing leach- were crop as the in in the soil, quence. conse- entails, therefore, (2) crop; does without humus fallow reason fallow compact more a tion. designa- Inasmuch the bare of soil. land. the upon it that falls, there entirely prevented The the fact in nearly so that bare rain soil above previously season; same the low, fal- remarked be expended much loss by to the is the crop bare effective been the from labor low fal- cultivation" of costliness amount a has referred be a fallowing of of crops should "autumn as better the any what resembles not such of length this sort after mode Where the working It 109 results. grown, weeds. destroying The Fallow. increased, and coming may not left for season that Bare equally good almost winter the of a certain loss leaching out impaction of then, that in our Weeds. i lo . with fight bare weeds fallow Where in only the should we of cases fallow bare resort the to extreme sity. neces- is resorted to as of the work destroying weeds, should be done most thoroughly, especially far as so creeping perennials are cerned. conWhere these are only partially destroyed, the residue remaining in the soil favorable conditions for are given most a means lateral extension, root and hence for future multiplication. In the opinion accompanied the the process spring; other may of a of of this rye at buckwheat, peas, quick-growing be greatly plowed reduced fallow, and time be its mechanical For on. in followed weeds the land improved texture. will in at the following by or a some in turn be will of by this modification bare much The while sown which be crops soil going rape crop, under. the the be once green be may under plowed may of enriching is ing fallow- possible, growing fallowing crop and autumn crop of writer, the whenever by the purpose instance, the should, process for of the the same fertilityand in Manure. Fermenting Fermenting 2. process destroying found probably is substantial germinating the seeds weed weeds result of useful its of remain it is to of advantages reducing mechanical and resorted present As to the a in unless it in rule fighting weeds pointed seeds out that effected be in or should the never the seeds of sorts are known that to necessary all, for some to if the "have resort modes been of already faithfully practiced,the are will chemical unusually large quantities. it is not at process many so therefore, with manure, to soil where farmyard, destroying weeds, of the field. especiallytroublesome be always the in the in heaps Fermenting its most practicable, the should than wasting be with process there, rather object is attended whenever that, nature the constituent. in the manure a seeds especiallyof valuable most reduction The of much of properties,more nitrogen, be with it, except removal the the cannot destroy the to in present of in price paid the Manure costly. too the service powers in it, but sufficientlyfermented of fermented, is manure render may yard farm- Where manure. stable or iii at length be found in the Weeds, 112 will manure remark is of that stable desired, rather than to the seeds where purchase stable it of manure manure. insignificant an connection weed judicious, more to account on bringing purchased is this In quantity. reduced be to is artificial well to there danger where farms used, increased is it may be fertility fertilizers Weeds. 114 which tioned habits their in closely resemble may The weeds chapter are of growth. which in discussed are included all these the in this thistle ily fam- family. This is the largest flowering plants, including some sunflower of or thousand twelve small usually in heads heads and single flowers, of up minute flowers. of most our plants, the of a in family valuable economic well as are numbers These daisy, the of number includes many inal medic- and of many as reality they large very The as They regarded thistle, but the or made are those as are stalks. the commonly quite are dandelion, of tlie ends at of parts considerable in ten flowers inconspicuous. together arranged all individual The world. the in species or worst our weeds. six The the troublesome most thistle, the ragweed, modes these in the based weeds ox-eye and the here and chapters on the discussed are hnrdock, those which actual The lettnee. described which follow They perennial daisy, the ivild among farmer. the to thistle, the Canada the are here weeds of dealing are are experience sozv the cific spe- with discussed nearly all of the Description of writer; were however An of submitted which merely these theories sketch dealt with. is given This not a be theories, on might each of 115 with could they based outline sketch be. of the was in prepared from case living specimens illustrated. The root ment develop- weed the Thistle. Canada are confidence correct weeds every they hence degree of felt the plant is shown, as well as that of the portion above ground. In the work of of exterminating weeds, a knowledge their habits of root growth is frequently of each of quite the much importance growth habits of plant ordinarilyvisible of of as the as edge knowl- a the portions the to eye. ' (l) THISTLE. CANADA THE (Carduus arvensis) from is a creeping perennial which grows soils four feet high, according as one to and seasons It is of an upright habit vary. towards branched of growth, somewhat much the it is not top, especiallywhen it is pressed for room crowded, but when it has Its leaves but are a single stem. armed with sharp prickles,which, either when especially or dry, but more green when to exceedingly unpleasant^ dry, are The handle. crimson, Canada Its and thistle blossoms have a are of a beautiful pleasing fragrance. Weeds. ii6 continues and May, of frost severe in blossom its thistle Canada The seeds off cut to in also in into comes matures latter month, When former. the little below a time the and the the in just or It August, principally above until grow in early up autumn. July and sometimes but comes face sur- sprouts put forth ground, it will at once the point of excision, several below sprouts thus of the coming the around up parent stem. Canada The all kinds thistle in in this and The timothy Canada both the latteft which, broken, as at and find moist is its seeds and almost are bear soon once the start vers, clo- the of grasses. by propagated of its creeping means penetrate in open incredible. latent root-stocks to with ripen other numerous as duced pro- are especially by more genial con- a bottoms. seeds some direction, and that root-stocks not Its root-stocks soil in every distances Its thistle of in crops'that of almost grow cereals, several root-stocks, but of with country. all the of means mucks in all kinds It grows those it does of soils,but home will grow, even the soils to These buds, become under Description of are only not wind, the everywhere kinds carried but by clovers and ripen. They of manure. they means CANADA THE grasses, are Its also of and the of seeds by distributed also are 117 distances incredible grains of cereal Thistle. Canada conditions. favorable least the the seeds several all of of the THISTLE. among distributed which by they means ii8 Weeds, Modes The of Eradication. following effective modes are of of some with dealing the most this most pernicious weed: Modifying 1. fields with the thistle dealt with by one far allow below, drop the seeds thistle foUozved by vated crop. Plow after harvest. plow . that Keep crop that crop deep to come cultivator the cultivated sufficient and take spring up yield, that be suitable planting off clean creeping from pains the ing, plow- autumn for under until the line to of In the time Give insure keep sake by the crop. to root- showing after. cultivation in thistles late the thistles the spring, keep a is kind thistles until should which any the up the ground the immediately with shallow cut cidti- other land the will stocks. of they tion, cultiva- spring some or Plow breaking the ripen before and corn ivithoiit above will cut. plozving of rotation, which crops to Autumn 2. cifically spe- modes the the of out the be can of practicable, all as be can Until infested described so rotation. the the the a of the use for this good thistles rows cut hand the if hoe, work up to this done, tliere should not the The has season effective most been and, wel) left, dry a one. ever, how- work, the preceding the done ; thistle one of part been have will be twice been has point with or ceased has 119 crop once necessary, if the provided the over cultivation horse the after Go hoeing. by hand off Thistle. of the Canada Eradication autumn. ploiving, folloivcd by zvintcr early, and this again by a cultivated rye cut the ground Plow deeply in August, crop. practicable. Sow as as early in the month J. August in rye early and one-half the rye to the it is headed the the Then cultivate of but and in section the Canada at once it is not well conserve until for rape cultivated the for above. has with week a writer, this mode thistle to ground care 2 winter for once quick-growing other as soon as effectivelybury will the Cut ground deeply the harrow drill to two acre. per soiling or that of rate spring, Plarrow moisture. described the plow stubble, and it is time some for plow the bushels three out, of kind at following Then fodder. any September In of proved suited as ence experi- destroying very to crop. crop the or tive, effec- stiff soils Weeds. I20 which will readily not cultivated grow crops. Another August, and and then quite effective so inasmuch not the as fodder for or On the cleaned here grain and soon under and June, crop of hay surface, until Work so the found the the plowed that arrives from land removed, has crop all thistles time Plow clover. been the meadozv or plow after in a rape. land and from with the or has in remove followed one year acres weeds in mended recom- following twenty land harvested. the the noxious possible as for effectively so treatment Breaking up pasture sowing to fall zvheat a by it is grown of hours, which crop pasture which the all spud thistles the been over go fifteen to in that could person have mode the by does pastured Agricultural College farm tle-infest at Guelph, this- Station fields is not silo. the Ontario Experiment plowed is just described, one when as autumn mode when rye them smothering 4. the effectually weaken so ten This in rye it both ground crop. as the sow the following the to pasture before spring, for is way ground as been upon will be for sowing kept Weeds. 122 grain fields harvest to should the should with grasses after harvest. but of when inch or that at again cut effects as the thistles times three a disappear to borders, 7. In year, they have been of the or three will with to be soil thistles open them subsoils resorted two spud or found fence as manent per- character clays, years many will two on lands also have to. Observation. experiment for disappear, but the writer, procedure stiff In year very from largely by the to the permanent of mode our a on, generally. thistles subsoil. and are pastures, from removing mowings cause from waste-places governed and the of cut and soil are thus pastures, be destruction ; the later experience entirely them an development, way be spud of been Removing must surface have lanes, pastures. the their the the with same regards In their destroying cut their of in beneficial. when are below stage with itself in not in service more sown similarly dealt will they fields and be season much soming, blos- spud thistles before To blossoming from thistles meadows before over gone the prevent and found be The in facts removing relating Canada to an thistles Eradication and contained twenty several in was also took annual p. 50, in 1889 are took The second 9th and spudding to 89 1 8th, 1 spudding and took 7 hours. September, in 1891 valued at board." for a total, for the $1.25 The 20 per annual last day of The cost of and three The acres. 10 cost In July ding spud- on clean now 1890, day of 26th second the the ond sec- hours. done The in The ^2 was for it is " July August 6 hours. 1889, $9.00 ; or $33.i2j^ took field the cleaning $22.50 and hours. on hours. about on son. per- 80 done took first one took from done 7th, and done of was 40 the was in took was September 1 spudding and 10th, hours 100 spudding first spudding first the 1890 fully the given 1891, as for station "The menced com- writer, who the facts, the follows: as and and 1889, The of report for been experiment of it. in field pasture, The summer part at The had superintended by work in the the nent perma- farm permanent smitten. badly In in years and acres, 123 Agricultural interesting. prove may a Station Experiment College Guelph from Ontario the in pasture Thistle. Canada weeds noxious other was the of " was $i.62"'2 of years, labor was out hours, withof maintain- Weeds. 124 ing cleanliness remains than in this should pasture, a There THE some trouble the to it will be of them sufficient for which is while thistle thistle upright perennial ; hairy or they are milky prickles a blossoms great sow are plant and top. and from yellow, producers of are and seed. has an from soil reaches is its leaves the th@ when thistle exudes of grows Canada hollow, The perennial, somewhat Its stems are its flower when bruised them. harmless. the a thistle, bristly,especially fluid upon of tliis weed the the the (Sonchiis varieties but to as sometimes Like towards rather it much here known The high, sow eradicate. other feet height. branched stems it soil, and creeping a growth, quite congenial greater the form to of habit give thistle only is the purpose annuals. are three to our sow all the nearly of difficult very sow the more of not variety it is the arveiisis),as do cultivator only of the corn perennial or is be not varieties speak one as THISTLE. SOW several are thistle,but sow long $2.50. (2) corn field, so plants The Its are the Description of The perennial appearance in the until and will It blossoms in seeds in July and August. any kind at gives least ripens or which its it grows; moist stiff with, the it is loams, only and clays. of crops, earlier somewhat simultaneously July, THISTLE all kinds seeds grow soil, but thistle, like the sow thistle, infests it rich in trouble perennial of SOW in home most The It PERENNIAL THE its makes to in grow 125 continues and May, its Thistle. thistle sow autumn. ripens Sow the crops crops of ada Canand than, amid which Weeds. 126 this is not statement and clover red is It which As float question about are increase of to if have they air the where It the ous, numer- is once an open of power long flight,like the seeds thistle.' The perennial sow also is of means and its like sketch. latent Its seeds, like thistle, distributed of are this those intruder "described repeated the large very in of the carried ada Can- and widely with about the the grasses. of Eradication. to be taken for destroying essentially the are for thistle, and here. a Canada is show^n those cereals, clovers, means Canada as ous numer- constantly being by being Modes The buds, thistle are of those the rapidity by "creepers" bearing of number much root-stocks, which which, thistle, are seeds with propagated taining sus- of a Canada in rapidly place ripen. by which very very any allowed in its seeds, attachment its seeds numbers are of means downy neighborhood they by to the possess. its the able of reason they alfalfa. propagated are being, probably, true the eradication therefore need same as of the not be (3) The daisy (Chrysanthemum is a simple perennial ox-eye canthemum) branching habit two feet to one much it does usually in foot one not height. large flowers, consisting of bordered disc the to the of eye white with of resemblance to disc Marguerites," have been bouquets during recent It is a The resist great producer ox-eye daisy in marked a heat, cold, and in blossom continue under The the when seeds the of power the ground seeds have, or cut are in an have off for plant, late as of to to the it will September. degree, the stalk, pulled their quite ripe, and can commences uncommon on It influences conditions been from rise called June, according as center given hardy. It maturing stalks the pestilent weed. the some blossom to is very degree or cied fan- seed. drought. May locality,and of a yellow The years. less the none It produces in favor much *' is in flowers, sometimes The however, a grow The probably has a rays. the ox an name. with from It grows growth. high, according to soil and than more leii- of conditions, but crop 127 DAIS/. OX-EYE THE Daisy. Ox-eye the of Description out roots they of even the before also pos- 128 Weeds. sess great may appear vitality. Although but allowed are ground the to that to singly at first, yet if they ripen their seeds, these fall and grow eradicate to almost the impossible. of it to on deal loose it also and crops, not cultivated, and in of and the amid troublesome are This means carried the weed its about It tures pas- destroying It in seeds is most of daisies of those It is least grow. crops, seed. the is is most the with distributed is land pastures, of roots they in of especially as these cultivated effective of the permanent interlaced which in very in those kinds permanent more much become crops in all where eradication older, since grow then in meadows, browse all soils, but places generally. waste difficult in infests grows as woody troublesome It texture. the it is young. grows and vigorous relished will they when daisy extremely an to part but growth, ox-eye is most in be cannot It is not with. extent some The of its is daisy is and pastures cultivation by live stock, owing nature in thickly so spudding by Hence, places where introduced, the ox-eye to again up weed waste difficult weed plants the and these it. entirely by commonly timothy and Weeds. 130 of Eradication. Modes The following that in have have ox-eye Modifying the rotation. Drop until infested rotation the dealt been August 2. this and Grow a cultivated again by destroying in have may of the been of to a land weed, pasture it crop, sufficient under of up the of tion germina- that may be infested the and they to daisies have had of with the middle plant to of some cultivate are an ing plantcase the is it until The and In which deeply land crop. taking pains care. before that cultivation weed the ing plowstirring the to meadozv cultivated plow the to of daisies and 3 soil dormant. meadow then rye, a section The the favorable be seeds the Plowing 5. the by methods the under necessary in the lying in cultivated a thistle. turn winter by in of Canada will will crop treated the soil the fields followed rye described as we June of crop crop, where above, meadow with. ^ crop. the plozving, followed early cut rye daisy: the of out successful most with dealing 1. found been tion eradica- of modes the are thus June ; vated cultiit with turned opportunity Eradication of crop a grow seeds. their ripen to Plow crop. after and harvest, soil one seeds follow this Sowing 5. it for if winter wheat Where it may soil the soil next be should be season grown. be occasional the made some to kind a the until ter win- grow stirring the of lying spring the close germinate. of of crop September. to seeds cut or work in until weed June, system desired be field with best, sown continued that be by year, with rye fallow bare not the may the may wheat, season, next until thought the on cultivated a infested rye Follow or, ground the the pasture millet; spring, the rye Sow hay. In hay, for pasture or bare millet, or fallow and wheat. and rye, the crop. to following by winter lightly induce to necessary, cultivated another tivated cul- a field with preparation this, if and the germinate. to and again deeply just interval give the harrowings more or daisy crop, cultivation, infested then In winter. before work. the autumn the to ing follow- the roots by spring cultivation followed 131 necessary complete and After-harvest 4. be of or to Daisy. Ox-eye It may corn in order year the of cereal of in the Then may Weeds. 132 by If cultivated crop Gvozving a 6. grain crop a cultivated a crop of should be followed by should also be and The grass. with over gone found a weed, then clover,or clover should spud, and oif. in it be cut it which grain crop the view a grain crop, with sown with the lowing fol- ineadozu. to sozvn is grown destruction the to and then be daisies any ably Spudding will prob- lows in the meadow be necessary which folthe grain crop, more especially during the first year for growth. The best time it daisy.is when ox-eye of its spudding is in blossom, the as at that time the weeds are very easilyseen. When spudding the ox-eye sometimes with be the hand free the adherent handle to fibrous roots of the weed off with cut 7. In daisy,it may to catch the plant necessary and strike it over the spud earth from the have which been it. permanent pastures, ever Wher- etc. practicable pasture-lands that are infested with ox-eye daisy should be broken up and methods dealt described lands which must wnth cannot remain in one or above. other In of pasture- be cultivated and permanent, the along fore there- fence Description of borders, the on the Burdock. 133 sides of roads, and in waste places generally, it is difficult indeed deal with this to Any plan that will maturing its seeds will in prevent it from time prove effectual,but several years will the weed will be probably elapse before from such fully banished places. pest. (4) The burdock known of and about for its denying of the the most which It so it would write is a BURDOCK. (Arctium lappa) easilymanaged, if destroying that THE it is about gone almost seem the modes is the superfluous that will prove that the burdock general of the weed disgrace the farms biennial, the leaves work properly, extermination, yet there fact well so of to ive effectis is no one tions abominaof which today. are in the early stages of the large even growth of the -plant. Its seed is borne on branched a stem, which pushes up from amid the center of the leaves to a height very of from of its two to five feet. first year nial, being a bien- The growth, the burdock, does not produce any seeds, but in the second it produces them in immense year numbers. V The seeds are matured in Weeds. 134 enclosures the at the The stems. so adhere almost to THE large plant in state, the grow, and and that in they which find them we BURDOCK. it has represents perfected cattle that the burdock in dead the its growth. to the hair pasture where also to the wool they oftentimes hooks Hence of circular sacs, clingingin large numbers horses branches everything with sketch after the with in contact. they come of seed armed shape, are The end of of they sheep, which render practically valueless. the Description of burdock The down into artificial suffer readily in burdock of young around the matured sometimes surface It is long are weed, free from and give along ground of much cultivated. fence the trouble few inches of even many is this so all soils other No of many the continent. of the borders to and It outlying and cities,towns farm, so fields. prone where than plant nearly our of over. more water. weed up be our in are thrown fact, in grow the off above pods and in the cially espe- season it is much places of The seed allows states the off. and a this neglected portions villages,and waste of will pre-eminently itself be perhaps, is found provinces and will harvest its hold burdock The is the retain seed ground, else, which to root more the within the but stem, forgetfulness anything that of The If cut month. parent after weeks July, shoots not chiefly in and after formed, the is broken flower latter or it does dry weather. even crown, natural hence into June root tap the good, sketch the in the the from comes months is 135 strong a soil wherever the drainage shown as sends Burdock. intrench in but it does the soil is the not well 136 Weeds. The burdock of means is solely by propagated of is possessed seed, which its It vitahty. much through the to seeds most plant is ripen upon agency hair and left continue in be amid which during plant during up fresh numbers, burs hair when already of not his they fail to cattle feed its and upon find the cut the growth, mowed when pushes once mentioned. notice not grain or ripens its seeds as dock bur- thus it at year and will hay When injured, and second may the of year the fields, it will of with stems farmer tion eradica- successful Where grows. little the after. of most fields. first is but will they burdock: off it the off the cut upon years modes in cultivated is found course for found the cidtivated In them there the are been with dealing its seeds of Eradication. following I. sheds it its burdock a that so mals, ani- which If adhere. give trouble have of it, and Mode's that domestic wool stems, about to The of undisturbed, its uted distrib- generally very the readily ground ttie is in great Although this, the ripened lodgment wool the of in his aftermath the sheep or 138 Weeds. " troublesome most in continent traveled has is now States. and good more 3 feet. and seeds from which they almost any will and Wild does or at cattle pasture, but have rich not The ment attach- air, winds to but reached the loams give will sustain much crops, not to trouble but out branches Horses of it. soils, various best in grows in extent some on it in in blooming stage fond grow cut seeds. produce are are other up it off crop they lettuce cultivated plants send than rather its seeds the will will early up once in turn which the by It matures If they they comes season. midsummer. before seeds. distance. the in capable of is float in the to carried pale a downy a be not are 10,000 them be may lettuce Wild to the nary ordi- on will blossoms with enables hence late 8,000 provided are feet, but vigorous plant a of numerous, are height The It plants will attain 6 average but rate. sections 5 to on states, rapid a many from than bearing at strong the yellow, Atlantic soils soils foothold a branches The of height the virosa) (L. obtained in common on them westward United the have first to appears this of form. grain It crops freely in Description WILD of Wild LETTUCE. Lettuce. 139 Weeds. I40 meadows fence and pastures, borders Wind is the the seeds also may clover in and wild Modes in 1. dealing Modifying pasture and grow be the modes found been wild with those- of of cultivated lettuce fields : meadow Drop for time a This will only infested with the Cut the crops. with ful success- rotation the cation eradi- of most rotation. the out necessary seeds the grasses. the are have and ing distribut- of Eradication. following that in along with of some places. waste lettuce, but distributed and The other sides, along principal agent of be road on weed. 2. Mozving and with plants off spudding. the scythe sufficient frequency maturing seeds. they may off them below the be with surface to of prevent Farms they cannot the of spud ous numer- Wild maturing kept inch an or ting cuttwo earth. the (i) be not are from easily destroyed by eradication the them prevent When Observations, difficult to with mower or where of free lettuce care the from is not is taken seeds. it in (2) an action the on (6) kinghead RAGWEED. several are troublesome most grows fifteen twenty-one to to head is from three have usually six to between color The marked. shaped, They of are and by far the are more conditions, vigorous, them and seeds are ripe produced on the but growing blossoms The high. feet King- feet. four more when and sketch the favorable yellowish tinge, a but height of from in inches, though height the grow ragweed, the to soils it will, under some stems. Ragweed ones. commonly of of varieties variety represented in known kinghead as one the farmers. slender, much-branched plants, with the trated concen- the of part 141 (Ambrosia art emisice folia) and annual triUda) are {Ambrosia Ragweed There without neighborhood, infested Kinghead. and Description of Ragweed the leaves small and of are the in contrast a lower is not helmet- dark hue. portions flower-bearing parts of the branches, They are so light numerous. are very and they they float readily in water, the and that possessed are These until late of weeds in the great vitality. usually season ; do they not develop sometimes do Weeds. 142 COMMON RAGWEED. Description of Ragweed these time these to of and seeds free much very that revel have that make in While well and the first the kinds after not the or stiff they loamy soils of humus. soils muck do but not clays, except along rich water crop the growth has all kinds season- them' in they push disturbed, produce enormous clover River weeds in In pests. on removed, an a Red these serious been in them in the of of its seeds mature it mature soils, as stubble in grow does for rank of but and usually grain fields makes all that drained, will nor cutting In Valley, all soils valleys, or not crops, meadow. of watercourses. ragweed grain blossoming water, in July conditions in loams headway it does crops, in been and of friable black depressions furrows from large proportion in much time stagnant a of soms blos- The season. grow prefer contain They will from before stubbles the attendant the weeds before crops produced are precise with These In late in the till frost, the varying growth. grain 143 disturbed, they continue if not until grow Kinghedd. in meadows or cutting. crops, are in harvested, are the seeds their ripen not and rapidly and if crop Weeds. 144 KINGHEAD OR GREAT RAGWEED. 146 Weeds. weeds those to down abound. The from that most they spring as following that in have cultivation. Modify the Happily, grown nor of forms soon the as the late then cereal should be plowing of winter. the crops that Autumn is be not should timothy allowed be fields reduced. much harvested, are given is soil in autumn, in the infested occasionally ous seri- attention clover plowed be give require should of is autumn cultivation. nor crop ragweed ground may seed a and not cereals meantime, produce until of working the kinghead. careful where tion eradica- rotation, and will in the any and autumn rotation late-ripening but to the to not can- successful most the to modification given cut they of rotation the attention special found ragweed Modifying J. them that modes the are been with dealing under of Eradication. Modes The done, keep so they seeds. their mature be to up, water where can is jected sub- are of lands circumstances, down which farm a periodical overflow a coming such of parts -or disked. stirred on cultivation the is until As the It the approach peculiarly Eradication helpful destroying in reason that than early, the the late, rather season. carried Grow crops. taking special is 147 for weeds, grow cultivated crops, cultivation Kinghead. these plants the in Growing 2. and of Ragweed that the through the care well on tivated cul- season. Using J. the newly sown in the autumn will mowing should The surface to of often formed it should course seeds 4. in the Spraying. fields of small if six about work before had and of and stem, of any the may in kinghead or the when the (i) When to are be of following plants are high. pastures any are meadows in applied inches should the way. Ragweed Observations, or the before recommended chapter, the to ragweed the on same effective. be killed or materially grain may by spraying with any of the checked materials of done be mower close as are possible, for as down the very done Pastures ripen. treated be be seeds low of use found be ground the that reason the grass, the fields When moiver. done, opportunity to broken wherever seeds the be infested of ripen. ows meadup, the practicable, the (2) weed When have the Weeds. 148 plants effect soon but well are the if its seeds have be be may in reducing soil,several the to the upon it growth. ...i:- .r. during render be (3) Sheet) service weed, this allowed earlier essarily nec- tion eradica- substantial of weed, will of work will become to years prevalence the this effected. completely especiallyif they more ^A" made of allowed been elapse before can spudding extermination in the numerous hand reduced, stages to of feed its CHAPTER METHODS VII. ERADICATING OF WEEDS MUSTARD mustard, false weeds, flax, French wild radish, well as as vegetables, garden and may flowers, turnip. be recognized as the parts borne arise from They are long the flower have of a the The decided plants buds the this from when family ripe stems of into the seeds usually crushed. are base. ends lengthen to are the stages and site oppo- usually at at the flowers, which above leaves odor of all in yellow, gradually with base. fours leaves of of shape or clustered which racemes, unopened ily fam- this The white cluster closely branches, the at a of (foot-stalks) stems on flower cauli- cross. a usually are cabbage, in are and common our the by penny- purse, plants The wild as or of the as pairs, forming which such weed some large a shepherd's peppergrass, cress, contains family troublesome of number THE FAMILY. mustard The OF annuals Most or Weeds. 150 annuals, though winter and biennials are perennials. weeds The in occur thin included As meadows. seeds difficult to combat sections where the same are developing As of of most annuals, the they and rotation is introduction other annuals, seeding most oily or of the the the tion cultiva- with where which crops the require plants many from seeds family have covering for with as the as this quent fre- the which decay, they maintain soil ing matur- by Naturally, plants of prevents vitalityin killed practiced, of the in following spring. of this family are preventing mucilaginous tard-like mus- annuals, and effective, but is the give littletrouble cultivation. frequent of the easily small when good weeds are are other root-leaves bloom early very and winter as starting into of seeds grain, they many grow rosette a and rapidly wheat grown, weeds and lawns in by ordinary means grains are grown tinuously conland for a period of winter grains fall,and family usually grow the with Where winter they small on years. in this grain fields, gardens, ripen their a few a years, of an ually effecttheir and if Eradication allowed to give trouble for once The of weeds that this will first be that in so reason, generally applicable brief by false mustard, flax, the mustard, tumbling of this group members For so cating eradi- in usually equally are wild the quite similar, check. and weed French of most discussed, followed descriptions of will thereafter. of are is which methods the in seeds is effective them others keeping 151 of crop growth which of one a long time a family method a ripen of habits of Mustard. which quently fre- most are troublesome. in methods the Among eradicating weeds mentioned be may which of the mustard clean sowing cultivated growing pulling results wise as, from stubble /. with or more cultivated a Sowing clean ways in seeds two use effective of a stubble rowing har- regular fields, fallow, hand bare of them example, following fall for family spraying. To obtain the best these methods, it is sometimes and to crops, of used seed, spring grain, maintaining rotation, fall cultivation be may this most seed of crop is keeping chapter in of these together, of cultivation in the one of the the most cussed dis- weeds As check. plants spring. are the small, Weeds. 152 they quite easily are removed barley by screening. and difficult to take of out proportion will larger grains. oat difficult to in They alfalfa, however, and size same and Care plants. clover should and free are shape grass from as the of seeds as they as the small a the exceedingly of seeds taken of these the of in to clover about are seeds seeds more crease are be wheat are oats, the from remove They seed stick from these ing purchasthat see they other and weeds. in fields early spring, the grain begins is about effective similar and four be in to harrow benefited should in effective the it be the on pull out mustard weeds in spring. drilled fall-sown the is given, also it thus be grain, young broadcast It three grain only can where and be may the the it quite instances some on young is high, young method used the by harrowing advantage will as inches where areas grain again when harrowings This wet In plants. especially well five to when and appear, killing the in even will to three small spring-sozvn Harrozving 2. quently. freticed prac- as the grain as fields, nor ground is very not particularly grain, as the weeds Weeds. 154 conditions Lire will rowings then kill the germination encourage in turn be can the to which strongly the 5. Fall be can seed after cleared of this in the of is the in removed of method of autumn a graph, para- cultivated crop do the give not thorough cultivation quick-maturing, Growing a and any fighting will which crop weeds in the the as foregoing the are mustard except family early enough seeds which with weed, vated culti- a where soiling the by previously noted, mustard practiced. smother is section, Fields by As trouble vigorous on is up, grain ground, by advised spring. serious the infested if it is followed weeds field rowing practiced, har- preceding spring. thoroughly remains the the sary neces- recommended. in the cultivation in it is cultivation, followed crop pretty be the is in the crop on is followed be If grain and method can below. spring in to This cultivated cultivation autumn outlined as seed, which a small grow in more it outlined as weeds, when of growing spring, of har- small destroyed. particularly good by Occasional right. are at to the prevent quantity annual same to time be the is also weeds tend ing ripena in good con- Eradication 155 of cultivation fall with junction of Mustard. stubble fields. The 6. the throughout class, both this maintain lost considerable. bare fallow the throughout with for a of a spring late planting of good a all kinds, and through does throughout the /. Hand mustard and numbers they when have methods. than carried spudding, from the weeds lowing fal- than while season, idle lie to lose a it crop. weeds small the occur introduced, pulling as crop. fighting thus by rank- a or manure land greatly Hand in when first been tion sec- practicable'only is similar in expensive and bining com- followed crop of the year pulling by harrowing entire the require not made green is less the maintained advised cultivated method is is weeks, or to modification and few soiling is be can disking the growing of required A which year is fertilitywhich fall cultivation the This soil is 3 labor weeds leaching, especially where through the fighting the the it, and rainfall of of in effective, though season, method expensive an is maintained fallozv which bare reduced is weeds field and in or when by other effective more then can burned or be other- Vi/eeds. 156 wise This destroyed. with have which seeds from wild and mustard the similar of power after even sary particularly neces- is the weeds, their maturing plants removed are the 8. ground. A Spraying. method quite commonly practiced in and recent years, be to many of one mustard weeds in is iron begun it is only in become even as take the recent it is at of methods the of sowing and crop in in sections rotation w^hich after land. crop of method, not can generally more It the the practiced, vation, culti- of weeds crop of cultivated where is grown as effective, growing but ognized rec- such definite no grain is growth where small practice This rotation. includes is crops the seed, thorough checking but 1896, fighting weeds, clean however, those the salt, were developed, present place of of weeds that general. tures, pas- chemical. about years all at and kill country bating com- broad-leaved other to by of means solution a some or this in considered other with been sections some now best experiments first in fields, meadows spraying sulfate, has the and grain Spraying is has which crop on the Eradication The by Spraying. zvhich iveeds by spraying broad-leaved plants, included and bull like these the prevent Other roots. found with the in applied, or the should four on be inches clover grain field been have crops other The of the plants formed It oats, weedy best been grains, with sown grass. Flax it is three or which in meadows or effective is not quack of seeds these taining con- in ing fight- foxtail, grass, or grasses. time mustard, are in sown, them. wild small after sprayed delions dan- of if properly brome or these high. Spraying is injurious to be used not alfalfa,and should -and any timothy as not have may be usually spray, the the from fighting in injure not which grain, will The to season shoots new sprayed possible exception lawns. will grasses the better and biennials be must methods cheaper weeds, of Canada the and throughout growth those as even latter, however, times such Perennials thistles. several and dandelion, ragweed, of most family, kinghead, mustard the in ously seri- or include checked the killed be can 157 to is when Frenchweed, in blossom, pods, spray as the but or before plants are the false first flax they have often not Weeds. 158 entirely killed and stems the of spray in toward or will be not should the rain the leaves and Weeds growth Usually weeds the application be rain is nent, immi- its effectiveness. when when the is slow. it if sufficient, but is additional an numerous, ten or chemical the wash than week a a days later may necessary. used materials The of solutions or mustard 55 considered for gallons of required to cover land properly. the The of in proper be on an the ing destroy- solutions these weeds peras) (cop- About weeds. similar any use to ally usu- fate, sul- sulfate Iron chemical and are sulfate, copper iron generally effective most spraying in salt. common is to work easily killed are the the spraying one if done cloudy weather, the evaporation destroy rapid is The Naturally, will more are the locality,but the when done be leaves apply to be can rapid. not as off v^ork vitality early June. or applied in damp, evening, when is spray with May effectiv-e most time roots the after even varies the sufficient proper course usually it is seeds, The killed. are and spray contain may mature to the by acre 50 are of strength of the Eradication solution is about sulfate to growing of barrel of water, will lawns of good small solution of work when these for spraying it is to is to area the eradication knapsack with a of sprayer nozzle one, the is to type be can give will a not sprayer the use a a machine to nary ordiif pumps, power piece frontis- or from from a the machine, a $75 ness effectivein any sufficient which a in in $150, to is essential spray; lar simi- dealers size and with one in give a fine, satisfactory. If It is desirable select the in strong, misty do. of shown It as patches sprayed, ^ If will purchased machine. small be This with used. spray found for spraying apparatus the cost varying with the to of rials mate- varies be any which be is necessary. to a proper sprayed, of bucket or misty spray, will a large acreage case be particular weed, some of of gallons 50 the which on or fitted pounds 15 one-third salt, in machinery a about or and young to 12 iron pounds 75 are From make acreage only water; of used. are the of 159 pounds 100 weeds common for strength The if the rapidly. sulfate, copper to 75 gallons 50 sufficient are by Spraying. power sprinkler purchasing can be used i6o Weeds. for other if purposes of spraying potatoes possible, such orchard or the as and truck crops. The of spraying varies cost the material used, the machinery it is applied, and it. The and sulphate, the run market, quantity used. Salt of than should in acres and horse another team or needed for is done The rapid close weeds They Hax, French zvecd mustard. outlined found in the are or The the effective penny methods foregoing in outfit, the zvild combating 40 this unless commonly to driver water given are like the haul water cost 25 will ing spray- supply. family for this of most are the to descriptions which work the sprayer for to team not to necessary and man acre, probably from spray addition In day. a is field A cents. 75 an according the material, should and three, illustrated that be the salt, cents, 75 as phate, sul- iron $1.25 local cheapest more low apply common than more as or to which to it be in the cost the and cost not with necessary whether material, may to time the copper should according which the are ones some. trouble- found false mustard, and cress, of cial spe- bling tum- eradication pages these will and be sim- 1 62 Weeds. the closely resemble of seeds of varieties some rape. mustard Wild as the that weather comes gets up It grows immense grows to when eighteen height of seeds. of it ripens amid inches but surface of season rapidly, very number the as soon seeds will growth MUSTARD. WILD but the come lasts. spring really warm, near sufficiently germinate as long as the an in in more grain height. and matures It sometimes than two crops Its feet, is about seed pods about usually are first flowers, inch an those or 163 Mustard. Description of Wild earlier by the borne The length. in in May early in or plants, appear June, but the late plants will produce seeds of September, or even into the month on later. Fortunately, it is not a plant that developed withstand can found to pastures, or wheat or has been for at spring claimed least fiftyyears into vigorous of surface the retain the of power it soil, but lying in the that they may when germination winter of fields positively known is not will its seeds ows mead- in extent in or It rye. long how considerable any it is not frost, hence severe lie buried yet immediately and brought life when the soil under will grow in to favorable conditions. mustard Wild soils, but home in equally not friable good drainage, luxuriance on clays it does will given Wild crops fair make the grow at most soils that it will also of possess in great loamy prairie soils. On stiff not readily; but it so grow headway in these even when opportunity. mustard that is It well. limestone but all kinds are it matures grows sown in all kinds in the its seeds spring, before the of and grain ally usu- grain in 164 Weeds. which it grows where spring grains with contest wild that serious amid to which which will yield been from place weed evident in way produce that at the mustard the grain had seed means its way is also farm to in a not to the It is also with farmer it. has The means of very great ; usually by ing thrashof rying car- It is further which droppings carried centers farm. by spring floods the but grain. on of means are new potent farms over manure. seeds Some being carried of by place by birds, finds distributed case any crops grain is distributed to it from the of one if the as agencies. machine by be the result the well mustard various the it must the soil cannot a and with as of to there. Wild this that feed mustard time, same but persons interfere yields the difficult a some understands who of be by not the it grows, plants crop does with one any will argued mustard extent chiefly grown are weed been that It is manifest ripe. this It has one. a is it grows cattle, and frequently when this difficultyin by tributed dis- is the ing deal- (2) False flax known from the notion that it has flax is usually inches, parent some that thickly than more grow ground. false flax is blossoming of and the In blossoms are as comes shown of the its false "flax is the growth upper of its tions por- stems sketch. in the of cannot after mainly small, and up above leafy, but plant consist pods, around year plants stages passed been have inches somewhat is seeds the few earlier stage the seed a erably consid- frequently of some teen eigh- about previous it stem, flax False it grows the the eracy degen- cultivated of height Where numerously shed the in order. sometimes but higher. so the its mistaken, flax, whereas another to grows but originated of plant a probably gained prevalent, cultivated of saliva), sometimes flax, has name 165 FLAX. FALSE {Camelina wild as Flax. False Description of The pale yellow a color. Ordinarily, annual, in the grow to False although that flax considerable later in it the seeds hardy, and frost. Its an as to commences portions of the which is very usually classed are can year ous previ- matured. withstand seeds, which are i66 Weeds. FALSE FLAX. False Description of the ripe plants the machines which shed have flax flax is soil of kind stiffest the loams of infests clays the It considerable wheat, rye, does have fall, and involved stray sprung up humous peculiarly and meadows but in found be the the any plants, however, in the preceding survived preparing in in home at flax will plants have wide to usually grow in spring crops, not These crops. or a mild, the False stray usually in extent sometimes cultivation ground for being in the sown This seeds spring. plant is distributed of the by farmyard cattle, but being in and wheat on equally seems prairie. winter pastures. these It in any will grow flourish of smaller. winter to it will soils. of range adapted false seeds much are that weed a hence meadow, they are of the to of amid seeds seeds The jar crops their resemblance flax, but False of ground. some common the cutting many grow, the upon in when by the disturbed are used they 167 easily shed, hence are numerous, very Flax. any crops and it is more carried in other way. the In it grows, by droppings widely seed the of means which amid manure, by of this distributed timothy fact we of by than find a i68 Weeds. chief false of it of explanation flax Observations, flax it will In be well be sown or barley; is attended be of is found flax for of (4) way; it is well that would be year; (3) that for to the the case place take while the the the in be can meadow cutting before der remain- alfalfa crops inasmuch change, first and cut harvested ordinary the make false in detached be where that seed when may be to dency ten- from merely parts as thing natural the to germinate may riably inva- tion cultiva- autumn to infested crop substituted in the should spring grain, soiling purposes, the usual owing lowing: fol- the important most in meadows patches, the used with (2) that weed fall of in the seeds false with mind in grass the to, the bear along always conflict the to (i) That wheat formerly where centres new appearance known. not was in sudden the of the as alfalfa flax would false ripe. (3) as annual, seeds WEED. pennycress but in the when autumn, and it has also arvense), (Thlaspi Frenchweed known FRENCH stinkweed, not it will yet live is an produced through the Weeds. 170 to Those grow. autumn blossom which in get May, and start a by the in the arrival FRENCHWEED. of the all be harvest shed on season the the seeds ground. It will nearly is claimed Mustard. Description of Tumbling early the in will season Frenchweed will clays, and vegetable soils of stiff on grain meadow injury m.ore early than along with in are they will Tumbling mum) family. simply Europe is as TUMBLING thought which also tributed dis- be droppings the they of veyed con- are The by wind. great vitality, but unless weed they of localities "Tumble it amid (Sisymbrium some that carried are are near MUSTARD. bad it is called the carried mustard In ripen soil. the is another it does through may in possessed of not germinate (4) or ripen late. extent and of which of cereals some water surface the crops They and to and They manure cattle, and seeds seeds the crops, seeds. the pasture distributed grown. by than which is of they have the grain Frenchweed medium most those to mature least more to turn vigorously luxuriantly on the prairies. It harms cultivated or in grow much crops fallen have winter. of coming the before which seeds from plants that 171 weed," mustard the it but Hungarian was altissi- brought is known in central mustard. to this It con- Weeds, 172 of construction the About Indian date Canadian the When they to room of seed The reddish about the height varies with The flowers are close it numj"er The feet resemblance to of plants but high soil and the merous nu- small, and are two has quite are pale yellow and a but When color. brown grow a of grain numerous, enormous an seeds commonly bears not branches they bear pods. dark a to winter or small slender. the grow and amid are and long are tion sec- and annual an it grows its branches crops, large a adjoining portions is mustard Tumbling annual. over that States. United the Since Northwest, the into extent to around farmers the spread rapidly it has some of Saskatchewan. Head, of 1889, it began year attention the arrest way. rail- Pacific Canadian the in the employed Austrians by certain tinent season. the plant wild common mustard. Tumbling between season the grains the frosts. autumn at mustard or even time The time same will a of seeds as those the spring usually of all at grow the little earlier, but and mature small under Mustard. Description of Tumbling certain conditions of ripen until the arrival TUMBLING If more cut off branches before will will they the 173 continue autumn to frosts. MUSTARD the be blossoming produced. stage, Weeds. 174 While of is it crops, cereals. Where vigorous start weeds the from when weeds the does mustard tumbling peculiarly these in the of classes any cause the crops and will k^eep in or various ously vigor- most in humous essentially It pastures grow thrives it soils, but in will plant weakly, are them. trouble serious but reason, overshadow soon in early spring, they that those on an for This meadows. get check give all kinds troublesome in will not infests their composition. mustard Tumbling by agencies such the seeds the first effective will this means, As the in the stop as destroyed, again direction blowing of the of spread other are they will wind will plants then be the these such weed be by useful. which gathered fields an anything prevented changes. and potent is this fence, into of most wind the fence out the its distribution, and the far by wire a mustard along and is birds water, millet, but and mentioned agency that If cereals of dangerous. and wind, as chiefly propagated is when lect colup from the CHAPTER ERADICATION The VIII. OF THE includes grass family most useful wheat, oats, barley, grasses, and of our great botanical hand, it includes weeds, of quack they other farmer the The the three and foxtail. grass is prairie which a pastures rather On and quickly land that of their in for or to eradicate. to to grasses the northern wild grass, serious oats, squirrel-tail or weed succumbs but to be in pest meadows, cannot in as troublesome barley very ence persist- oats, and quack Wild also wild very Canada are other cereals troublesome of States the the difficult very most farmers United are reason, and to the some trouble- similarity with as grow, all the of habits seed of root-stocks, the or and which some creeping forage most our because corn, the On of number as valuable some grass, such all divisions. their growth and most which, large a plants, is the GRASSES. WEEDY one tion. cultiva- cultivated, 176 Weeds. cutting before in the the preventing other weedy some one beginning of the their by grass, scutch called either which the are soil. but stronger and and they life. are The and know^n to they season, much of root-stocks the they (Poa grass in more quack to and three each stems grow feet, according of them and way, every tenacious are grass to the com- larger unyielding that they through push their way The fill soon considerably vigorous very generally Quack grass. much are more of the potato. one blue root-stocks strong of resemble quitch grass, that numerous so quack as it is couch or Canadian pressa), but is repens) names, perennial, They of roots growth. quick grass; creepmg a nearly GRASS. grass, quack be mended recom- most (Agropyron dog and is of the may methods great variety of a grass, of QUACK in and they habits grass known mentioned the one (l) Quack three paragraph, the all Nearly quite closely resemble using for in spread. grasses by approach ive ripens will be effect- its of. this eradicated grass seed of so have been the tuber the to height soil and is terminated bv Weeds. 178 Quack in the Its season. about August, It timothy. of makes grass soil, but soils of least at home Quack from is entire is very seeds for its seeds clovers, ripen for those and of both manure, Quack It of food grass home-made has furnishes of a some a nutritious agation propits it gets a other out tle this- Canada of grasses, those as of some alsike of means time same timothy. the through crops thistle, quack those example where. else- of once sow the at it and of easily distributed by the useful grains and of as of means the is these than crowding Like cereals, and the It autumn, by on perennial is the of and work the When great. the late period its power loams all kinds until footing, also in constantly kind in grows root-stocks. of and grass creeping grass clays, of any texture. open easily destroyed this and to in those almost partial early mature as more goes crops in stiff early spring during time grow most in growth usually same decidedly a is much seeds the will good a and moth, mam- It is also of agency and the tributed dis- farmyard purchased. redeeming considerable -character, ties. qualiamount both as Eradication pasture and affords a hardy that of the of cold destroy it. deHberately bought few years the plants and fail When growth. become this renovated be is so, Quack grass, however, correct Other grass and holy dropseed or be may it, of All by the the to is doubtless it. resemble closely and wheat grass, these grasses methods eradication are vanilla it include of the its when which western grass. for it row. har- generally view take for grass, eradicated below this less or mistaken "sometimes may the is of grasses more grass rid to one weedy quack that pasture pest, owing great a difficultyof getting is desired, and absence the a vigorous with again as after by simply plowing it down upon sowed and a the leveling looked it matted so so heat the but produce to is Hence pasture, its roots hay it It and winter 179 as cannot been easily cut aftermath. provide permanent to when considerable summer has and hay, as Grass. of Quack mended recom- of quack grass. Modes of , the When quack of grass, it, and attempt effective this in a Eradication. is work single made to should season. destroy be The made fol- Weeds. i8o of modes lowing found and After-harvest the lightly,and fields Then the of roots draw with should them, time if plowing the in to no work late third bring up fresh furrows or largest possible exposed to the frost weather for burning the action of the each it, time In disturbing When land from land so surface the frost efifect a same of admit the of amount into the time together has the weather. plow are root-stocks. should wet windrows they deeply more soil. the operation will weather in the arrives, rib the directions, The a shake carted be may Repeat ground autumn two enough even the on If them. however, case, go when and autumn order and, heap. compost using from rake, root-stocks the second free dry with to light be not the necessary, into burn tivated cul- a harrow roots the dry enough, sually unu- plow cultivator grass horse the then if " the and harvest, ordinary harrow the spring-tooth also be cultivation, autumn After crop. infested of season cultivation by spring followed it will rainfall. heavy a in successful, except I. with dealing the ing by turnopposite that the shall in (i) of be ter. winkill- Eradication the ing (2) of and the In that roots are spring occasionally the and horse it is time cultivated deemed them from, until if necessary, also roots, it such other some or this cultivate Then work hand the along necessary vator culti- dry weather, of time soil. the and harrow corn, crop. properly, giving be in rake plant to by -the use ing, plow- the exposed freeing i8i Grass. of Quack crop as may of line the rows. 2. been the deeply, less not be can results plowed will that all the disk should the Grow growing Grow both corn that the the The so care The land every dry ing dur- season in succession. in corn The the effective. of- corn that a if and subsequently very of land buried. In so ways. much over days crops thorough deeply run crops two two with prove Then depth satisfactory. season. will planting the so be then method J. is grass grow greater a done be inches, 9 or more fourteen to this to even should plowing seven be 8 than has grass the grass to for hay. Allow the near blossoming stage. Then it for hay. plow the mow be deeply after cut until it under Ploiv it succession, can be cultivation quack g'rass vated cultishould will be Weeds. i82 all between destroyed The following land the season quite frequently June. Then bushel of millet thus secured disk the quack Observations. If of of one of growth smother that grass the over rate The should corn. middle the at acre. per the plants of until millet sow seed the run of rows any have may survived. is the quack An thoroughly cleaned Ontario the at season farm at used being that more was given It corn. this to In both a be the wet labor horse possible to eradicate expenditure of an such a be never for would result. at in Indeed, when disturbed such a some stirring the than Station corn a the crop quack too crop in respect hand labor. it would labor one cultivation is true and however, season, in remarked be careful this very cultivated should crop usually receives, and to was method the and constant be Experiment 1891, in Guelph by completely field this by lined out- then out, will grass infested destroyed. method followed thoroughly autumn first the scarcely grass out with- costly quack grass the ground for should is wet, growth of the grass by respects be encouraged time soil. the fence In and removing then cleaning manure applicable in It must be not it will be the wild that grass is troublesome has been banefulness farmers utterly year, in from but the though not in but there to we this to some In the the distinctive wild oat all wild it will oat of the vigorous growth early spring. are advise seasons weather to its exterminate The its most that pest would different resemblance annual an pernicious and fact, the attention land. moist warm, is most pains their it makes itself OAT. In no at wise places, other- fatua) our given spare readily grow WILD THE merits, but to weed giving trouble. weeds. never patches. the that or only continually pushing of one litter small such (Avena oat be would would of in described piling forgotten time, a as mode case field and (2) The the destroyed be into this out with- for mode by it, but be should weed the upon out another found grass ground the 183 be usually fence the However, smother Oat. dislodge quack first above. to it will borders difficult to very Wild the Description of the of spring, It bears siderable con- oat, common points chaff of ference. dif- scales Weeds. i84 adhere which hairy, while scales The not so a WILD is usually twisted is seldom or, When varieties these hairless. are stiff its base which awn, ; in the is either awn if present, bent. and OATS. near varieties, the wanting long, thick are and coarse has oat grain cultivated in the are wild the to is not the awn tivated cul- entirely stiff,and so of the wild Weeds. i86 weather the unless the of growth in various not give Its under have in unrotted The wild by the these the mixed is the has grown. the their of by vitality for should manure is to grains, grow among always on of them, its seed It is also since manure, is no of means freely mixed will rot it which the unless thoroughly suspected small amid seeds years, placed freely among its years. most very crops once heap, which the and grain. being When manure are to ground portion of a thrashed from when ripen before distributed straw pains be taken seeds the light that there preventing it with have the so the years of to sure to largely its seed for seeds it is with very in that, if left reason therefore life is distributed oat crops, and buried been great conditions, although manure of means for suitable tures. pas- of into spring does or possessed to grow oat in meadows are will also wild The It adapted it will but autumn, moist. well are trouble seeds vitality, and or that soils. other and warm cereals, serious brought they may be soils in luxuriates in the spring, nor in the early very of straw maintain the utmost the manure, be done before the the land if wild oat being present in it. Eradication The also watercourses wild of seeds of Darnel and give They eradicated be some by wild the for found wild with modes the are been have dealing in in the oat. of Eradication. following that the weedy trouble much can Modes The in carried annual are recommended here means by it is also farm the by being cheat which sections. some animals. droppings grasses seeds localities new On machines. distributed further 187 the down carry into brought thrashing Oat. Wild higher levels, and from oats are the of tion eradica- of successful most oats: cultivation, After-harvest and autumn fields In crop. follozved by a cultivated borne which have plow the grain crops, this can be done, starting land just as soon as I. the grain the many could later wild of the recently time be shed oat the to Plow on. or harrow a ground germinate, easily be induced second the have which seeds whereas time, " that been at may to land fields being early plowing upon induced not cultivate this for reason of shocks the from removed been have the before even process this they germinate and then occasionally, i88 Weeds. until wild Other of of time the seeds oat if the the moist not In any it must autumn as in the spring. When plow deeply, the cultivated the stir the surface plant the soil corn in of the in other some of days soil Then the come, of section occasionally or that has lower is readily. moist autumn surface. to to late portion brought time and that so soil the readily so warm the retain to remembered be the season germinate germinate not to twice or if the when not tions por- agement encour- once tends soil, and do upper additional rolled be fall. the encouraged especially oats case, be an rolling the the do they land the of moisture be process, for in the thus It will in plowing lying soil may the germinate. during be dry, late will the be spring- until it is cultivated crop. Growing 2. cultivated two land, giving autumn the in crops careful cultivation succession and of 'the of the Grow crops. attention cultivation preparation to cultivated tzvo to to soil for crops on the the the ous previquent subse- seed, and while they growing. are Encourage plants, and sozv germination, J. a late crop. kill the Allow young the wild of Eradication to the land should order in be at harrowed once of germination the started has land. the over or June. These wild then be the lower will once plowed section of the at seeds. contain should process will oats remain should be all the 4. Seed most is to will seed. ways the But few soil. If successive years, in wild a of One tivated culoats the to alfalfa. The quency fre- the alfalfa remaining same oats cutting of germinating year wild the the up eradicate of of bring to land any should slice,which next the If to furrow seed prevent any survived ground again of before cut destroyed. land to alfalfa. effective to sown The the run follows, the wild corn, as crop, be in crop first half followed. be then be have The upper be again may seed. produced have oats that oats the the should crops in then should barley during millet stray It encourage another should disk the to oats When soil. the of section the ground The germinated. have that oats plow early spring. Then the myriads of to bury in the start oats 189 Oat. Wild the the harvested is the of seeds soil will crop maturing from oats the alfalfa for eral sev- the wild lose their . power. The two methods last Weeds. 190 submitted western north- specially applicableto are conditions. Observations, with wild darnel, oats, should care all districts infested In (i) be cheat, the or taken to get est greatseed pure for sowing, especiallyof spring oats, wheat, will in barley, for these weedy grasses and (2) If these weeds seeds, owing mixed get than ripen earlier cases many exist their to of of straw these. farm, their any lightness,are the with on any the to sure thrashed , grain, and to the wild the thus get into oats, whenever there contains essential rotted Owing fall, for for the be must germinate after by harvest. in and warm to deal with Northwest, the to The in the where oughly thor- be (3) germinate in the do not this as weed as fore, pains, there- induce its seeds to tion possible cultiva- its seeds will not the wild oat American the it is particularly used. of unless moist, the seed does earliest autumn that greatest to As suspicion being eradication taken of it should before others. many seed the a oat cultivation autumn much that its reluctance to is wild Owing manure. vitality of remarkable manure the autumn minate geris weather is very and hard Canadian days are Description of Foxtail. never enough warm of the vigor, seeds. The weed that the to to even less of in continent great feet. is better nearly to land the grass greater a section every known summer as It grows where able suit- so with six states grass. extent is it grows (Setaria glauca) pigeon or soil there tion germina- FOXTAIL. Northwestern in the the secure height a (3) Foxtail to 191 has or of the tilled, been It gives great only for a few years. kind where trouble in prairie countries one for is frequently cereal of many grown if even succession in years is also the on troublesome a foxtail Green in the methods of usually one adjoining {Setaria viridis) is is species which East, Practically the description applies grows when foot it, and to treatment are to the but bear a a very few close sam.e same applicable. tail Fox- height of about matured, inches more the although with the richness height varies much soil. It is capable of maturing seeds when corn the related closely common and It in the in all crops bek, particularlyin Iowa states. lands. same high. resemblance The to the of the even leaves those of Weeds. 192 millet, but head they is covered produces have gets favorable cold conditions in has similar the grow when in will Foxtail soils, but It crop in rich on infests but grown, which these in grow in the growth such Foxtail of of the extent of form trouble cultivated on early period It is in sown at cially spe- the plants frequently as to greatly hinder crops. is distributed and class riates. it luxu- much cereals the numbers birds, wind greater these time. soils give or seeds every mature. crops in as of every the to troublesome spring, almost not the tions condi- mature almost wheat, owing meadow, and prairie does winter rye, these space on grow and moist. sufficiently under rapidly very of tivation cul- lie in which it is incredibly short an of seeds the potatoes, corn, plants produced under arrival the After in as which seeds, germinate until ceased grow it soon as the autumn. crops, soil will grow and warm, weather The to vitality, will great The seeds. commences soil the smaller. fine, soft hairs, and with many Foxtail much are through water, and probably through the to that agency a still of seed Weeds. 194 grain, Other be and droppings weedy grasses manure annual eradicated include the by barnyard of animals. which methods can given below fingergrass, grass, and crabgrass. The Modes of following are that have dealing with Modifying the of acreage 2. the at once fields will most rotation. ful success- which the Increase cultivated wheat, pastures. Practice have as autumn possible greatest ploughed, removed, seeds the to cation eradi- of foxtail: cultivation. cultivation If found permanent Autumn modes winter rye, and grasses the been in 1. Eradication. cereals grown soon the as the maturing be prevented, but cultivated crops. of extent. are of many of not is grain the of all them. 3. Groiuing of especially crops should season ./. grain with as manv as practicable, corn. In continued be the these late as more in tivation culthe possible. Harrozving in far so crops tivated cul- Grow the the spring teeth in grain. with a Harrow the light harrow, it, just after the fox- Eradication tail plants above appeared surface the should the or work of will also of in 195 numbers large is grain the When wet. the done harrowing is judiciously helpful to the crops prove thus This the ground. when attempted be never ground are have Foxtail. of which with. dealt Pasturing ivith sheep. Utilize pasturing off the stray plants sheep 5. in and in and which of aftermath the in eating off the frequently grow cereal in crops, clean crop of corn, when amid the the Observations, the should aim the secure seeds in the cereals year to found which year to will Until upon sown the in in a the to feed to eft'ectively most of these the in same cease the weed germinate get it will weed to the To (2) necessary are will sheep season. germination of waste- fighting this weed to give prominence removed. be they cannot complete mastery be In soil. stubbles injury proper which quick plants in turned are the be methods those without (i) tures pas- plants growing sheep at corn of flock A and corn, and crops all the out of the among in meadows, of myriads corn places generally. soon it to spring lands. the ably probgrow from IX. CHAPTER OF MODES SPECIFIC ERADICATING LANEOUS MISCEL- TROUBLESOME The trouble in farmer which have preceding three the the to States United thistle, the buckwheat, and these are and zvild thief and botanical and family, wild the the is pests the that west. THE one of has ever It wild blue- Canada States. Wheatthe to same thistle Russian the With in of these tions, excep- this chapter related. Russian tragus) do sian Rus- three eastern mentioned weeds (l) The as last belong buckwheat. closely not are blueweed the the are ivhcat-thief, United eastern treated been bindzveed, in serious northern the not The carrot. most the in chapters cockle, which weeds the plantains, corn zveed of important most give WEEDS. is RUSSIAN THISTLE. thistle (Salsoli the aggressive most come frequently kali to the called var. weed prairies the of Rus- Description of sian cactus, but thistle a This United South from the has been for at the spread least to of east, but it as it is still a a farther now few ously seri- so ago, years troublesome very on It has states is it was the bordering rivers. in nowhere in agriculture states Missouri was considered soon was prairie rapid thistle successful to regarded weed prairie sections. in the The thistle Russian early leaves of the and slender, about each is early leaves tipped length attendant of is inches two with branches the branches conditions in clusters of the vary of Above and with The growth. three, and duce pro- number much as the and the which out grow smooth are long, spine. a The annual. an plants young spines, and many grow So its appearance made though of it that Mississippi and the seed brought in flaxit Russia, where Russian the the of 1873. year increasingly formidable menace in several the centuries. two States serious been plains growing United about have to a State-s in Bonhomme Dakota, It is supposed also it is neither cactus. in the county, the 197 plant, it is claimed, first obtained foothold a Thistle. strictlyspeaking a nor Russian the the spines plants Weeds. 198 maturity they become near legs of have When travel leafless. almost be have been than five the when they plant to appears of Specimens a weeds. mature the diameter plant less not feet. Russian grow very grain crops spring the with found THE The the among maturity near rigid that require protection horses to so the thistle early are THISTLE RUSSIAN in given thistle does not th^ season, an early which infests begin to hence if start them in the will be far so injure the to become frosts of and pulled or It is claimed burned. to weed This the injury vigor under harvesting and binder, expensive. is but where have are of by the means sized 20,000 on cases the ordinary account of infests weed in prairie, but such to grows not Russian of thistle its seed is crops, vated. culti- are as extent some much so established well of kinds all its and difficult harvesting It the prevent to be sufficient with grain by all in the will greater conditions the in and crops the in prairie fires, gophers or prepared a seed bed for The be from grows easily destroyed native grasses It some This the should troublesome the are done. makes it bulk off average maturing later they weakly the cut plants an specially is crops; more that August seeds. 30,000 grain of capable is plant of time that after up its much mature all the destroy part hence September, in tinues con- until to plants latter the in seed the enough earlier vitality. The ously seri- not seeds mature severe 199 frequently It crops. and grow it may that in check kept Thistle. Russian the Description of on where soil, as prairie dogs it. propagated solely and its marvelous Weeds. 200 of power ease with over the propagation seeds of number seed carried to inability the period of than that will it may and of prevent accomplish this following have which 7, seeds vears. may and be in the vitality be longer a good a out with- eradicated ing farm- of system tem sys- plants from ing matur- successive years of tion eradica- end. modes the found most favor omitted other ful success- thistle Russian rotation. which crops of lies Under the the difficult maintain two been Modifying the been of cereals. for the are dealing with other not difficulty. Any for in is to seeds The seed seeds farming will of also has weakness years. their It great two great are conveyance conditions normal under the thistle Its of germinate of Eradication. Russian eradication. the Railways in the and in flaxseed Modes The seeds centers. new the produces, and the for it the succession, conditions. largely responsible the in it which favorable under tumbhng which with readiness send miles for prairie to winds the which is attributable Cereal the for crops : crops maturing two grown cessive suc- in V/eeds, 202 spring. steel begin to a and under adaptation land the the on of growth will the preventing its further which 7. the plowing Legislative lands have in also cious It is effica- early date the at is done. When vacant keep to the weeds erly prop- check. two plantain (Plan in helpful lation infested, stringent.legis- become (2) The to ence influ- vation culti- thistle, and enactments. is necessary in ing harrow- Autumn increase. proportion special crop. very Russian destroying in the found be has the a method beneficial a cultivation. Autiunn 6. also has or fourth This where areas the four is and thistles Russian dry to third a given harrowed be conditions. some destroying of even be grain a blades the produce to should high, it time, time the When with crop should sufficient slant early the as soon teeth The sought. second grain as show. inches five of harrow backward result the Harrow Hght in grain small 5. Harrow are f ago THE most PLANTAIN. known major) as the and of varieties important common the the plantain buckhorn or Description of Plantain The follow not IS ^rasshas troublesome very a dwellings, about grows where Good in cultivation suffice buckhorn The of great source of been introduced ple perennial. and stems which sometimes by each to leaves at will much a become the tions sec- many which It it is a a has s^im- are long, ribbed, the base ihe seed-spil"es are its though they height considerab y a commonly spikes are high, spikes are These inches two relatively than shorter is Europe. plant. one rich is cases has in foot a Several from and into support attain o-reater. borne from about grass annoyance narrowed hairv, usually weed, Its e _ rib continent our was m soil all the bay. or troublesome It where and the nearly it at keep to weed. paths m trodden, much been places generally more 20; plantain {Plantago lanceolata). to seems common plantain,which everywhere in the wake of civihza- EnRlish tion, Bnckhorn. d an those long, of the ally usu- mucn mon com- plantain. The the of the as with buckhorn continues greater part of year. the If it be scythe, to the cut after grow growing off above the out through- period ground, spikes begin Weeds. 204 to to to other appear, in grow seed produce in the spikes will is thus It season. of maturing following The meadows buckhorn and effort Its sustained under seeds until mence com- until flower in late June,- BUCKHORN capable seems once place. into comes THE and their at certain during cold is weather all the is months near. troublesome most pastures, conditions more in especially in Eradication of Plantain the latter. and waste It also have to much weed but in the been sandy the it is also seeds of those elongated, red The In have dealing and in Breaking up it zvith cut, and a by and have the shape each seed on not uted distribof means are vers, clo- extent some is also about are are been closely meadows, been of other same size much the is slightly side. one of Eradication. with effective to It furrowed and following that of which distributed grasses clover, and Modes ing tivation. cul- loams or grains which cleaned. Its seeds of of distributed and in color. same I. seem those are loams, seeds manure, agencies. also not good commonly cereal carefully in in soils is most of means as it does constitution. This by blesome speciallytrou- withstand to favorite termed -be mild it is not power 205 lanes, roadsides tilled fields, as Its may infests places, but in Buckhorn. and the modes found the killing the related cultivate They are tain plan- common plants. nicadozv-land them tion eradica- successful most buckhorn. cultivated plow of crop. and In folloivthe just after they on the surface case have until Weeds. 2o6 the late the following followed this by the next attention with harvest, soiling a sorghum, rape, cultivated growing 3 of in section cultivated and surface to infested, are thereafter and crop, give Next follow other some crop, of that quick- described as grown treatment our crop. cultivation. or and soiling crop, a tilled fields that after grow crop cultivation, autumn by season of case season and quick-grozving a ])low just due cultivated a season. After-harvest 2. In Grow autumn. Canada the thistle. Using J. the cultivation where use the the plants from if practicable, use plants below mower the two very similar habits they heading. wild of will morning off cut or, the ground. the species and creeping C of As discvssed or as bindweed arvensis) perennials growth. Bindweed, keep to BINDWEED. scpium be to of surface common {Convolvulus spud sistently per- seeds, their maturing (3) The scythe or the places introduced, be cannot In scythe. or mower, they under grows lar, simi- so the it is often glory, usually ing trail- with are are same called, to the Description of length two to soils it attains weed bears a of Bindweed, three much a close feet, but to cordate are some on This length. greater resemblance Its leaves 207 the or ing-glory. morn- heart- BINDWEED. shaped, white, and but its more blossoms commonly pinkish white, which veins Its roots of blue. are may are they be sometimes are tinged larger than of a with the Weeds. 2o8 vines. and form They also Bindweed begins of month until of time growth is most months of in various grain crops It the crops, it them them down toward hinder greatly mower or various which binder. a Bindweed of means is also agency is the of explanation sometimes large from In water. of found of the So will of amount the are times some- of the grow in soils humus. distributed cereal place to this last bottom pletely com- in home at extent in draws they weed of after and, progress generally seeds carried the is most soils, but contain that This ing keep- stalks entangled themselves within in hoed of ground. and to in gradually it the som blos- in the up it grows, them, early troublesome the trouble to intertwined vines its grows it is found which around twining the continues Bindweed It climbs clean. the to and it is most adds grain amid the in its greenness commences yet when greatly it. during season, but ; soil, early frost, although vigorous crops, the usually grow long time. a into maintains summer. early for to and May, the bloom deeply down go in network a to by grains, but it place by the fact lies one which it is lands. It is Weeds. 2IO careful crop of ing part It the is be remarked usually it grower, watchfulness in Calling J. When disinclined the in early tender. noses be to dig They roots. and roots are (4) Wild field up WILD buckwheat sometimes is and also growth. which their will bind- turned or the contains fleshy, succulent the freely. BUCKWHEAT. vulus), convol- {Polygonum improperly plant possessed a twining some it is plant rooting on a In not are eradicating pastured them eat in places had not prevent aid by especially the yet have slit to and the weed, while hogs. or they as this that plowed a it checked to access upon efficient v/eed, if they stant con- pastures be inasmuch Hogs very eradicate may have to or to in growth season^ rung a on its feed to and of sheep grows it grows, where persistent labor order aid the sheep this as season. one bindweed allowing much in in waste-places, remam- that, singularly a requires completely the throughout season. here may weed culture and of called a chnging aspects it weed, bind- creeping, habit resembles of Buckzvheat. Description of Wild previously bindweed roots resemblance no the seeds The in abroad of will then oftentimes they their of Wild a to time of of can crops, cereals and grow the frosts. seeds be harvested. but is much sessed pos- buckwheat it grows vegetable crops. will much loams the before the all kinds in troublesome more pastures tinues con- cereals spring It infests in it until matured are little trouble rich are seeds In other in earth color, but They mature in soils, but and grains, and than Wild will cultivated of large. cereal severe of many grain the as and degree of vitality. almost begins to grow buckwheat soon top considerable , as very weight. shape so to grow. the toward those in quite not are grain, lean it to cling the to matured both or spread weeds the up resemble seeds buckwheat which of consequence is oftentimes directions, and of cause but tendrils The clamber stalks the The singly, amid vegetation there plants. grow different the blossoms the two numbers. in They in the plants great the between of but described, differently,and very grow 211 and grow It gives meadows. in various vigorously more than but in soil stiff Weeds. 212 and heavy It has or deficient to come be WILD rie grown soils on in the a in grievous pest matter. on prai- BUCKWHEAT localities same vegetable lands where from cereals are to year. year Eradication Wild of buckwheat birds, wind is distributed and seeds of The have that given and been greater a of agency cattle and too the growth of the for, noxi'ous in the Northwest. would ture pas- be may judgment is given in nearly If and will and It crops grown tion rota- prominence crops. cultivated weeds the Vary little attention extensively tion eradica- successful meadow to that the of most greater here writer, modes rotation. time a the more means buckwheat: cultivated to of to the found wild much for mentioned the are dealing with 1. Varying the so by of Eradication. following that 213 cereals. Modes parts and water, through droppings of the manure, be Buckzvheat. probably extent in Wild of these of to all were suitably cared be soon rially mate- lessened. 2. Growing crops that of none plants 3. Sowing only clean care in cultivated and clean them the seeds of will mature. clean seed is preparing: so the seed. Make sown, and the Grow crops. seed of tivated cul- effectively wild wheat buck- that sure use special cereals for Weeds. 214 sowing, in or purchasing the for same seed. Autumn 4. land cultivation. immediately to the when further the prevent Harrowing harrow the the cereal sible, posof maturing wild cereal above When the labor is of plants of in ously numer- the judiciously effective very teeth appeared surface the work found the when have light a short many crops buckwheat Draw crops. of possessed over ground. done relation it will to the expended. (5) The cockle, fields. is cockle does winter weed commonly not it may district in wheat where, else- occur in grow wheat githago), pink-flowered or annual common a It COCKLE. {Agrostennna purple though the CORN cockle corn called also In harvest seeds. 5. be after the Plough other it is a grain. winter annual. The plant high, usually are is long and from grows with few thickly covered conspicuous purple branches and narrow, with or one the three to ; the whole silky hairs. pinkish-purple feet leaves plant The flow- Description CORN of Corn COCKLE. Cockle, 215 2i6 Weeds. ers borne are the calyx, becomes The the on which much swollen ripens its seed black seed wheat, large, where difficult to it is seed seed July, and grain. somewhat flattened in This seed objectionable in wheat, as ground with the grain, it gives dark color pod, thrashed easily recognizable remove. ; develops. and commonly occurs branches the June the the the as in with rather of encloses plant blooms The ends is and larly particuit is when flour the a unpleasant taste, and is said be unhealthy. is poisonous The seed to to and chickens, hence should be not The white screenings which fed it contain poultry. to cockle (Lychnis alba) and the sticky cockle or night-flowering catchfly white(Silene noctiHora), the former a flowered annual with closely related hairy are biennial in occur of keep methods a plants which of sticky, a these A frequent rather cultivated in check. weeds eradicating in sometimes meadows. thoroughly both latter yellowish-white flowers, the equally effective and the grain fields and rotation, with will and com handling night-flowering catchfly. cockle white short duction introcrop, The are cockle 2i8 Weeds. . when again it is about will kill cockle the cockle and many in starts the of harrow. weeds, small many Observations. eradicate the main While and of account of seeds from for necessity the in and rich It is kill is easy will given be to found is wheat the on removing the grain, hence exercising in care through seed venting pre- grain WHEAT-THIEF. known sometimes to soon does is (Lithospennitm Wheat-thief eight as possible. (6) weed, the is followed, seed the its introduction wherever lished estab- by weed attention difficultyof cockle grain firmly this rotation no the the as however. if proper crop grains, spring just outlined, it quite persistent where be to This grains methods the weeds. removed winter in starts high, with too are be to Harrowing growth fall the inches winter on plants spring by to other many is less effective method as and three as redroot. sixteen soils more or growth. Its It inches pigeon gromwell, from usually grows high, but sometimes considerably taller. it becomes less branched leaves is arvense) are in narrow its habits and of about of Wheat-Thief. Description long, inch an fact that than they those flowers of and small, and are WHEAT stems, are and endowed much with Wheat-thief flax, it usually is the green Its grasses. or cluster of pale a along its THIEF. produced are and white seeds Its from lighter tinge of a cereals the color. cream of are noticeable are 219 an comes abundantly. vitality. annual, up but in the They like fall of false the Weeds. 220 previous year its seeds. Its latter of its seeds of for cereals plant that a usually be be somewhat in grow are crops hardy so destroy hence of it. the kind just w^hen it lighter also is but water, soil of most crop may free it to will It from partial is shade enables easily distinguished. any It its presence The possess hence our It is not detected leaves its June, the meadows cut. blossom. into which in before or do it is found, coming during little in advance a readily it matures appear be can frosts grows in which most blossoms harvesting, winter which May or early our ripen before part ready in that to nant stag- sandy to loams. Wheat-thief which early, mature previous the rye, but to any plants considerable survive may for for these extent, the early preparation the sown wheat, found in pastures, spring although crops some cultivation of essary nec- ground the crops. Wheat-thief through winter infests been winter as It is also seldom it have and such season, meadows. and in crops troublesome is most cereals is the and of agency of uted distrib- commonly most the the seeds seeds of of the timothy, Eradication mammoth clover, and carried not of Wheat-Thief, seed in the cattle, by the of of clover. manure follov^^ingare that have dealing in meadow winter need of not three section. crops continue for if due In p. with them to the autumn most after harvest as may weed be have Drop from be given described to be of that are sufficient hand desired. fallen If first shallow the numerously seeds to pulling. careful it is in of this weed either to next Give The or in the pastures seeds be rotation attention freely. may The two cultivation, for the tures, pas- than means autumn and rye, the of out bare. eaten cultivation. that successful winter generally by Autumn attention by birds. more as respect infested, it will deal yard, farm- necessarily kept are cultivation, autumn the : not these seasons of most wheat, but these omission pings drop- tion of eradica- rotation. the crops, if found wheat-thief with rotation the the modes the been Modifying I. ver. clo- of Eradication. Modes The is by and by thrashing machines, It red common distributed is further It alsike 221 minate ger- plowing deep, or of during this the Weeds, 2'12 of harvesting the immediately preferable Modes land is else grow suitable, cultivated follow it cultivated Where crop. attention cultivation precedes 4. the pulling Hand weeds pulling and to of false such flax, crops hand to work, be to the end while it may then, it should only spring as Where resort grass, to sowing. the bloom. Whenever sow autumn their undertaken be Observation. the fully accomplish to still in are grown are This or cultivated a to numerous, should intended, by spudding. spudding. or easily done, plants not are and the crops, crops alone, give careful which be Where crops. grow and rye will Eradication. of cultivated Grozving soil it. plowing to Specific 5. surface the cultivating crop, preceding be in as be essary nec- the case done with barley, wheat, and oats. (7) Blue weed (Echium It is sometimes loss, but blueweed. the BLUEWEED. more In vidgare) known common the Southern as name is a nial. bien- viper's bugfor States it is it is Description of Bluezveed. that weed. New York It is most Blueweed feet, according soil the rather which large, the leaves and surface of growth blueweed why hairs These touch Its flowers blue blueweed tries large, thus and giving a grows the far one are very of season of leaves are est near- grow that they Both with with ous numer- the which lie ing advanc- explains by live stock. from agreeable to to pull the plant. relished also are one ground. plant, is not color, at the when the the stiffen hairs, which so covered are from Its out single a character which of stems the to those spread and spreading plant having each infests. it crown the near southward. and upright to Ontario, springing from to the height of It grows three the to growth, branches stock. to of thistle, in common states is both its habits several the and Canada little resemblance but it bears although in the called sometimes 22\ the of the deep, a fields where beautiful year rich ance appearit is in when bloom. Blueweed season root of down this several is its a biennial. growth, deep into smaller During it sends the roots a ground, branch first the strong and off. tap from Blue- Weeds, 224 does weed in the to second period bloom weaker the months. its first year, in the of month later blooming June, that so on, visuallyextends The but plants begin stronger ones bloom of in the year into come and blossom not over the eral sev- is also season BLUEWEED. extended for weed, of efforts by the when crown and seed. Some as at soon of begin these above the with once eradicate to off it is cut earth, branches made start to newlv the the face sur- zontal scythe, horiout bloom from and formed the bear hori- 226 Weeds. As it regards probable is the that from place v/eed cling long the wind winter of appearance for blueweed in Blueweed to is seed, where allow it to sudden centers, new known of to uted distrib- of means clover farming while its seeds mature doubt the methods careless over no probably by extent some their miles been not also of fact This it had which spring, out for account previously exist. them blue- in toward them snows. spread of seeds or of chief its receptacles drives generally where The many and encrusted will in blueweed, is the effecting the to shakes receptacles in of wind place. to but grow, the the employed agency they distribution growing in meadows. of Eradication. Modes The following that in dealing I. will of much of the broken keep in up a successful in the from getting cultivated portions stray plants put same tivation cul- Really good field that that tion eradica- : blueweed When of most fields. footing a farm. appearance be blueweed with ctdtivated In found been have modes the are is not season, in desired the spud an to is Eradication the* effective most to plant is cut stage of its go for removing the for crown, the below oif cases be when the at crown it will growth, all in any surely die, bur. otherwise. not In 2. etc. waste places generally, its will seed used scythe be of number in either with again spud to be these on. used seeds in once in overlooked The for have will in scythe or several lying in the blossom the the seasons, or the by the be for done be to but done also at the When are ones first spring once blossom. to in becatise, when weaker some to and season a begin is used, also have scythe, the plants and spud season, will It once a a ing matur- destroyed, be will work seasons. than cut up the case to got found be determined be in effective the plants has it from prove must the than more soon plant it will them, Whether it. destroying several if the plan that will keep any more in and pastures, permanent foothold strong that In places, zvaste pastures, permanent lanes, a 227 should below made Bhieweed. means spud The them. of certain cutting, and bear spud will inasmuch but later seed have to as soil, being possessed be the of 228 Weeds. considerable for blueweed very alone much hindered. be sufficient for wild The the cultivated the portions which wild The which more It thus and otherwise continues in produces when it sends to put cut up forth late in the seeds until acrid juices, live upon it. stock flower umbel an other the tap in the stems, the by scythe stems, effort to and care or this produce Owing not ter. clus- ously, numer- very season. do in a flower or seeds ofif has early up long up to especially It a branched. comes sends terminate resemblance more less or is carota) ground. carrot It season. variety, is employed. close a above sure other some (Daucus bears be CARROT. WILD carrot It biennial. root, be be weed, the unless seeds the will not plants will of the THE in will method eradicate to eradication (8) containing seeds the of This some their of method inate germ- closely early pastured production the ripen fields When are however, to to years. Observations. season, continue vitality,will to to its feed Description of the wild The to railroads, and to a. blueweed, Like found in in and flourishes The some in mild wild through in the extent carrot more in meadows. monly com- It grows CARROT. WILD vegetable soils,but it also loams. is brought agency by cultivation along roads and places generally, waste less extent readily it is pastures, THE most usual the 229 some trouble- greatly not where crops good. is is carrot Carrot. Wild birds. of to new railways, Wind and centers and to water. Weeds. 230 however, the are and its scattering Modes that in In cultivated of portions be this to the year of their 5. with the crown too will arable If cease soon the If this of end off with to attempt be two second the them they as places oughly, thor- done all years the destroyed. be the spud any Where spud. they numerous, at during often zvaste waste cutting seeds. the lanes, and down cut as Using not the cultivation. carrot growth, at will Give pastures plants their plants : pastures, In scythe mature carrot them. etc. keep tion eradica- successful most good wild permanent places, the wild farm the in In found fields. the done, appear 2. are the with of modes the been dealing /. seeds. are have ing carry- Eradication. of following The for agencies great by may cutting stage of plants the them their be ed destroyoff growth. below INDEX Agencies of wholly under Animals, farm, Annuals, 62; in fallow, Bare weed of, description distribution Birds, eradication, 107; tions objec- 64. weeds, Bindweed, 90. 109. to, Biennial 51. wild, 43; by, 62. in use 56; control, 80. distribution winter, under not 56. eradication, cultivation, Autumn under control, aid as 40; partially 55; control, Alfalfa distribution, weed eradication 206; of, 209. 50. by, Blueweed, description o", 222; eradication of, 226. Buckhorn, description of, 203; eradication of, 205. Buckwheat, wild, tion descript-ion Canada thistle, of, eradication 133; description of, of, 115; 136. eradication 118. of, Carrot, wild, Catchfly, 228. night-flowering, eradication Cheat, dica- 222. viper's, Burdock, 210; 213. of, Bugloss, of, description Classes 187. of, weeds, of 216. 62; 62; annuals, biennials,. 64; 66. perennials, farm Cleaning seed of Cleaning of, 98. 16. grain, Cleanliness, method weeds, of, maintenance 96; of cost tenance, main- 33. Clean Clover, seed, aid factor Cockle, use in 74. eradication distribution, in 214; of, of, 217; corn, of seed 41. of, description sticky, 80; weeds, 216; white, 214; 216. tion eradica- as Index. 232 Constant of use Control weeds, of 31. sulphate, Copper Corn 87. land, in use spraying, description cockle, of, 158. 214; eradication of, 217. Cost of Cost of crop Cost of maintaining- Couch eradication, weed autumn, eradication Distribution agencies farm of, 51; 43; by by railways, 45; by by Eradication aid 80; by of, 29, 122; 77; by prevention by tillage, 48; wild animals, by by seed, constant use of rotation, work of in, of use by of seeding, of tumn au- of use 87: land, cost crops, and feeds, chaff, 85; by for necessity possibility by 80; fallow, by screenings 91; by culHvated 71; 95; 93; .74; duction pro- in, bare of use production home in, crops by crop alfalfa of use clean destruction modifying thorough 88; 90; of use clover, by 54; abundant pasture cultivation, 78; 51; 58; in, annual 26, by 46; 52. weeds, an by material^, 179. of 107; 49; by stock, root-stocks, water, winds, grass, of by by ings, screen- live by 41; of 44; grain packing by 50; 47; vehicles, Dropseed seed, machines, thrashing by by 43; feed-stuffs, 41; grass manure, animals, by 51; control 41; farm by 43, animals, seed, grain, by 127. by 48; by 77; use 55; implements, floods, 51; 40; clover by 78. 187. weeds, 50; 90. eradication, eradication, of, of, of of of means eradication ox-ey^, birds, method as as crops Darnel, 101. 66. perennials, Cultivated 33, fields, 37. weeds, by 176. Cultivation, Daisy, clean 123. pastures, increased production,, grass, Creeping in 28; of, pasturing 21; by with Index. 234 harbored Insects, Iron sulphate, Kinghead, Live factor for Machines, thrashing, Manure, distribution Method, of to general, 58. eradication tion, eradica- 14, 171; tumbling, 151; o% 161. wild, Mustard family, Number of Ox-eye 216. catchfly, 9. species, weed description wild, 149. of, weeds Night-flowering Oat, of 72; 105. spud, 11. weeds, of using 111. 206. wild, Multiplication of. 71. weeds, by of conditions, rotation, glory, Mustard, 98; farm, of, 76; use, fermentation 45; by, adapted use before 49. cleaning of Morning cleaning by,, Modification 159. spraying, distribution Moisture, 146. 43. distribution, in Machinery Methods, of, 137. wild, stock, eradication of, 141; description Lettuce, 156. spraying-, in use 16. weeds, by of, description daisy, eradication 183; of, of, eradication 127; 187. ot, 130. distribution material, Packing Pastures, in eradication of cost 93. description of, eradication Peppergrass, Perennials, 66; grass, 191. Pigeon weed, 218. description Plantain, Plant diseases, Plant food, use of, Prevalence of weeds, Prevention of seeding, Production, increase 91. use of nual an- 151. eradication 202; for, by 123; 66. harbor of 46. 168. of, creeping, Pigeon seed, in, eradication, Pennycress, by, weeds, of, 205. 16. 14. 7. 91. of cost of, 37; prevention of Index. increase Profits, Purple cockle, Quack grass, 235 freedom by from 36. weeds, 214. description of, eradication o", 176; of, eradication 179. wild, Radish, Rag-weed, distribution Railways, effect Rotation, Russian 54. by, 71. modifying, 18; on, thistle, description 196; of, eradication 200. of. in of, use Scutch Seed, clean, Seed grain, distribution Shepherd's to of annual crops, 84; off grazing 93. in use IFl. of, eradication, with, crops 91. 15. by, crops weed in thistle, of, eradication purse, use 41. by,. pre-vention injury Soiling 74. of, use production, Sheep,, 77. by, 176. grass, Shading, 156. spraying, distribution Screenings, Sow 50. by, distribution Root-stocks, Seed 146. 218. Redroot, Salt, of, eradication 141; of, description 151. weed 124; of, description 82. eradication, of, eradicaton 126. Spraying, 160; as 159; machinery, description Spud, use Spudding, Sticky cost cockle, of, method of 105; using, of, 101. 216. 191. Canada, 118; description Russian, of, eradication Thistle 158. materials, 168. grass, Thistle, 104; of, cost 99. of, Stinkweed, Summer of, 156; eradication, of means family, description 200; of, weeds of, sow, of, description 126. of, 115; 113. eradication 196; cation eradi- of, 124; Index. 236 Thrashing machines,, distribution to 157. description mustard, distribution Viper's distribution of, from, injuries 40; of, eradication multiplication 13; species of 51. by, distribution Weeds, 47. by", 222. bugloss, Water, tion eradica- 179. grass, Vehicles, 171; of, 151. of, Vanilla 76; use, 48. by, spray, Tumbling before 49. by, distribution Tillage, Time cleaning of, 11; 58; ber num- 9. of,, . Wheat grass, Wheat thief, 179. description of, 218; eradication of, 221. White Wild Wild animals, distribution buckwheat, of. Wild 216. cockle, 51. by, description of, tion eradica- 210; 213. description carrot, of, 228; eradication of, 230. Wild flax, description of, 165; eradication of, 151. Wild lettuce, description of, 137; eradication ot, 140. Wild morning of, Wild description glory, of, 206; cation eradi- 209. mustard, description of, 161; eradication of, 151. Wild Wild oat, description radish, of, eradication Winds, distribution Winter annuals, of, by, 62. 183; 52, eradication 151. of, 187. PRACTICAL list of This the FARM books is book Every be easily understood farmer. practical a at FRUIT growing to injurious to plants, to the as farm good first assets will be and for insects The of outlined that so is the 300 understood. fruits, ciples prin- to Propagation method illustrated easily Postpaid successful market. growth. 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