How to Find Virtualization Tool

Virtualization Tool Guide
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How to Find Virtualization Tool
What is Virtualization?
Virtualization is the process of breaking up one or more
servers into multiple
servers. These virtual servers "think"
and "act" like physical servers and can be altered to more efficiently distribute the available resources or the organization's data
center. Several virtual servers can live on a single physical server, sharing resources as needed. The benefits of virtualization are
vested in the fact that many software applications cannot coexist on the same server using traditional server architecture, which
leads to thousands of dollars of underutilized hardware. Virtualization is performed by adding a piece of software to the server that
acts as an abstraction layer between the physical servers and the virtual servers (or virtual machines). This abstraction layer is
known as a hypervisor. The image below illustrates what a traditional server configuration looks like and how it is adjusted to
create a new virtual infrastructure using a VMware hypervisor:
Once the virtual servers have been created, they can be treated similarly to a physical server. Under this model, multiple
applications can coexist on the same physical server, unaware of each other's presence. Virtualization is a trend in IT management
that can lead to great savings for organizations by simply consolidating the resources they already have.
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There are many factors to consider when choosing a virtualization solution for your data center, including:
Architecture of your hardware
Licensing method of the software
Supported guest/host operating systems
Supported host hardware
Hypervisor type
Virtualization type
Key Factors
This is the server architecture with which the virtualization software is compatible. It is very important that the virtualization
solution you choose supports the architecture of your servers, whether they are x86 (32 Bit) or x64 (Bit) machines.
Furthermore, you should check the hardware compatibility lists for the appropriate virtualization solutions. This information is
provided by most vendors, but can also be found on the detail pages of each listing on FindTheBest.
x86, x64, Power, SPARC
Describes how the software is licensed to the customer. Virtualization software is either available for purchase (proprietary)
or for free with access to the source code (open source) .
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Open source virtualization software, such as Oracle VM VirtualBox, is available for free and gives users access to the
source code. Typically, users of open source solutions should have a great deal of experience with virtualization and its
concepts, as well as an understanding of the underlying principles that allow a physical/host server to be virtualized.
On the other hand, proprietary virtualization software must be purchased by the user. This software tends to be more
polished and will offer a graphical user interface (GUI) that separates the user from the code.
Open Source (Free), Proprietary
Supported Guest Operating Systems
The operating systems that are compatible with the hypervisor or virtualization software. Guest operating systems are those
used by the virtual machines within the virtual environment. If you have applications on your virtual machines that can only
run on specific operating systems, this is an integral factor to consider.
AIX, CentOS, Debian Sarge, Fedora, Free BSD, Gentoo, Mac OS X, Mandrake Linux, MS DOS, Novell Linux Desktop,
Novell Netware Server, OpenBSD, openSUSE, Oracle Solaris, Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux
ES, Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS, Red Hat Linux, Slackware, Small Business Server 2003, Solaris x86 Platform Edition,
Sun Java Desktop System, SUSE Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Turbolinux Enterprise Server, Turbolinux
Workstation, Ubuntu, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows
98, Windows for Workgroups, Windows Me, Windows NT Server, Windows NT Terminal Server Edition, Windows NT
Workstation, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003
Web Edition, ...
Hardware Compatibility
It is imperative that your server hardware and virtualization solution are compatible. Most virtualization software vendors offer
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tools to help you discover the hardware compatibilities of their solution, so make sure to check this before making your final
Hypervisor Type
Describes whether the hypervisor runs directly on the host operating system (type 1/bare-metal hypervisor) or on a host
operating system on the server (type 2/hosted hypervisor). For more information, refer to the Virtualization Software
Bare-Metal (Type 1) Hypervisor Configuration
Bare-metal hypervisors live and operate directly on the host server's hardware. In this scenario, the hypervisor acts as an
abstraction layer between the host server and the guest operating systems of the virtual machines.
Bare-metal hypervisors usually offer higher performance because they are installed directly on the server hardware. They
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also tend to support more virtual machines per physical CPUs. VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V are
examples of type 1 hypervisors.
Hosted (Type 2) Hypervisor Configuration
Hosted hypervisors live inside a conventional operating system on a host server, and the virtual machines (VMs) live within
the hypervisor.
Hosted hypervisors are installed like applications, but allow virtual machines to access all of the hardware resources that it
can see. Examples of type 2 hypervisors include Oracle VM VirtualBox and VMware Server.
Bare Metal (Type 1), Hosted (Type 2)
Virtualization Type
There are several methods of
servers, each of which uses a different configuration of hypervisors, operating
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systems, and applications. The different types of server virtualization are: full virtualization, paravirtualization, and OS
virtualization. Note that OS virtualization can be either
hardware assistance or
hardware assistance.
Full Virtualization
Under full virtualization, the hypervisor simulates the server hardware such that unmodified guest operating systems
(Windows, Linux, etc.) can coexist on a single server while still operating on their own virtual machines.
VMware ESX/ESXi is a hypervisor that uses this type of server virtualization.
Hardware-Assisted Full Virtualization
Hardware-assisted full virtualization takes advantage of the processing capabilities of the host hardware's processors. Under
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this model, the hypervisors leverage certain features of powerful CPUs (originally developed by Intel and AMD) to allow
guest operating systems to operate in complete isolation. The "rings" in these images reflect the security privilege levels of
the system. Ring 3 refers to the privileges at the application level, rings 1 and 2 at device-driver levels, and ring 0 at the
kernel or hypervisor level. Ring -1 indicates a level specific to AMD and Intel processors that allows the hypervisor to run
computations directly instead of going through the operating system. The efficiency created here is the major benefit of
hardware-assisted virtualization.
Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware ESX/ESXi, and Citrix XenServer are bare-metal hypervisors that can create a hardware-assisted
virtualization infrastructure.
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In paravirtualization, the kernel of each guest operating system is modified to recognize that it has been virtualized. The
purpose of paravirtualization is to reduce the amount of time the guest operating system spends performing operations that
are inherently more difficult in a virtualized environment.
VMware ESX/ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Oracle VM Server are all type 1 hypervisors with paravirtualization capabilities.
Operating System Virtualization
Operating system virtualization is a virtualization method in which only a single operating system is used on a server (no host
and guest relationship). While only one operating system exists, several user spaces (called containers) may exist within this
operating system, each with their own finite set of resources allocated to them. Operating system-level virtualization is
common in virtual hosting environments where customers may purchase virtual personal servers (VPS), as this is a case
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where finite resources being allocated to many different servers is particularly useful.
Parallels Virtuozzo and Solaris Containers are virtualization software capable of providing operating system virtualization.
Full Virtualization, Hardware Assisted Virtualization, Operating System Virtualization, Paravirtualization
Management Features
These are features of the virtualization software that involve the management of virtualized environments. The function of a
hypervisor is not to manage the virtual infrastructure, but to create it. That being said, many hypervisors and virtualization
software offer virtualization management capabilities.
Adaptive Analytics - Gives software the ability to use past performance to determine the severity of problems and
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Anti-Virus - Anti-virus components of the software are often included with hypervisors in order to maintain security
within the virtual environment. 123456789012345678
Asset Management - Asset management (or inventory management) involves keeping track of virtual machines and
shared resource/hardware inventory, allowing administrators to manage their IT assets.
Auto Discovery - Allows the administrator to automatically identify components of the virtual infrastructure when they
are connected to the network.
Automated Workflows - Automated workflows enable virtualized network administrators to define executable
processes that can be used to resolve common issues upon notification.
Capacity Planning/Management - Capacity planning/management refers to monitoring capacity trends, forcasting
capacity shortages, and alerting administrators of capacity-related issues.
Change Reports - These reports model and detail changes to the virtual environments' infrastructure.
Chargeback/Showback - The chargeback and showback functionality allows the virtual environment manager to both
(showback) how different groups/departments in an organization use IT resources and
(chargeback) the
groups for the resources they use.
Configuration Mapping - This feature involves defining the relationships and configurations of all virtual
network/system components in order to create a complete "map" of the virtualized environment.
Configuration Snapshots - Configuration backup/restore allows users to save a "snapshot" of a single VM, cluster of
VMs, or the entire virtualized network to save a restore point that can be reverted to from future configurations.
Dynamic Resource Allocation - Used to allocate and reallocate resources (including processing power, network
bandwidth, memory, and storage) as necessary. This feature uses performance metrics in order to achieve the most
efficient configuration.
Failover - Failover is the automatic transition to a secondary VM or server upon failure of the primary component. This
is an important capability for high availability.
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High Availability - High availability is essentially a "promise" by the software vendor that a prearranged level of
service and availability of applications in the virtual environment can be maintained. This can be delivered through
robust system design and a plan for the occurrence of faults and failures.
Live Migration - This feature provides users with the ability to move the location of a virtual machine or its resources
without powering down the system. As a result, organizations can maintain operation of their applications during the
restructuring of their virtual infrastructure.
Maintenance Mode - Maintenance mode allows administrators to perform maintenance on host servers by temporarily
migrating guest virtual machines to other servers in the environment.
Multiple Host Resource Pools - Multiple host resource pools aggregate all physical server resources within the
virtualized environment into one shared pool. This pool can be accessed by all VMs in the network, assuming
compatibility between servers.
P2V Conversion - P2V, or physical to virtual, conversion involves copying the configuration of an existing physical
server and replacing it with a virtual machine that matches the configuration and capabilities of the original.
Performance Metrics - Performance metrics allow users to monitor the health of their system by using hard data
regarding bandwidth, packets per second, latency, and more.
Performance Reports - Performance reports summarize the virtual network's health for administrators. More specific
reports about individual metrics, such as bandwidth and packet loss, may be available in various hypervisors.
Power Management - Power management is performed by controlling the way that hardware components deliver
power and by redistributing VM resources for load balancing.
Real Time Alerts - These alerts send notifications to adminstration as soon as faults or failures are detected.
Shared Resource Pools - Shared resource pools split-up the resources of a physical server among the virtual servers
living on it, creating virtualized storage, memory, CPU, and networks.
Storage Migration - Provides the ability to move a single VM's or group of VM's storage from one location within the
virtualized environment to another.
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Thin Provisioning - Used to conserve virtual machine resources, the thin provisioning feature provides the VMs with
resources, but only enough to allow the machine to perform its operations at the time of execution.
Virtual Firewall - Virtual firewalls may come in several forms, but all offer the same functionality as a common firewall,
including capabilities like packet filtering and monitoring.
VM Backup/Restore - VM backup/restore lets admins make backup copies of a virtual machine's configuration and
stored data, which can later be used to restore a failed virtual machine.
VM Cloning - VM cloning allows admins to make cloned copies of virtual machines. These clones can be used in the
same manner for scaling operations or as templates for different variations.
VM Migration - VM migration is the ability to move virtual machines from one host server to another.
What to Watch for in Virtualization Tool
Level of Performance
Administrators should be aware of the performance implications that virtualization will have on their environment. Server
consolidation is often the goal of virtualization because it can save organizations time and money, but if the performance of
the system degrades as a result, then perhaps server consolidation isn't the best route. It is therefore important to monitor
changes in performance as the virtual landscape evolves.
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