How to Build a State through Tourism By Kimberly Motta

How to Build a State through Tourism
By Kimberly Motta
Social Studies Teacher at Gause Academy of Leadership and Applied Technology
I. Lesson Plan Summary
In 1850 the United States Government passed the Swamp and Overflow Lands Act. This act gave Florida
500,000 acres of land to develop. In 1855 the state of Florida passed the Internal Improvement Act, in order to
manage the lands they were given by the U.S. government. This Act would end up having far reaching effects on
the growth and development of Florida. By offering cheap land to developers, the lawmakers created a state that
would eventually become what we know today. During this lesson students will explore how the Internal
Improvement Act effected land development through the tourism industry. Students will create a time line of events
that have taken place since the passage of that law. The timeline can then be used throughout the year to compare
the development and industrialization of Florida to that of the rest of the United States.
1. Students will be able to trace the development of Florida’s tourism trade and its impact on creating the
infrastructure in Florida.
2. Students will be able to create a timeline of given events.
3. Students will be able to compare what was happening in Florida with key periods in the United States.
4. Students will be able to draw inferences regarding how events that happened on a National level affected tourism
and land speculation in Florida.
US History Event Or Time Period:
From Antebellum period to Modern times.
Grade Level:
This lesson is designed for High School Students taking an American History Class. The lesson can be adapted to
meet the needs of an economics class. It can also be altered to fit middle school. The time line activity can be
adapted to meet the needs elementary school age.
Materials Needed:
Computers with Internet access for research.
A time line (3 hole punched to make it easer to add to folder), anticipation guide and reading (you may skip the
reading if you are having the student do internet research for the entire project) for each student.
If you are creating a master timeline at the end of unit you will need paper, yarn, markers or crayons, and clothespins.
On overhead projector, place a blank transparency for each period and a transparency of the KWL chart..
Sticky Notes and/or Highlighters.
Lesson Time:
Estimated 5 periods (a period is equal to 45 minutes) Plus additional time referring to the Timeline through out the
Course. (Estimated at about 10 minutes each time to point out and draw some comparisons).
Lesson Procedures:
Set up folders on the Computer with Websites you want students to go to get the information.
Include the following websites in the folder: *note: all websites were active at the time this lesson was created
that is not a guarantee that they are still active. Please verify before having the students use them.
General Florida Information: (if using the read you do not need to include these in the folder.. these websites
are only if students are completing the entire assignment online)'s.htm
2. Make Copies of Time Line/Event Sheet, Anticipation guide and reading for students.
3. Create a KWL chart to access prior knowledge on FL development.. You might want to access prior knowledge
on railroads, steamships, tourism, wars, etc.
Hint: use a clear transparency as an overlay so that you can keep several classes KWL chart on file and go
back to what they learned without having to rewrite the entire document.
4. Have student complete the Anticipation Guide independently: They will complete the Anticipation guide by
checking whether they agree or disagree with each statement. Have students
5. Discuss the Swamp and Overflow Lands Act and Internal Improvement Act:: encourage students to predict how
they think the acts may affect Florida’s development. Encourage students to speculate what role tourist could
play in Florida’s development and why cheap land, even swampland, might encourage development and tourism.
6. Depending on how many computers you have access too, you may wish to divide the class up and rotate
students using the computers.
7. Student working with the computers should use the copy of events that happened in Florida. Have students mark
the dates that they occurred. (The events are in time order.. you may wish to make things more challenging by
moving them around.)
8. While some students are working on the Computers, other can be working on the reading:
Given each student some sticky notes and a highlighter. Students should highlight terms they are unfamiliar with,
names, dates, places, and events. Encourage students try and find the main points in the Reading.
Sticky notes are used to make comments or write down questions as they are reading. Students should have a
minimum of 5 sticky notes. (if they wish to participate in the discussion)
After they are done reading they should complete the Anticipation guide by deciding if they agree or disagree with
each statement and writing a sentence from the reading that verifies their ‘opinion”
Students should also complete the 3-2-1. You may use the questions they come up with for a lead into
tomorrow’s discussion or review.
9. Divide students into groups. Assign each group one of the events that was on the timeline. Students should
design a poster to represent the event on the timeline. When all the posters are made string a piece of yarn
across a section of the room and add the posters to the yarn using the clothespins and more yarn. You can
assign different events to different classes or have duplicates of the events (just hang these under each other)
10. Discuss the reading and timeline with students go back to some of the speculations they made at the beginning of
class and decide whether they were right or misinformed. Pull out the KWL chart complete at the beginning of the
lesson and go over the L part. Then go back to the K chart and go over any misconceptions.
11. Students will complete a RAFT for assessment. Optional you may add a few questions to you next test.
Student Reading:
Internal Development Act
In 1850, the United States Government passed the Swamp and Overflow Lands Act. This act
gave the States all swamp and overflow lands that had not been sold. Florida received 500,000 acres of
improvement land from congress.
In 1855 Florida established a Board of Trustees to oversee the Internal Improvement Fund. The
Internal Improvement Fund was established to assure that money from the sale of the property that had
Florida had been given control of by the Swamp and Overflow Lands Act would be used properly.1
Shortly after these acts went into effect the country was plunged into Civil War and only a few land
speculators were buying land offered by the trustees. Most payments for the land were made in
Confederate script, which ended up being worthless. As a result, Florida ended up with about a million
dollars in debt and tied up in legal battles.
“The largest creditor of the state debt was Francis Vose who tied up the land in court until the
state found the money to pay off its debts. The Bourbon Democrats, mostly planters and businessmen,
did not want to spend tax moneys on this debt, but Florida needed to clear the debt to expand.
Investment in the least populated state east of the Mississippi was stymied, but Governor Bloxham found
a white knight to rescue the state in Philadelphia saw manufacturer Hamilton Disston.
Steamboats in Florida
After the Civil War, river traffic resumed in the 1870s, bringing
the largest influx of settlers in the state’s history, many of them
veterans that had been stationed in Florida during the War. Their
widespread accounts of abundant wildlife, exotic scenery and an
agreeable climate helped spawn the 1880s tourist boom.
The St. Johns River was the heart of steamboat activity, and
towns along it flourished with the arrival of northern sightseers. Most
visitors arrived in Jacksonville via Charleston by train or ocean
steamship then went on to St. Augustine and Palatka by boat. Palatka
served as a transfer point for those wanting to travel up the narrower Ocklawaha to the now famous Silver
Springs. Another popular tourist destination was the Tomoka River, near Ormond Beach.
With the arrival of the railroad in the 1880s and 1890s came a decline in steamboat popularity.
Some lines continued to operate, though on a smaller scale, until the 1920s, when highways dealt a final
blow to river travel. At the height of the steamboat era, in 1886, seventy-four vessels ran regularly out of
History of Florida Land Acts; Time line'Swamp
%20and%20Submerged%20Lands'; October 17, 2005
The Florida Memory Project; [Passengers on steamboat "Astatula" in Palatka] [picture] : State Library
and Archives of Florida: February
12, 1894
3 Steamboating by Tracy McKenna As seen in Antiques & Art Around
Florida, Winter/Spring 1995
The Railroad Comes to Florida
Disston recognized the tremendous potential of Florida real estate south of Gainesville and
agreed in 1881 to purchase four million acres of “listed swamp and submerged lands”, from the
Kissimmee Basin to the Everglades, with large sections along the Gulf Coast, at just twenty-five cents an
acre. Most of the land was suitable for some form of successful agriculture. “4
“These development projects had far-reaching effects on the agricultural, manufacturing, and
extractive industries of late-nineteenth-century Florida. The citrus industry especially benefited, since it
was now possible to pick oranges in south Florida; put them on a train heading north; and eat them in
Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New York in less than a week.”5
“The Disston Purchase stimulated the interest in railroad building. The State of Florida could offer
land deals to railroad development much like the transcontinental railroad system growing in the West.
The greatest development was due to three major railroad barons: William D. Chipley in the Panhandle;
Henry B. Plant on the Gulf of Mexico; and Henry F. Flagler on the Atlantic Coast. Their domain
contained more than just railroad track - they built hotels, roads, and villages. Their track gave birth to
new towns and small trunk railroad developments.
William D. Chipley, the son of a Georgia Baptist preacher, became the most important developer
of the growth of West Florida.
Further down the West Coast, a Connecticut businessman
Henry B. Plant started the railroad boom when he obtained a
charter for a South Florida Railroad from Sanford on the St. Johns
River to Tampa Bay. Plant’s railroad turned Tampa into a deepwater center for freighters and steamers from Cuba and South
Nothing was as spectacular as Henry Plant’s largest hotel,
the Tampa Bay Hotel, on the Hillsborough River in downtown
Tampa. At one hundred dollars per day, Plant hoped to attract the
Northern rich to his empire. Plant’s railroad ended Cedar Key’s
reign as a passenger terminal.
HENRY MORRISON FLAGLER was the most ambitious of the railroad barons since his empire
eventually stretched from Northeast Florida to Key West. He came to Florida in 1879 due to the
deteriorating health of his first wife and was recruited by Florida’s business community to consider a new
In 1885 he purchased the small Jacksonville to St. Augustine to Halifax Railroad and
started thirty hour Pullman service to New York City. The idea immediately made St. Augustine a
winter destination to railroad tours. He built three hotels in St. Augustine, but the death of his first
The Floridians : C. Bob Leonard, Professor of
History, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida. October 17, 2005
Florida History 5: http:// October 17, 2005
Professor of History, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida. October 17, 2005
wife and remarriage convinced him to continue southward.
In 1893, he selected a small, sandy island called Palm City and built a huge hotel called “The
Breakers” to promote his railroad growth. When the railroad reached Palm Beach, affluent Northerners
were already planning their winter mansions. Flagler built his new wife a massive marble winter mansion
called Whitehall and Palm Beach soon became the winter watering hole of America’s industrial elite.
Flagler topped even this with the 1,500 room Royal Poinciana Hotel, the largest wooden hotel in the
world. Now, Henry Plant’s Biltmore in Pinellas County is the largest. With Plant extending his domain
down the Gulf Coast, Flagler took the challenge to continue his railroad to Biscayne Bay. 7
Tin Can Tourists
“Tin Can Tourists arrived by automobile and truck, loaded with tents and food supplies.
Sometimes as many as three families shared an automobile. While they too hoped to buy some Florida
real estate, their trip to Florida was a vacation. They could not
afford the fancy hotels and restaurants built for the Victorian
tourist. They didn’t play golf and tennis. They wanted to play in the
sunshine on the beaches.
As early as 1919 Tampa had a “tin-canners” club,
named for the heavy metal cans, which these tourists carried for
extra gasoline and water. As the automobile grew in popularity,
these “T.C.T.s” became more important to local tourist economies.
Towns began to build tourist camps with recreational facilities.
Owners along the major highways built small cabins for these
tourists. Soon, the development of the mobile home industry would replace most of the tents.” 9
Other Historical Developments That Effected Tourism
“In 1898 national attention focused on Florida, as the
Spanish-American War began. The port city of Tampa served
as the primary staging area for U.S. troops bound for the war
in Cuba. Many Floridians supported the Cuban peoples’ desire
to be free of Spanish colonial rule.
By the turn of the century, Florida’s population and per
capita wealth were increasing rapidly; the potential of the
“Sunshine State” appeared endless. By the end of World War
I, land developers had descended on this virtual gold mine.
With more Americans owning automobiles, it became
commonplace to vacation in Florida. Many visitors stayed on, and exotic projects sprang up in southern
Florida. Some people moved onto land made from drained swamps. Others bought canal-crossed tracts
Bob Leonard, Professor of History, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida.
House cars at a tin can tourist campout [picture]: State Library and Archives of Florida: October 17, 2005
FLORIDA IN THE 1920'S:'s.htm: M. C. Bob Leonard,
Professor of History, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida. October 17, 2005
The Florida Memory Project [Tourists driving alligator : Jacksonville, Florida] [picture]: October 17, 2005
through what had been dry land. The real estate developments quickly attracted buyers, and land in
Florida was sold and resold. Profits and prices for many developers reached inflated levels.
The Great Depression in Florida
Florida’s economic bubble burst in 1926, when money and credit ran out, and banks and
investors abruptly stopped trusting the “paper” millionaires. Severe hurricanes swept through the state in
the 1926 and 1928, further damaging Florida’s economy.
By the time the Great Depression began in the rest of the nation in 1929, Floridians had already
become accustomed to economic hardship.
In 1929 the Mediterranean fruit fly invaded the state, and the citrus industry suffered. A
quarantine was established, and troops set up roadblocks and checkpoints to search vehicles for any
contraband citrus fruit. Florida’s citrus production was cut by about sixty percent.
World War II and the Post-war “Boom”
World War II spurred economic development in Florida. Because of its year-round mild climate,
the state became a major training center for soldiers, sailors, and aviators of the United States and its
allies. Highway and airport construction accelerated so that, by war’s end, Florida had an up-to-date
transportation network ready for use by residents and the visitors who seemed to arrive in an endless
One of the most significant trends of the postwar era has been
steady population growth, resulting from large migrations to the state
from within the U.S. and from countries throughout the western
hemisphere, notably Cuba and Haiti. Florida is now the fourth most
populous state in the nation.
Several major U.S. corporations have moved their
headquarters to Florida. An interstate highway system exists throughout
the state, and Florida is home to major international airports. The
university and community college system has expanded rapidly, and
high-technology industries have grown steadily. The U.S. space
program—with its historic launches from Cape Canaveral, lunar landings, and the development of the
space shuttle program—has brought much media attention to the state. The citrus industry continues to
prosper, despite occasional winter freezes, and tourism also remains important, bolstered by large capital
investments. Florida attractions, such as the large theme parks in the Orlando area, bring millions of
visitors to the state from across the U.S. and around the world.
Today, Floridians study their state’s long history to learn more about the lives of the men and
women who shaped their exciting past. By learning about our rich and varied heritage, we can draw
lessons to help create a better Florida for all of its citizens.
A Brief History of Florida: Office of Cultural and Historical Programs: October 17, 2005
What do you
What do you think you
What did you
Will learn?
Anticipation Guide
The Development of Florida
Directions: Before you read the story, Read each statement. If you agree with the
statement, put a check in the Agree column. If you don’t agree with the statement, put a check in
the Disagree column.
Fill In Before you read
1. _____
The State of Florida was the original owner of all the land it sold to the speculators under
the Internal Improvement Act.
2. _____
Florida sold land to Disston to pay off its Civil War debts.
3. _____
The state of Florida built most the Railroads in the late 1800’s.
4. _____
Only the wealthy could afford to travel to Florida during the beginning of the 20th century.
5. _____
The Spanish American War, World War I and World War II were good for Florida’s
economy and tourism industry.
6. _____
Florida was already suffering from a depression when the depression hit the rest of the
U.S. in 1929
7. _____
Florida’s economy relies mainly on tourism.
After you read the story: Go back and see how many of the statement you got right. Fill in the chart below
and write one sentence from the reading that confirms whether the statement was correct or not.
Write 1-2 sentences from the reading that proves whether the statements above were
Fill in After you read
correct or not.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
Now you need to do a 3-2-1:
Name 3 new things you learned by reading this article.
Name 2 things you found interesting about this Article.
Write 1 “Test quality” question that relates to the Article. If you stump your classmates you will get 5
Bonus points added to your last test grade. If you Stump your teacher 10 points will be added to your
last test grade.
Answer Key for Anticipation Guide
Fill in After you read
1. ______
Write 1-2 sentences from the reading that proves whether the statements above were
correct or not.
Florida received 500,000 acres of improvement land from congress.
Most of the payments for the land were made in Confederate script, which ended up being
2. ______
worthless. As a result, Florida ended up with about a million dollars in debt and tied up in
legal battles.
3. ______
The greatest development was due to three major railroad barons.
4. ______
They could not afford the fancy hotels and restaurants built for the Victorian tourist.
5. __XX__
6. __XX__
7. ______
Because of its year-round mild climate the state became a major training center for
soldiers, sailors and aviators of the U.S and its allies.
By the time of the Great Depression, Floridians had already become accustomed to
economic hardship.
Several major U.S. corporations have moved their headquarters to Florida.
3-2-1 can be anything that is from the reading. I use these to gage what the students have learned. It is mainly to get
them thinking and for me to see what I need to work on some more.
Florida Time Line
Part A: Using the websites provided, fill in the dates when the following events occurred. Once the dates are filled,
complete the timeline that follows.
Internal Improvement Act
Florida Railroad, first cross-state line
Hamilton Disston buys four million acres of Everglades
at 25 cents an acre.
First train of new Plant System
Henry M. Flagler links Hotels and Railroads
Spanish-American War Tampa, Miami and
Jacksonville become bases for troops leaving.
7. Start of the world’s first scheduled airline service.
8. Florida becomes training ground for World War I
fighting men
9. Huge land boom, with influx of people, many of whom
remained as residents spending large sums of
money for improvements. Many new cities founded
10. WWII creates economic growth in Florida
11. Legislature authorized state-long turnpike.
12. Florida is 10th most populated state.
13. Announcement of the $700 million Walt Disney World
to be built in the Orlando area
14. Walt Disney World opens outside Orlando
15. Florida becomes the 4th most populated State
16. President Clinton authorizes a massive project to
restore the fragile eco-system of the Everglades
Florida Time Line Answer Key
Directions: Fill in the dates when the following events occurred. Once the dates are filled, complete the timeline that
1. Internal Improvement Act
2. Florida Railroad, first cross-state line
3. Hamilton Disston buys four million acres of Everglades
at 25 cents an acre.
4. First train of new Plant System
5. Henry M. Flagler links Hotels and Railroads
6. Spanish-American War Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville
become bases for troops leaving.
7. Start of the world’s first scheduled airline service.
8. Florida becomes training ground for World War I fighting
9. Huge land boom, with influx of people, many of whom
remained as residents spending large sums of money
for improvements. Many new cities founded
10. WWII creates economic growth in Florida
11. Legislature authorized state-long turnpike.
12. Florida is 10th most populated state.
13. Announcement of the $700 million Walt Disney World to
be built in the Orlando area
14. Walt Disney World opens outside Orlando
15. Florida becomes the 4th most populated State
16. President Clinton authorizes a massive project to
restore the fragile eco-system of the Everglades
Florida Time Line
Florida Time Line Answer Key
1941 - 1945
Disston buys
4,000,000 acres
in the
War fills
Plant Hotel
in Tampa
grounds for
First Train of new
Plant System
First crossstate
World’s First scheduled
Airline Service
Project to restore
everglades eco-system
Florida 10
Flagler links
Hotels and
ground for
troops going
overseas WWII
Florida becomes
the 4 most
populated state
announces plans
to build
1. The U.S. Government passed the
a. Internal Improvement Act
c. Swamp and Overflow Act
which gave Florida 500,000 Acres.
b. Internal Development Act
d. Restoration and Improvement Act
2. Florida was millions of dollars in debt at the end of the Civil War because:
a. It had lost the war and owed the U.S. Government reparations.
b. It had allowed people to purchase land using Confederate script, which was now worthless.
c. It had speculated in land developments that turned out to be useless swamp.
d. It was not in debt.
3. Railroads were mainly built in Florida by:
a. The Florida state Government.
b. Three men who were trying to make a profit.
c. Grants from the Federal Government.
d. Men who were looking to give back to the community by helping others.
4. Why were the Spanish American War and World War II good for Florida’s economy?
a. Florida was the training grounds for the troops.
b. Florida provided all the orange juice and beef for the troops.
c. Florida was a place for people looking to escape from the Wars.
d. Florida’s economy was hurt by the Wars.
5. Tin Can Tourist were:
a. Wealthy Americans who could afford cars.
b. The name given to tourist who arrived in RV’s
c. Came to Florida to see the World’s Biggest Tin Can attraction.
d. Drove to Florida because and camped because they couldn’t afford the Hotels.
6. Give three reasons why Florida was facing economic hardship right before the depression.
7. Describe how speculation on the Railroads and tourism helped Florida’s economic growth. Use complete sentences.
Answer Key to Test
1. c.
Swamp and Overflow Act
2. b. It had allowed people to purchase land using Confederate script, which was now worthless.
3. b. Three men who were trying to make a profit.
4. a. Florida was the training grounds for the troops.
5. d. Drove to Florida because and camped because they couldn’t afford the Hotels.
6. Hurricanes, investors stopped trusting paper millionaires, and money and credit ran out
7. Answers should include: information about how the Railroad barons built hotels along their railroads in order to get
the tourist to come down and spend money. They should also include how this speculation caused them to build
the railroad lines, which crisscrossed the state. They may add how some of the tourist decided to stay and also
invest in Florida for a variety or reasons. The railroads also helped the different industries located in Florida by
providing a cheaper way to ship goods.
Alternative Assessment: RAFT
Roll: you have been hired by one of the developers to get tourist to come down to Florida:
You may choose to work for Henry Plant, Henry Flagler, or One of the steamboat lines operating on the St. Johns
Audience: Northerners who you want to come down to visit.
Form: Newspaper ad or Flyer (remember there is no TV at the time)
Topic: What makes your place to visit so great!
RAFT Rubric
Consistent (10)
Maintains character
Inconsistent (5)
Character lost
Absent (1)
Character not
Audience addressed,
Audience not
but information not
addressed or
relevant to them
Correctly followed
Format lost
Wrong format used
Through coverage remains Scant information strays
Topic not addressed
on topic
from topic
Uses proper punctuation,
Displays a lack of
Some mistakes.
spelling, grammar, and
attention for rules of
sentence structure.
formal writing.
Displays originality,
Some attempts at
Predictable, little
creativity and
Neat, easy to read,
Neat, but lacks artistic
Messy or no
interesting graphics.
Audience is known to reader
Total Points
Additional lesson Idea’s
As you return to the big picture of U.S. history, when you come to an event that is on the timeline review it
and discuss it with the students. See what correlations they can draw from what is happening in Florida to the
rest of the united States.
A Brief History of Florida: : Office of Cultural and Historical Programs:
October 17,2005
Aachua County Library District Heritage Collection: The Alachua County
Library District: © 2002
Florida History 5: All Buyers and Sellers Realty of Florida-Ocala Real
Estate: October 17, 2005
Florida History Timeline: October 17, 2005
Florida History Timeline: October 17, 2005
Florida History Timeline: FLA USA Visit Florida: October 17, 2005
Florida Kids Florida History: Office of Cultural and Historical Programs:
October 17, 2005
Florida's History (1497 - 1983): Congressman Allan Boyd: October 17, 2005
Guide to the Best Florida History Websites: Bob Leonard: October 17, 2005
History of Florida Land Acts:'Swamp%20and
%20Submerged%20Lands’: October 17, 2005
OVERFLOWED LANDS ACT:'internalimprovementACt1855:
Sidney F. Ansbacher and Dr. Joe Knetsch: October 17, 2005
The Florida Memory Project: t ate Library & Archives
of Florida: October 17, 2005
THE FLORIDIANS: M. C. Bob Leonard, Professor of History,
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida: October 17, 2005
The River Returns web documentary,: Copyright ©
Fusionspark Media, Inc:2005 Russell Sparkman/Fusionspark Media, Inc.,