Wvv "r DIRECTIONS ill Do" FOR DIAMOND iOB: THE U5E OF '^"\$llV''^f DYES. ,Coat8^ Yams, "etRag8, jes, '"-""*!-.."" "", . Eggs, I* rory, etc. H0"){' TO MORE DYE THAN ONE HUNDRED COLORS WITH kXE: DYES. Ink irking LingInk, rtColors, -; ' '" ^ .r::iTY-EiGHT , TEN J^ $ CENTS ttiMfM. UiAHi ALL biiUfiglStl m "ta W"U8" db., P.(t HSllTilEAL, fey^ifc'*'.' tore,; Diamond/' **Onlythe From They time to time have claimed time, for many packagedyes new be to just as good people are to eager But their try hew claims, Diamond out," and the everybody'^ent and have In put up been buying these cheap and secondcrude package the common admit have reports from druggistswno having anything to do with package dyes' introduced, we wish erred in Diamond resemble to stock of dyes which they were rid druggistwas other means, pricesor the Diamond. the money to for you, do not If he will not its,and let him keep are who some have feathers,liats, etc.,etc I: tlM as ; with new Here Diamond the result will be is a Dyes persons 0ii4 Aat thef can^o thdr own twenty^sentsfor what Would ffttOttld ttM Diamond Dfimtt"c^ Dyes cannot do to cost color until he you cheap dyes, and has will not insist upon but you, having off his old stock, send worked good, fast,handsome color, will ought use even to be stopped; carefully; try and more better than dye-house when If such is the cuei a week or Diamorid so all these oiie many save be made can packi^e ddlars a year npoii Thi^.wllf anything\o be c^w" is the savingof ' of t)BO(;er. ^eptoim Maioii.idqplN^/ ttm^li^idmtmptgm, days,(ht does noit tkuveft done^iiM* Dyes, T^b IxKilctad Q^ |^4 ten ddoi goo^ii. and 1HII giveihr had^i^mwtaiM^. the'inailcet, i4|0^ii|nii Dyes "..'}"- ^k will tm of Diamond results absohitely aoakeigood. cert;fe, . Uie before. there is dyeii^ at home, for with that Dbsnond \l |Nr"|n|iAruai!tee yr. ribbons, scarfit, dresses.Cloaks, dyeing at home with Diamond Dyes, at an them $1,50 ox $2.00 at the dyer's. Anothtt work t "induced," by lower be to of these will get a this book dress and do their the Ailtliisc^^ j^dMfised. each jpinyfeg il^Mi the stock a full of discarded that Read plea^ng, you always go enough their cast-otf garments. over waste and yet they will funily^ctothes, Many have consumer, ton Tried Them? Dyes. so to the satisfiutory his poor stock upon crowd the trunks, will be found Kttic,the closets, good Dyes put in to dyed never not ^ unfortunate dyes,and Have There druggists find they These Dyes. of them. Diamond will mail the we where unsaleable, and are If your get the Diamond reliable into parts of Gmada some honestlythat they have and of falseness the originaland the to Dyes. dyes. dyes Dyei. small sale for aahoit trial showed nrst back is talked Occasionally a druggist rate a things. will ''murder had of them Some better. or Diamond put in competitionwith been have more " ^ '^' " ^^^^^ -if. w^m^- Directions for Successful Dyeing. Diamond It is Easy to Bye With Some fhink that it li penoDi and b with crude dyeitttflb but when IMamond Dyes with are cheap adulterated these directions Read '* Dye. put in small a allow the Eader needless To Dresses apart frfeoes in the dye than up to get packages, fiistand a of use to to water penetrate to the cover the dissolved sticks lift and clean package a the put in the goods constantly shade, take out, rinse in bread-making,and In goods nicely^ Now dye. stir the part alike. every of Magenta water. pint of boiling a As soon the as cold water, and of the ttidcs makes use il to soil the hands. dye**is true of Diamond Dye "nly. . for Dresses Prepare Dyeingf. be ^ What in deeUBae whiKt dye to iDl:oi^ wool, vse a Diammid Dye Shall use, levend thli^ Dye for wodf be taken must if I Use? they are Into account. cotton, or If the mixed cotton goods"u" with silk or Dye fo oottoQ^M^ what is sud Setbmbiq^agdie dye, lead carefully nasn ilipol, ' work It in out the drapery, be ead by letting so that they can dyed without ripping, it is of course If they are to be made to ripthe over, dye bath. necessary it is then easier to handle them The small j^eceishould be tacked together, as can fan"l|yf in the for the portionof of the dedred goods are dry." that "itfs easy to and Dissolve the dye in goods,and with two Bear in mind partiesput some trouble containingenough hot vessel to dyes more their o^ to do and rinse tiie goods. Diamond a little it takqi but used to wash Pfmitlfal color than it would complicatedmatter di"ScuIt and a the DyesI Dianond aii tite dciiralcdkr maf perhaps be edor to iloddui^aditrk #tell|^"!d%Hinted is In regard to eolori^ easilygotten with a dye suggested there. It is. and the oripnal color of the goods wiU alwayt light, more a known, kiok at the sample book Tldi ibowi at iipfi|pttiib'ijJByitW"ci4ghmoe a how many of shaded colors at the store packagesof dye aie heeded There thf^ '7^5*^1^*^^^ to Jake oUiec ^pob VaiMldnrabditfi are none e!C|^ 4^ t^y^s.I bo Each color lumdaome give|ro|p" thiec^^c^htbMii^lfi||^an"l p^"j"nd py.es^will of of the fttnount nvying according to although there |oo ofiade^. Colors. colors onl^forty-eight are with goods dyed the shades, o1 the package. Notice that contents bjrdirectu"ns ^ven in this book Djres,j|ret linitidred distinct over one of Diamond for combining dilTerent dyes thejr^vo colors and color or especiallyfor dyeingcan hundred three over shade can home and uoe, handsome, understand easilymatch A specialfeature followingpages) will be This a of book this of the ^xaot valuable guide to usi the can d" any given that color b used given wnep these almost ci"reful statement is th'* very results simple th^^jgri^^gk Gmlcl Cblbrs:. Other Coloring' Over lu^d.iactory The^p^an4;,e^plicit colors. so are for iniU of this""^ intjdj^ty household, durable package and themi the in and fiuhionable \ipon each shades, so that any desired diamond t"ytBim preyed dyes manu"ctured no used g;ive,when directions different easilymade, be under each other edors cannot get over color in (see re-dyeing. Dyes. _ Ih of certain re-dyeinggoods give the result wanted It must be desirable (ifjron colors, it is UL.jalIy remembered that all iiot discharged,it will Ati color^ |pan Uwimond byes are more he Je^ cbange or tedy^ useful for very Viade or transparent, and somewhat dyes are ^ the color given ^ darker revivingfaded shade b]^ the of a possibleof t^jspriginaji. dy^ingli"P dlsch^^rge a^ V^u"r^as over if the that will dye the old color. originalflolor h dye. the color. same In thisWaf the din^ colors. colo ding^ or color,iney or more pieces of goods, of different colors, are to be dyed to the same dyed separately,for the lightercolor will requirea stronger dye-bath than the (iark. darker If goods of di9erent match the shade. piece first an4 thea dye the.Iijg;hterj"oeio If two be must Dye the colon ai" dyed at the time, different shades same Discha^ff^Vimm., m ^4 TbB"bAst mg^ns of disduu^in^* olfl ("lors one'/outth po^d i3il("E",tr^DiBii^ve poimd bi-carbonate of soda in another "lio"t"lii)M| 4uial]ystmin through u^^XOiimJ^ . mm a of chloride pint of ^oth and water is by thepse of pf lime $ then put the clear in. one mix "**"""l.'|.: '%^'Hi^: bli^iini 1^4d JiM^^ % watex"it4 piiit-i^i the H li4uid out Then ti"^^iiportionoi the ,j||#y^ thiwtlti""pB|gily;ia t^i^watefcicn P^llf tieeesMiry. PM^l to im^iy ti"s^4ieKy.lhoir^ ^ aiRiod "y^"W""rT4*"^""ii jnax tMcfiMrt^yott 8an,'.dsei; eoii^.' m^^f^^/^h l/^i^ 4nd lei stind"' l"tt)|$i| ^*'^}"^ two a M iioi-wat"ltio,iBovi^^^|in blenching li'^^ff^j^t^Mli^ll liquidlo di"charg9colors,.take^nough thdioag^y "ndteki" ' will be the result ti"mHtes,4i"^T ymM 'P*y^""g'' W^fpf ^ftF Diamond For dyestufis, Succeu In dyeingdepends upon the materials used. use Dyes and is or rain water "|waytwith soft water, in order to be sure of good results, fresh,clean snow one-half ounce of Casilleor w1i!tesoap Hard water can be made fitfor ^yeingby boiling besL willf"e of water, and skimming oflTthe lime soap ^t in two gallons to the tojpas Use This softens the scum. sufficientwater to water. the cover when goods easily ''-' ' ^ vessel,as theyare apt to spot ifcrowded. of watdr, In dark colors do not use an excess difficult to get the color and for Vessels Dye blightcolois dark colors in the vessel is the ^orcelam-llned :n or same dye as it makes it i *-" (jnedye. wastes in the ' Dyeing. tin,earthen,or enameled vessels ; granite, An agate, granite, or in copper or brass. It should be largeenough to allow the goods to clean. Be sulre that the vessels are perfectly crowdiiig-. If th"idy^'vessel dbes not seen. |argeenough to work all the goods without crowding,get a largerdne,fof if they are crowded, or dyed at different times, the result will be unsatisfactory. If the goods are of the same color,theyshould all be put into the dye bath at one time, and the vessel must be of sufficientsize to allow the goods to be easilyworked. Do not let them lie in the bath, but liftand stir them constantly, streaked color may result. Be snre not or a spotted, to crowd the goods,as the dye cannot go on evenlyand the goods will be spotted. b^'worked easily,and best fo^ all colors. without ' Cleansing Before Goods Dyeing. clean before they are All soo(|s must be perfectly dyed. Take out grease, pdnt or tiur ituiyt^^in^ benxine or dilorbform. Or they'may be removed the SfyotSWiCb by ^dLtibg[ i^lio4iiiis prepi^tioh,; with ^d rubbW s, ' fo the oni: u^ ^fbfeli^' ^lihispineparation *"'* "donrers.' "' ' A^er 0M spotthavebeen taken and ioapitnida iB|pOod then succ^Ailly by tfTebest "Treacicb'd^lilUl so '" ^ ' on , the rinsed. carefully goods ,..-""",".;? should be If necessary to ..-^^ ...." ,_^,.^^^^...,^ thoroughlycleansed hy washing as dischai^ the color, pirooeed d"i6tc4imdcr1"iscHAi(oiNO p|.D Colors. To Rsiiovs Dvm " ' -c.i Sta^s IMpt i^Rok tub Staios from y-' some VI Hands." of the Wash dark with soap colots can and n be taken littlefinttsaad, "iff wi^ 8 "-tJC- 4J"^j(if*.,jiftTUr ^--a '--'.H '^3 4 r Before Different the dyes are envelopeshould As our Into the Puttingthe Goods and used in different ways, before the Dye-Bath. the directionson dye is dissolved^ and this book consulted. and uuderatandingly, carefully Dyes" changesare dyers are constantly tryingto improve Diamond valuable improvements wl^ch necesto secure made occasionally be read chemists and On sitate different directions. used hundreds before of this account have the directions ovcf using. dye-bath,for a The fifteen minutes All this b wish told be bailed Ibr ten few of the colors must before the goods are plainlyin the to the directions users ot entered. the but envel"^)e, Dyes the great on of Diamond impress upon importanceof these preparatorysteps. be thoroughlymdstened All articles must we those who even packages,should always lead .'^ befiireputtinginto the dye-bath. Always stir the dye-bathbefcrft puttingin the goods. In coloring when a particular shade u wanted, it is well to dye a small pieceof tlie over that wet Remember goods are a shade darker than wlien goods before puttingin the whole. them on or by placing dry. The color is shown best by lookingthrough the goods at the light, a level with the eye, and them. lookingacross :: When The full and the Goods dmple directions cm are in the Ifye-Bath* containingDiamond D^ ^ve expttdt dye-bath. These direetfbns shcwildbe foOMMid When strictly. goods are to be *" boiled in the dye-bath for twenty minotes,"they mmitW n ot bailed, merely steamed ; they must be boiled the stated time,.not leak JBe particnhir to and keq" tlw fobdt; liftand stir constantly to oiable the dye to penetrate to every part tJSkc, them oovs"BD nmuLY by the Uquid, not letting float,partially expoMd tO the air,lAich directionsfor treatingthe goods when No cansefrspatting. as Diamond other the envelopes in the can package dyes or dyestuflb be nsed with so Uttfe time and Ishot Dyck Testes for Lcmg Tewi^ ji-j"s!'l' s-'iSi^ffii'^s ^j^ tiit.i. - :::?j:m.-^'y- v",", Drying the When Is to put coatf, vests end of one dtrthw-linf a dresws or three a book at such distance apart dry trousers, tie a To tie these each side,and on the that to sleeve,and long, into each of the stick. the centre button a feet best way ripping,the colored wilhout have been bow"shaped stick,about or by a string Goods. to strings trousers a will dry them hang to a stringtc a clothes-line at hang perfectly straight. To dry shawls, dresses,draperies, coverings,etc., hang them line with the across liable to leave mark a the upon side in,as the line ii wrong the goods. Pressing the Goods. far as possible, goods should be pressedonly on colors. hot, for heat will injuresome As wrong sidet The To iron should not be too gets diyi wet goods on the lightside,dip a cotton cloth in water, and wring out that part of the goods which is to be pressedfirst. over sinread and wring again. A hot iron should be used for this,but it must to tottdi the goods. Open press it and with the the hands. When this cloth not be allowed Colors. Reviyingr Faded ribbons,and Stockings, small articles often fade badly before they are out. worn many be renewed and brightenedvery easilyin the followingmanner originalcolors can : Dissolve a package of Diamond Dyes, the color wanted, in a pint of boilingwater, and ittaain into a bottle or jar. After the stockings, ribbons, etc., i^re washed, use this dissolved dye instead of Ualng in the rinse water, adding a little vin^ar if it is called for by the directiooton The thedye. ^ * . Finishing Velvet After dyeingand rinnng,press between and as l^faoppeillMMty the steam rises,pass the fiieeof the iron. '"k|bfil^et -- A wet soft bmdi ' all the water remove side Let some - dean tij^btly pli"i|)aaK]i and kif an Cover possible. tin can fti sk^ LJNifti^thenapi CMdfaig fnm ..:.::- i-V^J,: .:..:,,4;...,......:.;5, twotofiivega9(^)^^^0^ 1hmi!^^fflMiiii^ - ,y"- one of the ^ a *'^ the iioni liold_ plush or velvet ii^^y back will aid the tisingsteam to nuiip theq^piif cloth. cotton the wrong '**""" :\.^^^ 4t"ei|et"t?^M".; ";"'";;;"::: .-^^l^pm^iQViipilcnV^^ cloths,lu two Urn 6ce of a hot flat-ironwith several folds of Pluslu and '"''*$, Z--:r^^: "'''-""^"""" Coloring MixecJ Goods Heretofore the most difficultkind of ^ in whiciA cotton linen b or pattern, or else is mixed i with woven in goods" that of mixed been dyeinghas wodl by carding,as 'UvT (pPttQpand Wool). " is,of goods that ih th6 by being used for vfup or for stri|x" in making ordinary gradesof merihc; or WMt done so skilfully goods. This last is now silk or is done is called union that it is often hard to detect. in dyeing was caused by the fyt"that The difficulty ue were employedfor colorifag entirelydi'derent methods two kinds of now and been easilythan vegetable.This more by overcome Goods, Mixed the has "iiffi^|ty Dyes fck 'Cotton Piamond Fast color' mlxe^ goods which dye nuch fitues take that all animal fibre,and ' quickerand evenl^^an4 quicklyand giveperfectsatisfaction. To detect cotton flame. a givesout a If not will at Cotton goods, ravel freelywithout odor disagreeable as of out a few thready ;ach way odor ; wool burning hair or a cloth and try them little flame,and very horn. ' know to be cotton oi wool, and you the difference. see until of the but singes with familiar with this test try a few threads that you once Not recentlyhas it been and mixed cotton in any burns goods, to hold their color When new and discoveries, greatlysuperiorto and possibleto exposed to light,and not only been adopted alter other dyes or dye-stufls. have all Do full line a prepare of colors adapte4 all material for carpets, rugs, etc., that could be Not to crock very or severe to wash tests out which to coloring fu|ly dependedon Jheseco)ors"re prove4 t^"sp Jq|i|| ' ' To in Pet^ct UfxfiS ^q(t^ ' .. Fail to Try These New Dyes. ^ They are the latest discoveries c^ the foremost chemists of the worl4, an4 "r siip"snorIp wSl tsmoct dfti for coloringcotton. No other dyes, of Whatever If^^lrir can name, ap)^"o""l^ ^flyes.lliese are the only dyes ever offered carpet makers that wilt "flU theli^f*"fidpiof9 when the g(K"dscolored by theiA are made np an4 put to iui6" t'"' salis"ctory pttrfectly wl^ |#itt'|iig|| Tiey are/astto ligktiand if ydu use these dyes your camets iui4 n^ ^i^^^ ^-JWKI ^ " wew as the most expensivecarpietyou " can buy. - ^ n^mfisitospafandiK^,ud goods COlore4b^%|||"n|^ I^PMMMl w-^ ^ ^.^^^^^^m Cfn0 0tkird^U*hiHf4f ^ktM^teiTMidbettwibrit. g"3 '^ \ . ^ ^, "-^'*~' \ '" Shop-wornGoods. Buyijig Every merchant or for jxnne other have easy it is to derstand how duringthe less goods that become more or shop-worn, prices. Ladles everywhere are beginningto un* make these articles as good as new them with Diamond by re-coloring Dyes. Money can be saved by buyingdress- goods,shawls,hoods that have become and stockings, shop-worn, etc.,and re-coloring accumulates reason to be sold at them season low with desirable shades to Diamond Dyes. Merchants are gladto sell such articles at one-fourth or one-half their value, and for a trifling expense they can be made as good as fresh goods. be boughtvecy can White, shop-worn,and faded cotton stockings ones. cheap and colored equalto the high-priced often II. \li Bags, ^tc. PplpringYarns, Car{|et There for any other, and such has been the are probablymore always. case In many dyes used for these purposes sections of the country every than thrifty house -wife spinsyarn and makes carpets or rugs. Wc wish to remind all such that the most disagreeable part of the work has been completelyre"rolutionizedby the introduction of the wonderful Diamoj"id be done in one-fourth the time and Dyes. can By their use the coloring brilliant and at less expense than with the old-fashioned dye-stuffs, while the colors are more durable. Pbr woolen yarns or other goods be sure to use the wool dyes; but for mixed goods or cotton goods use the special dyesfor cotton and mixed goods. fast jppttonColors for Carpets,Bu^, ptc. knows Everyone but that it has been more that we glad to announce Qiimfier 6t colors equalto the best wool difficultto get good colors have in the cotton on than on wool Dye Fast Cotton Dyes, a colors in every particular. They are very fast to light And stand wiishit^ 'perfectly^in fact,are improved by It.' Hence, theyare justthe colors for we are carpets,rugs, Be sure Diaiuond etc to get the Diamond for Cotton, Fast Fast now Navy Blue Fast Dyes, as follows : Fast for Cotton, Fast Dark Green Pink for Cotton, Fast Cardinal for Cotton, for Cotton, Fast Yellow ^rown for Cotton, Fast Turkey Red for Cotton,Fast Black for Cotton, Fast Purplefor Garnet for Cotton, Fast Orange for Cotton, Fast Crimson for Cotton, Fast Seal ^Cotton, Fast . Brown for Cotton. Coloring'Draperies,Coverings^ Etc. kind Aitioles oltihii IjAtFjl 1^^ c^n be'colored without b^dOy^onori^iie^ ^ "^ and difficulty, an^ex^-^ure to we have the^ht,made thai things, many loolk' i^^i^ ^ g^xf seen to -'t'ji :'," """ *u " "'" 'J,. Making PrettyRugs, In thousands of homes of ways great variety toom. In nany throughoutthis vast to ornament homes and artisticand adorn the Dyes arc employedin a parlor,drawing-room, dining-room,and bed- beautiful rugs rich and are quite now importedfor as are Diamond Dominion, luxurious houses. skirts, hosieryand jackets, Diamond with Dyes. dyed "ded the materials It is not by any make few to the as from all kinds of old made a a of these of cloths and It matters may difficult rugs for It will thus be seen how tweeds old and be, if they are dean. undertakingfor any lady home. styleand making allyused. ladywho not for her of these pretty riigstliehook themselves to every houfie-made rugs These remnants surest the4)est arrangement look expensive oriental rugs shirts, cldthing, night-dresses, garments or means in appearance made, which now handsome and that Diamond desires to increase the comforts of her home Taste will In the colors. burlapare genetDyes recommend with the leastpossilfltt To Cilor SheepHskin Hats. Stretch tightly upon a flat board, skin side next the board, and tack it down'firmly. It upsidedown, and by proper applianceslowered justfar enough into the bath so the skin will not touch the dye. Let stay fifteen minutes,and if not dark enough,dip agtu** Or two persons can stand opposite and dip the wool side each other,each holdingtwo comers, into the dye-bath,moving gentlynntU all parts are colored alike. Then rinse in s^me awniMr, This prevents coloring the skins and is very eadlydoQ$. or injuring L%bt Blue, Yellow,Green, Purple,Violet and Eosine Dyes givethe beit^KesiiUs. can then be turned Prize Goods. mats and mga have bedo idbown at tlwviiji^kMii' _tat,yctMpu^hoau-m"dt lag'icarpets, l^ese igiQ"ll4;;iStl^^ artisde whea handsome, Ws^bHomhan"n"tj^hiUtioiis.. pofdm^kftm, ,., '^ ^ ^^4^^ taken prizA IrsI""$iini"ct Dyesyliaveftiivaiiably "i^i |%Nt disaireCompletesuodess in your work. It wffl bi lUHlHMp^ dp."' . " t%iM i|r|ifi""tf)relng ittatalAd leHj/^tt^ for ctirpeti, I r " ^-^^ \ . ColoringFeathers,Etc. J-A*;,'.-."-; f'eathenreadilytake the Mtking in strong aiuunber beautiful colors from Diamond most soaprsudsfifteen minutes,then aod rinsttin f^tiinesy witter ; warm draw dip and Dyes. Clean the feather by gentlybetween the thumb and fore-finger re-dipin the dye-bath until the desired shade is obtained,rinse in cold water, and press gentlywith the hand between two cloths,to remove the water. Now hold before curl until nearly dry and then a gentlefire, shakingslightly by taking three or four sprigsof the feather and drawing brbkly between the thumb back of scissors, and and it is finished. Old feathers can To like new* Silk and' applyinga with a brash or sponge. or chickens as an A number of color feathers black be Feathers,which purpose. live birds be re-colored and can b the sure only be colored the most solution of the Dyes, have made druggists a to to look the Black for use dye fat this successful brilliant shades by simply dissolved in alcohol and handsome until sd'bn made water, of colored birds display advertisement. attractivewindow To Color Grasses, Everlastingf Flowers, Etc Some kin"b of grasses and package. Thisjs kinds of grasses are so hard and must be iisedt Dissolve two of borax ounces boiling.It should be tijr whollydissolve strain the wish),in a flowers true ^f the especially boiled Green, Purple,Violet h""ny,or else so and two ounces fullyfifteen solution. pintol water, and add will dye easilyaccordingto Then enough waxy or Eosine dissolve a Dyes used. are that flowers), (especially of bleached gum minutes the directions on shellac in to dissolve the shellac. packs^e of Diamond a the the Other following quart of water, If it should not Dye (thecolor you and of this to the solution to give the shade desired, Moisten your grasses and flowers in warm Itis then readyfor use. water, and dip them in a and dry carefiiUjthe desired shade is obtained. Then hang up by the stesos, bat Mla^ tintil To Bevlvo Faded ?f Carpets. '. ' and color may be bHghtekted been tiboroQghly cleaned, the original l^baloii4Dyes, ,Thoroaghlydissolve a packageof dye, the cokw wanted, in a A|NllL"iipethat tlieproper colar or eolon hi it again after the firstnpfilicatiflll 0i" strainiiftoa glass jar. Brush this over iiM toasUir. ^aii^INrvphes, -34"s^^'fefe^"*^'l If the Qolof is too :tel|i(iiiMy. Go over ttroogdilute with hot w"t"r. It LSSi^aiw'' M" .""-""W""IMI"" Jlt-U.^ Jijjl GlQyp". Dye JCifl Tp witb benzine. When and rulibing diy, Qmii the glovesby placingon the iiand, briskly a solution of Diamond Dye, the color desired. When dry,the'gloves apl^y with a i^nge rubbed with a little sweet oil,to give them a smooth, soft,and ^ossy ihoald be thoroughly and placedunder a heavy weis^ and then wrapped in "annel appearance, Thus soiled glovesmay be made new. as good as Gloves 79 Cplor 1^4 This is a We experienced persons. that make irillbe Several of the be sent A by post to and other follows shellac in a By : pintof the aid of hot water. to do it well. heat, dissolve Some do cities, this *^ " ' ~ "- - * ^ ' of Moateeal, Torontoi, work Vdrf nicely.Gloves any of these reliable establishments. ' Presslnsr. for ladies^shoes, superior to liquid dressing as done fay onlyhe successfully that 'ih"^ |bea^t to parties establishments largesteam-dycSng Ladies' Shoe made sure can any sold in .bottles, one of ounce time is necessary borax, and for this. be and cheaply easily two If the gum of gum ounces does not P wkdly strain. dissolve, Moistcfn a package of Diamond one while hot,and then add one-fourth Slate Dye with a littlewater, dissolve in the liquid of and ihix well tc^ether.' to shoes 'Aj"ply glycerine, in thb way, shoe dressing Made does hot cost more with a swab of sponge or cloth. than oneand it can be depended on as the very best. fourth iU cost in bottles, when Black kid shoves, be dressed over with this blackingand made bm nearly equal to new wom, in^sippeaiaaceo ^T^ *ho6 ^Ktsitig *t^' also givesan excellent bk^k upon straw hatihvndcer"w""l^et" oiince Kalsomininfi'. . Kidaomine can be beautifoUytinted with the Diamond to fifteen pounds handsome shades Dyes, and at a trifling for walls^ The fiivoritejDolorsare packagetints ten Vi^lMtpOrange, Cardinal,Slate,Crimson, Bismarck, Violet, Green, Light Blw^ |lln"Md ,Xo make good kalsomine, disL-dlveone-fourth pound good glue to eadi ten ponndtHsf Waf(^ b givethe-r%fa'e stiffiiiteht tJ^^irith dS^KHfete^t^tiiKrit^lfll^li^l^li^lgik aikda^d as much as idHu^^Umffb'give df NiMt"fr, ^^ -^m I a^vact t^ oblw^dltliif^^ ^ ' ."./"-', .E tt J|lac^ can therefore recommend it a business and who Hamilton, Ottawa, London may and and peculiar special process oi f a t Color Straw To res Tne firstthingis to cleanse the ot cookitig soda to This straw. be can gallonof hot water. C^ean frfece or board weightedwith a clean stone ounces and Hats done B onnets* by making solution with two a Put the articlesin this,and one to keep them let them remain them placeon the solution, and all well under night. In over the morningtake out and rinse thoroughly. They are now ready for the dye.. If you are not ready to dye at once, put the goods into cold water, as they should npt dry f}efore dyeing. , Dissolve ato, use as the dye directed,and as of the solution much as be may nres to give shade wanted, remem* required beringthat a strongerdye isneeded for goods than for ordinaryfabrics. straw Be ed cleans- that the articles are sure with soda,as directed. ply Kdly ihoes one- nces of the color desired. Goods for of cooking soda for each quart of water used. Enter the goods dye one teaspoonful minutes according to forty-five to shade desired, takingcare that the goods thirty will result. Remove are kept imder the boiling dye fmd npt allowed to ^oat on top, or spotting the fire and let the goods remain in the dye until cold; take out, and rinse tj^e^dyefirpm thoroughly. ". ... .^ of bpi^net be dressed with a sizing made of one-half ounce AU colled s^w goodssl^ouid This appliedwith a brush or sponge will glossthe goods and retain f^v^J^ one pintof water. boil them ..^ . vhen Dyes Mixed Put into the and quid Cottoii Use Diamond ANU gum , ., ^ , ^ , themi^^p^, .iu^^ia-,* .i.ajtu:tif. ,.. _., . ,., ;,, . "" , ^ .- . . . Another method of ^"JCP^;W#I^"4Hi a ,t^, . straw is as folIovTS: Dissolve a package of Diamond Dyek ^ colorii^ littlej^cohol, n^idad-^this to one-half pint of good sheila^Vamiih. brush. This method has ^^|^J^j!y|^f(^t;,wi4iasQft,i)fi^tleprcamer^ for this pcocesa Bui|able ^e f^i^iD^st t^,^, are Green : for the advantage cf wool.Purplefor nool,TcmCotlR fot WMd, "iidSUte ibrwooL md Blaek vikS ibUMOND "'^ iiddm* 'jIfmiL Dn Fast BIack of oommoa tcaspooafiil pok on Straw. Cotton salt Mixed and Boil for one _^^lSm^inJh9dy9ititiMiu"AAxy, , in ihellM, makes ^X^iunoiSI Dye,'niixed a very ftartiiyq" Goods, hour ; zemov* good . . * "" '^ Hii Jm^ mtA fropi a; * s*.^ v n^M^ bMt^.||^Ui^ ^i.2 lii.';^.^ rC "/$ ^^' fM^ ' feiSii] ""i mn ;?""""t':r;t:^^"/"l"^: Easter Eggs. Coloring The of havingthese beantifnltokens practice CSuristian lands. From trifling expense, . ." as Diamond Ittakes but all morning has spreadthrong^ be obtained, and at " portionof a packageof dye to color a docea ^gs, and the balance of the packagecan be us^ for some other Dyes, the small a .^._ handi Add of strongvinegarto teaspoonfiil a then ] dlssol Boil fresh,clean,white eggs at least ten a littledissolved djre, any coW wanted, purpose. minutes and Easter on beautifulcolors can most put in the desired shade. tggji and let them The eggs may of water, a pint remain until of the be eaten with safetj^after colored. 6eii^ ":",-y:iyy^4' Free Book. Cook hinati Dye Cook The Diamond - Dyes is worthy of a Book No. 8 publishedby the placein every home. Sent f^eeto any address by Wells Its " Bichardson of Diamond mannfactarera forBi receipts are indorsed by the best coolcs. Co.,Montreal,P.Q. these StaJningWood. Beautifulwood wanted stains can combinmg different colors by properly been painted, or oiled cannot varnished, or that has obtained from the colored varnishes. Stains doth can be used ifmore colors Dyes,dther for any of the bright imitate any of the costly woods. Wood be stained, but nearlythe same effect can be from Diamond be made are orw best As these stuns convenient than is needed for immediate ^quantity use can fdky to appliedwith be used may be made at one brush,but a sponge or either hot or cold,a larger a timcband what remains be van saved thei in botUes. addl After the firstcoat has dried.Ifthe shade is not dark enough,go over the stdbed anr"ce varnish. If an dried,cover with a coat of shellacor common igain.After thishas thoroughly extra finishU ^ then applya afterthe varnish is dryrub itdown with sand-paper desired, or^mice stooc^md combinations are recommended, bat "My ba of hard dl finish. The following coat mried somewhat ^ Cherry to the according Stain." Dissolve k wanted,use i^jltl"i but a ""e, packageTerra Gotta Dye in a on. quatt of " watab Up dvfk {Mntof water. Stalll.^Use V|lllO(|ail5f *" ^^BfTf"**" kind of wood the stain is to be used one one "^ packageof Terra Cotta and one4biir" quart"rfwater. BIIMA:Walnut StabU-^Use "me 6i Terra Gotta m| oilir9|itl"ii||^ package :^ivat"f. ^ i H '-'""", U^^t^^t- Colored Lacquer or TransparentPaint. JBiotodfid be made varnishes can colored lacquers from the Diamond or Dfes* hf tSmplf of the color needed in white shellac varnish. In this way a a very small amount dissolving handsome colored coating, perfectly transparent,can be put on any objectwanted, whether of wood For a black vanoish use fhe shoe dressing or stone. metal, glass, for which a recipeis given. The followingDiamond Dyes are those that can be used for this purpose : Eosine (Pink),Light Blue, Yellow, Violet,Purple,Orange, To prepare the colored varnish or lacquer,take Bismarcky Green. of the dye powder and stir it up thoroughly about one*half teaspoonful of white shellac varnish ; then add it to one"fourlh with a tablespoonful varnish ; if not pintof varnish. If the color is too deep add more time It will take some manner. dye in same deep enoc^h add more for the dye to thoroughlydissolve in the varnish. Any desired comUnation cf these colored lacquersto obtun different shades can be made : Bismarck and Violet er nd for Blown f Green and Bismarck for Olive ; etc. these oploiiybat for the dark odors Mahogany I the White shellac varnish is the best to Orange shellac can Vamish for Wicker use for be used. Work, Ete. and many chairs that have beccunlt are very popular now, dark by age can be made as good as new, and in the best of style. will givea handsome effecton any articleof wicker This varnish,which by one Application \ndcer chairs in mahogany colw Ion ood fdlow and tbe or sor rger vcd Bute wood work, mtiy be made as foUows s package of Orange Dye in a- littlealcohol and add to one pintof good shellac vanish, then dissolve one-half packi^e of Purple in a littlealcohol and add sufficientof this to the other to g^e "e color desured. A small amount gives the color of new mahogany, while to a rosewood color. Apply with a soft will make it as dark as wanted, even more adcbng Dissolve one bristle or cwnel*!hair brash. tan Mid rb" lark Diamond ^^^^ii^"(^^*jpi8inond Dy" Bye Bug Book. Bug Book " showing handsome and popularptOh is sent 'fOd^Bogi t ""iC^^rl^flSt^lKvt^ free to any lady in Canada. It tells yoti how ta pro^nm In tiie book. Wells " Riohiivcison Co., Mostisiil^ , J^ I 'Art Wtirk hav.erecentlyIssued,under We the f" Fattit dnd directiom giving fulland "xt"licit title,a book above photographicpaintingsdye embroidery,ivory-typepainUng,e^chin^upon tapeltrypainting, wood" Jtnd foMi great and linen,])ainting ootton upon velvet,idlk,satin,cliamois,an4 lv)lfy for 4 i** A varietyof 'liN"V-~ "a"'*ta "end home Diamond decoraticRi with and art We Dyes. will lady4ipon receipt p^jtaiiji^ this book speak of it\aL thgt bi^KeBt JLerpB, of this book copy a to any . All who 9nd J. bad have have V.-S Evans, Toronto, Ont, S. the will prove a. work "ncy Paints Dyes, and other no instructions Work from l"e made can person Work.** Fancy awo with it,,andieei that it deligtited are with popular very Dyes ant* Diamond Your home. Engravings, Diamond that any so We same. all -my art and Diamond iriends." Nothing equals the ^t, rich and brilliantcolon oiade articleis adapted to so many different in every family. uses Coloring' Photographs, purposes little V^r Wi|iai?le great aid and benefit in every department of in the are Mrs. fdi"yvinff.|^';'ift V i says Dyes," was Fancy Worlc witlJDiamond Please find enclosed,ft^psior t^reemore received by mail. copiesof who and "Work *Art book, Diamond to the sipiilar letters many Dyes. do can good Etc." Maps, very best The colors for work taking lessons,are given in without the colors and V for these Full directions making hf complete ** I ART U\ ""i LaatheP." The leather shbuld be first well inclined,so board, slightly of Diamond solut^'on weak Brush until you have every direction. In A good that every Dyes, the part of the color the rightshade. largeway the skins a of Russia imitaivm moist wanted, After in leather is made to with uut will stick closely leather hot,water, and leather is the placed hack are thep streicheo washed, and apply dry,stretch back, and Diamond out and smooth c"t a it. to Use to a a.sJKinge or with smoiiih (lowtk in i(i then dipjjcd tHed^'c-bath. t)ye Bismarck; wilH ^ tlttlt "i ^ cardinal red. Another Ueacfaed good shellac in dry ai tides. color from a Bound a books can leather, paper ; add be well dyes with Wooden or hot wiUer wood, or sufficient of the colored is to dissolve requireddye, and in this way, Articles9f Any apply with and Ivpry.^one, Hair, EtC.^take ,|i^l^eiie| any article made or 9^ fai" takes M^- of either color pintof alcohol any or article that an apply cannot ounce tt this to the take the water-bath. Basket-work dilute the to way hut " moment the a Kind." Dip fato the dye-faatbscc hrush. dyw readilyfrottithf[h|th. "f r'"-'?"T-u,' hair.,"|i"^id V"t^^[ftihgdt"^'**" ^ to make hajr two " genXleheflt*ao4dreaswitha!ittIeoiL. -, ^J If^ft^ - :;i?%- The Most Useful Fast Black to Diamond Dyes. Dyes saved thoasands have will make They thriftyhouse-wives. old cloak, suit,dress, jacket,and an would easy to are and use, other make new many that otherwise garmenb old-clothes rag-bag or go to the They of doHan look like to men colors that will netenek or/ode. if badly fiided, can Father's half-worn suits, e^en washed, colored ihe boy. Or shabby-looking and if Diamond coat then / black the color is fade, while or made by Dye dyed in equal, if M i u: "s 2 J will not this way superior, to the not professional dyer. It the for ijLnd Black is used. Fast thetsest of all is the fact that clothes crock ripped, be into clothes made Will take the place of that rusty, overcoat new a black, rich a will color over any blaclc color, lightor dark, and give a perfect It's an easy to color silk matter Dye fast Black simple directions on for Silk mond plumes a and Diamond Dye crock never The save or a a Black black that and delay. for Cotton wear as and long Mixed the as Goods goods, and "ide. black fashionable %vhite,by coloringwith cent black with 1^- by followingthe package. Instead of taking ostrich with this dye can color them one expense Fast goods cotton Feathers dye-house, any to the black perfect colors the feathers or and this stockingscan dye, one be had package to cheap as as five pairs"* stocking.; There are three kinds of Diamond different goods" Fast Black and for Wool, Dye Fast Minted Goods, Fast Black Get the Fast Bkck, ^!ack for fur Silk and ht Cotton Feathers.' s rightkind. For mixed goods the Fast Bhdc for Cottonttd Mixed joods givesthe best results of any dye ever made. It is very easy and simple to use, and ^priUt giveperfectsatisfaction oa.any goods nkade of cotton, and linen, wool or silk, accordingto the q^oefai directions for mixed The goods. black made fayDiamond "tay. Wash and with so"ip"good* ^ pfes4t Hi^ ""l(M^DaMd|ni lhe;fan, afl tfit 1^^ Af f^ f V Lnd not the any the f ich em oods and P " Ibr itton len.' "ad ever "~TJ^ ferfeck tolor: tlirfefctos "' SpeeialDireetionk coloKo|.die pri"tedon th^ Each dinftiom i"r4h"t ptcloigeof DUmond Dye^ has "explicit envelope^makiag itunneoenary to repeat them here. The foUowing are tuggeftlona as to various aia, whidi we deem, of iftterfit. naest combinations,rre-coloring, For cotton, linen or Q|lher:Vfl|gcta|blc or for mixed fibres, goods of cotton and wool,or cotton "ad sUk,"special hints-are ifivenunder a separate hciiding. had Diaaoonu fn use i^ the |iome for people who have never specially Dyes are prei"ared for any one to tt5c in dyeing. Ptaia directions oo every package, make it easy ci^)enenee! Duunond and wttl not ude. or aock. Dyes, and get beautiful colore that are 4rue to name that if peopleonly knew how easy tbev Dves have wntten Many enthusiastic friends of Diamond .. ^ . tt is but littjt^mose be douUeaL: to use, the sale would troHble to dye a dress witn Diamond Dyes than to wash it. Diamond D^ea are the onlypackage dyes of which this is true, of time smd work of the imitation8|Oa tfiemarket requiring noie thanrr*oub1ethe amount mooe Be sure that you get the Diamond tQ use. Dyes and take nothing else, as no other package were " dyes a^ likethem. ., \ i , ^ . Jl , ' J ) - " "" , " Dye Fasi BlaCtk fbr^Oot^-rhlsunequalled'lyehas supersededloewood Diamond . and all.other black dyestulfs.One package iwill dye paepquildiof 'ool goods a fast,rich blade, which vill not crock or wash out.. Goods dyed w|tli thir color may be washed in soapsuds. No other black dye equals this in strength, and reliability. ease, of nse Blade is mostly Ujcdt" color, over eololredgoodsy and for t^is purpose the Diamond Dye Fast BhMk is superior. It producesi; good blt^ Tver all other colors. Be careful to observe " direotionsandfollcivthemescaottyt i :' -i In.colofingyam and very loosely, goods it is necessary, t^ allow -.tn extr^ package (rf wo^n dye to each two pourds of g(x"ds, as the dye if more fret'Vtaken ttp"bysudi gucu To color cotton er mixed good^ blacky i^Dia^bnd Dye Fast Black ic """"" "/'. ".^M^xfji One Goodsy a "8t and beautiful color. cosi:* '^%,lOur package will color ope pound t fminc^cotton stockings.' ] .L To cplorsilk DiamondiDye l''ast k Ibr SlBc and Feathers,one package BlacI goods bLtck,useIC DiamondiDye of goo^, ''17 DiaiMnd toa k|Uf Dye. 3i|te p"fu^d ipaike,l]^pJ"iak|^use ^ iianewdye,eipecially mamond Sl^'^ f Dye Fast t^k'^ "9? Sil"and^FealiieinB and~when used acorardii^io AiSiJdolyill ^ive perfect satisfoctiim. For feathen thu dye is the biestknown, and very f.-vcr.e";sfuL..(..(i^ ^m". '-i*. t-ru ^J "". -u -^ is wnft. to imposilblf to jaaka tbiitt pa not try to color (P'TC/ th"'.n dboipsom^^oir for) tt, Ws, look psesentable after bein^ all^fdksof But an. rfbt^Qfis, sqarftl m put tiirefighia"d^e|bath. \ mediam fte SiHctindFeaUtera will make a blacklQiat or good quaUty, I^amond Dj^ Fast Black ^ 'v -v i i: ... .. - i ^i , . " ' v t '" ' 1^ _S _____ ' ^ *_ _ " * * t i"" " " 1 " " _ "" " |"KtwtJ, "^ '" . 4". , i* " "" " " r "" . oaei *.*," , isttn^]le^, OnefackagefOipidd^bpMs^toa^fJxi^ iMamond ?. - , Dye Fast Blaek to .j , , Cotton and Mixed G^doos k % diseavenritbat vfll 1^, |t is the anly |wckagedye {nfidatlwt^idU colipr jMiw to eveiir bdy who lava uses money It itjfc^rt^MkiBJp^t^^tia^. stocking a ^ut jetblaek^hat will ao| fade from sui| ot eoad One package fvHl color one^half pound "^. white orio*oi|)fmn4;4"fc4or^c"#0jl PSf^i or4lM' unemalled pairsof cotftNistockings, a jet blackthei m by any other dye | or wilt tm"^ht;^ , ib"iawpAdk"gblttebhfekontwopo"adsofiBwds**^^ ii ii-,z_'p A p'Ji^ik''^ EHemoQ iDye Fast Bkack for "ottoi)iita"l"MiiM^jCS"pa| Mf"kJ "Wii.r Oftea dealera havfpetoddag*t^t jiie " J?a.^F.olmi" eest ^^viil"el|a||kas.lM If these m ^fmlMl9M"^iM " beSKaEla^SE O;ilto"ii^Ntieil0oDdi,1liefe"iltwiU ''"^SfPiS ^ , Diamond Red and Dye Fait Soarlet (also for Flame. Fronoh Royal Bedl It givesa tioli*Mu)"t on^tvib wo^n^ "^ aillc Wany ollMV^9curU^ gr"Ulfrapciior d]F"la vn^ 18 Wrx)r|c.od""'aa4fM"l|[^Aaii8io^ or airjttlihAdee of Ikme color 0 Dye Ir ' and Jrance Scarlet. ean French be poumU. of Diamond l^ combining equal quantities and royal red colon nuiAe' hf comMning are mar^e ted 4.. ", r"yeAlt Scarlet and CardinaL t'o'colbir for Diamond and cotton Scarlet Cotton or mixed M!.xed goods scarlet, use Dye scarlet on 6ne Goodi. One package givesa full,dark and handsome pound of goads,"nd a shade oa.fiDurpounds,improved by washingwith soap. ^ light Fast all lightcolors, as yellow, orange DUmond Scarlet will color over or Dye pink, Dtafuood . ^ " - shades of scarlet ^vinghri|^t It should not Over Light Reds Scarlet Cardinal Red "* Dark makes Reds " be used Over " blue, green over Browns " slate.* or Reddish Browns Jerra Cotta makes l^urple Red (also for LiarhtRed and Bright Red) is Diamond Dye Fast Cardinal One paddlge will "^ tirop"^dsof ih strength; flataessand bteatjr bf-khaide, great^^HhiperiDr *^ "' out sUk or wool goods a standard shade, which wiU not crock, fede or warn A haftdaome brightred^'asShown oa'faaniple book, caii ht made with this dye,one package shade (light'ved) on six pounds of goods. tofimr poundsofgoulsor a lighter Diamond oottfon or mixed'goodscardinat red use T"X^oolAr Dye l''asf Cardinalfor Qotton of which dolors one and Mixed Goods, one pgatkaffi poUi^d ( gobds a fulland beavtifulcolor, and washing with soap ftstto light DStiSKk^ Dye F^it Cardin4^ lied will color ove'rall colors except green and g^ve good to the coUmt of the goou resultson wool or silk goods. The shades will vary according as ' ' ' . fbUowsi "" Otaage j tt "" Cardinal Red :aakes Over Y#nr Over Slate "" " LightBrowns ""- BijpK"d " " Da"k " Di^R"d8 "* " LightBlues " " Dark ** Garnet " ^le ' tGarnet makes Browns Blues Wifae Dark Wine ' or Plum ' J ' '"'" " Diamond is a dye of great (also for Cherry r?id Ponceau) Dye Fast Crimson colors one'tidbad^f beautyand ^i^ncss that alwaysgives nerfect satisfaeiiua.v^aepackiigewoil i^ds a fUll,rich'ieniiisoB. Ponceau is a name used for a mediiml^hhde sometimes l^ttpbt of crimson. cue CWrry packageto two cotton and or or "Oi"#c(s. Goods d other four H^t 'Shades can be made of by usingthis dye in the"|"r6|)dilioa pounds of goods. Diamond mixed goods crimson, use e"^rd"fWith ti"isT dye Dye Fiui Crlmsoa will coror are over pye Fast Crimson _ aedidvegood results on wool or iQjkgoods* for Cotton and implovedby wailing^^^ all c"4ora ^cept gsden,olttgbld Over other colors ir uM4ces"s ' and 1^fo0ow1i purple, t'-^ ItReds Cmnal Soslne (Plnk.)--"ThIs supersededas a (?yefor silk or Wool dye Is now biitfor making a brilliantscarlet ink,'and for cokinafi*"~*~~" Dye FasT tifiik^ JD^ s I iM" "sw^ wj jjWtfa auaierpassed '' JjJES^Sj? " ai a, i/xA"^ for these purposolc \. "7.-Z "-"hj^.-j' "'"tf^tislii diamond i"yeiPastJhnk (alsotor "hellJ^ink and Salmon) u a recent diMx"very fast,tmfadingpink* One upon the market that will make a perfectly ibade on bnlUant and beautiful puk on two pounds of silk or wool ; a medium And b the only i^e givesa pounds; or and delicate shade ligbt a pack- dye Shell pnk shades Fast Pink. A "st and Orange with two four on be made by beautiful sahnon addinga can color three poimds. is very made liuU Diamond by using one Dye Fast Yellow to the I"ye Fast part Diamond parts of Fast Pink. pink on cotton,use Diamond Dye Fast Pink for Cotton and Mixed Goods, one package pounds. Diamond Dye Fast Pink givesa beautiful rose pink color over white or pink wool ex silk goods. Over ydli"wor orange itgivesa sheU pink. It should not be used over any dark color. For to two " Diamond "st Dye Fast Garnet (also for Strawbeiry and Claret) is a beautiful, dye, which is uneoualled by any other dye of this color. One package^es a dark of silk or wool gooos ; a claret on four pounds df goods,and a elegantcolor on two ooanaa and durable and on eightpouncisi strawberry To color oottoa or mixed goods jgamet, Diamond use Mixed Goods. Goods colored with this dye can be washed Diamond or Dye Fast Garnet vnll color It should wine. Over Purple "* not be used makes over green. Dark Wme. Reddish Browns Browns Diamond over FftSt Dark I^ Vine D^ Fast Garnet foe Cotton and virithsoap*suds. colors and give good shades of other colors it makes : nearlyall Over O^er Blue ** SUte makes garnet lAarooa " M (also for Wine) isanother dye givinga durable, One packagegives simpleto use. wine color on two pounds. wine, use Diamond Dye Fast Garnet for Cotton and and oeautifuland rich color. It is ver^ fiut and permanent, a foil dark wine on one pound of silk or wool, and a medium To color cotton "x mixed Blixed Goods, a dark shade. goods dark Diamond Dye Fast Dark Wine is an excellent dye to use in coloring over it givesfine dark wine shades over all colors exbept green and dark blue. Diamond Qye Fast Maroon (also for Prone) is a other fast and perfectly One package will color one pound of silk or wool goods a dark, rich maroon. shades,use one packagefor two to four pounds of goods. Fine shades,of prone can be made of Diamond by combiningequalquantities colon,as rdiaUe For color* Ughter Dye Maroon and TerraCotta. oolto^or mixed goods, use equal parts of Diamond For maroon on Dye Fast Garnet fot Cotton and Bfixed Goods and Fast Purplefor Cotton and Mixed Goods, which will givea fine ihadUb' '~ . . . Dbunond oolota. II Dye Fast Manxm makes fine shades of this rich color over all ^i llMdd.Botbe used over preen, brown or old gold. Over other colon it nudufssiaSlowst Maroon M ^nSSl Esd M *" Garnet Over Dark "" Bme Rid fitem "S Diamond fast Yellow Dye (also fop SItraw, Lemon, Canary, Corn and Maize) is a brightand beautiful coloi,unequalled by other dyestuffs. One package givesa rich,brilliant color on two pounds of silk or wool goods. Yellow can be made cm white oi ** goods only. csry light lemon packagegivesa perfect One and delicate straw a shadingdye, which will or color oh canary Diamond change goods, Dye Fast Yellow, is enclosed,without extra cha^e, a yellow to a beautiful corn or maize. Full directions on the To color cotton or mixed goods yellow,use Diamond One Goods. package givesa full and brilliant yellow on Diamoiid Fast Dye plors yellow makes Diamond Fast Dye bandsome and purpleor over forCotton or Mixed slate. In coloringover other (( makes Blown Yellower " Golden and brighter Brown Oransre (also for Buff) is a very strong and brightdye. One two pounds of silk or wool ; a brilliant orange on four pounds ; on orange buff on Fast Yellow pound of goods. Over Green brighter Green dark packagegivesa be used not Dye one : Yellower t* Blue " should Yellow follows as makes "ver Reds a wool or package for this. each or four pounds of silk pounds. packageof each With six on eightpounds. Dye Fast Orange with By oombining the Diamond fiuhionabltiyellowshades can be made. To color cotton or mixed goods orange, use Diamond the Yellow, Dye Fast great varietyof the a Orange for Cotton and Goods.1 Mixed dye will make This Over orange on white the following: good a other colors it makes or lightcolored goods only. Yellower and lighter Grat^e Redder Diamond most dark ecro old gold on on reliable two Old Fast Dye brilliant and dye pounds of (also" for Gold silk or eight pounds. Ecru, Bronze for this still fashionable color. wool ; a medium shade on four known and One and lighter Olive) is th" package gives a pounds ; or a handsome ^ ^ In combination with Diamond Dye Fast Brown it givesgood bronze and olive shades. the Diamond For old goldon cotton use Dye Fast Orange for Cotton and Mixed Goods Goods. with a very littleFast Navy Blue for Cotton and Mixed Diamond Dye Fast Old Gold makes eood shades of that color over white,yellow or orange silk wool or Over Blues Greem "^ goods. It should not be used makes over purpleor Olive Green Over IV Green (brighter) Diamond Dye Fast Terra oolor, not surpassedby the best Cotta French as N makes Reds Browns : Mahogany (I Golden Brown a terra perfect shades be cotta of that color used over green, two pounds. only on white, vellow, purple,slate or wown. on I Tena Red ^''^fW- ftdlows Over other colors it makes fixshlonabie (also for Mahogany) is a brilliant, dyers. One package gives beautiful shades of msl^oganyon one pound of silk or wool goods,and Diamond Dye Fas^ Terra Cotta makes good Qgange, or pinksilk^Mr wool goods. It should not OiiRAher eoilorsit makes slate. Over Cotta Blue 'StKfm makes Malionny 'h^tf aa "*;ji^;"'^J"!a ssmnesi JDlamond Dya Fast Ool Brown, Wool Mod^agood Me or wash out' brown, which wijlriot crO(iK" in soap-suds, it to ti".6ds dy" withl5iairioiiid are improved by wkshirig D^e FtkyBrowtt ff'most impossible from other dyes sold for domestic dyeing,'btit'With' tub to get a good brown "''' arid stmpliciljr,'' Color can be made with the gieatest Diamond ease a splendid \ of shades, nuking ftom very light a variety By makmg the dye bath of different strengths, oidlM ^ " ' and delicatebrown to fiiUdark to cb\ot'coit6^or mixed Mixed Goods. color Irom for Cotton aQ4 Brown pounds of cotton or mixed goodsa rich to two one "' ' ^rown can be optioned. goods tMrown, use Diamond package wiU One ' Fast Dye brown. Diamond wool or silk x"ye Fast reds,seal brown nevei^ known. sha4es of goldenbrown cm slate.''Ovef .blues, lues, it miikes greens, otive brbwri. also purple over Brown Dye Fast Dark Ko make ; and (also for Brown dyes equals it handsome, medium four pounds. other l^it colore^ bjtbwn;o^ Aml^er Brown) is dnd ^ditt durable d"tk brtr^'d3^"l ^tK"ri^est,'s{iii^le^t[ "ding,neve^ crocking color/the pound of silk or wool all ^k or ' ; and over Diamond a Bro^ givesexcellent goods,and '' fast^rich dark browri^ one two pounds ; or a beautiful gives packt^e One shade of a a of brown on '^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "" imber brown oa For daric brown on cotton, use Diamond Goods or Dye Fast Brown for Cotton and Mixed ** ' * *""*'' "" Fast Seal Brown for Cotton and Mixed Goods. Diamond Dye Fast Dark Brown on white or lightcolore4 wool or silk goods makes vm " '^*f handsome shades of brown, iirom amber brown to very full dark' shades. It should not be used over blues or greens^ Qver otLer color; it makes as follows t ' ' " Over Yellow '* makes lAAt | Over Purple Biown makes Brown Orange Diamond Dyo Fast Seal Brown (alsc for Rbd Brown); is the result of years of careful 'and costly would n^ithbr crock nor J^uAktli to obtafh 'a'lfds*! browR-dytftllat 'experiments It is the onlyfomi^ydye known One p^kage gives A ^ark that Will givi a (aiX stsal'brdWn. seal brown sbat'biftywn medium" onef pound of silk or* wool ; on two on pounds ; ahd" a red brown shade on four pounds. For a sealbro"m on cotton, use Diamond Dye Seal Brown for Cotton and Mixed Goods, ^ one package to one pound of goodi. " '* * - - ... ^ Diamond makes rich,fest colors over all Dye Fast Seal Srown It should not be used over blue or slate. Over other colors it makes . Over ""* "" Yellow !"mbNr SealBirown "'""' li I"arkRe"|| j,^ lightcolors on woo) or silk. ^ as follows i^* '^-""^" IM" OT5!fgf"if "I' " makes " RedijishBrown Cytens i" Diamond Dye Blsmarek, Liffht Brown (also for Light Brown iisefUfor toloring dlntr. Color) is a handsome an^ iMhionableprowp, 'especially givesa daricsha4eof bismaick on two pounds of 4lk or wOot } a madium shida oa brown on eightpounds. or a delicate light and One four Tan fAckl^e pouildsl used. to Ae amoimi P''^ ^ ^^1^ S"^e"W5"?"ilSlftg ^"^ olf)feKOf lajl? DM pkmond Pye Fast Bfown |br0ottoa an^ M ixfd Goocls. rorli^tlNrowdoiicoadh, B"Kfe^ Dlam^'pye oolqre^goods,or 9bniiai"k makes good ^ismatck ^ old ifM, U oiatige, Velloff, " over ' *" " ^ or pght iMmu' nA any wmte or Over^rto^tstt4"""^("iow8ir^^ Over t^ Redl Riidi tuSm M Terra Cotta |Over jyit WSfc sM44ilo^lbfiM"d^of*gfW""* i Pnrpla "M^ifWI I f? iFfpp ntlBes W Browia' " '^ " JtSBHlKKfiiMtrt" '-!fTT-^'-i^m-JJmU" iMamond bye t^t Lig^t Blue (also for ttoblB*"figg Blue and ^eaecMk and purity.One packagegives Bllle)is a delicateand beautiiolcolor,onequaUed in strength shade on three pounds of silk or wooli a li^t blue cm sis pounds; or a dain^ a medium ffofaiii's ^g blue on tWjelvepounds. A handsome peacock blue can be^nade by addii^ a littleDiamond Dye Fast Gseen to dw Bine. Lig^t For a lightblue eotton on IKamcmd,Dye Blue for Cotton and Mixed use padnge to lour or six poundsof goods. Ught Mne can onlybe made on white dm over yellowor orange. Over Yellow makes "" LightReds "" "c "" Dark M LightGreens M manumd cdor. dades colors Purple Wine Peacock Green One packagegivesa beautiful oolor from two to four pounds. on Purple "" " Browns M Bottle Green Blue Dark Brown Blue) is a "st and brilliant pound of silk or wool goods,and medium coe on makes " Blue (also for Medium I^e Fast Du*k follows t as Over Dark GrecAS Green U should not be used I^htcolored goods. very or Over other colors it makes Goods, one a padkageof Diamond Dye Fast Dark Bine is endoaed,withoot extra charge* allthe rich, deep shades can be made. To oolor cotton or mixed goods dark blue,use Diamond Dye Blue for Cotton and Mixed ^th eadi dye by which diacBng - . (Soods. ^ One from on packi^l^vesan uneqiwUedrich Uue two to ^x shade on one shades pound of goods,and lighter pounds. IKanood Dye Fast Dark Bhie g^vesexcellentmedium and dark blue shades over almost til all reds,greens, pnrpie,date,etc. Ovorbrowm^iE as yellow, oolors, givesa navy blM^ mnge, and over dd gpold and vcsy dark ydlow,a bottle green. Diamond Oye Fast Navy Blue (alsQ for Blue Blaek) Is a very popnhrand nseiiileaixx, in strengthand duraUlity to other packagedyes. One pacxage ghrcs superior a ridi,dark navy-blue on one pound of dlk or wod 3 a medium shade on two pounds. For na^ blue and Mixed Goods. cotUm "m or mixed Dye Fast Navy Blue for CoCtoo the Diamond goods nse A beantifolUne blade can be made by unng two packages to the pound itfgoodb ^^ Dye Fvt Navy Blue will cdor ovecall lightookMS and giveexcellentAmAn ol iSth popidar oolor | also ovw blue,purple,date, and lightred. It should not be tised omydow, orange, or brown. Over other oofoisit makes as follows t - Dkmond Over Dark Bad "" Gieia MmxmA fiaalMe One "tide on ^ makes ** Plum I Over Old Ciold BottleGieen | HfB Fast Indlm pMdd noi be wash oat, and is very dark"tl^ ini^o1"h^ on one Ithie a gaft)^ on su p(iand| vied will c^ over yeUow, ocatige, "^nm,~ over lu HfNyBbe- ookai aadj Uglit X3^nfpQm Daft '-SI " T"""_" " "*. .'* ' *^^ sia^ ponadoC ^ lodfadtBhie 0 Qnm ^^^^/ siakesa pa"laiic pottads I or Bhie DiamoodDye FIbsTladifeo makei ^ ? Blue (also for GolioUii Bluo) Is " tewna It will not q^pdi" fiuleor diaopvery. two ^ jft C to ttie^ or Vfbd^a i 1 ftose and Aniline fted) Dye fast Magenta (also fop "k"lfepino, brfliiant and simple dye for this well-known color,and the firstone ever discovered that H really"st to li|^tana washin|;.One package gives a full,rich maeenta on two pounds solferino on three pounds ; or a rose of lUk or wool ; a handsome on ux poundsi On om pound of goods it givesa heavy shade, known as aniline red. BlaiiMmd in the ^ nxMt IKamond Dye Fast Mi^enta is very useful in coloringover Over other colors it nuikes which it should not be used. all other as follows ccHan, except greeD" s Purple Dark Mt^nta Wme Dark Wine for Royal 'Purple and Lilac) gives this magniDye Purple (a^ ficent color in all its beauty. One package givesa dark royal purple on three pounds of silk or six pounds ; or a handsome and delicate lilac on twelve wool { a medium shade of purple on Diamond pounds* One packageof this dve makes a beautiful purple*ink, by simplydissolving in for other kinds of ink, see page 17. water, boiliAg To color cotton It is fiut both a Diamond good purple use lightand Dye be used not Fast Purple tot Cotton and Mixed Goods. soap. Dye Purple makes beautiful shades Over over yellowor orange. Diamond should to quart of one on any white or very other colors it makes lightcolored goods. It as follows : useful and Lavender) is a brilliant, Diamond Dye Violet (also for Mauve dye. One package givesa ridi, beautiful violet on three pounds of silk,wool or cotton ; a six pounds ; or a delicate lavender on twelve pounds. baUdscmie mauve on in one quart of bcnling One packageof this dye makes an excellent violet ink, by dissolving fat copying4nk,stamping-ink, Receipis water. etc, given on page 17. white or very lightcolored goods. It should not be A l"ightviolet can only be maile over dark wades of various colcnrs, Diamond Over medium used over yellowor onu^e. or Dye Violet as maxes follows makes Over Brown " I^Reds "" Dark Dlamoild Dark " Dye Purple or Plum Purple "" Reds malMS : Fast P|inMnMll"yeFast Y^e (also for Plum xidi and handsome itikikM0"4 1 A tnedium shade a or Wine Dark Plum colors ilndeac^this desimble over all iMajfIipl4. $79 3".'-^^!^"?Sfj' \dtoii^ m :J^ or is a Fast Drab wi" not fbde (also for Fawn) it a dark bhie. very One fo on li|^ana hand ome two pounds ojF slate,makiii(E It should and sm ikX^ package i^ivcta dm""ll 4^nte drab or "wn tot yelkM^ih"des only. iiijtoiil^itieiloalld^^p ifOd I "vji oa red, purple or or green i^ makes or washing. by^sunught permanent dye, fast and veiv abo lighte^wst color. Over Uue or brovniif *pi""rydfc!FW^oraiqje t Ruby) dark plum color. One package gives a full, shade on six pc^^ four pounds, or alight (" m" " w ^ye $HtQ (alsofbr Silver dray)isa 0iamona ^r ' to "^f pounds.' " ^''^ '' very '"' usefuldye. 6at ana simpic ^^ ^ '*" ^""'- *t m^-^^h M^^ }^m colors. gooduate dolor can onlybe mad? over white or Tcry light makes a pihtof in boilii^ suberibrblack ink,by sfin^y watsc One ptickage disMhHhg A Special Colors for Cotton. colors the Diamond In thesespecial Dyes far excel all other dyes. We ca31 especial result of very'ifeKcdm'^siiientific attention to' those colors matked "East." These dyes are t|ie and are remarkable for fastnessagainst and feir discoveries, li^din^ exposure to strong light of washingwith soap-suds. any amount i F"Mr'dcttton or mi)^ g6odsrefuseaU substitutesand use onlyChe speqal piamon^ Pyesfor be used by aU car^t a^a rt^ ottkerrto thieexchision Cotton'and Mixed CiOod" ^ They'should of all other dyes. ' ' "' ' Diamond has proven itstitleto Dy^ Fast Black tor Cotton and Mixed CN)o4s the firstplaceasft'r^iid^dye for all "ottan" goods. It exeeU idl i^Hh-iatlv^ goodcpwUty. It is a nch, foil black,it will not oode or stain the flesh,it wilf no^ ftd^ and is mUy ' '""'""' by washing^'ith itti^roveU soap-suds.^-' Use onlythis dye to color a blie^kon oottoo " and Vandsoa"# blttcJk. can get an unfading ' . "."{$ m ^v """' mixed or #"- v"-i* ^ "^^,"\ goods,forftisthe ootywsf Uiat fcn ^^ ' tH f^" v - Dye Diamond |!ast Yellow for Cotton und 91^14 Qfxtfsb Sw fiutest, andlnost b^lliant forthis"^tor.^'OMi"u^|"|gpr^y"i^"||, 0" (tyefknown brighMst f|cnfellow one pound of cotton or : mixed gckxis.^ ^ .. r ,, . ... Dye Fast Orange for Cotton Diamond -**^ vr " and it^ llixed Goods i^oo^^l MfmvMfmi eo"r 'efer' dyeWtH^ ri6|r fait is the first realjy koapi t -^ (f'Jmoto BufT) f^^'^ i ^^ * km^mOgWm ' kefht'!^ edl^petk,'rugs,.et" One package ^vcs W^dn^f^tliMB^m It iftespecially oar Tobeused-fot oimnga."nl]r'oa%Mte"1v"iy p6und"lfgoodsvdr'Bbufft)iifwbtdlDurpdtihd" colored goods. light one '^H^i? % ""p" and discovery the Ix;stred to CHI ^"^f Dye Fast Cardinal for Cotton and Mixed Goods (also fbr Bed) is the only iEX)tt^ ft is "ye ti(this.co^n:hal^ fr4ut to %htiuiiS'adN!|li^ Diamond ts a new Kt""r ; v ""^ goods. It will color Dye fast CWiMon Diamond I (testand and mixed ot Diamond ^. naiak package On^ "or carpets,rugs, etc use. poand of cotton for Pye Fast Turkey Red a fullrichshade *7r i" .-.!"",; ainr pK " ^ ^ -. ttaMs "^^On^-Siduq^ "to "^ |dW, KjijJ. "5|5.^^*g yll*l'l" gocxtt* for Cotton aact jtfxoduiit^i _..^_ TOrg^owniM^^ pu(t"fqi?irtifaa|k^ -^^^ ".5^" ^ ""* " ^bUsdimi on " and desirablecol(" in all its brilliancy and Diamond r' *%l^ pwe *^ of B'ea*strength. wt9M"ous a"4^1||^f4 f" 9f??*L^ffi*^ mfiMd oottoo Cotton the speqalcotton dyes,giving "i iikt and* haitiiiiaMtiCwidhial yeUow,scarlet, orange d^ and over Jl*. ^^^ ViV IHainond Dye FiUt "^iak and for XTotton (also JSixedt^oods Rose) for is a addition to the listof Diamond Dyes, and is a color that will soon be exceedinglypopular. It makes all shades of pink,on cotton or mixf goods, one package givinga brilliantand beantifulpinkon two pounds, or a lightand delicate shade on four pounds. ft gjtye^ft And washing. This it exceedinglyvaluaUe is fast) makes fix to lidtt, i^K ^l^t cvpet rags ana all articlesthat ere uable to be exposed to strong light. leeent ^ iMiuiiOAdDye tsst for Cotton and Mixed Ooods (also for Wine line of reallyfast cotton discoveryof peal vahte Jn tl^fe dyes. It stands mposure to strong lightvery remarkably,and is not injuredin the least by repeated washings in strong soap-suds. One package to one pound of goods givesa full color. By adding a little Fast Purple for Mid Maroon) Cotton and is another Mixed Goods Cfamet new. beautiful shades of dark wine and maroon made. are . '" l^iainond Dye Fast Brown); is a Brown for and,superiordye, which new Cotton and Mixed Goods brown give a rich,handsome will (alsofor Dark that will not crock. l)e cotton, and cannot It is muCli better than thje crude dy^stufis formerlyused for a brown on package makes a dark, rich any other packs^e a)re sold for this pirrpose. One brown oa one pound of cotton or mixed goods, or a lightand beautiful shade on four pounds. equalledby Dye Fast Diamond Steal Brown for Cotton . Dye Fast Na.vy Blue Diamond for Cotton l/ttydesirable It stands soap carpet weavers. value. goods,and of ^reat pound uf goods. and latest additions to the listof fast cotton dyes, and will b" that does not fede, and will stand washing perfectly.One Diamond Mixed (Sbbds. This and latest discoveryin the line of fast colors for cotton and mixed One package to one giveperfectsatisfaction for all purposes. Goods Mixed is ' is the It will of the one found very useful, It givesa color package colors a pound of goods. Dye Fast park Green for Cotton and Mixed Goods is a new and dye, givinga remarkably "ast,non-fadingcolor on i^lcottpn and mixed good:;. and water, and the color is made brighterby the washing. Very desirable fox One pefckage givesa good shade to one pound of goods. Mixed Goods. The Diamond Dye Fast Purple for Cotton and unexpected accomplished. No one supposed that a fast purpledye on, cotton would ever be nuide ; This dye is very fast both to lightand soap, and will imt after long waitingit has at last come. all persons that use dyes for carpets, etc., where color is wanted boon a to a lasting great prove cotton goods. One package colors one pound of goods. For brightpurple the goods must on be white or a very lightcolor,pink or blue. lias been Dye Blue J^unond for Cotton Mixed and Goods \also for Dark Blue) of thousands of packages of this dye have been used, without of cotton or mixed goods, or paeki^ makes a rich blue on one pouncl Hundreds color. a^ beatitiliDl {lecnnplaint. One it Idae on two pounds. is a a , i^bbdsIs greatly Dtauiond Dye Fait Searlet for Cotton and Mixed sn^or i^ sold for this color. It is fiistto '"va8hin|^ ^stre^thand beauty cC shade to any other dyestuflfs One package makes a full,dark shade of sourlet "Bi iiever docks, add is very simple to use. pamA of osAUm. or ndxed good^ on white or over all lightcolors,as yellow,orange 6t fikiSu ' ]^" Oreen for Got^n Mixed and Goods (also for light Gffm _ dpUar i"Js" a " as greens for cotton p;old yet failed to giyesatis^wUon., 0|8K'fM|ii|ii| to other ^Qf"0l|)fa as taxKh superior : "^4^li$sl^Mbolkattana cNlipeea baa" never poind qf cotton oaon* ^ i^^'-.,- iC .1 -'. .--rrr:-.'- or mixed or gooc", a hmtij^sonie Uprw igukT- The GOLD, Paints. Diamond SILVER, COVPEB, ARTISTSr BRONZE, BLACK. Ollding, Sliveriiig, Broni^flrtCopperinflrand EboniziiiffFaney BasketVi Ornaments. FraiDMt Emblems, Mottoes, Farnltiire, Household Stataette^Repaii*inflr all and Gold Frames other Glided Work, Ete. For fNtmoDd end nany FaJk " we in every household. needed other articlescan be made to look like Gas and or quantity, paintssuffiass thenifeither in quality packageof the Paints,and ft fixtuies, bunpi,statoettes,imnitiilik their aid. None of the fifty cent with new bat few a are good. Vfiiik" as Ixvttleof Diamond Paint ten cent even Liquid, of many a household "Nmpunent. Diamond of the Paints,procure at the same buyingany is prepared Paint Liquid, which bottle of the Diamond diild can douUe the worth When time a espedallyfor mixii^ Diamond Paints. It is superiorto anything else for the purpose. bottle contains enough Uquid to mix Each two or three packagesof the Paints. Paint Liquid, with Diamond largesize camels hair brush,sells at only ten cents a package./ Put a small quantityof the metallic powder into a saucer or other shallow dish ; add as much of the liquidas will render it rather less fluid than common with the paint,give a slightstirring motion Give a slightstirring brush, and it will be fit fixruse. to a ' the painteach time Apply with lHfi4 the brush Is dippedin ft. Never mix a noce than for the work is required in casstel'shait brash. Another Method of Using; For very nice ornamental work, and in placeswhere the Diamond P^nt LiquidIs Ukelytn fltt,thea^pIkaak)noftheGold, Silver, Copper and Bronze PainU in the fcdlowii^ way will g^ MiooCber and more hutinglustre t Varnish the article to be gilded(nai^any good varmsh), and let it partially dry,so that when touched with the fingerit wiU feel very stidcyj then duA^ Oi the paintpowder wit*i a camel's hair brush or a wad of velvet or jdush* Viibea dr^ tho hum powder can be eanly brushed o" -r For Ebon^ng. I1ii"na"^4itttfi^ famitaycraiiywoodeaor "etaaifiartjci% 1^ V JMlwa* IhoM Miatdies wliSdii"ar|Mr ftbon)r ^. 1^%^-^^ tf-f.- Ornamental * with Work Diamond Paints. Lustre painting is the easiest and most showy of all decorative painting.All is a few brushes,and a package each of Diamond Goldr Silver,Copper*and feijiiifed Fdatii and f "M a Paint Liquid. Ladies will find after a triaJ, that the same could not be purchasedfor three times the quantityand quality priceat an art store; Our priceis but ten cents per package* For. furniture, frames,ornaments, and all objectswhere a will improve the appearance. Diamond ^^^^^^tasteful gilding bottle of Diamond Wl^ "W TW f^^mJ^iS^^ ( that ii Bronze 1 are very useful. Old wicker chairs can ***Si'"'TiW* Z/ CA. Pa'nts '^tff^Mi^"^.^ J made Diamond from gildedwith the be stained with Dyes, and Diamond if Mahogany Varnish parts of them some Paints it will make them are very handsome. leaves and ferns can Autumn heads,or small ears bronzed in differentshades and colors to them, makes kernels removed to a be improved by suspended in novel wall ornament. admit a littlegildii^.Cones, tsicoms, nuts,wheat a pretty drops for banners make of com a or lambrequins.A bunch of cones bunch ribbons of different narrow by fastening A lai^eear of com be can gilded,and enot^;h littlefive cent thermometer in one side,with a largebow of ribbon tacked at the top. - Fancy baskets call br pidntedvfi(t^ any desired,oi with shade a oomUnation. Fancy by sewii^straws to boxes or 1^ using the straw of old hats and gilding firom any box or can of be made Faints. Very prettyfimcy boxes can them with Diamond rice,oat lidkihle $izeor shape. First cover them with tldck liquid glue. Over this is sprinkled colors. Designs can be dry the wlude {s bronzed in one or more mffH, or graveL When vases w!*h cone leaves,coffee berriea or ^eeds. Flower pots, toilet boxes and bottles, ffNTitted badcets csn be made ini4firamesom be made in the same way. like butterflies, and many Rttidsofgnin,inieets, other up into very attractive decorations. a by coat of these painMu Old frames ^^jjq^hawlsoroe i,.and then made thisway. iiir toear"id^lpi There are very thingscan Ducolwed can be pUs^erfigurocan be re^^ded,and pHia pin"3 few articlesctffurniture or The above ^"tfmei^^miaiiAim^ifitAd, simply are e"^JMr""^tasttwid f"e silvend,or gilded, a few hints firnqr worli^it^ vpoiidi^^Hi^^ lefiiwmsnt win fin^ ;J*"--
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