gMemorial Gazette *, . Uru'l'aSlry ot ~~ Pubhc&lions ~I;ail Reji.-eralKln~o . .&006!527 Making the grade M e mo rial Uni\"Crsil )' held il '. annual fall con\ "OCaI1Oll Oct 19 O"erh()Og~uate anduntkr."Wllt-tu:"'1nnonaI Vn'YeNI)'i.,a1""hrn:whdp)'OU.w Uwn, hi> ""n story "" ., ~umpIr. bon- gr<!dUillClkgrte!ower"C'a.. ''lldc:dduringlWO onIr)'grakJate~GardnrTt"ldnMO'grad· ~,;,,.,,,,fconv,,,ation. Duringthe~"'· ual<'SthaJ.""""""ofien<:olTr!Ofr..-n......ning mllIllC">. IKlOInr)' <kg""'" we", awarded u, Dr. Ian Ru,tooand l'et....-Gan!ner , A, ....ell. 1m. John Walsh, Alp K. Ba l and Jorge Segovia ""ore ho noured wilh theti t1e pro- f","'"."......"r". [) u, in,hi,addresstoconvocalinn, MnTlnia! President Axel Meisen lold VoMluar.d.1hatlheirMemotialdeg=shadprl"p.rNthemt..thefulure,and1hat~kmuriiLI "ould conliTluc 10 hdp them build lhe ir be MYOIlr w uc at ion docs IlOl:end loda y..aid Dr. ~ki'\CQ. M[T1Oe\'dopi nl)'Wl' life . )'OIl .. i!l necd hclp. Younced )'Wl'fanuly IIld frio:nok lO aninue lOpro"ide )'OU.. ilh arem. .. hate' they might ...nh,,,.hm. ··]lUieyuulofunnpartn=.hi""kd,ror like-minded people to share in yuul' 't",nglh,and in tum draw slrenglh frum them,' ·hesaid."WegainSlJl:nglhfn>l11Ihe '<!n:nglhofOlhersandbysharingwilhthern holh our successes and failur e.. ThaI h.s cJc.1yl>cmtheCll'Cfa-mehrn:." Dr, Ian Ru-aed, foundn"ofl\.lem<IlilIl" ' mc'dkal..:llool.loldncw grMlualu tN t ......ho:nyou\llldl:futcmajorlil'o4.he~ .. doyour ~ .... dl - Jnl«<ktfol,~ ah u .oohe lp a\1IiW*.For~OlIfalll,Xlrl,<Qlion2lm . _ -" This November, celebrate Memorial T here " IOi Tl I IO he IO( ~ t o do at Me mo ria l C TliH rs ily d u rinl lhe morilhofN<wemhcr.1'heIlTl'''''''''ly the publ;,;,to ''Cclebr<itt: Mcmor ' JM,"'rG.,IW<x>ltotOl !iI.,johto "reu-i-:lt...~tt.........n,O>IlIC.-dNn.ll' ......... P"'ll' on er eve nts reff ecli ng Memo rial' s broad ":ope in education.research and scholilNtip. ITld commu nily se rvice. Man y nf lhes e evertlS_open 10 the pubI;,;,and admis.sinn 10 mosl ev~ Novemher i.s;d,,"ys a '!""'iaImllruhf.. theprovilll:e·s .... lyuni· vcrs"y since il was founded II-' ~lemnoial L'niversit y C oll ege in 1925 a-sa livin l ' merrowIIlO .... dea<iEadlycartheuni.""· sHy rnart. ~ me occasion al an OIlI-ca mpus ('emTD!)'~ ~• .dIeduIodtt... lwIotoll'du<"''''''Ip'..... ,.,J/rom Or erree. o n d _ h ~ .Focultyoi r"""""otl(ll'l._P.~ Students vote to support media 8'f' J1:ffII(VPUtf1f S tudmu ha.-e ..-.:l lOaccqll a s.t ree fu nd lhe lllden t radio ~tal ion, CH\lR ·I' M . and the student _ .... 10 .lI>e"'UY IDa rt'f<ftfldum l ll."t.1-1-25. T7perca1 1671..fll>e6IOsludenlsthar.'Oleddto>eto a-.:ep. lI>ef« Ern" Rollm ann, program director for (}I\IR . s;oid \he~ .. re<.:ci,' ~ ~l it, fund. IICfr<>m the'ollldentUllion.andthelevdol Iinlinglutsn·ldlaflg<:d,iAl,.-e19M1.1ltene'll-' Itt ...Illpro ..i<lene etJuipmem for C HMR, for~'lla"sinn. ne pmje<:tsand ITKIn'''''-' "i<:es:i mpnl ve the currem level of hroad ,. sling; and k« plhe sla li" n fina nc ia lly viIrIble _fmildy, said Mr. Rollmann ' ....e·"'doing!hisrighl _isbc:<;au.scwiltun.manerofaweek we·",goma:[email protected]:ntiaI )'ea'for~.·7. I., k of fund~.- he said Recenl l)·. the wlOrllYdIOOItllsne·...' set'l1CC'S due 10 IS uniq ue hislory and symholi c fe<oluIM in the Cdetn&e 1ogo.000~naIIYL'R3k'o:Ibthelln,vers,ly ·s Pe«livalof Annivenarie> 19'N · 2f1UfI. lhe Sianing lhis week.uh e u mv ersuy will Iuot""'dut"'ll(_"'_oa.t'l.for_ un"· y · ~ role, iarandi"placeintheprovi~' ~cullure lInd h i"n rybypanicipa linl inan...-rayof lel:lures. special eve nts. conferences an d Just reward MemonaIT"",-er. a 'isihle rermnder of the i~in\'lUng A -.yh,ed , ma ge o f lhe u ni' e ....'ty· • Celebrate MemoriaJconcepland~wi li conlinue to signify special programming thai celebra lesthe uadi tions. occompli'h"",ms and d i<;coveries nfthe peop le of Memnrial Univers ity " We wanthigbli gbl Me mnria l' s ro le in lttis province's life,Msaid VJcturiaCollin•• the dim:tor of Univer';ily Rel alion.•. "'l"he universi lyiscontribulinglothesol:ial.cul· tu ralandccoTJ<lm ic\kvelopmentofour pro'I' 'Il'ide........png evenll; ...ould be lit u.:ellenl: .....y of in. ·ilin llthepublicinlO ce\etlnte ...-.dt.,,'Il1laI Ma no rial lJttiwnillyis ........ M For dctai ledinformalioll oaCe~ ~lcm...ria le\'enb.caI17J7·lI66.v4 .. \i"l .......... _(~ -.. ~1<>slI ~ and .... ~ha'''S1m- Ceremony of Remembrance iWf~lt.-_muchhi~andlh=ndio ""0'" Jl<"'" ha'e ""'enl full· ume paid uono.Presenllythe'oWJOOlTllIDlI8erhold the .... ly fun -ume powlicat .. Cl-I~tR '"TIl,,"' thf~"herepeopielUnttn hearlhr>tnryfiN:·he <.aid." I( s lheooe pla.:einN.....,fnundland"here>Ol1lrolll: clll1 Ieantnidil'.Ouralumni'ilCabforitsclf B" b Cnle, Fn:d Hunon . RrianTobin" Rnbyn Normore, managmg ednor fur the Muu. ",id the paper can not grow wiltt the current funding it rec e ive s fro m MUNSU , In order 10 let lhr M uy expand. grow, and mainl~intbe presen l qua liry of the .r<' S1VDENTS.. f'lJtI~ 2 M en ICrial L'T1i"cn.nY ",",lI bUld il, an ,lII<II Cere mOn Y O/ Refne mbr.ulCl:<ln Wednesday, Nov. 7, al I p.m. II1It>e Re id 1l>e<tlre, Alts and Admini'lnllion Building. This year', ce:n.-'11I"'y ....ill include a short ..ideo nn the Julyl.:!l.W)I.ofIiciaJopcllingoflhcfkaun\llfl1- ILuneIVisit,~·CentreinFI'lllIl;C and a perturmance by the Roy;d Nc....f,lIIooWnd Rl:gi"",m Rand 1lte uni clJrnn1UllIlyi'CllL'CJlII'agedtoalll.'ltdlttis nent.FoIIn"ingtheOl.'renJOO).lhcrewili be areL:qJtion. 2 Gazrlte " Nov.. m ber 1,.2001 Alumni ~ Notes iii\, &Quotes .."" " I never made S30.lUl a in my Iik I've do". well on my inVtslmonK OI....rwi.., l'd be in Ih. r-_ Dr. Nill"l Ru.<,ted(MUC '27), wbobegan practi'ing modicine in Nov.foundlandin tho 1930<.inthobp",.,,<, OcL28 rl<ll1tk P roR",.., rnagazine has rol. a:;od ilS T<>P 101 C"mpln".. of A~an"" Canada, and lh= ....... vera! alnlllni among Ihi' ~elilC li,t of,lrong play." on lhe regional. national, and internalional ",enes.~""y are: M.rk Dobbin (B. Comm. '81) of Vecror Aerospace: SlepIlenOulelt>ridgc:ofCarlsooWagooIiIH"",.y·s TllIvel (RA '76. ROrmm. '83); Rrendan Paddi<k(lIe"mm. '!II), MilA ''H) of Regional Cablcsy'tcm,; and Allan Green (B.Eng. '67) al'ld Charlie SIIeppan:I (II,Eng, '67) of",. SGE Group Inc. A " You Knot's landing se. a 101 mor. 'no ... hiring' sign,inlhe .,"""" " w•••11h.r>ds on dock w""" """""",.1 Uni'c<sily" M.V.too;,<M. taaJW< ~ $I. john', 13" w,"",,;or. "",,,,,-day ma'i.... ,,<!tty100' 011'" ptO'I i'If~,."",(hcoa"wi(h high sch<x>l,,1Jd<onr.lrom 8i""'v-Coll"!:,,(S1.I,,lm'.I, King At'ademy IH. rb"Ol Br<-lonl.ndthe8u,in P"" in<nl. Whil~ 00 board , .. L.denlS''''"' pan in a r.n~~ 01 m.".... ac1ivlli", rel.tlng ,,, n.vil\o"ion, wolle<(hem i..'Y, Ii'" popol.hon 1"0["","". pl.nkton 1""".nd ',iron""l'fll.I"*"""'.hOn'.Thetoo',orga niledbylheM.'i.... ln"it nle wilh p.oni(i fJdlion f,om lhe f dCnlty ol Sr"",,-e,a l"'i ochxJed in >I."""'Y'"8u,in, Gr.nd B"nlt"ndH.rb"m Br<-lnnwherernmd' ed' ol f"-'OPle lumed our to ton , the vessel. The tou , was h<-Idin (oo junction with pilot de li""ly 01 Mo'i"'" Technology lllB '" King At.doomy.The (oo,,,-, f~"'n ..........wly."...,.nred (utriculum lhal w'"' ~~~lopedbylheMo'i""IrWilnle'ndK ing"'Cademy.f"""",Capl ,)anN"IVijnIUoilheM.' i""ln"iluledemon"'''l.... '''''''lyingsk ill,lo It -Rod Fronch(BComm. '92l,developmelll OfficeT, on Grand hll •. Wind,,,r"' repul'lion a,.n IT boo mlown. inAllan,i,' Bus;"".., rnagazine E boenapp:>lnledeucuU>'. di=tor of tho Newfonndlaod """"l>nu d"'ard H~ ( B Sc: ·74: B .Ed. · 74, M , F.d. · IlO) has and LahradorTeache",' Aw>cialioo(NLTA).From 1973 nnlilI9H6.Mr.H.ncodla.ghlaIL.... i'po".Regioo.1 High.,vice.principal frum 19M 10 19H6.He ~a:~";~~~~;L~~'i::~~R6'" an e.eculive ~ OBITUARY - Francis L10.ld Mussells OavKlStJten"", ~ " The mil1lCIe Was hiS life,.,., -SaraSe.ton(MUC·44).ret\cctingonhersoo J,;:"~:"'7;';:.tI:"~=:·~an s ~::m~ ~: ~: ~*:;:'~~~~~ Ihe Delroi l Free Pre , sl Fl. gSla r Bank l nternalional Marathon 00 Oct , 21. Mr. Holdefl finisl>ed' iu h overall, behintltop Amel"i<:an al'ld K. nyan ",n""""c1ocking Olympic...ualifyingtime"f2:2428 an Fmnci s Lloyd Mu ssell" a retired f""'"IIlty me mr.:r from the FacuJly of Medicine. passed away al the Ce nrre Hospi talierLauren tien on CX1. 19. 2001, althe age of 83. Beloved Itusband of Em ily Lyman . Dear father of Chri sline (Fernando Pi,..,..), Howard, Sloan (MargOl D-dJIanl ) and the Jate Frances . Lo ving father of Olivia, ani"" Cbarloue. Lou isa and Pder. In lieu of lloW<:J'l donal i""s may be made10 the 5.aJvation Arm y o T per.;onal film abontherbanlewilh bre&<1 = walh J offwilh1WOGerni"iAwards-ooefor~history.t>iogm wasproducedbyPauII'ope. CQIl/'dfrom .~T{m""NTS, fI<Ige / paper. new ",!uipmem is needed. In the past year. it has been vOloouneof !he be$toniven;ity paper; (al the 1O.000copy le~el). Unfortunately, it i, a1,o "ne of tile moSl underfuntlerl, she said. Ms. Normor. aJsoo;U~1hat.~"nen:as<>t1lhatlhi,yearwa .. chosen was because tile sludenl council i, ",onglhisyearand'upportive.lIiswillinglolet,,, try ademocralic V{l(e" Th. maller is now tiein g passed on 10 Lilly Walker. dean"f Sludenl Atfairs. to decide "ttel:ha" lhe$4fee ,, ; lI he implemente<lin January. a;;:. ".T)' u...=~ -~- Ile Bo.ard aPProved ~lle eSlab li 'h' ment ot rhe pos; lio n o f ass oc ial. director of grad ua le pro gram s and The Board appro ved lhe esta blishme nt of a phydocumrnl>lryanda"nlherfurlJestdi....-tioninado;:g. menl>lry. M"J(ogen·poignamghmpo;ei_her •• perien«: ~~ Maurm'lRi.iIe -~ a -._ SIqlpingSll..... isthowayyoousethem. .,., G~=(~~WU:;l~ .:;~n;;: ~~~i= =~~ lvanM urydIto SnJIlmfCoRa>.u><IN[JO-NT: research in theSchooJ of Mu sk . ="~spcakingk"SL.k1llrl" B""rdof ...... Graham ParnelaGiIi BOARD OF REGENTS REPORT " The only difference between ,rumbling bloch and -Dave King (B .C'omm . ' 7 1), pres ident of lbc Ill(ll,/:::'''''''' wort term rate of $ 1,378 per mon lh for studomt'enmlJed in the advanc ed diploma in <:oa,la lzo"" m.anag.mem at the Fi sheri.. andMari""lnstilure•• ffectiv .April l ,200 J The Board appro voo the rntificati on of lhe le nlali ve c oll ec t; ve ag re. m. nt be lw • • n M e mor ial Un iversi ty and NA PE Local 7850 . on behalf ofthe Mari"" lnstilure support staff TIle Board of Regen ts approved a five pt-'f ce nlsalary iocrea'ie for OOll·bargaining. nonacad e mic management. prof e ssio nal an d . Jl<XUIiv.employees.witheffectfromApriJ 1, 2001 The B"a rd of R. gen ts approved the followingrec"mmendalio nsfro m!heu niversi ly Jlensio nscomminee, 1) 1lLat tile Memon al Univ=ity Pensi lHlPlan ' s long- rerm.xposure 10 the "ariousa,<etcla.s'ies be 57 per cenlequi lies(comprisedof27pe rc. nl Canadian. 20percenl u. s" and lOper"""'l imerna lionaI) and 43 per cent fixed income (40 percenl honds and three per cent cas!t); 2j Th aI the cUlTenl inves\JTlenl SUUC\l1Teof Iwo ua dil ;on al balanced fund managers be ch a ng.d IO lh. fo llow ing: Iw ohalan c. d manag er.sw ltose mandale is Canadian cqu ilies , ca sh. and one-Iialf o f lhe bond e. po--sure.pJ ibilily f.....short-tenn shifts in asset mix among asset classes only ; lhreespociallymanagers-oneforeachof the U.S. cqUilies, inrema liooal equines and cese inde.edbonda~'iel classe5; 3) 1lLat an Ollgo ing intemal performance monitori ng scocrure consistent with the revised invest men t policy be implemenred The Boan! ofR.g.nLswasinformoo of lhe .....epti ' mal man ner in which facul ty. sta ff and sluden ts ", sponded 10 the dis placed passen p resulting m Jrn the Sept . 11 traged)' an d e e foJlow ing re' olut ion was pa'sed ThaI lhe Regen lsoffer the irlieartfeillhank.. and Ihe ir wannes l co mm . nda lio n to Ihe hundreds of members of the Memori al Vn iversny communi ly-stud.nls, slaffand facu lly-who Ilelped to care for the 500 passengersbilkledal!heunivem lyonSep!. II . TIle "" me n and women exemp lified the very fitleS1 tradition of Ne wfoundland hosp i· tality. The university is prood oftllem. ~ ~~· sP.... ...... 1lallid Wendl'MonI SPARK, Stutlent<PromobIlJ A.......,.. obout R•••arc h Knowl.dg•. '" NSERCfundodP">V"mtk,;.nedlO _wtiliOlIlboo.M.--h· _r:c-dndli... : Nmo.lforNo>, I5""hIl<ollnL Thor_ .. puNisbed21limc<..... ~~:~:"~~~.~:~:~:Is~~7;;':~\~ Divi. iM ofUni'Oni,y Rd otion. Ol M<mxiaIUni-=ily. ~in1tleGow""moyberqo1nkd ",bl'(Jodco,I"'ithoulpcnni"io', .. c<plin~ mOle,i.1olor ...hich 1"Goarudoesnolhold ..d".;'Ooop)' "'" Gou/U,RoomAA·I024. ~:,~':s~ TdqtIone;737.2143 Fu: 737' F.--moiI;[email protected] ISSN 02:t1-8877 With..... 'cep<ionof ..h<l1i"'''''''''' IromM.monaIUni.......'y.ot\sCMrit<l in .... __ ..- Goa""do_~ tiItionbylbcllni-=ilylor .... KIooIar>Iup,und"'Ma"'IIt<~""rol poJ>Ii<'. M~Um d'P"'i<Jiobli~ The Board of Reg.nts will hold iLSnext regularmeetingDec.6. Q;:. M',",,'idl tJ~j',"'i'y"","""'''''d.. ,xall"'N j~ IM"~i.8, "'''''IT~ oM m ... ~ ,~IIor'" 1ftU~/ir,.:fo-d/<1>tdmdLJbmd,-: .. """,01al'''''''''IT~on'h<do<Jlu.~ ,hi, p""'i.,,,j"""'dnd ""h.",i" ... '''P'm'",,.;,~ <_,,, Gazette • November 1, 2001 Prostate cancer in rural Newfoundland ~ IN NCIRF, and il is signifICant that the study will look at social a.'PCClSotprostate cancer."Wewillimerview both me n and theirpartnersaboullheirexperience wilh thehealthcare systern.andconununilyreaLtKms Iolhis disease " The prostate is a small wajnur-sized gland beklW the bladder and a common source of ailmen ts in men, such as prostate enlargement, prostatitis and cancer. Dr. Lewis said side effects ot rrearmenr tor prostate cancer may involve loss ofhladder control andimpoterce. "Ifs clear men don't talk ahlUl disease coontions a.,m ucha. ,wvmendo,and in faetare !ess likely to go to the doctor forwhal mighl seem like mioor anooyances -sucha.,havinglogetupmoreto goto the bathroom .1l may be that lbey grew op thinking this wasjust a normal part ot agmg." Whiklhereisasupportgroupforprostalecancer, it is still targely c o nfm e d 10 the Sl. Jo hn ' s area ··Prostate cancer is often a Iong-lel11lcr>ndition - iI's BYSHARON GRA Y haf S the second le>ldin g CaUSe Of ClUlCef death in the province ? Most peop le know lhallungcanceristhefm;t cau se;a,ka WOOWland,;he'llprobably correctlyidenlifymeasl QIICef as number two. Ask a man, and the answ er W Sociologist Dr. Rohe" Lewi s know s that the corll'CIanswer f" r men is peosarecancer. Wilh the help ilfundin gfrum the r->ewfO\lndland Cancer Treatmenl Rl Research FtJundation (NCTRF). te ard co-mv estigalON Dr. Raoul Ande"",n , Anlh ropolog y. and Dr. Shirley Sol be rg, Nursing, w ill e xplore how rural ~fOllndlanders oope wilh lhismale-specitic cancer. '·My work has been wilh aging. and pmstate cancer is very much a disea-e of 4':ing.'· explai nedDr. t.ewis. '·More andmore, ruralr->ew foo ndlan di san oldcornmuni ty becallse of O\lt-migrationand dedin· inghinh rates. Oearl y prostate cencer is a concern for oging menand the ir fami liestoo:' Thi, is lh e firs t re sear ch gra m a wa rded from nutjlLstamatterofgoingtothehospitalandgening pills. There may be a lendency to ignore it " Dr. Lewis said that becau.seprostate cancer is tied to aging, il highlights feanlhal people have about aging, such as loss ofOOfltroland loss of those a'PCUs of life associated with youth. "lfsOOl something we want to face:' Pmstatecancer also has an elemen l of uncertainty. ·'Wehavediagooslicteehniquesthalarequite good, butinthecaseofthePSA(prostatespecifJCanli~n) test it seem , to catch a lot of ' false positi ves : Becau se of this there ' s a debate ahout whelher it sliould be a ~ner.ollest given to men over a certain age. The PSA i, not 'l uile "'lu ivalenl to the Pap smearfor women ,. PaJ1of Dr. Lewis' srudy will look at the initial conlllCt men in rural areas have "ilh doctors. ·'For exam ple. did the doctor offerlodo a PSA, or a digital rectal ecem?" Drs. Lewi s and Andersen...illdolelephoneinterview swilh men in the peoviocefor this sludy: Dr. Solherg will talk with spouses and partners. ~ Quest for day care BYSAAA/1 FElJ"HAM SPKw. TO THE G AltTTE he 'l uesl for a <lay-<;arere ntre at Sir Wilfred G re n fell Cullege is proving Ul he a slow T precess. Talk of Grenfell ge ninga<lay-<;are~"Cntrefirslsur hredyearsago.said Jade~tahuney,GrenfellO,llege SlOOent Union pn:sidenl. She said the dehale wa, well Ilnoer" ' ay by the lime she lo<>kup aposiliun a.'gencralcouro:illor with theGCSU in 1997. By that time a referendum had already been held asking Grenfell wdem, 10 choose between two sludenl 'oCrs'ices:a S1udemharor<lay-.earecentre.COIlslruclionoflhe Sllldem Cenu-e, llow home to the popu lar snident bar, ~ ;, B a ck l o t , comme nced ,oon r-r- ,uDAYCARE,page4 , Bed and Breakfast "T he proc e s s is a lon g . a nd often , lo w, o ne:' Ms. Mahon e y !3id,addin g that tbe fi rst ste p is <kciding where to put the cen tre 1here are a few 10cati<JII,wilhili IhomainArtsandSciencehuikling lhal could be po ssi ble da y c are b..:ation.o;,H"",""ver,klClllionisnot dlemainprubl em :' ~ ;;;~.,;:r.:',i:;i:::~:~;;,";: to help both level, of aovK each other, and achieve g;realer History prof nom inated for book prize Dr. Gerhard Bassler, Histor}', ha~ been short·listed for the prestigiOllS Raymond KlihlUls ky Ptil.e for 2OXl-2001 for his book.A/frFd ValdmalW and W Po/ilks ofSurvi..u. The prize awlllded by the Human ilies and Social Science:s FederationofClUIllda is given for the bes1 Canadian scholarly worh wrinen in French and in English in the humanitiesandlhesocial.,;iero;.es Dr. Ba"ler's book is a biography of Alfred Valdrn~nis, be,t known for his infamous mle in Premier Joseph Smallwood's scheme toinduSirializeNe....foondland The prize, named alkoTDr. RaymnOO Klihandy, pmfeso;or """,ri IU.' at M~-Gill University, one of Canada's most eminenl humanities sc"olars in clas-~ical and modem philosophy, is selC<1ed hy lI. <.TOS-'Canada jury. It is designed to reoognil.eexcellence in r=ch and ",Titingandtoackl>nwledgethe.;igniflCll.lltOOlluibutionth.atCanadian ","olarty books make loward, the acvarcemenr of knowledlle , of edueation, and of the di,e\lssion nf important issues affectin g ""-ie ly Dr. Ba.,slerelpressetl his surprise and delight at heing ,hnn-listcd for the honour. Notice of\he award isexpe,..ted this month Inno"atiollFundhasgenerdledan ov<:tWhelmin~ response from the regio n's research inslilUlion, and husine,scommunity. Robe nG Thibaull, numsrer of stale for lhe Allanlic Canada Op p.mun ities Agency (AC OAj. ccenmed tn.l the ab'Cocy ha, received 1<.15 pmposaIs seeking a total of $810 million toward l.~al proj<. -ct <'OSls of $l.5 hillion Of the ,uhmin ed proposal', 120 are from non-.eol1lmen:ial in'otilu tiom ororganiTalion, seek ing a total of $587 million in lundinj;,and 75are fm mcommerc ial entetpriscsreqtJC'>lingatotalofS223milliOll in fund ing, "The deadline ,uh min ing pm(lOsal\ "'a~ Sept. 21\. '"In i, is a lrem endou s response:' said Me. Thi haull. ··Il proves w hal ""e susflCcted - lha l lhe rehas bee n onlapped potential for Allanlic Canada ',researc h ," slilUliom and private seclor bu,inesse' 10 ...'ork more d osely log elh er 10 make maj or inveslmems in llle n->sean:h and de \ elopme nl ~· apao: il y of the region " The minister ackno ...lcdgcd that lhe $ 3( () million in the fund will not even comeclose to meeung the dcmandfor fondin g. Memorialha.'<UbrninedI5applicalionswco1ltalOtalof $I.Um,llioo,ofwhiclt S7J million is being requestedfrom the AIF. I,,.. Preparing a new generat ion Tl>eJArmandRomhanlierFO\Indatioolauochedamajorfelkw,1<hip prngram Sept. 12 for Canadians who wish 10 inlemationaliu their edllCatioll.O\'erthenexlfi'-eyears,lhefoondatiOllwillfitlllllo:einnovativeintemationalstud),resean.:handworl<pmgranlsproposedby Canadianstudenl., FIIlancially, saidMs. Mahuney, lh.,tude nt barhrin gs in mu ch more mon e y o n a regula rhasi s lhanaday carewou kl.Sl>e'spositivearouttheJlO'<,ihility"finitiating aday-.eare cenl re ,butrecognileslhe process of gelling sllCh a :;~~lu~aann~::;i~~:n;: Memorial Univel'ity introduced lhe Public Sc<.1orLeadef'illip and Management Development Program ~l a news confereTlC"0<..1.30, both federil and pmvincial government employees. The new programlia,becn developed in co-<JPC'1lIioo with the fcdmtl andprovincial ~O'.'emmenl.s and is heing delivered by the Ceetre for Managetrent Developmenl at the Facully of Business AdminLstnttion. 1liePuhlic Set.'tor Leadersltip and Managemenl Development Program addre.~ses the skills devek'l'""'nt needs nfleaders and manager; ....ithin both the federal and provirx;ial governments. "The prog'-<IIllwilioffer current leadership and management theorie,and peacticesandpublicscctorapplicatioo. "For more than 20 years. the Centre for Management Developmenl has hoen worio;ingwith iIldi\"iduals and groups 10 pmvide cur· rent. mstomized lTaining programs," said Bill Morri,,,,y, director, Centn for Managemenl Development "We are commmed lu helping people acquire thel<d,lbey need io work effoctively and etfJCiently. AIF generates $1.5 billion in proposals .\Iahoney O::cision BRIEF New program for civil servants The tirstTC<jueslforproje<..1prop<:><.als under the S300-millioo Allanli.: De, pile lhe hur dle s , Ms. Mah one y is con fident some progr=s is being rnade "To da le, we (GCSU) are wailing for a budgel 10 be drafted," she said. ~ Wearehoping 10 get the ball roltmg retanvety soon.' Sheri Rrumsey. senior sludenland mothc't", slarted a petition to get lhe dey-care centre up and running M, . Hrum.scy oolJe". w ahout 8() l na mes in suppoJ1of a day care on lhe Grenfell campus. many of whom did not even Ilave children A rec e m 'urvey asked students whether they would mind hav ing the cost of lhe day-careccntre come oul of their studenlunion fee'. which are include<.1inluitioncosls Some memocop;of the G renfell conununityaresti llwtlfldering ifa daycare service is slill a p."" ihility forlhe west COOSl campu s. "The da y can: is adefl1lile ooed tceee umvereiry and wou ld provideanessenlial service 10 ma ny 'lUdents an d faculty," sa id Ms. 3 Directly opposite HolelNewfoundland Deluxesuites with doublejacuzzi & fireplaces Romunlicgetuwaysaspecialty Disrountfvr MUN bookings Apartmcnts availabl" for lon gt ·r sl:ay s Phon,,: 709-722-75 77 o r 1-888- 75 3-75 77 E-mail: mCclfl/[email protected] Web site:> Over the five-years, 125candirnnes will be se1e<;tedlhroughan annual COlIIpctitiveprut.'e'S.'lurecei\'c fcllow<.hips\a1ued at SIO,(O) each,The cloo;ingdate for the ti!';l cOrllpdition is Man.olt1,2002. The goal of the program is 10 build a cadre of )'OIIngCanadians wbo can play a leading role in today's knowledge-ba.sed globaleco,,orny. It boec-sccoe program permrrnng a lariety of fonnalllCad emic; and infonnalleaming in virtually all disciplines - social sciences.humanities,liroelt/1.',bu-,iness, law, pure and applicd sc-iences Inlere.,tedcandidalesmu"holdalleasloneuniversity<1cgn:e. ,ooweXt"Cllenl academic performance in their psevious oegrce progmm and preso:nl a clear study plan or a cOlllhination of smdy and resean:b or work al an instirutionabn>ad. Their task will be to ccevmce the independenl selection conunillee of their capacity and commnmen r to internationalize lheir career-and use lheir newfound koowledge and cultural sen\iti\ily 10make aOOfluihution m the prosperity of Canada and to society in general ForrnnreinfOl1Tlation,see .......... .cbw.rnlbombardiahtmJ 4 ('dUn!, . Novl'mber 1, ZOlJ1 Professional Development Semmars 2001 PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS IJ DR. G1RISlUPHER KO VACS. Medicine.maie an <nI ~ ol I J'I('G 1i*Ii MIlX'1..a"UnI8<lcbI'thIndPll.pHlvcN<wdDefc,;,d8oD:M~ -._the-..l ~o(theAmericarISocietyfc.-Bonellld M,nenI Re>ardI. I'mmL\. ArUma. on 0114. iPdldcld lindI 0lIk Ind SImI FW,e. MroiI.... ML"N. .,d s.q. R. MmIe). Mc:dical C~ <ll Gaq;ia. A.., GeolPL Dr. KcMD IbopullWlcdlhelaelldlptp::rP'lnlhymidHormonc~FeulBIoodC&ium_ Skdocal M~~olPllwp.inlheS<Mnt>cr200Iis5ue<ll&o.h' ~(Endo~200 1; 142( 1 1):498J...4993.).Co-uhonincludeLindaChlfcIlld~ n.t,e. Medicine.MUN. 1nd bnr!. Friel Bio..inmmy.,d ~ Ml)N.....d1. NancyR.~.McncalCoIIqeolGeo:qia.A~Gugia.AndDr.J{oq:s"''' mial:daninviltd~tiIblFft.ll Morrnl~""Ihe~II'ObcIl_ tn"PnJianic&-:EJioIou...JDUnDrs.alitedby J, M. Pdtifor.F. H. NOV EMBER 5 14 19 21 Fadlltalor: Dan Mosher S300 26- SUpeM80ryManagmentSldII Program, MocUI til: ~ and 30 TMm DlMllopmenl Fdwors' Various $750 DECEMBER o DR. G ERALD POCIUS. ~ ollhe C.entre tor MdIcriaICu~ SIudies II Mc1T1oJiIl lIUmJo:dIhe Shanoon l.croIresme-n.,. 1211c.1don Univ=ity inau..... a ....~ ~'"' snudlpap..- titled A Fashionable Sidebo.wdin an Unfashionabll: World [J Oil.. DAVID A. PIK F~ Departmenl or Miol~",alic. and StaI;o;tico.altended l~ 2ml AI' ICS Malhemalic..tS tatisti.:s and C"m pulCf.'i.;icnceConference. ~Id al SI. Franci, X..Hlf lIni\1:fSilyinAll1igooish, Nova Scutill,( lo;l. 1l)..21,OnO"'·1. 19. Dr, Pikeand Dr. Rnben . 'ill .rn 11,. lgftl "f SI. Un;..."....ily.serwd", ,-<"&""in..,,,,faprofes,iorllli lkvck'l'mell1 workshop fIXjunio:.. malhematic, and -tali'olio:.'S faculty memher; lIlI' Al1an[j,c{~ Speal=a1l1rwtrl... ...'I'lncllJlhl~vesfmme"':hoftt... Adame A,,,, ..·;..l;,,n fur Research in ee Malhemalical S.:i<,oce, (AARMS). and lhe Allant Pn....;..."'Cow-.ilonIheScio:n<=(APlC'S~and"SEJl.C.()nOct.20.Dr.Pil<'pr<"oefllo:lft J'I('G [""-"')'I.·ling HYI-en:ubes _ ee Ea.l o....TIX MaIho:fTlali<.'S Confo:n:ncethai c,_ .....'hdd inronjunction ...idllhe APk:5 (......f~~ C","·Jfr,,"'/HYC~Rt::. ptJ ..... J 3-4Protect~SI..nMI T~ F«MlIIot:Enco...-idson 6-1 GlOOeu~. ·and H. Jilppna"(SanDiqo:~Pl-t:ss.nn.inpm&l FoodarnnalI al5eIng: Ekti'lg Wrmg ~ Problem SoMng and Declslon MakIng FaCilitator: Tom Wiseman $ /50 SeIIIonl :Comroonication1tlatBuildlRelatlonlhipl SeIIIon2 :BuilljngYourBuslneas:FIncIng&QuaHtylngCllents 5eulon 3: GettIngTheir Attention: PnIsentatiool1tlatWork 5eulon 4: Clo&ing & S&rvk::e: TheFoundatiool of Relalion8l1ip 5eI1ing S450 .......,_~ FaciItBIor.L)QIoWomssey $.l:XJ 1he rc.pllt'le!; ha\c bo:ca;obotl; 'j(~~l wheall'OlIIe$ .. lhequestJolloifundi. tant lllkCll .-.-. ........... fea<... >aid M Mabo.-).-BUlROuatslaiveho:ca drI"'llupfromtbcwsurocysyccHopcfuIIyltlr)'willbe.-ly!lOflLW"*Vl'l" die rcaoe for doe delay ill e:lUhhllJltlll a dlyc.e~. sa>d M ~ ~."'rillikdybe .. a. .._- ANNOUNCING OUR NEXT Masters Certificate InProject Management StartmgSeptember, 2001 MOll,hl to the au<,ntion 01 tho: ~lllle ............. formafh, .................. ... ~I')anindqoonlru ..... I 'H7. Tk ~ ftJuad ... . ..... ~ ~ .. I ~ . . .... . . (by-Qrl'Cl:IIDl'; 1he1w~1ucrai=Ihr-.....ecaM perlI..,-beu>oedlOfi.......,ethedly-o:_ ~ '1biIi_ . . .·tbealbrwpllO . . alt.,nhno,ttently.b,u .. ,,·re DOlal'" ....... ollWO)'CI"bd'orl'ada~CftIII"e ~lheidell('J(bavinJaday-can:..-. is p.Il i.... full SWJIlI.1Il'." sUi Mr. FouoIer.1hedenwldandlhr Grrnfdl Principoll AdriaIlFoll.1ers.ays C""~ ....o uld h.. ve 10 be th,,'ou,hly the ltrllctbl:dar.)--<:an:ccnrreissucw - . i " '-;' TECHNICAL SERVICES GIvIng you the edge lor success SCientific Glassblowmg T. . . . . . ~ISlY>blgIor~\F4'1 ~cwv::*l9~ntwDyald~ WiI1g(tQeIIllI'yd!lyn(U~ TI'lCtr1I::liIl Ser\Ii:ea,.....-nnaldlllaJlylUlT"(U'tl'il ct1IIII!f'VI.CU~Stql '- ,.<ri)'r.oo - ~f\'ilt't" . ..... _aII'ldllilJlald ~ " ~~of ____ r - a : l ! l l r o r 1 9 J J ' 9 a n d ~ ~ --""----• _ _ ~d .'---... o.. ........... ~ .---- ._----=--=- ..-.- • ConowaIood_o--a • Cor>ItruI*lnol""""'gIilII __ . ~ gmding lfld "" "ll ' - '. ~ bInd __ : :un ~ .Io ~ 1OOIJ and in£lnmentl . Wlt»nllloplOYldoelhOllt>::l<J<"Mlin ~aphy <::ol\mn5 I1ld <Xlill. .lIUIOmatic lt>eplerfllJllllS balicllOor.lO<YlJIa$IblOwingled>niquM: . oiIl/'lClme"""V<ilt\ISIOIl Pt""Pl '. "",,"", neon _ argon dilictlllgoltubM TheCentreoIIersclient-specific seminars on Ihe5e and many other busness and management relaled toocs. For regiwalion or IlJrther intormation, please contad J8c:*ieCoIirIs. &I Morriss6y. SusanAI5COIf or Marti Curran . ~ II'Jd ~ .Io F_ ol ..___ - . ......,~~ . 0uIrtl ~ ~ . Colcl ~ ~ Q.IInll. Faculty 01 Bustne5lJ AdminisuuioOn ~ Memorial UlUvasnyol Ncwtou.ndLmd fAnt,.tOI' ~tOewlopmenr scJohns. NF A183X5 Ph_(709) 737-7977 Fax: (709) 737·7999 E-Mail: www_murl.caIcmd . F~ ~ -- . ea..-. ,," ,, ~ -.dcfI_~aI For det a•. 0JnIact Tom Perka. aupervisor -ChemistryiPbylicsBuilcling Shop C1028 ~:7OlI 737..e325 Fax' 709 rn·7482 MIrnor'*UnM:lr$iIyotNllwloo.n:lllr' St ..kJI'fI'I.NF "lB3X7 ear.- Gazette . Nove mber 1, 2001 5 Fall Convocation 2001 Friday, Oct. 19,10a.m. Report to convocation Dr. Axel Meisen, president and vice-chancellor' pared thousand, of utra numliou., meal.. Our dfon.,,,,,,,,,so,,,,,,,,,"-.J'ullhaloneoftho!""'<erl· gers d..crib"d Me mo r ia l Un iv ersily a, a "fi_",fuFcarTl'" OurdfornweR:apowerful1OOi<forthopa< ",ngers. BUTour effons were also a pow<:r1'ul Tooicforoorcooullunityhocausethoy<:nabl<du, tocounter.ba1aJ>cethop<::al""Fdywilh">me- thin~~:=i=:::.sfromallovertheworld in which lh. pa" and Their farnilie, .,pR" . .:da.<lonishmrntalooreff"",,andw<:!. come,1heyareall .. ,hoinglhe"""",,,,,,,limenl M<morial Univ.... ity andoor province,..., very 'l""-ia1 place<.. wilh very special people. I warned 10 ,hare wit h you thesc in,ights r.garding the SepT. II uagedy bccausc Th.y d emonsTratethce'traordinary abili liesofour comm unity."Theygi veusconfid<:ncelha1wcClln ""r-=--~ d<:aIwithanu~nfuture Career buildin~ OOgrarulatiOflS gra<!Uands, and WClcome C Thi,mi,i,very.ffocti~inpullingacadrnlic >lU<lie:sinconlcXlandinJO:J",,;ng<tudellldebl Forlhcserea"lO'. we are looking at. major .'I"-iunofooruperienlialleamingandro-op program,inmanyareao;oftheWliver;ity.indudingansandsciencc AnoIherexamp"'ofhnw MCJOOrioI Uni"", · sily provid., help ~:'~:n~rs~u~~:r~~ 1lleccntrea"islsall :'~:~:.\= 'lUdenT' , loconunu _ cial i74lhcirirmnvaTive =·ClieA.=:~ a:.~~ ~=- OfCOOll"l<:. yoo aL",ur><leNand thai yooroiJ. fiThs G uil.... l m. maTio nal . a prnd uccrof acouSlic gu ilan1lullare manufac lu..,.jwilhpal.nledlecl>nologydeveI· ored righl """' in Newfoundland: and BioHex. a fes,ionaIandpersonalde~IOf!'lICTII.1lleyal'" lio"a1andmmll'uWOfl.buTMeltlCriailinive:r,i tyis aL", ,,"",rohelpyou For eumple,Meroorial'sSchool ofCoorinuing Educarionprovides lif. -Iongleamingoppor IUnilie:sforoorgraduales and forOlhers. A case in pointi'1he poSl -baccalaur•• T. 1T program off<:JO:Jthroughtheochool«inccl997."lhepro- """""",arthe uni"""ily Our pn wince ', ""Jr!d..:lassoil and g«< indu<· ~ldev~lopm<:n"arMrmorialUni.""i1) · gram~ha<270full-tirroeandb7pwt .ri"", lry i.'gmwingandi'largely~",-,ihlef'.lhe You. our grao.Iuand>i. are n<""mldy lO<:nter. "",pha.""ofyourlive<. However.unlik. many <tud<:nl."85fJ<1c<:nloflVhoare~,,,,>rialllni· pn>v;ncc·'p"'iti ve_~·OOIIook.Opponu life. you will n<:ed""lp. You nced your family aodfri<nd<k><XJOIi"""u>~yoowilhemo r:rable.Forlhes<:~MernorialUniveNtyis building awmprel.,o,;ive "" oleducalional and r~,,,,,,,,h progr.m, focu,ed 011The petroleum indu<ll)'. W. have already hired five roew prof.".. sorsaodwerecenllysubminedamajorapplicaliootolheAl1anlic lon,wlllioo FIU1d.1heapplicaliooinvol~fi",univcr>;iliesioAUamicCanada and""'l'JC'ls W'",i".,...,ly $4Il million """ five ),<:<n If SllCCe'<, fuI. lhi, initiative w~ lmakcoor ~'~':ir:c~~~~klo: "Think abou t providing something 10 ourf.mily of M. mori al Un ive rs iTy alumni , You r achiev~ments. which we """"I<:bratingl<day.ha"demande<lmuchof j<llandyourfamib", . Onhehalfofailthomembrr<> of !hi: univcr>;ilycommunity . I COIIp1IIUlale j<lland llhankyouf,.yoursu WOfl· l nlheroe'l fewminutes. I wooldlik. 10 "",",wilh you my lhougliTsooroorimportaol,ubjecTs,Your prc pi«:dnesstoTacklethefurure:ba.<icapproaches IlhJiklingyourcareer.Memoriaillni"""ity·, 101. in helping you in lht y~ar< ahud;and caliondo<:snorendloday,lnde~lopingyour nilie:sforhighly-.<:dllClll<:diOOividualsan::con"d- new to your community. Think about using your new skillsand your mind in unique wop'. " Formo>lofoorgraduands,thoroeu<l<:pinyour Iifc wiU be to employmenl _lOg<:l a job androbuildocar-. ~lha1developsdenWimplanlSandprosWhenyou areblking f,.. . job. do OOljU.<l look fo r adverti. ..ments in tradiTiooal plac~, OfCOllt'l<: . our main way ofhelping you i,by Thiokalnllwhalyoocandoforoprospective kcepmgyooinlOOdlwilhyourr-nf""""'Olaff. ~~~':i ~ ~ ~ ~ = f...'ullie:sandocl. nob Ou r Alumni A'sociation, of which yoo are skills and yoor mind in unique waY'. Thiok aL,o IlO w all membm., is a key link bctween you and thouniver;ity.Ouraiumniha\'eTokluslhalthoy abou l bwmting se lf-=,ployed. Ou! orall this wanllheassocialiontohelpthem",;ththoirprorecknni ng"" illemerg...."" opporl uoilies . nd = L.._ _~_ _..I v""itygraduaTes. 1heprogram provides a mi, ~:x~anced academic SlUdy and practical wanllhe,","lCiali<IOlOkeeptheminlOOdl"'ith . We will mecT llie.. obj ectiv., regard""-'ofwhcTheryoo li\'. in oor provi ncc. e l..where in c . nada or ahroad, For ~xampl e . look for our new 'peake t . .. rie sand lh<: new a1umnu, of tho yearevelll scheduled for Nov. 7. Developments L<:Tmenowlellyooaboulsom<:i~dev<:I. worltl,=u-eof.,P"'"' lise in oil aod gas. Oppo"Uni1icsare .1'0 aooundin g els. - :.i~:;:~~ andL>brador;,b<:com· ingTtWgO iz<:diorcma· tiooallyf,.ourpaioting and vi"""'an.oorm",ic.oorfictionaodnoo-ficlioo wriling.oor filmmaking-to n.ameju.<ra few Much of this successis<kJ<:t oourgndlllles from ourcampu,htft in SL John'. aod Sir Wilfred Grenf~1I College in C,........ BrooIo:. , 1l>e New foundlaod Symphony You lh Otoir. which has manyMcmJrialUnivenitySl\ldeo5,wasoroeof lh=finaliSlSiothoinl<:matiooalLcl:thel'oopl<:s Sing choralcompelition in Lo ndon , England 1heirperf_=w=a<lOOi,t anglyheautiful and I am lhal many "hoir mem~ coul d .= buikla~car- inf""l'ormancc TheScplIIpa<.<cngers"''''''ama1wbyour :1::~~'o~:"~e=s~'o~;h~1 bch~v~ lhallhc opp<>nunili. , in o ur c ull ura l indu<lri<:sareindoedhrigh,llookfornewinilia. tiv",in lhe an. both """' in SI.)ohn·,aswe!1 as .1 Sir Wjlfmj Crt'nlf~1J C-"11cflo' and nur C""l'U' in llarlow .England AOOlh<:rar<:a...~op"o'tanili . . .hn"ndi, heal""""". Nn,th Am<rica' , aod F.umpe·' aging l""",Iali<",-, k>getror ",ilh """",""adv"""",,,and therec<>gniti nn1lulI goodhcalllii, es."'oti.l " , ofyour~"",.yoorfurure i,moreunc<:r lainanduopredictable .1hetrag<:di<:sthalbefell tho liniledSlal",laSlmonlh,...,rev.rb<:raring throoghoul the world aad art lr<ul,fnnniog lhe ..".{dinrnanywal" 'oVhilenolK-.dycanprc<bcT""ithtnCisionthe dlallcngcsof lhefuture.youcanheeenaiol!lal yuurMemori.llIniversilyed ucaTionhaspreJW""I)'ouwcliforthechall<:ngesahtad. ...hal. ,,",l!l<:~mighlh<: . YOll nowha~lhe,~>mpclrn . ""andval..... lnO\a';l<r""""'challcngcs Thccnmp<lr"';e' and "ah .. ,nf Memori al lniversiTy.andindecdofoureOl; reprovi ncc , .... onfulldi'pl.yinl!l<: ... l"foilowiogS<:pl: 11.2001, On thaT da)'. as the skies over Nonh America were dosed 10 a ir lraffi" . delc<:ndedonlhi,prrwincc""""n.<Ul.roe' · ==~':t--::~:r:. Our uni" ""ity Thcmaoner iowhichlheenlireuniversily <mllWniTJ.irocluding our <tudents. rrspond<:dln discri,i.,wasremarl<able. L.I<: in the """'ing of ~ll .... henilbrcamenlwinu.,lhat~k",,>rial ~=l::;:~'::~~=~~-:~a .... assiSlanCC.1he resl"10'''' ""as OVC1Whelmiog. Sludems sTreamed into tho emergencydormibies. which wc "'"""'s<:ttingup in theTbont."", Ctnlre.\\1thinj...... fewhours. Sludcn"""ded ..... pid<:<lalfk>mak.adi"'-..:dhuiklingink> MclionalIi, 'ing4"""",,,NewTels<:tupovcra ~=:"~silOrSarrivedattheUni""' i#:'j in tho early morning hoors of S<:pl: . 12, lhe~ ~~~:;'iL<:d facililie, aad welcoming rnJ<:~:;;~v;:~~=,:.=~ lire"",,l~ to provide oor guests ""ilh an oas i, of peacein a lime of lUnnoi l. In facT.....e had far rratvolun"""'lhan w. had Lbks.Our poopl<: pro'iMd g u ida nre, !f an ,l .lion .."icc,. ~concerT.,.Ia: TUJC'Sand _ v<ryimpnr_ !OIItJy _fri.n,hhip. I ~ "'albu,ines.. ... ""'h .., T,m HOr1'>rl ·' . 'uwlied count Ies, dnnul'. 1lle llaIfof our eateri ngcompany, CharTwe lls. pre- {l· R)S ,mdrd Kr lly. f" ". inci. 1 mini>l", of Youlh Sr<viu,s dOOPU>l.s.....nnddry Educdl""' ; ChdncrllurlOO"Crnol>~ ; ""'"";Pr",irlemA,e1 _i"",,:. oo C_ ina Hffi~,,,.lloardolR"8""" Or. P"'",C.. rdr>f'f.hon o... rydn<torof Fall Convocation 2001 Frida y, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. Frida y, Oct. 19, 3p.m. Oration honouring Dr. Ian Edwin Rusted Oration honouring Peter John Gardner ,", ilineranl preacher. lbe ilineranl medio. ; ne man. lbe 'Ii""""'1 ":hl~lII"....,al1 -:-,ina .....y-f,guresoffun.crealu""u'be mocked. BUlthi,,,,,,b<cau,,,lbe wandering hfesugge'ol.'a rooclessness <:aU r.ed by reje\:ti""_ lhaJ.lbe ....a ndereri'c• .<IOU~pul beyond lbe borde r.<of eac h wwn,",vi,il<. 1l>e wandering hfecan a1sosugge>t alal'kofcommilmenlto .place -lbeili""""'I"""""" hecausel>r:""-,norealf""lingforlhalplacc. BI>l, Mr.{l'Iancclk ... yoo who know Ian Ru.<tedmllSl be. lillie puuledat thi,chano.1eri7.•bnn ofhim. Why do ....e picturehim ... an ilineranlsoul?Becau.<.eili'lbebao;kgmuoooolof..-hkhhecame;a bao;kg:round....hictlshapedhi.<~"'"fhi,mle,Hi'falber.lbe Rev.C....,.,Rusred. ...... anilineranl~.lIOlnflbedubiou.<,bul oflbeO'lll!il.respecledkind :amernreroflbe··e.<lablishedd1urcb·· heldlbeparis/>el of Salv"l!" . LJl'P"'"Is1andCm'candCarl>Jnearhef"", coming in 10 lbe CalhedraI.Hi, maI<:rna!grandfalher had a.<imilar clori<a1careermini5leringIoWmdy Poinl,Trin ilyandCarbonear,1l>e llher itil'l<flll")lmediciJlemanwef'ndinhi.<bro<herNigc:I R...- t )\;c....f oundlandphy<ician-one"'bo,inconduclandpn1l>ily ' differenlfmmlllcJ'Ul"<'Y'.. ofqtLld;.medicines ... isMi"Man""" fromlhemaY'l<ofSl.},,/m· .. NigdRu,ledspenlmuchofhisearly c.....,.,-travclling aboul the ""'-"",,,f1hi.< ,mall rounttydi,ponsing medicinefromlhedecksoflbeKykandlbeloJ)·A!1tkT><Jfl. And. in .. "")'SlreIChed"""".lanRusredisanilinerw"""->llll".&.Iucaiedfuslt in(:arhonea.r ....h erohew.. bom,hecameintoS1.John"IoBisbop F.eldandlb<:n "",nl 00 to our college 00 ParadeS1ree1.T"",elling T we<lloet~\clrhi,IlAIIlTomnlO,herttumedeasltoDalh<-..Neto do medicine hef"", doparIing again In 1he we.<t,1hisIi"", 10 M<.-Gill to hc woo:b of lhe workl of mu"ic pn ducc an interesling ln i. \XMI: ha.rmon~. concerl. co.,,:or<!. Imere.<tingbecause in !hi: worldof,yrnphl.. y .....t oesIra.,""'hpnoilivelanguagesd, domapplie>and"'chearnnly1hecacopblJllyofsaiary di"l"' res. !hI: di<rord of boardIoo:hesmoronnio.'1."1he thumping ego. of oond",,· r<n.lheiocessanlwhiJleoffund-fJli",r.< Andlhi,i,,.,uucofCanadian,ymphony""""-"'traasi1i,of lheimemati,rial llu1",(of"""".""''hy?Thali,aqucstionwhidli> an,,,<:red inlbe careerandpas<'" of Pekt C'.a.rdncr, T \','hat yoo ha ve ln hear i' a fi ne .cri ~ pl uc ked i n . Wel sh v al le)' """,fOll'decades ago and i" """nding "''"'' clllCbing.. cb"nlio. P<:lerGanlner·,o;ooLllIi,attraeliontovinlinwas.fnrhim.b<llInd willlapr...;ol'i""scapacityfor leOOer:sIIip Al l~hew .. leali nglbe ll,econshm YOllthOrdocslra,al17!h1: Mnnmoulh'<hire y""lb On;hestra.1Il19aseriesofoo:heSlraSIl TrinityCollegeofMu-<icand,at24,W<'8"thim",,~d 1heS1.l<lhn·sSymphonyO!<:heslra. In"""" 30 years he hasbcen. formidable force forthedevelnpmenlof"""icin Ncwfnundland.\\'hatw",aS1. lohn',S)TI1phony On:heslrahasbeu""" .NewfoundlandSyn.,oonyOn:hestraand, hkesomeincnntinemr.-bbil.illia,l>r:gunlnbre:a:l .. whnlehoold off"""ng,.legionofOlherill.<!iwlinn>. And "",ha,'e 10 talk aboul lhemas in>tilUlion,hecau-'C Ihe}' havebe<nnesolt"llldl .. panofthiscornroonity.1l>eli.<tise,lJa:(' dinary; lheNSOSinfortia,thePhiIh.vmorticOloir.theNc,.fnmoJ. IatxI Symphnny Yowb Cb<~T and Youth On:beslra., lhe NSO Ligh! On:heslra,1heannualport_ ·='lIfMn,iahatlheBasilicaand doanM.Sc.llIis~1ell,you.M'.l.l'Iancclk ,.,ofwhalnurcandi thebicnnialFestival~.B u lthi,u",oflheimpen;<>naImw;lbe dalei<made-.knowledgeofthisplaccbomoflivinginmanyofi{.< 1O\>m.comingfmm .. familywrucllhadservodaJoogilSc<.1Il'ol':.f_ ily,:bsa ...........icelONewfoundland .. its ....a yofhfe .... RINed·'."..,.,,-saw .. blendmgof1ht:<orok:slOdeveIopl'-halha; bec<m:ooeoflbemajoroonlrilAA<""u,NcwfnJlldland·s .... U-beingand <!nJWedfnrilwa.,theoo:he'traundcrPektGardner"spnwcrful guidancellialbmdm.:""in>lirutions,llIi.. Mr, OIancel Ior. is a mlll1 "t>onevcr .. Y"·'ul>,"' b<,l>IkcsXJeasinhi'.<trideandmo"'s!hem Me,rn.iaI·spride,theMedicalScOOnl.Whenhecameb<"""inl952he begllnaprojocllOa<."'-'Ilanddeveloprnedical«b:-alinninNcwfrtro. land; .. projocl,.hidllOOkhimfromCOOlmJnitylO<:omrrf.IIlitydYtt>gb. u <tJ, et1llage b<"'JIi!aI 'Y"""' ln lhis capacily he played bnlh lbeili ....-· ano:mediciJo:manandlllcilinmll1lfiLttllllf.pra:licingmedicineandpuro;uingleaming. Whenlbe idca"l'cslablishingamcdical schonIw." .-.:\vanced he ~''''theao:1Jili"n .lnJlc ofilinrnllllp-ead...-f ortheideaw", a ~ooeandltae wc", dividal vicw'<Kl il< fea.sibili1y. itslXil ily. Afla-aIIiflhed<,..,.""""b,,"""'...,.ur..Jwuldbc_ .. i.lolb<'tge. "'*'y mlrono..... lhal arrang<>mcnl~ Why <a<llIc". r",h"" wilh , vas!aM expen.,;veacademicunil? To an<"-a' lho.<e que<tinn!i ron"IIC' ingl)' aM to win ""'" \nih lbe 8n"cmmcnl aM the local rnedicaI_~ly required a considerable degreeofdiplomacy.Thi.<IanRlNedl-..llIg1>l ll'lllcpn""""'-Aw-JinledlOplanlbescOOolin 1%6, he Oncoflheseide"s Fe>tival5O'),anintemalil>nalgalb<ri-.: nfcboits _anunderta.kingsotTlOllUmelUllhalanyper'iOOof,,,...o: W<llIldha",~""'ilfromthebegirming.BulOOlPektGard ,.,,-, A,i1., ..a;u 'ivedn·...1'.. hchclped<lev.loplheror>cepl.lIle mffandlbev..>tmlunteergruup~lOmal<eilwork .. aplea<Itreforbnthlbepalticipanbandlbewiderc<.lffUT)uni1y. llIalthi,w",achicvedi,1OId inlbelaleofavi,i~l<c<.""inginln lbec;lyoo .. Junenighlin 1997.llIalvisi1Offourd1balu,...,wlO; ><>Ill<lttingl'l>Ol>leuraonlin.aryandlllOSl"""';nginlhegJnOOu'lofI fifvniceollial""", fu"" tbe SuoWll11\a.o; tbe " - d""rssanglheC""""",&ronaatthec",",ngper· fonnanceoflhalfirslfcslival _il\C'a.<a<ifthelOWnit..,lfhadlakenvoice,And.Mr,Chancellor.", :~~=to~~ewmand <>,JrcIMri", wbich 'p<:rform at il have berome Newfoundland', becan",innnthefir.<ldeaninl961.vice-~nfhea/lhfiL~inl914,vice-~ofpmtes PelerGardner'sart, Mr, Chancellor. is his imagi...nvecapa<.;ly u, W<Jdwith paople and id<:>l<,h w.. hewho.withT"'K"lMaOO:Iing.pullOgelherthebri llianll)'in"""liveandvery~,f ulpn"",," lionaIeampaignf,.-tbeN So. hw,.,hewhomanagedlOpersuadclbe RomanCalholic .. nhnrilie.<thol lheir,"':,edspao:;cinthe B..,ilic.llcouklhe .. ,......,mconcenhall. llW.. hc,.oolrlo.XlbeMes.siahonlhe road. Itis he who i,ableu'bIendanlJf\;h<:.<lnoofpaidand volunreerperformers. Inblend lbea-adilional liaIly~in<litlli<..,inln .c<.~veuni"","<:oJfdinglOooedi.'<lingui>hedmem andlbepnpularinlbeannualNSOGala t.:roflhernedicalCOOllTlllllit).·'We..-..Je"n.mislatt ..... miMaklhalooOOle1Il1ti'l'e<\it)' ... ..-..Je lIi,achic""""-"l5herohavenolgoneunnrllica:Jandhc""-,hecna.oJcaIlO,aMd<"",tin",in,Ban1I app"jllli~a local indi vi<lJal "' a dean .· · An inl=slin g ~ -.e llul ooe c bJ<ly. in ti ghl: of ,..hal ha; bren .. e~ecllivedirec'tOrofbnthlbeM ...< icandSoondProgr"",andlhe loo:mati<>naISlringQuartdCompdilllMl. 1l>e Art>; Cooncil J!."""him. Liferi"", Achicvemeru Awanl in 19\15.lbe A-""Il.;a<i<"".ean. ~::::"".::::-.,,.~~.Andpnt>ably"""oflbefewmi"""""'lhallanR..,;bjhas..-..Je _for ilian ( >n:~g.vehimlbeir ..wanlinl996.let:"".Mr,OJancelloraddourcornmer><l<lliolOlIicirs Hi" CllOlribulinns have bren """"!lniudacross theroulllry , Torooto. Dalb<llI-o;;e and M\IlIllIAlli" MI :";''''~:llIf'''1hedegrttofdocloroflencrs(lIonoriscausaJ.ourgrealmusiocalani~ ha"" givcn liim b<1Ol1<1Il)' dOdo",re.. Hi, fel",,",' gradualeSat DalhctJsiemade him the Medical Alum"",oflbe Year in 1998. WCmadcbim"..,-dcan"""ritusof Medici.... in 1989.""", Ielusll\lmrerhim 8IOOOgourgradualesandf<.-1hal lpresenltoY'IlI,Mr. (lIanc>:llor.forthedegreeofdoc'tOroflaws /IIonoris=l.lbefwndcrofnur MedicalSd,,:cl.IanF-dwin RlNai ""xiaI<dl"olsinl''licecharM:ell<.-inl982.Sud>aprogte>"il","'",indi\;alive",.""lyfifhi,own slaIIdingwilhin1heuni""""ly.bulal",oflbegrowingiJnp.:ft;n:efiftheMedicalSd,,tlI.Nnk>ng<"wa;it!; llilily",fe,NbililylJllNinn<d It""""""lOpnnidereseardlonpt=liarl)'NewfuwIlfIandrnedicali>sucs;il b,,,..ghl .<aIn: ,.fusl·flIle,<llllhe wider_~ty: il1ran<fooned Mem:rial fromane«en- r. "" Om Dr. Ian Edwin Rusted - Excerp t / ...asinTa'VI'tutuall""dt....u m/visarycammit· tee meetinfl.< hen I mel One o[rheir professors ...hof,reeted armlybatimmedimeIYa.l'''''d, incredulou,\I)~ "1.<it real/ylrlk' that you have agreed 10 rry and,uvt'(,Jpa mediml school in Newf"andland?Dny"" really, uriou.,ly. Ih,nk Iharsot1leo ne-liume~willgi,·rupa.-e,'urr appointment herr, with a IQvdy home in 1M brsl pan ofToronlO and wilhchi/dren in thebrst S('houls in Caruuw a nd flo loa newmrd schoolnol yel baill - in Nr ...fou ndland .... / mad r thr obvio us reply -lhat ..'r would not rx!"'ct. o r "'ant. anyon e ...hofellas hr did rojain us. but Memo rial Uni'lt!n ily ....a.l u good . rapidly·g m ..... ingunivr rsil)' and ....r ..·rreconj'ident ....e ..v uld j'indfirst-<:lau[aculty mrtnbrrs whowou/d rec· ognizr thisopporlanity todnsomrihing lUliq ur andwon h...·llilr - Mt anlyforNe....!<'undlandrrs. Dr. Peter John Gardner - Excerpt Thesrda)"sl>'eh"ndr.-"dCllotaooulthe inve,'lment thai i" made in lraining the next gen, eration and tOOlthis inve,tment is beJl and "hould be reali<. ed in o ar o l>'n pro,'incr. / connOi sub,cribelOthisf'Tl'Tnise. lfinnlybrlir'lt!thal lhe duly of my generation is 10educa te Ihenr:xt gervrat ion wlhr "e,)' brst of their abilitic •. rrgarJlessoftMco.<I. lti.' thenoaTdul)'lO enco aragr.vou toga ",herrverilmightbr in tM WOr/dyOllcon best apply this tion, and to go l< :irh all aur blrssings and good ",ishrs.Yoaar-rtWtourstokupolllyoursto f'reparr, as br sl wr con. f or a goodand l< " ,nh...·hile life. Wh"rrver it might br. somebod); per. haps annlMrcommu.nily, ",i/l S<>nll' dny bervfil. Each afyou must go K'herr'lt!r youful you Can pms~r, brhappy. beappreciatrdand cot1lribuu IOsocirty in the beslpossibl" .....y - ...·hrthrr lhal ·s lu!rr or awa)". G<udU • Nov~m~r 1. 2OtJ1 7 Fall Convocation 2001 Frid.l y, oei, 19. 10 •. m. Address to convocation by Dr. Ian Ru sted ,. o-dm. M ....... l meo: . - ot ..... JlR*-n ,.-"'-'ur........ devc""'. R~M,. ~ M ,. P'residonl ot mc<!i.:ollIChooI in N. ...'fnuodlant!'lDo you rca lly. ",","",Iy, lhink thlll ..........., - lilu' m<_ ....illgi..., up ••••:,ft"l'P'>inlm<nlherc. ...'ilh.l<wclyhomcin 1hr'- ... uToro*>and ..ilhdlildialinlhcl'd dnlBine-lloand",,,,._medodlo<>l -'" ~memi:' .. :ujly.""""""'" . . . ,.aduaunt:~"""di."';npi>hcd..-..1Idot> _ .......... ThoIformlIiI ......... ioI<:lodooccr .._.._.. . . _ ~ ..tIo ~ !llfllil'lc- rub iD _ t<hooI .., ,..buiII_.~Iam.lhcctwi<-. d . . mrdiaI sa_CtftR.Tho .-.... .-.Iy .... . . - . . y ~Moo;kaI ....... and ~wfedor· .... pro";ncial _~or ""Y .... p'd.~~_~and_ m i.oppoltI I ity Wfftconfodcmwc ...""ldfir>dfirlol·d... f..,.lty .............. wbo .... "' ld r=>gni'" I<> do .. >rro:lhi"llllnkf\lCandwonh wt" lo -not only f,. hoalth ~ T h o fe<bal ~ w"" lhemain ~ "f1lo:Healrh ~Furd. ~~nded by1lo:HallRoyol Ncw'fnundIardon.) Aboursi,...".blalcr.w"","""Y"""""'''''' ,......,..aJUld""'~a/f<WI:d.rnrdiClllocho.~ dloirodb)'lhc _ lbIIh ~ Cft8l:. lr is • T _ (formoIt)' "-:dIclr.w _ _ m. _ ~I ......, ....,. d 8<wd __.. ~(ofW --'1.........,;l ,..~*-Iy~ . . ,..~ ..u..""IIft doy<.-~ I WII Iry ... JM' . . _a;l ........ beslat.u ... bdp umrdio:ine.lhe~of fIf"Ir:-r_l-'u~ ....l .. -ilh.~ . . -=IoIdI:dDr.a.leo L.-. _ ar- . c""",*,,,1luIfin;t. Iel m< mnioo you .t... """",,,,,,,,,,-t>ofNMoofoond. '-l inlhel WJo.. Whcnl n:tumed IONcwfoundlandinlatel % 2. ""llo.",ghlinmy miooof.mediclI . . ... .,...~·.boopitIIl Dr..kDIDane, l-'u.~.Tol : Jb;plaIIorSd. O"ldn:nllld lheonly p..dialrid .. inc...da""'" a sptdoIi <l in ClI/'lCCf -.ncnI. Dr. o.te iIo~ . . . . . rub)(lrM~ .... -IIId ....... ..,u,.. I...,d'llJInepmroncdm<lOidtnbfy<Jlhen 1IlloR'lllk,mp -.tanrCOOlriI:JubrJM Tht""""timp>rtan1par1ioil""'l 'today .... "f ........ tht_,....ruates-I<> ...·hom I oIfn my .......--. If. . thliI l'''''y~di........... qualilynfrhelr ~Aftly .... of_IOOIL6J~"'''''''''''from1lo: _d_-.x. .. ",.;picdId.rn ML"Ndoc-' In 'lJl* of _l_ -.~>piIII .... tu ~~u.-· Conmiooiooin IIlM .Withoul rhal fund rh" ......, .a.,... .... . , - ..... ..MmIy .... irnmedIIIrIy-.l<d~.'1.i1 alylJUelhol.youhl""~IOIry .... . . . - . Mr.a..n-ot,... 8<...tot "AlurmiA,,,.:~ ~ of lhe nf w""""'00 IIld his "'if.~i."ICd NewfounoJlarol. frN "'""'kslllcr _"""nly.IheGocrlenl H.osptalcamolOho:re<t>f"llCd by _llldaa:cpl<dtht~ .........,.~po-..:Z2IOr llw>:,...,.,u plKlIoodT...- IIaIli<aIlhodir:lllld.wiIhiD.,",~_ ' -I.l<UIu""'50 _2S .... oflfleoc rad:-..IIIIIjor~""--._ulllc 1Io:.... umcdiciDc. M.,:C.dlU...........,.. forlbo_ulhcirbesl<lndida 1hc dlaird~.""-ca -_~ltor ....... lhII..... - -.. ttq......, """d)"'-... .. ~IIad*-iy...,:d"'. . "'~u.Ncniry! Ir:ft.... aolulhcir . . . . ~fll:ililia.. . ~ .. ""'~~ llIiI'-I • ..,..m:.iaI'Iucro.>I:OIlIhodl:cisialby.....nlu ... '" ...... ~adI ............ Iibnry.orA.cabnyu M<>1icinI:_or ......... ll1<Odic:aIod>.d""""doy' Dr.o.ne_ .... _ ....... flallry........,." ... ...ct .. Scpu1nbcf 19611.111"'- year.her my lppOI"'-:IlI. They mdudod Dr.AlhMC<n.( ...1lo..... -.:ccdodm<.<bn . . . . . . "" lI .. vice.~l -.t. _ u Oll>r:r IJ'P._ irdwi'" I hod ~Il ~n. in I '1~H. oollcct inll inr""""tio n ~houl lTII".ti<al ",,'ICfaIoolhe ~ .. a1..., .....and <>l!I<'o> wOOrt:tum<d", the provi...e """""' ", _ fn""H .C. andSa!.kalchl:wan (lWOoflhc "",, 'CSI1flCd. Thi, cnabIod "' lOadnutoorflN clau of rredi<al llludmisinScp.,1 44 dl.:"", in lhe cnlin: ~ aIl tht tim< u ~ i<:al.. -t. c..Jo .....landfrom MMlilUbalnl_""""'"'" ICmbcr1%9, Am:tlnl .. 1W..cmcnI!n....,cump!cs- .... tht .... 1Or.l"'fI"laIlimdJ~Wll(!i<M-IIlIft_I ,{Jll~..... Hyl9hJ """*'--upaoli..,and""l'li..,iJI/IIacrlo:u IluoIdr<dsdoppl fmm ,..d~ -hdpcd lOdiopeI 1II~ ..... ~.)J .(l)n.a"......,<Wy."""'U~'" kdmclOtubmil..I~tn:f""''''''''''d''"-lrh.Dr.''''''' """'"Ub:""..,.. 1f) _~~and~ (Dr. ... ~t,...""-b....... l ,[O)poqlk .. 'ilh ............ . . w.. -t.IOI . ~""'" 'lhoR_wly.-~_.catI.,......,... -n.cqc ..... -.1l<t'cltac......,T9l'I). Tho T. - e-II!fip-.-.y _ . . =~=~~;~~_~.!~.,.::.~~~~ e-Dr~=:=:::: andhn1~1hot'uaft"*dIheGcnrnllbpUllin' _ l"" ""t"'J*ftI:lC " ''iouYy. ", hoopIloh.~ • .,.,..deIiIU'''''''''' _l had ~"' hd".Thi.hadhcenljI=l""'.. .,_ m<JIllIu; oftcr Confalcrall ~ ", .whilol w,.". M,:Gilland lhe ~~-t~=~.n~: i':': ...hIonl.,.."' .... I u"'" __ Oli1dn:n·.tbipoIIIho:inl!p&.>ncd .... thtc~u OlI>r:rho."I"lII. I'h:mw J". y Smallwood '. """'......, i. 10.11k",,,,,,,,: , ... to bursarie<fnrprc-mcdondmcd""",""",arW(loIcrlf",,,tu,.ionond -5IIorD~lorallm.tly ~ u N c w Y<rl.U........,; OfCOlnt'......,""""~T"""d "n_~.""' of ... oIhI:r . . . . 1hII'*"-'>' -r..- ... '""-.-lO"""""'" · .. ..... oppoAII<>II. . . lI'RdiaItcbooI..tHc:alrhs.:-e-. . . . ,....~and....,..,.......~ Our~·ilrIflnaNy""""*"_....m 1IaI l cooId:.Ant. __ . . . . . . . . . . . 5ua1 1k"CkJp ~ IOlIuo:-.. ~ for ~ ... """U .........-n 'if'OIkasfrome-ta.1he U.5A _ U U.K. _ .. ,lh<U f=; l Un l func1ion . dm'oL_ ........· - - " lIII thtGencralHoopotal.f'lYIl'IIOII} )'CIf""""'·'I'IoIr<.cmm·· \ ~fOllOldlancllOc.""lhulI.olha>,"&.mcdiailtdI<>nI-_ lIlI:trly~ollbcooo.l.buIlbohccau>c~wooldll<ll ho: in tht """,ina' . AI"", It lOIS"'1""'1 "" """"a11Cll1lyfindilliitd,flk ul1 I0 1llnM. 1..-dina<ydl..1l .... .., bow (lfJU\d_C1p<1C1~"''''''''''hcn:? I .. _ _ I"""'D:C"Ot1. m!. .... IIlY~ ...;fc_ ...... '-ly.A _ _ _1..., 1a)' r.... .. ll>ll<lnoo:d.-l~bclh...........- •...,_lfIIClIa wc .... ....,of...... .......... .docI<n _ ~ [),....... T... ,...-IHuP1Wun:Ioywdf;omod ltl<ft~ ,..._ ~ IO"iI* ..........- Al lto:ir in 1hr 1O'idc . . . (from T..... N",. lU Springdolc and llIo:tlnl ......, invded lOjoi n <lOlI1'lIit _ tnd l "f' .., oo I ;nllolwood . thtcnd . •.. m., ~ ol lhc lOO8l '.-ngpmtnbWC lIiI_ " Ganda' IIld Ilorwn>d This provcd "'hrlhe ~ of1hr "" c...I ~-..........t Mcdiaol ~ ,,-~. Simi"' MIII. C<ar-bJ.a....:e ~ "' ~ ..... v.:e-. ~~[.;;= .. ~S.A. IPd ""' U ,K,- ...,dnJl f""" o.:::= ~w= tnd ~~'~ ~ I ..~. -,. l ....... ..iIofdllhallil_iIIIllp;.-bIelOr . . . 1Ift"""pn.:tX:c.Thcocrunbrn hodift..WIflCd..... ' or Fnl.COIIF~ II'CUIWd I _ ..t ~ """" ~ "_h:.ool ubtoincd one or \WO ycars'~l"'fIC'I'.'Crherol'd<,,, ...... \\\:dd w.-r..o. __ ridl."""~_.~U """"",,"d~br:>IIIh."'''''''''''''''''P'8''.-...y " fidIl lialK. . _' -.of~ """" .-I "'-" '- _i> .. cnc>u~quIlIi flcdSlUdcnlli Thofao:u_"". ....... ..,8IXCl*dcdl)'N'.""'""~ """'"from ........ ~f<udand -.t Ulndor~ from 200 ~e«iI,.ea".SCW~_ u PElpm.- 12adJi. -....tll'RdialodlooLwc.,..,.,. 1ionlII ...m:rfrom ThoI ........ _ _ lnIiIO ~d 1...,ll nowgiYC........... ufacWty m:rui ting c ~ E...,.,ho:f"'cloff..~ollyh.. :arnc dean ofrncdicinc ""Scpt.1 1967. lho:p1 Io ~>inl iNmlllionol """!IOf}'conuni_ cdI .,;1f'Il ci£llmmilcn."''"'''''''''''''an;tidIlesfor-nulhe chain.- .... ~ _~polhokIcy and( ........._ boRP'J'Iible.lfleocaJm- _~bftl)omoctidnc ~_~ ........ lbis 5Oat...... """"'Y"""'.,...c..a.1htU.5Aand u C.K. - aII~' Y,.. CIII..., ...tJ) I~lheimp_ft<l .... l"U'rom.two ad.'i".,. oommittel' Tho l';'!d",- ....U _aII .... -.indudi .. 1III............. fa;;;t._""'aldiIII·~· ......ongs ~ .....- I'tryooaIIfAIucIDoaBoddiooJ.wbicb .. ~"'IhcFidd ....... sam-ia-.tlrdcllillrl .... ......""bnc.,.,.t_lO b: Fdd ~ - - . i I y ' - " ................. from_ ~lIIo_ ~ ... -;I ~fur _...,~1I -a ..... t-..."'_e-....I_~ _~1cadI:n. d ... ~ d.,..aInoo'y~ _ ....... 1'E ... ...,..:IlO~ -_~his aIl _ _ lhepcrio.ddIboV_ ....-.. by_y<llJrioc"'"_Ncw Yorkail;oo..Dr.n.:.n"' 'io:d.......... ofmoeO"lI"wilhtht .....l""of"""' Vnrl, p weroor of Ntw V<rl. Stale ard finally. \he pm;","", r;r(\he bis UniICdSlalcs.n- powcrluI indiviJu,ok- -.t1l"lllflY~-pa'· ~ himlNlif "" ",",", ... IaI..,Ihe UIIiIodStaeo Ihe;",p..1 ho:CJJImIdy ....... _.....",......~_ioI<ividuaIIlO ~ .... e-aDr, "'"'->Ilsa.~e- ia~Y<>rLt---. _ _ peformlIIapcoiIIIcd ... HSC .. I97ll.-.tIidI1iIacllc llc~.fnady"""'._~ ...,.. ..........,.~ I wlll cnd lhi> -""" .., lh.OCfIlcnOI:humlulcon\'OClbUll ~:"DnrI·tho:..,.;.ficd ...,lhlhcstalU.quo,rY"" ocriou>ly lhinkilcan _ond .h"..ld _hciml""vcd. ... wcIuoYC ~ofbm< andpN:""""for~~ So,mcmbrnUIhc~onld ..... do_ lIndcrcol"""" ~'Y{lUwiD~-.lhcn:_iIlwft-..c . ... I .... I~ ~JWIlyhocouof<_pcn:aDFol,...l'J"'lI6c _f'lliIII AIoo._ • ....pcr ~~_-_-r~_ "'y...1 ....... lOlIIiIvcniIy 1O....., .... dlInp:or .. ~ .-olheyhadlldhcenaNclOindulFJ-"'--t)· Tokcg<nl~UItU'''''''"-ialfWluourpland!~''' .u"""'~ withOf'l i"ti "" RqodI ... ......,.,...".-.ka..IIl-* ...... forlbar<kdt_ _ ~ub:...r-wy twIy.I...-lii..., .. ~~ ~"' . . .......,. ........ T1Iis ~.-. Of. . . ll-a.a_lorJdy~b~_~_ AklurM-i"l_I...tMJlt.-~uil~by"' F":''''Y'rJf~.",Uho:~ThalafIanooa.'''''''' 1IId1U/J_1w"""'_"""'~llIiIwor\wilI"",,"," Ganh:r''''''''''lIrJdy~IorIhe'''''''''lIIOXaId''' N~...foundland SymphonY' OrdlCStr....'ill m:c'YC III hooonry fIIMm-olflllllini.."..,lylllll<lmls,f..-ulryandllllff.-U .. "'""'" .. 1.....:IlhoFiddI-ioule~andl". . .. you . . ......""I ...,Ii1y,Fromlheqopcnfl.... "I*"(inwhidltht ....... "'Ulllkcsuplculhon.dtinlof1hr.'llilable~~'" bcrsof'lUroommunily "oocthty will all ho: ohlc kl...-...-lhe k:fl.l..mM,runninlh:LlDlhewaJkircll"a:klDdfilllCMond f-.i1_aIl,",""",",,*<Ub.Onbc/Wf of l'""""l " ' futurc p.,...",_IhiI..-iIlbc.f>ciliryItlll ... _ .......... ~llhri:.aIIlhcplll>n<n""lhcircIJom. ri ................. .-...Io. _..--.......... • _ _ cmly--.tb)' .............. ...... ~.Dr.n.-~IO .....• "'W """""' .. ~from...t.dl.*-'._ wor\-.t".,.,., ing8<~>dadv..:' (I lOa> in Toronto ~l"~ ...,....._1lcbft:ame _ from1lo:..... ul'E!ipI!ciIl1aCI"'I: pomonutht Heollh~Fund w'ilh ,.;~ -u.<bn.vhaodmcdiclolodl<........... mc .. 1Io:li .5.A. . bacl967.(Clne'ofhi. f _ , . u . . . _ aIlthtl<nloa li<Jo. filial Med iQI ("olkll". Dr, Wilham M.,,; tw l. hod moved 10 \he New York UnivcN ly M<diaoICcn~ in 1'lM. Ourwll 0IIf vi'll. ho: .....,allOjoinwrf.. utty . ..".. :t1vcScpl.I. I96ll.lThoobnand Strong and Tbc--,. ..........a-._ vibrant dorlI:coflb:l'J"'lI6cof~ VOC .....,. ........ Iinob _ _ Tbc......--~ wma-w;>rlu . . powo:iaI..--. ~pmvidcd1lo: .......... ~ I O ...... _Bo.dd <kp,Borh"'""""'''''lnI"ro"lIrilyllCUJfTll'li'<hcd ..... l bd ic.., . 1hey~.crnplify'thtCAcnCCulhcadvioc.whicbl.t-t.l .. irhl""J eWcf:1hcy....naalivcly_nh,..,. ...U So,icl_""""ludcby~YOII. ..... padINIldo. .-.c . . . _icl _ _ ... ...,... . . R~..:I"'- a-wr~.fIrY~~ Gazrlt~ . NOVf'mM 1. 2001 8 Fall Convocation 2001 .: FrIday , Oct. 19.3 p.m. Address to convocation by Dr. Peter Gardner r--------, lhollnliohlJl'dlf/llll1loccne ..... r. ........... inral,ry1lwlMt.d...........tfrommyvilrwpoinl ..... 5lUdentIOOllOid=dlreadinganolherpMh lbrn .. 11I<k w<... 1d 110."" i~ 0lIl oflho hlue. alonj;camcNo...foolldlondll ...., ..drawn"''''y =~~~~~~~; ... -..,....-.'o\.-,,~ ,~ ...,... b ""'.,.,..St. ·• • mied _('-dcr~III>. . . . . . . . .;,poniaSt. ·I ........ ~-IO'd..,"t'd jIa<lmllmrfura.-ial97I.. _ _. ~lin,bme iIlNc...-foundllUldpolllicl. lf",y .....mory.ft\'c ell. Mr. Ch. "" e ll.... 1 i.i.~~~~~i~:-~arriwxlin helieYfil"'.yw. ine.ty I9'72.<binIlho inrere.tin, hurly-hurly of poIilic. of the lime. q""Mioned lhe'M"'>prialerte\,oflhe.rtll1fVY supportb)' Mr,SnudlW<l<dof!heposilionof<;<.... Newf......u..d"".coId. ...inlb>""'JllNt>Wnixr ~. I""","",lyhnp,lhol)O)ftBlMnyou day. blliedid"",belie",,"""""'-..ld IIlillhe fcdlhollho.-mufthotpu<ilion"-p.idntf. Sina:comitlc here 1 haveh=taITnrdedlho here.lOyoean laler or ill<lft<lINl 1 "'''''Id be ......, . . . . . . m::ei. ..... """""'-Ytb:- privileseufocrvinalhearuinw.provinoeand. lb: . . . . . . 1 "" " oernemlttlbe ~ """' I ~ '.,., . . fI:d "-..-yClf,.._be IDda)-.f'<*>w· . . _~CIfilllonsi"C-.ty.~I_ ....... ........ _ .....I.... time""""" ..-.e .....,.-.1111.. . . . . . . o..I .. JIU"1h_iIle-laio pn..-iDoe. . . . . ,.".,. -.Dca:e.'iIy..t~ l l..a flBaly ~ III)' ~ ~ l..bndIx .. io_....."...IOIdloa • • • bonlTtwliryc.oa.,..u.doal. .. ldednoged~io'llldlpbadlO....u ~.IO ... ..-k .... ~a.l . . . . . r..e-.;u\d1lOloL1_l\aI)'a,oipped Alllbll~eoaod ....i ll,iveyoa _ _ k· ::...~===:=':IOIO:: 1"Jlftl1O .... 1hl"ClOsay_IO......... aohm:lDda)-. ........,..., _11>.,. ---... n-.P'J'CIIIial ...... c'" mind. wt ..... """~iDciac odler people. ",""",*lO'dvrishelinltlllld.~.I~y -- ....,.1dirYe· _do ltally.<b:p ...... b.""'?""'M;hl"C l.....,..<ftmlald _ III• • ' " lillie . . l - . - . l " ' , . . ........ ,-.OOO1I.....,fodiIIp-lO . . ~1he->'~....... bepAooed . . ywby)<Uran.Jy. ...m.n.l'nends. .. d """""'haYepal~frJr,.,...n...,_ Y""'<ltm"m-.:lqlllb....... ....,..."..,... a...,bulaI _ _ yw_COIIOda"lhediclUm"'olhine""",'IClfhelnle.~ Of wOlMlerfW Thooedal""",hearandn:a1I~""U. mi,pidood. "~""Il)'I0>_,,--, 1.- J-...ry._._tha......uel_......,<JJIIeF-""'" ordan_i1acedodll1t~and. i1W11k1 . . "'. . . . It.dOllOllpleledmy .... "" Myfalberadrist:dll1tlOlllyfrJrllxlDlft ...m.1O"""""""".., feeli.,.""ar-d'.'mecou .. ....."...-..-.- "'dlbeaa1l tMy10-.-. he . . . . .....w ,..1O .. ""'--i1 ..,.-~ . . . . . . . . . bboiIIpn . .d ........ __ "'lOk£qIonIy"'IO~.lIal _ . , . b . . .dlO'd""""",,,,*"'''''"'-........ he..~.pn1lIp......... _ _ ~ .... -..e~benefil.E.:llol.yw_. """,,,",,")"IUfcd you"" proopcr.he 1tIwl"... ~andcmaituelOl'.:ietyilllhe"" By way I reIUm IOlhe lime when, In 197 1.... lhe very trIOllleI1I "'hen Newfoundl..nd"'aredi"head. 1 w... in ,he mid-rofa le>ldler lnlining[lfOlltll1l,.p">p1U11lhalf..-me ...,....,.;! inek'vanl and In O:;ItJberof thaI)'U< myallent;"" "'. dra...n "'the S..w· foundlandopporltllliry, I ...... ri>k.appliedfur lb:job.Wpptdclaoo:land.,.".h=ror.wer:Il iIllb:~lb:~ufvisilinl_uf diMnir:wl. l_oIftftd.~IO~iIl _rmmh&palc..:lilnlllll'tenll). ~~'::?~~~10 bec,~. cr-.»Ihe>ayh:ol~""'''''''''''''''' ~.""""""br-dl)'~. St..JaIla·.. ln:M-:I.Sooanbcr . . . ..,. ...... Deinft.b"''hoI".....,.,._lOhojlool. from~M<:i>or:niftb'tninlmeltlll )'ClBandeYmNally)().Forme"'hal,nl~ p:op!eor.poIiIia.. IiIdo~ I blld bcen d ...... nlOm::ei"" .. """""'-Y'lo.:tor ufJeuen.lhUcon"'lCllionand"'.... privileF ...... "..,..~lln.ooernil"'SI)'·c.alliII5 pntwpoevt:Jla dilenlttlllwoold w W ·( (o y"u . 1I1h. llhis is o ne momenIin,..,..]jfewhen)" _lhink~ly of)'OUl"'"lf-lOhe.linlo: lti"jp" Weha~eall becn uughl 10 lhink of olhen•• o beat lheir oomrchirrc~"'~from~1O'd bdieYe_lhiIi>IbeUll1t .. flmyou_-.k bioD)' _ _ .ldIo:ri,bul l ...... ... ,..,......,do l....,. .... lOdo?Vr do l pon:db)'lh:nPrani<rJo.qSmalht.ocdlknnoi ltlmeSl)' ................. lO'dpal hoeour ... ", .. forll1t"'recei"".1erret youcan_thooen.oyeanbcame.fIlrtI...-M youlhe""xlSlepisf"frron~"'lY~nand in'o'e>b1ll:nl thai is made in UIini"'the ... ., ... tnbtmandltllllhioin_iaheotn-'" belaiillOd ill our 0"" l'I""ince. 1. . . - . . ocribelOthiipanise. lfirmlybe~thII... tMyol.lII)' ........ il.IOedla:alheaell ... JoM·. Sylllf'hony On:heWII-.projccl ... p p.. deJm:. Some dyw wiD k"""'cbrIy .... yw ...w.lOdon,,,t,buI I am....., ltlIl fur """,yd ' ,;wamy taki.'. Danft .... ldocidodlOb"C b _adv-...:..nidI".lIII>OCialUnewilhmy lediIIp .................... --...tplay..........emadeour_n.x.:1>loUIl.Aodhere ...'e p'"oIISlhIe..-.y-.. tle1herthot·.~ ... _iOJ'. Yo u mu,l hav e pal,ence. Thin,. do'" oJ",.y. work immedi alel y, I h.~c .J..'"" admiretl the greal Eng li' h land.... 1'" .........,1ol·'CapIhiliry .. ll ""'" . Capahiliry llroal ...'u",'pon,ihlo:forlayinIOll"he,ard<",fI ou' I"''''''' "'""l'dlhe"..,...",.....<binIlhe~1.-I IhollllhCftllUfY.Thr:se _ _ oheI . . .... uf ............. CIpotJiliIyplaed .... full"""', ....... lIiomilld".qethey.......w... He_ . fruiIool.lIio ........... a:iIh:I hiadlillha. ~ .. hilanfinoly lOfuI.....,. ...... iNpe. b_....or. p.yjraol.'='*,... To<:lllldlode.I """,",""aIoae. llqlOywIOJnrm...,..,.... Iool for people SlJ'eI I h!Ihke-minded O'd .. 10"""" ,. IUnI'*-...."",..rmm '01. ..... -..,.., fromlhe !IlmIflItdtdlrro enI<lQont;driabon;lllld~""'are,,;11 only refk,:loa my own uper;e""fO and "'y 1tI11are,)()yeanlar. I"lIhaven·l~ in my "'willlmoslbeginninp,luo:kt.lalollOdo with !he FII'IllI 'lUIt:OIne.On \ea.i". ",~Iqc I hlk ",1'I.1I"'t!fI "'lUltl tind in the W.yofW<R.1'rlI",,1. ~oflhefcd,npoflhe",..,..01tIdenIo lhaI"""""'andwehawne>nlq:l'<1lr:dlhol<h... ........ n. ...... have~mypalhinthepa<l:)Oyean I ha, e alw. y. fek lhol lhe lWOntIl>l<htf..." k 1Jld"""',fuIlill'll'O;in.)".....gjl<nOO'.lifcoeem tn,-.xuo-.lWOofthe_e,citing ..._ once")"lUcompIeIehigh!dloolandopin .. )"IUcom:IOlhoendof)"lUflllldetgradulleotudies.lrio.lheoetrrneoof".,-po:nonaIa:compIiWnenl e~thotllTlp<JfWMdeci ....... _be IO)<Uf\aft_of _ _ Today bofyOOli.anned ..'l1h._ 1 ft:eI """", gly lhlOl)'tlU lTlIl'ItrlIl'OCl and lhlOl )".....·••.dd""'k ,""">rlunil;,....-hm:verthe)' mighlhe. lha'OC '..l"oumaJ~~dtis ,n m~ SlUtItIIl' and my own dllldre n, I firmly hel...... IhaI.I)'W"I ,lhto .....y~ ahead.)"IU.,.,affon:lh Ie,IO~<maII n>l .. tty"".... thrut;""..y<1.I.. ,.l".-etunlif thinpdo _ _ :~:::.~~;. : ..;:n~~~~~~~yi~'P:~:~ ~ bll$.playill$.~andthe~illblerounduf .... ·he!olnIIaudi""""n"..."'.)" .. ~ " i ..1i~iry. I_->,thalt.l<enainidea6.. 'ith ~1O .."" IIhouJblIbe"""""profeWon 1be~ordleslraI..-.inBritaia .... ... ~ke.lquidlyrOlMd... thotnry_d .... _t. from ""*-_",,,,-,-CIf lhemb:Jlh.... ....-md clealyb=llho<'-flYmeh= The "'"'""" oflhe Netof<uoJland S~ ""-., b=linl'Ol~tdis!he""""""'d"""'~, Wi"" .... "'PI"-.r.~and.lullsofrnanyl'"' ,* ltnJld"'llha""ll<>;>lnlfIIl!ohod.~ lhelhin&otha_haw~""",,,". y~ OIIlIlldf'>~-''''''1 GARD....ER. PA~t """1O~b<alyn.ore-s.hul • Memortal's newest professores emeriti open only to ret1rf1d members of /he faculty. To be eligible. II PfNSOIImust hal'& SfHWId .lit leas t 10 yeatS as" full-bmfI facvlty member al MemoritJJ and must ha ve held /he rank of proi8SSOf upoo retirement. The prIftI6 crite rion tot nomIrl.t/'K)(l is susta ined, outst.t The category of ~ ememus IS schoIerly worlcant:VO(S8IViceIo/he ~ty. Dr. John Walsh '· Ar) a K. BaI ~ D ::'"":;'h',,':::e D (hoM.) from lhe Cllj:lneenng{hono.l .. T....1lnt.;aIlJ .. 1he . . .... -..ffto.lbe t~ol _I"'*-'or .............. C ".... \ -.l ........ L. "'-aI, Dr WaWI ·.~01 ~=:'..:.='0." ~~ 0. "". K a.l \b ,-.,.,,,,,,,,,,,, lJlkI .. w':=a\~:::":r lleti ... hi,reuremenc.Dr Rerntllo'\cno;i... "'C.(·OIlF.iOlkl'hairandlb:n'.. ..,.pn::>alenl """'"""Ilandd<-<ck'prn.'".• Nt>rlhemRatlarS)"'le""LiJ,s, ..." Iq7~ IlrWal.h·,"""""h,,!I<'f'C'>' M'OCf,..·,"tld,,,,'ht"'e,,,"f .lr,:trurn,,;II<'l"" andapplio:d INIlh.""..... -"appli.ahleltJdOI.ln~ ""'l'lIl'tocphetlnm<nl.H"""".>:hl\a.'Ied"'lhe .. nluti<... <>f. _ll'II:lhodforf<Jf111lllalm,m ~''''8~'1'f''TO' gaII~.. m...-.n",~h,,",""'IedIoIhe~ d1t1lll*"""""",>,.,......,,fmmlheDet-t _01. '..... Do:ft:focenlhel. . . . . c...C-.i ~ ::= 1:11O~'!'NF:"= lb: F~dSden.."MM1 .. 1""'1 .... """1<d00n0rar)_"Ilp"",,Dr.8ar,~hinlert::cl. hawl><minlhe"""'of •."U".!'OnInJy. rt:!oring>m>......... wilh furo;hun.!l"ha,;u.....t.lo..'ll1"'mK:1O'i<.~andl'l , .."ht'nocal l"';hn~l""' j nth< ""rhit>lt'l''''ol rnalCf'ial., A m,.il""1Il"f ~ S~.RC IlJllIlI> flY 1I11<".\(I :«'''''. 1'1, tnaJ''' ~onInht~,,,,, .... _inft>eundeNllnJin~'>fb.lllogio:almtrug'l:<lfiUlJtIl'll»~m ~::~of:IO'd~~,I:=--..:~":= fa:ulI)-.~and_""~He"'aollIo<nd or ............... -a,...... llllpubloc_inlCkrCl<d,..... Jnr¥<' ~i"" io --'" . Cdd . . . twtn. .... ""-'1:,.-..0) \ kGdI l..-..l)..t .... u.Mr'-Mt tie \ baeol. Dr IW jOmOd.""'-'naI llepa't _ d BOup " 1_ ... ', .......... ~~;~I ...-.- """....--of ..........,., '" 1 ~3 n doc..- u( phinoph)... 19l\O. AfIor .." " , . ~C C. . . >'CnJI)"'' ' ' ' ........ "' I%ll _ . docIorot pIIiIoo<JpIy. d«1riaoI CIIC' l " ' " .1971 ..tJb ... ~fd D ~ "' tlll .. d<":~ ,, nf ,,"""'_ deJ'l"'fromlhel ••:ulryrl \kdici.... lhe lJni~ d 8"""""A......"'1Y'i~_ U ni'''''''l~ u( Calt.~inl~ I I ,,",\WCd rolOccompI<Yah<l<.'heunf -.t)I Dr. Jorge Segovia Dr. Arya K. Bal r. J" tul W. bh ret:6 m:l .tliplomainenlineer in~ Imm McnltJfi~ l in" ""'l)in 1966. lO'd wenl ICO.~_""". "' l ~d Hebddfaaolt)~. .... V""'fnII)d ARl,CoIiImiliI l -.lIhr V,.~ofC _fIlrllilJbe1'tftbo: appni.-d._..... '-"""'of.",:iaIl1l.",:t"""'1be1Ji,,_dCOIl1IlllWl) \ """a1 Metnoria1Vm"""ll)- in 1'176.Hebel:or""!,,,,'- .. 1'Ill:lantl"",td .. -...'lMI!'<kanbrtWt;:t:nllJ\ll-'If> ,Or,Sc .. the pri"'-'ipiOlin'OC""'''''. "f lire He.1I11.nd M<"tlil:~1 ( R""""'-"IlC,roup.... h"'h .........",,,.,.,. tundilllllmmIl1eN.. - IIc.lthR.......-h antl ~nml Pn~ ',....,. I I ~ ,..,.. ::.:.-::.~~'-:::..::==:: ~ Can'ttl! • November t. 2001 9 ~RESEARCH Wome n's studi es journ als Challenging the way we view the world ..... J IlvT~ MIlll Ni lan from around • world came 100Clhcr in tbIifu thi s past Sepce mbc:r IIl1kt lWlin . ~titkd ''' ..., W",",", In: Devdopi ng " Srud ico Joumab in the M ,llm ruutIL 'The ....orhhop c.neinlohring. accm1ing 10 Dr. \W1lyn ~. al the eighth l nl«· wioo "l lnl crd i ..:iplinliry Conp=nnW"menthalw..., held in Xno'lIyinJune 19'i9. "At lhe<'" ngre". lllere was a ,mI ll meetin g ur c,Jilnr, of .um en' , , 'udic'ju"r nal_. and fMn 1lwll we decided l" de velop Ilo: lnte r na lin na l Networ k of Mslle '/lloIntn",Sll1thc<J"umals. .-...·CIInIlIni'lkltwojuumals F <.anry and _ Illed IOm.TUit _YJlUIIlII. from the 'lWlhas ._- g<:l:~.ohlRidl:aanddis-.- cu s••lr atc g,,, . for m ·..n::omlog bOOI~Mdpo clo>. · R ighl _ ~ prtJ\'i<b suppM. Ihe opponunil y 101ilk 10 eac h OIher and compare p,ut>1eTm and soluuons." ... id Dr. PlIner. a protessor m Memo rial' ••ocjology ' depllTlment. "UllimJlel y.lhenelwork " 'ill prnvid e inn ea .ingly comple. m,xhani",,, f,.. hilJl<Tdl ew hangeofguesle< ,lIlon. ,d<.'1'ttS. ed ito r i,,1 pan el me mhe ". lind more. We.....,ink.~ in pul>l i .J1 ing a print anlho"'I)'ufpn:\'io""ly pubhslled anH:le, <In a common Iheme.anddevelup inla Wd' siIo:.~icipanl,hadlhedlancelO ThOft'''''ftakUlolJb .....ilIIllhe"'OrL-oop.~· 24 j<unab Md 18 COUIIlIies.. -..aI. came from [lldia. PD-.Thai...... 1ndorlesi&.Korea. Sedu . U.anda. Arle nl;" •. lftpay. MrvenI E.umpanf;OWIra, u.K.... US~ e....ta.AusttlIlia - ' SOlnh Arrica. The joumals ...,.j~y.S<me olthem ftR puh ll.hed b y u ni vc n il>es. ~by communiIY Ol'Jani Ll ..... Yd .c..hjoumal had one . . , in oomnx lll -ibe desi re 10 ldI«t and di.clls5 lllc li ve. of news The nnwut is _ opponumty b c:dilon...J ......... ~1D & ~jwmab..-.Jh~~ ble~ - We an:a!soo;on.idenn. the possi bihty ofoollato-Mlve dec· Iro nic puhli. hin•• - Dr . Po rter pointed out. "We.elookin. fcrr eonl;nui linand ... a~105Upput eachodler. We knoIo.'lha lhec:ost of paper alone in IheseoW1i< vay high. so ....e arecoo. idcri ng lhe cost of ha vin , <orne journ al s prillledinthenonh. as oneol our qQon< .• _ ( ~ --- =~~ DFO · . ~ ~. OIw· lJme 'I~.OOO .. ill be ""'"-term I""J"'CUo ..... "'l'fO'ldeiilarl-uphand<. A lntal ..1 loaJer·lnm Jlf"i«I. 1l()l.lJ:lOi•• va,I.M .. f",rhep;lOl .. ill"'~ ~ ......... o..: .I.For_iIIfor _ioa.plu.,.COI'IlacIEhlabelb Ceadnooby~.It>.~35-350]. nt. • Stt&.... bye·_I. ..I,~'Ir_ ,'SElK'_ .... ....... TeclIIri>IYl - - . : IDF"""IJ' ~_T.";h.."I"I3' RrlaItdlO GrftmouieC_M'lJplIOfIlIDdortho Cli leCllan'.. A,'lI"ft PIa.. 20..0 Ba.iI: il hdpdevcq,,,,,,,.. ,,,II "'lfIC<'llI-' and .... IhIIII ,~",klle.od ....velgrrent."''''J~n,i li~~''lOI;b oo!ogics, T'Tr>p-..a/' ' ' ' . ' l'''-tooJ u, he ~~~::~;de~C~;i: I . - \ l;r~ _ islJ"",1 __ 1\r Peln>-C anadaY oun. IMOv" ", ...... l'\<Jpmil..-...lldID""""I. __ --t.a.c,nu,I ) . . .....,.. . . a-........,.. ....... ...,...... ~ f"rprojn· r."fr durationlhatd"", .. . . . . . - _ U.and&. in July 2002. And aha thai the net ......-lr; pl_ w hool:a wort.~Olleditinld;,il ... Uncil dim Ib:y ..'ill he busy layina the ground.. 'ork fcrradelliled ....o rt program...,;Ie.sliIbIi<JUng.,orpniutional frame ....ork forflllU", prujrlm. ,Q;,}. ...... p-.llDbeol..,. lD"UOI:)'.~Tho_-.d ",~_be .drIpk:a .. ...,OfIi<-eol b)lloclFor_iIIIf<lm.pk_c"". .' 'M Ilff'ceol o.l h'.e-ye."· =::"~"c:..~I:;:~::: =~~f<MIndallOll"f e-to' HSfIC)-_~ ~ c..- ....... '" ............., -..11: ..... ..,.,.,... DM.oS<>..,..,.."'....... I..,., Il-.1I ......... lac. _........,.,.,-; -EoIabWIprnolol~oI_ ia, .-.dI ~1".hhlle. . .IHealt .. Re..,arcblR.aDIHulth Re.,. •• c" 1~1$ Arthnb>Sociely .-o.hlJfMlb; muIIi~P""I'....... '"'" iraIu>lrypn.. A<_iationl",Ca.nad'anS,ud>oo- 1...... ]7 Ame,ican i, Fd>1.2nc.Thop'..... ,b.-npri.... isJ'Ullll'.l ...."S ERC-. Wd>... under IhoRcoeaR:hl'annoNllpApornenls .....:tlOGoI Prtlpamu.deforPlo-fesMln,; .. _ .-\ ..,...... '~_ ............ ...-... ~~CI~f1== ..,. .. r..r-.l~m ~S--&.2".c.HaIib:l.""""SooIiII. 'Tho aftol ~ •• , - _ S, ..-..cyblhe SCudygfPenoul~-.:I lbe ........... s.n..n ............ f... C. nce, -- .-:bv-:poo.uloruJnIa.......; ""." FmapAllairsn.....--Tradr- C--'lDF~Oud fore-lii-.Sludico.ilCC'Sj- .... ~1h~poa .. ard.l.. IlK •. l] ~offoraplAft. . ~-.-a~fd""". _~Tnde~lCCS~ ship iIIIp/larma<"y;pwluae.-.dl ..... r..-inIanaIiuaiaI......m1ial ~iI"""'· "IPlRL~ 1t0)'a1 Society' of C....... _ ..,ri ..> R....,.rrhC".. n'·' I _ Cbair; in1lle.........,....of ....-tn.. fmlWcmerf~ =~=:.=.:: ~AlU 1fIdI'..... ~ l d ~ ~ klgical,i>an# Nominations and applica tions are invited for ><:«dS 1W,1U I ~f".lheflN"'~lio.. Instir ule R--m(A ICRI-~inra· -.Jgranr."AICRInarionaI,_f... l<I'iooIo&ic.alre<ean:hcollab<.-auve ....nually,Tbc: de:odh""f,.. _ ..ipc of -ap» 1D...,.too...,~. ro .... _-u. (posIIb:lInI~Jor"'_ ._~allodS."""NwGao ~eM C"""'l' Pn'llnom ne" o u p plfl " " " - I"..... To ~~ .... ~Bn:a.lCano:rFoundalio" _ AlIarO; .... '1I1JOlical/)oI')'~ Era:rI)~"'s. ~h l pcr;l<n"'inlm::<l ... ~Suhrnisoions .... Rcoo;...,..C.-.~iIlIodu<z>d "' lho e' IW"hII)I ~) Sub.<nIioo I ~_pO!II~ Rellloo''''' lTp. l he pn"""" ",,,,,,,,,l\tI<' padualewdenl~illnl"""''''''' 'SUl(~ ~ e-la Ii:oliJnlo:rml,IITJIlIli<1rl. plea..e", >OOK;I I way fcrr anotlter m«ting lot<lke pIiIoxWring lhene11 lJ1\erTlJlJOnal Inle. d ,"Ciphn a. y Co n, re, . o n WOfT",n taking placc in Kaffiporla, in vol ved w~ ~hgl\led lt> ""v" ......m~App; lRl . weI . . . fuBd_.,...,;..:a are direcud .pe.;iric.Uy . Port er..... 1'10 ed ih .4,It"' / ;J:.4 W"",.." ·JS'" di tJJ< ,,,rn<ll . ~A I1 ........ illbe~oIadIlio:ti.-and ac<:.... tbeabslrKt ... hml"ionud rniew ~'1afl<'flUo. _ ........-d;. mentalbullhud""hlra,n,n. i• __ f"'.<ecund,...-The ..adlmef.... ·- ArKlIhis.....mllop i. onIylhe beg inningfor lhe lnlernal iona! Nel ....o rko f Wome n·.Sludie. JoumaIs.Pbns ~ alradyunder· muslbe ~ .. ~ - Ed iling a journal i. a very in..-.hal _~ lOhelhere. in>ilOllP""J""'al';h'J1IIl'<"'.''''''''''''' ~ar-Pwcr-.. alm~] Everyone ...... londy kindofbINnes:s.." oaidDr. fel~ps_h~lDprovlde lel -*~b'::::: ~.,.= ",...iI ........... _ .... e nt hu. i..lic . _·.~Iownoh .n- idea..-idl..- _ ., ~ 0I _ Aa<kmic Sci- prt-*' _ ...... \ow ...'ilh.~,veuaim". rim 0I 1ho .. ~~ fundI"I The~fmm~ Addlctio.. _ MftIlloIUnllh Tho Centref, .. AddM.'tIo.",andMencal HeMh<Jffas.lIIII1lI"o<ToIp.cIl..llnl for ..... !"'-' _ _ ..-lcod b .. ...... <:oIIob<w_ _ .......... _ ~ 1 h o y ~ like-mi ndedl""''I'lelo LII lklo ;md f F.. Mne••1td IDHllil_.....,..lheSub- ..10 ..I up \.. ....... "= o:.:.t"'e"'s ...-01... . . . . n.. ~ _. ' .t.-ethecllallmp-.J~ theyfaceasNiolonolw~·. Unive rs ity Research Professor ship s For guidelines co ntac1 Ehzabeth Williams. Office of Resea rch tst F OOl, Spence r Hall Pho ne: 7374348 Fax: 737-4612 E-ma il: Deadline: Nov ember 30. 200 1 10 G ault, .. • No vrmber L 2001 _- Meet Memorial Leading by example ,,-",,*"y .a:uokrIl Rk han! C»hinkM... ~w.. fol. IowUlJ·lradlllonofhigh achie~emcnl ...hen lie became aaivdy inYOl>'ed in !he c..lian P ;ledpalic1lu.nd ma ny supporl 5Wf. TM fKuIIy 01 Medicine hal. .Sland.n:hledPaticnlf'foJrarn ()ff>CeIhal'NOfbIO~for ela' OSCE is a SlandMd ilcd lMIicnl .~ki nll~ pharmaci~1 for "' l11 mnovaI products. '1.-ad ol j.Ist sa)'in,·S«Ond ..· the-phannaciSl - follo'wi",sqn- -.dordi>D;l~ d.ds ol~_1II'UUId"'velo andlrJlem,,(CAPSII_juniorrep- AI OSCE~lhesqnd.dinc:d!*'"'I_meslhe'" ~~ of.n::aI~.'"'o\·.~moIJy as k'l ions. Mupl.incd M r e.tainMh mighllumOUll:hill lhe produr;:Iis noifor lhc pcnon.buI for his bmIher, and Ins bmIher is. diab:ric. Diab:ln lRfl ·ISl.lJlP"'C'd IOlIUIthciro n feet because cf OI:UrI.lpiIIhy.No lhaI · '~ng thalthi'pnsonmighl nUl realize, andit·sinfom....linnlhl:pharmaciSi should supply." Mr. Cashin 5ltid lhl: p/IarrnaL.'iSi ll1lISIoonstan~y plhl:r information "ls this producl righl fly lhl:pmm. or is thett . bett« one?Tbm:_ AsIoc1aIionofl'hanna:yStuo:laas -~qan TIlrT'a ..... my senic:K. and she!alghl mce~crything thai she kn e.... M u id M r. C . shin . Including. "" it turns 10 winlhl: Alli·Mc:dil'harmacyPrac· lice Maglll inc ', Co mmilme nl 10 CIlJCAwa rd for Studen l Leader · ship.which w.... won 1ll.'1y __ by Ms. Turno:r. It·, . fir st fo r Me mor i. l' s ScItool of Pharrnacy 10 have lWO 5lUdmls in . row ", in litis honour. Mr. Cashin ...'iU l'lIlXive his .ward and SlJ~~) in my Novmta in TOIOI*loo an~aip. While he ', pIeaoed 10 receive !he • ....w, Mr, Cashin is qud 10 podOUlthllimlecbv.dlon lhe .. hol e School of Ph.rmacy .1 MemcnaI . Hn map o;:onribubm in Iead.n1l1pkri. plaalasl:)Ur ...hmhe\KlrtedIO~P- mKy ...~for."""l)'P"of rirnccs "Cami 10 death of Iheoe uum.Mr, C-..hin. Mlr. bnnd ncwlO philrmilcyand becallscail e~pIloinnl "We all have our role, and if one per son is not there it tends to fall apart. The team opprooch is very importont." lhe.wdc:ru~oo.~ nervous l did ...,haI 1oould ...·ilh CAPSI jun..... IqI Amy A iM 10 pull IOIftbn'p rac1ttt 0SCEs 10 helpSlUdmcs~ .- Mr . c.hin·s IWticuIIr role ..... bdl-rinaet, "SIudenbhadlOfa:e the slandardiud p.lienl ...hil e beq:ollonwdby. ·judF·.1he Objc:<;li'eSuvclum:lOinical lime . AfIo:r'in"CllrtJinualhe Eurn< (oseE ) bttn lKd ill beng<l"otfandyuuh;m,,101l1D'ie licens;n l medical slulknlS for solhe_ n... l1_iloo..n·tmmrr ifYOlJ·n:inlhe middleof • ..,nmany yer.:thcy~adminis _C \taWr5,~udpaticTIIlr.Oin <fi.phy' ....;Wll u.or' W _ _ ...wnJOnccumplcufa pb..rma.;y licntWl&-..knovrl1 .. IheOSCE. ""oc somanydrug:s nol~thett',.., .....ylhe.w:rageJ"'"OO CllrlCOJ'" wilhlh<m all,andthol·. ...-hm:_ come in .. phannaci,"- 11'. our n:sponoibiIiy., bow.M Mr. c..hio is amerm:.- oI lhe Corner Brook Indiaa Band: he i~ pk:a'CdifhisMlCaM'COU • • ... nnki Mh's aho-a)" iii« IO!U M oneolusdoincwd. He 10 Memori . r s Sr. Joh n' s c.rnpus ahe r.radUlllin, from~ H,ghSdlootinCa· ...... Brook.H.. flJ"§l~aspira lion ...asmgiO«'rin"buI.ftna woIr.~hen::ali1rdhehad moved a.....y from .ngineering 10 become~b1 Mlkal.'iO fUllJld him..elf mun:~'Ompul"'--ori- enred and Ioc used o n sc ience IOdo.medicaI~.8uI Hc I' ve grooor."II ....., ~ did ...'CiI- " ' .... 11infacllhalhe JII-macy and I lltink I'\'C ~ accqxN ;nlO lhe Scbool of ........... m)'nd>ein~QR.One<:l Pharmacy...lIhlhe....u.un~ biggn:llhingsl'dhkclOpusil ,...~ ...,"in&.<oIid....ninl Then: i. no doub l Ric h. rd Cfitin ...'iliCOlll:inlll:lDdo....dLhuII therc·.slilloneloomin,qunIion lOoo-whalhappml.ahcrpaAlMionthissprina?MAlfiN ldtoughl: ofpharmacy . . . flJ"§ldegmeand Itoou.g'-Ihalpefttapllwuuld ., .... ...ilhevayonc:on lheheallh lC:ant-ph)-.iciam.........,.., ci~uandsocial ...ort.ero.. We haVl:(lWroIe.and ifone~ lIOIthere-il1mdslOfalllJ*l team approach irnpurtanl " ':;;;;' Student View Will justice be done? P ICI."" ~lf in lhe engi 1:hiIl!lw"«~ oflhcchiloftol nm-ong hui ldang.l~'iII:I"ng IIildbl.membo:r ollheirramiJy MIOlhe ...'ars. one -Ihlfll had >em.t.niI)·merm:.-dic. and . INIIhlllfhadlClalpropiekiDoLl by oom"s, !tunfirc.ndl.nd· IfUlcs. Two--dJirdsoilhedliloftol 10 .lec1UJ"C.... ·hen a man in •• uil .... lksinlh.door. ... -b.~..... "Cmc.~foriDlemlpl- ma:yourc . . . in hullthercis.w.- bulldinI_ M t.a.I Thurday'sandn1!are had .......'hedlheir~bc:inl in Ihe qioealnt buildiallUnled noIlD~llOIhinImm:thaD • fft alarm and.coupIc oIpmes 01 twta· man by borN oIudmts . Yd ..... sinwioo bl:J.,lhequnlion.arewc inanyn::aldanen?TM~'1he ....o rldi..goinglOheli in a hand" . , Mis on. I hn e hca rd with illl:rca..edf rnprncy,andilisi lTll""', i· blelo ~lI ....I lethcr.n:al lermriSl anao;k wili hilSI.}oh n·s orn ol ",mal" lhe tHli· S1worry i. lhe pos"i" il_ ity ofa virus heing"rollghto~<:rfnlmlhe "",;nland. b enthuu ghthe-n:maYlllllhe uac •• of anthr u on yOlJrdcskorbooks. thett islhl:pt_ihihty lhalil oouldendupin any pn:d uClyoobuy fromlhe grocaySlOre. \\!jlh all thislOWOfT) thettanydoolll thII lhinpooukl heany.....-ne-? Wdl . con"*dcr the5e filClS: Afglwt ilolMt hasbttn ..... ~I979.Wdlonecoold sayCarta:llisahoal .... rip _ . Yd CU vie-wolthis .... is llOllhe....e.Ihe.__ • .AfJhani.stanCll1lnl.~lhl:hmun ofvioknldeadt.dcaib;,d~andneigh boln ~ in ....y ~ jml: owide dJcirobJr.1narq>orl ismedby L1'slCFF OII chiloftolinIUhJlAfpam..un.i ...... foonI I'ournhed,nincOUlof lOdliloftol ....~lhey .. OIJIdbc:killed bylhe....-."and pt-.ndelcdiflik ....a .wortIt Ii..-ina· In Afgharti."""righl """".IMof 1.00:1 Iive birm."'"'-'ll ininfanl .......Jilies, ....h,1e in Canadatherario is .ixOlll ofl.o:nOnly Johnson Insurance providing quality insurance products and services in Newfoundland for over 120 years . lJ~cml oflheAfghaniSW\populalion ha.' llCCel'.~ro ... fe ....ater.Onl y 16 pel" cem or lhef.OIa!c pupulationaod46l""rccO!oflhe male can read. In Canada. almost all oflhe pt'P"larilln can read ro some dcgTtt and ha\ lIIXeSlolO-.u..... lller . Il ili llnhkd y lhal lhe ....orid ....iIIe\l<:rJC! rid of tm "ri."-.. Il docsn·t sccmlikc thi~ is 1he8lNtadminisualion' sobjecti~anY" ay Call today for a No-Obligation Home-Auto Quotation 1-800-563-0677 Thcy ....anI~ for lhl: bruwand ha· or visit us on the web.. . riflCaa.:bmScpL I I.and .. -hDcanbbme lhe m?Whoe ,·cr w-a slhe culpril Ofl hc..c altaebdcwn-c-stoJC"!whal·.o;:omin,1O - ~,lhepropleol Afghantgando lIOIdcsa'vc ., "',-c dJcir Juner, and luPIabbombc:dforanactionlheywerellOl. jWloI.As lhehc:dilx:oWkol lhcdc:alhsol in.>cenI cinl.... one wORden if ~ ...illC\'a" hedonc. ~ Gazette . Novem be r L 2001 ~out & o=b=o=..u=t=---Thu rsd a y, Nov. 1 .IIL' a.- _ The MlJN Cinenuo Scra«alllW.a Il Ih: I!mpire n-te' . ~12Il""'AvaIonM.all .. 7p-lll- ,. cm . .u.rwmba(:!(U)).S«:www........ _ CIlmmina: Dim:ted by Allan and Jc:n. nifcrl""", lcigh. \\'ith Alan Cumminl- --- ~i~~=~~':~ O :'llGOI lIiG Siliur day, Nov. J SympaIhooll<Magle,r=:nt pairllm goby ~TbomasLoewrnbcim.oon· fred Gn:nf.U Anpll<ry urtiJ NIw. 17. :::'::;:"'~"""'.CalQ"RaIi,rylr", MUN Chamber ......... "'" D. F. Cook Reciw HaU. Hey, hey, we're the Scruncheons! CO R." ER BROO K =~~'Y~: u..d wi'" .... ShciIa BIlller.ioOlldispl.yIlIheSirW~. n,..S<:hoololMur.k~.>ionEn...,t. l.. known •• lheS(l'undwo....,paid ••i,,'l<JS" W;tfredGre<1fellCoI~.Od, 16·19 lor. per' fOfmanc e .rod work.hops with >i.ual an. arod th""ue 'ludenl' . L",al high .chool S1ud~nli w"",al", Irwlted10 attend tho periotmance.nd lak.p.n ,1'1 the wo,hhop•. wh kh i" vo l....d u,lng,v,,,/dayobj""""I""cu,,ioniMI'u , menlO. leo s.... kl. chai' of tho .i"'ala'bp,<>gfam. said it was.n ~,c,,"l""'opportunry lor .ludef' he Come, 6rook arod Sl,]<>hn', c'mpu>es ., ;"''' ' C l w~h ,rod 1<0.>", from eoch othet in . e",a li....""""""...., Tr.t, vi. it wa. SdnlIdMLJ>i<:, " 8 p.m. Fo.-reserv. - . .... 737-44SS LI<Qn~~=r:~~an Coo>- -oy T...... for "'" MW"i Iocn= """OOIIWIues wilh Dec Mo.q>hyand a Ii ided SOYean ofSponand Moo:. II Andy Faooand MIChaclBabcrwillhosl of lhei< nc"" idco lM MOllnnofL1llhliDWat<r . Ihe S" Wil_ fredGrenkUAnGa1lctyfrununIilN"" 17,S=cning"';U takcplace Monday 10 SalUrd.y from ]2·2 p.m. Sec ...,r="ng :;"'~""""""""'Rall..,)l'r",,,,,,,,, I p. , in ""' Aru; and Admini>lraliOll a.ldioc.roomM-I046. .....~:·:~kf:.O~7Ihc Divi. """"'·Krie>.i,"'Dr.JohnFltz:Gerakl and<.D!lS.ondgarn.""""' .... i\OOICof lh:acti'itiesotfen:dcachwce<.looO:r", Thursda)', Nov. 8 _ _ ThclUlllualFaclllty ~ : '. I . .lbeokpartm<:ntsof malh<mab<' ::::::.':'.~::"'.~~.''::': ~ I =n..~~~= '.'11 lIip:Som<N.WW.IO)'.oflooO:inglliu . IS ... 110: byDr.Iohno-etor.proft»ur _rilKr.UIIIVCTS'lyofA!b<na.mlh: r~~,~~::=.~~~ " """," _ ~ M~ ~ ry MUN BotanicalGIlIdc:nisoffmng . SaIwday ~ and tottal l p.-llool .III!-"..,.., I ~,l/i<:edan""'ire,...,.,k of d ••>es inorOOrl<J mak~ lh~ lllp. Her• . lhe Sc.u ncheon. gi.... a mucl>·'We<i.' ed ;Illf>'omp luperl<>rrn.m<·o in lh eF;ne Am 6 udd,ng 'ltiumprio,10 lhe wedf'lesday .ftemooow<><k;hop Adllftmlllhcmecachwoelcnd.1'Icase call 737·&S90fnr""""informotion,Thc gardeni''''''''.'a)'day.IO:Lm.·5p.m aftemoonSWlingSqll<mbcrThofcei. j ..., S4 ptf .... ion. (Di>COunlS r", Fri<ndsofIheGIlIdc:n~ Spacci.limilCd All mal< provid<d.,,",-regiwa- procram cvcry SalUrdaymomi"i and ~~=p~":u~-~~'" '---------------------' !~i! Prescott Inn Bcd & Breakfast ! s... """,""" at Ih: Empire 1healn:·. _ l l "'. ""'A.aIon Mall II 7 p.m i i150/0 discount ""'hMooJ/«lPw(funcclHong 3 rd F loo r, MU N University ~~O::N:CI7~ I .......""".,DayIsoliJ«y.N"k<·"''''. !HairTECH 'we offerexcelleot hairservicesat reasonable pric:es. I . 100fi.rOlTSea,....n(Ocl.l·Mayl) _ -...ndirti of ort., ochooI. m lhc 10% ro r L<ffijf- Tl-TIIl (""et" 1) days) WedDesdllY, Nov. 14 """'-- .. I, I _ .. HaII.Morinclns>illR, .••.• m . _ 00I0:l!lU<S "' 1h: ~ 1healn: ' . ~ 12 1l lh< A'aIon !oW l al 7 P. m N!ed rd j[jng hr lp wil h yo ur "''' 0< '"'''''.''"''.'''' bsIi1COJra[l rrsults at rraSOfl' oIImprofes.sionaJservu;e.W1[h Iblera ltS.hCtlitnttdlling. ~;:~ ~i:i~:.hj~~r:.vnesCI:~:; I _k substanlially, Contact:[email protected]. 4Ib-921-92Il8. " _e<mtd'I.Ca ComeSee Us! Opeo , 10'1. fi.r MUl'\' Bookings Mon., Tue, and Fri.: 9 - 6 Wed. and Thurs.: 9 - 7 and Sat.: 10 - 5 E-mail: Jp c te rs4j;nJltl .com ~ classified Phone : 738-6300 Free co ns u lta~~~ekl~ specials Web s ite: ....rww.p 1Il~ ci:.nd~y~O~~ CIIICII1a ' . . nw-........,.Pany(USA:2O)I) SllIdf/llS<;vtrumis Hcnour(d Call J a n Tel: (709 ) 7,53-7733 Fax: (709) 753·6036, St. J ohn 's, ro.'F ...... -Tho W..... S<:detyp<=IIU f). ~ Hmi> ..nh a ......... 1i1led .., ATribule., Ih: Nnifotmdland ~n. ..... ""'_· is a lull serviCeHaj- Salonconvenien!ly ! tranngprogramsand seminafS. SefvingboltlMX1'l9l"landmen, "Th e finest rooms at the best prices " 1'lIol'"'ll""" u ... ""lra<:hclJonbylh: M Gallcry of NeW(<>undland.~ liohwinll'<Jduccsartappreclallon - 1 rf; A : staff. Os proIessionaI s~ conIinucJus.'i partOpa19 in shows, c.....ayWomen is boldi ng a n'oD<ling a lp .in rnom 406S. AIe, ander M.,.",~IlM<:rraial.Thespcakeris I w~h this ! : siluatadrigtrthefeOOcamp.JSloserve MU NSIudenIs.faeu'!yancl : .I"'- - Thec.nadi anFcdcr>li.on of t::..~~ ~; Centre, neld to \he lood court and lrae gift wort h $5 " ! coupon jor nrst fjme custoenars. ~S<w",,/>w<JkNg'" .. r:::,•." _ :!:':":7;' , .,tt>e ~nolb; li<>, .ndf'''''''''''e",of lr.n sponali on . Thefinl ..•nd "", ond .y•• , per c u, ,,on " udtn l> In.l ma k. "P'r.eSc,,,nd>eoo,, hiddcn~OIIourDiscolltt)'Trail :~';':~ugy:,:t~::: :.=S<=~=c:: i. ~ .ch"'~on aih<>e>lfin8bodge1.lha nk • r... pai"ti"i.1I<tll hik .... l'lIPI'Clshow•• llSaenctOpenH"""'takesplacefrom :he ST. JOH."'l'S E.crySunday;" romil)' funday. MUN iIollInicalGardcn."';n",<Jtinc,NalUr< aoll;fdongl.• •""n8conlmuclhcif =~,,::m~~= p,rn II THINK ING OF BUYING, SE I.L1NG or I.EASING Dnid J. Osborne RRS , FRI (Rcgisrered Reloc ahon SpcdalislO) WANTED: Matu"'. fesPOf1>.b4e . tuden t to come by private home .......r MUN a nd the Avalon Mall to assiotwilhhomewo<klof3 young chddren (gra<les5,7 and 9). Must beava<l· able Dn Tuesday and Thu.wy OI\Ief'Iings from appn:"timately S'OOpm - aoopm Some badgJOUfld In fl'l!nch woukl be an ;;S:7~~~ntereoted pkla ... contact Cindy at R EIl\-IAX Realty Specialists Lid . R EA LTO R Phone : (709) 364-6309 Fa x: (709)368-2220 TolI }'RIo:E : 1-3llll· 3S4-6309 Ema il: h(Jm~u,>ld@~I1UU."f.ctJ .......... ullanJ.~tJl~.,ale."f."d I lo m. Pa~. : "."'f"'.. Serving lhc rea lestale a eed s of people in the St. John's, MI. Pearl & surroun ding areas for over 28 years 12 Gazl'tte . November I, 2001 Centenary (or the Quarterly ........ Ff'<l'"'8"'''Iudl lboo+. "'ltwl y .. 'led»Moo (........-""',H<I<lryf ....... _Mdblrol.Ho< Sm.IIITho"llO'Mudl.k.and'~LabtaOO<llounoi.I<ys.--nl ............. Tho .. ,"',..,"','ar>rK.oJncftl<lu""1l·C~~t""""(""""""yO.'.J3 ,.. m.,,' ,.....lOOlh....,,,i...,,,,"1,~ I",,' M,."to"ndldfJd O'wrn·,ly.Mrm<;w ,.1 lid' m.lOY00"""";0'" "' It\<' N, ",I,,,ndl.n<! Qud1f~dy, 'n< 1,.1,"11 ll... IMI ,h,o, 'IS 00>10" for ,..... 1 " IS Y"'" 0'" f(l<m<~ I~~ Ht-<~M L<-<l ... H.,"' ..... ic>rnw<IMU!to,m<..rbo-t.i......,.Cufl ~ I t w"""'"""'. To ... Ih: ........ ~ I ..'lSh y....... l lhcbnl .. )""'C1IIbar kOll r<U dlnIcn pollh.T" lhe bomllil:> _ r....nJ ,"'hoh.. ·llalhettd_ 1o President's Award tor Outs tand ing Research ::,.::~~",;:.:t!'<July""",. For guidelines contact Elizabe th Williams. Office of Research 1st Floor, Spencer Hall Mr.Cb. .. ,:dJ " ... Mr f'n.!.rdc . lhIrllywb-Ih:IIanmdo ......... l"" h' ''. <.bown today l .. l1 ....... ""'"""' pn.Jo-"""" Phone : 737-4348 Fax : 737-4612 ;", all "'" padaMn IO M.......1Il ...... .. _ _ _ Ibo Dnqo"' ........ ... .... 1....... .;;;;;. 1 E-mail: elizabewOmun.C8 boKlO I~ ,dt nl Dt I, """- Nominations and applications are invited tor h...., inlhi, iml'..nalll<'..... "' ''' ). I lhan\;YUIIall 00 IriIaIr "laU,>lu, . I lh:lnk y, .. f"'aU I.... "'I"P>rl ,V. I.., """md and p.".n,·. y"" hn o ~ __ ""'ll""'_.ord Fonh ..,.1lo:atI Deadline: November 30, 2001 Fadloator: OiannooCmorandKar-...Uppold.QEUl.bary I. 'fog ancl the Media ~: L-IOIS.QEIltA><.y~ 0Mn{T_ Thunday , Nov, IS, I U O- I:30 p.m ........ n. ~ . ~ I0 "'-d lt-.. ........ 4. KTHl: =-~y:--~:m.~..::- n. • • ~-"stqI .... _ ............... dHT1'1l.1ilpatobe rndudil: ..... andlayoul:-.-.~. . ~ I O tt-.-'d: ....... on-...-~...t..- .. ·~·and-~·You_""""" .... int--c .... I0 _ _ .... ~ . . . . , a n d ..........,..,.,....---.......,..,. ... <hoI. ...... ,.-.e., -.,.,., in....-.:l--.andnrdoo · opeok*"'- <10·._ ..,...wod>dII· _·.. ....---._,.,.,_too_ ,......_~You aoccu'Ilon Facioutor: F~en.nU/>ollandF.-.lHolf>phur'sl:. lulu _ .. ohouIdlllro .. ~~>nd ...... IOI"'"'I*"_ ...... Loca<oon: ~ who'- .---. ~ who '-compIMad It-........,~HTHLa-a.. ...........-........... oI~• ..-.~(e.J-, j,You ~IO_OII_ownllf'Ol'lCt Ile->tFlaecao>dAlbenjohRK>n. Location: C-200l.Chamlslrylluilditrc O...r/Time: Monday,No..., 19.9:JO •. m,.):JOp.m O•..,rrrme; Tuesday, Noo;, 13.9 ' .m,·5 p.m S. P_rPoint: BfrondhJiu 2. ~ri"l Students lor WritinlAssillnme nlS: ~ n O t < u . - McIrft sinlthe I'f'out,s &swt'l lasthel'rocluets n._wII ...... _ _ ..... _.......-Too ,RudanG......,IO_ _Itoorpnxess~.. _ ~ ~ ",-"""_""""",,, __ told~u. thai -........_ IUdI.-..... _ ........ ............,.I0....... _ opoodll>-_ _dIsaf*oes .. "-0-. ...... --- ..... - _ papen and~ _ ~ ~ d _ own . .....-.,e-nr F_ VItpIII Ryan. loatJon: E-S011.EducaPonIluilclinl: Oata{Time: ~.No¥ 14.l llo. 2p .m l. l nt~ ..... 1 Placiari'''' Concemed lhM,......otucIentI ...... IOOwillinr: to plapn.. 1rcmIhioIr'rternK ' /l>nIMyI<lblnrnJnt..-.epapen_ d>ayloundonthn"--!·O' ... .,....,..-.&"dpatitoc' (And~lh.fl()K')n._ ... P""""'N"P'on ......1Op.-._-. ........ ~ _ ~ ) A A l P ( n o b p o : . . P"-..Irbe_o.o.-_"'loaIIonthn~ • ""'m_~_""""",," ~_be __ " ' ~ PI.Nlirco_~~ F..........., L.oacion: c......Ordw-d,S<:hoolof ........... E·SI)ll.E.......... lluokIins B. Cru unl a V'tdf.o10 Enhanu Your Tf Xh i"l and Rf w ar<:h han~te:Molorr,videcanpb~.",,"po<tanl "'in~f'tinI.....--MytaclW>t:_.--ch.TheC. ........u-c~of~,Inrt-.......n.sI> _ -...oomodl!y........... ......... "'ContinuinIEduabon""'-nfaculty.......-....~ ~ Iboh~c:.on.., ~ C·200J. "*'-7 ""*'c o.c.,rr_ ~No¥. JI. 9 a.rn.- l1 p-"'- 6. F ~ Disarlllloft i n ~ tt.. .......... _ _ ...... __ -.d"'~thn-..... Thd ..>opt«<I.....,whc._oompIeuld thnfaa*>op,"'"-f'oinlBasia,.,..whoto-a __ =:.. ..toa::.:..·:;..-:=-a::::~~ pano_be_....,.... .......... ~ (for ~.,od.-P'*...........,. ..........).- r - - .. - - . _od.- . . ~ ....... ~ PI.AA....,._ D!Iamion _ IoaII OII ~ "' ~PI.AA .... ~1me:Tl-onday,i'bt.Jl.ll:Jo-lp.m SchooIoIc--. EduGnon Sd>ooldC_"""",EcII.ol""" EO-IOoIO,E<luocM_1luildtn:& . tee!wliqus ,PlARilapr-ooeg"'docufnenlin&...-..rc. _ .................... acqui<ed.. IonnIIl _ inbmIl Thol ~ """""""""""",, .,....n:r-,......p<'ll4 .-.y ........... '-'I:~bprn;and~ ...... - ,November 2°91 J acultyInstructional Development Seminars and Workshops ~ ..__ "~ .. '-' ~ Offered by[he Instructional Development Office, Memonal UllIvmlly ofNewfoundland .....,. i I ~ ~' .....,. ..... _dooo .......... _ ~1or-~_MedoaSer-w;a(CAMS) _CAMS ........ _~"'~.,.....~ tJOII . . . . . . n.,.-_ o h o w _ ~ _.... .......... ""C"lCN-.:t> ...... tl"c to-_ . . .--- ...... I"len-.lIO..-dI Fao:Iaoor: 8rw> c.nI_FowI .............. Sdooalof CononuinlEduaDon ~ E .I~.EduaDon.-. partJ<ipoq~ .. -....-ornpr<>'OIIm.denls ·~ .. thnSdooel'oadastq<raky,_p<'OC/uajonfacilor)r .... "- _ -.~p<oducoonlUlf_ohowhowyou ..... Data(T1me: ~,~J8,I - Jp.m =~..:=::'=.:.~::~ "'_in__ . ... To"lKtn". tontaet: _~ Fac;l;uoon :DaYidThompson.PhilosophyDepartmem L. OQbon, EO·S011.Eduat""'Buildi", 0aur/T1me: ~ No....21. 1 .2p, m. 7. UJi.. Prior Looami.. ........ Jment i.. T,.xh inl; and Ltami .. 1nrt-. ...... you_beontroducedtosomaboloc:p<O" ,.,."" 1.<lru<tiooai~IOlf~. Ttl.:m -'619 . ih~a I'leuenote: 5pa<t ."""'''''''~ ~"",tion";lIbo • • • c... !inI·loP<'¥fd buOl
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