C O R P O R AT I O N THE ARTS CHILD POLICY CIVIL JUSTICE EDUCATION ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT This PDF document was made available from www.rand.org as a public service of the RAND Corporation. Jump down to document6 HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS NATIONAL SECURITY POPULATION AND AGING PUBLIC SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUBSTANCE ABUSE The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective analysis and effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world. TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE WORKFORCE AND WORKPLACE Support RAND Browse Books & Publications Make a charitable contribution For More Information Visit RAND at www.rand.org Learn more about the RAND Corporation View document details Limited Electronic Distribution Rights This document and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law as indicated in a notice appearing later in this work. This electronic representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for non-commercial use only. Unauthorized posting of RAND PDFs to a non-RAND Web site is prohibited. RAND PDFs are protected under copyright law. Permission is required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of our research documents for commercial use. For information on reprint and linking permissions, please see RAND Permissions. This product is part of the RAND Corporation corporate publication series. Corporate publications describe or promote RAND divisions and programs, summarize research results, or announce upcoming events. Selected RAND Abstracts A Guide to RAND Publications Volume 45 January–December 2007 Annual Cumulation ii Printed and On-Line Indexes Selected RAND Abstracts (SRA) provides a comprehensive guide to the RAND Corporation’s unclassified publications. Indexes other than those for the current year are available as follows: Indexes of Selected Publications of The RAND Corporation, 1946–1962 ... $50.00 Selected RAND Abstracts, Cumulative Edition, 1963–1972 .............. $50.00 You may download complete SRAs for no charge from RAND’s website at http://www.rand.org/publications/bib/ index.html. Bound copies of earlier volumes (1973–1997) may be ordered for $25.00 each, depending on availability. ISSN: 0037-1343 Abstracts of all publicly releasable RAND publications are available through RAND’s home page on the World Wide Web (http://www.rand.org/search/pubs_search.html). The database may be searched by author, title, keyword, or document number. All publicly available documents published since January 1998 in the Monograph, Monograph/Report, Technical Report, Issue Paper, Conference Report, Occasional Paper, Documented Briefing, Working Paper, and Research Brief series are available on the RAND website in their entirety, as well as some of our older classics. iii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................ v SERIAL LIST .................................................................... 1 INDEXES Author ...................................................................... Subject ..................................................................... Title ........................................................................ 4 74 152 ABSTRACTS Monograph/Report .......................................................... Monographs ................................................................ Technical Reports........................................................... Research Briefs ............................................................. Dissertations ................................................................ Reprints .................................................................... Conference Proceedings .................................................... Testimony .................................................................. Corporate Publications ...................................................... Occasional Papers .......................................................... Documented Briefings ...................................................... Working Papers............................................................. RAND Library Reprints (Journal Articles and Book Chapters) ............. Commercial Books ........................................................ 170 170 188 203 209 213 220 221 223 226 228 230 243 338 ORDER FORM ................................................................... 341 v INTRODUCTION The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective analysis and effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world. It conducts studies in the public interest supported by the United States government, by local and state governments, by private foundations, and by its own funds derived from earned fees. The work involves most of the major disciplines in the physical, social, and biological sciences, with emphasis on their application to problems of policy and planning in domestic and foreign affairs. The methods and findings of RAND research are reported chiefly in RAND’s publications. Many RAND studies appear also as articles in professional, scholarly, and technical journals (published in our Reprint series), and as books published by other commercial publishers and university presses. Selected RAND Abstracts (SRA) is a complete guide to current unclassified RAND publications. The numbered publication series includes: R MG TR CF CT DB RGSD RP OP RB CP WR LRP CB Report Monograph (Technical) Reports Conference Proceedings Testimony Documented Briefings Dissertations Reprints Occasional Papers Research Briefs Corporate Publications Working Papers Library Reprints Commercial Books The Monograph/Report, Monograph, and Technical Report are the principal publications documenting and transmitting RAND’s major research findings. Monograph/Reports and Monographs strive to be comprehensive or analyze a problem from a variety of perspectives. Technical Reports may include research findings on a specific topic that is limited in scope or intended for a narrow audience; present discussions of the methodology employed in research; provide literature reviews, survey instruments, modeling exercises, guidelines for practitioners and research professionals, and supporting documentation; or deliver preliminary findings. Conference Proceedings, Testimony, and Documented Briefings report on those events after the fact. Dissertations emanate from the Pardee RAND Graduate School. The Reprint series reproduces previously published journal articles and book chapters. Occasional Papers may include an informed perspective on a timely policy issue, a discussion of new research methodologies, essays, a paper presented at a conference, or a summary of work in progress. Research Briefs are policy-oriented summaries of published RAND research. Corporate publications describe the nature of RAND and its work as a whole. Working papers are intended to share the authors’ latest research findings and solicit informal peer review. LRPs are articles or book chapters written by RAND authors but not available from RAND. Commercial books are published by other commercial or academic presses or by RAND as reprints of earlier reports. In addition, some RAND research is published as articles in journals or other books. Selected RAND Abstracts is divided into an index section and an abstract section. INDEX SECTION Each issue of SRA contains author, subject, and title indexes covering all the material abstracted in the current volume. Author Index. The entries under the authors’ names give the numbers and titles of their publications abstracted in this volume of SRA. Subject Index. Each publication is indexed under one or more appropriate subjects. The lines that follow the subject headings are titles. The publication number following the modifier refers the user to the abstract appearing in the abstract section. Title Index. Each title is followed by its document number. vi ABSTRACT SECTION Abstracts are arranged serially by publication number. A complete serial list of publications included in this volume appears immediately preceding the author index. WHERE TO OBTAIN RAND PUBLICATIONS National Book Network (NBN) distributes selected RAND publications to bookstores, wholesalers, jobbers, and libraries. Contact NBN to determine availability and applicable discounts at 800-462-6420. Publications not available through NBN can be ordered directly from RAND. Most titles in the MG, MR, TR, and CF series published since 1996 are available from NBN. RAND. Institutions and individuals can order directly from RAND at prices listed on the order form in the back of this volume. California residents add 8.25% sales tax; Pennsylvania residents, 7%; Virginia residents, 5%. Payment in U.S. currency (check, money order, or credit card information) must accompany all orders. VISA, Mastercard, or American Express credit card orders are accepted. RAND offers the following options: For orders shipped within the United States: • U.S. Postal Service Bookpost Shipping (estimated delivery date of 10–15 business days)—$5 for the first publication and $2 for each additional publication. • U.S. Postal Service First Class (3–4 business days)—$7 for the first publication and $3 for each additional publication. • UPS Ground (5 business days)—$7 for the first publication and $2 for each additional publication. • Federal Express Priority Overnight—$16.00 for the first publication and $3.50 for each additional publication (Federal Express charges an additional $10 for Saturday delivery). Call Customer Service to arrange delivery. For orders shipped outside of the United States: • International Economy (22+ business days)—$5 for the first publication and $3 for each additional publication. • International Second Class Air (15–22 business days)—$7 for the first publication and $4 for each additional publication. • International First Class Air (7–15 business days)—$9 for the first publication and $5 for each additional publication. RAND books published by other commercial or university presses and the journal articles and book chapters in the LRP series listed at the end of the Abstract section are not available from RAND. Other RAND publications that do not appear on the order form are available online only and may be downloaded from RAND’s Web site at the URLs indicated in the abstract section. Journals or books by other publishers may be purchased from a bookseller or directly from the publisher. Submit orders by Telephone: Fax: E-Mail Mail: (310) 451-7002; or toll-free (877) 584-8642 (in the U.S.) (412) 802-4981 [email protected] RAND Corporation Publication Orders P.O. Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 Standing Order Program. Annual subscriptions to RAND unclassified publications are available. Subscribers automatically receive a copy of each publication as it is released—more than 200 publications each year—together with Selected RAND Abstracts, which indexes and abstracts all publications included in the subscription. Subscription fees are vii designed strictly to recover RAND’s costs for printing and fulfillment, and are subject to annual increases. Fees include shipping and handling. RAND has several subscription options. Prices are for 2007–2008. All RAND monographs Approximately 130 RAND books and reports per year: monographs, technical reports, conference proceedings, and occasional papers. Within the United States: $1,395 Outside the United States: $1,695 Social Science monographs Approximately 65 RAND books and reports per year in the social sciences: monographs, technical reports, conference proceedings, and occasional papers. Within the United States: $795 Outside the United States: $995 International Policy and Military Affairs titles Approximately 65 RAND books and reports per year in international policy and military affairs: monographs, technical reports, conference proceedings, and occasional papers. Within the United States: $1,175 Outside the United States: $1,375 All RAND Publications Approximately 200–250 RAND books, reports, and other publications per year: monographs, technical reports, conference proceedings, occasional papers, research briefs, dissertations, documented briefings, congressional testimonies. Includes a monthly CD/DVD with all new titles in electronic format with permission for internal institutional use. Within the United States: $1,895 Outside the United States: $2,195 Remittance from countries other than the United States must be made by international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank—U.S. dollars. Complete collections of back issues for two preceding years are also available. Copies of earlier publications will be sold only on a single-copy basis. Subscriptions are accepted at RAND’s discretion. E-mail Announcement List. If you would like to be on our list to receive e-mail announcements of new RAND publications, sign up on our web site at http://www.rand.org/publications/emailannounce.html and indicate your area of interest. Bibliographies. PDF files of most of RAND’s subject bibliographies are available to download at no charge at http://www.rand.org/publications/bib/index.html. Below is a listing of these subject bibliographies. Documents published since the subject bibliographies were produced are available for download in their entirety from RAND’s Web page. SB-1001—Africa SB-1024—Arms Control (Pre-1985) SB-2024—Arms Control (1985–2004) SB-1017—Asia (Pre-1980) SB-2017—Asia (1980–1994) SB-2017—Asia (1995–2004) SB-1065—California (Pre-1980) SB-2065—California (1980–present) SB-1002—China (Pre-1980) SB-2002—China (1980–2004) SB-1028—Homeland Security CP-253—Civil Justice SB-1020—Communication Satellites SB-1021—Communications (Pre-1980) SB-2021—Communications (1980–2003) SB-1036—Computing at RAND (1980–1992) SB-2036—Computing at RAND (1970–1979) SB-3036—Computing at RAND (Pre-1970) viii SB-1061—Cost Analysis (Pre-1980) SB-2061—Cost Analysis (1980–2003) SB-1059—Criminality, Justice, and Public Safety (Pre1985) SB-2059—Criminality, Justice, and Public Safety (1985–2004) SB-1072—Critical Technologies SB-1025—Decisionmaking (Pre-1980) SB-2025—Decisionmaking (1980–2004) SB-1019—Delphi and Long-Range Planning SB-1026—Education (Pre-1980) SB-2026—Education (1980–1989) SB-3026—Education (1990–1994) SB-4026—Education (1995–1999) SB-5026—Education (2000–2004) SB-1052—Energy and Nuclear Power (Pre-1980) SB-2052—Energy and Nuclear Power (1980–1989) SB-3052—Energy and Nuclear Power (1990–2004) SB-1032—Environment (Pre-1980) SB-2032—Environment (1980–1990) SB-3032—Environment (1991–2004) SB-1062—Europe (Pre-1980) SB-2062—Europe (1980–1989) SB-3062—Europe (1990–2004) SB-1005—Expert Systems SB-1071—Former Soviet Union SB-1050—Gaming (Pre-1970) SB-2050—Gaming (1970–1984) SB-3050—Gaming (1985–2004) SB-1011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (Pre-1980) SB-2011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (1980–1989) SB-3011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (1990–1994) SB-4011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (1995– 1998t) SB-5011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (1999-2002) SB-6011—Health Care Costs and Coverage (2003–2004) SB-1027—Health-Related Research (Pre-1980) SB-2027—Health-Related Research (1980–1989) SB-3027—Health-Related Research (1990–1994) SB-4027—Health-Related Research (1995–1998) SB-5027—Health-Related Research (1999–2000) SB-6027—Health-Related Research (2001) SB-7027—Health-Related Research (2002) SB-8027—Health-Related Research (2003) SB-9027—Health-Related Research (2004) SB-1028—Homeland Security (Pre-2000) SB-2028—Homeland Security (2000–2004) SB-1067—Housing SB-1043—Human Resources (Pre-1985) SB-2043—Human Resources (1985–1994) SB-3043—Human Resources (1995–2004) SB-1075—Immigration SB-1073—Information Sciences (Pre-1970) SB-2073—Information Sciences (1970–1985) SB-3073—Information Sciences (1985–2004) SB-1013—International Trade (Pre-1985) SB-2013—International Trade (1985-2004) SB-1018—Latin America (Pre-1980) SB-2018—Latin America (1980–2004) SB-1035—Linguistics SB-1023—Logistics (Pre-1980) SB-2023—Logistics (1980–1994) SB-3023—Logistics (1995–2004) SB-1058—Management (Pre-1985) SB-2058—Management (1985–2004) SB-1034—Middle East (Pre-1980) SB-2034—Middle East (1980–2004) SB-1063—Military Manpower (Pre-1980) SB-2063—Military Manpower (1980–1989) SB-3063—Military Manpower (1990–1994) SB-4063—Military Manpower (1995–1999) SB-5063—Military Manpower (2000–2004) SB-1069—Military Strategy and Tactics (Pre-1980) SB-2069—Military Strategy and Tactics (1980–1989) SB-3069—Military Strategy and Tactics (1990–1994) SB-4069—Military Strategy and Tactics (1995–1999) SB-5069—Military Strategy and Tactics (2000–2004) SB-1074—Narcotics SB-1068—NATO (Pre-1985) SB-2068—NATO (1985–2004) SB-1051—New York City (1968–1986) SB-1037—Policy Sciences (Pre-1985) SB-2037—Policy Sciences (1985–2004) SB-1041—Population (Pre-1985) SB-2041—Population (1985–1995) SB-3041—Population (1995–2004) SB-1008—Program Budgeting (Pre-1985) SB-2008—Program Budgeting (1985–2004) SB-1029—R&D and Systems Acquisition: Strategy, Policy, and Procedures (Pre-1985) SB-2029—R&D and Systems Acquisition: Strategy, Policy, and Procedures (1985–2004) SB-1066—Regulatory Issues (Pre-1985) SB-2066—Regulatory Issues (1985–2004) SB-1004—Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse (Pre-1995) SB-2004—Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse (1995–2004) SB-1046—Space Technology and Planning (Pre-1980) ix SB-2046—Space Technology and Planning 1980–2004) SB-1045—Statistics and Statistical Methods (Pre-1980) SB-2045—Statistics and Statistical Methods (1980– 2004) SB-1055—Systems Analysis: Methods, Techniques, and Theory (Pre-1980) SB-2055—Systems Analysis: Methods, Techniques, and Theory (1980–2004) SB-1031—Television and Communications Policy (Pre1980) SB-2031—Television and Communications Policy (1980–2004) SB-1060—Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict (Pre1980) SB-2060— Terrorism (1980–2004) SB-1040—Transportation (Pre-1980) SB-2040—Transportation (1980–2004) SB-1007—Urban Studies (Pre-1980) SB-2007—Urban Studies (1980-2004) SB-1012—U.S.-Foreign Relations (Pre-1980) SB-2012—U.S.-Foreign Relations (1980–1989) SB-3012—U.S.-Foreign Relations (1990–2004) SB-1033—USSR (Pre-1980) SB-2033—USSR (1980–1992) SB-1038—Water Resources Other Sources of RAND Research Several government agencies index and distribute RAND publications. The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) lists many unclassified RAND documents in its online database and offers them for sale to the public, the military, and to government agencies. Address inquiries to NTIS, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 (http://www.ntis.gov/). The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) serves government agencies and nongovernment organizations that have contracts with the Department of Defense. The DTIC database contains most RAND classified and unclassified publications covering defense and national security topics. Instructions and the forms necessary for establishing service may be obtained from the DTIC, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314 (http://www.dtic.mil/). RAND publications resulting from research supported by the National Institute of Education or the U.S. Office of Education may be obtained in from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Document Reproduction Service, (703) 440-1400, toll-free (in U.S. & Canada) (800) 443-3742, Fax (703) 440-1408, email: [email protected]. RAND publications on health issues are available from the National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/) via Interlibrary Loan. SUPPORTING AGENCIES The agencies supporting RAND research are identified by suffixes to publication numbers, as follows: A United States Army ACF Administration for Children and Families AF United States Air Force AHRQ United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ANF Annenberg Foundation ATSC Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission BPA Berkeley Policy Associates BT British Telecommunications CAPP RAND Center for Asian and Pacific Policy CC Carnegie Corporation of New York CC City of Cincinnati (Ohio) CCC Cornwall (England) County Council CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CEIS Institute of European and International Studies in Kyiv CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CSAT United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment CSG Council of State Governments CTRMP x RAND Center for Terrorism Risk Management and Policy DCR David and Carol Richards DFT Great Britain Department of Transport DH Netherlands Department of Health DHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services DHS United States Department of Homeland Security DOJ United States Department of Justice EC European Commission EDU Rand Education (Institute) EMKF Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation EMR Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld EOUST Executive Office for US Trustees ESRC Economic and Social Research Council (Great Britain) FEA Florida Education Association/United FEMA United States Federal Emergency Management Agency FFE Fund for Excellence GG Guilford Glazer HLTH RAND Health HS Los Angeles County Department of Health Services ICJ RAND Institute for Civil Justice IEC Industrial Economics, Incorporated IES Institute of Education Sciences ISE RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment JFCOM United States Joint Forces Command KB Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Netherlands) LACPD Los Angeles County Probation Department LAFANS Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey LAUP Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) MAR Mississippi Association of Realtors MEDPAC Medicare Payment Advisory Commission MOD United Kingdom Ministry of Defence NAO Great Britain National Audit Office NAR National Association of Realtors. NAT Jane and Marc Nathanson Family Foundation NAVY United States Navy NCCAM National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine NIEER National Institute for Early Education Research NIJ National Institute of Justice NSF National Science Foundation NSRD RAND National Security Research Division NYPD New York City Police Foundation OA Oxfam America OACP Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services OSD United States Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense xi PEW Pew Charitable Trusts PF David & Lucile Packard Foundation PPN Promising Practices Network PRGS Pardee RAND Graduate School PV Paul Volcker QATAR State of Qatar Supreme Education Council QF Qatar Foundation RC Rand Corporation RE RAND Europe RPC RAND Pardee Center RS Project Retrosight SAMHSA United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SBA Small Business Administration SDP School District of Philadelphia, Pa. SEP Mexico Secretaria de Educacion Publica SRF Smith Richardson Foundation STWA Save the World Air, Inc. SUT William Sutton Trust TRANSCOM United States Transportation Command UCR University of California, Riverside UWA University of Washington WCJVSF W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation WKKF W. K. Kellogg Foundation WPF William Penn Foundation 1 SERIAL LIST MONOGRAPH/REPORTS MR-1118-1-EDU MONOGRAPHS MG-146-1-DCR MG-146/1-1-RC MG-327-1-GG MG-355-AF MG-379-A MG-380-OSD MG-405-1-AF MG-405/1-AF MG-428/2-JFCOM MG-447-A MG-471/1-EDU MG-477-WPF MG-481-DHS MG-483-DHS MG-485-DHS MG-499-AF MG-507-OSD MG-510-DHS MG-518-AF MG-519-AF MG-525-AF MG-527-OSD MG-528-NAVY MG-529-OSD MG-530-A MG-530/1-A MG-532-A MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP MG-538-A MG-539-AF MG-540-AF MG-544-AF MG-545-AF MG-548-QATAR MG-548/1-QATAR MG-551-JFCOM MG-552-OSD MG-553-OSD MG-555-AF MG-557-SRF MG-559/1-AF MG-561-AF MG-563-A MG-565-AF MG-566-OSD MG-567-AF MG-569-OSD MG-572-AF MG-574-SRF MG-583-OSD MG-584-AF MG-585-RC MG-586-NIJ MG-587-1-ICJ MG-588-AF MG-589-NSF MG-590-1-OSD MG-591-NCCAM MG-592-NSRD MG-593-OSD MG-595/1-OSD MG-597-AF MG-598-OSD MG-599-OSD MG-603-A MG-607-JFCOM MG-608-NAVY MG-608/1-NAVY MG-612-OSD MG-613-AF MG-624-AF MG-635-A MG-644-QATAR MG-646-A MG-649-NAVY MG-655-AF MG-663-EMKF MG-664-OSD MG-673-CEIS MG-679-CTRMP MG-689-OACP TR-509-EOUST TR-510-KB TR-511-OA/MAR/NAR TR-516-RC TR-523-NAO TR-524-UCR TR-534-NYPD TR-535-CC TR-537-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/ WCJVSF/LAUP TR-538-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/ WCJVSF/LAUP TR-546-BPA RESEARCH BRIEFS TECHNICAL REPORTS TR-101/2-CDC TR-209-QF TR-280-DFT TR-313-STWA TR-360-DHS TR-367-CCC TR-368-1-LACPD TR-386-DHS TR-392 TR-397-ATSC TR-403-SAMHSA TR-406-EC TR-408-AF TR-410-AF TR-416-A TR-418-AF TR-419-OSD TR-422-AF TR-434-AF TR-435-ESRC TR-438-ESRC TR-439-CSG TR-441-AF TR-442-SBA TR-443-NAO TR-444-NAO TR-450-ICJ TR-453-EC TR-454-DHS TR-458-SEP TR-459-AF TR-460-EC TR-461-NAT TR-463-AHRQ TR-465-AF TR-468-FEMA TR-470-AF TR-472-BT TR-474-EC TR-475-HLTH TR-475/1-HLTH TR-476-CTRMP TR-480-NAVY TR-481-A TR-482-NAO TR-483-EOUST TR-484-EOUST TR-488-ACF TR-493-HS TR-493/1-HS TR-498-LACPD TR-501-OSD TR-506-CC TR-508-AHRQ RB-210-AF RB-213-AF RB-215-AF RB-216-AF RB-219-AF RB-220-AF RB-222-AF RB-226-AF RB-227-AF RB-228-AF RB-229-AF RB-230-AF RB-233-AF RB-235-AF RB-236-AF RB-241-AF RB-9043-1 RB-9207-CCC RB-9217-WPF RB-9234 RB-9236-OSD RB-9237 RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP RB-9241 RB-9242-CC RB-9243-1-RC RB-9244-OSD RB-9248-QATAR RB-9248/1-QATAR RB-9249-ICJ RB-9250-RE RB-9251-SRF RB-9252-OSD RB-9253-NAVY RB-9254 RB-9255-A RB-9258-DHS RB-9259-NSF RB-9260-OSD RB-9261-SBA RB-9262-SAMHSA RB-9263-RPC RB-9265 RB-9267-HLTH RB-9268-JFCOM RB-9269-CSAT RB-9270-FEMA RB-9272-ICJ RB-9273 RB-9274-OSD RB-9276-QATAR RB-9278-DHS RB-9279 RB-9280 RB-9282-OSD RB-9283 RB-9285 RB-9286 RB-9287-EDU RB-9288-RE RB-9289-RE RB-9290-OA/MAR/NAR RB-9291 RB-9293 RB-9294-NAT RB-9295-EMKF RB-9298-EMKF RB-9300 RB-9303 RB-9305-EMKF RB-9306-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/ WCJVSF/LAUP RB-9307-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/ WCJVSF/LAUP RB-9309-NIJ RB-9325 RGS DISSERTATIONS RGSD-208 RGSD-209 RGSD-210 RGSD-211 RGSD-212 RGSD-213 RGSD-214 RGSD-215 RGSD-216 RGSD-217 RGSD-218 RGSD-219 RGSD-220 RGSD-221 RGSD-222 RGSD-224 REPRINTS RP-1235 RP-1243 RP-1244 RP-1247 RP-1248 RP-1253 RP-1259 RP-1260 RP-1261 RP-1265 RP-1266 RP-1271 RP-1272 RP-1273 RP-1282 RP-1283 RP-1287 RP-1288 RP-1289 RP-1290 RP-1291 RP-1297 RP-1303 RP-1308 RP-1309 RP-1312 RP-1321 RP-1323 RP-1325 2 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CF-228-ISE CF-229 CF-235-OSD CF-237-NSRD CF-239-PPN CF-243 TESTIMONY CT-269 CT-270 CT-271 CT-272 CT-273 CT-274 CT-275 CT-276 CT-277 CT-278-1 CT-279 CT-280 CT-280/1 CT-281 CT-281/1 CT-282 CT-283 CT-284 CT-285 CT-286 CT-287 CT-288 CT-289 CT-290 CT-291 CT-292 CT-293 CT-294 CT-294/1 CT-295 CT-296 CORPORATE PUBLICATIONS CP-22-0704 CP-22-0708 CP-22-0712 CP-381-0707 CP-472-0710 CP-521-0207 CP-521-0407 CP-521-0607 CP-521-0807 CP-521-1007 CP-521-1207 CP-522 CP-524 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OP-168-OSD OP-172-OSD OP-176-OSD OP-178-OSD OP-179-RPC OP-180-1-CTRMP OP-181-PV/EMR OP-185-OSD OP-189-ICJ OP-190-ICJ OP-194-CAPP OP-197-PV/EMR OP-206-RC OP-213-PV/EMR DOCUMENTED BRIEFINGS DB-506-A DB-515-A DB-516-TRANSCOM DB-517-AF DB-525-CTRMP DB-528-NAVY DB-544-FFE DB-549-MOD DB-551-MOD WORKING PAPERS WR-196-2 WR-223-1 WR-240/12-LAFANS WR-240/13-LAFANS WR-293-1-ICJ WR-325-1 WR-368-DH WR-403-ICJ WR-405-ICJ WR-434-CMS WR-434/1-CMS WR-450-ICJ WR-452-UWA WR-453-UWA WR-455-DHHS WR-458 WR-460-SUT WR-463 WR-464-ISE WR-465-DHS WR-466-RS WR-469-DHHS WR-470-DHHS WR-471-IES WR-472 WR-473-DHHS WR-476-MEDPAC WR-477 WR-478 WR-482-1 WR-483 WR-487-IEC WR-489 WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ WR-491-DHHS WR-495 WR-496 WR-497 WR-498 WR-499-ICJ WR-500 WR-501 WR-504 WR-505 WR-506 WR-508-FEA WR-509-DH WR-511 WR-512-ICJ WR-514 WR-515/1 WR-515/2 WR-515/3 WR-516-DHHS WR-517-AHRQ WR-520-EMKF WR-522-AHRQ WR-523 WR-524 WR-525 WR-528 WR-529 WR-530 WR-531 WR-532 WR-533-RC WR-535 WR-536 WR-537-PRGS RAND LIBRARY REPRINTS LRP-196306-02 LRP-196409-02 LRP-197603-01 LRP-197901-01 LRP-199811-07 LRP-200300-17 LRP-200303-24 LRP-200400-25 LRP-200400-26 LRP-200400-27 LRP-200406-25 LRP-200500-20 LRP-200507-21 LRP-200600-15 LRP-200600-22 LRP-200601-26 LRP-200603-38 LRP-200606-23 LRP-200608-17 LRP-200609-20 LRP-200609-22 LRP-200610-24 LRP-200610-27 LRP-200612-38 LRP-200612-40 LRP-200612-41 LRP-200612-42 LRP-200612-44 LRP-200700-01 LRP-200700-02 LRP-200700-03 LRP-200700-05 LRP-200700-06 LRP-200700-07 LRP-200700-08 LRP-200700-09 LRP-200700-10 LRP-200700-11 LRP-200700-12 LRP-200700-13 LRP-200700-14 LRP-200700-15 LRP-200700-16 LRP-200700-17 LRP-200700-18 LRP-200700-19 LRP-200700-21 LRP-200700-22 LRP-200700-23 LRP-200700-24 LRP-200700-25 LRP-200700-26 LRP-200700-27 LRP-200700-29 LRP-200701-01 LRP-200701-02 LRP-200701-03 LRP-200701-04 LRP-200701-05 LRP-200701-06 LRP-200701-07 LRP-200701-08 LRP-200701-09 LRP-200701-10 LRP-200701-11 LRP-200701-12 LRP-200701-13 LRP-200701-15 LRP-200701-16 LRP-200701-17 LRP-200701-18 LRP-200701-19 LRP-200701-20 LRP-200701-21 LRP-200702-01 LRP-200702-02 LRP-200702-03 LRP-200702-04 LRP-200702-05 LRP-200702-06 LRP-200702-07 LRP-200702-09 LRP-200702-10 LRP-200702-11 LRP-200702-12 LRP-200702-13 LRP-200702-14 LRP-200702-15 LRP-200702-16 LRP-200702-17 LRP-200703-01 LRP-200703-02 LRP-200703-03 LRP-200703-04 LRP-200703-05 LRP-200703-06 LRP-200703-07 LRP-200703-08 LRP-200703-09 LRP-200703-10 LRP-200703-11 LRP-200703-12 LRP-200703-14 LRP-200703-16 LRP-200703-17 LRP-200703-18 LRP-200703-19 LRP-200703-20 LRP-200703-21 LRP-200703-22 LRP-200703-23 LRP-200703-24 LRP-200703-25 LRP-200703-26 LRP-200703-27 LRP-200703-28 LRP-200703-29 LRP-200703-30 LRP-200704-01 LRP-200704-02 LRP-200704-03 LRP-200704-04 LRP-200704-05 LRP-200704-06 LRP-200704-07 LRP-200704-08 LRP-200704-09 LRP-200704-10 LRP-200704-11 LRP-200704-12 LRP-200704-13 LRP-200704-14 LRP-200704-15 LRP-200704-16 LRP-200704-17 LRP-200704-18 LRP-200704-19 LRP-200704-20 LRP-200704-21 LRP-200704-22 LRP-200704-23 LRP-200704-24 LRP-200704-25 LRP-200704-26 LRP-200704-27 3 LRP-200704-28 LRP-200705-01 LRP-200705-02 LRP-200705-03 LRP-200705-04 LRP-200705-05 LRP-200705-06 LRP-200705-07 LRP-200705-08 LRP-200705-09 LRP-200705-10 LRP-200705-11 LRP-200705-12 LRP-200705-13 LRP-200705-14 LRP-200705-15 LRP-200705-16 LRP-200705-17 LRP-200705-18 LRP-200705-19 LRP-200705-20 LRP-200705-21 LRP-200705-22 LRP-200705-23 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LRP-200708-09 LRP-200708-10 LRP-200708-11 LRP-200708-12 LRP-200708-13 LRP-200708-14 LRP-200708-15 LRP-200708-16 LRP-200708-17 LRP-200708-18 LRP-200708-19 LRP-200708-20 LRP-200709-01 LRP-200709-02 LRP-200709-03 LRP-200709-04 LRP-200709-05 LRP-200709-06 LRP-200709-07 LRP-200709-08 LRP-200709-10 LRP-200709-11 LRP-200709-12 LRP-200709-13 LRP-200709-14 LRP-200709-15 LRP-200709-16 LRP-200709-17 LRP-200709-18 LRP-200709-19 LRP-200710-01 LRP-200710-02 LRP-200710-03 LRP-200710-04 LRP-200710-05 LRP-200710-06 LRP-200710-07 LRP-200710-08 LRP-200710-09 LRP-200710-10 LRP-200710-12 LRP-200710-13 LRP-200710-14 LRP-200710-15 LRP-200710-16 LRP-200710-17 LRP-200710-18 LRP-200710-19 LRP-200710-20 LRP-200710-21 LRP-200710-22 LRP-200710-23 LRP-200710-24 LRP-200710-25 LRP-200710-26 LRP-200710-27 LRP-200710-28 LRP-200710-29 LRP-200710-30 LRP-200710-31 LRP-200710-32 LRP-200710-33 LRP-200710-34 LRP-200710-35 LRP-200710-36 LRP-200710-37 LRP-200710-38 LRP-200710-39 LRP-200710-40 LRP-200710-41 LRP-200710-42 LRP-200710-44 LRP-200710-45 LRP-200710-46 LRP-200710-47 LRP-200710-48 LRP-200710-49 LRP-200710-50 LRP-200710-51 LRP-200710-52 LRP-200710-53 LRP-200710-54 LRP-200711-01 LRP-200711-02 LRP-200711-03 LRP-200711-04 LRP-200711-05 LRP-200711-06 LRP-200711-07 LRP-200711-08 LRP-200711-09 LRP-200711-10 LRP-200711-11 LRP-200711-12 LRP-200711-13 LRP-200711-14 LRP-200711-15 LRP-200711-16 LRP-200711-17 LRP-200711-18 LRP-200711-19 LRP-200711-20 LRP-200711-21 LRP-200711-22 LRP-200711-23 LRP-200711-24 LRP-200711-25 LRP-200711-26 LRP-200711-27 LRP-200712-01 LRP-200712-02 LRP-200712-03 LRP-200712-05 LRP-200712-06 LRP-200712-07 LRP-200712-08 LRP-200712-09 LRP-200712-10 LRP-200712-11 LRP-200712-12 LRP-200712-13 LRP-200712-14 LRP-200712-15 LRP-200712-16 LRP-200712-17 LRP-200712-18 LRP-200712-19 LRP-200801-07 LRP-200804-08 LRP-200805-03 LRP-200806-01 COMMERCIAL BOOKS CB-104-1 CB-113-1 CB-136-1 CB-137-1 CB-149-1 CB-179-1 CB-183-1 CB-407 CB-408 CB-410 4 AUTHOR INDEX ABBOTT, R. B. LRP-200703-11 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. ABELES, M. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. ABRAMSON, P. R. LRP-200712-14 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. ACEVEDO-GARCIA, D. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. LRP-200710-46 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among LowIncome Postpartum Women. ADAMS, G. R. LRP-200700-23 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. ADAMS, J. L. RB-9280 RP-1282 LRP-200612-41 LRP-200702-14 LRP-200703-20 LRP-200705-03 LRP-200706-07 LRP-200706-12 LRP-200706-36 LRP-200710-41 LRP-200710-42 LRP-200711-27 MG-146/1-1-RC Do Policies That Target Physicians Who Make Medical Malpractice Payments Reduce Negligent Injuries? Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments. Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. AFIFI, A. K. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. AGICH, G. J. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. AGOSTI, J. M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. AHARONOVICH, E. LRP-200612-40 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. AHMED,MANSOOR LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. ALEDORT, J. E. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. ALEXANDER, J. A. LRP-200706-04 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice. ALKIRE, B. TR-418-AF Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. ALLAN, R. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. ALLEN, M. L. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. ALMEIDA, M. J. C. A. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. ALTSCHULER, A. LRP-200711-05 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. AMIN, A. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. ANDEREGG, C. R. MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. ANDERSEN, R. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. ANDERSON, R. LRP-200704-17 Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. ANDERSON, R. L. LRP-200704-07 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200707-02 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients. ANDREWS, B. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. 5 ANDREWS, M. L. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. ANDREYEVA, T. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. LRP-200700-24 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. LRP-200707-12 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older. WR-495 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. ANGER, J. T. LRP-200703-10 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200704-15 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200710-02 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-04 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200712-15 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. ANGERS, J. P. MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. ANTHONY, C. R. RB-9237 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State ANTOINE, H. J. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. ARAI, Y. LRP-200805-03 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. ARENA, M. V. RB-236-AF Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. ARKES, J. TR-470-AF The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program. LRP-200701-11 Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? MG-584-AF Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative. Atherosclerosis (MESA). ARONOFF, J. RP-1308 ARORA, V. M. LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders. ARTISTICO, D. LRP-200703-16 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. ASARNOW, J. R. LRP-200500-20 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. ASCH, S. M. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. LRP-200704-19 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200705-20 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. ASHWOOD, J. S. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. ASIMOV, I. CB-183-1 Planets for Man. ATALAH S., E. LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. AUGUSTINE, C. H. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. AUSINK, J. A. MG-559/1-AF MG-597-AF ARNETT, D. K. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project. Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. 6 AVILA, L. LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. AVORN, J. LRP-200705-37 Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review. LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders /|William H. Shrank, Jennifer M. Polinski, and Jerry Avorn. AYANIAN, J. Z. LRP-200709-14 Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States. AZEN, S. LRP-200706-16 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. MG-559/1-AF BALKOVICH, E. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. WR-458 Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units. BALLEGOOIJEN, M. VAN LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. BANKES, S. C. TR-392 Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments. BANKS, J. WR-536 AZRIN, S. T. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. AZZONE, V. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. BAGLEY, S. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. BARDENHEIER, B. LRP-200711-08 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. BARNEY, H. RB-9259-NSF MG-589-NSF BAILEY, A. RB-229-AF MG-555-AF MG-624-AF The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-theJob Training. Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. BAILY, M. A. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. BAIS, A. G. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. BAJORSKA, A. LRP-200701-20 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. LRP-200704-24 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. BALAKRISHNAN, A. TR-360-DHS Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. RB-9278-DHS Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? LRP-200704-16 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences. BAO, Y. LRP-200701-07 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200706-02 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences. BAHNEY, B. WR-434-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. Productivity Loss.BALDWIN, L. H. Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). WR-452-UWA WR-453-UWA How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina. School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas. BARR, W. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. BARRY, C. L. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. BARTIS, J. T. TR-209-QF TR-465-AF CT-279 CT-281 CT-281/1 CT-287 CT-289 Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts. Policy Issues for Oil Shale Development. Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development. Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development: Addendum. Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquids Development. Research and Development Issues for Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal. BASER, O. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. 7 BASTANI, R. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. BASURTO-DAVILA, R. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. TR-493-HS Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. TR-493/1-HS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. WR-514 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. RB-9269-CSAT Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MG-555-AF Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-theJob Training. BELIN, T. R. LRP-200706-03 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. LRP-200711-17 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. BELL, D. S. LRP-200706-14 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. BATALDEN PAUL LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. BELL, K. M. LRP-200706-27 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. BATES-JENSEN, B. M. LRP-200710-18 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders. BELZBERG, H. LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. BECK, J. TR-501-OSD BENARD, C. RB-9237 RB-9251-SRF Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening. BECKER, K. LRP-200300-17 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. RAND Proposes Blueprint for Building Moderate Muslim Networks . RP-1291 Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-574-SRF Building Moderate Muslim Networks. BECKETT, M. TR-475-HLTH BENDER, B. TR-468-FEMA Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-488-ACF Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. TR-524-UCR Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200710-09 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. WR-434-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. BECKMAN, R. L. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. BEDIMO-RUNG, A. L. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. BEIGHLEY, C. M. RB-229-AF The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties. RB-9270-FEMA Private Insurers Play a Limited, but Key, Role in Underwriting Residential Flood Insurance. BENJAMIN, B. LRP-200711-15 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. BENMELECH, E. LRP-200706-30 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers. BENNETT, B. RB-229-AF MG-555-AF The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-theJob Training. BENSAHEL, N. LRP-200700-16 International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners. BERGAMO, G. LRP-200704-16 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? MG-510-DHS Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. BERLINGER, N. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. 8 BERNARD, S. LRP-200710-09 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. BING, G. F. RB-9300 BERNER, S. DB-528-NAVY BIRD, C. B. LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. BERNSTEIN, M. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. BERREBI, C. LRP-200612-42 On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. LRP-200700-22 Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians. LRP-200704-12 How Does Terrorism Risk Vary Across Space and Time? An Analysis Based on the Israeli Experience. LRP-200706-30 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers. WR-477 The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences. BIRD, C. E. RB-9300 LRP-200703-14 LRP-200705-23 LRP-200706-19 LRP-200707-14 BERRY, S. H. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. LRP-200702-07 Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review. BIRMAN, B. RB-9273 RB-9287-EDU RB-9303 RP-1265 RP-1283 BEUHLER, J. W. RP-1273 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats. BEUTLER, L. E. LRP-200704-25 Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example. BHATTACHARYA, J. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. BIERMAN, A. S. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? BIGELOW, J. H. TR-441-AF Using Linear Programming to Design Samples for a Complex Survey. BIKSON, T. K. WR-458 Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units. WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents. Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). BIRKLER, J. L. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. BERTHOLD, S. M. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. BESDINE, R. K. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RP-1303 BITKO, G. RGSD-209 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security. BITO, S. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. BJORNER, J. B. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. BLACK, R. RB-9293 BLACKER, N. MG-635-A Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. BLANC, S. RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP Student Achievement in Privately Managed and DistrictManaged Schools in Philadelphia Since the State Takeover. MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. 9 BLANCHARD, J. C. WR-472 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares. BLASCOVICH, J. LRP-200704-26 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. BLASINSKY, M. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. BLAZER, D. G. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. BLICKSTEIN, I. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. BLOOM, G. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. BLUME-KOHOUT, M. DB-506-A Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs). Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters. BOER, R. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LRP-200704-09 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. BOGART, L. M. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200702-07 Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review. LRP-200703-04 Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. LRP-200708-14 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. LRP-200712-14 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. BONOMO, J. MG-510-DHS BOOKER, K. RB-9273 RP-1265 BLUMENTHAL, R. S. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). BLUTHENTHAL, R. N. LRP-200700-17 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. LRP-200701-01 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion. LRP-200704-02 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity. LRP-200704-07 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200707-02 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients. LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. LRP-200711-02 Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ BORAZ, S. RB-233-AF MG-561-AF BOS, H. TR-546-BPA Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. BOSS, L. P. LRP-200711-23 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities. BOTTERMAN, M. TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. BOTTRELL, M. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. BOWER, A. RB-229-AF The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . MG-555-AF Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-theJob Training. MG-624-AF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. BOWER, A. G. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. 10 BOZZETTE, S. A. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. BRABHAM, T. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. BRADLEY, L. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). BRADLEY, M. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. TR-484-EOUST The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. BRAGA, A. A. RP-1243 BROOK, R. H. CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. LRP-200706-18 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. BROOKS, B. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. BROWN, A. TR-444-NAO RGSD-212 Accounting for the Future: International Examples. Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? BROWN, E. D. CP-521-0207 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2007. OP-181-PV/EMR Leading the Executive Branch: Strategies and Options for Achieving Success. The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition. BRANCATO, K. TR-418-AF Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates. TR-419-OSD Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. BRANDEIS, J. M. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. BRANNAN, D. RB-241-AF The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-613-AF U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. BRAUN-MOSCOVICI, Y. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. BRAUNER, M. K. MG-545-AF Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative. BREWER, D. J. MR-1118-1-EDU Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. BRICKER, J. B. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. BRODIE, B. CB-137-1 BROERING, J. M. LRP-200705-04 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. Strategy in the Missile Age. BROWN, N. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. BRUCE, H. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. BRUIN, W. B. DE LRP-200705-24 Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence. LRP-200708-01 Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200712-13 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes. BRUNK, G. CF-239-PPN Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. BUCHHEIM, R. W. CB-136-1 Space Handbook: Astronautics and Its Applications. BUCHSBAUM, S. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. BUDDIN, R. J. LRP-200507-21 Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking. LRP-200700-26 Charter Schools in California. LRP-200700-27 Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance. WR-508-FEA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues. BUDOFF, M. J. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders. BUEHLER, J. W. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. BUHR, R. MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. 11 BULLOCK, A. M. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. BULPITT, K. J. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. BUNTIN, M. B. RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. LRP-200702-01 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200711-01 Access to Postacute Rehabilitation. BURGE, P. TR-367-CCC TR-516-RC RB-9207-CCC RB-9289-RE CAI, X. LRP-200706-35 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. CALDARONE, L. B. WR-455-DHHS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. CAMM, F. A. MG-447-A MG-530-A MG-530/1-A How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. CAMPBELL, D. G. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. Modelling Park-and-Ride: Understanding Multi-Modal Travel. LRP-200700-29 The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study. CAMPBELL, H. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. BURGESS, D. C. H. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. CAMPBELL, S. M. LRP-200706-07 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. BURLES, M. RB-213-AF CANNON, J. TR-537-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children. RB-9306-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP The Promise of Preschool for Narrowing Readiness and Achievement Gaps Among California Children. China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. BURNAM, M. A. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. CAMPBELL, N. MG-559/1-AF Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). CARD, D. E. WR-505 The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes. BURNS, L. R. LRP-200706-04 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice. CAREY, C. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. BUSCH, A. B. RB-9254 CARLSON, B. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. BUTTON, R. W. MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. BYMAN, D. OP-178-OSD Understanding Proto-Insurgencies: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 3. BYSTRITSKY, A. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. CABANA, M. D. LRP-200711-25 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care. CAETANO, R. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. CARPENTER, K. M. LRP-200612-40 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. CARROLL, B. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. CARROLL, S. J. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. TR-484-EOUST The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. TR-509-EOUST Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling. RB-9249-ICJ Anatomy of an Insurance Class Action. MG-586-NIJ Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings. MG-587-1-ICJ Insurance Class Actions in the United States. WR-405-ICJ Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States. 12 CARTER, J. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. CASARETT, D. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. CASTANEDA, L. W. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. CASTAäNEDA L., R. LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. CASTLE, N. LRP-200703-06 Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. LRP-200704-17 Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-28 Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use. LRP-200706-27 Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200710-05 The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. LRP-200710-54 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures. CATELLIER, D. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. CAVE, J. A. K. TR-453-EC Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report. TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. LRP-200709-17 Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK. CECCHINE, G. RB-9255-A Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. MG-603-A Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. CECIL, H. LRP-200712-14 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. CELLA, D. LRP-200701-02 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients. LRP-200705-16 Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. LRP-200710-10 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. CERVONE, D. LRP-200703-16 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. CHALK, P. RB-233-AF RB-9258-DHS OP-185-OSD MG-481-DHS MG-483-DHS MG-485-DHS MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences. Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. CHALOUPKA, F. J. LRP-200709-13 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets. CHAN, D. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. CHAN, E. W. WR-455-DHHS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. WR-470-DHHS Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. CHAN, K. S. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200703-19 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? CHANDRA, A. LRP-200711-24 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. CHANDRA, S. LRP-200702-10 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. LRP-200704-13 Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the SelfConcept. CHANEY, E. F. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. CHANG, C. LRP-200701-02 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. 13 CHANG, D. S. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. CHANG, J. T. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders. CHASE, M. S. RB-213-AF China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. CHASSANY, O. LRP-200710-10 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. CHAVIRA, D. A. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. CHEN, A . Y. LRP-200710-45 Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. CHEN, E. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. CHEN, S. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. CHEN, W. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? CHENG, E. M. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders. CHENG, W. J. Y. LRP-200701-10 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression. CHENOWETH, M. E. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. MG-584-AF Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative. CHIANG, L. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. CHIESA, J. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. CHILCOAT, H. D. LRP-200711-12 The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use. CHINMAN, M. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. CHO, M. TR-538-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children. RB-9307-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Publicly Funded Early Care and Education Programs for California Preschool-Age Children. MG-566-OSD “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data. CHODOSH, J. LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders. CHRISTMAN, J. RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP Student Achievement in Privately Managed and DistrictManaged Schools in Philadelphia Since the State Takeover. MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. CHUN, M. LRP-200507-21 Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking. CHUNG, E. Q. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. CHUNG, P. J. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. CILENTO, B. G. LRP-200700-09 Pediatric Urologic Disorders. LRP-200705-32 Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. LRP-200705-33 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles. CLANCY, N. TR-468-FEMA The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly 14 Disposable Income. TR-484-EOUST The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. TR-509-EOUST Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling. RB-9270-FEMA Private Insurers Play a Limited, but Key, Role in Underwriting Residential Flood Insurance. MG-586-NIJ Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings. CLEMENS, J. Q. LRP-200700-06 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome. LRP-200702-07 Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review. CLEMENTS, P. J. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. CLIFF, R. RB-213-AF RB-226-AF CP-22-0704 MG-567-AF CLIFT, J. TR-482-NAO China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. How Taiwan’s Status Is Resolved Will Determine Whether U.S.-China Relations Are Cooperative or Hostile. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status. Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison. CLUM, G. RB-9291 How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LRP-200710-12 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. CLUTTERBUCK, L. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. COHEN, D. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RP-1323 Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States. LRP-200703-07 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. LRP-200703-08 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. LRP-200704-09 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200705-15 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. LRP-200806-01 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy. COHEN, H. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. COLABELLA, L. DB-506-A Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs). COLE, D. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. COLLIER, D. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. COLLINS, M. TR-444-NAO CF-228-ISE Accounting for the Future: International Examples. Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. COLLINS, R. L. TR-488-ACF Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. RB-9265 New Perspectives on Marijuana and Youth: Abstainers Are Not Maladjusted, but Lone Users Face Difficulties. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. LRP-200612-38 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users. LRP-200700-15 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. LRP-200703-01 High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29. LRP-200703-04 Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. LRP-200705-02 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce. LRP-200706-08 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking. LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. LRP-200708-14 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood. COLTIN, K. L. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. COMANOR, K. TR-416-A The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion. RB-228-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: New Metrics Show How Investments Affect Operational Performance. MG-525-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. CONNELL, C. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. CONNOR, S. E. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. CONSTANT, L. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. 15 MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. COOK, A. RB-9303 RP-1303 Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. COOK, C. R. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-530-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. MG-530/1-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. COOK, K. F. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. COOKSON, S. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. CORDASCO, K. M. LRP-200704-19 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200705-20 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. CORDELL, K. RP-1291 CORDOVA, A. TR-459-AF Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan. COULTER, I. D. LRP-200701-06 Putting the Practice into Evidence-Based Dentistry and Health Services Research. LRP-200704-08 Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes. LRP-200704-21 Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems. LRP-200706-28 Diversity Versus Unity: Does Making Things Count Mean Making Everything Count? LRP-200710-52 Explaining the Growth of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. COUPER, M. LRP-200703-28 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey. COWGILL, B. O. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. COX, A. G. TR-546-BPA COX, C. E. LRP-200705-15 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. CRAGIN, K. RB-233-AF RB-9258-DHS CT-283 MG-481-DHS MG-485-DHS MG-561-AF Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. CORNMAN, J. C. LRP-200708-18 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability. CORONA, E. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. CORONA, R. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. CORREA-DE-ARAUJO, R. LRP-200705-22 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action. CORRIGAN, J. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. COTTON, F. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. TR-498-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. Understanding Terrorist Ideology. Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. CRANDALL, C. LRP-200710-24 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders. CRANE, K. RB-241-AF The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. RB-9241 A Guide to Nation-Building. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-529-OSD Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. MG-557-SRF The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. MG-613-AF U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. MG-673-CEIS Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine. CRANE, P. K. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. CRASKE, M. G. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and 16 Physical Illness in Primary Care. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. CRAWFORD, J. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. CRETIN, S. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? CRONENWETT, L. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. CROSSON, J. C. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. CROWLEY, J. C. MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. CROWN, J. S. MG-599-OSD Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military. CULAKOBA, E. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. CULHANE, M. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. CUNNINGHAM, E. CF-239-PPN Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. CUNNINGHAM, J. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. CUNNINGHAM, W. E. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RP-1309 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I. LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. LRP-200711-19 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. CURIEL, A. J. CF-229 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007). CURRY, K. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. D’AMICO, E. J. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. LRP-200701-13 Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200703-02 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. LRP-200712-10 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth. DAHL, C. A. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. DAHL, J. LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). DAHLMAN, C. J. MG-598-OSD The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions. DALE, D. C. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. DALTON, E. MG-689-OACP Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations. DALY, A. LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. LRP-200707-09 Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. LRP-200711-21 The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results. LRP-200711-22 On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems. DALY, S. A. RB-9258-DHS MG-485-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. DAMBERG, C. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 17 DANCEL, T. M. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. DANG, Q. LRP-200702-10 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. DATAR, A. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. LRP-200711-14 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. DAUBERT, J. P. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. DAUGHERTY, L. WR-499-ICJ Defining Corporate Culture: How Social Scientists Define Culture, Values and Tradeoffs Among Them. DAUSEY, D. J. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. RP-1273 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats. LRP-200707-05 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. DAVANZO, J. LRP-200603-38 Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89. LRP-200612-44 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200709-03 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh. DAVERN, M. WR-532 Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction. DAVIDOFF, F. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. DAVIES, D. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. DAVIS, L. E. RB-9255-A CP-22-0708 MG-603-A DAVIS, L. M. RB-9237 DAVIS, P. K. TR-392 Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. TR-422-AF TR-501-OSD OP-176-OSD Generation: Theory and Experiments. Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking. Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening. Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation. DE LA TORRE, A. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. DE LIMA, L. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. DE PILLIS, E. LRP-200711-05 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. DECKELBAUM, R. J. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. DECRISTOFARO, A. H. LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. DEGRASSE, B. C. RB-9241 A Guide to Nation-Building. MG-557-SRF The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. DEIBERT, C. M. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. DEJARNETTE, J. MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. DELANEY, L. WR-501 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. DELL, E. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? DELUCA, P. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. DEMAINE, L. J. MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? DEMARTINI, C. TR-439-CSG Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. DEMBOSKY, J. W. TR-439-CSG Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). DB-544-FFE Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario DER-MARTIROSIAN, C. LRP-200704-08 Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes. 18 DEROSE, K. P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LRP-200709-10 Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. DESTEFANIS, S. LRP-200703-21 Matching Efficiency and Labour Market Reform in Italy: A Macroeconometric Assessment. DEWAR, J. A. RB-9263-RPC OP-179-RPC Perennial Cornucopia: Planning the Next Agricultural Revolution . Perennial Polyculture Farming: Seeds of Another Agricultural Revolution? DIAMANT, A. L. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. DICICCO-BLOOM, B. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. DICK, A. W. CF-239-PPN LRP-200701-19 LRP-200701-20 LRP-200703-25 LRP-200703-26 LRP-200704-23 LRP-200704-24 LRP-200705-29 LRP-200705-30 LRP-200705-31 LRP-200706-06 LRP-200706-22 LRP-200706-35 LRP-200707-11 LRP-200708-07 Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment. Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation. Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State. Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. DIGBY, J. LRP-197603-01 PGMs: Changing Weapon Priorities, New Risks, New Opportunities. DIROCCO, D. N. LRP-200702-03 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke. DIXON, L. S. TR-468-FEMA The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties. TR-476-CTRMP Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches. RB-9270-FEMA Private Insurers Play a Limited, but Key, Role in Underwriting Residential Flood Insurance. OP-190-ICJ Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward. DB-525-CTRMP Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. MG-679-CTRMPThe Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. DIXON, T. L. TR-535-CC RB-9242-CC Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . DO, D. P. LRP-200707-14 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. DOBBINS, J. RB-9241 CF-237-NSRD CT-271 CT-276 CT-284 CT-288 CT-292 CT-293 CP-521-1007 MG-557-SRF DOBKIN, C. WR-505 A Guide to Nation-Building. Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report. Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War. Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War. A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping. U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis. Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On. Negotiating with Iran. Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2007. The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes. DOLAN, L. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. DOLE, S. H. CB-179-1 Habitable Planets for Man. DON, B. W. TR-454-DHS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. DORSEY, E. R. LRP-200705-29 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. DOWDA, M. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. DOYLE, D. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. DRESHER, M. CB-179-1 Games of Strategy: Theory and Application. DREW, J. G. 19 CB-183-1 Planets for Man. MG-518-AF Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). MG-539-AF MG-559/1-AF DREZNER, J. A. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. DUQUE, X. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS DUSHEIKO, G. M. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. DWIGHT-JOHNSON, M. LRP-200701-10 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression. DREZNER, S. M. RB-235-AF Certain Competencies May Help Offset Lack of Expertise in Senior Air Force Jobs. DB-517-AF Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge. DY, S. M. LRP-200703-27 Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. DRISCOLL, K. TR-408-AF Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. RB-215-AF Workforce Management Requires an Analysis-Based Approach. DYE, C. RB-9293 DRYDEN, J. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. DUAN, N. RP-1297 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. LRP-200711-15 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. DUBAY, L. CF-239-PPN Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. DUBLER, N. N. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. DUBOWITZ, T. LRP-200703-12 Health Disparities and Access to Health. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. LRP-200707-14 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. LRP-200710-46 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among LowIncome Postpartum Women. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. DUDLEY, R. A. LRP-200706-18 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. DUNN, R. L. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. EASTWOOD, B. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. EATON, D. RB-213-AF MG-646-A China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. EBENER, P. A. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. LRP-200300-17 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. LRP-200703-19 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). EDELEN, M. O. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200701-12 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23. LRP-200703-19 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). LRP-200712-10 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth. EDEN, R. WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters. EDLIN, B. R. LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. 20 EDLUND, M. J. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. EENBERG, J. LRP-200710-05 The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. LRP-200710-54 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures. RB-9265 LRP-200612-38 LRP-200701-12 LRP-200703-01 LRP-200703-04 EGGAN, F. RB-9300 EGNER, M. TR-392 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments. LRP-200704-10 LRP-200705-02 LRP-200706-08 LRP-200708-03 EHRENBERG, R. H. MG-527-OSD Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. EHRLER, P. K. TR-468-FEMA The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties. RB-9270-FEMA Private Insurers Play a Limited, but Key, Role in Underwriting Residential Flood Insurance. EIBNER, C. RB-9236-OSD Health Coverage Options for Military Retirees. LRP-200702-04 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment. MG-583-OSD Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. EIDE, E. RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. EISENMAN, D. TR-493-HS Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. TR-493/1-HS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200704-19 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200704-20 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. LRP-200705-20 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. EISMAN, M. RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. ELDER, J. P. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200708-14 New Perspectives on Marijuana and Youth: Abstainers Are Not Maladjusted, but Lone Users Face Difficulties. Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users. A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23. High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29. Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce. Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking. School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus. Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood. ELLIOTT, M. N. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. RP-1325 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200703-22 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. LRP-200704-14 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. LRP-200707-08 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. LRP-200710-09 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. LRP-200711-26 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status. LRP-200712-19 Use of a Web-Based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample. ELLISON, M. A. MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. ELKIN, E. P. LRP-200705-04 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. EMMONS, K. M. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. ELLICKSON, P. L. ENGBERG, J. 21 TR-397-ATSC TR-439-CSG LRP-200703-06 LRP-200704-17 LRP-200704-28 LRP-200706-27 Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use. Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? EPSTEIN, A. M. LRP-200705-03 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. LRP-200711-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. EPSTEIN, D. CP-521-0807 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007. OP-197-PV/EMR Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences. ERIKSSON, C. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. ESCARCE, J. J. LRP-199811-07 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. LRP-200702-01 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-13 Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured. LRP-200704-04 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200706-02 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences. LRP-200707-14 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). LRP-200709-10 Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability. LRP-200710-44 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans. LRP-200710-45 Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. LRP-200711-03 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos. ESLAMI, M. LRP-200710-24 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders. ETZIONI, S. LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders. EVANS, D. B. WR-514 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. EVENSON, K. R. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200705-15 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. FAIN, T. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. TR-498-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. TR-546-BPA Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. FAIR, C. C. RP-1261 American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds. FAIRBANKS, R. J. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. FAIRCLOUGH, D. L. LRP-200710-10 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. FARIVAR, S. S. RP-1309 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I. FARLEY, D. TR-397-ATSC TR-463-AHRQ TR-508-AHRQ WR-517-AHRQ WR-522-AHRQ Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention. Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. FARLEY, T. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. FEIL, D. G. LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders. FEINN, R. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. FELKER, B. L. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. FERRELL, B. A. LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders. FINCH, B. K. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200707-14 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. LRP-200806-01 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy. 22 FINK, A. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. FONAROW, G. C. LRP-200710-32 Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders. FISCHBACH, J. TR-461-NAT Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased WaterUse Efficiency in Commercial Buildings. RB-9294-NAT A New Tool Can Help Commercial-Building Owners Make Better Water-Efficiency Decisions. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. FONKYCH, K. RGSD-214 FISCHHOFF, B. LRP-200705-24 Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence. LRP-200708-01 Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200712-13 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes. FITTEN, J. LRP-200700-23 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. FITZMAURICE, J. M. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. FITZPATRICK, D. M. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. FLEISHMAN, J. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. FLINT, G. T. TR-465-AF Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts. FLORES, S. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS FLORES-HUERTA, S. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS FLYNN, N. M. LRP-200704-07 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200707-02 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients. FOLEY, K. A. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. FOLKEMER, D. CF-239-PPN Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. FONSECA, R. LRP-200703-21 Matching Efficiency and Labour Market Reform in Italy: A Macroeconometric Assessment. LRP-200706-23 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs. LRP-200712-12 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise. WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and StartUp Costs. WR-511 Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation. FORD, D. E. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. FORGE, N. G. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. FORKNER, E. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. FORTNEY, J. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. FOTIADES, J. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. FOX, B. TR-418-AF Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates. FOX, E. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. FOX, J. RB-9250-RE Developing Transport Demand Models: State-of-Practice Tools to Enable Detailed Assessment of Transport Policy. LRP-200700-29 The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study. FOX, S. A. LRP-200706-02 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences. FRANK, R. G. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 23 FREEDMAN, V. A. LRP-200708-18 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. FRELINGER, D. TR-454-DHS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. RB-9282-OSD Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. MG-510-DHS Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. MG-552-OSD Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. MG-595/1-OSD Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. GALAMA, T. CF-235-OSD FREMONT, A. M. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200705-22 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. FUKUHARA, S. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. FULMER, T. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. FULTON, B. D. RGSD-211 Incorporating Traffic Enforcement Racial Profiling Analyses into Police Department Early Intervention Systems. FUNG, C. H. LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-21 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-24 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders. FURST, D. E. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology. GALBICKA, G. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. GALBREATH, A. D. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. GALLO, F. LRP-200709-17 Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK. GALVAN, F. H. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200700-15 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. GALWAY, L. A. TR-410-AF Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review. RB-216-AF Evaluating Uncertainty in Cost Estimates: A Practical Guide to Eliciting Expert Judgments. RB-220-AF Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. MG-540-AF Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. GANZ, D. A. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-07 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders. GANZ, P. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. GARBER, A. M. LRP-200711-07 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment. GARBER, S. RB-9280 Do Policies That Target Physicians Who Make Medical Malpractice Payments Reduce Negligent Injuries? LRP-200703-20 Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments. GARCIA, R. E. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. GARCIA-MALDONADO, M. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. GARET, M. RB-9273 RB-9287-EDU RB-9303 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. 24 RP-1265 RP-1283 RP-1303 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. GARFIELD, C. F. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. GARLAND, R. H. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. GARTEN, A. D. RB-9237 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. GASKIN, D. J. LRP-200706-25 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children. GATES, S. M. RB-9295-EMKF Do Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Justify the Costs? Empirical Evidence in the Case of Small Firms. RB-9298-EMKF Is Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Businesses Working as Intended? RB-9305-EMKF State Insurance Mandates and Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Are They Helping Small Business Provide Health Insurance to Employees? MG-663-EMKF In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business. WR-450-ICJ State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-520-EMKF Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? GATUNE, J. RGSD-208 GAVRIELI, D. MG-569-OSD Navigating the Information Revolution: Choices for Laggard Countries. Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. GAY, E. G. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. GENOVESE, M. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. GERSHON, R. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). GERSHWIN, D. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. GERWEHR, S. TR-454-DHS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. GESCHWIND, S. A. LRP-200700-14 Methods. GHOLSON, J. LRP-200703-02 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. GHOSH, A. LRP-200700-21 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People. GIANOTTI, T. LRP-200705-21 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program. GIBBONS, L. E. LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. GIFFORD, A. L. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. GIFFORD, B. LRP-200609-20 Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993. MG-624-AF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. GILBERT, M. L. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. GILL, B. DB-544-FFE Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. GILL, B. P. MR-1118-1-EDU Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP Student Achievement in Privately Managed and DistrictManaged Schools in Philadelphia Since the State Takeover. RB-9273 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. GILLILAND, M. J. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. GILMAN, S. C. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. GINSBURGH, S. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. GIOVANNI, M. Y. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. 25 GIRARDINI, K. RP-1272 Stockage Determination Made Easy. GIROSI, F. RB-9237 RB-9293 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. GLANCE, L. G. LRP-200701-19 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. LRP-200704-23 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-35 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. LRP-200707-11 Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State. GLANTZ, C. LRP-200701-19 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. GLASSMAN, P. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. GLENN, R. W. RB-9268-JFCOM Applying Madison Avenue Principles and Recent Operational Experience to Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations. MG-428/2-JFCOM “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. MG-551-JFCOM Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). MG-607-JFCOM Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation. GLIK, D. LRP-200704-19 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200705-20 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. GNANADESIGAN, N. LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders. GODGES, J. CPU-0-ADM-2006 Profiles in Problem Solving: 2006 Annual Report. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. GOLDEN, J. F. LRP-200704-19 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200705-20 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. GOLDMAN, C. A. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. GOLDMAN, D. P. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. RB-9283 A Systematic Review of the Adverse Effects of Prescription Drug Cost Sharing. RB-9285 A Look Inside the “Doughnut Hole”: How Drug-Benefit Limits Affect Retiree Prescription Use. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. LRP-200707-04 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health. LRP-200709-08 Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill. LRP-200709-12 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending. LRP-200711-07 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment. WR-325-1 Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice. WR-504 Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap. GOLDMAN, H. H. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. GOLDSMITH, B. RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. GOLDSTEIN, R. B. LRP-200500-20 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. GOLIN, C. E. LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. GOLINELLI, D. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200700-15 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. LRP-200703-08 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. LRP-200706-19 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. MG-566-OSD “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data. GOMEZ GONZALEZ, J. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. GOMPERT, D. C. RB-9244-OSD Heads We Win: Improving Cognitive Effectiveness in Counterinsurgency. CP-521-0607 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007. OP-168-OSD Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1. 26 MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-529-OSD Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. MG-595/1-OSD Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. GRANT, J. TR-435-ESRC GONZâALEZ-UNZAGA, M. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. TR-438-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. TR-444-NAO Accounting for the Future: International Examples. LRP-200610-24 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. LRP-200709-17 Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK. WR-368-DH Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004. WR-509-DH Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England. GOODARZI, M. O. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. GRASER, J. C. RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. GORDON, J. MG-510-DHS GREEN, J. D. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. GONZALES, D. DB-528-NAVY Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. GORE, J. L. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. GORE, P. LRP-200703-02 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. GOULD, D. A. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. GOULD, J. CPU-0-ADM-2006 Profiles in Problem Solving: 2006 Annual Report. GRAHAM, J. D. CP-521-0207 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2007. CP-521-0807 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007. CP-521-1207 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007. OP-181-PV/EMR Leading the Executive Branch: Strategies and Options for Achieving Success. OP-197-PV/EMR Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences. OP-213-PV/EMR Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance. LRP-200705-11 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? WR-537-PRGS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks. GRAMMICH, C. A. TR-480-NAVY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. RP-1261 American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. GRANT, A. K. RB-241-AF MG-613-AF GREENBERG, M. D. TR-439-CSG Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. GREENFIELD, S. LRP-200705-04 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. GREENFIELD, V. A. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. TR-476-CTRMP Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches. RB-9282-OSD Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. MG-552-OSD Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. GREENLAND, P. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). GRESENZ, C. R. LRP-200702-13 Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured. LRP-200710-44 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans. WR-472 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares. GRIFFIN, A. TR-475-HLTH The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge 27 Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. GRIFFIN, B. A. RP-1259 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200707-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200709-11 Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles. LRP-200712-06 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. GRIFFIN, J. WR-537-PRGS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks. GRIGGS, J. J. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. GRILL, B. TR-360-DHS RB-9278-DHS GRISSOM, A. RB-210-AF MG-499-AF MG-563-A Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation. GROGGER, J. RP-1253 Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness. WR-531 The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child Well-Being: A Review. GROSSMAN, J. LRP-200710-16 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders. GRUNWALD, M. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. GUARINO, C. M. LRP-200507-21 Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking. GUCKENBURG, S. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. GUERRANT, R. L. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. GUNN, P. P. WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters. GUO, X. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. GVINERIA, G. TR-501-OSD HABBEMA, J. D. F. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. HAGEN, J. TR-434-AF TR-459-AF RB-230-AF GROSSMAN, M. LRP-200709-13 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets. GROVES, D. G. TR-461-NAT Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased WaterUse Efficiency in Commercial Buildings. RB-9294-NAT A New Tool Can Help Commercial-Building Owners Make Better Water-Efficiency Decisions. RP-1244 A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. GRUBER, M. J. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. GRUDZEN, C. R. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. GRUNBAUM, J. A. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening. A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations. Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. New Tools Can Make Intelligence Collection More Responsive to Time-Sensitive Targets. HAHN, B. H. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. HAHN, E. A. LRP-200710-10 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. HAIDER, S. WR-223-1 Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test. HALE, L. LRP-200612-44 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? 28 RP-200709-03 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh. MG-589-NSF HALL, W. J. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. HANDCOCK, M. S. WR-496 Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data. HALLMARK, B. W. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. HALLSWORTH, M. TR-474-EC The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. DB-549-MOD Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. DB-551-MOD Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. LRP-200600-22 Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership. Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. HANDLER, S. LRP-200703-06 Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. HANKS, C. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. HANLEY, J. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. HANNAH, G. TR-516-RC HANNEY, S. TR-435-ESRC TR-438-ESRC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. HANSEN, J. S. WR-452-UWA School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina. WR-453-UWA School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas. HALPER, D. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. HANSER, L. M. MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. HAMBARSOOMIANS, K. RP-1325 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County. LRP-200701-13 Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200706-08 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. LRP-200710-09 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. LRP-200711-26 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status. HANSON, C. RB-9293 HAMBLETON, R. K. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). HAMILTON, L. S. TR-506-CC Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project. RB-9259-NSF How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. HANSON, M. TR-511-OA/MAR/NAR Post-Katrina Recovery of the Housing Market Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. RB-9290-OA/MAR/NAR What Progress Is Mississippi Making in Rebuilding Its Affordable Housing Stock After Katrina?. HARDISON, C. M. MG-624-AF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. HARKER, J. O. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. HARMON, C. WR-501 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. HARRELL, M. C. TR-419-OSD Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. OP-206-RC Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. 29 HARRIS, A. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. LRP-200703-11 LRP-200705-16 HARRIS, K. LRP-200712-06 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. LRP-200705-18 HARRISON, S. MG-518-AF Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. LRP-200706-16 LRP-200708-05 HARTING, S. CF-237-NSRD Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report. Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. LRP-200708-10 HASSELL, J. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. LRP-200708-12 HAVEMAN, J. D. LRP-200703-24 The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats. LRP-200709-16 HAVILAND, A. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. LRP-200712-19 Use of a Web-Based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample. WR-293-1-ICJ A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. LRP-200711-06 MG-593-OSD LRP-200708-11 LRP-200708-20 LRP-200710-10 HAYWARD, R. A. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. HEINZERLING, K. G. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. HELD, B. J. CT-280 CT-280/1 HAWES-DAWSON, J. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. HAYDEN, O. LRP-200702-01 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? HAYES, M. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. HAYES, S. N. LRP-200705-22 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action. HAYS, R. D. RB-9300 RP-1309 LRP-200609-22 LRP-200610-27 LRP-200700-23 LRP-200701-02 LRP-200702-09 LRP-200702-14 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I. Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients. Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study. Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures. Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes. Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. HELD, T. TR-481-A Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program. Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum. Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development. HELLMANN, N. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. HELMERHORST, T. J. M. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. HELMUS, T. C. RB-9268-JFCOM Applying Madison Avenue Principles and Recent Operational Experience to Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations. MG-428/2-JFCOM “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. MG-607-JFCOM Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation. HENNESSY, K. D. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. HENNINGER, A. OP-176-OSD Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation. 30 HEPNER, K. A. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. HERITAGE, J. LRP-200609-22 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. HERRELL, J. M. LRP-200707-05 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. HERRINGTON, D. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). HERTZMAN, M. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. HESS, S. LRP-200707-09 Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. LRP-200711-22 On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems. HIATT, L. LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. HICKEY, S. C. LRP-200701-10 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. HIGASHI, T. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. HILBORNE, L. H. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. RB-9237 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. LRP-200706-14 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. WR-434-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. HILDEBRANDT, G. G. MG-355-AF Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program. HILLBORNE, L. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. HILTON, L. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. HIRSCHER, R. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? HIX, W. M. RB-9243-1-RC Improving Recruitment and Retention in the New Orleans Police Department. MG-585-RC Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department. HOEHN, A. R. RB-210-AF MG-499-AF America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. HOELSCHER, D. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. HOFER, T. P. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. HOFFMAN, B. CF-229 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007). OP-180-1-CTRMP The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector. HOFFMAN, J. R. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. HOFMAN, F. LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. HOGAN, M. M. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. HOLLOWAY, R. G. LRP-200703-26 Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. LRP-200705-29 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. LRP-200705-31 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation. HOLLYWOOD, J. DB-528-NAVY Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. HOLMES, H. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. HOLMES, H. N. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. HOLMES, K. K. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic 31 Tools for the Developing World. HOLTZMAN, D. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. HONESS-MORREALE, L. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. HOORENS, S. TR-474-EC The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. TR-510-KB Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. LRP-200610-24 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. LRP-200709-17 Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK. HOORN, T. VAN DER LRP-200711-21 The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results. HORAN, T. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. HORSTMAN, T. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? HOSEK, J. R. CF-235-OSD Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology. HOSMER, S. T. RB-222-AF Why Was the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion So Weak? MG-544-AF Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak. HSER, Y. LRP-200710-50 Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes. HSIAO, A. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. HSU, V. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. HU, F. A. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? HU, J. LRP-200705-11 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? HUANG, D. T. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. HUGHES, J. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. HUGHES, R. G. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. HUI, K. LRP-200703-11 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. HUNTER, R. E. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. HUNTER, S. B. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. LRP-200704-26 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. HURD, M. D. RB-9043-1 WR-463 WR-524 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by SocioEconomic Status and Health. Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle. HUSKAMP, H. A. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. HUSSEY, P. S. LRP-200712-03 International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis. HUTCHINSON, S. L. LRP-200712-07 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among MedicaidEnrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. HYMAN, G. LRP-200707-09 Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. LRP-200711-22 On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems. HYNES, M. V. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. IALONGO, N. S. LRP-200711-12 The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use. IGUCHI, M. Y. LRP-200612-40 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. LRP-200709-02 Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research. IKEMOTO, G. WR-452-UWA WR-453-UWA School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina. School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas. IMARA, J. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. 32 TR-498-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. IMM, P. S. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. INAGAMI, S. LRP-200806-01 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy. ISAACSON, N. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. ISSA, A. M. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. JACOBSON, J. O. LRP-200701-01 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion. LRP-200704-02 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity. LRP-200711-02 Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000. JAIN, A. K. RB-236-AF Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? LRP-200704-04 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. JACKSON, B. A. TR-454-DHS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. TR-476-CTRMP Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches. RB-9258-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. RP-1247 Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland. RP-1248 Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups Threat: Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption. CT-291 Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center. CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats. CT-294/1 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum. MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. MG-485-DHS Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. MG-510-DHS Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. WR-465-DHS Assessing the Benefits of Homeland Security Efforts Deployed Against a Dynamic Terrorist Threat. WR-533-RC Rifling Through the Terrorists’ Arsenal: Exploring Groups’ Weapon Choices and Technology Strategies. JAMES, B. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. JACKSON, C. RP-1288 JACOB, E. L. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. JENKINS, B. M. CT-270 Basic Principles for Homeland Security. CT-278-1 Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment. CT-285 Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism. JACOB, S. LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. JENNINGS, B. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. JACOBS, M. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. JENNINGS, E. LRP-200703-24 The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats. Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce. JAVORS, M. A. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. JAYCOX, L. RB-9291 RP-1235 RP-1308 LRP-200300-17 LRP-200500-20 LRP-200703-03 LRP-200704-14 LRP-200710-12 LRP-200712-05 How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence. The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project. An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. JENA, A. B. LRP-200711-07 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment. JENCKS, S. F. LRP-200706-27 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. 33 JOHNSON, D. E. MG-405-1-AF Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era. JOHNSON, R. CF-239-PPN JONES, S. G. RB-9237 RB-9241 CT-296 MG-146/1-1-RC MG-557-SRF Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. A Guide to Nation-Building. The State of the Afghan Insurgency. Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. JONG, G. DE LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. LRP-200711-21 The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results. JONSSON, S. H. WR-496 Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data. JOST, J. T. LRP-200704-26 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. JOYCE, G. RB-9043-1 RB-9283 RB-9285 RB-9300 CP-22-0712 LRP-200700-05 LRP-200700-06 LRP-200700-07 LRP-200700-08 LRP-200700-09 LRP-200700-10 LRP-200700-11 LRP-200700-12 LRP-200700-13 LRP-200700-14 LRP-200705-32 LRP-200705-33 LRP-200705-34 LRP-200705-35 LRP-200705-36 LRP-200706-32 LRP-200706-33 LRP-200706-34 LRP-200707-04 LRP-200709-08 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. A Systematic Review of the Adverse Effects of Prescription Drug Cost Sharing. A Look Inside the “Doughnut Hole”: How Drug-Benefit Limits Affect Retiree Prescription Use. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. Prostatitis. Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome. Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. Kidney Cancer. Pediatric Urologic Disorders. Male Infertility. Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. Male Urethral Stricture Disease. Testicular Cancer. Methods. Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles. Male Urethral Stricture Disease. Erectile Dysfunction. Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. Male Infertility. Kidney Cancer. Prostatitis. Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health. Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill. JUVONEN, J. LRP-200704-10 “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? KAGAWA-SINGER, M. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. LRP-200805-03 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. KAHAN, J. P. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: TR-422-AF Progress During 2004 and 2005. Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking. KAHN, K. L. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200701-15 On Referral Patterns for Patients with Breast Cancer. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200705-03 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200711-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. KALICHMAN, S. C. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. KALLIMANI, J. TR-480-NAVY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. KALWIJ, A. LRP-200406-25 The Myth of Worksharing. KAMBERG, C. J. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. KAMBIC, R . T. LRP-200706-27 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. KANOUSE, D. E. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. LRP-200700-15 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. LRP-200703-22 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200710-09 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. KAPLAN, A. H. LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. KAPLAN, S. LRP-200705-04 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. 34 KAPTEYN, A. LRP-200303-24 LRP-200406-25 LRP-200700-25 LRP-200703-17 Hypothetical Intertemporal Consumption Choices. The Myth of Worksharing. Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands. Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands. LRP-200703-28 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey. LRP-200707-13 Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data. WR-501 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. WR-506 Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-535 Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations. WR-536 Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences. KAPUR, K. RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. RP-1287 The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. WR-450-ICJ State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-520-EMKF Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? KARACA-MANDIC, P. RB-9285 A Look Inside the “Doughnut Hole”: How Drug-Benefit Limits Affect Retiree Prescription Use. LRP-200709-08 Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill. WR-450-ICJ State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-520-EMKF Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? KARASIK, T. W. RB-233-AF Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. KARNEY, B. R. TR-488-ACF Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. LRP-200705-06 Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham, Stanley, and Beach. LRP-200708-17 Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective. MG-599-OSD Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military. KAROLY, L. A. TR-537-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children. TR-538-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children. RB-9306-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP The Promise of Preschool for Narrowing Readiness and Achievement Gaps Among California Children. RB-9307-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Publicly Funded Early Care and Education Programs for California Preschool-Age Children. CT-273 Forces Shaping the Future U.S. Workforce and Workplace: Implications for 21st Century Work. LRP-200702-17 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages. LRP-200704-01 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors. WR-525 Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina. WR-528 The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England. WR-531 The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child Well-Being: A Review. KASPAR, P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. KASSEL, J. D. LRP-200703-16 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. KASSING, D. MG-447-A How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. KASUPSKI, A. OP-180-1-CTRMP The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector. KATAOKA, S. H. LRP-200703-03 Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. LRP-200710-08 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program. KATZ, P. R. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. KAVANAGH, J. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. OP-206-RC Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. KAYE, D. D. CF-237-NSRD Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report. MG-592-NSRD Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia. KEEFE, R. WR-537-PRGS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks. KEELER, E. B. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200703-05 The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices. LRP-200706-18 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. KEESEY, J. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. 35 LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. KELLY, T. K. TR-386-DHS KIRK, W. RB-9287-EDU RP-1283 Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. RB-241-AF The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. LRP-200700-19 The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies. MG-613-AF U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. KITZMAN, D. W. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. KERR, E. A. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. KLAUTZER, L. TR-435-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. TR-438-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. TR-474-EC The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. KESSLER, R. C. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. KEYSER, D. J. LRP-200701-08 RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers. KHANDWALA, S. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. KLEERUP, E. LRP-200710-28 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders. KLEIN, D. J. RB-9265 KHANNA, D. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. LRP-200612-38 KHILKO, I. OP-185-OSD LRP-200705-02 LRP-200708-14 Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. KILMER, B. LRP-200709-13 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets. KILPATRICK, S. D. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. KIMBRO, R. T. LRP-200708-15 Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation. KIRBY, K. C. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. KIRBY, S. N. RB-9236-OSD MG-583-OSD WR-508-FEA Health Coverage Options for Military Retirees. Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues. KIRCHNER, J. E. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200702-02 LRP-200703-04 LRP-200710-41 New Perspectives on Marijuana and Youth: Abstainers Are Not Maladjusted, but Lone Users Face Difficulties. Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users. Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care. Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce. Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood. The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. KLEIN, J. D. LRP-200701-20 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. LRP-200704-24 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. KLEINJANS, K. J. WR-535 Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations. KLEINMAN, K. P. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. KLEKOTKA, A. RB-9287-EDU Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. RP-1283 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. KLERMAN, J. A. WR-532 Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction. KLETKE, P. R. LRP-199811-07 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. 36 KLOR, E. F. LRP-200612-42 On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. WR-477 The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences. KNOPMAN, D. S. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. KO, C. Y. LRP-200711-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. KOEGEL, P. RP-1287 The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. KOENIG, W. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. KOFNER, A. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. KOGAN, J. N. LRP-200712-07 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among MedicaidEnrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. KONETY, B. R. LRP-200700-07 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. LRP-200705-36 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. KONTOPANTELIS, E. LRP-200706-07 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. KOUWENHOVEN, M. TR-367-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. LRP-200700-29 The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study. KPARKER, A. LRP-200706-32 Male Infertility. KRAKAUER, E. L. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. KRAL, A. H. LRP-200704-07 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200707-02 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients. LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. KRAVITZ, R. L. LRP-200609-22 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. KRESSIN, N. R. LRP-200710-49 Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. KRUPSKI, T. L. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. KUATE DEFO, B. LRP-200603-38 Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89. KUNG, F. RB-9300 KVITKY, J. S. TR-459-AF Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. KWAN, L. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. LRP-200805-03 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. LACHMAN, B. E. RB-9260-OSD The Thin Green Line: Buffering the Nation’s Military Bases. RB-9282-OSD Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. MG-552-OSD Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. MG-612-OSD The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment. LACKEY, A. W. RP-1272 Stockage Determination Made Easy. LAI, J. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LAIRD, J. TR-367-CCC RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. LAKDAWALLA, D. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. LRP-200704-12 How Does Terrorism Risk Vary Across Space and Time? An Analysis Based on the Israeli Experience. LRP-200710-48 The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance. LALLY, E. V. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LAMB, R. J. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. LAMBETH, B. S. RP-1260 Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972. MG-655-AF Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare. 37 LANCASTER, D. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. LANCE, S. RB-9279 LANDAY, A. RB-9293 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LANDON, B. E. LRP-200712-18 Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care. LANDREE, E. TR-360-DHS TR-454-DHS RB-9278-DHS CT-269 DB-528-NAVY Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health. Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. LANGLEY, A. LRP-200703-03 Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. LANKHUIZEN, M. TR-453-EC Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report. TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. LANTO, A. B. LRP-200712-08 The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation. LAPIN, P. LRP-200705-21 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program. LARA, M. LRP-200711-23 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities. LRP-200711-25 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. LARA, R. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LARA-CINISOMO, S. LRP-200709-11 Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles. WR-523 An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context. LARRABEE, F. S. MG-673-CEIS Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine. LARSON, C. LRP-200705-21 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program. LARSON, E. L. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-22 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. LARSON, E. V. LRP-200606-23 Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective. LRP-200703-18 George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LATOURRETTE, T. TR-386-DHS Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. DB-525-CTRMP Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. MG-679-CTRMPThe Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. WR-487-IEC Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment. LE BLANCQ, S. M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LE FLOCH, K. C. RB-9287-EDU Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. RB-9303 Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. RP-1283 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. RP-1303 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. LE, V. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. LEE, G. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. LEE, M. L. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. LEE, P. P. RP-1288 Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce. LEE, S. P. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. LEEUWEN, T. VAN WR-368-DH Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004. WR-509-DH Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England. LEIBOWITZ, A. A. LRP-200700-21 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People. LEIPZIG, R. M. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. 38 LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. LEIS, R. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. LRP-200600-22 Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership. LEWIS, G. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. LEWIS, M. W. TR-481-A DB-506-A LEITES, N. CB-104-1 The Operational Code of the Politburo. LEMPERT, R. J. RP-1244 A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios. DB-525-CTRMP Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. MG-679-CTRMPThe Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. LEONARD, A. LRP-196409-02 Green’s Functions for One-Velocity Neutron Transport in a One-Dimensional Slab and Sphere. LEONARD, R. S. RB-236-AF Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. LEUSCHNER, K. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. RB-9295-EMKF Do Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Justify the Costs? Empirical Evidence in the Case of Small Firms. RB-9298-EMKF Is Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Businesses Working as Intended? RB-9305-EMKF State Insurance Mandates and Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Are They Helping Small Business Provide Health Insurance to Employees? DB-506-A Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs). LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. MG-663-EMKF In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. LEVINE, R. J. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. LEVINSON, D. LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. LEVITT, R. TR-472-BT TR-482-NAO TR-510-KB Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison. Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. MG-538-A Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development. Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs). Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. LI, J. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. LI, J. A. WR-489 The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children’s Behavior Problems. LI, M. LRP-200703-11 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. LI, Y. LRP-200706-35 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. LIBICKI, M. C. CB-407 Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. TR-360-DHS Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. RB-9258-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. RB-9278-DHS Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? MG-483-DHS Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences. MG-595/1-OSD Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. LICHTENSTEIN, C. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LICHTER, D. MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. LICKEL, B. LRP-200704-26 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. LIDDICOAT, R. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. LIGTVOET, A. TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. LRP-200610-24 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. 39 LIM, N. OP-206-RC MG-566-OSD Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data. LIM, Y. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. LIN, M. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LINDSAY, A. C. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. LING, T. TR-443-NAO TR-460-EC TR-474-EC DB-549-MOD DB-551-MOD LINGEL, S. L. TR-459-AF Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. LIPSCOMB, J. LRP-200708-20 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes. LITWIN, M. S. LRP-200700-01 Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source. LRP-200700-14 Methods. LRP-200703-10 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200704-15 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200705-04 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. LRP-200710-02 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. LRP-200710-04 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. LRP-200712-15 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200805-03 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. LIU, C. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. LIU, D. LRP-200706-27 Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LIU, H. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200703-26 Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. LRP-200705-16 Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200706-14 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LOCKWOOD, J. R. RB-9273 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. RP-1266 Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. LRP-200706-20 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment. LRP-200707-08 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? WR-471-IES Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models. LONDON, A. S. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LONG, A. LRP-200704-20 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. LONG, S. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. LONGSHORE, D. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200704-10 “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate 40 Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. LRP-200708-03 School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus. LUI, C. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. LOREDO, E. N. RB-219-AF A New Tool Forecasts Programmed Depot Maintenance Workloads for Aging Aircraft. MG-519-AF Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability. RB-9267-HLTH RB-9279 LURIE, N. RB-9234 RB-9286 RP-1273 LORELL, M. A. RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. LORENZ, K. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-47 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. CT-286 LRP-200703-08 LRP-200703-12 LRP-200704-03 LRP-200704-05 LRP-200704-22 LRP-200707-14 LRP-200709-10 WR-469-DHHS LORVICK, J. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. WR-470-DHHS LOTSTEIN, D. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. WR-473-DHHS LOU, Y. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. LOUGHRAN, D. S. TR-450-ICJ Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers. RB-9272-ICJ What Risks Do Older Drivers Pose to Traffic Safety?. OP-189-ICJ Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? WR-223-1 Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test. WR-482-1 Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women. LOVEJOY, S. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. LUANGKESORN, L. MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. LUDWIG, M. RB-9287-EDU RP-1283 Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. WR-472 WR-491-DHHS Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. Promoting Accountability in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats. Perspective on B17–076. Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. Health Disparities and Access to Health. Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges. Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness. Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability. Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares. Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. LYMAN, G. H. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. LYNCH, K. F. MG-518-AF MG-539-AF Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. LYNESS, J. M. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LYNN, J. LRP-200703-14 Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents. LRP-200703-27 Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. LRP-200706-27 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. 41 LRP-200711-08 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. WR-325-1 WR-504 LYON-CALLO, S. K. LRP-200711-23 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities. WR-505 WR-528 MA, S. RGSD-220 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth. LRP-200705-07 School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders. LRP-200712-09 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? MACARIOS, D. LRP-200710-03 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. MACDONALD, J. M. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. LRP-200702-04 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment. MAGILL, A. RB-9293 Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice. Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap. The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes. The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MAGLIONE, M. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200705-21 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. MAGNABOSCO, J. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. MACDONALD, J. W. OP-190-ICJ Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward. MAHNOVSKI, S. RGSD-210 Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies. MACDONALD, N. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. MALIN, J. L. LRP-200705-03 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. LRP-200711-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. MACLEAN, C. H. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-16 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-18 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-51 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. LRP-200711-20 Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). MAESTAS, N. WR-196-2 Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement. MALISKI, S. L. LRP-200700-01 Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source. LRP-200705-26 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. MALLINGER, J. B. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. MANACAPILLI, T. RB-229-AF The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. MG-555-AF Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-theJob Training. MG-624-AF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. MANDAVA, N. CF-228-ISE Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. MANDELE, M. VAN DER TR-510-KB Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. MANDELL, W. LRP-200703-19 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). MANGIONE, C. M. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic 42 Disease? LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200706-18 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. MANGIONE-SMITH, R. M. LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. MARIANO, L. T. RB-9236-OSD Health Coverage Options for Military Retirees. LRP-200706-20 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment. MG-583-OSD Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. MARKEN, R. MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. MARQUIS, J. P. OP-206-RC Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-563-A A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation. MARQUIS, M. S. RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. MARSDEN, C. TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. MARSH, J. A. RB-9259-NSF MG-589-NSF WR-452-UWA WR-453-UWA How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina. School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas. MARSHALL, C. LRP-200700-17 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. MARTIN, L. G. LRP-200708-18 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability. MARTIN, R. W. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. MARTINEZ, A. N. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200709-06 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. MARTINEZ, J. F. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. RB-9303 Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. RP-1303 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. MARTINO, S. C. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. LRP-200704-10 “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? MARTORELL, F. RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. MARTâINEZ, H. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. MARSHALL, G. N. LRP-200701-13 Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200704-14 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. MARTINEZ-ANDRADE, G. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS MARSTELLER, J. A. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? MG-538-A MARTIN, J. L. LRP-200710-21 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders. MARUSAK, S. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. MASI, R. MG-530-A MG-530/1-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. MASON, B. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. 43 MASON, C. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MASSEY, H. G. TR-408-AF Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. RB-215-AF Workforce Management Requires an Analysis-Based Approach. MASTERS, J. MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. MATHIJSSEN, J. TR-453-EC Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report. TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. MATSUMURA, S. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. MATTKE, S. LRP-200704-16 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200712-09 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? MATTOCK, M. G. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. TR-470-AF The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program. MAUE, B. E. A. RGSD-213 Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots. MAYA, J. L. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS MAYES, M. D. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. MCCAFFREY, D. F. TR-506-CC Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project. RB-9269-CSAT Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RP-1259 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. RP-1266 Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. LRP-200706-08 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking. LRP-200706-20 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment. LRP-200707-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200707-08 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations?LRP-200708-03 SchoolBased Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. LRP-200712-06 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. WR-471-IES Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models. WR-508-FEA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues. MCCANN, M. . LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. MCCARTHY, K. F. TR-511-OA/MAR/NAR Post-Katrina Recovery of the Housing Market Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. RB-9217-WPF Strategies for Sustaining Arts and Culture in the Metropolis . RB-9290-OA/MAR/NAR What Progress Is Mississippi Making in Rebuilding Its Affordable Housing Stock After Katrina?. CT-295 Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans. CP-522 A Vision for the Arts in Los Angeles. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-477-WPF Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability. MCCLURE, J. TR-484-EOUST The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. MCCOMBS, J. S. RB-9259-NSF How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. MG-589-NSF Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. MCDEVITT, R. RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. MCDONALD, E. A. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. MCEWAN, P. J. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. MCFADDEN, J. MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. MCGLYNN, E. A. CF-243 Quality of Children’s Health Care. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200701-05 Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should 44 We Really Worry About? LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. LRP-200710-42 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. MCGORY, M. L. LRP-200710-27 Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders. MCHORNEY, C. A. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. MCKEAN-COWDIN, R. LRP-200706-16 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. MCKENZIE, T. L. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200703-08 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. MCKERNAN, M. MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. MCNAUGHTON-COLLINS, M. LRP-200700-05 Prostatitis. LRP-200706-34 Prostatitis. MCNEARNEY, T. A. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. MCNEESE-SMITH, D. LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. MCNEIL, B. J. LRP-200712-18 Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care. MCNITT, S. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. MEACHAM, R. B. LRP-200700-10 Male Infertility. LRP-200706-32 Male Infertility. MEANS-CHRISTENSEN, A. J. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. MEDEIROS, E. S. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. LRP-200400-25 Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress. MEDSGER, T. A. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. MEERDING, W. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. MEHROTRA, A. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. LRP-200709-14 Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States. LRP-200712-18 Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care. MEHROTRA, R. LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders. MEIJER, E. LRP-200701-17 The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective. MEILI, R. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). LRP-200702-02 Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care. MELE, J. D. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. MELNICK, G. LRP-200703-05 The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices. LRP-200706-24 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001. MEN, A. LRP-200704-17 Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200710-54 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures. MENDEL, P. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. MENDES, W. B. LRP-200704-26 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. MENTHE, L. TR-459-AF Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. MEREDITH, L. S. TR-493-HS Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. TR-493/1-HS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. 45 LRP-200701-10 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression. LRP-200703-02 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. LRP-200704-20 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. LRP-200711-05 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. MICHAUD, P. LRP-200700-24 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. LRP-200706-23 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs. LRP-200707-12 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older. LRP-200712-12 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise. WR-478 How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-495 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and StartUp Costs. MILLER, D. C. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. MILLER, L. G. LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. MILLER, L. L. MG-553-OSD MILLER, M. RB-9293 Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MIRANDA, J. RP-1297 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. LRP-200711-15 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. MITCHELL, J. M. LRP-200706-25 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children. MITCHELL, S. R. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. MITTMAN, B. S. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. MOELLER, G. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MOINI, J. S. RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. MOJICA, W. A. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. MOLANDER, R. C. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. MONTOYA, S. CP-521-0407 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007. CP-521-1207 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007. OP-213-PV/EMR Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance. MILLER, S. TR-367-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. MOONEY-KANE, C. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-22 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. MILLS, P. H. RB-228-AF MOORE, L. TR-416-A MG-525-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: New Metrics Show How Investments Affect Operational Performance. Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. MIN, L. C. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders. MINKOVITZ, C. S. LRP-200711-24 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion. MOORE, M. WR-470-DHHS Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. WR-514 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. MOORE, N . Y. TR-442-SBA The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. RB-9261-SBA Measuring the Use of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. MG-572-AF Developing Tailored Supply Strategies. 46 OORE, S. C. MG-545-AF Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative. MORALES, L. S. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200711-03 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos. MORAN, G. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. MOREEN, A. RGSD-215 Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MORELAND, L. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. MORIZOT, J. LRP-200708-12 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures. MORONEY, J. D. P. RB-233-AF Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. MG-563-A A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation. MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. MORRAL, A. R. RB-9269-CSAT Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RP-1259 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200300-17 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. LRP-200702-04 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment. LRP-200706-21 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. LRP-200707-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200712-06 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. MORRISON, P. A. TR-524-UCR Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area. MORSE, L. RB-9291 LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. MOSS, A. J. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. MUELLER, K. P. RB-227-AF Counterinsurgency Operations May Require Modernization of the U.S. Airlift Fleet. MG-565-AF Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations. MUKAMEL, D. B. LRP-200701-19 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. LRP-200704-23 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment. LRP-200706-35 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. LRP-200707-11 Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State. MUKHERJI, A. RB-9269-CSAT Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RGSD-216 Agrarian Households in Semi-Arid Tropics: Evaluating Policy Options. MULARSKI, R. A. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. MULHOLLAND, K. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MULVENON, J. C. LRP-200400-26 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? MUNRO, C. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. LRP-200600-22 Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership. MURATA, D. RP-1287 The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LRP-200710-12 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. MURRAY, P. LRP-200500-20 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. MORTON, S. C. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. MWABA, P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. 47 MYERS, S. K. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. NECHELES, J. W. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. NACE, D. A. LRP-200711-08 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. NEFF, L. A. LRP-200708-17 Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective. NADAREISHVILI, V. RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. NEILL, S. TR-386-DHS NADEEM, E. LRP-200710-08 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program. NAEIM, A. LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. NAFTEL, S. RB-9236-OSD RB-9259-NSF MG-583-OSD MG-589-NSF NAJJAR, J. TR-209-QF Health Coverage Options for Military Retirees. How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. NAKAJIMA, G. A. LRP-200710-32 Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders. NAKAMOTO, K. LRP-200712-01 The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components. NAMIKI, S. LRP-200805-03 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. NARASIMHALU, K. LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. NELSON, C. RB-9286 Promoting Accountability in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200704-22 Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WR-455-DHHS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. NELSON, C. A. DB-544-FFE Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. NEU, C. R. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. NEWBERRY, S. J. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200704-16 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss. NEWHOUSE, J. P. CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. NEWMAN, J. L. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. NEWSOME, B. TR-481-A Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development. RB-9258-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. NICHIPORUK, B. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. NICHOLS, T. RB-9282-OSD MG-552-OSD NASIR, K. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). NASON, E. TR-406-EC TR-435-ESRC TR-438-ESRC TR-516-RC WR-509-DH Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England. Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. NICOSIA, N. TR-442-SBA The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. RB-9261-SBA Measuring the Use of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. WR-476-MEDPAC Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature. NIEDERBERGER, C. LRP-200700-10 Male Infertility. LRP-200706-32 Male Infertility. NISHITA, C. M. LRP-200600-15 Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience. 48 NIV, N. LRP-200710-50 Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes. NORMAN, S. B. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. O’CONNOR, K. G. LRP-200711-24 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. O’DAY, J. RB-9273 NORMAND, S. T. RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. RB-9287-EDU RB-9303 NOVAK, J. L. RB-9217-WPF Strategies for Sustaining Arts and Culture in the Metropolis . MG-477-WPF Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability. RP-1283 NOVICK, D. LRP-196306-02 Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense. LRP-197901-01 Beginning of Military Cost Analysis, 1950–1961. NOWLIN-FINCH, N. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. NOYES, K. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200703-26 Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. LRP-200705-29 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. LRP-200705-31 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. NUCKOLS, T. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). NUCKOLS, T. K. LRP-200706-14 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. NUNES, E. V. LRP-200612-40 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. NYAMATHI, A. LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. O’BRIEN, K. A. RB-233-AF Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. RP-1265 RP-1303 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. O’DONNELL, L. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. O’KANE, M. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. O’LEARY, J. F. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200706-24 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001. O’NEAL, P. RB-9279 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. OBER, A. J. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. OBERT, J. LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. OCEPEK-WELIKSON, K. LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. OCHMANEK, D. A. RB-210-AF America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. MG-499-AF A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. OKAZAKI, K. OP-194-CAPP Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy. OLIKER, O. RB-241-AF RP-1291 CT-277 CT-282 The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan. Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress. Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future. 49 MG-529-OSD MG-613-AF Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. OLMSTED, S. S. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. ONDAATJE, E. H. RB-9217-WPF Strategies for Sustaining Arts and Culture in the Metropolis . CP-522 A Vision for the Arts in Los Angeles. MG-477-WPF Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability. OORTWIJN, W. J. TR-453-EC Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report. TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. LRP-200610-24 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. ORANJE-NASSAU, C. VAN TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. TR-510-KB Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. ORDOWICH, C. CF-228-ISE Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. OROM, H. LRP-200703-16 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. OROZCO L., M. LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. ORTIZ, D. S. TR-406-EC CF-228-ISE Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. ORTIZ, F. LRP-200700-23 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. ORTIZ-BARRON, L. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. OSLER, T. M. LRP-200701-19 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. LRP-200704-23 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment. LRP-200707-11 Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State. OVERHOLT, W. H. CB-410 Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics. OVERTON, A. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200704-09 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. OWEN, R. C. RB-227-AF MG-565-AF Counterinsurgency Operations May Require Modernization of the U.S. Airlift Fleet. Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations. OWENS, D. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. PACE, N. M. RB-9249-ICJ MG-587-1-ICJ WR-405-ICJ Anatomy of an Insurance Class Action. Insurance Class Actions in the United States. Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States. PACULA, R. L. LRP-200702-04 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment. LRP-200709-13 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets. PADDOCK, S. M. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200702-01 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200705-19 Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring. LRP-200706-14 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. PALFREY, J. S. LRP-200711-24 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. PAN, T. LRP-200703-11 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. PANE, J. F. WR-458 Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units. PANIS, C. W. A. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. PANTOJA, P. LRP-200700-15 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. PANZER, R. J. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. PARACHINI, J. RB-9258-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. 50 MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. PARK, G. S. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. LRP-200709-16 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. PARKER, A. M. LRP-200705-24 Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence. LRP-200708-01 Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200712-01 The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components. LRP-200712-13 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes. PARKER, L. E. LRP-200711-05 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. PARKER, M. CT-290 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams. PARRA, M. T. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. PASHOS, C. L. LRP-200703-10 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200704-15 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200710-02 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-04 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200712-15 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. PASTOR, D. K. LRP-200706-22 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. PATEL, K. K. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. PATERNITI, D. A. LRP-200609-22 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. PATUREAU, L. WR-511 Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation. PAUL, C. TR-360-DHS Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. RB-9268-JFCOM Applying Madison Avenue Principles and Recent Operational Experience to Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations. RB-9278-DHS Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? MG-428/2-JFCOM “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. MG-607-JFCOM Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation. PAULUS, H. E. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. PAULY, M. V. LRP-199811-07 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. PAVLOVIC, J. D. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. PAWLSON, L. G. LRP-200711-20 Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). PAYNE, C. K. LRP-200700-06 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome. PEARSON, M. L. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? PEARSON, S. D. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. PEBLEY, A. R. WR-240/12-LAFANS The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook. WR-240/13-LAFANS The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook. PEELING, R. W. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. PELTZ, E. RP-1271 RP-1272 DB-515-A Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? Stockage Determination Made Easy. Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain. PENCHARZ, J. N. LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders. PENNIMAN, T. V. LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. PENNY, L. A. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. PERKINS, M. D. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. PERNIN, C. G. TR-416-A The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion. 51 PETERMAN, J. N. LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. PETERS, J. E. RB-233-AF Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. PETERS, J. I. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. PETERSON, C. E. WR-240/12-LAFANS The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook. WR-240/13-LAFANS The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook. PETERSON, D. J. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. PLASMEIJER, R. LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. POHL, H. G. LRP-200700-09 Pediatric Urologic Disorders. LRP-200705-32 Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. LRP-200705-33 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles. POLAK, J. W. LRP-200707-09 Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. POLINSKI, J. M. LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders /|William H. Shrank, Jennifer M. Polinski, and Jerry Avorn. POLLPETER, K. L. RB-213-AF China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. POLSKY, D. LRP-199811-07 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. PETERSON, K. E. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. LRP-200710-46 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among LowIncome Postpartum Women. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. POMEROY, A. WR-455-DHHS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. PEVAR, J. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. TR-484-EOUST The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. PONTARI, M. A. LRP-200700-05 Prostatitis. LRP-200706-34 Prostatitis. PHAM, C. TR-475-HLTH PONIEWIERSKI, M. S. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. PORTER, D. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . POSTLETHWAITE, A. E. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. POWERS, R. E. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. PIERCE, G. L. RP-1243 PRAILL, D. LRP-200705-14 Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition. PIETERS, M. LRP-200707-07 Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. LRP-200711-21 The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results. PINCUS, H. A. LRP-200701-08 RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers. LRP-200707-05 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. PROSNITZ, D. RP-1321 Whose Responsibility? PRUTHI, R. S. LRP-200706-33 Kidney Cancer. PUNG, H. DB-549-MOD DB-551-MOD PINKERTON, S. D. LRP-200712-14 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. PIOTROWICZ, K. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in PURI, S. TR-516-RC DB-549-MOD Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. 52 DB-551-MOD PYLES, R. RB-219-AF MG-519-AF Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. MG-569-OSD A New Tool Forecasts Programmed Depot Maintenance Workloads for Aging Aircraft. Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability. PYNE, J. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. QASSEM, A. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. QUIGLEY, D. D. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. WR-517-AHRQ Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention. QUINN, M. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. RABASA, A. RB-233-AF RB-9251-SRF CP-22-0712 OP-185-OSD MG-561-AF RAMAN, R. TR-480-NAVY Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. RAND Proposes Blueprint for Building Moderate Muslim Networks . RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. Building Moderate Muslim Networks. A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. RAMCHAND, R. LRP-200711-12 The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use. LRP-200712-06 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. RAMOS-HERNâANDEZ, R. I. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. RAMPHAL, N. R. RGSD-224 The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States. RANDOLPH, M. E. LRP-200712-14 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. RANEY, W. N. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. RATHMELL, A. RB-241-AF The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. MG-613-AF U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. RATTIEN, S. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. RABINOVICH, L. TR-443-NAO Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. LRP-200600-22 Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership. RAYBURN, N. LRP-200704-14 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. RABSON, B. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. RAZQUIN, P. RB-9273 RACZEK, A. E. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. RP-1265 MG-574-SRF RAFAEL, M. E. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. RAHMAN, M. LRP-200612-44 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200709-03 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh. Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. RAZZAQUE, A. LRP-200612-44 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200709-03 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh. REARDON, E. TR-442-SBA The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. TR-538-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP 53 Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children. RB-9261-SBA Measuring the Use of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. RB-9307-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Publicly Funded Early Care and Education Programs for California Preschool-Age Children. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. REBOLJ, M. LRP-200710-01 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. RECTOR, T. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? REED, S. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. REEVE, B. B. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-23 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders. REVAY, B. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. REVICKI, D. A. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). REVILLE, R . T. DB-525-CTRMP Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. MG-679-CTRMPThe Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. REYES, J. RB-235-AF DB-517-AF RHODES, C. TR-434-AF REEVES, D. LRP-200706-07 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. TR-459-AF REISE, S. P. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-12 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures. RHODES, H. RGSD-218 REITER, R. E. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. RELLES, D. A. RP-1288 Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce. RENDALL, M. S. WR-496 Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data. WR-529 Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children. RESETAR, S. A. RB-9260-OSD The Thin Green Line: Buffering the Nation’s Military Bases. MG-612-OSD The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment. RETTIG, R. A. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. REUBEN, D. B. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable RB-230-AF Certain Competencies May Help Offset Lack of Expertise in Senior Air Force Jobs. Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge. A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations. Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. New Tools Can Make Intelligence Collection More Responsive to Time-Sensitive Targets. Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention. LRP-200704-20 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. RHODES, S. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. RICCI, K. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. RICCI, K. A. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. RICH, M. D. CF-239-PPN Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. 54 RICHARDSON, A. F. MG-646-A Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. RICKARDS, L. LRP-200707-05 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. RIDGELY, M. S. TR-439-CSG Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). RB-9254 Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. LRP-200711-03 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos. WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. RIDGEWAY, G. K. TR-534-NYPD Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices. TR-535-CC Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. RB-9242-CC Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RB-9269-CSAT Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RB-9325 Do NYPD’s Pedestrian Stop Data Indicate Racial Bias? RP-1243 The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition. RP-1253 Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness. RP-1259 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200507-21 Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking. LRP-200704-07 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. LRP-200704-09 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200707-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. RIDZON, R. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. RILEY, K. J. TR-535-CC Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. RB-9242-CC Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. CT-275 The Strategic Challenge of Border Security. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-529-OSD Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. RINGEL, J. S. RB-9043-1 RP-1323 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States. LRP-200703-01 High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. RIPOSO, J. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. RITCHEY, J. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. ROBBERT, A. A. TR-408-AF Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. RB-215-AF Workforce Management Requires an Analysis-Based Approach. RB-220-AF Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. MG-540-AF Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. ROBBINS, M. L. DB-515-A Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain. ROBERTSON, S. LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. ROBINSON, G. E. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State ROBINSON, N. TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. TR-472-BT Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards Multi-Stakeholder Governance. ROBINSON, P. L. LRP-200701-01 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion. LRP-200704-02 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity. LRP-200711-02 Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000. ROBYN, A. E. RB-9259-NSF MG-589-NSF How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. RODRIGUEZ, L. V. LRP-200703-10 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200704-15 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. 55 LRP-200710-02 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-04 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200712-15 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. WR-403-ICJ ROGOWSKI, J. A. LRP-200702-13 Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured. LRP-200704-04 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California. LRP-200710-44 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans. ROSE, R. D. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. ROHOZYNSKY, O. RGSD-221 Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine. ROHR, C. TR-280-DFT The PRISM Model: Evidence on Model Hierarchy and Parameter Values. TR-367-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. LRP-200700-29 The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study. LRP-200711-22 On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems. ROHWEDDER, S. WR-463 Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by SocioEconomic Status and Health. ROLAN, C. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. ROLAND, M. O. LRP-200706-07 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. ROLING, S. CF-239-PPN ROLL, C. R. RB-228-AF RB-236-AF MG-518-AF MG-525-AF MG-539-AF MG-559/1-AF MG-588-AF Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: New Metrics Show How Investments Affect Operational Performance. Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. ROLON, C. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200705-37 Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review. ROMLEY, J. A. RP-1323 Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States. RONALD, A. RB-9293 ROSEN, B. RGSD-217 Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. From the Outside In: Shaping the International Criminal Court. ROSEN, M. LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? ROSENAU, W. RB-9258-DHS CF-229 Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007). OP-172-OSD Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2. LRP-200700-02 Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism. MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. ROSENBLOOM, D. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. ROSENFELD, K. LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders. ROSENTHAL, R. A. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. ROSS, K. E. MR-1118-1-EDU Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. ROST, K. M. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. ROSTKER, B. RB-9243-1-RC Improving Recruitment and Retention in the New Orleans Police Department. MG-380-OSD America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty. MG-585-RC Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department. ROTH, C. P. TR-475-HLTH Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final 56 Report. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. ROTHENBERG, J. TR-510-KB Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. ROTHSCHILD, J. M. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. ROTTER, J. I. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. ROUGH, J. RB-9255-A MG-603-A Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. RUBENSTEIN, L. Z. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200701-07 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. RUBIN, J. TR-435-ESRC TR-438-ESRC TR-474-EC CP-22-0704 DB-551-MOD RUE, R. RB-235-AF DB-517-AF ROWE, M. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. ROWE, S. LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders. ROY-BYRNE, P. P. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. RUBENSTEIN, L. V. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. LRP-200710-49 Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. LRP-200711-05 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. LRP-200712-08 The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. Certain Competencies May Help Offset Lack of Expertise in Senior Air Force Jobs. Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge. RUSSELL, J. L. RB-9259-NSF How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. MG-589-NSF Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. RUSSO, J. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. RYAN, G. W. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . LRP-200704-20 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. LRP-200711-19 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. RYN, M. VAN LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. SAAG, K. G. LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders. 57 SACCO, R. L. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. SAFRIT, J. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. SAHA, S. LRP-200710-49 Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. SAIGAL, C. S. LRP-200700-14 Methods. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. LRP-200710-30 Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders. SALEM, H. RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. SALIBA, D. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. SALKELD, J. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. SALLAGAR, F. M. CB-408 The Road to Total War. SAMPSEL, S. L. LRP-200711-20 Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). SAN, C. RB-220-AF MG-540-AF Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. SANATI, H. LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. SAND, K. L. LRP-200711-08 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. SANDLER, H. M. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. SASTRY, N. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . WR-240/12-LAFANS The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook. WR-240/13-LAFANS The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook. WR-483 Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study. SAVYCH, B. WR-293-1-ICJ WR-403-ICJ SAWHNEY, R. LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. SAYLES, J. N. LRP-200711-19 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. SAYLOR, L. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. SCHAEFER, A. G. RB-9255-A Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. MG-603-A Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. WR-470-DHHS Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. SCHANK, J. F. TR-480-NAVY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. SCHARF, D. M. LRP-200702-10 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. SCHELL, T. L. TR-535-CC SANTIBAäNEZ, L. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. RB-9242-CC SANTUCCI, R. A. LRP-200700-12 Male Urethral Stricture Disease. LRP-200705-34 Male Urethral Stricture Disease. LRP-200704-14 SARKISIAN, C. A. LRP-200711-19 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business. Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? LRP-200701-13 LRP-200704-07 LRP-200709-07 Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. SCHEUNER, M. T. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin 58 Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). SCHIEFER, M. RB-220-AF Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. MG-540-AF Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. SCHIRMER, P. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. RB-9282-OSD Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. MG-527-OSD Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. MG-552-OSD Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. SCHNEIDER, E. C. LRP-200705-03 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. LRP-200711-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. SCHNUR, P. LRP-200709-02 Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research. SCHOEFF, D. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. SCHOENBAUM, M. RP-1297 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State SCHOENI, R. F. LRP-200708-18 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability. SCHOLLE, S. H. LRP-200711-20 Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). SCHONLAU, M. LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200703-28 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey. LRP-200710-07 Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. WR-506 Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? SCHRAUFNAGEL, T. J. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. SCHROEDER, M. WR-504 Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap. SCHUETH, A. J. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. SCHULTINK, W. LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. SCHULTZ, D. J. LRP-200701-08 RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers. SCHUSTER, C. R. LRP-200703-14 Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents. LRP-200706-25 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children. WR-476-MEDPAC Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature. SCHUSTER, M. A. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200703-07 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. LRP-200705-09 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. SCHWARTZ, L. RB-9251-SRF RAND Proposes Blueprint for Building Moderate Muslim Networks . MG-574-SRF Building Moderate Muslim Networks. SCHWID, S. R. LRP-200705-29 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. SCHYVE, P. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. SCOGGINS, A. TR-443-NAO Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. SCOT, H. C. TR-386-DHS TR-461-NAT RB-9294-NAT Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased WaterUse Efficiency in Commercial Buildings. A New Tool Can Help Commercial-Building Owners Make Better Water-Efficiency Decisions. SCOTT, A. LRP-200706-05 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. SCOTT, L. M. RB-235-AF OP-206-RC Certain Competencies May Help Offset Lack of Expertise in Senior Air Force Jobs. Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An 59 DB-517-AF Exploratory Analysis. Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge. SCOTT, M. M. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200705-15 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200705-17 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. WR-434-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. WR-434/1-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report. SCRIBNER, R. LRP-200711-18 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. SEABURY, S. A. TR-450-ICJ Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers. RB-9272-ICJ What Risks Do Older Drivers Pose to Traffic Safety?. OP-189-ICJ Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? SEHGAL, A. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. TR-498-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200703-08 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. SEIBOLD, J. R. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. SEID, M. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200712-09 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? SEIDLEIN, L. VON RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. SEOW, H. LRP-200711-08 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. SESSELBERG, H. W. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. SETODJI, C. M. TR-458-SEP Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200706-20 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment. LRP-200710-41 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. SHADEL, W. G. LRP-200702-03 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke. LRP-200702-10 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. LRP-200703-16 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. LRP-200704-13 Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the SelfConcept. SHAH, M. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? SHAH, P. K. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. SHAH, R. B. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. SHANG, B. LRP-200709-12 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending. SHANLEY, M. G. MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. SHANNON, J. LRP-200711-25 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care. SHAPIRO, M. F. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. SHARMA, P. RB-9291 How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LRP-200710-12 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. SHATZ, H. J. CP-524 Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007. LRP-200703-24 The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats. SHAVER, R. D. TR-501-OSD Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening. SHAW, R. TR-488-ACF Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). LRP-200703-22 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? 60 SHEA, M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. SHEKELLE, P. G. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-07 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200705-37 Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review. LRP-200706-07 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-33 Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. SHELLEY, G. A. RP-1235 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence. RP-1308 The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. SHENG, S. LRP-200712-01 The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components. SHEPARD, J. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. SHEPHERD, A. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. SHERBOURNE, C. D. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RP-1297 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. RP-1312 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. LRP-200708-02 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200709-04 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. LRP-200711-15 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. LRP-200711-17 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. SHERGOLD, M. MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. SHERIF, K. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. SHERMAN, S. E. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. SHETTY, V. LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. SHIELDS,CLEVELAND G LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. SHIFFMAN, S. LRP-200702-10 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. SHINE, K. I. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. SHLAPAK, D. A. RB-210-AF America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. RB-226-AF How Taiwan’s Status Is Resolved Will Determine Whether U.S.-China Relations Are Cooperative or Hostile. MG-499-AF A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. MG-567-AF U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status. SHONE, L. P. LRP-200701-20 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. LRP-200704-24 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. SHOOB, R. TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. SHOPTAW, S. LRP-200500-20 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. SHORTELL, S. M. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200706-04 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice. SHRANK, W. H. LRP-200612-41 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. 61 LRP-200705-37 Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review. LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders /|William H. Shrank, Jennifer M. Polinski, and Jerry Avorn. SHUGARMAN, L. R. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. LRP-200600-15 Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience. LRP-200703-14 Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-476-MEDPAC Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature. SHUKLA, P. OP-185-OSD SICKLE, P. RB-9251-SRF MG-574-SRF Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. RAND Proposes Blueprint for Building Moderate Muslim Networks . Building Moderate Muslim Networks. SIEMONSMA, H. TR-367-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. SILVER, J. S. LRP-200711-19 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. SIMON, B. F. LRP-200712-08 The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation. SIMON, L. LRP-200706-26 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. SIMON, S. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State SIMPSON, E. M. RB-9258-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. SINGER, J. A. LRP-200705-12 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. SINHA, U. K. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. SISSON, M. RB-9258-DHS MG-481-DHS MG-483-DHS Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences. SIVADASAN, S. MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. SIVAKUMAR, A. TR-516-RC Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. RB-9288-RE Road Pricing: Predicting the Responses of Drivers to Road Pricing. SLEEPER, S. MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. SLOSS, E. M. LRP-200704-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200706-24 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001. WR-455-DHHS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. SMALL, P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. SMALLMAN, L. DB-549-MOD Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. DB-551-MOD Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. SMITH, B. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. SMITH, J. L. LRP-200612-40 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. SMITH, J. P. LRP-200703-17 Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands. LRP-200708-08 Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient. LRP-200709-18 The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course. WR-501 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. WR-524 Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle. WR-536 Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences. SMITH, R. MG-595/1-OSD Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. SMITH, T. L. TR-546-BPA Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. SMITH, W. LRP-200300-17 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. SMITH-WARNER, S. A. LRP-200710-46 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among LowIncome Postpartum Women. SNOW, V. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. SNYDER, D. RB-219-AF A New Tool Forecasts Programmed Depot Maintenance Workloads for Aging Aircraft. 62 RB-228-AF MG-519-AF MG-525-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: New Metrics Show How Investments Affect Operational Performance. Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability. Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. SOEST, A. VAN LRP-200700-24 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. LRP-200703-17 Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands. LRP-200707-12 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older. WR-478 How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-495 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. WR-501 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. WR-506 Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-535 Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations. WR-536 Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences. SOKOLOFF, M. H. LRP-200700-13 Testicular Cancer. SOLLINGER, J. M. RB-236-AF Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. SOLOMON, D. H. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. SONON, K. LRP-200703-06 Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. SOOD, N. LRP-200700-21 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People. LRP-200710-48 The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance. LRP-200711-14 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India. SOPRASEUTH, T. LRP-200706-23 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs. LRP-200712-12 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise. WR-500 WR-511 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and StartUp Costs. Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation. SORBERO, M. E. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. WR-512-ICJ Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits. SORBERO, M. J. LRP-200712-07 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among MedicaidEnrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. SORENSEN, G. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. SPEED, P. MG-527-OSD Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. SPEIER, A. H. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. SPENCER, B. A. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. LRP-200710-24 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders. SPEROFF, T. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. SPRANCA, M. D. LRP-200703-22 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? SPRITZER, K. LRP-200705-16 Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study. ST. CLAIR, P. A. LRP-200708-03 School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus. STANTON, R. E. RB-220-AF Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. MG-540-AF Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. STASZ, C. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . 63 RB-9276-QATARIdentifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. LRP-200700-03 A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom. MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. WR-460-SUT The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions. STATEN, L. K. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . STEARNS, B. K. CP-521-0607 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007. MG-529-OSD Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. WR-514 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. STECHER, B. M. RB-9259-NSF How Educators in Three States Are Responding to Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind. RB-9303 Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. RP-1303 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. LRP-200703-30 The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. MG-589-NSF Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. STEELE, B. D. MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? STEEN, V. D. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. STEIN, B. D. RB-9291 LRP-200702-02 LRP-200703-03 LRP-200710-08 LRP-200710-12 LRP-200712-07 How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care. Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program. Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among MedicaidEnrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. STEIN, M. B. LRP-200608-17 Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. LRP-200700-18 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. STEIN, M. D. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. STEINBERG, P. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. DB-525-CTRMP Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. MG-428/2-JFCOM “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. STEINHOFF, M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. STERN, S. LRP-200703-02 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. STEWART, A. K. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. STOCKDALE, S. E. LRP-200706-03 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. LRP-200711-17 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. STODDARD, A. M. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. STOLK, C. VAN TR-444-NAO Accounting for the Future: International Examples. TR-460-EC Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. TR-482-NAO Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison. TR-523-NAO Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany. STOLK, C. VON WR-460-SUT The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions. STONE, P. W. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-22 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. STOPKA, T. J. LRP-200700-17 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. STRAUBE, B. M. LRP-200706-27 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. STRAUS, S. G. MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. 64 WR-458 Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units. STRICKLAND, T. L. LRP-200700-23 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. STURM, R. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RP-1323 Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States. LRP-200705-07 School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders. LRP-200707-06 Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005. LRP-200711-10 Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California. SUBRAMANIAN, S. V. LRP-200704-06 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. LRP-200710-46 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among LowIncome Postpartum Women. SUISMAN, D. R. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State SULLIVAN, J. G. RP-1287 The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200709-15 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. SULLIVAN, S. D. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. SULTZER, D. LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders. SUN, V. C. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. SUTTORP, M. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. SWANGER, R. M. RB-9237 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. CP-521-0407 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007. SWANSON, K. A. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. SZAYNA, T. S. MG-379-A MG-646-A LRP-200704-24 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. SZKLO, M. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). TAKEUCHI, D. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. TALLEY, E. L. TR-209-QF WR-403-ICJ TANG, L. RP-1297 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. LRP-200706-03 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. LRP-200711-15 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. LRP-200711-17 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. TANIELIAN, T. L. TR-493-HS Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. TR-493/1-HS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. RB-9291 How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LRP-200702-02 Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care. LRP-200710-12 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. TANNER, M. S. LRP-200400-27 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader. MG-507-OSD Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use. TARN, D. M. LRP-200609-22 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. TARR, P. I. RB-9293 TAYLOR, J. RB-9287-EDU RB-9303 RP-1283 RP-1303 The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. SZILAGYI, P. G. LRP-200701-20 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. TAYLOR, K. D. LRP-200702-12 Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts. 65 TAYLOR, S. L. TR-493-HS MG-527-OSD Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. TR-493/1-HS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. LRP-200703-07 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. LRP-200704-27 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS. TAYLOR, T. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. TAYLOR, W. W. MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. TEAL, C. R. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. TEBES, J. K. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. TELEKI, S. S. TR-463-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. WR-522-AHRQ Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. TEMPLE, D. RB-9258-DHS MG-481-DHS MG-593-OSD Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. TEPPA, F. LRP-200303-24 Hypothetical Intertemporal Consumption Choices. TERESI, J. A. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200708-10 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-11 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. THARP-TAYLOR, S. DB-544-FFE Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. THIE, H. TR-419-OSD Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. THISSEN, D. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). THOMAS, A. A. WR-523 An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context. THOMAS, R. W. MG-447-A How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. THOMAS, Y. F. LRP-200709-02 Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research. THOMPSON, J. P. LRP-200705-29 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. THOMPSON, W. LRP-200712-07 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among MedicaidEnrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. THOMSON, J. A. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. THURSTON, C. MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. TIESSEN, J. TR-443-NAO TR-482-NAO TR-523-NAO Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison. Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany. TIMILSINA, A. R. RB-9237 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. RGSD-222 Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries. CP-521-1007 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2007. MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. TIMPANE, P. M. MR-1118-1-EDU Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. TIMSON, F. S. RB-9274-OSD MG-664-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. TISNADO, D. M. LRP-200702-14 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200706-36 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? TITA, G. RP-1243 The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition. TONNIGES, T. F. LRP-200711-24 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. 66 TORR, B. M. WR-529 WR-530 RP-1325 Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children. The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000. TORTOLERO, S. R. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. RP-200612-38 LRP-200701-12 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County. Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users. A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23. Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status. TRAINA, S. B. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200706-17 TRAVIS, R. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. TURNBULL, B. LRP-200701-18 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS TRIPP, R. S. MG-518-AF MG-539-AF Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. TROPED, P. J. LRP-200710-53 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. TRUAX, S. R. LRP-200700-17 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. TRUJILLO, H. WR-514 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. TRUONG, K. D. LRP-200705-07 School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders. LRP-200711-10 Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California. TSANG, F. TR-516-RC MG-552-OSD TUNIS, S. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. TURNER, B. J. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. TURNER, S. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. TR-439-CSG Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. TR-498-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. TR-535-CC Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. RB-9242-CC Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . ULLOA, E. C. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. UNGER, E. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. TSENG, C. LRP-200706-18 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. TSENG, M. RB-9282-OSD LRP-200711-26 Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. TSEVAT, J. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. TUCKER, J. S. RB-9265 New Perspectives on Marijuana and Youth: Abstainers Are Not Maladjusted, but Lone Users Face Difficulties. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. URDEA, M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. URTEAGA R., C. LRP-200711-09 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults. VAIANA, M. E. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. VALERI, L. TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. VANDERPLOEG, J. J. LRP-200709-01 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After-School Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. 67 VARDA, D. M. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. VICKREY, B. G. LRP-200700-23 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. VARGA, J. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. VIJAN, S. LRP-200710-33 Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders. VARGAS, R. B. LRP-200702-16 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? VITIELLO, B. RB-9300 VARMA, R. LRP-200706-16 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. VIVELL, S. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. VASSAR, S. D. LRP-200703-29 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. VEENSTRA, D. L. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. VEIT, C. T. RP-1289 RP-1290 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making. A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease. VERMA, G. LRP-200709-19 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. VERNEZ, G. TR-408-AF RB-215-AF RB-9273 RB-9287-EDU RB-9303 RP-1265 RP-1283 RP-1303 CP-22-0712 Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. Workforce Management Requires an Analysis-Based Approach. Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. VESTAL, K. D. LRP-200703-07 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. VICK, A. J. RB-210-AF MG-499-AF America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. VICKERMAN, P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. VLACHOS-DENGLER, K. RGSD-219 Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities. VOGELSANG, I. RB-9249-ICJ Anatomy of an Insurance Class Action. MG-587-1-ICJ Insurance Class Actions in the United States. WR-405-ICJ Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States. VOGENBECK, D. WR-470-DHHS Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. VOLLANDT, L. LRP-200706-09 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A CommunityBased Participatory Research Study. VOLLEN, K. LRP-200712-17 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. VOORHEES, C. C. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. VOS, K. DE LRP-200700-25 Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands. VRIES, H. DE LRP-200703-23 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. WACHS, M. CT-274 Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World. WAGNER, G. J. LRP-200711-16 Formative Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up Efficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa. WALLACE, P. LRP-200801-07 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. WALLEN, E. M. LRP-200700-08 Kidney Cancer. LRP-200706-33 Kidney Cancer. WALT, L. C. LRP-200711-13 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. 68 WANDERSMAN, A. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. RB-9262-SAMHSA Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. WATSON, K. LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders. WANG, C. J. LRP-200804-08 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. WAYNIA, M. K. LRP-200705-08 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. WANG, H. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. WEATHERFORD, B. CF-228-ISE Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. WANG, M. TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. WANG, P. S. LRP-200711-04 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. WANG, Q. LRP-200703-10 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200704-15 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200705-25 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200710-02 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-04 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200712-15 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. WANG, S. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? WANSBEEK, T. LRP-200701-17 The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective. WARNER, L. A. OP-185-OSD Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. WASSERMAN, J. RB-9286 Promoting Accountability in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200704-05 Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges. LRP-200704-22 Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WR-473-DHHS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. WATERMAN, M. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. WAYNE, A. RB-9287-EDU RP-1283 Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. WEAVER, F. LRP-200710-49 Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. WEBB, D. S. LRP-200700-17 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. WEDEN, M. M. LRP-200708-15 Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation. WR-497 Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002. WR-498 Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior. WEECH-MALDONADO, R. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. WEEKS, T. RB-9253-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. WEI, J. T. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-13 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. WEIDMAR, B. A. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. WEIDMER, B. A. RP-1235 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence. WEINBERGER, M. LRP-200710-49 Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. WEINBERGER, S. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. WEINER, S. R. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. WEINSTEIN, A. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. 69 WEISMAN, M. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. WEISS, D. J. LRP-200705-18 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of HealthRelated Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the PatientReported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). WELLS, K. B. RP-1297 LRP-200705-27 LRP-200706-03 LRP-200711-04 LRP-200711-15 LRP-200711-17 LRP-200712-02 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. WENGER, N. K. RB-9300 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. WENGER, N. S. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200609-22 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200706-12 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-38 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-40 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. LRP-200710-51 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. WR-515/1 ACOVE-3 Rejected Quality Indicators. WR-515/2 Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators. WR-515/3 Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews. WENZEL, S. L. RP-1325 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County. LRP-200703-19 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. LRP-200706-17 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200707-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). LRP-200711-26 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status. WERMUTH, M. A. CT-275 The Strategic Challenge of Border Security. WESSELLS, H. LRP-200700-11 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. LRP-200705-35 Erectile Dysfunction. WESTERGREN, M. TR-434-AF A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations. RB-230-AF New Tools Can Make Intelligence Collection More Responsive to Time-Sensitive Targets. WHITE, B. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. WHITE, M. TR-483-EOUST The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. WICKMAN, L. MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. WICKMAN, M. LRP-200705-27 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. WICKSTROM, S. LRP-200705-23 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? WIGAN, M. R. LRP-200700-29 The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study. WIGLEY, F. F. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. WILBER, K. H. LRP-200600-15 Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience. LRP-200710-51 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. WILFERT, C. M. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. WILKES, M. S. LRP-200704-08 Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes. 70 WILKINS, W. S. LRP-200703-03 Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. LRP-200711-11 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. WILKSON, A. M. LRP-200710-06 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. WINDLE, M. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. WILLIAMS, J. D. CB-113-1 The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy. WINTER, J. LRP-200703-28 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey. WILLIAMS, L. B. LRP-200712-02 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. WILLIAMS, V. L. LRP-200704-03 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WILLIAMS, W. A. MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. WILLIAMSON, S. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . LRP-200703-08 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. WILLIS, E. LRP-200710-52 Explaining the Growth of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. WILLIS, H. H. TR-386-DHS CF-228-ISE CT-272 WR-464-ISE WR-487-IEC WILSON, B. TR-360-DHS RB-9278-DHS Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security. Using Risk Analysis to Inform Intelligence Analysis. Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment. Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? WILSON, J. M. TR-546-BPA Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. RB-9243-1-RC Improving Recruitment and Retention in the New Orleans Police Department. RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. MG-585-RC Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department. MG-689-OACP Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations. WILSON, K. LRP-200704-24 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. WILSON, P. RB-9293 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. WILT, T. J. LRP-200700-11 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. LRP-200705-35 Erectile Dysfunction. WISE, M. LRP-200700-05 LRP-200700-06 LRP-200700-07 LRP-200700-08 LRP-200700-09 LRP-200700-10 LRP-200700-11 LRP-200700-12 LRP-200700-13 LRP-200705-32 LRP-200705-33 LRP-200705-34 LRP-200705-35 LRP-200705-36 LRP-200706-32 LRP-200706-33 LRP-200706-34 Prostatitis. Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome. Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. Kidney Cancer. Pediatric Urologic Disorders. Male Infertility. Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. Male Urethral Stricture Disease. Testicular Cancer. Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles. Male Urethral Stricture Disease. Erectile Dysfunction. Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. Male Infertility. Kidney Cancer. Prostatitis. WISEMAN, S. H. TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving ResultsBased Accountability. WR-517-AHRQ Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention. WISSLER, R. LRP-200701-19 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. WITHERS, H. R. LRP-200706-11 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. WOLFF, D. A. LRP-200701-16 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200706-29 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. WONG, A. RB-9260-OSD The Thin Green Line: Buffering the Nation’s Military Bases. LRP-200705-28 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200712-11 The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society. MG-530-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. MG-530/1-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. MG-612-OSD The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment. MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. WONG, A. L. LRP-200701-03 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. 71 WONG, C. DB-528-NAVY MG-447-A Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. WONG, E. C. LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200704-25 Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. LRP-200710-50 Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes. WONG, G. Y. LRP-200710-10 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. WONG, M. LRP-200703-03 Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. LRP-200710-08 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program. WONG, N. D. LRP-200708-16 Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). WONG, W. K. LRP-200610-27 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200708-05 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. WOOD, P. R. LRP-200712-16 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. WOODING, S. TR-435-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. TR-438-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. LRP-200610-24 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. WR-466-RS Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft. WOZNIAK, G. D. LRP-199811-07 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. WRIGHT, B. D. LRP-200701-02 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients. WRIGHT, G. C. LRP-200703-24 The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats. WRIGHT, S. LRP-200700-03 A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom. WU, J. LRP-200706-16 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. WU, M. TR-444-NAO Accounting for the Future: International Examples. WU, S. LRP-200705-01 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200711-03 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos. WU, T. LRP-200702-09 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. WYNN, B. O. WR-434-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. WR-434/1-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report. WR-512-ICJ Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits. XIA, N. WR-508-FEA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues. YAMASHITA, D. R. LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. YANCEY, A. LRP-200701-09 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. YANO, E. LRP-200702-15 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200706-31 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200712-08 The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation. YARDLEY, R. J. TR-419-OSD Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. TR-480-NAVY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. MG-527-OSD Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. YIRINEC, B. LRP-200704-11 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. YOON, K. RB-9287-EDU RP-1283 YOUNG, A. S. RB-9254 Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. RP-1287 The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. LRP-200702-05 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 72 LRP-200705-10 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200707-01 The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. YOUNG, R. RP-1282 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. LRP-200701-04 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200706-10 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders. YOUNOSSI, O. RB-236-AF Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? RB-9274-OSD Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. YPMA, J. Y. LRP-200707-13 Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data. YU, H. TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. TR-508-AHRQ Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). YUEH, B. LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders. ZAIDI, A. LRP-200406-25 The Myth of Worksharing. ZAKARAS, L. RB-9249-ICJ RB-9272-ICJ OP-189-ICJ MG-587-1-ICJ WR-405-ICJ Anatomy of an Insurance Class Action. What Risks Do Older Drivers Pose to Traffic Safety?. Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? Insurance Class Actions in the United States. Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States. ZAKOWSKI, S. LRP-200704-22 Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness. WR-469-DHHS Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. ZAMBRANO, J. WR-470-DHHS Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. ZANDER-COTUGNO, M. LRP-200712-05 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. ZASLAVSKY, A. M. LRP-200709-14 Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States. ZAZZALI, J. L. LRP-200706-04 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice. LRP-200708-19 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. ZELLMAN, G. RB-9248-QATARA New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RB-9248/1-QATAR A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. ZEMAN, L. L. RB-9255-A MG-603-A Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. ZHANG, L. LRP-200706-03 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. LRP-200711-17 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. ZHAO, H. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. ZHENG, Y. RB-9267-HLTH How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . RB-9283 A Systematic Review of the Adverse Effects of Prescription Drug Cost Sharing. RB-9285 A Look Inside the “Doughnut Hole”: How Drug-Benefit Limits Affect Retiree Prescription Use. LRP-200704-09 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200707-04 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health. LRP-200709-08 Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill. ZHOU, A. J. LRP-200701-21 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200702-06 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200703-09 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200709-05 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. ZANE, N. W. LRP-200704-25 Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example. ZIEGENFUSSI, J. WR-532 Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction. ZAREBA, W. LRP-200703-25 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200708-07 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic ZIMMER, R. W. RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP Student Achievement in Privately Managed and DistrictManaged Schools in Philadelphia Since the State Takeover. 73 RB-9273 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. CP-22-0712 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. LRP-200700-26 Charter Schools in California. LRP-200700-27 Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance. MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. ZIMMERMANN, D. CF-229 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007). ZINGMOND, D. S. LRP-200710-51 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. ZISSIMOPOULOS, J. M. OP-190-ICJ Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward. LRP-200702-17 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages. LRP-200704-01 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors. WR-482-1 Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women. WR-524 Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle. WR-525 Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina. WR-528 The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England. ZONTA, M. LRP-200703-07 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. ZWANZIGER, J. LRP-200705-30 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-22 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. 74 SUBJECT INDEX ABILITY Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes LRP-200712-13 ABSENTEEISM A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—CALIFORNIA Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children TR-538 Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance LRP-200700-27 Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—CALIFORNIA—SANTA MONICA Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention RGSD-218 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment LRP-200706-20 Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement RP-1266 Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models WR-471 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—MEXICO Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial” TR-458 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico MG-471/1 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—MEXICO—TESTING Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial” TR-458 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico MG-471/1 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—PENNSYLVANIA—PHILADELPHIA State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia MG-533 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—PENNSYLVANIA—PITTSBURGH Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 ACCIDENTAL FALLS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators LRP-200710-39 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 ACCIDENTAL FALLS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 ACCOUNTING—STANDARDS Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 ACCOUNTING—STANDARDS—GREAT BRITAIN Accounting for the Future: International Examples TR-444 ACCULTURATION Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 ACHIEVEMENT TESTS—EVALUATION The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures LRP-200703-30 ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study LRP-200705-16 ACUTE DISEASE Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome LRP-200700-06 ADAPTATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 ADJUSTMENT DISORDERS—DIAGNOSIS Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 ADOLESCENT Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care LRP-200500-20 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200702-06 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI) LRP-200707-10 75 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care LRP-200703-02 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm LRP-200712-05 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs LRP-200712-06 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? LRP-200701-11 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking LRP-200706-08 The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus LRP-200708-03 ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR—PSYCHOLOGY Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICES Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use LRP-200709-01 ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients LRP-200706-17 ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 ADULT Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization LRP-200712-07 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale LRP-200712-16 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce LRP-200705-02 ADVERTISING Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 ADVERTISING A S TOPIC Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 ADVERTISING—METHODS Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking LRP-200706-08 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 AED Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-30 AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations TR-434 AERONAUTICS, MILITARY—STUDY AND TEACHING Common Battlefield Training for Airmen MG-624 Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training MG-555 AFFECT Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners LRP-200704-26 AFGHANISTAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 Negotiating with Iran CT-293 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 AFGHANISTAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS—IRAN Negotiating with Iran CT-293 AFGHANISTAN—HISTORY Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 AFGHANISTAN—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 The State of the Afghan Insurgency CT-296 AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA—EPIDEMIOLOGY Formative Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up Efficiency in SubSaharan Africa LRP-200711-16 AFRICAN AMERICANS Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 AFRICAN AMERICANS—PSYCHOLOGY Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 AFRICAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 AFRICAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor LRP-200701-19 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk 76 Behaviors LRP-200703-07 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth LRP-200712-10 AFTERCARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization LRP-200712-07 AGE AND EMPLOYMENT Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement WR-196-2 The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors LRP-200704-01 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages LRP-200702-17 AGE AND EMPLOYMENT—GREAT BRITAIN The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 AGE DISTRIBUTION Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 AGE DISTRIBUTION (DEMOGRAPHY)—DENMARK Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 AGE DISTRIBUTION (DEMOGRAPHY)—GREAT BRITAIN Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 AGE DISTRIBUTION (DEMOGRAPHY)—SWEDEN—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data LRP-200707-13 AGE FACTORS Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence LRP-200712-15 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages LRP-200702-17 AGE FACTORS—EUROPE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older LRP-200707-12 AGE FACTORS—UNITED STATES Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement WR-196-2 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors LRP-200704-01 AGED Access to Postacute Rehabilitation LRP-200711-01 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators LRP-200710-39 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability LRP-200708-18 Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy LRP-200708-07 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set LRP-200710-40 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid LRP-200710-51 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-28 Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-27 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-32 Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-33 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-18 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-21 Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients RP-1282 Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews WR-515/3 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 AGED—ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socio-Economic Status and Health WR-463 AGED—MEDICAL CARE Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients 77 RP-1282 Force Flying Hour Program MG-355 AGED—MORTALITY—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients RP-1282 AIR FORCE—AIRMEN Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies MG-540 AGE—EMPLOYMENT—HEALTH ASPECTS Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement WR-196-2 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors LRP-200704-01 AIR FORCE—AIRMEN—TRAINING OF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen MG-624 AGING The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review LRP-200601-26 AGING—SOCIAL ASPECTS—DENMARK Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 AGING—SOCIAL ASPECTS—EUROPE Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data LRP-200707-13 AGING—SOCIAL ASPECTS—GREAT BRITAIN Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 AGRICULTURE—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—TROPICS Agrarian Households in Semi-Arid Tropics: Evaluating Policy Options RGSD-216 AGRICULTURE—GOVERNMENT POLICY—FINLAND Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany TR-523 AGRICULTURE—GOVERNMENT POLICY—GERMANY Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany TR-523 AIR DEFENSES Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments MG-539 AIR FORCE Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare MG-655 Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative MG-584 Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments MG-539 AIR FORCE—APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review TR-410 AIR FORCE—COST CONTROL Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review TR-410 AIR FORCE—COSTS Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version) MG-559/1 Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review TR-410 AIR FORCE—EQUIPMENT—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program MG-355 Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities MG-518 AIR FORCE—INTELLIGENCE SERVICE Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations TR-459 AIR FORCE—OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative MG-545 Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide TR-408 AIR FORCE—OFFICERS Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative MG-545 Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 AIR FORCE—OPERATIONAL READINESS Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator MG-597 Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations MG-565 America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty MG-380 Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities MG-518 AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND—REORGANIZATION Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide TR-408 AIR FORCE—ORGANIZATION Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge AIR FORCE RESERVE Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots RGSD-213 AIR FORCE—PAY, ALLOWANCES, ETC Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots RGSD-213 AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities MG-518 AIR FORCE—PAY, ALLOWANCES, ETC.—MATHEMATICAL MODELS The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program TR-470 AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND—PLANNING Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System MG-525 AIR FORCE—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator MG-597 Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative MG-545 Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies MG-540 Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide TR-408 AIR FORCE. AIR EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND —EVALUATION Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training MG-555 AIR FORCE—ACCOUNTING Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air DB-517 78 AIR FORCE—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT—MATHEMATICAL MODELS The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program TR-470 AIR FORCE—PROCUREMENT Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version) MG-559/1 Developing Tailored Supply Strategies MG-572 Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System MG-525 AIR FORCE—PROCUREMENT—EVALUATION F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings MG-664 AIR FORCE—PROCUREMENT—EVALUATION—HANDBOOK, MANUALS, ETC Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates TR-418 AIR FORCE—PROMOTIONS—MATHEMATICAL MODELS The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program TR-470 AIR FORCE—PUBLIC OPINION Using Linear Programming to Design Samples for a Complex Survey TR-441 AIR FORCE—RECRUITING, ENLISTMENT, ETC Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots RGSD-213 AIR FORCE—SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide TR-408 AIR FORCE—WEAPONS SYSTEMS—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability MG-519 AIR NATIONAL GUARD Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments MG-539 AIR PILOTS, MILITARY—SALARIES, ETC Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots RGSD-213 AIR PILOTS, MILITARY—TRAINING OF Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training MG-555 AIR PILOTS—SALARIES, ETC Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots RGSD-213 AIR POWER Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations MG-565 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 AIR WARFARE—HISTORY Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare MG-655 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base TR-480 AIRLIFT, MILITARY Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities RGSD-219 AIRLIFT, MILITARY—PLANNING Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations MG-565 AIRPLANES, MILITARY—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR —FORECASTING Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability MG-519 AIRPLANES, MILITARY—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR—COSTS Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability MG-519 AIRPLANES, MILITARY—PARTS—COSTS Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program MG-355 ALCOHOL DRINKING Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales WR-501 ALCOHOL DRINKING—EPIDEMIOLOGY Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California LRP-200711-10 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking LRP-200706-08 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 ALCOHOL DRINKING—ETHNOLOGY Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200701-13 ALCOHOL DRINKING—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 ALCOHOL DRINKING—THERAPY The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California LRP-200711-10 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 ALCOHOLISM—ETHNOLOGY Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000 LRP-200711-02 ALCOHOLISM—PSYCHOLOGY “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200704-10 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 ALCOHOLISM—THERAPY Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000 LRP-200711-02 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol 79 Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity LRP-200704-02 ALGORITHMS Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment LRP-200704-23 and Cerebrovascular Procedures LRP-200703-29 ANTHROPOMETRY Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 ANTI-HIV AGENTS—ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 ALLEGHENY COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH COURT (MHC) PROGRAM— EVALUATION Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court TR-439 ANTI-HIV AGENTS—THERAPEUTIC USE Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy LRP-200706-19 ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS—ECONOMICS Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE—UNITED STATES—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center MG-591 ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS—ADVERSE EFFECTS Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary LRP-200701-21 ALTRUISM Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes LRP-200704-08 AMBULATORY CARE Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 AMBULATORY CARE FACILITIES—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Formative Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up Efficiency in SubSaharan Africa LRP-200711-16 AMBULATORY CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices LRP-200804-08 AMBULATORY CARE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 AMBULATORY CARE—UTILIZATION The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 AMBULATORY SURGICAL PROCEDURES—ECONOMICS Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE—PLANNING Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base MG-649 ANALGESIA, EPIDURAL—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor LRP-200701-19 ANALGESIA, OBSTETRICAL—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor LRP-200701-19 ANDROGEN ANTAGONISTS—ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer LRP-200710-07 ANDROGEN ANTAGONISTS—THERAPEUTIC USE Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 ANGIOPLASTY, TRANSLUMINAL, PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS—THERAPEUTIC USE Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary LRP-200701-21 ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY, HIGHLY ACTIVE Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy LRP-200706-19 ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY, HIGHLY ACTIVE—UTILIZATION Formative Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up Efficiency in SubSaharan Africa LRP-200711-16 ANXIETY DISORDERS—THERAPY Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders LRP-200709-15 APGAR SCORE A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 APTITUDE Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence LRP-200705-24 ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State electronic MG-327-1 Building a Successful Palestinian State MG-146-1 Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings MG-146/1-1 On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict LRP-200612-42 Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia MG-592 ARCHITECTURAL ACCESSIBILITY Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 ARCHIVAL MATERIALS—DIGITIZATION—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 ARID REGIONS AGRICULTURE—TROPICS Agrarian Households in Semi-Arid Tropics: Evaluating Policy Options RGSD-216 ARMED FORCES Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air 80 Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 Uncertainty MG-380 ARMED FORCES—CIVIC ACTION The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations MG-603 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 ARMED FORCES—WEAPONS SYSTEMS—COSTS Beginning of Military Cost Analysis, 1950–1961 LRP-197901-01 Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs MG-588 ARMED FORCES—CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions MG-598 ARMS CONTROL Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons MG-510 ARMED FORCES—ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment MG-612 ARMS CONTROL—KOREA Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 ARMED FORCES—WOMEN Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women MG-590-1 ARMED FORCES—FACILITIES—ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 ARMY A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development TR-481 ARMED FORCES—IRAQ “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq MG-428/2 ARMY. AIRBORNE DIVISION, 101ST—HISTORY—21ST CENTURY Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 ARMED FORCES—OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 ARMY—APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future MG-532 ARMED FORCES—OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR—OCEANIA Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 ARMED FORCES—PAY, ALLOWANCES, ETC The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions MG-598 ARMED FORCES—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems TR-419 Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units MG-527 Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993 LRP-200609-20 ARMED FORCES—RECRUITING, ENLISTMENT, ETC America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty MG-380 Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers MG-553 ARMED FORCES—REORGANIZATION Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems TR-419 A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq MG-499 ARMED FORCES—STABILITY OPERATIONS Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 ARMED FORCES—STABILITY OPERATIONS—EVALUATION Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 ARMED FORCES—SUPPLIES AND STORES Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain DB-515 ARMED FORCES—UNIT COHESION America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and ARMY—CIVIC ACTION Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 ARMY—COST CONTROL The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions MG-598 ARMY—FINANCE How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs MG-447 ARMY—FORECASTING A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future MG-532 ARMY—INFORMATION SERVICES The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion TR-416 ARMY—INVENTORY CONTROL Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain DB-515 Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? RP-1271 Stockage Determination Made Easy RP-1272 ARMY—NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS—RECRUITING, ENLISTMENT, ETC Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers MG-553 ARMY—OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs) DB-506 ARMY—OPERATIONAL READINESS Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs) DB-506 A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future MG-532 ARMY—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions MG-598 Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs) DB-506 81 Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 ARMY—PROCUREMENT A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future MG-532 ASTHMA—ETHNOLOGY Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 ARMY—REORGANIZATION Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations MG-635 Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities MG-530 What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary MG-530/1 ARMY—SUPPLIES AND STORES Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? RP-1271 Stockage Determination Made Easy RP-1272 ARMY—WEAPONS SYSTEMS—COSTS How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs ARROYO CENTER Meeting Today’s Demands, Shaping Tomorrow’s Choices: Annual Report 2006 AR-7117 ASTHMA—THERAPY Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 CB-136-1 ASTRONAUTICS, MILITARY Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities MG-518 ASTRONAUTICS, MILITARY—EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System MG-525 MG-477 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID—DIAGNOSIS The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care LRP-200701-03 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID—THERAPY Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort LRP-200706-15 ASTRONAUTICS—COSTS Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates TR-418 ATHEROSCLEROSIS—DRUG THERAPY Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts LRP-200702-12 ATHEROSCLEROSIS—ETHNOLOGY Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) LRP-200708-16 ARTS AND SOCIETY—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES A Vision for the Arts in Los Angeles CP-522 ARTS—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES A Vision for the Arts in Los Angeles CP-522 ARTS—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability ASTHMA—PREVENTION & CONTROL A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities LRP-200711-23 ASTRONAUTICS Space Handbook: Astronautics and Its Applications MG-447 ART PATRONAGE—UNITED STATES—CASE STUDIES Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability ASTHMA—DIAGNOSIS Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale LRP-200712-16 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-22 MG-477 ASIAN AMERICANS—ETHNOLOGY Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes LRP-200710-50 ASIAN AMERICANS—PSYCHOLOGY Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example LRP-200704-25 ASIAN AMERICANS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 ASIAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 ATTITUDE Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 ATTITUDE OF HEALTH PERSONNEL Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 ATTITUDE TO HEALTH Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression LRP-200701-10 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI) LRP-200707-10 ATTITUDE—ETHNOLOGY Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 82 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm LRP-200712-05 AUDITING—STANDARDS Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 AUSTRALIA—ARMED FORCES—FOREIGN SERVICE Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 AUTOMOBILE DRIVING Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California LRP-200711-10 AUTOMOBILE DRIVING—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY AND TRADE—FORECASTING The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 AUTOMOBILES—FUEL SYSTEMS—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 AUTOMOBILES—FUEL SYSTEMS—TESTING An Approach to Assessing the Technical Feasibility and Market Potential of a New Automotive Device TR-313 AUTOMOBILES—POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES—TESTING An Approach to Assessing the Technical Feasibility and Market Potential of a New Automotive Device TR-313 AUTOMOBILES—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 BALTIMORE—EPIDEMIOLOGY The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 LRP-200706-20 BEHAVIOR DISORDERS IN CHILDREN The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children’s Behavior Problems WR-489 BEHAVIOR THERAPY Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH—METHODS Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 BEHAVIOR—DRUG EFFECTS Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting LRP-200702-10 BENCHMARKING (MANAGEMENT)—CASE STUDIES Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness RP-1253 BENCHMARKING—METHODS Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches LRP-200706-07 BIBLIOMETRICS Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Perennial Polyculture Farming: Seeds of Another Agricultural Revolution? OP-179 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers LRP-200710-49 BANKRUPTCY The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 TR-484 Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings MG-586 BIOTECHNOLOGY—FORECASTING The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEES Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings MG-586 BIOTERRORISM Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 BANKRUPTCY—ACCOUNTING The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income TR-483 BIOTERRORISM—PREVENTION & CONTROL Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 BANKRUPTCY—PREVENTION Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling BIRTH WEIGHT A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 TR-509 BANKS AND BANKING—CHINA Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy OP-194 BAYES THEOREM Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring LRP-200705-19 BAYESIAN STATISTICAL DECISION THEORY Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data WR-496 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment BLACKBERRY (COMPUTER) Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units WR-458 BODY IMAGE Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study LRP-200701-09 BODY MASS INDEX Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and 83 Europeans LRP-200700-24 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy LRP-200701-16 Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005 LRP-200707-06 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) LRP-200707-14 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89 LRP-200603-38 BUDGET PROCESS Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense LRP-196306-02 BUNDLING (MARKETING) The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components LRP-200712-01 BODY MASS INDEX—EUROPE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 BUSINESS CYCLES—OECD COUNTRIES—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation WR-511 BODY WEIGHT Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 BUSINESS LOGISTICS Developing Tailored Supply Strategies MG-572 Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative MG-584 BONE DENSITY CONSERVATION AGENTS—THERAPEUTIC USE Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 BONE DENSITY—DRUG EFFECTS Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 BORDER PATROLS—SECURITY MEASURES The Strategic Challenge of Border Security CT-275 BORDER SECURITY—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum CT-294/1 BRACHYTHERAPY—METHODS Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer LRP-200706-11 BREAST FEEDING—RESEARCH—MALAYSIA Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89 LRP-200603-38 BREAST NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 BREAST NEOPLASMS—DRUG THERAPY Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy LRP-200701-16 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use LRP-200705-03 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 BREAST NEOPLASMS—RADIOGRAPHY Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 BREAST NEOPLASMS—SURGERY On Referral Patterns for Patients with Breast Cancer LRP-200701-15 BREAST NEOPLASMS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer LRP-200704-11 BREASTFEEDING—HEALTH ASPECTS—MALAYSIA— LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application BUSINESS LOGISTICS—GOVERNMENT POLICY Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program CT-280 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum CT-280/1 CALCINOSIS—ETHNOLOGY Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) LRP-200708-16 CALIBRATION Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 CALIFORNIA Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience LRP-200600-15 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001 LRP-200706-24 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users LRP-200704-07 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes LRP-200706-05 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 CALIFORNIA—COMMERCE Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007 CP-524 CALIFORNIA—EPIDEMIOLOGY Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California LRP-200711-10 Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: 84 Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes LRP-200710-50 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California LRP-200705-13 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 CALIFORNIA—FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007 CP-524 CAMBODIA—ETHNOLOGY Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200701-13 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 CAMBODIA—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 CAPITATION FEE Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 CAPITATION FEES (MEDICAL CARE)—ECONOMIC ASPECTS— CALIFORNIA The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience RP-1287 About Vouchers and Charter Schools MR-1118-1 CHARTER SCHOOLS—ACCOUNTABILITY Charter Schools in California LRP-200700-26 CHARTER SCHOOLS—CALIFORNIA—EVALUATION Charter Schools in California LRP-200700-26 Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance LRP-200700-27 CHEMOTHERAPY, ADJUVANT Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy LRP-200701-16 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 CHILD Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India LRP-200711-14 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs LRP-200705-09 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 CHILD BEHAVIOR DISORDERS School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders LRP-200705-07 CHILD CARE SERVICES—CALIFORNIA—CASE STUDIES Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children TR-538 CHILD CARE SERVICES—GOVERNMENT POLICY RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES—DIAGNOSIS Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 CHILD CUSTODY—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200709-05 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES—MORTALITY Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer LRP-200710-07 CHILD DEVELOPMENT Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES—PREVENTION & CONTROL Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES—THERAPY Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM—DISEASES—RESEARCH Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 CAREER CHOICE Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers LRP-200710-49 CAREER MOBILITY Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians LRP-199811-07 CAREGIVERS Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups LRP-200700-23 CHARTER SCHOOLS Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know CHILD HEALTH SERVICES Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 CHILD HEALTH SERVICES—ECONOMICS Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 CHILD HEALTH SERVICES—STANDARDS The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 CHILD HEALTH SERVICES—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program LRP-200702-05 CHILD HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 CHILD NUTRITION DISORDERS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of 85 the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 CHILD WELFARE—ECONOMIC ASPECTS The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child WellBeing: A Review WR-531 CHILD WELFARE—TRENDS Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 CHILDREN OF DIVORCED PARENTS—PSYCHOLOGY The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children’s Behavior Problems WR-489 CHILDREN OF IMMIGRANTS—EDUCATION (PRESCHOOL) An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 CHILDREN—BANGLADESH—MATLAB B *AZ*AR THANA Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 CHILDREN—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES COUNTY The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook WR-240/13 The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook WR-240/12 CHILE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 CHINA. ZHONGGUO REN MIN JIE FANG JUN—POLITICAL ACTIVITY Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 CHINA—ARMED FORCES—REORGANIZATION Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 CHINA—ECONOMIC POLICY Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy OP-194 CHINA—FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS—TAIWAN Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 CHINA—FOREIGN RELATIONS U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 CHINA—FOREIGN RELATIONS—TAIWAN U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 CHINA—MILITARY POLICY Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 CHINA—MILITARY RELATIONS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 CHINA—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 CHIROPRACTIC—HISTORY Diversity Versus Unity: Does Making Things Count Mean Making Everything Count? LRP-200706-28 CHOICE (PSYCHOLOGY) Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes LRP-200712-13 CHOICE BEHAVIOR Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression LRP-200701-10 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—ENGLAND—WEST MIDLANDS The PRISM Model: Evidence on Model Hierarchy and Parameter Values TR-280 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—FORECASTING Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study TR-367 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—GREAT BRITAIN Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—GREAT BRITAIN—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—NETHERLANDS Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 CHOICE OF TRANSPORTATION—NETHERLANDS—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 CHRONIC DISEASE Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience LRP-200600-15 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome LRP-200700-06 Prostatitis LRP-200700-05 CHRONIC DISEASE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability LRP-200708-18 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care LRP-200706-12 86 CHRONIC DISEASE—THERAPY Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200702-14 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill LRP-200709-08 CITIES AND TOWNS Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection TR-386 CITY PLANNING—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans CT-295 CIVIL DEFENSE Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 CIVIL DEFENSE—IRAQ Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress CT-277 CIVIL SERVICE—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007 CP-521-1207 OP-213 CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS—CHINA Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 CLASS ACTIONS (CIVIL PROCEDURE) Insurance Class Actions in the United States MG-587-1 Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States WR-405 CLIMATIC CHANGES—COMPUTER SIMULATION A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 CLIMATIC CHANGES—FORECASTING A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 CLINICAL TRIALS—METHODS A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 COAL LIQUEFACTION Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts TR-465 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development CT-281 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development: Addendum CT-281/1 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquids Development CT-287 Research and Development Issues for Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal CT-289 COALITION GOVERNMENTS Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 COALITIONS International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners LRP-200700-16 COASTAL SURVEILLANCE RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 COGNITION Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations LRP-200703-16 COGNITION DISORDERS—EPIDEMIOLOGY The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 COGNITION DISORDERS—PHYSIOPATHOLOGY The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review LRP-200601-26 COGNITIVE THERAPY Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial LRP-200700-18 COHORT STUDIES Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort LRP-200706-15 COLLEGE ATTENDANCE Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE ATTENDANCE—AUSTRALIA Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE ATTENDANCE—IRELAND Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE ATTENDANCE—NETHERLANDS Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE DROPOUTS Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE DROPOUTS—AUSTRALIA Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE DROPOUTS—IRELAND Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 87 COLLEGE DROPOUTS—NETHERLANDS Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison TR-482 COLLEGE STUDENTS—ALCOHOL USE—IRELAND Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 COMMERCE—METHODS Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 WR-501 COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-27 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS—COST OF OPERATION—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in Commercial Buildings TR-461 COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS—ECONOMICS Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-27 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis LRP-200711-27 COMMUNICATION Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications LRP-200609-22 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences LRP-200706-02 COLPOSCOPY—ADVERSE EFFECTS Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 COMBAT—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty MG-380 COMBAT—SIMULATION METHODS Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation OP-176 COMBINED OPERATIONS (MILITARY SCIENCE) Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations MG-635 A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners LRP-200700-16 COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos LRP-200711-03 COMMUNICATIONS, MILITARY Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations TR-459 COMMUNICATIONS, MILITARY—EVALUATION—CASE STUDIES Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 COMBINED OPERATIONS (MILITARY SCIENCE)—CASE STUDIES Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations MG-635 COMMUNICATION—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance TR-472 COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEMS The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion TR-416 Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs DB-528 A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations TR-434 Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 COMMUNISM—CHINA Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress LRP-200400-25 Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader LRP-200400-27 Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEMS—EVALUATION—CASE STUDIES Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 COMMAND OF TROOPS Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative MG-545 Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments TR-392 Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking TR-422 COMMERCE Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California LRP-200711-10 Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes LRP-200704-08 COMMERCE—ECONOMICS Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and CP-22-0704 COMMUNITY HEALTH PLANNING A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities LRP-200711-23 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES—MARYLAND—MONTGOMERY COUNTY Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES—METHODS Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES—TRENDS Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—ALLEGHENY COUNTY— COSTS Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of 88 Allegheny County Mental Health Court TR-439 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience RP-1287 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results TR-403 COMMUNITY POLICING—CALIFORNIA—OAKLAND Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action TR-546 COMMUNITY POLICING—CINCINNATI (OHIO) Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report TR-535 COMMUTING—GREAT BRITAIN—STATISTICS The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study LRP-200700-29 COMORBIDITY Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care LRP-200706-12 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders LRP-200707-05 COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT—CALIFORNIA Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 COMPETITION, INTERNATIONAL Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology CF-235 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center MG-591 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches LRP-200703-11 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES—ADVERSE EFFECTS Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems LRP-200704-21 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES—STANDARDS Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems LRP-200704-21 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES—UTILIZATION U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 COMPREHENSION Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review LRP-200705-37 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should We Really Worry About? LRP-200701-05 COMPUTER NETWORKS—SECURITY MEASURES Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare CB-407 COMPUTER NETWORKS—SECURITY MEASURES—EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies TR-406 COMPUTER SECURITY—EUROPE Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies TR-406 COMPUTER SIMULATION Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation OP-176 CONDOMS—ADVERSE EFFECTS Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use LRP-200712-14 CONDOMS—UTILIZATION Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use LRP-200712-14 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands LRP-200707-07 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT—CASE STUDIES Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia MG-592 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT—SOUTH ASIA Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia MG-592 CONSUMER ADVOCACY The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 CONSUMER ASSESSMENT OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AND SYSTEMS (U.S.) Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 CONSUMER CREDIT—LAW AND LEGISLATION The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 TR-484 CONSUMER CREDIT—MANAGEMENT Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling TR-509 CONSUMER PARTICIPATION Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520 CONSUMER PROTECTION—LAW AND LEGISLATION The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 TR-484 CONSUMER SATISFACTION Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys LRP-200711-06 The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components LRP-200712-01 89 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care LRP-200710-09 CONSUMER SATISFACTION—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors LRP-200703-23 CONSUMERS’ SURPLUS—NETHERLANDS—EVALUATION The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results LRP-200711-21 CONSUMPTION (ECONOMICS) The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components LRP-200712-01 Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socio-Economic Status and Health WR-463 CONSUMPTION (ECONOMICS)—MATHEMATICAL MODELS Hypothetical Intertemporal Consumption Choices LRP-200303-24 Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations WR-535 CONTAINER SECURITY INITIATIVE (CSI)—EVALUATION The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 CONTAINER SHIPS—INSPECTION—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 CONTAINER TERMINALS—SECURITY MEASURES The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 CONTAINERS—INSPECTION—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 CONTINENTAL POPULATION GROUPS Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 CONTINUITY OF PATIENT CARE—STANDARDS Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 COOPERATIVE BEHAVIOR Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders LRP-200709-15 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200705-01 CORE COMPETENCIES Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts LRP-200702-12 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures LRP-200703-29 CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS—MORTALITY Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State LRP-200707-11 CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS—STANDARDS Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment LRP-200704-23 CORONARY DISEASE—GENETICS Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) LRP-200708-16 CORONARY DISEASE—PREVENTION & CONTROL A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 CORPORATE CULTURE Defining Corporate Culture: How Social Scientists Define Culture, Values and Tradeoffs Among Them WR-499 Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis OP-206 CORPORATIONS—ACCOUNTING—CORRUPT PRACTICES Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 CORPORATIONS—AUDITING Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 CORPORATIONS—SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Defining Corporate Culture: How Social Scientists Define Culture, Values and Tradeoffs Among Them WR-499 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome Prostatitis LRP-200700-05 COST CONTROL—METHODS The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment LRP-200700-06 LRP-200711-07 COST EFFECTIVENESS The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results LRP-200711-21 COST OF ILLNESS Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 Male Infertility LRP-200706-32 Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 COST SHARING Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder RP-1297 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment LRP-200711-07 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation 90 Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 Methods LRP-200700-14 COUNSELING Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example LRP-200704-25 COUNSELING—LAW AND LEGISLATION Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling TR-509 COUNSELING—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 COUNTERINSURGENCY Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations MG-565 Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1 MG-595/1 Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation MG-607 Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4 OP-185 Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2 OP-172 Understanding Proto-Insurgencies: RAND Counterinsurgency Study— Paper 3 OP-178 COUNTERINSURGENCY—GREAT BRITAIN Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland RP-1247 COUNTERINSURGENCY—NORTHERN IRELAND Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland RP-1247 COUNTERINSURGENCY—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1 OP-168 COUNTERINSURGENCY—SOLOMON ISLANDS Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 COURTSHIP—ADOLESCENCE The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 CRIME PREVENTION—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report TR-368-1 Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report TR-498 CRIME PREVENTION—GREAT BRITAIN—COST EFFECTIVENESS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION From the Outside In: Shaping the International Criminal Court RGSD-217 CRISIS INTERVENTION Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 CRISIS MANAGEMENT—HEALTH ASPECTS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events LRP-200801-07 CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups LRP-200700-23 CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users LRP-200704-07 CROWDING—PSYCHOLOGY The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 CRYPTORCHIDISM—DIAGNOSIS Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 CRYPTORCHIDISM—ECONOMICS Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 CRYPTORCHIDISM—EPIDEMIOLOGY Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 CRYPTORCHIDISM—SURGERY Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 CRYPTORCHIDISM—THERAPY Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 CUES Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations LRP-200703-16 CULTURE Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example LRP-200704-25 CULTURE—IRAN—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 CULTURE—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION—EVALUATION The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 CYBERSPACE—SECURITY MEASURES Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies TR-406 91 CYBERTERRORISM Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare CB-407 CYBERTERRORISM—PREVENTION Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE PHOSPHODIESTERASES, TYPE 5—THERAPEUTIC USE The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 CYSTITIS, INTERSTITIAL—DIAGNOSIS Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome LRP-200700-06 CYSTOSCOPY—UTILIZATION The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 DATA COLLECTION Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures LRP-200710-10 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 DATA COLLECTION—METHODS Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200706-36 Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 DATA INTERPRETATION, STATISTICAL Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches LRP-200706-07 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 DATABASES Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 DATABASES, FACTUAL—TRENDS Methods LRP-200700-14 DATING VIOLENCE Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 DATING VIOLENCE—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 DEATH—CAUSES—EUROPE—STATISTICS Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior WR-498 DEBTOR AND CREDITOR The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income TR-483 The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 TR-484 DECISION MAKING Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression LRP-200708-13 Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence LRP-200705-24 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes LRP-200712-13 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? LRP-200705-11 DECISION MAKING—CALIFORNIA—METHODOLOGY A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 DECISION MAKING—METHODOLOGY Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments TR-392 Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking TR-422 DECISION MAKING—SIMULATION METHODS Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments TR-392 DECISION S UPPORT TECHNIQUES A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 DEDUCTIBLES AND COINSURANCE—ECONOMICS Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520 DEFENSE CONTRACTS Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version) MG-559/1 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program CT-280 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum CT-280/1 DEFENSE INDUSTRIES—CHINA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 DEFENSES—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993 LRP-200609-20 DEFIBRILLATORS, IMPLANTABLE Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II LRP-200703-25 DEFIBRILLATORS, IMPLANTABLE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed 92 Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy LRP-200708-07 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should We Really Worry About? LRP-200701-05 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events LRP-200801-07 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans LRP-200710-44 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data LRP-200707-13 DEMOGRAPHY Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity LRP-200704-02 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE, INTEGRATED HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 DENMARK—POPULATION Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE, INTEGRATED—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model LRP-200706-27 DENTAL RESEARCH Putting the Practice into Evidence-Based Dentistry and Health Services Research LRP-200701-06 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE—ECONOMICS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE—METHODS Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE—STANDARDS The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care LRP-200705-08 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes LRP-200612-41 DEMENTIA Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators WR-515/2 DEMENTIA—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-25 DEMENTIA—DRUG THERAPY The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review LRP-200601-26 DEMENTIA—ETHNOLOGY Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups LRP-200700-23 DEMENTIA—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-25 DEMOCRACY—IRAN—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 DEMOCRACY—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 DEMOCRATIZATION—CASE STUDIES The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building DENTISTRY Putting the Practice into Evidence-Based Dentistry and Health Services Research LRP-200701-06 DEPLOYMENT (STRATEGY) America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty MG-380 Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments MG-539 DEPRESSION—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-32 DEPRESSION—PSYCHOLOGY Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 DEPRESSION—THERAPY The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes LRP-200709-04 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—DIAGNOSIS Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care LRP-200500-20 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index LRP-200708-02 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—DRUG THERAPY Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—EPIDEMIOLOGY Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—ETHNOLOGY Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—PSYCHOLOGY Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 MG-557 DEMOCRATIZATION—UZBEKISTAN Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future CT-282 DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, MAJOR—THERAPY Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression LRP-200701-10 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER—ECONOMICS Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with 93 Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder RP-1297 LRP-200710-33 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER—THERAPY The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial LRP-200711-15 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial LRP-200700-18 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care LRP-200702-15 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management LRP-200712-17 DIABETES MELLITUS, TYPE 2—COMPLICATIONS Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993 LRP-200609-20 DIABETES MELLITUS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient LRP-200708-08 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—DECISION MAKING Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense LRP-196306-02 DIABETES MELLITUS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-33 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—FINANCE Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense LRP-196306-02 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data MG-566 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—PLANNING Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense LRP-196306-02 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—PROCUREMENT Developing Tailored Supply Strategies MG-572 Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs DB-528 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—PROCUREMENT— EVALUATION Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis MG-569 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—RULES AND PRACTICE Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis MG-569 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—TRANSPORTATION Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions DB-516 DEPT. OF DEFENSE—WEAPONS SYSTEMS Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs DB-528 DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY—APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security CT-272 DIABETES MELLITUS, TYPE 2—THERAPY Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 DIABETES MELLITUS—DIAGNOSIS Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient LRP-200708-08 DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUPS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report WR-434/1 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report WR-434 DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES—UTILIZATION Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes LRP-200706-05 DIESEL AUTOMOBILES—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 DIET—EUROPE—EVALUATION The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report TR-474 DIET—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES—ECONOMIC POLICY Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries RGSD-215 DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders LRP-200709-15 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices LRP-200804-08 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 DIGITAL LIBRARIES—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR—GREAT BRITAIN—PREVENTION RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 DIGITAL MAPPING Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 DIABETES COMPLICATIONS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders DIGITAL PRESERVATION—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust 94 Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 Hurricane Katrina WR-473 DISABILITY EVALUATION Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands LRP-200703-17 DISASTER RELIEF—GULF STATES Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 DISABILITY EVALUATION—NETHERLANDS Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands LRP-200703-17 DISASTER RELIEF—LOUISIANA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 DISABLED CHILDREN Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 DISASTER RELIEF—MISSISSIPPI Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 DISABLED PERSONS Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001 LRP-200706-24 DISASTER RELIEF—TEXAS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 DISABLED PERSONS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability LRP-200708-18 DISASTERS—CASE STUDIES Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management WR-514 DISASTER MEDICINE Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 DISCLOSURE Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 DISASTER PLANNING Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 DISASTER PLANNING—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-22 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-03 DISASTER RELIEF—FLORIDA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 DISASTER RELIEF—GEORGIA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to MG-603 DISCRIMINATION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness RP-1253 DISEASE Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 DISEASE MANAGEMENT Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care LRP-200712-18 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200704-18 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? LRP-200712-09 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management LRP-200712-17 DISEASE NOTIFICATION—STANDARDS—EVALUATION STUDIES Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments WR-469 DISEASE OUTBREAKS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 DISEASES Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 DISEASES—REPORTING Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments WR-469 DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES—SECURITY MEASURES—EUROPE Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive 95 Technologies TR-406 List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care LRP-200705-14 DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE—MANAGEMENT Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis OP-206 DRUGS—PRESCRIBING Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 DIVORCE Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military MG-599 The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children’s Behavior Problems WR-489 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—CALIFORNIA Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 DIVORCE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—CALIFORNIA—CASE STUDIES Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children TR-538 LRP-200705-02 DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP, DRUG Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study LRP-200610-27 DRAFT—HISTORY America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty MG-380 DRIVERS’ LICENSES Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN—CALIFORNIA—COSTS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 EAST ASIA—FOREIGN RELATIONS Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics CB-410 EAST ASIA—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics CB-410 OP-189 DRUG ABUSE SURVEYS Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales WR-501 ECONOMETRICS The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective LRP-200701-17 DRUG ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 ECONOMIC COMPETITION Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 DRUG COSTS Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries RGSD-215 DRUG COSTS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans CT-295 DRUG INDUSTRY—GREAT BRITAIN Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT—ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Accounting for the Future: International Examples TR-444 DRUG LABELING Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review LRP-200705-37 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary LRP-200701-21 DRUG RESISTANCE, VIRAL—GENETICS Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 DRUG THERAPY—STANDARDS Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications LRP-200609-22 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable EldersLRP-200710-14 DRUG UTILIZATION Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 DRUG UTILIZATION REVIEW Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-14 DRUGS, ESSENTIAL Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT—UKRAINE Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine RGSD-221 ECONOMIC FORECASTING Accounting for the Future: International Examples TR-444 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Accounting for the Future: International Examples TR-444 ECONOMIC POLICY Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993 LRP-200609-20 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION—CAMBODIA Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION—HAITI Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION—MOZAMBIQUE Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 ECONOMICS, HOSPITAL The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices 96 LRP-200703-05 Achievement in Philadelphia ECONOMICS, HOSPITALS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report WR-434/1 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report WR-434 ECONOMICS—TRENDS Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? LRP-200701-11 EDUCATION AND STATE Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology CF-235 EDUCATION AND STATE—GREAT BRITAIN A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom LRP-200700-03 EDUCATION AND STATE—QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar MG-548 Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary MG-548/1 EDUCATION VOUCHERS—GREAT BRITAIN The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions WR-460 EDUCATION, HIGHER—QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy MG-644 EDUCATION, MEDICAL, UNDERGRADUATE Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes LRP-200704-08 EDUCATION, PRESCHOOL—CALIFORNIA Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 EDUCATION, PRESCHOOL—CALIFORNIA—CASE STUDIES Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children TR-538 EDUCATION, SECONDARY—GREAT BRITAIN A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom LRP-200700-03 EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1303 Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project TR-506 EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY—CALIFORNIA Charter Schools in California LRP-200700-26 Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY—GEORGIA Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY—PENNSYLVANIA Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATIONAL CHANGE—CALIFORNIA—SANTA MONICA Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention RGSD-218 EDUCATIONAL CHANGE—PENNSYLVANIA—PHILADELPHIA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student MG-533 EDUCATIONAL CHANGE—PENNSYLVANIA—PITTSBURGH Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION—CALIFORNIA Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance LRP-200700-27 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION—PENNSYLVANIA—PHILADELPHIA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia MG-533 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION—PENNSYLVANIA—PITTSBURGH Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project TR-506 EDUCATIONAL PLANNING—GREAT BRITAIN A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom LRP-200700-03 EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures LRP-200703-30 EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement RP-1266 Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models WR-471 EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS—PENNSYLVANIA Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project TR-506 EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS—PENNSYLVANIA— PHILADELPHIA Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia MG-533 EDUCATIONAL VOUCHERS Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools MR-1118-1 EDUCATION—HEALTH ASPECTS The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course LRP-200709-18 EDUCATION—NORTH CAROLINA—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina WR-452 EDUCATION—PALESTINE Building a Successful Palestinian State MG-146-1 EDUCATION—PARENT PARTICIPATION Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume 97 I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 EDUCATION—QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar MG-548 Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary MG-548/1 EDUCATION—STANDARDS—CALIFORNIA Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATION—STANDARDS—GEORGIA Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATION—STANDARDS—PENNSYLVANIA Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 EDUCATION—TEXAS—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas WR-453 EFFICIENCY, ORGANIZATIONAL Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use LRP-200704-28 EFFICIENCY, ORGANIZATIONAL—CLASSIFICATION A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 EFFICIENCY, ORGANIZATIONAL—ECONOMICS A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE Perspective on B17–076 CT-286 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION—TRENDS Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001 LRP-200706-24 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 EMERGENCIES Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-22 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations MG-603 Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center CT-291 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—CASE STUDIES Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management WR-514 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—FLORIDA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—GEORGIA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—LOUISIANA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—MISSISSIPPI Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT—TEXAS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PERSONNEL—UNITED STATES — SAFETY MEASURES Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center CT-291 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest LRP-200710-47 Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-03 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—FLORIDA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—GEORGIA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—LOUISIANA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—MISSISSIPPI Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges LRP-200704-05 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES—TEXAS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 EMIGRANTS AND IMMIGRANTS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability LRP-200709-10 EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, 98 and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children WR-529 Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION—TRENDS International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis LRP-200712-03 EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007 CP-521-1207 OP-213 EMPLOYEE RETENTION—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department MG-585 EMPLOYEE RETENTION—MATHEMATICAL MODELS The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program TR-470 EMPLOYER HEALTH COSTS A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 EMPLOYMENT The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 ENDARTERECTOMY, CAROTID Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures LRP-200703-29 ENERGY DEVELOPMENT—UNITES STATES Policy Issues for Oil Shale Development CT-279 ENGLISH LANGUAGE—STUDY AND TEACHING—CALIFORNIA Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 ENVIRONMENT Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 ENVIRONMENT DESIGN Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas LRP-200704-09 ENVIRONMENT, CONTROLLED Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment RP-1259 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 EPIDEMICS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 EPIDEMIOLOGY Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200709-05 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability LRP-200708-18 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005 LRP-200707-06 Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 Male Infertility LRP-200706-32 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-34 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) LRP-200707-14 Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities LRP-200711-23 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce LRP-200705-02 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 EROTICA Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 ETHICS COMMITTEES, RESEARCH The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care LRP-200705-08 ETHNIC GROUPS Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups LRP-200700-23 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 ETHNIC GROUPS—GENETICS Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) 99 LRP-200708-16 LRP-200710-34 ETHNIC GROUPS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity LRP-200704-02 EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP—PSYCHOLOGY Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL ANCESTRY GROUP—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 EUROPEAN UNION The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report TR-474 EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES—ARMED FORCES—WEAPONS SYSTEMS Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities RGSD-219 EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES—DEFENSES Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities RGSD-219 EUROPE—ETHNIC RELATIONS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 EUROPE—FOREIGN RELATIONS Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 EUROPE—RELATIONS Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS—MANAGEMENT Leading the Executive Branch: Strategies and Options for Achieving Success OP-181 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2007 CP-521-0207 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 EXERCISE Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report TR-474 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches LRP-200703-11 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 EXERCISE—PHYSIOLOGY Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity LRP-200703-08 EXPENDITURES, PUBLIC—FORECASTING Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine RGSD-221 EXPERIENCE Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 EYE DISEASES—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 EYE DISEASES—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 F/A-22 (JET FIGHTER PLANE)—COSTS F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings MG-664 F/A-22 (JET FIGHTER PLANE)—DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings MG-664 FACIAL INJURIES—PSYCHOLOGY Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 CT-292 EUROPE—STATISTICS, VITAL Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior WR-498 EVALUATION RESEARCH (SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMS) Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 EVALUATION STUDIES An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 EVALUATION STUDIES AS TOPIC Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality LRP-200710-42 EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems LRP-200704-21 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? LRP-200712-09 Putting the Practice into Evidence-Based Dentistry and Health Services Research LRP-200701-06 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders FACTOR ANALYSIS, STATISTICAL The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 FAMILY LIFE SURVEYS—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES COUNTY— LONGITUDINAL STUDIES The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook WR-240/13 The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook WR-240/12 FAMILY POLICY Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham, Stanley, and Beach LRP-200705-06 FAMILY—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES COUNTY The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook WR-240/13 The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: 100 Codebook WR-240/12 Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 FARMS, SMALL—TROPICS Agrarian Households in Semi-Arid Tropics: Evaluating Policy Options RGSD-216 FARMS—FINLAND—FINANCE Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany TR-523 FARMS—GERMANY—FINANCE Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany TR-523 FATHERS—EMPLOYMENT Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 FATTY ACIDS, OMEGA-3—THERAPEUTIC USE The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review LRP-200601-26 FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS PROGRAM (U.S.) Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey MG-583 FEE-FOR-SERVICE PLANS Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 FEMALE Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200703-10 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence LRP-200712-15 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 FERRIES—DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study TR-367 FERTILITY, HUMAN Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data WR-496 FERTILITY—DENMARK Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 FERTILITY—GREAT BRITAIN Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population FIGHTER PILOTS—TRAINING OF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator MG-597 FINANCE, PERSONAL Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the Self-Concept LRP-200704-13 FINANCE—CHINA Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy OP-194 FINANCING, GOVERNMENT Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity LRP-200704-02 FINANCING, ORGANIZED RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers LRP-200701-08 FIRE FIGHTERS—SAFETY MEASURES Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center CT-291 FIREARMS AND CRIME—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition RP-1243 FIREARMS OWNERSHIP—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition RP-1243 FIREARMS—LAW AND LEGISLATION—CALIFORNIA The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition RP-1243 FIRES—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 FITNESS CENTERS—UTILIZATION Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 FLIGHT SIMULATORS Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator MG-597 FOLLOW-UP STUDIES Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 FOOD HANDLING—ECONOMICS Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 FOOD INDUSTRY—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 FOOD, FORTIFIED Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 FORCED LABOR—PREVENTION Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations 101 MG-689 FORECASTING Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization LRP-200712-07 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS—UKRAINE Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine MG-673 FOREIGN RELATIONS The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping CT-284 Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 FOREIGN RELATIONS—AFGHANISTAN Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 Negotiating with Iran CT-293 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 FOREIGN RELATIONS—CHINA U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status FOREIGN RELATIONS—EAST ASIA Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics MG-567 CB-410 FOREIGN RELATIONS—EUROPE Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 FOREIGN RELATIONS—IRAN Negotiating with Iran CT-293 FOREIGN RELATIONS—IRAN—CONGRESSES Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report CF-237 FOREIGN RELATIONS—KOREA Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 FOREIGN RELATIONS—TAIWAN U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 FOREIGN RELATIONS—UZBEKISTAN Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future CT-282 FOREIGN TRADE PROMOTION—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007 CP-524 FORMULARIES Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 FRACTURES, BONE—COMPLICATIONS Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 FRAIL ELDERLY ACOVE-3 Rejected Quality Indicators WR-515/1 Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators WR-515/2 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators LRP-200710-39 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set LRP-200710-40 Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-30 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-28 Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-27 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-33 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-18 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-21 Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients RP-1282 FRANCE—RELATIONS Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 FRAUD Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings MG-586 FREIGHT AND FREIGHTAGE Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation CF-228 FREIGHT AND FREIGHTAGE—CANADA Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation CF-228 FRUIT Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 FUEL CELLS Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell 102 Technologies RGSD-210 World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007 FUEL SWITCHING Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health CT-269 FUEL—PRICES The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 FULL EMPLOYMENT POLICES—GREAT BRITAIN—CASE STUDIES Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis TR-435 Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data TR-438 GAMES OF STRATEGY (MATHEMATICS) The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy CB-113-1 Games of Strategy: Theory and Applications CB-149-1 GASOLINE—TAXATION Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World CT-274 GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument LRP-200709-16 GENDER IDENTITY The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS—GOVERNMENT POLICY Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 GEOPOLITICS—EAST ASIA Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics CB-410 GEOSPATIAL DATA Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators LRP-200710-39 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-19 GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT—METHODS The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 GERIATRICS—TRENDS RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers LRP-200701-08 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System MG-525 GLOBALIZATION—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—CALIFORNIA Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles CP-524 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 GOVERNMENT SPENDING POLICY Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993 LRP-200609-20 GREAT BRITAIN Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 GREAT BRITAIN—ARMY—PAY, ALLOWANCES, ETC Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-549 GREAT BRITAIN—MINISTRY OF DEFENCE—RULES AND PRACTICE—EVALUATION Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-551 Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-549 GREAT BRITAIN—ARMED FORCES—PAY, ALLOWANCES, ETC Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-551 Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-549 GREAT BRITAIN—ARMED FORCES—RECRUITING, ENLISTMENT, ETC. Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-551 GREAT BRITAIN—OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES—SALARIES, ETC Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-551 Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis DB-549 GREAT BRITAIN—POPULATION Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 GROUP PRACTICE Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices LRP-200804-08 GROUP PRACTICE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 GROWTH Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 GUIDED BOMBS PGMs: Changing Weapon Priorities, New Risks, New Opportunities LRP-197603-01 GUIDED MISSILES PGMs: Changing Weapon Priorities, New Risks, New Opportunities LRP-197603-01 GUIDELINE ADHERENCE—STANDARDS The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United 103 States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes LRP-200612-41 GUIDELINE ADHERENCE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes LRP-200709-04 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 GUN CONTROL—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition RP-1243 HAITI—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 HALFWAY HOUSES Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 HAPLOTYPES Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts LRP-200702-12 HATE GROUPS—COMPUTER NETWORK RESOURCES Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 HAWAII Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 HEALTH BEHAVIOR Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study LRP-200701-09 Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005 LRP-200707-06 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales WR-501 HEALTH BEHAVIOR—ETHNOLOGY Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS, EMPLOYEE—ECONOMICS Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520 Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill LRP-200709-08 HEALTH CARE COSTS Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos LRP-200711-03 HEALTH CARE COSTS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 HEALTH CARE COSTS—TRENDS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 Male Infertility LRP-200706-32 Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 HEALTH CARE REFORM Building a Successful Palestinian State MG-146-1 HEALTH CARE REFORM—METHODS The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment LRP-200711-07 HEALTH CARE SECTOR The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 HEALTH CARE SURVEYS Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care LRP-200710-09 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors LRP-200703-23 HEALTH CARE SURVEYS—METHODS Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys LRP-200711-06 Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source LRP-200700-01 HEALTH EXPENDITURES—STANDARDS Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 HEALTH KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, PRACTICE Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use LRP-200709-01 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth LRP-200712-10 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations LRP-200703-16 HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS—UTILIZATION Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location 104 Choices of New Physicians LRP-199811-07 HEALTH PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 HEALTH PLANNING—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 HEALTH POLICY Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report TR-453 Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability LRP-200709-10 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities LRP-200711-23 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? LRP-200705-11 HEALTH POLICY—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 HEALTH PROMOTION Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 HEALTH PROMOTION—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 HEALTH PROMOTION—METHODS Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 HEALTH PROMOTION—METHODS—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 HEALTH RESOURCES Methods LRP-200700-14 HEALTH RESOURCES—TRENDS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome LRP-200700-06 Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 Prostatitis LRP-200700-05 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older LRP-200707-12 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 Health Disparities and Access to Health LRP-200703-12 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes LRP-200706-05 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program LRP-200701-20 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY—ECONOMICS Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action LRP-200705-22 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY—ORGANIZATION & DMINISTRATION Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured LRP-200702-13 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Access to Postacute Rehabilitation LRP-200711-01 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial LRP-200711-15 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 HEALTH SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY—TRENDS Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care LRP-200705-14 HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Perspective on B17–076 CT-286 HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE AGED—ECONOMICS Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending LRP-200709-12 HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE AGED—STANDARDS Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set LRP-200710-40 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients RP-1282 HEALTH SERVICES NEEDS AND DEMAND Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die LRP-200703-27 Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs LRP-200705-09 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 HEALTH SERVICES NEEDS AND DEMAND—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes LRP-200710-50 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 HEALTH SERVICES NEEDS AND DEMAND—TRENDS Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over 105 Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality WR-522 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers LRP-200710-49 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers LRP-200701-08 HEALTH SERVICES—STANDARDS Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) LRP-200711-20 HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured LRP-200702-13 HEALTH STATUS Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study LRP-200701-09 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Health Disparities and Access to Health LRP-200703-12 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes LRP-200708-20 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 HEALTH STATUS DISPARITIES Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability LRP-200709-10 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities LRP-200711-23 HEALTH STATUS INDICATORS Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability LRP-200708-18 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report TR-453 The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course LRP-200709-18 Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study LRP-200610-27 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures LRP-200710-10 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients LRP-200701-02 Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 HEALTH SURVEYS Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 HEALTH SURVEYS—ENGLAND Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 HEALTH SURVEYS—UNITED STATES—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 HEALTHCARE DISPARITIES Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability LRP-200709-10 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 HEALTHCARE DISPARITIES—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000 LRP-200711-02 HEALTHY PEOPLE PROGRAMS Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report TR-453 HEARING LOSS—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-31 HEARING LOSS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-31 HEART ARREST—THERAPY Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest LRP-200710-47 HEART DISEASES—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-13 HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE—THERAPY Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II LRP-200703-25 HEART FAILURE—THERAPY Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care LRP-200712-18 HEPATITIS B, CHRONIC—ECONOMICS Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 HEPATITIS C—DIAGNOSIS HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An 106 Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 HEPATITIS C—PREVENTION & CONTROL HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes LRP-200706-05 HETEROGENEOUS COMPUTING Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement RP-1266 Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models WR-471 HETEROSEXUALITY—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 HIGHER EDUCATION AND STATE—QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy MG-644 HISPANIC AMERICAN CHILDREN An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 HISPANIC AMERICAN PARENTS An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 HISPANIC AMERICAN YOUTH—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 HISPANIC AMERICANS Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data WR-496 Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children WR-529 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos LRP-200711-03 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 HISPANIC AMERICANS—ETHNOLOGY Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life LRP-200706-16 HISPANIC AMERICANS—PSYCHOLOGY Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm LRP-200712-05 HISPANIC AMERICANS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites LRP-200702-11 Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor LRP-200701-19 HIV INFECTIONS Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200702-06 HIV INFECTIONS—DIAGNOSIS HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 HIV IN FECTIONS—DRUG THERAPY Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness LRP-200705-10 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy LRP-200706-19 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 HIV INFECTIONS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200709-05 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 HIV INFECTIONS—ETHNOLOGY Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status LRP-200711-26 HIV INFECTIONS—PREVENTION & CONTROL HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes LRP-200706-05 HIV INFECTIONS—PSYCHOLOGY RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 HIV SEROPOSITIVITY—PSYCHOLOGY Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 HIV—DRUG EFFECTS Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 HOMELESS PERSONS—SERVICES FOR—CALIFORNIA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 HOMELESSNESS—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 HOMES FOR THE AGED—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes LRP-200703-06 HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION—ECONOMICS Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 HOSPITAL CHARGES—TRENDS The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices LRP-200703-05 HOSPITAL UTILIZATION—LENGTH OF STAY—UNITED STATES— 107 STATISTICS Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 HOSPITAL UTILIZATION—UNITED STATES—STATISTICS Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 HOSPITALIZATION Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-36 HOSPITALIZATION—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 HOSPITALS, COMMUNITY—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 HOSPITALS, PSYCHIATRIC—TRENDS Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization LRP-200712-07 HOSPITALS, PUBLIC—ECONOMICS The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices LRP-200703-05 HOSPITALS, UNIVERSITY—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 HOSPITALS, VETERANS Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures LRP-200703-29 HOSPITALS—CALIFORNIA—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 HOSPITALS—EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS—CALIFORNIA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 HOSPITALS—FINANCE Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature WR-476 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY—ECONOMIC ASPECTS— DENMARK Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY—ECONOMIC ASPECTS— GREAT BRITAIN Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 HUMAN TRAFFICKING—GOVERNMENT POLICY—OHIO Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations MG-689 HUMAN TRAFFICKING—OHIO Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations MG-689 HURRICANE KATRINA, 2005 “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees LRP-200705-20 Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans CT-295 Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations MG-603 Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management WR-514 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study WR-483 HURRICANE KATRINA, 2005—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Post-Katrina Recovery of the Housing Market Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast TR-511 HURRICANE KATRINA, 2005—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—GULF STATES Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina WR-525 HURRICANE KATRINA, 2005—HEALTH ASPECTS Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 HOSPITALS—PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report WR-434/1 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report WR-434 HURRICANE RITA, 2005 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 HOUSING Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status LRP-200711-26 HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT—MISSISSIPPI—GULF COAST Post-Katrina Recovery of the Housing Market Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast TR-511 HYDROGEN AS FUEL Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies RGSD-210 HOUSING—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study WR-483 HOUSING—MISSISSIPPI—GULF COAST Post-Katrina R ecovery of the H ousing Mar k ong the Mississippi Gulf Coast TR-511 HYGIENE Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans LRP-200710-44 HYPERTENSION—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders 108 LRP-200710-37 Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health CT-269 HYPOSPADIAS—DIAGNOSIS Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 INDUSTRIAL PROCUREMENT Developing Tailored Supply Strategies HYPOSPADIAS—ECONOMICS Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health CT-269 LRP-200705-32 HYPOSPADIAS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 HYPOSPADIAS—SURGERY Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 HYPOSPADIAS—THERAPY Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 IATROGENIC DISEASES—GOVERNMENT POLICY Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 IATROGENIC DISEASES—PREVENTION—GOVERNMENT POLICY Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 MG-572 INFANT MORTALITY Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 INFANT NUTRITION Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89 LRP-200603-38 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS—UTILIZATION Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement LRP-200711-08 INFANTS—BANGLADESH—MATLAB B *AZ*AR THANA Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 IMPOTENCE—DIAGNOSIS Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease INFERTILITY, MALE—DIAGNOSIS Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 LRP-200700-11 IMPOTENCE—ECONOMICS Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 INFERTILITY, MALE—ECONOMICS Male Infertility LRP-200706-32 IMPOTENCE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 INFERTILITY, MALE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Male Infertility LRP-200706-32 IMPOTENCE—THERAPY Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 LRP-200700-11 INCOME DISTRIBUTION Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS FOR EXPENSES The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income TR-483 INCOME—EFFECT OF ALTRUISM ON—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle WR-524 INDIA Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India LRP-200711-14 INDIVIDUALITY Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence LRP-200705-24 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes LRP-200712-13 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and INFERTILITY, MALE—THERAPY Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 INFLUENZA VACCINES—ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement LRP-200711-08 INFLUENZA, AVIAN—PREVENTION & CONTROL Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government WR-470 INFLUENZA, HUMAN—EPIDEMIOLOGY Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement LRP-200711-08 INFLUENZA, HUMAN—PREVENTION & CONTROL Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement LRP-200711-08 INFLUENZA—EPIDEMIOLOGY Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government WR-470 INFLUENZA—GOVERNMENT POLICY Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government WR-470 INFLUENZA—PREVENTION Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government WR-470 INFLUENZA—PREVENTION & CONTROL Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. 109 Government WR-470 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 INFORMATION NETWORKS Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 INFORMATION POLICY Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 INFORMATION SERVICES Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care LRP-200710-09 INFORMATION SERVICES—AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership LRP-200600-22 INFORMATION SOCIETY Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance TR-472 Treatment LRP-200707-03 INSTITUTO MEXICANO DEL SEGURO SOCIAL Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 INSURANCE CLAIM REPORTING—STANDARDS Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 INSURANCE CLAIM REVIEW Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care LRP-200702-02 INSURANCE COVERAGE The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 INSURANCE COVERAGE—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 INSURANCE COVERAGE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program LRP-200702-05 INFORMATION SYSTEMS—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience LRP-200600-15 INSURANCE, DISASTER Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations TR-459 Navigating the Information Revolution: Choices for Laggard Countries RGSD-208 INSURANCE, FLOOD The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties TR-468 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—EUROPE Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies TR-406 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—FORECASTING The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 INFORMATION WARFARE Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare CB-407 Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations TR-459 Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 INFRASTRUCTURE (ECONOMICS)—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans CT-295 INFRASTRUCTURE (ECONOMICS)—SAFETY MEASURES Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 INHERITANCE AND SUCCESSION—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle WR-524 INSTITUTIONALIZATION—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After INSURANCE, GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey MG-583 INSURANCE, HEALTH Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes WR-505 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program LRP-200701-20 Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice WR-325-1 Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap WR-504 State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-450 INSURANCE, HEALTH—COINSURANCE RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 INSURANCE, HEALTH—ECONOMICS Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520 INSURANCE, HEALTH—EVALUATION Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study 110 of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 INSURANCE, HEALTH—GOVERNMENT POLICY RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 INSURANCE, HEALTH—MARYLAND—MONTGOMERY COUNTY Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 INSURANCE, LIABILITY—ECONOMICS Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments LRP-200703-20 INSURANCE, PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 INSURANCE, PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES—ECONOMICS Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending LRP-200709-12 The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance LRP-200710-48 INSURANCE, PROPERTY Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 INSURANCE, PSYCHIATRIC—UTILIZATION Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care LRP-200702-02 INSURANCE, WINDSTORM Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 INSURGENCY—AFGHANISTAN The State of the Afghan Insurgency CT-296 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE—UNITED STATES—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center MG-591 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY—QATAR Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations TR-209 Teams CT-290 INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200705-01 RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers LRP-200701-08 INTERFERON ALFA-2A—ECONOMICS Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONS—ECONOMIC ASPECTS— UNITED STATES Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle WR-524 INTERNAL SECURITY Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 INTERNAL SECURITY—AFGHANISTAN The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 The State of the Afghan Insurgency CT-296 INTERNAL SECURITY—IRAQ Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress CT-277 U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment MG-613 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT From the Outside In: Shaping the International Criminal Court RGSD-217 INTERNATIONALITY International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis LRP-200712-03 INTERNET AND COMMUNICATIONS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 INTELLIGENCE SERVICE—EVALUATION Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 INTERNET RESEARCH Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-506 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey LRP-200703-28 INTELLIGENCE SERVICE—GREAT BRITAIN Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland RP-1247 INTERNET TELEPHONY—SECURITY MEASURES—EUROPE Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies TR-406 INTELLIGENCE SERVICE—NORTHERN IRELAND Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland RP-1247 INTERNETWORKING (TELECOMMUNICATION) Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs DB-528 INTENSIVE CARE UNITS Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events LRP-200801-07 INTERNET—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance TR-472 INTENTION Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 INTERNET—GOVERNMENT POLICY Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance TR-472 INTERAGENCY COORDINATION Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction INTERNET—SOCIAL ASPECTS Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance TR-472 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham, 111 Stanley, and Beach LRP-200705-06 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective LRP-200708-17 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners LRP-200704-26 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE—RESEARCH Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS—STUDY AND TEACHING Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review LRP-200702-07 INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)—CASE STUDIES Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 INVENTORY CONTROL Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative MG-584 INVENTORY CONTROL—UNITED STATES Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? RP-1271 IRAQ WAR, 2003-—CAMPAIGNS Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 IRAQ WAR, 2003-—PARTICIPATION, FEMALE Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women MG-590-1 IRAQ—ARMED FORCES—OPERATIONAL READINESS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak MG-544 IRAQ—ECONOMIC CONDITIONS U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment MG-613 IRAQ—HISTORY Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak MG-544 IRAQ—MILITARY RELATIONS U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis CT-288 IRAQ—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis CT-288 MG-613 IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches TR-476 ISLAM Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 ISLAM AND POLITICS—ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 INVESTMENTS Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies RGSD-210 INVESTMENTS, FOREIGN—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007 CP-524 INVESTMENTS, FOREIGN—CHINA Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 INVESTMENTS, FOREIGN—LAW AND LEGISLATION—UKRAINE Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine MG-673 INVESTMENTS, FOREIGN—UKRAINE Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine Freedom (Unrestricted Version) MG-559/1 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment MG-613 Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak MG-544 ISLAMIC COUNTRIES—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 ISLAMIC COUNTRIES—RELATIONS Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies LRP-200700-19 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007) CF-229 MG-673 IRAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS Negotiating with Iran CT-293 JAPAN—ETHNOLOGY Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 IRAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS—AFGHANISTAN Negotiating with Iran CT-293 JET PLANES—FUEL Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts IRAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS—UNITED STATES—CONGRESSES Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report CF-237 JIHAD Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1 OP-168 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007) CF-229 Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2 IRAQ WAR, 2003 U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis CT-288 IRAQ WAR, 2003Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi TR-465 112 OP-172 Security Retirement Earnings Test WR-223-1 JOB SATISFACTION Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 LABOR SUPPLY—EFFECT OF EDUCATION ON Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology CF-235 JUST WAR DOCTRINE The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies LRP-200700-19 LABOR—GULF STATES Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina WR-525 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY—CALIFORNIA An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 LAMIVUDINE—ECONOMICS Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report TR-368-1 Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report TR-498 LABOR—FORECASTING Forces Shaping the Future U.S. Workforce and Workplace: Implications for 21st Century Work CT-273 LANGUAGE Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys LRP-200711-06 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY—GREAT BRITAIN—PREVENTION RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 LATENT STRUCTURE ANALYSIS Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking LRP-200507-21 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY—PREVENTION Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth LRP-200712-10 LATENT VARIABLES Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking LRP-200507-21 KC-135 (TANKER AIRCRAFT)—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR— COSTS Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability MG-519 LAW ENFORCEMENT Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units WR-458 KC-135 (TANKER AIRCRAFT)—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR— FORECASTING Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability MG-519 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS—ECONOMICS Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS—THERAPY Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 KOREA (NORTH)—MILITARY RELATIONS—KOREA (SOUTH) Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 KOREA (SOUTH)—MILITARY RELATIONS—KOREA (NORTH) Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 LAW ENFORCEMENT—IRAQ Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress CT-277 LAW ENFORCEMENT—METHODS The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California LRP-200705-13 LAW FIRMS Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? WR-403 LAW PARTNERSHIP Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? WR-403 LEADERSHIP Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge DB-517 LEGAL GUARDIANS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200702-06 LEGISLATION Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes LRP-200704-08 LABOR MARKET Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences WR-536 LEGITIMACY OF GOVERNMENTS Building a Successful Palestinian State LABOR MARKET—EUROPE Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences WR-536 LEISURE ACTIVITIES Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 LABOR MARKET—OECD COUNTRIES—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation WR-511 LENGTH OF STAY Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring LRP-200705-19 LABOR SUPPLY Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social LENGTH OF STAY—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual MG-146-1 113 Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY, PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL— EPIDEMIOLOGY Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis LRP-200705-29 LIABILITY, LEGAL—ECONOMICS Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments LRP-200703-20 LIBERIA—ARMED FORCES—ORGANIZATION Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector MG-529 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007 CP-521-0607 LIBERIA—DEFENSES Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector MG-529 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007 CP-521-0607 LIBERIA—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector MG-529 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007 CP-521-0607 LIBRARY MATERIALS—DIGITIZATION—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 LIFE CHANGE EVENTS Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 LIFE EXPECTANCY Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Habitable Planets for Man CB-179-1 Planets for Man CB-183-1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? WR-403 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Using Linear Programming to Design Samples for a Complex Survey TR-441 LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE—GENETICS Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts LRP-200702-12 LIQUID FUELS Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development CT-281 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development: Addendum CT-281/1 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquids Development CT-287 Research and Development Issues for Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal CT-289 LIQUIDITY (ECONOMICS) Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 LITTORAL COMBAT SHIPS Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites MG-528 LIVING TRUSTS—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle WR-524 LOCAL GOVERNMENT—EVALUATION STUDIES Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments WR-469 LOGISTIC MODELS Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of OutcomeBased Quality Indicators LRP-200706-35 LOGISTICS—MANAGEMENT Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain DB-515 Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? RP-1271 Stockage Determination Made Easy RP-1272 LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center MG-591 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce LRP-200705-02 LOS ANGELES Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity LRP-200703-08 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness LRP-200705-10 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status LRP-200711-26 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 LOS ANGELES (CALIF.)—SOCIAL CONDITIONS—DATABASES— DIRECTORIES The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook WR-240/12 LOS ANGELES (CALIF.)—SOCIAL CONDITIONS—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook WR-240/13 LOS ANGELES—EPIDEMIOLOGY Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy LRP-200806-01 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life 114 LRP-200706-16 The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 LOS ANGELES—ETHNOLOGY Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000 LRP-200711-02 LOTTERIES The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions WR-460 LOUISIANA “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees LRP-200705-20 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster LRP-200711-04 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 MACROECONOMICS Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine WR-517 MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children LRP-200706-25 MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care LRP-200712-18 MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS—STANDARDS Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices LRP-200711-05 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action LRP-200705-22 Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care LRP-200712-18 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care LRP-200705-27 RGSD-221 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 MALE Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer LRP-200710-07 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 Erectile Dysfunction LRP-200705-35 Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 Kidney Cancer LRP-200706-33 Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient LRP-200708-08 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source LRP-200700-01 MALNUTRITION—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 MALPRACTICE—ECONOMICS Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments LRP-200703-20 MAMMOGRAPHY—UTILIZATION Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 MANAGED CARE PLANS (MEDICAL CARE) Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-325-1 MANAGED CARE PLANS (MEDICAL CARE)—EVALUATION Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study MANAGED MENTAL HEALTH CARE—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience RP-1287 MANAGEMENT QUALITY CIRCLES Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices LRP-200711-05 MANPOWER Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems TR-419 Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide TR-408 MANPOWER POLICY Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units MG-527 MANPOWER POLICY—GREAT BRITAIN—CASE STUDIES Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis TR-435 Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data TR-438 MARIJUANA ABUSE—ECONOMICS Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets LRP-200709-13 MARIJUANA ABUSE—PSYCHOLOGY “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200704-10 MARIJUANA SMOKING—ADVERSE EFFECTS Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial LRP-200700-18 MARINE CORPS—AVIATION Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare 115 MG-655 Social Implications MARITAL QUALITY Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective LRP-200708-17 LRP-200705-28 MARITAL STATUS Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 MATERNAL AND INFANT WELFARE—BANGLADESH—MATLAB B*AZ*AR THANA Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 MARKET SURVEYS An Approach to Assessing the Technical Feasibility and Market Potential of a New Automotive Device TR-313 MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 MARKETING—METHODS Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods LRP-200711-18 MATERNAL MORTALITY Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh LRP-200709-03 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 MARKOV PROCESSES Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment LRP-200706-20 MARRIAGE Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000 WR-530 Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham, Stanley, and Beach LRP-200705-06 Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation LRP-200708-15 MARRIAGE—ECONOMIC ASPECTS The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child WellBeing: A Review WR-531 MARRIAGE—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective LRP-200708-17 MARRIAGE—PSYCHOLOGY Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation LRP-200708-15 MARRIED PEOPLE—PSYCHOLOGY Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective LRP-200708-17 MARYLAND Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 MASS MEDIA—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking LRP-200706-08 MASS SCREENING—ECONOMICS Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 MASS SCREENING—UTILIZATION Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences LRP-200706-02 MASSACHUSETTS The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives LRP-200705-12 MATERIALS SCIENCE—FORECASTING The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and MATHEMATICS—STUDY A ND TEACHING The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures LRP-200703-30 MATHEMATICS—STUDY A ND TEACHING—CALIFORNIA Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 MAXILLOFACIAL INJURIES—PSYCHOLOGY Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 MEDIATION, INTERNATIONAL Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia MG-592 MEDICAID Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization LRP-200712-07 MEDICAID—CALIFORNIA Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction WR-532 MEDICAID—ECONOMICS The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 MEDICAL CARE SURVEYS Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 MEDICAL CARE SURVEYS—UNITED STATES—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 MEDICAL CARE, COST OF Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice WR-325-1 Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap WR-504 State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-450 MEDICAL CARE—COST SHIFTING—CALIFORNIA The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience 116 RP-1287 WR-450 MEDICAL CARE—FINANCE Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature WR-476 MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS—ECONOMICS Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520 MEDICAL CARE—RESEARCH—METHODOLOGY The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands LRP-200610-24 MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 MEDICAL CARE—UTILIZATION—MARYLAND—MONTGOMERY COUNTY Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 MEDICAL CLAIMS PROCESSING INDUSTRY Perspective on B17–076 CT-286 MEDICAL COLLEGES—CALIFORNIA—ADMISSION Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area TR-524 MEDICAL ERRORS—GOVERNMENT POLICY Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 MEDICAL ERRORS—PREVENTION Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality WR-522 MEDICAL ERRORS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality WR-522 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 MEDICAL ERRORS—PREVENTION—GOVERNMENT POLICY Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 MEDICAL ERRORS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 MEDICAL FEES—CALIFORNIA Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 MEDICAL INFORMATICS Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 MEDICAL INFORMATICS—STANDARDS Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 MEDICAL ORDER ENTRY SYSTEMS Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices LRP-200804-08 MEDICAL RECORDS Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200706-36 MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? MEDICALLY UNINSURED Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured LRP-200702-13 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 MEDICALLY UNINSURED PERSONS—MARYLAND—MONTGOMERY COUNTY Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 MEDICALLY UNINSURED—ETHNOLOGY Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability LRP-200709-10 MEDICARE Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200703-10 Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in Medicare-Managed Care LRP-200712-18 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: California, 1996–2001 LRP-200706-24 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report WR-434/1 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report WR-434 Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies LRP-200706-18 The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes WR-505 MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES—MEDICAL CARE The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes WR-505 MEDICARE CARE Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 MEDICARE PART B—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 MEDICARE PART C—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 MEDICARE—CALIFORNIA Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 MEDICARE—ECONOMICS Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India LRP-200711-14 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending LRP-200709-12 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence 117 Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries MEDICARE—TRENDS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-25 LRP-200705-34 MEDICARE—UTILIZATION Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 MEDICATION ERRORS Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use LRP-200704-28 MEDICINE—RESEARCH—ENGLAND Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 MEDICINE—STUDY AND TEACHING—CALIFORNIA Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area TR-524 MENTAL DISORDERS Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness LRP-200705-10 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders LRP-200707-05 MENTAL DISORDERS—DIAGNOSIS Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster LRP-200711-04 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 MENTAL DISORDERS—EPIDEMIOLOGY The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster LRP-200711-04 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 MENTAL HEALTH Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study LRP-200701-09 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II LRP-200703-25 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients LRP-200701-02 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer LRP-200704-11 MENTAL HEALTH COURTS—PENNSYLVANIA—ALLEGHENY COUNTY Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court TR-439 MENTAL HEALTH POLICY—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience RP-1287 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics LRP-200707-01 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience RP-1287 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders LRP-200707-05 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program LRP-200702-05 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster LRP-200711-04 Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care LRP-200702-02 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 MENTAL HEALTH—HISTORY Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 MENTAL RECALL Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 MENTALLY ILL OFFENDERS—ALLEGHENY COUNTY— COSTS Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court TR-439 MENTALLY ILL OFFENDERS—SERVICES FOR—ALLEGHENY COUNTY Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court TR-439 MEN—MORTALITY—EUROPE Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior WR-498 MERIT PAY—CALIFORNIA Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 MERIT PAY—FLORIDA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues WR-508 METHADONE MAINTENANCE Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 METROPOLITAN AREAS—UNITED STATES—CASE STUDIES Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability MG-477 MEXICAN AMERICANS A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health 118 Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans LRP-200710-44 MEXICO Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 MILITARISM The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation MG-607 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE—COMPUTER SIMULATION Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation OP-176 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE—FORECASTING Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations MG-635 International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners LRP-200700-16 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations MG-635 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE—TERMINOLOGY Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development TR-481 MILITARY ASSISTANCE, AMERICAN A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 MILITARY ASSISTANCE, AMERICAN —AFGHANISTAN RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 MILITARY BASES—ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment MG-612 MILITARY DOCTRINE Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 MILITARY EDUCATION Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training MG-555 Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations TR-459 A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations TR-434 MILITARY PERSONNEL—ECONOMICS The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions MG-598 MILITARY PLANNING The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations MG-603 Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments MG-539 Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups Threat: Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption RP-1248 What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities MG-530 What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary MG-530/1 MILITARY PLANNING—DECISION MAKING Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments TR-392 Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening TR-501 Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking TR-422 MILITARY PLANNING—METHODOLOGY A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 MILITARY POLICY The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping CT-284 Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1 OP-168 A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base TR-480 A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq MG-499 Strategy in the Missile Age CB-137-1 Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2 OP-172 U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis CT-288 U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 MILITARY POLICY —INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners LRP-200700-16 MILITARY POLICY—STUDY AND TEACHING (GRADUATE) New Security Challenges: Policy Issues and Analytic Approaches CP-381-0707 MILITARY POLICY—TERMINOLOGY Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development TR-481 MILITARY READINESS—CHINA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 MILITARY RELATIONS—CHINA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 MILITARY RELATIONS—FOREIGN COUNTRIES A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners LRP-200700-16 MILITARY RELATIONS—IRAQ U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis CT-288 MILITARY RESEARCH Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program CT-280 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum CT-280/1 MILITARY SEALIFT Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base MG-649 MILITARY SERVICE, VOLUNTARY America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and 119 Uncertainty MG-380 Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 MILITARY SPOUSES Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military MG-599 MONETARY POLICY—CHINA Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy OP-194 MILITARY SPOUSES—EMPLOYMENT “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data MG-566 MORTALITY Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India LRP-200711-14 MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS—ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment MG-612 MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 MINORITIES Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 MINORITY GROUPS The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial LRP-200711-15 Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200701-13 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 MISLEADING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 MOBILITY LIMITATION Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 MODELS, CARDIOVASCULAR Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 MODELS, ECONOMETRIC Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India LRP-200711-14 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending LRP-200709-12 MODELS, ECONOMIC Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets LRP-200709-13 MODELS, ORGANIZATIONAL How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200705-01 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model LRP-200706-27 MODELS, STATISTICAL Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring LRP-200705-19 International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis LRP-200712-03 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients LRP-200701-02 MODELS, THEORETICAL Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study LRP-200705-16 Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three MORTALITY AND RACE Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 MORTALITY—SEX DIFFERENCES—EUROPE Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior WR-498 MORTALITY—SOCIAL ASPECTS Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 MOTHER AND CHILD An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 MOTHERS An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context WR-523 MOTHERS—EMPLOYMENT Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 MOTHERS—PSYCHOLOGY Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles LRP-200709-11 MOTIVATION Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers LRP-200706-21 MOTIVATION IN EDUCATION—CALIFORNIA—SANTA MONICA Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention RGSD-218 MOTOR ACTIVITY Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 MOTOR ACTIVITY—PHYSIOLOGY Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity LRP-200703-08 MOTOR FUELS—TAXATION Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World CT-274 MOTORCYCLES—GREAT BRITAIN The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study LRP-200700-29 MOTORCYCLING—GREAT BRITAIN The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: A UK Study LRP-200700-29 MOZAMBIQUE—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in 120 Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 MULTICULTURALISM—EUROPE RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved CP-22-0708 MULTINATIONAL ARMED FORCES—ORGANIZATION A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation MG-563 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, RELAPSING-REMITTING—DRUG THERAPY Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis LRP-200705-29 MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 MUSCULOSKELETAL EQUILIBRIUM Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION—MORTALITY Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy LRP-200708-07 MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-13 NANOTECHNOLOGY—FORECASTING The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 TR-443 NATIONAL HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SURVEY (U.S.) Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 NATIONAL SECURITY Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare CB-407 Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism CT-285 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum CT-294/1 Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets MG-552 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 The Strategic Challenge of Border Security CT-275 NATIONAL SECURITY—CAMBODIA Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 NANOTECHNOLOGY—HEALTH ASPECTS Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health CT-269 NATIONAL SECURITY—EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities RGSD-219 NARCOTIC HABIT—TREATMENT Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 NATIONAL SECURITY—FINANCE Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security CT-272 NATION-BUILDING The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 NATIONAL SECURITY—HAITI Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 CT-284 NATION-BUILDING—AFGHANISTAN Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan RP-1291 NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, AMERICAN American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, IRANIAN American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (U.S.) The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties TR-468 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE, UNITED STATES Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program LRP-200702-05 NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMS—ECONOMICS The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance LRP-200710-48 NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES—GREAT BRITAIN Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ NATIONAL SECURITY—KOREA (SOUTH) Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 NATIONAL SECURITY—LIBERIA Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector MG-529 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007 CP-521-0607 NATIONAL SECURITY—MOZAMBIQUE Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 NATIONAL SECURITY—PALESTINE Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings MG-146/1-1 NATIONAL SECURITY—PLANNING Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 NATIONAL SECURITY—STUDY AND TEACHING (GRADUATE) New Security Challenges: Policy Issues and Analytic Approaches 121 CP-381-0707 NATIONAL SECURITY—TAIWAN U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status LRP-200706-05 MG-567 NATIONAL SECURITY—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 NEEDS ASSESSMENT The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 NATURAL DISASTERS “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees LRP-200705-20 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster LRP-200711-04 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 NEGOTIATING Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example LRP-200704-25 NATURAL RESOURCES—DEVELOPING COUNTRIES— MANAGEMENT Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries RGSD-215 NEW BUSINESS ENTERPRISES A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business WR-293-1 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 NATURAL RESOURCES—GOVERNMENT POLICY—DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries RGSD-215 NAVAL STRATEGY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base TR-480 NAVY-YARDS AND NAVAL STATIONS Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites MG-528 Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities MG-608 Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary MG-608/1 NAVY OPERATIONAL READINESS A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base TR-480 NAVY—AVIATION Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare MG-655 NEEDLE SHARING—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 NEEDLE-EXCHANGE PROGRAMS—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California LRP-200705-13 NEEDLE-EXCHANGE PROGRAMS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users LRP-200704-07 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 NEEDLE-EXCHANGE PROGRAMS—UTILIZATION Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes NEOPLASM STAGING Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY Green’s Functions for One-Velocity Neutron Transport in a OneDimensional Slab and Sphere LRP-196409-02 NEW YORK Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program LRP-200701-20 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment LRP-200704-23 NEW YORK (N.Y.). POLICE DEPT Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices TR-534 NEW YORK CITY Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness LRP-200705-10 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative LRP-200706-26 NEW YORK—EPIDEMIOLOGY Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State LRP-200707-11 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy LRP-200708-07 NEW ZEALAND—ARMED FORCES—FOREIGN SERVICE Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 NEWLY INDEPENDENT STATES The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State electronic Resource MG-327-1 NOCTURNAL MYOCLONUS SYNDROME—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders 122 LRP-200710-21 LRP-200707-14 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007 CP-521-0407 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS—UNITED STATES—CASE STUDIES Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability MG-477 NONRESPONSE (STATISTICS) Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey LRP-200703-28 NORTHERN IRELAND—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland RP-1247 NUCLEAR SUBMARINES—DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities MG-608 Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary MG-608/1 NUCLEAR WARFARE Strategy in the Missile Age CB-137-1 NURSES’ AIDES Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover . LRP-200704-17 NURSING HOMES Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 NURSING HOMES—EVALUATION—RESEARCH Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes LRP-200703-06 NURSING HOMES—MANPOWER The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes LRP-200710-05 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures LRP-200710-54 NURSING HOMES—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes LRP-200703-06 NURSING HOMES—STANDARDS Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use LRP-200704-28 NURSING STAFF, HOSPITAL—EDUCATION Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 NURSING STAFF, HOSPITAL—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes LRP-200706-06 NURSING STAFF, HOSPITAL—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 NURSING STAFF—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures LRP-200710-54 NUTRITION ASSESSMENT Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 NUTRITION SURVEYS Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) NUTRITIONAL STATUS Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 OBESITY Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 OBESITY, MORBID Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005 LRP-200707-06 OBESITY—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 OBESITY—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—EUROPE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older LRP-200707-12 OBESITY—ETHNOLOGY Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) LRP-200707-14 OBESITY—HEALTH ASPECTS Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 OBESITY—HEALTH ASPECTS—EUROPE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older LRP-200707-12 OBESITY—PREVENTION & CONTROL Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005 LRP-200707-06 OCCUPATIONS High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29 LRP-200703-01 OFFICE VISITS—TRENDS Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias LRP-200705-32 OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES—SALARIES, ETC Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007 CP-521-1207 OIL-SHALE INDUSTRY Policy Issues for Oil Shale Development CT-279 OIL-SHALES Policy Issues for Oil Shale Development CT-279 OP-213 OLD AGE PENSIONS—RETIREMENT TEST How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-478 OLDER AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers TR-450 OLDER AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS—GOVERNMENT POLICY Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? OP-189 OLDER MEN—ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test WR-223-1 OLDER MEN—EMPLOYMENT Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social 123 Security Retirement Earnings Test WR-223-1 LRP-200710-15 OLDER PEOPLE—EMPLOYMENT Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences WR-536 OSTEOPOROSIS—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 OLDER PEOPLE—EMPLOYMENT—EUROPE Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences WR-536 OSTEOPOROSIS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 OLDER PEOPLE—EMPLOYMENT—THE NETHERLANDS Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands LRP-200700-25 OUTCOME AND PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE) Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200705-01 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care LRP-200711-25 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients LRP-200706-17 OLDER PEOPLE—FINANCE, PERSONAL Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap WR-504 OLDER PEOPLE—HEALTH AND HYGIENE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 OLDER PEOPLE—HEALTH AND HYGIENE—EUROPE Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans LRP-200700-24 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older LRP-200707-12 OLDER PEOPLE—MEDICAL CARE The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes WR-505 OLYMPICS—SECURITY MEASURES—ENGLAND—LONDON Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics TR-516 OPERATIONAL ART (MILITARY SCIENCE) Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS—SUPPLY AND DEMAND Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce RP-1288 OPHTHALMOLOGY—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce RP-1288 ORAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Defining Corporate Culture: How Social Scientists Define Culture, Values and Tradeoffs Among Them WR-499 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS—SOCIAL ASPECTS Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis OP-206 OSTEOARTHRITIS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) LRP-200711-20 OSTEOARTHRITIS—THERAPY Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) LRP-200711-20 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders OUTCOME AND PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)— METHODS Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort LRP-200706-15 OUTCOME AND PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)— ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200702-14 OUTCOME AND PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)— STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment LRP-200707-03 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care LRP-200705-27 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 OUTCOME ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE) Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma LRP-200710-45 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of OutcomeBased Quality Indicators LRP-200706-35 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes LRP-200706-06 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes LRP-200710-06 OUTCOME ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)—METHODS IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study LRP-200705-16 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes LRP-200708-20 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 OUTCOME ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for 124 Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 Three Alternative Strategies OUTCOME ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)—TRENDS Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 OUTCOME ASSESSMENT (MEDICAL CARE) The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course LRP-200709-18 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 OUTPATIENTS Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care LRP-200702-02 OUTPATIENTS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 PAIN MEASUREMENT Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-17 PAIN—MEASUREMENT Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands LRP-200703-17 PAIN—THERAPY Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-17 PALESTINE—ECONOMIC CONDITIONS The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings PALESTINE—SOCIAL CONDITIONS The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 PARENTAL CONSENT—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 PARENTAL LEAVE—UTILIZATION Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs LRP-200705-09 PARENTS Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200709-05 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200702-06 PARKINSON D ISEASE—DRUG THERAPY The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 PARKINSONIAN DISORDERS—DIAGNOSIS Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 PARKS—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity MG-327-1 MG-146/1-1 PALESTINE—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State MG-327-1 Building a Successful Palestinian State MG-146-1 Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings MG-146/1-1 PALESTINE—POPULATION Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings LRP-200710-01 LRP-200703-08 PARTY AFFILIATION Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences OP-197 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007 CP-521-0807 PATIENT ACCEPTANCE OF HEALTH CARE—ETHNOLOGY Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example LRP-200704-25 MG-146/1-1 MG-327-1 PATIENT ADMISSION—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care LRP-200705-27 PALESTINIAN ARABS—EDUCATION Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians LRP-200700-22 PATIENT CARE PLANNING—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative LRP-200706-26 PALLIATIVE CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care LRP-200705-14 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative LRP-200706-26 PATIENT CARE TEAM—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement LRP-200711-08 PALLIATIVE CARE—TRENDS Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care LRP-200705-14 PATIENT COMPLIANCE Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making RP-1289 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity LRP-200704-02 PAN AM FLIGHT 103 BOMBING INCIDENT, 1988 The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 PATIENT DISCHARGE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 PANIC DISORDER—THERAPY Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care LRP-200608-17 PATIENT EDUCATION Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTIONS—DIAGNOSIS Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of PATIENT EDUCATION AS TOPIC Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review PALLIATIVE CARE—STANDARDS Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-34 125 LRP-200705-37 PATIENT EDUCATION—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 PATIENT PARTICIPATION Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression LRP-200708-13 A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 PATIENT SATISFACTION Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression LRP-200701-10 Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis LRP-200708-05 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer LRP-200704-11 PATIENT-CENTERED CARE Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use LRP-200705-03 PATIENT-CENTERED CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model LRP-200706-27 PATIENTS—SAFETY MEASURES Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality WR-522 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 PEACE-BUILDING—CAMBODIA Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 from the D-Penicillamine Study LRP-200610-27 PENILE INDURATION—EPIDEMIOLOGY Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 PENSIONS The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 PENSIONS—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—THE NETHERLANDS Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands LRP-200700-25 PENSIONS—GREAT BRITAIN The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES—EMPLOYMENT Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands LRP-200703-17 PERCEPTION “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200704-10 Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 PERFORMANCE AWARDS—MEXICO Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial” TR-458 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico MG-471/1 PERSONAL HEALTH SERVICES Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should We Really Worry About? LRP-200701-05 PERSONAL SATISFACTION Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use LRP-200712-14 PEACE-BUILDING—HAITI, Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations LRP-200703-16 PEACE-BUILDING—KOREA Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. Perspective LRP-200606-23 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, HOSPITAL Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes LRP-200706-06 PEACE-BUILDING—MOZAMBIQUE Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 PERSONNEL LOYALTY Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures LRP-200710-54 PEDIATRICS—EDUCATION Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 PEDIATRICS—STANDARDS The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 PEDIATRICS—TRENDS Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age LRP-200711-24 PENICILLAMINE—ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007 CP-521-1207 PERSONNEL STAFFING AND SCHEDULING The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes LRP-200710-05 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes LRP-200706-06 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures LRP-200710-54 PERSONNEL TURNOVER Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in 126 ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 PETROLEUM COKE Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts PHYSICIANS—ECONOMICS Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments LRP-200703-20 TR-465 PHILIPPINES—ETHNOLOGY Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 PHOBIC DISORDERS—THERAPY Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial LRP-200700-18 PHOTIC STIMULATION Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 PHOTOGRAPHY The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION—UTILIZATION Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States LRP-200709-14 PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR CHILDREN Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 PHYSICAL FITNESS—NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report TR-474 PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PLANS—ECONOMICS The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives LRP-200609-22 PHYSICIANS—PSYCHOLOGY Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice LRP-200706-04 PHYSICIANS—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians LRP-199811-07 International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis LRP-200712-03 PHYSICIANS—SUPPLY AND DEMAND—CALIFORNIA Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area TR-524 PLANETS Habitable Planets for Man CB-179-1 POLARIZATION (SOCIAL SCIENCES) Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences OP-197 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007 CP-521-0807 POLICE ADMINISTRATION—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department MG-585 POLICE DISCRETION Incorporating Traffic Enforcement Racial Profiling Analyses into Police Department Early Intervention Systems RGSD-211 POLICE PATROL—NEW YORK (S TATE)—NEW YORK Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices TR-534 POLICE-COMMUNITY RELATIONS—CALIFORNIA—OAKLAND Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action TR-546 LRP-200705-12 PHYSICIAN SERVICES UTILIZATION Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE PATTERNS Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness LRP-200705-10 PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE PATTERNS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA On Referral Patterns for Patients with Breast Cancer LRP-200701-15 PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONS Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression LRP-200708-13 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications LRP-200609-22 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences LRP-200706-02 PHYSICIANS A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 PHYSICIANS, FAMILY Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications POLICE-COMMUNITY RELATIONS—CINCINNATI (OHIO) Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report TR-535 POLICE-COMMUNITY R ELATIONS—NEW YORK (S TATE)—NEW YORK Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices TR-534 POLICE—CINCINNATI (OHIO)—PUBLIC OPINION Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report TR-535 POLICE—IRAQ Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress CT-277 POLICE—OAKLAND (CALIF.) Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action TR-546 POLICE—RECRUITING—LOUISIANA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department MG-585 POLICE—SAFETY MEASURES Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center 127 CT-291 Model the Organization of the Self-Concept POLICE—SOLOMON ISLANDS Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 PORTS OF ENTRY The Strategic Challenge of Border Security LRP-200704-13 CT-275 POLICY MAKING The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? LRP-200705-11 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders LRP-200707-05 PORTS OF ENTRY—SECURITY MEASURES—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum CT-294/1 POLICY SCIENCES A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007 CP-521-0407 POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER—TREATMENT Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care LRP-200608-17 RP-1244 POLICY SCIENCES—METHODOLOGY The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands LRP-200610-24 POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test WR-223-1 POLITICAL CULTURE—ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 POSTMENOPAUSE A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease RP-1290 POLITICAL PARTICIPATION The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences WR-477 POLITICAL PARTIES Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences OP-197 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007 CP-521-0807 POLITICAL STABILITY The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 POLITICAL STABILITY—UNITED STATES—CASE STUDIES Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks MG-561 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences OP-197 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007 CP-521-0807 U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment MG-613 POLYETHYLENE GLYCOLS—ECONOMICS Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom LRP-200708-04 POPULATION AGING—DENMARK Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 POPULATION AGING—GREAT BRITAIN Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK LRP-200709-17 POPULATION DENSITY Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 POPULATION FORECASTING—LOUISIANA—NEW ORLEANS Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study WR-483 POPULATION FORECASTING—STATISTICAL METHODS Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data WR-496 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence LRP-200712-15 POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State LRP-200707-11 POSTPARTUM PERIOD Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION—AFGHANISTAN Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams CT-290 POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION—CAMBODIA Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION—HAITI Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION—MOZAMBIQUE Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries RGSD-222 POVERTY Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians LRP-200700-22 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers LRP-200704-06 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of 128 Housing Status LRP-200711-26 the Right Quality Measure? POVERTY AREAS Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 POWER (SOCIAL SCIENCES) Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 PRACTICE GUIDELINES The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes LRP-200709-04 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 PRECISION GUIDED MUNITIONS PGMs: Changing Weapon Priorities, New Risks, New Opportunities LRP-197603-01 PREDICTIVE VALUE OF TESTS Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale LRP-200712-16 PREGNANCY Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor LRP-200701-19 PREJUDICE Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 PRENATAL NUTRITION PHYSIOLOGY—PHYSIOLOGY Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 PREOPERATIVE CARE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 PREPAREDNESS Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 PRESCHOOL CHILDREN—CARE—CALIFORNIA—CASE STUDIES Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children TR-538 PRESCRIPTION FEES Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications LRP-200609-22 Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices LRP-200804-08 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG-—GREAT BRITAIN Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG—ECONOMICS Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill LRP-200709-08 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is LRP-200704-18 PRESIDENTS Leading the Executive Branch: Strategies and Options for Achieving Success OP-181 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2007 CP-521-0207 PRESSURE ULCER—CLASSIFICATION Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-18 PRESSURE ULCER—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-18 PREVALENCE Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES—STANDARDS Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-19 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States LRP-200709-14 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 PRICES The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components LRP-200712-01 PRIMARY CARE (MEDICINE) Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 PRIMARY CARE (MEDICINE)—GREAT BRITAIN Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care LRP-200608-17 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder RP-1297 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index LRP-200708-02 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care LRP-200703-02 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—GREAT BRITAIN Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—MARYLAND—MONTGOMERY COUNTY Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation LRP-200712-08 Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care 129 LRP-200702-15 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—STANDARDS Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices LRP-200711-05 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—TRENDS The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation LRP-200712-08 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE—UTILIZATION Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care LRP-200500-20 PRIMARY PREVENTION—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 PRISONERS—PSYCHOLOGY Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 PRIVACY, RIGHT OF RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security RGSD-209 PROBABILITIES Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment WR-487 PROBABILITY Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 PROBABILITY MEASURES Use of a Web-Based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample LRP-200712-19 PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE) Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications LRP-200609-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-15 Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index LRP-200708-02 PROGRAM BUDGETING How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs MG-447 Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense LRP-196306-02 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 PROGRAM EVALUATION Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005) TR-508 Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004) TR-463 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use LRP-200709-01 Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India LRP-200709-19 School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus LRP-200708-03 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 PROGRAM EVALUATION—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE CARRERA MAGISTERIAL (MEXICO) Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial” TR-458 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico MG-471/1 PROJECT AIR FORCE (U.S.) RAND Project Air Force, Annual Report 2007 AR-7118 PROPORTIONAL HAZARDS MODELS A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)—METHODS Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report WR-434/1 Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report WR-434 PROCESS ASSESSMENT (HEALTH CARE)—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set LRP-200710-40 PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM—ECONOMICS Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 PRODUCTION PLANNING—ECONOMIC ASPECTS How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs MG-447 PROSPECTIVE STUDIES The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE LOCATION Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians LRP-199811-07 PROGNOSIS Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate PROSTATECTOMY The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 PROSTATECTOMY—METHODS Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy 130 for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer LRP-200706-11 PROSTATECTOMY—STANDARDS The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-30 PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA—THERAPY Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-30 PROSTATIC INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA—THERAPY Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source LRP-200700-01 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—DRUG THERAPY Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer LRP-200710-07 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—ECONOMICS Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications LRP-200710-03 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 LRP-200703-10 PSYCHIATRY—EDUCATION Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care LRP-200702-15 PSYCHOMETRICS Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC PROCESSES Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients LRP-200706-17 PUBLIC CONTRACTS The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting TR-442 PUBLIC FACILITIES—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity LRP-200703-08 PUBLIC HEALTH The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report TR-474 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—MORTALITY Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—RADIOTHERAPY Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer LRP-200706-11 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION—ETHICS Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—SURGERY The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men LRP-200805-03 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer LRP-200706-11 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION—EUROPE Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report TR-460 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—EPIDEMIOLOGY The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS—ETHNOLOGY Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men LRP-200705-26 PROSTATITIS—DIAGNOSIS Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome Prostatitis LRP-200700-05 LRP-200700-06 PROSTATITIS—ECONOMICS Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-22 Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 PUBLIC HEALTH—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 PROSTATITIS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 PROSTATITIS—THERAPY Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome Prostatitis LRP-200706-34 PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION—LOUISIANA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina WR-473 PUBLIC HEALTH—EUROPE Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report TR-460 LRP-200700-06 PROSTHESES AND IMPLANTS Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries PUBLIC HEALTH—INFORMATION SERVICES Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance 131 Systems in Local Health Departments WR-469 PUBLIC HEALTH—METHODS Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges LRP-200704-05 PUBLIC HEALTH—NETHERLANDS The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands LRP-200610-24 PUBLIC HEALTH—STANDARDS Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-03 PUBLIC HOUSING Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 PUBLIC OPINION—IRAN American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 PUBLIC RELATIONS “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees LRP-200705-20 PUBLIC SCHOOLS—CALIFORNIA—EVALUATION Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance LRP-200700-27 PUBLIC SCHOOLS—NORTH CAROLINA—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina WR-452 PUBLIC SCHOOLS—TEXAS—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas WR-453 PUBLIC WELFARE—CALIFORNIA Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction WR-532 PUBLIC WELFARE—SOCIAL ASPECTS The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child WellBeing: A Review WR-531 PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTOR COOPERATION The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379 PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE—DIAGNOSIS Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians LRP-200711-11 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-28 PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE—DRUG THERAPY Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians LRP-200711-11 PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-28 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes LRP-200612-41 PURCHASING Developing Tailored Supply Strategies MG-572 QATAR NATIONAL RESEARCH FUND—MANAGEMENT Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations TR-209 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy LRP-200712-02 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder RP-1297 Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems LRP-200704-21 Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention WR-517 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE—METHODS Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort LRP-200706-15 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices LRP-200711-05 The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care LRP-200705-08 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-03 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives LRP-200705-12 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment LRP-200704-23 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative LRP-200706-26 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE—STANDARDS The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes LRP-200612-41 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200706-36 QUALITY CONTROL Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 QUALITY INDICATORS, HEALTH CARE ACOVE-3 Rejected Quality Indicators WR-515/1 Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators WR-515/2 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis LRP-200710-38 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators LRP-200710-39 Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches LRP-200706-07 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes LRP-200709-04 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200704-18 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action 132 LRP-200705-22 Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set LRP-200710-40 Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of OutcomeBased Quality Indicators LRP-200706-35 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures LRP-200710-54 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care LRP-200710-09 Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-30 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-28 Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-27 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-25 Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-32 Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-33 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-37 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-13 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-16 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-18 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-21 Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-23 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality LRP-200710-42 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S LRP-200706-13 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care LRP-200706-12 Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews WR-515/3 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer LRP-200705-05 QUALITY INDICATORS, HEALTH CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid LRP-200710-51 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model LRP-200706-27 QUALITY INDICATORS, HEALTH CARE—STANDARDS Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest LRP-200710-47 The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes LRP-200710-05 QUALITY INDICATORS, HEALTH CARE—TRENDS Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE ACOVE-3 Rejected Quality Indicators WR-515/1 Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies RGSD-214 Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators WR-515/2 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die LRP-200703-27 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program LRP-200701-20 The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes LRP-200710-05 Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should We Really Worry About? LRP-200701-05 Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes LRP-200703-06 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients RP-1282 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care LRP-200706-12 Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews WR-515/3 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes LRP-200710-06 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors LRP-200703-23 Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model LRP-200706-27 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE& ADMINISTRATION Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200702-14 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE—ECONOMICS Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? LRP-200712-09 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California LRP-200704-04 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation LRP-200712-08 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid LRP-200710-51 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives LRP-200705-12 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE—STANDARDS Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events LRP-200801-07 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality LRP-200710-42 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for 133 Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care LRP-200701-03 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression LRP-200708-13 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE—TRENDS The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial LRP-200711-15 QUALITY OF LIFE Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice LRP-200705-04 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression LRP-200708-10 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument LRP-200709-16 Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200702-14 Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report TR-453 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy LRP-200708-07 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes LRP-200708-20 Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures LRP-200710-10 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer LRP-200706-11 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches LRP-200703-11 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis LRP-200708-05 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients LRP-200701-02 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares WR-472 Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis LRP-200711-27 Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source LRP-200700-01 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages LRP-200702-17 QUALITY OF LIFE—PSYCHOLOGY Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life LRP-200706-16 Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer LRP-200704-11 QUALITY-ADJUSTED LIFE YEARS Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report TR-453 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II LRP-200705-30 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis LRP-200705-29 QUANTITY THEORY OF MONEY The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components LRP-200712-01 QUESTIONNAIRES Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression LRP-200708-10 Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument LRP-200709-16 Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation LRP-200705-31 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes LRP-200708-20 Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale LRP-200712-16 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors LRP-200703-23 QUEUING THEORY A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base TR-480 RACIAL PROFILING IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Incorporating Traffic Enforcement Racial Profiling Analyses into Police Department Early Intervention Systems RGSD-211 Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness RP-1253 RACIAL PROFILING IN LAW ENFORCEMENT—NEW YORK (STATE)— NEW YORK Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices TR-534 RADIATIVE TRANSFER Green’s Functions for One-Velocity Neutron Transport in a OneDimensional Slab and Sphere LRP-196409-02 RADICALISM Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism CT-285 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007) CF-229 RADICALS The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007) CF-229 RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security 134 RGSD-209 Big of a Problem Is It? RAND CORPORATION Profiles in Problem Solving: 2006 Annual Report CPU-0-ADM-2006 RAND CORPORATION. NATIONAL SECURITY RESEARCH DIVISION RAND National Security Research Division, Annual Report 2006 AR-7121 RAND CORPORATION—PERIODICALS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007 CP-22-0712 RAND EDUCATION (INSTITUTE) RAND Education Informational Brochure CP-472-0710 RAND GRADUATE SCHOOL—CURRICULA New Security Challenges: Policy Issues and Analytic Approaches CP-381-0707 RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial LRP-200711-15 RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? LRP-200707-08 REACTION TIME Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies WR-516 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative WR-491 LRP-200701-13 REGIME CHANGE The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 REGIONAL ASSISTANCE MISSION TO SOLOMON ISLANDS Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) MG-551 REGIONAL PLANNING—CASE STUDIES Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management WR-514 REGRESSION ANALYSIS The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective LRP-200701-17 REHABILITATION CENTERS—ECONOMICS Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 REHABILITATION—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Access to Postacute Rehabilitation LRP-200711-01 REIMBURSEMENT, INCENTIVE The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment LRP-200711-07 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives LRP-200705-12 REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers LRP-200706-21 RELATIONS Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 RELATIONS—FRANCE Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 RELATIONS—ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Building Moderate Muslim Networks MG-574 READINESS FOR SCHOOL—CALIFORNIA Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children TR-537 RELAXATION Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 RECREATION Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 RELIGION AND SEX RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 RECRUITING AND ENLISTMENT Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 RELIGIOUS MILITANTS George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies LRP-200700-19 RECURRENCE—PREVENTION & CONTROL Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis LRP-200705-29 RED CROSS Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 REFERRAL AND CONSULTATION On Referral Patterns for Patients with Breast Cancer LRP-200701-15 REFUGEES—PSYCHOLOGY Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How REMEDIES (LAW) Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies RGSD-210 REPRODUCIBILITY OF RESULTS Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200706-36 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? LRP-200707-08 RESEARCH Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research 135 LRP-200709-02 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures LRP-200708-12 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS, GOVERNMENT Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program CT-280 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum CT-280/1 RESEARCH DESIGN Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges LRP-200704-05 Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 RESEARCH INSTITUTES Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership LRP-200600-22 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007 CP-521-0407 RESEARCH SUPPORT RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers LRP-200701-08 RESEARCH—AUSTRALIA Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 RESEARCH—CANADA Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 RESEARCH—EVALUATION—ANALYSIS—CASE STUDIES Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis TR-435 Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data TR-438 RESEARCH—EVALUATION—METHODOLOGY Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004 WR-368 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England WR-509 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands LRP-200610-24 Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 RESEARCH—EVALUATION—METHODOLOGY—CASE STUDIES Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis TR-435 Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data TR-438 RESEARCH—GREAT BRITAIN Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 RESEARCH—METHODOLOGY Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership LRP-200600-22 RESEARCH—MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 RESEARCH—NEW ZEALAND Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft WR-466 RESEARCH—QATAR—FINANCE Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations TR-209 RESIDENCE CHARACTERISTICS The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid LRP-200710-51 A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion LRP-200701-01 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas LRP-200704-09 RESIDENCE CHARACTERISTICS—CLASSIFICATION Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) LRP-200707-14 RESIDENCE CHARACTERISTICS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200705-15 RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians LRP-199811-07 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties TR-468 RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000 LRP-200711-02 RESOURCE ALLOCATION Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security CT-272 RESUSCITATION—STANDARDS Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest LRP-200710-47 RETAIL TRADE—AUTOMATION RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security RGSD-209 RETAIL TRADE—LAW AND LEGISLATION RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security RGSD-209 RETENTION (PSYCHOLOGY) Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring LRP-200705-19 RETIRED MILITARY PERSONNEL—MEDICAL CARE—COSTS Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey MG-583 RETIREMENT AGE How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal 136 Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-478 RETIREMENT INCOME The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 RETIREMENT INCOME—GREAT BRITAIN The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 RETIREMENT—ECONOMIC ASPECTS How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-478 RETIREMENT—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—THE NETHERLANDS Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands LRP-200700-25 RETROSPECTIVE STUDIES Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats RP-1273 Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State LRP-200707-11 REVIEW LITERATURE Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews REWARD Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers WR-515/3 LRP-200706-21 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS—TREATMENT Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) LRP-200711-20 RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies LRP-200700-19 RISK Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 RISK (INSURANCE) Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World MG-679 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 RISK ADJUSTMENT—METHODS Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment LRP-200704-23 RISK ADJUSTMENT—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of OutcomeBased Quality Indicators LRP-200706-35 RISK ASSESSMENT Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers TR-450 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-35 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis LRP-200705-29 Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? OP-189 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 RISK ASSESSMENT—METHODS The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? LRP-200705-11 RISK FACTORS Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease LRP-200700-11 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome LRP-200700-06 Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 Male Infertility LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 Prostatitis LRP-200700-05 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures LRP-200703-29 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 RISK MANAGEMENT Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 RISK MANAGEMENT—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 RISK-TAKING Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients LRP-200707-02 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status LRP-200711-26 SAFETY MANAGEMENT Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes LRP-200706-06 SALARIES AND FRINGE BENEFITS The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 SAN FRANCISCO—ETHNOLOGY Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 SCHEMAS (PSYCHOLOGY) Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the Self-Concept LRP-200704-13 SCHOLARLY ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 SCHOOL BUDGETS—NORTH CAROLINA—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance 137 Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina WR-452 SCHOOL BUDGETS—TEXAS—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas WR-453 SCHOOL CHILDREN—MENTAL HEALTH Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 SCHOOL CHOICE Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools MR-1118-1 SCHOOL CHOICE—GREAT BRITAIN The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions WR-460 SCHOOL CHOICE—UNITED STATES—STATISTICS State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 SCHOOL DISTRICTS—NORTH CAROLINA—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina WR-452 SCHOOL DISTRICTS—TEXAS—FINANCE—CASE STUDIES School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas WR-453 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use LRP-200709-01 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita LRP-200710-12 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES—UTILIZATION Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1303 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS—CALIFORNIA—SANTA MONICA Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention RGSD-218 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS—PENNSYLVANIA— PHILADELPHIA RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia MG-533 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS—PENNSYLVANIA— PITTSBURGH Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION—PENNSYLVANIA— PITTSBURGH Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation DB-544 SCHOOL VIOLENCE—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 SCHOOL-AGE CHILD CARE—ACTIVITY PROGRAMS Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth LRP-200712-10 SCHOOLS School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders LRP-200705-07 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 SCHOOLS—SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods LRP-200703-03 Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation Mexican-American Children WR-529 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors LRP-200704-01 SCIENCE PUBLISHING—NETHERLANDS Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation TR-510 SCIENCE—MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 SCIENCE—STUDY A ND TEACHING Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology CF-235 SCILLY, ISLES OF (ENGLAND) Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study TR-367 SCLERODERMA, D IFFUSE—DRUG THERAPY Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study LRP-200610-27 SCLERODERMA, SYSTEMIC—COMPLICATIONS Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument LRP-200709-16 SCLERODERMA, S YSTEMIC—DRUG THERAPY Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis LRP-200708-05 SCLERODERMA, SYSTEMIC—PHYSIOPATHOLOGY Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis LRP-200708-05 SEA-POWER Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base MG-649 SEARCHES AND SEIZURES—NEW YORK (S TATE)—NEW YORK Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices TR-534 SECURITIES The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States RGSD-224 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities 138 Laws in the United States RGSD-224 from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 SECURITIES FRAUD The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States RGSD-224 SELF-PERCEPTION Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the Self-Concept LRP-200704-13 SECURITIES INDUSTRY—LAW AND LEGISLATION The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States RGSD-224 SEMINOMA Testicular Cancer SECURITIES INDUSTRY—SELF-REGULATION The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States RGSD-224 SECURITY SYSTEMS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping CT-284 Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia MG-592 Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks MG-561 SELF ASSESSMENT (PSYCHOLOGY) The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics LRP-200707-01 SELF DISCLOSURE Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey LRP-200703-26 Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) LRP-200705-18 SELF EFFICACY The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy LRP-200806-01 Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations LRP-200703-16 SELF-EMPLOYED Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages LRP-200702-17 SELF-EMPLOYED—GULF STATES Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina WR-525 SELF-EMPLOYED—MATHEMATICAL MODELS Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement WR-196-2 Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors LRP-200704-01 LRP-200700-13 SEPTEMBER 11 TERRORIST ATTACKS, 2001 Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches TR-476 Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center CT-291 The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 SEVERITY OF ILLNESS INDEX Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale LRP-200712-16 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life LRP-200706-16 SEX DISTRIBUTION Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 SEX FACTORS Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy LRP-200706-19 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action LRP-200705-22 SEX ROLE—IRAN—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 SEX ROLE—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 SEXUAL ABSTINENCE—PSYCHOLOGY Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women LRP-200711-13 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use LRP-200712-14 Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status LRP-200711-26 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR—ETHNOLOGY Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study LRP-200706-09 SELF-EMPLOYED—RETIREMENT The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England WR-528 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR—PSYCHOLOGY RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 SELF-EMPLOYED—RETIREMENT—GREAT BRITAIN The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence SEXUALITY—CLASSIFICATION The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with 139 Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/AIDS LRP-200704-27 SHIPBUILDING Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites MG-528 SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY—EMPLOYEES Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities MG-608 Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary MG-608/1 SHIPMENT OF GOODS Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation CF-228 SHIPMENT OF GOODS—CANADA Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation CF-228 SHOPPING CENTERS—SECURITY MEASURES RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 SICKNESS IMPACT PROFILE Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis LRP-200708-05 SLEEP INITIATION AND MAINTENANCE DISORDERS—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-21 SLEEP INITIATION AND MAINTENANCE DISORDERS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-21 SMALL BUSINESS—EMPLOYEES—INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-450 SMALL BUSINESS—GOVERNMENT POLICY A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business WR-293-1 In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business MG-663 SMALL BUSINESS—LAW AND LEGISLATION In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business MG-663 SMALL BUSINESS—RESEARCH A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business WR-293-1 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program CT-280 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum CT-280/1 Youth from Age 5 to 23 LRP-200701-12 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs LRP-200712-06 SMOKING—PREVENTION & CONTROL The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 SMOKING—PREVENTION & CONTROL—ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 SMOKING—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting LRP-200702-10 SMOKING—PSYCHOLOGY Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting LRP-200702-10 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke LRP-200702-03 SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study LRP-200701-09 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners LRP-200704-26 SOCIAL CLASS Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy LRP-200701-16 Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient LRP-200708-08 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994) LRP-200707-14 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations LRP-200710-53 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors LRP-200703-07 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy LRP-200806-01 SOCIAL JUSTICE Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 SMALL BUSINESS—UNITED STATES—STATISTICS A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business WR-293-1 SOCIAL MARKETING Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 SMOKING CESSATION Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation LRP-200708-15 SOCIAL PERCEPTION Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood LRP-200708-14 Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the Self-Concept LRP-200704-13 Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 SMOKING CESSATION—METHODS Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers LRP-200706-21 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 SMOKING—EPIDEMIOLOGY Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting LRP-200702-10 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast SOCIAL POLICY—COST EFFECTIVENESS RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and 140 Challenges LRP-200704-05 SOCIAL SCIENCES—RESEARCH Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007 Matter? CP-521-0407 SOCIAL SCIENCES—RESEARCH—COMPUTER PROGRAMS Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-506 SOCIAL SCIENCES—RESEARCH—METHODOLOGY Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters WR-490-4 SOCIAL SCIENCES—RESEARCH—MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters WR-490-4 SOCIAL SECURITY How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-478 SOCIAL SECURITY—THE NETHERLANDS—FINANCE Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands LRP-200700-25 SOCIAL STATUS—HEALTH ASPECTS The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course LRP-200709-18 SOCIAL SUPPORT The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among Mexican-Americans LRP-200710-44 SOCIAL SURVEYS—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES COUNTY— The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook WR-240/12 SOCIAL SURVEYS—CASE STUDIES Using Linear Programming to Design Samples for a Complex Survey TR-441 SOCIAL SURVEYS—CINCINNATI (OHIO) Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report TR-535 SOCIAL VALUES—IRAN—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 SOCIAL VALUES—PUBLIC OPINION American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds RP-1261 SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy LRP-200706-19 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth RGSD-220 Health Disparities and Access to Health LRP-200703-12 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences LRP-200706-02 SOCIOLOGY, MILITARY The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It MG-379 SOFTWARE IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary LRP-200708-11 Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes LRP-200708-20 SOLDIERS—FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military MG-599 SOLDIERS—TRAINING OF Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 SOUTH DAKOTA—EPIDEMIOLOGY School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus LRP-200708-03 SOVIET UNION—DEFENSE Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972 RP-1260 SOVIET UNION—MILITARY POLICY Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972 RP-1260 SOVIET UNION—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT The Operational Code of the Politburo CB-104-1 SPACE BIOLOGY Habitable Planets for Man CB-179-1 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS—TRAINING OF State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 SPECIALTIES, SURGICAL—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 STABILITY Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress CT-277 START-UP COSTS Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 STATE CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM (U.S.) Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 STATE HEALTH PLANS Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program LRP-200701-20 STATE HEALTH PLANS—ECONOMICS The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People LRP-200700-21 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York LRP-200704-24 STATISTICS—METHODS Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source 141 LRP-200700-01 to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 STEREOTYPING Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults LRP-200711-19 STRESS DISORDERS, TRAUMATIC, ACUTE—DIAGNOSIS Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care LRP-200608-17 STRATEGIC FORCES Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 STROKE—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-22 STRATEGIC FORCES—SOVIET UNION Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972 STRYKER BRIGADE COMBAT TEAMS—EVALUATION—CASE STUDIES Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq MG-593 RP-1260 STRATEGIC MATERIALS New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness STRATEGIC MATERIALS—PLANNING— EVALUATION New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness WR-455 STUDENTS Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales WR-501 WR-455 STRATEGIC PLANNING Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities RGSD-219 Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments TR-392 Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies MG-538 STRATEGIC WEAPONS SYSTEMS—SOVIET UNION Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972 RP-1260 STRATEGY Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 Strategy in the Missile Age CB-137-1 STREET DRUGS—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets LRP-200709-13 STREET DRUGS—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? LRP-200701-11 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets LRP-200709-13 STREET FIGHTING (MILITARY SCIENCE) “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq MG-428/2 STRESS (PSYCHOLOGY) Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military MG-599 STRESS (PSYCHOLOGY)—UNITED STATES—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective LRP-200708-17 STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC—DIAGNOSIS Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC—EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC—PSYCHOLOGY Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care LRP-200608-17 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire LRP-200704-14 STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC—THERAPY Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers STUDENTS WITH SOCIAL DISABILITIES—SERVICES FOR State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 STUDENTS—ATTITUDES Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention RGSD-218 STUDENTS—PSYCHOLOGY Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes LRP-200704-08 SUBACUTE CARE—ECONOMICS Access to Postacute Rehabilitation LRP-200711-01 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTERS Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs LRP-200712-06 SUBSTANCE ABUSE, INTRAVENOUS HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates LRP-200700-17 SUBSTANCE ABUSE, INTRAVENOUS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis LRP-200709-06 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California LRP-200705-13 SUBSTANCE ABUSE, INTRAVENOUS—REHABILITATION Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users LRP-200704-07 SUBSTANCE ABUSE—PREVENTION Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving Results-Based Accountability TR-101/2 SUBSTANCE ABUSE—PREVENTION & CONTROL Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving Results-Based Accountability TR-101/2 SUBSTANCE ABUSE—TREATMENT Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot LRP-200612-40 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29 LRP-200703-01 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program LRP-200702-05 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons 142 with Co-Occurring Disorders LRP-200707-05 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—ECONOMICS Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research LRP-200709-02 Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? LRP-200701-11 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—EPIDEMIOLOGY “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200704-10 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200709-05 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care LRP-200500-20 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, StressBuffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders LRP-200711-17 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—ETHNOLOGY Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes LRP-200710-50 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—PREVENTION & CONTROL Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use LRP-200709-01 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth LRP-200712-10 School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus LRP-200708-03 Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2 OP-172 SUICIDE BOMBERS (TERRORISTS) Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians LRP-200700-22 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers LRP-200706-30 SUICIDE BOMBINGS Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians LRP-200700-22 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers LRP-200706-30 SUICIDE, ATTEMPTED—PREVENTION & CONTROL Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program LRP-200710-08 SURGICAL PROCEDURES, OPERATIVE Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-36 SURVEYS—METHODOLOGY—COMPUTER PROGRAMS Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-506 Use of a Web-Based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample LRP-200712-19 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—PSYCHOLOGY Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users LRP-200612-38 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce LRP-200705-02 SURVEYS—STATISTICAL METHODS Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report TR-475 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—REHABILITATION Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research LRP-200709-02 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? LRP-200707-08 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment LRP-200707-03 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care LRP-200705-27 SURVIVORS—PSYCHOLOGY Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis LRP-200711-27 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—REHABILITATION— CALIFORNIA An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS—THERAPY Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring LRP-200705-19 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment RP-1259 Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care LRP-200703-02 SUBURETHRAL SLINGS The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 SUBURETHRAL SLINGS—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for SURVEYS—STATISTICAL METHODS—HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006 TR-475/1 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Perennial Polyculture Farming: Seeds of Another Agricultural Revolution? OP-179 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT—GREAT BRITAIN Accounting for the Future: International Examples TR-444 SWEDEN—POPULATION Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data LRP-200707-13 SYRINGES—SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP Client-Level Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users LRP-200704-07 SYSTEM ANALYSIS A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience LRP-200600-15 TACTICS Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues MG-646 TAI JI—METHOD A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches 143 LRP-200703-11 TAIWAN—FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS—CHINA Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 TAIWAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 TAIWAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS—CHINA U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status MG-567 LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies RGSD-210 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER—CHINA Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use MG-507 TALIBAN—AFGHANISTAN Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War CT-271 The State of the Afghan Insurgency CT-296 TECHNOLOGY —SOCIAL ASPECTS Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 TAMOXIFEN—THERAPEUTIC USE Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting Long-Term Adherence to Tamoxifen Use LRP-200705-03 TEENAGERS WITH SOCIAL DISABILITIES—ATTITUDES Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement RP-1266 Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models WR-471 TEENAGERS—ALCOHOL USE—PREVENTION Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results TR-403 TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS—LONGITUDINAL STUDIES Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment LRP-200706-20 TEACHERS—EVALUATION The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures LRP-200703-30 TEACHERS—RATING OF—FLORIDA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues WR-508 TEACHERS—RATING OF—MEXICO Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial” TR-458 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico MG-471/1 TEACHERS—RATING OF—UNITED STATES State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 TEACHERS—SALARIES, ETC.—FLORIDA Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues WR-508 TEACHERS—TRAINING OF State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 TECHNICAL EDUCATION Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology CF-235 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units WR-458 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS— MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 TECHNOLOGY AND STATE The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society TEENAGERS—ATTITUDES Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs TR-488 TEENAGERS—SUBSTANCE USE—CALIFORNIA An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles LRP-200300-17 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS—UNITED STATES Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units WR-458 TELEMEDICINE—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management LRP-200712-17 TELEVISION Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior RP-1312 TENSION-TYPE HEADACHE—THERAPY A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches LRP-200703-11 TERMINAL CARE Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 TERMINAL CARE—ECONOMICS Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents LRP-200703-14 TERMINAL CARE—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die LRP-200703-27 TERMINAL CARE—STANDARDS Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-34 A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes LRP-200710-06 TERMINALLY ILL Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die LRP-200703-27 TERRORISM Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians LRP-200700-22 Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences MG-483 George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of 144 Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences WR-477 On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict LRP-200612-42 Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies MG-485 Understanding Terrorist Ideology CT-283 TERRORISM INSURANCE RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 TERRORISM INSURANCE—GOVERNMENT POLICY The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World MG-679 TERRORISM RISK ASSESSMENT Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection TR-386 TERRORISM VICTIMS’ FAMILIES The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 TERRORISM VICTIMS’ FAMILIES—POLITICAL ACTIVITY The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 TERRORISM—CASE STUDIES Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 TERRORISM—COMPUTER NETWORK RESOURCES Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 Parameters WR-490-4 Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences MG-483 Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1 OP-168 Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4 OP-185 Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center CT-291 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons MG-510 Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 2 OP-172 Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection TR-386 Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On CT-292 Understanding Proto-Insurgencies: RAND Counterinsurgency Study— Paper 3 OP-178 Using Risk Analysis to Inform Intelligence Analysis WR-464 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—CASE STUDIES Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks MG-561 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—ENGLAND Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics TR-516 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—EVALUATION Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 TERRORISM—ECONOMIC ASPECTS Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches TR-476 The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World MG-679 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—FINANCE Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security CT-272 TERRORISM—GOVERNMENT POLICY Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 TERRORISM—GOVERNMENT POLICY—EUROPE Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 TERRORISM—PREVENTION Assessing the Benefits of Homeland Security Efforts Deployed Against a Dynamic Terrorist Threat WR-465 Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1 MG-595/1 The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats LRP-200703-24 Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism CT-285 Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches TR-476 Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the TERRORISM—PREVENTION—GOVERNMENT POLICY RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007 CP-22-0704 The Strategic Challenge of Border Security CT-275 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—RESEARCH Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection TR-386 Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment WR-487 TERRORISM—PREVENTION—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum CT-294/1 TERRORISM—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters WR-490-4 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers LRP-200706-30 Understanding Terrorist Ideology CT-283 The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 TERRORISM—RELIGIOUS ASPECTS—ISLAM George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of 145 Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007) CF-229 TERRORISM—RISK ASSESSMENT Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches TR-476 Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security CT-272 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results DB-525 Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment WR-487 Using Risk Analysis to Inform Intelligence Analysis WR-464 TERRORISM—RISK ASSESSMENT—ISRAEL How Does Terrorism Risk Vary Across Space and Time? An Analysis Based on the Israeli Experience LRP-200704-12 TERRORISM—SAFETY MEASURES Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency TR-493/1 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies TR-493 TERRORISM—SOCIAL ASPECTS Understanding Terrorist Ideology CT-283 TERRORISM—TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations TR-454 Rifling Through the Terrorists’ Arsenal: Exploring Groups’ Weapon Choices and Technology Strategies WR-533 Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies MG-485 Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups Threat: Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption RP-1248 Parameters WR-490-4 TERRORISTS—SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers LRP-200706-30 TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS—ETIOLOGY Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI) LRP-200707-10 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients LRP-200706-17 THERAPEUTICS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Testicular Cancer LRP-200700-13 THERAPEUTICS—STANDARDS U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems LRP-200709-07 THINKING Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm LRP-200712-05 TIME AND MOTION STUDIES Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management LRP-200712-17 TIME MANAGEMENT Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socio-Economic Status and Health WR-463 TERRORISM—UNITED STATES—PREVENTION RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007 CP-22-0708 Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups Threat: Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption RP-1248 Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment WR-487 TIME MANAGEMENT SURVEYS Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socio-Economic Status and Health WR-463 TERRORISTS Assessing the Benefits of Homeland Security Efforts Deployed Against a Dynamic Terrorist Threat WR-465 Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment CT-278-1 Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences MG-483 Understanding Terrorist Ideology CT-283 TOBACCO HABIT Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting LRP-200702-10 TERRORISTS—DECISION MAKING Rifling Through the Terrorists’ Arsenal: Exploring Groups’ Weapon Choices and Technology Strategies WR-533 TOBACCO INDUSTRY—LEGISLATION & JURISPRUDENCE— ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 TERRORISTS—PSYCHOLOGY Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the TIME MANAGEMENT—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers LRP-200710-49 TOBACCO INDUSTRY Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 TOBACCO USE DISORDER—EPIDEMIOLOGY The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use LRP-200711-12 TOBACCO USE DISORDER—PREVENTION & CONTROL— ARKANSAS Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005 TR-397 TOBITS The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective 146 LRP-200701-17 Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos LRP-200711-03 TOMOGRAPHY, X-RAY COMPUTED Kidney Cancer LRP-200700-08 TRANSPORTATION Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation TORT LIABILITY OF INSURANCE COMPANIES Insurance Class Actions in the United States MG-587-1 Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States WR-405 TRANSPORTATION COMMAND—PLANNING Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions DB-516 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT—ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices LRP-200711-05 TRAFFIC ESTIMATION—GREAT BRITAIN—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TRAFFIC ESTIMATION—NETHERLANDS Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands LRP-200707-07 TRAFFIC ESTIMATION—NETHERLANDS—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TRAFFIC FLOW—GREAT BRITAIN Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 TRAFFIC FLOW—NETHERLANDS Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 TRAFFIC PREFERENCES—GREAT BRITAIN Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 TRAFFIC PREFERENCES—GREAT BRITAIN—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TRAFFIC PREFERENCES—NETHERLANDS Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands LRP-200707-09 TRAFFIC PREFERENCES—NETHERLANDS—MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? OP-189 TRAFFIC SAFETY—EVALUATION Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? OP-189 TRAFFIC SAFETY—STUDY AND TEACHING—EVALUATION Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers TR-450 TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS Incorporating Traffic Enforcement Racial Profiling Analyses into Police Department Early Intervention Systems RGSD-211 TRANSFER PRICING Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program MG-355 TRANSLATING Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: CF-228 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT—NETHERLANDS Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands LRP-200707-07 TRANSPORTATION, MILITARY Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions DB-516 Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain DB-515 TRANSPORTATION—CANADA Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation CF-228 TRANSPORTATION—EFFECT OF TERRORISM ON Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 TRANSPORTATION—ENGLAND—WEST MIDLANDS The PRISM Model: Evidence on Model Hierarchy and Parameter Values TR-280 TRANSPORTATION—FINANCE Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World CT-274 TRANSPORTATION—NETHERLANDS—COSTS The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results LRP-200711-21 TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY MEASURES Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security TR-360 TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY MEASURES—ENGLAND Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics TR-516 TRANSPORTATION—TAXATION Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World CT-274 TRAVEL TIME (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING)—GREAT BRITAIN— MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TRAVEL TIME (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING)—NETHERLANDS— MATHEMATICAL MODELS On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems LRP-200711-22 TREATMENT OUTCOME Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes LRP-200710-50 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial LRP-200700-18 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence LRP-200712-15 Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary LRP-200701-21 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment LRP-200702-04 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment RP-1259 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI) LRP-200707-10 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health 147 Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II LRP-200703-25 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index LRP-200708-02 Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens LRP-200706-29 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients LRP-200706-17 TRIAGE—STANDARDS Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 TRUCKS—FUEL SYSTEMS—COST EFFECTIVENESS The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks WR-537 TRUST Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event LRP-200704-20 TRUST—PSYCHOLOGY “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees LRP-200705-20 TsK KPSS. POLITBURO The Operational Code of the Politburo CB-104-1 TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY—FORECASTS The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications LRP-200705-28 UKRAINE—COMMERCE Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine MG-673 UKRAINE—FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine MG-673 UKRAINE—SOCIAL POLICY Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine RGSD-221 UNCERTAINTY Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands LRP-200707-07 UNEMPLOYMENT—GULF STATES Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina WR-525 UNIFIED OPERATIONS (MILITARY SCIENCE) Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare MG-655 Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation MG-607 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era MG-405-1 Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary MG-405/1 Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base MG-649 UNIFIED OPERATIONS (MILITARY SCIENCE)—PLANNING “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq MG-428/2 UNITED NATIONS—ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 UNITED NATIONS—MILITARY POLICY The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping CT-284 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2007 CP-521-1007 UNITED NATIONS—PEACEKEEPING FORCES The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping CT-284 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2007 CP-521-1007 UNITED NATIONS—TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building MG-557 UNITED STATES Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups LRP-200706-01 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls LRP-200708-09 Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness LRP-200704-22 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I RP-1309 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys LRP-200711-06 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy LRP-200701-16 Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video CF-239 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample LRP-200702-06 International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis LRP-200712-03 Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas LRP-200704-09 Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health LRP-200707-04 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending LRP-200709-12 Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States LRP-200709-14 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care LRP-200710-09 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment LRP-200711-07 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality LRP-200710-42 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States LRP-200710-41 Quality of Children’s Health Care CF-243 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes LRP-200612-41 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals LRP-200706-14 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States LRP-200700-15 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss LRP-200704-16 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? LRP-200705-11 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets LRP-200709-13 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. Fifth-Graders LRP-200705-07 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences 148 LRP-200706-02 Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management LRP-200712-17 Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors LRP-200703-23 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program LRP-200705-21 Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study LRP-200705-17 The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance LRP-200710-48 UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND QUALITY Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality WR-522 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation LRP-200712-08 UNITED STATES TRUSTEE PROGRAM Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings MG-586 Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling TR-509 UNITED STATES—BANKRUPTCY ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT OF 2005 The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income TR-483 The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 TR-484 UNITED STATES—NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF 2001 Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States MG-589 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1283 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report RP-1303 UNITED STATES—SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States RGSD-224 UNITED STATES—TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT OF 2002 The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World MG-679 UNITED STATES—ARMED FORCES—PROCUREMENT Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs MG-588 UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES—EVALUATION Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking LRP-200507-21 UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES—GREAT BRITAIN—EVALUATION Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking LRP-200507-21 UNSAFE SEX Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County RP-1325 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use LRP-200712-14 URBAN POPULATION Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas LRP-200704-09 URBAN WARFARE “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq MG-428/2 URBANIZATION Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States RP-1323 URETERAL NEOPLASMS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 URETEROCELE—DIAGNOSIS Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 URETEROCELE—ECONOMICS Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 URETEROCELE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 URETEROCELE—SURGERY Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 URETEROCELE—THERAPY Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 URETHRAL STRICTURE—COMPLICATIONS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 URETHRAL STRICTURE—DIAGNOSIS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 URETHRAL STRICTURE—ECONOMICS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-34 URETHRAL STRICTURE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-34 URETHRAL STRICTURE—ETIOLOGY Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200700-12 URETHRAL STRICTURE—SURGERY Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-34 URETHRAL STRICTURE—THERAPY Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 URINARY BLADDER NEOPLASMS—DIAGNOSIS Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 URINARY BLADDER NEOPLASMS—EPIDEMIOLOGY Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 URINARY BLADDER NEOPLASMS—SECONDARY Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 URINARY BLADDER NEOPLASMS—THERAPY Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200705-36 URINARY BLADDER NEOPLASMS—TREATMENT Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer LRP-200700-07 URINARY INCONTINENCE Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review LRP-200702-07 URINARY INCONTINENCE, STRESS—DIAGNOSIS Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 URINARY INCONTINENCE, STRESS—ETHNOLOGY Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence 149 Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 URINARY INCONTINENCE, STRESS—SURGERY The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence LRP-200712-15 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries LRP-200705-25 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 URINARY INCONTINENCE—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 URINARY INCONTINENCE—SURGERY The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 URINARY INCONTINENCE—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 URINARY ORGANS—DISEASES Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review LRP-200702-07 URINARY RETENTION—DIAGNOSIS Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-24 URODYNAMICS—PHYSIOLOGY The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200710-04 UROLOGIC DISEASES Methods LRP-200700-14 UROLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES, MALE—ECONOMICS Male Urethral Stricture Disease LRP-200705-34 UROLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES—STANDARDS The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence LRP-200704-15 UROLOGY—STATISTICS & NUMERICAL DATA Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 USER-COMPUTER INTERFACE The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics LRP-200707-01 Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 VALUE ADDED—EVALUATION The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures LRP-200703-30 VEGETABLES Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women LRP-200710-46 VENTRICULAR DYSFUNCTION, LEFT—PSYCHOLOGY Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II LRP-200703-25 VESICO-URETERAL REFLUX—DIAGNOSIS Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 VESICO-URETERAL REFLUX—ECONOMICS Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 VESICO-URETERAL REFLUX—EPIDEMIOLOGY Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 VESICO-URETERAL REFLUX—SURGERY Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles LRP-200705-33 VESICO-URETERAL REFLUX—THERAPY Pediatric Urologic Disorders LRP-200700-09 VETERANS—HEALTH AND HYGIENE Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey MG-583 VETERANS—PSYCHOLOGY Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions LRP-200706-31 VICTIMS OF TERRORISM—PSYCHOLOGY The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector OP-180-1 VIOLENCE Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism CT-285 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care LRP-200703-09 UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS—VIROLOGY Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies LRP-200710-01 VIOLENCE—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition RP-1243 Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report TR-368-1 Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report TR-498 UTERINE PROLAPSE—EPIDEMIOLOGY Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty LRP-200710-02 VIOLENCE—CALIFORNIA—OAKLAND Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action TR-546 UZBEKISTAN—FOREIGN RELATIONS Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future CT-282 VIOLENCE—ETHNOLOGY Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence RP-1235 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm LRP-200712-05 UZBEKISTAN—POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future CT-282 VAGINAL SMEARS—ADVERSE EFFECTS Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of VIOLENCE—PREVENTION & CONTROL The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to 150 Dating Violence RP-1235 Uncertainty MG-380 VIRAL LOAD Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes LRP-200702-09 WATER CONSERVATION—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in Commercial Buildings TR-461 VISION DISORDERS—PSYCHOLOGY Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life LRP-200706-16 WATER EFFICIENCY—ECONOMIC ASPECTS—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in Commercial Buildings TR-461 VISION DISORDERS—THERAPY Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders LRP-200710-20 VISUAL FIELDS Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life LRP-200706-16 VOTING The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences WR-477 VULNERABLE POPULATIONS Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders LRP-200706-10 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury LRP-200708-19 VULNERABLE POPULATIONS—PSYCHOLOGY Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina LRP-200704-19 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care LRP-200706-03 WAGES—MEN Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 WAGES—WOMEN Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women WR-482-1 WALKING Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas LRP-200704-09 WAR AND FAMILY Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military MG-599 WAR CRIME TRIALS From the Outside In: Shaping the International Criminal Court RGSD-217 WAR ON TERRORISM, 2001Basic Principles for Homeland Security CT-270 Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism LRP-200700-02 WAR ON TERRORISM, 2001-—TECHNOLOGY Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies MG-481 WAR—MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies LRP-200700-19 WAR—PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation MG-607 WAR—PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT—CALIFORNIA A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 WATER USE—CALIFORNIA A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 WATER USE—ECONOMETRIC MODELS Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in Commercial Buildings TR-461 WATER-SUPPLY—CALIFORNIA—MANAGEMENT A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios RP-1244 WEALTH Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up Costs WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs LRP-200706-23 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise LRP-200712-12 WEAPON SYSTEMS—COSTS Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs MG-588 WEAPONS SYSTEMS Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs DB-528 Rifling Through the Terrorists’ Arsenal: Exploring Groups’ Weapon Choices and Technology Strategies WR-533 Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons MG-510 WEAPONS SYSTEMS—COSTS—HISTORY Beginning of Military Cost Analysis, 1950–1961 LRP-197901-01 WEAPONS SYSTEMS—FINANCE Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates TR-418 WELFARE RECIPIENTS—CALIFORNIA Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction WR-532 WHITES Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002 WR-497 WIND DAMAGE Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward OP-190 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units WR-458 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist 151 Organizations TR-454 21st Century Work WOMEN AND THE MILITARY Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women MG-590-1 WOMEN IN COMBAT Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women MG-590-1 WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT—AFGHANISTAN Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan RP-1291 WOMEN SOLDIERS Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women MG-590-1 WOMEN’S HEALTH SERVICES—ECONOMICS Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States LRP-200709-14 WOMEN, BLACK—ATTITUDES The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000 WR-530 WOMEN, WHITE—ATTITUDES The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000 WR-530 WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting TR-442 WOMEN—AFGHANISTAN—ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan RP-1291 WOMEN—AFGHANISTAN—SOCIAL CONDITIONS Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan RP-1291 WOMEN—EDUCATION The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000 WR-530 WOMEN—GOVERNMENT POLICY Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan RP-1291 WOMEN—MORTALITY—EUROPE Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior WR-498 WOMEN—SOCIAL CONDITIONS The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000 WR-530 WORK ENVIRONMENT Forces Shaping the Future U.S. Workforce and Workplace: Implications for 21st Century Work CT-273 WORK SHARING The Myth of Worksharing LRP-200406-25 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION—CALIFORNIA—COSTS Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits WR-512 WORKPLACE Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach LRP-200706-22 WORK—FORECASTING Forces Shaping the Future U.S. Workforce and Workplace: Implications for CT-273 WORLD POLITICS A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq MG-499 WORLD WAR, 1939–1945—CAUSES The Road to Total War CB-408 WORLD WIDE WEB Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-506 YOUTH AND VIOLENCE—CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project RP-1308 YOUTH—ALCOHOL USE—PREVENTION Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results TR-403 ZINC—BLOOD Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of Free-Living Chilean Elderly Adults LRP-200711-09 152 TITLE INDEX ACOVE-3 Rejected Quality Indicators. WR-515/1 Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. MG-597-AF Accelerating the Adoption of Clinical IT Among the Healthcare Providers in US: Strategies & Policies. RGSD-214 Access to Postacute Rehabilitation. LRP-200711-01 Stores and Bars in Urban Neighborhoods in the United States. RP-1323 Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. TR-419-OSD Altruism Revisited: Comparison of Medical, Law and Business Students’ Altruistic Attitudes. LRP-200704-08 Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Progress Toward Implementation. RB-9303 America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty. MG-380-OSD Accounting for the Future: International Examples. America’s Security Challenges Require a New Division of Labor Among the Armed Forces. RB-210-AF TR-444-NAO Acculturation End-of-Life Decision Making: Comparison of Japanese and Japanese-American Focus Groups. LRP-200706-01 Acculturation and Parent-Adolescent Communication About Sex in Filipino-American Families: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study. LRP-200706-09 Accuracy of Medicare Claims Data in Identifying Parkinsonism Cases: Comparison with the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. LRP-200703-26 Active Parental Consent for a School-Based Community Violence Screening: Comparing Distribution Methods. LRP-200703-03 Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past: Towards a Robust Strategy for Digital Archiving and Preservation. TR-510-KB Adolescent Participation in Preventive Health Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Nutrition: Differences Across Immigrant Generations for Asians and Latinos Compared with Whites. LRP-200702-11 Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages: A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs. TR-488-ACF Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative. MG-545-AF Age and Gender Differences in Medicare Expenditures at the End of Life for Colorectal Cancer Decedents. LRP-200703-14 Agents of Influence: Assessing the Role of Chinese Foreign Policy Research Organizations After the 16th Party Congress. LRP-200400-25 Agrarian Households in Semi-Arid Tropics: Evaluating Policy Options. RGSD-216 Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. MG-540-AF Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations. MG-565-AF Alcohol Outlets and Problem Drinking Among Adults in California. LRP-200711-10 Alcohol and Environmental Justice: The Density of Liquor American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds. RP-1261 Analysis of Racial Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop, Question, and Frisk Practices. TR-534-NYPD Analysis, Analysis Practices, and Implications for Modeling and Simulation. OP-176-OSD Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). MG-559/1-AF Anatomy of an Insurance Class Action. RB-9249-ICJ Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Cardiovascular Morbidity in Men with Prostate Cancer. LRP-200710-07 Appendix to Application of ACOVE-3 QIs to Patients with AD and PP (Appendices 1 & 2 and Figures 1 & 2 ) Indicators. WR-515/2 Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis. LRP-200710-38 Applying Madison Avenue Principles and Recent Operational Experience to Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations. RB-9268-JFCOM An Approach to Assessing the Technical Feasibility and Market Potential of a New Automotive Device. TR-313-STWA The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State MG-327-1-GG Are ‘Webographic’ or Attitudinal Questions Useful for Adjusting Estimates from Web Surveys Using Propensity Scoring? WR-506 Are Adolescent Substance Users Less Satisfied with Life as Young Adults and if So, Why? LRP-200703-04 Are Prisoner Characteristics Associated with Therapeutic Community Treatment Process? LRP-200703-19 Are Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion Associated with Racial Differences in Treatment Modality Entry? Comparison of Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment in Los Angeles County, 1998 to 2000. LRP-200711-02 Arms Control and CSBMs in a Korean Peace Regime: A U.S. 153 Perspective. LRP-200606-23 Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability. MG-477-WPF Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics. CB-410 Asian Americans in Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: Service Needs, Utilization, and Outcomes. LRP-200710-50 Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators. LRP-200710-39 Assessing Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges. LRP-200704-05 Assessing the Army’s Assignment Policy for Women. RB-9252-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. MG-590-1-OSD The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: Evaluation of the Effects of Using IRS Expense Standards to Calculate a Debtor’s Monthly Disposable Income. TR-483-EOUST Basic Principles for Homeland Security. CT-270 Bayesian Estimation of Hispanic Fertility Hazards from Survey and Population Data. WR-496 Bayesian Methods for Scalable Multivariate Value-Added Assessment. LRP-200706-20 Bayesian Variable Selection for Longitudinal Substance Abuse Treatment Data Subject to Informative Censoring. LRP-200705-19 The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. MG-557-SRF Beginning of Military Cost Analysis, 1950–1961. LRP-197901-01 Assessing the Benefits of Homeland Security Efforts Deployed Against a Dynamic Terrorist Threat. WR-465-DHS Behavior Therapy for Depression in Drug Dependence (BTDD): Results of a Stage Ia Therapy Development Pilot. Assessing the Diffusion of Safe Practices in the U.S. Health Care System: Interim Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. WR-522-AHRQ Behavioral Health Parity: Consequences for Federal Employee Health Plans. RB-9254 Assessment of American College of Rheumatology Quality Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Pre-Quality Criteria Patient Cohort. LRP-200706-15 Assessment of Prognosis with the Total Illness Burden Index for Prostate Cancer: Aiding Clinicians in Treatment Choice. LRP-200705-04 LRP-200612-40 Behavioral and Economic Perspectives in Drug Abuse Research. LRP-200709-02 Benefits and Barriers: Using and Sharing Geospatial Information in the Department of Defense. RB-9282-OSD The Benefits and Costs of New Fuels and Engines for Cars and Light Trucks. WR-537-PRGS Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Focus on Implementation and Dissemination Evaluation Report III (2004–2005). TR-508-AHRQ Better Coordination Is Needed to Manage the Enlisted Force in the U.S. Air Force. RB-220-AF Assessment of the AHRQ Patient Safety Initiative: Moving from Research to Practice Evaluation Report II (2003–2004). Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1995–2004. WR-368-DH TR-463-AHRQ Beyond the Gas Tax: Alternatives for a Greener World. CT-274 Association of Sexual Abstinence in Adolescence with Mental Health in Adulthood. LRP-200708-14 Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications of Health Research in England, 1997–2003: Theme Specific HCPs in England. WR-509-DH Associations Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Illness in Primary Care. LRP-200608-17 Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise. RB-9279 The Associations of Gender, Sexual Identity and Competing Needs with Healthcare Utilization Among People with HIV/ AIDS. LRP-200704-27 Bladder and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer. Availability of High School Extracurricular Sports Programs and High-Risk Behaviors. LRP-200703-07 Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement. WR-196-2 LRP-200700-07 Body Image and Children’s Mental Health Related Behaviors: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. LRP-200701-09 Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. MG-481-DHS The Break the Cycle Evaluation Project. RP-1308 Balancing Participation and Expertise: A Comparison of Locally and Centrally Managed Health Care Quality Improvement Within Primary Care Practices. LRP-200711-05 Breaking Ground: Analysis of the Assessment System and Impact of Mexico’s Teacher Incentive Program “Carrera Magisterial”. Balancing Two Lives: The Relationship of Activation, Pay, and Retention Among U.S. Air Force Reserve Pilots. RGSD-213 Budget Estimating Relationships for Depot-Level Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program. MG-355-AF Banking System Reform in China: The Challenges of Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Economy. OP-194-CAPP Building Integrated Information Systems for Chronic Care: The California Experience. LRP-200600-15 TR-458-SEP 154 Building Moderate Muslim Networks. MG-574-SRF Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. MG-635-A Building a Successful Palestinian State. MG-146-1-DCR Building an Army of Believers: Jihadist Radicalization and Recruitment. CT-278-1 The Built Environment and Collective Efficacy. LRP-200806-01 Business Cycle Comovement and Labor Market Institutions: An Empirical Investigation. WR-511 “But Others Do It!”: Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents? LRP-200704-10 Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21stCentury Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. MG-595/1-OSD Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events? LRP-200708-01 Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help to Offset Population Ageing? An Assessment of the Demographic and Economic Impact of ART in Denmark and UK. LRP-200709-17 Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks? RB-9278-DHS Can a Chronic Care Model Collaborative Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Patients with Diabetes? LRP-200702-16 A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation. MG-563-A Career and Time Management Strategies for Clinical and Health Services Researchers. LRP-200710-49 Carry That Weight: Improving European Strategic Airlift Capabilities. RGSD-219 Certain Competencies May Help Offset Lack of Expertise in Senior Air Force Jobs. RB-235-AF Cognitive Strategies Affecting Recall of Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Men and Women. LRP-200711-13 Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare. MG-655-AF Combining Multiple Indicators of Clinical Quality: An Evaluation of Different Analytic Approaches. LRP-200706-07 Commercial Venues as Supports for Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200708-09 Commercial Wind Insurance in the Gulf States: Developments Since Hurricane Katrina and Challenges Moving Forward. OP-190-ICJ Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. MG-624-AF Community Characteristics Associated with HIV Risk Among Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Multilevel Analysis. LRP-200709-06 Community Policing and Violence Prevention in Oakland: Measure Y in Action. TR-546-BPA A Comparative Evaluation of United Nations Peacekeeping. CT-284 Comparing For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Health Care Providers: A Review of Literature. WR-476-MEDPAC Comparing Perceived and Objectively Measured Access to Recreational Facilities as Predictors of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls. LRP-200705-15 A Comparison of Three Sets of Criteria for Determining the Presence of Differential Item Functioning Using Ordinal Logistic Regression. LRP-200708-10 Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge. DB-517-AF The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy. CB-113-1 The Complexity of Care for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Metrics for Better Understanding Chronic Disease Care. LRP-200701-03 The Changing Relationship Between Education and Marriage in the United States, 1940–2000. WR-530 Complications of Sling Surgery Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. LRP-200703-10 Charter Schools in California. Conceptualizing and Defining Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200704-22 LRP-200700-26 Children of HIV-Infected Parents: Custody Status in a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200709-05 China Could Use “Antiaccess” Strategies to Counter U.S. Military Superiority. RB-213-AF Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use. MG-507-OSD Chronic Conditions and the Decline in Late-Life Disability. LRP-200708-18 The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? MG-379-A Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. MG-583-OSD Confronting the Challenges of Student Engagement: A Case Study of a School-Based Intervention. RGSD-218 Congestive Heart Failure Disease Management in MedicareManaged Care. LRP-200712-18 Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare. CB-407 Constraints on JP-900 Jet Fuel Production Concepts. TR-465-AF Consumer-Directed Health Care: Early Evidence Shows Lower Costs, Mixed Effects on Quality of Care. RB-9234 Consumer-Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: 155 Have They Worked for Small Businesses? WR-520-EMKF The Container Security Initiative and Ocean Container Threats. LRP-200703-24 Contingencies for Change in Complacent Smokers. LRP-200706-21 The Cumulative Effects of Quality Improvement for Depression on Outcome Disparities over 9 Years: Results from a Randomized, Controlled Group-Level Trial. LRP-200711-15 Daily Smoking Patterns, Their Determinants, and Implications for Quitting. LRP-200702-10 Defining Corporate Culture: How Social Scientists Define Culture, Values and Tradeoffs Among Them. WR-499-ICJ Contribution of Public Parks to Physical Activity. LRP-200703-08 Controlling for Individual Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Models, with Applications to Student Achievement. RP-1266 Defining the Role of a National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism. CT-285 Controlling for Student Heterogeneity in Longitudinal Achievement Models. WR-471-IES A Description and Analysis of Evolving Data Resources on Small Business. WR-293-1-ICJ Coping with Iran: Confrontation, Containment, or Engagement? A Conference Report. CF-237-NSRD Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) Study: Innovations in Collaborative Care for Anxiety Disorders. LRP-200709-15 Correlated Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V. I. RP-1309 Correlates of “Non-Problematic” and “Problematic” Substance Use Among Depressed Adolescents in Primary Care. LRP-200500-20 The Cost of Producing New Airmen Can Be Reduced with a Better Mixture of On-the-Job Training and Schoolhouse Courses. RB-229-AF The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions. MG-598-OSD Cost-Effectiveness of Peginterferon Alpha-2a Compared with Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with HBe-AntigenPositive Chronic Hepatitis B in the United Kingdom. LRP-200708-04 Cost-Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Programs for Patients with Subthreshold Depression or Depressive Disorder. RP-1297 Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland. RP-1247 Counterinsurgency Operations May Require Modernization of the U.S. Airlift Fleet. RB-227-AF Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). MG-551-JFCOM Creating the Evidence Base for the MLA Partnership. LRP-200600-22 Crecimiento En Peso Y Longitud De Los Niänos Menores De Dos Aänos Atendidos En El IMSS = Growth in Weight and Height in Children Less Than Two Years Old in the IMSS LRP-200701-18 The Criminal Purchase of Firearm Ammunition. RP-1243 Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns Among Older Americans and Europeans. LRP-200700-24 Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Applying Financial Portfolio Theory to Model the Organization of the Self-Concept. LRP-200704-13 Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. LRP-200705-32 Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. TR-209-QF Designing and Conducting Tabletop Exercises to Assess Public Health Preparedness for Manmade and Naturally Occurring Biological Threats. RP-1273 Developing Quality Indicators for the Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Prehospital Atraumatic Cardiac Arrest. LRP-200710-47 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats. CT-294 Developing Robust Border Security Technologies to Protect Against Diverse and Adaptive Threats: Addendum. CT-294/1 Developing Tailored Supply Strategies. MG-572-AF Developing Transport Demand Models: State-of-Practice Tools to Enable Detailed Assessment of Transport Policy. RB-9250-RE Developing a Safety Net for Ukraine. RGSD-221 Developing a Spanish-Language Consumer Report for CAHPSª) Health Plan Surveys. LRP-200711-06 Developing a Standard Update Process for the Army’s Annual MOS Availability Factors (AMAFs). DB-506-A Development of a Preliminary Scleroderma Gastrointestinal Tract 1.0 Quality of Life Instrument. LRP-200709-16 Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. LRP-200711-11 Did the Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System Result in Changes in Relative Patient Severity and Relative Resource Use? LRP-200702-01 Differences in HIV Care Between Patients with and Without Severe Mental Illness. LRP-200705-10 Differential Diffusion of HIV Technologies by Gender: The Case of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. LRP-200706-19 Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries by Dual Eligible Status: 156 California, 1996–2001. LRP-200706-24 Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. LRP-200704-19 A Discrete Time Hazards Model of Smoking Initiation Among West Coast Youth from Age 5 to 23. LRP-200701-12 Disenrollment Information and Medicare Plan Choice: Is More Information Better? LRP-200703-22 Diversity Versus Unity: Does Making Things Count Mean Making Everything Count? LRP-200706-28 Do Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Justify the Costs? Empirical Evidence in the Case of Small Firms. RB-9295-EMKF Do Elderly Men Respond to Taxes on Earnings? Evidence from the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test. WR-223-1 Do NYPD’s Pedestrian Stop Data Indicate Racial Bias? RB-9325 TR-538-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP The Economic Impact of Capitated Care for High Utilizers of Public Mental Health Services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS Program Experience. RP-1287 Economically Targeted Terrorism: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Considering Defensive Approaches. TR-476-CTRMP Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. MG-548/1-QATAR Efecto Del Consumo De Un Complemento Alimentario En La Concentraciâon Plasmâatica De Cinc En Adultos Mayores Residentes En Santiago De Chile = Effect of the Consumption of a Food Supplement on Plasma Zinc Concentrations of FreeLiving Chilean Elderly Adults. LRP-200711-09 Do Policies That Target Physicians Who Make Medical Malpractice Payments Reduce Negligent Injuries? RB-9280 The Effect of Adherence to Practice Guidelines on Depression Outcomes. LRP-200709-04 Do Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Affect Student Achievement? RB-9273 The Effect of Age on Outcomes of Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200712-15 Do the Owners of Small Law Firms Benefit from Limited Liability? WR-403-ICJ Effect of Complications on Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: Evidence from New York State. Does Ambulatory Process of Care Predict Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Disease? LRP-200702-14 Does Buying the F-22A under a Multiyear Contract Save Money ? RB-9274-OSD Does Concordance Between Data Sources Vary by Medical Organization Type? LRP-200706-36 Does Occasional Cannabis Use Impact Anxiety and Depression Treatment Outcomes? Results from a Randomized Effectiveness Trial. LRP-200700-18 Does Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Differ by Gender for Enrollees in Managed Care Plans? LRP-200705-23 Does Solitary Substance Use Increase Adolescents’ Risk for Poor Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes? A 9-Year Longitudinal Study Comparing Solitary and Social Users. LRP-200612-38 Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use? LRP-200701-11 The Dynamic Retention Model for Air Force Officers: New Estimates and Policy Simulations of the Aviator Continuation Pay Program. TR-470-AF The EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: Second Monitoring Progress Report. TR-474-EC LRP-200707-11 Effect of Content and Format of Prescription Drug Labels on Readability, Understanding, and Medication Use: A Systematic Review. LRP-200705-37 Effect of Disease Management on Prescription Drug Treatment: What Is the Right Quality Measure? LRP-200704-18 The Effect of Erectile Function on the Use of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy in Japanese and U.S. Men. LRP-200805-03 Effect of Mental Health Care and Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction in a Community Sample of Patients with Depression. LRP-200708-13 Effect of Patient Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on the Quality of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy. LRP-200701-16 The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed in the United States and England. WR-528 The Effect of State Cost Containment Strategies on the Insurance Status and Use of Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for HIV Infected People. LRP-200700-21 The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use. LRP-200711-12 Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Its Relationship to Underage Drinking. LRP-200706-08 The Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative on the Quality of Other Aspects of Health Care: The Law of Unintended Consequences? LRP-200701-04 Early Care and Education in the Golden State: Publicly Funded Programs Serving California’s Preschool-Age Children. Effective State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy Forum Video. CF-239-PPN 157 The Effects of Health Sector Market Factors and Vulnerable Group Membership on Access to Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Care. LRP-200706-03 Effects of Interpregnancy Interval and Outcome of the Preceding Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Matlab, Bangladesh. LRP-200709-03 The Effects of Multi-Hospital Systems on Hospital Prices. LRP-200703-05 The Effects of Price Discount and Product Complementarity on Consumer Evaluations of Bundle Components. LRP-200712-01 Costs. WR-500 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-Up Costs. LRP-200706-23 Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. Erectile Dysfunction. LRP-200700-11 LRP-200705-35 Estimating DoD Transportation Spending: Analyses of Contract and Payment Transactions. DB-516-TRANSCOM Estimating the Accident Risk of Older Drivers. TR-450-ICJ Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative. MG-584-AF The Effects of Work-Conditioned Transfers on Marriage and Child Well-Being: A Review. WR-531 Estimating the Global Impact of Improved Diagnostic Tools for the Developing World. RB-9293 The Effects of the Changes in Chapter 7 Debtors’ Lien-Avoidance Rights under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. TR-484-EOUST Ethical Principles in Social-Behavioral Research on Terrorism: Probing the Parameters. WR-490-4-NSF/DOJ Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics: Executive Summary. LRP-200701-21 The Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function in Aging and Dementia: A Systematic Review. LRP-200601-26 The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment. LRP-200702-04 Efforts to Improve Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati . RB-9242-CC Emigration and Schooling Among Second-Generation MexicanAmerican Children. WR-529 Employment and Self-Employment in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina. WR-525 Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine. MG-673-CEIS Ending Afghanistan’s Civil War. CT-271 Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III, Task E: Approaches for Developing a Volunteer Program to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. WR-516-DHHS Enhancing Public Health Preparedness: Exercises, Exemplary Practices, and Lessons Learned, Phase III: Task B2: Final Report Promoting Emergency Preparedness and Readiness for Pandemic Influenza (PREPARE for PI); Pilot Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. WR-491-DHHS Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments. TR-392 Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation. MG-607-JFCOM Ensuring Palliative Medicine Availability: The Development of the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines for Palliative Care. LRP-200705-14 Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints and Start-Up The Ethics of Using Quality Improvement Methods in Health Care. LRP-200705-08 Ethnic Variations in Dementia Caregiving Experiences: Insights from Focus Groups. LRP-200700-23 Evaluating Alternative Organizational Structures to Revitalize the Economy of New Orleans. CT-295 Evaluating Teacher Quality under No Child Left Behind. RB-9287-EDU Evaluating Uncertainty in Cost Estimates: A Practical Guide to Eliciting Expert Judgments. RB-216-AF Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in Commercial Buildings. TR-461-NAT Evaluating the Uptake of the Healthy Life Years Indicator : Final Report. TR-453-EC Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Addendum to the Interim Report. WR-434/1-CMS Evaluation of Severity-Adjusted DRG Systems: Interim Report. WR-434-CMS An Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Juvenile Probationers at Phoenix Academy of Los Angeles. LRP-200300-17 Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. TR-397-ATSC Evidence About the Link Between Education, Poverty and Terrorism Among Palestinians. LRP-200700-22 Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Promises and Problems. LRP-200704-21 Evidence for the Effect of Disease Management: Is $1 Billion a Year a Good Investment? LRP-200712-09 The Evolution of Changes in Primary Care Delivery Underlying the Veterans Health Administration’s Quality Transformation. LRP-200712-08 Examination of the Association Between Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) Dispensation Policy and SEP ClientLevel Syringe Coverage Among Injection Drug Users. 158 Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. LRP-200704-07 Experiences of Social Stigma and Implications for Healthcare Among a Diverse Population of HIV Positive Adults. LRP-200711-19 TR-360-DHS From the Outside In: Shaping the International Criminal Court. RGSD-217 Explaining the Growth of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. LRP-200710-52 Games of Strategy: Theory and Applications. CB-149-1 An Exploratory Study of Mothers’ Perceptions of Acculturation Within the Preschool Context. WR-523 Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Responses to Themes of Relaxation in Cigarette Advertising: Relationship to Intentions to Smoke. LRP-200702-03 Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences. Gender Disparities in Managed Care It’s Time for Action. MG-483-DHS F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. MG-664-OSD LRP-200705-22 Factors Associated with Major Depression Among Mothers in Los Angeles. LRP-200709-11 George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right Book Review LRP-200703-18 Factors Associated with Primary Care Clinicians’ Choice of a Watchful Waiting Approach to Managing Depression. Getting Inside the Black Box: Examining How the Operation of Charter Schools Affects Performance. LRP-200700-27 LRP-200701-10 Getting Inside the Terrorist Mind. RB-9258-DHS Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. MG-527-OSD Getting Services Right for Those Sick Enough to Die. Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military. Getting the Policies Right: The Prioritization and Sequencing of Policies in Post-Conflict Countries. RGSD-222 MG-599-OSD Family History of Premature Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). LRP-200708-16 Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. LRP-200710-45- The Feasibility of Computerized Patient Self-Assessment at Mental Health Clinics. LRP-200707-01 The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. MG-679-CTRMP Finding Candidate Options for Investment: From Building Blocks to Composite Options and Preliminary Screening. TR-501-OSD Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training. MG-555-AF Flexible Substitution Patterns in Models of Mode and Time of Day Choice: New Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands. LRP-200707-09 Forces Shaping the Future U.S. Workforce and Workplace: Implications for 21st Century Work. CT-273 LRP-200703-27 Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving Results-Based Accountability. TR-101/2-CDC The Global Bio/Nano/info Technology, Revolution and the Future of Society. LRP-200712-11 The Global Technology Revolution 2020: Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications. LRP-200705-28 Globalization and Beyond: Keynote Address: 81st Annual Los Angeles World Trade Week Kickoff Breakfast, May 1, 2007. CP-524 A Good Start in Life: Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes at and After Birth. RGSD-220 Green’s Functions for One-Velocity Neutron Transport in a OneDimensional Slab and Sphere. LRP-196409-02 Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample. LRP-200702-06 A Guide to Nation-Building. RB-9241 Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates. TR-418-AF Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Physicians in the Inland Southern California Area. TR-524-UCR HCV and HIV Counseling and Testing Integration in California: An Innovative Approach to Increase HIV Counseling and Testing Rates. LRP-200700-17 Formative Evaluation of Antiretroviral Therapy Scale-Up Efficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa. LRP-200711-16 Habitable Planets for Man. A Framework for Planning Cost-Effective Rail Security Against a Terrorist Attack. RB-9309-NIJ A Framework for Understanding and Comparing 14–19 Education Policies in the United Kingdom. LRP-200700-03 Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data CB-179-1 Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. MG-471/1-EDU Haplotypes in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Influence HighDensity Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statin Therapy and Progression of Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Bypass 159 Grafts. How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. LRP-200702-12 MG-447-A Have Nursing Home Compare Quality Measure Scores Changed over Time in Response to Competition? LRP-200706-27 How Important Is Exact Balance in Treatment and Control Sample Sizes to Evaluations? LRP-200707-08 Heads We Win—the Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN): RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 1. How Neighborhoods Can Reduce the Risk of Obesity . OP-168-OSD RB-9267-HLTH How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. RB-9291 Heads We Win: Improving Cognitive Effectiveness in Counterinsurgency. RB-9244-OSD Health Care Cost Associated with Prostate Cancer, Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Bone Complications. LRP-200710-03- How Taiwan’s Status Is Resolved Will Determine Whether U.S.China Relations Are Cooperative or Hostile. RB-226-AF Hu Jintao as China’s Emerging National Security Leader. LRP-200400-27 Health Care Markets, the Safety Net, and Utilization of Care Among the Uninsured. LRP-200702-13 Human Capital and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers. Health Coverage Options for Military Retirees. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: Availability and Outcomes. LRP-200706-05 Health Disparities and Access to Health. RB-9236-OSD LRP-200703-12 Health Maintenance Organization Penetration and the Practice Location Choices of New Physicians. LRP-199811-07 Health System Reconstruction and Nation-Building. RB-9237 Health-Related Quality of Life Consequences of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results from MADIT II. LRP-200705-30 Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. MG-146/1-1-RC High School Drug Use Predicts Job-Related Outcomes at Age 29. LRP-200703-01 Higher Syringe Coverage Is Associated with Lower Odds of HIV Risk and Does Not Increase Unsafe Syringe Disposal Among Syringe Exchange Program Clients. LRP-200707-02 Historical and Life Course Timing of the Male Mortality Disadvantage in Europe: Epidemiologic Transitions, Evolution, and Behavior. WR-498 Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality After Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California. LRP-200704-04 Hospital Field Manual for the National Hospital Discharge Survey Redesign Pilot Study: November 2006. TR-475/1-HLTH Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. MG-591-NCCAM How Did the Elimination of the Earnings Test Above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Retirement Expectations? WR-478 How Do Teams in Quality Improvement Collaboratives Interact? LRP-200705-01 How Does Terrorism Risk Vary Across Space and Time? An Analysis Based on the Israeli Experience. LRP-200704-12 How Educators in Three States Are Responding to StandardsBased Accountability under No Child Left Behind. RB-9259-NSF LRP-200706-30 Human Papillomavirus Triage of Women with Persistent Borderline or Mildly Dyskaryotic Smears: Comparison of Costs and Side Effects of Three Alternative Strategies. LRP-200710-01 Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations. MG-689-OACP Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. MG-603-A Hypothetical Intertemporal Consumption Choices. LRP-200303-24 IRT Health Outcomes Data Analysis Project: An Overview and Summary. LRP-200708-11 Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings. MG-586-NIJ Identifying Priorities for Post-Secondary Education in Qatar. RB-9276-QATAR Identifying Widely Covered Drugs and Drug Coverage Variation Among Medicare Part D Formularies. LRP-200706-18 Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability. LRP-200709-10 Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. LRP-200702-05 The Impact of Health Insurance Status on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes. WR-505 The Impact of Legalizing Syringe Exchange Programs on Arrests Among Injection Drug Users in California. LRP-200705-13 The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the LifeCourse. LRP-200709-18 The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences. WR-477 Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban AfterSchool Settings on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use. LRP-200709-01 160 Impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York. LRP-200704-24 The Implications of Using US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights for Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation. LRP-200705-31 The Importance of Social Context: Neighborhood Stressors, Stress-Buffering Mechanisms, and Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Disorders. LRP-200711-17 Improved Health Care Among Children with Special Health Care Needs After Enrollment into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. LRP-200701-20 Improved Survival Associated with Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators in Elderly Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction and Depressed Ventricular Function: A MADIT-II Substudy. LRP-200708-07 Improving Global Influenza Surveillance: Strategies for the U. S. Government. WR-470-DHHS Improving Performance for Health Plan Customer Service: A Case Study of a Successful CAHPS Quality Improvement Intervention. WR-517-AHRQ Intensifying Efforts to Reduce Child Malnutrition in India: An Evaluation of the Dular Program in Jharkhand, India. LRP-200709-19 Inter-Vivos Giving over the Lifecycle. WR-524 Interim Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2003–2008: Final Report. TR-460-EC International Alliances and Military Effectiveness: Fighting Alongside Allies and Partners. LRP-200700-16 International Migration Patterns of Physicians to the United States: A Cross-National Panel Analysis. LRP-200712-03 Interpreting Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized After Treatment. LRP-200707-03 Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome. LRP-200700-06 Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations. WR-535 Introduction of Single Farm Payments in Finland and Germany. TR-523-NAO Improving Recruitment and Retention in the New Orleans Police Department. RB-9243-1-RC Introduction to the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators Measurement Set. LRP-200710-40 Improving and Enhancing Telephone-Based Disease Surveillance Systems in Local Health Departments. WR-469-DHHS Iraqi Security Forces: Defining Challenges and Assessing Progress. CT-277 Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program. CT-280 Is Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Businesses Working as Intended? RB-9298-EMKF Improving the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research Program: Addendum. CT-280/1 Is Weapon System Cost Getting Better or Worse? In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business. MG-663-EMKF Incorporating Traffic Enforcement Racial Profiling Analyses into Police Department Early Intervention Systems. RGSD-211 Increases in Morbid Obesity in the USA: 2000–2005. LRP-200707-06 Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long-Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement. LRP-200711-08 Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation. CF-228-ISE Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. MG-553-OSD Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence. LRP-200705-24 Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. MG-588-AF Isles of Scilly Travel Demand Model. RB-9207-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. TR-367-CCC Item Response Theory Analyses of Physical Functioning Items in the Medical Outcomes Study. LRP-200705-16 Job Satisfaction of Nurse Aides in Nursing Homes: Intent to Leave and Turnover. LRP-200704-17 The Just Conduct of War Against Radical Islamic Terror and Insurgencies. LRP-200700-19 Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. TR-439-CSG Kidney Cancer. LRP-200706-33 The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children’s Behavior Problems. The Influence of Staffing Characteristics on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. LRP-200710-05 Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. MG-552-OSD Insurance Class Actions in the United States. RB-236-AF MG-587-1-ICJ Intended and Unintended Consequences: What Should We Really Worry About? LRP-200701-05 WR-489 The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion. TR-416-A Labor Market Status and Transitions During the Pre-Retirement Years: Learning from International Differences. WR-536 Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos. LRP-200711-03 161 Latent Variable Analysis: A New Approach to University Ranking. LRP-200507-21 Latino Teens Talk About Help Seeking and Help Giving in Relation to Dating Violence. RP-1235 Le Travail Independant Passe 50 Ans: Le Role De La Richesse Individuelle Et Des Couts De Creation D’entreprise. LRP-200712-12 Leading the Executive Branch: Strategies and Options for Achieving Success. OP-181-PV/EMR Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era. MG-405-1-AF Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary. MG-405/1-AF Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina for the U.S. Army. RB-9255-A Analysis. OP-206-RC Matching Efficiency and Labour Market Reform in Italy: A Macroeconometric Assessment. LRP-200703-21 Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-Making Styles, Competence, and Outcomes. LRP-200712-13 Measurement Error and Misclassification: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data. LRP-200707-13 Measuring Changes in Client-Level Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community (TC) with the Dimensions of Change Instrument (DCI). LRP-200707-10 Measuring the Quality of Care Provided to Community Dwelling Vulnerable Elders Dually Enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. LRP-200710-51 Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. MG-569-OSD The Lender-Placed Flood Insurance Market for Residential Properties. TR-468-FEMA Measuring the Use of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. RB-9261-SBA Lessons Learned from the State and Local Public Health Response to Hurricane Katrina. WR-473-DHHS Medicaid Under-Reporting in the Current Population Survey and One Approach for a Partial Correction. WR-532 Leveraging Complementary Distribution Channels for an Effective, Efficient Global Supply Chain. DB-515-A Medical Expenditure Risk and Household Portfolio Choice. Liaisons Dangereuses? Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation and the Global War on Terrorism. LRP-200700-02 Meeting Today’s Demands, Shaping Tomorrow’s Choices: Annual Report 2006. AR-7117-A Lifecourse, Immigrant Status and Acculturation in Food Purchasing and Preparation Among Low-Income Mothers. Mental Health Service Use Among Hurricane Katrina Survivors in the Eight Months After the Disaster. LRP-200711-04 LRP-200704-06 Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. MG-528-NAVY Logistics: Supply Based or Distribution Based? RP-1271 The Logsum as an Evaluation Measure: Review of Literature and New Results. LRP-200711-21 A Look Inside the “Doughnut Hole”: How Drug-Benefit Limits Affect Retiree Prescription Use. RB-9285 Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004–2005 Report. TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2005–2006 Report. TR-498-LACPD The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Neighborhood Observations Codebook. WR-325-1 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among People with HIV: Lessons from HCSUS. RB-9300 Merit Pay for Florida Teachers: Design and Implementation Issues. WR-508-FEA A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. MG-532-A A Methodology for Estimating the Impact of Aircraft Carrier Operational Cycles on the Maintenance Industrial Base. TR-480-NAVY Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. TR-459-AF Methods to Develop Arthritis and Osteoporosis Measures: A View from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). LRP-200711-20 Methods. WR-240/13-LAFANS LRP-200700-14 The Los Angeles Neighborhood Services and Characteristics Database: Codebook. WR-240/12-LAFANS Minimally Important Difference in Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the D-Penicillamine Study. LRP-200610-27 Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. MG-529-OSD Misspecification Issues in Risk Adjustment and Construction of Outcome-Based Quality Indicators. LRP-200706-35 Male Infertility. Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing Blackberry Use in Law Enforcement Units. WR-458 LRP-200700-10 Male Urethral Stricture Disease. LRP-200700-12 Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory The Modeling of Motorcycle Ownership and Commuter Usage: 162 A UK Study. LRP-200700-29 Modelling Park-and-Ride: Understanding Multi-Modal Travel. Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. MG-593-OSD A New Analytic Method for Finding Policy-Relevant Scenarios. RB-9289-RE Models of Relief: Learning from Exemplary Practices in International Disaster Management. WR-514 Modernizing the Federal Government: Paying for Performance. OP-213-PV/EMR Money in the Bank—Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 4. OP-185-OSD RP-1244 A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. MG-499-AF New Perspectives on Marijuana and Youth: Abstainers Are Not Maladjusted, but Lone Users Face Difficulties. RB-9265 New Security Challenges: Policy Issues and Analytic Approaches. CP-381-0707- Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India. LRP-200711-14 A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar (Arabic Version) . Motivating Mammography Adherence in Elderly Latinas: A Test of Three Mathematical Models of Decision Making. A New System for K-12 Education in Qatar. RP-1289 Motivations and Attitudes of New Recruits Regarding Remuneration Issues: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. DB-551-MOD A Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Estimate the Role of Program Location and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Racial Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Completion. LRP-200701-01 RB-9248/1-QATAR RB-9248-QATAR A New Tool Can Help Commercial-Building Owners Make Better Water-Efficiency Decisions. RB-9294-NAT A New Tool Forecasts Programmed Depot Maintenance Workloads for Aging Aircraft. RB-219-AF New Tools Can Make Intelligence Collection More Responsive to Time-Sensitive Targets. RB-230-AF New Tools for Assessing State and Local SNS Readiness. WR-455-DHHS Multimorbidity Is Associated with Better Quality of Care Among Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200706-10 The New York City Palliative Care Quality Improvement Collaborative. LRP-200706-26 The Myth of Worksharing. Next Steps for Use of Item Response Theory in the Assessment of Health Outcomes. LRP-200708-20 LRP-200406-25 Nanomaterials in the Workplace: A Summary of the RAND Policy and Planning Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health. CT-269 Nativity and Duration of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Low-Income Postpartum Women. LRP-200710-46 Nature and Causes of Trends in Male Diabetes Prevalence, Undiagnosed Diabetes, and the Socioeconomic Status Health Gradient. LRP-200708-08 Navigating the Information Revolution: Choices for Laggard Countries. RGSD-208 Navy/OSD Collaborative Review of Acquisition Policy for DoD C3I and Weapon Programs. DB-528-NAVY Need for and Use of Family Leave Among Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs. LRP-200705-09 Negotiating with Iran. CT-293 Neighborhood Context and Ethnicity Differences in Body Mass Index: A Multilevel Analysis Using the NHANES III Survey (1988–1994). LRP-200707-14 Neighborhood Design and Walking Trips in Ten U.S. Metropolitan Areas. LRP-200704-09 Noncoverage and Nonresponse in an Internet Survey. LRP-200703-28 Not Shifting but Broadening Marital Research: Comments on Fincham, Stanley, and Beach. LRP-200705-06 Nurse Working Conditions and Patient Safety Outcomes. LRP-200706-06 Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate, and Intent to Leave in ICUs: An Instrumental Variable Approach. LRP-200706-22 Nursing Home Administrators’ Opinions of the Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. LRP-200703-06 Nursing Home Deficiency Citations for Medication Use. LRP-200704-28 Nursing Home Staff Turnover: Impact on Nursing Home Compare Quality Measures. LRP-200710-54 Obesity and Disability: The Shape of Things to Come. RB-9043-1 Obesity and Health in Europeans Ages 50 and Older. LRP-200707-12 On Referral Patterns for Patients with Breast Cancer. LRP-200701-15 Network Technologies for Networked Terrorists: Assessing the Value of Information and Communications Technologies to Modern Terrorist Organizations. TR-454-DHS On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. LRP-200612-42 Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne On the Development of Time Period and Mode Choice Models 163 for Use in Large Scale Modelling Forecasting Systems. LRP-200711-22 The Operational Code of the Politburo. CB-104-1 Pilot Test of Project CHOICE: A Voluntary Afterschool Intervention for Middle School Youth. LRP-200712-10 Planets for Man. CB-183-1 Organizational Culture and Physician Satisfaction with Dimensions of Group Practice. LRP-200706-04 Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense. Outpatient Mental Health Utilization Among Commercially Insured Individuals: In- and Out-of-Network Care. Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati: Year Three Evaluation Report. TR-535-CC LRP-200702-02 Overcoming the “Resource Curse”: Prioritizing Policy Interventions in Countries with Large Extractive Industries. RGSD-215 LRP-196306-02 Polarized Politics and Policy Consequences. OP-197-PV/EMR Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 1, February 2007. CP-521-0207- Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2007. CP-521-0407- Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2007. CP-521-0607- PGMs: Changing Weapon Priorities, New Risks, New Opportunities. LRP-197603-01 Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 4, August 2007. The PRISM Model: Evidence on Model Hierarchy and Parameter Values. TR-280-DFT Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 6, December 2007. CP-521-1207- Partially Capitated Managed Care Versus FFS for Special Needs Children. LRP-200706-25 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development. CT-281 Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquid Development: Addendum. Partners in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Excellence for all Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. Policy Insight. Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2007. Party-Army Relations Since the 16th Party Congress: The Battle of the “Two Centers”? LRP-200400-26 Patient Centered Experiences in Breast Cancer: Predicting LongTerm Adherence to Tamoxifen Use. LRP-200705-03 Pay-for-Performance in California’s Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment System: An Assessment of Options, Challenges and Potential Benefits. WR-512-ICJ Pediatric Urologic Disorders. LRP-200700-09 Pediatricians’ Perspectives Regarding Community Child Health: Training, Involvement, and Expectations According to Age. Policy Issues for Coal-to-Liquids Development. “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. MG-428/2-JFCOM Perennial Cornucopia: Planning the Next Agricultural Revolution . RB-9263-RPC CT-287 CT-279 Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Approach and Analysis. TR-435-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council: A Case Study of the Future of Work Programme, Supporting Data. TR-438-ESRC Post-Katrina Recovery of the Housing Market Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. TR-511-OA/MAR/NAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. MG-644-QATAR Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling. LRP-200711-24 CP-521-1007- CT-281/1 Policy Issues for Oil Shale Development. DB-544-FFE CP-521-0807- TR-509-EOUST Precision of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Data Compared with Other Clinical Measures. LRP-200710-10 Predicting Outcomes of Primary Care Patients with Major Depression: Development of a Depression Prognosis Index. LRP-200708-02 Perennial Polyculture Farming: Seeds of Another Agricultural Revolution? OP-179-RPC Predictors of Timely Follow-Up Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adults After Psychiatric Hospitalization. LRP-200712-07 Perspective on B17–076. Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency. TR-493/1-HS CT-286 Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology. CF-235-OSD Pharmacy Benefit Caps and the Chronically Ill. LRP-200709-08 Physical Functioning and Mental Well-Being in Association with Health Outcome in Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II. LRP-200703-25 Physician Communication When Prescribing New Medications. LRP-200609-22 Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following LargeScale Emergencies. TR-493-HS Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. MG-646-A Prescribing in Primary Care: Understanding What Shapes GPs’ Prescribing Choices and How Might These Be Improved TR-443-NAO Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations with Medication 164 and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health. Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire. LRP-200707-04 LRP-200704-14 Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Medicare Spending. LRP-200709-12 Prevalence of Depression-PTSD Comorbidity: Implications for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Primary Care-Based Interventions. LRP-200706-31 Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. TR-403-SAMHSA Preventive Health Examinations and Preventive Gynecological Examinations in the United States. LRP-200709-14 Price Variation in Markets with Homogeneous Goods: The Case of Medigap. WR-504 Private Firms Working in the Public Interest: Is the Financial Statement Audit Broken? RGSD-212 Private Insurers Play a Limited, but Key, Role in Underwriting Residential Flood Insurance. RB-9270-FEMA Problem Drinking Among Cambodian Refugees in the United States: How Big of a Problem Is It? LRP-200701-13 Problem-Oriented Reporting of CAHPS Consumer Evaluations of Health Care. LRP-200710-09 Processes and Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment Between Two Programs for Clients Insured under Managed Care. LRP-200705-27 Profiles in Problem Solving: 2006 Annual Report. CPU-0-ADM-2006 Programmable Infusion Pumps in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. LRP-200801-07 Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability. MG-519-AF Project CHAT: A Brief Motivational Substance Abuse Intervention for Teens in Primary Care. LRP-200703-02 The Promise of Health Care Cost Containment. LRP-200711-07 The Promise of Preschool for Narrowing Readiness and Achievement Gaps Among California Children. RB-9306-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration of Health-Related Quality of Life Item Banks: Plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). LRP-200705-18 Publicly Funded Early Care and Education Programs for California Preschool-Age Children. RB-9307-PF/WKKF/ PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Putting the Practice into Evidence-Based Dentistry and Health Services Research. LRP-200701-06 Quality Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. LRP-200704-03 Quality Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-30 Quality Indicators for Continuity and Coordination of Care in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-26 Quality Indicators for Falls and Mobility Problems in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-35 Quality Indicators for Hospitalization and Surgery in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-36 Quality Indicators for Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders /|William H. Shrank, Jennifer M. Polinski, and Jerry Avorn. LRP-200710-14 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-17 Quality Indicators for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-34 Quality Indicators for Screening and Prevention in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Breast Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-29 Quality Indicators for the Care of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-28 Quality Indicators for the Care of Colorectal Cancer in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-27 Quality Indicators for the Care of Dementia in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-25 Promoting Accountability in Public Health Emergency Preparedness. RB-9286 Quality Indicators for the Care of Depression in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-32 Prostate Cancer Knowledge Among Low Income Minority Men. Quality Indicators for the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-33 LRP-200705-26 Prostatitis. LRP-200706-34 Protecting Emergency Responders at Large-Scale Incidents: Lessons Learned from the Response to the Attacks on the World Trade Center. CT-291 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hearing Loss in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-31 Quality Indicators for the Care of Hypertension in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-37 Provider Perceptions of Patient Psychosocial Needs After Orofacial Injury. LRP-200708-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Ischemic Heart Disease in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-13 Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emergency Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable 165 Elders. Racial Differences in the Use of Epidural Analgesia for Labor. LRP-200710-15 Quality Indicators for the Care of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-16 LRP-200701-19 Quality Indicators for the Care of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-18 Racial Disparities in Completion Rates from Publicly Funded Alcohol Treatment: Economic Resources Explain More Than Demographics and Addiction Severity. LRP-200704-02 Quality Indicators for the Care of Sleep Disorders in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-21 Racial Disparities in the Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence Among Female Medicare Beneficiaries. Quality Indicators for the Care of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-22 Quality Indicators for the Care of Undernutrition in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-23 Quality Indicators for the Care of Vision Impairment in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-20 Quality Indicators for the Screening and Care of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Elders. LRP-200710-24 Quality by Any Other Name? A Comparison of Three Profiling Systems for Assessing Health Care Quality. LRP-200710-42 The Quality of Ambulatory Care Delivered to Children in the United States. LRP-200710-41 Quality of Care Is Associated with Survival in Vulnerable Older Patients. RP-1282 Quality of Children’s Health Care. CF-243 Quality of Life After Surgery, External Beam Irradiation, or Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer. LRP-200706-11 The Quality of Obstructive Lung Disease Care for Adults in the United States as Measured by Adherence to Recommended Processes. LRP-200612-41 LRP-200705-25 Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation. LRP-200708-15 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Asthma Care. LRP-200711-25 The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism: A Joint Conference by the RAND Corporation and the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2007). CF-229 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches. LRP-200703-11 Rates and Types of Events Reported to Established Incident Reporting Systems in Two US Hospitals. LRP-200706-14 Reactions to Dating Violence Among Latino Teenagers: An Experiment Utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations Paradigm. LRP-200712-05 Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department. MG-585-RC Redesign of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: Conceptual Framework and Feasibility Study: Final Report. TR-475-HLTH Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments. LRP-200703-20 The Quality of Surgical Pathology Care for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy in the U.S. LRP-200706-13 Regulating Older Drivers: Are New Policies Needed? Quantifying Asthma Symptoms in Adults: The Lara Asthma Symptom Scale. LRP-200712-16 Relationship Between Number of Medical Conditions and Quality of Care. LRP-200706-12 Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Natalizumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. LRP-200705-29 Relationship Commitment and Its Implications for Unprotected Sex Among Impoverished Women Living in Shelters and Low-Income Housing in Los Angeles County. RP-1325 RAND Education Informational Brochure. CP-472-0710- RAND National Security Research Division, Annual Report 2006. AR-7121-OSD RAND Project Air Force, Annual Report 2007. AR-7118-AF RAND Proposes Blueprint for Building Moderate Muslim Networks . RB-9251-SRF RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 2007. CP-22-0704 RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2007. RAND Review. Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2007. CP-22-0708 CP-22 (12/07)- RAND/Hartford Initiative to Build Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Research Centers. LRP-200701-08 RFID in the Retail Sector: A Methodology for Analysis of Policy Proposals and Their Implications for Privacy, Economic Efficiency and Security. RGSD-209 OP-189-ICJ Reliability of Reasons for Early Termination of Breastfeeding: Application of a Bivariate Probability Model with Sample Selection to Data from Surveys in Malaysia in 1976–77 and 1988-89. LRP-200603-38 Reliability of a Store Observation Tool in Measuring Availability of Alcohol and Selected Foods. LRP-200711-18 Reliability, Validity, and Minimally Important Differences of the SF-6D in Systemic Sclerosis. LRP-200708-05 Religiosity, Denominational Affiliation, and Sexual Behaviors Among People with HIV in the United States. LRP-200700-15 Remuneration and Its Motivation of Service Personnel: Focus Group Investigation and Analysis. DB-549-MOD Repeated Measures Analyses of Dose Timing of Antiretroviral 166 Medication and Its Relationship to HIV Virologic Outcomes. LRP-200702-09 Research and Development Issues for Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal. CT-289 The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. LRP-200705-12 School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of North Carolina. WR-452-UWA School Finance Systems and Their Responsiveness to Performance Pressures: A Case Study of Texas. WR-453-UWA Responsibility in the Global Information Society: Towards MultiStakeholder Governance. TR-472-BT School-Based Drug Prevention Among At-Risk Adolescents: Effects of ALERT Plus. LRP-200708-03 The Returns from Health Care Efficiency Research in the Netherlands. LRP-200610-24 Schools’ Mental Health Responses After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LRP-200710-12 A Review of Methods to Measure Health-Related Productivity Loss. LRP-200704-16 Search Strategy for ACOVE-3 Literature Reviews. A Review of Potential State and Local Policies to Reduce Asthma Disparities. LRP-200711-23 Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. MR-1118-1-EDU Rifling Through the Terrorists’ Arsenal: Exploring Groups’ Weapon Choices and Technology Strategies. WR-533-RC Risk Informed Resource Allocation at the Department of Homeland Security. CT-272 The Risk-Benefit Balance in the United States: Who Decides? WR-515/3 Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. TR-406-EC The Sensitivity of Value-Added Teacher Effect Estimates to Different Mathematics Achievement Measures. LRP-200703-30 Serving the Underserved: An Evaluation of the First Years of Montgomery Cares. WR-472 Setting the Agenda for an Evidence-Based Olympics. TR-516-RC Setting the Historical Context for Project Restrosight: Initial Draft. WR-466-RS Severity of Visual Field Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life. LRP-200705-11 LRP-200706-16 Risks and Prices: The Role of User Sanctions in Marijuana Markets. LRP-200709-13 Sexual Pleasure and Condom Use. Road Pricing: Predicting the Responses of Drivers to Road Pricing. RB-9288-RE Sexual Risk Among Impoverished Women: Understanding the Role of Housing Status. LRP-200711-26 The Road to Total War. Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. MG-485-DHS CB-408 Robust Decisions and Deep Uncertainty: An Application of Real Options to Public and Private Investment in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies. RGSD-210 The Role of Preoperative Testing on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200710-04 LRP-200712-14- Simulation of Pension Reforms in The Netherlands. LRP-200700-25 The Role of Provider Volume on Outcomes After Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence. LRP-200704-15 A Single Mathematical Model Predicts Physicians’ Recommendations and Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Participate in a Clinical Trial to Prevent Breast Cancer or Coronary Heart Disease. RP-1290 The Role of Public and Private Litigation in the Enforcement of Securities Laws in the United States. RGSD-224 Smoking Rates Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. LRP-200712-06 The Role of Substance Use in Young Adult Divorce. Social Cognitive Processes Mediating the Relationship Between Exposure to Television’s Sexual Content and Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior. RP-1312 LRP-200705-02 The Role of the Bifactor Model in Resolving Dimensionality Issues in Health Outcomes Measures. LRP-200708-12 The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams. CT-290 The SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Factors Were Confirmed in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients. LRP-200701-02 The Sample Selection Model from a Method of Moments Perspective. LRP-200701-17 School Characteristics and Behavior Problems of U.S. FifthGraders. LRP-200705-07 Social Context of Physical Activity and Weight Status in Working-Class Populations. LRP-200710-53 Social Networks and Access to Health Care Among MexicanAmericans. LRP-200710-44 Social and Racial Differences in Selection of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens. LRP-200706-29 Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Discussion of Cancer Screening: “Between-” Versus “Within-” Physician Differences. LRP-200706-02 167 Soviet Strategic Programs and Policies, 1964–1972. RP-1260 Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. MG-518-AF Space Handbook: Astronautics and Its Applications. CB-136-1 Suboptimal Control of Atherosclerotic Disease Risk Factors After Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Procedures. LRP-200703-29 Subspecialty Distributions of Ophthalmologists in the Workforce. RP-1288 Speaking with a Commonality Language: A Lexicon for System and Component Development. TR-481-A Subversion and Insurgency: RAND Counterinsurgency Study— Paper 2. OP-172-OSD Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. MG-538-A MG-589-NSF State Health Insurance Mandates, Consumer Directed Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts: Are They a Panacea for Small Businesses? WR-450-ICJ Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for EvaluatingP otential AirN ationalG uardM ission Assignments. MG-539-AF Survey Instruments: Insurance Class Actions in the United States. WR-405-ICJ State Insurance Mandates and Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Are They Helping Small Business Provide Health Insurance to Employees? RB-9305-EMKF Surviving Colorectal Cancer: Patient-Reported Symptoms 4 Years After Diagnosis. LRP-200711-27 State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. MG-533-ANF/WPF/ Survivors of Violence-Related Facial Injury: Psychiatric Needs and Barriers to Mental Health Care. LRP-200703-09 SDP State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume I—Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. RP-1265 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume II—Teacher Quality under NCLB: Interim Report. RP-1283 State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume III—Accountability under NCLB: Interim Report. RP-1303 The State of the Afghan Insurgency. Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. MG-525-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: New Metrics Show How Investments Affect Operational Performance. RB-228-AF Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining the Ability to Design Nuclear Submarine. RB-9253-NAVY CT-296 States’ Early Experience in Improving Systems-Level Care for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. LRP-200707-05 Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome and Similar Diseases in Women: A Systematic Review. LRP-200702-07 Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. MG-510-DHS A Systematic Review of Measures of End-of-Life Care and Its Outcomes. LRP-200710-06 Stockage Determination Made Easy. A Systematic Review of the Adverse Effects of Prescription Drug Cost Sharing. RB-9283 RP-1272 The Strategic Challenge of Border Security. CT-275 Strategies for Sustaining Arts and Culture in the Metropolis . RB-9217-WPF Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia. MG-592-NSRD A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations. TR-434-AF Teaching Systems-Based Practice to Primary Care Physicians to Foster Routine Implementation of Evidence-Based Depression Care. LRP-200702-15 Strategy in the Missile Age. Stress Crossover in Newlywed Marriage: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective. LRP-200708-17 Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups Threat: Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption. RP-1248 Student Achievement in Privately Managed and DistrictManaged Schools in Philadelphia Since the State Takeover. The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy. LRP-200712-02 CB-137-1 RB-9239-ANF/WPF/SDP Student Retention in Higher Education Courses: International Comparison. TR-482-NAO Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review. TR-410-AF Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. TR-386-DHS Testicular Cancer. LRP-200700-13 Testimony Before the French Paper Commission On. CT-292 Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of 168 Darkness. Understanding Terrorist Ideology. RP-1253 CT-283 Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking. TR-422-AF Understanding the Reporting Practices of CAHPS Sponsors. “They Blew the Levee”: Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees. LRP-200705-20 Ungoverned Territories: A Unique Front in the War on Terrorism. The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment. MG-612-OSD Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. MG-561-AF The Thin Green Line: Buffering the Nation’s Military Bases. RB-9260-OSD LRP-200703-23 RB-233-AF The United States Should Reassess Priorities and Consider Next Steps in Iraq. RB-241-AF Unsolicited Written Comments: An Untapped Data Source. Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions with Expectancy-Violating Partners. LRP-200704-26 LRP-200700-01 The Use of Lottery Systems in School Admissions. WR-460-SUT Time Allocation and Caseload Capacity in Telephone Depression Care Management. LRP-200712-17 Use of Medicare Summary Notice Inserts to Generate Interest in the Medicare Stop Smoking Program. LRP-200705-21 Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socio-Economic Status and Health. WR-463 Use of a Matching Algorithm to Evaluate Hospital Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Performance as an Alternative to Conventional Risk Adjustment. LRP-200704-23 Tracing the Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Population of New Orleans: The Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study. WR-483 Trade-Offs Among Alternative Government Interventions in the Market for Terrorism Insurance: Interim Results. DB-525-CTRMP Transitions to Self-Employment at Older Ages: The Role of Wealth, Health, Health Insurance, and Other Factors. LRP-200704-01 Treatment Choice and Quality of Care for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. LRP-200705-05 Treatment Process in the Therapeutic Community: Associations with Retention and Outcomes Among Adolescent Residential Clients. LRP-200706-17 Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages During a Bioterrorist Event. LRP-200704-20 Twentieth Century U.S. Racial Inequalities in Mortality: Changes in the Average Age of Death and the Variability in the Age of Death for White and Non-White Men and Women, 1900–2002. WR-497 Two Years After Andijan: Assessing the Past and Thinking Towards the Future. CT-282 U.S. Cambodian Refugees’ Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Problems. LRP-200709-07 U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. U.S. Policy Options in the Iraq Crisis. MG-613-AF CT-288 U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status. MG-567-AF Uncertainty in Traffic Forecasts: Literature Review and New Results for the Netherlands. LRP-200707-07 Understanding Proto-Insurgencies: RAND Counterinsurgency Study—Paper 3. OP-178-OSD Use of a Web-Based Convenience Sample to Supplement a Probability Sample. LRP-200712-19 Using Linear Programming to Design Samples for a Complex Survey. TR-441-AF Using Mediators and Moderators to Test Assumptions Underlying Culturally Sensitive Therapies: An Exploratory Example. LRP-200704-25 Using Outcomes to Assess Teen Substance-Use Treatment Programs—How Feasible? RB-9269-CSAT Using Population Segmentation to Provide Better Health Care for All: The “Bridges to Health” Model. LRP-200706-27 Using Probabilistic Terrorism Risk Modeling for Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis: Application to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Implemented in the Land Environment. WR-487-IEC Using Risk Analysis to Inform Intelligence Analysis. WR-464-ISE Using a Knowledge-and-Appraisal Model of Personality Architecture to Understand Consistency and Variability in Smokers’ Self-Efficacy Appraisals in High-Risk Situations. LRP-200703-16 Using the “Getting to Outcomes” Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. RB-9262-SAMHSA The Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Federal Contracting. TR-442-SBA Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales. WR-501 Value-Added Assessment in Practice: Lessons from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System Pilot Project. TR-506-CC Variation in Electronic Prescribing Implementation Among Twelve Ambulatory Practices. LRP-200804-08 169 Variations in Stress Incontinence and Prolapse Management by Surgeon Specialty. LRP-200710-02 Vesicoureteral Reflux and Ureteroceles. LRP-200705-33 The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector. OP-180-1-CTRMP Vignettes and Self-Reports of Work Disability in the United States and the Netherlands. LRP-200703-17 A Vision for the Arts in Los Angeles. CP-522 (4/07) Vitality, Mental Health, and Satisfaction with Information After Breast Cancer. LRP-200704-11 Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. MG-649-NAVY Weekend Schoolyard Accessibility, Physical Activity, and Obesity: The Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG) Study. LRP-200705-17 The Welfare Effects of Public Drug Insurance. LRP-200710-48 What Progress Is Mississippi Making in Rebuilding Its Affordable Housing Stock After Katrina?. RB-9290-OA/ MAR/NAR What Risks Do Older Drivers Pose to Traffic Safety?. RB-9272-ICJ What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. MG-530-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. MG-530/1-A Who Gets Care? Mental Health Service Use Following a SchoolBased Suicide Prevention Program. LRP-200710-08 Who Is Ahead and Who Is Behind? Gaps in School Readiness and Student Achievement in the Early Grades for California’s Children. TR-537-PF/WKKF/PEW/NIEER/WCJVSF/LAUP Whose Responsibility? RP-1321 Why Are Infant and Child Mortality Rates Lower in the MCH-FP Area of Matlab, Bangladesh? LRP-200612-44 Why No Trade-off Between “Guns and Butter”? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960–1993. LRP-200609-20 Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women. WR-482-1 Why Was the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion So Weak? RB-222-AF Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak. MG-544-AF Will My Patient Fall? LRP-200701-07 Women and Human Security: The Case of Post Conflict Afghanistan. RP-1291 Work and Well-Being Among the Self-Employed at Older Ages. LRP-200702-17 Workforce Management Requires an Analysis-Based Approach. RB-215-AF Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. TR-408-AF “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data. MG-566-OSD 170 ABSTRACTS MONOGRAPH/REPORT MR-1118-1-EDU Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools. B. P. Gill, P. M. Timpane, K. E. Ross, D. J. Brewer. 2007. Education vouchers and charter schools are two of the most prominent and far-reaching forms of family-choice policies currently in evidence in the nation’s elementary and secondary schools. As such, they present important challenges to the traditional provision of public education in schools that are created, governed, funded, and operated by state and local authorities. This update of Chapters One and Three of a book originally published in 2001 reviews the theoretical foundations for vouchers and charter schools and the empirical evidence of their effectiveness as set forth in hundreds of recent reports and studies. It incorporates a substantial amount of new evidence on achievement effects, and it also examines the ways in which multiple dimensions of policy design — such as targeting, funding levels and limitations, admissions policies, academic standards and assessments, and accountability — will determine the nature and extent of any specific program’s impact. A comprehensive assessment is made of what is known about the effects of vouchers and charters in terms of not only academic achievement, but also family choice, equitable access, racial/ ethnic integration, and civic socialization. The book discusses the important empirical questions that are as yet unresolved and considers the prospects for answering them in the future. Finally, it explores the details of the design of voucher and charter policies, concluding with recommendations for policymakers who are considering their enactment. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monograph_reports/MR1118–1/ MONOGRAPHS MG-146/1-1-RC Helping a Palestinian State Succeed: Key Findings. S. Simon, C. R. Anthony, G. E. Robinson, D. C. Gompert, J. D. Green, R. E. Hunter, C. R. Neu, K. I. Shine, J. L. Adams, A. K. Afifi, C. Benard, M. Bernstein, D. Brannan, C. R. Cook, K. Crane, R. J. Deckelbaum, K. Fonkych, C. A. Goldman, D. G. Groves, S. G. Jones, K. F. McCarthy, A. Moreen, B. Nichiporuk, K. J. Riley, M. Schoenbaum, A. R. Timilsina, D. R. Suisman. 2007. The United States, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations — along with Israel and the Palestinian Authority — all officially support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. This book summarizes research conducted by the RAND Corporation from September 2002 to September 2004 to develop recommendations, based on rigorous analysis, about steps that Palestinians, Israel, the United States, and the international community could take to promote the success of a new state if it is established. The first study identified the requirements for a successful Palestinian state. The study team surveyed a broad array of political, economic, social, resource, and environmental challenges that a new Palestinian state would face. They also estimated the investment required over the first ten years of statehood to help ensure security, build infrastructure, and facilitate the success of the new state. The second study explored options for addressing the housing, transportation, and related infrastructure needs of a burgeoning Palestinian population. The study explicitly considered issues related to potential immigration to a new Palestinian state of a substantial number of diaspora Palestinian refugees. The research team developed initial cost estimates for implementing their recommendations. The cost estimates developed in these studies suggest that the funding necessary to implement RAND’s recommendations is within the capacity of combined international resources and private investors. RAND’s analyses assume a peace accord, but many of the recommendations in both studies could be implemented constructively prior to Palestinian independence. Readers in search of more information should consult the respective volumes: The RAND Palestinian State Study Team, Building a Successful Palestinian State, Santa Monica, Calif.: The RAND Corporation, MG-146–1-DCR, 2007; and Doug Suisman, Steven N. Simon, Glenn E. Robinson, C. Ross Anthony, and Michael Schoenbaum, The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, MG-327-1-GG, 2007. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG146.1-1/ MG-327-1-GG The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State|. D. R. Suisman, S. Simon, G. E. Robinson, C. R. Anthony, M. Schoenbaum. 2007. An exploration of options for strengthening the physical infrastructure for a new Palestinian state, this study builds on analyses that RAND conducted between 2002 and 2004 to identify the requirements for a successful Palestinian state. That work, Building a Successful Palestinian State, surveyed a broad array of political, economic, social, resource, and environmental challenges that a new Palestinian state would face. This study, The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State, examined a range of approaches to siting and constructing the backbone of infrastructure that all states need, in the context of a large and rapidly growing Palestinian population. The research team develop a detailed vision for a modern, high-speed transportation infrastructure, referred to as the Arc. This transportation backbone accommodates substantial population growth in Palestine by linking current urban centers to new neighborhoods via new linear transportation arteries that support both commercial and residential development. The Arc avoids the environmental costs and economic inefficiencies of unplanned, unregulated urban development that might otherwise accompany Palestine’s rapid population growth. Constructing the key elements of the Arc will require very substantial investment of economic resources. It will also employ substantial numbers of Palestinian construction workers. It seems plausible that key aspects of the Arc design can be pursued, with great benefit, even before an independent Palestinian state is established. Online 171 access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG327–1/ MG-355-AF Budget Estimating Relationships for DepotLevel Reparables in the Air Force Flying Hour Program. G. G. Hildebrandt. 2007. Budget estimating relationships (BERs) for flying depot-level reparables (DLRs) explain the direct effect of specified variables on obligated funds associated with spare parts that directly support the U.S. Air Force (USAF) Flying Hour Program. In FY02, net sales of DLRs to Air Force commands hit historic highs. To provide the Air Force Cost Analysis Improvement Group with a tool to better understand the commands— budgetary submissions, we develop several explanatory BERs to understand why flying DLRs are at their particular levels. Using longitudinal regression statistical methods, we explain the historical net sales of flying DLRs using estimating models that relate net sales to the contemporaneous values of aircraft characteristics, operational tempo, and time-related variables. This is but one part of a larger project to develop better estimating methods for use by the acquisition community and to examine the impact of Air Force and DoD policies on weapon system costs. The findings will also be of interest to those in the national security community who are involved in analyzing alternative military postures, and to members of the aircraft industry’s analytical community. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG355/ MG-379-A The Civil-Military Gap in the United States: Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? T. S. Szayna, K. F. McCarthy, J. M. Sollinger, L. J. Demaine, J. P. Marquis, B. D. Steele. 2007. What is the potential for a divergence in views among civilian and military elites (sometimes referred to as the civil-military gap) to undermine military effectiveness? The authors propose a five-stage analytical framework that encompasses the main areas where a civil-military gap might have an impact. Using an existing survey-based dataset (prepared and administered by the Triangle Institute for Security Studies) to inform this framework, they find a variety of differences among the military and civilian respondents. However, most of those differences disappeared when the authors focused on the attitudes that are pertinent to civilian control of the military and military effectiveness. The major exception to this pattern related to such military personnel policies as women in combat, the military’s policies with regard to sexual harassment, and whether gays should serve in the military. In contrast, most of the other measures of military effectiveness appear to be influenced more by views of the military threat facing the country and views of foreign policy-where all military officers and civilians share similar perspectives. Overall, concerns about a civil-military gap and possible erosion of the principle of civilian control of the military appear to be overstated. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG379/ MG-380-OSD America Goes to War: Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty. B. Rostker. 2007. For more than three decades, the United States has relied on an allvolunteer force to meet its military needs. Today, the sustainability of that force is being tested with high levels of deployment and subsequent “stress.” Such an environment raises the issue of how the Department of Defense can continue to manage its personnel. This report looks at the history of conscription versus volunteerism (particularly in Great Britain, France, and Prussia) to understand when and under what conditions conscription has been used effectively to raise the manpower needed. Specifically, what actions could the U.S. Army take to increase the supply of volunteers or reduce the demand for new personnel? The report also focuses on the many programs that have been developed to help military members and their families cope during difficult times, as well as the particular challenges of understanding which programs work. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG380/ MG-405/1-AF Learning Large Lessons: The Evolving Roles of Ground Power and Air Power in the Post-Cold War Era: Executive Summary. D. E. Johnson. 2007. The relative roles of U.S. ground and air power have shifted since the end of the Cold War. At the level of major operations and campaigns, the Air Force has proved capable of and committed to performing deep strike operations, which the Army long had believed the Air Force could not reliably accomplish. If air power can largely supplant Army systems in deep operations, the implications for both joint doctrine and service capabilities would be significant. To assess the shift of these roles, the author of this report analyzed post-Cold War conflicts in Iraq (1991), Bosnia (1995), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003). Because joint doctrine frequently reflects a consensus view rather than a truly integrated joint perspective, the author recommends that joint doctrine-and the processes by which it is derived and promulgated-be overhauled. The author also recommends reform for the services beyond major operations and campaigns to ensure that the United States attains its strategic objectives. This executive summary contains an abbreviated discussion of four of the cases examined: Iraq (1991), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003). It also incorporates modest changes from the larger monograph, based on suggestions made to the author since its publication. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG405.1/ MG-428/2-JFCOM “People Make the City,” Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq. R. W. Glenn, C. Paul, T. C. Helmus, P. Steinberg. 2007. Today’s strategic environment implies an obligation to preserve innocent life when possible and to rebuild that which war destroys. Urban areas are the keys to nations; people make nations just as, as Thucydides wrote, men make cities. This study aimed to reveal tools that will better enable military and civilian alike to meet national policy objectives by more effectively conducting urban combat and restoration. To do so, the study draws heavily on written material and interviews pertaining to Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Written information used includes thousands of pages of hard-copy and electronic material, much of it from 172 military personnel still serving in theater at the time of its writing. Interviews include those with members of the American, British, and Australian armed forces and civilians working to reconstruct Iraq. The military personnel represent all of the services and both regular and special operations organizations. The time frame for the study corresponds to two collection phases. Phase I was conducted from October 2003 to April 2004, while Phase II was conducted during three months, from July 2004 to September 2004. The results of a third phase of the study are published separately. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG428.2/ MG-447-A How Funding Instability Affects Army Programs. D. Kassing, R. W. Thomas, F. A. Camm, C. Wong. 2007. This study examined funding instability in Army acquisition programs to determine how it affected those programs. A literature review suggested that funding changes often result in adverse effects, but also revealed that there was no common definition of funding instability. The first step of the project was to create a measure of funding instability, which was then applied to 18 Army programs that had been approved for system development and demonstration (SDD) in the 1980s and 1990s and had at least five years of SDD experience. The first analysis performed sought out relationships between funding instability measures for Army development and procurement programs and measures of adverse outcomes: development cost growth, procurement cost growth, and schedule slippage. A small but positive association between total funding instability and schedule slippage was found in the Army data, but no significant associations between funding instability and adverse outcomes were found. Three case studies were then conducted to look more deeply into how financial instability affects program management. Most funding instability found in the case studies came from two sources: events that occurred outside the control of Army leaders, and ambitious technical goals set by decisions made within the Army. Regardless of the root cause of funding instability, however, its effects showed up as schedule slips, cost increases, and to a lesser degree, technical compromises. The final analysis was of funding instability between fiscal years 2000 and 2004, a period in which external events and transformation programs contributed to funding instability. A comparison of Army programs in this, more recent period with those in the earlier period showed that funding instability had increased in development programs and decreased in procurement programs. A comparison of the experience of the more recent Army programs with that of Air Force programs in the same period revealed generally similar levels of funding instability for the two services. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG447/ MG-471/1-EDU Haciendo Camino: Analisis Del Sistema De Evaluacion Y Del Impacto Del Programa De Estimulos Docentes Carrera Magisterial En Mexico. L. Santiba‰nez, J. F. Martinez, A. Datar, P. J. McEwan, C. M. Setodji, R. Basurto-Davila. 2007. Mexico’s Carrera Magisterial is one of the pioneer teacher incentive programs in the world. It was designed in 1992 and instituted jointly by the federal education authorities, state authorities, and the teachers’ union as a horizontal promotion system that rewards teachers with salary bonuses on the basis of their performance. Teacher performance is evaluated through a series of assessments, including teacher and student tests. The program has never been formally and independently evaluated even though it encompasses hundreds of thousands of teachers and is responsible for allocating millions of dollars in salary bonuses every year. The Mexican Ministry of Education (Secretar‚ia de Educaci‚on P‚ublica) posed the question: How can Carrera Magisterial be reformed to help it increase educational quality in Mexico? This monograph presents the results from the work addressing this question. While Haciendo camino is concerned specifically with evaluating Carrera Magisterial’s system of teacher evaluation and is thus of particular interest to education policymakers in Mexico, it also offers general insights regarding teacher incentives and assessments that may serve to inform a broad audience of policymakers, educators, and the general public interested in the field of teacher reform. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG471.1/ MG-477-WPF Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability. K. F. McCarthy, E. H. Ondaatje, J. L. Novak. 2007. The nonprofit arts currently face an environment that challenges the way the arts have grown and raises the prospect of future consolidation. Cognizant of these problems, William Penn Foundation and the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance asked RAND to examine the condition of Philadelphia’s arts and culture sector and recommend actions to ensure its sustainability. The authors identify the sources and characteristics of this new environment and describe the ways local arts communities are responding to the challenges confronting them. In the course of their analysis of eleven metropolitan regions, including Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh, they introduce two novel ways of examining the local arts sector. First, they focus on the relationship among the three components of communities’ “arts ecology”: their arts infrastructures; the support systems upon which the arts depend; and the sociodemographic, economic, and the political environment in which they operate. Second, they create a new framework for describing and evaluating the range of support services that communities provide to their arts sectors. They then use this framework to analyze the components of Philadelphia’s arts ecology and assess its specific strengths and weaknesses. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG477/ MG-481-DHS Breaching the Fortress Wall: Understanding Terrorist Efforts to Overcome Defensive Technologies. B. A. Jackson, P. Chalk, K. Cragin, B. Newsome, J. Parachini, W. Rosenau, E. M. Simpson, M. Sisson, D. Temple. 2007. The level of threat posed by a terrorist group is determined in large part by its ability to build its organizational capabilities and bring those capabilities to bear in violent action. As part of homeland security efforts, technology systems play a key role within a larger, integrated strategy to target groups’ efforts and protect the public from the threat of terrorist violence. Terrorist organizations are acutely aware of government efforts to deploy these systems and 173 actively seek ways to evade or counteract them. This study draws on relevant data from the history of a variety of terrorist conflicts to understand terrorists’ counter-technology efforts. Depending on the adaptive capabilities of the adversary, a defensive model built of a variety of security measures that can be adjusted and redeployed as their vulnerable points are discovered provides a superior approach to addressing this portion of terrorist behavior. Fully exploring adversaries’ counter-technology behaviors can expose vulnerabilities in U.S. defenses and help the nation make the best choices to protect it from the threat of terrorism. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG481/ MG-483-DHS Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences. M. C. Libicki, P. Chalk, M. Sisson. 2007. Al Qaeda, the jihadist network personified by Osama bin laden, seeks a restored caliphate free of Western influence. It uses terror as its means. But how does terrorism serve the ends of al Qaeda? Understanding its strategic logic might suggest what U.S. targets it may seek to strike and why. This monograph posits four hypotheses to link means and ends. The coercion hypothesis suggests that terrorists are interested in causing pain, notably casualties, to frighten the United States into pursuing favorable policies (e.g., withdrawing from the Islamic world). The damage hypothesis posits that terrorists want to damage the U.S. economy in order to weaken its ability to intervene in the Islamic world. The rally hypothesis holds that terrorism in the United States would be carried out to attract the attention of potential recruits and supporters. The franchise hypothesis argues that today’s jihadists pursue their own, often local, agendas with, at most, support and encouragement from al Qaeda itself. Each of these four hypotheses was examined using an analysis of 14 major terrorist attacks, a structured survey given to terrorism experts, and an analysis of statements by al Qaeda. The monograph concludes that the coercion and damage hypotheses are most consistent with prior attack patterns, expert opinion, and the statements. The rally hypothesis appears to have weaker explanatory power. The franchise hypothesis coincides with the majority of post-9/11 attacks, but, unless such franchises are active in the United States, may not indicate what the next attack here might be. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG483/ MG-485-DHS Sharing the Dragon’s Teeth: Terrorist Groups and the Exchange of New Technologies. K. Cragin, P. Chalk, S. A. Daly, B. A. Jackson. 2007. Terrorist groups—both inside and outside the al Qaeda network— sometimes form mutually beneficial partnerships to exchange “best practices.” These exchanges provide terrorist groups with the opportunity to innovate (i.e., increase their skills and expand their reach). Understanding how terrorist groups exchange technology and knowledge, therefore, is essential to ongoing and future counterterrorism strategies. This study examines how 11 terrorist groups in three areas (Mindanao, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and southwest Colombia) have attempted to exchange technologies and knowledge in an effort to reveal some of their vulnerabilities. The analysis provides the Department of Homeland Security and other national security policymakers with insight into the innovation process and suggests ways that government policies can create barriers to terrorists’ adoption of new technologies. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG485/ MG-499-AF A New Division of Labor: Meeting America’s Security Challenges Beyond Iraq. A. R. Hoehn, A. Grissom, D. A. Ochmanek, D. A. Shlapak, A. J. Vick. 2007. A new U.S. grand strategy has been emerging, one that requires not only resources but patience and commitment: the promotion of democracy and freedom abroad. The U.S. armed forces will continue to be among the myriad contributors necessary to achieve this goal. In the face of increasing complexity, changing tactics, and tight budgets, the defense establishment will need to change in multiple ways, yet must also not risk its historic strengths. This volume draws together and integrates insights derived from a wide range of research efforts undertaken at RAND over the past few years. Some of the observations include different ways to organize and employ forces and to divide labor among them, updated insights about the natures of likely future conflicts, the need to further improve information resources, and the value of fostering partnerships among the services and with allies. The authors also offer specific recommendations, such as a recommendation to the Air force to reevaluate its concepts for large-scale power projection. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG499/ MG-507-OSD Chinese Economic Coercion Against Taiwan: A Tricky Weapon to Use. M. S. Tanner. 2007. Ever since the economic relationship between China and Taiwan began to explode in the early 1990s, U.S. policymakers have been concerned that China could exploit these economic ties to coerce Taiwan into making political concessions concerning the two entities’ political relationship. Taiwan and China now rely on each other for important contributions to their respective economies, and each would suffer great economic pain and dislocation in the event of a major disruption in that relationship, but Taiwan is far more dependent upon mainland China than mainland China is dependent upon Taiwan. This monograph analyzes the political impact of that rapidly growing economic relationship and evaluates the prospects for Beijing to exploit it by employing economic coercion against Taiwan. The author evaluates Taiwan’s potential economic vulnerability to efforts by the Chinese to cut off or disrupt key aspects of the cross-strait relationship and analyzes the challenges that China has faced in its efforts to convert this raw, potential economic influence into effective political leverage. The author argues that, while Taiwan’s growing dependence is a source of genuine concern, China has encountered serious problems in exploiting the economic weapon to coerce Taiwan. The monograph closes by exploring the potential impact of cross-strait economic diplomacy on U.S. policy interests in the Taiwan Strait. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG507/ MG-510-DHS Stealing the Sword: Limiting Terrorist Use of Advanced Conventional Weapons. J. Bonomo, G. Bergamo, D. 174 Frelinger, J. Gordon, B. A. Jackson. 2007. Part of a series examining the technology competition between security organizations and terrorist organizations, this report focuses on understanding how terrorist groups make technology choices and consequently how the United States can discourage their adoption of advanced conventional weapons. Five types of advanced conventional weapons are identified that could provide terrorists with a new and qualitatively different weapon capability: sniper rifles, squad-level weapons, antitank missiles, large limpet mines, and mortar systems. Two key methods of limiting the threat from these systems in the hands of terrorists are explored: raising awareness of the threat, and reducing the threat through procedural and technical use controls. Technical use controls offer the surest limitations on terrorist use, but are by far most practical to incorporate when the system is in its design phase. GPS-guided mortars are the most worrisome of the advanced conventional weapons, attractive to terrorists and difficult to mitigate with only awareness and procedural controls. Fortunately, these systems are still in their design phase. For this reason, taking steps now to control GPS-guided mortars is urgent. Two initial steps are needed to begin placing additional procedural and technical use controls on these precise, indirect fire weapons: begin diplomatic discussions with the key producer nations to raise awareness of potential terrorist use of these systems, and commission a detailed technical study of the technical modules and architecture needed to implement proposed technical controls. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can play a key role in both these steps by pushing to begin diplomatic discussions and by conducting a detailed study, perhaps with the National Security Agency, of the technical architecture for use controls. Additionally, DHS should become a permanent member of the interagency panels considering arms exports. The time to begin negotiating and developing meaningful controls on GPS-guided mortars is now, before the opportunity is lost. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG510/ MG-518-AF Space Command Sustainment Review: Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities. R. S. Tripp, K. F. Lynch, S. Harrison, J. G. Drew, C. R. Roll. 2007. The ability to access and continuously operate in space is vital to the economic, social, and military interests of the United States. In part because of sometimes-conflicting demands and in part because space systems are highly specialized, sustainment can be a challenge. To help Air Force Space Command meet this challenge, the authors used a strategies-to-tasks framework to examine AFSPC sustainment as a whole, working toward a commandwide philosophy for space system support. The core of the philosophy is separation of demand-side, supply-side, and integrator processes and clear definition of roles and responsibilities at all levels of the command. Its adoption can provide a basis for enhancing processes, force development, doctrine, information systems, and organization across the command that can be sustained over time and through many leadership changes. The authors illustrate the implementation and benefits using specific systems and units, some of which have already demonstrated elements of this philosophy. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG518/ MG-519-AF Programmed Depot Maintenance Capacity Assessment Tool: Workloads, Capacity, and Availability. E. N. Loredo, R. Pyles, D. Snyder. 2007. Aging U.S. Air Force fleets have deterioration problems, resulting in increased maintenance workloads. Nowhere are those increases more troubling than in the workloads associated with programmed depot maintenance (PDM), which can be significant, requiring 2,000 to 50,000 labor hours. RAND developed the PDM Capacity Assessment Tool (PDMCAT), applied it to the KC-135 PDM process, with three alternative forecasts of future workload and two fleet-size scenarios, to inform aircraft availability and resource allocation decisions. The PDMCAT forecasts the annual number of aircraft that will be in PDM status over several decades, based on the initial number of aircraft in work, the physical capacity of the facility, the PDM induction policy, and the minimum handson flow time. Because few facilities will share information about their individual processes, the PDMCAT uses direct observation to estimate aircraft time in maintenance, such as number of docks for conducting maintenance and recent measures of actual performance. Using historical workload status, PDMCAT accurately reflected the increase and subsequent decrease in the number of aircraft in PDM status (i.e., maintenance), and it identified an alternative aircraft induction interval plan to bring the surge in aircraft-in-work back to acceptable levels through 2009. The model would mainly be used to support fleet PDM planning, programming, and budgeting, and to support facility and process improvement. MG-525-AF Sustaining Air Force Space Systems: A Model for the Global Positioning System. D. Snyder, P. H. Mills, K. Comanor, C. R. Roll. 2007. Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) needs quantitative tools to assist it in making decisions on how changes in the dollars invested in maintenance and sustainment of the ground segment of space systems affect the operational performance of those systems. This monograph outlines criteria for analyzing how sustainment investments affect the operational performance of space systems, focusing on the Global Positioning System. The authors offer a framework for such analyses and recommend steps to implement that framework. The authors describe the Global Positioning System at a level of detail needed for the analysis; discuss how to approach modeling the relationships between sustainment activities and overall system performance, and describe a pilot model for such analysis; and the authors examine the results of this model and how they might be used in policy analysis, and discuss the implications for developing such models in GPS and other programs. The authors selected a metric of performance that reflects the overall system performance, and not one that focuses on the performance of a specific subsystem. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG525/ MG-527-OSD Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units. H. Thie, R. J. Yardley, P. Schirmer, R. H. Ehrenberg, P. Speed. 2007. 175 The Department of Defense has suggested that “blending” active component and reserve component workforces in military units must be implemented more broadly to better capitalize on the capabilities and strengths of the reserve components, thus leading to a more flexible, capable force. RAND researchers examined existing organizational designs that facilitate integration of the reserve and active workforces to ascertain whether changed personnel management practices are needed to help implement those organizational designs. They reviewed service reports and directives and other relevant literature on the subject, including the organizational change literature, and interviewed service officials and subject matter experts. They conclude that workforce integration efforts aimed at improving operational accomplishment of mission, balancing operations tempo, and increasing capital asset utilization would be more successful than efforts aimed at other goals, such as resolving personnel management differences. The authors recommend that adapting what works within a service to other functional areas in the service is a better near-term workforce integration strategy than replicating forms of integration across services; that the services should provide policy guidance for workforce integration; and that the services should consider performing more evaluation of workforce integration against the goals they have set out for it. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG527/ MG-528-NAVY Littoral Combat Ships: Relating Performance to Mission Package Inventories, Homeports, and Installation Sites. B. Alkire, J. L. Birkler, L. Dolan, J. Dryden, B. Mason, G. Lee, J. F. Schank, M. Hayes. 2007. The Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) constitutes a new class of fast, agile, and networked warships designed to overcome threats in shallow waters posed by mines, diesel-electric submarines, fast-attack craft, and fast inshore attack craft. The LCS Program Office asked RAND to help it gain a clearer understanding of operational, logistics, and cost trade-offs between three interdependent elements of the program: the number of LCSs in the fleet, the number of mission packages that those LCSs would require in order to perform a range of missions, and the number and locations of LCS homeports and mission package installation sites. Alkire et al. worked closely with the Navy between January and November 2005 to identify scenarios that define the use and deployment of LCSs. Using these scenarios and a range of LCS fleet sizes, the authors established baseline considerations connected with developing and deploying a modular LCS. They then developed a series of analytical tools to address the following issues: Where are the optimum locations for LCS homeports and mission package installation sites? How many mission packages of each type should be procured and when? How many mission packages of each type should be stored on available seaframes, at homeports, and at mission package installation sites? What are the costs of acquiring mission packages and facilities for homeports and installation sites? What cost and performance trade-offs and sensitivities occur with various combinations of the number of and the types of mission packages? Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG528/ MG-529-OSD Making Liberia Safe: Transformation of the National Security Sector. D. C. Gompert, O. Oliker, B. K. Stearns, K. Crane, K. J. Riley. c2007. Liberia’s new government, under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has made security sector transformation a high priority. The authors analyze Liberia’s complex security environment, set forth an integrated security concept to guide the formation and use of those forces and new institutions to manage them, and assemble a complete security structure. They then develop specific forcestructure options and discuss the cost-effectiveness of each. Finally, they suggest immediate steps toward implementation of the new security structure. These include development and coordination of detailed integrated force plans with the United States and the UN; a design and plans for a small police quick-reaction unit and small Coast Guard; attention to building court and corrections-system capacity; and consolidation, reduction, and appropriate recruiting, vetting, and training of the currently independent multiple police forces, customs, and intelligence personnel. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG529/ MG-530-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities. F. A. Camm, C. R. Cook, R. Masi, A. Wong. 2007. As the U.S. Army transforms its operating force, inevitably the institutional Army-the “generating force” that fills and sustains the Army’s combat units-must change as well. The Army must transform its institutional activities to (1) align them with operating forces in ways that improve support, and (2) release resources from institutional activities that the Army can use to add new brigades and weapon systems. This document describes a way for the Army leadership to negotiate and establish performance goals for institutional activities that give the Army effective control over the alignment of its operational and institutional elements while preserving flexibility and initiative within institutional activities to choose how to meet these goals. It assesses value chains to map how the institutional Army transforms resources into outputs that it delivers to the operating force to support desired outcomes, and also illustrates how to evaluate value chains relevant to three representative institutional Army activities: medical services, enlisted accessioning, and short-term acquisition. It then derives implications for (1) integrating such an approach with the Army’s ongoing Strategic Management System and Lean Six Sigma initiatives, and (2) identifying the additional empirical data needed to allow such integration. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG530/ MG-530/1-A What the Army Needs to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities: Executive Summary. F. A. Camm, C. R. Cook, R. Masi, A. Wong. 2007. Transformation of the Army’s operating force is well under way. The Army must also transform its institutional activities to (1) align them with operating forces in ways that improve support, and (2) release resources from institutional activities that the Army can use to add new brigades and weapon systems. This document is the executive summary for MG-530-A, What the Army Needs 176 to Know to Align Its Operational and Institutional Activities, which describes a way for the Army leadership to negotiate and establish performance goals for institutional activities that give the Army effective control over the alignment of its operational and institutional elements while preserving flexibility and initiative within institutional activities to choose how to meet these goals. It assesses value chains to map how the institutional Army transforms resources into outputs that it delivers to the operating force to support desired outcomes, and also illustrates how to evaluate value chains relevant to three representative institutional Army activities: medical services, enlisted accessioning, and short-term acquisition. It then derives implications for (1) integrating such an approach with the Army’s ongoing Strategic Management System and Lean Six Sigma initiatives, and (2) identifying the additional empirical data needed to allow such integration. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG530.1/ MG-532-A A Methodology for Developing Army Acquisition Strategies for an Uncertain Future. J. E. Peters, H. Bruce, M. V. Hynes, B. Nichiporuk, C. Hanks, J. Fischbach. 2007. This monograph addresses the following two specific questions: What should a robust acquisition investment strategy look likeone designed to perform well against all anticipated threats? How should the Army acquisition community assess the appropriateness of its investment strategy over time? The study proposes adaptation of a RAND tool called Assumption-Based Planning to help Army personnel maintain proper alignment between strategic guidance and the Army acquisition program and budget. It uses this tool to create a model that recommends acquisition investments across a broad range of capabilities. The model works toward the goal of satisfying the complex and evolving requirements specified in the national security guidance. The model applies five main steps, by identifying (1) the assumptions that underlie Army acquisition policy; (2) load-bearing assumptions, i.e., important assumptions that underpin and shape Army acquisition plans; (3) signposts or indicators that an assumption is becoming vulnerable; (4) shaping actions that can be taken to keep assumptions viable, and (5) hedging actions that can be taken to prepare for unwelcome but unpreventable developments. For the acquisitions community, shaping and hedging actions both take the form of investments. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG532/ MG-533-ANF/WPF/SDP State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia. B. P. Gill, R. W. Zimmer, J. Christman, S. Blanc. 2007. In 2002, after years of low achievement and budget crises in the School District of Philadelphia, the state of Pennsylvania launched a takeover of the district. Subsequent to the state takeover, the district adopted what is known as the “diverse provider” model, turning over the management of some of the lowest-achieving schools to for-profit and nonprofit organizations and two local universities and providing additional resources to the private managers. Philadelphia became a test case for the private management of public schools and other interventions sanctioned by the No Child Left Behind Act. State Takeover, School Restructuring, Private Management, and Student Achievement in Philadelphia examines achievement effects in the privately managed schools and in two groups of schools given special support under district management, in the context of districtwide achievement trends. Four years after the state takeover, achievement results across Philadelphia had risen substantially. Within Philadelphia, the schools managed by private providers were doing neither better nor worse than districtwide achievement trends. District-managed schools given additional resources but no specific intervention were likewise doing about as well as other schools in the district. In contrast, district-managed schools given additional resources and a “restructuring”intervention showed larger achievement gains in mathematics. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG533/ MG-538-A Supporting Training Strategies for Brigade Combat Teams Using Future Combat Systems (FCS) Technologies. M. G. Shanley, J. C. Crowley, M. W. Lewis, R. Masi, K. Leuschner, S. G. Straus, J. P. Angers. 2007. This study seeks to help the Army identify options to improve its future (i.e., circa 2016) training strategies for Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) equipped with Future Combat System (FCS) technologies. Key findings are that live training will need to remain at the core of training programs for FCS units, and that adaptation to changing operational requirements will be a primary training challenge. Overall, the findings indicate that planned training enhancements can provide important improvements across a wide spectrum; however, the overall training capability achieved will likely be less than that needed to meet future training requirements. Unit time, the potential for technological advancement, and training budgets were found to be key constraints. While the study stresses greater emphasis on training manpower support in battle command training as the Army’s best chance for significant nearterm improvement, it concludes that longer-term improvement will depend on how closely the Army monitors and manages its enhancement programs. The process of shaping and balancing future training enhancements, for example, would benefit from better information and improved evaluative capabilities. These changes would be further enhanced by developing better metrics for the quality, quantity, and adaptability of training, by continuing to improve spiral development processes to evolve training methods and means, and by improving the visibility of financial information across training categories. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG538/ MG-539-AF Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments. K. F. Lynch, J. G. Drew, S. Sleeper, W. A. Williams, J. Masters, L. Luangkesorn, R. S. Tripp, D. Lichter, C. R. Roll. 2007. Manpower end-strength reductions of active duty personnel in the U.S. Air Force are making it more difficult to support the air and space expeditionary force construct using current force employment practices. The Air National Guard (ANG), however, will not undergo significant manpower reductions but will be affected by plans that call for the retirement of a significant number 177 of its aircraft, leaving it with a large number of highly trained, highly experienced personnel with no aircraft to operate and support. The authors develop a methodology to evaluate missions that could be transferred from the active component to the ANG without significant cost to the total force. They conclude that four areas-Predator operations and support, air mobility command and control, Commander of Air Force forces staffing, and baselevel intermediate maintenance-are missions that could benefit from ANG assignment. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG539/ MG-540-AF Air Force Enlisted Force Management: System Interactions and Synchronization Strategies. M. Schiefer, A. A. Robbert, L. A. Galway, R. E. Stanton, C. San. 2007. A fundamental goal of the Air Force personnel system is to ensure that the manpower inventory, by Air Force specialty code and grade, matches requirements. However, there are structural obstacles that impede achieving this goal. The three major independently managed systems the Air Force uses to determine manpower strength currently tend to function in isolation. Because the current organizational structure lacks broad coordinating and control mechanisms, actions taken to control one system often adversely affect another. The authors lay the foundation for a discussion of policy changes that would better synchronize these systems. They propose a methodology that would marginally modify grade authorizations within skill levels to make it possible to better achieve manpower targets. Each specialty would retain the same number of authorizations within each skill level, and the aggregate solution would maintain the same total number of enlisted authorizations by grade. This would help the manpower community follow the policy of equal selection opportunity while also taking personnel management system capabilities into account. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG540/ MG-544-AF Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak. S. T. Hosmer. 2007. Coalition forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) were able to take down Saddam Hussein’s regime in less than three weeks, at the cost of relatively few Coalition casualties. This monograph draws upon information derived primarily from interviews with and interrogations of senior Iraqi military and civilian officials to examine why the Iraqi resistance in March and April 2003 was so weak. The research focused on two questions: (1) Why did the Iraqi Regular Army and Republican Guard forces do so little fighting? and (2) Why did Iraqi leaders fail to adopt certain defensive measures that would have made the Coalition’s task more difficult and costly? These two questions encompass a number of related issues. The monograph examines the battlefield consequences of Saddam Hussein’s strategic misjudgments and preoccupation with internal threats; the poorly designed and executed Iraqi military strategy and operations; the weak motivation and morale that permeated all ranks of the Iraqi military; and the superiority in combat capability enjoyed by the Coalition forces. It concludes with observations about why decisionmakers should be careful about the lessons they may seek to draw from OIF; how OIF paved the way for the insurgency that has followed in Iraq; and how OIF may influence the behavior of future U.S. adversaries. The monograph is intended for the use of military and civilian officials concerned with the management, planning, and conduct of U.S. operations to deter and counter threats to U.S. interests from enemy regimes and other hostile actors. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG544/ MG-545-AF Advancing the U.S. Air Force’s Force-Development Initiative. S. C. Moore, M. K. Brauner. 2007. A mismatch in the late 1990s between the qualifications needed for key general officer positions and the backgrounds of available candidates stimulated RAND research and then an extensive U.S. Air Force effort to improve the development of future senior leaders. In the past, most officers were managed within their career fields and were too narrowly specialized. This monograph summarizes the force development initiative’s history and related research efforts that (a) identified colonel positions’ needs for multiple (paired) occupational skills and set targets for the numbers of officers who should acquire those skills before they are promoted to colonel and (b) illustrated a four-step approach that can create notably more specific developmental targets for officers at grades from lieutenant through colonel within an occupation or career field. The four steps are as follows: (1) identify and prioritize the types of experience, education, and training that should precede each category of job (identify the demand, at least for the jobs in the field grades-major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel), now and in the future; (2) ascertain the backgrounds that officers have accumulated (assess the supply); (3) compare supply with demand (gap analysis); and (4) plan ways to close the gaps. These ideas suggest steps that could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of force development for Air Force officers, the enlisted and civilian forces, and the reserve components. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG545/ MG-548-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar. D. J. Brewer, C. H. Augustine, G. Zellman, G. W. Ryan, C. A. Goldman, C. Stasz, L. Constant. 2007. The leadership of Qatar has a social and political vision that calls for improving the outcomes of the Qatari K-12 education system. With this vision in mind, the leadership asked RAND to examine Qatar’s K-12 education system, to recommend options for building a world-class system, and, subsequently, to develop the chosen option and support its implementation. The option that was selected includes internationally benchmarked curriculum standards, national testing based on those standards, independent government-funded schools, and parental choice among schools using annual school report cards. This monograph describes Phase I (2001–2004) of the Qatari education reform initiative, Education for a New Era, based on RAND’s experiences as part of this ambitious effort involving Qataris and Qatari organizations, and international consultants and contractors. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG548/ 178 MG-548/1-QATAR Education for a New Era: Design and Implementation of K-12 Education Reform in Qatar: Executive Summary. D. J. Brewer, C. H. Augustine, G. Zellman, G. W. Ryan, C. A. Goldman, C. Stasz, L. Constant. 2007. The leadership of Qatar has a social and political vision that calls for improving the outcomes of the Qatari K-12 education system. With this vision in mind, the leadership asked RAND to examine Qatar’s K-12 education system, to recommend options for building a world-class system, and, subsequently, to develop the chosen option and support its implementation. The option that was selected includes internationally benchmarked curriculum standards, national testing based on those standards, independent government-funded schools, and parental choice among schools using annual school report cards. This executive summary provides an overview of Phase I (2001–2004) of the Qatari education reform initiative, Education for a New Era, based on RAND’s experiences as part of this ambitious effort involving Qataris and Qatari organizations, and international consultants and contractors. An Arabic translation is included. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG548.1/ MG-551-JFCOM Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube: Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). R. W. Glenn. 2007. With a matter of weeks to prepare, Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) personnel landed on July 24, 2003, armed for conflict but equally ready to restore peace without firing a shot in anger. RAMSI’s aim was to assist the existing government in reestablishing order and rebuilding this island nation plagued by escalating militia violence, crime, and corruption. RAMSI police forces, with the much larger military component in a supporting role, were patrolling the streets alongside their Solomon Islands counterparts on the very day of arrival. This and many other early actions on the part of RAMSI leadership presented a clear and cohesive message that would characterize operations from that day forward: RAMSI had not come to take charge through the use of force, though it had the capability to do so; it had come to assist and protect. This study reviews the remarkable successes, and the few admitted shortcomings, of RAMSI operations through the lens of broader application to current and future counterinsurgency efforts. Foremost among these lessons is the need for consistency of mission and message from leadership down to the lowest echelons of an operation, ensuring that the population is appropriately and consistently informed. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG551/ MG-552-OSD Installation Mapping Enables Many Missions: The Benefits of and Barriers to Sharing Geospatial Data Assets. B. E. Lachman, P. Schirmer, D. Frelinger, V. A. Greenfield, M. Tseng, T. Nichols. 2007. This report assesses the effects of using and sharing installations and environment geospatial data assets within and across the business, warfighting, and intelligence mission areas of the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid. The authors found that the assets have diverse beneficial effects and support a wide range of missions, including installation and environmental management, training, homeland security, military health, and warfighting operations and planning. Common benefits include time savings, cost savings, cost avoidance, improved situational awareness, more effective communications, and improved operations, planning, and decisionmaking. The authors also developed a methodology for assessing the effects of sharing these assets. Despite the many benefits of sharing these assets, significant barriers exist to doing so. These barriers include security concerns, different information technology systems, lack of communication between diverse functional organizations, and insufficient data sharing policies and standards. A comprehensive appendix presents more than 130 examples of how geospatial data assets enable missions at different organizational levels. Finally, the authors offer recommendations for ways to help DoD overcome barriers to geospatial data asset use and sharing. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG552/ MG-553-OSD Indefinite Reenlistment and Noncommissioned Officers. L. L. Miller, J. S. Moini, S. Sivadasan, J. Kavanagh, M. Shergold, R. Plasmeijer. 2007. In 1998, following congressional approval, the U.S. Army shifted its senior enlisted force from a fixed contract system to indefinite reenlistment, theoretically increasing the prestige of senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) by recognizing them as career soldiers. The Army program requires all soldiers reaching the rank of E-6 with ten years of service to reenlist indefinitely, mirroring the management of officers and eliminating reenlistment paperwork. The Army has been the only service to adopt this program. This study analyzes past and present arguments for and against this policy made by service representatives, policymakers, and enlisted personnel. Reservations about the program include concerns that force planning could be complicated by the unpredictability of NCO separation dates, that the quality of the NCO corps could decline without reenlistment screening, and that retention and morale could suffer with the loss of reenlistment bonuses and other benefits. The intended program boost to NCO morale does not appear to have been realized. This report concludes that neither the costs nor benefits of indefinite reenlistment are strong enough to merit a change in policy for either the Army or the other services. An appendix provides an overview of indefinite reenlistment programs in other Western nations. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG553/ MG-555-AF Finding the Balance Between Schoolhouse and On-the-Job Training. T. Manacapilli, A. Bailey, C. M. Beighley, B. Bennett, A. Bower. 2007. The Air Force typically trains 30,000 to 40,000 new airmen in some 300 specialties each year. It utilizes two methods for training its enlistees: centralized initial skills training (IST, or “schoolhouse” training) and decentralized on-the-job training (OJT). All too often, only IST costs are considered when “pricing” training, seriously underestimating the overall cost to train an airman. When all the costs are considered, including those of OJT, decisions related to the length of IST can be better informed. To determine the most 179 cost-effective combination of IST and OJT, the authors developed a methodology based on a cost-benefit analysis of seven Air Force specialties. From a statistical analysis of data taken from surveys of senior enlisted personnel, they were able to assess how productivity changes when IST course length changes and to make recommendations concerning the IST course lengths that would produce the most productive airmen for the least possible cost. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG555/ MG-557-SRF The Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Building. J. Dobbins, S. G. Jones, K. Crane, B. C. DeGrasse. 2007. Since the end of the Cold War, the United States, NATO, the United Nations, and a range of other states and nongovernmental organizations have become increasingly involved in nationbuilding operations. Nation-building involves the use of armed force as part of a broader effort to promote political and economic reforms, with the objective of transforming a society emerging from conflict into one at peace with itself and its neighbors. This guidebook is a practical “how-to” manual on the conduct of effective nation-building. It is organized around the constituent elements that make up any nation-building mission: military, police, rule of law, humanitarian relief, governance, economic stabilization, democratization, and development. The chapters describe how each of these components should be organized and employed, how much of each is likely to be needed, and the likely cost. The lessons are drawn principally from 16 U.S.- and UN-led nationbuilding operations since World War II and from a forthcoming study on European-led missions. In short, this guidebook presents a comprehensive history of best practices in nation-building and serves as an indispensable reference for the preplanning of future interventions and for contingency planning on the ground. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG557/ MG-559/1-AF Analyzing Contingency Contracting Purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Unrestricted Version). L. H. Baldwin, J. A. Ausink, N. Campbell, J. G. Drew, C. R. Roll. 2007. In contingency operations, U.S. Air Force contingency contracting officers (CCOs) play a vital role in the procurement of goods and services within the theater of operations. The motivation for this study was twofold: The contracting community lacked a comprehensive database of contingency purchases that would enable analyses of purchases related to mission activities, and such analyses would prove important in future decisionmaking. This study examines contingency purchases for Operation Iraqi Freedom made in theater during fiscal years 2003 and 2004 and develops a custom database to determine the extent of contractor support and how plans for the organization and execution of contingency activities might be improved to better support the warfighter in future operations. The baseline analysis details the relevant purchasing organizations, the types of goods and services purchased, the timing and methods of purchase, and the important suppliers. Two case studies related to specific purchases and the demands on CCOs show that a contingency contracting database can be a powerful and useful analytic tool. Recommendations are made for the establishment of a standardized methodology (including specific data fields) for collecting contingency contracting data on an ongoing basis to facilitate planning and policy decisions associated with CCO staffing and training, combat support planning, and sharing of lessons within the theater for future contingencies. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG559.1/ MG-561-AF Ungoverned Territories: Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks. A. Rabasa, S. Boraz, P. Chalk, K. Cragin, T. W. Karasik, J. D. P. Moroney, K. A. O’Brien, J. E. Peters. 2007. Ungoverned territories-failed or failing states or ungoverned areas within otherwise viable states-generate all manner of security problems and can become terrorist sanctuaries. Using a twotiered framework areas applied to eight case studies from around the globe, the authors seek to understand the conditions that give rise to ungoverned territories and what makes some ungoverned territories more conducive to a terrorist or insurgent presence than others. On the basis of this ground-breaking analytical work, they identify three types of ungoverned territories and their effects on U.S. security interests and develop strategies to improve the U.S. ability to mitigate these effects. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG561/ MG-563-A A Capabilities-Based Strategy for Army Security Cooperation. J. D. P. Moroney, A. Grissom, J. P. Marquis. 2007. U.S. Army planners working on the problem of multinational force compatibility require a planning framework to guide and focus the service’s long-term compatibility investments with partner armies of varying capabilities. This report defines and describes such a framework, called the Niche Capability Planning Framework. It provides a conceptual template for integrating the various considerations, ranging from U.S. Army capability gaps, to the politics of collaborating with foreign armies, to the coordination of Army and Department of Defense security cooperation activities, implicit in a strategy for cultivating compatible niche capabilities in non-core partner armies, which lack a stable, longterm, collaborative program of assistance with the U.S. Army. The report concludes with specific recommendations for implementing the Niche Capability Planning framework, which should, at a minimum, incorporate analyses of projected Army capability gaps, key partner characteristics, and the resources required to match capabilities with partners in a systematic way. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG563/ MG-565-AF Airlift Capabilities for Future U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations. R. C. Owen, K. P. Mueller. 2007. Current and probable future United States involvement in counterinsurgencies revives a long-standing debate about whether these missions call for adding specialized aircraft, training, or other resources to the general military airlift fleet. The authors examine the use of airlift in past and present counterinsurgency operations, including the Foreign Internal Defense program. They conclude that general U.S. airlift forces can accomplish most counterinsurgency 180 missions effectively, with adjustments in employment doctrines and training. However, they also note that continued operations likely will require reinforcement of the general airlift fleet and, perhaps, acquisition of a small fleet element optimized for certain counterinsurgency missions. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG565/ MG-566-OSD “Working Around the Military” Revisited: Spouse Employment in the 2000 Census Data. N. Lim, D. Golinelli, M. Cho. 2007. Previous studies have shown that military wives-women married to U.S. military service members-are more likely to be unemployed and earning less than their civilian counterparts. But these studies rely on information that is somewhat dated, and they have little to say about military husbands. This study revisits the gaps in employment and earnings between military and civilian wives using the 2000 census, and extends these analyses to include military husbands. Military spouses continue to be at a relative disadvantage in the labor market compared with civilian spouses. Even though policies that target demographic disparities such as mobility, location, and child care may reduce the gaps to a certain extent, they will not affect the portion attributable to unobserved factors that are not captured in the census data, such as employer’s attitude. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG566/ MG-567-AF U.S.-China Relations After Resolution of Taiwan’s Status. R. Cliff, D. A. Shlapak. 2007. Although the question of Taiwan’s status is unlikely to be resolved soon, considering the various possible outcomes and how they might affect U.S.-China relations is useful. A total of ten distinct trajectories for the resolution of the cross-strait relationship can be identified, with greatly varying implications for U.S.-China relations. Unsurprisingly, the impact of peaceful outcomes, including continued peaceful irresolution, is both more predictable and generally better for relations between Washington and Beijing. If China uses force against Taiwan, however, subsequent U.S.-China relations could fall anywhere from close cooperation to hostile cold war. Both how the Taiwan issue is resolved and the nature of subsequent U.S.-China relations will largely be determined by the nature of China’s government: a democratic, or, at least, highly pragmatic Chinese government is more likely to achieve a peaceful resolution; a government still controlled by the Chinese Communist Party is less likely to do so. As China’s military capabilities grow, it will become increasingly difficult but also increasingly more important to prevent Beijing from using force to bring about unification. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG567/ MG-569-OSD Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on Department of Defense Acquisition: An Empirical Analysis. J. A. Drezner, I. Blickstein, R. Raman, M. McKernan, M. Hertzman, M. Bradley, D. Gavrieli, B. Eastwood. 2007. Managers of weapon system acquisition programs and their staffs have often voiced concerns about the burden of complying with federal statutes or regulations requiring certain business and oversight processes. The essence of the concerns is that program offices spend an inordinate amount of time complying with statutes and regulations that add little value, and that the regulatory burden translates into cost increases, schedule delays, and adverse effects on system performance. While many other studies have addressed this topic, few have succeeded in generating the empirical evidence needed to inform the policy debate. To fill this gap, NDRI developed a Web-based data collection tool to capture the program staff’s estimates of hours spent on compliance efforts. A total of 316 individuals in seven DoD program offices were recruited to use the web tool to estimate biweekly the time they spent on regulatory compliance-related activities over the course of a year. While statutes and regulations do place constraints on program execution, the study found that program office staffs do not appear to spend a significant amount of their time complying with those statutes and regulations. Further, there is little evidence that program office compliance activities have adverse consequences for program outcomes. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG569/ MG-572-AF Moore. 2007. Developing Tailored Supply Strategies. N. Y. Purchased goods and services are an increasingly large proportion of public and private enterprise budgets. Various enterprises have therefore developed more or less successful supply strategies. This monograph draws lessons from their experiences for the Air Force and the Department of Defense by synthesizing academic, business, and professional literature. The authors offer a series of steps for analyzing spending, segmenting it into major commodity groups based on value to the enterprise and vulnerability, prioritizing these groups for purchasing and supply management efforts, and developing and executing purchasing strategies for them. Both the initial segmentation of commodity groups and the development of supply strategies for them involve use of cross-functional teams comprising experts in the commodity and its uses, as well as other stakeholders. The authors describe the makeup of these teams and their tasks and goals. Finally, the authors note that, although some activities are common to most supply strategies, no one process is likely to fit all enterprises and commodities. An approach that delivers the most rewards to the enterprise will require extensive analysis. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG572/ MG-574-SRF Building Moderate Muslim Networks. A. Rabasa, C. Benard, L. Schwartz, P. Sickle. 2007. Radical and dogmatic interpretations of Islam have gained ground in recent years in many Muslim societies via extensive Islamist networks spanning the Muslim world and the Muslim diaspora communities of North America and Europe. Although a majority throughout the Muslim world, moderates have not developed similar networks to amplify their message and to provide protection from violence and intimidation. With considerable experience fostering networks of people committed to free and democratic ideas during the Cold War, the United States has a critical role to play in leveling 181 the playing field for Muslim moderates. The authors derive lessons from the U.S. and allied Cold War network-building experience, determine their applicability to the current situation in the Muslim world, assess the effectiveness of U.S. government programs of engagement with the Muslim world, and develop a “road map” to foster the construction of moderate Muslim networks. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG574/ MG-583-OSD Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey. L. T. Mariano, S. N. Kirby, C. Eibner, S. Naftel. 2007. The Department of Defense (DoD) provides health benefits to qualified retired service personnel. Active duty personnel who retire with at least 20 years of service are immediately eligible to receive retiree health benefits for themselves, their spouses, and dependent children through TRICARE, the DoD-sponsored health care plan. A substantial majority of retirees have second careers after retirement and have access to civilian health insurance. However, many choose to rely primarily on TRICARE, in large part because of the significant price differential between TRICARE and civilian insurance. In order to understand the implications of this reliance for DoD health care expenditures, DoD asked RAND to explore the available civilian health insurance options of working-age military retirees and the impact of those options on TRICARE utilization. The authors surveyed a random sample of 1,600 military retirees (officers and enlisted personnel) under age 65 who were entitled to TRICARE benefits. This pilot survey was designed to ask about the current employment of the retiree and his or her spouse, participation in a civilian health insurance plan, use of TRICARE for medical care, and the likely effect of premium increases or decreases on participation in civilian heath plans. Key findings showed that although a large majority of retirees have access to civilian health insurance, many choose not to enroll, most frequently citing the cost of premiums. Among those enrolled in civilian plans, many still rely on TRICARE for medical care and prescription drugs, and many would drop their civilian plans if costs rose substantially. As long as DoD premiums are considerably lower than civilian premiums, a shift away from TRICARE use is unlikely. A larger survey, collecting data from retirees and their civilian employers, would be needed for DoD to analyze the effects of benefit design changes to TRICARE on retiree reliance. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG583/ MG-584-AF Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative. J. Arkes, M. E. Chenoweth. 2007. One of the tools the Air Force is using to improve its logistical support to the warfighter is purchasing and supply-chain management (PSCM). But other factors likely were changing at about the same time, which might influence the relationship of the PSCM initiative to the supply chain’s ability to support the warfighter. To evaluate whether PSCM is doing what it is intended to do, and how well, it is necessary to control for these other factors that may be influencing its outcomes. The authors have taken a step in that direction by developing an econometric model that isolates certain identifiable factors and holds them constant as a means of separating their effects from PSCM. They illustrate their model by analyzing the relationship between PSCM and Mission Capable (MICAP) incidents. The authors considered several different factors but found data availability and quality to be a challenge. However, the model may be useful both with other factors and for estimating the benefits of other initiatives. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG584/ MG-585-RC Recruitment and Retention: Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department. B. Rostker, W. M. Hix, J. M. Wilson. 2007. Since Hurricane Katrina, resignations from the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) have increased, and the department went more than a year without recruiting enough candidates to justify a police academy training course. The authors present practical recommendations for change that could help the NOPD improve recruiting and retention. Issues addressed include the lack of affordable post-Katrina housing, the fact that the families of many police officers no longer live in the New Orleans area, the destroyed departmental infrastructure, and a budget that does not provide enough resources to meet basic needs. They focus on compensation, including housing; the promotion process and the career management system; recruiting; the mix of officers and civilians; and ways to improve the morale of the NOPD. The recommendations, which are specifically tailored to the unique circumstances of the NOPD, include (1) using civilian employees, where appropriate, for jobs currently being performed by uniformed officers; (2) developing a proactive recruiting program; (3) offering some of the city’s housing stock in-kind to police officers or selling the property and using the proceeds to improve compensation; (4) increasing the frequency of promotion examinations; (5) eliminating the backlog of promotions to higher levels in the department; (6) restructuring compensation to attract recruits and retain serving officers; (7) establishing a first-responders charter school; and (8) rebuilding the police infrastructure to improve morale. MG-586-NIJ Identifying Fraud, Abuse, and Error in Personal Bankruptcy Filings. N. Clancy, S. J. Carroll. 2007. The U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) is the component of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) whose mission includes promoting the integrity and efficiency of the bankruptcy system by enforcing bankruptcy laws. Among its responsibilities is identifying fraud, abuse, and error in personal bankruptcy filings. Currently, precise figures on the prevalence of fraud, abuse, and error in personal bankruptcy filings do not exist. USTP asked the RAND Corporation to assist it in thinking about how to better identify and measure fraud, abuse, and error in personal bankruptcies. RAND looked for lessons learned from other government programs and the private sector in detecting fraud and abuse; processes transferable to USTP; indicators USTP could develop of fraud, abuse, and error; ways to estimate their prevalence; and ways to develop data and knowledge for future identification systems. The authors conclude that a data-enabled case filing system, incorporating lessons from the IRS and GSA as well as the private sector, may be the direction 182 for the future of the bankruptcy court system. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG586/ MG-587-1-ICJ Insurance Class Actions in the United States. N. M. Pace, S. J. Carroll, I. Vogelsang, L. Zakaras. 2007. Class actions, which are civil cases in which parties initiate a lawsuit on behalf of other plaintiffs not specifically named in the complaint, often make the headlines, especially when they result in settlements affecting millions of class members and requiring millions of dollars in restitution. They have also aroused vocal policy debates, as exemplified during the deliberations of the U.S. Congress prior to the enactment of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. But despite this long-standing interest, policymakers and the public know very little about the majority of class actions filed in this country-their numbers, their dynamics, or their outcomes. RAND used a defendant-based survey to collect original data on both state and federal insurance class actions, and also surveyed state departments of insurance to learn more about the interests of regulators in the issues litigated by the parties in these cases. This book presents the results. With these data, we are able to describe important characteristics of the litigation, including what types of classes are sought, where these cases are being filed, what allegations are made, how these cases are resolved, how much time it takes to bring them to resolution, and the possible impact of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG587–1/ MG-588-AF Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs. O. Younossi, M. V. Arena, R. S. Leonard, C. R. Roll, A. K. Jain, J. M. Sollinger. 2007. In recent decades, there have been numerous attempts to rein in the cost growth of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition programs. Cost growth is the ratio of the cost estimate reported in a program’s final Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) and the costestimate baseline reported in a prior SAR issued at a particular milestone. Drawing on prior RAND research, new analyses of completed and ongoing weapon system programs, and data drawn from SARs, this study addresses the following questions: What is the cost growth of DoD weapon systems? What has been the trend of cost growth over the past three decades? To address the magnitude of cost growth, it examines cost growth in completed programs; to evaluate the cost growth trend over time, it provides additional analysis of a selection of ongoing programs. This sample of ongoing programs permits a look at growth trends in the more recent past. Changes in the mix of system types over time and dollar-weighted analysis were also considered because earlier studies have suggested that cost growth varies by program type and the cost of the program. The findings suggest that development cost growth over the past three decades has remained high and without any significant improvement. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG588/ MG-589-NSF Standards-Based Accountability under No Child Left Behind: Experiences of Teachers and Administrators in Three States. L. S. Hamilton, B. M. Stecher, J. A. Marsh, J. S. McCombs, A. E. Robyn, J. L. Russell, S. Naftel, H. Barney. 2007. Since 2001–2002, standards-based accountability (SBA) provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) have shaped the work of public school teachers and administrators in the United States. NCLB requires each state to develop content and achievement standards in several subjects, administer tests to measure students’ progress toward these standards, develop targets for performance on these tests, and impose a series of interventions on schools and districts that do not meet the targets. Many states had such systems in place before NCLB took effect, but, since 2001-2002, every state in the United States has had to develop and implement an SBA system that met the requirements of the law, and its provisions have affected every public school and district in the nation. This book sheds light on how accountability policies have influenced attitudes and been translated into actions at the district, school, and classroom levels in three states, with a focus on mathematics and science. SBA is leading to an increased emphasis on student achievement, and many educators laud this focus, but a single-minded emphasis on student proficiency on tests has some potentially negative consequences such as narrowing curriculum and declining staff morale. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG589/ MG-590-1-OSD Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women. M. C. Harrell, L. W. Castaneda, P. Schirmer, B. W. Hallmark, J. Kavanagh, D. Gershwin, P. Steinberg. 2007. The current U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) policy for assigning military women was issued in 1994, and the U.S. Army’s assignment policy dates to 1992. In the ensuing years, the U.S. Army has undergone significant technological and organizational transformation, which has changed how it organizes and fights. There is concern that, in the course of operations in Iraq, the Army has not been adhering to its own assignment policy, as there are several important and potentially problematic differences between the DoD and Army policies. For example, the DoD policy prohibits the assignment of women to units whose primary mission is direct combat, whereas the Army policy prohibits the assignment of women to units with a routine mission of direct combat, and their definitions of direct combat differ. The research finds that the Army is adhering to the DoD assignment policy but may not be complying with the separate Army assignment policy for women. Assessing the Assignment Policy for Army Women serves to inform DoD decisionmaking with regard to the clarity and appropriateness of the current DoD and Army assignment policies, especially given how units are operating in Iraq. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG590–1/ MG-591-NCCAM Hospital-Based Integrative Medicine: A Case Study of the Barriers and Factors Facilitating the Creation of a Center. I. D. Coulter, M. A. Ellison, L. Hilton, H. Rhodes, G. W. Ryan. 2007. Current integrative medicine practices in hospital settings involve some form of partnership between complementary and alternative medicine and biomedicine. This five-year study adopted a 183 longitudinal methodology to track the establishment of a single hospital-based Integrative Medicine Center. Using extensive qualitative interview data, the project staff conducted a stakeholder analysis of all participants involved in the establishment and continuation of the Integrative Medicine Center and collected data from hospital documents, patient files, patient questionnaires and provider questionnaires. Although some factors clearly worked in favor of the center, the hospital had few models to guide it and no experience in creating such a clinic. Thus, it made many decisions in the areas of administration, finance, and legal issues that created barriers to the center’s success, and the center was ultimately closed. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG591/ MG-592-NSRD Talking to the Enemy: Track Two Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia. D. D. Kaye. 2007. This monograph examines regional, multilateral track two dialogues in the Middle East and South Asia that are focused on arms control and other cooperative security measures. Unofficial policy discourse, or track two diplomacy, is an increasingly important part of the changing international security landscape, with the potential to raise new ideas and solutions to conflicts that, over time, may influence official policy. Talking to the Enemy considers how track two efforts in South Asia and the Middle East have socialized participants into thinking about security in more cooperative terms, and whether the ideas generated in track two forums have been acknowledged at the societal level or influenced official policy. Comparing the two regions, Kaye finds that South Asian dialogues, on Kashmir and other regional issues, have been more somewhat more effective than track two efforts in the Middle East, where lack of progress on official Arab-Israeli peace talks has also hindered unofficial regional dialogues. The author concludes with assessments of regional security trajectories in both regions, particularly proliferation dynamics, as well as suggestions on how to improve future track two efforts. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG592/ MG-593-OSD Networked Forces in Stability Operations: 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq. D. Gonzales, J. Hollywood, J. M. Sollinger, J. McFadden, J. DeJarnette, S. Harting, D. Temple. 2007. The Stryker brigade, one of the Army’s newest units, has a full complement of Army digital networked communications and battle command systems. An important issue for the Department of Defense and the Army is whether these networking capabilities translate into an information advantage and, if so, whether that advantage results in greater mission effectiveness in stability operations. To answer those two questions, the authors compare three units that operated in the same area in Iraq’s northern provinces between 2003 and 2005: the 101st Airborne Division (ABD) (which had only limited digital communications capabilities), the 3/2 Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT), and the 1/25 SBCT. Overall, the 1/25 SBCT and 101st ABD performed best in the stability phase in northern Iraq. They were particularly effective in social networking with the local populace and civilian leaders. The 3/2 SBCT did not perform as well as the 1/25 SBCT, even though it was equipped with some of the same digital networking capabilities. Some of the tactics it employed, such as indiscriminate sweeps, widened the gulf between coalition forces and the local populace. Although networking technologies confer obvious benefits, the authors conclude that command leadership, training, and the processes employed in stability operations are just as important for improving mission effectiveness in stability operations. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/ MG593/ MG-595/1-OSD Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents: RAND Counterinsurgency Study. Vol. 1. M. C. Libicki, D. C. Gompert, D. Frelinger, R. Smith. 2007. U.S. counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have failed to exploit information power, which could be a U.S. advantage but instead is being used advantageously by insurgents. Because insurgency and counterinsurgency involve a battle for the allegiance of a population between a government and an armed opposition movement, the key to exploiting information power is to connect with and learn from the population itself, increasing the effectiveness of both the local government and the U.S. military and civilian services engaged in supporting it. Utilizing mostly available networking technology, the United States could achieve early, affordable, and substantial gains in the effectiveness of counterinsurgency by more open, integrated, and inclusive information networking with the population, local authorities, and coalition partners. The most basic information link with the population would be an information technology (IT)enhanced, fraud-resistant registry-census. The most promising link would come from utilizing local cell phone networks, which are proliferating even among poor countries. Access to data routinely collected by such networks can form the basis for security services such as enhanced-911 and forensics. The cell phones of a well-wired citizenry can be made tantamount to sensor fields in settled areas. They can link indigenous forces with each other and with U.S. forces without interoperability problems; they can also track the responses of such forces to emergencies. Going further, outfitting weaponry with video cameras would bolster surveillance, provide lessons learned, and guard against operator misconduct. Establishing a national Wiki can help citizens describe their neighborhoods to familiarize U.S. forces with them and can promote accountable service delivery. All such information can improve counterinsurgency operations by making U.S. forces and agencies far better informed than they are at present. The authors argue that today’s military and intelligence networks-being closed, compartmentalized, controlled by information providers instead of users, and limited to U.S. war fighters-hamper counterinsurgency and deprive the United States of what ought to be a strategic advantage. In contrast, based on a review of 160 requirements for counterinsurgency, the authors call for current networks to be replaced by an integrated counterinsurgency operating network (ICON) linking U.S. and indigenous operators, based on principles of inclusiveness, integration, and user preeminence. Utilizing the proposed ways of gathering information from the population, 184 ICON would improve the timeliness, reliability, and relevance of information, while focusing security restrictions on truly sensitive information. The complexity and sensitivity of counterinsurgency call for vastly better use of IT than has been seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here is a practical plan for just that. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG595.1/ MG-597-AF Absorbing and Developing Qualified Fighter Pilots: The Role of the Advanced Simulator. R. Marken, W. W. Taylor, J. A. Ausink, L. M. Hanser, C. R. Anderegg, L. Wickman. 2007. What does an individual need to be considered an experienced fighter pilot? The current formal definition is based on how many flying hours a person has, but in practice, the question is more complex and sometimes subjective because an individual requires different kinds of experience for combat positions and staff positions. The authors surveyed training experts to discover practical bases for judgments about the experience needed for different jobs. For flying positions, they found that time in advanced simulators is now also considered to be an important component of experience. Upgrade levels (say, from wingman to flight lead) and types of sorties flown are factors for both flying and staff positions. The results suggest that it is time for the Air Force to consider revising the view that a pilot is experienced or not is based only on the number of hours flown. The Air Force needs to measure and credit different types of experience-including time spent in advanced simulator systemswhen revising its definitions of pilot experience. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG597/ MG-598-OSD The Cost of a Military Person-Year: A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions. C. J. Dahlman. 2007. The Department of Defense strives to only use military personnel for military-essential tasks and has consistently recommended the civilianization of ever-more military functions and positions. This guidance also stems from the belief that military personnel cost more than comparable civilians. As a policy, civilianization can only be properly applied when it is an integral element of a broader personnel-management strategy. This work presents a new method of estimating the cost of a military person-year that focuses on the actual cost of the retirement benefits that the federal government must provide to military personal. It provides a better foundation for the development of a broad, force-shaping strategy than previously available measures that focused only on annual retirement-fund accrual costs. A major implication of this alternative calculus is that truly effective force managementusing strategic human-resources principles to identify the proper mix of age and experience in the personnel inventory-requires an increased focus on the cost of personnel. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG598/ MG-599-OSD Families under Stress: An Assessment of Data, Theory, and Research on Marriage and Divorce in the Military. B. R. Karney, J. S. Crown. 2007. Recent demands on the military have raised concerns about the impact of extended deployments on military marriages. To evaluate this impact, the authors draw on marital status data in service personnel records to estimate trends in marriage and marital dissolution between 1996 and 2005 and the specific effects of time deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq on subsequent risk of ending a marriage. The results generally run counter to expectations. Although rates of marital dissolution have increased since 2001 for most services and components, they had declined in the five years prior to 2001. As a result, marital dissolution rates across the services and components are currently similar to those observed in 1996, when the demands on the military were measurably lower. In most cases, service members who were deployed had a lower risk of subsequently ending their marriages than service members who did not deploy or deployed fewer days. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG599/ MG-603-A Hurricane Katrina: Lessons for Army Planning and Operations. L. E. Davis, J. Rough, G. Cecchine, A. G. Schaefer, L. L. Zeman. 2007. The efforts undertaken by civilian and military organizations in response to Hurricane Katrina were historically unprecedented, but problems did arise in the military response that contributed to delays in accomplishing evacuations and relief operations across the storm-ravaged areas of Louisiana and Mississippi, particularly New Orleans. A number of steps can be taken to enhance future military disaster-response efforts: give the National Guard the federal mission to conduct homeland security activities; make each National Guard unit capable of rapid deployment; prepare governors to call up Guard units to state active duty for out-ofstate emergencies; and design a regional approach in the National Guard through the creation of ten National Guard standing homeland security task forces. Designating National Guard and active-duty units for homeland security in the Army’s unitreadiness planning process also deserves consideration, as does an approach to command and control structure that prepares decision makers to quickly select from a set of predefined alternatives giving the lead to federal or state task forces depending on the characteristics of the emergency. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG603/ MG-607-JFCOM Enlisting Madison Avenue: The Marketing Approach to Earning Popular Support in Theaters of Operation. T. C. Helmus, C. Paul, R. W. Glenn. 2007. Virtually every action, message, and decision of a military force shapes the opinions of an indigenous population: strategic communication, treatment of civilians at vehicle checkpoints, and the accuracy or inaccuracy of aerial bombardment. Themes of U.S. goodwill mean little if its actions convey otherwise. Consequently, a unified message in both word and deed is fundamental to success. Business marketing practices provide a useful framework for improving U.S. military efforts to shape the attitudes and behaviors of local populations in a theater of operations as well as those of a broader, international audience. Enlisting Madison Avenue extracts lessons from these business practices and adapts them to U.S. military efforts, developing a unique approach to 185 shaping that has the potential to improve military-civilian relations, the accuracy of media coverage of operations, communication of U.S. and coalition objectives, and the reputation of U.S. forces in theater and internationally. Foremost among these lessons are the concepts of branding, customer satisfaction, and segmentation of the target audience, all of which serve to maximize the impact and improve the outcome of U.S. shaping efforts. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG607/ MG-608-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities. J. F. Schank, M. V. Arena, P. DeLuca, J. Riposo, K. Curry, T. Weeks, J. Chiesa. 2007. For the first time since the design of the first nuclear submarine, the U.S. Navy has no nuclear submarine design program under way, which raises the possibility that design capability could be lost. Such a loss could result in higher costs and delays when the next submarine design is undertaken, as well as risks to system performance and safety. The authors estimate and compare the costs and delays of letting design capability erode vs. those of alternative means of managing the workload and workforce over the gap in design demand and beyond. The authors recommend that the Navy consider stretching out the design of the next submarine class and starting it early, or, if that seems too risky, sustaining design resources at the shipyards, their vendors, and in the Navy itself that exceed those supported by the demand. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG608/ MG-608/1-NAVY Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities: Executive Summary. J. F. Schank, M. V. Arena, P. DeLuca, J. Riposo, K. Curry, T. Weeks, J. Chiesa. 2007. For the first time since the design of the first nuclear submarine, the U.S. Navy has no nuclear submarine design program under way, which raises the possibility that design capability could be lost. Such a loss could result in higher costs and delays when the next submarine design is undertaken, as well as risks to system performance and safety. The authors estimate and compare the costs and delays of letting design capability erode vs. those of alternative means of managing the workload and workforce over the gap in design demand and beyond. The authors recommend that the Navy consider stretching out the design of the next submarine class and starting it early, or, if that seems too risky, sustaining design resources at the shipyards, their vendors, and in the Navy itself that exceed those supported by the demand. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG608.1/ MG-612-OSD The Thin Green Line: An Assessment of DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to Buffer Installation Encroachment. B. E. Lachman, A. Wong, S. A. Resetar. 2007. Over the past few decades, military installations have experienced diminishing open space near their borders from suburban sprawl and other developments. Such encroachment pressures limit the ability to conduct mission-essential testing and training. Such development can also destroy or displace native plant and animal species, the result being that military installations become islands of refuge for threatened and endangered species, which can also restrict an installation’s operations. In 2003, DoD created the Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative (REPI) to help address such encroachment pressures. The REPI program helps installations implement compatible land use partnering projects with state and local governments and non-governmental organizations to protect non-military land, which helps relieve installation encroachment pressures. In this monograph, RAND researchers assessed the effectiveness of the REPI projects. The authors also identify the main causes of encroachment; detail the benefits, both to the military and local communities, of buffering areas near installations with REPI projects; and provide recommendations for how to improve REPI’s effectiveness. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG612/ MG-613-AF U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment. O. Oliker, K. Crane, A. K. Grant, T. K. Kelly, A. Rathmell, D. Brannan. 2007. Iraq is the most pressing national security issue facing the United States today. This book evaluates the costs and benefits of five alternative strategies the United States could pursue in Iraq. The authors argue that, as long as the United States remains in Iraq, policy actions must focus on improving the security of Iraq’s population by reducing violence. They offer recommendations for ways in which U.S. political, security, and economic policies in Iraq could be better geared to support this goal, though they emphasize the challenges inherent in this endeavor. Specific recommendations focus on embedding and vetting efforts for both forces and government structures and on targeting economic assistance more effectively. The authors also suggest policies that might be implemented if violence subsides-but that should not be undertaken unless and until it does. The book concludes with a discussion of next steps if the United States decides to withdraw from Iraq, arguing that the United States needs to prepare now to mitigate the effects of failure. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG613/ MG-624-AF Common Battlefield Training for Airmen. T. Manacapilli, C. M. Hardison, B. Gifford, A. Bailey, A. Bower. 2007. Members of Air Force specialties that normally work inside the defended perimeter of a base or deployed location may sometimes have to cross that perimeter. What might seem fairly benign in some locations, such as Germany, would be hazardous in others, such as Iraq. And some initially deployed to a “safe” location may be redeployed to a more hazardous one. While those who routinely go “outside the wire” receive appropriate training, the others historically have not. The Air Force is thus seeking to establish common battlefield airman training (CBAT) and asked RAND Project Air Force to examine the content and resources both for this course and a companion course for non-ground combat personnel. RAND conducted surveys and interviews to determine the kinds of experiences airmen have had “outside the wire” and worked with subject-matter experts to categorize them and suggest appropriate types and amounts of training for them. This report 186 presents the results of these activities. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG624/ MG-635-A Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations. J. D. P. Moroney, N. Blacker, R. Buhr, J. McFadden, C. Thurston, A. Wong. 2007. Ongoing operations and emerging mission requirements place a heavy burden on Army resources, resulting in capability gaps that the Army is unable to fill by itself. This report argues that one way to fill those gaps is by building the appropriate capabilities in allies and partner armies through focused security cooperation. It argues that U.S. Army planners need a more comprehensive understanding of the types of capability gaps that partner armies might fill and a process for matching those gaps with candidate partner armies. The report begins by providing a theoretical context for building partner capacity and capabilities. It then discusses seven illustrative train and equip programs (TEPs) to identify specific lessons to inform Army planning and execution of TEPs in the future. It gives insights on the importance of developing and implementing metrics for security cooperation, an essential step in ensuring that Army activities are successful. The report then identifies U.S. Army capability gaps through a review of strategic and operational guidance documents and Army and joint studies. It outlines a five-step process for matching U.S. Army capability gaps with candidate partner armies, which include (1) determining the relative importance of capability gaps to the U.S. Army in specific situations, (2) considering the level of effort required to build the capability in a partner army, (3) identifying capabilities of shared interest to the U.S. Army and the partner army, (4) identifying candidate partner armies based on past participation in U.S.-led operations, and (5) determining existing partner army capabilities. The process aims to help Army planners identify which capabilities are of mutual benefit to the United States and partner nations. The report concludes with specific recommendations for Headquarters, Department of the Army, which should, at a minimum, include adopting this five-step process and focusing its efforts on those capability gaps that best support joint requirements. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG635/ MG-644-QATAR Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy. C. Stasz, E. Eide, F. Martorell, L. Constant, C. A. Goldman, J. S. Moini, V. Nadareishvili, H. Salem. 2007. The leadership of Qatar has a social and political vision that calls for improving the country’s post-secondary education system. Qatar’s Supreme Education Council asked RAND to conduct a one-year study to assess whether the current post-secondary education opportunities in Qatar are aligned with the nation’s social and economic goals, and to help articulate priorities for developing post-secondary educational opportunities, either in Qatar or through financed study abroad. The study determined that occupational demands are in the professional, technical, and sales and service occupations for men, and in the professional and clerical occupations for women. Overall, the pattern of demand favors individuals with some post-secondary education. However, education and career choices, especially for men, are somewhat misaligned with demand. There are numerous post-secondary offerings in Qatar to prepare Qataris for work in high-demand fields at the undergraduate level, but not for graduate studies. The study also identified other gaps in the provision of education, and developed several options for addressing them. The recommended investments for consideration are as follows: (1) to address the currently limited opportunities available to Qataris who need further course work before going on to university studies, consider establishing a government-sponsored community college; (2) to address the limited choices in four-year degrees available to highachieving students beyond the degrees offered in Education City, consider recruiting a top liberal arts college or developing an honors program at Qatar University; and (3) to address the lack of master’s degrees being offered in fields essential to Qatar’s social and economic progress, consider expanding Education City’s offerings or restructuring Qatar University programs. The study also recommended that a financial-aid program for adults be started and that an overarching strategy of investment be developed for post-secondary education before any investments are made. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG644/ MG-646-A Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. T. S. Szayna, D. Eaton, A. F. Richardson. 2007. This monograph presents the results of a project entitled Improving Army Doctrine and Planning for Stability Operations. A great deal of activity has been aimed at revising the approach to the planning and implementation of Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) operations. The primary emphasis of the changes is on ensuring a common U.S. strategy rather than a collection of individual departmental and agency efforts and on mobilizing and involving all available U.S. government assets in the effort. However, using a template to assess the extent of progress in building collaborative interagency capacity for SSTR operations, the authors find that some elements essential to the success of the process are not yet in place. They provide a series of recommendations on how the Army, as a major stakeholder, can act to advance the interagency process. The authors also assess the ongoing development of Army doctrine on SSTR operations and compare it to the emerging guidelines for SSTR operations at the interagency level. They provide specific recommendations for the Army to consider in revising its doctrine on SSTR operations, to bring it further in line with interagency guidelines. They also point out omissions in the security sector of the emerging interagency task list for SSTR operations. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/monographs/MG646/ MG-649-NAVY Warfighting and Logistic Support of Joint Forces from the Joint Sea Base. R. W. Button, J. Gordon, J. Riposo, I. Blickstein, P. Wilson. 2007. Sea Basing is a concept fundamental to the U.S. Navy’s operational vision for the 21st century. The overall intent of Sea Basing is to use the flexibility and protection provided by the sea base while minimizing the presence of forces ashore. The Assessment Division 187 of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV N-81) asked RAND to develop insights on how Sea Basing could also enable Army operations while supporting a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB). This monograph presents research performed by the RAND National Defense Research Institute, Acquisition and Technology Center, to that end. The RAND team held discussions with and obtained data from personnel from Headquarters, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command; the Marine Corps Combat Development Command; the U.S. Army Transportation School; OPNAV N-42 and N-85; and the Center for Naval Analyses. Operational scenarios, intended to represent most likely cases for Army (airborne, Stryker, and heavy) brigade interactions with a sea base, were formulated. A computer simulation to represent these scenarios was then developed. That simulation and data collected for this study were used to ascertain the feasibility of sustaining a Marine Corps ground element ashore and simultaneously sustaining Army elements ashore from a sea base or moving Army elements ashore from the sea base in a reasonable period. Although Navy-Marine Corps Sea Basing concepts feature Carrier and Expeditionary Strike Groups, this research focused on the new Maritime Prepositioning Force — Future (MPF(F)) concept: a squadron of 14 logistics ships. The initial finding of this study was that, under the conditions used for the MPF(F) Analysis of Alternatives, the sea base has little sustainment capability beyond that needed for the portion of a MEB that is projected ashore for operations. We then identified options (such as reducing the standoff distance from the coast or changing the mix of logistics aircraft embarked on the sea base) that would enable MPF(F) assets to sustain a MEB ashore while sustaining an airborne brigade or a heavy brigade. Under similar conditions, MPF(F) assets could sustain a MEB ashore while moving a Stryker brigade or a heavy brigade ashore in several days. The Joint High-Speed Vessel was found particularly useful in the latter task-reducing Army brigade movement time about 50 percent. Navy-Marine Corps Sea Basing concepts were found not completely consistent with the Army’s desire to deploy directly to a port via high-speed ships. For the Army to benefit from the MPF(F)’s potential, certain modifications, such as changing the way Army transport ships are loaded, would be required. Although certain doctrinal and operational issues would have to be resolved between the Army and the Navy/Marine Corps, the analysis showed that MPF(F)-centered Sea Basing concepts offer considerable benefit to the Army. This monograph should be of interest to the Department of the Navy, the Department of the Army, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Congress. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG649/ MG-655-AF Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare. B. S. Lambeth. 2007. This report documents the exceptional cross-service harmony that the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy have steadily developed in their conduct of integrated strike operations since the first Persian Gulf War in 1991. That close harmony contrasts sharply with the situation that prevailed throughout most of the Cold War, when the two services maintained separate and unique operating mindsets and lacked any significant interoperability features. The most influential factor accounting for this gradual trend toward integration was the nation’s ten-year experience with Operations Northern and Southern Watch, in which both Air Force landbased fighters and Navy carrier-based fighters jointly enforced the United Nations-imposed no-fly zones over northern and southern Iraq that were first put into effect after the conclusion of Operation Desert Storm. That steady-state aerial policing function proved to be a real-world operations laboratory for the two services, and it ended up being the main crucible in which their eventual merger of operational practices was forged. The results were finally showcased by the all but seamless Air Force and Navy performance in their joint conduct of integrated aerial strike operations in the largely air-centric war in Afghanistan in late 2001 and early 2002. They were further dramatized by the similarly near-seamless airwarfare performance of the two services during the three-week major combat phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom that ensued a year later. These real-world experiences suggest that the U.S. Air Force and U.S. naval aviation should now consider each other natural allies in the roles and resources arena, since they did not compete but rather mutually supported and reinforced one another in the achievement of joint strike-warfare goals. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG655/ MG-663-EMKF In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business. S. M. Gates, K. Leuschner. 2007. There has been ongoing concern that some regulations, rules, and government policies place a disproportionate burden on small businesses and entrepreneurs. For this reason, small businesses often receive special regulatory treatment, such as exemptions from legislation or extended deadlines for compliance. However, the desire to support small businesses can come into conflict with the interest in addressing the concerns that led to the regulation or policy in the first place. Moreover, it is often unclear whether special regulatory treatment for small businesses is having the intended effect. This book sheds light on these issues through analysis of the regulatory and public policy environment with regard to small businesses, including focused studies in four key areas: health insurance, workplace safety, corporate governance, and business organization. The authors offer support for the idea that the regulatory environment has a different effect on the behavior of small businesses than it has on that of large ones. However, they also demonstrate that policies designed specifically to help small businesses do not always have the intended effect. The lack of a consistent definition of small business confounds our understanding of these issues. The book suggests possible directions for future policy that achieves a better balance between the interest in restricting firm behavior through regulation and the desire to encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG663/ MG-664-OSD F-22A Multiyear Procurement Program: An Assessment of Cost Savings. O. Younossi, M. V. Arena, K. Brancato, J. C. Graser, B. Goldsmith, M. A. Lorell, F. S. Timson, J. M. Sollinger. 2007. Buying defense weapon systems under multiyear contracts rather 188 than a series of single-year contracts can save costs because contractors can buy materials in more economic quantities, schedule workers and facilities more efficiently, and reduce the burden of preparing multiple proposals. The U.S. Air Force is in the process of awarding multiyear contracts for 60 F-22A aircraft over three years. Congress wants to assure itself that the proposed contract will yield the promised savings and asked RAND for an independent review of the estimated savings. Researchers found that a multiyear procurement of three lots of F-22A fighters would save an estimated $411 million-about 4.5 percent of the total contract value. They were able to trace 70 percent of the $411 million to substantiated savings estimates identified by the contractors. Examining the issue of multiyear savings using several approaches produces a consistent range of results, indicating that the savings attributed to the multiyear contract by the contractors appear to be reasonable. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG664/ MG-673-CEIS Encouraging Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine. K. Crane, F. S. Larrabee. 2007. Despite the fact that two ostensible economic policy priorities in Ukraine are to liberalize trade and improve the climate for foreign direct investment (FDI), successive Ukrainian governments have found it singularly difficult to pass legislation and implement policies to address these priorities. The study’s primary objective was to analyze Ukraine’s current environment for foreign trade and FDI and to develop policy proposals that will foster Ukraine’s foreign trade and attract more FDI, especially with respect to the United States. The report describes existing barriers to trade and FDI, chief among which is corruption, and recommends a twopronged strategy for removing the worst of these barriers: one prong focused on a few highly visible policy changes that would bring results within 100 days; the other focused on setting in motion changes in Ukrainian institutions that would reduce corruption and other impediments over a longer period. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG673/ MG-679-CTRMP The Federal Role in Terrorism Insurance: Evaluating Alternatives in an Uncertain World. L. S. Dixon, R. J. Lempert, T. LaTourrette, R. T. Reville. 2007. Concerned that the unavailability of terrorism insurance would impede economic recovery and hinder growth after the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA). TRIA will sunset at the end of 2007 unless Congress takes further action. This book examines the implications of allowing TRIA to expire and of enhancements aimed at improving the availability and affordability of insurance for nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological (NBCR) attacks. The analysis takes a systematic approach to addressing the deep uncertainties that underlie the market for terrorism insurance and is the first study of TRIA to consider not just taxpayer payments through the program but also the cost of government compensation and assistance following a terrorist attack when analyzing the program’s effect on government spending. The authors conclude that taxpayer cost is lower with TRIA than without TRIA across a broad range of assumptions about attack frequency and the proportion of uninsured losses that are compensated postattack. The analysis also cautions policymakers to be careful when modifying the program to better address NBCR attacks: Simply expanding the program to require insurers to offer NBCR coverage may not achieve the desired outcomes. The authors identify program changes that will produce positive results for both NBCR and conventional attacks that are robust to key underlying uncertainties. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG679/ MG-689-OACP Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations. J. M. Wilson, E. Dalton. 2007. Human trafficking has garnered a significant and growing amount of attention from the U.S. government since the 1990s, culminating in the passage of the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act in 2000. There is also a growing body of research on human trafficking, but most of it has focused on trying to show that human trafficking is a problem. Wilson and Dalton explore the extent and characteristics of concrete cases of human trafficking in Columbus and Toledo, Ohio, as well as the awareness of and response to the problem by the justice systems and social service provider communities in the two cities. The authors summarize their content analysis of newspaper accounts as well as key respondent interviews that they conducted with criminal justice officials and social service providers in each site. These identified several cases of juvenile sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Toledo, as well as a smaller trafficking market centered on the forced labor of noncitizens in Columbus. Wilson and Dalton compare the two cities’ considerably different responses to human trafficking, and conclude with suggestions on how to raise awareness about human trafficking and improve the responses of the criminal justice system, the juvenile justice system, and social services to the problem. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ monographs/MG689/ TECHNICAL REPORTS TR-101/2-CDC Getting to Outcomes: 10 Steps for Achieving Results-Based Accountability. S. H. Wiseman, M. Chinman, P. A. Ebener, S. B. Hunter, P. S. Imm, A. Wandersman. 2007. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, especially among youth, exacts a high toll in local communities. Substance abuse prevention programs can improve the health of community members. Such programs are successful only if they are of high quality and are implemented carefully. In 2004, the RAND Corporation published Getting To Outcomes 2004: Promoting Accountability Through Methods and Tools for Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation, a manual designed to provide guidance to prevention practitioners in agencies, schools, and community coalitions as they plan, implement, and evaluate their own substance abuse prevention programs. Research has shown that the Getting To Outcomes (GTO) approach can lead to increased capacity in prevention programs and better performance. 189 This summary of that manual provides step-by-step guidance to practitioners in need of a concise, overview-style approach to the GTO process. It briefly reviews the 10 steps described in the manual, from choosing a problem or problems to focus on to considering how to keep a successful program going. The steps are designed to empower practitioners as they plan effective programs, implement the programs, and evaluate the programs to continuously improve them and collect outcome data. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/technical_reports/TR101.2/ TR-209-QF Design of the Qatar National Research Fund: An Overview of the Study Approach and Key Recommendations. V. A. Greenfield, D. S. Knopman, E. L. Talley, G. Bloom, E. Balkovich, D. J. Peterson, J. T. Bartis, S. Rattien, R. A. Rettig, M. Wang, M. G. Mattock, J. Najjar, M. C. Libicki. 2007. The Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) is intended to be the leading institution in Qatar dedicated to funding research in the Qatari interest. It will address priority economic and social needs and pursue opportunities to attract internationally recognized researchers to study topics of regional and global importance. QNRF is a project of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating the full potential of the Qatari people through a network of progressive research and educational centers. To lay the groundwork for QNRF, the foundation asked the RANDQatar Policy Institute (RQPI) in 2004 to recommend a design and draft business and implementation plans; this report documents the results. The RQPI team presented a design that took the best practices of internationally recognized research and academic institutions and tailored them to both the foundation’s vision for QNRF and Qatar’s unique needs, challenges, and opportunities. The design included a structure for QNRF and laid out the tasks necessary to build it, to be undertaken during implementation three phases: start-up, launch of operations and programs, and deepening and broadening of the research agenda. The design also proposed a set of operating principles for meeting strategic goals and performing in accordance with internationally recognized standards. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_ reports/TR209/ TR-280-DFT The PRISM Model: Evidence on Model Hierarchy and Parameter Values. C. Rohr. 2007. The UK Department for Transport (DfT) provides detailed guidance on the appraisal of transport projects and wider advice on scoping and carrying out transport studies. Part of this advice concerns development of transport models which contain the full range of important demand responses, i.e., trip frequency, mode choice, destination choice, time period choice and route choice—called ‘Variable Demand Models’—for the evaluation of large highway and public transport infrastructure schemes. For development of this advice, the DfT sought evidence about choice hierarchies and parameter values from existing transport demand models, specifically those that had been subject to rigorous calibration and validation procedures. The Policy Responsive Integrated Strategy Model (PRISM) of the West Midlands met these requirements. This report describes the model choice hierarchies and model parameter values obtained from the estimation of the PRISM model, with the aim of informing DfT transport modelling advice. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR280/ TR-313-STWA An Approach to Assessing the Technical Feasibility and Market Potential of a New Automotive Device. 2007. Save the World Air (STWA) has developed magnet-based devices, including its Zero Emission Fuel Saver (ZEFS), that it claims can improve vehicle fuel economy and reduce emissions. These devices are designed to be fitted as original equipment onto internal combustion engines or to be retrofitted onto existing engines. STWA asked the RAND Corporation to help develop a plan for assessing the technical basis required for successful commercialization of ZEFS. STWA also sought RAND’s advice in examining potential market opportunities for ZEFS. This report summarizes RAND’s analysis of these two issues, concluding the following. Application of magnetic fields has not been shown in the literature to lower the viscosity of automotive fuels. Along with empirical testing, establishing a theoretical basis underlying the effect of magnetic fields on fuel viscosity, surface tension, and atomization might provide useful information for developing and evaluating magnetic field-based fuel treatment devices. So far, the test results for use of the device are, at best, mixed. Should further laboratory analysis and in-use testing provide clearer and more positive outcomes, the market potential for the device will depend significantly on the advances realized from other technologies and regulatory policies and on its cost-effectiveness relative to other outcomes. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_ reports/TR313/ TR-360-DHS Freedom and Information: Assessing Publicly Available Data Regarding U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Security. E. Landree, C. Paul, B. Grill, A. Balakrishnan, B. Wilson, M. C. Libicki. 2007. How much data regarding U.S. anti- and counterterrorism systems, countermeasures, and defenses is publicly available and how easily could it be found by individuals seeking to harm U.S. domestic interests? The authors developed a framework to guide assessments of the availability of such information for planning attacks on the U.S. air, rail, and sea transportation infrastructure, and applied the framework in an information-gathering exercise that used several attack scenarios. Overall, the framework was useful for assessing what kind of information would be easy or hard for potential attackers to find. For each of the attack scenarios, a team of “attackers” was unable to locate some of the information that a terrorist planner would need to gauge the likely success of a potential attack. The authors recommend that procedures for securing sensitive information be evaluated regularly and that information that can be obtained from easily accessible, off-site public information sources be included in vulnerability assessments. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_ reports/TR360/ 190 TR-367-CCC Isles of Scilly: Travel Demand Study. M. Kouwenhoven, C. Rohr, S. Miller, H. Siemonsma, P. Burge, J. Laird. 2006. Submissions for capital funding to improve transport infrastructure requires estimates of the cost benefits travellers will receive from those improvements. This study provides an example of how a travel demand model was used to predict travellers’ responses and quantify their benefits from different ferry service options to the Isles of Scilly. This model has been developed using locally collected data, including travellers’ observed choices and the stated choices they say they would make under changed circumstances. The model predicts changes in modal shift and in total travel demand as a result of changes in ferry services. The methodology also provides an enhancement to normal UK transport appraisal procedures. It includes travellers’ benefits from improved quality of services and scheduling and exact consumer surplus calculations, which allow for variation in travellers’ tastes and the possibility of calculating the impact of discontinuation of services. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR367/ TR-368-1-LACPD Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Report. S. Turner, T. Fain, J. M. Macdonald, A. Sehgal, J. Imara, F. Cotton, D. Davies, A. Harris. 2006. California counties receiving funds from Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA) programs are required to report six outcome measures to the California State Legislature on an annual basis to measure the success of the program. These outcome measures are (1) successful completion of probation, (2) arrests, (3) probation violations, (4) incarcerations, (5) successful completion of restitution, and (6) successful completion of community service. This fiscal year 2004–05 annual report summarizes those findings, as well as additional program information gathered by the Los Angeles County Probation Department based on its oversight and monitoring of program implementation and outcomes. The report will be of interest to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners interested in the effectiveness of intervention programs for participating youths and those involved in the juvenile justice system. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_ reports/TR368-1/ TR-386-DHS Terrorism Risk Modeling for Intelligence Analysis and Infrastructure Protection. H. H. Willis, T. LaTourrette, T. K. Kelly, H. C. Scot, S. Neill. 2007. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has adopted a focused approach to risk reduction. DHS is moving increasingly to risk analysis and risk-based resource allocation, a process that is designed to manage the greatest risks instead of attempting to protect everything. This report applies a probabilistic terrorism model that is broadly applied in the insurance industry to assess risk across cities, to assess risks within specific cities, and to assist intelligence analysis. Among the authors’ conclusions: Terrorism risk is concentrated in a small number of cities, with most cities having negligible relative risk, so terrorism estimates such as those described in the report should be incorporated into the grant allocation assessment process. DHS should consider funding the development of city profiles of major metropolitan areas receiving DHS preparedness grants. It should also develop descriptions of terrorist attack planning and operations that can be used to translate estimates from risk models of likely attack scenarios into detailed recommendations. Finally, DHS should develop tabletop exercises to test the scenarios and provide feedback. Online access: http:// www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR386/ TR-392 Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments. P. K. Davis, S. C. Bankes, M. Egner. 2007. This report extends research on using scenarios for strategic planning, with experiments in what can be called massive scenario generation (MSG), a computationally intensive technique that seeks to combine virtues of human- and model-based exploration of “the possibility space.” The authors measure particular approaches to MSG against four metrics: not needing a good initial model; the dimensionality of the possibility space considered; the degree of exploration of that space; and the quality of resulting knowledge. The authors then describe two MSG experiments for contrasting cases, one that began with a reasonable but untested analytical model, and one that began without an analytical model, but with a thoughtful list of the conditions that might characterize and distinguish among circumstances in the situation considered, a list derived from a combination of single-analyst thinking and group brainstorming. The authors experimented with a variety of methods and tools for interpreting and making sense of the “data” arising from MSG, using ordinary linear sensitivity analysis, a generalization using analyst-inspired aggregation fragments, some advanced filtering methods drawing on data-mining and machinelearning methods, and motivated metamodeling. On the basis of this preliminary work, we conclude that MSG has the potential to expand the scope of what are recognized as possible developments, provide an understanding of how those developments might come about, and help identify aspects of the world that should be studied more carefully, tested, or monitored. It should assist planners by enriching their mental library of the patterns used to guide reasoning and action at the time of crisis or decision and should help them identify anomalous situations requiring unusual actions. Finally, it should identify crucial issues worthy of testing or experimentation in games or other venues and, in some cases, suggest better ways to design mission rehearsals. If MSG can be built into training, education, research, and socialization exercises, it should leave participants with a wider and better sense of the possible, while developing skill at problem-solving in situations other than those of the “best estimate.” Much development is needed, but prospects are encouraging. Online access: http://www. rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR392/ TR-397-ATSC Evaluation of the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Program: Progress During 2004 and 2005. D. Farley, J. Engberg, B. Carroll, M. Chinman, E. J. D’Amico, S. B. Hunter, S. Lovejoy, L. R. Shugarman, H. Yu, J. P. Kahan. 2007. The Tobacco Settlement Proceeds Act, a referendum passed by 191 Arkansans in the November 2000 election, invests Arkansas’ share of the tobacco Master Settlement Agreement funds in seven health-related programs. RAND was contracted to evaluate the progress of the seven programs in fulfilling their missions, as well as the effects of the programs on smoking and other health-related outcomes. This report charts the progress of each program, including assessing progress in achieving long-range goals established by the programs in 2005, tracking the programs’ process measures, and assessing performance on a set of program management integrity criteria. The report also updates trends in outcome measures developed to monitor effects of the funded programs on smoking and other health-related outcomes. Finally, it provides program-specific and across-program recommendations for future activities and funding. Online access: http://www.rand. org/pubs/technical_reports/TR397/ TR-403-SAMHSA Preventing Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results. P. S. Imm, M. Chinman, A. Wandersman, D. Rosenbloom, S. Guckenburg, R. Leis. 2007. Underage drinking is a significant problem in the United States: Alcohol is the primary contributor to the leading causes of death among adolescents. As a result, communitywide strategies to prevent underage drinking are more important than ever. Such strategies depend on the involvement and education of adolescents, parents, law enforcement officials, merchants, and other stakeholders. This guide is designed to take communities through the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies to prevent underage drinking and youth access to alcohol. The guide is structured according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Strategic Prevention Framework, a five-step prevention approach. Within the five steps, the guide adopts the Getting To Outcomes model of empowerment evaluation, results-based accountability, and continuous quality improvement. The result is a comprehensive, step-by-step manual for developing, implementing, and evaluating a high-quality communitywide plan to prevent underage drinking and its related consequences. Recommendations include the development of educational strategies for parents, adolescents, and alcohol merchants; attracting the involvement of civic leaders; working to reform legislation governing underage access to alcohol; and training law enforcement officials to be vigilant but safe in their efforts to police underage drinking in the community. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR403/ TR-406-EC Security Challenges to the Use and Deployment of Disruptive Technologies. N. Robinson, M. Botterman, L. Valeri, D. S. Ortiz, A. Ligtvoet, R. Shoob, E. Nason. 2007. This report describes the results of a study undertaken for Unit A3, Internet, Information and Network Security, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission to investigate security challenges to the use and deployment of disruptive technologies. The project used a combination of research methods, most notably a Delphi exercise, case studies and a workshop to gather evidence on the type of security challenges that organisations implementing disruptive technologies encountered. Implementations of five different types of disruptive technology (defined by Clayton M Christiansen as technology or innovation that attracts a customer base via niche or simple selling points) were considered. These were Voice over IP (VoIP); Trusted Computing; Wireless Microwave Access (WiMAX); Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). The analysis from the case studies indicated a wide variety of issues but that the disruptive nature of these technologies did not present any unique or peculiar security challenges. The report also presented conclusions for policy makers at the European and Member State level based on the evidence gathered and other literature which indicated, amongst other things, that a program to monitor the impact of technological research and development would be a useful policy measure. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ technical_reports/TR406/ TR-408-AF Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. G. Vernez, A. A. Robbert, H. G. Massey, K. Driscoll. 2007. The Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) develops, acquires, and maintains most Air Force systems and is tailoring its workforce to adapt to changes in technology, weapons, and battlefield requirements. This volume is a practical guide to the main steps in analytical workforce planning and development: determining workforce demand, describing workforce supply, comparing the demand with the supply, and implementing solutions. The authors outline the related policy decisions; describe necessary methods, data, and tools; and recommend divisions of responsibilities among headquarters, business units, and functional managers. These tasks need not cover the entire workforce but should be focused on positions that are central to AFMC’s core business units, which would be responsible for actual planning and development. Headquarters AFMC itself would primarily offer guidance, support, and assistance to these units and mediate trade-offs that may need to be made among them. Similarly, functional managers have an advisory role. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ technical_reports/TR408/ TR-410-AF Subjective Probability Distribution Elicitation in Cost Risk Analysis: A Review. L. A. Galway. 2007. A cost estimate for a project such as the acquisition of a new aircraft or satellite system carries with it an inherent probability that the actual cost will exceed the estimate-that changes in requirements, technology, the economic environment, and a multitude of other factors that may occur over the life of the project will change the final cost. One major approach to cost risk analysis-the evaluating and quantifying of the uncertainty of a cost estimate-has been probabilistic: expressing the uncertainty in a cost estimate as a probability distribution over a range of potential costs. Cost analysts in industry and government and researchers in statistics and management have often proposed that, to get probability distributions for platforms using new and untried technologies, expert judgment should be tapped and subjective probability distributions elicited from the experts to represent cost uncertainty. 192 This technical report reviews procedures for eliciting subjective probability distributions in cost risk analysis, both in the cost risk field and in other disciplines in which elicitation has been a topic of research-primarily, statistics and psychology. Because of a lack of empirical work in elicitation, especially in cost risk, the author also interviewed a number of senior people in the cost risk community, who gave insight into the practices of the field. This report should be of interest to cost analysis professionals who wish to quantify uncertainty when using expert opinions in cost risk analysis. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR410/ TR-416-A The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion. C. G. Pernin, L. Moore, K. Comanor. 2007. As the U.S. military transforms to an information-based force, it will need processes and methods to collect, combine, and utilize the intelligence that is generated by its assets. The process known as fusion will play an important role in determining whether this intelligence is used in the most beneficial manner. The process of fusion, combining pieces of information to produce higher-quality information, knowledge, and understanding, is often poorly represented in constructive models and simulations that are used to analyze intelligence issues. This report describes one approach to capturing the fusion process in a constructive simulation, providing detailed examples to aid in further development and instantiation. The sequential fusion method in intended to determine whether separate intelligence observations are close enough geographically, have consistently identified the same battlefield entity, and contain high-quality information, all of which must be considered before fusion of intelligence can occur. The fusion process described in this report is, for the most part, an implicit representation of the generation of battlefield intelligence and can be used in a constructive simulation or fusion model to better understand the dynamics of intelligence-gathering systems and their effect on intelligence metrics. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/ technical_reports/TR416/ TR-418-AF Guidelines and Metrics for Assessing Space System Cost Estimates. B. Fox, K. Brancato, B. Alkire. 2008. This handbook is designed to help analysts evaluate cost estimates of space systems. It assumes the reader understands common cost analysis methodologies but has limited experience with space systems. Its objectives are to help the analyst who is tasked with reviewing an estimate to plan the review; to identify the key programmatic, technical, and cost data needed; to highlight common issues to investigate; and to provide typical cost ranges for components of relevant historical space programs. The book supplements the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency’s spacecraft training course by focusing on the cost analysis implications of the systems and processes covered in the course. Appendixes provide relevant source material and suggested checklists. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR418/ TR-419-OSD Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems. H. Thie, R. J. Yardley, M. C. Harrell, K. Brancato. 2007. Are the Department of Defense manpower, resources, and personnel systems aligned to provide the personnel inventory needed to meet changing military readiness and operational requirements? This report documents a research effort exploring the premise that these systems are misaligned and thus lead to organizations being mismanned or undermanned. RAND’s tasks were to determine whether there was misalignment, assess how the systems synchronize if a misalignment occurs, and identify policies and programs to implement improvements. The research included an analysis of military personnel authorizations and inventory, as well as case studies of the Army’s conversion to the Stryker brigade and the post-9/11 stand-up of the U.S. Northern Command. The manpower, resources, and personnel systems were found to be generally functionally aligned and to be able to adapt and synchronize effectively following exceptional events. In addition, it was determined that overall interoperability could benefit from changes in the personnel system, including additional flexibility to reduce the cycle time needed to meet manpower authorizations. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/ TR419/ TR-422-AF Theory and Methods for Supporting High Level Military Decisionmaking. P. K. Davis, J. P. Kahan. 2007. This report describes an approach to high-level decision support for a Joint Forces Air Component Commander in combat operations or a Chief of Staff in defense planning. Its central theme is the fundamental importance of dealing effectively with uncertainty, whether in effects-based operations, building the Air Force’s Commander’s Predictive Environment, or planning future forces with the methods of capabilities-based planning. Because many features of the future cannot be predicted with reasonable confidence, it is better to proceed with the expectation of surprise developments and to have skill in recognizing adaptations and making them than it is to treat uncertainty merely as an annoyance. This report sketches the framework of a high-level decision-support environment that is top-down, expresses concepts in simple and intuitive language, deals explicitly with risk and uncertainty, and provides the capability for decisionmakers to readily discover and question the bases for key assumptions and assessments. It can accommodate both “rational-analytic” and “naturalistic” decisionmakers, allowing them to produce strategies that are flexible, adaptive, and robust (FAR). Two explicit methods and their related tools are described. The first involves portfolio-style thinking and analysis, a good mechanism for balancing risks and other considerations in choosing a course of action. The second is a novel modification of foresight exercises that addresses the need to include humans effectively in dealing with uncertainty. A more extensive discussion of available methods and enabling technologies is also presented, along with some recommendations about investment priorities. Online access: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/technical_reports/TR422/ TR-434-AF A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations. C. Rhodes, J. Hagen, M. Westergren. 2007. 193 To assist in moving intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) planning and execution forward from a fixed target and deliberate planning focus to one centered on emerging targets, the authors propose enhancing the collection management process with a strategies-to-tasks and utility framework. By linking collection targets to operational tasks, objectives, and top-level commander’s guidance with relative utilities, planning for the daily intelligence collections and real-time retasking for ad hoc ISR targets could be enhanced. When current tools are modified to provide this information, planners will be able to link collection targets to toplevel objectives for better decisionmaking and optimization of lowdensity, high-demand collection assets, and intelligence officers will be better able to deal with time-sensitive, emerging targets by rapidly comparing the value of collecting an ad hoc collection with the value of collecting opportunities already planned. Online access: http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR434/ TR-435-ESRC Policy and Practice Impacts of Research Funded by the Eco
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