Document 194598

How To Do It The Right Way
A Practical Guide
eBook Edition 2011
Copyright © 2011 Aaron Darko
Edited by Hyan Thiboutot
All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
What Do You Want?!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!$!
Roots Create The Fruits!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!%%!
Third Influence & Standards!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!%&!
The Power of Habits!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!'(!
How Money Flows!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!&(!
Universal Law You Must Know!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!&)!
Daily Success Ritual!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!&$!
Beliefs And Success Cycles!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!&*!
Hello and welcome to How to Create Wealth the Right Way.
My name is Aaron Darko. Thank you for purchasing this eBook on
how to increase your wealth. This is going to the best purchase
you’ve made in your life thus far. Since I’ve started my journey
only a couple of years ago, I have amassed a wealth of experience
and lessons to grant me the privilege of teaching you my life
knowledge. This knowledge has been a tremendous help to me.
It was not too long ago that I was listening to a guru teaching what I
am teaching to you now. I was sitting there thinking: You know
what, what’s the difference between him and me?
There was no real difference.
The only difference was that he had decided to do something about
his life – and did it!
That’s the distinction between success and failure.
T. Harv Eker, a personal development guru, said: Rich people do
what broke people only think about.
Think about that: Rich people do what broke people only think
about. I listened to that quote and I thought: You know what, I've
got all these great ideas; why don't I just do something about it?
I went to seminars. I got involved in personal development. I did it
all. What I’m teaching you right now, How To Create Wealth In
The Right Way, generated for me more than $600,000 – in two
About a year and a half ago, I got into this entrepreneur mind-set. I
wanted success, personal development, and to make money on the
Internet. My mind was already on the game. I was engrossed in this
But you're sitting there,
reading this, and I’m telling
you those numbers, and
you're thinking: Yeah, I
want some of that.
But listen: It took me a while to get to that point in my life.
$600,000 was my biggest success. Prior to that I was putting in the
effort, the time, and making some money. But it’s not until I
actually launched my ‘product’ that I hit it huge.
But to get to that point, you need to focus on one thing – your mind.
You see creating wealth takes a completely different mind-set.
It's not about the strategies of how to make money. Those come
after this course. Whether you would admit it or not, if I gave you
the strategies – you would still fail! You need the foundational
principles of wealth first. And that’s what I'll be teaching you in this
This is not only in my experience, but also the experience of many
successful people such as Jordan Belfort. Jordan Belfort is a hugely
successful Wall Street stockbroker, who ran his own firm,
(Leonardo DiCaprio is playing him in a movie coming out soon).
Jordan once said that if you line up all the inner game strategies of
wealth, you will experience material wealth more rapidly than you
can ever imagine.
And this has been the experience of every single successful person
that I know, including myself. Until you experience it, you will
have to take my word for it.
Line up the principles of wealth, which I will be teaching you in this
program, and apply them to your life; you will become successful
more rapidly than you ever imagined.
Listen. Every single successful person will tell you this. If their
mind wasn't in it – if they didn't have the right mental attitude – they
would have never been successful.
This success has allowed me to travel all around the world. In the
last six months I've been to Thailand, China, Singapore, Miami, Las
Vegas, UK, Vienna: I've been all over the place. Just in the last six
I am not saying this to impress you. But I am saying it to impress
upon you the opportunities that are out there for you regardless of
what your current situation is.
So, regardless of where you are right now reading this, you can live
the life of your dreams.
Just remember that. Because you actually can.
You see all of those people on TV, all those famous people; they are
no different from you and I. They are not different. The only
difference is they took action and decided to live the life they
wanted. That's the only difference.
We all deserve the best of what life has to offer.
I will be getting into a bunch of stuff that will help change your life.
This is life-changing information. This is going to be the best
product you've ever put your hands on.
Get ready for the ride of your life. This is going to be impactful and
really make you think about your life. Because at the end of the day,
you only get one life.
I'm really passionate about this. I actually stalled three months on
making the product, thinking: I don't need the money. But really I
was just procrastinating. It's great to get the product out there; I
really want to impact people's lives.
So you’ve paid for this eBook. The price is small for the amount of
actionable knowledge you will receive that will change your life
when you apply it. Just like I did a few years ago.
Without further ado let's get into the thick of it.
What Do You Want?
The first thing that you need to determine is: What do you want?
What do you want in your life? How much money do you want to
make? How much of an impact do you want to make in the world?
What do you want? What are your reasons for why you want it?
Write it down.
This is the most important thing you need to understand.
The second most important thing you need to know is why do you
want it? What's the vision for your own world? You need to get
exactly clear on what you want for your life. Because where focus
goes, energy flows.
If you don't know what you want, that's okay. Let it ponder in your
head. Keep going through this program and hopefully it will come
to you in the next few modules.
Listen. You may have a lot of
ideas in your head about what
you want to do.
You may want to finish university. You may be a mature student.
You may be over 65 and looking for inspiration in your life.
However old you are, where ever you are in your life, it doesn't
matter. All that matters is that you focus on the one thing. You
can't focus on three different things at once. Focus on becoming
For example: you want to buy and sell houses. Or you want to be a
stockbroker. Or you want to be a teacher. It doesn't matter what
line of work you want to be in. Pick one. And become successful at
it. Then write down the reasons why you want success in that field.
My reason was to show friends and family what was possible.
You goal has to be bigger than what you are. If it's not bigger, when
you hit an obstacle – and you will hit obstacles – you are going to
quit. Your goal won't be compelling enough to inspire you to get up
and fight for it.
On the journey to your goal, you will come across resistance; and
that is just part of the course. The best rocks are the ones that form
under the most pressure.
Nothing is easy.
Nothing is
Here is an example of a goal that is not worthy: You say Aaron, I
want to make more money. Then I turn around and I give you one
dollar and tell you to go away. You've made more money. You
need to figure out how much more money you want to make. How
much money is enough money for you?
Secondly, you need a get plan together of what industry you want to
get involved in. You don't need to know all the details. But you do
need to know what you're aiming at. Otherwise you’ll be shooting
in all directions. Focus on the one thing and give it direction.
I will share with you my
Holy Grail. I haven't told
anybody about this, but it's
this: turn your "shoulds" into
We all desire wealth. But must of us are happy with where we are
right now. You’re in a job; you’re comfortable, you’re just making
enough to pay the rent, the bills; you've got a bit of money left over
every month, so you really want a better life. But, the reality is you
are comfortable where you are. The Baillies are not at your door.
So increasing your wealth is not a must for you right now.
Success for you right now is a "should” instead of a "must".
Let me tell you what I did. I haven't shared this with anyone
because it's quite embarrassing, but here goes: I came out of private
education. I went to university. Because I know myself well and I
know how I work best, I decided, on my journey, to go on welfare.
This was embarrassing and degrading to me. The only way for me
now was up.
As we all know, welfare is the lowest of the low. Unemployment.
Government hand-outs. The lowest. It was my decision to go on
welfare. And I knew that if I put myself in a "must" position, I
would succeed. I knew myself; I knew how I worked; I knew that I
was lazy. I didn't have many reasons at that point to get out of bed
in the morning.
Now I had one.
It wasn't exactly the thing to tell my family. So I kept it quiet.
However, now I've lived out the reasons why I wanted to get
wealthy; it was to show friends and family that it was possible.
Now I've got this website. I've got my aunties and uncles contacting
me about what to do financially. I would have never accomplished
what I accomplished in such a short period of time if I didn't force
myself into a "must" position.
probably reading
this thinking: I
don't really want to go on welfare to be successful. You don't have
to. But if you're going to take the other route where you’re
comfortable in your job but want more, you need to get some solid
reasons behind you as to why you want success. More importantly,
what kind of success do you want?
“…turn your "shoulds" into "musts". !
Right now, this is where you need to be. Write down what you want
to be successful in, and your reasons why.
Then turn the goal into a "must", instead of a "should".
"Shoulds" don’t happen, because they’re not a priority; it’s not
number one on your list of values. You don't value it enough to stop
what you're doing and go all guns blazing towards your goal,
because right now, you are comfortable.
You either put yourself in a position of "must" where it becomes a
do-or-die situation, or get lots of reasons why you want to achieve
success. Remember this: necessity is the mother of invention.
Under pressure you will come up with your best business ideas.
Remember that. And see you in the next chapter.
Roots Create The Fruits
Let's talk about the psychology of wealth.
What normally grows on a tree? Fruit. In real life, our results are
the fruits of our labour. And if we don't like them, instead of
working to try and get different results, we just focus in on our fruits,
our results.
But what causes fruit? Roots cause fruit to grow. So it’s what’s
below the surface that creates what’s above the surface. It's what's
invisible that creates what is visible. This happens in nature all the
times. And human beings are nature. If you want to change your
fruit, you need to put your attention on the roots.
Our thoughts lead to our feelings, which lead to our actions, which
equals our results. Things like money, weight, and relationships are
our results. It's what we can see. It's what's in the outer world. The
only way to currently change your outer world is to change your
inner world first. Nothing happens in your outer world before it
happens in your inner world.
Your thoughts, feelings
and actions will determine
how much money you
make. And how much
money you make will
determine your result. It has to come from the invisible world, and
birth itself into the visible realm.
Chances are if you're reading this, you’re not wealthy. There are
very few people in the world who are born privileged. One thing is
true; most millionaires are self-made. This means that as a
collective, we have poor psychology. We need to change this.
My dad always told me to walk around with money in my wallet. I
never really understood why until later. Walking around with
money in your wallet, even if it's just £20, makes you feel good.
It also means I was never broke. I'll never touch that £20. I still
have it in my wallet to this day. When you feel better you do better.
I often tell people: bless that which you want. If you go around
criticising rich people for being rich when you yourself want to
become rich, what chances have you got of becoming rich?
Absolutely none whatsoever. Instead, you need to change that belief
about rich people. If you want wealth, change that belief to
something more supportive.
This will have more of an
impact on you than you
realise. Apply this right
now. Go out and try it. And you’ll see, in the course of the next few
days or few months; your mind-set towards rich people will change,
and you’ll feel better about yourself. You’ll start attracting more
“…Just don't lie to yourself.”
Think about the expression: money does not make you happy. Only
poor people say this. You never hear a rich person say this. And if
you associate yourself with people who say this while you’re trying
to get rich, your chances of becoming rich are very slim.
Drake is a famous rapper. And in one of his songs he says: people
with no money say money isn't everything. Well, let me tell you, I
have money now and I can say money certainly is not everything in
life. But, it's definitely up there with oxygen.
Money makes all other parts of your life easier. People who don't
try to excel because they believe money will not make them happy,
are just lying themselves, and sabotaging their chances to happiness.
Don't use this excuse to avoid experiencing wealth for yourself.
My advice is: go make the money; then decide whether or not you
are happy.
Just don't lie to yourself.
Third Influence & Standards
Stephen Pierce gave the best example of what the Third Influence is.
He said: Imagine you have a goal of becoming water. Right now
you have two hydrogen molecules. So you have the potential, just
like the hydrogen molecules do, of becoming water. Two hydrogen
molecules plus a third influence equals water. All we needed was
the third oxygen molecule to change two hydrogen molecules into
What happens if you take the same two hydrogen molecules and add
the wrong third influence such as sulphur? That would give us
hydrogen sulphide, a foul-smelling, highly poisonous gas. This goes
to show that if you have the wrong third influence in your life, your
life can move in the complete opposite track then what you’re trying
to accomplish.
Mike Tyson is a great
Mike had a third
influence in his life –
his trainer.
His trainer took him to the pinnacle of the heavyweight division,
making him the youngest heavyweight champion ever. But later in
his career, a third influence came into Mike's life, and things went
downhill from Mike after that. So what does this tell us about the
third influence? Basically it tells us that however much success we
achieve, we are always vulnerable to a third influence, having a
negative impact. Every single person out there is vulnerable to this.
This explains the pressure. Especially from those children who
come from single-parent families, as they don't normally have a
third influence such as a father or mother to impact their lives in a
positive way.
So they are more open to influence and get persuaded into doing
things to make them look cool, like committing a crime, or doing
drugs, or teenage pregnancies.
A third influence can be very negative. Look at Elvis Presley and
drugs. The point is, there are certain influences in your life right
now that have control over what you at this very moment in time.
But the good news is you can change these bad influences
depending on what life you want to live. So if you want to be a
street rat, go ahead; hang out with those people that have no
ambition for their lives. They wake up every day doing the same
thing, hang out on the street, robbing people of their handbags. If
you want to be that person, go ahead, seek out that third negative
influence. And that will be your life.
How do you choose your third influence? This is one of the most
important things in the entire course. Choose a third influence that
is a successful and a positive influence. This could be anything. A
role model. A CD of your role model. A DVD. A book. Going to
seminars. There are many different ways to get a positive third
influence in your life. Think of them as mentors.
I love this quote from boxer Floyd Mayweather: It takes a smart
businessman to surround himself with smart business people.
So if you want to be rich, if you want to be a businessman, you need
to surround yourself with like-minded people, people that share the
same goals and aspirations as you.
The one thing that
you will succeed or
fail in this life is hunger. Think back to every single person who has
achieved massive success in their life, they wanted it badly. Tiger
Woods started playing golf when he was two years old.
He knew exactly what he wanted. He didn't want to be a good
golfer; he wanted to be the best that ever lived.
You've got to have that hunger.
Les Brown who is a motivational speaker said: You have got to be
But if you're not hungry right now, all is not lost. My advice is: Get
around people who are hungry and something will hit you. Being
around people who are doing better than you will shift your outlook
on life. You’ll say yourself: Shit, my life sucks. In that moment, all
your standards will change. Because you realise that you're capable
of achieving more.
When you see more, you realise that you are capable of achieving
more. And you can change your standards by getting around what is
better. You get around what is better; soon enough your mind-set is
going to shift, and you'll begin thinking how other people think.
And this little concept is probably the most important one out of the
entire module. More than anything, this concept has influenced my
life the most.
I remember going to a friend’s house. He had huge plot of land, a
beautiful house, and beautiful cars. He even had house for his mom
on the same plot of land. Seeing that made me work harder, and
raise my standards.
All of a sudden, I was not going to settle with what I had. I wanted
more. It fuelled my hunger to work hard. There's that word again:
hunger. If you don't have hunger, you don't have anything.
Will Smith said: People have talent. Talent is nothing special.
Everyone's got talent. But what sets people apart, what makes them
celebrity, what makes them famous, is the work ethic.
Backup talent with strong work ethics and you’ll make it. What
brings strong work ethic is hunger. Passion is hunger.
Another guy named Jordan Belfort, mentioned previously, talked
about standard of life. This is a very basic concept, but it's exactly
what you need to help change your life. He said: Everybody has a
level they’re comfortable with, especially financially. If Jordan is
not making 10 million a year, he runs around going crazy.
Other people think that $500,000 for them is enough. Everyone is
different, right?
In every part of your life you have a standard you accept, one you
settle for. We all know that if you want something you've never had
before, you’ll have to do something you've never done before. This
will raise your standards, which is needed to achieve success.
Here is what happens when you begin to lower your standards. This
is what Jordan said: Let's say that you have a goal of making $1
million a year. You go a long time trying to achieve it, but can't
because you lack discipline. Maybe you lack skills at this moment in
time. After awhile, your brain starts saying: You know what, screw
this. This hurts too much. This is too hard. So what happens is you
lower your standards. And now instead of a goal of $1 million a
year, you say: Ah, I'll be happy making $200,000 a year.
Right there, you have just lowered your standards. And if all of a
sudden that doesn't work, you lower them again, and again, and
And before you know it, you
are no longer operating like an
entrepreneur. Instead, you're
ready to go work for a
paycheck, back to $45,000 a
year, working 40 hours a
This is the danger of lowering your standards just a little bit.
You never know when disaster is going to strike. If you are one of
those types who says: You know what, screw this, I might as well
settle for less. Then just face it; you're done. And that, right there,
is exactly what Jordan Belfort said. The lesson here is to never
lower your standards, because if you do, it becomes a self-fulfilling
So whenever you hit an obstacle you think is too hard, you're going
to lower your standards, until you're back in the job that you left
when you decided you wanted to become a full-time entrepreneur.
Let me say this right now: If you ever feel yourself dropping
standards you need to immediately snap out of it.
What you need is a powerful, influential,
third influence in your life, between where
you are, and where you want to be.
I went to seminars, I spent time on the treadmill; I did everything a
little each day towards my goal, until I met my third influence at this
seminar. My life totally changed from then on. I already had third
influences in my life. But this third influence was an in-person third
influence who changed my life. I was already on the road to
changing my life. But this accelerated it.
If you want to excel and bridge the gap from where you were to
where you want to be, you need to find the third influence. And it
doesn't have to be one person; it could be many. I have many people
that I look up to. And I still look up to these people. And it's so
funny that now I am becoming successful at what I am doing; I feel
closer to the people I looked up to.
That's my advice to you: Go out there and seriously seek out your
third influence.
But be careful of who you choose. You have the power to decide
what third influence affects your life. With all the negativity in the
world right now, if you don't have a third influence in your life, you
are going to be influenced by anything. How is negativity going to
help your life? It's not, is it? It's going to probably make your life
worse. So you need to get a positive, third influence in your life.
Only you have the power.
If you are serious about creating wealth in your life, and you want to
experience more than you are experience everything that life has to
offer; you need to take this seriously.
What I suggest you do it is spent half an hour to an hour, every
single day, surrounding yourself with your positive third influence.
This could be books, CDs, DVDs, seminars – anything – just make
sure you're getting influenced by something positive that's going to
advance you on to your goal, every single day.
Take my advice. Start practising. Every single day. Because it’s
truly going to impact your life, and change you as a person.
And your friends are going to turn around and say: Dammit, you've
changed. What happened to you?
Little habits change life. Go ahead and practice...
The Power of Habits
It is often said that the secret to your wealth is hidden in your daily
routine. What you do habitually will determine what you become
What you do today affects tomorrow. If you're already thinking
along those lines, you're on the right track.
“…develop the habit of
becoming consistent.” !
It's all about the power of your
habits. What are you doing
every day that's progressing you
towards your goal?
Too many of us have the habit of making excuses, procrastinating,
looking for the easy way out; the habit of being lazy, the habit of
being inconsistent; we all know people like that.
But the biggest one is a habit of being inconsistent. Let me give you
a perfect example: look at your favourite music artists: if they only
released one album and then nothing after that they would soon be
forgotten. They would not be the superstar they are now. So they
have to consistently produce good music to stay relevant.
The same is true of you and the field you go into. You have to
develop the habit of becoming consistent. Now Brian Tracy who is
a motivational speaker once said: It takes 21 days to form a habit.
For example: you go to the gym because you want to lose weight.
You do this new regime for one week. And after one week you find
it too hard and then you go back to your old ways.
Do you think you've developed a new habit?
If you try long enough, it's going to become a habit; and then you're
going to build momentum.
One thing I want to ask you is: Do you bunny hop from one program
to the next, looking to get the magic pill, especially if you're looking
to make money on the Internet?
Or do you hope that one day you will win the lottery, and then you'll
never have to work?
Well let me tell you right now: If that's how you're thinking, stop
reading because I can't help you.
But then again,
another side of
me thinks that
you would not have invested in this product. So I congratulate you
on investing in this product because you are going to increase the
amount of wealth in your life just by applying these principles.
“…It takes 21 days to form a habit.”!
Your daily success habits will dictate what you will become in the
Indulge me for a moment. Sit back and think about all the things
you've done up until this point when you started reading this book.
Ask yourself: Which of these things I've done today has contributed
towards my goal, or has any direct relationship to my dream?
If there is anything at all you think you've done today that’s
contributed to your dreams, that's good, you’re on the right track. If
there isn't anything you've done today up to the point of you reading
this, you need to seriously think about how much you respect your
Stop putting off tomorrow what you can do today.
And that "thing" is something you must do today if you really want
to live your dreams. You can't continue putting it off.
Remember the old saying: There’s no tomorrow, because by the
time it gets here it's already today. Today is all we have. All we
have is the one-second, the one minute that goes by. Right now.
And that one-second, that one minute, that one hour that just went
past, you can never reclaim that back.
You're not getting any younger. You're always getting older. We
all know that, right? So why are we continuing to put it off? And
why do we live like we've got 1000 years to live? When in reality
we should be doing everything fast, fast, fast. You just never know
when you're going to drop down dead. That could be tomorrow.
That's the harsh reality of it. So why continue putting it off when
you can do it right now?
This is the exact reason why the rich get richer and the poor get
poorer. Your habits will determine what you become in one year
from now, two years from now, three years from now. And it's
really important that you start aligning your days with what you
want to become.
Stop thinking that life is going to roll out the red carpet and hand
you success on a silver plate. Snap out of it.
You have a dream; you have to protect it. People who can’t do
things themselves tell you, you can’t do them. You want something;
go get it.
As Will Smith said to his son in the film In The Pursuit of
Happyness: Don't ever let someone tell you he can do anything.
This was actually Will Smith's son he was talking to.
That quote applies to everything in life. It's universal. The
principles of success are all the same.
You always spend your monthly pay cheque according to your
highest value. For instance, you get your paycheck. Your highest
value is your car repayment, or your mortgage, and then it’s other
stuff. And the last thing on your list is to save money.
And guess what? You
won't have any money
to save because it's not
in your top four or five
“…Your habits will determine
your future.”!
It's bad habits that sabotage your hopes of building wealth.
Whenever you get money, you just squander it. It's a simple law: It
doesn’t matter how much money you receive; it's all about how you
manage it. If you manage your money well; you’ll get more money
to manage. It's that simple.
Try it and see for yourself.
Dr John D. Martini, an expert on life and success, he had a client
who made $6.2 million in one year. And at the end of that year, that
same client was $329,000 in debt. He borrowed the money to pay
off his taxes.
I'm sure you're thinking to yourself: If I had that kind of money I
would be wealthy. It’s nothing to do with the amount of money you
make; it's all about your managing of it. And that is a habit in itself.
Listen to this. An assistant who made $24,000 a year, that's $2000 a
month, and out of that she managed to save $400 a month. And at
the end of the year she had more money saved then the doctor's
client who was $392,000 in debt.
It has nothing to do with how much money you make.
Also Dr John D. Martini said that: There was once a black lady in
New York who never made more than $2.50 an hour. She
occasionally worked two jobs. And then she ended up donating $15
million to some foundations in New York. How did she do this
when she had two jobs making $2.50 an hour?
She did this by saving a large amount of her income. When you
value something, it grows. When you value and appreciate money,
it grows. When you value your relationship, it grows. You have
order and discipline.
Whatever is the lowest on your list, you have chaos. If you don't
value having a tidy desk, your desk is going to be a mess. If you
don't value saving, you're not going to save.
If you think you're going to get wealthy without having wealth on
your value list, even if you won the lottery, you’re going to lose it
very quickly. You'll go back to where your values dictate.
I heard this from Dr John D. Martini and I thought to myself: This
makes sense. It's actually true. This explains why people who win
the lottery, are broke two years later. They don't have money
management on their value list.
It has nothing to do with how much money you make. It has
everything to do with how you manage your money. And how you
manage what you make goes exactly according to your values.
If you want to be wealthy, wealth has got to be in your top two
values. That's exactly what happened to me when I was with my ex
girlfriend. Wealth to me was my top priority, and not our
relationship. So of course we split up because my main value was
wealth. And since then my wealth has risen considerably.
And this, my friend, is a habit. Keep wealth in your top values and
doing something each day to advance you towards your goal. You
don't need to reach a goal yet to feel alive.
All you need is making progress. Progress will make you happy.
Celebrate the small successes. This will give you momentum.
And the confidence to stay the course to accomplish your goal.
This is referred to as the habit of consistency. When you have
momentum, you build confidence, and progress from strength to
strength. This develops into a habit of consistency.
How do you achieve momentum?
Well, it's one of the principal laws
of physics. Velocity. Push a
snowball down the hill.
“…When you value
something, it grows.”!
It's hard at the start. But once the snowball starts rolling down the
hill, it gathers more and more snow, the snowball becomes bigger
and bigger. And before long, the snowball starts rolling itself. It
gathers momentum. Speed. A sense of direction. You don't need to
do anything more.
And that's exactly how you’re going to gain success – by achieving
momentum. Constantly moving forward. Making progress.
Celebrating every little success along the way. For example: if you
want to make $20,000 in two months, and at the end of the second
month you only make $10,000; you need to congratulate yourself
anyway. If you celebrate your little successes, you grow in
confidence. This builds momentum. And from that, you are more
likely to meet your be true goal.
If you keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting
different outcomes, that is the definition of insanity. That will get
you nowhere. Don't expect to make more money if you’re always
doing the same thing.
Oprah Winfrey once said: What you resist persists.
My guess is before you began reading this, you had some selfsabotaging habits, like playing the PlayStation four hours every day,
watching famous people on TV saying you want to be just like them.
But there you are playing PlayStation and wasting away your life.
Get rid of those dream-damaging habits.
Now think about your role model, or somebody you want to be like.
Someone that inspires you to be better. You can want their success,
but there is no way you’re going to be like them if you don't adopt
the same success habits they have.
And that my friends, is a fact.
Do you really think all the successful people in the world, never had
habits they religiously adhered to on a daily basis? Habits they still
do, that support what they have become.
Of course they do. And it wasn't all plain sailing either. They had
to go through a lot of ups and downs before they finally made it.
But during hard times, they never lost sight of their goal, their
direction for their life.
They also have successful positive influences in their life that
reinforces their vision, their goal. And enough hunger, and reasons
why to fight through the bad times.
But most of all, don’t squander your time. We are given 24 hours
each day; no one is given any more time. Bill Gates gets 26 hours a
day. Is that why he’s the richest man in the world? Of course not.
It's all about what we do with our 24 hours.
Time is our most precious resource, and it's how we use that time
that determines what we become in our lives.
There are no excuses.
In the next part, I will be sharing with you one of my biggest
realisation in my life. One thing that you really need to grasp; it's
something you are doing right now that’s sabotaging your success.
Caterpillar Into Butterflies
Let's talk about maximising your time.
What would it mean to you and your family if you actually
experience your dreams? Would you be able to help out your
family? Of course you would. So even if you don't want to do it for
yourself, do it for them.
How important is it for you to
experience your dreams?
important is it for you to become that DEK?%'!I8+!$-:7-&'=!
soccer player, or that American I8+!G())!%''$%&'CJ!!!
football player, or investor or
business owner? Whatever you want
to become in life, how important is it for you to experience it? What
will it mean to you and your family if you became successful?
Answer those questions right now. Those are seriously important
As Stephen Pearce said: Each hour of your day, the way you use it,
is proof of what you respect and disrespect. What you respect, you
will attract. Know what you need, know what you want, know what
you desire, know what you love, know what you respect.
And what you disrespect – you will lose.
So think about it: if you're in a relationship and you disrespect your
partner, they’ll leave? The relationship will end.
The same goes with money. If you don't respect money, you’ll lose
it. Same with your dreams and goals. If you have no momentum,
you won't make progress enough because you’re not doing what it
takes to become successful.
David Beckham for examples took every opportunity to practice
football. If he went down to get bread, he dribbled the football to
the shop and back.
It's all about the habits that support your dream. Every day you
must do something that will contribute towards your future and your
When we talk about caterpillars and butterflies, we’re really talking
about the concept of becoming. You can’t be what you’re not; but
you can become what you’re not. I learnt that very early on just
from living life, friends and family, and all of those people I
watched driving around in nice cars, similar age to me, and I wanted
to be like them. My family always taught me not to be something
I'm not.
But when I look at the world, I see people frustrated with their lives.
They’re doing just that; trying to be something they’re not, instead
of working on becoming what they’re not.
A good example of this is a man trying to impress a girl by buying
her things on the first date, or early in the relationship. She knows
deep down he doesn’t have the money to spend. He can't keep
funding this enterprise. He’s been influenced by other men's
behaviour. He wants to be like those other guys are, right now. But
he doesn't have the cash. He should instead work hard towards
acquiring wealth.
We all know somebody like that. Friends who use credit cards to
fund a lifestyle they can't afford. It boggles the mind that people do
this. They do it because it's easier and more satisfying to them in the
short term. It’s easier to get credit and get debt than it is to create
success habits towards your grand dream and vision for your life.
People always take the easy way out if they’re not successful.
Lucky for you
though, you
won’t be that
I want you to get fed up with your current situation. Make a change
and decide right now to go for it and achieve your goals.
Take for instance the caterpillar. It would love to go off and fly with
the other butterflies. Obviously it can’t do that right away. The one
thing it needs to realise is that it hasn't gone through the
transformation stage yet that all the other butterflies go through. It's
not its time yet. But its time will come. That Caterpillar is just like
It's a lot like meeting a friend from school you haven't seen in 10
years. He’s suddenly doing very well for himself, and you think:
Damn, I want to be like that right now. It's not your time yet. This
doesn't mean sit back and one day you'll win the lottery. They have
been through the process of changing their life for the better, and
you haven't done so just yet.
Don't get dishearten. Instead, focus on what you want to become
and start doing something every day to advance the transformational
process into becoming what you want to be.
And what I'm about to say right now is a human trait we all do at
some point in our life, and it's easy to stop doing. You’re probably
doing it already every time you see someone successful, and that’s
comparing yourself with others. Don't do it. It makes you feel like
On my journey, I came to one huge realisation. I was comparing
myself to other people who were doing better than me. This is the
worst thing you can do. Comparing yourself to other people
negatively affects your belief system.
When you begin to doubt your own abilities, you take less action,
you get poorer results and that reaffirms your erroneous belief in
your own abilities. This negative feedback feeds on itself.
It's not your time yet; but your time will come.
Everything is a process.
A man doesn't get a girl pregnant and after five months asks her
where’s the baby? Because it's a nine-month process. Similarly,
you do not get on a two-hour train journey and open the door one
hour into the journey and step off. Why? Because you know it's a
process that will take two hours.
Same with your life. It's the process of becoming what you’re not
right now. It doesn't happen overnight. So you have to build up to it
by doing something each day to laser-focus on the prize at all times.
In order to absorb the lessons in this book, please refer to it on a
daily basis until you accomplish your goals.
They say that there are no guarantees in life, but I guarantee you if
you apply the strategies found in this book, the quality of your life
will get better.
Instant Gratification
I want to talk about instant gratification and decisions concerning
creating wealth. Successful people make decisions that create the
future they desire, while unsuccessful people take decisions that
only affect their present desire.
Successful people make decisions today that will get them further in
life tomorrow. Whereas unsuccessful people only take decisions
that affect their current circumstances, right here, right now, today.
When I realised this, I asked myself: why do unsuccessful people
only take decisions that affect their present situation, their current
circumstances, their present desire?
I came up with this answer:
they don't have a definite,
clear goal of who they want to
be and what they want to
That's why they continue to waste their day, every single day,
making decisions that only affect their current situation. They don't
think about the future or what they want to be. They don't have any
goals or aspirations. For instance procrastination will give an
unsuccessful person immediate gratification, but that only creates
the present situation they desire and delaying something they should
do today. Obviously they will not become successful if they keep
up that habit. And procrastination is a habit.
You've got to desire your own life. No one else is going to do it for
you. So if you want to continue to procrastinate go ahead, be my
guest. But don't complain when your friends are realising their
dreams, and you're left in the same position, all because of that selfdamaging, self-sabotaging habit.
Jim Roman said it best when he said: If you don't have your own
plans, you will become a part of someone else's plan.
And do you know what they have plan for you?
Not much.
Jim Rohn was the foremost person on personal development and
what he said is so true. The person working in the supermarket is
part of someone else's plan. If you don't have a big enough plan for
yourself, you become part of someone else's plan. And they don't
really care about you. Bosses just want you to show up for work,
put in the hours, and collect your paycheck. That's it.
That will be you for the rest of your life if you decide that's the kind
of life you want. But judging by the action you've taking in
investing in this eBook, you’re already fed up living like that.
Les Brown said: Every single
person he's worked with and
interviewed has said the same
thing: when that person decided to
change their life, they got to the
point in their lives where they just got fed up, they were sick and
tired of being sick and tired.
You have probably reached that point when you say: Okay, I'm fed
up with this; I want to make a change.
You need to adopt success habits if you’re going to change for the
better. For a permanent change, you need to adopt success habits.
Now let's look at successful people.
Successful people take very specific, focused action to create the
future and they desire, regardless of how painful it is. They know
that in the future it will have been well worth the pain as they
experience the life they have made themselves.
I love this quote about entrepreneurs which says: Entrepreneurs live
a few years of their lives as others won't so they can live the rest of
their lives like others can't. That's the kind of mind-set you need to
formulate if you want to be successful.
This doesn't mean you think you're better than everybody else.
You're not. You just think differently. Once you understand that,
you can go from strength to strength. No one is better than you.
They just know more than you.
So if you get that specialised knowledge and apply it to what you're
doing, you’re going to be where they are. And where they are, is the
result of really good positive habits they have picked up over of their
Good habits are the hardest things to create, but the easiest things to
Conversely, bad habits are the easiest things to make but the hardest
things to break.
You've got to be careful
about what habits you’re
trying to form. If you don't
master your bad habits, your
bad habits will master you.
And you know what that means: you will never be successful if you
allow your bad habits to master you.
I want you to read the segment from an interview with Will Smith
when one summer his Dad tore down a brick wall at the front of his
He told 12-year-old Will and his nine-year-old brother to rebuild it,
a job they said was impossible. It took them a year and a half but
they did it.
Will Smith: Don't you ever tell me that there is something you can't
do. You don't try to build a wall. You don't set out to build a wall.
You don't say: I'm going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall
that ever been built. You don't start there. You say: I'm going to lay
this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. And you do that every
single day. Soon you have a wall.
Think about that: You lay a break as perfectly as you can; do that
every single day and soon you will have a wall. He's talking about
creating a success habit and carrying out that success habit every
day until you build up to your goal. The wall is a metaphor for
whenever you want to achieve in your life. You have the brick, your
focus, your energy; every single day, going toward your goal. And
by laying a brick every single day you get to see your vision come to
reality. Little by little, every single day, you get momentum as you
see your success build up.
“…if you don't master your bad habits,
your bad habits will master you.”
After that, what seems like an impossible task is now achievable
because you’re building momentum.
It sounds really simple, but it takes 21 days to form a new habit; but
you can form a bad habit in seconds. A success habit is something
you must do to respect what you want to achieve in the future.
Decisions are the only thing that differentiates the next person and
us. That's it. What decisions a person makes or doesn’t make is the
only thing that makes somebody get to where they are today.
Take the game of Monopoly. Monopoly is a board game where the
objective of the game is to own as much skyscrapers as possible.
You begin by owning houses and hotels and skyscrapers. And you
get money from the bank when you roll the die. So basically, it's
like the game of life when.
We all need a bit of luck. You look at successful people and say
they’re so lucky. For argument sake, let's grant them their share of
luck. We all need a bit of luck, which comes from rolling the dice in
the game of Monopoly. Then, when we get our money, we need to
make wise decisions. This is where we invest in our houses, hotels
and skyscrapers. At the end of the game, just like our lives, the
person with the most money and who arguably had the most luck
and made the best decisions wins.
So the point here to remember
is that we all start out with
nothing just like in Monopoly.
No one comes out of their
mom's womb with a book on
how to make money.
We're born naked. We learn everything. Then it is our decisions
more than anything that determines the quality of our life.
Let me add another point: at birth, who are the first people we learn
from? Our parents. Most of what we know in early life we learned
from our parents.
We learn to manage money from our parents. If our parents don't
have money, they won’t cultivate the skills and knowledge on how
to manage money. This critical lack of knowledge will impact and
influence your thinking.
It's our decisions that determine the quality of our life. So when it
comes to making money and creating wealth, you've got to decide
what you want and commit to it.
From that point you will start
attracting everything you need to
make your dream happen. It's the
law of the universe. People who get what they want in life are
absolutely crystal clear about what it is they want.
So if you're not getting what you want right now in life, it’s because
you’re not crystal clear about what you want. Or it's because you're
not taking the right actions, because you're not getting the right
influences to point you in the right direction. You are not adopting
the right success habits. You've got too many bad habits. So you
need to be crystal clear about what you want.
Tony Robbins said: Clarity is power.
The more clarity you have in every area of your life, the happier you
will be. And the more likely it is to show up in your life.
If I look at my own live, this is exactly what happened to me. I was
so obsessed with becoming an Internet marketer that I put my
relationships on the back burner. Nothing else mattered to me
except becoming successful at making a living on the Internet. And
I was clear about that from the moment I attended a seminar about
people making money on the Internet. And that was it. I was clear
about what I wanted in my life. Since then, I haven't looked back.
On one occasion when my friends were visiting, I was on the
computer showing him successful people I was looking up to, and
said to him: I'm going to be like those guys making a lot of money
off the Internet.
He looked at me and
laughed. But by the end of
the week he believed it too.
He has seen me transform and he’s gobsmacked. But he always
knew one day I would become successful, and keep going from
strength to strength.
That's the kind of clarity you need in your life. If you want to create
wealth, you have to become obsessed with it. There has to be
passion for you to get you out of bed in the morning. If not, then
you may not have found the right career for you.
As I'm writing this, I’m twenty years old and I have two years left to
become a multimillionaire. This is the goal I set out for myself, and
made clear to everyone in the world.
And here's the thing; when you decide what you want, your brain
just knows how to go after it.
Here's a classic example: we humans have something called a
reticular activated system. If you go out and buy a new car and you
drive away, all the sudden you notice other cars just like yours on
the road. Why is that? The reticular activated system basically
recognises the things of high-value to us. Our brain is too busy
distorting information that we don't recognise it. If our brains didn’t
do that, we would suffer sensory overload and go crazy.
So when you know what you want your brain imprints it as high
value and knows how to go after it. More importantly, it's going to
spot all the opportunities associated with what you want.
For example, you want to make more money. Every single
opportunity you overlooked in the past, your brain is suddenly finetune to seeking out those opportunities, and everything associated
with it. You’ll begin noticing opportunities that will progress you
towards your goal.
How Money Flows
Before I get into specifics of how to make money, and the universal
laws surrounding money, I'm going to talk about the history that
you've experienced with money in your life.
In a certain way, we are programmed to think about money. As I've
mentioned previously, we are born naked, with nothing, and then
learn everything. So we learn how to deal with money mostly from
our parents, friends, teachers, and the media, and all the people that
surround us when we were young.
The fact is, people who don’t have
a lot of money taught us about
“…You write your
money, or we were taught by
script for your life.”!
people with emotional issues with
money. Naturally their way of
thinking became our way of thinking. Our parents' history with
money rubbed off on us.
There are three ways we can program since we were young to think
about money:
a) Verbal Programming: Money doesn't grow on trees; What do I
look like, the bank?; We can't afford it; What am I, made of money?;
these are all examples of things I heard growing up.
b) Visual Programming: Your parents arguing over money. This
imprints the notion that money is to root of all problems. Every
argument you've heard and saw was caused by money. That is
certainly true of my experience. We generally tend to become
exactly like one or both of our parents, unless we go to extreme
opposites because our anger at them.
c) Specific Incidents: What did you experience around money,
success and wealth?
As a kid whenever I asked my mother from money she would
always tell me to go see my dad. Go to your dad, go to your dad, go
to your dad. I immediately associated money with my dad; my dad
had all the money. I created a mind-set that made me think men had
all the money. Of course this belief is not true.
But you could see from that how people are programmed at a very
young age.
You create the level of your
financial success. It doesn't
matter what your parents told
you about money. It all
depends on you. You write
your script for your life. You
create your life.
“…money flows to those
who solve other people's
most pressing problems.”!
Unsuccessful people believe that life happens to them. When they
don’t succeed, they blamed the economy and other stuff. They don't
take any responsibility for their own decisions and their own actions.
Rich and successful people play the money game to win. While
most other people play the game not to lose. As an example, if your
favourite sports team played every game on the defence, how could
they possibly win? This is the same in your life. How can you
possibly win and get more money if you are not play to win, but just
to get by and not lose?
Most people just want to survive. They want to earn enough money
to pay the bills with a little bit left over each month. That’s called
being average. What's the point? Nobody celebrates the average.
They celebrate the best.
Here is what I want you to do right now to stop yourself from
becoming that average person. Set a goal for 10 times the income
and wealth you have now.
So now you're committed to helping 10 times the amount of people
you have helped. So you don't only get richer by helping more
people but your life will be more fulfilled.
How does money flow around the world?
Money flows to those people who solve other people's most pressing
Zig Ziglar said: You can get anything in life you want if you will
just help enough people to get what they want. And it doesn't matter
what your job is. See if you’re a salesman you're selling a product
to solve the problem, you sell enough products that solve enough
problems your gonna get
“…help other people achieve what you want, is this not
true? And if you are a
what they want.”!
manager, and you can
train and enthuse and
inspire and motivate your organisation to be more productive, then
they will get their reward and you will be rewarded because you
have helped your people to get what they want. You can get
anything in life you want if you just help other people achieve what
they want.
But something fundamental you should understand is: Why would
people give you money? Especially if you’re in business, why
should people give you their money?
And it's not because you've got something to sell. Everyone's got
something to sell. It’s because you solved someone’s problem.
All you need is a hungry crowd.
But let me tell you right now,
“…make reality greater
if you have a business – for
than the promise.”!
example you’re selling bottled
water – and you have a
hungry crowd of people coming to your shop, and you think you'll
make a killing selling bottled water; you’re in for a shock. This
crowd’s hungry and only wants hamburgers. What are you going to
Your specific product needs to be aimed at a specific problem.
You've got to sit down and ask yourself: Why do you buy anything?
You buy because you've got a problem that you want solved.
Professional footballers around the world go to a knee specialist in
Canada because he's the only top-notch medical professional who
can fix their problem; there knee. He is solving a specific problem
with a specific solution. And every single player that goes to him
gets his or her problems solved. The doctor is making a killing.
And that's exactly like you. Even if you're working for somebody
else, if you help your company solve a specific problem they haven't
assessed properly and you've got a solution, you then have instantly
added value to yourself and you become "indispensable". If you
help your company make more money, you’ll be on the fast track to
promotion. That increases your value.
But remember; if you
“…Always pay yourself first.” ! solve small problems,
you will make small
money. If you want to
make more money you need to solve more problems for more
Instead of asking somebody: What do you do? You should instead
ask: Who do you help? You are helping people make money. That's
how entrepreneurs think.
In marketing, we market the person's problem and then present our
solution. People are always asking: What's in it for me? They don't
really care how the burger box looks; all they want is the burger
inside the box.
So if you were always looking for new problems and asking yourself
how you can solve that problem, then you're already answering the
question of: What's in it for me?
When running a company you need to know what the problem is in
your marketplace, and how to solve it. But most of all, you need to
make reality greater than the promise. When you do this, people
will come back to you again and again. As a company owner, this is
money in the bank.
“…Money will flow to you when you can solve
people's problems, big or small. You want big
money? Solve big problems. Your attitude
towards money will determine how much you'll
Take for example the Mercedes and Apple. Everyone knows
Mercedes and Apple. If you own a Mercedes or an Apple product,
you are loyal to them, and mostly buy their product. I have a
MacBook, iPhone, iPod, iPad. I'm loyal to Apple. Most people who
have Mercedes only ever buy Mercedes. So why is this?
They make reality greater than the promise. When you get the
product, it comes with extras that enhance your experience. And
this is what makes the company great.
If you're trading on eBay, you might think this doesn't apply to you.
But it does. Your customer service needs to be perfect. This is
making the reality greater than the promise. The customer who
bought your product will feel a connection to you. And because of
how well you treat them, and the quality of the product, they'll come
back to buy from you again.
Sometimes people buy products to prevent a problem from
happening. This is another way of creating wealth. Why do people
buy cod liver oil tablet? They want to prevent getting stiff joints in
the future, known as arthritis.
If my television is not
“…If you take 10% off the top,
working, and my
neighbour knows how
you’ll never feel it; take 10% off
to fix it, I’ll offer him
the bottom, you'll never do it.”
money to fix it
because it solves my problem. That person is going to make money
because they can solve my specific problem.
And another point. Always pay yourself first. There’s a great book
you should read titled: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S.
Clason where he says: Always pay yourself first. At the end of
every month when you receive your paycheck, take 10% and save it
straightaway. If you take 10% off the bottom, once you've spent all
your money, you will have nothing to save. If you take 10% off the
top, you’ll never feel it. If you take 10% off the bottom, you'll never
do it.
This habit of treating money with respect will enable you to build
money. What you treat with respect, you attract.
Universal Law You Must Know
There’s a universal law you must know. It's called Reaping and
Sowing. You reap what you sow. Simple, right? You will be
rewarded for your patience after you sow, just like farmers. You
don't plant a seed and expect to have a tree the next day. You've got
to nurture the seed and give it time.
And this is just like you. You
have to give death to who you are
now in order to give birth to who
Metaphorically you are that seed
going in the ground. The one thing I will warn you about is this: be
careful what you sow and where you sow it. Seeding a plant in the
desert will not make it grow.
At other times, one seed will multiply. This is applicable to
everything. Your money. Your time. Your knowledge. So take
control of what you sow today because it will control what you reap
Right now I want to share a point with you. Sow forth and you reap
an act: sow an act and you reap a habit: sow a habit and you reap a
character: sow a character and you reap a destiny.
So what are you sowing right now that you will reap the benefits of
in your future?
A farmer knows that if he plants rice now, in a few months’ time he
will reap the benefits. If you spend most of your time watching
soaps on TV what are you going to reap to help you become rich?
Nothing. Be careful of what you sow, and where it is sow, which
will determine what you reap.
Daily Success Ritual
Every single person who wants success needs to get a daily success
Without fail every morning I exercise: I skip rope, jog on the spot,
pullups, push-ups, squats; every day. It gets me in a state for the day,
a state of getting things done to get closer to my goal.
Once you do this daily routine you're going to get momentum and
before you know it you’ll reap the positive effects on your life. It
doesn't have to be exercise. But do something that gets you into the
state of mind, into the zone, to do the things necessary to advance
you towards achieving your goals.
Jordan BelFort talks about state: This goes back to the beginning of
time. In the movie Gladiator, Russell Crowe is down and picks up
dirt and starts rubbing it in his hands. He gets himself into a state
for war, getting ready to fight. North American Indians would put
warpaint on their faces to get themselves in an emotionally charged
state. Why I'm telling you is this: It’s fucking crucial to be able to
trigger the right state in the right moment for influence
persuasions/sales. There are three states you need to trigger when
you need them in key moments when it really matters.
He just described what state management is and why it's so
important to get in a state and maintaining that state. It’s also
important that you manage your state because your states is how you
feel, and how you feel is directly linked to how much action you
take. If you don't feel inspired or if you don't feel good about
yourself you're not going to take much action. And then you will
not achieve your goals.
Sometimes in the morning when I wake up I say to myself: Aw, you
know what, I'm not going to exercise today.
Then I immediately snap out of it and do the exercise, otherwise it’s
a bad habit forming. I won’t be inconsistent. And that will ruin my
state for the day, which will never get me to where I want to be.
And I suggest you adopt a success routine.
What do you do every single day that gets you into the right state of
mind? Do you take the required actions, little by little, building a
brick path to your goal?
If you are not doing anything then how can you say that you want to
be an investor, or an Internet marketer, or a famous person. Arnold
Schwarzenegger spent five hours a day to reach his goal. And he
became the best bodybuilder in the world and got headhunted for
movies. That's how you do it. Every single day he did something.
Every single person who is successful does something every day.
If you want to be like your role model, you need to adopt their
success habits.
Beliefs And Success Cycles
Right now I want you to imagine a brand-new Ferrari California.
Bright red. Beautiful cream colour interior. You get in. You start
driving. But, you've got the handbrake on. What's going to happen
if you've got the handbrake on? It's not going to do any more than
50 miles an hour. That handbrake represents your limiting beliefs.
This limiting belief stops you from moving forward when you
should, and causes you to slide backwards and not reach your
Now many of us make this mistake in our lives. We're cruising
through life crippled by our limiting beliefs. It slows you down. It
makes you move backwards in life. Because in life we are either
growing or dying. If you've got a limiting belief, you are not
growing. You're not progressing towards your goal. There is no
middle ground.
And let me say this
right now: we all have
fears, we all have
limiting beliefs, but we
don't let them stop us.
The successful people among us do not let their limiting beliefs stop
them from achieving success.
The Success Cycle is something Tony Robbins talks about: You've
got your core beliefs, and then you've got your potential, and then
you've got actions, and then you've got your results. So belief leads
to your potential leads to how much action you take leads to how
much result you get.
This is a cycle.
Imagine this: You believe that you can become a professional tennis
player. You know you've got the potential. But how badly you
believe that determines the amount of potential you tap into, which
will determine the amount of action you take, which obviously
determines the amount of results you get.
If you get good results, then you tap into more beliefs – you start
believing even more – then you tap into more potential, then you
take more action, which leads to bigger results that feeds on itself,
until you become a world-class tennis player.
Conversely, if you have very little belief in your own abilities how
much potential are you really going to tap into? A little bit of
potential, at best. This means you’ll take a tiny bit of action, which
will lead to small results. And that will reaffirm your beliefs that
you do not have what it takes to be successful. And so the negative
cycle goes as your beliefs get worse and worse.
As Tony Robbins said: That's how the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer.
That is a success cycle.
That's how you get success.
We have to control at all times where we put our focus. Change
what you focus on and it will change your life; because we end up
going where we focus. So if you focus on what you want in terms of
creating wealth and success, you are going to go in that direction,
obviously with the required action, otherwise it’s just thought
without action.
What you focus on expands. And we can change our focus just like
that. So when you complain, you are focusing on negative things.
So if what you're focusing on expands, what is going to happen?
You’re going to complain more and more and become more and
more negative. Do not complain. Just make your life how you want
Fear is false evidence appearing real. That's what fear is. Dr Farrah
Gray who became the youngest black millionaire at the age of
fourteen said: Everything we want is on the other side of fear.
We are fear-based creatures. We always think the worst will happen.
Stop letting fear rule your life. To succeed, just to do what you want
to do, and don't let fear stop you. Tame the Cobra of fear, and do it
anyway. Successful people have fear and doubt; they just don't let
those fears and doubts stop them. Unsuccessful people let fear and
doubt stop them.
If you want to get to a new level in your life, you have to get
uncomfortable. Whenever you feel comfortable in your life, you
need to kick yourself into action, and move into getting
uncomfortable. Because here's the thing: when you’re
uncomfortable, you're growing. That's what you need to achieve
what you want.
So whenever you’re comfortable in life, you're coasting, and dying.
You're not actually excelling. You're not going anywhere. You’re
at standstill. So you need to commit to creating wealth, not just for
yourself, but to help others. Commit to creating a new success habit
that you do every single day and get a positive third influence.
If you do all of these things, you will be on your way to a new life,
experiencing your dreams.
And remember: figure out what you want, the roots create the fruits,
what happens under the surface creates what is above the surface,
get the third influence, raise your standards, get good habits, and
know that habit is more powerful than desire.
“…All the desires in the world will lead
nowhere if you don't back up with action.”
Also, everything is a process. Like a caterpillar, you have to go
through the transformation. Instant gratification is for unsuccessful
people. Successful people make decisions today that affect their
And money flows to those who solve people's most pressing
problems. The universal law that you must know it is: sow and you
will reap.
Create a daily success ritual.
Create strong, powerful beliefs about success, and follow the
success cycle with strong beliefs and certainty. Success in life will
be yours.
Here's what Steve jobs, founder of Apple, has to say about passion:
People say that you have to have a lot of passion for what you're
doing. It's totally true. The reason is because it's so hard that if you
don't, any rational person would give up. It's really hard. And you
have to do it over a sustained period of time.
So if you don't want it, if you're not having fun doing it, you don't
really love it, you're going to give up. And that's what happens to
most people actually. If you really look at the ones who end up
being successful "in the eyes of society" and the ones that didn't;
often times, the successful ones loved what they did so they
persevered, you know, when it got really tough. And the ones who
didn't love it, quit.
Who would want to put up with this stuff if you don't love it? So,
it's a lot of hard work. And it's a lot of worrying constantly. And if
you don't love it, you're going to fail. So you've got to love it;
you've got to have passion, and I think that's the high order bit.
The second thing is: You've got to be a really good talent scout. No
matter how smart you are; you need a team of great people. And
you've got to figure out how to size people up fairly quickly; make
decisions without knowing people too well and hire them and see
how you do and refine your intuition and to be able to build an
organisation that can eventually just build itself. Because you need
great people around you.
So now you need to read this book over again and again and again.
Preferably every day. Especially if you have no idea about what you
want to become in your life. Repetition is the mother of learning.
Read this book everywhere, every day. And you will create a
positive change in your life.
Becoming rich is the opportunity we all have. You've just got to
want it badly enough. Become hungry for it. It's all a process.
Nobody is perfect, but we need to do the best we can.
It's been a pleasure teaching you what I know about creating wealth.
And I look forward to your e-mails updating me on your success
since you have read this book, applying these principles to your life.
I'm going to leave you with this extraordinary story of that Zig
Ziglar tells about life. It's the perfect end to this program. Please
enjoy it. And most importantly, read it carefully.
Zig Ziglar: I want to tell a story because it's a story of business, it's
the story of America, it's your story, and my story. A couple of
good friends of mine down in Montgomery, Greenbow, Alabama,
named Bernard Haygood and Jimmy Glenn went out riding to the
south of Alabama foothills one hot August day and got thirsty.
Bernard was driving and saw this old abandoned farmhouse. Saw
this old pump over there, rushed over and grabbed the handle and he
started to pump. How many of you have ever used one of them?
Okay, so you'll know what I'm talking about. Poor Bernard was
pumping away and said you'll need to get that bucket over there tip
some water out of the creek cause we're going to have to prime the
pump. I'm sure everybody knows when I say prime the pump.
Obviously you need to put something in here before you can get it
out. That's the story of life. See so many people stand in front of
the stove of life and they say: Stove, give us some heat. Then I'll put
some wood in you. That's not how it works. You’ve got to put
something in to get something out.
So many times the employee goes to the employer saying: Give me
a raise, and after coming to work on time. So many times they will
go up and say make me the boss. Now I know I haven't been here
for a long time but I just feel so much better if I'm in charge of
things. I promise you, I will learn what this business is all about
later on. Reward me now and I’ll produce later. It just doesn't work
that way.
Can't you just see a failing student going to his teacher and saying: If
I take a failing grade at home my parents are going to skin me alive.
Pass me on this one and next time I'll study more than anybody else.
Reward me now, and I'll produce later. It doesn't work that way.
Can't you just see an old farmer standing out in the field in October
saying: Lord I know I didn't plant this year but if you give me a big
crop this year I'll plant more than anybody next year. It ain't that
way, folk. You've got to put something in before you can expect
something out.
Well, he was just pumping away. It's hard. The question is: how
much pumping are you going to do for a drink of water. Finally all
the Bernard said: Jim I don't think there's any water down there.
You know in South Alabama the wells are very deep. And we're
glad they’re deep because the deeper the well, the cooler, the cleaner,
the purer, the sweeter, the better tasting the water. And isn't that true
of life?
Isn't it true that if you became an MD by six weeks of summer
school the rewards would be almost minimum to nothing and how
many patients would you have?
Isn't it true that if you become a sales expert, after three days of
training skills, that the rate of pay would go down radically. Isn't it
true that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until he can
learn to do it well.
We will never know how many kids have missed college scholarship
because they didn't study 10 more minutes a day. And we will never
know how we come so close to promotion and we go in quit too
soon. We will never know how much more success we would have
had have we had to hand a little more pumping in there. And
pumping, and pumping, and pumping, and pumping... Well finally,
old Bernard just got disgusted... And I shouted: Don't stop Bernard,
don't stop! All the water will go all the way back down. And then
you are going to have to start all over again.”
I believe with all of my heart that if you pump long enough, hard
enough, and enthusiastically enough, the reward is going to follow
the effort, and the water starts to flow.
All you've got to do is to give it easy, steady pressure on it, and you
are going to get more water than you can possibly use. And maybe
the problem is this; so many times people say: Well if I gave it a try
I would be good. But I've gotta tell you something folks, you've got
to grab it by the handle and pump the sucker.
I hope that was impactful for you.
My name is Aaron Darko.
And remember: You have what it takes to become whatever you
Have a nice day. And I wish you wealth, success, and good health.
Aaron Darko