Attention The aim of the Dose Datamed II workshop in Athens was to present preliminary data, collect feedback from the audience and to work towards final results and conclusions. Therefore, all the data and statements made in this presentation are preliminary and might change in the future. Please use the data with care and indicate its preliminary character! We would appreciate any feedback made based on the data presented with an email at: [email protected] Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece How to estimate typical effective doses for X-ray procedures? Paul Shrimpton Health Protection Agency Chilton, UK Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Population dose from X-ray procedures Sum of effective doses from all x-ray procedures/ examinations in a year Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Population dose from X-ray procedures Summation over each type of examination SE = ∑i =1 N i × E i n Exam 1: N1, E1 Exam 2: N2, E2 Exam 3: N3, E3 Exam 4: N4, E4 Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Effective dose, E Need representative (typical) values of effective dose for each examination category But what is effective dose? Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Purpose of effective dose, E • Developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) as part of its system for controlling sources of exposure (ie, compliance with dose limits or constraints for workers and public) (ICRP 103, 2007) • Transforms particular exposure into an equivalent uniform whole body exposure that allows comparison and summation of doses, whether whole or partial body, or from external and internal sources • E defined for a population of all ages and both sexes, on the basis of mean doses to a reference man and a reference woman (ICRP 110, 2009) • It should not be calculated for individuals, or patients …. • …. But OK for assessment of population doses from diagnostic medical exposures and their inter-comparison Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece ICRP Effective Dose (E) and Tissue Weighting Factors (2007) wT E= Σ wT DT T where DT is mean dose to tissue T and the product wT DT is summed over all tissues oesophagus - 0.04 thyroid - 0.04 lungs - 0.12 skin - 0.01 breast - 0.12 stomach - 0.12 liver - 0.04 colon - 0.12 gonads - 0.08 Tissue weighting factors (wT) derived for whole population Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Evolution of ICRP tissue weighting factors (W T) Organ ICRP 1977 ICRP 1990 ICRP 2007 Gonads 0.25 0.20 0.08 Bone marrow (red) 0.12 0.12 0.12 Lung 0.12 0.12 0.12 Breast 0.15 0.05 0.12 Thyroid 0.03 0.05 0.04 Bone surfaces 0.03 0.01 0.01 Remainder 0.30 0.05 0.12 Colon - 0.12 0.12 Stomach - 0.12 0.12 Bladder - 0.05 0.04 Liver - 0.05 0.04 Oesophagus - 0.05 0.04 Skin - 0.01 0.01 Salivary glands - - 0.01 Brain - - 0.01 ICRP 1977 (Report 26) ICRP 1990 (Report 60) ICRP 2007 (Report 103) Some influence on values of effective dose for medical exposures: Ratio E2007/ E1990 varies by a few 10’s % for common examinations (0.6 - 1.4) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Influence of changes in tissue weighting factors X-ray examination (on adults) Ratio E2007 / E1990 Head Chest Abdomen Pelvis Lumbar spine 1.36 1.00 0.91 0.62 0.91 CT head CT chest CT abdomen CT abdomen & pelvis 0.84 1.14 1.09 0.98 Changes by a few 10’s of % for particular examinations But ( … by chance?), only small effect (+2%) on estimated population dose from x-rays in UK for 2008 (Hart et al, 2010; HPA-CRCE-012) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece How can we estimate effective dose? • Can’t measure effective dose (E) directly! • Need range of organ doses (also difficult to measure directly) • Can only estimate for reference patients (as part of a dose model) • Need sophisticated dosimetry • In practice, derive E from simpler monitoring quantities Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Practical quantities for monitoring conventional X-ray examinations By calculation or measurement Dose-Area Product (DAP) Patient Entrance Surface Dose (with backscatter) (ESD) • ESD for a single radiograph (mGy) • DAP for a radiograph or complete examination (Gy cm2) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Practical quantities for monitoring CT X-ray examinations Practical measurement using 100 mm pencil chamber (as modified for broad beams (NT>40 mm, IEC 2011) in air and standard CT dosimetry phantoms: +50 mm CTDIFREE AIR, NT 1 CTDI = NT D ( z ) d z x CTDIFREE AIR, NTref -50 mm ∫ For each scan sequence: Volume weighted CT dose index IAEA© ( where NTref ≤ 20 mm ) CTDIVol For each scan sequence and complete examination: Dose-length product DLP (mGy) (mGy cm) It is IMPORTANT to know the underlying reference standard CT dosimetry phantom (16 cm or 32 cm diameter) for dose values displayed on the CT console since this affects the numerical value by a factor of ~2 Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Normalised organ and effective doses Need to employ dose models to relate typical organ and effective doses for particular types of X-ray exposure to practical monitoring quantities: • • • • • • Air kerma - Mammography ESD (with backscatter) - Radiography DAP - Radiography/ Fluoroscopy CTDIAir - CT CTDIVol - CT DLP - CT Require examination- and technique-specific organ (and effective) doses normalised to these monitoring quantities Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Methods for deriving normalised organ doses from X-ray examinations Measure Eg: TLDs/ MOSFETS in physical anthropomorphic phantom Calculate – Monte Carlo simulation Eg: PCXMC (STUK), HPA (NRPB), Helmholtz Centrum Munich (GSF)) MIRD family CT Conventional Voxel Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Influence on E of differing anthropomorphic dose models ICRP 103 (2007) Use Voxel Adult Male (AM) and Adult Female (AF) (ICRP Report 110) for average organ doses Deviations in E for use of: Adult MIRD (mathematical phantom) eg HPA18+ AF AM HPA18+ Estimates for AM & AF for common CT examinations differ by a few 10’s of % relative to MIRD values (0.7 – 1.4) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Variation in E calculated for different adult phantoms Relative normalised effective doses (E103) for standard CT examinations (mean data over range of scanners (120-130 kV)) CT examination Brain Chest Abdomen Pelvis Whole body Relative effective dose, E103 Anthropomorphic phantom HPA18+ AM AF 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.7 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.1 AM+AF 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 Changes by few 10’s of % Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Influence on E of differing anthropomorphic dose models ICRP 103 (2007) Use Voxel Adult Male (AM) and Adult Female (AF) (ICRP Report 110) for average organ doses Deviations in E for use of: Adult MIRD (mathematical phantom) AF ¾y M 4y F AM 8y F HPA18+ 11y M 14y M Paediatric reference patients (Eg University of Florida voxel phantoms Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Normalised effective doses for Siemens Sensation 16 (whole body CT exposure) University of Florida voxel phantoms Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Summary – Influences on estimates of E Estimates of effective dose depend on: • Exposure conditions (kV, filtration, FSD, field size & position, mAs) • Definition of E (tissue weighting factors) • Dose model assumed for reference patient (eg anthropomorphic phantom, bone) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Estimating representative values of E for national practice Need typical values of E for each X-ray examination category • Consider heterogeneity in dose for any sub-categories • Focus on adult patients (relatively small numbers of paediatric exposures) Sources of data • National patent dose survey Sufficiently large sample of hospitals/ clinics and x-ray rooms to reflect national variations in practice (equipment, technique, etc) 10-20 patients per room/ facility of average size (eg 60-80 kg) undergoing standard examination (mean doses for indication of typical practice) Mean of X-ray room mean doses (ESD, DAP, DLP) for each exam for representative sample of X-ray rooms • Local/ regional survey in country (less reliable) • Published literature (less reliable) eg, EC RP 154 (2008), UNSCEAR 2008 (2010), HPA-CRCE-012 (2010) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Estimating representative values of E for national practice Converting mean practical dose quantities into effective doses Use appropriate coefficient for typical exposures conditions (and sum contributions from individual components according to typical technique) • • • • E/ ESD E/ DAP E (mean glandular dose)/ Air Kerma E/ DLP Radiography Radiography/ Fluoroscopy Mammography CT Sources of data – Eg: PCXMC (STUK, Finland) EC RP154 (2008) ICRU Report 74 (2005) Patient dosimetry for x-rays used in medical imaging IAEA TRS 457 (2007) Dosimetry in diagnostic radiology: international code of practice UNSCEAR 2008 (2010) ImPACT & CT-Expo (CT) HPA (Wall et al, 2011; HPA-CRCE-028) Helmholtz Centrum Munich, FDA ….. etc Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Normalised effective doses in relation to UK practice Exam Chest PA Cheat LAT Cervical spine AP Cervical spine LAT Thoracic spine AP Thoracic spine LAT Lumbar spine AP Lumbar spine LAT Abdomen AP Pelvis AP Barium swallow Barium enema Barium follow-through IVU Cardiac angiography E/ ESD (mSv/ mGy) 0.13 0.090 0.035 0.023 0.094 0.031 0.12 0.027 0.13 0.10 - * E/ DAP (mSv/ mGy cm2) 0.16 0.13 0.19 0.12 0.24 0.093 0.22 0.092 0.18 0.14 0.23 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.16 *Radiation risks from medical x-ray examinations as a function of the age and sex of the patient BF Wall, R Haylock, JTM Jansen, MC Hillier, D Hart and PC Shrimpton Report HPA-CRCE-028 (2011); Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Normalised effective dose from CT along phantom axis for various phantoms Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Estimation of effective dose from CT E103 = EDLP DLP Exam region Head Chest Abdomen Abdo & Pelvis ( mSv ) Normalised effective dose EDLP Adult 10 y 5y 0.0018 0.0027 0.0034 0.016 0.015 0.021 0.016 0.016 0.022 0.015 0.015 0.020 (mSv mGy-1 cm-1) 1y 0y 0.0056 0.0092 0.030 0.044 0.033 0.053 0.029 0.048 Shrimpton 2004, NRPB-PE/1/2004 (updated data) (See also Deak et al 2010, Radiology 257(1): 158-166 …. etc …. ) Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Estimating representative values of E for national practice Uncertainties • Basic dose measurements: 10-20% (95% confidence level) • Variations between hospitals and limited sample size: Random (Systematic - selection bias) • Conversion coefficients (CC): match to exposure conditions (radiation quality, anatomy exposed, exam technique) Illustrative overall uncertainties EC RP 154 2008 (Hart & Wall, 2002; NRPB-W4) Sample size (95% CL) >100 rooms ± 10% 20-100 rooms ± 25% 5-19 rooms ± 50% Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece Estimating representative values of E for national practice Uncertainties • Basic dose measurements: 10-20% (95% confidence level) • Variations between hospitals and limited sample size: Random (Systematic - selection bias) • Conversion coefficients (CC): match to exposure conditions (radiation quality, anatomy exposed, exam technique) Illustrative overall uncertainties EC RP 154 2008 (Hart & Wall, 2002; NRPB-W4) Sample size CC Overall (95% CL) >100 rooms; good CC match ± 10% ± 10% ± 14% 20-100 rooms; good CC match ± 25% ± 10% ± 27% 5-19 rooms; good CC match ± 50% ± 10% ± 51% >100 rooms; poor CC match ± 10% ± 25% ± 27% 20-100 rooms; poor CC match ± 25% ± 25% ± 35% 5-19 rooms; poor CC match ± 50% ± 25% ± 56% Foreign data only +100% / - 50% Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece How to estimate typical effective doses for X-ray procedures? Summary • Effective dose (E) can’t be measured • Derive from practical dose measurements using dose models • Need to be aware of underlying dose models and assumptions • Determine typical values of ESD, DAP, DLP for examinations from wide scale surveys • Estimate representative values of E for each type of examination using standard conversion coefficients appropriate for typical exposure conditions and technique • Have awareness of likely uncertainties in dose estimates! Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece How to estimate typical effective doses for X-ray procedures? Paul Shrimpton Health Protection Agency Chilton, UK Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure 24-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece
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