A D V in C A A N N C C E E S R RESEARCH and PRACTICE © sm a CNE-accredited Cancer Nursing Conference Update on Current Therapies and Issues in Oncology Nursing PROGRAM GUIDE Saturday, October 20, 2012 New York, New York Sponsored by: Accredited by: & The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center Tuition has been underwritten through educational grants from: Astellas Pharma US, Inc • Bristol-Myers Squibb Company • Celgene Corporation Millennium Pharmaceuticals • Novartis Pharmaceuticals • Onyx Pharmaceuticals Table of Contents Page Purpose 1 Learning Objectives 1 Accreditation Statement 1 Educational Grantors 2 Agenda 4 Faculty Affiliations 5 Disclosure Information 6 External Review 7 Unlabeled/Investigational Uses 8 Faculty Biographies 9 Abstracts and Presentations Clinical Updates in Breast Cancer Management Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS, AOCN 19 Advances in Treating CRC & HCC Stuart M. Lichtman, MD 21 Alphabet of NSCLC Ann E. Culkin, RN, OCN 39 Advances in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC 49 Table of Contents (continued) Page Updates & Nursing Implications in the Treatment of Melanoma Anna Skripnik, RN 71 Therapeutic Options in Multiple Myeloma Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN 81 Evolving Strategies for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Joseph G. Jurcic, MD 93 Keynote Address: New Horizons in Oncology: How Biology Will Change the Course of Treatment & Survivorship Robert C. Arceci, MD, PhD 109 © 2012 Letters & Sciences. All rights reserved. This audience guide is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or utilizing any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from the copyright owner. Purpose This CNE conference, accredited by Letters & Sciences and presented by Columbia University Medical Center & The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center and NewYork-Presbyterian – The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, will provide nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of cancer patients with the opportunity to learn about new agents, modalities, procedures, developments, and current trials in oncology. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to: • Identify current best practices and new agents that may be employed in the treatment of solid and hematologic malignancies; • Summarize clinical efficacy and tolerability data from pivotal trials that impact and change treatment paradigms for cancer care in 2012; • Discuss new data and strategies to assist nurses in managing side effects of cytotoxic agents and novel therapies; • Review emerging novel targeted therapies and discuss nursing implications for patient monitoring; • Describe a patient care plan for delivering and managing hormonal, cytotoxic, and molecular therapies; • Discuss how advances in science and genetics allow clinicians to customize therapy. Accreditation Continuing Nursing Education & Credit Designation Letters & Sciences is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity has been designated for 5.6 contact hours. 1 Educational Grantors This activity is supported by educational grants from: • • • • • • Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Celgene Corporation Millennium Pharmaceuticals Novartis Pharmaceuticals Onyx Pharmaceuticals Learner’s Bill of Rights Letters & Sciences recognizes that as a life-long learner, you have chosen to participate in continuing education to fill a gap in knowledge, skill, or performance. In fulfilling our responsibility to you as a learner, you have the right to expect that your continuing nursing education experience includes content that: • • • • • • • Encourages improvements and quality in nursing care; Is valid, reliable, and accurate; Offers fair-balanced and scientifically rigorous presentations that are free of commercial bias; Is subject to a critical appraisal process that resolves any conflicts of interests of faculty or planners; Is based on educational needs and gaps in learning; Addresses the stated learning objectives; and Is evaluated and measured for its effectiveness in fulfilling the identified educational needs. 3 Agenda 11:30 am – Noon Registration and Luncheon Noon – 12:20 pm Welcome on Behalf of Columbia University Sarah Sheets Cook, DNP, RN-CS Columbia University School of Nursing 12:20 pm – 1:00 pm Clinical Updates in Breast Cancer Management Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS, AOCN (Chair) Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven Hospital 1:00 pm – 1:40 pm Colorectal & Hepatocellular Cancer: Focus on the Older Patient Stuart M. Lichtman, MD, FACP Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1:40 pm – 2:20 pm The Alphabet of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Ann E. Culkin, RN, OCN Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2:20 pm – 3:00 pm Advances in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC Tisch Cancer Institute, Mount Sinai Medical Center 3:00 pm – 3:20 pm Refreshment Break 3:20 pm – 4:00 pm Updates & Nursing Implications in the Treatment of Melanoma Anna Skripnik, RN Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 4:00 pm – 4:40 pm Therapeutic Options in Multiple Myeloma Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN NYU Cancer Institute, NYU Langone Medical Center 4:40 pm – 5:20 pm Evolving Strategies for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Joseph G. Jurcic, MD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 5:20 pm – 6:00 pm Carolyn Jaffe Memorial Lecture. Keynote Address: New Horizons in Oncology: How Biology Will Change the Course of Treatment & Survivorship Robert C. Arceci, MD, PhD Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Johns Hopkins Children Cancer Center 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm “Meet the Professors” Reception Ram Café Atrium Faculty Affiliations Chair Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS Program Manager, Womens Oncology Services Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven New Haven, CT Distinguished Faculty Robert C. Arceci, MD, PhD Director, Pediatric Oncology Co-Director, Michael Garil Leukemia Survivors Program King Fahd Professor, Pediatric Oncology Johns Hopkins Children Cancer Center Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Baltimore, MD Sarah Sheets Cook, DNP, RN-CS Dorothy M. Rogers Professor of Clinical Nursing Vice-Dean, Columbia University School of Nursing New York, NY Ann E. Culkin, RN, OCN® Clinical Nurse III Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC Adult Nurse Practitioner Tisch Cancer Institute Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Joseph G. Jurcic, MD Attending Physician Leukemia Service Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY Stuart M. Lichtman, MD, FACP Attending Physician Leader of the Geriatric Clinical Program Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Professor of Medicine Weill Cornell Medical College New York City Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN Adult Nurse Practitioner Multiple Myeloma Program NYU Cancer Institute NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Anna Skripnik, RN Clinical Nurse, Dermatology Department Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY Nonendorsement of Products The audience is advised that the educational content contained herein was developed by and reflect the opinions of the presenters and faculty, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of Letters & Sciences. Accredited status does not imply endorsement by Letters and Sciences or American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission of any commercial products discussed/displayed in conjunction with the educational activity. The contributing faculty developed the content independently. All materials are included with permission. The opinions expressed are those of the faculty and are not to be construed as those of the educational sponsor or grantors. 5 Disclosure Information It is the policy of Letters & Sciences to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all sponsored educational activities. All faculty participating in sponsored programs are expected to disclose to the program audience any real or perceived conflicts of interest related to the content of their presentations or to their financial and professional relationships. Letters & Sciences is committed to stringent enforcement of full disclosure in the planning and execution of all sponsored activities and resolution of any perceived conflicts. Pursuant to regulatory guidelines, Letters & Sciences complies with those protocols established by professional, scientific, and governmental oversight, and expects the faculty to adhere to the same, in order to help ensure the integrity of both scientific content and professional conduct. It is not assumed that these financial interests or affiliations will have an adverse impact on the faculty presentations. They simply are noted here to fully inform course participants. Further, an independent third party has reviewed the presentations and has determined that no commercial bias exists. Faculty Disclosures The faculty has disclosed the following: Robert C. Arceci, MD, PhD Has indicated that he has nothing to disclose Stuart M. Lichtman, MD, FACP Has indicated that he has nothing to disclose Sarah Sheets Cook, DNP, RN-CS Has indicated that she has nothing to disclose Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS Has received honorarium from Amgen BioOncology, Novartis Ann E. Culkin, RN, OCN® Has indicated that she has nothing to disclose Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN Has served on the speakers bureau for Amgen Has served on the speakers bureau for Celgene Corporation Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC Has indicated that she has nothing to disclose Joseph Jurcic, MD Has indicated that he has nothing to disclose Anna Skripnik, RN Has indicated that she has nothing to disclose Activity Staff Disclosures The planners, reviewers, editors, staff, CNE committee, or other members at Letters & Sciences who control content have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. External Review In accordance with Letters & Sciences policy and ANCC standards to identify and resolve any potential conflicts of interest, to assure fair balance, independence and objectivity, and to instill scientific rigor in all CNE activities, all presentations, with any potential for conflict of interest, have been reviewed by two external reviewers. These external reviewers, who have no potential conflicts of interest, have determined that no bias exists in these presentations. These external reviewers are: Susan Goodin, PharmD, FCCP, BCOP Associate Director for Clinical Science Professor of Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Cancer Institute of New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey Michelle Magiera, PharmD Pharmacy Consultant Private Practice Raritan, New Jersey 7 Unlabeled Uses/Investigational Uses/Not Yet Approved Commercial Products The audience is advised that one or more sections in this CNE activity may contain references to unlabeled or unapproved uses of drugs. Not all agents and/or protocols described in the presentations may be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nurses should note that the use of these agents outside current approved labeling is considered experimental and are advised to consult current prescribing information for these products. The faculty is required to disclose their discussion of drugs or medical devices that are unlabeled, investigational, or not approved for the use that is being discussed. Faculty members have disclosed the following: Robert C. Arceci, MD, PhD Will not be discussing off-label uses Sarah Sheets Cook, DNP, RN-CS Will not be discussing off-label uses Ann E. Culkin, RN, OCN® Will not be discussing off-label uses Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC Will not be discussing off-label uses Joseph Jurcic, MD Will be discussing investigational agents in TKI-resistant CML Stuart M. Lichtman, MD, FACP Will not be discussing off-label uses Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS, AOCN Will be discussing unlabeled/unapproved uses of agents in metastatic breast cancer Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN Will not be discussing off-label uses Anna Skripnik, RN Will not be discussing off-label uses Faculty Biographies Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He received his PhD in molecular and developmental biology and his MD from the University of Rochester, in Rochester, New York, and then pursued a residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric hematology/oncology at the Boston Children’s Hospital. Following faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Children’s Hospital, Dr. Arceci was appointed Director of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. In 2000, he was named Director of Pediatric Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes. Currently, he is Co-Director of the Michael Garil Leukemia Survivors Program and King Fahd Professor of Pediatric Oncology there. Dr. Arceci is a member of numerous scientific and medical societies, and has received several prestigious honors and awards, including election as a Fellow of AAAS, an honor bestowed upon members by their peers. AAAS Fellows are recognized for meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications. An international authority in many challenging areas of clinical pediatric oncology including the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia and histiocytic disorders, Dr. Arceci is Editor-in-Chief of Pediatric Blood and Cancer and editor of several textbooks, including, Pediatric Hematology. He originated the Emmy award-winning documentary on childhood cancer, A Lion in the House, directed and produced by filmmakers Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert. 9 Faculty Biographies Sarah Sheets Cook, DNP, RN-CS is the Dorothy M. Rogers Professor of Clinical Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing. After completing a Bachelor’s degree in clinical nursing at the University of Michigan, Dr. Cook pursued a Master’s degree in maternal child health at the Columbia University Teachers College. Her credentials expanded with certification as a maternal child health nurse, a lactation specialist, and a perinatal nurse. Five years ago, she completed a Doctorate in nursing at Columbia University. Dr. Cook was the first faculty member of the Columbia University School of Nursing to have a contributory faculty practice, and pioneered the role of “attending nurse,” taking students to her practice while providing care to patients. This later became the basis for the Columbia University School of Nursing’s universal faculty practice plan. In 1997, she was named Vice Dean, a role in which she is an active member in the legislative networks of numerous nursing, public health, medical and university organizations. She also acts as Administrative Director of the School of Nursing World Health Organization Collaborating Center for International Development of Advanced Practice, helping to initiate, develop and maintain international nursing student and faculty projects. Her interest in competency-based education has led to the development of self-paced, outcomes oriented courses in pediatric and obstetrical nursing, maternal and infant nutrition, human growth and development, promotion of health and prevention of illness through the life cycle, and genetics. Dr. Cook’s scholarly interests are many, including assessing the healthcare needs of women, providing interventions that yield positive outcomes, and determining methods to assure or improve outcomes. Several innovative clinical research projects have evolved from her practice including methods of prenatal education to promote breastfeeding and weight gain in pregnancy, teaching inner city residents to become paraprofessional parent education liaisons, and identifying a role and curriculum in genetics for advanced practice nurses, among other investigations. She has published articles in nursing journals resulting from her practice and research about nursing education, children’s and families’ responses to illness and death, and patient education materials tailored to the needs of the clients in her practice. Faculty Biographies Ann Culkin, RN, OCN® is a clinical nurse in a collaborative office-practice setting who has been practicing oncology nursing for more than two decades. She was educated at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indiana, and Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Scranton, Pennsylvania. She has worked in a variety of oncology specialties including gynecologic oncology, bone marrow transplantation, and for the past twenty years at Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York, as a specialist in thoracic oncology. Ms. Culkin is a member of the National Oncology Nursing Society, and Past President of the New York City Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society, where she remains an active member. She has authored or co-authored numerous abstracts and publications covering a variety of clinical subjects related to lung cancer, and has lectured at nationally and internationally. Other professional activities have included participation in the “Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign” with annual appearances on the NBC Today Show and since 2006, United Against Lung Cancer Foundation and Cancer Care®. She is the recipient of the 2007 Samuel and May Rudin Award at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for excellence in Nursing Practice and the 2011 New York City Healthcare Chaplaincy Wholeness of Life Award with her colleague Mark Kris, MD. 11 Faculty Biographies Colleen A. DeBoer, RN, MSN, ANP-BC is a Senior Nurse Practitioner in the Genitourinary Medical Oncology Program at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Wagner College, Staten Island, NY; a Masters’ of Science degree in Nursing from Hunter College, New York City, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She pursued a Post Masters’ Advanced Certificate degree as a Nursing Practitioner, Adult Primary Care from New York University. Ms. De Boer began her nursing career as a Registered Nurse at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in 1984. She practiced on the Inpatient Hematology and Medical Oncology Service for 6 years before working as Nurse Clinician for the inpatient service in Breast Medical Oncology for 3 years. After completing her Master’s degree with honors, Ms. DeBoer was promoted to Inpatient Clinical Nurse Specialist for Genitourinary/Head and Neck Medical Oncology services where she practiced for 5 years. In 1998, Ms. De Boer left the inpatient oncology arena at MSKCC to begin her first nurse practitioner position in pre-admission testing there. Eight years later, she joined MSKCC’s Nurse Practitioner led Survivorship Program to develop the Breast Surgical Survivorship Program. In 2010, Ms. De Boer was recruited to Mount Sinai Medical Center for an opportunity to provide direct care to genitourinary patients in an ambulatory setting. Her current role includes direct care and management for patients in phases I, II and III clinical trials and service as a preceptor for advanced nursing colleagues. Ms. De Boer is a regularly published author for Lippincott. She has held an appointment as Clinical Associate Faculty at Pace University, and has shared her clinical experience with both professional and community audiences as a respected speaker in a variety of forums. Faculty Biographies Joseph G. Jurcic, MD is an Attending Physician on the Leukemia Service of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, and is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Weill Cornell Medical College. He is board certified in internal medicine, hematology, and medical oncology, and specializes in the treatment of patients with leukemia. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, he completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at Barnes Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and received fellowship training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. He joined the faculty of Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in 1994. In 2001, he received the Louis and Allston Boyer Young Investigator Award for Distinguished Achievement in Biomedical Research. Dr. Jurcic’s research interests have focused on antibody-based therapies to harness the body's immune system to kill leukemia cells and to deliver radiation treatment directly to leukemia cells. Most recently, he has concentrated on the use of radioimmunotherapy using targeted alpha particle-emitting radionuclides for the eradication of minimal disease. A contributor to the oncology literature, Dr. Jurcic also serves as a Leukemia Section Editor for The Oncologist. 13 Faculty Biographies Stuart M. Lichtman, MD is an Associate Clinical Member, Associate Attending, and Leader of the Geriatric Clinical Program at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and Commack, NY. He is board certified in internal medicine, medical oncology, hematology, and geriatric medicine. His main interest is clinical research emphasizing cancer and aging. For the past 25 years, he has been actively involved in the treatment of older patients with cancer. Dr. Lichtman earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, and a Medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. His residency and fellowship training took place at the North Shore University Hospital–Cornell University Medical College, Manhasset, NY. He was an attending physician at North Shore University Hospital from 1986 to 2004, where he was also Director of Geriatric Oncology. Active in a number of research organizations, Dr. Lichtman’s involvement has included involvement in the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Committee on Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics and the Committee on Cancer in the Elderly. He has served on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Geriatric Oncology Consortium, the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) and its Taskforces on Geriatric Assessment, Renal Dysfunction, Chemotherapy and Gynecologic Oncology. His involvement in the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) leadership has been extensive, including managing the Program Committee for the 2005, 2006 Annual Meetings, and the Patient Care Tract. Dr. Lichtman has been reappointed for 2012-2014, as well as the ASCO Special Interest Group in Geriatric Oncology. In 2008 and 2010, he was a faculty member of the ASCO Educational Session devoted to the pharmacology of chemotherapy and assessment in older patients. In addition, he has have been a faculty member for the Vail ASCO/AACR Clinical Trials Workshop (2004-2009) and in 2011, was the Scientific Chair of the 11th International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) Meeting. Currently, Dr. Lichtman is a member of the Board of Directors and the Elderly Taskforce of the Gynecologic Oncology Group, and also serves on the External Advisory Committee of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Iowa. He is editing a textbook on the Management of Gynecologic Cancers in Older Women that will be published this year. Faculty Biographies Maureen Major Campos, MS, RN is the Program Manager for the Breast Service at the Smilow Cancer Center at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Prior to her appointment to this position, she worked as a Breast Center Manager at the Smilow Family Breast Health Center at Norwalk Hospital, and was at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York for nearly 15 years. She has also acted as Oncology Program Manager for Caremark, Inc., and as the nurse manager for an adoptive immunotherapy clinical research trial of interleukin 2 at New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center. Ms. Major received her bachelor of science in nursing from Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania, and her master’s of science in nursing from Columbia University in New York City. She has lectured nationally on timely topics including novel approaches to breast cancer management and effective Internet use for health care professionals. She was the editor of the Interactive Breast Cancer Web Site, developed in collaboration with the Alleghany Health Care Systems and the Department of Defense, and the associate editor of Homecare Management of the Bone Marrow Transplant Patient. She is also the Co-editor of a wide range of nursing educational materials including the book Breast Matters: Care of the Patient with Breast Cancer. 15 Faculty Biographies Denise G. O’Dea, ARNP-BC, OCN is a nurse practitioner on the Multiple Myeloma Team at NYU Langone Medical Center, Cancer Institute in New York City. She was educated at Niagara University in Lewiston, NY, and then pursued a Master of Arts degree at New York University as an Adult Nurse Practitioner. Ms. O’Dea began her nursing career as a registered nurse in inpatient and outpatient services at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in Manhattan. She practiced at MSKCC for 7 years before becoming a nurse practitioner. Her first nurse practitioner position was at St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center (SVCCC) in New York City. There she began a 5-year commitment to caring for patients in the GI Medical Oncology Department, before moving to surgical practice and breast imaging. While at SVCCC, Ms. O’Dea practiced for 3 years in the Multiple Myeloma Transplant Program. Five years later, a transition to Mount Sinai Medical Center presented her with the opportunity to provide direct care to adult multiple myeloma patients in ambulatory and inpatient settings. After 2 years, Ms. O’Dea moved to her current position at NYU Cancer Institute. In this position, Ms. O’Dea performs clinical assessments, and interprets diagnostic and therapeutic tests toward the development of plans of care, in collaboration with the medical attendings and the interdisciplinary team. Her role also includes direct care and management for patients in phases I, II and III clinical trials, and serving as a preceptor for advanced practice nursing colleagues. An ONS Oncology Certified Nurse, Ms. O’Dea is active in her local ONS NYC chapter. She is also board certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) as an adult nurse practitioner. Ms. O’Dea is widely published as a primary and contributing author and educator in peer-reviewed and educational publications. For nearly a decade, she has been sharing her clinical insights and experience with professional audiences as a highly respected speaker at state, regional and national forums. Faculty Biographies Anna Skripnik BSN, is a Clinical Nurse in the Dermatology Department of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) where she focuses on dermatologic oncological disease and lymphoproliferative disorders. Her clinical role focuses on quality of life improvements, disease management and preventative care, early melanoma detection, wellness and health management. Ms. Skripnik matriculated a Bachelor of Science degree in pre-med biology from Pace University, and subsequently, received a BSN degree in Nursing from Concordia College. After receiving her BSN and before joining MSKCC, Ms. Skripnik worked at the Columbia University Medical Center in the Cutaneous Oncology Surgical Unit. She demonstrated leadership skills early on in her nursing career by establishing the first chapter of the Nursing Student Association at Concordia College. Later, in 2010, she worked there as a clinical instructor demonstrating nursing skills, assessments and priority actions, and subsequently winning the annual Nursing Leadership Award. More recently, Ms. Skripnik served on a Pace University panel, encouraging students to enter the nursing profession. Her passion for caring for oncology patients is inspired daily through encounters with the patients she manages. The specialized care required for each patient has taught her to plan, implement, and evaluate effectively in a fast-paced environment. She especially appreciates the opportunities to teach patients at risk about protection and prevention of skin cancer, emphasizing monthly skin self-exams and the application of sunscreens and sun-protective clothing. 17 Clinical Updates in Breast Cancer Management Maureen Major Campos, RN, MS, AOCN Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven 19 Lichtman - CRC & HCC Colorectal Cancer and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Focus on the Older Patient Stuart M. Lichtman, MD, FACP Attending Physician 65+ Clinical Geriatrics Program Memorial Sloan‐Kettering Cancer Center Professor of Medicine Weill Cornell Medical College October 2012 Disclosure Information • Has indicated that he has nothing to disclose • Will not be discussing off‐label uses Learning Objectives • Identify problem of CRC in the elderly • Discuss role of adjuvant therapy in elderly CRC patients • Review issue of HCC as a major contributor of cancer‐related mortality • Highlight benefit of targeted novel therapies for HCC 21 % US Population 65 and older Life Expectancy: Woman Life Expectancy (years) Age Healthy Average Sick 65 20.0 18.5 9.7 70 15.8 14.8 8.6 75 12.1 11.5 7.3 80 8.8 8.4 5.9 85 6.1 5.9 4.5 Lichtman - CRC & HCC Age‐Specific SEER Incidence Rates by Sex For Colon and Rectum Cancer, All Races SEER 13 Registries for 1998‐2002 • From 1998‐2002, the median age at diagnosis for cancer of the colon and rectum was 72 years of age. • Approximately 29.2% between 75 and 84; and 12.6% 85+ years of age. 5‐year Survival by Stage for Patients with Colon Cancer Percentage of Patients 100 P<.001 93 85 83 72 80 64 60 44 40 20 8 0 Stage I (T1-2N0) Stage IIA Stage IIB Stage IIIA (T3N0) (T4N0) (T1-2N1) Stage IIIB Stage IIIC Stage IV (T3-4N1) (TanyN2) (M1) . 23 Adjuvant Therapy Recurrence of Colon Cancer Following Resection of Stage II or III Disease Recurrence Rate (%) 8 7 6 74% in 3 years 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Years MOSAIC Study: Adjuvant FOLFOX4 vs 5‐FU/LV in Stage II and III Colon Cancer Multicenter International Study of Oxaliplatin/5‐Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer André et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2343. Please see accompanying full prescribing information, including Boxed WARNING. Lichtman - CRC & HCC MOSAIC Phase III Trial n=1123 Surgery ≤7 weeks N=2246 FOLFOX4 Randomization Colon cancer • Stage II (~40%) • Stage III (~60%) • Primary end point: disease-free survival (DFS) • Secondary end points: overall survival (OS), safety LV5FU2 n=1123 Please see accompanying full prescribing information, including Boxed WARNING. MOSAIC: Patient Characteristics FOLFOX4 (n=1123) LV5FU2 (n=1123) Sex (%) Male 56.1 52.4 Female 43.9 47.6 61.0 60.0 Median age (y) Karnofsky PS (%) 100 29.7 30.5 90 52.2 53.9 80 4.4 3.3 70 ≤60 13.2 0.6 11.9 0.4 Please see accompanying full prescribing information, including Boxed WARNING. MOSAIC: DFS by Treatment Arm for Overall Population Proportion Disease-Free 1.0 0.9 P=.0008 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 FOLFOX4 (Overall) LV5FU2 (Overall) 4-year DFS, FOLFOX4 = 75.9% vs LV5FU2 = 69.1% 0.3 0.2 0.1 Hazard ratio: 0.76 (95% CI, 0.65-0.90) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Months CI = confidence interval. Please see accompanying full prescribing information, including Boxed WARNING. 25 Median age: 62 Chemotherapy Colon Cancer Fluoropyrimidines Lichtman - CRC & HCC 5FU Toxicity and Aging Association of toxicity with increasing age of the patient seen in the GISTG study [Stein, et al, 1995] 5FU Toxicity Increased in Elderly? • Toxicity dependent on: – Performance status – Schedule: bolus (Roswell v. Mayo), infusion – Age >70 and female predicted for severe toxicity and for treatment related deaths primarily with daily bolus Capecitabine • Indicated: breast, colon • Three step activation – Carboxylesterase – Cytidine deaminase – Thymidine phosphorylase (intratumoral) 27 Capecitabine • Oral therapy convenient • Compliance (over or under) • Pharmacology is not significantly affected by: – age, gender, body surface area, hepatic dysfunction – may need dose adjustment with reduced creatinine clearance (~25%) – drug interaction with coumadin • Dose often a moving target • Favorable comparisons to bolus LV/5FU • No randomized trial vs. infusion Oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin • Less nephrotoxicity than cisplatin • Less hematologic toxicity than carboplatin • Transient peripheral neuropathy triggered or enhanced by exposure to cold. • Oxaliplatin could be administered safely in patients with impaired renal function without dose adjustment or hydration • Dose adjustments necessary with severe renal dysfunction (CrCl <30) • Meta‐analysis shows no increased toxicity Lichtman - CRC & HCC FOLFOX in > 70 Year Olds • • • • • 3700 patients in 4 trials 493 older than age 70 No difference in overall survival No difference in toxicity including neuropathy No difference in 3rd and 6th cycle dose intensity Sargent, et al. World Congress of GI Cancer, 2005 Questions 1. Do older patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy? 2. Do older patients benefit from adjuvant therapy? Questions 1. Do older patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy? 2. Do older patients benefit from adjuvant therapy? 29 Age and Adjuvant Chemotherapy Use After Surgery for Stage III Colon Cancer Age, years 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 >90 % treated 78 74 58 34 11 2 Odds ratio 1.0 .76 .37 .14 .04 .01 Schrag, et al. JNCI 2001 Colon Cancer • Older patients – Have fewer nodes resected (Baxter, 2005) – Receive less chemotherapy when adjuvant therapy is administered (Dobie, 2006) – Fewer referrals to oncologist (Davidoff, 2008) Questions 1. Do older patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy? 2. Do older patients benefit from adjuvant therapy? Lichtman - CRC & HCC Colon Cancer-Adjuvant Sargent, et al. NEJM 2001 Colon Cancer-Adjuvant Age NOT A Factor Survival Sargent, et al. NEJM 2001 Recurrence Efficacy by Age with Oxaliplatin PFS/DFS Goldberg, JCO, 2006 31 Older Patients MOSAIC Follow‐up Survival and Stage Age and Efficacy Andre, et al. 2009; results similar to C-07: Kuebler, et al. 2007 Meta‐analysis Summary • No benefit of newer drugs in older patients • Included irinotecan which has no efficacy as adjuvant Hubbard, et al, 2011 Older Patients • SEER Database: Patients over 65 years – Oxaliplatin based therapy was associated with improved survival (HR 0.566; p=0.0087) compared with LV5FU alone • Potential biases of database and retrospective analysis • Healthier patients more likely to receive oxaliplatin Hubbard, et al, 2011 Lichtman - CRC & HCC Should Older Patients Receive Oxaliplatin? • Stage II – Low risk; no adjuvant therapy – High risk: LV5FU2 • Benefit no greater than 5% (NCCN guidelines) • Stage III – Folfox: Good performance status and functional status; minimal comorbidity – 5FU/LV or capecitabine: others Tournigand, et al. 2012 Adjuvant Regimens • FOLFOX • LV/5FU permutations – Roswell – Mayo – Quasar – deGramont • capecitabine A Study of the Cancer and Aging Research Group 33 Predictors of Toxicity Age Tumor/ Treatment Variables ¾Age ≥ 73 years ¾GI/GU Cancer ¾Standard Dose ¾Polychemotherapy ¾Hemoglobin (male: <11, female: <10) Labs ¾Creatinine Clearance (Jelliffe-ideal wt <34) ¾Fall(s) in last 6 months ¾Hearing impairment (fair or worse) ¾Limited in walking 1 block (MOS) ¾Assistance required in medication intake (IADL) Geriatric Assessment Variables ¾Decreased social activity (MOS) Risk Stratification vs. KPS Conclusion‐Adjuvant Stage III • In an older patient with PS=0 who is working therefore probably excellent functional status would use: – FOLFOX or FLOX • If patient refuses infusion or contraindication to oxaliplatin – Capecitabine as per X‐ACT trial – LV/5FU regimen Lichtman - CRC & HCC Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cancer Deaths Worldwide • • • • • • lung (1.37 million deaths) stomach (736 000 deaths) liver (695 000 deaths) colorectal (608 000 deaths) breast (458 000 deaths) cervical cancer (275 000 deaths) Mortality and Survival 35 Risk Factors Trichopoulos, et al. JNCI 2011 Geographic Variation Treatment • Curative – Surgical resection – Transplant • Palliative – Sorafenib • Oral small molecular inhibitor of several tyrosine protein kinases – chemotherapy Lichtman - CRC & HCC Sorafenib Abou-Alfa, et al, JCO 2006 Sorafenib Llovet, et al. NEJM 2008 Conclusion • Society has treated the elderly poorly even when curative therapy exists – Less surgery – Lower use of chemotherapy – Less chemotherapy • • • • • • Older patients can tolerate standard therapy No significant age related changes in PK Toxicity differences exist Under treatment results in lower benefit Need to provide better supportive care Improvements in patient assessment needed 37 Conclusion • Older patients benefit from chemotherapy • Individualization is important • Options are available for a patients with a variety of comorbidities and functional status • Older patients should not be denied therapy— surgery, chemotherapy and radiation‐‐‐ based on age alone Culkin - Alphabet of NSCLC The Alphabet of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer 2012 Ann Culkin, RN, OCN® Disclosure Information • Has indicated that she has nothing to disclose • Will not be discussing off‐label uses Learning Objectives • Review considerations for 1st line treatment • Discuss role of histologic assessment and molecular testing • Identify novel treatments and role of oncology nurse in patient management 39 Lung Cancer 2012 New cases: 226,160 Deaths: Deaths: 160,340 Lung Adenocarcinomas 2012 Considerations for First‐Line Treatment Selection • Drug regimen with the highest likelihood of benefit with toxicity deemed acceptable according to both the physician and the patient should be selected as initial therapy • Disease stage, weight loss, PS, and sex predict survival • Unfit patients (PS 3‐4) at any age do not benefit from cytotoxic treatment, except erlotinib for EGFR mutation–positive patients 1. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Non‐Small Cell Lung Cancer. V.2.2012. http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/nscl.pdf. Accessed March 2, 2012. Culkin - Alphabet of NSCLC Why Is Molecular Profiling of Lung Tumors Important? • Molecular profiling can explain heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma and define targets for therapy EML4‐ALK Gene Fusion in Lung Adenocarcinoma1‐3 ALK: anaplastic lymphoma kinase. 1. Chiarle R et al. Nat Rev Cancer. 2008;8:11‐12. 2. Mossé YP et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2009;15:5609‐5614. 3. Soda M et al. Nature. 2007;448:561‐566. Selection of First‐Line NSCLC Therapy Based on Results of Molecular Testing NCCN recommendations1 Adenocarcinoma, large cell, NSCLC NOS Æ mutation testing Æ EGFR mutation positive EGFR mutation discovered prior to 1st‐line CT Erlotinib EGFR mutation discovered during 1st‐line CT Switch to erlotinib or add erlotinib to current CT Adenocarcinoma, large cell, NSCLC NOS Æ mutation testing Æ ALK positive Crizotinib ASCO Clinical Opinion on EGFR Testing for Pts With NSCLC: Considering First-Line Therapy2 Provisional Clinical Opinion: On the basis of the results of five phase 3 randomized controlled trials, pts with NSCLC who are being considered for 1st-line therapy with an EGFR TKI (ie, pts who have not previously received chemotherapy or an EGFR TKI) should have their tumor tested for EGFR mutations to determine whether an EGFR TKI or chemotherapy is the appropriate 1stline therapy. CT: chemotherapy. 1. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Non‐Small Cell Lung Cancer. V.2.2012. http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/nscl.pdf. Accessed March 2, 2012. 2. Keedy VL et al. J Clin Oncol. 2011;59:2121‐2127. 41 Discussion of Histopathologic and Molecular Testing: Recommendations and Controversies • Key recommendations/take aways − Biospecimen collection and processing Æ accurate testing Æ implications for clinical decision‐making − Effective coordination and communication among specialists (oncologist, surgeon, pathologist, etc) necessary • What information about histopathologic and molecular testing should be provided to patients, and by whom? • Is broad‐screen genotyping ready for more widespread use—in academic and larger centers vs community setting? • Looking ahead: “CAP‐IASLC‐AMP Molecular Testing Guidelines for Selection of Lung Cancer Patients for EGFR and ALK Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors”— expected in mid‐2012 2004 2012 Here's my sequence... Which Patients Are Good Candidates for EML4‐ALK Testing? • ~ 5% of patients with lung adenocarcinoma harbor fusion oncogene composed of 5’ portion of EML4 gene and the 3’ portion of the ALK gene1 • EML4‐ALK is more common in the following subgroups1‐3: – Patients with wild‐type EGFR and KRAS; mutually exclusive of EGFR and KRAS mutations – Never‐smokers or former light smokers – Patients with adenocarcinoma histology 1. Sasaki T et al. Eur J Cancer. 2010;46:1773‐1780. 2. Inamura K et al. J Thorac Oncol. 2008;3:13‐17. 3. Shaw AT et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:4247‐4253. Culkin - Alphabet of NSCLC Crizotinib On August 26, 2011, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration granted accelerated approval to crizotinib (XALKORI Capsules, Pfizer Inc.) for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that is anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive as detected by an FDA-approved test. The FDA approved the Vysis ALK Break-Apart FISH Probe Kit (Abbott Molecular, Inc.) concurrently with the crizotinib approval. This companion diagnostic test is designed to detect rearrangements of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene in NSCLC. Crizotinib PRINCIPAL ADVERSE EFFECTS Hematologic: Infrequent neutropenia and lymphopenia Neurologic: Dizziness, motor neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, headache, dysgeusia Cardiovascular: QT prolongation, bradycardia Pulmonary: Rare severe pneumonitis Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, mild esophageal irritation Hepatic Elevated bilirubin, ALT Miscellaneous: Vision disorder, edema, fatigue, Low Testosterone in men Role of the Oncology Nurse 43 Role of the Oncology Nurse • Listen to your patients – Histories and subjective experiences are key components to decision‐making – Comprehensive symptom management of side effects leads to prolonged treatment • Instruct patient and caregiver on Safe Handling and Storage of chemotherapy at home • Relationship‐based care provides for optimal conversation and improved outcomes with side‐effect management and treatment adherence PATIENTS ARE LIVING LONGER Association of KRAS and EGFR mutations with survival in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinomas Median Survival Reported in Months Women 28.4 vs Men 19.3 EGFR (+)=33.7 KRAS (+) 16.3 Never-smoker=30.4 vs current/former smoker=22.1 JOHNSON, M. L., SIMA, C. S., CHAFT, J., PAIK, P. K., PAO, W., KRIS, M. G., LADANYI, M. AND RIELY, G. J. (2012), ASSOCIATION OF KRAS AND EGFR MUTATIONS WITH SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED LUNG ADENOCARCINOMAS. CANCER. DOI: 10.1002/CNCR.27730 Patient Education • Histology Influences Treatment Selection – Nurse is often at the helm navigating patients and caregivers in the process of diagnosis • Tissue collection – A pathologist is looking for changes (mutations) in the DNA make‐up of the tumor – Looking for specific proteins present in the tumor • Wait time • Understanding Genotyping Culkin - Alphabet of NSCLC Education About Treatment • Medication: Erlotinib – Take at the same time every day – Take 1 hour prior to eating or 2 hours after eating – Side‐effect management » Rash » Diarrhea Dermatologic ErlotinibÆDay 22 Images provided courtesy of Ann Culkin, RN, OCN. Other Adverse Effects Associated With Erlotinib Paronychia Trichomegaly Images provided courtesy of Ann Culkin, RN, OCN. 45 Safety and Adherence Safe Handling of Chemotherapy and Biotherapy at Home Handling the medication • Wash your hands before and after touching the medicine. • Caregivers should wear disposable gloves when touching the medicine. Throw the gloves in the trash afterward. • If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, do not handle chemotherapy or biotherapy. • Do not crush, break or open any pills or capsules unless your doctor tells you to. • If a child or pet accidentally swallows the medicine, call Poison Control immediately at 800‐222‐1222. Handling Waste Understanding drug‐to‐drug interactions Integration of Early Palliative Care Into Routine Lung Cancer Care • ASCO has issued a provisional clinical opinion recommending that patients with metastatic NSCLC be offered concurrent palliative care and standard oncologic care at initial diagnosis1 • Studies have documented that palliative care is often not included in lung cancer care until very late in the disease • Growing body of evidence suggests that patients with lung cancer experience longer survival and improved quality of life with early integration of palliative care • Palliative care can address physical symptoms common in lung cancer (eg, pain, fatigue, dyspnea, cough, etc) • Patients with lung cancer are often faced with psychosocial concerns (eg, anxiety, depression, uncertainty) → can benefit from comprehensive assessment and support 1. Smith TJ et al. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Feb 6 [Epub ahead of print]. Summary • Histology influences treatment selection; therefore, NSCLC NOS should be avoided whenever possible • Molecular tumor assessment is now part of standard of care: All patients with non‐squamous subtypes of NSCLC should undergo mutation testing • Interdisciplinary collaboration and building of strong relationships among different experts (medical oncologist, nurse, cytologist/pathologist/ molecular specialist, interventional radiologist, pulmonologist, surgeon) is increasingly important • Greater emphasis must be placed on patient‐centered care; patient education essential so that patients can participate in shared decision‐making • Treatment selection throughout the disease course must be individualized and be based on collaborative decision‐making considering all the relevant disease‐ and patient‐related factors and patient preference Culkin - Alphabet of NSCLC Future • Re‐biopsy? What to look for in molecular testing? • Development of acquired‐resistance drugs • Treatments Overcoming EGFR Resistance: Candidate Agents/Combinations Under Investigation Single Agents Combinations Neratinib (HKI-272) Everolimus + erlotinib XL647 Cetuximab + erlotinib Afatinib (BIBW 2992) Dasatinib + erlotinib Dasatinib Cetuximab + afatinib AUY922 + erlotinib ARQ 197 + erlotinib 47 DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Advances in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Colleen A. De Boer, MSN, ANP-BC Tisch Cancer Institute, Mount Sinai Medical Center Disclosures • Has no relationships to disclose Cancer Incidence Rates Among Men, US, 1975-2005 Rate Per 100,000 250 Prostate 200 150 Lung & bronchus 100 Colon and rectum 50 Urinary bladder Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Melanoma of the skin 0 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 *Age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population and adjusted for delays in reporting. Source: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, Delay-adjusted Incidence database: SEER Incidence Delay-adjusted Rates, 9 Registries, 1975-2005, National Cancer Institute, 2008. 49 Cancer Death Rates Among Men, US,1930-2005 100 Rate Per 100,000 Lung & bronchus 80 60 Stomach Prostate 40 Colon & rectum 20 Pancreas 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975 1970 1965 1960 Liver 1955 1950 1940 1935 1930 0 1945 Leukemia *Age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Source: US Mortality Data 1960-2005, US Mortality Volumes 1930-1959, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008. U.S. Cancer Statistics: Prostate Cancer • Leading cause of cancer in men (192,280 cases, 25%) • Second leading cause of cancer death in men, after lung (27,360 deaths, 9%) • Cancer-specific survival estimates – 5 years 100% – 10 years 93% – 15 years 77% American Cancer Society 2009 Known Risk Factors • Age – Strong association with aging • Race/Geographic Origin – Increased risk in African Americans • Family History/Genetics – New intriguing genetic links (8q24) • Diet DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Family History And Risk Of Prostate Cancer # of Affected FirstDegree Relatives 1 Odds Ratio (95% CI) 2 4.9 (2.0-12.3) 3 10.9 (2.7-43.1) 2.2 (1.4-3.5) Dietary Factors • • • • • • Fat Soy Protein Lycopene Vitamin E Selenium Vitamin D/Calcium Trends in Overweight* Prevalence (%), Adults 18 and Older, US, 1992-2007 1992 1995 1998 Less than 50% 2007 50 to 55% More than 55% State did not participate in survey *Body mass index of 25.0 kg/m2or greater. Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CD-ROM (1984-1995, 1998) and Public Use Data Tape (2004-2007), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2008. 51 Vitamin E/Selenium • Two large randomized trials evaluated chemoprevention – Lung cancer: vitamin E – Skin cancer: selenium • Secondary endpoint of prostate cancer – Vitamin E decreased risk by 32% – Selenium decreased risk by 60% Chemoprevention: The SELECT Trial • Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (2001-2004) • 35,533 men • 2 x 2 factorial design – Vitamin E (400 IU/d) vs placebo – Selenium (200 ug/d) vs placebo • Endpoint: prostate cancer incidence SELECT: No Difference in Prostate Cancer Rates Lippman, S. M. et al. JAMA 2009;301:39-51. DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Conclusions • After median follow up 5.4 yrs, no difference in prostate cancer incidence with selenium or vitamin E • No differences in lung, colorectal or other cancers • Do genetic differences in antioxidant metabolizing enzymes determine benefit vs risk from antioxidants? Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) • 18,882 men aged > 55 years with normal DRE and PSA < 3 ng/ml • Randomized to finasteride 5 mg/day vs placebo • Patients followed and biopsied if PSA>4 or abnormal DRE • All patients had end-of-study biopsy at 7 yrs Thompson NEJM 2003 Finasteride Reduces Risk Of Prostate Cancer By 25% 53 Greater Risk Of High Grade Cancers With Finasteride • Gleason 7-10 cancers – 270 (37%) of finasteride group – 237 (22%) of placebo group • High-grade cancers increase risk of death from prostate cancer BUT… • Decreased prostate volume and selective inhibition of low-grade cancers increased detection of high grade cancers Lucia JNCI 2007 Tuesday, June 17, 2008 New Take on a Prostate Drug, and a New Debate Chemoprevention Conclusions • Finasteride reduces prostate cancer risk – Reduces anxiety, diagnosis, treatment • Prior concerns in PCPT about increased risk of high-grade cancer may be artifact of cancer detection • No role for selenium or vitamin E based on SELECT trial DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Screening • DRE • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Clear Impact Of Screening • • • • Diagnosis made 5-6 years earlier Average age at diagnosis has fallen Fewer advanced cases at diagnosis Proportion of “good risk” patients at diagnosis has increased • Mortality rates have decreased in US – With the randomized data, what contribution has screening had? European Randomized Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) • In order to prevent a single prostate cancer death over 10 yrs: – You need to screen 1410 men – Of those, you need to treat 48 patients who are diagnosed with prostate cancer • Is this worth the morbidity and cost? 55 Conclusions of Randomized Screening Studies • • • • • 2 large randomized trials Relatively short follow up Significant contamination in control arm Modest survival benefit to screening Need to consider patient age, relative risks and benefits of screening • Consider active surveillance more often once diagnosis is made Screening Recommendations: ACS, AUA • DRE and PSA in men > 50 years old • High risk men (AA and +FH) – > 40-45 years old • Frequency? Annually • End screening? <10 year life expectancy – Very difficult for patients to accept – Recent USPHS Task Force recommended no screening False Positive PSA • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) • Prostatitis DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Markers To Improve Accuracy • • • • Age-Specific PSA PSA Density % Free PSA PSA Doubling Time (Velocity) Lower % Free PSA Suggests Higher Likelihood Of Cancer • For PSA 4-10 ng/ml – Free PSA > 25% means less than 10% chance of cancer – Free PSA <10% means over 50% chance of cancer • 25% free PSA cutoff detects 95% of cancers and avoids 25% of unnecessary biopsies PSA Rise > 2 ng/ml/yr Predicts Higher Risk Of Cancer Death D’Amico NEJM 2004 57 Summary • PSA and DRE are standard screening tools, though randomized data are lacking for definite evidence of benefit • PSA screening results in earlier diagnosis • Tools such as % free PSA and PSA velocity can improve accuracy of diagnosing cancer • However, there may be no true “PSA cutoff” separating cancer from no cancer Diagnosis Suspected • Abnormal PSA • Abnormal DRE • Cancer detected on TURP (rare) Diagnosis • Biopsy – TRUS guidance – 6-18 cores by spring-loaded biopsy gun • Pathology – Gleason score assigned based on differentiation from 2 (well) to 10 (poorly) DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Treatment Options • Watchful waiting • Radical prostatectomy – Open vs laparoscopic vs robotic – Retropubic vs perineal • External beam radiotherapy – 3D conformal – IMRT • Seed implants (brachytherapy) • Cryosurgery • Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) Watchful Waiting • • • • • • 767 patients in Connecticut Mean age: 68 years Mean f/u: 15.4 years Diagnosis: TURP (60%), needle bx (26%) Stage: 21% had no bone scan Death certificates, path reviewed Albertson JAMA 2005 Prostate Cancer-Specific Death Rates At 20 Years Gleason Score Mortality Rate (95% CI) Per 1000 person-yrs 2-4 6 (2-11) 5 12 (6-19) 6 30 (23-37) 7 65 (49-83) 8-10 121 (90-156) 59 Randomized Study: Surgery Versus Watchful Waiting • • • • • • 695 Scandinavian men, 1989-1999 Median f/u 8.2 years Mean age: 64.7 years Mean PSA: 12.8 ng/ml Stage T1b (12%), T1c (11%), T2 (76%) Gleason: 2-6 (61%), 7 (23%), 8-10 (5%) Bill-Axelson NEJM 2005 Conclusions • Radical local treatment in a non-screened population with localized cancer leads to improved OS, PFS, decreased distant metastases and local progression • The absolute benefit is small, requiring 17 RPs for 1 life saved (in 8 yrs) • Benefit most significant in men < 65 yrs old Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer: Conclusions • Reasonable to consider surgery, radiation or seed implants in younger, healthier men • Reasonable to consider watchful waiting in older men with low grade disease and decreased life expectancy • Options depend on risk group DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Failure Of Local Therapy • Most men treated for localized prostate cancer are cured • As many as a third recur, usually manifested initially as a rising PSA alone • Little is known about optimal management of rising PSA patients Natural History Of Rising PSA • 304 men relapsed after surgery • No hormones until (+) bone scan • Time to PSA rise, Gleason, PSADT were predictors of survival RP 8 yrs First Rise in PSA 5 yrs Bone scan (+) Death Pound JAMA 1999 Hormonal Therapy • Mandatory with metastatic disease • Often used early in the setting of a rising PSA alone (benefit?) • Rapid PSA doubling time indicates population at high risk of death from prostate cancer • Average response 1-2 years for metastatic disease 61 Clinical States of Prostate Cancer Clinically localized “Rising PSA” state Non-metastatic, hormonesensitive Non-metastatic CRPC Metastatic, hormone-sensitive Metastatic CRPC Death from prostate cancer Death from other causes 10-15 years + Adapted from George D. ASCO Prostate 2007. Conclusions: Chemotherapy For Metastatic CRPC • 20% decreased mortality from prostate cancer (~2-3 months) • Improved PFS, PSA and pain responses • Current efforts to build on this regimen: novel targeted drugs, angiogenesis inhibitors How Do We Incorporate The Many New Treatments for CRPC? DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer The Standard of Care Disease State Continuous ADT Intermittent ADT Metastatic Yes No* Non-Metastatic, Rising PSA Yes Yes *But consider it for patients with poor QOL on ADT! PRESENTED BY: William Oh, M.D. Secondary Hormonal Therapies for CRPC Recent Trials in CRPC: OS Therapy Disease state Comparator Hazard Ratio P value Sipuleucel-T Chemo-näive Placebo 0.775 0.032 Docetaxel Chemo-näive Mitoxantrone 0.76 0.009 Cabazitaxel Post-Docetaxel Mitoxantrone 0.70 <0.0001 Abiraterone acetate Post-Docetaxel Placebo 0.646 <0.0001 63 Immunotherapy • Sipuleucel-T FDA approved April 2010 – mCRPC – Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic – Generally for pre-chemotherapy pts Sipuleucel-T n=338 Adverse Event Placebo n=168 All % Gr 3-5 % All % Chills 54.1 1.2 12.5 Gr 3-5 % 0 Fatigue 39.1 1.2 38.1 1.8 Back Pain 34.3 3.6 36.3 4.8 Fever 29.3 0.3 13.7 1.8 Nausea 28.1 0.6 20.8 0 Arthralgia 20.7 2.1 23.8 3 Headache 16 0.3 4.8 0 Myalgia 9.8 0.6 4.8 0 Influenza Like Illness 9.8 0 3.6 0 Hypertension 7.4 0.6 3.0 0 Kantoff et al. N ENGL J MED. 2010; 363;5:411-422 Pituitary ACTH Adrenal Cortex Cholesterol Cholesterol Side Chain Ketoconazole Cleavage Pregnenolone Progesterone DOC 3-BHSD-I 21-hydroxylase Corticosterone 11β-hydroxylase Ketoconazole 18OHCorticosterone 18-hydroxylase Mineralocorticoids 17α-hydroxylase Abiraterone 17OH-pregnenolone Aldosterone 18-oxidase 17OH-progesterone 11-DOC Cortisol Glucocorticoids 3-BHSD-I Peripheral Tissues C17-20 lyase Abiraterone DHEA Androstenedione Testosterone DHT 3-BHSD-I Androgens Courtesy of J.A. Garcia, MD, FACP, Cleveland Clinic 17-keto-reductase 5α-reductase DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Abiraterone Acetate (Zytiga ®) • mCRPC pts that have failed docetaxel based chemotherapy (approved April 2011) • reduces in testosterone by inhibiting CYP17 • 4.6 month overall survival benefit • 1000mg once daily -250mg tablets -Take one hr prior to or two hours after eating • Prednisone -5 mg BID or 10mg daily—MD discretion Abiraterone Toxicity Profile N=791 % Grade 3 / 4 Fatigue 8% Arthralgias 8% Muscle Weakness 4% Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea 2 %/ 2 %/1 % Fluid Retention / Peripheral Edema 2% Dehydration 2% Anorexia 2% Hypertension 1% Headache 1% Abiraterone Acetate PI. Los Angeles, CA: Cougar Biotechnology, Inc.; [September] 2010 Abiraterone in the Prechemo Space • The obvious location for a second-line hormone agent is pre-chemo • Was the study prematurely unblinded? – I don’t believe so—strong trend towards OS benefit, clear clinical benefit in delaying progression – Final planned analysis of OS may have been compromised • Multiple signals of efficacy • No new safety concerns 65 Enzalutamide (MDV3100) • • • T Approved August 2012 for patients with metastatic CRPC previously treated with docetaxel Oral agent designed to target AR signaling, impacting multiple steps in AR signaling pathway. No demonstrated agonist effects in preclinical models. T Inhibits Binding of Androgens to AR Enzalutamide AR Cell cytoplasm Inhibits Nuclear Translocation of AR Cell nucleus AR Inhibits Association Of AR with DNA Tran et al. Science 2009;324:787–90. Charles Sawyers & Michael Jung Enzalutamide had a high PSA Response Rate >50% confirmed PSA fall: Enza 54% ; Placebo 2% (p<0.0001) >90% confirmed PSA fall: Enza 25%; Placebo 1% (p<0.0001) Placebo Enzalutamide All the secondary endpoint measures favored the treatment arm Enzalutamide AE ● Most frequently reported in clinical trials (>10%) Enzalutamide Toxicities (%) Placebo Toxicities (%) Grade 1-4 Grade 3-4 Grade 1-4 Grade 3-4 Asthenia/fatigue 50.6 9.0 44.4 9.3 Back pain 26.4 5.3 24.3 4.0 Diarrhea 21.8 1.1 17.5 0.3 Arthralgia 20.5 2.5 17.3 1.8 Hot flush 20.3 0 10.3 0 Peripheral edema 15.4 1.0 13.3 0.8 Musculoskeletal pain 15.0 1.3 11.5 0.3 Headache 12.1 0.9 5.5 0 Upper respiratory tract infection 10.9 0 6.5 0.3 Xtandi enzalutamide prescribing information 2012. DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Adverse Events of Special Interest All Grades Grade ≥ 3 Events Enzalutamide (n = 800) Placebo (n = 399) Enzalutamide (n = 800) Placebo (n = 399) Fatigue 33.6% 29.1% 6.3% 7.3% Cardiac Disorders 6.1% 7.5% 0.9% 2.0% Myocardial Infarction 0.3% 0.5% 0.3% 0.5% LFT Abnormalities* 1.0% 1.5% 0.4% 0.8% Seizure 0.6% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% *Includes terms hyperbilirubinaemia, AST increased, ALT increased, LFT abnormal, transaminases increased, and blood bilirubin increased. Enzalutamide Management Seizures ● In clinical trial, seizures occurred from 31 to 603 days after initiation ● Should not be used in patients with a history of seizure, underlying brain injury with loss of consciousness, transient ischemic attack within the past 12 months, cerebral vascular accident, brain metastases, brain arteriovenous malformation or the use of concomitant medications that may lower the seizure threshold as these patients were excluded from trial ● Patients advised to avoid activity where sudden loss of consciousness could cause serious harm to themselves or other ● Discontinue therapy if experiencing seizure – In clinical trial, all seizures resolved with discontinuation of therapy Dose modification in case of intolerablie side effects ● If a patient experiences a ≥ Grade 3 toxicity or an intolerable side effect, withhold dosing for one week or until symptoms ● improve to ≤ Grade 2, then resume at the same or a reduced dose (120 mg or 80 mg), if warranted. Use with concomitant strong CYP2C8 inhibitors ● Concomitant use of strong CYP2C8 inhibitors should be avoided if possible. ● If patients must be co-administered a strong CYP2C8 inhibitor, reduce the dose to 80 mg once daily and return to the original dose once the strong CYP2C8 inhibitor is discontinued Xtandi enzalutamide prescribing information 2012. Targeting Androgen Signaling in CRPC • Enzalutamide targets androgen signaling and is associated with a startling survival benefit, even after progression on chemotherapy • Toxicity is remarkably mild – Seizures are uncommon but need to manage • Should this be moved earlier? – – – – Prechemo (AFFIRM) Rising PSA New metastatic Adjuvant 67 The Curies: Discovery of Radium The Curies informed the l'Académie des Sciences, on December 26, 1898, that they had come upon an additional very active substance that behaved chemically almost like pure barium. They suggested the name of radium for the new element. 1903 was a very good year, Madame Curie presented her doctoral thesis and shared the Nobel Prize with her husband (and Henri Becquerel) Bottom Line: Radium223 Short Range but Deadly Radium 2-10 cell diameter range of alpha-particle Radium-223 Highly localised cell killing with minimal damage to surrounding hematopoetic tissue Perez et al. Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology. 5th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007 Recent Trials in CRPC: OS Therapy Disease state Comparator Hazard Ratio P value Sipuleucel-T Chemo-näive Placebo 0.775 0.032 Docetaxel Chemo-näive Mitoxantrone 0.76 0.009 Cabazitaxel Post-Docetaxel Mitoxantrone 0.70 <0.0001 Abiraterone acetate Post-Docetaxel Placebo 0.646 <0.0001 Pre-Docetaxel Placebo 0.75 0.0097* Enzalutamide (MDV3100) Post-Docetaxel Placebo 0.631 <0.001 Alpharadin (Radium-223) Post-Docetaxel Placebo 0.70 0.002 DeBoer - Advances in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Treatment Landscape Standard Androgen Deprivation Therapy Surgery / Radiation Denosumab, Zoledronic Acid Alpharadin MDV-3100 Abiraterone Androgen Deprivation Chemotherapy Death Local Therapy Therapies After LHRH Agonists and Antiandrogens Postchemotherapy Sipuleucel-T Docetaxel Cabazitaxel Where Will We Be in 5 Years? • More agents, but will they be “me too” drugs? • Increased understanding of the biology of CRPC • Earlier use of therapies – Adjuvant, neoadjuvant, rising PSA, non-mets CRPC • More molecular diagnostics and personalization of prostate cancer subtypes – CTCs, tumor signatures, etc The Influence of Cost • Health care reform may shift use of therapies – Will there be rationing of care? • Oral vs IV therapies – Copayments, reimbursements, drug costs • Stricter definitions of patient benefit, eligibility for specific therapies • Measurements of quality of care may change 69 Skripnik - Update in Treatment of Melanoma Updates & Nursing Implications in the Treatment of Melanoma Anna Skripnik, RN Dermatology Service Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Functions of the Melanocytes • Embryogenesis: Pigment producing cells are derived from the Neural crest • Differentiation: Dermis, epidermis & hair follicles, uvea, meninges • Influences skin and hair color Lin, J.Y. & Fisher, D.E. Nature, 2007 Integumentary system www.nordiqc.org, 2009 http://www.lab.anhb.uwa.edu 71 UVA/UVB and their effects • Penetration • Nanometers • Long term effects • Short term effects Melanocyte malignancy Causes of malignant melanocytes • Ultraviolet radiation (UVA 320-400nm, UVB 290- 320nm): DNA damage • Cumulative lifetime sunexposure • Familial history (gene susceptibility) • Immunosuppression • Ionizing Radiation Clinical Presentations • • • • • Webmd.com Asymmetry Border (irregular) Color (uneven) Diameter Evolution Skripnik - Update in Treatment of Melanoma Types of Melanoma 1)Superficial spreading 2) Lentigo Maligna 3) Nodular melanoma 4) Acral lentiginous melanoma Yalesurgery.org Staging Diagnosis • Breslow depth (thickness) • Mitotic index • Ulceration • Margin involvement • Lymphocytic infiltrate • Tumor • Node • Metastasis • Sentinel node involvement Melanoma staging AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 7th ed. 2010 73 Melanoma evolution: Total body assessments • Melanoma surveillance • Total body photography Skincancerclinic.md Nsc.gov.sg Statistics • Men and women dx in 2012: approx. 76,250 • 9,180 deaths • Incidence: 21.0 per 100,000 men and women per year • 2.7 per 100,000 men and women per year • Median age at diagnosis: 61 National Cancer Institute, SEER Stat Fact sheet, Melanoma 2012 Skripnik - Update in Treatment of Melanoma Treatments: Dependent on stage of disease • Primary cutaneous melanoma: Excision (0.5cm-2cm (with or without SLNB) • Regional lymph node metastasis: SLNB, adjuvant interferon, interferon alpha-2b, Bacille CalmetteGuerin (BCG) vaccine, radiation therapy • Distant metastatic disease: – Chemotherapy : Dacarbazine, CisPlatinum,Temozolomide – Radiation therapy – Experimental therapies (eg, biochemotherapy) Vemurafenib (PLX4032) • Indication: unresectable and/or metastatic melanoma with BRAFV600E mutation. • Dosage and administration: 240mg tablets x4; 480mg BID Caution: renal or hepatic impairment • Mechanism of action: BRAF inhibitor (including V600E) 75 Pet scan 2 weeks s/p Vemurafenib Adverse Events :Phase III Study ne336 Vemurafenib n=336 Adverse Event All % Gr 3 Gr4 Photosensitivity Reaction 33 3 - Alopecia 45 <1 - Rash 37 8 - Fever 29.3 0.3 - Nausea 35 2 - Arthralgia 53 3 - Headache 23 <1 0.6 Myalgia 9.8 Influenza Like Illness 9.8 0 Hypertension 7.4 0.6 Vemurafinib : Nursing considerations • Sun protection • Medication compliance • Detailed health history (obtain full list of medications) • Management of common side effects • Allergic reactions Skripnik - Update in Treatment of Melanoma Ipilimumab • Indication: Monoclonal antibody, approved for unresectable and/or metastatic melanoma • Dosage and administration: 3mg/kg IV q3weeks • Mechanism of action: Binds to targeted Tcell antibody (CTLA-4), blocking interaction btw CD80/86 Mechanism 77 Ipilimumab: Side effects Ipilimumab: Nursing considerations • Reviewing s/s of adverse effects (and management of) • Patient education (including family): effects of medication on immune system, disease process • Support Long term monitoring • Survival correlates to extensiveness of disease • Early detection • Self-body exams • Total body photography Skripnik - Update in Treatment of Melanoma Patient Education • Importance of application of sunscreens, sun protective clothing and lifestyle modifications. • Remember, individuals can still get burned in snowy and cloudy conditions! • Target prevention and increase awareness Importance of sun protection Working together towards prevention 79 O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM Therapeutic Options in Multiple Myeloma Denise O’Dea, ANP-BC, OCN NYU Langone Medical Center NYU Cancer Institute Disclosure • Speaker Bureau: Amgen, Celgene Corporation Objectives • Discuss overview of multiple myeloma. • Review history of multiple myeloma therapies. • Discuss current approved novel agents for multiple myeloma. • Review side effects of current treatment. • Discuss emerging therapies. 81 Multiple Myeloma • Cancer of plasma cells • B-cell malignancy • Normal plasma cells transform into malignant myeloma cells and produce large quantities of an abnormal immunoglobulin called monoclonal (M) protein. • lncreased immunoglobulins • IgG, IgA • Light chains (Kappa or Lambda) • Uncommonly IgD, IgE • Bence Jones Proteins . Normal vs Abnormal Plasma Cells Normal Abnormal Stem Stem Cell cell cell Stem Cell cell Stem Genetic GENETIC GENETIC DAMAGE Damage DAMAGE T-Lymphocyte T lymphocyte BB-Lymphocyte lymphocyte Damaged Damaged B lymphocyte B-Lymphocyte B lymphocyte B-Lymphocyte B lymphocyte B lymphocyte Antigens Antigens Activated T cell Activated T-Cell Plasma Plasmacell cell Antigens Antigens Antigens Plasma cell Malignant Malignant Plasma plasma cell cell Plasmacell cell Malignantplasma plasma cell (Myeloma Cell) (myeloma (myeloma cell) cell) Antibodies Antibodies Antibodies Antibodies Adapted from Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. 2007. www.multiplemyeloma.org. Epidemiology • Second most common hematologic cancer • Estimated: – 21,700 new cases will be diagnosed in US in 2012 – 10,710 deaths are expected to occur in US in 2012 – 100,000 patients in US living with myeloma • Median age at diagnosis: 69 years • Slightly more common in men than women • Two fold higher incidence in African Americans than Caucasians American Cancer Society http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/MultipleMyeloma/DetailedGuide/multiple-myeloma-key-statistics SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Myeloma. http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/mulmy.html Accessed October 9, 2012. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Volume 62, Issue 1, pages 10–29, January/February 2012 O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM Risk Factors • • • • Age Gender Race Familial Inheritance • Obesity • Environmental Exposures to Toxins – Ionizing radiation – Chemicals Presenting Features of MM • Calcium elevated • Renal impairment • Anemia • Bone pain • Constitutional symptoms: weakness, fatigue, and weight loss • Infection • Hyperviscosity (IgA) • Neurologic dysfunction – Spinal cord or nerve root compression • ~33% of patient diagnosed asymptomatic Plasma Cell Dyscrasia MGUS SMM Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cell Clone 1 x 109 1 x 1010-11 1 x 1012 M spike <3 g/dl >3 g/dl >3 g/dl BM Plasma Cells Clonal and <10% or >10% >10% Symptoms* None None Symptomatic BJP <1 g/day <1 g/day >1 g/day Anemia No No Yes Bone Lesion No No Yes Renal Failure No No Yes Related Organ and Tissue Impairment: CRAB: HyperCalcemia, Renal impairment, Anemia, Bone lesion Hyperviscosity, Amyloidosis, Recurrent bacterial infections IMWG Br J Haematol. 2203; 121:749 83 Risk Factors for MM Outcome Low to intermediate risk High risk • Expected OS >7-8 years • t(11;14) • Hyperdiploidy • Low β2M (<3.5 mg/L) • Expected OS 3-4 years • t(4;14); t(14;20) or t(14;16) by FISH • Deletion (17p) by FISH • Deletion (13q) by cytogenetics • Hypodiploidy • High b2M (≥5.5 mg/L) • 1p amplification • 1q deletion Clinical challenges •Renal failure •Age ≥70 years •Increasing number of prior therapies •Extramedullary MM •Advanced bone disease Chng. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma. 2005;6:200; Stewart. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:6339; Barlogie. Blood. 2004;103:20; Richardson. Blood. 2005;106:2977. Brief Myeloma History • Skeletal evidence of myeloma obtained from Egyptian mummies • First case described in 1844 – 39-year-old Sarah Newbury – Spontaneous fractures of her femurs and right humerus • 1845: Dr Henry Bence Jones detected heat properties of urinary light chains • 1929: bone marrow aspiration • 1937: serum protein electrophoresis • No treatment until 1960s: Alkeran and prednisone Durie. International Myeloma Foundation. 2007. www.myeloma.org. Hussein. Cleve Clin J Med. 1994;61(4):285. Jones. Phil Trans R Soc Lond. 1848;138:55-62. Multiple Myeloma Treatment: Timeline • Bisphosphonates • HDT with autologous stem cell support • VAD • Allogeneic transplant •Melphalan + prednisone New combinations •High- dose Dexamethason e •Cyclophosphamide Ongoing clinical Trials : New agents In pipeline • Lenalidomide • Pegylated doxorubicin • Anti-angiogenesis agents • Bortezomib • Thalidomide • “Mini allogeneic” transplant •Sub Q Velcade •Carfilzomib •Oral melphalan 1962 1964 1969 HDT = high dose therapy 1984 1986 1996 1999 2000 2001+ 2012 2012+ O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM DurieDurie-Salmon Staging System for Multiple Myeloma Myeloma cell mass (×1012 cells/m2) Stage Criteria I All of the following: Hemoglobin >10 g/dL Serum calcium level ≤12 mg/dL (normal) Normal bone or solitary plasmacytoma on x-ray Low M component production rate: IgG <5 g/dL IgA <3 g/dL Bence Jones protein <4 g/24 hr II Not fitting stage I or III 0.6 to 1.2 (intermediate) III One or more of the following: Hemoglobin <8.5 g/dL Serum calcium level >12 mg/dL Multiple lytic bone lesions on x-ray High M-component production rate: IgG >7 g/dL IgA >5 g/dL Bence Jones protein >12 g/24 hr >1.2 (high) <0.6 (low) Subclassification Criteria A Normal renal function (serum creatinine level <2.0 mg/dL) B Abnormal renal function (serum creatinine level ≥2.0 mg/dL) 14 Durie, et al. Cancer. 1975. International Staging System Has prognostic value, but does not indicate tumor burden Stage I Stage II Stage III β2M <3.5 mg/L ≥5.5 mg/L Serum Albumin ≥3.5 g/dL Neither stage I nor stage III (β2M <3.5 and albumin <3.5, or β2M 3.5-5.5) Median Survival 62 mo 44 mo Not specified 29 mo β2M= β2-microglobulin Greipp. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:3412. Agents Approved for MM Drug Dexamethasone Melphalan Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin Prednisone Trade Name Indication Decadron Palliative management of leukemias and lymphomas Alkeran Palliative treatment of MM Doxil In combination with bortezomib in patients who have not previously received bortezomib and have received at least 1 prior therapy. Deltasone Palliative management of leukemias and lymphomas in adults 85 Agents Approved for MM Trade Name Indication Bortezomib Drug Velcade Patients with MM Lenalidomide Revlimid In combination with dexamethasone for the treatment of MM in patients who have received at least 1 prior therapy Thalidomide Thalomid In combination with dexamethasone for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed MM Carfilzomib Kyprolis Indicated for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma who have received at least 2 prior therapies including bortezomib and an immunomodulatory. Current Treatment Guidelines: NCCN Guidelines V.1.2013 Initial Therapy for Transplant Eligible Patients •VD Bortezomib Dexamethasone •VCD Bortezomib Cyclophosphamide Dexamethasone •VDD Bortezomib Doxorubicin Dexamethasone •VRD Bortezomib Lenalidomide Dexamethasone •VTD Bortezomib Thalidomide Dexamethasone •RD Lenalidomide Dexamethasone Initial Therapy for Transplant ineligible Maintenance Therapies •VD Bortezomib Dexamethasone •RD Lenalidomide Dexamethasone •MPV Melphalan Prednisone Bortezomib •MPR Melphalan Prednisone Lenalidomide •MPT Melphalan Prednisone Thalidomide •Bortezomib •Lenalidomide •Thalidomide Current Treatment Guidelines: NCCN Guidelines V.1.2013 Salvage Therapies •Repeat primary induction therapy if relapse >6months •Bendamustine •Bortezomib •Bortezomib Dexamethasone •Bortezomib Lenalidomide Dexamethasone •Bortezomib Liposomal doxorubicin •Bortezomib Thalidomide Dexamethasone •Bortezomib Cyclophosphamide Dexamethasone •Carfilzomib •Cyclophosphamide Lenalidomide Dexamethasone •Dexamethasone Thalidomide Cisplatin Doxorubicin Cyclophosphamide (DCEP) •Dexamethasone Thalidomide Cisplatin Doxorubicin Cyclophosphamide Etoposide (DT-PACE) +/- Bortezomib (VTD-PACE) •High Dose cyclophosphamide •Lenalidomide Dexamethasone •Thalidomide Dexamethasone O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM Novel Therapies Target MM Cells and Bone Marrow Microenvironment • Interaction with the microenvironment is crucial for MM proliferation and survival • Drugs that disrupt signaling between MM cells and bone marrow stromal cells may be effective in treating MM Lenalidomide • Typical dosing – Lenalidomide 25 mg orally on days 1-21 of a 28-day cycle • Excreted substantially through kidneys – Carefully consider use in renal impairment – Dose reduction based on CrCl may be necessary • Adverse events – Myelosuppression – DVT – Rash – May cause birth defects Revlimid [package insert]. Summit, NJ: Celgene Corporation; 2009 Lenalidomide Side Effects Toxicity Intervention Asthenia (fatigue, malaise, weakness) • Counsel patient • Avoid concurrent meds causing asthenia Hyperglycemia (with dexamethasone) • Monitor blood sugar • Counsel patient regarding diet Thromboembolic complications (DVT/PE) • Anticoagulation recommended • Monitor coagulation assays Myelosuppression (neutropenia and thrombocytopenia) • Interrupt therapy if platelets fall to < 30,000/mcL or ANC falls to < 1,000/mcL • Resume therapy at lower or same dose on first recovery • Drop dose by 5 mg on subsequent recoveries Gastrointestinal (constipation) •Bowel regimen (call office if no BM in 3 days) •Increase fluid and fiber intake Incidences of toxicities are from 2 clinical trials of multiple myeloma patients (N = 346) with lenalidomide + dexamethasone. Miceli et al. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008:12(3 suppl):13-20; Revlimid® [package insert]. Celgene; 2006. 87 Bortezomib •Typical dosing • Bortezomib 1.3 mg/m2 as a 3- to 5-second bolus IV injection on days 1, 4, 8, and 11 of a 21-day cycle; 8-cycle dosing • Can be given subcutaneously. •Also dosed Days 1, 4, 11, 18 (usually in combination with lenalidomide 21day cycle) •Adverse events • Peripheral neuropathy • Neutropenia • Thrombocytopenia • Anemia • Asthenia • Fatigue Velcade [package insert]. Cambridge, MA: Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2006 Bortezomib Dosing Guidelines as Single Agent • Dose twice weekly for 2 weeks on a 21-day cycle – Standard 8-cycle induction schedule with an option of 3 cycles of weekly maintenance therapy – At least a 72-hour rest period is required between doses (allows for restoration of proteasome function toward baseline) • Refer to dose modification guidelines as necessary Velcade® [package insert]. Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc; 2008. Bortezomib Side Effects Toxicity Incidence: Single agent vs (VMP) Peripheral neuropathy Overall: 37% Grade ≥ 3: 11% (47%) (13%) • Patient education/early detection • Baseline assessment and monitor at each visit • Dose adjustment • Symptom control with pharmacologic interventions Hypotension Overall: 12% Grade ≥ 3: 3% (12%) (2%) • Counsel patient • Avoid concurrent meds causing hypotension Asthenia (fatigue, malaise, weakness) Overall: 62% Grade ≥ 3: 16% (21%) (6%) • Counsel patient (rest, nutrition, hydration, exercise) • Avoid concurrent meds causing asthenia Myelosuppression Thrombocytopenia: Overall: 38% Grade ≥ 3: 32% Neutropenia: Overall: 18% Grade ≥ 3: 14% (52%) (37%) • Cyclical with lowest levels on Day 11 of cycle • Consistent pattern that is not cumulative • Hold if platelets < 25,000/µL and reintroduce at a 25% lower dose with recovery Diarrhea Overall: 53% Grade ≥ 3: 8% Intervention (49%) (40%) (46%) (7%) •Bulk forming laxatives such as Metamucil®, loperamide •with caution •Adequate fluid intake Single-agent incidences of toxicities are based on an integrated analyses of relapsed multiple myeloma studies (N = 1008) while VMP incidences are based on the VISTA study. Colson et al. Cancer Nurs. 2008;31:239-249; Velcade® [package insert]. Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc; 2008. O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM Subcutaneous Bortezomib A Phase 3 Prospective, Randomized, International Study (MMY-3021) Comparing Subcutaneous and Intravenous Administration of Bortezomib in Patients with Relapsed Multiple Myeloma Philippe Moreau,1 Halyna Pylypenko,2 Sebastian Grosicki,3 Evgeniy Karamanesht,4 Xavier Leleu,5 Maria Grishunina,6 Grigoriy Rekhtman,7 Zvenyslava Masliak,8 Tadeusz Robak,9 Anna Shubina,10 Jean-Paul Fermand,11 Martin Kropff,12 James Cavet,13 DixieLee Esseltine,14 Huaibao Feng,15 Donna Skee,15 Helgi van de Velde,16 William Deraedt,16 Jean-Luc Harousseau17 1University Hospital, Nantes, France; 2Cherkassy Regional Oncology Dispensary, Cherkassy, Ukraine; 3Oddzial Hematologiczny ZSM, Chorzow, Poland; 4Kiev BMT Center, Kiev, Ukraine; 5Hopital Huriez, CHRU, Lille, France; 6Nizhniy Novgorod Region Clinical Hospital, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia; 7Khmelnitskiy Regional Hospital, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine; 8SI Institute of Blood Pathology and Transfusion Medicine UAMS, Lviv, Ukraine; 9Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland; 10S.P. Botkin Moscow City Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia; 11Hopital Saint-Louis, Paris, France; 12University of Münster, Münster, Germany; 13The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK; 14Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA; 15Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Raritan, NJ, USA; 16Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Beerse, Belgium; 17Centre René Gauducheau, Nantes/St Herblain, France Subcutaneous Bortezomib Conclusions • The efficacy of bortezomib was similar by SC and IV administration in patients with relapsed MM – IV and SC administration also resulted in similar PK (systemic exposure) and PD (proteasome inhibition) profiles • SC administration of bortezomib appeared to have an improved safety profile compared with IV administration – With SC administration there were significantly fewer all-grade, grade ≥2, and grade ≥3 PN events compared with IV administration • SC administration had acceptable local tolerability SC Injection Site Rotation Within the same cycle 8 1 7 2 R •Injections at the same site should be avoided. L 6 3 5 4 •Alternate between • right and left abdomen • upper and lower quadrant • right and left thigh • proximal and distal sites 89 Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin • Typical Dosing • PLD: 30 mg/m2 1-hr IV infusion on day 4 following bortezomib; 21-day cycle, up to 8 cycles • Adverse Events • Neutropenia • Alopecia • Cardiac toxicity • HFS (Hand Foot Syndrome) Doxil [package insert]. Raritan, NJ: Ortho Biotech Products, L.P.; 2008 Carfilzomib Typical dosing • Administer intravenously over 2 to 10 minutes, on two consecutive days each week for three weeks (Days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16), followed by a 12-day rest period (Days 17 to 28). • Recommended Cycle 1 dose is 20 mg/m2/day and if tolerated increase Cycle 2 dose and subsequent cycles doses to 27 mg/m2/day. • Hydrate patients prior to and following administration. • Pre-medicate with dexamethasone prior to all Cycle 1 doses, during the first cycle of dose escalation, and if infusion reaction symptoms develop or reappear. Kyprolis [Package Insert] . South San Francisco, CA. Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc 2012. Carfilzomib Adverse events • • • Hematologic Cardiac-CHF, pulmonary edema, ejection fraction decrease Pulmonary-hypertension • • • • Tumor Lysis Syndrome Renal Hepatic Peripheral Neuropathy Kyprolis [Package Insert] . South San Francisco, CA. Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc 2012. O'Dea - Therapeutic Options in MM Carfilzomib Side Effects Toxicity Incidence Intervention Hematologic Thrombocytopenia 36% 10% Grade 4 Hold treatment until recovery of counts. •Dose reduce PRN. Cardiac-CHF, pulmonary edema, ejection fraction decrease 7% •Baseline ECHO. •Dose reduce. •Patient Education. Pulmonary Complications Dyspnea 35% •Hold dose until symptoms resolve. •Dose reduce if necessary. Tumor Lysis Syndrome <1% Monitor electrolytes. •Hydrate PRN. Peripheral Neuropathy 14% • Patient education/early detection • Baseline assessment and monitor at each visit • Dose adjustment • Symptom control with pharmacologic interventions Renal Increase Creatinine 24% Renal Failure 9% •Dose adjustment. •Hydration PRN. Kyprolis [Package Insert] . South San Francisco, CA. Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc 2012 Pipeline Potentials Pomalidomide (IMiD) Immunotherapy (i.e. MAGE vaccines) MLN9708 Proteasome Inhibitor (oral) Elotuzumab (Humanized Monoclonal Antibody) And Many More…….. http://clinicaltrials.gov Accessed August 20, 2012 Nursing Considerations • Understanding Multiple Myeloma • Understanding Clinical Trials • Patient Education: • Managing side effects • Instruction regarding oral medication management • Emotional support • Multidisciplinary approach to patient care 91 Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Evolving Strategies for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Joseph G. Jurcic, MD Attending Physician, Leukemia Service Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Disclosures & Off-label Uses • Has nothing to disclose • Will be discussing investigational agents for treatment-resistant CML Chronic Myeloid Leukemia • Myeloproliferative disorder of hematopoietic stem cells • 15% of adult leukemia • Median age at diagnosis, 67 years • Associated with radiation exposure 93 The Philadelphia Chromosome: t(9;22) 9 9q+ 22 Ph (or 22q-) bcr bcr-abl abl Fusion Protein with Tyrosine Kinase Activity Clinical Presentation of CML Symptoms • Fatigue • Abdominal fullness • Fever, chills, sweats, weight loss Physical Findings • Hepatosplenomegaly • Ecchymoses Common Laboratory Findings • Increased mature and immature myeloid cells • Basophilia • Anemia • Thrombocytosis CML: Peripheral Blood Smear Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Clinical Course: Phases of CML Advanced Phases Chronic Phase Accelerated Phase Median 4-6 years Blast Crisis Variable duration Median survival 3-6 months Laboratory Findings by Phase Parameter WBC count Chronic Accelerated Phase Phase − ≥ 20 x 109/L Blast Crisis − 1-15% ≥ 15% Basophils ↑ ≥ 20% − Platelets ↑ or normal ↑ or ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ Ph+ ± Clonal evolution ± Clonal evolution Blasts Bone marrow cellularity Cytogenetics ≥ 30% Methods for Detection of Philadelphia Chromosome: Karyotyping 1 6 2 7 3 8 13 14 19 20 4 9 15 21 5 10 16 22 11 17 x 12 18 Y 95 Methods for Detection of Philadelphia Chromosome: FISH Interphase Metaphase Methods for Detecting Philadelphia Chromosome: PCR Chromosome 22 Chromosome 9 cbcr 1 2-11 2-11 2-11 Exons Introns CML Breakpoints ALL Breakpoints CML Survival c-abl p210 Bcr-Abl p190 Bcr-Abl Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Prognostic Scoring Systems Sokal Hasford Age 0.116 × (age − 43.4) 0.666 when age ≥ 50 years Spleen (cm) 0.0345 × (spleen − 7.51) 0.042 × spleen Platelet (× 109/l) 0.188 ×[(platelet/700)2 − 0.563] 1.0956 when ≥ 1500 × 109/l Myeloblasts (%) 0.0887 × (blasts − 2.10) 0.0584 × blasts Eosinophils (%) − 0.0413 × eosinophils Basophils (%) − 0.20399 when basophils ≥ 3% Relative risk Exponential of total Total × 1000 Sokal JE et al. Blood 1984; 63: 789-799. Hasford J et al. JNTL Cancer Inst 1998; 90: 850-858. Treatment of CML • Hydroxyurea • Allogeneic HCT • Interferon-α • Imatinib • Second generation TKIs • Novel agents Response Criteria in CML Complete Hematologic Response • WBC < 10 x 109/L • Platelets < 450 x 109/L • No immature cells • Normal physical exam Cytogenetic Response • Complete (CCyR): No Ph+ cells • Partial: 1-34% Ph+ cells • Major (MCyR): 0-34% Ph+ cells • Minor: 35-90% Ph+ cells Molecular Response •Complete: BCR-ABL mRNA undetectable by RT-PCR •Major (MMR): ≥ 3-log reduction in International Scale (≤ 0.1%) 97 Response to Therapy in Relation to Level of BCR-ABL Transcripts 1011 100 Complete Hematologic Response 10 1010 1 Complete Cytogenetic Response 109 0.1 108 0.01 Major Molecular Response 107 0.001 106 0.0001 BCR-ABL Ratio (according to the International Scale Diagnosis, Pretreatment, or Hematologic Relapse 1012 Undetectable Transcript Complete Molecular Response Baccarani M et al. Blood 2006; 108:1809-1820. Cytogenetic Response and Survival Major response 1.0 0.9 Proportion Surviving 0.8 0.7 P < .001 0.6 0.5 Minor or no response 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 12 24 36 Months After Treatment 48 60 Guilhot F et al. N Engl J Med 1997; 337:223-229. Allogeneic HCT in CML International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry: 1990–1995 HLA-identical siblings MUDs Probability (%) of Leukaemia-Free Survival 100 80 Chronic Phase (N=1756) 60 Chronic Phase (MUD) (N=391) 40 Accelerated Phase (N=262) 20 Blast Phase (N=72) P = .0001 0 1 2 3 Years From BMT 4 5 Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Interferon-α • Interferon-α has multiple biologic effects: − Inhibition of proliferation − Regulation of cytokine expression − Modulation of immune system • Higher doses correlate with better response and greater toxicity • Cytogenetic response may take 12−18 mos. • MCyR seen in 6−38% of patients Mechanism of Action for Imatinib Imatinib Goldman JM, Melo JV. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1084-1086. Study Design for Phase III Trial Imatinib S R If: • Progression • Intolerance of treatment • Failure to achieve MCR at 24 months Crossover IFN-α + ara-C S = screening R = randomization Progression: • Death • Accelerated phase or blast crisis • Loss of MCyR or CHR • Increasing WBC count 99 Imatinib vs. IFN + Ara-C IRIS Study: 18-Month Summary O’Brien SG et al. NEJM 2003;348:994-1004. Time to Major Cytogenetic Response Imatinib vs. Interferon + Ara-C 100 90 80 % responding 70 Estimated rate at 12 months Imatinib: 84% (p < 0.001) IFN + ara-C: 30% 60 50 40 30 20 Imatinib 10 IFN+Ara-C 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Months since randomization Annual Event Rates: Imatinib Arm 8 7.5 Event Loss of CHR Loss of MCyR AP/BC Death during treatment AP/BC 7 6 4.8 5 4 3.3 2.8 3 2 1.8 1.5 1.7 0 1.4 0.9 1 1 2 3 0.8 4 0.5 5 0.3 0 6 1.3 0 7 0.4 8 Year • • • Overall survival 86%; event-free survival 81%; CCyR rate 82% 8% progressed to AP/BC; only 3% of those with CCyR MMR rates and depth of molecular responses increased over time Deininger et al. ASH 2009. Abs # 1126 Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Managing Myelosuppression: Chronic Phase ANC <1000/mm3 or PLTs <50,000/mm3 Withhold imatinib and allow recovery to ANC >1500/mm3 and PLTs >100,000/mm3 Normal Recovery (2-4 weeks) Slow Recovery (>4 weeks) Resume imatinib at 400mg Resume imatinib at 300mg Escalate imatinib to 400mg, as long as recovery continues ANC = absolute neutrophil count; PLTs = platelets. Deininger MWN et al. JCO 2003:1637-1647. Management of Non-Hematological Side Effects Liver function tests • Interrupt treatment for grade 3/4 • Resume at reduced dose when LFTs normalize • Escalate after 6–12 wks as tolerated • Avoid acetaminophen Skin rash • Generally mild • Treat with antihistamines, topical steroids • Systemic steroids for severe rash GI upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea • Take dose with a meal and water • Take at least 2 hours before bedtime • Use anti-emetics for severe nausea Edema/fluid retention • Mild (generally periorbital): ̶ Limit salt intake ̶ Use diuretics and topical steroids • Severe (pulmonary edema, effusions): ̶ Diuretics ̶ Dose reduction/interruption Muscle cramps/bone pain/arthralgias • Ca2+ supplements • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Deininger MWN et al. JCO 2003:1637-1647. Monitoring on TKI Therapy Marrow Cytogenetics BCR-ABL PCR Diagnosis Baseline Baseline Treatment response 6 & 12 mos., 18 months if no CCyR at 12 mos. Every 3 mos. CCyR If clinically indicated Every 3 mos. × 3 yrs, then every 3-6 mos. ↑ing BCR-ABL ABL kinase mutation transcripts analysis if no MMR Repeat in 1-3 mos. if MMR Hughes T et al. Blood 2006; 108:28-37. 101 Second Generation TKIs for CML Dasatinib1 Nilotinib2 • ABL/SCR kinase inhibitor • Binds active and inactive conformations of ABL • Inhibits all ABL mutations except T315I • Toxicities: – – – – – • Competitively inhibits ATPbinding site of BCR-ABL • Higher binding affinity and selectivity than imatinib • Inhibits all ABL mutations except T315I • Toxicities: Myelosuppression (55%) Pleural effusions (18%) Edema (19%) Diarrhea (23%) LFT abnormalities (8%) – – – – – • Response: • CHR, 92% • CCyR, 35% Myelosuppression (25%) Rash (22%) N/V (13%) LFT abnormalities (6%) QT prolongation & sudden death (<0.5%) • Response: • CHR, 92% • CCyR, 35% 1Talpaz M et al. NEJM 2006; 354:2531-2541. 2Kantarjian H et al. NEJM 2006; 354:2542-2551. When to Consider a 2nd Generation TKI Optimal Suboptimal Failure 3 months CHR and minor CyR (Ph+ ≤ 65%) No CyR (Ph+ > 95%) Less than CHR 6 months At least PCyR (Ph+ ≤ 35%) Less than PCyR (Ph+ > 35%) No CyR (Ph+ > 95%) 12 months CCyR PCyR (Ph+ 1– 35%) Less than PCyR (Ph+ > 35%) 18 months MMR Less than MMR Less than CCyR At any time Stable or improving MMR Loss of MMR; mutations Loss of CHR, loss of CCyR, mutations CHR, complete hematologic response; CCyR, complete cytogenetic response; PCyR, partial cytogenetic response; MMR, major molecular response. Baccarani M et al. JCO 2009; 27:6041-6051. Relative Sensitivity of Mutations IC50 (GI50) in Ba/F3 Cells WT L248V G250E Q252H Y253F E255K E255V D276G E279K V299L T315I F317L M351T F359V L384M H396P H396R G398R F486S IM 527 1866 3613 733.6 1888 3174 8953 1147 1872 813.7 9221 1370 926.6 1509 674.4 1280 2058 185.4 4267 DA 1.83 9.36 8.14 5.59 2.89 10.26 6.3 2.63 3 15.83 137.3 8.16 1.61 2.73 4.04 1.95 2.98 1.27 5.56 Nil 17.69 49.48 80.67 46.75 57.16 118.4 182.3 35.32 36.25 23.74 697.1 39.19 7.804 91.29 41.18 42.65 54.83 8.743 32.79 BO 41.61 147.4 179.2 33.67 40 394 230.1 25 39.7 1086 1890 100.7 29.09 38.59 19.54 18.07 33.65 48.13 96.13 IC50 (GI50) Fold Increase (WT = 1) WT L248V G250E Q252H Y253F E255K E255V D276G E279K V299L T315I F317L M351T F359V L384M H396P H396R G398R F486S IM 1 3.54 6.86 1.39 3.58 6.02 16.99 2.18 3.55 1.54 17.50 2.60 1.76 2.86 1.28 2.43 3.91 0.35 8.10 DA 1 5.11 4.45 3.05 1.58 5.61 3.44 1.44 1.64 8.65 75.03 4.46 0.88 1.49 2.21 1.07 1.63 0.69 3.04 Nil 1 2.80 4.56 2.64 3.23 6.69 10.31 2.00 2.05 1.34 39.41 2.22 0.44 5.16 2.33 2.41 3.10 0.49 1.85 BO 1 3.54 4.31 0.81 0.96 9.47 5.53 0.60 0.95 26.10 45.42 2.42 0.70 0.93 0.47 0.43 0.81 1.16 2.31 IM = imatinib DA = dasatinib Nil = nilotinib BO = bosutinib Sensitive Mod. resistant Resistant Highly resistant <2 2.01–4 4.01–10 > 10 Radaelli S et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(3):469-471. Laneuville P et al. Blood 2009;114(22):211. Abs # 510. Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Study Design and Endpoints R A N D O M I Z E D * • N = 846 • 217 centers • 35 countries *Stratification by Sokal risk score Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n=282) Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n=281) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n=283) Follow-up 5 years Endpoints Description Primary MMR at 12 mos. Secondary CCyR at 12 mos. Other Time to and duration of MMR & CCyR, EFS, PFS, time to AP/BC and OS Saglio G et al. NEJM 2010; 362:2251- 2259. CCyR Rates by 12 Months and Overall P < .001 P < .0001 P = .017 % CCyR P < .001 n = 282 n = 281 n = 283 n = 282 n = 281 n = 283 Larson RA et al. ASCO 2010; Abstract 6501. MMR Rates Over Time (ITT) p<0.0001 p<0.0001 n = 282 n = 281 n = 283 n = 178 n = 175 n = 172 n = 47 n = 48 n = 48 Larson RA et al. ASCO 2010; Abstract 6501. 103 Progression to AP/BC on Study Treatment 20 Number of Patients P = .006 P = .003 15 12 4.2% 10 5 0 2 1 0.7% 0.4% Median follow-up 18.5 months Nilotinib 300 mg BID Nilotinib 400 mg BID Imatinib 400 mg QD Larson RA et al. ASCO 2010; Abstract 6501. Dasatinib vs. Imatinib: 18-Month Data P = .0366 P = .0002 Kantarjian H et al. NEJM 2010; 362:2260-2270. Shah N et al. Blood 2010; 116: Abstract 206. Bosutinib for Imatinib-Resistant or Intolerant CP-CML • Dual inhibitor of SRC and ABL • Minimal inhibition of c-KIT and PDGFR • Total sample size: 288 patients with CP-CML − Imatinib-resistant, n=200 − Imatinib-intolerant, n=88 • Median follow-up duration: 24.2 months • Endpoints − Primary: MCyR rate at 24 weeks − Secondary: Response rate, duration of response, PFS, OS, safety Cortes JE et al. Blood 2011; 118:4567-4576. Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Bosutinib: Phase II Results Bosutinib 500 mg/daily (N=288) Parameter 24-week MCyR (1o endpoint) 31% CHR 86% MCyR 53% 12.3 weeks Median time to MCyR CCyR 41% MMR (for patients in CCyR, n=78) 64% CMR (for patients in CCyR, n=78) 53% 2-yr PFS 79% 2-yr OS 92% Cortes JE et al. Blood 2011; 118:4567-4576. Bosutinib after Imatinib and 2nd Generation TKI Failure % Responding (n=118) CHR 73 MCyR 32 CCyR 24 2-year PFS 73 2-year OS 83 Khoury HJ et al. Blood 2012;119:3403-3412. Phase I Trial of Ponatinib • Pan-BCR-ABL inhibitor, active against native enzyme and all resistant mutants, including T315I • Dose cohorts: 2–60 mg orally once daily − Intra-patient dose escalation permitted • Total sample size: 81 patients − CP-CML, n=43; AP-CML, n=9; BP-CML, n=8; Ph+ ALL, n=5; AML, n=12; Other, n=4 • Recommended phase II dose: 45 mg daily − DLT’s: rash, pancreatitis • CCyR seen in 75% of patients with T315I Cortes J et al. ESH-iCMLf International Conference, Estoril, Portuga, September, 2011. 105 PACE: Phase II Study of Ponatinib Results for CP-CML Cortes JE et al. JCO (ASCO Meeting Proc) 2012; 30:6503. Omacetaxine for CP-CML with T315I Response No. of Patients (%) (N=62) CHR 48 (77) MCyR 14 (23) CCyR 10 (16) Cortes JE et al. Blood 2012; 120:2573-2580. Discontinuation of TKI’s: The STIM Trial • 100 patients in CMR for ≥ 2 years stopped imatinib 100 90 • 61% relapsed 80 70 • Factors predicting relapse: − Higher Sokal score − Imatinib therapy for < 50 mos. − Female 60 50 40 30 20 • All patients responded to retreatment with imatinib 10 0 • Similar results seen after stopping dasatinib or nilotinib 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Months since discontinuation of imatinib Mahon F-X et al. Lancet Oncol 2010; 11:1029-1035. Rea D et al. Blood (ASH Abstracts) 2011; 118:604. Jurcic - Evolving Strategies for CML Curing CML • More effective agents − Higher CMR rates − Deeper remissions • Eradication of LSC − Hedgehog inhibition − JAK/STAT inhibition − Immunotherapeutic approaches • Vaccines • Anti-CTLA4 and PD-1 mAbs Conclusions • TKI’s have become of the standard-of-care. • Initial therapy with imatinib, nilotinib, or dasatinib produces durable remissions in most patients. • Nilotinib and dasatinib can produce responses in imatinib-intolerant and resistant patients. • Bosutinib is approved for patients resistant to imatinib and a 2nd generation TKI. • New agents are under investigation for multi-TKIresistant patients, including those with T315I. 107 New Horizons in Oncology: How Biology Will Change the Course of Treatment and Survivorship Robert J. Arceci, M.D., Ph.D. King Fahd Professor of Pediatric Oncology Professor of Pediatrics, Oncology and the Cellular and Molecular Medicine Graduate Program Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Current Report Card The initiation and expansion of the “war on cancer” in the US began in the early 1970s with an infusion of government support that was essential to fuel the development of clinical cooperative groups, drug screening programs, specialty training, and comprehensive cancer centers with a focus on research, clinical trials and prevention. Efforts in other developed countries also contributed significantly to these developments. On the success side of this ledger is the commonly referred to achievement of pediatric oncology in increasing the overall cure rate of children with cancer to approximately 80% with decreases in mortality of about 2% per year over the past three decades. Significant gains have also been achieved for adults with specific subtypes of cancer. Work in pediatric cancers has been able to place first claims on the biological underpinnings of cancer with the development of the “two hit” hypothesis as well as the identification of the retinoblastoma gene, Rb, as the first tumor suppressor gene. Such discoveries have had a broad impact on clinical and laboratory investigators in both pediatric and medical oncology. A far greater percentage of children compared to adults are enrolled on experimental clinical trials. Pediatric oncology care is nearly always multidisciplinary in its planning and execution, thus increasing the critically important integration and timing of surgical, radiotherapy and chemotherapy aspects of care. In addition, pediatric oncology has been a pioneer in developing rigorous, preemptive supportive care to reduce morbidity and mortality. There has also been an enormous amount of effective creativity in optimally using old drugs in new ways, because very few new drugs have been developed with specific indications first in pediatric cancers. In this regard, the use of established drugs along with the standardized approaches to care have made the cost associated with curing children with cancer quite a bargain, especially when considered in terms of cost per life years saved. Furthermore, as a result of these successes and children surviving their original cancers, pediatric oncology has been instrumental in identifying adverse late effects and survivorship issues. On the other side of this coin is the pioneering work that has been done in terms of palliative care and psychosocial support for patients with cancer and their families. There are also areas in which our report card may claim less success. We still have not determined in detail the cause and sequence of molecular events leading to or characterizing childhood cancers, including interactions with environmental and host risk 109 factors. We have been slow in definitively testing novel approaches to care and incorporating them into standard therapy regimens leading to the reduction of conventional chemotherapy and radiation exposures. While some exceptions certainly exist, such as in Hodgkin lymphoma, risk stratified care in leukemia and central nervous system tumors, there are major areas in which much more progress is needed. In developed countries, cancer remains the major cause of disease related death in children and second only to accidents as an overall cause of death. Thus, a significant percentage of children are still not cured of their cancer, and in those who are cured, there are considerable short and long term adverse sequelae to face. The cure rate has also shown signs of decreasing. There has furthermore been the identification of underserved groups, such as adolescents in all settings as well as children of all ages in developing countries. The success of some of the “twinning programs” has been laudatory but represents just a beginning. We have not been able to affect comprehensive health care coverage for patients with cancer or the survivors of their cancers. We have done little in the way of prevention, which may tie into the issue of improving our understanding of the causes of childhood cancer. Thus, we have had excellent grades in several specific areas but average to failing grades in other areas. To successfully finish the goal of eradicating the burden of cancer for patients of all ages, we need to look to the future with a renewed cooperative and expanded resolve. How to finish the job The first principles for achieving the eradication of the burden of cancer include believing that it can be done, freeing ourselves from reliance on non-paradigm shifting concepts and working globally with all stakeholders. A critical challenge in pediatric and medical oncology is how to identify and cure children with very high-risk cancers. Giving first priority to this challenge is not meant to undermine the need for efforts to develop less toxic therapies for all patients. However, patients with high-risk cancers have a poor outcome regardless of the therapeutic approaches used. Thus, there must be an increasing emphasis on improving our understanding of the biology of these disorders, including their mechanisms of resistance as well as the critical survival pathways upon which they depend. Technological approaches to generate detailed and comprehensive molecular changes that define physiological behavior of the bulk as well as the tumor-initiating stem cells in such cancers are essential. Such technologies are nearly all currently available; although more robust bioinformatic approaches are being developed integrate such complex datasets into predictive models of cell behavior and response to therapies. This type of biology does not come cheaply. A comprehensive, integrated and adequately supported approach is needed. There also needs to be bold, paradigm-shifting approaches to the translation of new knowledge into clinical trials for patients with high risk cancers. This point leads to another significant challenge for the future, i.e., how to perform informative clinical trials in distinct groups of patients with tumors with extensive heterogeneity. Advances in molecular and genetic medicine have revealed that the genetic makeup of patients from different racial backgrounds, of different gender, of different ages and of varied socioeconomic circumstances can have profound effects on outcomes. The differences in some instances are due to variations in the absorption and metabolism of drugs. The problems of obesity and malnutrition and their impact on cancer etiology and outcomes need to also be carefully studied. An important consequence of such detailed delineation of different types of cancer and of patients is the recognition of the extraordinary heterogeneity that exists. One logical conclusion to be made from such information is that future clinical trials could have cohorts with an N of 1. Obviously, this would undermine the ability to perform informative clinical trials for determining efficacy of a new treatment. Alternative approaches will therefore need to be carefully considered. Certainly, one aspect of a solution will be the increasing dependence on international trials balanced by the identification and targeting of critical genetic or molecular pathways that are shared by groups of patients. There are, of course, many regulatory handcuffs that currently slow down and prevent the development, performance and reporting of clinical trials. These regulatory impediments are local, regional, national and international. They involve exchanging tissue specimens and data as well as the cost of clinical care and trial participation, differences in informed consent as well as data collection and reporting standards. An alternative approach that could also aid in drug testing is development of more predictive preclinical models. This point brings up an enormous challenge in developing more effective therapies. Randomized clinical trials in pediatric oncology have shown that, over the past several decades, investigators have not been able to consistently predict whether a new therapy will result in an improved outcome. For instance, over the past 40 years, the introduction of new therapies has resulted in improvements (often with increased toxicity), in about 50% of randomized trials. While this inability to predict outcome in such trials leads to ethical equipoise, and thus, an acceptable and comfortable paradigm for clinical investigators, a less optimistic view might be that we are quite poor in predicting which new therapies will work. More representative and predictive animal models should be generated with a rigorous characterization of various human cancers as well as the acknowledgement that genetically homogenous host animals and tumors resulting from introduced alterations in one or two molecular pathways are unlikely to be optimal approaches. However, it is presently unclear how to build models with underlying genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity and instability, two fundamentally important characteristics of human cancers. In this regard, one might consider the utility of xenograft models. Unfortunately, they also have significant limitations in their ability to maintain representative genotypes, gene expression patterns and phenotypes. How we utilize the tools of molecular medicine to improve our understanding of cancer and the patients who 111 develop it will greatly impact on whether we turn this opportunity into a success leading to improved patient outcomes. To this end, one should be able to envision the eventual development of computer models that encompass all the host and tumor critical characteristics such that the most effective therapy can be initiated and the response predicted from a rapid in silico modeling program. The issue of the quality of survivorship for many children and adolescents with cancer is also a critical challenge. The results from a recent study of over 10,000 childhood cancer survivors demonstrated a significantly increased risk of having chronic health care problems as well as shortened lifespans compared to their siblings. The suggestion has been made that the problems of the past have not been subsequently repeated and that future generations of survivors will enjoy improved health, psychosocial and societal opportunities. There is, of course, no guarantee that this will be the case. The 1980s and 1990s have often been characterized as the decades of dose intensification, suggesting that there may still be significant adverse long-term sequelae awaiting this group of survivors. In either case, there remains a growing need to understand the genetic predisposing factors leading to increased responsiveness to chemotherapy as well as short and long-term toxicities. Understanding genetic, predisposing factors leading to increased responsiveness to chemotherapy as well as short and long-term toxicities will be essential to developing effective, alternative strategies. The best way to prevent adverse long-term sequelae from cancer and/or its treatment is to prevent the development of cancer. While prevention efforts have become increasingly important in a wide variety of cancers in adults, such as those of the colon, lung and breast, the concept of prevention for pediatric cancers has been usually viewed unenthusiastically or as, at best, unrealistic. However, success with vaccination programs such as those against papilloma virus and its link to cervical cancer or hepatitis B and liver cancers should provide renewed hope for such approaches. While these biological and clinical challenges are immense, they unfortunately do not compare in magnitude with the challenge of eradicating health care disparities and access to care for all and all patients with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. This is an issue for local, state, national, and global action. The means to provide such care is within the reach of our civilization and should be an issue around which people from all backgrounds can work together to implement solutions. Some Parting Shots Addressing challenges as immense as these will take comparable levels of imagination, focus and support. Resources currently allotted for the purpose remain insufficient. Inadequate funding of science and health care short changes current and future generations, while being a particularly poor business strategy. There should be a “global comprehensive cancer center” that integrates some of the scientific and clinical solutions discussed above. There seems to be no real advantage for having unnecessary regulations that differ among institutions, regions and countries when the goals are identical. There are times when I wonder whether the system we have was the brainchild of the galactic beaurocrats, the Vogons, from Douglas Adams’s Hitchhikers’s Guide to the Galaxy, who would rather develop and discuss rules and regulations rather than real solutions. But alas, we are those Vogons, i.e., we and the people in our institutions as well as those who represent us in government. There should be a global cry of dissatisfaction with such a status quo that in turn is translated into an action plan at all levels of engagement. As part of such a “global comprehensive cancer center” one could build on some of the successes of international trials and expand the utility of internet posting of protocols that are straightforward, including consents, data collection and reporting. All of this can be done electronically through internet computer or cell phone technology from nearly anywhere. Similarly, reminders of data to be collected, etc., could be linked through internet and cell phone technologies. Systems exist to assure the integrity and confidentiality of data. There seems to be little reason why a child’s privacy and wellbeing should be handled differently in the US compared to other countries. The expansion of the “twinning programs” approach is likely to continue to make a positive impact for children with cancer in developing countries. Standard approaches to diagnosis, clinical trials and reporting of data and outcomes as noted above would also benefit such programs by minimizing the need to reinvent such programmatic parts with each initiative. Such programs can also help to establish and provide standards of culturally sensitive treatment, survivorship and palliative care. Advocacy efforts need to be broadened to take on more global goals and organization. Such efforts should also possibly linked to the care of children with other serious diseases not only cancer. While support would ideally be channeled locally, there is also an opportunity for some of the wealthier countries and organizations helping to support less wealthy programs as is already being pioneered by several groups. The integration of currently available and developing technologies with organizations changes and renewed resources should provide both more effective and less toxic curative therapies to be tested and then incorporated into standards of care. The beneficiaries of these efforts will be patients with cancer and their families in developed and in developing countries. Mark Twain stated that “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” We should not look with regret and disappointment for the things we didn’t do, but instead, be galvanized and unified by what can be accomplished. 113
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