AN1290 Application Note ® How to Use the TDA911X and Improve Performances TDA911x Deflection Processors at a Glance The TDA911x is a family of deflection processors for multisync monitors, incorporating horizontal and vertical processing, geometry correction, dynamic corrections (focus and/or brightness etc.), DC/DC conversion and various safety and auxiliary functions. They are entirely controlled through an I²C interface. The TDA9112 was designed as an upgrade of the TDA9109/9111, using the same 32-pin shrink DIP package. The pin-out remains nearly the same in order to simplify new layouts; however some minor changes were necessary, mainly to pack more functions inside. Those already familiar with TDA9109/9111 will recognize all the functions and operation styles they are accustomed to use. c u d ) s t( For low- and medium-range applications where certain sophisticated features are not required, several different economical versions of the TDA9112 are available: TDA9113, TDA9115 and TDA9116. Table 1 summarizes their respective features. All versions are pin- and softwarecompatible, with minor exceptions1. e t le o r P Recently, the most complete version of the TDA9112 has been upgraded into the higher performance TDA9112A. Improvements concern mainly geometry and focus corrections, but also jitter behavior, B+ function, safety and I²C control. The design guidelines provide that the TDA9112A should operate at once when fitted in the place of an existing TDA9112 (even if the ideal I²C register settings may differ slightly). o s b O - Section 2: Special Features of the TDA9112A summarizes the improvements incorporated in TDA9112A. For a detailed description of each, please refer to the relevant chapters. ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 1. Hard-wired H Moire function of the TDA9115/9116 replaces the Focus/Brightness functions. 16 Septembre 2002 Revision 1.1 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. 1/62 AN1290 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Main Characteristics of the TDA9112 Deflection Processor Family . . . . . . . . .5 Chapter 2 Special Features of the TDA9112A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Chapter 3 TDA9112 Family Pin Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Chapter 4 Horizontal Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 4.1 4.2 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................... 11 2/62 Digital Sync Detection ........................................................................................................................12 4.1.3 Composite Sync .................................................................................................................................12 4.1.4 Voltage-controlled Oscillator ..............................................................................................................12 4.1.5 PLL1 ..................................................................................................................................................13 4.1.6 Free-running Frequency and Range ..................................................................................................13 c u d ) s t( 4.1.7 Frequency Precision ..........................................................................................................................14 4.1.8 PLL1 Inhibition ...................................................................................................................................15 o r P 4.1.9 Frequency Change Speed Limitation .................................................................................................16 4.1.10 PLL2, Duty Factor, ON/OFF ...............................................................................................................16 4.1.11 Soft-start ............................................................................................................................................17 4.1.12 Output Stage ......................................................................................................................................17 e t le o s b O - 4.1.13 X-ray Protection .................................................................................................................................17 4.1.14 Lock-Unlock Detection .......................................................................................................................17 4.1.15 H Moire Cancellation .........................................................................................................................18 ) s ( ct 4.2.1 Minimizing Jitter .................................................................................................................................19 4.2.2 Output Stage ......................................................................................................................................20 u d o 4.2.3 Enlarging the Frequency Range ........................................................................................................21 4.2.4 X-Ray Protection ................................................................................................................................22 r P e t e l o bs O Horizontal Section Structure ..............................................................................................................11 4.1.2 Application Hints ................................................................................................................ 19 Chapter 5 5.1 4.1.1 Vertical Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................... 23 5.1.1 Structure of V Section ........................................................................................................................23 5.1.2 Ramp Generator and AGC Loop .......................................................................................................23 5.1.3 Frequency Range and Precision ........................................................................................................24 5.1.4 Sync Detection ...................................................................................................................................25 5.1.5 AGC Loop Stability .............................................................................................................................26 5.1.6 S and C Correction (TDA9112 to TDA9116) ......................................................................................26 5.1.7 Output Stage and Vertical Shift ..........................................................................................................28 5.1.8 Vertical Signal Management in the TDA9112A ..................................................................................29 5.1.9 ON/OFF Function ..............................................................................................................................30 5.1.10 V Lock/Unlock ....................................................................................................................................30 5.1.11 V Moire ..............................................................................................................................................31 5.1.12 Vertical Breathing Function (EHT Compensation) .............................................................................31 5.1.13 Implementing the Breathing Function ................................................................................................31 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 5.1.14 5.2 Breathing Functions in the TDA9112A ...............................................................................................33 Chapter 6 Application Hints ................................................................................................................ 33 5.2.1 Coupling to Booster ...........................................................................................................................33 5.2.2 Ripple Rejection .................................................................................................................................34 5.2.3 Vertical Vibration ................................................................................................................................35 5.2.4 Leakage on Cs ...................................................................................................................................36 6.1 Geometry and Focus Control Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 6.2 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................... 37 6.1.1 Geometry Corrections through E/W (PCC) Output ............................................................................37 6.1.2 Tracking with Horizontal Size .............................................................................................................39 6.1.3 Tracking with Horizontal Frequency ...................................................................................................39 6.1.4 Geometry Corrections through HPhase Control ................................................................................39 6.1.5 Tracking with Vertical .........................................................................................................................39 6.1.6 Dynamic Corrections .........................................................................................................................40 6.1.7 Horizontal Dynamic Focus/Brightness ...............................................................................................40 Vertical Dynamic Focus/Brightness ...................................................................................................41 6.1.9 Vertical Dynamic Focus .....................................................................................................................41 c u d Application Hints ................................................................................................................ 42 6.2.1 Chapter 7 o r P E/W Output Stage ..............................................................................................................................42 e t le DC/DC Converter Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 7.1 Structure of the DC/DC Converter and B+ Loop ................................................................ 44 7.2 Structure of the Converter Section ....................................................................................................44 7.1.2 External or Internal Sawtooth Configuration ......................................................................................44 7.1.3 B+ Output Polarity ..............................................................................................................................45 7.1.4 Soft-start ............................................................................................................................................45 7.1.5 Selecting the Trigger Timing ..............................................................................................................46 7.1.6 Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-up, Current mode) ...............................................................46 7.1.7 Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-down, Current Mode) ..........................................................47 7.1.8 Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-down, Voltage mode) ...........................................................48 ) s ( ct u d o r P e Structure of the DC/DC Converter (Open Loop) ................................................................................49 Application Hints ................................................................................................................ 50 t e l o 7.2.1 s b O o s b O - 7.1.1 7.1.9 Chapter 8 ) s t( 6.1.8 7.2.2 Parasites induced by DC/DC Converter (Timing Selection) ...............................................................50 Frame-top Distortion related to Keystone Correction .........................................................................51 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 8.1 Summary of Safety Functions ............................................................................................ 52 8.2 Early V Blanking and Lock/Unlock ..................................................................................... 53 8.3 Application Hints ................................................................................................................ 53 8.3.1 Chapter 9 9.1 Using Inhibition Properly ....................................................................................................................53 I²C Control Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 I²C Bus Reminder ............................................................................................................... 55 STMicroelectronics Confidential 3/62 AN1290 9.2 TDA9112 Family as I²C Bus Device ................................................................................... 55 9.3 Receiving Data ................................................................................................................... 55 9.4 Sending Data ..................................................................................................................... 56 9.5 Register Organization ........................................................................................................ 56 9.6 Management of Status Register and Sync Priority ............................................................ 58 Chapter 10 I²C Bus Control Register Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 c u d e t le ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 4/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential o s b O - o r P ) s t( AN1290 1 Main Characteristics of the TDA9112 Deflection Processor Family Main Characteristics of the TDA9112 Deflection Processor Family Control ● Control of all functions and status reading through I²C interface (status reading is not available with the TDA9115). ● I²C settings take effect during the Vertical Oscillator Retrace for an improved screen aspect. These parameters can be sent at any moment. Horizontal ● Dual PLL structure ● Maximum frequency of 150 kHz ● Self-adaptable frequency range from 1 to 4.5 or more ● Improved jitter control functions ● X-ray protection with digital filtering ● Lock/Unlock output; data also available on I²C bus (except for the TDA9115) ● ON/OFF Output function for Power Management ● I²C control of duty cycle, H-position and H-amplitude values with frequency tracking if required ● Smooth frequency transitions ● Internal soft-start Vertical ) s ( ct c u d e t le ) s t( o r P o s b O - ● Constant amplitude, self-adaptive vertical ramp generator ● 50 to 185 Hz frequency range ● ON/OFF Output function for Power Management ● I²C control of V-amplitude, V-position, S- and C-correction amplitudes ● S-correction adapted to normal or super-flat tubes ● Lock/Unlock data by I²C (except for the TDA9115) ● Signal for early V Blanking. u d o r P e t e l o s East/West Pincushion Correction and Advanced Geometry Corrections b O ● Pincushion Parabola generator, with DC coupling possible for H-Size control ● I²C control of Pincushion, H-amplitude, Keystone and Corner corrections ● Corner correction, top and bottom independent, symmetric and asymmetric — No symmetric corner correction for the TDA9115; no asymmetric corner correction for the TDA9113, the TDA9115 and the TDA9116 ● H and V compensations of EHV variations (breathing inputs) ● Auto-tracking of all the corrections above with H-frequency (if required) and H-amplitude ● I²C control of parallelogram and side-pin balance correction ● Auto-tracking of all geometry corrections with V-amplitude and V-position STMicroelectronics Confidential 5/62 Main Characteristics of the TDA9112 Deflection Processor Family AN1290 Dynamic Correction ● Auto tracking with V-position and V-amplitude ● Composite Dynamic output (e.g. focus or brightness) providing: — Horizontal Parabola with I²C control of amplitude and symmetry (except for the TDA9115/9116) — Vertical parabola with I²C control of amplitude (TDA9112 only). ● Extra dynamic output with programmable polarity (e.g. separate V focus) DC/DC Converter ● Control section for DC/DC converter, based on UC 3842 architecture ● Programmable for step-up or step-down configurations ● In step-down mode, control of power P-MOS transistor without transformer, or N-MOS transistor through transformer. ● Internal soft-start ● Can operate as open-loop converter. c u d Miscellaneous ) s t( o r P ● Accepts positive and negative H and V sync signals ● Accepts Composite sync signals with the automatic management of serration pulses ● Sync on Green is not extracted (this function is available in ST Video preamps) ● Vertical Moire compensation controlled by I²C programming ● Horizontal Moire compensation (I²C programming), may be optimized for combined or separate structure (EHV/Scanning). e t le o s b O - — TDA9112/9113/9116: self-contained ) s ( ct — TDA9115/9116: hardwired ● I²C bus can read Sync polarity and status, Lock/Unlock status and X-ray status (except the TDA9115). u d o r P e I²C can reset X-ray status. ● Table 1 summarizes the differences between the various family versions. t e l o bs Table 1: Family Differences Description 9112 - 9113 - 9115 - 9116 - I²C Status reading (sync status, Lock/Unlock, X-ray) Yes Yes No Yes Symmetrical Corner Correction Yes Yes No Yes Asymmetric Corner Correction Yes No No No Comp DyCor Hor DyCor Moire Moire/DAC DC/DC converter with internal sawtooth Yes No No No I²C programmable DC/DC converter reference Yes Yes No Yes Internal/Hardwired Moire Int Int Ext Int/Ext O Pin 11 function 6/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 2 Special Features of the TDA9112A Special Features of the TDA9112A The TDA9112A provides features and performances at least equal to those of the TDA9112, with one exception: the DC/DC converter configuration using an internal oscillator has not been continued because very few customers used it. Software compatibility is maintained. The new or improved functions are listed below and details may be found in the relevant chapters. The most important improvements concern geometry and focus correction. Control ● 8-bit control of the H-size and H-position. Compatibility with the rest of the family is maintained since only the LSB is affected. ● A dedicated bit enables the MCU to automatically detect whether the circuit present is the TDA9112 or the TDA9112A. Horizontal c u d ) s t( ● In PLL1, now there is a choice between 4 values of the charge-pump current, to better optimize jitter in relation to the horizontal frequency. ● The indication of H-frequency Unlock can be made twice as fast as previously. e t le Vertical o r P o s b O - ● The block diagram of S and C linearity corrections has been modified to fit in the “tracking” feature. As a result, it is possible to adjust amplitude or to switch between the VGA modes without impairing linearity. ● The law of S correction has been modified, allowing perfect fitting to various types of tubes. ● Further to regular amplitude and centring settings (which maintain ideal linearity and pincushion correction thanks to the “tracking” feature), the new prescale settings (without tracking feature) provide better flexibility, for instance to adapt one chassis to various tubes. ● New EHT compensation has a two-quadrant sensitivity adjustment (i.e. you can choose the compensation sign as well). This allows perfect compensation throughout the H-frequency range. ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l East/West Pin Cushion Correction and Advanced Geometry Corrections o s b O ● Two new controls of E/W are provided, namely S and W control. Their action is symmetrical versus center. They leave top, bottom and middle of the screen unaffected: — S correction inflates the top 1/4 and deflates the bottom 3/4 or the opposite, — W correction inflates top 1/4 and bottom 3/4, or deflates both. These corrections may help prevent certain distortions related to the DC/DC converter. ● A control bit can disable the tracking of E/W corrections versus H-amplitude. ● New EHT compensation has a two-quadrant sensitivity adjustment, independent of the one for the Vertical section. STMicroelectronics Confidential 7/62 Special Features of the TDA9112A AN1290 Dynamic Correction (Focus/Brightness) ● The new composite H/V output can provide any signal polarity (concavity up or down; same polarity for H and V). ● The signal at horizontal frequency, previously parabolic, may be set to any power index from 2 to 4. Indeed the useful range is from 2 to 2.5, to adapt to various tubes available on the market. ● Because the combination of high power index and phase setting may lead to high transients during H flyback, means are provided to limit transients. DC/DC Converter As previously mentioned, the “Internal sawtooth” configuration is no longer available. Improvements include: ● Choice of the maximum current threshold using pin 16 (Isense): previous 2V is convenient when implementing a sawtooth oscillator, but the new value 1.2V (same as in UC 384x family) is better adapted for Isense, as in current-mode step-up converters. ● A new control bit performs the ON/OFF function, independently of Horizontal and with softstart. ● In addition to the three possible phases for the DC/DC converter (HOut Up, HOut Down, after HFlyback), a new option is: triggered with top of H sawtooth, with frequency divided by 2. It may extend the range of step-up converters to higher frequencies. Nevertheless, careful filtering and parasitic suppression will be necessary. c u d e t le Miscellaneous o r P ● B+ Safety: If the control bit is selected, the DC/DC converter will stop whenever HLock is lost. Restart will take place in a soft way. ● Internal current sinks: E/W and Dynamic correction outputs (pins 11, 24 and 32) now have an internal current sink which in most cases makes an external resistor unnecessary. ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 8/62 o s b O - ) s t( STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 3 TDA911x Family Pin Review TDA911x Family Pin Review The main features of the TDA9112, TDA9113, TDA9115 and TDA9116 are described in Table 2. The additional features for the TDA9112A are given in Section 2: Special Features of the TDA9112A. Table 2: TDA911x Pin Descriptions (Sheet 1 of 2) Pin No. Pin Description 1 Receives Horizontal or Composite sync signals (TTL compatible, threshold approximately 1.4V, any polarity). 2 Receives separate V sync signals (same level as pin 1, any polarity). Warning! The functionality of pins 1 and 2 may be affected by I²C. 3 Provides an early V blanking signal (amplitude 1V, High = Blank) to be ORed with V retrace ; combined with an H Lock/Unlock signal (amplitude 5V, High = Unlocked). Warning! Blanking and H Lock/Unlock functions are programmable through I²C. ) s t( 4 Should be filtered to HGND, it improves H Jitter by filtering the H oscillator peak level. 5 (PLL2 filter) should be filtered to HGND (typical value 22nF), it improves jitter by filtering the level at which the scanning is triggered. 6 The oscillator capacitor Co (typically 820pF) is connected between Pin 6 and HGND. A sawtooth at H frequency will appear on this pin. 7 HGND; to be connected to General Ground pin 27 and to the components of H section only. 8 The oscillator resistor Ro (typically 5.2kΩ) is connected between Pin 8 and HGND. Co·Ro sets the free-running frequency as Fo = 0.1215 / (Co·Ro). Voltage on pin 8 is always the same as on Pin 9. 9 The PLL1 loop filter is connected between pin 9 and HGND: 10nF to HGND, and in parallel: 1.8kΩ in series to 4.7µF electrolytic. The electrolytic sets the speed of H-frequency change when sending a new video mode; the other components are critical for H jitter characteristics. Voltage on pin 9 is proportional to H Oscillator frequency. 10 Should be filtered to HGND, it improves H jitter by filtering the DC level for H position. Capacitor on pin 10 also sets the time constant for soft-start. 11 Output pin for composite dynamic H/V Focus (or Brightness). The waveform on this pin is the sum of two parabolas, one at horizontal frequency, one at vertical frequency. The internal structure is NPN emitter-follower; a pull-down resistor (10kΩ) is recommended. c u d e t le ) s ( ct o r P o s b O - u d o r P e The TDA9113 has an H-frequency parabola only. On the TDA9115 and the TDA9116, dynamic focus is absent, H-Moire compensation is available in the place. To use it, connect pin 11 to HGND through a resistor divider with ratio of 1000 to 2000, connect the low side of PLL2 capacitor to the middle point (rather than to HGND). t e l o Warning! In the TDA9116, H Moire is I²C-programmable as either external (available on pin 11) or internal; in latter case, pin 11 is a DAC with a voltage range between 0 and 5V. s b O 12 H Flyback input, a voltage comparator (the base of a NPN transistor with emitter grounded). It should be connected to a positive H flyback pulse; a resistor connected in series is necessary to limit the input current to less than 5 mA while the pulse is positive. 13 Reference voltage, 8V nominal, to be filtered versus HGND. Since there is no reference voltage dedicated to the Vertical section, pin 13 should also be used for biasing the non-inverting input of vertical booster through a suitable resistor bridge. 14 Output of the op-amp that amplifies the error signal of the DC/DC converter feedback loop. Its voltage sets the current level (represented by voltage on pin 16) at which the power MOS transistor will switch OFF. 15 Inverting input of the same op-amp.The feedback elements (typically 1MΩ parallel to 10nF) should be connected between pins 14 and 15. The op-amp non-inverting input is not available; it is internally biased by a 4.8V reference voltage, adjustable through I²C (except the TDA9115). STMicroelectronics Confidential 9/62 TDA911x Family Pin Review AN1290 Table 2: TDA911x Pin Descriptions (Sheet 2 of 2) Pin No. Pin Description 16 When the DC/DC converter is used in the External sawtooth configuration, Pin 16 should receive a sawtooth (less than 2V peak), either representative of the current in the switch (current mode) or provided by an R/C oscillator (open loop). In both cases, the power MOS transistor is switched OFF when pin 16 voltage exceeds one-third of the voltage on pin 14. Biasing Pin 16 with more than 6V will set the so-called “internal sawtooth”, in voltage mode configuration (TDA9112 only). 17 & 18 High-impedance inputs which control H and V amplitude respectively. Each one should receive an image of the EHT (for instance, a fraction of the Automatic Beam Limiter voltage) for size compensation versus EHT variations. Both have the same active range: 1 to 8V, and sign: amplitude increases when pin voltage increases. The gains of the two channels have to be separately set to the correct values by external resistive dividers. 19 Presents a DC level equal to Vertical sawtooth negative peak, it should be filtered to VGND to improve vertical jitter. 20 The capacitor on pin 20 stores the AGC value to maintain the constant Vertical Sawtooth amplitude regardless of the frequency. It should be a 0.47µF non-electrolytic capacitor. 21 Vertical ground. In addition to the main GND on pin 27, it should be only connected to Vertical section components. 22 A 0.15µF film capacitor should be connected between Pin 22 and VGND to obtain the Vertical Sawtooth with constant amplitude (between 2 and 5V). 23 The same sawtooth is available on pin 23, buffered and with adjustable amplitude and offset for the control of vertical size and position. The middle value of this signal is (3.5/8) of the reference voltage (pin 13). An equal voltage should be derived from pin 13 through a resistive divider, to bias the Vertical booster positive input. 24 Provides the complete waveform to control Horizontal amplitude, including DC (for H Size, with EHV compensation), Pincushion, Keystone and symmetric Corner. It has the structure of an Emitter follower; a pull-down resistor (10kΩ) is necessary. Voltage range is 2 V to 8.5 V. The TDA9115 does not have corner correction. 25 High-impedance comparator input for X-ray detection, with 8V threshold. It should be filtered to GND (VGND is recommended). 26 HOut: open-collector NPN with more than 30mA capability. The NPN is switched OFF (pin 26 High) when the scanning transistor is to be switched OFF (“Reverse control”). An external pull-up resistor connected to pin 29 is necessary. Direct control of a bipolar NPN driver is possible. 27 General GND. The general GND track should enter the IC area by this pin, then be connected only to the special H and V ground tracks. 28 BOut: open-collector NPN, with more than 10mA capability. An external pull-up resistor connected to pin 29 will be necessary to make the power switch conductive. c u d e t le ) s ( ct ) s t( o r P o s b O - u d o r P e Warning! The polarity should be selected by I²C. By default: High level (NPN OFF) is meant to make the power switch conductive (adapted for N-type power switches). 29 30 & 31 General supply (10.8 V to 13.2 V, 70 mA). It should be filtered to pin 27. bs 32 O 10/62 t e l o SCL and SDA for the high-speed I²C bus. Threshold voltage is 2.2V typically. Extra V Focus output, to allow separate H Focus and V Focus channels. It provides a parabola at Vertical frequency. It presents the structure of an emitter follower and requires a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor to GND. Quiescent voltage is 4 V. Warning! The signal polarity may be selected through I²C (Default is: Downwards Concavity ∩). STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Horizontal Section 4 Horizontal Section 4.1 Theory of Operation 4.1.1 Horizontal Section Structure The TDA9112 horizontal section is similar to the TDA9109/9111. It includes a sawtooth oscillator, a sync detector, two phase-locked loops (PLLs) and an output stage. Moreover, X-ray protection and PLL1 lock/unlock detection are provided. Figure 1: H Oscillator 0.5 x I8 S 6.4V R c u d 1.6V I8 e t le V9 4 x I8 8 R0 u d o ) s ( ct ) s t( o r P o s b O 6 C0 r P e t e l o PLL1 locks the oscillator frequency to the HSync frequency, then adjusts its phase, until the sync pulse coincides with an adjustable level on the sawtooth. Changing the level is used to adjust the Hposition. s b O PLL2 adjusts the phase of the output stage (compensating for the storage time of the H scanning transistor), until the middle of the H flyback pulse coincides with a predetermined level on the sawtooth. The horizontal phase and duty factor may be adjusted by I²C programming (Registers 00h and 01h). All voltage values meaningful for the H section (like comparator and oscillator thresholds) are derived from a common reference voltage (between 7.4V to 8.6V with 8V typical) and keep a constant ratio with this reference. STMicroelectronics Confidential 11/62 Horizontal Section 4.1.2 AN1290 Digital Sync Detection The H/HV sync pulse is detected on pin 1 by a comparator with hysteresis, compatible with the standard TTL. It is intended for digital sync only (separate or composite). The IC synchronizes on the pulse front edge. A pull-down resistor (200 kΩ) is included. Sync polarity recognition is performed as follows: The comparator output controls the charge or discharge of an internal 50pF capacitor with ±0.1µA current. Depending on the polarity of the sync signal, the capacitor voltage will either drift towards the ground or the 8V supply. A comparison of capacitor voltage with a 4V threshold indicates the sync polarity. The recognition delay is approximately 2ms (typical) with a minimum value of 0.75 ms. This way, in the event of a Composite sync signal, vertical sync pulses up to 0.75ms will not be unduly interpreted as a change in HSync polarity. Þ Serration pulses: When they are missing, the inhibition of PLL1 during Vertical sync pulse (described later) prevents any disturbance of the Horizontal oscillator. For this purpose, the composite V pulse must be recognized within one horizontal half-period (see Section 4.1.3: Composite Sync). 4.1.3 Composite Sync ) s t( In order to extract the VSync pulse from the composite signal, the duration of each sync pulse is compared with the horizontal period. As soon as the duration of a pulse exceeds 21% (minimum) of the horizontal period (30% typical), this pulse is recognized as a VSync pulse. c u d o r P The VSync duration measurement uses an internal capacitor and a current source that keeps a constant ratio with Horizontal oscillator current source. Consequently, the system will work as indicated only if the recommended value of 820 pF for oscillator capacitor Co is applied. Otherwise for instance, when using a higher value, at the same frequency, all charge currents will be higher and therefore the recognition delay will decrease possibly to less than 21% of the horizontal period. This would lead to the incorrect detection of the Vertical Sync signal. e t le o s b O - See Section 9: I²C Control Section for more information about sync management through I²C programming. 4.1.4 ) s ( ct Voltage-controlled Oscillator The H oscillator is similar to the one in the TDA9109/9111. See Figure 1 for the schematic diagram and Figure 2 for waveforms. u d o r P e A voltage-follower stage imposes the same voltage on pin 8 as on pin 9, which is the PLL1 output. The current in pin 8 is then fixed to: t e l o s b O V8 I 8 = ------R0 Current mirroring provides two current sources, with values of 0.5 x I8 (“source”) and 4 x I8 (“sink”). Two comparators with thresholds of respectively 1.6V and 6.4V control a toggle that switches ON or OFF the 4 x I8 current source. Supposing this latter source is initially OFF, capacitor C0 will charge at a rate: 0.5xI 8 dV ------- = ----------------dt C0 until the 6.4V threshold is reached. At that moment, the 4 x I8 current source is switched ON, establishing a global discharge current equal to 3.5 x I8. Discharge will continue at a rate: 3.5xI 8 dV ------- = ----------------dt C0 12/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Horizontal Section until the 1.6V threshold is reached; then a new charge phase starts. As a result, the voltage on pin 6 will be a sawtooth with a (6.4-1.6)V amplitude and a period of: 1 1 ∆T h = C 0 x æ ∆V æ ----------------- + -----------------ö ö with∆V = 6.4 – 1.6 = 4.8 è è 0.5xI øø 3.5xI 8 8 Replacing I8 by its value and taking the reverse, one obtains the theoretical formula: V V 8 8 fh = ---------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------------2.286x ( R0 x ( C0 x∆V ) ) 10.97x ( R 0 xC 0 ) If I8 exceeds 1.5 mA, the oscillator components will not work in the optimal conditions; moreover, if at the same time V8 is higher than 6.2 V, there is a risk of saturation of internal circuitry. These two reasons combined led to recommend R0 > 4.2 kΩ. Note: All details relative to the oscillator waveform are represented in Figure 2 with: Period = 12 µs, Flyback duration = 3.2 µs, Duty factor = 50%, Sync pulse duration = 1 µs, Storage time = 2 µs. 4.1.5 PLL1 The aim of PLL1 is to control the oscillator's frequency and phase, until the front edge of the H sync pulse just coincides with a determined (and adjustable) voltage (Vφ) on the sawtooth. c u d ) s t( Two current generators (one “source” and one “sink”) are connected to the PLL1 output (pin 9). This pin is connected to an external low-pass filter, it controls pin 8 voltage through a voltage follower. o r P ● If the front edge of the HSync pulse arrives before the Vφ point on sawtooth, the “source” current is activated in the interval: this will increase the voltage and the oscillation frequency. ● If the Vφ point on sawtooth arrives before the HSync pulse front edge, the “sink” current is activated in the interval, this will decrease the oscillation frequency; ● when PLL1 is locked, there is a very narrow “source” current pulse just before the Vφ point and a very narrow “sink” pulse just after; therefore the voltage on pin 9 remains stable. e t le o s b O - Vφ may be adjusted by ±0.6V around the average value of 3.4V, through I²C programming (Register 01), allowing a control of the horizontal phase, up to ±10% of a period. For an optimum jitter, pin 10 should be filtered to GND (no limit on the capacitor value. It also sets the soft-start time constant). ) s ( ct The PLL1 capture range is large enough to synchronize with all incoming sync frequencies. u d o Normally, both “sink” and “source” currents should be set to 1mA, and the recommended components in PLL filter are optimized accordingly. Nevertheless, the current value may be switched to 0.3 mA by I²C programming (Sad16h/d3:2). Jitter may be improved by switching to 0.3 mA at low frequencies and to 1 mA at high frequencies. The default value is 0.3 mA. r P e t e l o In the TDA9112A there are four values for the current that can be selected by I²C programming (Sad16h/d3:2). s b O 4.1.6 Free-running Frequency and Range When HSync pulses are absent or at low frequency, the PLL1 output will clamp to 1.33 V, which corresponds to the free-run frequency (f0). From the formula for frequency, we get: 1.33 10.97x ( R 0 xC 0 ) 0.1215 R 0 xC 0 f = ------------------------------------------- = ------------------- 0 STMicroelectronics Confidential 13/62 Horizontal Section AN1290 When HSync pulses are received, the voltage on pin 9 will increase until the local oscillator matches the incoming frequency. Since the range for pin 9 voltage is between 1.3V and 6.2V, the relative capture frequency range (ratio of maximum to minimum frequency) is: 6.2 -------- = 4.77 1.3 4.1.7 Frequency Precision All the terms in the f0 equation have a spread. Both voltages are derived from the same reference, their ratio will remain quite accurate. In regards to the other variables, we have to consider a tolerance of ±1% for R, ±5 or 10% for C and ±6% for the numerical factor which incorporates a current ratio. Consequently the free-running frequency can vary from ±12 or 17% of the designed value, using safety margins can reduce the usable relative frequency range by 2 x 12% or 2 x 17%; or ±9% if you can afford a ±2% capacitor. An other consequence of the free-running frequency spread is to make the design of a B+ converter more difficult, because in free-running mode, the B+ converter may have to follow the oscillator frequency down to low values. (This may be avoided if fake HSync pulses are sent by the MCU at a convenient frequency, as soon as there is no sync coming through the input plugs.) c u d e t le ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 14/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential o s b O - o r P ) s t( AN1290 Horizontal Section Figure 2: H Oscillator Waveform V 6.4V Duty factor setting voltage 5 4V Vφ PLL2 Threshold 1.6V c u d 0 e t le 5 Sync pulse ) s ( ct tst V26 u d o ) s t( o r P 10 12µs o s b O - Forced OFF Forced ON r P e Range for PLL2 t e l o Fly back s b O 4.1.8 PLL1 Inhibition The PLL1 operation remains undisturbed if one (and only one) sync pulse front edge arrives in each horizontal period, in phase with the Vφ point on each sawtooth. In the event of a composite digital sync pulse, this condition is no longer fulfilled during Vsync, when there are no serration pulses. STMicroelectronics Confidential 15/62 Horizontal Section AN1290 When PLL1 endures this severe disturbance, it requires some time to recover the proper phase. As this could entail a visible distortion on top of the screen, the TDA9112 has been provided with a PLL1 inhibition feature: the two current sources of PLL1 will be turned OFF during the Vsync pulse and 2 complete lines later. Internal inhibition is activated only by the Vsync pulse extracted from composite sync. This features may be disabled through I²C programming (Sad16h/d1). 4.1.9 Frequency Change Speed Limitation It is well-known that when receiving a new horizontal frequency, PLL1 should not synchronize immediately with the new frequency, especially when it is lower than the former one. Otherwise the horizontal scanning transistor would conduct for a longer period of time, while the value of B+ would not have time to decrease to its newly assigned lower value. This would lead to excessive current and voltage and possibly destroy the transistor. In the TDA9112, the PLL1 changing speed has been limited to a safe value. Warning! This limitation is ineffective when imposing a frequency jump by switching Ro or Co. 4.1.10 PLL2, Duty Factor, ON/OFF ) s t( Supposing the oscillator is locked to the Hsync pulse, then PLL2 controls the H scanning transistor so that the flyback takes place at a definite point on the sawtooth. (Refer to Figure 2.) c u d For this purpose, a positive flyback signal must be sent to pin 12, which is connected to a voltage comparator with a threshold of one VBE, and to the Ground through a 20kΩ (typical) resistor. Among other possibilities, pin 12 may be connected to a secondary of the scanning transformer through a current-limiting resistor. In order to allow lower values of the limiting resistor, and therefore faster transmission of the flyback data, the maximum input current into this pin has been increased to 5 mA. e t le o r P o s b O - The reference point for PLL2 is the middle of the flyback pulse (as seen on pin 12). PLL2 will manage to make it coincide with the 4V point on the sawtooth. ) s ( ct PLL2 is a classical charge pump PLL. Its output (pin 5) must be connected to a capacitor as a lowpass filter. For the entire flyback pulse duration, one of the two 0.15-mA internal current generators connected to pin 5 will be activated: u d o ● the source current, when the ramp voltage is lower than 4 V, ● the sink current, when the ramp voltage is higher than 4 V. r P e With the flyback pulse centred on the 4V point, the capacitor will receive a null global charge for each period. t e l o The capacitor value is not critical (22nF for good jitter). With a low capacitor value, PLL2 will more rapidly recover of any change in the H transistor storage time caused by a black/white video transition. This will minimize the corresponding distortion of vertical lines. s b O The Pin 5 voltage directly controls which point on the sawtooth will trigger the scanning transistor switching OFF. The possible range for pin 5 is between 1.6V and 4V, allowing a transistor storage time between 0 and: t flybackö ö æ 0.438x æ T – ---------------------ø ø è è h 2 Similarly, the scanning transistor ON state is triggered when the oscillator sawtooth reaches a determined voltage; the offset between OFF and ON voltages is constant (adjustable by I²C). As a result, the TDA9112 will maintain constant duty factor, regardless of PLL2 voltage variations. The typical Duty factor range is between 30% and 65% and is selected through I²C programming (Register 00). This is the OFF duty factor, i.e. the ratio of the OFF drive time to the total period. 16/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Horizontal Section Hex code 00 corresponds to a 65% duty factor. This is the default value at start-up, in order to minimize the stress on the scanning transistor. 4.1.11 Soft-start The TDA9112 is equipped with a self-contained soft-start. When switching ON, HOut will remain inhibited until the supply voltage ramps up to more than 8.5V. Afterwards, the initial duty factor will progressively decrease from 85% to 65% (the scanning transistor will be controlled OFF for 65% of the period), then to the value that has been set through I²C programming. The same events will take place in the reverse order when the supply ramps down through a 6.5V threshold (thresholds for TDA9112A: 8.0V and 6.8V). The time constant that controls the soft-start is the charge rate of H-position capacitor on pin 10. The soft-start is effective when switching ON and when resetting the HOut inhibition. It also controls the duty factor of the DC/DC converter (except in the so-called “internal sawtooth, voltage mode configuration”). For more information, refer to Section 7: DC/DC Converter Section. 4.1.12 Output Stage ) s t( The drive signal for the H scanning transistor is available on pin 26, which is connected to the collector of the output NPN transistor. The transistor is conductive (pin 26 LOW) when the H scanning transistor is to be ON and vice-versa. Pin 26 should be connected to the supply through a pull-up resistor. Of course, some kind of driver stage is mandatory to control the scanning transistor base. c u d o r P The saturation voltage on pin 26 (less than 0.4V for 30mA) is low enough to allow direct control of a bipolar driver. Nevertheless and for other reasons we recommend keeping an AC coupling between pin 26 and the driver. For more information, refer to Section 4.2.2: Output Stage. e t le o s b O - The output transistor is forced ON during the negative slope part of the sawtooth. It is forced OFF during flyback (as seen on pin 12), and this safety function has the priority over any other control. The goal is to prevent the scanning transistor from turning ON again, while it still sustains the high flyback voltage. ) s ( ct 4.1.13 X-ray Protection u d o Pin 25 is a comparator with 8V (typical) threshold for X-ray detection. A voltage higher than 8V on pin 25 will stop H scanning (and the DC/DC converter as well). This situation will last until some Reset takes place, for instance by switching the supply voltage on pin 29, OFF and ON again (resetting threshold: 6.5V typ at supply fall-down). r P e t e l o In fact, once the voltage on pin 25 exceeds 8V, it must remain at this value for 2 lines before the Xray safety is triggered. This digital filtering provides a protection against very short parasitic voltage, affecting pin 25, due for instance, to an arcing of the tube. s b O It is possible to read the current state of X-ray protection through the I²C bus. It is also possible to reset it in the same way (Sad16h/d7). 4.1.14 Lock-Unlock Detection Remembering how the PLL1 works with two current generators (one sink and one source), it appears that when PLL1 is locked both generators are OFF almost all the time; when out of phase, one generator will be ON for part of the period. When frequencies differ, one generator or the other will be ON for approximately half the time (mean value). This is used to build a lock-unlock detector (Figure 3) where a gate output is LOW whenever one of the current sources is ON. It controls very low charge and discharge currents to an internal capacitor. The capacitor voltage will take a value of approximately 8V when PLL1 is locked, and STMicroelectronics Confidential 17/62 Horizontal Section AN1290 approximately 4V when it is unlocked. The last elements are an internal comparator referenced to 6.25V (with hysteresis) and a CMOS inverter; you will find on its output pin 3 a HIGH state when PLL1 is unlocked. The same data can also be read in the IC through the I²C bus. Nevertheless, a Read request is necessary in this case. There may be an ill-defined state and erratic pulses may appear during Lock ↔ Unlock transitions, mainly when oscillator frequency approaches Lock state. The reasons for this are basic and cannot be avoided. To prevent malfunctions, provide an external supplementary delay. Since the delay is external, it can be made longer for the Unlocked → Locked transition (thus avoiding the parasitic pulses), while being kept very short for the opposite Locked → Unlocked transition, when emergency measures should be triggered in a short time. Because some customers asked for a shorter reaction time to transition Locked → Unlocked, the TDA9112A provides an option through I²C programming (Sad1Fh/d2) for a delay divided by two. Be aware that as a consequence, a very long composite VSync signal without serration pulses could be unduly interpreted as a loss of locking. Further to this indication, as soon as an Unlock state is detected, the oscillator frequency change rate is decreased. When switching from High to Low frequency, the B+ regulation loop will have enough time to decrease the B+ value accordingly, thus preventing the destruction of the scanning transistor by overcurrent and overvoltage. According to the typical application schematic, the frequency will be reduced by approximately 0.1 kHz/ms. c u d Since pin 3 is also used for V blanking, levels on pin 3 are defined as follows: ● approximately 0V: locked, not blanked ● higher than 5V: unlocked ● the blanking signal adds to Lock/Unlock level (+1V if Blanked). e t le ) s t( o r P The Lock/Unlock signal is available only if selected through I²C programming (Sad16h/d0). o s b O - Figure 3: Lock/Unlock ISINK u d o ISOURCE r P e t e l o To I²C ) s ( ct 8V 6.25V 3 6V = Unlock, Blank 5V = Unlock 1V = Lock, Blank 0V = Lock s b O 4.1.15 H Moire Cancellation The Moire phenomenon only takes place on color screens and when displaying grey areas resulting from an alternation of black and white dots. It may happen that the succession of black and white dots presents a pitch which is very close to that of the TV screen. If in an area of the screen, the white dots fall exactly on the tube pixels, then, at some further distance, they will fall exactly between the pixels. The result will be a succession of bright and dark stripes with an approximately vertical direction. The nearer the dot pitch to the tube 18/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Horizontal Section pitch, the wider the stripes (however, if the dot array is not uniform, the basically vertical stripes will be strongly distorted). Please notice that if the succession of dots is shifted horizontally by half a pixel, the dark and bright stripes will be exchanged. This provides a way to compensate the H Moire: by artificially introducing an horizontal jitter with an amplitude of half a pixel, any point on the screen will be successively on a dark then bright stripe. As a result the eye will see medium brightness everywhere. Since Moire can also appear with other less simple combinations of dots and pixels, the setting of the Moire cancellation must be left to the end user for optimum results. A self-contained H-Moire cancellation system is available on the TDA9112: an internal logic circuit provides a series of pulses related to H frequency with an adjustable amplitude through I²C (Register 02). After a convenient attenuation, this pulsed voltage will modulate the voltage on PLL2 capacitor, introducing the required artificial H jitter. The phase of this jitter is reversed for every other frame, in order to make it less noticeable. This Moire cancellation system can be used for any type of monitor (be it common or separate EHV and H scanning). Two modes can be selected through I²C programming (Sad02h/d7). In the event of a “common” structure, better results will be obtained when set to 0, while 1 is mandatory with a “separate” structure. If Moire is not needed, the level must be set to 0 through I²C programming. ) s t( On the low-cost TDA9115 version, the Moire compensation is available on pin 11 rather than being applied internally. First, the pulse amplitude of pin 11 must be divided in a ratio of 1000 to 2000 with a resistor bridge referenced to HGND. Then connect the low-side end of PLL2 capacitor (formerly grounded) to the medium point of resistor bridge. This way, the compensation pulses will be applied to pin 5 through the capacitor. c u d e t le o r P The TDA9116 provides either internal or external compensation which is selected by I²C programming (Sad16h/d3:2). When internal compensation is selected, pin 11 becomes a 7-bit DAC with a span between 0 and 5 V. 4.2 Application Hints 4.2.1 Minimizing Jitter ) s ( ct o s b O - The TDA9112 provides low intrinsic horizontal jitter, but some care must be taken not to spoil its naturally good performances. Since all horizontal timings are based on the comparison of the oscillator sawtooth with various DC levels, all these voltages should be kept perfectly clean. Let us make a “rule-of-thumb” calculation: if the oscillator sawtooth amplitude: 4.8V, corresponds to 7/8 of the period, then a 1mV parasitic voltage on either the sawtooth or one of the DC levels will induce: 31778 x (7/8)/4800 = 5.8 ns of jitter in VGA, which is an unacceptable value. u d o r P e t e l o Here are some basic precautions to obtain the best jitter value: s b O ● First, care should be taken not to corrupt the incoming sync pulse. Typically, it will have some 20ns transition time and an 5V amplitude. In these conditions, adding a 0.25 V amplitude parasitic voltage (ground ripple for instance) will cause 1ns of jitter on the incoming sync. Similar considerations apply to Hfly pulse, which is not very fast. More precisely, we can consider that the components of the PLL1 filter have been optimized for jitter. If jitter is found to decrease when using other values than the ones indicated for theses components, usually the reason is that the input HSync is already jittered; suppressing this jitter on the HSync input will lead to a jitter performance unattainable before. ● A separate ground connection, tied to pin 7, should be devoted to all horizontal-related components, i.e. those connected to pins 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13. This connection must be tied to pins 21 and 27, but it should not carry any other current, especially those not STMicroelectronics Confidential 19/62 Horizontal Section AN1290 synchronized to horizontal components in frequency and phase, like those in SMPS, B+ DC/DC converters, PWM DACs, etc. — The ground track should enter the IC area through pin 27, then go to the various ground pins (7, 21, which are not connected internally) and to the H- and V-related components and to no other place. ● A monitor chassis normally includes several switching circuits, like SMPS, B+ DC/DC converter.... The high dI/dt value in some wirings of these circuits will induce parasitic voltages in all neighboring loops. Do not neglect some medium power circuits, like B+ converter gate drive: even with a low current, the dI/dt value may be high. This will result in a localized jitter (i.e. only taking place with certain specific settings of the H-position, H-size, brightness, etc.). ● A decoupling capacitor and its connecting tracks constitute a loop where the high dI/dt value induces voltages. Same for oscillator capacitor Co. These parasitic voltages appear in series with the capacitor and induce jitter; they will be minimized if the loop (IC pin-capacitor-IC ground) presents the smallest possible area. The loops that include resistors are less critical. (Nevertheless, it is advisable to keep the connection to R0 as short and small as possible to minimize parasitic capacitance on pin 8). ● The loops emitting parasites obviously should be as small and remote as possible. (SMPS, DC/DC converter, etc.) A standard filter for PLL1 (pin 9) includes: 4.2.2 ● 10nF to ground; ● in parallel, the series combination of 1.8kΩ and 4.7µF electrolytic. Output Stage e t le c u d ) s t( o r P The output stage is a NPN transistor, the collector of which is available on pin 26. It becomes conductive when the H scanning transistor is to be switched ON. Pin 26 must be tied to the supply through a pull-up resistor. With a 30mA sink capability, it can control a bipolar driver. o s b O - Most often, “reverse” control is used, with a driver stage as shown in Figure 4. ) s ( ct Figure 4: Driver Stage with MOSFET IC supply t e l o o r P e du Transformer supply H scanning transistor Driver supply s b O 26 27 (A MOS driver is shown. For an application with a bipolar driver, refer to Evaluation Board booklet). The following points have to be considered: 20/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Horizontal Section ● Any ripple, non synchronous to horizontal, on the transformer supply capacitor will influence the H-scanning transistor storage time and cause supplementary jitter. ● If a MOS transistor is used as driver, its Gate-Source capacitance must be charged or discharged at each transition. This gives rise to large current spikes. The corresponding dI/dt may induce electromagnetic voltages in the H circuitry and disturb H sync or the oscillator; the effect will be a localized jitter (taking place for one precise setting of Horizontal position or one precise amplitude etc.). In order to avoid this problem, the disturbing loops must be minimized: — charging loop: supply capacitor → NPN → gate/source capacitance and back to supply capacitor. — discharging loop: gate/source capacitance → PNP and back to source. ● Be aware that during fast transitions, the base current may be high because the transistor gain may fall to low values. A series resistor connected to the bases will help to limit the current spike in pin 26. ● Since very fast transitions take place on pin 26, any capacitance tied to this pin should be avoided because it would give rise to high current spikes which may cause localized jitter. By the way, please notice in this schematic the AC coupling between IC output and driver stage. The reason for this is that when the H output is inhibited (for instance, when the X-ray protection is activated), the driver stage is supposed to remain fully conductive. This would lead to high current in the driver transformer and resistor. AC coupling prevents remaining in this dangerous state: if a permanent inhibition takes place, the driver stage will soon be OFF and the scanning transistor also remains OFF because of the transformer coupling. c u d 4.2.3 Enlarging the Frequency Range e t le ) s t( o r P If the frequency range is considered too tight, a very simple modification can enlarge it. o s b O - In a given application, the frequency is proportional to the voltage across Ro. Voltage on pin 8 may vary between 1.33V and 6.2V. If Ro is referenced to a Vext voltage source instead of GND, the relative frequency range, previously (6.2 / 1.33), becomes (6.2-Vext) / (1.33-Vext), which might prove much higher. ) s ( ct For practical implementation, just follow the schematic diagram shown in Figure 5, and use the equivalent resistance and voltage values to determine the frequency range. u d o Figure 5: Enlarging the Frequency Range r P e Equivalent Circuit Proposed Schematic t e l o 8 s b O 8 13 R R Ra Rb Ra Rb Vext Vext = Href x Rb/(Ra+Rb) STMicroelectronics Confidential 21/62 Horizontal Section 4.2.4 AN1290 X-Ray Protection The X-ray protection is latched; once triggered by a voltage higher than 8V, it stops the IC operation until it is reset by switching the monitor OFF and ON again, or through I²C programming (Sad16h/d7). The voltage on pin 25 is always filtered, which makes it rather insensitive to parasitic voltage. Nevertheless, an arcing inside the display tube neck may happen to trigger the protection and stop monitor operation, which is most unpleasant to the user. In the TDA9112, the risk has been minimized, since the latch will be triggered not earlier than two lines after an overvoltage has been detected. Nevertheless, it is preferable to maintain the layout rules: ● connect the filter capacitor very close to the IC; do not create a loop which may be influenced by a huge dI/dt, ● establish a path for the arcing current that does not cross the main chassis. A well-accepted disposition is as follows: — The ground connection from the outer conductive paint of the display tube should only go to the ground near the tube socket: this way, the charges stored inside the tube will not flow through the main chassis. ) s t( — From there, a ground connection should reach the chassis ground, preferably near the EHV transformer, because this transformer usually includes an EHV capacitor, which will also discharge during arcing. c u d o r P Warning! If the X-ray filtering capacitor has a high value, when switching OFF the monitor it can keep a high voltage while Vref decreases. This will unduly trigger and latch the X-ray protection if not reset by Vsupply (in case of fast ON-OFF-ON). e t le This problem is not present in the TDA9112A, where the X-ray protection is disabled as soon as Vcc drops below 10.4 V (typical). ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 22/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential o s b O - AN1290 Vertical Section 5 Vertical Section 5.1 Theory of Operation 5.1.1 Structure of V Section The vertical section of the TDA9112 remains basically the same as in the TDA9111. It includes a sync detector, a V ramp generator with Free-running and Synchronized modes, an AGC system to maintain the amplitude of the V ramp constant, and S- and C-correction generators. Vertical amplitude and position as well as S- and C-correction are controlled through I²C (Registers 07 to 0A). All important voltages for the Vertical section are derived from the 8V reference voltage (same as for the Horizontal section), and are defined as fractions of this voltage. 5.1.2 Ramp Generator and AGC Loop The structure of the complete ramp generator is represented in Figure 6. Figure 6: Vertical Oscillator and AGC c u d Io-I'o 5V or 7V e t le 5V R2 o s b O - Vsync processor R1 (A) ) s ( ct 2 u d o r P e I'o VA S Rs Io 20 22 VSync 5V R NoS 2V 1.6V o r P ) s t( Co Cs t e l o There are two different operating modes, depending on whether a sync pulse is present: s b O When there is no sync pulse, switch NoS (= No Sync) is closed, and switch S ( = Sample) is open. Comparison voltage for discharging Co is set to 5V (or more precisely to 5/8 of reference voltage). Because 5V are forced on Cs, current I'o is null or very small, and only current Io is mirrored to oscillator capacitor Co. Combined with an “end of discharge” comparator with a 2V threshold, this circuitry provides a linear sawtooth, taking place between the 2V and 5V levels. Discharge takes place through a 500Ω resistor switched to ground, and a simple calculation provides: æ V 1ö è V 2ø Discharge Time = RxCxLog ç -------÷ With Co = 0.15 µF, V1 = 5 V and V2 = 2 V, the discharge time is 69 µs. STMicroelectronics Confidential 23/62 Vertical Section AN1290 For the calculation of vertical frequency, we can neglect this discharge time and find: I0 F = ---------------- = 100 Hz (typical) v Cx DV with I0 = 45 µA (typical). Nevertheless, there is a ±20% spread on this current, so that the same spread must be expected on the free-running frequency (not taking into account the capacitor spread). When a sync pulse is received, the system switches to synchronized mode. In this mode, the vertical sawtooth amplitude is maintained constant in relation to the frequency by an AGC loop, as described below. The front edge of the first Vsync pulse opens switch NoS and closes switch S for a 13µs sampling duration. Cs will then charge to the voltage present at that moment on the amplifier output. The discharge of Co is only triggered at that moment. At the same time, the discharge threshold switches from 5V to 7V. Every subsequent sync edge will trigger the sampling and then the discharge of C0, so that Cs always stores the previous sawtooth peak value. V(Cs) is then converted to current I'0 by a highimpedance converter using the following formula: I’0 = c u d ( V ( Cs ) – 5 ) -----------------------------R with R = 18 kΩ. e t le ) s t( o r P Since Co is charged by I0-I'0, there is a feedback effect. If the last sampled voltage was higher than 5V, the charge current will decrease, and conversely, so that next peak value will be closer to 5V. At the end of the process, the voltage on Cs will be 5V + (R x I'0), and the sawtooth peak voltage: o s b O - R2 ö æ 5V – Rx ç I ' x ----------------------÷ è 0 R 1 + R 2ø ) s ( ct with R1 = 19 x R2. 5.1.3 u d o Frequency Range and Precision r P e Value I'o may vary between -3xIo/4 and +2xIo, so that the total charge current presents a total range of: Io/4 to 3xIo. t e l o Therefore, the frequency range may reach a ratio of 12. Nevertheless, the upper and lower limits are subject to spread and to thermal drift, which considerably reduces the really usable range. Therefore the guaranteed autosync frequency range is only 50 to 185Hz, with Co = 150 nF. This includes a ±5% spread for Co. s b O 24/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 5.1.4 Vertical Section Sync Detection This part is best explained after the oscillator section since the sawtooth is used for polarity recognition as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Sync Detection Positive or Negative sync 6µs 13µs 6µs Edge detector Sampling pulse c u d Internal sync pulse Oscillator capacitor (not at scale) e t le 2.8V 2V 2.5V ) s t( o r P o s b O - Reset pulse ) s ( ct u d o Incoming sync pulses are detected by a comparator with 1.6V threshold, which makes it TTL compatible. Alternately, they may come from the Composite sync signal via the sync extractor. r P e Each transition on the Vsync input (positive or negative) triggers a very short (6 µs) pulse. The first short pulse triggers the sampling, then the discharge of Co, as explained above. Later, any short pulse will be ignored until the sawtooth exceeds the 2.5V threshold (defining a “dead zone” of 0.5 / 3 = 16.7% of the period). t e l o s b O In case the first detected edge proved incorrect (i.e. a sync pulse back edge instead of the front edge), the next discharge is triggered by the front edge, regardless of the polarity of the sync pulse. This mechanism fails if the sync pulse duration is too long; hence the limit of 15% for V sync duty factor. End of Vsync When the Vsync pulse disappears, the oscillator capacitor charges up to 7V (with a decreasing slope of above 5.4V). When the capacitor reaches the 7V level, there are no longer any sync pulses, switches S and NoS revert to their initial position and the frequency reverts to free-running mode. STMicroelectronics Confidential 25/62 Vertical Section 5.1.5 AN1290 AGC Loop Stability Like all sampled feedback systems, the AGC loop has a particular instability mode, which require special attention: At a first sampling time, the vertical sawtooth peak voltage is compared to the pre-set 5V value. A corrective current proportional to the difference is added to the charge current of the oscillator capacitor with the appropriate sign to decrease the voltage difference at the next sampling time. Nevertheless, if the correction is too large, the next voltage difference may present a higher value with the opposite sign, this will lead to instability. Referring to Fig. 3, let ∆Vo be the initial voltage error on capacitor Co, ∆Vo amplified by gain A causes a voltage change ∆Vs on the sampling capacitor: Ax∆V t 0 s ∆V = ------------------- x ------s Rs Cs (ts is the sampling time; charge current is almost constant during ts because ts = 13 µs ≤ Rs x Cs) This entails a change -∆Vs / R in total charge current, so that the next sampled voltage will be changed by: ∆V s T – ----------- x ------- = R C 0 æ Ax∆V 0 xt s xT ö ç – --------------------------------------÷ è R s xC s xRxC0ø where T = vertical period. c u d ) s t( o r P If this value is higher than the initial ∆V0, there will be permanent amplitude oscillation. The condition for stability is then: Ax ( t s xT ) -------------------------------------- < 1 R xC xRxC s s 0 e t le o s b O - With internal values A = 20, ts = 13µs, Rs = 6kΩ, R = 18kΩ, and recommended values Cs = 470 nF and C0 = 150 nF, this leads to T ≤ 29.3 ms (34.6 Hz). ) s ( ct Although this seems a comfortable safety margin compared to the usual 50 or 60Hz in display appliances, one must remember that all parameters (excluding T) in the formula possibly have a spread. For stability, it is better to stick to the recommended component values. 5.1.6 u d o r P e S and C Correction (TDA9112 to TDA9116) t e l o In the TDA9112, S and C corrections are independent. The circuits are similar to the ones in the TDA9111 and are controlled by I²C programming (Registers 09 and 0A). s b O The same control principle is used for S and C corrections. Considering the V-oscillator schematic diagram shown in Figure 6, capacitor C0 receives currents I0 and I'0 and also two extra currents: one for S correction, one for C correction. 26/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Vertical Section Let us consider C correction as an example (Figure 8 and Figure 9). Instead of a ramp with a constant slope (obtained by charging C0 with constant current), we want to obtain a continuously increasing slope. For that purpose, we can add a current with constant positive slope to I0- I’0. Figure 8: C Correction 5V Effect on Co waveform 2V 0V Supplementary current to Co for C correction c u d 0 e t le ) s t( o r P o s b O - Furthermore, if the supplementary current has a null mean value, it will bring a null charge to Co within one period. As a result, the C amplitude adjustment will not modify the amplitude and will have no interaction with the AGC loop. Furthermore, the supplementary current for C correction is kept proportional to the oscillator charge current I0-I'0. This way, for a given C-correction setting, the relative amount of C correction remains constant, regardless of the vertical frequency. ) s ( ct u d o Figure 9 includes two multipliers. First, the vertical sawtooth (referenced to its medium value 3.5V) is converted to a current sawtooth with a null mean value and multiplied by the control current from the C-correction I²C DAC. The control current may have positive as well as negative values in order to allow C correction in both directions. Then the product is multiplied by a current proportional to charge current (Io - I'o) this, in order to ensure frequency independence. Finally (Io - I'o) is added to obtain the global charging current for Co. r P e t e l o s b O The circuit for S correction is very similar, except that: ● the additional current has a bell-shaped waveform, with positive and negative slopes successively (and still with null mean value); ● the S correction is in one direction only. Thanks to the bell-shaped waveform, the S correction is well adapted to super-flat as well as normal display tubes. STMicroelectronics Confidential 27/62 Vertical Section AN1290 In the TDA9112A only, the S and C corrections are very different (see description below). Figure 9: C Correction Circuit Io-I'o k(Io-I'o) 3.5V 22 Co I²C 5.1.7 c u d Output Stage and Vertical Shift ) s t( o r P The vertical sawtooth undergoes certain modifications before reaching the vertical output on pin 23: To begin with, a high-impedance voltage follower transmits the signal without disturbing the oscillator. e t le Considering the oscillator, the exponential shape of discharge waveform is ideal for detecting the end-of-discharge threshold because its slope is not too steep. Nevertheless, the following stages have different requirements: o s b O - ● a steep edge is needed on vertical booster input in order to safely trigger the flyback, ● the vertical sawtooth is also used to generate the E/W correction waveforms. If no precautions were taken, an E/W parabola would be generated during the oscillator discharge period. It would cause a fast transient at the beginning of the next vertical scanning and disturb the top of the screen. ) s ( ct u d o r P e For these reasons and before transmission to the following stages, the exponential discharge waveform is removed from vertical sawtooth and replaced by a steep edge. The signal is then maintained at a constant value until the rising of the positive slope as shown in Figure 10. t e l o After this operation, the signal is sent to a variable gain amplifier with a typical adjustment range of 4.4dB. The signal with adjustable amplitude is sent to pin 23 for vertical scanning and to the geometry control stages. s b O The mean value of the sawtooth on pin 23 is 3.5V. In order to allow vertical position adjustments, it can be offset by ±0.3V through I²C bus (Register 08). Obviously, this only can work if the booster inputs and output are DC coupled. In the section referring to “Geometry corrections”, we will examine how this is used for geometry tracking. For details on coupling to Booster, see Application Hints below. The TDA9112A offers more sophisticated settings. 28/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Vertical Section Figure 10: Vertical Waveform Waveform on pin 22 Waveform for following stages 5.1.8 c u d Vertical Signal Management in the TDA9112A e t le ) s t( o r P The block diagram of the vertical signal has been greatly modified in the TDA9112A in order to obtain the following improvements: o s b O - ● “Tracking” of S and C linearity corrections: linearity of the display will remain unaffected when changing V size and position; ● Perfect fit of S correction to all tube types; ● No influence of linearity corrections on the E/W corrections; ● Adaptation to various tubes by I²C only. ) s ( ct u d o The block diagram is represented in Figure 11. The signal from ramp generator, modified for the suppression of parasitic E/W parabola, is first sent to a variable gain amplifier (for vertical amplitude setting), then a variable offset is added for vertical position control. r P e t e l o The resulting Vramp is used to generate the S and C correction signals, and, further, the E/W corrections. Since the corrections depend only on the present value of the ramp (i.e. on the present value of scanning current), they will remain fixed on the screen while amplitude and position are adjusted. This is the “tracking” feature. s b O Adjusting S compensation will not influence the display amplitude if the amplitude setting is medium, for other settings there will be some influence. STMicroelectronics Confidential 29/62 Vertical Section AN1290 In the next stage, the ramp and the S and C corrections are added, then a variable gain is applied together with EHT compensation, which has its own sensitivity setting. A second offset voltage and the Moire compensation are added, and a buffer transmits the signal to the output on pin 23. Figure 11: Variable Gain and EHT Compensation x (Vramp)3 VMoire 22 SCOR ( )² 3.5V VSAG (Vramp)2 VSIZE VPOS Buffer 23 CCOR VPOF One-quadrant variable gain VCoGain To E/W corrections Two-quadrant variable gain 4V e t le c u d 18 ) s t( o r P Notice that this section does not have the “tracking” feature. Adjusting amplitude with “After Gain” VSAG (1D), or position VPOF (1E), linearity as well as E/W will not follow, and the display aspect will be changed. Therefore, the correct adjustment process is as follows: o s b O - ● Set VPOS to medium value, VSIZE to medium value or the preset value found convenient for end-user commodity; ● Set VSAG and VPOF for the raster to fill in the screen conveniently (for instance, if several tube types are used with same chassis, the settings will be different depending on tube type); set linearity and E/W corrections. ) s ( ct u d o The aim is that the center of the sawtooth (different from center of video!) correspond to the center of the screen and end of the sawtooth to bottom of the screen. At top of the screen there should be a black stripe corresponding to video blanking! ● r P e t e l o From that moment, to preserve good linearity and geometry, use only VPOS and VSIZE for final adjustments (including for the various VGA modes). s b O 5.1.9 ON/OFF Function A condition that disables H output (namely supplying less than 8.5 V when ramping up or supplying less than 6.5 V when ramping down) will also disable the V output. Thresholds are 8 V and 6.8 V for the TDA9112A. With a normal supply, the Disable and Enable functions can also be obtained by I²C programming (Sad17h/d1). 5.1.10 V Lock/Unlock The “Vertical Lock/Unlock” data is available through the I²C bus in Read mode. Strictly speaking and as already explained, the vertical oscillator immediately locks with the incoming frequency; what requires a delay is the establishment of the correct amplitude. Vertical locking is indicated as completed when the peak amplitude is within ±50 mV of the assigned 5 V voltage. 30/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Vertical Section 5.1.11 V Moire Depending on the definition mode, vertical amplitude etc., the vertical line step may be very close to the tube vertical pitch. This will create an array of interference fringes, just as for the Horizontal section, and a succession of more or less horizontal stripes, successively brighter and darker. “Vertical Moire causes horizontal stripes” (which may be strongly distorted). This unpleasant aspect will disappear if every other frame is slightly vertically shifted. The total shift must be approximately 1/2 line step. This very small quantity must be set by the user because it depends on the mode and the amplitude settings. If the V-Moire control of the TDA9112 is activated, every other frame will be vertically shifted by an amount that can be set through I²C bus (0Bh), allowing V-Moire cancellation. 5.1.12 Vertical Breathing Function (EHT Compensation) In electron tube displays, and especially in monitors, the display amplitude tends to increase when beam current increases. This effect is mostly noticeable when there is a common stage for EHT and scanning, it depends on how the feedback voltage is performed: ● EHT may be directly regulated (through a special bleeder inside the EHT transformer). In this case, when the beam current increases, B+ has to increase to provide the beam energy, and consequently H width will increase. On the other hand, display height will have an almost negligible variation. ● Another possibility is to regulate the peak voltage on a secondary of the EHT transformer. In this case, because of the internal impedance of the EHT generator, EHT will decrease when beam current increases. This, in turn, increases the scanning efficiency and the display dimensions (both horizontal and vertical). c u d e t le ) s t( o r P In all cases, for a same scanning current, display amplitude will increase almost proportionally to the beam current increase. On the Vertical components, the effect is much more visible in the second case than in the first one. It has been named “breathing” because the whole display seems to inflate or deflate. o s b O - Since the beam current data is normally available from the Automatic Beam Limiter (ABL), it may be used to compensate the size (vertical and horizontal, as needed). Alternatively, the variation of EHT (available through the bleeder) may be used for the same purpose: a description of this system will be provided later. ) s ( ct u d o Here we describe the Vertical compensation. A similar system is available for Horizontal (See Geometry and Focus control). r P e t e l o 5.1.13 Implementing the Breathing Function In a multi-frequency monitor, there is no direct way to change the V sawtooth amplitude by a constant amount at various frequencies. In the TDA9112 family, pin 18 has been designed for this purpose (Figure 12). s b O Usually, in order to make the beam current data available, the low end of the EHT winding of the flyback transformer is connected, not to Ground, but to a constant voltage (5V or 12V) through a resistor. When the beam current increases, the voltage drop across the resistor increases, and the voltage on the connection point goes down. Normally, this point is filtered to GND, and its voltage is representative of the mean beam current. In the TDA9112, applying a more negative voltage on pin 18 will cause the amplitude of the vertical sawtooth to decrease. This way, the breathing effect may be compensated if a proper fraction of the ABL voltage variation is applied to pin 18. The “breathing” input is active below 8V (like other characteristic voltages in the data sheet, this value is derived from the internal voltage reference and has the same spread) and should not be STMicroelectronics Confidential 31/62 Vertical Section AN1290 driven lower than 1V. In this area, decreasing the voltage by 1V will cause a 2.5% decrease of the vertical sawtooth amplitude, which normally should be more than enough for compensation. A resistive network should be introduced between ABL point and pin 18, with a twofold purpose: ● set the bias voltage in the active area between 1 and 8V, ● apply to pin 18 the ABL voltage variations with convenient attenuation. The simplest schematic diagram (but sufficient in most cases) is represented in Figure 12. Since Pin 18 has a very high input impedance, the attenuation of ABL voltage variations is set by the resistive divider (R2 with the parallel combination of R3 and R4). In this case, gain is equal to: R3 || R4 ---------------------------------------R2 + ( R3 || R4 ) Since the voltage variation on pin 18 is in the range of 1V, the bias of pin 18 mainly depends on the R3/R4 ratio and on the voltage reference (you can use the one on pin 13, or any other stable and well filtered reference). Choose R3 and R4 to bias pin 18 in the active range, then adjust R2 for optimal breathing compensation. Manage to have R2 much higher than R1, in order not to disturb ABL operation: for that purpose you can multiply R2, R3 and R4 by a same factor without affecting compensation. Finally, verify that pin 18 will always remain in the active range between 1 and 8V. Figure 12: Principle of Breathing Compensation EHT R1 ) s ( ct C1 EHT Transformer u d o e t le DC 5...12V b O - so To ABL C2 R6 o r P c u d R3 ) s t( Vref TDA9112 Breathing R2 R5 R4 r P e t e l o Here the ABL voltage appears at the common point of R1 and C1, the time constant for ABL is R1 x C1. Other circuitry, like C2, R6, may be added to improve transient operation. s b O Usually, the optimal compensation amount is not constant in relation to the H frequency. For instance, if less compensation is needed above a certain frequency, switch S may connect an extra resistor R5 in parallel to R4. As a result, the gain and bias voltage will be reduced in the same ratio. After R2, R3 and R4 have been tuned for low-frequency compensation, set the value of R5 for proper compensation in the high frequency range. Because R5 decreases not only the gain, but also the amplitude, you will have to compensate by increasing the Vertical Amplitude setting. Check that pin 18 always remains higher than 1V; for that purpose, it is advisable to set the initial bias (R3/R4)xVref to approximately 8V. Switch S may be a transistor or a diode, controlled by the MCU. The control of pin 17 for H breathing is similar, but may require a different value of gain and time constants. Voltage variations on pin 17 may be as high as 2V, check that they remain in the range between 1 and 8V! 32/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Vertical Section 5.1.14 Breathing Functions in the TDA9112A In the TDA9112A, the “gain” of each breathing compensation channel (H and V) may be adjusted through I²C parameters HEHTG and VEHTG (Registers 1B and 1C). The optimization of breathing compensation is made much easier, since the MCU is able to program the “gain” for each frequency or frequency range. The gain span is four times higher than the fixed gain of the TDA9112 family: twice the previous gain with the same sign, and as much with the opposite sign. (The interest of the opposite sign is when most of the compensation is done inside the EHT transformer itself, the residue may have any sign, and still the TDA9112A is able to perform fine tuning). Two separate inputs (pin 17 for horizontal, pin 18 for vertical) have been retained for the sake of pin compatibility. You can connect them together and use a single biasing network if distinct time constants are not needed for the V and H sections. Nevertheless, biasing should be modified, since the active range is now between 1 and 6 V. The neutral point is 4 V (when input is at 4 V, changing the gain does not modify the amplitude). For instance you can establish the resistive network to obtain 4 V for black display, then adjust the gain only once to compensate the breathing with the white display. Even if the 4 V bias is not accurate, the number of necessary adjustment trials and errors will be minimized. ) s t( Make sure the 6 V threshold (including spread) is never exceeded! You can see in Figure 13 that the effect would be unacceptable. (The behavior of H breathing is similar). c u d Figure 13: V Breathing Transfer Characteristics e t le 0 ) s ( ct u d o r P e 1 TDA9112 Family 8 V18 0 1 Undefined area 1 t e l o 5.2 o s b O Undefined area 1 Relative V Amp Undefined area Relative V Amp o r P 4 6 V18 TDA9112A s b O 5.2.1 Application Hints Coupling to Booster We will examine a DC-coupled, double-supply voltage application, used for the DC control of the vertical position (Figure 14). The booster is one IC from the TDA8172 family, which also includes the TDA 8177 or -F, STV 9379A or -FA and the STV 9302A. For calculation, the IC is considered as an op-amp. (This means that voltages on pins 1 and 7 always remain equal because of feedback). STMicroelectronics Confidential 33/62 Vertical Section AN1290 A first design constraint is centering: no current should flow in R4 when the voltage on pin 23 corresponds to the middle of sawtooth and when Vertical position setting is in middle position (i.e. V = Vmid = 3.5V on pin 23). This easily provides the condition: R2 R5 V 13 ⋅ -------------------------------------------------- = V mid ⋅ ---------------------R 40a + R 40b + R 2 R1 + R5 or, R +R 8 R1 4.5 40a 40b ------------------------------------ = -------- + -------- ⋅ ------R2 3.5 3.5 R 5 (Rf is negligible) A second condition is that peak-peak current in Rf is controlled by peak-peak voltage on pin 23: R V 23pp 4 ------------------ = I ⋅ ------pp R5 R1 or, R5 I pp ⋅ R 4 ------- = --------------------R V 1 23pp c u d ) s t( o r P where V23pp varies between 2 and 4V, depending on the Vertical Amplitude setting. In practice, R4 is between 0.5 and 1Ω, this sets the value of R5/R1. The value of (R40a+R40b)/R2 follows. Select the resistors other than R4 in the range of 10kΩ, to respect the maximum current limit out of pins 13 and 23. (As a compensation for increased output range, this limitation is more stringent with the TDA9112A!) e t le o s b O - The evaluation board incorporates the following values which are considered typical: R1 = 12kΩ, R5 = R2 = 5.6kΩ, R40a + R40b= 34.8kΩ, R4 = 1Ω ) s ( ct For all resistors except R4, preferably adopt 1% precision to have good centering. If centering is defective and compensated by offset control, linearity will suffer. 5.2.2 u d o Ripple Rejection r P e With an improper layout, the supply current of some other stage may create ripple between the local grounds and add parasites to the ramp signal. As a result, the scanning current may become distorted. For instance, let us consider the ground side of R4 as the reference and suppose that ripple affects the local ground of the TDA9112 (represented with a different symbol). The same ripple will affect pins 13 and 23. t e l o s b O To provide ripple rejection, the resistor from pin 13 to booster's positive input has been divided into R40a and R40b. If their common point is filtered to the local ground, the same ripple will affect it. Therefore a condition exists to apply the same ripple amount to both booster inputs and cancel its effect: the condition is: R 40b R1 -------------- = ------R2 R5 34/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Vertical Section Take care to connect R2 directly to R4, without any other intermediate connections (like supplies or filtering capacitors). Figure 14: Coupling to VBooster + Supply 13 R40b R40a 7 2 3 Scanning Processor R2 6 23 5 4 1 R1 7, 21, 27 Yoke c u d R5 - Supply e t le 5.2.3 Vertical Vibration o r P ) s t( R4 o s b O - In completed chassis, some designers have noticed a vertical vibration of the display, usually for precise (but not stable) settings of Horizontal position. ) s ( ct This is another effect of parasitic dI/dt's, as already mentioned in the paragraph about jitter improvement. u d o Considering the discharge phase of the V oscillator capacitor, the capacitor discharge is triggered by the pulse, and it stops when the capacitor voltage reaches the 2V lower threshold. It may happen that the strong dI/dt from a switching circuit, located near the TDA9112, induces parasitic voltages in the loop constituted by the oscillator capacitor, the IC and their connecting tracks. In most cases, these voltages, which appear in series to the capacitor, will have the shape of very short pulses at horizontal frequency. If one of these pulses is negative and takes place just before the lower threshold switching, it may trigger an early end of the discharge and will result in vertical vibration (see Figure 15). r P e t e l o s b O STMicroelectronics Confidential 35/62 Vertical Section AN1290 Since the discharge time has some spread, and since the parasitic frequency may be any of the horizontal frequencies in the range, there is no hope to choose such capacitor, to avoid coincidence between the parasitic pulses and the critical point. The only way is: ● to give minimal area to the receiving loop “capacitor/IC”, ● to maintain minimal area and maximum distance for the loop which emits parasitic voltages. Figure 15: Vertical Vibration 70µs > < ~5V Ramp with early switching Early switching 2V Vsync 5.2.4 c u d Normal ramp e t le Leakage on Cs ) s t( o r P o s b O - Considering again the schematic of the AGC system and supposing that Cs has some leakage current Il, the charges lost all along period T must be compensated during the sampling time t, through Rs: ) s ( ct u d o I l × T ∆V × t A ∆V s = ------------- = --------------------C R s × Cs s where VA is the voltage on Rs (provided by the amplifier with gain A = (R1 + R2) / R1. r P e If Vp is the peak sawtooth voltage, we have ∆VA = Ax∆Vp, and combining the two equations: t e l o s b O T Rs ∆V = I × --- × ------p l t A For instance, at 50 Hz, a 1% variation of output amplitude will result if Il = 80 nA For that reason, it is recommended to use a good quality film capacitor (rather than an electrolytic) as sampling capacitor. 36/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Geometry and Focus Control Section 6 Geometry and Focus Control Section 6.1 Theory of Operation The input signal for this entire section (Figure 16) is the vertical sawtooth voltage, i.e. the difference between the V23 (buffered) voltage and the internal 3.5V voltage reference, multiplied by an amplitude factor and added to a shift factor. The way this structure allows full tracking of the display versus amplitude and position settings will be examined later. Multipliers convert this linear waveform into parabolic and 4th order waveforms. Then, several variable gain amplifiers build up various combinations of these waveforms. During oscillator discharge, the sawtooth on pin 23 immediately assumes the value corresponding to the beginning of the next scanning, and so also do all waveforms deriving from it. This way, the waveforms corresponding to discharge (the so-called “parasitic parabola” and the like) will have a very short duration, and the corresponding transient, which otherwise would cause visible effects in the upper part of the screen, will benefit from a maximum damping time. 6.1.1 Geometry Corrections through E/W (PCC) Output ) s t( Pin 24 provides a signal for all corrections affecting the horizontal amplitude of the display: c u d ● Horizontal size with EHT compensation, ● E/W (Pincushion) correction (a parabola at V frequency with upwards concavity ∪), ● Keystone (or Trapezoid) (a sawtooth with positive or negative slope), ● Symmetric Corner (not in the TDA9115): a 4th degree parabola, positive or negative, which will affect the corners of the display much more than the medium area. The Corner correction may be adjusted independently at top and bottom of the display. e t le o r P o s b O - The TDA9112A provides additional features (not represented on the block-diagram): ● The sensitivity (and sign) of EHT compensation may be adjusted through I²C programming (Register 1C) ● Two more signals are provided for symmetrical E/W correction. Both leave amplitude unmodified at top, middle and bottom. S correction can inflate level 1/4 and deflate level 3/4, or the reverse; W correction can inflate levels 1/4 and 3/4, or deflate both (Registers 19 and 1A). ) s ( ct u d o In monitors provided with separate scanning and EHV, the E/W signal should modulate the B+ of scanning, in those with a combined structure, it should be sent to an inverting amplifier controlling the diode modulator. r P e t e l o The structure of pin 24 is NPN Emitter follower. It should be loaded by 10kΩ (minimum) pull-down. (the TDA9112A has internal pull-down). s b O All correction waveforms (including the DC for HSize) are stacked above a plateau equal to 2V. This voltage is stable with temperature to allow DC coupling (mandatory if using amplitude adjustment). Of course, all these corrections are to be set through I²C (Registers 0C to 10). The maximum ranges are as follows (value is for maximum H frequency if frequency tracking selected): ● H Size: 2.5V range, ● EHT compensation: 0.5V range, ● Pincushion: 0 to 1.5V for minimum HSize voltage, maximum VSize and medium VPos, ● Keystone: ±0.5V for minimum HSize voltage, maximum VSize and medium VPos, ● Symmetric Corner: ±1.5V for minimum HSize voltage, maximum VSize and medium VPos. STMicroelectronics Confidential 37/62 Geometry and Focus Control Section AN1290 The designer is responsible in deciding how much the total voltage will affect the B+ or the diode modulator voltage. Nevertheless, the various corrections will always remain in the same ratio to each other. For information, the design goal is that total HSize variation corresponding to the total variation of DC component be ±17% of medium size. Figure 16: Geometry and Focus (TDA9112) ( )² H Focus/Brightness Amplitude 3.35V Horizontal Ramp 11 Dynamic Focus/Brightness 32 Dynamic Focus V Focus/Brightness Amplitude V Focus Amplitude c u d ( )² E/W Amp e t le HAmpl o s b O - H EHV Comp Top Bottom Symmetric Corner (s) t c u d o r P e Keystone 24 E/W out s b O Vdc 23 Side pincushion Bottom Top Asymmetric Corner One-quadrant gain control Two-quadrant gain control 38/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential HAmpl (V9)/5 or 1 t e l o Vertical Ramp with amplitude control o r P Parallelogram Side Pin Bal. Out To Horizontal Phase ) s t( AN1290 6.1.2 Geometry and Focus Control Section Tracking with Horizontal Size Since pincushion distortion increases with the distance from the centre, it is a natural requirement that E/W correction increase with HSize. For that purpose, the amplitude of all corrections should decrease when the DC component (HSize) increases. Because the IC is not informed, either of the true value of B+ or of the amount of compensation required, it was only possible to specify a typical compensation: the Pincushion, symmetrical Corner and Keystone corrections will increase by 34% when HSize is driven from minimum size to maximum size (DC component passing from 2.5V to 0V). With the TDA9112A, the H-amplitude tracking may be disabled through I²C programming (Sad1Fh/d4). 6.1.3 Tracking with Horizontal Frequency In monitors provided with a “separate” structure (H scanning separated from EHV), H size is regulated by a feedback loop which maintains constant the amplitude of the H flyback pulse versus frequency. In this system, just injecting the signal from pin 24 into the feedback loop will provide adjustments independent of frequency. ) s t( On the other side, in monitors provided with “common” H scanning and EHV, what is needed on the middle point of the diode modulator, is an adjustment voltage roughly proportional to frequency. c u d With the TDA9112 family, through I²C programming (Sad08h/d7) you can select corrections on pin 24 to be either constant or proportional to H frequency. In the latter case, the ranges indicated above are valid when V9 ≥ 5V (tracking is not pursued above 5V to avoid a saturation of the output). Under 5V they will remain proportional to V9/5. (Remember that V9 is proportional to H frequency). e t le o r P Þ The voltage on pin 24 corresponding to maximum amplitude (minimum HSize voltage, centre of the frame, 8V on pin 17) is always the 2V plateau. When Frequency tracking is selected (when using a diode modulator), the global E/W signal (including HSize, pincushion, Keystone, Corners, EHT compensation) has a span proportional to (V9/5), as already explained, above the 2V level. Therefore, the amplifier which controls the diode modulator must be referenced also to 2V. See Application Hints for a detailed analysis. 6.1.4 ) s ( ct o s b O - Geometry Corrections through HPhase Control u d o These corrections, which affect the H position - rather than the amplitude - of the horizontal lines, are obtained by modulating the assigned position of the H Flyback pulse (approximately a 4V level on H sawtooth; see PLL2 and Figure 2). Based on the ramp, parabolic and 4th order signals already mentioned in E/W section, the TDA9112 elaborates an internal modulation signal to obtain: r P e t e l o ● parallelogram correction ● side pin balance ● Asymmetric Corner (top / bottom independent) (Asymmetric Corner is also available on the TDA9112A, but not on the TDA9113, the TDA9115 or the TDA9116) s b O Of course, adjustment is made through I²C (Registers 11 to 14). ● 6.1.5 Horizontal position is adjusted through PLL1, as already mentioned (01). Tracking with Vertical The structure of the TDA9112 family has been established to allow full tracking of all geometry controls versus vertical position and amplitude adjustments. Referring to Section 5.2.1: Coupling to Booster, one can easily check that the vertical scanning current is proportional to V23-3.5V and that it is null if V23 = 3.5V (centre of the screen). STMicroelectronics Confidential 39/62 Geometry and Focus Control Section AN1290 All corrections (Pincushion, Corner (symmetric and asymmetric), Keystone, Parallelogram, Side pin balance) are also computed as functions of V23- 3.5V. This means that for a given point on the screen, constant corrections will correspond when changing vertical amplitude and position. Consequently, the outlook of the display vertical border will remain unchanged when modifying these adjustments. This is the “tracking with Vertical” function. In the TDA9112A, the “tracking” feature also applies to S and C corrections of the vertical sawtooth. 6.1.6 Dynamic Corrections The TDA9112 provides the following dynamic corrections (e.g. Focus and/or Brightness): ● On pin 11 a composite waveform HVDyCor for Dynamic Focus or Dynamic Brightness compensation. It corresponds to the sum of two parabolic waveforms with upwards concavity ∪, one at vertical frequency, one at horizontal frequency. Through I²C, you can adjust both amplitudes (V Focus (Register 06) can be set to 0, but not H Focus (Register 04)) as well as the symmetry of H parabola (Register 05). ● On pin 32, a parabolic waveform at vertical VDyCor frequency, with selectable polarity through I²C programming (Register 15). This flexible architecture allows various combinations, like: ● separate V Focus (positive or negative) and H Focus, ● composite Focus, ● V Focus (positive or negative) and composite Dynamic Brightness. c u d ) s t( o r P The TDA9113 has only a Horizontal parabola on pin 11; TDA9115 and TDA9116 provide only the vertical parabola on pin 32, while pin 11 is devoted to Breathing compensation. e t le The TDA9112A provides all the features of the TDA9112 and, in addition to these features, on pin 11: ● ● 6.1.7 o s b O - Both signal polarities may be selected (1Fd1): either upwards concavity ∪ of the composite waveform with the apex at 2.1V, or downwards concavity ∩ with the apex at 7V; In order to best comply with the focus requirements of modern flat screens, the shape of the H “parabola” may be continuously varied through a 7-bit I²C register (Register 18), from true parabola (power index 2) to power index 4, while its amplitude remains basically unaffected. ) s ( ct u d o Horizontal Dynamic Focus/Brightness r P e The Horizontal Dynamic Focus/Brightness features are available on the HVDyCor pin (pin 11). In order to provide a parabolic voltage synchronous with the Horizontal components, a synchronous sawtooth voltage is first internally generated with a current source that charges a capacitor. An internal AGC system maintains a constant amplitude of the sawtooth. t e l o s b O The capacitor discharge takes place inside flyback, through a 500Ω resistor, which leads to small but not negligible discharge time of 500 ns (typical). The ramp voltage (referenced to its mean value) is then squared to finally provide on pin 11 a parabolic voltage with upwards concavity ∪ and an amplitude between 1V and 3.5V which is adjustable through I²C programming (Register 04). Usually, the amplitude of the HFocus parabola should increase when the HSize increases. For this purpose, you can select the “Amplitude Tracking” feature through I²C programming (Sad04h/d7). Because the parabola is obtained by squaring an internal sawtooth, its amplitude will vary to the squared value of the amplitude setting. 40/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Geometry and Focus Control Section During the discharge period, the level of the H Focus signal is maintained to the value corresponding to the beginning of the next scanning period. This allows a maximum amount of time for the damping of the transients which appear during flyback. At first glance, the HFocus parabola should be symmetric in comparison with the middle of the displays. Nevertheless, the Dynamic Focus amplifier is normally a Class A amplifier with a highvalue resistive load, and the effect of the parasitic capacitance shunting the load, if not compensated in the input circuitry, may be approximated by a constant delay. This delay may be roughly compensated if the HFocus parabola is shifted in advance, taking an unsymmetrical outlook. The TDA9112 offers two ways to implement this phase shift: ● First, you can choose, through I²C programming, the point where sawtooth discharge begins: either the start or the middle of flyback (Sad05h/d7). ● Second, you can program through I²C (Register 05) the dissymmetry of the parabola, i.e. manage to shift its minimum forward or backward by ±22% of H period. Of course, if you are seeking constant time advance, the phase setting will have to be frequency-dependent. In the TDA9112A, the available output range for H “parabola” has been improved as follows: ) s t( Usually the “parabola” is shifted in advance to compensate for the delay in the external class-A amplifier, this means that maximum amplitude will be reached at the end of H period, which entails two drawbacks: c u d ● high dynamic range is needed (and the more so because the TDA9112A allows a “parabola” with degree higher than 2), ● a high-amplitude transient must take place to reach the low amplitude at beginning of next period. e t le o r P This is a waste when it takes place during flyback, i.e. while video is blanked. For this reason, the TDA9112A has an I²C bit (Sad1Fh/d0) that pulls down the H signal ahead of normal time, i.e. as soon as flyback begins. This means that the flat signal at beginning of the H period may be extended to begin with flyback. 6.1.8 ) s ( ct Vertical Dynamic Focus/Brightness o s b O - A parabola at Vertical frequency is built up from the Vertical sawtooth, as already indicated. It has the same polarity as the Horizontal parabola, a programmable amplitude from 0 to 1V (for typical VAmp and VPos values) and it will track VAmp and VPos signals. u d o r P e The sum of H and V parabolas is available on the HVDyCor pin (pin 11). The apex value is temperature-stable to allow DC coupling to the focus amplifier. The structure is emitter-follower (requires a 10kΩ pull-down resistor for the TDA9112 family; pull-down is internal on the TDA9112A). t e l o s b O 6.1.9 Vertical Dynamic Focus In addition to the previous output, a separate VFocus output is available on the VDyCor pin (pin 32). It also has the tracking feature versus VAmp and VPos values. Its amplitude is programmable through I²C (Register 15) from 0 to 1V (VAmp and VPos typ); polarity is also programmable (Sad15h/d7). The plateau level is 4V. The structure is NPN Emitter-follower, a 10kΩ pull-down resistor is necessary (except for the TDA9112A). STMicroelectronics Confidential 41/62 Geometry and Focus Control Section 6.2 Application Hints 6.2.1 E/W Output Stage AN1290 An output inverting amplifier has been designed to ensure the interface with an E/W diode modulator (see Figure 17). Figure 17: E/W Amplifier Vs=12V 15 470k 17 To sub-HSize DAC 19 38 Vd 24 Vi To diode modulator 220p 33 TIP 122 9 c u d 18 Here are some explanations on its design. e t le ) s t( o r P o s b O - This is a simplified power op-amp with high, sink-only current capability. Design data: R15 = 1kΩ, R9 = 470Ω, R38 = 2.2Ω (negligible) ) s ( ct If Vi is the input voltage and since we have an op-amp, the following relation holds: u d o r P e or, t e l o Vi æ V d – V i V s – V iö ç ------------------- + ------------------÷ = ----------R è R 19 17 ø R 18 V V d s 1 1 1 ö -------------------- = V × æ ---------– + ---------+ ---------i è ø R 19 R 17 R R R 19 17 18 s b O On pin 24, a parabolic voltage with minimum value approximately 2V is available. The peak value is approximately 8.5V with VAmp, Breathing, Pincushion, Keystone and Corner corrections set to their maximum value. We must choose the various resistors so that the output voltage will be approximately 0V when the input is 2V, and will be at the maximum value when the input is 8.5V. The maximum output is estimated at 40V for the maximum frequency (to be compared with approximately 200V of B+); less is needed at lower frequencies. The output must be able to go down to near ground when Vi = 2V, therefore: V ö æ 1 s 1 1 0 = ç V i × æ ----------- + ----------- + -----------ö – -----------÷ è ø R R R R è 19 17ø 17 18 42/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 Geometry and Focus Control Section or, V 1 1 1 ------s- = R ⋅ æ ---------- ----------- -----------ö 17 è R + R + R ø 2 19 17 18 The output must go to 40 V when input is 8.5 V, therefore: V 40 1 1 1 s ----------- = 8.5 × æ ----------- + ----------- + -----------ö – ----------è ø R 19 R 19 R 17 R 18 R 17 Combining both equations: Vs Vs 40 ----------- = 8.5 × ------------------- – ----------R 19 2 ⋅ R 17 R 17 or, 8.5 -------8.5 -------- – 1 R 17 2 ----------- = V ⋅ ------------------ = 0.975 S R 40 19 Returning to first equation: c u d Vs R 17 R 17 R 17 1 1 1 ------- = R ⋅ æ ----------- + ----------- + -----------ö = 1 + ----------- + ----------- = 1 + ----------- + 0.975 17 è R ø 2 R 18 R 19 R 18 19 R 17 R 18 We determine: R 17 ----------- = 4.025 R 18 e t le ) s t( o r P o s b O - Now we must choose the value of one resistor out of R17, R18 and R19, the others follow: Choosing R17 = 270 kΩ entails R18 = 68 kΩ, R19 = 270 kΩ (nearest normalized values). ) s ( ct ÞPlease notice that the R17/R18 divider applies a bias voltage of 2.4 V to the feedback input, which is slightly higher than the “plateau” voltage which corresponds to the maximum H-amplitude. u d o r P e R 18 12 ⋅ ---------------------------- = 2.4V R 17 + R 18 This is mandatory to ensure that the amplifier output voltage will be approximately 0 regardless of the frequency when the H-size is set for maximum amplitude. t e l o ÞSince this bias voltage and the voltage from the IC derive from different sources, there may exist some offset between these voltages. This offset might be non-negligible compared to the total E/W voltage from IC (mainly at a low H frequency, when frequency tracking is used). As a consequence, it might be impossible to properly adjust the horizontal amplitude at a low frequency. A convenient countermeasure is to implement a bias adjustment (sub-HSize) with a DAC and a resistor (470kΩ should be convenient). The adjustment is shown in Figure 17. s b O ÞTake care to provide a pull-down resistor to always keep the output transistor conductive on pin 24! (Not needed with the TDA9112A) ÞYou will find on the ST Evaluation Board a similar application; except that the signal from pin 24 to the input passes through an attenuator (R34 constitutes a resistive divider with R33//R37). The loss in gain has been more than compensated by increasing the value of R19. This leads to a set of values (to be adapted to specific applications): R34 = 1 kΩ, R33 = 4.7 kΩ, R37 = 27 kΩ, R17 = 270 kΩ, R18 = 39 kΩ, R19 = 270 kΩ STMicroelectronics Confidential 43/62 DC/DC Converter Section AN1290 7 DC/DC Converter Section 7.1 Structure of the DC/DC Converter and B+ Loop 7.1.1 Structure of the Converter Section The DC/DC converter section has a basic structure very similar to the well-known UC 3842 family, i.e. current-mode PWM converters. (You can refer to the corresponding datasheet). It includes: ● An oscillator to switch the power MOS transistor ON. In fact the horizontal oscillator is used for this purpose, ensuring correct synchronization. Triggering can take place at various points of the period selected through I²C programming (Sad07h/d7 and Sad17h/d3), in order to minimize the disturbance by switching parasitic voltages. ● An error amplifier, which compares a fraction of the voltage to be regulated with an internal voltage reference, and amplifies the difference. The internal reference is approximately 4.8 V (rather than 2.5V as in UC 3842). It may be adjusted by ±20% through I²C (Register 03), except on the TDA9115. ) s t( ● An (Isense) pin (pin 16) which measures the current in the switch, or rather the voltage drop on a low-valued series current-sense resistor ● A comparator to switch OFF the power transistor when (Isense) voltage reaches a fixed fraction (1/3) of the amplified error voltage. For safety, switching OFF will take place anyway if the voltage on the Isense pin reaches 2V. With the TDA9112A, you can choose by I²C programming (Sad01Fh/d7) between 2V and 1.2V for switching OFF. (1.2V is best suited for normal applications, 2V for open-loop converters.) c u d e t le o r P The duty factor is not limited and can almost reach 100%. (Nevertheless, after switching OFF, the power MOS transistor will remain OFF for approximately 300 ns.) o s b O - Compared to older circuits like the TDA9111, the DC/DC section has been slightly modified to allow new applications, like Open-loop control. 7.1.2 ) s ( ct External or Internal Sawtooth Configuration The above description corresponds to the Current mode, step-up configuration (or to the related configuration: Current mode, Step-down) and makes use of the external sawtooth of pin 16. u d o r P e It has distinctive advantages: ● very simple control of the power MOS transistor, ● pulse-by-pulse current limitation, ● loop stability is easily guaranteed because the converter itself has a first-order frequency response (as long as operation is in discontinuous conduction mode, i.e. current in the rectifier falls to 0 at each period), ● parasitic voltages generated only at switch-OFF (in discontinuous mode). t e l o s b O On the other hand, remembering that switching is synchronized to the Horizontal section (i.e. a complete cycle must take place within one H period), a large frequency range may be obtained only at the expense of higher peak current. This means a larger power MOS transistor. With the same circuit, it is also possible to implement a step-down, continuous conduction converter. In this case, a high-side switch is used. Continuous conduction converters are generally not current-mode, but voltage-mode. The error amplifier output is no longer compared to an image of the current, but to any sawtooth. 44/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 DC/DC Converter Section The step-down, continuous conduction converter does not have the advantages of a step-up configuration, but it is easily adapted to a large frequency range, since the ratio of the regulated to unregulated voltage is just equal to the duty factor. Nevertheless, the slow frequency response of the step-down voltage mode makes it ill-adapted to direct modulation by the E/W signal. It may be used with a diode modulator for E/W. When a voltage-mode structure is adopted, “Isense” input becomes useless. In the TDA9112 only, (I sense) pin (pin 16) is used for programming: 7.1.3 ● When its voltage is below 6V, it has a standard operation (Isense), ● When it is higher than 6V (for instance, connecting pins 16 and 13 together), the internal HFocus sawtooth is automatically used for the comparison in place of the Isense pin. B+ Output Polarity In step-up configuration, with a low-side N-type switch, a positive pulse applied on the gate entails conduction. The duration of the positive pulse is modulated according to the power requirements. In step-down, two kinds of high-side switches may be used: ● either a N-type: in this case the same control pulse is needed, but referenced to the floating MOS source; it will be transmitted through a transformer for isolation purposes, ● or a P-type: in this case, direct capacitive coupling of the gate to B+ pulse is possible, which eliminates the need for a coupling transformer. Still, a negative-going pulse is needed to make the MOS conductive. c u d ) s t( o r P For that reason, B+ output pulse polarity may be programmed through I²C (Sad06h/d7). e t le Of course, the converter Disable function will function regardless of the polarity, i.e. it will either force output to LOW state if polarity is positive or to HIGH if the polarity is negative. 7.1.4 Soft-start o s b O - When switching the supply ON, or whenever quitting the Disable state, the duty factor of BOut will increase progressively until its normal value is reached. The soft-start controller is the same as for HDuty, based on the charge of the HPos capacitor. No extra component is needed. The value of the HPos capacitor sets the soft-start time constant. ) s ( ct u d o From the moment the soft-start is triggered, with 0V on HPos capacitor: r P e ● nothing happens until the voltage reaches 1V; ● then HDuty progressively decreases from 85% to 65%, with B+ still OFF, until the HPos voltage is 1.7V; ● then B+ duty factor begins to increase (starting from 0); both duty factors continue to change until they reach their programmed value. t e l o s b O When the HPos voltage reaches 2.8V, both duty factors are normal. The HPos voltage still has to reach its steady-state value. Þ By the way, it is still possible to implement a soft-start circuit with external components, as with the TDA9111. Þ The Soft-Start feature is not active in the Internal sawtooth configuration. Þ The TDA9112A only has a special I²C instruction (Sad1Fh/d6) to enable/disable B+ alone, it is fitted with its own independent soft-start (with internal time constant) and no soft-stop. STMicroelectronics Confidential 45/62 DC/DC Converter Section 7.1.5 AN1290 Selecting the Trigger Timing In Internal sawtooth configuration, since the HFocus sawtooth is used for comparison purpose, conduction of the power MOS transistor is triggered at the same time as the sawtooth, i.e. inside the flyback pulse (See Section 6.1.7: Horizontal Dynamic Focus/Brightness for more details). In External sawtooth mode, depending on the architecture (details below) it may be advantageous to select the proper trigger point. the TDA9112 family offers three possible trigger points which may be selected through I²C (Sad07h/d7 and Sad17h/d3): ● when HOut goes LOW in order to control the scanning transistor ON, ● When HOut goes High ● or just after the end of the flyback pulse. In order not to depend on the effective presence of the flyback pulse, conduction is triggered when the H sawtooth reaches a predetermined level. This level was calculated for the trigger to take place 2µS after the centre of flyback, at 80kHz. With all normal yokes, the delay is sufficient for retrace completion. Since this delay is a constant fraction of the H period, conduction will take place for a longer period of time after the flyback at lower frequencies. This is not critical since also a lower duty factor is needed at lower frequencies. ) s t( In addition, the TDA9112A only may provide a control signal at half H frequency (synchronized on the top of H sawtooth; control through I²C programming (Sad17h/d3). The purpose is to extend the frequency range of step-up converters beyond a ratio of three. However, an application has not yet been developed. 7.1.6 o r P Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-up, Current mode) e t le c u d The voltage to be sensed may come either of the following sources (Figure 18): ● from the EHV directly: in this case a resistive divider is made with a bleeder resistor (value approximately 500MΩ) from the EHV, and a fixed resistor (approximately 100kΩ) to ground. This provides a feedback voltage approximately 4.8V. ● or from a secondary of the scanning transformer. In this case, the peak value corresponding to the flyback voltage (usually between 30 and 50 V) is first rectified, then a resistive divider brings the feedback voltage down to the 4.8V level. The regulation loop includes: ● ● ) s ( ct o s b O - u d o a DC voltage source (Vdc = 40 to 60V), a converter inductor (L = 100 to 250µH, typ 150µH; the value of L is a critical design parameter), a power MOS switch and a storage capacitor (Cb) which stores the B+ value (Vb), r P e the H scanning stage with the Ly yoke biased through the primary of transformer T. If the scanning stage generates the EHV, T is the scanning transformer; if not, T is especially intended to provide a flyback pulse representative of the scanning amplitude. The pulse is rectified, then divided down to the 4.8V level by R1 and R2, t e l o s b O ● an error amplifier in the TDA9112, with external components to fix its frequency response, ● a current comparator and driver for the power MOS transistor. The following components, also represented, may be necessary: a filtering capacitor (10nF) between pin 15 and GND; a 1µs RC filter (1kΩ, 1nF) between Rs and pin 16, to reject parasitic spikes; a PNP/NPN push-pull buffer for faster drive of the gate. Ri has been represented just to remind that the gain of the op-amp depends on what resistor value is seen from pin 15 (that is, Ri + R1//R2). Select the positive pulse polarity. When selecting a trigger point, refer to Section 7.2: Application Hints. 46/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 DC/DC Converter Section Figure 18: Regulation Loop in Step-up H Scanning Transistor R1 Ly Cr R2 T Ri Vb Zfb: 14 26 15 29 L - Vo HOut 28 TMOS Q + FB Set 1/3 + 16 Vs uc Vref ) s t( Vi 10nF d o r - Reset P e let 1k Rs 7.1.7 Rc Rfb Cb Vdc Cfb 1nF o s b O - Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-down, Current Mode) ) s ( ct Operating in a similar way as in a step-up configuration, this architecture maximizes the time devoted to energy storage (Figure 19). Also, since the load time constant is minimal (no capacitor Cb), it is especially well suited to obtain E/W correction by modulation of the B+ value. u d o As for all step-downs, the unregulated voltage must be higher than the highest B+ value (approximately 200V). r P e To allow current measurement, all the components of the scanning stage (scanning transistor, retrace diode, retrace capacitor, S capacitors, and the foot of the driver transformer) should be referenced to the Isense resistor rather than to GND. t e l o s b O Here, the energy is entirely recovered during flyback, at a fast rate. The whole period of time between two flybacks may be devoted to storing energy in the coil. For that purpose and at high frequencies, conduction should be triggered just after the end of the flyback period and the BoutPh value should be selected accordingly. At lower frequencies you may choose to trigger with Hout down in order to avoid disturbance from parasitic voltages. Nevertheless, in this case, dissipation in the power MOS transistor will tend to increase because switching will take place with some current already present. To maintain an acceptable dissipation, switching must be fast. If an N-MOS transistor is used, a coupling transformer is necessary to control its gate. Output pulse polarity should be selected and take into account the transformer polarity so that the gate receives positive pulses. In the described solution a P-MOS transistor is used. Its gate is coupled to B+Out via a capacitor. This saves a coupling transformer and compensates the higher price of the P-MOS transistor. Select a negative polarity (adapted to the P-MOS transistor) for the output pulse. STMicroelectronics Confidential 47/62 DC/DC Converter Section AN1290 The capacitor value should be low enough not to switch the MOS transistor ON during a power switch-ON. A Zener diode protects the gate at this time. On the other side, the surge current will be sunk by one of the buffer transistors. To obtain E/W modulation, a current carrying the E/W data should be injected into pin 15. Choose the resistor value to obtain the correct amplitude. A DC current may have to be injected or sunk in order to obtain the proper B+ value. Figure 19: Regulation Loop in Step-down (Current mode, MOS type p) H Scanning Transistor R1 Ly Cr R2 T Ri Vb Zfb: Cfb Rc Vdc Rfb TMOS 14 29 Reset 28 16 1k Rs 7.1.8 1nF ) s ( ct Q - so uc + d o r P e let Set HOut + Vo Vref ) s t( 15 24 Vi 10nF FB b O - Structure of the Regulation Loop (Step-down, Voltage mode) u d o We will describe an implementation with an N-MOS transistor controlled through a transformer. Of course, it is also possible to control a P-MOS transistor just as in the previous paragraph. r P e In the TDA9112 only, connecting pin 16 to a voltage higher than 6V (for instance pin 13) automatically modifies the internal structure, allowing an application such as the one shown in Figure 20. t e l o s b O The DC voltage source is now in the 200V range (higher than the highest needed B+ value). A filtering cell [L- Cb] is not really necessary. Nevertheless, because of the poor frequency response of the voltage-mode loop, speed cannot be high. Consequently, this structure is not well suited to modulating the B+ converter using the E/W signal. It can be used together with a diode modulator. Choose the correct output polarity, taking into account the phase of the transformer, to apply convenient pulse polarity to the gate. The triggering point is automatically the starting point of the HFocus ramp, inside the flyback pulse. 48/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 DC/DC Converter Section Figure 20: Regulation Loop in Step-down, Voltage Mode (MOS type N) (TDA9112 only) H scanning transistor R1 Ly Cr R2 T TMOS Vdc Ri Vb Zfb: Cfb Rc Rfb 14 29 + - Q Vref Set uc 13 ) s t( 10nF d o r P e let 16 9 H Focus Capacitor 7.1.9 Vi - + Reset 28 15 Vo o s b O - Structure of the DC/DC Converter (Open Loop) ) s ( ct A scanning stage needs a B+ roughly proportional to the frequency (Figure 21). An easy way to provide this is by using a continuous conduction step-down converter; if conduction time is maintained constant, the duty factor will be proportional to frequency. The same applies to the output voltage. u d o Since there is no feedback to cope with variable beam current consumption, this architecture should be reserved for monitors with separate EHV and scanning. Also, fine tuning should be made with the HAmpl adjustment. r P e t e l o If the pulse duration is modulated by the E/W signal, the output voltage will be modulated accordingly. The DC current sunk by the E/W pin from pin 15 may be compensated for with a pull-up resistor to pin 15. s b O Minor changes from the TDA9111 DC/DC section make the TDA9112 able to provide a constantduration pulse, according to Figure 21. A P-MOS high-side switch has been represented (controlled through capacitor). As usual, an N-MOS with transformer coupling could also be used, with some adaptation of the monostable circuit. Since a flyback pulse is not required either for the EHV or for voltage feedback purposes, L is directly connected to the S capacitor. STMicroelectronics Confidential 49/62 DC/DC Converter Section AN1290 Figure 21: DC/DC converter in Step-down, Open loop, MOS type p Ly E/W Ri Zfb: Cfb Rc L Vdc TMOS Pull-up Vb Rfb 14 15 29 + Reset 28 + Vo - Q Set 16 Vi Vref HOut e t le c u d ) s t( o r P The monostable circuit can be implemented with a capacitor charged from a constant supply through a resistor. If the unregulated Vdc is used to feed the charge resistor, any ripple of Vdc, which would normally entail an equivalent ripple on B+, will be automatically compensated by a proportional variation of the conduction time (feed forward compensation). Discharge takes place through a small FET when B+Out goes HIGH, switching OFF the power MOS transistor. ) s ( ct o s b O - The pulse duration is set and modulated by the voltage on pin 14. Since there is no feedback, the phase rotation due to the output filter has no harmful consequences and E/W may be applied to pin 15. Nevertheless, the filter value should be kept low, so as not to distort the output waveform on fast transients. u d o r P 7.2 Application Hints e t e l o s b O 7.2.1 Parasites induced by DC/DC Converter (Timing Selection) When using the Step-down, Voltage mode configuration, there is no need to choose a timing, since the current flow will automatically begin simultaneously with the HFocus ramp, which is also used for comparison with the op-amp output. When using either Step-up or Step-down, current mode, at first glance, triggering after flyback should be convenient. Nevertheless, you have to consider that switching OFF the power MOS transistor will cause an intense parasitic voltage which may disturb some other events. Although there are techniques to reduce the parasitic voltage and the IC susceptibility, a more straightforward solution is to prevent the switching from coinciding with any critical event. The critical events are the front edge of the HSync signal, the edges of flyback pulses (all located in the vicinity of FB pulse), the front edge of the HOut signal (first half of H ramp) and the top and bottom of sawtooth. 50/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 DC/DC Converter Section Considering that the BOut control pulse will have constant duration (Open loop), or nearly constant (Current mode, Step-up or Step-down), you can choose to trigger conduction: ● at low frequency, with HOut down, ● at high frequency, after flyback, and obtain that the switching always takes place inside the first half of H positive ramp, which is the least critical period regarding parasitic voltage. In Step-up, Current mode, any timing is convenient; nevertheless, usually disturbances will be minimized when triggering with HOut up. 7.2.2 Frame-top Distortion related to Keystone Correction This distortion mainly appears in monitors with separated EHV and scanning (though it can also take place with diode modulators, in relation with the modulator amplifier). In the monitors of this category, E/W correction is obtained by modulating the value of the B+ scanning stage with a parabolic waveform. If there is no Keystone correction, the E/W waveform is continuous, and B+ scanning can easily follow. ) s t( But as soon as Keystone correction is introduced there appears a fast transition (positive or negative) between the end of a frame and the beginning of the next one as shown in Figure 22. To get the B+ scanning to follow this waveform, it would be necessary to charge or discharge at a very high rate the Cb capacitor which proves difficult because the available current is limited. c u d o r P Consequently, it is mandatory to maintain the Cb value as low as possible (possibly less than 1µF). A limiting factor of course is the increasing B+ ripple at the horizontal frequency. Regarding this aspect, the architectures that do not need Cb have a distinctive advantage (step-down, current mode or open-loop). e t le o s b O - Figure 22: E/W Waveforms ) s ( ct Without Keystone u d o r P e t e l o O bs With Keystone Fast Transition Once Cb is made small enough to charge or discharge within the vertical blanking time, there may remain a distortion of the frame top which corresponds to the transient response of the global DC/DC feedback loop to the fast transition. The response may be damped or oscillatory depending on horizontal frequency. Again, the transient phenomena should be finished within the vertical blanking time. For that purpose, the loop response must be fast enough. Once Cb has been made minimum the only possible action is on the frequency compensation of the op-amp between pins 14 and 15. A good starting value is given by Ri x Cfb = 15 µs. The op-amp itself has a unity gain of 6MHz and is not a limiting factor. STMicroelectronics Confidential 51/62 Miscellaneous AN1290 8 Miscellaneous 8.1 Summary of Safety Functions Vertical, horizontal and B+ output stages will be inhibited (and for Vertical, voltage will be maintained near mid-range, i.e. 3.5 / 8 of the reference voltage) ● when the supply voltage is too low; ● following a proper I²C instruction (Sad17h/d1 and Sad17h/d2). Horizontal and B+ output stages will be inhibited if the X-ray protection threshold (8V on pin 25) is exceeded. In such case, the H scanning and B+ are definitively stopped, and will only be reset by switching the supply OFF or through I²C programming (Sad16h/d7). (Please notice that inhibition affects only the output stages and not the oscillators. Consequently, I²C instructions will be still transmitted during V Oscillator discharge). In addition, the H output stage will be inhibited for the entire duration of H flyback, to prevent early conduction of the scanning transistor. ) s t( Please refer to Figure 23 for a simplified logic diagram. The following are not represented here, but are already described in this Note: c u d ● Disable through X-ray pin will be activated only 2 lines after the threshold has been exceeded, in order to prevent incorrect triggering on very short parasitic voltages; ● Soft-start will take place every time when switching ON or enabling again. H Duty factor will always start with maximum value (85%), and progressively reach its assigned value (consequently, conduction time will begin with minimum value). Similarly, B+Out will begin with minimum conduction time and increase progressively towards its assigned value. e t le o r P o s b O - Figure 23: Safety Functions (Simplified) I²C H drive OFF ) s ( ct Supply Ref V u d o X-ray r P e t e l o s b O s r H Output Inhibition Q I²C Reset B+ Output Inhibition Supply Reset H flyback 0.7V I²C V ramp OFF V Output Inhibition Miscellaneous functions available on the TDA9112A only: ● 52/62 X-ray detection is not triggerable if the supply voltage is lower than 10.4V, to prevent triggering on a rapid ON-OFF-ON sequence while its filter maintains X-ray input at high voltage. STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 8.2 Miscellaneous ● BMute function (1Fd6): B+ can be enabled/disabled alone, it will come back with its own softstart. ● BSafe function: if it is selected through I²C (Sad1Fh/d5), BOut will switch OFF as soon as the H oscillator Unlock is detected; when it locks again, B+ will come back with its own soft-start. ● HLock speed: If bit 1Fd2 is set, an Unlocked state will be detected twice as fast as with the rest of the family. Remember that a mode with composite sync, long vertical sync and no serration pulses could unduly indicate Unlock! ● Identification bit 1Fd3 allows to identify by software whether the IC is the TDA9112A or not. Early V Blanking and Lock/Unlock The TDA9112 family delivers an early blanking pulse on pin 3. The purpose is to provide early V blanking (synchronous to VSync), because blanking from the V Flyback pulse alone would arrive too late to blank the beginning of the retrace. The pulse begins with the VSync front edge, and finishes with the end of the VCapacitor discharge. For correct V blanking, it needs to be ORed with the VFlyback data. The pulse amplitude is always 1V (enough to control a small bipolar transistor). It is superimposed above the HLock/Unlock level (0V when locked, 5V when Unlocked). If you connect the transistor in DC, blanking will be permanent when Unlocked. Refer to Application Hints if you want the display (and OSD if any) to be visible also when Unlocked. c u d ) s t( The Unlock indication may be disabled through I²C programming (Sad16h/d0). Permanent blanking may be forced with 17d0. 8.3 Application Hints 8.3.1 Using Inhibition Properly e t le o r P o s b O - Emergency Procedure with H-Lock; V Blanking ) s ( ct Inhibition through I²C should be used with care for the following reason: When horizontal scanning is inhibited, B+ is inhibited at the same time. Since scanning is stopped, there is no more power consumption and B+ will keep its last value for possibly a fraction of a second. If inhibition disappears at that moment, the horizontal frequency may have changed to a lower value. Starting again in this condition is dangerous for the scanning transistor. u d o r P e In a practical case, the inhibition was triggered because some very high frequency H sync pulses appeared when switching from high-frequency to low-frequency mode. These pulses were unduly interpreted as “frequency out of range”. t e l o s b O Figure 24 shows an application diagram used to ensure a safe restart. Further to the normal feedback resistive network which senses the horizontal amplitude, a second one with lower impedance is directly connected to B+. Resistors are calculated to maintain B+ at a low value, for instance lower than the free-running value. However, a diode and a transistor keep it isolated from the normal resistive network as long as pin 3 remains LOW. As soon as any change appears in the Hsync frequency, pin 3 goes HIGH, rapidly discharging the 3.3µF capacitor, and B+ decreases down to the value imposed by the low-impedance network. This must be completed before Inhibition takes place. When the H frequency locks again, pin 3 goes LOW again. The transistor saturates again after a delay set by the 3.3µF capacitor to ensure that Inhibition is finished. Then B+ will resume its normal value after a soft-start. STMicroelectronics Confidential 53/62 Miscellaneous AN1290 Figure 24: H Lock and V Early Blanking H amp feedback TDA9112 3 15 14 0.1uF Blank 22k B+ 100 12V 220k 100k 3.3 uF c u d 47k e t le ) s t( o r P The resistor divider which controls the base should take into account that a 1V blanking signal may be present even when Locked. o s b O - An AC-coupled transistor will provide an early negative-going blanking pulse (to be ORed with a blanking pulse from V flyback). Still, because of the AC coupling, the display will be present when Unlocked (important to display the OSD). ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 54/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 I²C Control Section 9 I²C Control Section 9.1 I²C Bus Reminder Since I²C bus documentation is widespread today, a short reminder will be enough. I²C bus consists of two wires, SCL (clock) and SDA (data), plus ground. The logic is positive. Both SCL and SDA have a pull-up resistor to 5V, and all connected ports are open-collector or opendrain, i.e. act as wired AND (line is LOW if at least one port is LOW). The ICs connected to the bus either belong to the MASTER or the SLAVE category: ● MASTERS control the clock and send/receive data ● SLAVES receive or send data when required by a MASTER, but do not control the clock. All data is exchanged as 8-bit bytes (MSB first, LSB last), followed by an Acknowledge bit if a SLAVE is the receiver. A logic 1 is recognized each time SDA remains HIGH for a full SCL pulse, a logic 0 each time SDA remains LOW for a full SCL pulse. If a MASTER switches SDA to LOW while SCL is HIGH this is interpreted as START. The opposite transition is interpreted as STOP. A SLAVE receiver will acknowledge receipt of the data by maintaining SDA LOW for the full duration of the next clock pulse, while the MASTER transmitter leaves SDA floating. 9.2 c u d TDA9112 Family as I²C Bus Device ) s t( o r P For a complete overview of I²C programming values, refer to Section 10: I²C Bus Control Register Map on page 60 e t le In the TDA9112 family, all settings are programmed through the I²C bus. All ICs in the family are software-compatible, including the TDA9112A which uses more instructions. Clock frequency may be as high as 400 kHz. The duration of any pulse must be higher than 50ns, because parasitic spikes are filtered with this time constant. The input threshold for receiving data on pins 31 (SDA) and 30 (SCL) is 2.2 V typ when the supply on pin 32 is 5 V. Logic levels are TTL compatible when sending data. ) s ( ct o s b O - The logic section is biased by an internal 5 V supply. At start-up, all internal registers stay reset to their default value until the supply voltage exceeds 8.5 V, they are reset again when it goes lower than 6.5 V (8.0 V and 6.8 V for TDA 9112A). u d o r P e The TDA9112 family is SLAVE only. Like all I²C devices it has an 8 bit-address which is (hexadecimal) 8C when receiving and 8D when sending data (the TDA9115 does not send data). t e l o To know the affectation of the various registers, please refer to the register map. 9.3 s Receiving Data b O The data for the various controls are stored in 24 ⋅ (8-bit registers) with their 24 sub addresses on 8 bits (31 registers for the TDA9112A). Since not more than the 5 or 6 LSB are necessary to define 24 or 31 sub addresses, the 3 or 2 MSB are undefined. Nevertheless, for the sake of compatibility with future software it is recommended to set them to 0. The same applies to all unspecified bits. When the microprocessor sends one piece of data to one register, the following sequence will appear on the bus: (Codes sent by the TDA9112 in Bold) (Start)(8C)(ackn)(subadress)(ackn)(data)(ackn)(Stop) STMicroelectronics Confidential 55/62 I²C Control Section AN1290 In order to make the transmission of long strings of data easier, the TDA9112 features an autoincrement function. This means that the sub address will increase by one after receiving each byte of data. This is especially useful when initializing all registers at start-up. The corresponding sequence on the bus would be as follows: (Start)(8C)(ackn)(00)(ackn)(data00)(ackn)(data01)(ackn)...(data0F)(ackn)(Stop) Some peculiarities of the various registers will be summarized later. 9.4 Sending Data When required by the microprocessor, the TDA9112 will send the contents of its unique read-mode register as data, which summarize its status (in the family, only the TDA9115 does not have a readmode register and will not send data). This register is a latch, consequently it must be updated to make sure that its content is recent and valid: (Start)(8C)(ackn)(16)(ackn)(xxx1xxxx)(ackn)(Stop) It is not necessary to reset the Refresh bit (it will go back to 0 by itself). c u d ) s t( Then the TDA9112 can be requested to send its data. Since there is only one register, no sub address is necessary: (Start)(8D)(ackn)(data)(Stop) 9.5 e t le Register Organization o r P o s b O - The values in Bold are default values, forced during initial Reset. Of course, it is up to the user to load different values when starting, for instance with the help of the Auto-increment feature explained above. Nevertheless, the default values will always appear first. ) s ( ct Synchronization to Vertical The register contents sent to the TDA9112 are first latched; they will be transferred only during the retrace of vertical oscillator. This way, the display is never modified in the visible part of the frame. This is not true for enable/disable bits which are always immediately transferred (most d7 plus all Add 16, 17, 1F). These bits are toggles, except 16 d4 and d7 (reset bits) which will return to 0 by themselves. u d o r P e t e l o Warning! If there is no oscillator retrace, no setting will be transmitted! This may happen if the Vertical section is not wired, but disabling VOut does not impair transmission. s b O Table 3: Detailed Register Description (including TDA9112A) (Sheet 1 of 3) Reg. Add. 00d7 Comments 1: HDuty value is transferred with next VOscillator discharge. 0: HDuty value is immediately transferred 01d0 d0 is only significant in the TDA9112 and the TDA9112A, granting them 8-bit H position adjustment while maintaining software compatibility with the 7 bits of the TDA9112, TDA9113, TDA9115 and TDA9116. 02d7 1: Moire cancellation is suited to Separate scanning and EHV. 0: Moire cancellation is suited to Combined structure. 03d7 56/62 1/0: same behavior as 00d7, for B+ value. STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1290 I²C Control Section Table 3: Detailed Register Description (including TDA9112A) (Sheet 2 of 3) Reg. Add. Comments 04d7 1: Hfocus amplitude will track Hamplitude / 0: no tracking. 05d7 1: The HFocus signal will start at middle of flyback; 0: - at beginning of flyback. Signal begins with a flat corresponding to internal capacitor discharge; Internal ramp, and parabola, begin just after. Same timing for the DC/DC converter current if the Step-down, Voltage mode configuration is used (More than 6V on pin 16; TDA9112 only). 06d7 If 1: BOut will go to LOW level to make the power MOS conductive (adapted to type P) / if 0, adapted to type N 07d7 1: DC/DC converter current will start.with either HOut UP or HOut DOWN (which one, depends on 17d3) 0: DC/DC converter current will start just after flyback (see 17d3 for the TDA9112A special). 9112 only: This bit has no effect when pin 16 is biased over 6V for Step-down, Voltage mode. 08d7 1: all corrections available on E/W output will keep proportional to H frequency, i.e. to the voltage on pin 9 (till it reaches 5V). 0: all corrections available on E/W output will keep the value corresponding to 5V ) s t( 10d0 d0 is only significant in the TDA9112 and the TDA9112A, granting them 8-bit H amplitude adjustment while maintaining software compatibility with the 7 bits of the TDA9112, TDA9113, TDA9115 and TDA9116. 15d7 0: the VFocus parabola on pin 32 will present an upward concavity ∪. 1: this VFocus parabola will present a downward concavity ∩ 16d0 e t le 1: HLock/Unlock indication will be available on pin 3, added to VBlanking. 0: VBlanking alone. 16d1 c u d o r P o s b O - 1: PLL1 will be inhibited for the duration of extracted VSync (necessary if serration pulses are absent) 0: PLL1 will not be inhibited. 16d2 1: charge pump current will be 1mA ) s ( ct 0: charge pump current will be 0.3mA. 16d3 (TDA9112A only) 0: minimum charge pump current (total 4steps with 16d2,d3) u d o (TDA9116 only) 0: HMoire applied internally, pin 11 is a DAC.set by (02) /1: HMoire waveform on pin 11 16d4 1: If a 1 is sent, the Read mode register will be refreshed (mandatory before reading). r P e After reading, this bit will return to 0 by itself (no Reset needed). 16d5, d6 If d6 is 1, the IC will select and keep the first arrived VSync (be it Separate or Composite) t e l o If d6 is 0, the IC will use the VSync indicated by d5 as follows: - if d5 is 1, separate sync will be selected s b O 16d7 Sending a 1 will reset X-ray protection / return to 0 is automatic) 17d0 1: the Blanking HIGH level (1V, possibly added to HLock level) will be permanent - if d5 is 0, whatever VSync that may be extracted on H input (if nothing can be extracted, vertical frequency will go to free-run) 0: normal blanking operation. 17d1, d2 1: Enabled /0: disabled VOut and H/BOut respectively. Sending a 1 to 17d2 triggers Soft-Start for HOut and BOut. A Disable instruction may come also from other sections (see Safety functions) STMicroelectronics Confidential 57/62 I²C Control Section AN1290 Table 3: Detailed Register Description (including TDA9112A) (Sheet 3 of 3) Reg. Add. 17d3 Comments Active only if 07d7 is set to 1, except the TDA9112A. 1: sets the triggering of B+ to HDrive UP/0: sets to HDrive DOWN. TDA9112A only: when 07d7 is 1, same as previous/when 07d7 is 0: if 17d3 is 0, same as previous (triggers after flyback) if 17d3 is 1, triggers with top of sawtooth, at half H frequency. 17d4,d5, d6, d7 1: These bits are set to 1 only while testing the IC in factory. Users must keep them bound to 0. Table 4: Extra Registers (TDA9112A Only) Reg. Add. 1Fd0 Comments 0: The flat in HDyCor waveform begins at initial point of HDyCor signal (see 05d7) 1: anticipated at the beginning of H flyback 0: HVDyCor concavity (of both H and V parabolas) upwards ∪ 1Fd1 c u d 1: concavity downwards ∩ 1Fd2 0: Delay for detecting H Unlock, same as the TDA9112 family 1: Delay divided by 2 1Fd3 When 17d2 HBOutEn is 0 (disabled): e t le 0: HLock bit (d7 of Read register) is 1 (similar to the TDA9112 family) 1: HLock bit is 0 regardless of lock status o s b O - When HBOutEn is 1, HLock bit monitors locking (0 if locked) 1Fd4 o r P 0: All corrections on E/W pin, including DC for HSize setting, track the H frequency 1: No tracking 1Fd5 ) s ( ct 0: BSafe disabled 1: BSafe enabled: B+ will stop as soon as HUnlock id detected 1Fd6 u d o 0: B+ can operate if otherwise allowed r P e 1: B+ disabled A soft-start takes place whenever B+ resumes operation in relation with 1Fd5 or 1Fd6 t e l o 1Fd7 Threshold on pin 16 which stops B+ conduction 0: 2.1V (same as the TDA9112 family; suitable to build an RC ramp generator) bs 1: 1.2V (more convenient for ISense) O Note: Bold denotes values at Power-on reset. 58/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential ) s t( AN1290 9.6 I²C Control Section Management of Status Register and Sync Priority It is possible to read from the STATUS register (Bold = default value): ● in d0, whether pulses are present on pin 2 Vsync (1 = detected once/0 = not detected yet) ● in d1, whether pulses are present on pin 1 H/HVsync (1 = detected once/0 = not detected yet) ● in d2, whether a Vsync can be extracted from H/HV signal (1 = detected once/0 = not detected yet) ● in d4-d3, the signs of those sync pulses which have been selected with 16d6, d5 (1 = negative or not detected/0 = positive) ● in d5, the status of X-ray alarm (1 for Alarm ON, Hout inhibited/0 = Alarm OFF)) ● in d7d6, the Lock/Unlock status of H and V oscillators (1 = Unlocked/0 = Locked) Warning! A d0,d1 or d2 at 1 just means that at least one sync pulse arrived since last SDetReset. For obvious reasons, Reset cannot be automatic, therefore, all Sync data must be obtained as follows: ● Reset detection bit ● Wait for longer than the maximum expected period ● Read detection bit c u d ) s t( Combining this data, the microprocessor has to select (by setting bits 16d5, 6) which sync data will effectively trigger the H and V oscillators. e t le ) s ( ct o r P o s b O - u d o r P e t e l o s b O STMicroelectronics Confidential 59/62 I²C Bus Control Register Map 10 AN1290 I²C Bus Control Register Map The device slave address is 8C in write mode and 8D in read mode. The control register map is given in Table 5. The values in bold denote the default value at Power-On-Reset. I²C-bus data in the adjustment register is buffered and internally applied with discharge of the vertical oscillator (). In order to ensure compatibility with future devices, all “Reserved” bits should be set to 0. Table 5: I²C-bus Control Registers Sad D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Write Mode (Slave Address = 8C) 00 HDUTY HDutySyncV 1: Synchro. 0: Asynchro. 0 0 01 02 03 1 0 HMoiréMode 1: Separated 0: Combined 0 06 07 08 0A 0 1 VSIZE o r P e Reserved t e l o 1 1 1 0 (t s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STMicroelectronics Confidential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HVDyCor vertical amplitude 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vertical Size Vertical Position 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S-correction 0 0 0 C-correction 0 0 0 Vertical Moiré Amplitude 0 0 0 0 0 Pin Cushion Correction 0 0 0 0 0 Keystone Correction 0 0 0 0 0 Top Corner Correction 0 0 BCC 1 ) s t( HVDyCor horizontal phase CCOR 0 d o r 0 0 TCC 1 0 SCOR 0 0 P e let o s b O - KEYST 1 Reserved c u d uc 0 0 PCC 1 0F 0 0 HVDyCor horizontal amplitude VMOIRE Reserved Reserved 0 0 VPOS EWTrHFr 0E 0 0 Horizontal Moiré Amplitude 0 HVDC-VAMP BOutPh 0: H-flyback 1: H-drive Reserved 0 0 HVDC-HPH 1 0D 0 0 0 1 0 B+reference 0 1 0: Type N Reserved 0 HVDC-HAMP BOutPol 0C 60/62 0 1 HDyCorPh 1: Middle 0: Start Reserved 0 BREF HDyCorTr s b O 0B 0 Horizontal Position 0 B+SyncV 0: No tracking 09 0 HMOIRE 0: Not active 05 0 HPOS 0: Asynchro. 04 Horizontal Duty Cycle 0 0 0 Bottom Corner Correction 0 0 0 0 0 AN1290 I²C Bus Control Register Map Table 5: I²C-bus Control Registers Sad D7 D6 1 0 D5 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16 XRayReset 0: No effect 1: Reset VSyncAuto 1: On VSyncSel 0:Comp 1:Sep SDetReset 0: No effect 1: Reset 17 TV 0: Off() TH 0: Off() TVM 0: Off() THM 0: Off() 18 Reserved 19 Reserved 1A Reserved 1B Reserved Reserved 1D Reserved 0: Reserved 0: 1F ThrBlsense HBOutEn 0: Disable 0 0 0 0 0 ) s ( ct 0 e t le so 0 b O - 0 0 du 1 o r P e PLL1InhEn 1: On HLockEn 1: On VOutEn 0: Disable BlankMode 1: Perm. ) s t( 0 0 0 0 0 East-West W-correction 0 0 0 Horizontal EHT Compensation Gain 0 0 0 0 Vertical EHT Compensation Gain 0 VSAG 1 0 c u d o r P 0 0 0 VEHTG 0 East-West S-correction HEHTG t e l o 0: High BOHEdge 0: Falling EWWC 0: 1E PLL1Pump 1,1: Fastest 0,0: Slowest 0 0 0 0 HVDyCor Horizontal Shape 0 1 0 0 EWSC 0: 1C 0 HVDC-HSHAP 0: 0 Vertical Dynamic Correction 0:”∪“ 1 0 0 VDC-AMP 0: 0 Bottom Corner Asymmetry Correction 0 0 0 0 BCAC 0: 0 Top Corner Asymmetry Correction 0 VDyCorPol 0 0 TCAC Reserved 0 Parallelogram Correction 0 Reserved D0 0 0 PARAL Reserved D1 Pin Cushion Asymmetry Correction 0 1 15 0 PCAC Reserved 1 14 D2 Horizontal Size 0 1 13 D3 HSIZE 1 12 D4 0 0 0 Vertical Size After-gain 1 0 VPOF 0 0 0 Vertical Position Offset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 BMute BSafeEn EWTrHSize Ident HLockSpeed HVDyCorPol HDCFlatEn 0: Off 0: Disable 0: Tracking 0: No effect 0: Slow 0:”∪“ 0: Disable Read Mode (Slave Address = 8D) s b O XX() HLock VLock XRayAlarm 0: Locked 1: Not locked 0: Locked 1: Not lock. 1: On 0: Off Polarity Detection HVPol 1: Negative VPol 1: Negative Sync Detection VExtrDet 0: Not det. HVDet 0: Not det. VDet 0: Not det. Note: 1 With exception of HDUTY and BREF adjustments data that can take effect instantaneously if switches HDutySyncV and B+SyncV are at 0, respectively. 2 In Read Mode, the device always outputs data of the status register, regardless of the subaddress previously selected. 3 The TV, TH, TVM and THM bits are for testing purposes and must be kept at 0 by application. STMicroelectronics Confidential 61/62 I²C Bus Control Register Map AN1290 Notes: c u d e t le ) s ( ct ) s t( o r P o s b O - u d o r P e t e l o Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. s b O The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 2002 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 62/62 STMicroelectronics Confidential
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