Human Resources How to Hire Manual 2013 - 2014 Revised: 2/25/2013 Table of Contents Page Introduction to the “How to Hire” Manual --------------------------------------------- 2 Advertising Advertising Vacancies ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Length of Advertisement ------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Changes to Advertisement ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 Cancellation of Advertisement ------------------------------------------------------ 4 Staffing Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5-6 Interviewing Applicant List -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Interviewing Candidates -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Hiring Recommending an Applicant -------------------------------------------------------- 8 Fingerprinting for FDLE/FBI -------------------------------------------------------- 9 Drug Testing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-10 Certification Needs ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 Notice of Personnel Action (NPA)------------------------------------------------ 12 Orientation New Employee Orientation -------------------------------------------------------- 13 Work Verification ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Appendices of Forms Leave of Absence -------------------------------------------------------------------- A Notice of Employment Termination ----------------------------------------------- B Request to Advertise ----------------------------------------------------------------- C Applicant List ------------------------------------------------------------------------- D Interview Disposition -----------------------------------------------------------------E Telephone Reference – Instructional ----------------------------------------------- F Telephone Reference – Support ---------------------------------------------------- G Assessment/Testing Needs ---------------------------------------------------------- H Example Letter for New Graduates ------------------------------------------------- I Out of Field Assignment ------------------------------------------------------------- J Notice of Personnel Action --------------------------------------------------------- K Work Verification – Instructional ---------------------------------------------------L Work Verification – Support ------------------------------------------------------- M 1 HOW TO HIRE MANUAL Introduction The “How to Hire” manual is a resource made available by the Human Resources Division. It is designed to assist site and division personnel regarding advertising vacancies or recommendations of persons to be hired. The intention is to promote an understanding of the sequence of necessary procedures that are involved in the employment process for the School District of Volusia County. The Human Resources Division employees remain available to assist you, should any problems or unique circumstances develop somewhere in the advertisement or employment process. Please call the extension identified on the Human Resources directory for specific questions. If the advertisement does not show up on the Vacancy website after 48 hours, contact the Advertisement Section, extension 20185; or If certification problems continue or remain unresolved, contact the Certification Section, extension 20660; or If the inquiry is regarding the status of the application, contact the Application Processing Section at extension 20177 or 20179. For hiring clearance issues contact the Screening & Hiring Section at extension 20183 or 20184. All forms mentioned within this training manual are available online by visiting the Volusia County Schools website, select the Staff icon, select Forms and Report Management and click on Look Up a Form. Enter the form title or number on the look-up page for the needed form. 2 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING VACANCIES A vacancy occurs when a current employee leaves their existing position or a new position is created. The appropriate form(s) must be submitted to Human Resources before a Request to Advertise can be processed. The work site will use one or more of the following forms to create the vacancy: 1. Leave of Absence – A leave of absence is for a predetermined time within the school year. Please see Staffing Procedures section on page 5 to determine staff replacement [Appendix A]. 2. Resignation/Retirement – A Notice of Employment Termination (NET) must be submitted with a valid effective date for any employee that is terminating their position. Employees cannot resign on a nonwork day or a paid holiday, or use leave time to extend a resignation/retirement date. The effective date is at the end of the last day worked [Appendix B]. 3. Transfer – A transfer occurs when an employee retains continuity of employment but moves to a new work site or a position is reclassified. A Notice of Personnel Action must be completed by the receiving school/department following the procedures found on page 12. 4. New Position – All new positions and any revisions to a current position must be approved prior to the Request to Advertise submission. 5. School Way Café and Extended Day Vacancies – All School Way Café (SWC) vacancy requests must be submitted by the SWC Department. All Extended Day vacancy requests must be submitted through the Extended Day Enrichment Office. To submit a Request to Advertise, go to the VCS website at We encourage you to place this in your favorites. We have provided descriptions of each field on the Request to Advertise form [Appendix C]. To submit a Request to Advertise: 1. Complete all fields. If information is not needed for the position, it is necessary to enter N/A in the box. 2. If you are requesting an advertisement begin date in the future, please note the future begin date in the Comments section of the Request to Advertise. 3. Before pressing the submit button, print a copy. 4. When the submit button is selected, the request will automatically be forwarded to Human Resources. 5. If any information is omitted, a message in RED will appear at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: There are three (3) areas that will not give the error message but will block transmission of the request. They are: Grant Funded, Re-Advertisement and Category. Verify the completeness of your request before submitting and watch your email for receipt of your posting on the web. 6. Requests submitted prior to 10 A.M. will be verified for all requirements that day. If complete, the advertisement should be posted that same day. When submitted after 10 A.M., the position will be posted on the next business day. 7. If the position is not cleared, the advertisement will not post until all requirements are met. 8. If you do not receive email notification within 48 hours of submitting the Request to Advertise, notify the Advertisement section at extension 20185. NOTE: Questions concerning position codes, funding and the creation of positions should be directed to the Budget Office, extension 20334. 3 ADVERTISING LENGTH OF ADVERTISEMENT The minimum lengths of advertisement described below must be met. However, longer periods of advertisement may be requested. If you desire a longer time, indicate such in the Comments section. INSTRUCTIONAL VACANCIES: The advertisement of vacancies is addressed in the Volusia Teacher Organization (VTO) negotiated contract in Article 15 – Transfer and Vacancies, which, in paragraph “D”, states as follows: “Vacancies shall be advertised for three (3) work days beginning the day after post planning and concluding July 31. From August 1 through post planning, vacancies shall be advertised for two (2) workdays.” In calculating whether a vacancy has been advertised for a sufficient time period under the above stated requirements, the parties hereby agree that the day in which the vacancy is first advertised shall count as a full day, provided the vacancy is advertised by no later than 4 P.M. SUPPORT VACANCIES: Negotiated contract language states that all support vacancies must be advertised at least (5) workdays for American Federation of State and Municipal County Employees (AFSMCE) and three (3) days for Volusia Educational Support Association (VESA). CHANGES TO ADVERTISEMENT Certain changes to vacancy announcements, once the correction is entered on the web, may result in the original list of applicants being automatically deleted. It is so important, therefore, to be accurate with data on the Request to Advertise. CANCELLATION OF ADVERTISEMENT Cancellation of an advertisement is highly discouraged as it results in confusion, additional work for all and frustration for the candidates that have already applied. If it is decided to cancel an advertisement, email the Human Resources contact in the Advertisement Office immediately. If an advertisement has not already been made available to applicants, it can be cancelled. If it has already been posted to the web, it will be deleted and the applicants will need to be notified of the change(s) by the school or department advertising and request they reapply when the new posting is available. 4 ADVERTISING STAFFING PROCEDURES FOR POSITIONS VACATED BY EMPLOYEES ON BOARD-APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE SUBSTITUTE: Person hired as a replacement for an employee whose anticipated leave of absence will not exceed 30 workdays: 1. Job need not be advertised. 2. Paid as a regular substitute with no benefits*. 3. No interview disposition form is required; clearance to hire is same as regular substitute. 4. Paid using standard substitute procedure. Job record is substitute teacher with no unique position coding required. Employment of substitutes for clerical, non-ESE paraprofessionals, and other non-bargaining positions MUST be approved in advance. LIMITED TERM REPLACEMENT: Employee with the appropriate certification, who is hired as a replacement for an employee whose anticipated leave of absence is for a period of more than 30 workdays but less than 90 workdays: 1. Job need not be advertised. 2. The rate of pay will be based on the salary schedule for the position but at the eligible rank and/or step of the person hired as the replacement. EXCEPTION: Those employees returning to work who terminated under the Voluntary Incentive Program (VIP) will be placed on the entry-level step. 3. No benefits*. 4. Two (2) telephone references with the most recent supervisors are required, as well as the submission of the interview disposition form to the Human Resources Division. 5. Paid for time worked in each pay period under established pay type for limited term. TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT: Employee with the appropriate certification, who is hired as a replacement for an employee whose anticipated leave of absence is for a minimum of 90 workdays but does not exceed six calendar months: 1. Job advertised in accordance with School Board policy or the applicable collective bargaining agreement with appropriate ending date. 2. Person hired will receive all benefits excluding enrollment in the Florida Retirement System. These employees will be placed under the Alternate Social Security Plan (Bencor) for an individual retirement benefit. 3. Two (2) telephone references with the most recent supervisors are required, as well as the submission of the interview disposition form to the Human Resources Division. 4. Paid under regular pay type for this position. *No benefits – Refers to the Florida Retirement, social security, sick/annual leave, paid holiday leave, health insurance, life insurance, and other miscellaneous deductions. These employees will be placed under the FICA Replacement Plan (Bencor) for an individual retirement benefit. 5 ADVERTISING TEMPORARY – LONG TERM REPLACEMENT: Employee with the appropriate certification, who is hired as a replacement for an employee whose anticipated leave of absence exceeds six calendar months: 1. Job advertised in accordance with School Board policy or the applicable collective bargaining agreement with appropriate ending date. 2. Person hired will receive all benefits**. 3. Two (2) telephone references with the most recent supervisors are required, as well as the submission of the interview disposition form to the Human Resources Division. 4. Paid under regular pay type for this position. TRANSFERRING A CURRENT EMPLOYEE INTO A LEAVE OF ABSENCE VACANCY: A current employee, with the appropriate certification or skills, who is hired as a replacement for an employee whose anticipated leave of absence is during the school year: 1. Job advertised in accordance with School Board policy of the applicable collective bargaining agreement with appropriate ending date. 2. One (1) telephone reference from the current VCS supervisor. **Benefits include enrollment in the Florida Retirement System, social security, sick/annual leave, paid holiday leave, health insurance, life insurance, and other miscellaneous deductions. FOR POSITIONS VACATED BY EMPLOYEES THROUGH TRANSFER, TERMINATION, OR CREATION OF A NEW POSITION (NO LEAVE OF ABSENCE INVOLVED) INSTRUCTIONAL AND PARAPROFESSIONALS:* INTERIM – Employee hired from the first day of the second semester to 30 workdays before the end of the school year. 1. Job advertised in accordance with School Board policy or the applicable collective bargaining agreement with appropriate ending date. 2. Employee hired will receive all benefits **. 3. Two telephone references with the most recent supervisors are required, as well as the submission of the interview disposition form to the Human Resources Division. 4. Paid under regular pay type for this position. SUBSTITUTE – Employee hired on or after the 30th workday before the end of the school year. 1. Job need not be advertised. 2. Paid as a regular substitute with no benefits*. 3. No interview disposition form is required. Clearance to hire is same as regular substitute. 4. Paid using standard substitute procedures. Employment of substitutes for clerical, non-ESE paraprofessionals, and other non-bargaining positions MUST be approved in advance. ALL OTHER POSITIONS* REGULAR – Standard hiring procedures should be followed. *Temporary Assignment – Interim and Regular employees may be hired or assigned to positions that end on a designated date. 6 INTERVIEWING APPLICANT LIST The Applicant List is a list of applicants that are interested in your position. This list is available during and up to thirty (30) days after the posting of your vacancy. Lists are available only to those whose email address was listed on the Request to Advertise. NOTE: Human Resources DOES NOT add names to the list once the vacancy closes. If additional persons are to be considered, they must have submitted a resume for the job (postmarked before the end date of the advertised vacancy.) To view the applicant list, click on the Staff Icon and select the Warehouse Shopping Cart link on the VCS home page and click on Applicant Administration. Once your vacancy is posted, you can begin to review the applicants and their qualifications. A list of applicants can be viewed by clicking on the Description (or title) of your position and then clicking on View to get further information on each applicant. You can see an example of the applicant list in Appendix D. Recommendation of an applicant cannot be made prior to the closing date of the advertisement. Remember, applicant lists are only available to those whose email addresses have been listed on the Request to Advertise. Please make sure that all email addresses listed are correct. INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES Hiring Managers are encouraged to interview at least (3) persons listed on the ‘Applicant List’ or any received resumes. Please do not tell applicants the position is filled prior to the end date of the advertisement. REMEMBER: Veterans who applied for the position and claim Veteran’s Preference must be given consideration. In Volusia County, our consideration is that we must interview all veterans who apply for positions. 7 HIRING RECOMMENDING AN APPLICANT A recommendation packet must be sent to Human Resources for the recommended candidate. The packet will contain the following items: Interview Disposition Forms [Appendix E] o Completed for the recommended candidate o Completed for the applicants that were interviewed but not selected o Completed for all veterans on the Applicant List, whether they were the recommended applicant or not o Remember that comments should be work related for non-selection. (For example, not certified in the area) Telephone reference Forms [Appendix F & G] o For new applicants, two (2) references are needed from their most recent supervisors. Please do not use colleagues. o For previous employees, two (2) references are needed with one of the references from the VCS administrator who most recently evaluated their performance o For current employees, one (1) reference is needed from the VCS administrator who most recently evaluated their performance – if remaining at current school, no reference is needed o For self-employed applicants, two (2) references are needed from vendors or clients of the business. Under no circumstances are references from family members of friends accepted. o For former military personnel with foreign or stateside assignments, the honorable discharge papers and evaluations while in the military will be accepted. The hiring paperwork can be submitted several ways. You can submit your paperwork by: 1. Fax machine – our number is 386-943-3426 or 386-626-0041 (please dial carefully; other fax machines have similar or close numbers). Send to the attention of Hiring Section, Human Resources. 2. Mail paperwork to the HR office to Hiring Section, Human Resources. 3. Scan paperwork to a .pdf document and send by email. This would be our preferred option. We would request that you send your paperwork in only one manner. We do not require an original signature so you do NOT need to follow up your fax/email with hard copies. Upon receipt of the recommendation packet, the Screening and Hiring Section will review the required items, as well as verify certification and Federal, State, and local requirements/laws. If testing is required to meet the position qualifications, the applicant must contact our Assessment Section to receive the information. Contact extension 20312 to request information or to schedule an appointment [Appendix H]. The school/department will be notified if fingerprinting and drug screening are required. The procedures and locations for these screenings are available on page 9. If screenings are required, wait until you receive email notification to send the recommended candidate for them. Once the application and screening review is complete and required documents are in order, the hiring site will be contacted and authorized by email to submit the ‘Notice of Personnel Action’ (NPA) that will contain the data related to the position. Upon receipt of the Authorization to Hire email from Human Resources, the individual must be scheduled for the new employee orientation following the instructions on page 13. Orientation is not optional. 8 HIRING FINGERPRINTING AND DRUG TESTING When an applicant is authorized for a full-time, part-time or substitute position, it is necessary that notification be given to the person that the processes of fingerprinting and drug screening must be completed. If screenings are required, wait until you receive email notification to send the recommended candidate for them. FINGERPRINTING In accordance with Florida Statutes 1012.32 and School Board Policy 401 all persons recommended for hire must be fingerprinted. As of January 1, 2007, PrideRock Holding Corp completes the fingerprinting for Volusia County Schools. Registration for fingerprinting can be found on the Volusia County website, select the Employment tab and then select Employment Screening. Because this is work related, school computers may be used to assist applicants. Total fingerprint costs for applicants are $55.50. The fee is paid online at PrideRock Holding Corp. Payment can be made by check or credit card. We recommend credit card as the quickest method of response. If a check is used, we will not receive the results of screening until the check has cleared. There are no refunds because screenings are from an outside provider. DRUG SCREENING It is the intention of the School Board of Volusia County to maintain a drug-free workplace and school environment for its employees and students. It is also our intention to use all available means to discourage drug use and abuse by students and employees. Policy Number 415 entitled "CONDUCT OF EMPLOYEES REGARDING ILLEGAL DRUG OR ALCOHOL ABUSE" became effective July 1, 1991. Procedures for implementing this policy include "...provisions for drug testing applicants for employment and employees." Be advised that an applicant's refusal to submit to a drug test or a positive drug test shall be grounds for refusal to hire. Quest Diagnostics 851 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 102 Port Orange, FL 32127 (386) 760-0500 Testing Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Quest Diagnostics 830 Commed Blvd., Suite B Orange City, FL 32763 (386) 774-8035 Testing Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Closed: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Quest Diagnostics 1702 N. Woodland Blvd, Suite 106 DeLand, FL 32720 (386) 734-7167 Testing Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Quest Diagnostics 372 W Granada Blvd Ormond Beach, FL 32714 (386) 673-5693 Testing Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Quest Diagnostics Quest Diagnostics 1663 No Clyde Morris Blvd 1704 State Rd 44, Suite 1704 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 (386) 274-2797 (386) 428-0932 Testing Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Testing Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Open Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There are no appointments necessary for drug testing. We encourage the applicant to call ahead to see if the office is busy 9 HIRING The fee for drug screening is $27.20. Quest Diagnostics accepts checks or money orders only. No cash is kept on the premises or accepted for services. In accordance with Policy Number 415, the following information is provided: I. Over the counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect the outcome of a drug test: Amphetamines – Obetrol, Biphetamine, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Didrex, Ionamine, Fastin; Cocaine – Cocaine HCL topical solution (Roxanne); Opiates – Paregoric, Parepectolin, Donnagel PG, Morphine, Tylenol with Codeine, Empirin with Codeine, APAP with Codeine, Aspirin with Codeine, Robitussin AC, Guiatuss AC, Novahistine DH, Novahistine Expectorant, Dilaudid (hydromorphone), M-S Contin and Roxanol (Morphine Sulfate), Percodan, and Tussi-Organidin; Cannabinoids - Marinol (Dronabinol, THC); and Phencyclidine - Not legal by prescription II. Common medications and other items that could alter or affect a drug test: Advil; Nuprin; Contac; Sudafed; Over the counter diet pills and Bread products containing poppy seeds III. Drugs for which the School Board will test: Amphetamines; Cocaine Metabolites; Marijuana Metabolites; Opiate Metabolites; Phencyclidine (PCP); Methaqualone; Barbiturates; Benzodiazepines; Propoxyphene; and Methadone. Data or information received from the Quest Diagnostic clinics, FDLE and the FBI, is recorded in the HR system. Questions regarding FDLE/FBI clearance and drug-testing clearance can contact extension 20183 or 20184. 10 HIRING CERTIFICATION NEEDS Following administrative review of the employment application, all transcripts are forwarded to the Certification section to verify the transcript and validate the areas of certification the applicant is eligible to receive or has received from the Florida Department of Education. This certification information is reflected on the applicant listing when an advertised vacancy closes, provided the applicant has submitted the application and the transcript and certification has been verified. Applicants, who are nearing graduation or are recent graduates of a teacher-education program, may arrange for the university or college to validate graduation and eligibility in one or more of the available areas in Florida. A form letter similar to the enclosed sample [Appendix I] is acceptable. These letters are kept on file until the new graduate can secure the official transcripts that state the degree has been conferred from the university or college from which they have graduated. Two official transcripts must be provided to the Certification section in Human Resources within thirty (30) days after the first day of work in the District. If they are not received in this time frame, the employee may be removed from the classroom until position requirements are met. Once the Certification section receives and verifies the official transcripts, one (1) will be forwarded to the Bureau of Educator Certification, Florida Department of Education (DOE). Applicants must complete the FLDOE CG-10 online application. Persons may not begin teaching with Volusia County Schools until the CG10 application is submitted. Questions regarding this requirement should be directed to the Certification section, extension 20182. School sites need to discuss candidates that will be out of field in their recommended subject area with the Certification section, extension 20660. The out-of-field form [Appendix J] indicating recommendation by the site administrator must be sent to the Certification section for review and submission to the Volusia County Schools’ Board for necessary approval. If it is determined that none of the applicants for an advertised vacancy have the certification or qualities needed for the advertised position, the Request to Advertise should be re-submitted. New hires can secure information regarding the General Knowledge Test from the Certification section if needed. This important information is in written form and available upon request. Certification information is also available on the Human Resources website and includes a link to the Florida Department of Education. 11 HIRING NOTICE OF PERSONNEL ACTION (NPA) An NPA is completed when you are authorized to hire or transfer an employee to your site. You will be notified by the Screening and Hiring section of Human Resources when you are authorized to submit the NPA. 1. NPA for New Hire – submit the NPA once clearance has been received from the Screening and Hiring Section. 2. NPA for Transfers - must occur when an employee retains continuity of employment but moves to a new work site or a position is reclassified. The NPA to transfer an employee should be submitted by the receiving site in a timely fashion to enable the releasing organization to fill its vacancy without a delay. The releasing organization will send an email to the Screening and Hiring section agreeing to the transfer and date of release of the employee to the new work site. To submit an NPA, go to the VCS website The NPA form must be completed in its entirety, with all boxes containing an entry. If the box doesn’t apply to your NPA, use Not Applicable or N/A. We encourage you to place this in your favorites. We have provided descriptions of each item on the NPA [Appendix K]. After submitting the NPA, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to verify that “Information was Submitted” appears. Print this copy for your records. After an NPA form is submitted, processed, and the employee’s job record is built in the HR system, the employee’s name should appear on your center’s payroll report. If the employee’s name does not appear on the report, check with Human Resources. 12 ORIENTATION NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATON After you have been authorized by email to hire your new employee, the Human Resources office will schedule your new employee for orientation in the next available class. Please email [email protected], if you have any questions. Scheduled orientations are held almost weekly throughout the year at the DeLand Administrative Complex (DAC). The orientation form will be sent to you by email and contains information about the orientation date, time, and items to bring to the orientation. Please give your new employee a copy of the orientation form and ask them to take it to their orientation. Please provide driving directions in addition to an approximate length of time to travel from the work site to the orientation site. Category 1 employees (who need OSHA training) should arrive at approximately 12:00 p.m. in order to have a photo taken for an I.D. badge prior to the 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. OSHA training. The New Employee Orientation follows at 1:30 p.m. Category 2 employees (all others) should arrive at approximately 1:00 p.m. in order to have a photo taken for an I.D. badge prior to the 1:30 p.m. New Employee Orientation. Transportation Department employees should arrive at approximately 9:00 a.m. to have an I.D. photo taken prior to the 9:30 a.m. New Employee Orientation. OSHA training follows the orientation for these employees. Identification Badges – Pictures for the identification badges will be taken at orientation, if needed and processed. However, to expedite this process, the worksite may take a picture prior to the orientation and submit it to Human Resources ([email protected]) for processing. A badge will then be made and forwarded to the work site. 13 ORIENTATION WORK VERIFICATION One of the items discussed at the new employee orientation is how to obtain the form necessary to verify the individual’s previous work experience. The verified experience is reviewed for wage or salary determination. It is the employee’s responsibility to have this form completed by each former employer and returned to Human Resources. Forms can be found in the ePortal (Employee Portal). Once the employee is in the ePortal, they select the Human Resources tab and then select the Experience link on the left menu. If there are difficulties in verifying previous experience, the employee should notify the Job Records office, Human Resources at extension 20191. Once the verification form is received, it will be evaluated using the following guidelines: (1) INSTRUCTIONAL: [APPENDIX L] According to the contract between the district and the Volusia Teachers Organization (VTO), one year of service credit is allowed “for each year of service in Public K-12 schools systems, including public and private institutions of higher learning and private K-12 schools which require state certification based upon a baccalaureate degree as a precondition to employment, and the teacher will have held such certificate at the time of service”. Experience is granted for all in-state and out-of-state teaching experience provided that certification was a condition of employment in the public or private sector. A “good year of service” for salary credit must consist of at least one day more than one-half of the school term. Such verification must be submitted to Human Resources within thirty (30) days of employment. A new teacher should contact Human Resources at extension 20191 to determine their step on the instructional salary schedule (2) SUPPORT: [APPENDIX M] A) According to the contract between the district and the Volusia Educational Support Association (VESA), “new employees will begin at Step 1. If experience is verified in the same or related field, credit will be afforded at the rate of one (1) step for each year of verified experience to a maximum of five (5) years experience. Once experience has been verified, the employee shall receive a maximum of ninety (90) days retroactive pay within the same fiscal year.” Please note that substitute experience is not applicable toward salary step increases, except for paraprofessionals who can receive up to three (3) years of salary credit for substitute teaching experience completed after July 1, 1994. One year of salary credit shall be given for each 180 days of substitute teaching experience. B) According to the contract between the district and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), “new employees shall begin at Step 1, except that an employee will be granted up to a maximum of step 5 when experience is verified in the same or similar job category.” (3) ADMINISTRATIVE/ NON-BARGAINING: According to District salary tables and related experience. 14 APPENDICES Appendix A – Leave of Absence Appendix B – Notice of Employment Termination Appendix C – Request to Advertise Appendix D – Applicant List Appendix E – Interview Disposition Form Appendix F – Telephone Reference Form – Instructional Appendix G – Telephone Reference Form – Support Appendix H – Assessment/Testing Needs Appendix I – Example Letter for New Graduates Appendix J – Out of Field Assignment Form Appendix K – Notice of Personnel Action (NPA) Appendix L – Work Verification – Instructional Appendix M – Work Verification – Support 15 APPENDIX A The School District of Volusia County Leave of Absence Request Social Security Number: _______ - _____ - _______ Last Name: _______________________________First Name: _________________ Middle Initial: _________ Center Name: _____________________________ Center Number:_________ Position: _________________________________ Number of Months: __________ Number of Hours: _____ ====================================================================================================================== Length of Leave Requested: Only dates in the current fiscal year can be used (July to June). First day of leave: __________________________ Last day of leave: __________________________ If left blank, last date of pay type fiscal year will be used. ====================================================================================================================== Type of Leave of Absence without pay: (L1) Maternity / Paternity (L2) Medical (L3) Personal (L4) Professional (L5) Child Care (L6) Military – Attach copy of military orders Comments (Attach a separate piece of paper if necessary): ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I wish to work as a Substitute for Volusia County Schools during my term of leave. ===================================================================================================================== Signature of Employee ______________________________________ Date _________________________ Signature of Administrator __________________________________ Date _________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES USE ONLY DATE OF BOARD MEETING ______ / ______ / ______ APPROVED ______________________________________ Copy: Retain copy for Site/Department records and send original to Human Resources. Owner: Human Resources Revised 8/2010 2002083VCS Print Locally 16 APPENDIX B 17 APPENDIX C Request to Advertise Use this form to request position advertisement. Center Name: Center Number: Position Code: Title Code: Grant/Title I funded Position: Paraprofessional: Job Title: Grade: Subject: Hours: Months: Temporary Dates From: Temporary Dates To: Replacing Name: Replacing SSN: Reason for Leaving: Email Address to Review Notification: Re-advertisement: Category: Submitted By: Authorized By: Comments: Your organization name. Your three (3) digit organization number. The nine (9) digit position code number assigned by Allocation/Staffing Specialist. The five (5) title code number assigned by Allocations/Staff Specialist. Yes – if specially funded No – if not specially funded LifeSkills Paraprofessional Other – check if other than a LifeSkills Paraprofessional The specific job title for this position. The specific grade level for this position (enter “N/A” if not applicable). The specific subject (course) for this position or “N/A”. The specific number of daily work hours for this position. The specific number of months for this position. First day of employment for a temporary or limited term position only or “N/A”. Last day of employment for a temporary or limited term position only or “N/A”. The name of the former employee assigned to this position or “New Position” or “N/A”. The Social Security number of the former employee or “N/A”. List the reason the former employee is leaving (listed on the NET form) or “N/A”. Enter addresses of all who need to view the list. This will be their authorization to view the Applicant List. This link is not transferrable. . Yes – if this position was previously advertised and not filled No This refers to the Bloodborne Pathogens requirement. 1 – Positions requiring immunization of this employee. 2 – Positions not requiring immunization of this employee. If you do not know the category to use, contact extension 20185. Your name. Name of administrator or site principal. Enter special instructions on items needed or change to the current status of the position Some examples are: Special job beginning dates Specific date of ad to be posted Approval for longer advertisement period Resumes required, if applicable, and full details 18 APPENDIX D To view Applicant List, select the Warehouse icon on the VCS home page and click on Applicant Administration. By selecting the title of the position, you should receive a list of all interested applicants. To see more detailed qualifications, click on View for each applicant. SSN: Name: Veteran: Flags: Highest Degree: Phone: Other Phone: Email: Type of Flags: Current Site: Current Position: Contract Status: City: App Status: Application Complete Letter of Intent: N VCS Internship: N/A Cancel View Resume TeacherInsight Score: N/A View Application District Interview Link: N/A Skills: Perceiver Test Support Certifications: Subjects: CERT: FIRN Business Education Degree Attained: Major(s): Bachelor's Degree Business Education (7-12) VERIFICATION Any item that has been verified by the Human Resources staff will be noted with the green “Verified” checkmark. (SRI) PERCEIVER RATINGS These are the results of the Gallup perceiver, structured interview. The questions are built around themes that research has shown are typically found in competent and successful teachers/workers and show a potential for success in the workplace. The ratings should be considered when determining which applicants should be interviewed and/or recommended for employment. PERCEIVER RATING SCALE – INSTRUCTIONAL Gallup TeacherInsight (Score Range 1-100) 67 or Higher Preferred SELECT RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SRI) RATING SCALE – NON INSTRUCTIONAL High Potential 4 At Expectation 3 Conditional 2 Below Expectation 1 BLANK, if employed prior to the use of the perceiver interview or a category not currently administering the structured interview CONTRACT - Contract status of a current employee Contract Status 1 – Annual Year 1 Contract Status 2 – Annual Year 2 Contract Status 3 – Annual Year 3 Contract Status 4 – Tenured Contract Status 5 – Did not meet tenure requirements Contract Status 6 – Annual Year 3 Extended Contract Status 9 – Position Ineligible for Tenure VETERAN - Applicant or current employee may be claiming Veteran’s preference Y – Claiming preference and must be interviewed 19 APPENDIX E DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCES INTERVIEW DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS: For each applicant interviewed, please indicate interview results on the upper portion of this form. If you wish to recommend the applicant for a position: complete the appropriate Telephone Interview Reference Check form, sign the Recommendation for Employment portion of this form below, and forward both forms to the Division of Human Resources. For applicants not recommended, forward only the Interview Disposition form to the Division of Human Resources. Position Code #: _______________________________ Applicant’s Name: ________________________________________ Title Code #: _________________ Social Security #: _______-____-__________ School/Department: _______________________________________ Date of Interview: ______________________ Position Name: ___________________________________________ Please rate this applicant on a scale of 1 - 5 (1=low; 5=high). 1 2 3 4 5 (circle one) For excellent candidate, please list strengths: _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPLETE ONE BOX: Not Recommended for Employment I do not recommend the above applicant for this position because: _____ Could Not Contact ______ Did Not Report For Interview _____ Please call me for additional information ______ Other (Description)_____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________ School/Department Administrator’s Signature Date Recommended for Employment I have completed the telephone reference checks and I recommend the above applicant for this position. _____________________________________________ School/Department Administrator’s Signature __________________________ Date For Human Resources Personnel Only HUMAN RESOURCES JOB OFFER AUTHORIZATION The School District of Volusia County’s Human Resources Officer authorizes the principal/ department head of _____________________ to extend a job offer to the individual named above. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ Human Resources Representative NOTIFICATION GIVEN BY: Date E-mail Other ______________ Distributed By: Human Resources Revised 6/30/08 Print Locally 2002-183 VCS 20 APPENDIX F Social Security Number Instructional Applicant or Instructional Substitute Applicant Telephone Reference Check INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete two telephone interview reference checks for recommended applicant and forward to Human Resources. Applicant Name: Position Sought: Work Site: Reference Contacted: Reference Position: Reference Place of Employment: Applicant Position: Verified Employment Dates: To: From: Please respond to the following questions with one of these answers: above expectations (4) at expectations (3) below expectations (2) no basis for judgment (1). 4 Communication Initiative Personal Judgment Classroom/Resource Management Flexibility/Adaptability Assessment Attendance/Punctuality 3 2 1 Uses appropriate oral, written and body language Ability to influence others and events to achieve goals; originates action Exhibits the ability to act and make decisions based on factual information and logical assumptions within the bounds of legal and ethical practice Develops and implements procedures that create a positive, organized and productive environment Ability to maintain effectiveness when varying techniques and instructional approaches to meet the needs of children Uses a variety of assessment methods that accurately and fairly measure student understanding and achievement Maintains good attendance and punctuality to work and/or job assignments Yes No To your knowledge, is there any reason why this person should not work with or around children? Would you recommend this applicant for employment with the Volusia County Public Schools? School/Site Administrator’s Signature Date/Time of Contact _____ Recommended _____ Not Recommended Human Resources Administrator Approval Date Revised 4/20/09 Owner: Human Resources 2003003 VCS Print Locally 21 APPENDIX G Social Security Number Support Applicant or Support Substitute Applicant Telephone Reference Check INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete two telephone interview reference checks for recommended applicant and forward to Human Resources Services. Applicant Name: Position Sought: Work Site: Reference Contacted: Reference Position: Reference Place of Employment: Applicant Position: Verified Employment Dates: To: From: Please respond to the following questions with one of these answers: above expectations (4) at expectations (3) below expectations (2) no basis for judgment (1). 4 3 2 1 The individual’s work meets or exceed standards Acts in a responsible manner and does what is necessary to get the job done Able to adapt to varying work situations and changes in process Reports on time and not often absent from work Recognizes and demonstrates interest in and makes good decisions regarding the needs and concerns of others at the work site Understands, accepts and carries out instructions Ability to work with others to achieve tasks or goals, relates well with others Quality Of Work Dependability Flexibility Attendance Judgment Responsibility Cooperation Yes No To your knowledge, is there any reason why this person should not work with or around children? Would you recommend this applicant for employment with the Volusia County Public Schools? School/Site Administrator’s Signature Date/Time of Contact _____ Recommended _____ Not Recommended Human Resources Administrator Approval Date Revised 4/20/09 Owner: Human Resources 2003002 VCS Print Locally 22 APPENDIX H VOLUSIA COUNTY SCHOOLS DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCES ASSESSMENT INFORMATION APPLICANTS WHO HAVE NOT EARNED A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR G.E.D. Support Applicants who have not earned high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (G.E.D.) are required to successfully pass the TABE level “M” literacy assessment before beginning employment. Applicants successfully completing the assessment will become eligible to apply for the following positions: school way café, dining room aide, bus driver, bus attendant, or roofer. All other positions require a high school diploma or G.E.D from an accredited school. Please Note: This is also a requirement for substitutes of the positions mentioned above. The TABE level “M” content is not equivalent to that of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) examination. For job requirement information, refer to the required qualifications listed on the job vacancy announcement. CLERICAL APPLICANT TESTING INFORMATION Clerical applicants are required to successfully pass the clerical TABE level “D” literacy assessment, keyboarding test and receive an SRI interview before beginning employment with Volusia County Schools. Applicants who possess a two year degree or higher from an accredited university may submit official transcripts for review and possible exemption from the TABE level “D” assessment. KEYBOARDING TESTING INFORMATION DeLand Administrative Complex Brewster Center 200 North Clara Avenue Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Note: To be successful at the keyboarding assessment, clerical applicants are required to type a calculated net score of 35 wpm. Study Guide Information The math and language study guides “Building Skills with TABE” are available for checkout (no charge) at all Volusia County public libraries. The study guides may be located under reference numbers 374.012 and 374.0151. Clerical applicants should request level “D” and entry level applicants level “M.” Scheduling Appointments Prior to scheduling applicants are required to have a completed application on file in the Human Resources office Keyboarding Tests and TABE Literacy Assessments may be scheduled by Telephone: (386) 734-7190, 427-5223 or 860-3322 Extension 20312 or by contacting Marilyn H. Jordan Email: [email protected] Additional assessment information may be found on the district website: Click on: Employment, then click on Interested in Support Position. Revised: 3/22/13 23 APPENDIX I Date:_______________________ Dear Mrs. Presley: I am writing to confirm that ___________________________________________________________is scheduled to graduate from our institution and will complete the teacher-education program permitting certification by the State of Florida. Major(s):__________________________________________________________________________________ Area(s) of Certification_______________________________________________________________________ Graduation Date:____________________________________________________________________________ College/University:__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of College/University/Personnel Verifying Telephone Number/Extension:_________________________________________________________________ Please provide this completed verification to students graduating from your program to allow inclusion with the application for employment with the School District of Volusia County. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. Please direct any questions to: Dana Paige-Pender, Director Human Resources Division Volusia County School District 200 N. Clara Avenue, DeLand, FL 32721-2118 Telephone: (386) 734-7190 Ext. 20165 Fax: (386) 626-0041 24 APPENDIX J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF VOLUSIA COUNTY OUT-OF-FIELD ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION NAME_________________________________________________SOC. SEC.# ______________________________ SCHOOL_______________________________________________PRINCIPAL ______________________________ NEW HIRE_____ RE-ASSIGNMENT_____ REGULAR_____ TEMPORARY_____ LIMITED TERM____ RECOMMENDED POSITION ____ B.A. DEGREE # OF PERIODS ____ B.S. DEGREE COURSE CODE NUMBER (LIST FIELD__________________________) NAME OF UNIVERSITY: __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________ CITY STATE ____ M.A. DEGREE ____ M.S. DEGREE (LIST FIELD__________________________) NAME OF UNIVERSITY: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ CITY STATE OTHER DEGREES: ________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATION: ____FLORIDA ____OTHER ____STATEMENT OF ELIGIBILITY LIST ALL AREAS OF CURRENT CERTIFICATION: _____________________________________________________ LIST COURSEWORK TOWARD CERTIFICATION IN RECOMMENDED OUT-OF-FIELD ASSIGNMENT: __________________________________________________________________________________ PREVIOUS RELATED EXPERIENCE: _________________________________________________________________ JUSTIFICATION FOR RECOMMENDATION:___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ THIS RECOMMENDATION MEETS SACS ACCREDITATION STANDARDS: _____YES _______/_______/_______ DATE OF ASSIGNMENT (ESOL/Current Employee) _____NO _______________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL DATE ************************************************************************************************** THE ABOVE INFORMATION WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE SCHOOL BOARD. HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION USE ONLY: ASSIGNMENT/RE-ASSIGNMENT APPROVED ____________________/DENIED_____________________ DATE OF BOARD MEETING _____/_____/_____ APPROVED ____________________/DENIED____________________ Revised 5/22/09 Owner: Human Resources DISTRIBUTED BY CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT 25 2004-115-VCS Print Locally APPENDIX K Notice of Personnel Action Use this form to request personnel action. Center Name: Center Number: Internal Move: Returning From Leave: Employee Name: Employee SSN: Last Date Worked: Position Code: Title Code: Grant/Title funded position: Job Title: Months: Hours: Grade: Subject: Replacing Name: Replacing SSN: Transferring From Center Name: Transferring From Center Number: Comments: Out of Field: Subject Area Expertise: Persons Interviewed: Temporary Dates From: Temporary Dates To: Advertised: Category: Requested Begin Date: Authorized By: Your organization name. Your three (3) digit organization number. Yes – Individual is transferring within your center. No – Individual is transferring from a different center. Yes – Employee is returning from a Leave of Absence. No– Employee is not returning from Leave of Absence. Employee’s name as shown on Social Security Card. Social Security number of employee – no spaces or dashes For Transfers – Using mm/dd/yyyy format, indicate the last working date for which the employee was paid. Your nine (9) digit code assigned by Staffing and used to advertise the vacancy. Your five (5) digit code for the title of the position Yes – if specially funded No – if not specially funded The specific title used when advertised. The specific number of working months for position. The specific number of working hours for position. For teachers only – Specify grade level of assignment. For teachers only – Specify subject (course) assignment. Proper name of last employee in position - if none, enter “Vacant”. Social Security Number of last employee in position – no spaces or dashes Name of site where employee was before this change. The three (3) digit organization number of previous site. Any pertinent information needed such as Correction, Re-send, Change Check Location Only, Change Organization Number, etc. Yes – If the teacher was hired outside their area (field) of certification. No – If the teacher is within their area (field) of certification. The administrator will know this information at the time of recommendation N/A Minor in field of instruction Maximum two courses remaining for certification with one year of teaching Fluent in a foreign language with one year of teaching Expert in field with one year of teaching Instructor at a college/university with a minimum of 18 hours taught in last two years List names of applicants interviewed (Remember: recommended three be interviewed for a vacancy). If advertised as temporary, date position begins. If advertised as temporary, date position ends. Yes – This position was recently advertised. No – This position was not recently advertised. This refers to the Bloodborne Pathogens requirement. 1 – Positions requiring immunization of this employee. 2 – Positions not requiring immunization of this employee. If you do not know the category to use, consult the current Exposure Control Plan, or contact the health office at extension 20523. First day of employment in position indicated. Site Principal/Administrator. 26 APPENDIX L VERIFICATION OF TEACHING / ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE School District of Volusia County Division of Human Resources Post Office Box 2118, DeLand, Florida 32721-2118 SECTION 1: PERSONAL DATA (To be completed by employee / applicant) (Please print or type) INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the following section and send this form to your previous employer. A separate form must be sent to each school district / organization with which the service was performed. It is the responsibility of the employee / applicant to have this information verified within the first sixty (60) days of employment. Last Name: Name under which Service was rendered: First Name: Middle Name: Social Security Number: Signature: Date: Dates of employment: Date: SECTION 2: TEACHING / ADMINSTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (To be completed by authorized official) (Please print or type) INSTRUCTIONS: The above named individual has applied for an instructional position with our school district. Years of past experience will be used to compute his / her salary. Please verify his / her length of service with your school district / organization by providing the information requested below. A separate line is provided for each year of service. Make copies as needed. Please process immediately, as this form must be returned to the School District of Volusia County within the first sixty (60) days of employment. School Year* MM/DD/YYYY To MM/DD/YYYY Name of school district / organization Position and subject or grade level taught Annual Performance Evaluation** Hours/ Day*** Days in full contract year Student Days Actual days served**** Pre-planning days worked Postplanning days worked Status: Regular, Temporary, or Substitute * Please list experience YEARLY beginning with July 01 and ending with June 30. ** If Annual Performance Evaluation was satisfactory or better, please indicate with an "S." *** For an elementary or secondary school or for experience not in a classroom setting, please indicate the number of hours in a normal workday. For a college or university, please specify each semester worked and the number of credit hours worked each semester (i.e. Fall 1994, 6 credit hours). **** Actual days served should include all paid personal or sick leave taken as workdays during the school year. Revised 1/26/04 OVER Distributed by Human Resources 2002-033 MIS 27 SECTION 2: TEACHING / ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (continued) Please complete the following: 1. The experience listed on the reverse side was in a Public School District Private School Public College / University Private College / University Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: For private school experience, please provide a brief description of the school (i.e. type of curriculum, grade and / or age levels of instruction) in the area below. For non-school related experience (i.e. social work, vocational work), please provide a brief description of the duties performed and the minimum degree required for employment. 2. Was this school / organization accredited at the time the applicant was employed? No Yes, by _____________________________ (accrediting agency) 3. Did this school / organization require state certification based upon a baccalaureate degree as a precondition to employment? 4. Did the applicant hold such certificate during the time of the experience listed on the reverse side? 5. If period of employment included any extended period(s) of leave, please indicate nature of leave(s) and exact dates: ___________________________________________ No No Yes Yes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct according to our official records. _______________________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________________ Signature of certifying official Date Print name of certifying official Title of certifying official (Sign in front of notary or use School Board or Corporate Seal) _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _(______)_________________________ Name of organization Mailing Address Telephone number City Sworn to and subscribed to me on (date) ______________________ Affix School Board, Corporate or Notary Seal Here State Zip Code by (name of certifying official) ______________________________________ who is personally known to me or who has presented (type of identification) ______________________________________________________as identification. ___________________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________________________________ Signature of Notary Commission Number Date commission expires Please mail directly to: School District of Volusia County - Division of Human Resources - Post Office Box 2118, DeLand, Florida 32721-2118 Equal Opportunity Employer Revised 1/26/04 Distributed by Human Resources 2002-033 MIS 28 APPENDIX M VERIFICATION OF SUPPORT PERSONNEL WORK EXPERIENCE School District of Volusia County Division of Human Resources Post Office Box 2118, DeLand, Florida 32721-2118 SECTION 1: PERSONAL DATA (To be completed by employee / applicant) (Please print or type) INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete Section 1 and send this form to your previous employer. A separate form must be sent to each organization with which the service was performed. Make additional copies as needed. Employees under the Volusia Educational Support Association (VESA) bargaining group are eligible to receive salary credit for up to five (5) years of related work experience. Employees under the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) bargaining group are eligible to receive salary credit for up to four (4) years of related work experience. It is the responsibility of the employee / applicant to have this information verified within the first ninety (90) days of employment. Please note: Individuals who were self-employed should contact the Personnel Services Department for additional information. Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Social Security Number: SECTION 2: WORK EXPERIENCE (To be completed by authorized official) (Please print or type) INSTRUCTIONS: The above named individual has been hired by our school district. Please verify the individual's length of service with your organization by providing the information requested below. Please list each year of service on a separate line. Return the completed form directly to the School District of Volusia County at the address above. Your assistance is appreciated. Title of position From (MM/DD/YYYY) To (MM/DD/YYYY) # of hours worked per day # of days # of months worked in full work per week year # of months actually worked Description of individual's major duties and responsibilities (Attach separate sheet if needed) If period of employment included any extended period(s) of leave, please indicate nature of leave(s) and exact dates: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct according to our official records. Affix School Board, _______________________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________________ Corporate or SignatureNotary of certifying official Date Print name of certifying official Title of certifying official (Sign in Seal frontHere of notary or use School Board or Corporate Seal) Please mail directly to: School District of Volusia County - Division of Human Resources - Post Office Box 2118, DeLand, Florida 32721-2118 Revised 6/26/01 Equal Opportunity Employer 2002-032 VCS Distributed by Human Resources 29 33
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