Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 How to identify (as opposed to define) a homoplasy: Examples from fossil and living great apes David R. Begun* Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada Received 30 December 2005; accepted 21 November 2006 Abstract There is much debate on the definitions of homoplasy and homology, and on how to spot them among character states used in a phylogenetic analysis. Many advocate what I call a ‘‘processual approach,’’ in which information on genetics, development, function, or other criteria help a priori in identifying two character states as homologous or homoplastic. I argue that the processes represented by these criteria are insufficiently known for most organisms and most characters to be reliably used to identify homoplasies and homologies. Instead, while not foolproof, phylogeny should be the ultimate test for homology. Character states are assumed to be homologous a priori because this is falsifiable and because their initial inclusion in the character-state analysis is based on the assumption that they may be phylogenetically informative. If they fall out as symplesiomorphies or synapomorphies in a phylogenetic analysis, their status as homologies remains unfalsified. If they fall out as homoplasies, having evolved independently in more than one clade, their status as homologous is falsified, and a homoplasy is identified. The character-state transformation series, functional morphology, finer levels of morphological comparison, and the distribution and correlation of characters all help to explain the presence of homoplasies in a given phylogeny. Explaining these homoplasies, and not ignoring them as ‘‘noise,’’ should be as much a goal of phylogenetic analysis as the production of a phylogeny. Examples from the fossil record of Miocene hominoids are given to illustrate the advantages of a process-informs-pattern-recognition-after-the-fact approach to understanding the evolution of character states. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Miocene hominoids; Mastication; Suspension; Emergence; Homology; Cladistics Introduction Whatever homoplasy is, at least on one level it is a property of our concept of a character or a character state. A character, the most basic component of phylogenetic analysis, is also very difficult to define, but a working definition of it includes something about an organism that we take to be informative in some domain. One aspect of the concept we have of a specific character state in a particular group of taxa is its evolutionary history; character-state similarities across taxa reflect either commonality of descent (homology) or independent acquisition in multiple taxa (homoplasy). We know that characters * Tel.: þ1 416 978 8850. E-mail address: [email protected] 0047-2484/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2006.11.017 can appear in separate lineages as a result of the same or of different evolutionary events and developmental processes (Hall, 1992; Goodwin, 1994; Wagner, 1994), which in itself lends credibility to character recognition. Characters are more easily accepted as ‘‘real’’ if they can be shown to be affected in understandable or predictable ways by natural processes, such as evolution, growth, or use. However, it is a paradox that, while we can readily identify homoplasies if we know the sequence of evolutionary events represented by the characters we use in an evolutionary analysis, we cannot define a homoplasy in any meaningful way. As with characters, a working definition of a homoplasy is similarities that define different taxonomic groups (Cracraft, 1981), acquired independently and only identifiable once the phylogeny of a group is determined. Homoplasies are similarities that were assumed to be homologous but turn out not to be, that 560 D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 is, similarities without common ancestry (Cracraft, 1981). This is a little like defining naturally occurring crystals or minerals that look remarkably biological in origin as ‘‘coral without life.’’ We can identify the processes that produce coral or gyserite, for example, with a detailed analysis of each, but we cannot do the same with homoplasies. We need to know the history of the character a priori. It is common in the literature on great ape and human systematics to read about the relative likelihood of homoplasy in different anatomical regions. These ideas are often based on observations of plasticity in postcranial anatomy or knowledge of the relatively tight genetic control over tooth morphology (Szalay and Delson, 1979; Lockwood and Fleagle, 1999; Collard and Wood, 2001; Pilbeam and Young, 2001). However, cladistic analysis of hominoid phylogeny fails to support the premise that specific regions of the body have predictable levels of homoplasy (Begun et al., 1997), and the same is true in primate and mammalian evolution more generally (Sa´nchez-Villagra and Williams, 1998; Williams, 2007). It is also common to read that characters that are proposed by some to be synapomorphies in support of a specific phylogenetic hypothesis are thought likely to be homoplasies by others simply because they are known to occur in parallel at other levels of the taxonomic hierarchy. Recent examples in hominoid systematics include (1) the idea that postcranial similarities among various late Miocene hominids could be homoplasies simply because postcranial homoplasies also occur in atelines; (2) an absent (or filled) subarcuate fossa (a depression on the endocranial surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone) is not a reliable synapomorphy of the Hominidae because it occurs occasionally in large cercopithecoids; or (3) that the fused os centrale is not a good synapomorphy of the African ape/human clade because such fusion occurs in some indrids and in the occasional orangutan and hylobatid (Schultz, 1936; Spoor and Leakey, 1996; Schwartz and Yamada, 1998; Pilbeam and Young, 2001; Kivell and Begun, 2007). These are fallacies of character analysis because homoplasy is a hierarchical phenomenon (Nelson, 1994). That is, within different clades, different anatomical complexes have different levels of homoplasy depending on emergent characteristics and ecologically mediated evolutionary events unique to those clades. The absence of a subarcuate fossa in some cercopithecoids or the presence of a fused os centrale in some indrids is uninformative of the evolutionary history of these characters in distantly related taxa. Similarly, at different levels of the classification of anthropoids, anatomical complexes as diverse as phalangeal morphology and gnathic structures show high levels of homoplasy, while at other levels they provide strong evidence of phyletic relations (homology). A number of these examples are considered below. Classic Hennigian theory states that homoplasies are identified a posteriori as emerging from a cladistic analysis (Hennig, 1966; Kluge, 1999; Farris et al., 2001). New approaches have been developed to attempt to predict homoplasy, or to distinguish homoplasy and homology a priori (Lovejoy et al., 1999, 2002; O’Higgins and Cohn, 2000; Line, 2001). For most researchers interested in predicting homoplasy, it is no longer sufficient to state a priori that homoplasy may account for observed similarities. Analysis of heterochronic change in hominoid development is now used to describe differences in growth processes that suggest homoplasy a priori (Dainton and Macho, 1999; Alba et al., 2001). However, in my view, any explanation that proposes a process to uncover homoplasy is more complicated and more difficult to test than one that uses a pattern to identify homoplasy, and it is especially precarious when the processes in question are very poorly understood. Analysis of growth processes may well uncover different growth trajectories that lead to similar anatomical outcomes. However, without a phylogenetic analysis, it is not possible to know whether specific growth trajectories are primitive or derived, making their phylogenetic significance unclear. For example, the demonstration of heterochronic differences in chimp and gorilla hand growth does not mean, a priori, that ‘‘it is parsimonious to suggest that knuckle walking has evolved in parallel in the two lineages’’ (Dainton and Macho, 1999). By this same logic, we would be forced to conclude that bipedalism in australopiths is homoplastic with respect to modern human bipedalism. It is clear that, given evidence of developmental differences between australopiths and modern humans and from evidence of significant differences in morphology, limb proportions, etc., there are substantial differences in the developmental biology of skeletal characters related to bipedalism among hominins. This does not mean that these must have developed independently in each group. Heterochronic and associated kinematic differences among African apes in their forelimbs, like the differences between australopith and modern human bipedalism, probably evolved after divergence from a common ancestor with the basic pattern of positional behavior already established (Richmond et al., 2001). Among African apes and humans, differences either represent autapomorphies within each clade or they indicate that one of the growth patterns is primitive for the clade. A phylogenetic analysis is needed to address this issue. The epistemological basis for the argument in this contribution boils down to this: in proceeding toward an awareness of a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships, pattern recognition is simpler, requires fewer assumptions, and is less subjective and more easily testable than process-driven explanations of phylogeny. This is, however, a difficult approach to defend. Character analysis clearly has a large subjective component. Individual experience and sense of what is important essentially determines which characters are included in any analysis, even if these decisions are also informed from previous work. This is an unavoidable limitation of phylogenetic analysis, and, I would argue, of science in general. We as scientists choose to examine phenomena that we consider likely to reveal something significant about the natural world. However, this difficulty exists in both the cladistic (or pattern recognition) and adaptationist (or processual) realms. Until we know everything there is to know about the origin and transformation (in developmental and evolutionary time scales) of a character, we will not be able to avoid a certain degree of subjectivity in choosing characters. How these characters are D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 used is the difference between these approaches. A cladistic approach generates patterns and clusters of taxa based on character-state similarity and difference. A processual approach generates a phylogeny based on presumed mechanisms of development, selection, adaptation, exaptation, stochastic evolution, or other processes. This extra step is what makes processual approaches more complex and less easily tested because the hypothesized processes that account for a phylogeny are difficult to test. Earlier I equated ‘‘adaptationist’’ with ‘‘processual’’ approaches, which contrasts with the dichotomy of Lovejoy et al. (2002), who equated ‘‘adaptationism’’ with cladistics. These authors held that the use of ‘‘investigator-defined traits’’ (characters included in a character-state analysis) is ‘‘truly adaptationist’’ because of a presumption of a direct genetic connection to them (Lovejoy et al., 2002). To me, all characters in all analyses are ‘‘user defined’’ (to use another one of their phrases). As evolutionary biologists, we all have drawers, file cabinets, and hard drives filled with character data, but I have yet to learn of any data choosing themselves to be included in an analysis. We select things to examine from whatever perspective we have. In phylogenetic systematics, character states are not, in fact, presumed to have a direct genetic basis; they are assumed to represent (independent) evolutionary events (homology). This assumption is stated and testable (contra Lovejoy et al., 2002) via a parsimony analysis followed by functional, developmental, or other processual analyses, and indeed, many of these assumptions are falsified (i.e., homoplasies are revealed). This is the principal strength of pattern (cladistic) approaches over processual approaches, be they functional, historical, or ‘‘evo-devo.’’ Lovejoy et al. (2002) qualified cladistic approaches as ‘‘atomistic’’ and ‘‘adaptationist’’ given their sense of the significance that cladists attach to traits. It could equally well be said that ‘‘evo-devo’’ is the new adaptationism. Adaptive scenarios (freeing the hands to use tools; bipedalism and the savanna; crosspoterygians crawling onto land) are processual arguments that cannot truly be tested, and they assume basically that most or all morphological traits have an adaptive significance (the ‘‘adaptationist program’’; Gould and Lewontin, 1979). Processual arguments from developmental biology have the same logical structuredassuming a specific genetic origin and developmental trajectory to all features of a character complex in a taxon. The sophisticated developmental processes described by Lovejoy et al. (2002; and citations therein) represent a tremendous leap forward in our understanding of characters, and they have an advantage over earlier processual arguments in being more testable, at least in certain taxa, under certain circumstances. However, I maintain that they are not yet sufficiently developed to allow researchers to confidently assess various hypotheses of character evolution a priori. In other words (those of Lauder, 1994: 165): ‘‘If, however, through a detailed examination of two characters by studying their genetics, development, and patterns of connection to other structural features, we could make a determination of probability of homology, then a phylogenetic analysis would be unnecessary.’’ Rather than pigeon- 561 holing and rejecting cladistic approaches as ‘‘adaptationist’’ or ‘‘atomistic’’ vs. ‘‘morphogenetically informed,’’ I expect that the new paradigm of phylogenetic systematics will emerge from a realization that both approaches inform one another, and that, as individual or systemic character morphogenesis becomes more understandable, morphogenesis will inform our choice of the characters that we include in phylogenetic analysis. In this paper I attempt to illustrate the process-informspattern-recognition-a-posteriori approach with some examples from the hominoid fossil record, though at this stage processual arguments are limited to functional morphology. Building on earlier seminal works on function and phylogeny (e.g., Cracraft, 1981), I think we are now ready not just to seek to explain homoplasy through processual arguments, but to evaluate competing phylogenies of similar parsimony level based on the likelihood of specific morphological transformation series, given what we know of character function and integration. Where functional and developmental data are available, we can and should choose to prefer less-parsimonious hypotheses if the transformations series they imply make more sense in light of the processes we already understand (Begun and Kordos, 1997). The phylogeny I choose as the basis for identifying homoplasies in fossil and living hominoids is based on the most comprehensive data base currently published. While it is likely that details of this cladogram will change in the future, with new discoveries and refinements of previous analyses, the homoplasies discussed in this chapter are comparatively robust in the sense that they emerge regardless of the position of many of the taxa whose phylogenetic position is currently under debate. Materials and methods The phylogeny used in this analysis is modified and updated from Begun (2002, 2007) and Begun et al. (1997) (Fig. 1 and Table 1). It is important to note that the character analysis on which this phylogeny is based is driven mainly by the fossil evidence. It includes data on the best-known fossil hominoid taxa, but it excludes many data known only from living hominoids (e.g., Shoshani et al., 1996; Gibbs et al., 2000). It is equally important to note that this phylogeny, based on fossil evidence, is consistent with molecular data bearing on the question of extant hominoid relations (Stewart and Disotell, 1998) despite the recent observation by some workers that morphological data are unreliable guides to hominoid phylogeny (Pilbeam, 1996, 1997; Collard and Wood, 2000, 2001; Pilbeam and Young, 2001). In particular, the relationships among hominins (African apes and humans) duplicate those obtained from the majority of molecular analyses, and they have for the most part done so since the first iteration of this data base (Begun, 1992a, 1999). The relationships among extant hominoids depicted in Fig. 1 are also consistent with analyses that include soft- and hard-tissue data from extant hominoids (Shoshani et al., 1996; Gibbs et al., 2000), and with estimates of divergence times based on paleontological and molecular data (Page and Goodman, 2001; Young and 562 D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 Fig. 1. Phyletic relations among Miocene and living hominoids used in this analysis. Modified from analyses in Begun (1992a,b, 1994, 2001), Begun and Kordos (1997), and Begun et al. (1997). Steiper, 2006). So, whether it is philosophical issues or issues related to the usefulness of morphological data in analyses of other groups of taxa that lead some to discard morphological data, the fact remains that the conclusions of the analyses leading to the phylogeny produced in Fig. 1 should be considered robust by any practical or conventional measure, whether that is the consistency index (CI), the retention index (RI), or congruence with molecular or soft-tissue data. Having said this, I consider certain aspects of this phylogeny more robust than others. More-robust hypotheses include the relations among living hominoids, the distinction between hominids (fossil and living) and hylobatids, and the distinction between eohominoids and euhominoids (Table 1). Large numbers of characters from a diversity of anatomical regions need to have evolved in parallel for these relations to be falsified (Begun et al., 1997). The relationships among middle and late Miocene hominoids are less robust but have little bearing on the more theoretical issues discussed here. Thus, while the phylogeny depicted in Fig. 1 is rightly considered controversial, or at least unresolved in its details, the clusters of homoplasies that are the focus of this essay persist whether or not, for example, Dryopithecus is considered a member of the African or the Asian great ape clade. In generating this phylogeny, character states were unordered to avoid a priori conclusions about the trajectory of morphological change. The debate regarding whether to order or not to order characters hinges ultimately on the researcher’s confidence, for a particular data set, in reconstructing how characters transform (Begun and Kordos, 1997; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000). There are no characters in this analysis for which I feel confident to reconstruct the character-state transformation sequence independent of a phylogenetic hypothesis. A good example is the premaxilla. It was noted long ago that hominid premaxillae for the most part are elongated compared to those of other mammals, and it was considered that premaxillary elongation proceeded along a continuum from short to long. Given this apriority, a character-state analysis that imposes a sequence from short to long for the premaxilla makes sense (Ward and Kimbel, 1983). However, premaxillary length is now known not to have evolved in a linear fashion within the Hominoidea. Some clearly primitive hominoids (e.g., Afropithecus) have comparatively long premaxillae, while others have premaxillae that are quite short (Proconsul ). Similarly, hominids vary in the relative length of their premaxillae from very long (Pongo and Pan) to very short (Ouranopithecus, Dryopithecus, and Homo), and it is reasonably clear that these character states are not homologous (Begun, 1994). Similarly, it is assumed that premaxillary elongation and reorientation are accompanied by, or coupled with (in a developmental sense), specific changes in the incisive-foramenfossa-canal complex (Conroy, 1994). In fact, premaxillary elongation is known to be decoupled from this complex (Begun and Gu¨lec¸, 1998). Sivapithecus and Ankarapithecus both have elongated and relatively horizontally oriented premaxilla, as does Pongo, but Ankarapithecus lacks the extreme restriction of incisive-canal caliber and the near occlusion of the incisive fossa and incisive foramen found in Sivapithecus and Pongo. It is natural to assume that a posteriorly elongated premaxilla would tend to overlap the palatine process of the maxilla, which would have the simple structural consequence of reducing the anteroposterior dimension of all features that intervene between the premaxilla and the rest of the palate. A hypothesis of character-state transformation, such as growing from short to long or small to big, makes sense intuitively, but it is incorrect in this specific instance. So, the character states used in this analysis are unordered, and this is consistent with the theoretical approach to homoplasy that I adopt. Experience suggests that it is unwise to order characters, at least in the matrix of morphological characters used to reconstruct hominoid phylogeny, no matter how clear-cut the transformation sequence may intuitively appear (Begun and Kordos, 1997; Kluge, 1999; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000). In the same way, it strikes me as unwise to attempt to determine, a priori, whether or not a shared character state is homoplastic or homologous. We simply do not know enough about the heritability and developmental biology of character states to determine their phylogenetic information content a priori (Farris, 1983; Lockwood and Fleagle, 1999). The justification for minimizing character-state ordering and homoplasy is the same: to minimize the number of assumptions about the evolutionary history of character states (Farris, 1983). Results Many homoplasies emerge from the analysis of character states used to generate Fig. 1, only some of which can be D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 563 Table 1 Systematics of hominoid taxa used in this analysis Superfamily Family Hominoidea Proconsulidae Hylobatidae Hominidae Subfamily Homininae Ponginae Tribe Dryopithecini Hominini Gorillina Hominina Pongini Ankarapithecina Pongina Ponginae incertae cedis1 Hominoidea incertae cedis2 Subtribe Genus Proconsul Hylobates Dryopithecus Ouranopithecus Gorilla Ardipithecus Praeanthropus Paraustralopithecus Australopithecus Paranthropus Homo Pan Ankarapithecus Pongo Sivapithecus Lufengpithecus Gigantopithecus Afropithecus Griphopithecus Equatorius Nacholapithecus Kenyapithecus 1 Lufengpithecus is more clearly a pongine than is Gigantopithecus. The relations among Afropithecus, Griphopithecus, Equatorius, Nacholapithecus, and Kenyapithecus are poorly understood. Each taxon appears to be successively more closely related to hominids than Proconsul, but each is too poorly known to clearly distinguish them phyletically. 2 considered here. I focus on clusters of homoplasies among hominoids that have inspired discussion in the past in the hope that their emergence once again in this analysis may shed some light on the evolutionary biology of these characters. These characters fall into two major categories: features of the limbs related to forms of suspensory and terrestrial positional behavior, and features of the jaws and teeth related to the power of mastication. Suspension Suspensory positional behavior has evolved numerous times independently among mammals ranging in size from bats to the largest great apes (Pongo and Gorilla). Aside from bats, which are probably posturally suspensory due to the elaborate reorganization of their forelimbs into wings, most suspensory mammals are larger than their most closely related nonsuspensory arboreal relatives. This is probably related to the fact that, above a certain body mass and limb length, the amount of torque necessary to maintain a stable grasp above smaller branches becomes anatomically infeasible (Grand, 1972; Grand, 1978; Cartmill, 1985; Larson, 1998). In order to maintain the ability to move throughout much of the canopy, many large-bodied arboreal mammals have become suspensory. However, this is not an indication that the evolution of suspensory postures is so inevitable in large-bodied arboreal mammals that its anatomical correlates should be considered a priori to be especially subject to homoplasy, as has been suggested or implied (Tuttle, 1975; Benefit and McCrossin, 1995; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997; Pilbeam, 1997; Pilbeam and Young, 2001). As an example, bipedalism is universally accepted as a synapomorphy of living humans and fossil hominids more closely related to living humans than to Pan. Yet, bipedalism has probably evolved many more times than suspensory positional behaviors, e.g., in numerous lineages of Dinosauria and Aves, not to mention the occasional appearance of this form of positional behavior in pre-theropod vertebrates and in a number of lizard lineages (Benton, 1990; Berman et al., 2000; Middleton and Gatesy, 2000). Despite the evidence of extensive homoplasy in the evolution of bipedalism among terrestrial vertebrates, few would suggest that features related to bipedalism are a priori targets of homoplasy. At the same time, details of the characteristics related to bipedalism in hominins and theropods are vastly different and easily distinguished. Among more closely related organisms, homoplastic similarities are more difficult to distinguish but often become apparent at greater levels of detailed examination, sometimes beyond that used to define the characters for the phylogenetic analysis. In sum, the frequency with which specific homoplasies occur is still no justification to assume prior to a phylogenetic analysis that those character states are likely to be homoplastic in every case. Figure 1 suggests that the capacity for frequent suspensory positional behaviors evolved once in the Hominoidea (i.e., before the divergence of hylobatids and hominids), while moreterrestrial forms of positional behavior may have evolved several times in the pongines, hominines, Kenyapithecus, and/or Griphopithecus. At the same time, Fig. 1 also suggests that, while the capacity for suspensory positional behavior evolved 564 D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 only once in the Hominoidea, suspensory locomotion became elaborated or more specialized independently in Hylobates, Pongo, and possibly Oreopithecus and Dryopithecus (Larson, 1998). Below-branch arboreality is probably a synapomorphy of the Euhominoidea, while more-specialized suspensory adaptations emerged on several occasions as separately evolving, relatively minor changes on an already established developmental program, leading to even more elongated forelimbs, more strongly curved phalanges, etc. Furthermore, it is clear that suspension has evolved independently in other clades of anthropoids, most notably atelines and pliopithecoids, and to a lesser extent in large colobines (Zapfe, 1960; Tuttle, 1975; Fleagle, 1976, 1983; Scho¨n Ybarra and Scho¨n, 1987; Begun, 1993; Ford, 1994; Rose, 1996; Lockwood, 1999). These trends illustrate the hierarchical nature of homoplasy and the fact that it is not specific to, or an emergent feature of, one anatomical region as opposed to another. Suspensory positional behavior is homoplastic within the Anthropoidea, homologous for the Hominoidea, and, in a modified form, homoplastic among euhominoids and within the Hominidae. All euhominoids, including humans, share characters indicative of a suspensory adaptation in their ancestry. Classic features documented in living hominoids include features of the vertebral skeleton, thorax, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, and hand (Schultz, 1930, 1936, 1950, 1963a; Washburn, 1971; Tuttle, 1975; Stern and Larson, 2001). Even modern humans, who do not engage routinely in suspensory positional behavior as a species, retain many characters associated with suspension in other hominoids. Thus, characters thought to be related to suspension are difficult to evaluate in the fossil record because they can be found in nonsuspensory hominoids. Nevertheless, most authorities recognize that curved phalanges with well-developed secondary shaft features, elongated forelimbs, certain aspects of elbow joint morphology, vertebral morphology, and some characters of the carpal bones found in many late Miocene hominids are indicative of some form of suspensory positional behavior (Preuschoft, 1973; Susman, 1979; Morbeck, 1983; Rose, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1997; Begun, 1992b, 1993; Larson, 1996; Moya`-Sola` and Ko¨hler, 1996; Jungers et al., 1997; Ko¨hler and Moya`-Sola`, 1997; Ko¨hler et al., 2001; Richmond and Whalen, 2001). Gibbons, orangutans, and to a lesser extent smaller African apes are suspensory, and they share a number of features not seen in all fossil members of these different clades. These include especially well-marked phalangeal secondary shaft characters; large, broad metacarpal heads; elongated metacarpal shafts; and proximally oriented proximal phalangeal articular surfaces (Tuttle, 1969; Susman, 1979). Furthermore, living great apes share features (such as transversely broad phalanges and large, blocky carpals with extensive articular surfaces) that are generally not present in Miocene hominids. Additionally, some Miocene hominids lack other features that are characteristic of suspensory hominoids or hominids [i.e., a typically retroflexed and generally gracile humeral shaft (Sivapithecus) and torsion of the proximal humeral shaft (Sivapithecus, debated in Dryopithecus); Pilbeam et al., 1990; Begun, 1992b, 2007; Larson, 1996; Rose, 1997; Richmond and Whalen, 2001; Madar, et al., 2002]. Some have interpreted the absence in fossil hominoids of all characters potentially related to suspensory positional behavior in living hominoids to indicate that no Miocene hominoid is closely related to any living hominoid (Benefit and McCrossin, 1995; Pilbeam, 1996, 1997; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997; Pilbeam and Young, 2001). In my view, this is a good example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Once again, homoplasy is a hierarchical phenomenon. Homoplasies occurring at one level in a phylogeny do not inform the interpretation of similarities occurring at another level. Additionally, it is unjustified to assume that we understand the relationships among characters sufficiently to be sure that they are functionally coupled to the extent that the absence of one suggests the absence of an entire complex of characters. One possible explanation for the absence of some characters related to suspensory positional behavior in fossil hominoids that otherwise appear to have been suspensory and to be closely related to living hominids (e.g., Sivapithecus and Pongo, Dryopithecus and African apes) may be revealed by differences in lineage evolutionary life span. Hominoids that show the greatest degree of suspensory adaptation (Oreopithecus, Hylobates, and Pongo) are all terminal taxa with long periods of phyletic separation from less specialized relatives. The relationships of Oreopithecus are unclear (Begun et al., 1997; Harrison and Rook, 1997), but its highly specialized anatomy, insular ecology, and recent age all suggest some significant amount of time since its separation from its closest relative. Of all fossil hominids, Oreopithecus has the most strongly developed adaptations for suspensory positional behavior (Straus, 1940, 1957; von Koenigswald, 1955; Langdon, 1986; Sarmiento, 1987, 1988; Godinot and Beard, 1991; Harrison and Rook, 1997; Ko¨hler and Moya`-Sola`, 1997; Moya`-Sola` and Ko¨hler, 1997; Rose, 1997; C.V. Ward, 1997; Moya`-Sola` et al., 1999; Rook et al., 1999; Wunderlich et al., 1999; Sarmiento and Marcus, 2000). This may in part be explained by the fact that Oreopithecus is the best-preserved Miocene fossil hominid. As it has become better known, Dryopithecus, for example, is also showing greater evidence of specialized suspensory positional behavior than previously believed (Begun, 1992b, 1993; Moya`-Sola` and Ko¨hler, 1996). Nevertheless, the degree to which Oreopithecus is specialized for suspension is striking. Among living hominoids, hylobatids also have a very lengthy period of separation from all other known hominoids and may well have diverged more than 18 million years ago from their common ancestor with hominids, based on recent molecular data (Page and Goodman, 2001). The pongines (including the Pongo lineage) probably diverged from the hominines over 13 million years ago, and possibly as early as 18 million years ago, based on molecular and paleontological data (Kappelman et al., 1991; Page and Goodman, 2001; Young and Steiper, 2006), though it is not known how much time has elapsed since the lineage leading to Pongo separated from its closest known relative (Sivapithecus). The oldest specimens that preserve synapomorphies of the pongine clade are attributable to Sivapithecus sivalensis at about 9.5 Ma and Ankarapithecus meteai at about 10 Ma (Kelley and D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 Pilbeam, 1986; Kappelman et al., 1991, 1996; Begun and Gu¨lec¸, 1998; Andrews and Alpagut, 2001; Kelley, 2002), but in the case of Sivapithecus, specializations of the forelimbs (see below) may indicate that this taxon was already separated from the Pongo lineage by this time. Older specimens attributed to Sivapithecus from the Chinji Formation in the Siwaliks (w12.5 Ma) lack unambiguous synapomorphies of the pongine clade (Begun and Gu¨lec¸, 1998). The Pongo clade is thus likely to be at least 8e10 million years old. I suggest that the independent development of extreme specializations of suspensory positional behaviors in Oreopithecus, Hylobates, and Pongo results from the combined effects of time since divergence and emergence or canalization. Once set in motion, the developmental program that led to anatomical features necessary for suspensory positional behavior will change over time in two main ways. On the one hand, some taxa will become increasingly specialized suspensory arborealists; on the other hand, developmental programs will change and new adaptive directions will evolve, leading to the emergence of new clades. Morphologies in the Pongo, Oreopithecus, and Hylobates clades are extreme expressions of the basic hominoid capacity for suspensory positional behavior evolved independently over millions of years of isolation. The development of highly evolved forms of suspensory positional behavior in various lineages of hominoids is a good example of the emergence of homoplastic similarities arising in closely related taxa from similar anatomical plans and/or developmental programs ( parallelism, after Simpson, 1945; see also Hall, 2007). It could be said that the scenario described above violates the premise of this chapter, i.e., that the phylogenetic significance of characters cannot be assumed based on complex functional or developmental hypotheses. However, I am not saying that it is inappropriate to seek processual explanations for observed similarities in different clades; rather, these explanations can only support parsimony-based analyses and cannot aid in the initial character analysis. Terrestriality Patterns of positional behavior with a strongly terrestrial component are comparatively rare among primates, though within hominoids they do characterize the most successful living clades (African apes and humans), and a similar case could be made for cercopithecoids as well (e.g., Papio and Macaca). Among fossil hominoids, the presence of terrestriality is less clear. Equatorius and Kenyapithecus may have been more terrestrial than Proconsul (Le Gros Clark and Leakey, 1951; Napier and Davis, 1959; Morbeck, 1975; Rose, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997; Beard et al., 1986; Senut, 1986, 1989; Ward, 1991; Ward et al., 1991; Begun et al., 1994; Rose et al., 1996; McCrossin, 1997; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997; S. Ward, 1997). Sivapithecus parvada, and possibly Sivapithecus sivalensis, may have been partly terrestrial as well (Pilbeam et al., 1990; Rose, 1994; Madar, et al., 2002). Based on size, Gigantopithecus is presumed by many to have been at least partly terrestrial. Beyond that, there is no evidence for 565 terrestriality in any other Miocene hominoid, and there is much evidence to suggest none was terrestrial to any significant degree (see above). However, unambiguous terrestriality developed in the latest Miocene, as inferred indirectly from the relationships among the living African apes and humans and their approximate times of divergence, and directly from the morphology of late Miocene/early Pliocene and extant hominines (Lovejoy, 1974; Latimer et al., 1987; Latimer and Lovejoy, 1989, 1990a,b; White et al., 1994; Leakey et al., 1995; Begun et al., 1997; Asfaw et al., 1999; Richmond and Strait, 2000; Haile-Selassie, 2001; Richmond et al., 2001; Senut et al., 2001; Brunet et al., 2002; Pickford et al., 2002). African apes and humans are strongly terrestrial even though most, including probably early humans, retain well-developed arboreal capabilities (Schultz, 1963b; Tuttle, 1967, 1969; Stern and Susman, 1984; Susman et al., 1984; Gebo, 1992, 1996). Evidence for terrestriality in Equatorius from Maboko and Kenyapithecus from Fort Ternan comes mainly from aspects of the distal humerus and proximal femur, including the morphology of the greater trochanter, the olecranon fossa, and the medial epicondyle (Senut, 1989; Rose et al., 1996; McCrossin, 1997; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997). Other features are consistent with terrestriality but also with more generalized pronograde (above-branch) arboreality (Rose, 1988, 1994, 1997; Begun, 1992b; Begun et al., 1994; Rose et al., 1996; Ward and Brown, 1996; Nakatsukasa et al., 1998, 2000a,b; Ward et al., 1999). Much of the postcranial anatomy of Sivapithecus suggests arboreality as the principal component of the positional repertoire, with a mixture of above- and below-branch quadrupedal and climbing signals (Rose, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1994, 1997; Langdon, 1986; Spoor et al., 1991; Larson, 1996; S. Ward, 1997; Madar, et al., 2002). However, the robust morphology of the humeral deltopectoral region and the retroflexion of the humeral shaft are reminiscent of the humeri of large baboons and patas monkeys, as well as those of other terrestrial mammals. In combination with the evidence of other aspects of the postcranial skeleton, the proximal humeral morphology of Sivapithecus suggests an autapomorphic form of positional behavior that may have included either some degree of terrestriality or a unique form of arboreal positional behavior (Rose, 1994, 1997; Moya`-Sola` and Ko¨hler, 1996b; Begun et al., 1997; C.V. Ward, 1997; S. Ward, 1997; Richmond and Whalen, 2001; Begun, 2007). In contrast to these ambiguous indications, terrestriality appears to have been an important component of the positional behavior of the common ancestor of African apes and humans. African apes and humans spend much of their time on the ground, and as a clade, it is more parsimonious to suggest that terrestriality is shared among the members of this group than to posit that it evolved independently (Schultz, 1963b; Begun, 1992b, 1994, 2004; Gebo, 1992, 1996; Richmond and Strait, 2000; Richmond et al., 2001). Terrestriality in hominoids is thus much less frequent and probably less an effect of emergent properties of existing hominoid anatomical ground plans or developmental programs and more the result of convergence, i.e., the occurrence of similarity more related to 566 D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 specific ecological conditions than to structural emergence associated with phylogenetic closeness. There are few, if any, anatomical similarities in the morphology related to terrestriality in Equatorius and Australopithecus or Homo, suggesting that these are ecological convergences and not homologous as implied elsewhere (McCrossin, 1997; McCrossin et al., 1998). Regardless of the cause, the distribution of characters potentially related to terrestriality once again illustrates the hierarchical nature of homoplasy. Terrestrial adaptations in Equatorius, Kenyapithecus, and Sivapithecus, if they exist, and in the African apes and humans are both homoplastic and homologous. Terrestriality is almost certainly homologous in African apes and humans, given our present understanding of the relationships among these taxa and the functional morphology of their positional behavior (knuckle-walking and bipedalism) (Gebo, 1992, 1996; Begun et al., 1997; Richmond and Strait, 2000; Richmond et al., 2001; Begun, 2004). Terrestriality, while less clearly demonstrable in other Miocene hominoids, may have originated in the middle Miocene taxa Equatorius and Kenyapithecus from a pronograde arboreal ancestor (Proconsul ), with which it otherwise shares most postcranial attributes (Begun, 1992b; Begun et al., 1994; Rose et al., 1996; Rose, 1997; S. Ward, 1997; Nakatsukasa et al., 1998, 2000a,b), and in Sivapithecus from a more antipronograde ancestor, possibly in response to similar ecological conditions (Pilbeam et al., 1990; Rose, 1997; S. Ward, 1997; Richmond and Whalen, 2001). The distal humeri and proximal femora of Sivapithecus and Equatorius/Kenyapithecus differ considerably. These bones are those upon which a reconstruction of terrestriality is based in each taxon but for different reasons. The morphological differences in each taxon also suggest that a similar end may have been accomplished by different means in each. Mastication The jaws and teeth of hominids have been the focus of an enormous amount of attention with regard to the issue of homoplasy and phylogenetic reconstruction, and it is not my intention to review this vast literature here. I focus instead on instances in hominoid evolution revealed by the pattern of relationships depicted in Fig. 1, in which homoplasy in the masticatory apparatus occurs, and how a consideration of the structural morphology of hominoid jaws and teeth provides a plausible explanation for these events. Masticatory robusticity appears to have evolved independently at least four, and as many as six, times during the course of hominoid evolution covered by the events depicted in Fig. 1. Early (Afropithecus) and middle (Griphopithecus, Equatorius, Kenyapithecus, Nacholapithecus) Miocene hominoids all show indications of masticatory robusticity (thickly enameled molars, large or robust canines and premolars, transversely thick mandibles, possibly procumbent incisors, and strongly developed attachment sites of the masticatory muscles), but in their details, the anatomy of mastication differs among them (Leakey and Walker, 1997; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997; Gu¨lec¸ and Begun, 2003; Ward et al., 1999; Kunimatsu et al., 2004). The morphologies of the teeth of middle Miocene hominoids and Afropithecus differ considerably, the mandibles are easily distinguished from one another, and, although very poorly known, the anterior palate of most middle Miocene hominoids was probably not as prognathic as in Afropithecus, with the possible exception of Nacholapithecus (Pickford, 1985, 1986; Leakey et al., 1988, 1991; Brown, 1989, 1997; McCrossin and Benefit, 1993, 1997; Leakey and Walker, 1997; Ward et al., 1999; Kunimatsu et al., 2004; and personal observations). It is not clear if masticatory robusticity evolved completely independently in middle Miocene hominoids and Afropithecus or if Afropithecus represents the primitive morphotype from which the middle Miocene hominoid pattern evolved (Heizmann and Begun, 2001; Begun, 2002; Kelley, 2002). Middle Miocene hominoids may have preserved certain aspects of masticatory robusticity (transversely thick mandibles and thickly enameled molars) and evolved new features (reduced dentine penetrance, more bunodont postcanine cusps, longer maxillary central incisors) as refinements of the same basic adaptation, in a manner similar to that suggested earlier with regard to suspensory positional behaviors. Masticatory robusticity became even more pronounced in the pongine clade, as exemplified by the massive jaws and teeth of Ankarapithecus and Sivapithecus (Ward and Kimbel, 1983; Ward and Pilbeam, 1983; Kelley and Pilbeam, 1986; Ward and Brown, 1986; Kelley, 1988; Brown, 1989, 1997; S. Ward, 1997; Begun and Gu¨lec¸, 1998; Andrews and Alpagut, 2001). Parsimony suggests that the bulk of these adaptations are homologies and symplesiomorphies, again with refinements such as substantial malar enlargement and zygomatic flare, premaxillary robusticity, deflation of the maxillary alveolar process, I1 enlargement, and increases in the robusticity of the palatine perpendicular plate and pyramidal process. Some of these characters, and others shared among hominids, including increases in the height of the zygomatic process, reduction or elimination of molar cingula, similarity in size of the first and second molars, and lengthening of the premaxilla, occur in taxa that do not share masticatory robusticity with Sivapithecus and Ankarapithecus (such as Dryopithecus, Pan, and Gorilla). It may be that these characters appeared initially as parts of a suite of features related to the trend to increase overall masticatory robusticity from Proconsul to Sivapithecus, and they are retained and co-opted for other functions, while others (such as thick enamel) were lost (see below). The phyletic relationships of Gigantopithecus are also unclear, but most authorities believe this taxon to be part of the pongine clade (e.g., Kelley, 2002). If this is the case, then we see in Gigantopithecus a further development of the trend established in the early Miocene (Afropithecus) to increase masticatory robusticity. The cranium of Gigantopithecus is completely unknown, a curiosity given the immense size of this taxon. A taphonomic process may be the cause, but it may also be that cranial fossils of Gigantopithecus have gone unrecognized due to the highly unusual morphology of this huge primate. At any rate, the teeth and mandibles of Gigantopithecus indicate that this genus was unrivaled among primates in masticatory robusticity, outstripping even the largest and most robust D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 fossil hominins. The extreme morphology of Gigantopithecus is best seen in the same light as that of the postcranium of Pongo, Hylobates, and Oreopithecus (see above). Aside from Pliocene hominines, which are beyond the scope of this analysis, the Miocene hominine Ouranopithecus also shows aspects of the suite of features related to masticatory robusticity seen in pongines. In fact, it was the co-occurrence of these characters in Ouranopithecus and the pongines Sivapithecus and Ankarapithecus that originally led Andrews and Cronin (1982), Andrews and Tekkaya (1980), and Martin and Andrews (1984) to place all of these taxa in Sivapithecus. Figure 1 suggests that most if not all of the features that appear to link Ouranopithecus phyletically with Australopithecus and other Pliocene Hominini (de Bonis and Koufos, 1993a, 1997; Koufos, 1993, 1995) are homoplasies related to the independent development of heavy mastication (Begun and Kordos, 1997). Ouranopithecus shares with some but not all Hominini such characters as large, flat molars with low, broad cusps; rounded crests and shallow occlusal basins; hyperthick enamel; comparatively small male canines, relatively homomorphic premolars; transversely thick mandibular corpora; and a low origin of the root of the zygomatic process of the maxilla. Many of these characters also occur in fossil pongines, and a few in Griphopithecus, Equatorius, Nacholapithecus, and Kenyapithecus. Ouranopithecus lacks all of the derived characters that define the pongine clade, and it shares characters with Dryopithecus and the African apes and humans (de Bonis and Melentis, 1984, 1987; de Bonis et al., 1991; Koufos, 1993, 1995; de Bonis and Koufos, 1993a,b, 1997; Begun and Kordos, 1997). Many taxa in this clade lack most or all of the features related to masticatory robusticity in Ouranopithecus, including Dryopithecus, African apes, Ardipithecus, and Homo sapiens. Thus, it is not at all clear whether these characters are symplesiomorphies of the hominid or hominine clade or autapomorphies of Ouranopithecus. The fact that Ouranopithecus tends to share characters with robust australopiths (hyperthick enamel, low zygoma, relative large postcanine dentition) while lacking more basic hominin characters [very small male canines; elongated premaxilla; elongated, narrow incisive canals; spatulate maxillary lateral incisors; a projecting supraorbital torus; and a pronounced supratoral sulcus (the last three also shared with Pan)] suggests that this suite of features evolved in parallel in Ouranopithecus (Begun and Kordos, 1997). The fact that functionally similar (but structurally distinct) anatomical complexes are comparatively widespread in hominoids means that the homoplasies revealed by the analysis represented in Fig. 1 are explicable as a common developmental option within the clade. Conclusions Hominoid evolutionary history provides good examples of homoplasy arising from both structural emergence (parallelism) and functional convergence. Specialized suspensory positional behaviors and robust jaws and teeth are emergent in hominoid biology, and their repeated occurrence in the hominoid fossil record should come as no surprise. Terrestriality 567 persisted as an option, but it is less common and probably requires a stronger external ecological impetus. It is possible to more completely understand the origin and nature of morphological similarities within a superfamily (the Hominoidea) given a careful consideration to anatomical detail and a relatively well-corroborated phylogeny. However, the mere fact that certain adaptations occur frequently and others less so does not allow for the prediction of homoplasy in the absence of a phylogeny. It simply provides the anatomical and functional framework to explain the homoplasies that emerge from an analysis of phylogeny. Many similarities among fossil and living hominoids are in fact homologies (synapomorphies and/or symplesiomorphies) at one level of the taxonomic hierarchy and homoplasies at another. Phylogenetic hypotheses that tend to concentrate homoplasies in a few morphofunctional complexes, as opposed to those that randomly distribute homoplasies, are reinforced by plausible functional and/or developmental explanations, provided that these models of character transformation are generated independently of the phylogeny (e.g., that characters are not weighted with apriority about the likelihood of homoplasy or the differential phyletic importance of specific characters). We have not yet achieved the level of understanding in developmental biology that we need in order to determine the phylogenetic information content of characters from their developmental origins, although we are making progress (Lovejoy et al., 1999, 2002; O’Higgins and Cohn, 2000; Line, 2001). Until we can unambiguously reconstruct the developmental and evolutionary biology of specific characters, it is unwise to constrain ideas of potential patterns of evolutionary change with suppositions of specific patterns of character-state transformations (Begun and Kordos, 1997; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000). We do not yet have the luxury to exclude certain characters from a phylogenetic analysis that we believe a priori would provide misleading information on evolutionary history (Hennig, 1966; Begun and Kordos, 1997; Kluge, 1999, 2001; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000). Nor do we have the knowledge to restrict phylogeny reconstruction to a small number of characters we believe to be particularly informative (Moya`-Sola` and Ko¨hler, 1995; Lovejoy et al., 1999, 2002; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000; Alba et al., 2001; Grandcolas et al., 2001). Hennig’s assumption of homology remains the most robust, elegant, straightforward method of identifying homoplasy (Hennig, 1966; Farris et al., 2001). Homoplasies are falsified homologies, uncovered by parsimony analysis (Kluge, 1999, 2001). The irony of parsimony as a point of logic that contributes to the choice of a preferred phylogenetic hypothesis is that it reveals the degree to which the results of the process of evolution are unparsimonious. We need to embrace homoplasies and stop thinking of them as noise. Homoplasies are in fact among the most interesting data that emerge from a phylogenetic analysis. As noted by Kluge (1999), the relationship between homology and homoplasy is one of ‘‘reciprocal clarification.’’ In my view, and in modest contrast to the views of Farris (1983) and Kluge (1999), the reciprocal clarification that homologies and homoplasies provide each other (see also Hennig, 1966) extends 568 D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 also to phylogeny itself. There can be no unified theory of homoplasy because homoplasies are independent, hierarchical phenomena that are not dependent on a single theorem or law of natural causality, as are homologies (the necessary consequences of descent with modification). However, in combination with functional and structural analysis, developmental, epigenetic, and genetic approaches can all explain the presence of specific homoplasies revealed by phylogenetic parsimony. Examples in hominid evolutionary history include possible developmental explanations for the transformation of the periorbital region and premaxilla. Phylogenetic parsimony distinguishes Pan from Pongo cladistically, despite the shared presence of a long premaxilla (Begun, 1994). However, maxillarypremaxillary fusion is known to differ in timing between Pan and Pongo, a growth difference that may explain the sharing of a superficially similar morphology via differing developmental mechanisms (Begun, 1994; Begun and Gu¨lec¸, 1998). Similarly, Dryopithecus and Ouranopithecus on the one hand and African apes on the other, though linked phyletically, are distinguished by the development of their periorbital structures, including the supraorbital torus and the frontal sinus (the latter is not known for Ouranopithecus). The difference between the fossil and living members of this clade can also be explained by developmental differences: in this case, the living, putatively descendant taxa exhibiting evidence of morphology developed beyond that seen in the fossils. The Hominini have more strongly developed supraorbital tori and more expansive frontal sinuses than do the Dryopithecini, with no evidence of a change in the manner in which these structures develop other than a change in rate or timing (Begun, 1994). The expansion of the homologous periorbital structures of the Hominini compared to those of the Dryopithecini could have developed according to a number of different heterochronic processes (acceleration, hypermorphosis). We cannot know which process caused these changes to develop, which is why we cannot assume a priori that such a process occurred, but we can deduce a posteriori that pattern differences correspond to known processes that suitably account for the observed differences. The strength of various explanations of morphological change can justify a preference for one of several competing, equally parsimonious phylogenies, or even a revision of a phylogenetic hypothesis to produce an alternative that is less parsimonious (in the strict sense) but makes more functional or developmental sense. In hominoid evolutionary biology this is more than a trivial consideration given (1) the level of homoplasy in the morphological data used to generate hypotheses such as those depicted in Fig. 1 and (2) the number of competing hypotheses within a few steps of each other (Begun et al., 1997). The sharp, unforgiving edge of Occam’s razor is unappealing as the ultimate explanatory tool to many paleobiologists, especially in light of the knowledge that the results of the evolutionary process rarely follow the intuitively simplest path (no comprehensive phylogenetic analysis to my knowledge has produced a character analysis with a consistency index of 1, and 0.5e0.6 is considered pretty robust). Post hoc explanations based on observed (not presumed) patterns of character-state Fig. 2. The logical relation between the analysis of character states and the interpretation of the significance of character states. The analytical phase is informed only by a careful character analysis in which character states are defined as precisely as possible with reference to morphological detail and developmental or genetic data when they are available (rare today, but growing). This phase should not be informed by suppositions of character-state transformation sequences based on possible genetic or developmental models, or by perceptions based on expectations of the pattern of morphological transformation from comparative extant or fossil data. While both phases of analysis are iterative and subject to modification based on diverse data sources, the interpretive phase is more iterative and may be informed more strongly by models from functional, epigenetic, developmental, or genetic lines of evidence. Judged by the criterion of phylogenetic parsimony, character states are either homologous or homoplastic. Homologies are either synapomorphies or symplesiomorphies, depending on their distribution in time, and homoplasies are either parallelisms or convergences, based essentially on the same criterion. Either way, all of these sources of similarity inform interpretations of the paleobiology of taxa under analysis. D.R. Begun / Journal of Human Evolution 52 (2007) 559e572 transformation and reasonably well-understood developmental and functional principles can and should inform decisions about the choice of a preferred phylogeny, but they should not be involved in the initial character analysis and resulting matrix of phylogenetic alternatives (Hennig, 1966; Begun and Kordos, 1997; Dayrat and Tillier, 2000; Grandcolas et al., 2001). I believe that, in evolutionary biology, this phylogenetic-parsimony-first-then-structural/functional-morphology-second protocol should be the ultimate goal of the integration of phylogenetic and functional (or structural) data (Fig. 2). 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