I N T E R N A T I O N A L Habitat for Humanity International Update A F F I L I A T E Reusing and Recycling What We Know: How to Be Better Stewards of Our Knowledge by Chris Little T he best learning can come out of a tiny community on the other side of the globe or a big city a hundred miles away. In today’s connected world, the physical distance between knowledge and the person who needs it is really not all that important. But the mechanism for getting the knowledge from one to the other is. as data or information, notes Shobha Kumar, education specialist with World Bank Institute (the World Bank’s knowledge-sharing structure). Kumar uses a musical metaphor to describe the difference: data is like a music note. Information (organized data) is like a musical score. Knowledge (what people know) is like a performance. Habitat’s knowledge-sharing mechanisms range from technology-based mechanisms, like the Data is like a music note. Information (organized data) is CHARLES BROOKS, II like a musical score. Habitat for Humanity has a number of those mechanisms (you are holding one of them in your hands right now, the International Affiliate Update). These mechanisms are designed to help us “reuse and recycle” one of our most important natural resources—our knowledge. Knowledge is not the same Knowledge (what people know) is like a performance. HFHU research database, and PartnerNet round tables, to lowtech mechanisms like lunch table exchanges at regional conferences and the Innovations in Education micro-grants, some of which are featured in this issue. Since 2002, the Global Training department has been awarding these relatively small grants (between US$2,000 and US$4,000) to fund small, innovative learning and development programs. (See Page 3 for more details on the program.) These small investments create an opportunity for learning within a community or country. But the more exciting opportunity is when they create learning elsewhere. By sharing what was learned from these projects at the Global Training Conference, on the global training Web page, and in the IAU, knowledge generated in Nairobi can be reused in New York or vice versa. And it gets reused in a variety of ways. For example, a group of educators had an engaging and in-depth conversation about how to manage the situation when the content of a micro grant-funded workshop surfaced serious tension and conflict. This was not the intended outcome of the grant, but the learning it produced was useful nonetheless. If you read about one of these small education programs and you visit the Global Training Web page to see what they did and how you might use the idea, then knowledge has just been recycled. Knowledge-sharing sounds simple (and it is), but it is not necessarily easy. In Habitat we continued on page 2 c o n t e n t s 2 0 0 5 : Vo l u m e 1 2 N o . 2 Knowledge Stewards HFH: A MOVEMENT THAT HOUSES KNOWLEDGE 2 GLOBAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION MICRO-GRANT PROGRAM 3 GTD TRAINING MICROGRANTS ENABLE LEADERSHIP 4 BOARD TRAINING TO BETTER TARGET PARTNER FAMILIES 6 COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: LEVERAGING LEARNING THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS 8 DEVELOPING COMMUNITY GROUPS HFH ECUADOR HOLDS TRAINING SESSIONS TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABILITY 9 10 USING CASE STUDIES IN ONLINE FORUMS 11 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY UNVEILS NEW LOGO 12 Volume 12 Number 2 The International Affiliate Update is published quarterly. Editor Anita Mellott Copy Editor Heather Wilkinson Graphic Designer Cynthia Friesen Coyle Portuguese Translator Ligia Hougland Portuguese Copy Editor Simone Ramey Spanish Translator Montse Malmierca-Smith Spanish Copy Editor Laura Van Druff French Translator and Copy Editor Fabienne Boulongne-Collier Adviser Karan Kennedy Distribution Manager Nancy Barnes, [email protected] Editorial Policy We welcome the submission of articles, photos, news items and ideas for the International Affiliate Update. We reserve the right to print, edit or reject any items we receive, or to file materials for later use as space permits. Guidelines for the submission of articles are available. For further details, contact: Anita E. Mellott, editor, International Affiliate Update, Habitat for Humanity International, 121 Habitat St., Americus, GA 31709-3498, USA fax: (229) 924-0577 e-mail: [email protected] 2 Reusing and Recycling What We Know: How to Be Better Stewards of Our Knowledge continued from page 1 talk about stewardship of financial resources all the time, but we tend to undervalue and even waste our knowledge capital (sometimes in the name of saving money!). The result is a loss of value for our mission and, frequently, wasted financial resources. Affiliates who have managed a Jimmy Carter Work Project, for example, can say just how valuable it is to have access to knowledge from affiliates who managed one before. And some can tell the story of the cost when they did not have access to that knowledge! Our rapid growth, the expansive geography we cover, and turnover in volunteers and staff can make it hard to tap into our learning. But Habitat has other cultural barriers to robust knowledge-sharing. “Not relevant to my context.” Did you wonder at the suggestion that New York could learn from Kenya or vice versa? Frequently, we assume that our own situation is so unique to our community or context that we don’t look for what others have learned. And we don’t think to document or share our own learning so that others can use it. “Stop talking and start doing.” Habitat is an actionoriented organization, with a passion for results and urgency for moving towards our goal. This is good. But taking the time to see HFH: A Movement That Houses Knowledge H abitat for Humanity is known throughout the world for housing families. This movement actually houses something else: knowledge. Habitat for Humanity University (HFHU) was created as a means of overcoming geographical and technological hurdles to provide accessible pathways to that collective knowledge. E-courses are only one of several pathways that HFHU uses to promote knowledge-sharing within HFHI. Here is a brief overview of two important knowledge-sharing projects that HFHU is working on: Good Ideas and Promising Practices: As part of a larger initiative to promote the sharing of “best” practices, HFHU has developed an idea collection form that is currently being piloted in HFH U.S.’s Midwest region. Still under development are processes and systems for review and sharing of ideas submitted via these forms. The vision for this knowledge-sharing initiative is that HFH partners around the world will be able to learn from, adapt and use each other’s innovative ideas as well as keep abreast of promising practices being piloted in select locations. Contact [email protected] to access the idea collection form. Research Agenda: Relevant scholarly articles, practitioner summaries and other research products are being made available in HFHU’s library. Downloadable summaries provide a concise summary of the work, key findings, its relevance and implications for Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e the work of Habitat for Humanity, and reflection questions that allow readers to consider the relevance to Habitat for Humanity’s work and other housing contexts. Reports and findings will be added on a regular basis and categorized according to the content areas they address. Be sure to regularly visit the “Research Papers” section under “Programs and Products” at www.hfhu. org for the most up-to-date findings. HFHU welcomes submission of completed research studies for possible inclusion in our library. Send submissions to [email protected]. Other HFHU initiatives that encourage and promote knowledge-sharing: In the spirit of knowledge-sharing, HFHU offers links to resources that could be useful to HFH partners around the globe. See “Links” under “Programs and Products” at www.hfhu.org. As part of its Brown Bag Lunch Program and the recent launch of the Harvard ManageMentorPLUS series, HFHU will prepare simple, downloadable documents available online that will allow groups everywhere, face to face or virtual, to participate in related discussions, fostering enterprise-wide examination of similar issues. In order to keep the HFHU knowledge-sharing initiative relevant, we need to hear from you! Feel free to send your questions and suggestions to Jane Gruler at [email protected]. STEFFAN HACKER I N T E R N A T I O N A L A F F I L I A T E MIKEL FLAMM Global Training Department Innovations in Education Micro-Grant Program by Jane Gruler-Johns I Trainer Geoffrey Wheeler shares valuable knowledge during a blockmaking workshop in Danang,Vietnam. what has been learned (by other affiliates, other national programs or other organizations) makes good sense. In a learning organization, talking is doing. The most valuable knowledge for getting a project off to a good start may be stored in someone else’s head! “I don’t have time for the conference, just send me the notes.” Kumar notes that early knowledge-management efforts focused too much on “knowledge stock,” reports, best practices and databases and did not recognize that the best knowledge exchange will always be people to people. (See the communities of practice article on Page 8.) Well-facilitated meetings and conferences, and unfacilitated informal gatherings are excellent knowledge-sharing mechanisms. Technology has made it possible for these gatherings to occur across continents. “Too much information!” Mechanisms for sharing information can and do get disorganized. And when we confuse information with knowledge, we can overload each other. The Global Training department learned, for example, that it was not enough to put our shared documents up on PartnerNet. We used our Web page to provide a “guided tour” through PartnerNet, selecting the bits of knowledge we think most useful to educators. HFHU’s e-courses are also “guided tours” through what we have learned as an organization using selected cases, best practices and tips to help us examine an aspect of our work. Thoughtful facilitation of dialogue (instead of a discussion free-for-all) can also ensure that information is converted into manageable, useful chunks of knowledge. As Habitat grows and as it experiments with innovative approaches to accomplishing our mission and partnerships with other organizations, our knowledge will become an increasingly powerful resource that can be dedicated to the eradication of poverty housing worldwide. n March 2002, the Global Training department launched a micro-grant program for innovations in education. These small grants (up to US$4,000) are designed to support global learning by funding relatively small but innovative training programs, and then sharing the program and key learnings around the globe. The idea is to get global learning out of a relatively small budget. Four thousand dollars does not stretch very far globally, but could make quite a difference at a community or national level! Plus we build the habit of reflecting on our experience, documenting and sharing what we have learned. Eight grants have been awarded to date. Past proposals and reports can be accessed on the Global Training Team Web site on PartnerNet: http://partnernet.habitat.org/intradoc/groups/hfhi/documents/ general/gttinnovations.hcsp Grants are awarded to anyone working in training and education in a country program or affiliate in Habitat for Humanity’s five areas (LA/ C, A/ME, E/CA, A/P, U.S.). Calls for proposals are sent out in August of each year to area program and training leaders. Proposals are first reviewed by area program staff, and then forwarded on to a global selection committee. Criteria include: • Link between this project and HFHI’s current fiscal year goals • Innovativeness • Potential for relevance and learning in other parts of the world • How well the grant application adheres to application guidelines (length, format, required information, etc.) Jane Gruler-Johns is a global trainer and international content manager for HFHU. Christine Little is the director of Global Training. International Affiliate Update Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 3 STACY SCHULTZ STACY SCHULTZ Africa and the Middle East GTD Training Micro-Grants Enable Leadership by Shadrack Mutembei and Mark Wooding Introduction ince 1982 Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK) has been engaged in low-income housing in rural Kenya, and has so far provided community groups the resources and capacity to build more than 2,035 houses for families in need. While this has brought simple, decent and affordable houses to many families previously living in inadequate shelter, we had not had a significant impact in actively involving local leadership and institutions in our communities, nor had we concentrated on ensuring that the field officers were given every opportunity to perform to the best of their individual capabilities. However, this has changed with the Innovations in Education micro-grants awarded by Habitat for Humanity International’s (HFHI) Global Training department (GTD) to HFHK. The first S 4 micro-grant was for community leaders training, which last fiscal year (July 2003–June 2004), contributed to a total of 466 houses being built (an increase from 212 the previous year) and overwhelming excitement and participation in all affiliates, leading to a backlog of qualified applicants on our waiting list. The second micro-grant was for the program staff leadership training, which was held in January 2005. Our training capacity was jumpstarted in 2001 by HFHI’s Jane Gruler and Christine Little, who spent one week in Kenya inducting all three program officers and the six field officers involved in training into the Vella Adult Training Approach, which HFHK has since embraced both in the field and at the national level. We have spent the last three years upgrading our own capacity through organizational development and the creation of strong systems to support Leaders are not only the key much greater scale and impact. Staff influencing figures in any communications meetings now take community or organization, place on a quarbut they are also the policy terly basis without fail, and this makers who can adequately is where we ensure promote decent shelter. the quality and accuracy of communication and Description of the Projects the integrity of decision-making HFHK won the two consecutive processes, including follow-up for micro-grants (amounting to US$ the training conducted through 4,000 each), by focusing on people the micro-grant to ensure we are and organizational development. connecting knowledge and action Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e resulting from the trainings. The training objectives sought to strengthen HFHK so that as we embark on the HFHI 2006–2011 strategic plan, it is from an improved financial, human resources, infrastructure and capacity standpoint. The first training targeted and focused on local community leaders and was carried out in the field. The second focused on helping HFHK program staff to become leaders in their communities and took place in Nairobi, with field officers staying in a local conference centre within easy access of the national office. Leaders are not only the key influencing figures in any community or organization, but they are also the policy makers who can adequately promote decent shelter to become a matter of conscience and action, socially, religiously and politically. The main objective of the first training was to encourage and actively involve all stakeholders, local leadership, churches and other institutions with an interest in the poor and their STACY SCHULTZ STACY SCHULTZ Page 4 Left: Staff from various Habitat affiliates in Kenya came together for leadership training. Page 4 Right: Local community members participate in a team-building exercise during a staff leadership training session. Above left: Community leaders participate in a small group discussion in Kisii, during the leadership training conducted by HFH Kenya. Above right: Habitat field and program officers participate in role-play during a training session on self-management. sub-standard living conditions to join us in our effort to bring simple, decent and affordable housing to the families in need through a simple, participatory process: the Tujenge Nyumba low-cost housing scheme. The objective of the and elders, affiliate committee executives and homeowners. Four main areas were covered: servant leadership; poverty and transformational development; HFH mission, focus and principles; and HFHK’s Tujenge Nyumba (House Building) process. In the sec[Attendees]…performed ond training, all HFHK’s 16 field activities to understand the officers, three pronew information and aftergram officers and wards committed to inteother national office staff attendgrate the learning in order ed the five-day to effectively retain it. workshop (Jan. 17–21, 2005). Four external and two second training was to help HFHK internal facilitators were involved program staff develop the com- in this training and covered five petence and spiritual character modules: servant leadership; selfthat will equip and enable them to management; conflict manageperform effectively, and at the ment and team building; effecsame time, give them an oppor- tive communication; and transtunity to be creative and perform formational development from a in a manner consistent with their Christian perspective. gifting and uniqueness. The Vella Adult Training The first training program Approach was used throughout, was delivered consecutively in and incorporated all three learning four regions, namely Kisii, Bomet, techniques (in other words seeing, Maua and Runyenjes. A total of hearing and doing). Additionally, 12 affiliates and 144 local leaders those attending performed activiincluding 12 HFHK field offi- ties to understand the new inforcers were trained in this program. mation and afterwards commitOther participants ranged from ted to integrate the learning in area chiefs and their assistants, order to effectively retain it. Each area councilors, church pastors participant therefore developed at least three personal development goals, which were derived from materials learned in the training. The goals and tasks were not only innovative but had to be attainable within a certain period of time, to be reviewed after three months during the program staff quarterly communications meeting to ensure their continuous implementation, adjustment and improvement. Lessons Learned Factors contributing to the quality of the training results: • Be prepared: Plan early, schedule sufficient time, identify target participants and facilitators. • Using the Vella Adult Training Approach helped the participants retain new information learned. • Content: Use previous evaluations and experience to tailor the training content to participants’ needs. • Facilitators must have adequate knowledge and skills on the subject matter of their sessions. • Allow adequate team building before the training so that participants settle quickly and learn easily. • Translating the training model into the local language avoided misunderstandings. • Submit training models to HFHI area/international offic- es for prior feedback, revise as appropriate. Constraints and Challenges • Finding the right balance between overview or analysis of broad subjects in a short period of time. • Finding the best time of day/ calendar slot for people in rural communities to participate effectively. Secondary Outcomes of the Training Activity • Utilizing the Result: The training, especially on servant leadership, management, communication, poverty and development came when HFHI had officially pronounced these concepts. This has led HFHK to allocate funding in each year for similar training. • Skills Learned by Participants and Facilitators: More HFHK staff and additional affiliate members learned useful skills, and the trainings also provided a practice opportunity for both the facilitators and participants. Participants gained additional skills and experience for developing their action plans, personal mission and personal development goals. International Affiliate Update continued on page 12 Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 5 Europe and Central Asia Board Training to Better Target Partner Families (This is a summary of the Gliwice Board Training report submitted to the HFHI Global Training department in March 2003.) KIM MACDONALD Introduction I n 1992, an HFH affiliate was established in Gliwice, Poland. Due to a broad range of inadequate housing conditions in this part of Europe, the affiliate leaders encountered difficulties in defining what “families in need” really meant. As a result, for eight years the affiliate built relatively large homes for middle-income families. From 2000 to 2002, the Europe/Central Asia (E/CA) office staff worked closely with this group to develop good business practices and management skills. Despite the tremendous need in the community, the board continued to grapple with deciding which families were in the greatest need of housing. Goal and Objectives (per original proposal) A run-down apartment in Poland. As a result of receiving a microgrant through the Global Training department at Habitat for Humanity International, training for the board was conducted in October 2002. The goal of the training was to help the board understand poverty in their community and to commit to finding housing solutions for the families in greatest need. Measurable objectives: 1. The board defines poverty in its community. 6 Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e 2. The board defines conditions of unacceptable housing in its community. 3. The board meets with families from the second HFH affiliate and witnesses their commitment, appreciation and hard work (Note: this issue was not addressed in the training because board members were not able to travel to the second affiliate). 4. The board devotes itself to finding such partners in its own community. 5. The board commits itself to finding housing solutions for such families. Methodology Horoscope of Poverty This activity encouraged the participants to use their imagination and experiences to better understand the issue of poverty that affects individuals by reflecting on the lack of opportunities that poor people have. Participants were divided into small groups (four to five people) and given cards with the description of the life of a certain imaginary individual. They were then asked to imagine what that individual’s life was as it related to work, finances, family, etc. The horoscopes were discussed in the plenary session. Take a Step Forward This was an experiential learning exercise in which participants experienced what it was like to be someone else in their society. It helped highlight the fact that social inequality is often a source of discrimination and exclusion. Where Do You Stand? This exercise was a series of provocative questions where the participants have to take their position in the room that is divided into three parts: I agree, I disagree and I don’t know. After each question was asked, the participants justified their positions on the issues. This provided a forum to hear opinions from all participants on key issues that affect the organization. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) First as individuals and then in small groups, the participants did a SWOT analysis of the organization and then compared their results. Teamwork and Leadership Before the retreat, the participants were asked to answer the following questions on their own: 1. What is a team? 2. What makes an effective team? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working on a team? At the retreat, the participants compared their answers to this question. Identifying and Managing Change Each participant was asked to write down three to four things about the organization that they would like to change. All items were put in a bowl in the center of the room. The facilitator drew out the items one by one, which Action Plan Based on the items for change identified above, the participants were asked to identify items they were committed to changing and then prepare an action plan to implement that change (including dates and responsibility for the action). Initial Outcomes The initial plan was to hold the training at another affiliate, which was partnering with HFH target families. Unfortunately, that did not work out. However, the facilitator did a very good job in introducing an experiential element to the retreat with the activities of the first day. There were good discussions about poverty and the poverty cycle. Also, the facilitator encouraged participation from all the board members, not just a few. The session, “My Personal Key to Leadership” was very important in empowering individual board members to recognize their contributions to the organization as a whole. (This concept of individual worth was not developed during communism and, therefore, many individuals feel powerless to affect change.) The session on identifying change was particularly informative. When given an opportunity to identify areas in need of change, the participants came up with a wide range of ideas. They then took these ideas and integrated them into an action plan. Their action plan included the following five key topics for development: 1. Revise family selection criteria. 2. Fund raising. 3. Look at other possible building solutions to reduce home cost. 4. Board development. 5. Development of strategic plan. Results It is obviously very hard to change attitudes, and harder still to measure such change. However, a few indicators were identified to measure progress: Keeping construction costs low. One of the problems in the past was ever-increasing construction costs. The affiliate did not monitor costs, and found that once the project was completed, the actual cost was significantly higher than the budgeted cost. After the training, affiliate staff monitored the costs of a project of 11 units. The affiliate reported being under their initial construction budget! The affiliate is mak- undertaken many activities since the retreat. 1. Looking at wood construction. Unfortunately, this does not look to be a very viable solution in Gliwice. Wood is an expensive material, and it is also difficult to find an affordable design for a multifamily structure using wood. 2. Analyze building costs. The construction committee has analyzed the costs of the building currently under construction in order to determine where they can reduce costs. In particular, they recognize that they need to control the cost of delivering donated materials to the site, and significantly reduce the cost of their roof trusses. pleted the project that was underway in October 2002. Though challenging, the affiliate redefined its target family income calculations to reduce the income level and, therefore, the cost of their construction project. The organization also prepared the area’s Simple, Decent and Affordable (SDA) assessment tool and recognized that they are building for families of slightly higher incomes than recommended in the SDA guidelines. At that time, they stated they were committed to finding a lower-cost housing solution for their families. Note that an unexpected result was that the retreat was the first time that the participants, board members and staff switched from the formal method of address- KIM MACDONALD were discussed in plenary. The participants discussed both the merits of the suggested item to be changed as well as potential ways to move forward. Marek and Judyta Tanczyk and their three young children live in this tiny two-room apartment in Gliwice, Poland, that previously served as a school dorm room. The Tanczyk family has begun construction on their Habitat house with the help of a Global Village work team, some of whose members are pictured here visiting them in their current home. ing tremendous efforts to negotiate discounts on materials and improve their local volunteer program. Many of these efforts were started before the retreat, but they have been strengthened since. Look at other building solutions for the next project. The construction committee has 3. New/revised house design. The board is very hesitant to look at completely redesigning the project and feels it is more economical to make smaller design changes. Redefine target families and income calculations. In late summer 2003, the organization com- ing each other to the informal method. This was actually a huge step in their intra-organizational communication. Learnings The training was very useful in getting the board’s “buy-in” to continued on page 10 International Affiliate Update Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 7 Communities of Practice: Leveraging Learning Through Relationships by Jane Gruler-Johns W hen the line forms outside the U.S. Consulate office, an informal knowledge-sharing community develops. Hopeful visa applicants trade tips on what to say; they tell their stories about how an aunt got a visa, and a cousin got rejected. They share pointers on what to say to which consular agent. They are not a team. They arrived with similar but individualized goals. They do not share a boss, a budget or a project. But there is little doubt that, for at least a brief period of time, these participants are gaining valuable knowledge that will help their performance on the other side of the gates. In organizations, these groups are “communities of practice.” “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis,” writes Etienne Wenger in Cultivating Communities of Practice: a Guide to Managing Knowledge. Communities of practice (CoP) are one of the least visible, and more important ways that organizations like Habitat for Humanity share knowledge. The intentional cultivation of communities of practice is still relatively new to many organizations, including Habitat. But the communities themselves have formed naturally for years. These communities may meet virtually to discuss the finer points of energy efficient housing; in periodic conference calls to talk about volunteer retention; or in monthly meetings with other community groups to talk about addressing the community’s needs. What is the difference between a CoP and: • A network? A community of practice focuses on a substantive topic rather than a set of relationships. • A work team? The shared learning and interest of community of practice members keep it together. It is defined by knowledge rather than by an individual task, and exists because participation has value to its members. 8 Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e • Other communities? Community of practice members are more likely to share a common profession or work situation. Communities have loose borders. Membership is defined more by self-selection and relevance than by assignment, and the work that happens in these communities often goes unnoticed. “People belong to communities of practice at the same time as they belong to other organizational structures. In their business units, they shape the organization. In their teams, they take care of projects. In their networks, they form relationships. And in their communities of practice, they develop the knowledge that lets them do these other tasks,” notes Wenger, a well-known expert and consultant on knowledge management and CoP. “This informal fabric of communities and shared practices makes the official organization effective and, indeed, possible.” What communities of practice exist within Habitat? PartnerNet Round Table discussion groups, training staff around the world; executive directors of affiliates and country programs who meet and continue to communicate with one another in between meetings; Church Relations volunteers and staff. What role do these CoPs within HFH play? Here are some examples: • Helping: Members help each other solve everyday problems. Click on the discussions on PartnerNet and you will find community members asking for and getting help from their community. • Best practices: Members focus on developing, validating and sharing specific practices. The Program CoP and Global Training Team both have an area sharing component to their conferences that serves as a forum for sharing best practices. • Knowledge stewarding: Members focus on developing and sharing tools, insights and approaches needed by members in their work assignments. Members of the Finance CoP spent a good portion of their most recent conference focusing on the development of approaches to carrying out global finance initiatives in the most effective way. The topics, modes of communication and ways of accumulating knowledge vary from one community to the next. But members of any CoP will have something in common: they know that their own contribution of knowledge will come back to them, and they become informally bound by the value they find in learning together. Jane Gruler-Johns is a global trainer and international content manager for HFHU. Latin America and the Caribbean Developing Community Groups by Manuel Mancuello are concerned about their neighborhoods and willing to serve. Thanks to these groups, it is no longer necessary to transport HFH staff to the different communities for meetings—group leaders come to the affiliate offices. “Currently there are four community groups involved with the Santa Cruz affiliate—the Minero, Saavedra, Warnes and Pailón communities,” comments Celinda Melgarejo, national coordinator of education. Community groups are also operating through the El Alto, San Julián, Chimoré and Ichilo affiliates. Also, several groups are being developed in partnership with the Oruro and Cochabamba affiliates. Another significant achievement has been the creation of a training manual that serves as a guide for DRAWING BY OSCAR SOVERÓN F or over a year n ow, H F H Bolivia’s affiliates have been able to save time as well as human and economic resources by organizing partner families through the use of “community groups.” Community groups are made up of partner families, volunteers and community leaders who community group leaders and other volunteers who serve as liaisons between the affiliate and the local community, reporting on Habitat’s activities in the community and helping with family support. In addition to saving the affiliate time and resources, the community groups serve another important function: improving the lives of partner families by promoting community development and getting local leaders involved in Habitat’s ministry. “It’s great that Habitat is concerned about community development. They’ve shown us the importance of participating and making decisions for our community, because if we don’t change our attitudes, our community will never change,” says a community group member with the Santa Cruz affiliate. Since 1990, the Santa Cruz affiliate has continued on page 10 International Affiliate Update Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 9 built more than 1,700 houses with families in need. According to Lucy Banegas, educator with the Santa Cruz affiliate, HFH staff members working with community groups have observed the following results: • The partner families’ level of interaction with each other changes after moving into their homes. Families are open to help before construction begins, but this motivation decreases when they already have their home. • Some groups have empathy and identify with the organization. However, other groups have different attitudes and are resistant to collaborating with families in need of a home. “Some people misinterpret the purpose of the community leader. They think that these leaders are seeking some kind of personal benefit. In order to change this perception, we need to emphasize leadership models in our training. We need servant leaders with a commitment to social change,” explains Melgarejo. “It seems that until now we’ve been more concerned with our own problems. However, now I Board Training to Better Target Partner Families continued from page 7 the idea of reducing their housing costs in order to build for lowerincome families in accordance with HFH principles. Following are the key elements: • Participation of all board members plus key staff. • Outside facilitator (in our case, the fact that he was a native Polish speaker facilitated the discussions—no translation necessary—and gave him an increased level of respect from the start). • In a neutral setting (casual retreat center). • Experiential element. What 10 realize that we have problems in common and that we can support each other to overcome them,” says a community group member of the other Habitat partner families. For Melgarejo, one of the most satisfying aspects of this project has been the process of training the partner families. As a result of the workshops, the families have been able to develop problemsolving skills that they use to solve many of the problems encountered as new homeowners. “The support of the entire affiliate—including the educator, director, board of directors and volunteers—has been an essential part of this process. It has been interesting to see the families’ level of commitment to the organization grow. They now want to help other families have a home of their own. In addition, as members of a community, the families have become aware of the need to address problems within the community and search for solutions to those problems,” she concludes. Manuel Mancuello is a writer and editor for HFH's programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. For more information, including a manual on forming community groups, contact [email protected]. does poverty “feel like?” • “Where do you stand” activity. Gave each participant the opportunity to speak and share his/her thoughts. Participants who are typically silent shared ideas and experiences that really moved the rest of the participants and encouraged people to open up. • “My Personal Key to Leadership” activity. Empowered people to see how an individual can influence and contribute to the team. • Action plan. Set out clear steps and provided written documentation of what would happen next, when it would happen and who was responsible for it. • Provided a tool for follow-up discussions. Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e Future Habitat homeowners Jenny Luzu Riaga and José Luis lay blocks for their new house. This was part of the first Women Build in that country. KIM MACDONALD Developing Community Groups continued from page 9 HFH Ecuador Holds Training Sessions to Promote Sustainability by Yolanda Rojas H abitat for Humanity Ecuador is currently conducting a training program for 50 volunteers representing the country’s seven affiliates. The purpose of this program is to provide participants with the methods and tools necessary for promoting sustainable projects and growth in their regions. The topics covered in this program include an introduction to learning; Christian leadership; strategic planning and thinking; facilitation tools; and project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Among the program’s most significant achievements include a standards-based system for evaluating each participant according to his or her ability to accomplish certain tasks at the affiliate (i.e., updating the operating manual and carrying out self-evaluation of the affiliate’s work, fund-raising activities and family support program). The program has also become a source of cultural integration and support at all levels. In addition, program participants have benefited from the involvement of other organizations such as World Vision Ecuador whose employees have facilitated workshops on servant leadership and strategic planning. Yolanda Rojas is the education coordinator at HFH Ecuador. For more information, please contact her at [email protected] CASE STUDIES Using Case Studies in Online Forums by Manuel Mancuello I n May 2004, Lina Maria Obando—institutional tion in the case studies. One of the case studies that participants looked at was “The development coordinator for South America— and I decided to initiate a series of online Secrets of Los Tuxtlas” written by Christy Stickney, regional forums in South America using case studies director for HFH Central America and Mexico. “Studying ‘The as the primary tool for reflection. We found the online Secrets of Los Tuxtlas’ has been a wonderful experience,” says forums useful for overcoming the limits of geography in Maria Cristina Delgado, national partner and educator with order to strengthen networks between programs and HFH Colombia. “I felt as though I was traveling along a path of for providing continuity in training and the construction of learning communities. The case studies provided a way for us to reflect on our work and develop plans for modifying our actions. “[Case studies] allow us an objective view of our work and give us an opportunity to reflect on it as a group in order to learn from the best practices and errors of our colleagues,” says Obando. The first step in the process of developing the online forums was to locate the case studies. Then we had to decide on the best way to disseminate the informa- “The online forums have allowed me to start knitting tion and, finally, we had to identify the together new ideas like a spider web. I now feel that the people we would invite to participate in the forum. Our first two forums took Habitat Colombia family and the Eje Cafetero affiliate place via e-mail. After confirming the have the support they need to grow and change.” participants, we proceeded to send them —Maria Cristina Delgado, national partner and educator, HFH Colombia. five guiding questions as well as the case study as an attached Word document. Although distributing the case study materials via e-mail divine inspiration. The online forums have allowed me to start had certain advantages, it also presented certain problems such knitting together new ideas like a spider web. I now feel that the as not being able to see all of the participants’ comments. For Habitat Colombia family and the Eje Cafetero affiliate have the this and other reasons, we decided to use the PartnerNet Round support they need to grow and change. I hope that as these new Table for our third forum. After confirming the Round Table ideas crystallize, they will grow into an organized web.” “I continue to encourage people to participate in the online participants, we sent them the link to access PartnerNet and download the case study, a list of guiding questions to the Round forums,” says Obando. “Listening to their voices and reading and reflecting on their ideas are what make these forums vital. It’s Table, and instructions for participating. For our first forum, we limited participation to educators, important to be able to learn from each other through sharing national directors and international personnel of Habitat South ideas.” America. For subsequent forums, however, we included other people depending on the theme. It was gratifying to see how Manuel Mancuello is a writer and editor in the Communications people from different geographic locations in South America department of HFH Latin America and the Caribbean. came together to exchange questions and reflect on the informa- International Affiliate Update Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 11 GTD Training Micro-Grants Enable Leadership continued from page 5 • Sharing and Relationships Improved: Affiliate members learned the importance of regional affiliate meetings and trainings and requested having such trainings once per year. The staff training provided an opportunity for interaction and learning from each other, their supervisors, colleagues from other departments and facilitators. External facilitators who shared experiences from their organizations inspired the participants. • Team Building: The training built affiliates and staff teams, through various workshop exercises, discussions and activities; during informal discussions, teams were also affirmed. • Forum for Asking Questions and Raising Concerns: Affiliates were happy to meet staff from the national office who could answer their questions, and also provided programmatic feedback to the national office for consideration. The staff met and shared their successes and challenges with their supervisors and received face-to-face feedback. Conclusion The community leaders training and program staff leadership training were excellent opportunities for HFHK to enable its important resource (people) to become more actively involved in housing efforts currently being promoted by the Government of Kenya. The two training programs were accomplished quietly and effectively and demonstrated the commitment of all stakeholders and community leaders to deliver low-income housing in a way that enables and empowers the poor to be critical players in the process. The training sessions not only encouraged, inspired and motivated leaders to play a critical role in their ministries, but also equipped them with information and skills that will count in HFHK’s community development efforts. The moving of 466 families into decent housing last fiscal year alone and the overwhelming excitement and participation among all affiliates involved in the program, leading to a backlog of qualified applicants on our waiting list, is a clear indication of the importance and impact of these trainings. Because the development of the people of a community or organization is the only guarantee that the community or organization will grow into all that it can be, the two leadership trainings demonstrated that this can be accomplished more economically than going after the “multitude.” By so doing, we encouraged all stakeholders, local leadership, churches and other institutions with an interest in the poor and their sub-standard living conditions to join us in our effort to bring simple, decent and affordable housing to the families in need. By training our field officers, we enable them to be true ambassadors for HFHK in rural and urban communities, and have the knowledge and tools to advocate on behalf of the poor in their quest for decent shelter. Shadrack Mutembei is the program officer for affiliate development. Mark Wooding is the national director of HFH Kenya. Habitat for Humanity Unveils New Logo O n May 2,2005,Habitat for Humanity unveiled a powerful new tool to strengthen the organization’s house-building mission worldwide: a new shared logo that incorporates the ideals of partnership, shelter and action and reflects the principles that shape the Habitat movement. And while our “look” may be changing, rest assured that our mission is steadfast: to build simple, decent, affordable houses in partnership with families who desperately need them. The new Habitat for Humanity logo was designed in the spirit of the previous mark and in light of input from partners all over the world. It builds upon our blessings of a clear mission, dedicated partners and a well-established name and allows us to establish a visual identity that has just as much impact. In this new logo launch, we have carefully considered local identity, cultural sensitivities and sound stewardship. By our 30th anniversary celebration on July 31, 2006, we expect all affiliates will have fully implemented their—and our—shared logo. To that end, we will provide you the tools and assistance necessary to make a successful transition to your new affiliate-specific logo. We will support you as needed to launch the logo in your own community—whenever and however you decide to do so. One such launch tool is the BuildBrandSite, a Web-based resource that was launched on May 2. Through this site, you will be able to: • Customize and download your new affiliate logo • View logo usage guidelines and download templates for brochures, flyers, signs and more • Create your new letterhead, business cards and envelopes— and download a file for your local printer Please contact your area communication director for more information, or visit the BuildBrandSite at http://partnernet.habitat.org/ newlogo to create your own consistent and compelling new logo! 121 Habitat St. Americus, GA 31709-3498 USA phone: (001) 229-924-6935 e-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: www.habitat.org/ HFHI Mission Statement Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people everywhere, from all walks of life, to develop communities with people in need by building and renovating houses, so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which every person can experience God's love and can live and grow into all that God intends. International Affiliate Update Mission Statement The mission of the International Affiliate Update is to promote a borderless Habitat for Humanity by providing information, training and communication around the world by creating: 1. A vehicle of communication between Habitat for Humanity International and local Habitat affiliates. 2. A vehicle for sharing and communicating among local Habitat partners. 3. A blueprint for steady growth of the total Habitat organization and of the various local affiliates that make up the organization. 3498ENG/3237/SVP-PROG/5-05 12 Vo l u m e 1 2 N u m b e r 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f i l i a t e U p d a t e
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