I Love My PhenTabz Rx· (Amphela-HCl) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .sw fHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Trust the Exp~rt? in da VinCI Robotic Surgery Elimin~l i "9 di~~ while prele'ving urino'Y aoo sexual function is cr~ical to ~ry man with pr~t.ne (a"'e<. An individualized apPlOolch with a ",reful di\Cussion of all lreil( men! opt ions is how each cO!WJltation begins at Specialists in Urology. This compreOen~ plOSlate caocel treatment cente< is b<I~ in Naples. Florida aoo led by William Fig lesthaler, Mo, a ooard certified urologist and eXpelt in perfOlming robotic surgery. Since founding the da \/loci" robotic surgery program in Soothwest Florid! in 2005, Or. Fig lestha1er hils performed thousands 01 successful robOIic procedures on patients from centers in N<lpIes, Bon~a Sprirlg> aoo FOIt Myeri. These (~te<5 featu,e TrueBeam~ 5T.. High Clefinilioo flapid ....c~ Fladiothe<apy a<ld other cUlting~ le<:hnoIogies. The experts at Specialists in Urology include twelve bo.lrd certi~ed urologim and four boa rd certi!ied ,3diiltion oncolog ists. St<l)'lng tr...e to his vision over the pall tWO decad~ Dr_ Fig~thil ler hil~ ~(eeded in making Naples. Florida a destinatioo for those ~og highly e<perIeoced e<perts in perfo<miog the rTlQ';t adv~oced treiltlTll.'l1tl available 10< prostate cancer in the world. nearly every stale ¥Id from around the world. WilfiomM. Figlesthaler,MD, fACS Or figIeSlha1er"S compreheo!i\le prostate CaOC..,. program iocllJdes r>OI only 00 surgical team. but alw three mte-<x-the-art oocology in Urology _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [lfa tat eft; ere on the Wonderful~unds @ Internal Medicine 522 E Marlon A,e Punta Gorda fl ofUFE ••• 33050 Providing Quality Hearing Healthcare for Over 20 Years H~ Int.m8I ••• ~. ....Iuo •. ,he QPPOtI<JtiIy ., "",'-.hp ""to"", .. "-"..".... Uphold • • ,..,.,. d;gvIy ond <v) _,h . . Dr. Noel Crosby, Audiologist r+oiI has been in the audiology field for <Nef 20 years. Ha"';ng _ M< doclcrate in A<.w:liology fmm UF, No6I has applied ttlat knowledge to I!er worI< in many . ",a. of l!earing; including dinical. manufac:tunng and education , ,he 00:I0";0;'''01.,. 01 ""'" DeIr-en . JIoceol. ~"'" oo",pehem"'", "",lIy oore """',h Protnotot . we....... ond 'htoo.og/> edo,oo:rt"", ond ~..,. • fcoly I\ocredoted On SIt .. l<lboo:.lo<y Bone o...~ly Tes!ng • Ur,,,,,,,,,,,, IEchooordlogro.n Co.o!rd and 110m and f<J Abdorrml ~I Call For A Complimen tary • Coo.omod .. ~ COfll;u/t8lion www.advancedhearingsolutions.net 941.474.8393 6558. FL ALVARO R. BADA M.D. Board Cenined General Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons Now Offiring No Incision Surgery for Heartburn! Mu rdo ck Exec uti ve Ce nte r 18308 Mu rdo ck Circle, 11' 101 www.badamd. com I 94 1.25 5.0069 I New Patients Wdcome I www.rd luxbadamd.com Breast Surgery · No Incision Surge ry · Single Incision Surge ry Hemorrhoids (In Offic~ Proc~dur~) • Colonosco py • Heartburn Treatment Laparoscopic Surgery· Hernia· Colon & Rectal Surge ry Append ix. Gallb ladder · Endoscopy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Contents December 2011 6 20 21 Sun Safety Tips Inaccurate Blood Test Versus Lifesaving Screening Tool 22 The Naked Truth About Minimally Invasive Treatment for Chronic Acid Reflux 23 Arthritis of the Fool and Ankle 24 A11-in-One Dental Visit with CEREC 25 The Power of Antioxidants ... for Your Heahh, Hair and Skin! 26 29 Smalll'lCisials with Big Benefits AlcOhOl Abuse Adversely Affects More Than the Abuser 8 Prostate Specific Antigen 9 10 12 Highlights of the 2011 Parkinson's Disease Fall Symposium DaTscan Quickly and Accurately Determines Parkinson's 13 TOP FIVE Mistakes Made When C~ng 16 AIDS Awareness: Aging Population & Free Testing UOAA Offers Support 31 See Riverchase Dermatologv. Simple Ways to Make Healthy Habits a Reality at Your House Spiritual Wellnass Confessicrl is goOO tor the SoJ 18 Are You Ready to Find us on Get Looped? 19 See Spot Change. Sunscreen an Assisted Living Community See Spot. Facebook Holiday Tips 101' Homebound Family & Friends Same week appointments available. SWFL's Most Comprehensive Skin Center .. Three Fel1owship-traincd Mohs Surgeons • Dermabeam Non-surgical Radiation Therapy • Camisa Psoriasis Center • Cosmetic and Laser Dermatology • Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery ' Spa Blue MD - Medical Spa www.RiverchaseDermatology.com Florid,', So"'h~.t H..Ith&w.llnN' M.~zl,.. C<ln be tound in (N8f 600 SO<JIt._1 Florida medic8l facilities inck.>di"O. ho$piI8l'., CIO<:IOr'., chill)pfllClOr" .nd <:Ie<1tisl" oIIioe._ Find • copy of your FREE SO<Jlhwont Florid,', He/lItMW.U....., Maoa;:ine in RIO$I grooery .nd convoniel\Qt . _ as wei To gat your article publi shed and for ad rates, call 239.389.9449 [email protected] _ _ _ -_._ ..._ . . . -.swn_. __ . . " ' __ ............. _. .,., ..... ..... . ....... . - . ""I ~ "I ... _dSOlll>M'ESTFLORIDOo'S _ _ _• ..... 0:: ;7,," SO\ITHWESTF\.CI!\I(IA.'$ >€OI.THtoWEI.I.NESS "",,",",,2011, . . _ _ .. _ _ _ noo , SOVTHWESTfI.ClfOO.:S _ _ _ _ l'IOf\;IN,, _ _ _ _ . Tho .... , , _ ... SOUTHWEST Floom.o.'S _ """'_""I • _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.swfHealthandWeliness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Health &. Wel lness December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition Alcohol Abuse Adversely Affects More Than the Abuser By CharTa F. Pumphrey, M.D., HarborSide Internal MediCine kohol (specifically ethanol) is a central nervOuS system depressant, produced by the fermentation of yeast and starches. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. alcohol is the most commonly used addictive sub- stance in the United States. 11 is estimated Ihal 17.6 million people struggle wilh alcohol abuse or alcohQI dependence. AkQhol abuse is a paU<:m Qf drinking that results in harm to onc's heahh, inter_ personal relationships. andlor ability 10 work, and is characterized by one or more of the following: [] I neglecting responsibilities repeatedly; PI consuming alcohol in dangerous situations; [3[ experiencing legal problems due to drinking alcohol; [4] continuing to drink alcohol despite develop_ ment of relationship problems; and [5) drinking alcohol in order to relieve stress, Although alcohol abusers retain some ability to limit the extent of their drinking, their pal1em of drin king is selfdestructive and may progress to alcohol dependence (alcoholism). . Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal In addition to the symptoms of alcohol abuse. alcohol dependence also includes tolerance (requiring more alcohol over time to achieve similar effect) and withdrawal (experiencing specifie symptoms of varying severity as blood alcohol level decreases). Alcohol w ithdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, tremulousness. nausea/vomiting, diaphoresis. insomnia, irritabil_ ity. decreased appc1ite. headache. and fatigue. Potentially severe (possibly life-threatening) withdrawal symptoms include agitation, hallucinations, confusion, and seizures; immediate medical altention should be sought should one or more of these symptoms develop acutely, panieu_ larly in those with a history of alcohol abuscldependence. . What Happens Upon Consumption A standard alcoholic beverage contains about 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol (equating approximatcly to 12 Ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, Or 1.5 ounces of liquor). Upon consumption. alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointcstinaltract into the bloodstream and eireulated throughout the body. Following abwrption into the bloodstream. aoout 5% of alcohol is excreted by the kidneys. another S% of alcohol is exhaled by the lungs, and the remaining 90"/0 of alcohol is metabolized by the liver (at a rate ofapproximatcly one standard drink per hour). . Varying Degrees of Impairment Some factors involved in dctennining how peoplc react upon consuming alcohol include the following: [I) age; (2) gender; (3) cthnicity; [4J physical condition; [S) rate of consumption; [6] concurrent usc of prescription medic8tioO!i or illicit drugli; and (7] family history of alcohol abuse/dependence. Depending on the actual blood alcohol concentration (SAC). varying degrees of impainnent may OCCur: [I] For a SAC of 0 .020/. , initial effccts may include exaggerated relwcation. altered mood. and weakened judgment; [2] For a SAC of 0,05%, SOme further effects may involve reduced coordination . diminished visual pcn:cption, prolonged reaction lime. and delayed infonnation processing; (3) For a !lAC of 0 .080/. (legal limit for operating a motor vehicle), SOme additional effects may include lessened self-control, decreased balance. and impaired highcr-ordcr cognitive functioning (such as reasoning, memory, concentration. and speech). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swf Heal th and Wellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition· December 2011 Health & Wellness 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Health &. Wellness Oecember 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN Inaccurate Blood Test Versus Lifesaving Screening Tool By William M. Flglesthaler, M.D. P =latc cancer screening has received a great deal of press over the past decade or two. The introduction of the prostate specific antigen blood test (PSA) in the late '80s has resulted in a significant number of prostate cancers being diagnosed at early clinical stages. In fact. eacll year over 200,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagn<»ed in the United States alone andover 30.000 men die orlhis disease annually. Early Diagnosis is Key Early diagnosis is a key ingredient 10 successful cure rates with decreased moTbidity. Current knowledge on how to use PSA values 10 determine which men need urological evaluation is vitally important to primary can: providers, especially when dealing with healthy males between tbe ages of 40 and 80 years of age. It was once considered standard of care to intcrpn:1 any PSA reading between zero and 4.Ongldl as normal. Fluctuations within this range were given linle if any significance. In addilion. levels as high as 6.5ngldl were even considered acceptable in men over the age of10 alone lime. Using these pammClers was successful in minimizing thc "over diagnosis" of prostate cancer in elderly males with clinically insig_ nificant prostate Cancer.l. Unfortunately, many younger patients with more aggressive cancers were left undiagnosed until they had non-organ-confined disease. which negatively impacts cure rntes as well as morbidity of Ircatmcnl. In addition to the total £>SA blood test, free PSA testing may be used 10 increase the specificity of a borderline or high £>SA result (4-1 OngIdl). F~ PSA is n:poned as a percentage of the total PSA, and represents the fiaction of SCTUm PSA \hat is unbound 10 a carrier proIein. Patients with prostate cancer have less fn:e PSA. Guidelin-es for Interpreting PSA Values in the Screening for Prostate Cancer The following guidelines represent the current standard for interpreting PSA values in the screening of men for prostate cancer. It is important to include in this discussion the necessity of the digital rectal exam which if aboonna] must he evaluated. regardless of the PSA result: • PSA levels over 2.Ongldl in males under the age of SO and PSA levels over 2.Sngldl io males under the age of 60 should be considered abnormal. • PSA levels over 4.0 ngldl should always be considered abnonnal and wmaut urological evaluation. • An increase in PSA (PSA velocity) of O.7ngldl over an 18-month time span should be considered significant. even if within the nonnal range for PSA (0-4ngldl). • Free PSA levels below 1O'Y. indicate a significant risk for prostate caocer. • PSA levcls sbould be considcred inaccuratc if obtained in the presence of a urinary tract infection, prostatitis or after a traumatic foley catheter placernent. A period offour to six weeks aftcr treatrnent should be sufficient to allow the PSA to return to baseline. • 5-a·reductasc inhibitors such as Proscar or Avodart lower the PSA by SO-A. over a six-month period of time. and discontinuing these medications will result in the return to the baseline PSA reading oV<'!" a similar time frame. Therefore, a patient who is started on Avodart, takes it as directed and then has a sirnilar PSA reading a year latcr should be referred for urological evaluation and possible prostate biopsy. It is important to question patients who are prescribed these medications regarding treatment compliance when interpreting their PSA values. PSA Blood Test is a Valuable Adjunct to Hilliur M. Figlatltllkr, M.D.. is a CUm all/lMllS of Wake Forest Uni,-enity ~.i,g'::'"~'N ~ .."irh Iwnon from Ihe Uni",rsily of North Carolina Sclwol ofMedicilUi al Chapel Hill. NC. Dr. Figles/haler campleled his urological ,~"""d /raining ai/he University of Kenruclcy, Albert B. H,'" I Oandler Medical Center in Lexing/an, KY. published I'I?uarch "" proslate cancer in mopera· lian "'ilh Jaltru Hapkjru Uni,-enil): Baitimol"l!. MD. and lias given numerous presentariaru at both rtgianal and IUJri"",,1 canfe"'lICes. A_g his specinJ inJereslS is lile trealmCll ofproslale CIlIICtr. including da Vinci rabotic radical ptWtalt"CIOmy (/Ilip:J/youIUbuomispecialislSim.rology). Ifis ruullS for cwt!, preserwliott of bladder COtII1"OI. n:tum 10 _ I activities and I"/!CaVi'ry of rewal fonclion an101llStanding and second 10 MM. lIe often has nugeoru scheduling ,uilS 10 Naplt3lOobserw his I«hniq= and has treared pali<:ms from over 20 Sillies. eight countries. Ihree can/i_IS and counh·ng. He ..... I/I(lj/ If'amlly fetltured <HI IIIe ABC evening /Jell:>" local affilialefor his masleryoflhis.nugery. Dr. Figleslhaler is board unified, a Dip/lHI1ateoflhe American Board of Urology, as well as a Fellow of IIIe American College ofSurgeotU. Digital Rectal Exam In summary. the PSA blood tCSl is a valuable adjunctlO the annual digital rectal examination. In order 10 rrw:imize the benefit ofPSA. it is essential 10 properly interpret the result as it relates to the patient's age, velocity of change and oIhcr ~ which rould alter the £>SA value such as infection, trauma or modications. The primary care provider is the fmt responder when it comes 10 determining when a patient may be al an elevated risk for prostate cancer based upon aMual screc:ning. Both the digital rectal exam and the £>SA blood tCSl an: nocessazy 10 properly screc:n male patients for prostate cancer. Urological referral should be considered whencver there is a question of an abnormal PSA or digital rectal examination. Or Figleslhaler is included in Caslle Conll(l/ly~ lop doclOrS "'ferrol guide based 011 pIt).:>"ieimr-leaJ remuch and peer n1Yiew by leoding /iospilllls and medical professiottals. 239-434-6300 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfhe althandwellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition· December 2011 Health & Wellness 9 Minimally Invasive Treatment for Chronic Acid Reflux By Usa Minic D o you sutTer from chronic acid reflux, also known as GaS!roE. sophagcal Reflux Disease (GERD)? Is it limiting the foods you can cat or when you can eat? Does it keep you from sleeping comfonably, or sleeping at all? Until recently, there were only two treatment options for prople sutTcring from GER D: prescription medication Or invasive surgcry. Now there is a third option: EsophyX TIF, an incisionless proccdure otTered by Dr. Alvaro Bada of Pan Charlolle, One oflhe first doclors 10 otTer the procedure in southwest Florida. TIF is an endoscopic procedure that tightens Ihe lower ponion of the esophagus to re«>nstruet the valve between Ihe esophagus and stomach. The procedure is done under gcocno.l anesthesia in less than O11e bour and, in mOSI cases, n:quin:s only an ovemighl hospital Stay. As opposed to 0100 sw-g;cal opIions. TIF n:quircs no extemal or internal incisions, which means no scarring and less chance of complication Or other adverse etTeclS. While the procedure is minimally ,"vaslve, Bada Slresses that this procedure is not jUSl for anyone sutTering from heartburn. We all suffer from occasi011al heartburn. One in four people experience heanbum al least once a month. For these people, over-the-counter medications should suffice. Those who experience heart bum at least once a week. might "'lII1I1O cm;ida a daily ptcsui.-;on mcdicinc. nF is meant for fllIierrts wlKl experienoe severe heartban and acid reflux scvernl times a week or 011 a daily basis. • Following the procedure. Bada said most of his palients resume their nonnal aClivily within three to four days. However. returning 10 your nonnal diet is another story. In the weeks imme_ diately following the procedure, patients are asked to follow a strict diet of small meals COnsisting of soft foods, adding more and more foods over a 12-week period. Patients are told to avoid most raw fruits and vegetables. mcats, breads and olher foods with a course texcure for at least seven weeks. According 10 Dr. Bada, "If you sutTer from GERD and do not Want a lifelong regimen of medication or do not want to undergo an InvasIve surgical procedure, incisionless EsophyX TIF is the best treatment option avail_ able. Following the procedure. 90"10 of my palients nO longer take any medicalions white 85% claim to be completely symptom free ." If you suffer from chronic acid reflux. marked by symploms such as heanbum, hoarseness or sore lhroat, persiStenl cou8h, asthma, frequenl swallowing, pain or discomfon in the chest. buming sensation 1n the throat or mouth or regurgitation. call 941.255,0069 to schedule a consultalion. For more lnIonnation .tsi1: www.reft~.com. ~- ALV",R( About Dr. Alvaro Bada Dr. &uU is a high" npmmm gmml! "'rgnm in a ranp of ~ading-dp "'pa"""'pit and NOS ("",,,ra! orifiu '''rgUIl! uchniqun. In additUm u> gmml! ,urgtryI his 'ptri4i1k1 indutk gaJlt«>ophagta! diuas, ,,,'" ,Iu- Ia"" in min;"14l/y in"",i ... ,urgU.1 ,ffh. MIagi" lill, ,Iu- TIF p""ttlUTt for trttl'ing rhranit GERD. Dr. &uU', o,htr $J<rgUa! stTVim i1l(futk htmia ,..pair, Fl/ b/adLkr prob"-, rolan and rt(14! "'rgtrj. b,..,." ,urgtryl ,lIin ca",", rolan(»(Opy, mdoSt:t1PJ 0- 'k tn." '''re,...,) la,,,, laparosropit pr(t(tduTt '«hniqun. 7h. Bad. R.jlw: i, Ioc."d in ,Ju a..,. "m., FJ",ida, rwo o'iur Ioc.'ions in ,Iu NorTh Por, .nd Punt. Gorda ."as '0 '''VII ,k ,I<" unitT arta, wilh p"" ro"nding romml<ni,itt. ________________________ www. swfHealth andWe liness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Health & Wellness December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition his past Saturday, November 12, the "Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center" was the venue for a very exciting and interactive educational program for patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and their care partners, The Course Direetorofthis symposium, Dr. Ramon A. Gil, Medical Dire.:tor of the "PD Treatment Center of SW Florida", has been organizing this event for more than 10 years. with different fonnats, but always with an outstanding Faculty, bringing to S W Florida some of the top World figures in the field of Parkinson's Disease and Moveme nt Disorders. Names such as: Or. Manhew Stern, Dr. Huben Fernandez, Or. Michele TagJiati. Dr. kan Hubble. Dr. Robert Hauser and the late Dr. William Kolle r are SOme of the guest speakers that have over the years made this event the best and most comprehensive educational program for patients and care partners affected by these disorders. This year, Dr. Ryan Uilli, Chainnan of the Neurology Department and Director of the "PO and Movement Disorders Program" at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, was the latest top notch guest at this gn.:at event. For this year's program, Dr. Gil also invited Vibha Kumar (Yoga Instructor and Therapist), Sergio Valdivia and Patricia De la Ossa (Physical Therapists) and Sharon Fultz (Tai Chi Instructor) to bring a truly holistic approach to the treatment of PD. of PO: balance problems and cognition. than physical therapy and exereise on a r<:gular basis. for at least 150 minutes a week. As a matter of fact, Dr. Uitti. explained that anatomical changes in the brain of patients who exereised on a r<:gular basis com:late with the improvement in their neurological deficits. Treatment Options for PO Dr. Uilli's presentation was dedicated to review The keynote speaker. Peter Gaylord, could not have the cum:nt status of the search fw a cur<: fw PD. been a better introduction to Dr. Uilli's presentaHe shar<:d with the audience the results of tion. since he is a patient with PO for over 10 years. numerous studies looking into drugs, gene He demonstrated for the audience what he has been therapy, stern cells, nutritional or diet suppleable to do with optimizing his physical fitness and ments, physical thcrapy and exercises. To the what he is able to do today, in tenns of balance and surprise of many in the audience. Dr. Uilli physical endurance. I dare to say that most reported the fact that "as per today, there is "non-Parkinson's individuals" arc not able to do. nothing bellcr or proven to be more effcctive to Ik was truly an inspiration for every person attend_ improve the two major challenges in the treatment ing Ihis program. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition - December 2011 Health & Wellness 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12 Health & Wellness December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition Quickly and Accurately Determines Parkinson's By Or. Thomas Fabian, Advanced Imaging 01 Port Charlotte his past weekend I had Ihe pleasure How is Parkinson's Diagnosed? of What to Expect During a DaTscan In the past, it was difficult to diagnose Parkinson's as the symptoms ean mimic other diseases. Acoording to the National Parkinson Foundation. the typical person sees two to three physicians over a minimum of two years before receiving an accurate diagnosis. A key reason is that previously there has not been a definilive leslto detect Parkinson·s disease. Fortunately. a test is now available that can determine w hether or not someone has Parkill$Qn's. In January, thc United States Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved GE Healthcare's DaTscan. The DaTscan detects receptors that diminish in the brains of paticnts with Parkinsonian syndromes such as Parkill$Qn·s disease. Th is test can eliminate the experimce of years of uncertainty regarding the onset of Parkill$Qn's. Earlier diagnosis Can enahle earlier treatment and can prevent erroneous diagnosis from occurring. Because it is a schedule II controlled radiopharmaceutical, prescription and use of DaTscan is limited to centers and physicians with the required DEA and radioactive licenses. Fortunately, Advanced Imaging has bcer1 ccnified and has begun conducting the DaTscan. These scans are conducted here locally allowing area physicians to quickly and accurately determinc whether their patient has Parkill$Qn ·s. On the day of the test. drink plenty of fluids: attending a symposIum on Parkinron's discuc. Not only was [ able to learn a great deal about Parkinsonian syndrome, but [ was also able to observe the spirit and thirst for knowledge exhibited by the Parkinson's patients. their family members and carelakers. Those in attendance ranged from those who were newly diagnosed 10 those who have been living wilh the disease for some lime, and. in one instance. a lovely couple who came 10 the symposium after discoveri ng that their son lIad been diagnosed wilh Parkinson's. For all their differences, they all showed an incredible desire to learn aboul Ihe disease and a great and enduring passi.;," for li fe. What is Parkinson's Disease? Park inson's disease affeets the nerve cells in the brain that control movement and balance. These nerve cells make dopamine, which acts as a conductor telling the brain how to move. In patients with Parkill$Qn's. the brain stops producing dopamine. this in tum creates issues with movement. Parkinson's disease symptoms can be shaking or tremors. slow movement . stiffness and balance problems. Advanced ImagIng Conducts DaTscan When the physician feels that it is necessary, they conlact the staffatAdvanced Imaging 10 schedule the exam. Advanced Imaging is the only facilitybelwccn Sarasota and Miami that is authorized to completc DaTscans. Prior to having the scan, the patient needs to make sure that they alert their physician to any allergies, medical conditions, if they are pregnant Or planning on lxx:oming pregnant. or have reduced kidney or liver function. In addition . there are several medications thaI may need to be discontinued for a shon time prior 10 the exam. continue this practice for approximately two days aftcr the exam. Wearoomfonable clothing: you will not be required to change out of your street clothes. Before the test begins. DaTscan will be inje.:ted through an intravenous line in your arm. After the injcction. you are free to leave without any restrictions. After three houn, you will return to Advanced Imaging. and you will be placed on the imaging lable with your head placed in a hcadrest. Aeamcra will be positioned above you, dose to your head. II is imponant to lie as still as possible for the duration of the exam, which will take approxi_ mately thiny minutes. After the exam, you are frec to leave without any restrictions. Dr. Fabian and the other radiologists at Advanced Imaging will provide your physician with a wriuen repon as well as images of your brain. The OaTscan shows visual evidence of Parkinsonian syndrome in the brain. This can help decrease uncenainty around a diagnosis in adult patients who havc signs or symptoms such as shaking Or stiffness. The OaTscan is available only with a prescription from your doctor. and only your doctor can decide if this test is right for you. Advanced Imaging: The Clear Choice Advanced Imaging conducts DaTscans and many other state-of-the-an medical exams. For more information on DaTscans or any other diagnostic tests, contact Advanced Imaging at 941-135-4646. "',.,....dd";",dging.c"",. or stop by to view the facility. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfH eal th and Weliness . com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition - December ZO II Health & Wellness 13 TOP FIVE Mistakes Made when Choosing an Assisted Living Community By Ed Hi• • leqlon Manor n last month's issuI: we c:ovm:d K'Val things you need 10 know when considering anAssislC'd Livina Community(also mo..n as an A lF): is no! I nursi", home. monthly oom. admissioo ~ residenl agrttmrnl. quality o f life, monthly relllal vs. buy·;n rommunity. penonalizing the l partment, and !1a1C surveys. To funher educalC readers and ~fully cue IIOITIC lension when il comes 10 making such III importanl decision, we will now discuss lhe top five mosl corrunon mi sukes made when choosing an ALF. 1. Settling On The CHEAPEST Priced FaCIlity. If you buy Ihe cheapesl TV a nd il breaks-you can "'Place il. If you buy Ihe chcap-esl food ilcm, il may not taslC U good u something that cost mOre----Out il 's IlOl going 10 kill you. The cheapest car b~aking down can cause you a areal dc:al of aggravation. However. lhe roeptive con· sequences of a poorl y run assisled living commu· nity arc potenlially vny serious. l ike any other business, il takes ~enuc to operate e ffcctively. It is gencnlty under-stood tlllll il ukes I minimum of S2 SOO 10 care for In individual in 1/1 A lF. If you '~ considcrina payina: less than that. you should find OUt what services are being cut or what personal cares are beina compromised. 2. Getting AdvIse From Those Who ~'t Fully IlIto.med. JUS! like all doo:\Orr; and bo5pilals are noI the same, III Ass;sled Living Communities arm' llhe same either. Even Ihou&h ~ AlF's may have the same $laIC license, each one: rnIIy be equipped, Of have the desire. 10 perform • higher level of care. It is IlOl uncommon for soci.l workers. cue managers, and even physicians to not 3. Feeling Yoo've "Found A Deal." The ~ li~h~s ... "lf it sounds 100 good to be true, it il ...... " You get what you pay for...... a~ JUSt u relevant when il comes to sllopping for the riglll Assisted Li ving option . If a community is ~gularl y having 10 offer ''specials'' & "deals". or come up wilh • new Mgimmick" 10 get someone 10 move-in, it is probably because they are having I di fficult lime retaining Ihosc rnidcnts that fell victim 10 their lut Mspecill or deal. MWby are SO many people leaving1 You can only imagine the seriousness of the issues lllal e~iSl if 1/1 individual is will ing 10 move out after p g through all of the ,",'On: to move-in. 4, Not Allowing Enough Time To Adjus t To The N_ Environment Any move or change can be: O\'''''''''hclming, stressful, and lrIIumalic, Imagine intmupl ing. routine that 'S existed for 20, 30, or 40 ~an. Quite often lhe individual . lso has 10 adjusl to a maj or change in lheir mroital condition. By itsel f. th is could cause somc:onc 10 become lII~ious .nd dcp~sscd. Now co uple Ih at with I change in the ir environ_ fully understand the scrvie<s I vailable for all menl and you ALF'I. The person best educated 10 dc:temlinc if a have the m:ipe corrununily can handle a particular cue, is the for a difficult person doing the usessment. transiti on. Every individual is dif. 20480 Veterans 81Yd., fIIIrt Cllarlotte, FL 339 54 LEXINGTON MANOR ferent. bul a ASSISTED lI VtNC 941·766·7991 common amount _ .la:IngtOft M.norPortChartotte,com of lime needed to Start making the adjustmtnl is 2·3 weeks. This adjustmenl period mighl be: shortened if the community hal I fonnal "transition pro-gram" in place. Those communities that have devoted resour<:es to the development. and imp1cmtntalion ofa "trtnsilion prograrn", ~ demonstrating a more thorough under-standing of the needs of their new rcsidc:nts. 5. Waiting Too Long Before Moving Into An ",-slsted Uvlng Community, A conunon lhouglll of individuals, u ....ell u family members iJ ... HI'm not ready,R .. , "Mom's nOi ready yet- The time 10 consider an Assisted Living Community is noc after ~'s been a significant decline in Ihc penon'l health. FOf example, Ihc statistics show thai Ippro~imalely 50% of those that suITer • broken hip. end up having 10 nlO\'e to a mlflling home, or WOOl. Many individuals miss Ihc Assisled Living experience u Ihcy struggle to slay in their house. The decision 10 make I mo'''' to an Assisted living Community can be a very overwhelming experience. Hopefully we have provided you with some u$Cful infonnation. Ed Hill has assisted hundreds of individuals. and fami lies. evaluale their senior living opiions. Ilis specialty is working with lhose in need of assisted living. Ed can be reached by email : [email protected]. ~p ll Ed Ibi "'" a.n.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ www . swfHe a lth a ndWe lln ess.c om _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • Fatigue/Low Energy · Constipation • Depression · Unexplained Weight Gain • Thinning or Brittle Hair . Anxiety f. [liln","y Losing Weight . Always Feeling Cold • Night Sweats · Morning Headaches learn about a DRUG FREE alternative that will change your life! Regardless of Your Age or Medical Condition! TAKE BACK YOUR SEX LIFE! Now m~ n of all ag~s can find Ih~ solution 10 ere<:liJ~ dysnmclion and premature ejaculalion and start enjoying a gn:al sex life. We offcr personalized lreatmcnt Ihat' s fasl and casy. with no surgery or pain. On~ appointm~nt will chanS" your life forever. ••• ASS ISTED LI VING See Results In Just 1 Visit and Get Your Sex Life Back! Our Liccnsed Physicians Will Help You ELIMI NATE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION OUR RESIDENTS ENJOY: • Assi<led living • Spacious apanmenl3 willi choice ofAoor plans • Nutritious. goonne!, reslaurant'$I)'k dining • Housekeeping and laundry services • Sthcduled local and medical uanspo<talion available • Social, =n:a1ionaJ, and spiritual a<1ivilics • Ouli~ I<> area res!auranl3 and shopPIng ""nlers • Assis13l1Ce w/Kliviti.es of daily living • Special diClary menus • Emergent:)' call SY$loms • MediCa!"'" managemem 20480 Velera ns Irou le\lard • Pori C har lo lle. FL JJ954 • 941 -766-79\11 Yoww.Lexinglonl\1anorPorIC harlolte.eom Al"," " ' , ' _ ~ ~USMALE CLINIC Call (239) 693-5200 12650 World Plaza Lane, Building 72. Suite 2 Fort Myers. Fl. 33907 theusmalec1inic.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dr. Myles Samotln Is a Columbia University Graduate and Fellowship Trained at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York City. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16 Health & Wellness December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition hilt HlY/AIDS does no! gel the public attention it did a decade or two ago the infC<:1iOll continues 10 grow in Ihe United States and globally at an alanning rate. 44 million people worldwide are now estimated 10 be living wilh H1V. 22 million people have died from AIDS related diseases and 15 million ~hildn:n have been orphaned. Rc<::enlly released figures show lha\ in 2009. for the first lime, Florida had Ihe highest number of new H1V infections in the CQurnry with 5.775 ncw H1V infe<:lions. Flcridians with HIY!A ID$ are living longer than eVe!" before. This pllcnomenon, which many have dubbed as the "graying of the AIDS epidemic," is due in large pan to Ihe achievements of highly active amiretroviral therapy (HAARD, which allows HIV patients 10 manage their diseases more successfully, as well an astonishing number of new diagnoses in che over SO. senior community. Older aduhs, with the help of drug5like Viagra for men and honnonc supplemcnts for women, are scaying sexually accive well inco cheir golden )'<Oars. An AARP (fonnerly !he American ASSQ<;ia_ cion of RC!ired Persons) smdy found Ihat among adults becw~ che ages of 45 and 59. 55 percent of men and 50 percenC of women reponed being sexually accive in the previous si x-monlhs: of chose surveyed becween che ages 60 to 74. 31 pen.:em of men and 25 pen:enc of women reponed being sexually active. These high percentages are an effect of people living longer, more active lives, As a resuh ofthcir longevity, many seniors may be venturing back inco che world of dacing after che death of a spouse or divor<.:e. wilh linle experience in the practice of safe scx, Bclieving chcrnselves immune co sexually transmined diseases (STDs) and ru no risk for pregnanc.:y, older adults don 'I often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 17 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 18 Health &. Wellr.ess December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition Are You Ready to Get Looped? By Or. NoAI Crosby, Au.D. No ... I'm not Inlliting you to imbibe in an alcoholic beveI'"ogel Instead rOm advocating that you learn about the benefits of having a tele<:oil circuit in your hearing aids and what the not-so-distant future will hold for those who wear hearing instruments. If you wear hearing aids. you know Ihat although they arc extremely beneficial and can dramatically improve your ability to hear and und«rstand, they cannot restore nQrrns! hearing. Often this is most evident to hearing aid users when they anend church, g'1 t'1 a conccn or a!lend other types ofpablic functions where the spoken word or music can be more difficult to understand due to diminished clarity caused by sound reverberalions or e<:hoes. What many users and potential users do nOt know is thai hearing aids can easily become wireless =ivers ifthcy arc equipped with a featurccalled a tclccoil. The rcsult is clear sound delivered directly to your hearing aids. Originally designed to work with assistive listening devices and telephones. the telewil. which is a special circuit located inside the hearing aid that can pick up ele<:tromagnClic signals. can signifi_ cantly boost the benefit you receive from wearing I>caring devices. It works by lum;ng off Ihe microphone (which picks up all sounds and can cause feedback). picking up ele<:tromagnet;e signals and converting the signals into sound. Whal I find most exciting is what the near futun: will bring. Imagine going to a church or to a thcatre thai has been looped wilh a wirc around the perim_ eter that will act as an antenna for your telewil. (If you've lraveled 10 Europe you will know whall am talking about. JuSt check out the Weslminslcr Abbey if you plan a visillO England soon.) Unfortunalely. the United States has lagged behind Europe when il comes 10 looping public buildings. But all that is about 10 change! Until recently, there wercn't enough P'X'ple in the U.S. wearing hearing aids with tel«oils to justify Ihe expense. But that has changed in Ihe laSI de<:ade. Behind-the-car models have become morc popular and the percentage of hearing aids sold that come wilh tclccoils has increased from 30 percent 10 69 percent according to various professional sources. As a result. Amcnca will soon join Europe in "getting looped."" To expedile the implemenlstion of placing hearing loops in public buildings, the Hearing 1..0s$Associalion of America and IheAmerican Academy of Audiology recently announced a public education campaign called "Get in the Hearing Loop" designed to "enlighten and excite hearing aid users. as well as audiologists and other professionals who dispense hearing aids, aboul Ihe benefits of telecoils and hearing loops."' As an enthusiastic supporter of this campaign and owner of Advanced Hearing Solutions, I am pleased to announce Ihal our Englewoo-d office has been looped . I invite everyone to try it OUt! Even if you don't have a leleeoil in your hearing aid, you will be able to hear the difference a hearing loop makes by wearing a special headset. That is why looping public buildings makes so much sense ... everyone who has a hearing loss can benefit! Here is a short sampling of U.S. installations provided by the Il ea It 19 Loss AssociatIon; • New York City subway infonoation booths: more than 300 installalions at stations in Queens. Brooklyn, The Bronx, and Manhattan • Information kiosks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art • Ticket booths at Disney World lickel cenler • U.S. House of Representatives • U.S. Botanical Gardens shunle bus • Osh Kosh Grand Opera • Both oonrourscs and all gate areas of Grand Rapids. Mi airpon • N.Y. Mets Stadium ticket window • 14,759 seat Michigan State University basketball arena • Kitchens and great rooms of new homes being built at Green Valley, AZ relirement community called "La Posad Hearing Loss Association of Sanltsota, Fl.., recently received a Selby Foundation gnltnt to loop 10 theaters. The William G. & Marie Selhy Foundation has approved a S72.457 granl proposal submitted by the Hearing Loss Association of Sarasota to provide hearing loop systems for 10 perfonoing arts halls in the (\010 counties. The hearing loop is a system thaI sends clear. clean and interference-frec sound from the stage's microphone directly into the hearing aids or cochlear implants of the hearing impaired in the audicnce . The 10 theatres includes 13 stages. which will receive the grant: Asolo Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre (Keating), Florida Studio Theatre (Gomprett). Manatee Player's Theatre. Neel Performing Arts Cenler (Main), Ned Performing Arts Center (Pinkerton), SanLsota Opera, Sarasota On:hestra, The Player's Theatre. Venice Community Center, Venice Thcatre (Main), Venice Theatre (Pinkerton) and the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe. For mGIIIlnrormatlon about looping visit, YNiW.hearinglOSS.O<gIoontent/get·hearing.loop Give me a call at 941-474-8393 to find oot more orto let me know lOU want to aperiooce for lOU!Se~ ...oot ~ feels like to .get looped I· .. PRm":SSIO:-lAl. BlO t· .-, -• Dr. "", I C""hy. Au .D.. "'" nc, ,", praC!1clI\g ..\<lyan,cd .u<I", I ,,~ ,,' Hoar;ng Solulio n, f ·· " II}- (It: l,n~lcw,~.J. '" " " '" pwk"io"at cxl""';enccd " 'ho", ra ......,r ha, bcen uc",tcu t(, hdp'''~ pco · plo or all age< hoar and undeNond more cka,l; • With ,>I'"r :>.1 Y""" of "'I"',ien,'''. D,. ( '""by , ,'",cor pa,h " ma rh"rl h,' 'he PUT>U" "r auY.n,,,1 edlK"t ;"" ..\her complet ing her unue,grauuJlc ,,",!ulT,mcn". ,ho "'"'' cJ her Ib,hdor and \1."" of So ien<e dog,ec, t'om f lo,;da State L"ni'e'Slty "nd her 11t"",,,"tc in '\ud;olog; from 'h, Lni"",ty of Flo,ida lkr c,edihility a, an aUlhmity grew during her "nu" as the \)',,",''IT or ,\udlOl ogy at 'h, S,h,,· , teln In , titute ;n Sa ra,ota H. I'om 1991 ·1 99R rod.y. '" addition to mana~,"~ a ,u,"""l'ul aud",l · on ~icc. !"Ir. ('nw; i<N cm1flktcd her """...-.:[ ...."fTl1 "' p""idcnt 01 The FI"rida ..\<ad<.,,,y of AuJ,ol o~y 94 1-474-8393 I www. drnoeicrosby. com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition· Oecember 2011 Health'" Wellness 19 Holiday Tips for Homebound Family & Friends elcbrating trnditions is pan of the holiday season, but panicipating in : ~:~~~~':h:"':':ished rituals Can sometimes II people wping with illness. injury or surgery. The busy hcJ1iday season can be stressful for evayone. That stress is escalated for the elderly and sick. However, carefully considering each person's individual circumstances and n=ls can help make their holidays brighter and more enjoyable. The healthcare team at Infinity lIomcC"", offers these tips for a more enjoyable holiday: In the United States. 8 pcn;ent of the population is living with diabetes, and obesity rates for adults have reached 34 percent. Consider sharing a holiday concen or Olltural event together instead of a meal. and replace that food gift with a nonfood item such as a health-conscious cookbook. Slippers are a common gift for the elderly. but don't buy them based On outside appearances. One in five Americans 60 and older has diabetes. and improper footwcar can cause serious hcalth problems. Inspect the inside of the slippers for seams that could irritate skin or cause a wound. Consider sioo.wrap slippers with Velcro fasteners for recipients with swollen feet. Bring the holidays to someonc who is homebound due to injury or surgery re<:ovcry or too tired from an illness to decorate. Wreaths and poinsettias brighten any room . You might also offer to help the pcrson put up holiday decorations. For someone who is battling a serious illness. the act of sending OUt holiday greetings can be overwhelming. Help compose and duplicate a brief note. then set aside an afternoon when your friend can sign cards as you address and mail them. Talk about your friend or relative's hcahh and really listen to learn what you can do to help. Maybe he/she needs a walking partner or someone to pick up prescriptions. Don't force someone who isn't physically up to it to celebrate the season with gusto. L.et him or her know that sharing thc holidays is what matters most. With a lillie planning. your thoughtful gestures can truly make this the most wonderful time o f the year for family and friends that"", homebound this holiday season . Do you have questions about your Parkinson's Disease or treatment? Call to schedule a FREE SCREENING 941-743-4987 .~ ., PIII1dnson's Disease Treatment Center of SW FlorIda ~lJ! Kinp II;",....,.. Uo. tOl, _ CIIorIoctc. Fl J]98O J600 " , II;... ....... Woof, _ . Fl Jtm 70S O<t ......., ~ SlUt< 6, Cop: c.-I. ~1. JJ90.0 Ramon A. Gil, M.D. __ ~. A CI¥ ! of~_N""""'o A _ _ ofl_ _ F _c-~.N _ _ F_ PORT CHARLOTTE CAPE CORAL 941 .629.1600 239.242.0541 www. lnlinitytlc.com 0.... T•• ", 01 T.. I..... Profflolo ... l. InetuM: IIogOIoNO ~~ ~- - Om,":"'~ Poy<Hori<__ _ ~~--~ & RMped: Custom C.." o.MY_ WIth F\;oI(lpoBIIotc..~_ ~~~-.. ..... _ $ofoIy"'I.<M_ r_ _ $ofoIy foot,~~ .I(Ilr...... ' _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfHealtha nd We liness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20 Health & Wellness December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition Sun Safety Tips "Here Comes the Sun: How To Protect Yourself From Its Harmful Effects" By SeniOr Extra at Charlotte RegiOnal MediCal Center s un and fun go hand_in_hand. Protecting your skin and eyes fTom the Iwmful effects ofUV rays is essential. In Ihe United Stales, skin cancer is the mosc prevalent fonn of cancer, and according 10 (he Centers for Disease Control, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in tile course ofa lifetime. While it is true that fairer skinrn:d j)CQplc have 10 be Ihe most vigilant. UV rays do not discriminate. On behalf of Senior Extra at Charlotte RaQioo Ia~ here are a few ways you CM stay safe: • Stay OUt of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 0( seck shade during this lime. • Apply sunscreen wilh SPF IS or higher. • Wear UV blocking sunglasses. • O;.ver up with long sleeves and a hat. o Check your skin regularly for any changes. Many people dQn'! kl><}w that sunS<,:rt:CIl expires. Before applying sunscreen. always check the expiralion dale 10 ensure it is still effective. If you plan 10 be outside for mon:: than two~, always reapply sunscreen after sweating or swimming. Lastly, if you notice any changes in your skin, it is best to visit your doctor or d<:nnatologist for a proper diagnosis. Outdoor activities make us happy and promo\<: healthy living. Senior EJ.tra wants you toenjoy your summer by following these simple suggestions to combat hannful UV rays and prevCTlt skin cancer. About Senior Extra Evcr-<:hanging advanccments in hcalthcare allow us 10 live longer and improve our overall health. Pr0viding the latest information abom health advance· ments through monthly seminars and cvents is just one facet of Senior Extra. To sign up fora free memo bclOhip, visit www.ScniorEJ.tra.com. About Char10He Regional Medical Center Charlone Regional Medical Center is an award· winning facility, with OUr heart program and stroke servi= earning nationwide distinction. The employees of our 208-bed Joint Commission Accredited full service hospital are dedicated \0 abiding by our hospital'S mission s!lItement: Caring professionals dedicated to serving our community. Strides continue to be made in the medical care we provide. Our comprehensive cardiac can: program remains a thriving one. We have earned Top 100 Hospi!lll distinction from the Thomson ReuteJ3 finn for the cardiac and stroke services we provide. and have been recognized by another national ratings finn as well for Our cardiac care, pulmonary services, and neuroscience (stroke) services. Our commitment to Our community is evident in many other areas as well. Much has changed over the past half-<:entury. However, our pas! and Our future have one thing in common: Our commiuncnt to providing you with quality health care administered by a caring s!llfT. The journey continucs. Charlot\<: Regional Medical Center, 809 E. Marion Avenue, Pun!ll Gorda, Florida www.CharlotteRegional.com. Myth or Fact: You ara aafe from the efl'ects of UY rays when it Is cloudy or overcast. This ia one of the most common myths auociated wtth uv protection. UY rays easily penetrata c louds and haze, making It possible lor the sun to damage )'Our skin. Again, always CO'IfW up and wear your aunac:reen. Charlotte Regional Medical Center 941-205-2150 Remem~r thot this Informa';{JII ;. Mt intend"" to f'<'plflCt: th~ advice ofyour d~t()r. bur /"(/th~r ID incf'<'tlSe aW{Jf'<'neSJ and ~elp ~uip PDtiems ..ith injormfJIiDn and j{J(;i1itale """wl"$a';o~ ,..;,h your pJ.y#c;an that ..ill ~nrfi' your health. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... w.swfHealthandWeliness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Char lotte/South Sarasota Edition - December 2011 Health & Wel lness 21 UOAA Offers Support he United Ostomy Associati{ms of America, Inc (UOAA) is a nonprofit organization with a mission and vision. UOAA is an association of affiliated. nonprofit, support groups who are commincd to the improvemem of the quality of life of people who have, or will have. an intestinal or urinary diversion. It is dedicated to the provision of informa_ tion, advocacy and service to, and for. its affiliated support groups, their members and the intestinaUurinary diversion community at large. The UOAA is comprised of Over 300 Affiliated Support Groups (ASGs) nationwide. We arc an organization that strives to provide education to all and promote awareness, thus eliminating the stigmas and fe~ that surround this surgical inter_ vention. The UOAA functions on donations provided by its members,ASGs (affiliated suppon groups) and other doJ\OTll. We arc an organization that collaborates with the WOCN (Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses) Society, TSA (Transportation & Safety Administration). the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Colorce_ tal Surgeons to promote the overall health and well being of its membership. An ostomy is a diversion of the intestinal or urinary tract to provide either a divel1iion of fecal or urine matter. People who are faced with this surgery face a great deal of change in their lives. including but nOt limited to, body image adjUStments, life style adjustments and dietary adjUStments. There are different reasons why one may face ostomy surgery. inch>ding but nOt limited to: Crohn's Disease. ulcerative colitis. cancer, trauma, and birth defects. Each individual is given a 'stoma' which is the portion of the intestine that is brought to the surface of the abdomen to provide evacuation of waste. Most people who have ostomy surgery need to wear an external pouchlprosthetic to collect the waste. the prosthetics that arc worn. Our latest conference was a National Conference held in Reno, NV in AugUl;t of2011. The next National ConferenCe is scheduled to be held in Jacksonville. FL in August of 2013. At the National conferences, we provide outstanding, well known surgeons, physicians and nurses to provide educational sessions. hands on ostomy care, and insight to changes in procedures or treatments. The UOAA provides Regional Conferences, 0 the eVen years; Leadership sem inars. and National conferences, On the odd years. These conferences provide the membcl1ihip with educational sessions, social sessions and involvement with the manufacturing companies that provide 5e;2e the to ... L;Ve _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22 Health'" Wellness December 2011 • Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition The Naked Truth About Sunscreen Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Did You Know? Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, With over 1 million people diagnosed each year. the statis· tics are daunting; someone will die fNery hour from melanoma. The tragedy lies in tI1e fact thai skin cancer is curabte. Ea~y detection and protection are impera· tive for surviva l. 3.33", thus 96.7" protection. 1/50 - 2%, tI1us 98% pJG. !ection. 1/100 - 1" ,thus 99" protection. Broad spectrum refers to the protection of both INA and lNB rays. Are You Wearing Enough Sun Protection? A. I personally li ke 40-50. More is fine, but is not necessarily more protective. HCJwe\'!!r, tI1ere are some vel)' 9'od sunscreens thai have higher numbers, but ~ is not the number that makes rt a weal one, ~ is a 9'od SUrJSaeOO because of its components, My choice of product is Vani· cream 60 Sport .mich can be puJt:hased wer the counter. The intense Rorida sun beams cancer causing INA and lNB rays through car windows. refteelS off the water, eYefI under beach umbrellas, and scorthes revealed skin .mere hats and clothing don1 cover, Even when ~ jso't a typicat sunny day, cancer causing rays penetrate through the douds leaving behind a damaging sunbum, Q. What do you recommend for daily SPF and for all day outdoor activities? Read Between The Wrinkles Dr. IflmOerly Davidson, Board certified Dermatologist. recommends the foI· lowing criteria for choosing the right SUrJSaeOO wtth br'oad spectrum protection for normal or sensitive skin typeS and 'IIt1y ~ should be a daily ritual. IfjOu're not wearing a da ily dose 0( sun~, more tllM likefy)'OU may be confused by the meaning of SPF. the numbers that follow, and the undefined terminology of "broad spectrUm." Recently, the FDA announced changes to the labeling for sunscreen in an effort to help consumers ftnd products that help reduce the risk of skin cancer and early aging. To better understand these new guidelines on SUrJSaeOO, the expertS of Riverthase Demlatology and Cosmetic Su.gery shed some light on the facts about sunscreen, Numbers Don't Lie, or Do They? Dr. Daniel Wasserman, Board Certified Derma· toIogist and Fellowship. trained Mohs Su~, explains .mat SPF and blOOd spectrum mean, and simplifies the math to compre!1end tI1e mystery behind the numbers. Q, What is SPF and what is the meaning of broad spectrum? A. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor lIIflich is a scoring system for lNB protection, This has no retation· ship to INA protection. A simple mathematical trick to understand the amount of protection is to take tiSPI' to see how mUCh UVB is getting through . 1/30 - about Q. What are the most important ingredients in a SPF? A, look for one of the following ingedients in )tlur sun· screen In order to make sure )OIl are getting both INA and lNB "broad·spectrum" coverage: titanium dioxide, linc oxide, avobenrone (PaISOl 1789), or M=ry1 (ecamsule). The SPF rating on the bottle is not enough to iP by as the number on the bottle only tells)Oll how much lNB protec· tion )'OU are getting. Demlatologisls recommend SPF 30 with one of the aboYe inwedients. Patients with sensitiVe skin should look for oonscreens wtth line O>.ide and/or titanium dioxide as the main inWed ients. There are marl)' sunscreens avaltable that are spedfically made for sensi· tive skin (usually labeled as sensitive skin or baby formula· tions) that have no chemical sunscreens that can cause allergic readions. The chemical sunscreens can also a~te eczema, rosacea, and other hypersensitivity con· ditions. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are mineral pl'rj'sical bIodoIers that do not get absorbed Into the skin. They plO>'i<le a p~1 barrier .mich is better tolerated by all fonos of se!lsitive skin. Newer formulations are micron· Ized and not as .mite on the skin as the older formulations. Some examples O<ef the counter are: Neutrogena Sensi· tive Skin, A...eeno Sensitive Skin, Blue lizard 5ensitiYe Skin, or Vilnicream. Dr. Davidson recommends MOSolar Science 'or a cosmetic medical I"J(Ide sunscreen lIIflich can be PlJrchased in a physician's office. Q. Besides protection from skin cancer, what other benefits does sunscreen offer? A. R~r sunscreen use can preYefII t)'Iotoagingand photoda~. Photoda~ (sun damage) makes us look older by causing premature wrinlding. age spotS (brown spoIS),1eatheI)' skin, and sagging of the skin. IIetJIa< sun· saeetl use also pre.>ents DNA damage I'IIIich can lead to precancerous lesions 01 the skII. These precancerous lesions look like red, ~ blotches that feel like sandpape<. Key Factnrs in _ n g Skin Cancer 'M1aring a daily sunscreen, performing periodic se~ exam~ nations. and an annual ';\Sit to the demlatoIogist are key factors in preventing skin cancer. For more information on determining \\t\at kind of sunscreen is best for)'OU and )'OUr 'amil\l contact Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic SurI§erY, Southwest Florida's most comprehensive skin center offering non-surgical radiation the!a17J', The Camisa PsorIasis Center & Laser and Skin Cancer Institute, three Fellowship.trained MOOs surgeons, aa.anced cosmetic dermatology, and an experiertced plastic oorgeDn on staff. 00.............. .... ...... 2Glt\11SWo1 IOI~~Oo', F.r1 MJIllLG_Oo', Il10... I..... f50N,COO .... "" ... iIOJ C_ Coni L.2S-.,.......,.. 'L02 1·800·561·0ERM .... RlwlrchaseDermltology.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edit ion Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle By Myles Rubin $amotin, MD - Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon. Fellowship Trained in FOOl and Ankle The signs and symptOmS 0( arthritis are ~1IeI311y the same throughout the body and this holds true to( the foot and ankle joints. Stiffness, sv.elling, tenderness aod pain are associated with lower extremity (foot and ankle} arthritis. Bone spiJfS ~ fonn at the joints and since the foot Is made mostly 01 boIle. these spurs may stick 0\11 and malle the joint appear lumP)'. The joint may become deformed. Sometimes, witI1 the v.eigtlHleanng joints s.uc/1 as foot aod ankle. the joint may feel ·unstable" or feel like ready to give oot The 'MIlS!. symptom will be that walkjng may become quite painful. ~ is 3rtf The J!Od thing about foot and ankle arthritis, if lhere is one, Is that there are many typeS of OOI'$e.vati\'e treatment that can be used in Older to alleviate the symptOmS. v.11ich is mainly pain with stiffness. Simple steps such 115 steroid Injections, alJtl.lnflammatory pain reI~rs, placing pads. an::l1 suP\Xll1S or other inserts into footwear, and even aJStom footwear or bracing 0( the foot or ankle can all be used to relieve symptoms. Plrjsk:al tIleraP'/. exercise and eYeI'I a wei~t loss prO~m can be a benefit to easing JOUr symp1OOlS. A specialist in foot and ankle is genelllily aware of an these treatment typeS arid will util~ them In an attempt to help the patient. December 2011 Health & Wellness 23 H~r.lille the large joints such as hip and knee. con· 5ef\Ia1iYe treatment sometimes wi ll not 'IIOfIc at all on a patient and more likely. will help for Mlile, but due to the increasing seYerity of the arthntis, wi ll eventually cease helping the patient. Surgical options will then need to be considered. If )IIU haw mild or modelil1e arthritis. especia lly in \!Ie ankle only. an ankle arthlOSCOPI' may be wa,· IlIOted 10 help cut back on \!Ie arthritic changes in the ankle joint. In the foot and toe joints, as well as more arthritic ankle joints. SlJrgefy may irMIlYe an arthrodesis (fusion) of \!Ie joint to eliminate pain. In some IlIre cases of severe ankle arthritis. a speQalist may recommend an ankle replacement using prostheses, which are used in hip and knee replacement Sl!rgery. But. most specialists win eenerally avoid \!Ie ankle replacement SlIrget}\ sinr::e the techniques and prostheses are not as advanced as they are in hip and knee replacement Sl!rgery and they haYe been known to haw marly more implant failures with catastroph ic reSlItts. The most important \!ling about arthritis 01 the foot and ankle. which I haYe stated $Mral times. is to be seen and followed I1j the proper clinician \\t1Q can h~p)IIU in marly watS to soIYe JOUr artMtic ankle Of foot and help jOU return 10 II more pain-tree, less symptomatic liIe.1 am a Board certified Orthopaedic Suf8lOO with a Subspeciallj\ fellowship Trained in Foot & Anlole SlItger)'. In fact.I am the only Sl!f8lOO with these qualifications in our area . I belie'll! this makes me uniquely able 10 deal with these problems in a state-of-the·art atmosphere and method that will keep )IIU in I>OOd hands and proYide )IIU with \!Ie most desired resutt. 9'~a~""",,~ ACUTE WOUND CARE Ate you suffering from lymphedema and chronic swelling of upper or lower extremities? • Newborns to AdoIe$Cents • Well & Sid< waiting Area • New Paoonl1l Welcome • Mel$! Insurances Ao::epIed We Can Help! _ you.- lllIo.t.t...." """"""Y - . . . , . Of. ~torm b... bl"'~ plan. _ _ !he....,pies \'0<1 ......:I to sIIorI .... toOOV«Y time In yoI.O" own home! s,..n.tw"" 10 Helgemo and Liou Pediatrics p"""", " 941-629-4464 _ Call UsTodayt 239·949-4412 _ .. .<:em _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24 Health & Wellr.ess December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition dental visit with CEREC By Or. Joseph Farag cw technologies II«' making our lives simpler and easier everyday and dentistry has certainly not been Th"',,,. a great new system called CEREC, you can now have a high_tech smile in a single visit In days gone by, you may have needed 10 visit the dcnlisl1wO or three limes 10 have a quality. while ceramic restoralion. The dentist would need \0 take a Sp<:<.:ial impression to make a plaster mwel for lhe denIal laboratory \0 gencrale an Clura repliu of your 1001h in order 10 hand-make your porcelain ",SI01'31;00. The "aftsmanship of the laOOI'll\ol)' technician is highly regarded, but gen- erally requires a minimum tum-around time of two weeks, leaving you 10 function with a temp<)ral)', generally plastic, restoration. Instead of multiple dentist appointments and weeks for a completc restoralion, CEREC allows lhe denlisllo achieve the same, if 001 beller, results in a single visil. CEREC is an IICronym for Chairside Eronomieal Resloration of Esthetic Ceramics. Translated, il means lhal a denlisc ean economically reslore damaged 1OC11i in a single appOintment using high-qualily ceramic malerial Ihal malches. CEREC uses the latesl Compuler-Aided Design ar.d Manufaclure (CADCAM) tcchnology incorporaling a camera, COmpuler and milling machine in one instrumenllO give you perfect, while fillings, veneers crowns, all in a a frac. tion of Ihe time il used 10 take. Here 's how it w orks. Once your deniisl detenTlines that CEREC is the correcl COW"Se of lreatmenl, your visil will begin by preparing the tooth. Any decay, ifprcscnt, is removed, leaving as much possible of your heallhy loodl 10 support the CEREC reslOT1llion . Nexl, your denlisl will use a specially designed electronic camera lhat makes a digilal3D model of your looth in seconds. You can Ihen walch your denlisl design your new restoration on a compuler screen, righl beside Ihe dental chair using Ille 3D image created by lhe camera. The virtual filling is then lransferred inlo reality, again using CEREC. A solid block of porcelain ceramic is insel1ed inlo Ihe CEREC milling unit. Special lools then sculpt your restoration 10 Ihe finest delail based on the resloralion designed on the CEREC compuler. The pcrfcc\-fit reSloration is completed and placed in your moulh wilh Ihe whole process only taking around an hour! CEREC fillings are nalurallooking, smooth, white and hard-wcaring, juSllike the enamel swface of Ihe resl of our leelh. The ceramic malerial is biocompatible and is not effected by hot or cold. Before and ajler: CEREC restorations look and feel beller than amalgam (above and gold (below), and can be completed in a Single appointment The office of Dr. Joseph famg offers CEREC restoration. f or more dc\ails ar>d CEREC or to schedule an appointmenl for a check-up please call (941) 764-9555 today. Btouti/ul smilu .ogin h". CALLTODAY: 941-764-9555 _____________________ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edit ion December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 25 The Power of Antioxidants ... for Your Health, Hair and Skin! H By Jenny's Hair & Nails INe JOU noticed recently )\lur skin seems a b~ less vibrant, or there may be anothef hne winking at )OIl in the miffor? How about )\lur hair? Does it seem dull, thin, or has it just seemed not to hold its color? There is a culprit to all of this, and it is the one "Free" thing that is cos~ng )\lu dea~1, and cou ld be affecting )\lur health. Free Radicalsl Free radicals are created by ro:ida~on. O:>:idation is unavoidable. As long as we breathe OX)'gen arid are exposed to UV light 3< radiation, there will be ro:idaVon in our body and the creation of free radicals will alwil)'S continuel Free radicals in smal l and controlled quantities are OK and indeed are helpful in everyday metabolism, as the)' take part in normal reactions in the body. Antioxidants Neutralize FrH Radicals The problems start -..hen the production of these free radicals increases. A helpful way to put these tree radicals in balance is to begin consuming products -..hich allow for the neutraliZing of free radicals. They are-free radical scavengers" and have high amounts of an~oxi· dants. An~oxidants have the power to protect)\lu from disease and slow the aging process, as they fight the free radicals in )\lur body that can harm JOUr cells. if )'Our anti· oxidant levels are low, oxidative stress can occur, making )\lu suscep~ble to malrf illnesses. You may notice JOUr skin is dl)llr or less pliant; )\lur hair dull and lifeless. In order to keep JOUr body healthy and )\lur immune sj'Stems strong,)\lu must consume an abundant amount of antioxidants on a daii)' basis. Common Powerhouse Antloxldant5 These poweIhouses can be fouoo in marl)' fruits aoo veg· etables. Common antioXidants include vitam in A, vitam in c. vitamin E, ~enium. beta-tarotene. na.onoids and poljlphenols. Some foods that contain antioXidants aoo can benefit JOUr health inclooe: 8en\es,Artichoke5, Red Grapes and Red Wine. Beans. carrots. Apples. Potatoes. aoo the most su!Prising, Daile Chocolatel The Benefits of Olrtr. Chocolatel The rumors are truel Daile chocolate contains ~I an~oxidantsl Raw cacao powder is rIOW considered one of the WOI1ds most beneficial super foods emerging in oor -..or1d today. ~ has four times more antioxidants \llan iJlji benies, ten times the antioXidant level of blueberries and thilt\' times the antiro:idam level of tea. ween Researche-rs found that certain components in cocoa may actuali)' help improye the appearance of women 's skin • irlcfeasing hydration, del::reasJng skin roughness and scaling. and helping to support the skin's defense against IN damage. Recenll1, Getman scientists attriblIted the obseNed benefits to cocoa navanols - a groo,tp of compounds that can be particularty rich in cocoa and that IIaYe been preYiousl)r reported to imprwe blood flow and I'e5Sel function. Daile cocoa has a high amount of flavonoids. -..hich are natura l plant compounds (also found in tea, red wine, and certain fru its and vegetables) responsible for cocoa·s healthful benefits. Studies have shown ~ effec· tive for many things, Including reducing Inflammation, The Salon Expenence You've Always Wanted • [mp[ont" Il<mn$ttu<d", I><ntlt<<y • Cosm<tl< D<.ltlslry • P<rsoo.aI ear. Jenny's Hair &. Nails . A..m.tic I><n'~" _ [ , • M ...[ Fff< Rlling! . Sing[' Appoinun.n, Crowns · I><n"[ a.&nings • l.u<r Gum Surgory New PatientS Welcome ~ and Hair StraIg,,*,1ng with no fonnaldehyda • Genu. • Faciall made from the sim plest c:ompoIIIII ots • • Permanent Makeup • HaM care using custom blended .......,.......,.. • Pedicures for men, not Just women ~ pb NOW OPEN www.jennysplace.us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.SwfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26 Health & Wellr.ess December 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition he hcalthcare industry has reccnlly witnessed the adoptiQII Qf many new tcdmologies that increase the em- of various medical treatments. Minimally t' <level_ such cUlling«\gc mcdicaltccllThe I demand of specialized 1 has propelled an increase in patienl pref_ minimally invasive surgeries. Minimally invasive surgery minimi:res surgical incisions 10 reduce trauma 10 the body. This type of surgery is usually perfonned using thin-needles and an en<k>:swpe 10 visually guide the surgery. The advantage of minimally invasive surgery is 10 redu.:e posl-operalive pain, redu~ blood loss. iru;rease lhe speed of re<;overy and lessen Ihe for_ mation of scar tissue. Spine surgery is nQW one of the many surgeries being pcrfonncd using minimally invasive techniques. In order 10 be considered a minimally invasive spine surgery. the procedun: needs to minimize Ihe lrauma 10 lhe palient Ihrough smaller in.:isions and less muscle disseclion. Tradilional open surgical procedun:s slill currently account for a majorilY of spinal surgeries pcrfonncd in this counlry today. When a surgeon perfonns an open procedun: using outdated Ie<;hniques, hospital stays can last up to a weck. l1Ic recovery period wilh Ihis Iype of procedure can lasl as long as a year leaving cut muscle ligaments and a large scar. Or. Mario Pereira who utilizes minimally invasive surgical techniques can perform the same procedure as an outpatient or with minimal hospital Stay. a few months recovery period. and very linle scarring. He is curI'Crllly lhe only surgeon in Charlone COWlty who Can pcrfonn this type of procedun: as an outpalient. Advances in spinal fusion devices allow placement through scvernl smaller iru;isions rather than the tradi_ tional large incision site used in open spinal fusion surgery. The lheory is lhat Ihe devi= Can be placed with minimal trauma to the muscle and tendons in the back. These devices allow for the stabilization of the vertebrae and the ~Ioration oflhe correcl analomical alignrncm in the spine. Patient education plays a vital role in the overall success of a surgical plan of treatment at the South_ west Florida Spine Institute. II is impoctant lhal the healthcare learn makes patients aware of lhe potential benefits and risks of a surgery. Knowing whal is causmg your palO. is key 10 understanding what is required 10 fix il. Af\crcare can be just as imponant as the surgery itself. The risk of infections in post-surgical wounds is a great example of this; the size of the surgical wound and how it was closed can increase the chance of infection. Or. Mario Pereira for iostanc:e, closes his surgical incision sites the same way a plastic surgeon would, greatly reducing infection rates. Home healthcare plays a erilical role in reducing the chances of infe<;lion as well, by ensuring that daily dressing changes an: done approprialely and thai lhe wound is not exposed 10 poIentiaJly harmful bacteria. Clinical outcomes an: a tell tale sign of the quality of can: a physician provides their patients. Rettnt developments in the ru:altlu;"", industry are making it a requirement for physicians \0 track the cff~liv","ess oflhe Care they provide. Currently Dr. Mario Pereira is seeing a 45.75% decn:ase in overall disability by !he end of llIe first posl-opcralive year, as tl'llCkcd by the Oswestry Disability [ndu. Ik Mario Pert;'" at/he SOuth ......st Florida Institute is currently the leader in / i S~rgery of the Spine in County. He is currently the only in Charlolte County orca ...·ho is oble outpatient spine fusion procedures. Pereira is currently affiliated ...ith I:::,;,;R::egional ! Pa"'Cf'1I Medical, and Murdock Ambulatory CeMer for surgical procedures. _____________________ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FULL RADIOLOGICAL SERVICES 3T MRI • NUCLEAR MEDICINE· CT/CAl SCAN ULTRASOUND. CT/PET SCANS. CARDIAC PET EXAMS X-RAY' OPEN MRI • PROSTATE MRI • EXTREMITY MRI Eye Examinations Full Optical & Contact, WOMEN'S CENTER BREAST MRI • DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY' BONE DENSITY INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY (BIOPSIES) ALL FELLOWSHIP TRAINED RADIOLOGISTS David Klein M .D., F.A.C.S. ~...JOph"""""~ Prompt Appointments + Superior Radiologists - Peace of Mind c.w-l..."..." Swf:tty Don't Forget Your Eyes! • Cawact Surgery · GbU<:<><mTr.,umen! · Sowx' and Rcs<ybne·· Eyelid Surgery • Rtrinal Di<otdc.. . Ncuf'<Hlph!halmoiogy • Pediuric Oph.halmology • Oculo.pb.uic Surgtty. Including Bkpharopl..'Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandweliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 28 Health & Wellr.ess Dec t ember 2011 - Charlotte/South Sarasota Ed ition Tips for Preserving Eye Health ith increasing pollution and levels of dust and grime our eyes need special care and attention. While we typically look after our skin. hair and other parts of the body, we tend to neglect eye care. As we grow older, it is common for our vision to weaken. Vision problems such as glaucoma. cataracts, age_related mlI\:ular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy are common among older adults. You can't prevent your eyes from aging, but you can slow age-related damage by taking care of your eye health. The following tips can help you take care of your eyes and preserve clear vision' Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, The first and foremost in eye care is the diet. Make sure that your intake includes plenty of fruits and vegetables specially those with yellow and orange pigmenlS a yellow ones like carTOlS. mangoes. papaya, com. squash, and citrus fruits. Leafy dark green vegetables like kale and spinach also promote eye health. All of these foods are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes. Wear sunglasses and a hat. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage eyes just as they Can damage skin. The best way to protect eyes from sun rays. especially during peak daytime is to wear su nglasses with UV filters. If you plan to be outside for long periods of time. wear a widebrimmed hat for extra protection from UV rays. Do not rub, Avoid excessive rubbing ofyonr eyes as the irritation caused due to rubbing or touching will only cause more puffiness. Instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking isagood massage and exercise to the eyes. Take frequent breaks. Another way to prevent eyestrain is to take frequent breaks from the computer screen. reading materials. and television. It is recommended to look away every 10 minutes for 15 seconds to give your cyes adequate rest. Turn the lights on. While you won't per· manently hun your eyes by rcading or working in a dimly lit area. you can cause lemporary eyeslrain, which can lead 10 headaches and fatigue. Protect your cyes by making sure your worksp",e is adequately lit. Exercise regularly. Simple every day eye exercises like closing your eyes gently for 30 seconds 10 relax them in between your work, rotaling your cyes often 10 relax muscles and moving your eyeballs from extreme left comer to Ihe right corner is good for maintaining healthy eyes. To prevent blurred vision follow Ihis simple exercise: hold a pencil at ann's length and slowly bring it lowards your nose, keeping eyes focused al all limes. Get adequate sleep. Rest is vital in the eye care routine. It will not only refresh the eyes but al$O improve their efficiency. Getting adequale sleep keeps your whole body refreshed, including your eyes. 01-. David Klein Dr. David Kleill has been practicing for 32 years and his love for medicine is greater than ever! Whether in the office or volunteering, Dr. Klein is making Pan Charlone proud and helping everyone see Ihe good all around us in Pan Charlolle. 941-764-0035 1600 Tamlatnl Trail, SUite 101, Port Charlotte, Fl33948 (\o<:a.tlKl "' the 4 story·red bric~ buildiog) Get regular eye exams. Starting at age 40, gel annual eye exams and have your eye doctor look for signs of cye damage. Even if you have no complaints it's imponant to sec a dOClor and have a rouline eye check up. Many potentially serious vision problems can be successfully trealed ifthcy are delected early enough. If you e~pcrience cloudy, blurred Or double vision, Or any olher cye pain seck the car of your eye doctor for proper diagnosis and Ireatment before the problem becomes permanent. You can't stop time, but you can lake care of your eyes so that they remain healthy as you age. Having dear vision is poSsible at any age. The above eye care tips will ensure that your eyes remain healthy and beautiful for a very long time. Eye Care Team Member Spotlight Me/jssa Hcrnr.ndc: hr.s been On Dr. Klein's str.ff for /0 yeIIN. She started aul r.s the m::tpiianisl and is now the insurance sfHICialis/ and billing clerk. Melina hr.s vast knowledge of all insurances Dr. Klein accepts r.nd .... hat each i/\Surance covers for Ihe p<Jliem, she is known around the office r.s our "i/\Surance gu"'". Yl$il our office around Ihe holidays and you .... iII see an office full of beauliful decoratio/\S. and ...·hen you aro Ihero thank Melissa r.s she makes il all happen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 29 Simple ways to make healthy habits a reality at your house By Sherrilyn McSheehy-Velez, ARN P, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Helgemo & LiOu Pediatrics I na perfect world, families gather around the dinner table every night for a healthy meal. The children dive into their vcgcubles and beg for seconds. Then, after cleaning their plates, they eagerly run outside for some daily exereise. Unf0l1unatcly. in the real world, establishing nutritious eating habits and regular fitness can seem li ke the impossible dream. As a pediatric nurse practitioner with four children of my own, I understand the challenges. However, with a little pre-planning, creativity and a healthy dose of perseverance you can make healthy habits a part of your family's lifestyle. One of the best ways to achieve this is by setting a good example. Parents can talk all they want. Kids follow what we do. Without saying a word. you can e~en a good deal of innuenee over your ehildren's attitude toward health and fitness. Hue ore some "tlou pro(Ctical tips fo, moking loe,IItlo,. Ioabits 0 reality ,'" ),0 '" world: Get rid of the junk. If your pantry is full of soda, chips and candy, your kids won't be interestcd in the alternatives. They will resist the changes at first. However. if the only options arc healthy ones, hunger will eventually win out and they'll get with the program. Don't save the vegetables for d innertime. If you provide healthy foods throughout the day. you'lI elitninate the need for heaping helpings of spinach or com at dinner. This can go a long way toward diffusing power struggles at mealtimes because there's less pressure to get all their fruit/vegetable servings at mealtimes. Plan active ou t ings. By taking wal ks after dinner, you'll be bonding as well as gening fit. Instead of shopping or going out to cat. go bi ke riding or take a long walk on the beach. Even if your kids aren't athletic, they'll enjoy these types of exercise - and they'lI just think they're having fun! Incorporate healthy foods Into foods they already enJoY, Add apples, zucchini or berries to muffins. Make a batch Qf chili that includes beans and carrots. Add shredded carrotS and fresh Qr frozen com tQ your cornbread. I use my bread maker to bake vegetable and fruit breads that my kids IQve. Balance technology with activity. If)lOUl" kids have beoen on the Wii for an hour, then send them outside to run around for a while. Try to encourage halancc in their activities without being rigid Give their favorite foods a makeover. If your kids adore greasy French fries, substitute swect potato fries. Simply brush them with a lillie olive oil and bake them in the oven. Instead ofhamburgers, scrve turkey burgers QTl multi_grain buns. Fruit smoothies are a wonderfully healthy alternative to ice cream Or milkshakes. Reserve treats fQr weekends. Even treats Can be relatively healthy. For example, youcan makeachooolate pudding parfait with skim milk and real whipped cream, Add some fruit and whole grain graham cracker crumbs and you have a tasty dessert. but with a bealthy twist. The earlier you start incorporating healthy habits. the belter. However, if you've goocn a late start. don't despair. It will take some time, but you will see changes if you stick with it. You'lI be giving )lOUI" childrcn a gill that will reap dividends long after they're gt"O\'11 and gone. Now wouldn't that be peifect? Helgemo and Liou Pediatrics 1040CT~mi~ml Tr~il, Pelrt Charlotte, FI 33948 941-629-6601 www.helgemopediatrics.CDm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfHeal th and Weliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30 Health'" Wellr.ess December 2011 • Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition and Limb Swelling By Acute Wound Care he holidays are here, which means many will be traveling 10 visil their loved ones, or for those of you who are snow birds. you're heading back 10 the wann wealher down south . Many individuals choose air travel to reach their destination. For those who suffer from venous insufficiency or Lymphedema, this can be a painful proceu. Your Lymphalic system endures an extreme amount of pressure when flying at high al1iludcs. Flying may worsen symploms after enduring exlreme pressure. Funher. the risk of Lymphedema rises for those who have already undergone radical surgery which may have impacled lhe tymph nodes. After going under the knife for various surgeries, having joints replaced. or lymph nodes removed. your body's Lymphalic system isn'l going 10 be working at its top pcrfonnance. Keep Circulation Flowing Trying to get home for the holidays isn't always easy when you have painful swelling in your limbs. The Lymphatic syslem is a major player in the body's immune process. so it's imponant to kcq> your cireulation flowing with good health. Flying economy class is the route most prefer to take when money becomes tight. leaving you in an uncomfonable cramped seal allowing )IOu 10 become more susceptible to eireulation problems. Some individuals may dcvclop blood clots in Iheir legs Over lime from flying. Deep vein Ihromhosis can be caused by cramping Ihat air travelers endure under high ahiludes. This is a lifc-threatening medical problem thai Can be prevenled through compression the-rapy. Those who develop small blood clots may not expericnce any complications, leaving them unlrealed. The compression pump sleeves squee~e the muscles of the legs or ann as they inflatc in a sequenlial pal1cm distal 10 proximal. Then Ihey deflate and Ihe muscles are able to relax . This pumping action promotcs the cireulalion of lhe blood prevenling blood clOIS from occurring. A Noninvasive Treatment Option A compression pump is a noninvasive treatment that allows palienu 10 alleviate Iheir symploms while circulaling the lymph fluid thai has buill up. Your Lymphatic system gets assistance through a massaging action that gently moves the fluid naturally from your limbs back into the rhythm at which the Lymph system cireulates. Each chamber of the sleeve moves the fluid underneath the skin in the direction of the lymphalic flow enabling the body to get rid of Ihe fluid and waste build up. Main Purposes of Lymph Nodes The l ymphatic system is the anatomical underpinnings of the immune system. through a complex network of the lymphoid organs, tissues, and lymph nodes. Your lymph nodes have two main purposes which are to filter lymph then transpon it back to the blood stream, and aclivate the immune system. The lymph nodes are found strategically placed throughout the whole body. so when a site encounters antigens or something foreign, a red flag is drawn and an atuck is mounted. This means when your lymphatic system isn't working the way ifs supposed to, Ihis is a gateway for infeclions to atuck the body without defense. Any swelling is polentially an indicator for Lymphedema. 9J~a tp;~UJo"e~'P \t ACUTE WOUND CARE Contact Acute Woond Care lie today. Through patient edu· cation and compression therapy. we can provide a better qual ity of Iffe for \Wt Call 239-949-4412 or \Uit IWIW.ACIJiEVIOONDCARE.COM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealthandWellness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charlotte/South Sarasota Edition - December 201 Health & Wel lness Confession is good for the Soul 31 Sponsored By www.prs/sefm.com by Po~lor Terry Ho~kin~. Director 01 Oo~i~ Coun~el Confession avoids using words like if, maybe, and but! fien when mOSI peoplelhink about confession Ihey thi nk aboul a person going inlO a booth, and confessing their sins to a priest, Outside Ihis view of CQrIfession it seems that Uiblical confession is not somC1hing practiced by most Chrislians, AI best, Christians will say lhat they confessed their sins when they became a Christian, but in genentl most are not confessing Iheir sins daily 10 God and others, God's Word tells us 10, "confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed," (James S:6a, ESV) We nced 10 gC1 back to being obedient 10 dear S<:ripture and praclice daily confession 10 God and our feltow man. H er<! /lre SOme con/nsion g .. idtlints." Confession is glorifying to God! We are here to live for God's glory! God's Word says. "WhC1her you eat or drink Or whatever you do, do it att for the glQry Qf God." (I CQrinthians 10:3], N]V) This passage reminds us Ihal everyIhing we do, even the mundane things of life, like eating Qr drinking should be done because we are here to serve and honor our King. Jesus said, "for I have come down from heaven to do the will of God whQ sent me. nQt tQ do my Qwn wilL" (JQhn 6:3S, NLD Jesus Himselfsaid He did nQt come tQ earth to follow His Own ways. bul Slorify and obey the Father in everything! Confession Is a two way street! T hese three lillie words undermine QUr confessions because il blames the person for Ihe sin we commilled. f or example. "[ was wrong when I got angry. but you gel me so frustrated!" This justifies our sinful actions because Ihe person gOt me so angry. [n reality a true confession should leave OUI these words and take full ownership of the sin commilled. Confession is more than a apology! When we confess to Qthers is must be clear and spedfic. O ften when we apologize it is vaguc and general. Forexample [may tell my wife [am sorry for that thing i did a few days ago. Th is is not Qwning up to thc sin Ihat J eommilled against her. Biblical confession sounds more li ke this. "[ was wrong when [ said those harsh words to you yesterday, wilt you forgive me." This is clear. specific, and J am owning my bad behavior. recognizing it was wrong, and asking for forgiveness. Confession is something we need to practice as Christians because sin still is our main problem. and God is there 10 clear us of all our wrong ways of thinking and behaving. God's grace is magnificent and we can be dazzled by His love and palience fQr us. As we Ii"", a life of confession our fellowship with God will become deeper and sweeter as the years go by. Confession must be done witt! right motives! Somelimes we confess Ollr sin because of wrong mOlives. For examplc,l Want God 10 bless me, and I am afraid Ihat He won't if [don't confess my sin. So I confess tQ be blessed. News-flash. God can se<: that I am not really sorry for the sin J COmmilled against Him, and He sees Ihal J want blessings from Him. God says that we will reap what we sow! (Galalians 6:S) We practice this with others tOO, as we confess because we wanl people 10 like us, Or we want people to do what we want. These are all selfish reason to confess, which is actually manipulalion. We muSI be sorry for Ihe sin that we COmmillOO against God and others. We confess our sin tQ God, which is Qur vertical relationship. All sin affects our relationship with God, so il is crucial thaI we confess Our sin 10 Him. "lfwe confess our sins, l ie is faithful and just and will forgive uS our sins and puritY uS from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:9, NIV) God lells us that l ie wilt pour His grace on us and forgive the sinfullhings we think and act. And if our sin affects Oasis Counseling iAlter wants to refresh )'00' hope. heilrt. others lhan we musl confess the sin we CQmmilled against them, also. Confession we practice with and IiIe with God's Word. We are located on Marco Island and olhers is dealing with the horizontal relalionships. our phone #23~38~2013. We are friends 01 HOPE Counseling We must look at the vertical and horizontal relaCen\e( located in Fort Myers, and Iheir phone 1123t-48,.{Inr. tionships when dealing with confession, _____________________ ww w.sw fHealthandWeliness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ KeeRing You Health~ -Longer Th~ M3Uty of your Florida Hf~S1yl~ is Ih~ ability 10 ~njoy a way of lif~ that is full of outdoors and sunshine, nature and relaxation, activity and friendships_ At Charlotte Regional. we're here to preserve and improve your Florida lifestyle_ From Our Joint Academy Orthopedic CenUr and award-winning Stroke Center and Cardiac Care Services to our Wound Care, Neurology, Spine, Surgery, Rehabilitation, and general hospital services, our mission is to help you enjoy every single minute life offers. We're committed 10 adding life tayour years.
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