How to make Mega-Cities Energy Efficient Hitoshi AOKI Mr.*1, Yoshitaka AOKI Mr.*2 *1 Chief Researcher, Research & Development Center, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan (e-mail:[email protected]) *2 Manager, Corporate Marketing & Sales Department, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan (e-mail:[email protected]) Abstract: Tokyo is a Megalopolis with 40million+ population. It has an energy efficient profile due to its uniqueness as extensive mass rail transit networks, high density and compact urban formation, compact space oriented life style. The other feature is extensive use of electric heat pumps (EHP), which entails low carbon city profile. Further possibility is prepared with water thermal energy utilization thorough EHP, which is widely available particularly in Tokyo central districts, which could make Tokyo one of the lowest carbon cities in the world. Emerging mega-cities are expected to learn from Tokyo’s success and not from western conventional models. Keywords: Electric Heat Pump, Water thermal energy, Compactness LEARNING FROM TOKYO MEGALOPOLIS’ STORY Best way to get correct answers is learning from Successful experiences. Tokyo is a real mega-city, of which population is more than 40 million. Tackling with this population explosion, it succeeded in housing 40+ million inhabitants with providing for necessary housing with mass transit transport services. It is still staying as an Energy efficient Mega-city with keeping a low- energyconsumption profile if compared with other developed countries’ Mega-cities. TOKYO AS AN ENERGY EFFICIENT CITY (MERIT OF COMPACTNESS) First reason is that it is well equipped with mass transit rail systems, which substantially reduce transport sector energy consumption. People walk or bike-ride to stations and/or bus stops. Location Preference to the Vicinity of near-by Railway stations is outstanding. In Tokyo region, homes located beyond 800m radius from railway stations substantively lose market values. In this context, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Concept is already in place in Tokyo Megalopolis areas. Second and unique reason is that its urban formation is based on compact building and 1 infrastructure design and compact city formation as a whole. Narrow and densely installed road networks based on man walking and small scale land-lots and small scale & low rise individual buildings are well accepted by Tokyo people. In this context Tokyo is identical to Edo. If much more spacious building, road and park designs were adopted, its population density must have been reduced to a much lower level and its city form must have been transformed into a more sprawling formation. Third and very unique reason is that it succeeded in sustaining its population density level of 8,000 population/ km2 throughout its development process from EDO to now. Due to these facts, TOKYO still remains as an Energy Efficient Compact City. HOW WAS EDO? Edo was totally dependent on Walking and Man pulled / pushed carriage transportation. Even horse carriage was not commonly used. That is the reason why the width of roads was relatively narrower than then European and American cities where horse carriage and horse tram were widely used. Fig1 below shows one of Edo’s theater districts filled with theater goers. You could not find any horse carriage. If the scene is in then Paris’ Opera district, “Rue de l’Opera” must have been crowded with horse carriage. Fig2 & 3 show all kind of transport was man powered not horse powered. Fig1: Crowded Nihonbashi Theater District’s Main Street ©Eisuke Ishikawa EDO & TOKYO; 0 K calorie world VS 100.000 K calorie one published by Kodansha in 2008 2 Fig2: Kago = Two Men Borne One Seat Carrier ©Eisuke Ishikawa, Ditto Fig3: Daihachi-guruma = Man Pulled / Pushed Carriage ©Eisuke Ishikawa, Ditto. Fig4: Man Rowed boats hasting to Nihonbashi Fish Market ©Eisuke Ishikawa, Ditto 3 EDO’S CITY SIZE AND POPULATION DENSITY City size was restricted by human walking distance. Man’s walking velocity is about 4 km / h. Daytime is about 10 hours a day. For walking to destination, spending 2 hours for trip objectives and walking back to origin within 10 hours, 4 hours to be the upper limit of one way itinerary. This makes 16 km ( = 4 hours X 4 km / h) to be a city width benchmark and 256 km2 (= 16km X 16km) to be a city area benchmark. South-east quarter of Edo was eclipsed by Edo bay, Edo’s area was about 200km2. Its population was about 1.5 million. Population density of walking distance city Edo accordingly was about 8000 persons / km2 level (= 1.5 mil / 200 km2). THREE POSSIBLE COURSES OF POPULATION DENNSITY CHANGES Starting from EDO with 1.5 million population, Tokyo agglomeration has grown to a contemporary Mega-city of 40 million population. In this course, how could be its population density changes. There could be 3 possible courses as follows; 1) Increase if territory is contained as in Singapore 2) Stable 3) Decrease if territory constraints released as Motorization did in US cities FROM EDO TO TOKYO TRANSITION CASE From 1.5million population EDO, Tokyo had evolved into 15million population Megalopolis by mid 20th century. Urban areas expanded substantially as shown in Fig5. Fig5: Transition of Tokyo Megalopolis Areas Expansion from 1880 to 1953 4 TOKYO’S RAPID EXPANSION IN THE SECOND HALF OF 20TH CENTURY Tokyo Megalopolis Population increased from 15 million of 1950 to 40 million of 1995 under the rapid economic growth and population concentration to Tokyo region. Tokyo region had been facing a great burden of housing this vast population inflow. It succeeded to provide for necessary number of houses and never caused homeless situation of residents. While its territory had substantially expanded into a typical sprawling city form but mass transit dependency had never changed. Due to this, Tokyo Megalopolis built-up areas are contained in 4000km2 level if compared with Edo’s 200km2. POPULATION DENSITY HAVING STAYED EXCEPTIONALLY STABLE In sum, Tokyo Megalopolis population increased from 1.5million to 40million. Built-up areas expanded from 200km2 to 4000km2. And population density had been staying at 8000 to 10000 person / km2 level. This phenomenon could be translated as “20 times of Dense & Small & Sustainable EDO makes Dense & Mega & Efficient Tokyo Megalopolis”. It is very unique and a kind of miracle in urbanization histories. This density stability was deprived of following facts; 1) High dependency on mass-transit transport systems, which restricted urban areas only in walking distance vicinity of rail-way stations or bas stops 2) Road system based on human walking and bike riding and not on motor vehicle transport, resulted in compact city structure 3) Fair distribution of wealth leading to small land plot sizes, resulted in compact city formation as well 4) Building style of small scale & low rise individual structures maintained WHICH STYLE OF URBANIZATION REQUIRED: TOKYO VS US CITIES At this moment, urbanization is ongoing mainly in emerging economies and population giant countries as China, India, Nigeria and so forth. The issue is that these countries seem to be following the American style urbanization patterns which are heavily dependent on individual motor vehicles and extensive auto-route network for them. This is evident that motor vehicle dependent cities are great consumers of gasoline. 5 Fig6: Cities’ per capita Gasoline Consumption @DTER 1999 Annual par capita gasoline consumption (mj) 80,000 US cities San Francisco New York Aussie cities Euro cities Tokyo Population density per ha (Source: DTER 1999) Fig6 reads Tokyo’s par capita annual gasoline consumption is the least among developed countries’ cities, far less than US, Canadian and Aussie cities. This fact is exclusively due to de well developed commuter rail-way networks of Tokyo. Interesting is that Tokyo initiated commuter rail-way construction in 1930’s when New York as well started the same scheme. If so, why has the stark difference in par capita gasoline consumptions resulted? The reason is New York changed its transport strategy from rail-way based one to the other based on Ford T-type motor cars and Inter-state Highway networks in the context of New Deal Policies designed to lift up US economy from Great Depression. Japan and Tokyo were also mired in Economic Depression but could not afford to change their transport strategy to motor vehicle oriented one because of the economic constraints for importing costly oil from abroad then having had to stick to electric railway systems sustained by coal burning power stations and hydro power generation. At the moment, even bus transportation was restricted by the Government due to oil scarceness. Fig7 & 8 show Tokyo’s actual status of intensive and extensive rail-way networks and how Tokyo people utilize rail-way mass transit in their daily life. 6 Fig7: Tokyo’s Commuter Train Networks Fig8: Modal Sprit in Metro Tokyo @ Person Trip Survey 1998 This is a kind of irony that then oil-thirsty poor Tokyo is now scoring high on the scale of energy efficiency and oil rich New York is rated low. We have to learn that under the current CO2 emission reduction requirements, emerging Mega-cities should follow Tokyo style urban transport strategy, which is based on mass transit rail-way systems, and have to avoid adopting US style car based systems. Unfortunately emerging Mega-cities seem to be following the US suites. HUMAN SCALE TOKYO VS CAR-SCALE US CITIES Fig9 & 10 show the stark differences in urban tissue patters of Tokyo and US cities. Tokyo pattern is consisting of narrow but intensive road net work and small size blocks 7 and land parcels. US pattern is made of wide but scarce road network and large size blocks and land parcels. These patterns respectively lead to human scale walk-able Tokyo and car scale non-walk-able US cities. Fig9: (left) Spatial Configuration Differences between American style Urban Formation & Japanese style one Fig10: (below) AMERICAN STYLE JAPAN STYLE Characteristic Differences between URBAN FORMATION URBAN FORMATION American Style Urban Formation & Japanese style one American style urban formation Japan style urban formation Wide but fewer Roads Narrow but longer Roads Larger Lots & Buildings Smaller Lots & Buildings L P Suited for Motor Vehicle Access Grand Scale Rough Composition Non – walkable Not suited for Automobile Access Human scale Subtle Composition Walkable This Tokyo urban tissue formation creates the landscape shown in Fig11, of which main characteristic is the aggregation of small sized buildings and land utilization. In Tokyo respective land parcels are divided into small sized land plots covered with respective small sized individual buildings. This is based on human scale walk-able road network systems and has resulted in a very fair distribution of land resources to individual citizens. This type of land resource subdivision and distribution could in turn 8 enable respective land and building owners to invest on their own in individual, incremental and timely manners and this prevents Tokyo districts to be blighted simultaneously and in wide areas. As land parcels subdivided into small size, distributed among numerous owners and as individual building investment supported by building industries, Tokyo could be a sustainable city. Fig11: Bird’s Eye View of a Tokyo’s Typical Low-rise Residential District Large scale developments Small scale developments Fewer owners Numerous owners Investments beyond ind’ls’ capacity Investments within ind’ls’ capacity Hard to maintain / renovate Easy to maintain / renovate Fig12: Characteristics of Tokyo’s Typical Subdivision Pattern NARROW ROADS CHARACTERIZE TOKYO As for commercial areas shown in Fig 13 & 14, smallness of shop sizes and multitude of shop numbers enable to create human and livable townscape and to attract many 9 shoppers and eaters. Fig:13: TOKYO BACKSTREET’S LIVLINESS Fig14: TOKYO ALLEY’S OPEN CAFE Narrow roads in residential areas as shown in Fig15 entail serene living environment free from motor vehicle related annoyances as traffic accidents, air pollution and so forth, while keeping the convenience brought by car utilization. Residents choose small cars accordingly and spaces for greens are secured by minimizing car parking spaces. Fig15: TOKYO RESIDENTIAL AREA’S NARROW STREET & COMPACT SIZE CAR Fig 16: PONTO-CHO’S NARROW ALLEY IN KYOTO This sort of townscape is not a modern made one but is rooted in Japan’s traditional townscape such as historical townscape in Kyoto as shown in Fig16 above. INCREMENTAL LAND-USE CHANGES IN TOKYO Fig17 & 18 below show a traditional low-rise wooden tenement house in Tokyo and its ground level corner room being converted to a small shop space. In these figures two typical manners of Tokyo’s urbanization mechanism are illustrated. These are small scale and incremental process. In this case, one compartment of existing apartment building is converted into shop space. With doing like this way, Tokyo’s economical viability could be maintained. 10 Fig18: Same Building’s Night VIew Fig17: SMALL SCALE CONVERSION FROM RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL FALL OF LOW-DENSITY (NON-COMPACT) NEW-TOWNS Once Japan’s city planners tried to mutate Japan style urban formation to Western style modern and motor vehicle based formation. Their plans had been realized in so-called new-towns located mainly in urban fringe hilly areas. Wide roads networks, large scale parks, large size building plots had been installed and planners expected Western style new-towns’ victory over Japan’s indigenous urban forms comprising of narrow roads and small and high-density building plots. Fig19 through 22 below show the different formations of each system. However the victory was given to the indigenous system and new-towns are now at the blink of deppretion. 住宅密度比較(初台) Fig19: TOKYO’ TOKYO’S HIGH BUILDING DENSITY AREAS IN SHINJUKU Fig20: BIRD’S VIEW of HIGH DENSITY AREAS IN SHINJUKU 11 住宅密度比較(向陽台) Fig 22: BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF TOKYO’S LARGEST TAMA NEWTOWN Fig21: LOW DENSITY AREAS in TAMA NEWTOWN COMPACT HOMES COULD BE LIVABLE AND PLEASANT? It is understandable that people would concern about narrowness of their living spaces. However, it could be contended as well that spaciousness would not necessarily be a cursor of livability and satisfaction. Fig23 shows a comparison of typical single family house plans of Japan and US. US house size is two times as ample. Still Japanese people are satisfied with Japan standard smaller compact houses. This fact tells us space size could be minimized without lowering living standard and satisfaction. A Single Family Home in Japan on 150㎡ land parcel A Single Family Home in US on 400㎡ land parcel Fig23: Size Comparison of Typical Japanese & US Single Family Homes 12 T. AZUMA’S TOWER HOUSE & TADAO ANDO’S SUMIYOSHI ROW HOUSE Two very small houses shown in Fig24 & 25 are well known worldwide and have been selected for “100 most prominent 20th century architecture of Japan. Tower House land plot size is just 20m2 and for Sumiyoshi Row house that is less than 50m2. FIg25:Tadao ANDO’s Sumiyoshi House on a 46.20㎡ Lot (below) Fig24:Takamitsu Azuma’s Tower House on a 20.56㎡ Lot (above) NORIO UMEZAWA’S ATELIER –UCompact house in Fig26 & 27 was designed by Norio Umezawa as his own retirement house for living with his wife. Land plot size is 100 m2 and floor area is only 55m2. House plan is consisted of ground level living/dining room and up stair bedroom/den. This compact floor area is more than enough for an aged couple. By containing building coverage ratio down to 33%, he managed to create front and back gardens even in a 100m2 land parcel. With these two small gardens, Umezawas could command a very pleasant garden views through wide openings. FIg26: Norio UMEZAWA’s ATELIER U Lot size:115㎡ Covered:38㎡ BCR:33% Floor area:55㎡ Fig27 Fig27:: FRONT VIEW OF ATELIER U 13 ANALOGY OF COMPACT CARS In the sphere of passenger cars, compact cars are gaining ground and increasing market share. There are multiple reasons for this trend. In Japan’s context, it could be explained as follows. Analogy of Compact Cars 125 million population vs. 80 mil cars 1 car for 1.5 people Compact Cars are suited for one-person occupied car + merits: low prices, low tax-rates, high fuel efficiency, low gas consumption, low CO2 emissions Compact but Acceptable Fig28: Analysis of Market Success of Compact Cars in Japan Homes as well could be compact, if thinking as follows. How about Homes? Shrinking Household size Singles and Small size families Share Increasing Compact Homes are suited for small size families low prices / rents Enabling to move up to more convenient areas Leading to Compact Cities formation Reduction in Material and Energy Consumption Leading to Sustainable World Compact but Acceptable Fig29: Analogy of Compact Cars to Compact Homes 14 HOW TO MAKE TOKYO SUPER-LOW-CARBON; UTILIZATION OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL THERMAL ENERGY POTENTIAL Tokyo is a very energy efficient city a caused of its dense and human scale urban formation and its extensive commuter train rail-way networks. So as to make Tokyo more energy efficient and make it one of the World’s top energy efficient cities, the very key idea is the recognition and utilization of Natural Environmental Thermal Energy Potential. Cities seem to be completely artificial territories. This image is not correct. Cities are just submerged in natural environmental systems. Cities could not been livable without sunlight, solar heat, air & atmosphere, wind flow, water flow, evaporation & precipitation, soil and bedrocks. Without these grants of the nature, we could not survive even just a second. Natural systems are consisted of four elements; sun, air, water and soil. We should combine our urban systems and natural systems into mutually beneficial compound. This combination could be attained via two approaches; one is a passive/ ecological approach and the other is an active/ technological approach. Matrix in Fig30 shows the relationship of these elements and list up energy savings measures and CO2 emissions reduction measures relevant to urban living. As for the active /technological approach, there is a tendency that only PV and Wind Turbine are saviors but the most powerful actors are thermal energy potential stored in air, water and soil, which could be collected and utilized with Electric Heat Pumps. In this sense, natural environment thermal energy potential + EHP are the main actors to reduce CO2 emissions. Among technological measures, most substantial one is EHP. We should seeto ourIntegrate cities & buildings as being dependent on and and Technological Fig30: Needs Ecological (Passive) Approach integrated with natural energy systems. Otherwise we could not (Active) Approach societies. attain low-carbon 4 Natural Energy Sources Solar Ecological Approach Passive Solar Solar Heat Collection Atmosphere Wind Path Outdoor-air Cooling Soil/Bedrock & Vegetation Green Shading Evaporation Water Bodies & Flows Technological Approach Excessive Heat Mitigation PV Cell Cities & Buildings Air-thermal EHP Wind Turbine Geothermal EHP Water-Thermal EHP 15 TOKYO AS A WATER-THERMAL ENERGY RICH CITY Central Tokyo districts are facing on Tokyo bay and several rivers pouring into it. This geographical setting enables Tokyo to rely on water thermal energy potential as energy sources for Air-conditioning and Water Heating. Fig31: Central TOKYO & Its Water Systems MULTI-FUNCTION OF WATER SYSTEMS Water system is a comprehensive one consisting of various subsystems. Natural subsystems are sea, river, lake, underground water flow, precipitation and so forth, artificial subsystems include water supply, sewerage, canal, waterways and so forth. Water bodies and flows have many functions as well. By providing for water to all living creatures, it sustains whole ecosystem. By discharging floodwater, it prevents disasters. By punctuating land shapes, it defines urban landscape. By its own thermal mass and evaporation, it mitigates excessive heat conditions as heat island phenomenon. It could serve as transportation routes as well. Besides these functions, we are seeing a substantive possibility of water as a source of thermal energy potentials. It is huge storage of thermal energy and its water flow itself serves as thermal energy conduit. Composition & Functions of Water Systems □Natural Systems Sea Rivers Underground water flows □Man-made Systems Water ways Sewerage Sustaining Ecological Systems Fig32: Mitigating Excessive Heat Conditions Composition & Providing Thermal Energy Potentials Serves as Energy Conduit Systems Functions of Water Drainage & Flood Control + Emergency water supply + Emergency Transportation routes Serves as Transportation Route Shaping Landscapes 16 SUPER-LOW-CARBON STRATEGIES BASED ON WATER THERMAL ENERGY + ELECTRIC HEAT PUMPS (EHP) To further energy efficiency and CO2 emissions reduction, it is vital for Tokyo areas to enhance utilization of water stored thermal energy potentials. The way to implement this strategy is two fold. First step is transforming thermal production method from fossil fuel burning systems to non-fuel burning systems, of which center piece is the adoption of EHP system. Second step is enhancing EHP property by providing water stored thermal energy through various paths like as sewerage networks, rivers and water-ways networks and so forth. How to integrate man-made & natural systems Fig33: Man-made Systems Means to Integrate Man-made & Passive Solar Devices + Natural Systems PV Wind Turbine Solar Energy Wind Energy Electric Heat-Pump Natural Systems Thermal Energy Potential stored in Atmosphere , Water and Soil POTENTIAL AND AVAILABILITY OF WATER THERMAL ENERGY Tokyo has the ample capacity of Water borne thermal energy potential. As for Tokyo central districts’ (Chiyoda, Chuo and Minato wards) large scale offices of which floor areas are more than 10000m2, 100% of energy needed for heating and water heating could be covered with thermal energy stored in rivers, sea and sewerage system. As to cooling demand, more than 80% of energy could be covered with water borne thermal energy as shown in Fig34. Fig34: Potential & Availability of Water Contained Thermal Energy in Midtown TOKYO -END- 17
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