WITNISS TO YOUTH SAfiTY IOOlK~l How to Plan a Texas Juvenile Justice Department Facility Tour or 6AtKGROUND THf JIXAS JUYfNili JUSJICI SYSTfM Texas is experiencing a time when communities are safer from crime and troubled kids are increasingly likely to turn their lives around, but also a time of continuing challenges in our juvenile justice system. Various improvements in the school setting and in the court system have contributed to statewide system improvements , but the most visible transformation has been within the main agencies charged with juvenile justice. Since 2007, eight state-run , secure facilities closed , while two others merged. Meanwhile, the number of youth in Texas's secure juvenile facilities fell dramatically-by roughly 70 percent%- and those who were entering lock-ups spent less time there. Today, only juvenile offenders who have committed felonies are held in state-run, secure facilities. Beyond lower absolute numbers, the reforms have decreased recidivism among children in the system and decreased juvenile crime statewide. In December , 2011 , the creation of the new Texas Juvenile Justice Department (T JJD) unified the responsibility for administering juvenile justice under a single agency and tasked the agency with partnering with the state's 254 county probation departments to rehabilitate kids close to home whenever possible . Among other things , the law that created TJJD charged the agency with working to ensure that: ·Fewer kids who come into contact with the juvenile justice system are incarcerated, either in state- or county-run facilities ; • Children who remain at home enter proven programs designed to help them avoid further delinquency; • Children who are incarcerated at the county level are held close to home; and • Children who must be sent to state-run facilities have the best possible chance of rehabilitation. Recent reports of increased violence and abuse in state-run, secure facilities show Texas has not fully translated its reforms into every-day practice . In particular, there is an increased concentration of youth with high needs that require a heightened concentration of staff who are well equipped to make these facilities safer . If Texas wants to support youth success in communities , it must increase funding to community programs and support. Moreover , Texas must stay focused on the goal of ensuring that the higher-need youth in those facilities are not only safe, but also receive the help and education necessary for them to grow into productive adults. The transition to a new system of governance brings us to a critical watershed. Those of us concerned about the welfare of Texas children-and those of us who take seriously the idea that juvenile offenders have the capacity to change-must work to ensure that the legislative and administrative reforms of the last years continue to translate into on-the-ground changes for the tens of thousands of Texas children and teens referred to the juvenile justice system annually. We must remain vigilant to ensure that children who remain in their communities receive the consistently high-quality treatment needed to help them achieve better outcomes. We have come too far, made too much progress in reforming our system and seen too great an improvement in our youth crime rates and community safety to turn back now. SCIIfD UliNG Tllf TO UR To schedule a tour of a Texas juvenile justice facility , you will need to contact the facility directly (see Directory included at the end of this toolkit). Each facility handles tours slightly differently , but the notion of a group tour should be something that the facility is generally familiar with. Be tenacious. Getting your tour scheduled may take some follow-up and some awaiting of facility approvals. When you call for your tour, be prepared to answer the following: • How long of a tour would you like? • How many people will be in your group? • Are you hoping to have a question and answer session? • What are the ideal dates and times for your tour? • Do you want to meet with any staff in particular, or are there any program components in particular that you would like to see? Also , make sure and specifically request an opportunity to visit with the youth in the facility. Often , visitors assume they will have this opportunity , but if you don ' t specifically request it , this element of a tour might be omitted. PlANNING IHf DAY Consider the needs of your group and what ways you might plan your tour so that it fits within a broader experience for your group. Some things to consider: • Would it be helpful to plan a speaker for just prior to the tour? • Will you need to schedule a breakfast prior to or a l unch after the event? • Have you considered travel and parking logistics forur group? • Have you considered a way to collect RSVPs and a means for sending preparatory materials to the group? • Does anyone in the group have special needs that should be considered-challenges in mobility or other concerns? PRlPARING Y®UR GRCUP In order for your group to get the most out of their experience, you may want to provide them preparatory reading materials. Along with the background section of this guide and "Things to Keep in Mind" section , some informative materials that you might want to provide to the group are : Juvenile Justice The Officer Will See You Now : A Juvenile Justice Brief After the Juvenile Justice Reforms , Are Texas Kids Better Off? IHINGS TO KIIP IN MIND Each facility is a bit differen t and may have slightly different rules. You can request a copy of facility rules from your facility contact when you schedule t he tour, but there are some basic guidelines that wi ll apply to most facility tours. How to dress for your tour: Encourage your group to wear clothing that i s comfortable, since the tour will l ikely inc l ude a significant amount of walking. Tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a shirt with a higher education logo is an outfit often recommended by TJJD staff. Clothing that is generally NOT permitted in facilities: • Skirts or pants that are shorter than mid-calf • Sleeveless blouses or shirts • Cropped shirts • Logos or the l ike that could be interpreted as referencing gang culture What to bring and what not to bring: Photo identification will be required to enter the facility. The following forms of photo identification will be accepted: • Drivers license • Other state-issued identification card • Current military or schoo l-issued identif i cat ion card Generally speaking, you should avoid bringing in any items inside the facility, save perhaps something to write with and paper. Things that you will generally NOT be permitted to bring into the facility include: • electronic items• purses and/or briefcases including cell phones and cameras • notebooks with metal spiral binding • lotion • anything made of glass(if you wear glasses , you are permitted to wear • lip balm • money them .) • tobacco products • lighter or matches • medications • weapons • food and beverages IHf DAY Of IHI I®UR Sign-in: Al l members of your tour will be asked to sign i n and present photo identification upon arriving at the facility . Each visitor wi l l then receive a visitor's badge, which must be worn and visible throughout the tour. Facility staff will also ask visitors to submit any keys they have in their possession. These will be returned at the end of the tour once the visitor again presents photo identification. Security Check : Please advise your group that visitors are required to pass through a metal detector before entering the facility . At this time , visitors will be asked to remove their shoes , empty their pockets , and remove any outer garments, such as coats or jackets. Overall Tour Rules: During your tour , the staff will ask that you remain with the group and visible to th e tour guide. Speak up: Feel free to ask your tour guide questions , and if the tour does not include areas or programs that you understood would be covered , feel free to ask your guide if you can be inc luded . Similarly , you may want to remind your tour guide that you are seeking the opportunity to visit directly with youth . 1. How long have you been here? 2. Do you feel safe? 3. Do you currently have a mentor? 4. Are there gangs here? 5. Do you ever get confined to your room? 6. Does your fami l y visit you? Do they live close by? How often do you see them or talk to them on the phone? 7. When you get sick , who takes care of you? 8. When kids act up , how do they get punished here? 9. Do kids here get to see a counselor? 10. Do you have enough clean clothes to wear? Do you have warm clothes? Do they fit? 11. Does your bed have c lean sheets? Do you have enough blankets at night? 12. Is your room c l ean? 13. Do you get enough food to eat? 14. Is the dining room clean? 15. Do you get enough water? 16. How much time do you spend out of your room? What do you do when you aren ' t in your room? 17. Do you get to go outside? When was the last time? 18. Do you keep books in your room? What are you reading? 19. How often do you go to school? What kind of work do you do there? 20. What are your plans for the future? fOllOW -UP Be sure to fill out the post-visit online form described in the next section. Your group may wish to send a note thanking your facility tour guide for their time in providing a tour, as we l l as any other staff who were helpful in setting up the tour or providing information. Yo u may al so wish to send a thank you note to the youth you spoke with during the tour. Hopefully, your group has had a rich experience and been inspired to learn more. Consider asking your group if they want to engage further by setting up regular times to visit with youth , possibly organizing volunteer activities for the facility or perhaps engaging with policymakers or the media on the conditions the group observed. Rather than a one-day experience , the tour could be the starting place for your group to actively engage in making the juvenile justice system better. To stay informed about happenings in the juvenile justice system and to get engaged with stakeholders dedicated to improving the juvenile justice system , visit: http: II w ww. t x chi I d r en . or g I j u v en i I e- justice-round tab I e P®SI - VIS II ®NliNI f®RM Your time spent with the youth you are visiting may raise concerns for you, or you might have a positive experience you want to share . Either way , your impressions and insights count and provide a window into how our juvenile justice system is serving the youth in its care. Please fill out our online form at: http: II t x chi Id r en . or gIG e t-In vo I v e d I Witness-to-Youth-S af e t y- Too I kit Facility Type by County Location Type of Facility Address Phone Number County PreAdjudication 1120 E. Crawford Palestine, Texas 75801 (903) 731-8201 County PreAdjudication 705 Ellen Trout Lufkin, Texas 75904 (936) 634-8365 County PreAdjudication 1511 Zanderson Avenue Jourdanton, Texas 78206 (830) 769-3900 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 4800 E Rancier Ave. Killeen, Texas 76543 (254) 618-4234 State run Halfway House 17259 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78266 301 East Mitchell San Antonio, Texas 78210 301 East Mitchell San Antonio, Texas 78210 8706 Mission Road San Antonio, Texas 78214 (210) 651-4374 Anderson Coun!Y Probation De~artment Anderson County Juvenile Detention Center Angelina Count)£ Probation De~artment Angelina County Juvenile Detention Center Atascosa Coun!Y Probation De~artment Atascosa County Juvenile Justice Center Bell Count)£ Probation De~artment Bell County Juvenile Services Center Bexar Coun!Y Probation Ayers House De~artment Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication Cyndi Taylor Krier Juvenile Correctional Treatment County PostAdjudication Mission Road Center County PostAdjudication Brazoria Count)£ Probation De~artment (21 0) 335-7500 (210) 335-7500 (21 0) 924-9265 Clemens Unit- TDCJ Brazoria County Juvenile Detention Center Adult Prison Youthful Offenders n. nuyram County PreAdjudication Brazoria County Residential Treatment Facility County PostAdjudication Brazos Count~ Probation n, ut.nent R.J. Holmgreen Juvenile Justice Center 11034 Hwy 36 Brazoria, Texas 77422 (979) 798-2188 20875 County Road 171 Angleton, Texas 77515 20875 County Road 171 Angleton, Texas 77515 (979) 864-1210 (979) 864-1210 County PreAdjudication 1904 Hwy 21 W (979) 823-3544 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex State Secure Facility (Girls) (325) 641-4200 35th Judicial District Juvenile Justice Center County HoldOver 800 FM 3254 Brownwood, Texas 76801 1400 Houston Street Brownwood, Texas 76801 1438 N. 77th Sunshine Strip Harlingen, Texas 78550 2310 W. Hwy 77 San Benito, Texas 78586 2310 W. Hwy 77 San Benito, Texas 78586 (956) 425-6567 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 4690 Community Ave. McKinney, Texas 75071 (972) 548-64 70 State Secure Facility 1379 FM 678 Gainesville, Texas 76240 (940) 665-0701 _]r1uvvu c~-" UuLv ,.. r·r uL .L Cameron Count~ ... : ~LIIII:OIIL (325) 646-0923 Probation ~.nent Edna Tamayo House State run Halfway House Amador R. Rodriguez Boot Camp & Educational Center County PostAdjudication Darrel B. Hester Juvenile Justice Center County PreAdjudication Collin Countv Probation~rtment John R. Roach Juvenile Detention Center c, ··· (956) 361-3509 (956) 361-4603 l'&!!!!~?r~on~rtment Gainesville State School Cooke, Fannin & Grayson County Juvenile Boot Camp County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 86 Dyess Denison, Texas 75020 (903) 786-6326 Adult Prison Youthful Offenders Program (girls) 1500 State School Road Gatesville, Texas 76598-2996 (254) 865-8901 (**031) State run Halfway House 7929 Military Parkway Dallas, Texas 75227 2600 Lone Star Drive Dallas, Texas 75212 2600 Lone Star Drive Dallas, Texas 75212 1508 E Langdon Rd Dallas, Texas 75241 10505 Denton Drive Dallas, Texas 75220 1508-A East Langdon Road Dallas, Texas 75241 2600 Lone Star Drive Dallas, Texas 75212 (214) 388-5497 216 E 5th St Hereford, Texas 79045 (806) 363-7002 Carvell Countv Hilltop Unit - TDCJ Dallas Countv Probation Deoartment Cottrell House Dallas County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication Dallas County Residential Programs and Drug Treatment County PostAdjudication Dallas County Youth Village County NonSecure Letot Center County NonSecure Lyle B. Medlock Treatment Facility County PostAdjudication Marzelle Hill Transition Center County NonSecure Deaf Smith Coun~ Probation Deoartment Deaf Smith Country Youth Home Denton Count~ Probation Deoartment County NonSecure (214) 698-4212 (972) 225-9700 (214) 357-0391 (972) 225-9781 (214) 698-4212 McFadden Ranch State run Halfway House 3505 N. Haynes Rd Roanoke, Texas 76262 210 South Woodrow Lane Denton, Texas 76205 (817) 491 -9387 Denton County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication Denton County Secure Correctional Facility County PostAdjudication 210 South Woodrow Lane Denton, Texas 76205 (940) 349-2470 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 599 S Fm 1329 San Diego, Texas 78384 (361) 279-2040 County PostAdjudication & Pre Adjudication 1401 Yukon Rd Odessa, Texas 79762 (432) 362-6356 Schaeffer House State run Halfway House (915) 856-9324 El Paso County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication Samuel F. Santana Challenge Program County PostAdjudication 12451 Garment Road El Paso, Texas 79938 6400 Delta Drive El Paso, Texas 79905 6400 Delta Dr El Paso, Texas 79905 County HoldOver 111 W. Franklin Waxahachie, Texas 75165 (972) 923-5160 County NonSecure 111 N Wall St Floydada, Texas 79235 (806) 983-4925 Duval Count~ Probation De~artment (Tri-Coun~ Juvenile Probation Department) Judge Ricardo H. Garcia Regional Juvenile Detention Ector Coun~ Probation De~artment Ector County Youth Center (972) 434-884 7 El Paso Count~ Probation De~artment Ellis County Probation Department Ellis County Short-Term Detention Facility Probation De~artment Parent Adolescent Center (915) 849-2500 (915) 849-2659 Flo~d Count~ Fort Bend Coun~ De~artment Probation Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication 122 Golfview Richmond, Texas 77469 122 Golfview Richmond, Texas 77469 (281) 633-7308 Fort Bend County Juvenile Leadership Academy - Secure County PostAdjudication County PostAdjudication & r·• 1\rljudicatlull 6101 Attwater Ave. Dickinson, Texas 77590 (409) 770-5900 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudicat.on 800 N. Ave. F Post, Texas 79356 (806) 495-0266 County PreAdjudication 310 Turk St. Longview, Texas 75601 (903) 758-0121 County PreAdjudication 2613 North Guadalupe St. Seguin, Texas 78155 (830) 303-1274 300 Monroe St.3rd Floor Courthouse Kountze, Texas 77625 (409) 246-5175 6500 A Chimney Rock Houston, Texas 77081 1200 Congress Baytown, Texas 77002 600 N. San Jacinto Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 222-4400 (281) 633-7308 Galveston Countl£ Probation LQ!e!. . '""" II Lilli;; I u Jerry J. Esmond Juvenile Justice Center ~ C~ntvP•u~• 1IL Garza County Regional Juvenile Center Greaa r.nuntv Probation Department Gregg County Juvenile Detention Center Guadalu~e Countl£ Probation LQ!e!. . '""" II Lilli;; I u Guadalupe County Juvenile Detention Center Hardin Cou1itv Probation n, ~arLilli::II...L Hardin County Juvenile Detention County PreCenter Adjudication Ha••·i~ Cou.itv Probation Depart.nent Burnett Bayland Reception Center County PostAdjudication Harris County Juvenile Justice Center County PreAdjudication Harris County Residential Assessment Unit County PostAdjudication (713) 222-4100 (712) 368-2800 Harris County Youth Village County NonSecure 210 JW Mills Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 9120 Katy-Hockley Road Katy, Texas 77493 (713) 222-4700 Leadership Academy County PostAdjudication County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 1401 Warren Drive Marshall, Texas 75672 (903) 935-4871 Hays County Juvenile Pre-Detention Center County PreAdjudication (512) 393-5220 Hays County Juvenile Post-Detention Center County PostAdjudication 2250 Clovis Barker Rd. San Marcos, Texas 78666 2250 Clovis Barker Rd. San Marcos, Texas 78666 3801 East Monte Cristo Road Edinburg, Texas 78542 4513 W. Business 83 (956) 289-5500 Harrison Coun~ Probation Department Willoughby Juvenile Services (713) 222-4600 Hays County Probation Department Hidalgo County Probation Department Evins Regional Juvenile Center State Secure Facility (512) 393-5220 Beta House State run Halfway House Judge Mario E. Ramirez, Jr. Juvenile Justice Center County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication County NonSecure 1001 N. Doolittle Edinburg, Texas 78540 1711 Northbridge St. Weslaco, Texas 78596 (956) 587-6200 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 1300 Crossland Road Granbury, Texas 76048 (817) 579-0852 Judge Mario E. Ramirez Jr. Juvenile Justice Center Transitional Program Hood Countv Probation De artment Granbury Regional Juvenile Justice Center Howard Coun~ Probation Department (956) 631-5111 (956) 969-2574 Howard County Short-Term Detention Facility Hunt Countv Probation Department Hunt County Juvenile Detention Center Jefferson Count~ Probation Department Minnie Rogers Juvenile Justice Center County HoldOver 315 Main StreetAnnex Big Spring, Texas 79720 (432) 264-2240 County PreAdjudication 2700 Johnson Street Greenville, Texas 75401 (903) 455-8555 County PreAdjudication 5326 Hwy 69 South (409) 722-7474 County PreAdjudication 3501 Legion Drive Kerrville, Texas 78028 (830) 257-6110 State Secure 2261 James Turman Rd. Giddings, Texas 78942 (979) 542-4500 County PreAdjudication 908 N. Tyus St. Groesbeck, Texas 76642 (254) 729-3569 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 2025 N. Akron Lubbock, Texas 79415 (866) 775-1 800 State Secure 116 Burleson Road Mart, Texas 76664 2601 Gholson Rd. Waco, Texas 76704 (254) 297-8200 Kerr Countv Probation Department Kerr County Juvenile Facility Lee Countv Giddings State School Limestone County Probation Department Limestone County Juvenile Facility Lubbock Count~ Probation Department Lubbock County Juvenile Justice Center Mclennan County Probation Department Mclennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility (Mart) Bill Logue Juvenile Justice Center Mclennan County Juvenile Alternative Shelter Medina County Probation DeRartment County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication County NonSecure 2601 Gholson Rd. Waco, Texas 76704 (254) 757-5072 (254) 757-5072 Ever Change Academy County PostAdjudication 805 McHaughten Hondo, Texas 78861 (830) 426-2002 County PreAdjudication 3800 N. Lamesa Rd. Midland, Texas 79705 (432) 688-4541 County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adi ud ication 696 N Fm 487 Rockdale, Texas 76567 (512) 446-3930 Montgomery County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication 200 Academy Dr. Conroe, Texas 77301 (936) 760-5805 Navarro County Corsicana Residential Treatment Center State Secure Facility 4000 W. 2nd Avenue Corsicana, Texas 75110 (903) 875-3200 State run Halfway House 422 S. Enterprize Pkwy Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 2310 Gollihar Rd. Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 2310 Gollihar Rd. Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 (361) 299-6307 9350 S Georgia St. Amarillo, Texas 79118 9300 S Georgia Amarillo, Texas 79118 (806) 468-5712 Midland Count~ Probation Department Barbara Culver Juvenile Detention Center Milam Countv Probation Department Rockdale Regional Juvenile Justice Center Montgome~ Coun~ Probation Deoartment Nueces Count~ Probation DeQartment York House Nueces County Juvenile Justice Center I Overflow County PreAdjudication Robert N. Barnes Regional Juvenile Facility County PostAdjudication Randall Count~ Probation DeQartment Randall County Next Step Home The Youth Center of the High Plains County NonSecure County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication (361) 561-6041 (361) 561 -6001 (806) 468-5708 San Patricio Coun!Y Probation DeparL••n:mt San Patricio County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication 107 W. 5th St. Sinton, Texas 78387 (361) 364-9508 Smith Cmmty p, .L1ation Depar mn:o•it Smith County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication 2630 Morningside Drive Tyler, Texas 75710 (903) 535-0850 County PreAdjudication 401 N. Britton, #1 00 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 (956) 488-8632 Willoughby House State run Halfway House (817) 244-4992 Lynn W. Ross Juvenile Detention Center County PostAdjudication & Pre-Arljudication 8100 W. Elizabeth Ln Fort Worth, Texas 76116 2701 Kimbo Road Fort Woth, Texas 76111 889 South 25th Street Abilene, Texas 79602 889 South 25th Street Abilene, Texas 79602 (325) 691 -7462 County PreAdjudication 1253 West 19th Street San Angelo, Texas 76903 (325) 655-2323 State run Halfway House 7308 Cameron Road Austin, Texas 78752 (512) 452-6481 Stdrr C.Q!!,ntv Probation~ Starr County Juvenile Justice Center Tarrant Coun!Y Probation ~ LIIII!OIIl Tavlor C~ntv r.,u~t Taylor County Juvenile Detention Center Taylor County Post Adjudication Facility Tom Green Coun!Y Probation Deparu.nmt Tom Green County Juvenile Detention Center Travis Countv rrobation~1 mtent Turman House County PreAdjudication County PostAdjudication (817) 838-4610 (325) 691-7462 Gardner-Betts Juvenile Justice Center County PreAdjudication 2515 S. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78704 2515 S. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78704 (512) 854-7059 Meurer Intermediate Sanctions Center County PostAdjudication Val Verde County Juvenile Detention Center County PreAdjudication 200 Griner Del Rio, Texas 78840 (830) 774-7553 Van Zandt County Youth Multi-Service Center County PostAdjudication & Pre-Ad· udication 323 E. Garland Grand Saline, Texas 75140 (903) 962-6292 Victoria Regional Juvenile Justice Facility County PostAdjudication & Pre-Adjudication 97 Foster Field Drive Victoria, Texas 77904 (361) 575-0399 Solomon Casseb Jr. Webb County Youth Village County PreAdjudication 111 Camino Nuevo Road, Hwy 359 Laredo, Texas 78046 (361) 586-6000 Wichita County Probation De rtment Judge Arthur R. Tipps Juvenile Justice Center County PreAdjudication 510 Lamar Witchita Falls, Texas 76307 (940) 766-8225 Williamson County Academy County NonSecure (512) 943-3255 Williamson County Juvenile Justice Center County PreAdjudication Williamson County Triad Program County PostAdjudication 1821 SE Inner Loop Georgetown, Texas 78626 1821 SE Inner Loop Georgetown, Texas 78626 1821 SE Inner Loop Georgetown, Texas 78626 (512) 854-7059 (512) 943-3232 (512) 943-3232
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